The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 22, 1884, Image 1

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    Tle doluqlbikq.
mmsiak, uoawlldaioa.
Isstieit Weekly, ntcry I'rldny Morning, nt
iif.nmtnnf!iffi. I'm Hum k nt .-
lXES of iDciyisiNq.
7 in
7 on
30 U)
II Oil
18 HI
a on
IS It)
M 00
KM 00
One Inch....... 13 no
two iodic-..,, am
llllCC Itlt'llPH.... 4 01
it two noi.Mtis per year. To subscribers out ol
llw county tlio terra nro strictly In nrtvanco.
trtio i)!per discontinued oxecnt at tho option
Of t.hrt tmlilUhflrfl. until All nrrmtrnirM nrn
Cour Inches...... 6 no
uarior column., nut
nlfcolumn lom
aoni continued credits will not bo Klvcn.
All papers sent out of tlio Htalo or to distant poM
ontcos must bo paid for In ad?anco. unloss a rcstion
slblo person In Oolumblft county assumes to nay
iho subscription duo on demand. 1 '
rpsrAOUIs no longer oxacted from subscribers
the county
Tlio Jobbing Department of tho Comjmuh is very
complete, and our joti l'rlntlnif will compare favor,
ably wit j mat of tho larso cities. All work donoWn
short notice, noatly and at modcrato prices.
onecolumn..... woo
Ynoriv Ar1irriiRprnfnlA nfttnlilnntiArlerlr. Triin.
slenl Advertisements must bo paid for before In vt t
ed oxcept where parties have accounts
lKal advertisements two dollars per Inch fo
Ihron Inorrtlnna. Anil nt that Mln for additional
Insertions without reference to length.
Executor's. Administrator's, and AiidltorsnollCff
thrco dollars. Must be paid for when nscrted.
Transient or t-oenl notices, ten cents a line, recti-
0. B.BLWEIiL, t...t
tar advertisements halt rates.
cards in tho 'Business Directory" column, one
'dollar a year for each line.
Hloomsbunf, l'a.
onico over 1st. National Hank.
nor U. FUNK,
(iiU'M In Xnt'a llulMlntf.
IH.OOllSnDHO, I'l.
onico over 1st National Hank.
DL00U8BDR0, 1'A.
omco over Moycr Bros. Drug Store
omco In Urowor's bulldInjr,80c.ond No. 1
llloomsburg, l'a.
Bloomsburg, Pa,
omco oornor of Contro and Main Streets. Clark s
Can bo consulted In German.
New Coiciisuh Bciujino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Wnmhnr nf thn llnlt.ll Rt&tOS UlW Association.
Collections mado In any part of America or Eu
onfco in C0I.OHDUM Building, Koom No. i, second
s. KNonn.
omco lu 1st National Bank building, second floor,
flrstdoortotholeft. Corner of Main and Market
strode Bloomsburg, ra.
tSSTrensiom and Bounties Collcctid.
omco m Mal7.Cs building, over Blllmoycr'sBioccty.
onicc iu his building opppstio.Court House,
2nd lloor, Uloornsburg, Pa. npr 13 '83
omco In News Item building, Main street.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Agsocla-
Collections mado In any part of America.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
Catnwlssa, l'a.
omce, corner ot Third and Malnstroota.
Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Cm be Consulted in German.
(RTOfflco first door below tho post olllce.
n U. BARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law
j . omco tu Browor's building, snd story.Hooras
i CO
B. MoKELVY. M. D..Burgeon and Phy
. slclan, north side Main stroet.below Markot
L. FRITZ, Attornoy-at Law. Office
swing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
atrod. Orisi llousi Building, Bloomsburg, ra.
R. J. 0. RUTTER,
omce, North Market street,
Bloomsburr, ra
Tll. WM. M. REBER. Surncon and
Wl'hyslclan. omco corner ot Hock and Markot
Physician, (omco and Itosldenco on Third
for Infants and Children.
"Cojitoriala so well aJaptd to children that I Custorlu cures Colic, Constipation,
111 So. Oxford St., llrooUyn, N. V,
...v. ...... MMVu.,,
An nbsuluto euro for Rbouiuntlsm, Sprains, Palu in
tho Back. BitruD, Onllfl, &c. An Instantaneous Pain
roltoviut ami Healing1 IComedy.
L i wm, M. 1.
ilodlcal Sttforiatondont of tho Sanitarium.
Invalid's Homo.
Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Devotes speclnl nitcntlou to Epilepsy,
Iferrcuc Affocllcns, nnd Dlscasou of Women,
Patients received ntllio Sanitarium on
rcnsonablo terms for board nnd treatment
P. S. No charge for first consultation,
npr 37. '83
number and gasnttcr. Bear of Schuyler's hard,
ware Btore.
Bloomsburg:, Pa.
All kinds ot ilttlngsforstoam, gas and water
pipes constantly on liand.
Iloonng and spouting attended to atstiort no
tice Tinware of ovcry description mado to order.
Orders left at Schuyler: Co's., hardwaio store
will bo promptly tilled.
, special nttentlon given to heating by steam nnd
hot water.
y -ly
All contestants for the 25 premiums aggregat
ing above amount, offered Dy BlackwelPs Bur
ham Tobacco Co., mutt observe tho following
conditions on which tho premiums axe to be
awarded: All bags must bear our original
Bull Durham label, U. H. Kevenuo Stamp, and
Caution Notice. The ban must bo done up
securely in a package with name and address
offender, and number of bags contained plain
ly marked on the outside. Charges must ho
prepaid. OmtettclotairmmbcrXtt. Allpack
ages should bo forwarded December 1st, and
must reach us at Durham nol la&r Hum Deem
berlCUt, No matter where you reside, send
your package, adviso us by mall that you have
dono so, and state tho number of bogs sent.
Names of successful contestants, with number
of bags returned, will bo published, Dee. 22, In
Boston, Jo-oW; New York, JeroId; Phtladel-
Rhla, Timet; Durham, N. C, 7bbacco llant;
cw Orleans, Hmi-Democrat; Cincinnati. A
ouirer: Chicago, Daily Ifeus; San Francisco,
VhTonidt. Address,
BLtcxwrLL'8 DtraiUM Tobacco Co.,
DuaiiAH, N.c.
Every genuine package has picture of Bull.
47" Sec our next announccmcnt.-TO
March Sl-tt
" " FOB. " '''rrrn
a ni bi m x 0 r A W A vm
"ddnoy-Wort U tlio most sacccoEful remedy
Zoreruscd." Dr. 1'. C. llallou.Monkton.Vt.
"Kidney-Wort Is always roliable."
Sr. U. H. Clark, Bo. Hero, Tt.
"Kidney -Wort baa cured my w Ifo after two years
Butrerlnff." Dr.C. M. Summerlln, QunlfUl.Oa.
It has eurod where all olso had failed. Itiamlld,
butomclcnt, CEKTA1N IX ITS ACTION, but
harmless In all caaes.
ITI t elcanaea the lllood and Ntresfftliena nod
rives New Lire to all tho important organs of
tho body. Tlio natural action of tho Kidaeya 1.
restorod. Tlio Liver is clcanaod of alldlacaao,
and tno Bowels move frooly sad healthfully.
In this way tho worst diseases oro eradicated
from tho eyetem. a
rucn, li.oo ujrro on oar, sold ni Davouists.
Dry con bo sent by mall.
WCf.L.4, HIClIAIinSOX ACO.nurllciirton Vt.
(Continual Jrom tatt uui.)
How Watch Cases are Made.
Imitation always follows a successful
article, and imitation is one of the best
proofs of real honest merit ; and thus it is
that tho Jama 7iosj' Gold Watch Guc has
its imitators. Buyers can always tell tho
genuine by tho trade-mark of a crown, from
which is tuspended a pair of cJPutu
scales. Be sure both crotro and 2Tk
scales aro stamped in the cap of the watch
case. Jewelers are very cautious about en
dorsing an article unless they not only know
that it is good, but that tho character of
tho manufacturers is such that tho quality
of the goods will bo kept fully up to standard,
Wili.iAMronT, l'i.. Feb. IJ. 181
Tho James Bobs' Gold Watch Casos k hko hot
cakes. Kach one I sell sells anotbor. Don't nood
to reoomnioud theiai they sell themselves. Ona of
my customers has had a J arnce Bom' Gold Watch Cat
Inuseforao year, and It Is as good as ever. Withthls
caso I do not hesltato to irlto uty own gmarantoo. es
pecially with the uew and Improved cases, which
sovrntoboovorhuUnir. Js-sseT. Liitlz, Jwefr.
Niw Bbokswici, N. J., Jan. 8, IfifO.
' This gold esse, Na MM. known as tho James Doe
Gold Watch Caae,camo into mypoaaesalon abontl66S,
has been In nee sinoe that time, snd la etlU In good
condition. TheinovemoatlatheOBewhlchWASlutho
ess. when I bought it, and Its condlUon shows that
the esse has really out-worn the tao onient, which Is
Of Board nf Dtrnlort jr. J. Kk.A Iraiu. Oa,
Uml I Mat tUmp litlliUil WaUk Cm TaateriM, rkUa
SdfUa, ra., f.r tlilitu IllulraUS l'aapklal k.wU k
laaH BeH' aad XtriUat Watk 1mm sr. aia4a
IToU CbntfMKi!.)
Bf.ooMsnuito, Columbia Countt, Pa.
all styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted as ropresentca. txitu juxthsot
kd wiriiooT 1'ain by tho use ot Oas, and
freo of charge when artificial teeth
aro Inserted.
Ofllco in Columbian building, 2nd floor.
lo be open at alt hours during the dat
NOV. 88-17
Lout injurious medication.
It would bo utmost iintiossiblu to
discover nny entirely tlovoiil of stiiicr
stition tlinn myflolf. Novertliok'SM,
when 17 yenrs old an event happened
winch unused mo to bclievo unite a
haunted life. I was slaying in l'nns
at tlio house of tny guardian, Sir
Charles 13 , and dressing for my
first ball a ball at tho English embas
sy. My drcts, a triumph of l'arisan
taste, had been fastened, and I stood
beforo the glass whilo my maid ar
ranged tho flowers in my" hair. A
splendid boqtict lay besido my gloves
and fan upon the toilet table.
"Ah, now mwlomoiaciio is Dcantutiir
exclaimed my maid Justine in French
as sho stopped back to survey hor work
I blushed with pleasure. It was tho
first compliment that had been paid
me, and my glass told mo it was true.
"I wonder who sent mo theso flow
ers V I said, taking up tho boquut pre
paratory to leaving the room.
"Mademoiselle will doubtless dis
cover her ndmirur among hor partners
to-nighf," was tho girl's reply.
At this moment there was a knock
at tho door. ' A telegram was handed
to mo.
"Mrs. Noi thcoto is dangerously ill
and wishes to seo her stepdaughter be
fore sho dies.''
Startled, dismayed, but beyond all
measure vexed at receiving such an un
timely message. I dropped tho paper
upon the floor. "Bring mo a railway
guide quick !" I said to Justine.
Mrs. Northeolo was my stepmother,
but wo had never met. My father bad
made a mesnllianco out in India by
taking a halt-caste lor his second wite,
and when ho died he left to his widow,
for her life, the family estate of "Crows
ucst," to which ho had only just suc
ceeded. I found by tho railway guide
that it I changed my dress with speed
there was time to catch tho last train
that night for Paris. By noon next
day I sho'ild reach Dashirc, in which
county Crowsncst is situated.
"Justine,'1 1 criod, excitedly, "bring
mo my traveling dress. Von must go
with me to-night to England M
"Mon Dieu, mudemoisello 1 Would
you take off that ravishing dress that
suits you to such marvel 1 Votlld you
give up the ball ?"
Once more I looked at my reflection
in the glass. Once moro I took up the
railway time table to study its con
tents. At 9 o'clock next morning
there was another train.
Meditatively I raised tho boquel to
my faco. Who was it said, "Tho wo
man who hesitates is lostl" The
sweet perfume of tho flowers permea
ted my senses. Who had sent them ?
Curiosity prevailed. I would wait till
tho morrow, go to tho ball and solve
tho mystery. Sir Charles and Lady
C wero waiting for mo when I de
scended tho stairs. I did not say any
thing about the telegram ; we entered
tho carriago and were diiven to the
The hall was brilliant in the ex
treme, and I was completely intoxica
ted with tho adulation I received. "La
jolio Anglaisol" "Tho new dobu
tanto !" was on everybody's lips. The
night was half over beforo 1 oven re
membered the avowed object of my do
ferred departure for England nnmely,
to discover tho sender of tho flowers.
"Of what aro you thinking so pro
foundly, Miss Northcotoi" asked a
gentleman in a way that mado mo
start. Tho speaker was Mr. Weston.
Ho had been introduced to mo a few
days beforo at my guardian's house.
"I was thinking of tho sender of tho
lovely bouquet ami wondering who ho
is. See, my name, 'Nina,' is spelled
out in whito violets," I answered,
holding tho flowers toward him.
"I hope you wore thinking kindly of
tho donor 1"
"Indeed I was."
"Thank you. Will you always so
think of him of mo 1"
My surprise was too great to frame
an immediate reply. Besides, his man
ner embarrassed me. It interred so
much moro than tho mere words. I
dauced with him more frequently than
with any one olse.and found a new and
strange attraction in his presence. On
returning from tho ball, I told my kind
host and hostess of the telegram and
of my determination to start for Eng
land on tho morrow.
Lady C looked grave when she
read tho message
"You might have saved a fow haul's,
doar ,'' she said.
"(July a very fow. And then I
should have missed tho most delight
ful exporienco of all my life 1" I an
swered fervently.
"But it waB a caso of life and death,
my child' sho added gently. And I
felt she had given me a reproof.
My trunks wero soon packed by
Justine, who accompanied mo to Eng
land. Sir Charles U , as my legal
guardian, also insisted on going with
mo, and late on tho following night wo
worn driving through the moonless
darkness of country roads to Crows
nest. A stately housekeeper met us in
the hall.
"Miss Northcote, you come too late,"
she said, and thoro was moro austerity
than sadness in her tone. "My doar
mistress died three hours ago. If you
had left Paris last night you would
have been in time. My lady hnd a
communication she desired to miiko lo
"What was itt" I asked, in much
"That no one will ever know in this
world," was tho auswor. And I felt
from that moment ns though Mrs.
Stevens was my enemy.
Sir Charles C remained at
Crowsuest until after the funeral.
Thoti, in vain, ho urged mo to return
with htm to Pans. 1 was bent on re.
uiaining a few weeks longer in tho
quaint, old-fashioned house, which now
to all Intents and purposes was mine.
With tho exception of ono bedroom in
it, a description of Crowsuest is not
necessary to tho dovclopniont of my
tale, but to describe that is imperative.
Tlio room had taken my fancy from
thu first. It was long and largo and
lowj the walls paneled with cedar
wood, On tho panels hung framed ta
pestry pictures, the work ot past gen
erations of Noilhcotes. Tho coiling of
cedar wood, with euiiously-carved raf
ters, mado tho walls look even lower
than thoy were, A time-mellowed
squaro of Indian carpet covered tho
eentro of tho cedar floor, on which
stood tho bed of tho satno wood, and
richly carved raised on a dais. There
were two windows i that nearest tho
boJ, a bay with diamond panes, tlio
hangings similar lo thoso of tho bed,
of old-fashioned rich brocade with fa
ded pink satin linings. On tho side of
tho hay window nearest the bed was
fixed a modern gasbracket, whiqh
struck mo as a strango anomaly and
the Only incongruity amid tho antique
surroundings. It was in this chamber
my stepmother died, but utterly dovold
of superstitious weakness, 1 decided to
occupy it myself. No sooner had my
kind guardian left CroA'sncst than I
told Mrs. Stevens of my iutcution,
whereon sho looked troubled, urging
various reasons why I should not do
so, nono of which appeared to mo of
nny weight. At, last sho said : "It
was Mrs. Norlhcote's wish that that
room should not be used. She died in
"And do you Btipposo I am so foolish
as to be afraid to sleep thcro on thnt
account ?'' I asked.
"It is not my province to suppose
anything, Miss Northcote. My lato
mistress entertained tho fancy, and if
you had seen her boforo she died it is
my belief sho would have given you
her reasons herself. As it is "
"As it is, Mrs. Stevens," I answered,
seeing that she paused irresolutely, "I
am now mistress here, and have set my
heart on that particular bedroom.
Have it prepared, please, for I wish to
occupy it at once.
"As you will," sho ?aid indifferently.
But as sho turnod away I caught a pe
culiar look on her face, which perplex
ed as much as it annoyed mo. Mv be
longings wero promptly removed into
tho covered room, my maid, Justine,
occupying a small dressing room ad
joining, out to wiucn there was no
through communication. Tho hrst
night of my taking possession of my
new quarters was close and oppressive,
and I remember awaking to find tho
scent of tho cedar wood slightly over
powering. About midnight I rose ;
threading my way across tho floor with
difficulty, for tho room was almost in
total darkness, 1 opened tho nearest
window. The next night, before Jus
tine left me, I desired her not to turn
the gas quite out. Three nights later
I again awoko with a sense of languor
and oppression. I did not go to the
trouble of rising to open tho window,
but I looked up sleopily. Tho cas be
side the window gave out a dim light ;
beyond it a faint moon beam slanting
aeross tho room in which lay tho shall
ow ot a pear tree that grew outside
closo to' tho house I could traco the
shadow ot the branches and tho leaves
and watched them as thoy flickered,
stirred by the night wind. Keeping
my eyes open in a half-Bleepy manner,
ds I have said, all at onco I became
conscious of seeing something else be
side the gaslight nnd moonlight, some
thing that seemed to bo between the
two. it was faint and indistinct, ccr
tainly, but none the less it bore rescm.
blancu to a femalo form. The head
appeared resting on the hand, the hair,
with.a ruddy gleam on it, floated back
ward on the shoulders. The rest of
the figure was lost in darkness. I was
sufficiently awako lo know it was no
freak of f anoy, and yet the figure was
altogether so faintly defined and vague
m detail mat ocioro long 1 tell asleet
and next morning remembered it as a
dream only.
Tho succeeding uight, however, I
ngaiu awoko and on opening my1 eyes
beheld tho self-same figure. But this
time it was moro clearly visible, espeo
tally tho face, which, turned towards
me, I saw to bo that of a very bcauti
e i r -
mi woman. luoreover, to my un
spcakablo horror and dismay, I discov
ered in n ;i rcsemuiauco to my' step
mother, whom I had scon once, and
onco ouly, as sho lay dead within her
coffin. Tho sight was the moro dis
tressing to me inasmuch as tho faco
woro an Expression of mournful sad
ness combined with one of reproach
Had tho spirit of my father's wife re
turned to earth to upbraid mo for not
oboying the summons to her dying
Dea I
A strangely commingled feeling of
awe and incredulity possessod me. Of
awe, inspired by tho apparent presence
of a beiiiK from another world ; of in
credulity, that such a visitatiou could
bo possible. In vain I closed my eyes
pressing ray hands upon them to wipe
out, as it were, the sight. Whctiover
I opened them I saw the 1 eautiful, re
proached face, and it was not until tho
early summer raomiug dawned that it
entirely disappeared and I rose from
my bed sad at heart and worn in body
with tho weary vigil of tlio night.
i wice more ino visitation camo ; alter
that for two or threo weeks tho visits
ceasod ; then wero once moro resumed
iiotore I had been two months at
Crowsuest all my yaunled courago fled;
my entiro nature underwent a change
Thourh I spoko of what I had seon to
one, i was, nevertheless, seusltiveh
conscious that Mrs. Stevens remarket!
something amiss with me. I was oven
morbidly fearful that sho had suspicion
of tho causo. I was oonvinced of this
ono morning when sho said not by
.my means miKiuuiy :
"Justiuo tolls mo you have not been
sleeping well, Miss Northcote. In
deed, I am concerned to seo how ill
you look. Do yon not find tho cedar
chamber comfortable t"
"Perfectly comfortable, delightful !
I would not change it for tho world,"
I replied, evasively.
"Comfortable," and with that haunt
ing presence t lleavon forgivo mo for
that subtearugo. As to Justine, sho
was continually urging mo to quit what
she termed "co villain pays," attribut
ing my depression to the climate, to
the dull life 1 led, to anything rather
than to the Into cause. But at length
her persistency, added to beseeching
letters from my guardian, provailcd,
and I returnod to Paris.
Thero I renewed my acquaintance
with Mr. Weston. It was impossible
to bo blind to his feelings, his inten
tions. Every woul and look told me
that he lovcu me, and tho day camo
when ho nskod mo to be his wife. To
his evident surpriso and to my own in
expressible sorrow, I refused to marry
him. Could I join my life a haunted
life to that of the man I lovod with
all my soul T True, I had no visita
tion from tho beautiful reproachful
faco sinoo I left Crowsncst s but might
it not return at auy time, at any hour!
Oh, why had my father's wife cast
this blight upon my lifo T Why did
sho haunt mo t Was it such a heinous
crimo nat to hnvo' gono in timo to scp
her die T
Suddenly I beoamo possessed with a
Btraugo longing to revisit Crowsncst,
to see again thu weird apparition that
had exercised bo subtle an lnlltieneo on
my life. With tho persistent way
wardness of a Bpoilt child I insisted on
going to Crowsncst. I insisted thnt
no ono but Justine should accompany
mo. My indulgent guardian yielded
lo my wishes, and I went, but not
once during my month's visit did I sec
tho haunting lace. I believe then that
my persecution was ended.
On my return lo l'ans Mr. Weston
renewed his offor aud I accepted him.
A fow months of my marriage happi
ness effectually dispersed tho cloud that
had overshadowed me.
My mind warped, weakened, us it
had been by giving away to morbid
fancies gained tone and vigor daily
by associating with my husband's
which was eminently matter ot tact
and practical. It was, therefore, with
out tho slightest foreboding of evil that
wo set oil lor Daslnro to spend tlio
summer months at Crowsncst. Gcorgo
was much pleased with the old house ;
above all with tho cedar chamber,
which T found without any orders to
that effect had been prepared for us.
It was late at night when we arrived
and there was not timo to alter tho ar
rangements ; besides, thcro seemed no
need, for I beneved, as I have stated,
that I had outlived my fears.
Both licorgo and I were tired by
our journey, and on retiring to rest wo
soon fell fast asleep. Towards morn
ing I awoke.
A stream ot moonlight Hooded the
chamber. As of old, tho shadow of
tho pear trco lay along tho floor, flick
ering in tho night wind. I watched it
lor awhile, then this shadow being
closely associated in my mind with
something else I looked toward tho
bay window, and scarcely could sup
press a cry. There, in the old place,
between the gaslight and tho moon
light, appeared the faco !
"George,"' I whispered, trembling,
"wake 1 I feel so frightened."
"What is it, NinaT Have you seon
a ghost ?" ho inquired lightly.
"Hush! Look there."
liaising himself upon his elbow, he
"Why, there is a woman in the
room 1" he exclaimed, in tho greatest
consternation. Then, after pausing a
fow moments, he continued slowly and
deliberately, as though reading by a
bad light from a book, "No j it is on
ly an illusion 1 I seem to Bee most dis
tinctly a beautiful woman, her head
turned this way, supported by her
hand. Her hair a bright auburn
hangs loose about her shoulders. It is
a handsome face, but sorrowful "
"Stay 1 What are you about to do f
I asked, as, rising, he made a quick
movement forward.
"To dispel tho illusion, darling."
So saying, ho shook tho curtain vio
lently. "May all ghostly visitants be as easi
ly dispersed 1" he continued, laughing,
as tho figure quivered, swayed, became
distorted, then, in a moment, vanished.
"But what was it ?"
'I will reproduce it, and you shall
He loosed the curtain, and it fell to
the ground in the old folds aud creases
as it was before. There, sure enough,
she was again.
"And is this what scared you on
your first visit hero ?" ho inquired,
turning to me suddenly, as though
new light broke on him.
"Yes. I thought it was thfa spirit
ol tny stepmother. 1 imagined the
likeness, of course." Then between
laughter aud tears, I made full confes
sion of all my superstitious folly.
Noxt morning wo closely interroga
Mrs. Stevens. Sho expressed her be
lief that tho cedar chamber was haunt
ed, and that tho communication her
mistress bad desired to make lo ino
was to that effect.
Wo read of strange results brought
about by tho juxtaposition ot certain
neaveniy oodles. iiero was an in
Btnnce, unique in its wav, in which a
heavenly body tho moon aided by
such commonplace earthly materials as
a modern gas jet and an old faded silk
curtain, produced as pertect a specimen
oi a ueautitui leraaio ghost as ever vis
ited our world.
Carboniferous Jungles.
If we could suddenly transplant our
selves from tho gardens 'and groves of
the nineteenth century into tho midst
of a carboniferous junglo on tho delta
of some forgotten Amazon oi some
primeval Nile, wo should find our
selves surrounded by strango and somo
what monotonous 6eenery, very differ
cut from that of the varied and bcauti
lul world in which wo ourselves now
livo. Tho httgo foliage of gigantio
tree-ferns and titanic club-mosses
would wave our heads, whilo green
carpels of petty trailing creepers would
spread luxuriantly over the the damp
soil beneath our feet. Great swampy
liats would stretch around us on every
side, aud instead ot tho rocky or iindu
latiug hills of our familiar country, wo
should probably seo the interior conn
try ooniposed of low ridges, unlifted as
yet by the slow upheaval of ages in
tho Alps and pyronuecs ol tho modem
continent, lint tho most strikiug pe
culiarity of tho Bceuo would doubtless
bo tho wearisome uniformity of its pro
vailing colors. Earth beneath and
primitive trees overhead would all
alike present a single field of unbroken
and unvarying green. No scarlet
flower, golden fruit or guy butterfly
would givo a gloatn of brighter and
wanner coloring to tho continuous ver
dure of that more than tropical forest
Green, and green, nnd greon again
wherever tho oye fell it would rost
alike upon ono monotonous and tin
relieved mass of hnish aud angular
He Felt Like'tfiokiug Hiuiiseir.
"I understand that you arc going to
Chicago to-day,'1 said Noodles to a
young lndy noquaintanoo.
p. m."
sho replied, "I depart at 4:80
"Wnlllil vnil twirmlt. inn In rtdonvt vnu
to the train f eagerly asked tlio youlh.
"Heally," said tho blushing miss, "it
would not bo right for you to go to so
much truble."
"Oil, indeed." said Noodles, courlesv
ing profoundly, "it would givo mo tho
greatest pleasure to seo vou off."
Then ho felt Hko going behind tlio
house and kiokuig himsoly very, very
iiaui. scissors
Allen Pinkcrton'e Advice,
Mr. Piiikciton old Allen as ho was
called by his friends took a great in
terest in tho wclfaro of young men, nnd
wo remember a conversation with him,
held several years ago under tho shade
of a noble maplo in the boaiitifnl gar
den of his Monroo street home, which
lclt n lasting impression, nnd a lepro
duction of which may encourage many
struggling men,
"My youth," said Mr. Pinkertoit,
was a continuous struggle. I know
but littlo of tho joys of childhood ; my
fate was work. When I was old
enough to seo the distinction between
right nnd wrong and I Hunk If child
ren are properly educated they will
soon realize Iho difference I obeyed
tho dictates of my conscience, and to
that I ascribe my success in life. No
matlor how many temptations wero
placed in my way I adiicred to my
principles. In political matters, con
science was my guide. Early iu lifo I
enlisted in tho cause ol ray native
country's (Scotland) freedom and when
1 camo to tho United Males I bccatno.a
red-hot nbolitionist. I have erred many
times in my life, hut I have endeavor-i
ed to right every wrong unwittingly)
"Many young men como to me ap-i
plying for advice nnd assistance. My,
advice has been tho same iu every in
stance. If a young man is willing to
work and to load an honest life he will
bo successful, I have given pecuniary
assslstanco to some applicants, nnd I
acted unwisely. A healthy young man;
needs no pecuniary assistance from his'
menus if ho has got tho get-up in him
which makes men of sound princi
"A number of joung men just start
ing out in life asked me for advice as
lo what profession or business they'
should enter. In every instance I ad"
mouished them to steer clear of count
ing rooms and stoics. My experience
has taught me that cleiks of every de
scription aro tho most unhappy mor
tals, as they are expected to livo and
dress well on small salaries. I know
of hundreds of clcrk.s iu Chicago who
aro compelled to steal and pilfer in
order to keep up appearances, whilo
industrious young mechanics save a
littlo monoy every week in tho year.
iuany young men Horn the coun
try are ruined in large cities, and ray
men could tell you of scores oi promis
ing young gentleman whose honorable
existence ended at bridewell. Thoy
camo to Chicago with tho expectation
of finding work, and being disappoint
ed tnoy ion into the hands ot thieves
and thugs. It seems to mo that the
newspapers of tho country should warn
young men against coming to large
cities. Ot course, some are successful,
but to the great majority the Btep is
tratight with danger.
"loting women also should avoid
large cities. When they arrive from
their country homes they aro innocent
and easy fall victims to tho profession
al 'mashers' of the cities. Girls can
earn more money iu small towns and
cities. Thousands of Chicago factory
girls and cierks in the dry good stores
cannot earn moro than hvo dollars per
week. They have to pay from ono to
two dollars room rent per week, which
leaves them a balance of threo dollars
for board and dress. Tho result of
such a lifo is apparent. Look at our
iactory girls, starvation is written
upon their faces, or if they escapo tho
marks of hunger you can notico the
marks of a shameful life. I have mado
several cffoits to induce tho newspa-
peis to call attentiou to this stnto of af
fairs, but have been only partially stio-
The man who gave me this timely
advice is now at rest forever ; but his
words should bo heeded by the vomit?
peoplo of our city and state. Wo have
seon rauoh of tho sufferings of stran
gers iu Chicago and other large cities,
ami can answer lor the truth of Mr,
rniKcitons statements, iivery year
Iowa sends a number of hor young
men nnd women to tho largo cities, and
iu nine cases out of ten they return pen-
iim-sB mm uiiiii-u, wuiie at, nome or in
tho west thoy would become valued
and respected citizens, Burlington
ji money c.
The Cost of a Lead Pencil.
"What does it cost to make a lead
pencil T" queried a reporter of tho Nerr
i ork Aun, "r- irst let mo tell you how
we mako a pencil," said the manufac
turer, "bee this fiuo powder 1 That's
graphite. It costs twenty-five cents a
pound. This whito stuff is German
clay. It comes across the ocean as bal
last iu sailing vessels, aud all it costs
us is Ireight. wo mix this clav and
this powder together and grind them
in a nun, allowing moibture to be ad
ueu uuring tho process, until the two
aro thoroughly assimilated, and are ro
ditced to a pasto about tho consistency
oi putty.
"1 his liasn wo press into these dies.
each one of which is the size of ti pen
cil lead, except in length. Thero aro
four leads iu one of these. After bo-
ing pressed wo cut them into the prop
cr icugiii, aim uaKc itiem in an oven
kept at a very high heat. There we
nave mo lean maue. its hardness is
t cgulatcd by tho greater or less ainouut
of clay wo mix with the graphite the
more clay wo put in, the harder the
"Tho cedar we uso principally comes
iiuui mi- Bw.iiniiB ui 1'iunu.i, aim is oi
lamed eiitueiv lrom tlio talleu trees
that ho there. The wood is delivered
to us iu blocks sawed to pencil lengths
soino thick, to receive tho lead, and
others ihiu, for tho piece that is glued
over the lead. Tho blocks are sawed
for lour pencils each, Thoy are groov
ed by a Baw, the groove being the place
where the lead is to lie.
"Tho leads aro kept in hot glue, and
are placed in tho grooves as tho blocks
aro ready. When that is done, the
thin block is glued fast to the thick
one. When dry, tho blocks aro run
through a machine that cuts tho pen
ens apart, men tney are run througl
a machine that shapes and blushes
them, and they aro ready to bo tied in
uunoiicB, ooxed, and put out. iiiuereui graues in value me
made by finer manipulation of the
graphite. Here is a pencil that is
about the average quality used iu
every day business. It costs a little
moro than a quarter of a cent to got it
reuuy ior mansei. wo sell it to deal,
era at ono hundred per cent, profit, and
tho dealer makes much moro than
that. Of this grade ati operator aud
tho machinery will easily make 2,000
Mr. Kislingbiuy's Uody Exbnraed.
I'KK 01' U.I'.SII.
Itocitr.grmi. Aug. 11.
The remains of Llcutennnt liisling.
bury, one of the viotims of tho Greelv
expedition who died Moid Arctic snow
last June, were disinterred this morn
ng, and the fact was established bo
yond all question that cauibalism was
resorted to by tho starving men of the
Grcely expedition, nnd that tho lives of
those saved were jimservcd only by
oaling tho dead bodies of their com
panions. Lieutenant Kislingburv s
relatives hero wero filled with horrible
doubts as soon as they loarncd that
disclosures had boon "made in New
York regarding cannibalism among thu
members of the expedition, and they
determined to loam tho truth by ex
huming tho remains and having litem
examined by competent physicians. Tho
services of L. A. Jeffreys, undertaker,
wero secured, and this morning, with
tho assistance of fivo men, he aecom-
illshcd tho work of taking up tho cask
et from its resting place. This was
done in tho, presence of Assistant Su
perintendent Mandoville, aud the re
mains wero taken, as unearthed, to a
chapel near the entrance of the ceme
tery. At eikht o clock tho casket was
opened by Mr. Jeffreys and Samuel It
Barter in the presenco of Frank W.
Kisliugbury and John P. Kislingburv,
brothers of tho deceased , Dr. Charles
Buckley, Dr. F. A. Mandovillo, Super
intendent Stillson, Assistant Superinten
dent Maodevillo and two reporters.
Tho work of opening the heavy
iron receptacle was found comparative
ly easy, all thero was to do being to
unscrew tho fifty-two iron bolts which
held down the lid. Too noiseless ease
with which tho latter was pried from
its bed showed that thcro was an
absence of gas in the casket at all.
l oeling Ins way into tho mass of snowy
cotton wasto which filled Iho colli n to
tho top, Mr. Jeffreys soon exclaimed :
"lie is there. A stropg odor of alco
hol but no very pronounced sugges
tions of decay emanated from tho cas
ket. Dr. Buckley who had put on a pair
of black leather gloves, uncovered the
lower portion of the coffin's tenant and
then it appoared as if ono of tho logs
tho right one was missing ; but when
the wasto was all removed it became
apparent that the limb was tied under
tho left ono.
The physicians made a thorough ex
amination and tho remains wero then
placed back into the casket and lower-
d into tho grave.
Afterwards Doctors Charles Buckley
and F. A. Matulevillc made a joint affi
davit, in which they recounted tho
facts of the exhumation and examina
tion of the remains and said that the
body, in their opinion weighed about
fifty pounds. On examination of the
head no signs of wounds or injuries
were visible. The skin was not bro-
kon. The ears and nose were intact.
Tho eyes were sunken and wasted. Tlio
hair was thick and from five to six
inches long. The skin and muscles of
tho interior portion of the. faco and
neck wero intact. 1'rora the upper
portion of tho sternum and clavicle to
tho lower border of the fifth rib on
the left sido tho skin and muscle had
been removed down to tho ribs on tho
right side. The skin aud muscle down
to tho lower border of tho last rib wero
gone. Thero wero two openings be
tween the fourth aud fifth intercostal
spaces into the thoracic cavity. Tho
muscles and skin of the anterior and
posterior of tho thighs were entirely re
movod except the skin on tho anterior
portion of tho kueo joints ; muscles and
skin ot lclt leg removed to within
three inches of ankle joint. On right
leg skin and muscle removed to within
five inches of auklo iaiut. Both feet
were intact. There was no vestigo of
integument or muscles on either arm,
including tho muscles ol the shoulder-
blades to the wrist joints, except on
tho right fore-arm, the interosseous
membrane remaining. Tho examina
tion of tho posterior portion of body
showed that tho skin and muscles of
tho back, from tho seventh cervical
vertebra, had boon dissected or cut
completely away down to the bones,
with tho exception ot pieces of skin
from two to three inches square on
each sido of tho upper portion of tho
sacrum. Tlio flesh removed was out
away with some sharp instrument.
that remaining on the feet, hands nnd
lace showed no signs of decomposi
W. II. Kislingburv, the brother of
tho dead explorer, says he believes that
instead ol eating it bear tho survivors
i. . -1 ., . i, . . .
suusistcu on tne noaies oi tneir dead
A Dream of a Husband,
feaid the hotel-keeper : "There was
a lady of my acquaintance once, who
awoko her husbciid in tho night by tho
most extravagant manifestations of dev
lirium. When ho inquired what ailed
nor sue tom him 'to mind his own bust
ness and not bother her; sho was think
"At breakfast she told him she was
dreaming, oh I such a dolightful dream
auo illinium sho was at an action
where they wero selling men. Oh
mere were sue i splendid siieeiiiiens
theie. But thoVwent so hitrh she
couUlii t get ono of them. At lust the
auctioneer look compassion on her and
Knocked uown a glorious Icllow to he
ami nnd then she awoke.
" 'But,' pleaded Iho anxious husband
Mitln t you seo any thero like mo ?
'Like you I said tho spiteful beauty
'laws, yes. 'I hey wero nut tin in bun
dies, like celery, nnd sold for ten eeula
a bundle. 'J'uttbury Teleijraph.
An English scientific iournal sin
that oxalic acid promotes iho sprouting
of seeds bo that seeds forty years old
will germinate by its application. Tho
method is, to soak tho seeds one or two
dayg in a solution of oxalio acid till
they commence to open out, when thoy
are inKcu out ami planted. Will ouu
ot our readers try it on some old seeds
aim report.
Some men are so lucklner in luwnlt
lity that thoy will not even entertain
an mea.
Iheieisa similarity between lilies
ami dead oat, in that they should both
1 uu piuuicti deep.
The American Hide trade.
Fftoon to twenty years ngo tho trade
in tho exportation of hides to Europe
from tho United Stales was of a very
limited nature i iu fact, wo imported
most of tlio hides for homo consump
tion from South America. But at pre
sent day the tables aro completely turn
ed. Tho export of hides from this
country has reached an enormous ox
tent, nnd still seems lo be on the in
crease. Besides, American leather,
even in Franco nnd Russia, where tho
finest leather in the world is manufac
tured, is shipped to every country in
Europe iu considerable quantities. In
Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska,
Wyoming aiid Dakota, a farmer can
double his capital in two or threo
years in beef cattle, and the business
seems to rcqiiiro niiiv laoor ooyonu
tho guarding of the herd. In fact, lu
all tho border states immense herds of
cattle are raised on what is called "the
mgo" that is, tho open publio do
main the owners not possessing an
acre of land, though how long this
will reraaiu so will depend upon the
extent of tho emigration and the tak
ing up of the lands. 11 Is lrom these
immense multitude of cattlo that our
markets arc supplied, and tho large ex
portation of cattlo and dressed meats
aro made, nnd thus far all theso de
mands scarcely equal tho steady year-
merensc. There is no doubt out.
that this republic is destined to become
tho greatest producer of hides in tho
world, even leaving lar in tho rear ino
great cattlo producing regions of South
America. Thus far, this business has
scarcely begun to develop itself west of
tho Rocky mountains, where in timo it
must becomo almost limitless in magni
tude and interminable in perpetuity.
German town Telegraph.
Transplanting Trees.
When transplanting small trees,
care should be taken not to set them in
tho ground any deeper than they ori
ginally glow. Do not uso stable man-
ro around tlio roots, bill incorporate
thoroughly iu the soil a liberal amount
of thoroughly decomposed vegetable
matter, or loam, such as florists uso for
potting plants.
ftcr tho trees aro set, press the
it th about the roots firmly, aud then
stake the trees bo that the wind can not
ack them over. Use two stakes at
least, and better three j drive them
firmly in the earth so that tho tops will
reach three or four inches above the
connection of the main branches, six
inches away from tho body at tho top.
and then stay tho tree in tho center ot
tho space between the stakes by tho
uso of soft material. Strips of old
cotton cloth twisted into a loose rope
will be found excellent, as the substance
will not injure the bark of the tree,
no odds how much shaken by the
Superior varieties cost but little, if
any, more than common, and no one
has an excuse for cultivating inferior
German Imitators.
The Germans are doing their best to
imitate the American goods that are
sold in their market. Iu small hard
ware, (specially in cast goods, thi'ro
iro more imitated goods in the market
than there arc of original importations.
Flic imitations are usually manufac
tured without the slightest alteration
n the model, and are put up in such n
manner that they cannot be easily dis
tinguished fiom the original. The ar
ticles roferred to are such as coffee-pot
ind sad-iron stands twine boxes, coat
and hat hooks, can openers, brackets,
handles, bells, drills, egg-beaters, ap
ple parers, and many other articles al
together too numerous to specify.
Many iron founders are engaged in
manufacturing imitations of the
American base burner stoves. Theso
facts, whilo thoy show that the Ger
mans are injuring our trade by dishon
orable means, may be regarded as very
complimentary to American taste and
skill, and prove what remarkablo pro
gress the manufacturers of thiscountry
have made of lato years.
An Original Eat-Trap.
An Illinois correspondent of the Iu
dustrial World has been successful in
catching rats with a trap of his own
ooutrivance. 1 his trap consists of a
sheet-iron pipe with a soil of iron rim
on both ends and a strong two bushel
sack tied firmly aiound one end. Every
hole is stopped in tho corn crib but
one, which opens into a feed-box ou
tho other side of the partition, Then
the pipo is placed in tho feed-box and
tilled, the open end hrraly over the
hole, allowing tho sack to hang over
tho edge of tlio box into tho manger.
The trap is prepared, tho door of tho
crib is left open and the rats permitted
lo havo their own way for an hour or
S,o. Then tho door is shut and a noiso
made to frighten the rats. Having
but ono means of escapo they rush in
to the pipe aud down into tho sack.
This correspondent caught twenty
seven rats the first time he tried his
Fast Wai.kino. In trainim? hoises
great pains should be taken to induce a
habit of fast walking. This is tho
easiest and most economical pace, nnd
it is strango thnt it is not much more
practiced than aslow one, to her things
uemg equal, lor
such a ono gets
over vastly moro ground inn day,
oven with a heavy load, and without
any special effort.
Foon ton Ib.Ns.--Bailey is perhaps
thu best staple grain, especially if mix
ed alternately with wheat, buckwheat
or corn. Corn, whilo it is excllent as
a ohange, is not good regular diet.
Rice, well boiled nnd mixed with bar
ley or corn meal, will bo useful ns a
change onco in n while. Brewer's
grains, if fresh, are gieatly relished,
and the same is truo of malt sprouts or
dust if thoro is a malting establishment
near, from which theso on be obtain
ed. Contentment furnishes constant joy
much covetousness, constant grief. To
tho contented, even poverty is joy i to
tho discontented, even wealth is vexa
tion. It is very easy to keep us cool as a
cucumber. All that you have to do is
to wear tho cucumber us u liver pail.
How long, how Blow, and how in
Borutablo cau bo one mini's fate against
another's finding out.