THE COLUMBIAN AJNTD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 1W1DAY, AUGUST 15, 1881. Correct Itiillroiul Time Tahiti, Tnilm on tho Piui.xlclphla A 11 It. loavo Itupcrt as follow t NORTH. SOWII. 6:30 a. m. 11:5.1 ru m. 4:0fl p. in. 6:13 p. in. o Tmltuon tho It. t k W. It. It, Icavo Illoomsburit uu follows I NOHTlf. BOOTH. 7:03 a.m. 8:23 a. in. 11:5.1 a. m. 0:3(1 p. in. 4:30 p. in. TUB 838 a. in. train connects at Northumberland with t ho :33 train on Pennsylvania road, reaching Philadelphia at 3:13 p. m. Tho 11:53 train connects with Philadelphia and Uoadlnjr road at ltupert reaching Philadel phia at 0:00 p. m. Tho 11:63 train connects with Pennsylvania road ut Northumberland at 1:50, reaching Philadelphia nt7:sp. in. Tho 4-M p, m. train connocts with IMnnsrlvanla road nt Northumberland at SM p. in., and reaches Philadelphia nt 3:u5 a. m. o Trains nn tho N. AW. 11. Hallway pa33 llloom Perry as follows I NOBTIt. 80UTU. 11:27 a. in. 13:01 p. m. B.3U p. Hi. 4:16 p. m. I'crHoimi. Hobcrt Cathcart Is seriously 111. J. II, Hurmau still continues In a condi tion that causes somu alarm to his friends. Mr. anil Sirs. Stephen Dresltcr of Still water wero In town on Tuesday. Mrs. H. 0. Neat and Miss Mary Clark nrc visiting In Townnda. Mrs. James Bruglcr, and two children, of Missouri nro visiting at J. J. Browcr's. Mrs. Peter Bruglcr was tho recipient of a handsome silver tea-set on tho return of her husband and daughter from tho west. Dr. J. K. Itoblns of Catawlssa, was In town on Tuesday, having been called here to vlst some patients. Clarence Keller and W. 13. Edgar, both typos of Scranton wero In town on Wed nesday visiting friends. V. P. DUlmcycr, Esq., has a larger fam ily, by two, than ho had o week ago. Doth girls. Col. A. D. Secley, Major Haulcy, A. O. Klmberly, Julius Holt, "W. T. Bnydcr, and sovcral others of Berwick came down to Bloomsburg on a llttlo steamer on tho ca nal to get tho election returns. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Elwcll started on a western trip on Wednesday. They will visit relatives in Wisconsin, and will bo ab sent about a month. J. C. Fltzpatrlck Is assisting in tho man agement of tho ExcknngcHotcl,duringMr. Tubbs' illness. The latter Is not improv ing much. Howard Masters, who resided .here some years ago, is visiting relatives in the coun ty. Col. J. 0. Frcczo is having a neat vcrar da built on tho northeast side of his dwell ing on Ccntro street. Tho Prohibitionists will hold their coun ty convention at Millvlllc, Saturday, Au gust 23, 1884. Miss Enola Qulc of Catawlssa has been chosen teacher of elocution In tho Normal School. Prof. Johnson, bettor known as Blind Charlie, will givo a concert in tho Mlllville school building on Friday evening, An. gust 22nd. Tho Friendship Firo Company will give a festival in Browcr's Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings, August 22nd and 23rd. The public aro cordially Invited to attend. Tho total receipts of tho festival given by the M. E. Church of Jerseytown on Sat urday, August 2nd, was 137. After pay. ing all expenses there was remaining $110. Festival. Thcro will be a picnic and festival held at Tine Grove, Saturday and Saturday evening, Aug. 15. Proceeds for the benefit of tho Sunday School. A gamo of baso ball was played on Wed. nesday afternoon at "the fair grounds be twecn tho Lcwlstown club and tho nlno of Bloomsburg, resulting in a scoro of 10 to 1 In favor of tho former. An clght-ycar-old son of Michael Tracy fell from a horse on Sunday evening, and In falling struck his head against a post, fracturing his skull. Ho Is at present ly ing in a critical condition. Peter M. Traugh, near Minneapolis, KniiBas, died August Gth. Ho was former, ly a resident of Berwick. His son Milton was District Attorney of this county sov cral years ngo. The corner stono of tho M. E. church nt Itupcrt will be laid on Wednesday, August 20th, at 4 o'clock p. m. Dra. D. S. Mon roo nnd W. W. Evans and Hcvs. M. L. Bmyscr, It, E. Wilson and G. W. Stevens aro expected to take part In tho ceremony. Thu Republicans will hold their delegato election on Saturday afternoon, and the convention on Monday. They will nomi nate a County Commissioner and an audi tor, both of whom will be elected, under tho law of minority representation. Thcro is a strong light for tho nomination for Commissioner between Joshua Fcttcrman and Ell Mendcnhall, and the chances aro said to bo In favor of tho latter. Slnco the domocratlc convention of Tucs. day tho republicans have been circulating that tho nominations will bo tho causo of great disaffection in tho democratic party, and that a great many democrats will voto tho republican ticket. Had tho other can didates been successful tho samo story would have been told. Tlicso aro only campaign stories and arc Intended to draw voters awny from tho party. Tho light for tho Prothonotaryshlp was ouo of tho most bitter ever waged in this county over a political olllco. Every In llucnco was brought to bear on each side, and tho Interest became so Intenso that all thu other candidates complained Unit no attention was paid to them, nil eyes being centered on Bnyder and Krickbaiim. All day Sunday It looked as though there would bo a lie vote, but on Monduy morn log this was changed by tho report that Krlckbaum had two delegates hi Sugar loaf. Later lu tho day Snyder's friends did tho smiling when it was found that ho had ouo delegato in Sugarloaf, and ouo iu Bouth Conyugham, giving him two major. Mr. P. E. Bomboy of Espy is a skillful and ingenious mechanic. Ho has taken out several patents. In horso-shoclng he cannot bo excelled, having mado a special study of tho structure of tho foot und its diseases. Ho has a hoof of a horso that was drowned iu tho river at that place, which ho has cleaned und polished, and shod, and will oxhlbit It at tho Berwick falrncxt month. It is tin excellent piece of work. Mr Bom boy says that nine-tenths of tho horses that aro spavlucd, aro mado bo by being shod with n short faced hammer. Tho foot Is bruised at tho top of tho hoof by strokes from tho bundle, and results lu spavin. Ho uses a loiig-Iucvd hummer of his own make, und claims that It is tho only proper tool to shoo a horse with. Those for whom he does work say it Is first class. Tho Catawlssa Baso Ball Association played with tho Danvlllo Club on the grounds of tho laltcr on Saturday Inst, which resulted In a scoro of 20 to 1 lu fu vorot Danvlllo. Only six Innings wero played. Tho Catawlssa nnd Dlooindbtiru Base Ball Associations nro nhnul p.tnulnir nr. rangemcnts for a scries of tlirco games. They aro now disputing over which ground snail iio used for playing tho two games. Tho Bloomsburg Baso Ball Association Will play this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock with tho "Keystones" of Wilkes- Barrc, and to-morrow (Saturdny) afternoon at 1 o'clock (sharp) with the Northumber land Club. Nathan Bomboy, an need citizen of this place, while vlsttlng his daughter lit Dan vlllo on Monday, was stricken with para lysis of tho heart and died In n few mln- utcs. For tho last fow v cars Mr. Bomboy has been carrying on tho butchcrnlg busi ness here. Ho was burled In lloscmont Cemetery Thursdny afternoon and was nbout 75 years of age. David Stroup died at his homo on Main street, Bloomsburg, Pa., on Friday, morn ing of last week, after an Illness of less than a week. Tho funeral was on Sunday afternoon. Sermon preached In tho Luth eran Church to a largo crowd of people. Ho was sevcnty-flvo yenrs and twenty days old, nnd had accumulated quite a fortuno during his life. His wlfo nlono survives him. Mr. Stroup was quite an invalid for a number of years past, but was not con fined to tho house. Elinlra, wife of Jas. K. Eycr, died on Sunday morning last nftcr an Illness of about two years. For many years sho was a confirmed Invalid. In early years sho united with thoM. E. church, and has lived n consistent christian lite. Her neo was about 04 years. Sue leaves her bus band one sou and two daughters. Tho funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Ilcv. Dr. Monroo conducting tho ceremon ies. l'aclllticM for RcncliluO tlie Ben nliorc. There never lias been a tlmu when the numberless resorts of tho Now Jersey coast weio so easy of nccess to tho people of tho adjacent States as tho present. From Now York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Mary, land, tho lines of tho Pennsylvania system connect closely at Philadelphia orelso whero with tho seashore roads, making It possible forresldcuts of tho sections named to reach tho Atlantic with, In most cases, a single change of cars. From Philadelphia, nine express trains leavo every week-day, two additional on Saturdny and four on Sunday, for Atlantic City j tlirco for Capo May on week-days, one on Sunday ; and seven on week-days, ono addlonhl on Sat urday and two on Sunday, for Long Branch, and the long list of resorts on tho upper coast. Thcso trains run at hours best suited to tho needs of tho travelers, and reach, direct or by connection, every point of interest from Capo May Point to Sandy Hook. An equal number of trains run from the coast to the Interior. Besides these, thcro arc dally excursion trains from Philadel phia to Atlantic City, Capo May, and con tiguous resorts, while Long Branch and Ocean Grove arc accessible by cheap ex curslons every day except Saturday and Sunday. To caso of transportation, cheap ness Is added, making tho traveling ex pense of n summer tour an Inconsiderable Item. Tho comprehensive system of ex curslon tickets afforded by tho Pennsylva nia Hallroad covers almost every point In the territory referred to herein, Such fa cilities places a trip to tho seaside within the reach of every class of persons. An RnrtUqunlcc Slioclc. Ou Sunday afternoon about half-past two, many pcoplo in different parts of tho town wero startled by a rumbling sound. Windows were shaken, door bells rung, and dishes on the tables rattled, while chandeliers trembled as though some heavy piece of furniture wero being movca overhead. Tho nolso continued for several seconds. That It was an earthquake shock cannot be doubted, ns tho samo disturb anco was observed in many places. It ex tended throughout this State. It was also felt in New York State, and extended up tho Now England coast as far ns Maine and west as far as Cleveland. Much ox cltcmcnt wa caused in tho cities. At Sea Bright, N. Y., tho depot was shifted to ono side, and at Hartford plaster was sha ken from tho ceilings. No serious damage was done. ANOTlIIil! SHOCK OK MONDAY. Tho following despatches seem to show that a second and lighter shock was felt In a part of the region shaken by Sunday's carthauakc : Fak Rockaway, Aug. 11. Anothor shock of earthquake was felt in the vil lages along tho south sldo of Long Island this afternoon. It was not so heavy as yesterday, but was siilllcicnt, together with tho rumbling which accompanied it, to crcuto au excitement. Tho Court House hero was shaken for several seconds. Tho glasses and crockery on tho hotel tables rattled, and some fell over, causing tho guests to start from their scats. Tho shock was felt here about 12:80 p. m. A few minutes later tho big hotel at Ilocka way Beach wus shaken, tho doors and windows rattling loud enough to bo heard at a considerable distance. Open doors In other buildings wero closed by tho shock. Keports from Hempstead, South Oyster Bay, Long Beach, Woodbury and other places relate similar occurrences. Hun Bask, Aug. 11. A largo number of persons in this vicinity assert that addition al slight shocks of carthquako havo been felt hero to-day. Bo fur as can bo ascer tained thcro was a rumbling sound heard about 9 o'clock this morning. Accounts differ ns to tho severity of the shock. Matawan, N. J., Aug, 11. Another slight shock of earthquake was felt hero to-day at a fow minutes past 1 o'clock. It lasted about five seconds. In several places tho chandeliers vibrated. Tho shock wus most notlccablo In wooden houses. Haverhill. Mass., Aug. 11. A shock of carthquako wr-s distinctly felt this morn, ing at Mt. Washington. Tho shock jingled chandelier pendants, opened blluds, and awakened pcoplo from slumber, It was uot noticed in tho ccntro of tho city, but was felt Iu Georgetown. IlAitTi'oitD, Aug. 11. llcports from Nor folk, in Latchfleld county, say that a sec oiid shock of an carthquako was noticed at sovcral places In that town at 11 o'clock ou Sunday night. It was much lighter than tho ono in tho afternoon. iMHInitclplila : Ucmllnir U. U, DIliEOT 80UTB TO WKST H1IAXCI1 DAMP MEET ING AT WAYNB. Train leaves Rupert 0.30 A. M., aud re turning leaves Wuyno at 8.00 P, M., dally Suiiduy Included, No transfer will bo re quired nt tho grounds. Rata from Rupert $2.87, Tickets good to return until Au gust 21th, 1831. 0. G, Hancock, lw Geul. Pass & Ticket Agt. A letter from Tlllln, Ohio, makes tho tot announcement i Died In Adams township lu l,uiia county Ohio, on July 7lh, 1881, Mrs, Elizabeth Ottlsbcrt, (eldest daughter of Samuel Whltcman), aged seventy-two years, 2 months, nnd twcnly-two days. Also on tho 27th of July, 1831, In Adams township In said county, Abraham Ittno aged 81 years 2 months nnd 28 days. Both of tho nbovo wero born In Columbia coun ty, Pa., and lived near whero Benton now Is. 8lxty.flvo yenrs ago they emigrated to Ohio. To tlic Ucmocrnllc VoterH or Cot- iitulilii County. Fm.i.ow Citizens t Permit mo to acknowledge the kindliest of my many friends In tho county, who In spite of mlsrcpicscntntlon, nnd systcmntlo methods of abuse, havo stood by mo In tho present campaign. It Is a source of grati fication to mo to know, that with all tho combination of my personal enemies, who havo not hesitated to uso means which have disgusted hundreds of democrats nnd republicans alike, I nevertheless received a popular majority of 175 votes. To thoso kind and loyal friends who have stood by mo through this contest, I doslro to extend my sincere and hearty ap preciation, nor will thoso grateful feelings bo obliterated through life. Respectfully yours, WlLLlAM KltlOKIIAtlM. NliiKiirn I'ntiH nnd WntlcliiH. The excursion to Niagara Falls and Wat- kins Glen on tho 19th Inst promises to bo a grand success. Tho rates offered aro ex tremely low, only $7.05 for railroad faro from Bloom Ferry. Tickets good for ten days and tho small sum of $10.25 tor all expenses of n tlirco days' trip, Including railroad fare, liotol bill nt Watklns nnd nd mission to tho Glen ; hotel bill nt Niagara Fulls, admission to all places of Interest and carrlngo hire, with tho privilege of re duced rates for parties desiring to remain at Watklns or Niagara Falls for a longer time. Tho accommodations for tho excur sion will bo nmplo and of first clnss order. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company's el cgant Eastlako coaches will lw furnished for tho excursion, to bo run through to Niagara Falls and return. Remember tho train leaves Bloom Ferry 0.05 n. m., Tues day, August 18th. For tickets und nil In formation apply to W. C. McKinncy, tick ct agent, Bloomsburg. Tile Tlilrcl Term. Euitoiis Colummah : Futo is written over tho third term. Let all politicians and ofllcc-scckcrs beware, and take warning from this oft-repeated rebuke. Whenever any official has served his tenure with credit to himself, nnd satis faction to the people whom they delighted to honor then let him willingly step to one sldo and leave the field for another, not moro worthy or deserving, perhaps, but according to party custom and rule, and good will to all concerned. No ono man has ever captured tho sovereign will of the people of any free nnd enlightened country, or any part o f it however small, and never will. Hence nil ambitious men can save themselves the humiliating ex perience of being finally rejected, and thrust to one side by tho people or party whom they aro led to regard as tho ser vants, nnd not the masters, of the sltua atlon. Let them uot bo mistaken of this ono fact, viz s a person, however influen tial, or however many friends, a llttlo im prudence now and then, and a llttlo over done exertion iu a cause not well taken nor approved by the masses, soon renders himself obnoxious, and sooner or later dis covers that patio nee with the people ecus eth to be a virtue. Y. oruiiBCYillc. Tho camp-tlro wo mentioned in last week's Issuo was a complcto success. Tho attendance on Saturday evening was very large, aud the Ice cream and bean soup was in great demand j and, by tho way, that samo bean soup was a very palatablo dish. If Uncle Sam provided as good a dish for our boys In blue during tbo war, they certainly had good things to cat I don't supposo that public feeling over ran so high at a delegate election as It did on Saturday last. Thcro was scarcely any work done In the township, and long be fore the time for organizing the meeting nearly every voter In tho township was on hand. Votes were challongcd without re gard to Individuals, aud all sorts of mcth. ods used to gain votes. Tho result of tbo voto shows that tho pcoplo of Columbia county do not iuteud to let money and whiskey rule tho elec Hons in the future. Some evil disposed persons aro circula ting a story that Mr. II. Huttcnstlnc In tends discontinuing tho butchering busi ness in our town, nnd that ho is drinking so hard it unfits him for work. Thcso Btorlcs aro untrue, as Mr. II. very rarely takes a drink of liquor, and has not tho least intention of giving up his profitable business. Harmau sells better meat than has over been sold In town. McIIonry's church Sunday school In tends holding a festival in tho grove Satur day afternoon nnd ovoning, August 23rd. Young folks, attend, nnd you will have a Jolly time. Wo have heard a report hero that four of tho lato candidates for nomination had pooled $10,000 to secure their nomination and had used tho monoy; nnd only ono of those named was nominated. What a vie tory it is for Snyder, Fritz and others who wont ou I heir merits, that they were sue ccssful in defeating such methods. ltKI'OUM. llcutoti. In thu Prothonotury fight on Saturday the friends of both aspirants presented bold fronts, and tho victory was undecisive and In doubt until tho smoke cleared nwny, when It was seen that Snyder gained tho day. Mr. Samuel ICaso was burled "on Tues day. Ho died on Saturday evening pre. vlous. Tho festival ut Hnmlln Church, for tho boneflt of tho P. 8. was a success, last Sat urday evening, a largo crowd was present. Tho Benton Band entertained tho occasion with excellent music, nnd thoycan play too, don't you forget It. Tho lee cream was delicious, tho young ladles wero gay, and tho young men happy. Of course beauty reigned all around. But somo things were seen that wero not at all in order. Oats harvest is getting along slowly. It Is a right fair crop. Doc. Tommy's largo nnd uew hardware and drugstore is a decided Improvement to tho town of Benton. Bruce Caroy and Ira Mcllonry aro In tho furnlturo business, and obliging business men they aro too. Como ye, that want furniture, give them a call. Rohr McIIcnry'a lumberyard keeps re plenished all tho tlnio, but where docs It como from. John J, keeps his lumber yard hid, and does uot advertise lumber for sale neither. but somo how or other tho people find It anyway. We bet Benton has moro pretty girls mini uuy lunu ui ua mm vuu cuiiui name. In If .1... I ,ll 41. .'...I. ' mui 19 11 mu uuya ivii mu irutu. Wclllvcrnvlllc. If Mr. llawkoyc of Ccntro wilt bo so kind ns to tell what part of Mount Pleasant' ho would like to hear from, no doubt thcro would bo somo ono lo respond. No Sunday School on Sundny on nccount of rain. Mr. ond Mrs. Graham of Wllllainspott, H visiting his brother Mr. Harry Graham and wlfo. Rev, Chllcoat experts to hold n Centen nial Tabcrnaclo meeting In tho grovo by Mr, Tliomns Mcllcnrlcs. Ho will pitch thu tent Thursday. Atigust 14th, and continue tho meeting over Sunday. Tho invitation Is given to nil to nttond tho services Sun dny morning and to bring their dinner nnd remain for tho afternoon and evening ex ercises. A good time Is expected. Our township Sunday School Conven tion will bo held the 80th of August In the MUlertown Church at Canby, wo would like to have it held In the church at this place, but wo should not be selfish for It was hero last year. Anon. Greenwood. The farmers say tho com crop Is going to bo an entire failure. Quito a number of the young people are talking of atteudtng tho camp meeting at Union next Sabbath all expect a nice time. Miss Rose Stadon of this place left last Monday a week for the purpose of teach ing school at Waller. Silas Albcrtson has been homo for a few weeks with the rheumatism but ho Is get ting better and will soon be ublo to work. A number of the people attended the G. A. R. at Orangcvllle on Saturday night. They report having a nice time. Rov. Grnham from Espy held a meeting In Wm. Robblns' grove during Saturday evening, Sunday and Sunday evening of last week. Ou nccount of his having a very bad headache ho was usslstcd by Rov. Masscngcr on Sunkay evening. Quito a largo crowd was present. Mr. Elijah Lemon who has been work ing iu Hazlcton for sovcral weeks has been homo n few days but expects to return again to his work. A plcnlo will be held at Pine Grove near the school house, on Saturday afternoon and n festival In the evening. Prepara tions nro being made with the expectation of n large crowd. Htuiidlnir Committee. The following persons were elected mem bcrs of the Democratic Stmding Commit' tec nt tho delegato election held last Sat urday i Beaver. J. Rittcnhousc. Berwick. Isaiah Bower, G. A. Carey. Benton. G. W. Hlrlcman. Bloom, E. David Lowcnberg. Bloom, W.-Gco. E. El well. Brlarcreek, M. L. Housknccht. Catawlssa. W. T. Creasy. Centralla. D. F. Curry. Centre. Samuel Hldloy. Conyngham, N. None elected. Conyngham, S. John Monroe, Fishlngcrcek. L. M. Crovcllng. Franklin. Daniel Lorcman. Greenwood. I. D. Patton. Hemlock. James Harris, Jackson. S. W. Mcllcnry. Locust. J. Snyder. Madison. Miles Smith. Main. J. W. Kelchner. Mlfilin. D. H. Montgomery. Montour. O. A. Stongc. Mt. Pleasant. Jacob Gilbert. Orange. C. W. Ammcrman. Pine. G. H. Gordncr. Roaringcreck. James Knlttle. Scott West. G. P. Rcighard. Scott East. D. Geisinger. Sugarloaf. W. B. Petcrman. The members of the committee met at tho Opera House nt the adjournment of tho convention, nnd elected David Lowcnberg chairman, and Geo. E. Elwcll secretary. The chairman requests each member of tho committee to report to him tho names and post ofilco nddrcss of thrco active persons In his district to serve ns a vigilance com mlttcc. JerHcytowii. Miss Jennie Sheep has returned from her visit at Tamaqua, nnd Miss Delia Wagner from a visit at Derry. Miss Alice Brockway of Bloomsburg, Is visiting nt Dr. Swisher's. Mr. A. S. Allen of Milton, has been visit ing his brother and many friends hero. Mrs. C. Kreamcr of this place, In com. pany 'with Mrs. William Kreamcr of Bloomsburg, nro visiting at Willinmsport. Messrs. Churlcs M. Smith, R. M. Butler, G. Runynn aud Samuel Farnsworth wero In town last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Stout, Mr. and Mrs, James Hartmau and Miss Mcrtle Drcls bach attended Mountain Grovo camp meeting. Among tho visitors noticed hero ou Sun. day wero Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Smith of Dcrrs, and Mr. Elmer McBrido of White Hall. Mr. Charles Fruit wears the nobby Cleveland and Hendricks badge. Capt. Joseph Wagner has been 1m- proving his residence by having erected a neat veranda. Did you go to the show ? It was im mense I Nothing wus wanting to have made It entirely successful nnd satisfactory but a white elephant. Last Sunday evening the pulpit of the Methodist church was occupied by Her Murr of Lowlsburg, Tho church was well filled i so much so that It was difficult for thoso who camo In late to secure scats. An able and eloquent sermon was preach, cd from St. John, v lit. Rev. Marr Is sur. passed by few In tho clearness of concep tion of tho Truths which ho presents, and In the happy, effective and eloquent man ncr of presenting those truths. A number of candidates were around last week putting forth tho last powerful efforts before the delegate election. Last Saturday was somewhat rainy, yet about ono o'clock In tho afternoon tbo good yeomanry might bo seen dlrectiug their course toward town to attend tho election. Now and then a wagon from n distant part of tho township would drive In, having on board eight or ten pleasant votc-as-you-pleuse looking men. As deep an intorcst was taken lu this delegate elec tion, and us much excitement prevailed during the entire day, perhaps, us have ever been manifested at such an election at this place. A Jtvcly, exciting and fear ful contest wus kept continually raging by tho friends und supporters of tho differ. cut cundldatcs. Tho fight was mainly for Prothonotury. Persons who had novor before taken much Interest In politics, wero out working zealously for their fa vorlte candidates. Many who electioneer cd in trying to sccuro tho desired end thought llttlo of the means employed. Ever and anon a llttlo rain fell. Truly that rain fell ullko on the unjust aud ou tho corrupt as well us on tho Incorrupt. Mr, Miles Smith was elected Stuudlng Committeeman, Messrs. O. Krcamor, acorgo Whltcnlght nnd William R. Do. mott wero tho delegates lor Madison. L. Y, Tho Harvest Homo Reunion of tho St. James Zlon, Orangcvllle, nnd Hldlay con grcgatlons will bo held In the grovo ut Orangcvllle on next Thursday, August 21. The object Is to celebrate tho harvest nnd tho fifteenth anniversary of tho present pastorate. An Interesting progrnmino has been prepared for tho occasion. Tho fol. lowing ministers .will bo present 1 Revs. Goodrich, Meckel, Kohlcr, Strunk, Dcch nnt, Land nnd Houtz. The services will commence nt 10 o'clock, n. 111. The open ing sermon will bo delivered by tho Rov. W. Goodrich. All nro cordially Invited to attend and participate In tho anticipated good time. It is strictly forbidden to tlo horses to any tree except largo plno trees. No confectionery stand will ho allowed on the grounds at that time. Tho dinner wilt bo In tho form of n basket picnic. Let oach ono deal fair. And prepare more than ids share That none who nro there Shall go away in despair. A. 11. Centrnlln. A terrible accident occurred nt Connor's Patch a few miles from here, on Friday last, In which five persons lost their lives. They wero returning from a funeral at Gl rardvlllo and when crossing tho railroad at Connor's breaker tho horses of the car riage they were lu hecamo unmanageable as n train of cars passed, and dashed for an open spuco between tho cars nnd a crlbblug near the road ; as tho opening was very narrow tho cars caught tho horses and carrlngo aud tore them with tho un fortunnte occupants, to pieces. Tho re mains of thrco of tho dead wore brought to Ashland on Sunday, and was tho largest funeral ever witnessed In this section. Six. teen oar loads of people accompanied tho remains from Lost Creek. John Golden, employed as bottom-man at Logan colliery, had his hand broken on Thursday by being struck with a bar. Joseph Paddcn, employed nt the same mine, had his legs badly squeezed by being caught between loaded mluo cars. Tho election of delegates on Saturday made qulto a stir Iu town, and created con- sidcrablc bad feclhiK among tiio younger clement of the party. There was more in terest manifested in their election than tbcro will be iu electing tho presidential candidates. There must bo a ''bonanza" In going to the convention, or wo would not have so manv candidates. The last victim of the small-pox has re covered, and the Board of Health removed flag from tho building last week. Tho people who wero not nllowcd to lenvo the house since the disease first mado Its appearance, were freed from their confine ment, for which thoy must have been very thankful, after having been locked up the the last four months. St. Ignatius' church Is undergoing re pairs. The walls aro being frescoed, and the wood work re-palntcd. Tho addition which had been partly built to tho paro- chlal residence somo time ngo, has been torn down ; tho brick used was of tho poorest kind, and had commenced to crumble away. Tbo work was done by nn Ashland party. The Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., have erect ed safety gates at tho crossing on Centre street, which aro very useful and at tho same time ornamental. Before the gates close a bell is sounded to warn pcoplo of tho approaching train. Mr. Kelly will take charge of the gates. Big Mine Run colliery was idle on Mon day, on nccount of not having enough coal to supply the breaker. Tho Houstcn electric light was Ut for the first time iu Ashland on Saturday night. Tho streets were bright as day, and were fairly packed with people. Any person who grumbles ubout bumping I1I9 toes iu Asiuanti now must be a regular "sore head." A picnic will be held by the citizens of Ashland to-day (Friday). The proceeds of which will be presented as a testimo nial of the peoples gratitude to the Sisters of Charity, who so cheerfully gave a help ing hand during the lato small-pox cpldcm- ic. A Cleveland and Hendricks club has started In Ashland, with over one hundred and fifty members. This is n splendid showing for Ashland, but wo can beat It if our young men will tako an Interest in It, and organize. Will somo ono make tho tart ? A cave-ln occurred at Urowusvllle on Monday, which took down nluiost an acre of ground. It is very near tho L. V. R. R. and fears wero entertulncd of its bringing the truck with It. Fortunately it has set- tied without damaging tho railroad. Lizzie crby, who has spent the past month In town, went lo Mauch Chunk on Tuesday. Miss Jeffreys of Manchester, Md., is the guest of Rev. G. M. Lamed. Ilerwlck. Mrs. Jas. Pierce and son left Wednesday for Wntsontown to visit her parents. Miss Lizzie Eaton is homo on a visit nnd will return to Montrose next week. Four gentleman on a canoe tour from New York city, passed through hero 011 their homo trip, having been out fivo weeks. Miss Lizzie Hanlcy nnd Maud Eaton left Monday for ?hlckshinny whero thoy will meet Miss Florence Search and start for Stackhouso pond to cunip out a few days, Jno. Hcrrlltt'u father died Sunday after noon nnd wns buried Mcdncsday. Aged 01. Miss Anna Furmun's Sunday School class had n picnic In Sponenburg's woods Wed- nesday afternoon. Tho P. O. S. of A. crossed bats with the Odd Fellows Tuesday, and met ugaln In deudly combat with tho S. of Y. yestcr. day. Nothing but ball now lu this place. rront street was ihe only place where tho earthquake shock was noticed, and was distinctly felt by a largo number. The commercials of Bloomsburg played the commercials of this place, und after uu Interesting game como out victorious by a score of 15 to 11. The return game will bo played to-day, There was lots of ciihip meeting dust leading from Berwick, which accounts for the slim streets. Largo numbers of pcoplo visit the fair grounds to see Fred Hurst practice. He runs against of for $1000 at Hazlcton on 23d Inst. Tho large fairground posters aro out and look very neat. Every body is anxiously waiting to see tho ruins caused by tho lato lire replaced by u new brick. A balnou ascension took place Saturday evening, but owing to tho heavy utmos pherc, only reached a few hundred feet und then camo down. Was rescued within fifty feet from whero It was scut up. Tho 1 , M. R, 0. docs not seem to make much headway with their business. More enthusiasm Is positively necessary. Thu Evangelical denomination is holding u ciijiip meeting lu Moycrs woods. Tho game Saturday between Espy and the club of this placu turned out to be very uninteresting and was carried by tho Ber wick boys by a scoro of 20 to 0, X Ilcinocrntlc County Convention. Pursuant to the call of the chairman of the county committee, tho convention nr scmblcd in the opera hotisa nn Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by Chairman Clark. On motion of Major 8. P. Hanlcy O. B. Jackson Esq , of Berwick, wni elected chairman of tho con vention. On taking tho chair Mr, Jack son mado a few remarks, which wero re ceived with applause. John U. Wcnucr of Benton nnd J, B. Knlttle of Catawlssa were elected secretaries nnd F. P. BUI. moycr rending clerk. After reading tho voles of tho several townships, nnd the list of delegates the convention adjourned at half past twelve o'clock. At half past one o'clock the convention reassembled. Tho opera house was pack ed from stage to gallery. Very fow con- vcntlons in tho history of this county have called together so largo n crowd, owing to the Interest created by the great struggle for the prothonotaryshlp. Tho list of del- gates wns called, nnd showed every town- ship with a full representation. Tho fol lowing were tho delegates 1 Beaver. Thomas Downs, Win. H. Rhodes, Daniel Slngley. Uehwick, E. S. P. Hanlcy, A. D. See- ley. Beiiwiok, W.-O. 11. Jackson, F. P. Hill. Benton. John 0. Wenncr, John R. Kcclcr, Jacob S. Knrns. Bloom, E. Peter Jones, John W. Fry, Patrick McFaddon, W. Kreamcr. B1.00M, W. J. G. Freeze, C. G. Barklcy. BiiiAiiciiEEk-. Levi Shaffer, Samuel 81t- ler. Catawissa. Pierce Klefer, Jacob Kline- aman, J, B. Knlttle. CentkIma. Patrick Currati, James Hof- fron. Ckntiik. Joseph Weiss, A. D. Brnder, Wm. Beck. Conynoiiam, N. John McCloskey, Rob ert Can field. Conynoiiam, S. --Patrick McDonald, Thomas Casey. I isiiiNanREKt. John Sutton, O. M. How. ell, William Long, E. Kuukcl. FitANRXiN. Jesse John, John Artloy. Greenwood. A. J. Dcrr, Hiram Dcmott. Hemlock, Hugh D. McBrlde, John Ktstler. Jackson. Moses Savage, J.Wilson Kitch en. Locust. Clinton Howcr, Chus. Beaver, David Hclwlg, Jeremiah Snyder. Madison. 0. Kreamcr, W. R. Demolt, Geo. Whiteuitrht. Main. Georgo Fisher, Chas. T. Shuman. Mifflin. Henry Hctlcr, Samuel Nuss, Stephen Gcnrhart. Montouu. Ed. Whoeler, B. K. Rhodes. Mr. Pleasant. Peter Jncoby, Joseph lkeler. Okanub. Thomus McIIenry, C. W. Am mcrman. Pise. Thomas Gordner, Joseph Swee ny. RoAiiiNaciiKEK. Peter Howcr, Uriah Fettcrman. Scott W. J. H. helm, J. B. Ammcr man. Fcott E. George Kelchner, Peter Jacoby. SnoAHLoiF. Clinton Cole, Aaron Fritz, The vote for congress was rend us fol lows : Mcgargell, 51$. Hanck, 18$. Dr. 0. A. Mtgargcll was declared tho nominee of the county. Dr. C. W. Ammcrman offered ihe follow. ing resolution : Resolved. That C. G. Barklcv. Joscnh Knlttle and Dr. John C. Fruit are herobv appointed conterccs to meet conferees iroru oilier counties or this congressional uisinci to nominate a canuidalo to lie sup. ported by the Democratic party for Con. gross. The instructed voto for Assembly was then read, with the following result : Fritz, 63. Tewksbury, 11 J Bryson, 34 Adams, 0 Lockard, 24 Knorr, 11. Mr. Fritz was declared ono of the nomi. noes, having rccolved more than one-third of tho convention vote. SECOND BALLOT. 1 he nomination of Fritz left 34 votes to bo cast by the several delegations. Tho re. suit was as follows : Beaver cast 3 for Bryson ; Benton two-thlrds for Bryson, one-third for Tewksbury: Bloom East 1 to Bryson and 1 to Lockard : Bloom West 1 to Bryson j Catawissa two-thirds to Tewks bury, one-thlrd to Bryson j Centre one- third to Tewksbury, two-thlrds to Bryson : Fishlngcrcek one-half to Bryson, one-halt to Tewksbury ; Frauklln 1 to Tewksbury ; Greenwood 1 to Lockard ; Hemlock 1 to Bryson ; Jackson 1 to Bryson j Locust 1 to Knorr ; Madison 2 for Bryson ; Main 1 to Tewksbury ; Mltllin one-thlrd to Bryson, two-thlrds to Lockard ; Montour 1 to Bry. son j Mt. Pleasant 1 to Bryson ; Orange 1 to ilrysou, 1 to Tewksbury ; Pine 1 to Tewksbury ; Roaringcreck 1 to Bryson ; acott West 2 to Bryson j Scott East 1 to Bryson ; Sugnrloaf 2 for Bryson, resulting us tollows : Bryson 43 1-3 Knorr 3 Tewksbury 11J Adums 2 Lockard 10 1-0 Sir. Bryson was declared nominated, ly 30 being necessary for a choice. rilOTHONOTAUY, ETC., The instructed vols for Prothonotnry was thcu announced as follows 1 Snyder 36. Krlckbaum 34 '1 ho chair announced tho result in favor of Snyder, and it was received with much applause, and culls for "Snyder," who showed his good sens by keeping his seat. So tho smoke of the battle cleared awny, leavlne the wounded on tho field of battle, while tho victors had tho magnanimity to say nothing of tho fallen foes. When thu result for Prothonotury wus announced, about one-thlrd of thosu present left the hall. liUaiSTEI! AND liECOItDEli. The instructed vote for register and ro- order was us follows : Sterner, 40 Ent, 41 Campbell. 23 Kycrly, 2 G. W. Sterner wus declared the nominee. TIEKASUKEU. Tho Instructed voto for treasurer wns us follows 1 Evans, 31 Croup, 12 Herring, 24 There being no nomination thu numo of A. B. Croop was dropped under tho rules. A second ballot was taken with the follow ing result 1 BKUOMI 1IAI.LUT. Tho twelve votes of Croop were cast by mo delegations ns follows 1 lierwicK east 1 to Kvans, Berwick west 1 to Evans, Benton, 1 to Evans, Brlarcreek 2 to Evans, Oentie, to Evans, to Her- ring, Fishlngercok, 3 to Evans, Jackson, 1 to j-.vnns, ureenwood, 1 to Eynns, Main, 1 to Evans, MllHIn, 1 to Evans, making tho voto stand Evoiib, 45, Herring, 24J The chair announced the result In favpr of P. A. Evans. UOUUIbmONKll. Thu first ballot for commissioner stood ns follows t Polio, 40 Edgur, 25 Parr, 27 Fisher, 11 Glrton, 21 Relchart, 0 Bhumau, 4 There was no nomination. Bhuman's name wus dropped. HROO.NII IIAI.LOT. Hliiiinaii'g four votes were castas follows : Catawlssa, 1 to Pntr, Centre, 1 to Fisher, S. Conynghaiii, 1 to Purr, Fishlngcrcek, 1 to Parr, Thu voto then stood ns follows 1 Pohe, 40 Edgar, 25 Parr, 30 Fisher, 12 Glrton, 24 Relchnrt, II No niimlnntlon. THIRD IIAI.LOT. Relchart having the lowest number of votes, his name was dropped, nnd his nine votes nnd Bhumati's four wero cast by tho delegations. Beaver gavo 1 to Parr and 1 to Pohe. llcnlnn, 1 to Parr, Bloom cast, I lo Purr, Brlarcreek, i to Fisher, Catawlssa, 1 to Parr, Centralla, 1 to Fishor, Conyng. hum South, 2 to Parr, Fishlngcrcek, 1 to Purr. Mnln, 1 to Fisher, Scott west, 2 lo Purr. Pohe, 41 Edgar, 25 Parr, 35 Fisher, 14 Glrton, 25 No nomination Edgar was dropped. FOURTH IIAI.LOT. There wero 27 loose votes cast as follows. Beaver, 2 to Parr, Benton, 1 to Purr, Bloom east, 1 to Parr, Brlarcreek, 2 to Parr, Cat awlssa, 1 to Parr, Centre, 1 to Parr und 1 to Glrton, Conyngham south, 2 to Parr Fishlngcrcek, 2 to Parr, Greenwood, 1 to Pohe, Main, 2 to Purr, Mlfilin, 1 to Parr, Mt. Pleasant, 1 to Parr, Orange, 1 to Parr, Pine, 3 to Parr, Scott W. 1 to Glrton, 1 lo Parr, Sugarloaf, 1 to Parr. Pohe, 41 Glrton, 20 Parr, 45 Edgar, 35 No nomination, Edgar was dropped. FIFTH 11 ALLOT. Beaver gave 1 to Parr and 1 to Pohe, Berwick East 3 to Purr, Berwick West 3 to Parr, Benton 2 to Parr and 3 to Pohe, Bloom cast 2 to Glrton, Brlarcreek 2 to Glrton nnd 1 to Parr, Catawlssa 1 to Parr, Ccntro 1 to Parr nnd 1 to Glrton, Conyng- hnm N. 1 to Pohe, Conyngham S. 2 to Parr, 1 to Pohe, Fishlngcrcek 2 to Pohe, 3 to Glrton and 2 to Parr, Greenwood 1 to Pohe, 1 to Glrton, Jackson 2 to Glrton, Locust 1 to Glrton, Madison 1 to Parr, Main 2 to Parr, 1 to Pohe, Mlfilin 1 to Parr, Mt. Pleasant 1 to Glrton, Orange 1 to Parr, 1 to Pohe, Pino 2 to Parr, Roaringcreck 1 to Pohe, Scott W. 1 to Parr, 1 to Glrton, Sa garloaf 1 to Glrton, J to Parr and 1 to Pohe making tho voto stand Poho 53 Oirton 33 Parr 4U Poho and Purr were declared the nomi nees. AUDITORS. C. G. Brklcy nominated for county au ditor, Jacob E. Welllver, of Greenwood, Col Freeze named E. M. Tewksbury, of Catawissa and J. B. Knlttlo named Ell Robblns of Fishlngcrcek. There was no nomination, aud Mr. Welllver's namo was withdrawn and II10 nomination of Tewks bury and Robblns was mado unanimous. On motion of Col. Freeze. Geo. E. Elwcll was re-elected a member of the State Com- mlttcc. J. B. Knlttlo offered the following resolution, which was adopted Iksolml, That Charles G. Barkley, John v. locum, a. : rruit, isoiau uower and Rohr Mcllcnry ho nnd the samo arc hereby constituted and appointed n commlttco to revise "Tho rules of nomination of tbo Democratic Party of Columbia County Pennsylvania" and that they report 10 tho chairman of the Standing Committee ou or uciorc me nrsi day or April A. u. 188.' and that the said chairman call n special convention on or beforo tho first Tuesday of Juno A. D. 1885 for the purpose of tak- ing sucu action upon the report of said committee as mny then bo deemed expedi. lent and proper. Col. Frcczo offered tho following resolu tion, which was adopted unanimously : JlcioUcd, That Rule 1st of Chapter 1st bo so amciiucci as 10 read as louows : 'Ihe unuuul county conventions be held in Bloomsburg nt tho Opera House, on tho idi 1 m;lflj ill UU1V, Ui. 11 U C1UCK A. Jll. and the Delegate elections shall bo held on tho Saturday before, at the places of hold- Inc tho ircncral elections in the several election districts, between the hours of three and seven o'clock In tho afternoon, The convention thcu adjourned. LOCAL NOTICES. See tho latest thing lu tho way of a shop ping uag, at 1110 .Novelty Htorc, cheap. "The apparel oft proclnim's the man A well dressed gentleman is the admira tion of all, nnd the place to get your Bl'tliJNU BUIT is at the POPULAR AND RELIABLE STORE cf David Lowenberg, Appleton A muslin 7 cents the bolt, at Lutz & Sloan's, a yard by Towel crash at the Novelty Store at 4, 0, 0, ami iuc. per yarn, uuu and sec 11. 0900 1-0 spring chioTcnsi 8888 1-8 old hens, 7777 1-7 pigeons, C000 1-0 ducks, 5555 1-5 geese, 44441 good calves, 33331 large shoals, 2222 lbs. pitted cherries, 1111 lbs. dried raspberries. All the above wanted nt Light Street, by July 25-3m SILAS YOUNG. A new lot of dark calicoes for dresses and comforts, 5 cents a yard, nt Lutz & Sloan's. A neat present given away with every purchase mado at tho Popular Clothing oiuiu ui uuvia jjuweuuerg. Ladles gauze, summer merino aud cash. mere under vests cheap at tho Novelty "When found make a note or." The place to go for your spring clothing, a stylish hat. or a lino neck scarf, or tlm latest style in furnishing goods is at David jjowenuerg s. j.ui. o oioan win not ue undersold ou muck silks nnd cashmeres. Sou their goous and gel llielr prices. A vcrv lariro unu 01 straw lint m nniv nn Tiow, iNUlim . HEAT und NEW. Inst nr. -I.....1 ... T....I.I I - t . ' nvtii ui isuviu i.uwenueru s. 20 per cent, of a dronlnmens wnrklim ul.l.t,. n, ,1.,. XT 1... C.. . Dun id ui, mu .nut i'iiy oiuru. ucniicmcn who want a spring suit put up in uil l bi'il.12 should call nt tho POPULAR MERCHANT TAILOR of iiioomsuurg, uavld Lowcnbcre, who em. ploys only EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. A new lot of Jewelry fc Sloan's. this week nt Lutz I.UMIIER ! I.ll.MBKltll FOU SALE CHEAP Hemlock hoards, nlunk 2 hv 4 Hnl,.,. bill stuff, 10, 12, 14, 10, 18 und 20 feet long worked umber, llonrlmr. ficinmn n,i 1 siding, surfuco boards nnd siding, snwed Hhingles No 1, 2 mid 3, chestnut, hemlock nnd nine, shin irlo and cclllnir Inili I have made arrangements with n couplo ui niuuiu biiiy inula 11 mero is nuy tiling .....v x u ui i;ut 1 urn gei h ui snort no. iicu 111 j.igiu Direct uy July 25.3 m SILAS YOUNG. Now goods ut J. B. Skeei's. BUSINESS NOTICES. HHILOIl'd CURE WILL Immedlulely relievo croup, whooping i-uuii unu iiiuuuillllH, Bros. Sold by Moycr M CARliVINQ COALS TO NEWCASTLE, There Is considered follv. but It is n H. touudlug fact that bpeer's Wines raised at Passaic, N. J.. have acquired such a rcpu. inuwii iui pinny unu excellence uuroail, that thoy are shipped by steamers that leavo New York for Eurono. It Is Ing nn enviable reputation at homo uud is men o by the lending pbyslclaus of America, ulo by druggists, For sa! la Well Diessed People don't wiur din. gy or iiuitd tuinga when tho iuc. and guar, untecd Diamond Dye will make them good us new. They uro neifect. Get at ilrin. gists uud bo economical. Wells, Richardsou it Co., Burllugton, Vt. OATAllRII UllllKII, health and sweet breath secured by Sili con U. lob's Ualnrrh Remedy. Prlco 50 cent, Nasal Injector free. For sale by Moyer Bros. "itoimh on Rats' clears ,out Rats, Mice 15c. "Rough on Corns," for corns, bullions, 15n. Thin iiconle. "Wells Health Rcnewcr" lestorcs health nnd vigor, cures dyspepsia, L.VC. f 1 , "RoukIi on Toothache.'' Instant relief. 15c- Ladles who would retain freshness and vivacity don't full to try "Wells' Health itcnewcr." "Buchu pallia," grcatkldney nnd urinary cure. Flics, roaches, ants, hcd-biies. rats. mice. cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. "Rouch on Coiieln "troches. 15c I llmilil. 25c. For children, slow In development. Iilinv nnd delicate, use "Wells' Health Rcnewcr.'1 "Rouch on Dentin!." tinith nowdcr. Try I It. 15e. Nervous weakness, clvsncnslii. BCXtiai debility cured by " WclU' Health Rcnewcr.' $1. "Mother Swan's Worm Svrun. for fever- Ishncss, worms, constipation 1 tasteless. 5c. Stinging, Irritation, all Kidney and Uri nary complaints cured by "BuchiLpalba." $1. Vlnl.f n,..n-l. l.tll. ...-I.!.. IJ(UI O LOW) IUVU1, CIIHIP, Itlltlllll.l, pepsla, cured by "Wells' Health Rcnow cr." 'Mv husband f writes 11 lady) Is thrco "Weils' Health times tho man slnco using Renowcr." If you are falling, broken, worn out and nervous, uso "Wells' Health ltcower." $1. Prevalence of RidncvcomnlatntiitAmor- len j "Buchu-palba" is a quick, coinploU cure. $1. June 10-ly cow WILL YOU BUFFKIt with Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complaint ? Shlloh'8 Vltallzcr Is guaranteed to curs you. For sale by Moycr Bros. Scranton, March 10. 1882. Thirty-five years ago I was seized with Acute Rheumatism. Slnco that tlmo I have never been free from It until I gave Phclphs' hheumatic Elixir a thorough trial. It cured me. and I freely endorse Itns a positive cure for chronic rheumatism. SAI1AII .AlCUARTnY, Matron to Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara of St. Vincent's Cathedral, Scranton, Pa., for the past twelve yenrs. For sale at Hcndershott's Pharmacy Bloomsburg Pu. Sec a woman in another column, near Spccr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Spccr's Port Grapo Wlno Is made, that la so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly persons and the aged. ouui uy j. i. ivieim, uiuumsuurg. sept UU-iy Lanesboko, Susq. Co., Pa., Oct. 1 1883. iur. I'ucips uear sir : 1 nave been try- Ing your Rheumatic Elixir and find It tho very best thine I ever came across. Prof. J. N. Gardner, of your city, recommended 11 10 me. E. Z. MARSH. Fur sale at Hcndershott's Pharmacr Bloomsburg Pa. HONESTY THE I1EST POLIOT. In advcrtislnc n medicine It is best to bo honest : deception will never do : tho pco plo won't stand it. Let tho truth be known that Burdock Blood Bitters cure scrofula, und all eruptions of the skin. This medl cine Is sold everywhere by druggists. DESE11VKD rorULAlUTY. The Phelps Rheumatic Elixir which has accomplished t,o many excellent results I ", o lujiuujr guiuiu Its well deserved popularity in other parts of the country. Sufferers from rheumatism soon find out whether medicine labeled a "remedy" or "cure" is or is not what it purports to be, and they are rapidly marshaling under the banner of "Phelps." As far as we and our readers are concerned we need only say that wo unconditionally adhere to all wo have testified lu favor of tho Elixir. E. II. HAUCH, Editor Carbon County Democrat, Mauch Chunk, Pa. For sale at Heudershott's Pharmacy. Bloomsburg Pa. tjlllLOIl'a VITALIZElt Is whut you need for Constipation, loss of Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dvsnensla. Price 10 mill 75 cents ncr hot. tie. For sale by Moyer Bros. WHEN DOCTORS DISAGREE it will be tlmo enough to doubt the reliabil ity of Kldney-Wort. Doctors all agree that it Is a most valuable medicine in nil disorders of the liver, kidneys and bowels, and frequently prescribe it. Dr. P. C. Bal lon of Monkton says 1 "The past year I havo used it more thau ever, und with the best results. It is the most successful remedy I have ever used." Such a recom mendation speaks for itself. Sold by all druggists. See ndvt. A WORD OF UAUTION. Railroad men. mechanics, commercial travelers, base ballists. farmers, and others who laborout of doors, aro peculinrly liable to accident and injury. Thomas' Eclcctrlo Oil for bruises, burns, bites and sprains, is one of the finest applications yet devised. can't bay enough. "I cannot sneak too hltrhlv of Burdock Blood Bitters : they have been a cr ent blessing to me. Cured mo of biliousness and dyspepsia from which I had suffered lor ycais," fllr. J, Marsli, Bank of Toron to, Ont. MARKET JIEPORTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel $ 1)0 Rye " " 70 Corn " " 05 Oats " " 40 Flour her barrel 0 00 Cloversced 8 0 Butter 20 Eecs 15 Tallow 0(1 Potatoes now 50 Dried Apples 00 Hums , 14 Sides and shoulders 10 Chickens 13 Turkeys 12 wird per pound 13 uoy per ton 11 1X1 Beeswax. , 25 Buckwheat flour per hundred B 00 Hides per lb 5 to 7 Veal skins per lb 08 Sheep pelts, each 75 wool per lb 80 Philadelphia Markets. COUllKCTEl) WEKICLY. VMUP Western winter brtui, spot, Q16.37V. MACKEltKU Extra mess SSo. large iua aoe. extra hliorei's 25 oiic. I'UlUlt. Wcbtcrn extra's aw 3.M', lvnn'a. family, 4.85 4.M Ohio clear. 4.75 i &.: wint,.; patent &.W6.5. ' i-i'uiiayiYuma roa, now. IM COUN, Mixed lots, 61 5 Mt. OATH. No. 8 white G4 41 No. . 41. HAY AND HT1CAW 'lllnotlivChnl.-u llwi,...,. and Now York, f HL fair In l-ivhI uxinn, ?iu,lf.X?,rlt!. .- , w"um Western and New oiK 10. hi IS. ; Cut hay as to quality 10. (4 moo. straw 11 ia 111, . ui w vino, iTiiusj ivama ana wen Virginia. Kleece WaBhcdV XX anil above, sj a sin , Vil S 8-io 1 common w a ttia. Texas, spring cUp Ouo soS 2S, medium so 14 S4 coarbc, 10 c 17. w .?ui"jTl'l'nu8y,vaul11 wtra,9 wcttern cxuUa1Mli.rCnn9,rlTanla?Xtra'S1 Wcbtcrn ,.HVE..1'ol;LTUV;rroiv,s' l7iuUed lots 15, (s 16 roosters old M 100 j bprluc chickens as to tlto ami nuallty 15(418. muaap PoUUiiv.-nitckens extra 17 a Hrt'w 8 chickens as to weight uiiatiuullly 10TATOES,-Por bushel T5 y ui j per barrel 1.-6 Cu0HS?ISJa"ia'ld m bUm'1 SM a "l .!&2!lTrrtrleb4o,2,J? 8 ,W i -.3 m m TA t ft :tfi i 1 m j-miwiu- ) , . , m .1 . )m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers