The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 15, 1884, Image 4
Farm Implcnients. It Is ono of tho questions which tho farmer Is often called upon lo consider, to what oxtoht it will bo to Ills ridvnii tngo to Invest in tho now mid labor saving nwoliliios which nro constantlv brought to his notice. It is manifestly n Biibject which domands tho oxorciso of groat prudenco and good judgment. Tho question whether i largo outlay for mi oxponslvo maoltino will bo a sav ing in tho ond, in tlmo and monoy, or wnothcr this saving will not bo offaot by a failure of tho machino to do its work, or by costly repairs mid altera tions. Tho temptations in most cases to keep on in tho old way with tho old implements is strong. Now machines, whatever their merits may be, havo al ways had to meet a great deal of prei tidico and opposition at first. It is true of farmers ns well as of many oth er people, that thero exists a natural aversion to radical change. It is so mnoh easier to keep alon'g in tho old ruts. And so wo find many now who cling to tho old scytho instead of using a mowor that would do tho work oasier and much better) and they still Bwing tho heavy cradle through tho grain, when a first-class reaper would cut and bind tho wholo field in ono twentieth of tho titno. Others labor long and wearily with hand-hoes through tho rows of corn and potatoes, when their cultivation could bo dono much thoroughly and effectively with the aid of horso power. Ve know of farmers, who havo emi grated to this country from Europe, who still use tho sicklo in harvesting instead of the cradle, claiming that tho former makes a great saving in grain. It certainly must tako a vast amount of prejudico to keop ono to tho old, te dious, back-breaking process with a sickle, when an improved roapc-r and binder is clicking in an adjoining field and going through a largo harvest in a few days of good weather. It is tho height of fatso economy to refnso tho uso of machines becauso of their first cost, or becauso they may not pick up all the remnants as could be done by hand. When tho. saving in time, for season after season, is considered, and tho much better opportunites that arq afforded for getting a crop in at tho right time, and tho larger areas that may be kept under cultivation by this method, thero is little reason left for using tho old-fashioned hand imple ments. Of course tho extent to which machines may be used will depend to some degrcee upon the grade of tho land nnd tho natural character of its soil. Many machines are extensively need in tho Western States that would not bo availablo in a hilly, stony region, with a soil full of stumps and roots. Tct often d'ft'culties liko these are not eogrct as so ao suppose, and machines might be used in many places where they are not now considered available. Working Horses Without Shoes. A. good deal of money is worso than wasted in tho needless shoeing of farm horses ; for the shoo being unnatural is always accompanied with more, or less risk, especially in the hands of ig norant or careless farriers. Bad shoo ing and trotting on hard pavements are among the most frequent causes of lameness in all cities ; and it is not at all unusual to seo valuable horses in all large cities sacrafioed after a short per iod of abuse, for a small fraction of their worth when sound. Such horses aro often young, spirited, and valuable animals, and need only a little careful handling to recover tho use of their feet in many instances. The best treat ment for such cases is to knock off tho shoes, and turn tho horses into pasture for a few weeks, when tbey will often recover sufficiently to work without shoes. Shoeing is far less needed than most persons suppose ; if tho horso is worked on the farm, and does not have to travel much on very stony or very nam roads, he will do better without shoes for at least eight months of tho year : if tho roads are quito hard, ma cadamized, or stony, as they aro in the neighborhood of the writer, horses with good sound hoofs will do a great deal of work without shoes, and suffer no injury. One of the ablest physician) of Middlesex county, who has a larco practice, and is obliged to drive his horses sometimes pretty hard, find they do better without shoes, although ho lives in a district where the roads are very hard. Of courso the hoofs must be Bound, and if accustomed to shoes must be accustomed to coinc with out them by decrees, but when used with some care there is no difficulty in driving most horses as muoh as they ought to bo driven over roads of aver age hardness without shoeing at all, for at least eight months of tho year ; if the work is on pavements, tho case is different, especially if drawing heavy loads upon tho pavements, when th6 shoo with calks is needed to enable tho horse to hold on and to prevent slip ping, in v inter when the roads ard icy, tho sharpened shoes must bo used to prevent slipping, but on ordinary snoW, until it becomes ioA", there is no occasion lor shoes in Winter any more than in Summer. The savincr is not only in blacksmiths' bills, but' in the greater health and soundness of thf horse's feet. There aro many chances to pick up valuable horses in our cities, made lamo by bad shoeing, which only need to havo their shoes taken off and rest for a fow months to mako valuable animals. New York Observer. Preserving Out Flowers- Different ilowers require a different mode of keeping j for instance, tho rose- from tho carnation. I havo found by oxpenenco that all flowers, after thoy aro cut, in order to retain fresh ncss, Bhould bo kept in a cool place, nnd away from air as much as possible I havo scon handsome cut ilowers ar ranged in a vaso or baskot sot in tho front window, with tho window raised and a full current of air blowing in upon them, which would soon causo them to drop and hang their heads. By ail means uo not raise tho window cut Ilowers ; tho air will cause them to whither much sooner than tho heat. Should you havo a bouquet or basket seo that tho ilowers aro kept well sprinkled with cold water through tho day, and at night before you havo your uasicet or bouquet put in somo air-tight vessel nnd placed in tho coolest part ot tho houso ; be careful and do not put it wnero it win treezo. jveep it in temperature of from JO to 50 degrees, Coyer lite ilowers with well-moistened paper or a very thin cloth, nnd you will find that tho ilowere, which wero wilted and hanging their heads tl) night before, will havo freshened in and look nearly, if not quito, as well as uiuy uiu wnen received irora mo uorisi Uor. uardener a Monthly. Summer and early Autumn is a good time lor lying drain, s especially througl wot, swampy land, for with tho earth being dry ami light, It can bo handled with less labor than when loaded with water, A stern necessity A sailboat's til ler, Silver Payments in Sight. It is becoming palufully evident thai the time is not far distant when the! transition from a gold to a silver baj sis in Amorican monetary affairs wilj tako place. Tho gold balanco In Hid United Slates Treasury has decreased $50,000,U00 sinco January last and at tho end of July thero was only $118,' 000,000 of gold remaining in thatinstl-i tution that was not covered by out4 Biniuling certificates. Tho Secretary of tho Treasury is required by law to keep w $100,000,000 .in gold for rcscrvd for redemption purposes and if tho drain continues at tho rccont rate that limit will havo been reached in less, than threo months. In tho mcantiino tho everlasting accumulation of light weight dollars goes on and as tho pile, of gold grows smaller tho mountain of, silvor incicascs at an amazing rate. Of tho edicts upon tho financial in torests of tho country when tho chancO comes thero can bo do doubt. Gold will Ccas6 to lie monoy and become an arti cle of merchandise again, being dinln ed out of tho country as it wan during1 thd rebellion. Tho dollar of tho peo plo will bo tho silver dollar, tho pur- chasing power of which will decrease' just to tho extent of tho premium on' gold. Tho hoavy transactions will bo, made, of course, by means of tho Bilver certificates, thus saving the necessity of transporting tho' heavy coin in largo; quantities. Hut for tho certificates Hi- deed tho transaction of a largo volumo, of business by moans of this bulky' coin would bo impossible, as a million1 dollars in silver occupies tho spaco of a J - ' t -VI f' t.I 3 uuiu iiiiu u quimur ui uiu-iiisiiiunuu, four-foot wood and weighs upwards of thirty tons. Foreign exchange will ad-, vanco and American securities will bo weakened abroad, with a fair pros-i pect that millions of dollars of theso se-i curities now in tho hand of foreign' holders will bo thrown back on our hands. Thero is nothing that can prevent this unsettling of our financial affairs t i - . i wiumi u iew monuis except, n neavy balance of trade in our favor and largo; importations of European gold, of which their is no certainty at present; Congress could havo saved tho country from this dancer by the repeal of tho silver coinage act during its lato ses sion ; but as that body choso to bo tho; servant of the few silver kings ratherl than tho servant of the many people; there is a fair prospect-that tho millions; will be buying their bread and meat within a short tirao with depreciated dollars, that will pay for a considerable; less than a dollars wortli of those very1 necessary articles. riula. Times. t Peach Trees in Sod A Maryland correspondent says hej has a peach tree on a lawn whioh is kept closely mown, which is perfectly! healthy and bears largo crops ot fruit! annually, whilo all his orchard trees have long since succumbed to disease.; Ho inquires whether it would bo wiso1, to treat a whole peaoh orchard liko this? In our country where much of tho, trouble of fruit growers comes from the earth getting too warm in summer,- closely mown lawn is tho perfection' of good culture. Grass, when contin ually mown, has not very strong roots, una docs not ihereioro rob the peach' treo ot its food, while nothing will keep tho surface of tho earth cool er. This is tho reason why all fruit trees do best iu grass as a general principle. But many people expeot to get heavy! crops of grass as well as heavy crops ot irmt, all out ot tho same amount ot food in the soil. When there is naj more food than the fruit treo needs it is absurd to expect a full crop of grass1 also. Such treatment is bad cultivation.. But if ono is situated so that he can top-dress the ground with fertilizing material occasionally, that treatment is, tho very best cultivation for fruit trees, becauso of tho coolness and shado which tho grass gives the roots of thd fruit trees. Tho constant mowing plan, good as it is, and oxcellent aS would bo tho crops, might still not bo prontaoio modo lor a markotman. It is ono ot those questions which only actual hgures could decide. Gard ner's Monthly. Canned Pood. it is a singular tact that wo aro in debted to Pompeii for tho great in dustryot canning truit. Years ago. i .i .r ... vi wuen n iu excavations wero just begin ning, a party of Cincinnatians found: what bad been tho pantrv of a houso many iars of preserved figs; Ono was opened, and they were found to bo fresh and good. Investigation Bhowed that the tigs had been put into mo iars in a ncatea state, an aperture loft for the steam to escape, and then sealed with wax. The hint was taken and the next yoar canning truit was introduced in the Uuited States, the process being identical witli that iu vogue m Pompeii twenty centuries ago, iu m lauicn iu .fiiuciiui wuu uau iu- matoes and poaohes do not realize that they aro indebted for this art to a poo Uo who wero literally ashes but a ew years after Christ. The Word Couple. Thero are few words in tho English languago so frequently misapplied as the unfortuuato word couple. The root of tho word is a Hebrew noun meaning "a fetter," but wo got it from tho Latin coitpula, n joining, and it should novor bo used except in the senso of two joined together. A man and his wito aro properly i'a couple: so aro two hounds when strapped to gether ; but two eggs aro not a couple; two pins nro not a couple ; nor aro two days a "couple of days." Fowls, when thoy aro alive nud running about aro not couples ; but when killed and tied in pairs for sale they becomo couples, air. .oioouy is reported ns savincr "1 thiuk that, without anv exception London is the most religious city that I was over in. Tho Sabbath 'is better obsorved thoro than anywhere clso, tin less it may bo in tho Scotch towns. 1 hero seemed to mo to bo a coming back to tho church by tho working oiasscs. I noticed tho same thing in Paris and all through France. Tho men are gQing back to tho Catholic Church thero. There seems to bo a re volution from the atheism which had swept over that country. Tight pants aro going out of fash- ion. Tho numbor of tight men in pants will probably always romaln just tho same, however. If animals get stung by bees or hor nets, apply warm vinegar and suit, rub bing tho parts thoroughly. If long, Btraggling shoots start up on flowering shrubs, thoy should bo pinched back now, whilo in a soft state, thus giving all tho othors a bettor ohnnce, and tending to mako n shapely bush. Tho hardy geraniums do well on rockeries. THE COLUMBIAN AND OpDJTEMS. Ar-H.K Jku.t. -Take red-sklnued nn- lee, wlpo clean, nnd cut into quarters. but do not nool them. To each nmind of fruit put thrco pints ol Jcold wnlcr, bring lo a boll, then boil rapidly for thirty minutes. Strain, mid to ovory hit of julco nllow oho pound of loaf sugar, rcturii to tho pan, and ngnm boil rapidly for thirty minutes. It Is better to dio than to lose one's reason, and yet tho murderer prefers insanity to hanging A Vermont man has lost u cooso that was said to bo 100 years old. It has probably trono lo ioiu tho Mli-lil- , , . - ganders. Sciu.Miir.Ki Fo,s. This is u nice breakfast dish for a hot .summer morn ing. Peel n largd, firm, fresh tomato nd chop it up small, chopping with it small hit of delicate whito onloni put into n hot saucepan witli plenty of fresh butter and pepper nnd salt lo tasto. Stir on tho lire until tho onion nnd tomato nro thoroughly cooked i then pour in four well-beaten . fresh eggs nnd stir quickly until tho eggs nro nearly sol. Servo quickly on a not ish surrounded Willi little dice ol read fried iu butter. If n certain ntliclo of dress worn by woman is a basque, should the same artiolo worn by a littlo girl bo called a baskot 1 "There's wisdom in the cask," sings nn old poet who knew how to havo a good time. And ho is right. A cask ias two heads. A Fine Wiiithwash. Tho follow ing will bo found a fin a whitowash for alls : soak a quarter ot a pound of gluo over night in tepid water. Tho noxt day put it into a tin vessel, with n quart of wntor, ovor a fire; keep it there till it boils, nnd then stir it until ;e gluo dissolves. Next put from six to eight pounds of Pans whito into nnother vc9so!j add hot wnter, nnd stir until it has tho appear- nnco of milk and lime. Add tho sizing aud stir well. Apply in the ordinary way whilo still warm. Except on very dark and smoky walls and ceilings, a singlo coat is sufficient. It is nearly qual iu brilliancy to zino white, a far more expensive article. Somebody heard a Boston cirl sav : I think he looked like a perfect rav ing angel in his uniform 1 Uo was aw ful heavenly. ' A French writer estimates that tho world contains 193,000 doctors, and thero is not ono of them thnt can de fine what malaria is. A Hicn Dksskrt. l'uro smoothly alf a do7.en good-sized tart apples,! scoop out tho cores ; boil the apples in sugar and water until thoy arc soft enough to bo pierced with a broom splint, but bo careful enough to havo, them keop their shape. When you cut tho cores, cut out n littlo loss than ono third of tho apple, separate it from tho core, and niter stewing it, mix it; with somo cold boiled rice, tho yolks of two eggs, sugnr nnd spico to suit your taste. When tho npples nro dono till the centres ot tho npples with tho rice, etc. : bent the whites of tho two eggs to a stiff froth, adding tho two lablespoonfulsof powdered sugar as you beat them : put a spoonful of this on tho top of each applo, nnd send to tho table. These aro delicious, either warm' or cold. Tho Pucet Sound oysters aro some times two feet in diameter, and weighs inclusive of tho shell, as much as sixty1 ounds. Two of these gigantic mol- usks wero lately transported and plant ed in tho South Bay. Either tho trip or tho now habitat disagreed with them, as both died a few days afterward. Tho number of dogs kept in Great Britain appears from the returns of tho dog licenses to bo decreasing. .Last year, as compared with 1882, tho licen ses fell from 908;360 to 89 1,903. Sinco tho increaso in tho amount of this tax and its more systematic enforcement, the keeping of a dog has becomo a lux ury. Dkmcious Ciioco-Ckkams. Tako ono and one-half gills of cold water and mix with it two ounces of Bermu da arrowroot nnd twelvo ounces of pulverized sugar. Stir up smoothly, and boil about ten minutes, stirring all tho time. Take off tho firo nnd stir till a littlo cool, put in a fow drops of vanilla extract and continue to stir un til it creams. Then roll into littlo balls and put aside Cut up somo best va nilla chocolato into bits nnd melt oyer steam (can put on dish over boiling teakettle). Pnt in no water. Whon tho cream balls aro thoroughly cold roll them ono by ono in the melted chocolato and put them on a buttered placo to cool. I'art ot tho cream, i desired, can bo mixed with grated co coanut or with chopped almonds or pistachio nuts. UOCOANUT UANHY. 1'ISOO 111 Ml earthon plpkiii a pound of best loaf su gar cut as for table, with a breakfast cupful of cold spring water. Let it roi main until tho sugar ta dissolved and thon set it on a clear fire to boil for about five minutes, or rather more. As tho scum rises carofully skim it away until tho sugnr looks quito whito and thick, and then stir into it a quarter of a pound ot grated cocoanut, taking caro mat it is a nice tresh one. Again set it on tho firo, nnd with a woodoii spoon stir it continuously until it rises' quite up in tho pipkin, then nt once spread it out on well-dried sheets of writing paper, which should bo warm ed before putting tho cocoanut upon them : tho pasto should bo rather move than half an inch thick. Let it remain in this way until nearly, but not quito cold, whon tho paper mint be removed and it can then uo cut up into small squares. it got thoroughly dry bo foro storing it in tin boxes for use. It is an improvement to give it a slightly pink color by adding a few drops of oociuneai to the sugar lust bctoro put ting in tho cocoanut. Somo people grnto this and spread it out for n day or two uoioro it is used tor candy. A new disputo lias aviso n between the Roman Catholio and tho Greek Orthodox olergy at Jerusalem. Tho facts of tho caso aro those. Tho stouo of tho iloor of thoChapol of tho Virgin hi tho Jioly oopulchro is so worn or otherwise damagod as to require its re moval and roplaccmnntby a now etono, Tho duty of carrying out this work is claimed both by tho Catholio an I th Greek clergy, and feeling ran so hfgl among theso religious fanatics that tho tirpfiflnnn nf TnrVtrtli IrnmiA-ftlnnn m-n. - - ( - vented tho rival parties from deciding tho important question by n recourso to blows. Tho matter, hnaiiy, has bcou referred lo tho Porto. A restaurant at Coney Island has large placard on its piazza niinouuo lng "Kightcon carrot vogetablo soup, Thero is said to bo no remody for houso ilics, Spiders might answer tho purpose, but thoy aro nearly as bad as uios. DEMOCRAT, BLOOM&BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AttvcrtlHlnir ClieatHltt "It lias becomo so common to begin an article, in nu elegant, Interesting style. "Then run It Into some nilvcrtli'cintiit thnt wo avoid nil such, "Aim simply call Attention to lliu; merits ot Hop Hitters In rn plnltt, honest terms ns possible, "To Induce people "To giro tlicm ono trial, which so proves their valuo that thoy will novcr use niiy. tiling clso." "Tho remedy so favorably noticed In nil tho piw Heltglousnndwcullf, Is "Having a largo sale, and .Is s'lpphntlng nil other remedies. "There Is no denying tho virtues of tho Hop riant, nnd tho proprietors ot Hop Hitters Iinvo siuwn grunt snromincs.1 nnu noiniy - - "In compounding a niedlclnewhoso virtues an) ru paipaoio 10 every ono soiMcrvauon." 1)11) SIIK DIG ? "No 1 "Slie lingered and siifturett along, pining iiwnv nu mo iimo ior years, "The doctors doing her no good " "And nt last was cured by lids Hop Hit lers the papers say so much nbout." "Indeed I Indeed 1" "How thankful wc should bo for that medicine." . . A nAVJOIlTKU'a MI3KI1Y, "Eleven yenrs our (laughter anltereil on a bed of misery, "Prom n complication of kidney, liver,, rheumatic troublo and Nervous debility, "Under the enro of tho best physicians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief; "And uow sho Is restored to us In irdrid health by ns slmplo a remedy ns Hop Hit- tore, thnt wo had shunned for years bctoro using It." Tho Parents. FATnmt IS OBTTINO WKM "My daughters say ': "How much better father Is since lfc used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffer-i lng from n dlscaso declared Incurable." "And wo nro so glad that ho used your Bitters." A Lady of Utlca, N. Y. fff-Nono genuine without a bunch of preen Hops1 on tho whito label, shun all tho vile, nolsonoui stuff with "Hop-' or Hops In their name. UMTOH'S NOTICE. " KSTATB OP MAHY C. CONNOR, SECKASKI). Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho. Or- K,SL,5',u.,f;S'a. WH!K A.d"Sfl5'? . funds In tho hands ot the executor In tho ostnto of said deceased, win meet at his onico in luooms "burg on Saturday Aug S3 ihsi, at 10 o'clock a. in. wutmuuu iviiuru an imrura must, apiwar anu pre sent their claims or bo debarred from any Rhan. or said rund. u R. WAi.LKit, July 18-t a Auditor. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES: OP CAST Clt WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards,. Cemetery Lots , and , ( Public Grounds. Tho following shows tho Picket Oothlc, ono of the several boautlful styles of Fence manufactured by tuc unacrsignca. For Mcauty and Durability they arc unsurpass ed. Set up by experienced bands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other signs sent lo any address. Address MM BLOOMSBURG PA May 4-tf E. B. BROWER, GPLUMBING,? GAS FITTING & STEAM IIEATJNG. DKALKH IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. rw'Strlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! -"'at" )fl THE ARTIST (P WH? 13? 31 IU AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always cives you tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho experience lor a numher ol years in tho Tailoring Busi ness, lias learned what material will givo his customers tho hest satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try lo please nil who uivo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OK ALL DIESCIMTION& HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always ot the latest styles. Call nud ex. amine Ills stuck before purchasioj' else where. Store noHt door io First Kational Bank Corner Main & Market Sts. Pa.. 111 Aprli.-iy B. F. HAltTMAN HirKISBNTB TUK FdLLOWINQ AM E HIO AN INSUKANOKCOMl'ANIEB North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " " l'eunsylvanla, ' York, ot Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. Y. Queens, ot London. KortuTlrltUh. of Ixmdon. omca on Markut street, Ho, t, Illoomaburg,, -iy Bloomsbur SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also I'NrKltMlCNTKI) UltAri! JUICK. tJsod In tho principal Churches for Communion. Kxceuont for i-'omnles, Weakly I'ereons and tho Spoor's Port Grapo Wmo! FOUR YEARS OLD. r puis CEMMKATUI) WINK Is tho puro julco of I tho dead Hire Onorto (Irane. rnlsorl In snocr'n vineyards, its Invaluable, Tonls and Stronjrtaonlng Froportlcs aro unsurnaRsed hv anv niiier winn. iiAinff nm. iluced under Mr. Kpoor'sown personal supervision, principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health who havo examined It. The it, and tho wcakCBt Invalid uso It to advantage. It, Is particularly bcnellclal to tho aged nnd debilitated, and BUlted to tho various aliments that aneci mo weaker sex. it is in every respect A WINK TO HE 11KUED ON. Speor'a Unfermanted Grapo Juice- Is thO llllee of thn nnnrtn flrnnpa nrMnnn In Us natural, fresh, sweet state aslt rims from tho prera Sy luffi ? It fmeSKuS& 1 iHsUy'ure! free IWrffV-Hv ttliro frnn ..w... oi'utH uuu mil ill uujr villlimu. Sneer's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium 1)rv Winn iiuvi hv thn wealthy classes as a Table or Dinner Wine, land by physicians In cases where a dry wlno Instead of a sweet port Is deefrcd. Spoor's (Sooialite) Oluret. Is held In hlirh estimation for IU richness ns & HryTablo Wlno especially suited for dinner uso, Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wine of Superior Character nnd nf tho rich qualities of tho grapo from which It is .made. Speer's P- J. Brandy. IS A l'UIti: distillation from the crane, and Btands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal purposes. it, has a peculiar Havor, 'similar to that of the grapes fromwhlch It is distilled, seo that tho signature of ALVKED srnEn, Tas- salo N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottlo. SOL.13 BY O. A. KLEIM. AND BV DnUlldlSTH KVKItt TIIHIin. Sop. SS-B31.vr. laweek- nthoma. 5.00outnt tree. iny nb isolutcly sure. No risk. Capital not required. lteader, If you want business at which per sons of either sex. vountr or old. can make great pay all tho tlmo they work, with absoluto certainty, write for particulars to II. IUllktt e io., i-oriianu, .Maine. Dccsi-ly CATARRH Hay Fever, From Oil. .1 Maid. POpT. rilAhor'ot New York! 1 vlEilM HM.vl'Jlhnvofcurfci'cd severely from Hay Fever In early and midsummer and In tho fall. I de al ro In tho Interest of my fellow sufferers to testify In favor of Ely's Cream Halm. My short uso ot it demon strated Its efllcucy. J. Moldhof, 401 llroad way. Apply Into tho nos trils. - Ely's Cream nalm Is a remedy founded on a HAY-EEVER correct diagnosis ot this dlseaso and can bo de pended upon. Cream nalm causes no pain, (lives relief at onco. Cleanses tho head. Causes healthy becrctlons. Abates Inilatumntlon. Prevents fresh colds. Heals tho sores. Kestores tho senses ot tasto and smell. A tuorougn treatment, win cure. Not nlinuld or snuff. Applied Into tho nostrils. I en els. at druggl3ts ; GO cts. by mall, sample bot- uo oy man iu cis. isui iinuiur.3, iiruggisis, uwegu, . i . July 25 4 w ukav'H hii-:cii-i: miimciNi-:. TRADE MARK Tim (iUKATEwl-m ADC MARK I.ISII KKHEUr. An unfailing cure for , seminal W oak. ness, spcrmntor- rnoja, liunoieucy, and all Diseases that follow as a bcquenco ot self- siaS auuso ; 03 loss 01 univer- sltude.AfTER TAIIM). HUnnes? ot Vision. lTcmaturo Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or Consumption and a Premature Oravo. IIbwaku ot advertisements ta refund ' money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought ao not refund, tut, refer you to tho manufactur ers, and the requirements are such that they are seldom, if ever, complied with, seo their writ ten guarantee. A trial ot ono singlo package ot Gray's specino will convince tho most skeptical ot its real merits. on account of counterfeits, wo havo adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; tho only genuine. w-Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we deslrotobendfreobymallto every one. rJ"The it free Int ot tho money, oy addressing Sold tn liloomsbnrg by all druirglsts. Nov "dv ACSENTM WANTHH-l'or the J.lve of Blaino & I Cleveland & Logan, I Hendricks. In I Vol. by T. WYKnox, ln 1 VOL by Hon A. Unr rium. Thu nest and Cliemsl. Kach vol., MO pa ges, ll.M. 60 per cent to agents. Outfits free. Address HAHTFOHD rumJsiIINO CO., Hartford, Conn. sulyss-iw YOU CAKNOT GET WELL AT IIOSIE. Wm ElccUcpithi: Institute, WNGIIAMTON, N. Y. U GOOD PLAGE FOR THE SICK. Thn hnu40 is sneclallv ill ted un for tho comfort of Invalids whodeslroa pleasant and Christian homo. Manda on high ground with plenty of Bliade. lvnsoiial attention given to every patient. Kiectricity nno iiaivnnism in meir uinereui, inoui nuatlons u. ftatvlallt v. l'rof. MUlH has given many years of Mudy and practice to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his bkllL ucna ior circular, biaung wnaipuper juunun thlsln. P110F. HENHV MILLS, t Mrs. Ai.iCK riutMiii Lock Ilox 97. lllnghamton, N. V tk-pt.T'ba ly. M. C. SLOAN & BRQ , JILOOMSUUHO, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAQES BUDDIES, PHAETONS. 8LEIQHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, AC. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prlcet reduced to tuit the timet. A School for All. University at Lsviurg, h, COLLEQE, ACADEMY, INSTITUTE. A full Faculty ot 18. Largo libraries. Kievun r roo eciioioruuips ui, uispusui. Hend for catatonia to rresiacnt uaviu j, HILL. LL. I).. T-Wwr wnvisUurg, Pennsylvania. SlMSOJtllJE NOW FOR TEE COLUMBIAN 81.50 A YEAH. m r ri immi .uw" cobXiatmNn wark, xt. j. loostudcnls from Pennsylvania In 18S1. .Mori iiosltlons graduates than nil other schools com bined. Lifencholarshlp,lia Wrlto for circulars. UOLKMAN & PALMS, Proprietors. July lt-tw r ALL KINDS OK .TOU HUNTING ON SUOitT.NOTlCE AT THIS OK KICK. GgMAIN STREET,) IH m& SIT M ME ft STYLES 'M'NOW AT Mm LOflBERE'S . THE MERCHANT TAIL.OR. GMNSWORD CONTEST!8 k.vrr.iiTAiMNO ami iNfritiv-m k iatihi'. i.aikiki.y im'iikabeu mjmukus op Owln to Iht grtU meeeii of our former Word CoutMt, whlli eiplrtl Mj lit, o4 tho miny reiueitl or perioni who nw ourofcr too lot to compete, wo ooaaludej loofTir ttm followluf mirfnlllofot prcivDt to tho tcriooa tuning ol tho largeit liitlof worji from tho kttrri comprlilns tho wordit " 1 ip p nnvic cnAD nMI V lot. Solid Gold H atch orl f HM MiiwnlllrentToHMrt indt-alTcr,.,. ! Srd. lltumond Kar-rlnro Tft 4th. l.adr'o lold Watch....... 6p f.lh. Urnt'o lllnmond, Sonrr 1'ln...... .... 6 nth. Klo:ntTIltlnilcVul'ret.slpt Cupaa TIB, lOllCl niKBO.irilD BiUB wu.H l 100 BOXESDAf.iV.L?M PREMIUM UF520 fot it uttttil lUt with fjwtit crrori, provided the Hit baititir tbt Dumber of orJi of tte btghei. noplltor. CONIHTIONS. , , Kint. All lliti muit r fullj prepaid nl toooiupmled twu cent tltmp for retnrn poiltie, t Utemenl thnt Ton rt ihIiii 1IAVH HO AT la your family, nnitj ini mUrtu of grocer from lioni tou buy li, number of word lo list, aul vour Dimi and tidrni, ll to b written oo on thevt r i)ir, t'rle from Hit. .... Avoond. Word nutl t rltten pUUI, rjumUreJ, ni I(.b-tlctl!r krr&nied. The blogmrlileal ntmee, ntmci or fiction. Scripture proper ntniee. modern ieojrtphlel nii.e. and ChrUtUn narnce, mutt t clanlHed leparKtclr. Third. Onlr word! found In Webster or Worcester lloil.mary almtlied i lhl will lucUd any word from tb flrt to (he Ut wltb the eoeplloo or pretUei aud lutnirt a nrparate wordi and pbavlvte word) J word! of auit ipetlluf , but different nwanlnt, to be ud but onoo. . .... Fourth, riurala of all words admitted eicrrt hlotraphlcal namri, namei of Helton. Bcrlpture proper namee, modern g eofrapblcal nauiee, and CLrlill.ti namft, hut iDitrl bti deuottnf e case or wtberwlM Jt mlmd. Fifth. Ko wordi eo anted unit. the tettert cnmprhlm them are contained In, UfK IAYH SOA1 OliLYi tba( li mi wgrd ba ng orer 3 A'l, 1 K, I i. 1 O , 1 1'. 3 S's. I I', I S, 1 I.. 3 Y'a. will Iw thrown out. Sfith. All Hit) muit bo lit br Dervruber 11. and the Premium! will tie awtrded Dee. lOta. He enth. Fremluma will be giver. In roitULm neeordln4 to the larieit lUtt of wordi. rifhlh. Miti matt not b tent In Ml, hut put In envelopei. Moth, Mill or -end llu taour .New York Utnoe, lte le Street, or our Philadelphia Orflce. tiM Iloward street. The II V V'H HO A I ha l-en Urcvlj oM br Wh.Wil and Itet ait Urwe n ihrotif hout the United Btatei for nee ycare. and whtreVer Ita meritt nrc ktmwii It rnjnti uiiiundcl inpularll7. Nlwthiandiu these facta we hare received u anv hundred lvttert from Krwin In rnr iri"er pn'et emr'linioc that their rroeer did cot keep DA aoap.and Inueur lnnce refuned flatlj linuppl? Hlf ut. tut r with It i onlr niudiuit In IhHr own llfbt, but dolaf rctt Inluttlee. It U to U hAm-d. and it U alo ot delri, that noniettantt will ute every effort to have their groeeri mtpiv thaiu. but In ea tti- will ih., we will, on n-rilptif f I CM, forward to any part f the United Stat., tait of M,.l1pt,t Hirer, rirei ri'l'Dld. lUrnifM, latludlmc tbrte orour IWmtifullj RiuUtd Picture Tardi, TK.1UYN rOAl I (lie puri.t a-i hel MDip iipul'L He lt uo vmi htveno itvlllnc. Pcaldinf.or Hard BubMnc. Itve"liv.r,flir),iilelthc. M'ewliif rMt t-Vk t lh.- H A V Ml Al doet nm doall we elalm for It If oted av thedj tf tlotiarvttieii ontbewrai inr, IWnutlfullv KmnoM! Chture Card of many .IttTt-rrnidetlgn given. U an u fact tired ly ii a v i? kkiVk. ith. vi. itjh, nw k miiifWAM i 1 1:3, itw. i.m. iiw t mi watulmm., rmn.,rl Juno ia-13 w exchange hotel. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00USBURO, PA, orrosiTB coukt nonsE. Innso una convenient wimple rooms. Hat li rooms hot unit cola water, aua all modem coiivenlencua yAINWKIOUT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Pim.AI)EM'lUA rKAS.SYltUrS.COrVJJE, bVUAll, MOI.ASSi.H Kicr, aricts, bioikb sooi.ii.-., o. N. E. Corner Bdcona ana Arcli streets, HTurdora will receive vicmpt attenlltt wanted for Tho Uvea of all tho Tresl deutaottho U. H. The larifest, hand. somest Best dook over oia ior ns man rwlni, nnr nrimi. Tho ra&test bclllnir book In America, linmcnao proilts to agenta. All lntelllcent peonlo want It Any one can becomo a successful agent, 'ttnns free, Hai.wtt Hook Co., l'ortlana; jiame. mm innst nonuiar resort on tho Busauohanna IUver Is the Wanwallopt-u Valley Hotel, apwal- lopen, wzcrno to , ra. J ti.ij linii&n linn inx-n tnnioinriilv renovated nnd ia tiftou nn with nvnrv iiriiivenlances tor Ira- vclera. tourbts. hunting and Hilling parties. 1th delightfully Blluated lutbu intdat of a iieauuiui bectlon of river und monntalq bccncry Iu clow proximity to llio famous Council Cup .. I c...AA(ai iniiMinnnlaAnt nrffruil tn nil WllO desire recreation combined with first class ac commodations. '1 no irnr suppuwi ouijr niiu iuu choicest wines and lltiuora, oxcellent stablo no commodatlous boats to hlroo. April S5-to mmmi Agents wanted for authen. llo edition of his llfu; writ, ten at his own home, with htscoooeratlonand assis tance, by tho renowned (loodrlch. Largest, cheap, est, handsomest, best. Elegantly Illustrated. Costa moru lier copy to manufacture than tho other lives that aro sold for twice lis price, outwits all others ten to one. one of our agents made a profit ot over 150 the first day. A harvest of gold will bo realUod by every worker. All new beginners suc ceed grandly. Terms free, and the most liberal ever offered. Save valuable tlmo by sending 85 cts. for postage, cut., on treo outfit, which Includes large prospectus book. Act quickly ; ft day at tho start Is worth a week at the flnluli. July 18-8W II. HALLKTT to., Portland, MO. l-'or the Celebrated Clilckcrlng, Ivors i& l'ond, and Vnsc&gon Pianos. World-fo nowncd Ksley ()rc.,ns."Vlnllns, Accordeons nnd Sheet Music. Celebrated While, New High Arm Davis, New' Home, Iloynl St. John, nnd Light Running Domestic fcewlng Machines. Needles, oil nnd nltncbmcnts for nil makes ot Sewing Machines. ItK SEEN" n'orlo 1T 1 IO in T T Hth. Krult Htond, Rich, Blue or AraUr Gloia Hlh. 'IHc-ii-Tt-to rk-t, rli. lltd or Aoioor lUth, Hell I'uoU-r, CLumllludloo 11th. Ice rilcbtr.S 1ts.,Choied DoubloWolUd lth. -uLeHlund. riik.ed oud Gold Mood 1 Bin. rrult Mund, lutcr. uryitoi uoi uioii. BL00MSBUR& PLANING MILL mo uuutrrsiui.-u ukviu put. uu i iuuiuk jnii on ltallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, la pre- mrml tn ltd All trlnHa nf urnrlr In hlu linn. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnunea nt reasonable prices. All lumber usia Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aro employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS turnlshea on application, l'lann ana specinea lions prep iroa uy an oxperiencea araugniBman CHARLES HRUO, IIIooiiiNburK, Pa The Soioncoof Life, Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and rhysloal Dobll. Ity. Premature Decline In Man. Errors of Youth, and tho untold Milsertes resulting from indiscre tion of oxcosses. A book for every man, young, tnlddlo-agcd and old. it contains 135 prescriptions for all acuta andchronla diseases, each ono Ot which llnvuluable. Ho found by tboAuthor, whose experience for ifl years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot pf any physician, aoo raguB, bound In beautiful French muslin, embosHOd covers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a fluor work In every bcnse mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for 12.50, or tho money will bo refunded In every Instance, Price only H.00 by mall post-paid. Illustrative samploscents. Send uow. Gold medal awardod the author by the National Medical Association, to the onicers of which he refers. The sclenco ot Life should bo read by the yourv for instruction, and by the nnilcted for relief. It will beneilt all Lo-mJor. lAiiuxt. Thero Is no member of society to whom The Sclenco of Llfo win not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman. .Ir. lonaut. Address tho Pcabody Medical Institute, or Dr W. II. Parker, No. 41iuttluch street, Boston, Mass.. who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronlo aud obstinate diseas es and that have battled tho 1 1 i.i 1 1 skill of another physicians a spe LxlUAxj clalty. such treated successful ihri VclM 17 ly wlthoutan lnstancoot XXJL X oJ'Jljl'fttll ure. Mention this paper? ' " Julysww d KNOW THYSELF.iMr1 H H Md Work en Manhood. RAICROAD SXXVSB TA33I.B. Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. in effect .May IStli. im. Tralna leave sun. bury. EASTWAHI), 9.40 0. m.. Sen Shoro Kxprcss (tlally exccDt SunUn)-), for llarrlsburg nnd Intermediate st at Ions, arming! jni i p. m. : rtow t ori:. UiU p. III. llaHlmoro. 5.10 n. m. ason. m.. connecting nt l'lifiadcliilila for nil i-po Wioro points. lurougu passenger coach to I'll llmlr ln na. a.(iop. to. Day oxprcss (dally), for llarrlsburg and Inlcrmcdlnto Btatlon9,nrrlvliig nt I'hllndelniiin 7.S5 p. m. j New York, law) p. m. ; llaltlinoro 7.20 p.m.! Washington, 8.15p.m. 1'arlor en turougii iu j-iiuuui;iiiuiu nuu iiasseuger concno through torhlladclplila nml llaltlmoru. 8,S0 p. m. WUUaiiisport Accommodation (dally for llarrlsburg and nil Intcnneillnto stations, nrrlv lng nt Philadelphia 3 (,5 a. m. ; New York 0,10 a. in, sleeping car accommodations can bo secured til llarrlsburg for Philadelphia ondNew York, on Hun. days a through sleeping car will bo run; on tills train from Wlltlamsp't to I'hll.idclphla.l'hlladelplila passengers call remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a.m. 2.30 a. m. Tirn Jiall (dally excent- Mondavi for llarrlsburg and Intermediate statloiiH, arriving nt Philadelphia 7.Mn.m. Now York, 11. a. in. ; llaltlmoro 7.40 n. in. ; Washington, s.r.o a.m. Through lmllmnn sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro ami Washing, ton, ami through passenger coaches to l'hlladel. phla and llaKhnorc. WESTWAltD. 6.15 a. in. Erlo Mall (dally cxcCDt Sunday), for Erluand all Intcrmedlalo stations with through l-ullman 1'nlaco car and through nassenL-ur coaches to Eric, nud through Pullman l'aluco cars to lluffalo via Emporium. On Sundays this irnin tuils iu xienuvo, wuu i-uuinaii i-aiacocar iu Vi iiuainspoix ana passenger coacucs to jicnoro. For Canandalgua nnd intcrmedlalo stations, Rochester. UurraTo and Niagara l'alls. (dally excent Sundays) with through l'uilman l'alaco car and passenger coacues to liocucstcr. 10.16 Mows Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven nnd lntcrmedlato stnllons. On Sun days this train runs only to WHUamsport. 1.10 p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Hun. day) tor Kane and Intermediate stations wiih through passenger coaches to Kane. For Canan dalgua and principal lntcrmedlato stations, itocucsicr. iiunaio ana Kiairarn t-aiis with through passenger coaches to liochcstcr andl'ar- lurcariu aiKius. 6.S5 p. m. Fast Lino (dally.cxcept 8unday)for llo novo and lntermedlnto stations, and Jtlmlra, Wat kln3 and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to licnovo and Watklns. THKOUQH THAINS FOUSUNUUltY FltOMTIIE EAST AN1) SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. ; llarrl&burg, B.10 a. m. dally, arriving nt Sunbury Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.S0 a. in. (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury. p. m., with thiough Parlor car from Philadelphia nnd through passenger coaches from l'hllailel. phla and llaltliuorc. l-'ast Lino leaves New York 8.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, a. m. j Washington, . to u. in. j Balti more, 10.50 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving a Sunbury, 6.:op. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia aud llalilmote. Erlo -Mall leaves New Yoik 8.00 p. in. ; Phlladel phla, ll.wip. m. Washington, io.(0 p. m. j Haiti more, p. in., (dally) nrrHlugnt Sunbury 6.1 a.m., with through l'uilman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd Haltlmoro nnd through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper fiom Washington luns dally except sun- HUMIL'KY, IIAZl.KTO.N & Wll.ItESHAItUK ItAILltOAU AMI MIRTH AMI XV IOTP IIUANt'II HAII.WAY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkcsbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.30 a. m., arriving ut Hloom i'crry 11.87 a. in., Wllkes-barru lits p. m. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. in., arriving at Hloom Kerry 0.30 p.m., Wllkcs-burro 8.00 p. in. Sunbury Mall lea ea Wllkcbbarro 10.3a a. m. arrlv lng at Hloom Ferry 13.01 p. m., Hunbury 1S.55 p. in. Express West leaves llkes-barro S.45 p. m., ar rlMng at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., Sunbury 5.10 p. CIIAS. li. TUGII, J. II. WOOD, Oen. Manager. Uen. l'assenger Agent. J)HILADELPHA and READING KOA1) ARRANGEMENT OF I'ABBENGfK TRAINS. SlaylO 1881 TB1IK9 LBAVB BUFXRT 18 y0LLOWB(S0NhAY XICSPT.D. For Now York.Phlladolphla.Uoaaihir.rotUHII Tamaqua, tc, 11,50 a. mi For Catawlssa, 11,60 a. m. 0.13 ana 10.88 p. m. For WUllamsport,o,8ij 11.45 a. m. ana 4,o p. iu For Lowlsburg ana Sunbury. 4.00 r. m. TRAINS FOB BUFKBT LK1VK AS 01XO8, (8DNUAT xcirriD.) LoavoNow York, via. Tamaqua ",00 a. ra. ana via. Hound Brook Houto 7,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,60 a. m. Leave Reading, 11,60 a. m., Pottaviiie, p. u. ana Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,30 11,15 a. m. ana ,oo p. m. Leave Wllllamsport,,46a.m,4.05p.m. anao.10 n. ui Ieave sunbury 4.1U p. m. " Lowlsburg 4.43 p. m. Passengers lo ana from Fhlla lelphla go throuh without change ol cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C.Q. HANCOCK, General Manager To(ienSr?!,f,US3.'!n'''(!r ona TIClit AKent- JQELAWARE, LAOICAAVANNA AND AVESTEHN 1U1L110AD. ULOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH, STATIONS. ....Bcranton..,, Iiellcvuo,.,, ...Taylorvlllo... ,. Lackawanna., Plttston ..West Plttston. ....Wyoming.... Maltby Bennett.,,,, ....Kingston..,. Klni-vtnn SOUTH. p.m. p.m. n.m. il 00 8 51 8 48 8 40 a.m. n.m, l.m 1 M 1 35 1 80 1 13 1 05 1 00 I) li5 1) 111' 6 60 v 40 5 65 1) 4S 8 80 0 14 0 01 0 60 n (Ml it r.7 ! 80 1) 00 2 38 8 83 8 87 H 60 8 63 0 17 10 01 8 40 0 83 10 00 it rt in 11 8 83 13 55 8 IT 12 51 8 12 12 48 8 OH 12 41 8 08 13 44 8 0:1 12 30 7 63 12 33 7 51 13 80 7 60 12 81) T 43 18 l'J 7 SO 13 08 7 18 11 511 7 11 11 60 7 0.1 11 41 0 53 11 S3 6 61 11 ai 0 60 11 30 8 43 11 83 8 SI) 11 17 30 11 13 3 85 II 08 U 08 10 53 0 110 10 47 5 65 10 43 5 40 10 SO P 111. 11.111. : 61 8 -18 8 43 fl 33 10 17 8 00 (I 33 10 SO 3 03 8 30 833 0 40 10 85 3 00 0 48 10 85 3 00 U 60 10 8U 3 11 0 65 10 at 3 15 8 35 8 30 H SS Plymouth Juno ....i-iyinouih.,.. K.Avondalu. , ....Nantlcoke... Ilunlock's deck ..Hlilckshlnny., ..Hick's Ferryi ..Beach Haven.. Berwick .... ..Briar Creek,. ..Willow drove., ...Llmoltidgo... Espy ...Bloonisburg ... 8 21 m 111 M-r 51 8 1 7 05 10 41 3 8 10 7 68 7 47, 7 13 10 48 3 33 7 81 10 tU 8 45 7 47 11 10 3 57 7 53 11 IU 4 03 8 (10 11 82 4 10 8 00 II 811 4 10 8 10 11 30 4 IV 8 14 11 42 4 S3 8 81 11 48 4 30 8 88 11 63 4 80 8 31 II 67 4 42 8 30 12 03 4 47 8 55 13 80 5 (6 11 iy i'j -m ft 1-j 7 41 7 31 7 87 7 7 19, T 1 7 OS 7 no; ti 51 0 31 0 83 6 as CatawPa Bridge . .-.UltVlllM,,,, ....Chulasky.,,, 0 03 12 32 b IU 0 10 Northumberland 0 80 12 60 5 30 a.m, a.m. 11.111. n.m W. I'. HALSTKAD, Sttpt. onico, Hcranlon, Feb, 1st, 1808- Superintendent's JAMES REILLV, Tonsorial Artist. mFri? "AnS181.11 ,stana UDll(!f EXCHANGE RiVlSb,?M5as.?a FIUST.CLASS mnnriiTiir ' wiiire una 01 me puouo generally, luivin .'so-tr PEBODY HOTEL.' PHILADELPHIA. oth st, south of Chestnut, one sntiaio south of MSilS&S1!!!? I ""e "air 8lu5Vo "rem WalnSt ho flood und W. Payne, HI. D., mmy Owner t: Proprietor. WanPfl n overy county 111 this JrXiT'H.V'T1 SU12 10 iaku tien tor Nursery litA'AJ"1,';'''''6. "foment at t.tlOll yAniH, Kxper enco in tho busi ness not required. Nursortes widely and favor, ably known. For terms address The 0. L. Van Duson Nursory Co., avnrx, x, y, Van Dusen Nursortes established 1839. Also stock at wholcsalo. AprlU-i3toow r