THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. 0. B. Elwall, 1 riiw., J.K.Bltt9nbtnatr.t S Eait8"' FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1834." DEMOCRATIC- NATIONAL TICKET. von i'iirsidknt, STEPHEN QROVER CLEVELAND, 01" NKW YOItK. FOIt VICK l'KKSlDKNT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. i:i.KCTona-AT-!.Aii(iK, UtOIIAltD VaU.V, . 1$. J. McGltANN, II. 11. Pl.U.MKtl. KIX.OTOIW, IMst. I. John Slcvln. s. J. 1 3. Senscndcrfcr. 8. .lohn W. Ux. 4. II. J. Iloran. is. Ii. I. Wright, ft. J. II. Ilrtoton. 7. Wm. stabler. . c. K. Krutschlcr. H. II. JI. North. 10. II. (). Miles. II. A. (. llroadhead. 18. r. V. Hockafellow. 13. luchnrd ItAhn. 14. ucorgo II. lnvln. Plat. ix oeorgc s. rurdy. in. i'. ic ACKiey. 17. .lolin 1'. Uvnn. IB. ram 1). Parker. 19. It W. Mumraa. sa A. II. DHL si. F, v. James. Si. J. K. I". Duff, zi. John swan. 81. A. a Wlntcrnltz. as. John II. Hill. an. Vfm. A. Forquor. sr. A. J. urocnilold. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TIOKET. CONOItF.SSM AN-AT-I.AKO F-, W. W. II. DAVIS. FOR CONGRESS. Dll. O. A. MEGAHGKLL, OF OUANOF.VII.I.K. FOIl KEPHESENTATIVE. A. L. FRITZ, of ni.oo.Msnunr.. .WILLIAM BRYSON, OF CENTUM.IA. ron ritoTiiNOTAnv. .W. II. SNYDER, OFORAKOE. TOR KKOISTBK k RECORDER. G. W. STERNER, OF Bt.OOMSUL'ItU. . FOR COUNTY TREASURER. P. A. EVANS, OF jfONTOUR township. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. WASHINGTON PARR, OF Fit AX KLIN. STEPHEN POIIE OF CENTRE TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, ELI ROBBINS, OF FIS1IINCCREEK. K M. TEWKSBURY, OF CATAWISBA. Ex-Govornor Cartain was nominated by tho democrats of Centre County for Congress, on Tuesday. The New York Times on Tuesday published a lengthy articlo giving an account of cannibalism that had been practiced bv tho Greely expedition. ?.V il",clr 1S. ?ay aeD,10U 0"ue niiuei huh tiireateneu. j.iiu uiuuvr will bo thoroughly investigated. The day for holding tho btato Uon- vention of the .National (ireonbaok- Labor party in Now York has been uuunguu iiom iiugusi, a i m vuKiisl ou, tho day when Butler will make his speech in New York city. This is done to help swell tho crowd for But ler, their candidato for the presidency. Billy McGlory, a wealthy saloon keeper of Now York City, who was re cently imprisoned for violating tho li cense laws of tho city, wag releaeed from tho penitentiary on Tuesday. It is said that McGlory will opon a saloon, that will bo furnished in excel lent stylo and that ho will try to make it a nrst class piaco it bo can get a li cense. Albert Wodkc, a Prussian, on Sun day last throw himself from tho Third Sister Island into Niagara River and went over the falls. Ho gavo his watch and a little money to two men from New York who were on the Island, and then ran toward the cataract. The men called to him and asked him to return but ho shouted back something which they could not hear and then plunged into tho wa'tcr. He drifted rapidly toward tho falls seen near tho horso shoe, ble his death was duo to and was last It is possi- a fool-hardy attempt to swim the rapids. Tho body has not yet been found. Considerable timo and money was le gitimately spent by candidates in their efforts to secure tho nominations lor tho respective county oflices. It has too frequently beon tho case, in years when a stato or national election, that candidates have rested on their oars after securinc the prizo sought by thorn, This fall a President is to bo voted for, and a largo voto is looked for from this county. Tho party will expect its candidates to put their shoulders to the whool and help to rool up a big major ity for Cloveland and Hendricks. Vo do not anticipate that any .candidate will fail to do Ins whole duty this tall We aro apcakiutr only of what has hap pened in tho paat in some cases. There havo been a few notablo exceptions. Tho delegate election is over, and there are sixteen men in tho comity who aro disappointed. This follows as a necessity where thero are only eight olhees to be tilled, and twenty-lour can didatcs who want to fill them. There will be soreness, and charges of cor ruption, and claims of false promises, and a general feeling on tho part of thoso who aro defeated, that tho party is going to demiiitlou bow-wows, but all this will wear off in timo, or at least ou. uli t to. JMou who oltcr them selves to their follow uitizons as candi dates for oilioc, tako their chances of election, and it is understood that all who nnnounco themselves aro pledged to support tho nominees, whoever thoy may be. Some must bo disappointed nud tho only sensible way to look at tho matter is coolly and quietly, Ho who attempts to wreak vengeanco on tho party whoso support ho asked but i.iiieu to receive, win nuu mat uu is kicking against tho pricks. All person- al feeling should now bo dropped, and there should bo nothing but solid and earnest work for tlio democratic ticket in November. Tho NatnrAllutlon Inw. OCTOI5ER Ith willbo llm LAST DAY to lio naturalized in time for election this year. Bear in mind llmt live yearn' ivr! licnco in tills eountty is in all ca-ies ro (jnlicd of forolirn born citizens lo bo naturalized. Ono year's residence in tlio Hlnto of Pennsylvania innnedialely preceding tho application is required. (Tho one year's res'nlenco in the United States.) Declanition of Intention may lie mado any tiino after arrival in this country j bin nt least two years must have elapsed between tho tiino of dec laration, and the application for final papers. It mud bo bornu in mind that nat uralization alone is not stifllolunt to ua1ify ono to vote ; although one can be naturalized ip to within ono month of tho election, yet ho must be register ed at lent two months before tho elec tion, and have paid a Stale or county tax at least ono month before the elec tion. RcBistration is an nbsolute pre requisite to tho payment of tax, with out which no ono can vote. To those about to bo naturalized : (1.) Be suto you aro registered not Inter than September 4. (2.) Bo suro you have paid a Stato or county tax not la ter than October. (3.) Bo Biire to procure, your naturalization papers not later than October 1. There Is nolhiti" to prevent one, who has complied with tho law as to residcnce,from being naturalized at any timo of tho year, but to qualify ono to vote on November 1, it is abio lutely necessary that ho bo naturalized not later than October 1th. Minor Pafers. When tho applicaut resided in tho country at least three years next preceding bis arrival at tr.o ago of twenty-one ho is entitled to nat uralization without a previous declara tion of intentions : Provided, ho has resided in tho United States five years, and in tlio Stato of Pennsylvania ono year immediately preceding his appli cation. Votino on Father's Pafers. Tlio children ot persons who havo been duly naturalized, under any law of tho United States being under tho age of twenty-one years at tho timo of tho naturalization of their parents, shall if dwelling in tho United States bo considered as citizens thereof. They citizens by virtao of tho Btatuto of tho United states and aio not required to iaxc any procecuings to entitle mom to the rights of citizenship. Vouchers. On applying for final papers ono voucher, who must bo a cit ltizcn of tho United States, is required. Nono is required on declaration of in tention. Grave Campaign Blunders. Grover Cleveland has quietly taken to the woods of tho Adirondacks, and tho whole campaign of his enemies lias been disconcerted. Ho slipped down to seo Tilden just when a flood of ma- i . : i ..I i , , i iicious personal scanum uuu bixuuk mm, and tho vcnorablo sago of Groystono whispered in his ear, go and sit down in the cool shades for a fortnight; your enemies will elect you, and Ulcvelcnd dropped his letter of acceptance, gavo the campaign liar the field to himself and took to tho woods, wnero no is se renely resting until his ill-advised one . . . . mics shall have loueut his baltlo lor him. And tho whole opposition cam nairni has been thrown into confusion rTffiwS i... -ii..i...i'.. ..:. i :., candidacy, and promised his letter of acceptance and plattorm to toilow Cleveland's letter ; but tho Massachu setts revolutionist has becorao more cross-eyed than ever looking in vain for that Cleveland letter ho expected to havo answered some days ago. With n. ,,. ,.mion,i : ,t, w)0(1 and he fiomhcam overloaded with n. cnnnrinl thnf. has rrrtniled tear. funv npon them, and Butler bottled np : 1,1 nBw letter of accentanco that he oant uncork until Cleveland speaks, tho ijjaino and liutler opposition allies Una themselves complicated on all sides with prodigious campaign blunders, No graver campaign blunder could havo been conceived than tho social scandal against Cleveland made publio through an obscure paper in liuuaio, and spread by cowardly innuendo through most of tho party leaders. Honorable exception must be noted of tho leading Republican journals of Buffalo, both of which have refused to soil their columns with tho approval of a calumny that is certain to reaot over whelmingly in favor ot Urover Uleve land in the community where ho is best known. Tho only responsible namo that tho malignat defaraers of Cleveland had to excuse tho use of the tho scandal, has hastened to wash his hands of it and acquit himself of tho crime. Mr. William Purcell, a person al and political foo of Governor Clove land, who retired trom the editorial direction of the Rochester Union and Adoertizer becauso ho could not sup port tho Ueruooratio nominee, was heralded as tho highest Democratic au thority for tho truthfulness of the scan dal : but Mr. Purcell, while not disa vowiug his opposition to Cleveland, si lences tho campaign liars by tho pnbli cation of tho following card in his old paper ot yesterday s date "1 wo days after tho appearance in tho BuffUo Earning Telegraph of the articlo headed "A Tcrriblo Tale," in conversation with a representative of tho Now York Sun I remarked that upon the then oxisting stato of facts Governor Cleveland must bo consider cd n moral leper. The conclusion, with out tho premise, was printed nud has since been extensively copied. 1 now desire to say that information has come to me from a source in which I piaco implicit confidence materially changing tho Btato of facts upon which tho re mark was made, lleiico in justico to Governor Cleveland, to myself and to all others whom it may concern, withdraw tho characterization and ro quest that hereafter it bo not attributed tome. Wii.uam l'URCEi.i, Rochester, August 9, 1884. Campaign scandals aro always reac tionary in their elTcct. It was so when ucneral Jackson was assailed as a se ducer and an adulterer ; it was so when Governor Porter was heralded as a lib ertine in tho Peg Beatty crusade, and it will bo so in tho Presidential elec tion of 1881 and for all tho yearn to como which belongs to free govern ment. Tho only ossiblo escape tho fool Blaine leaders have from tho Cloveland scandal would be in the threatened retaliatory scandals against Blaino ; but if Democratic leaders with dm now clearly visible rotractionarv ve suits of tho campaign liars in assailing Cloveland, shall turn tho campaign liars looso on Blaine, thoy will well do- gervo to bo defeated and thoy will prot- ty surely get tholr deaprts. Of all cam- patgn blunders, tho blundor of the cam- i paigu Hcanuai-mongor is tuo most latai to thoso who employ It. Another campaign blunder is now developing into cravo proportions and returns to vex tho fool Blaino leaders. I It is the idlotio prominence given to a Table of Votes nt Tfongrn"f DlHTHtOTS. leaver Ilerwtck K ,., liorwlek W Ilenton Iitoom 1! .'I... Illoom W , llrlarcreek ,.. nlawlssn lontralln Ccntro ConynghamN.... Oonyngham H.... Fl9lilngcreeK Franklin Orocnwood HemlooK lacKson.... Iicust Madison Main Minim Montour MU Pleasant...... orango , j-ino.... lioarloircreck Scott V..... Scott K Total . few gencrnlly characterless Irish lead ers, and tho nltemptcd hurrah of tho whole frisli-Aniencan voto to Ulame. It has reacted simply bccatisu it could cot do otherwise, and tho wonder is that party loaders credited with politi cal sagacity, should have fallen into such a blunder. It has reacted for many reasons, nil of whluh should have been foreseen by leaders of ordinary intelligence. It has reacted becauso it as called out Mr. Blaino s offensive Know-Knothing record in his own State, where every Irishman was ex cluded from oven a military commis sion, and a military company of moro than ono-lhird Irishmen could not bo organized in Maine. It has reacted becauso the pretended Irish leaders who proposed to deliver tho whoio Irish-American voto to Blaine, aro rec ognized, a? a rule, ns mere corrupt par ty traders in Ireland's woes, and thoy havo disgusted tho overwhelming mass of honest Irish voters. It, has reacted becauso tho disreputable and ostenta tions trading with disreputable Irish eaders has aroused the latent hostility to Irish domination in American politics that Mr. Blaino planted and watered years ago, and now there is danger of tho loss of tho whole honest Irish voto and of tho loss of lens of thousands of honest American votes becauso of tho subordination of a great national cam paign to a few blatant Irish political dynamiters, who own aud represent nothing, but who propose to sell and deliver everything. buch aro the campaign blunders which now cmbarass the Blaino lead ers, and thoy threaten tho gravcat re fractionary result?. Tho fool Demo crats would likely havo been no wiser than tho fool Republicans, but tho Democrats wcro a month behind in tho start, aud thoy seo their enemies floun dering in tho miro thoy cast up to do filo tho Democrats, and thoy may thereby escape and win tho battlo by Republican campaign blunders. Cleve land is eafe and sereno in tho woods, and Blaino would bo ten-fold more safe to-day had Elkins, Reid, Phelps, Smith and other fool advisers been banished to tho woods a month ago. Times, ITEMS. Tho Rev. R. P. Shaw, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Sturgis, Mich., is a farm believer in "telepathy." or the conveyance of impressions between icraons at a distance from each other, lie says that ho usually knows, with out being informed otherwise than by a vague feeling, of tho impending vis its of persons whom ho has no other reason to look for, and that thoso pre sentiments arc nover false. Tho liquor question is being discuss cd bv Ncal Dow from tho standpoint ot prohibition, and by JJio .Lewis irom that of persuasion. Thoy aro agreed that strong drink is an evil of the greatest magnitude. Mr. Dow's argu ment consists of a vivid presentation of enormous figures, and his reasoning is that a trade resulting in such enormous and widespread misery should bo sup pressed as being inconsistent with the eneral good. JJr. J.owis ou tho other hand, holds that prohibition in Maine has been a failure, and then proceeds with tho assertion that prohibition is a violation of personal liberty, likely to cause more harm than good to tho cause of temperance. A person injured in a railroad collis ion brought suit for damages in Illi nois. Tho company asserted that ho had chosen an incompetent surgeon. Tho Court held that tho claim, if true, was no defence to the action, and tho verdict for the plaintiff was therefore sustained. Tho liability of tho surgeon in tho matter was not considered. Tho Court said : "The liability to mistakes in curing is incidmit to a broken arm, and whero such mistakes occur (tho in jured party using ordinary caro,) tho injury resulting iroin miuu iiiisuiKes ih properly rogarded as part of tho irame uiato and direct damage"- resulting from tho breaking of tho arm. Dan Rice, tho onco popular clown, onco said that ho was about as bank rupt as usual. Tho times had moved past him, ho thought, nnd ho saw no good reason to beliovo that ho would ever catch up again. "I havo never mado money so steadily, pleasantly, or heavily,' ho remarked, "as when I ran my ono-horso show. I guess that was rather beforo your day. I had an exceed ingly clever trick horsu nnd a modorato- sized tent. Tho beast and I did our level best to mako folks laugh, and wo succeeded. lo admission price was only fifteen cents, with ten moro for a bes', seat ; but tho expenses were light, and nearly all wo took in was clear jirofit. It waB Dan Rico's Ono-Horso Show that I made my reputation as a clown, and gained enough capital to loso in big circus enterprises. 1 wish to goodness I'd stuck to my original lino oi biiHluesKs.' There is ono young woman at the seashore who disregards prevailing fashions and overstates her ago. It is added, however, that sho is not in her right mind. Persons who rido past a certain coltago seo ou tho piazza a fig nro clad in tho garments of a hundred years ago. A near vlow of the faco indioaUs about 2.5 years. Sho is a uniquo monomaniac Sho firmly bo lioves that she has been dead a ceutu ry. Her delusion had a start in her conversion to Spiritualism. Sho be camo doeiily interested in tho material ization of spirits, nnd for a timo deem cd herself a medium for that sort of al leL'ed phenomena. Then tho idea took possession of her mind that she was tho permanently reembodied sinrit which had so long ago departed from mortal clay. Undoi this crazo she deems it tmitablo to dress in tho styles which wero in voguo at tho timo .f her previous human existence, in all oth er matters sho is sano and well bohav cd. Delegate Election ltcld iicpreseritatUo" "fTrutr?y Reg. & Hoc' I 1 ' ii j I I I i H S I M a I gj tn i mL1 Lh.Lh a " In Kl h rci 1.11 Sf 'off 74 S 17 711 40 m M 1 N fl to 3 81 .'10 II ii.l ill ,'1.1 8 4! !1 173 .TJ ai IK) 187 87 58 97 100 i am a 4 mi irs nsi 1S7 so ikx a 118 41 3 7A 141 87 51 83 VI 8 88 M HI M 18 1 M .181 78 S 1S7 IIS 11 78 17 80 41 1811 18.1 8 Ml 67 3ft Sal W 3 78 1 183 B 147 23 40 4S 101 IS 47 74 Ii7 3 118 13 31 13a 80 18 lil 4 SO 8 8.1 ft 1ft 88 49 18 . 48 1 815 83 31.! 79 131 33 81 l8 80 8 -HI 81 3 11) 49 1ft 28 t'8 87 8 11 It 31 8.1 184 28 03 67 78 3 01 (HI 10 M 111 a 21 21 88 3 UU 48 SJ 8.1 100 CO 3.1 01 Bl 4 1W 67 U 7.1 81) 137 KV 21 118 8 130 33 23 01 160 fO 41 .41) 01 8 61 63 20 20 88 60 20 41 01 H (VI I0 73 4U Ml 68 IS II 183 3 60 18l 20 37 .11 10 33 20 41 8 73 Si: II 41) Ml 31 30 80 63 8 120 1 10 41) U3 20 88 31 18 8 !M 28 4S 31 60 8 33 CO 41 8 37 43 II 18 30 40 23 10 47 8 ai 81 6 29 13 17 1 T 17 8 3.1 70 4 00 74 27 43 4 07 2 113 VI 30 CO 111 49 19 ' I M toI 2S84 iim m img i m tosi tso csoo W 97 60, H 110 18 77 73 81) 101 60 40 163 30 188 43 83 1 8 111 67 58 38 i 4Ji 10H I 77 1 SI 11 III 80 1 sjoat l iisCT 491 447 Hmlric-ii nentli. i stranger came to Tilr, William Apple- man's In Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., on Tuesday, and wns round sick ticnr .Mr. Applemnn's house on the side of the road. Mr. A. ntul his hired man led lilm to lils straw shod In front of Ills barn anil lnttl him on some straw and went about their work, not thinking him seriously 111. Ho called to sec htm some time during tho forenoon ami found him alccphig. About two o'clock In the after noon ho called to seo him again and found him dead. Mr. A. notified tho poor over sccrs, who took chargo of the body ami burled him in tho Vnndcrsllco burying ground. They had an inquest held ou tlio body, and was found that Jho stranger had stayed the night before at Mr. J. O. Hum mer's in Frosty Valley where he took sup- per, and breakfast tlio next morning, lie told Mr. Hummer his name wns Schuster and n German j hud been in the army, and had a Rear on tho left side of his chin tho effects of a bayonet -wound ; was lamo from a shot ho received in his leg while in the army. And that ho had two sisters in Willlamsport or New York Mr. Hum mer had forgotten which place. Ho was about five feet ten or eleven inches in height, light complexion, sandy whiskers and eyebrows and brown hair j had on a good common suit of gray clothes coat, vest and pants mado from tho same piece of goods, and appeared to bo cleanly in his dress. On tho insido of hi9 satchel was written the namo of 0. A. Schuster which was undoubtedly his name, and a cabinet maker by trade. This namo was also written on a catalogue from n furniture establishment of Detroit, Michigan. Ago 40 years. N. P. Mookk. Willlnnisport papers please copy nnd it may provo of much information to his sis- ters. En. Mimiii. The population of this township was small on'Tuesday, many persons being in attendance at camp meeting and Democrat ic convention. Chas. Hess of Mt. Carmel visited his parents nt this piaco on Saturday. j Capt. J. R. Yolie'3 health is very bad nt present. Wcs. Hartzel and Wll. Mourey left for Indian Territory on Tuesday. A number of our people expect to take in tho excursion to Niagara Falls and Wat-1 kins Glen. A serious accident occurred just cast of tills township near the Shatter church on Thursday of last week. I Solomon Slusser better known as "Sol 11c" was digging a well for Frank Slusser, Jr., on Wednesday he put in a blast lie threw lire down the well several times but failing to lire the blast he suspended busi ness for the day. The next morning lie descended the well before thoso who drew the ground from tlio well were there thus being alone except a little girl about 10 years old whom he left turning a fan for tho purpose of driving out the foul air. In about an hour the girl noticed something wrong and ran to tho road gave the alarm to David aud Geo. Slusser who were pass ing by. David immediately, descended tho well supposing Sollio to have fallen from the ladder but in a few minutes ho too wns dead, others being present by this time, Samuel Slusser then went to their rescue taking witli him a ropo but in n few moments ho yelled to those at the top to draw hlra from the well. It was then dis covered that foul air was tho cause, tho latter lay unconscious for nearly 2 hours. ho well was 43 ft. deep. The thrco men wero cousins. A sad Bight Indeed present ed itself when the two men wero drawn from the well. The remains wcro buried on Friday. The friends have tlio sympa thy to entire community. A mining engineer writing to tho l'hlla. jTYrow gives tlio following good advlco to follow when wells nro filled with impure air : 'I desire to call attention to tho fact that eight or ten buckets of water cast violently down such wells will render them pure and sweet inn few minutes. Carbonic acid gas, which causes asphyxia, is only slight ly heavier than ntmosphcrio nlr, which causes it to sink to tlio bottom of tho well, and tho dash of water at onco disperses it and renders tho well safo for tlio woikmen. This slmplo remedy should ho widely pub- risked, as these ore deaths of constant oc currence." I.iiiulier. Tho undersigned offers for salo cheap for cash, 10,000 feet worked flooring nnd German biding j also hemlock fencing, 2x4, roof nnd ceiling lath, shingles, &c. Jlav- ng a stenm Haw mill about ready to run for me. I can furnish bill stult nt short notice. P. D. Ulack, 7-8-4w Hohrsbure, Pa. MARRIAGES. J1UBSLKMAN KNT.-On the 7lh int.1. nt Kspy, by llev. S. P. Homer, Mr. Daniel Clurk MtissU'iunn und Miss I.illaDIora Knl, both of Light Street. DEATHS. DONAT. In Minilnvlllo on the 7th Ins. Anna Paulina, infant daughter of Hev. W, D. ond Emma A. Donat, ago C mouths and 10 days. A UDITOH'fi NOTICE. Orphans' Court ot Columbia County, I STATU or D. WK10XAN, DKCBiBKO. Tho underlined auditor appointed by tho Court to mako distribution of thobulanco In tho hands ottho executor ot said estate will meet all par ties Interested ror the purpoHo ot bis appointment on Monday, August 2Mh,lbHI, at 10 o'clock, turn.. m iu oruce in imuwuu, i u., nuvu ww iyuciw ui. icreons Having claims aro reuuosuiu to pruaom, hem or bo debarred from coiutui; lu upon said luiid. 11UNUV VIN'OKNT. aur l-ta Auuuor, UDITOU'd NOTICK. KSTATS OK ANNA P. KVAN3, PKCKABKI). The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or. phans' court of Columbia county to niakodlstrt. bullonof the balauco In the hands ot Jno. V, Kvuns, administrator of said ustate, will sunt tho ofllce of O. II. Jaokson alUirney at llerwlck, I'a. on Saturday Kept. lUUi 1831 at V o'clock u. m., when and wlU'ru all parties Interested in said estate must apnoar and present their claims und those ladebtuf to tho tiuino to muke payment to the me dcrugncd without delay. Aug 1W w Auditor, August 9th, 1884. C'i."frog. ' TJoiml y "coin mfsstdtior." S3 e 3 ULLfiJ (jo J I Sll ir 00 II 100 3 I 31 26 89 tt m 7 3.1 15 41 79 3 8 13 V 13 21 13 7 1 10 5 A 4 a 8 13 45 'Ji 133 74 II 141 18 131 188t- 03 Sll 127 60 II 20 II) 61 69 2IV M f,0 19 11)0 0 65 21 28: St 2!) 68, 10 IS083,: ten Itr,!) KSOllHCO' Bl"ll305 1455 11W l POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl3pow.tornovorvarlo3. A marvol otpnrlty strongiu and wholpsomenosi. Moro economical tlim tho ordtnary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition wltu tho inultttudo ot low test, Bbort welK&t, alum or pbospliate powders. Bold only In cam. Hor.ii, iUkinu I'owdkr (Jo , 106 Va!l-St., N. Y. nugii-i y. JOHN WANAMAKER'S. Invitation. Friends, and enemies too, if we have them, passing through Philadelphiar are invited to make a con venience of the Big Store. It is between the Broad street station of the Penn sylvania R. R. and every where else, and is on the way from almost every station. It would be old news to tell you what the store is here for. We'll skip that. For our present purpose it is here to be walked through, looked at, get rested in, and to hold your baggage while you run about town. As you enter the door, any door almost, you see a place to leave your bag. Leave a dozen parcels there, if you like; no charge. Go all over the store, up-stairs and down ; ask for a guide, if you need one; go alone, if you like that better. After you have walked a few miles and climbed a pyramid or two, it may be lunch-iime. In the basement is a place to get a bite ; and that's the only part of the entertainment you pay for. We'd like to have that free, too, if we could. We fear the wrong people would come In a sense we do not pay much attention to visitors. We do not invite them in so often as we would, if the newspapers didn't make us pay for every hospitable word. When they come, one or ten-thousand at a time, we simply let them alone, unless they ask for help We have our hands full any way; besides, we don't want people to think that we ask them here to draw them into buying things. What we really do want is that everybody every where should have a pretty accurate notion of what is going on here; and that's the whole of it. John Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth nnd Market MrccH ond City-hall quuro, I'illUnKLl'IIM. TOTlCK OK OHAUTKlt. APPLICATION FOR Nollco Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply lo Hon. William Klwell, lwsldent Judge of tho court of Common I'.cas, for a charier for "Tho jlcihodit,t episcopal unurcii or uuperi, i cniisj ivu- nla." for tho hupnort of publio worship accorUIni thu Doctrines und Discipline of tho Al. I- Churc 1 of America, on Batuulay, tlio sard day of August, At Ih 1-W, UV 4 O CIOCK p. 111. llKNllY H, ltVIAY i. IWAY, , KKltNSWOHTH, ciums. JAt-H '1' NOAH H. C Curos Illiouwatism, Lnm baco,LamoBack, Sprains aud Druisos, Asthma, Catarrh, Concha, Colds, Soro TJiroat, Diphtheria, Hums, Frost Sites, Tooth. Ear, and Houd' aoho, and all pains andachos, Tt Utt laurutl lad vitcraftl icmcjf a 1i worU. liTtTjr toltlfl f-uirutetij. SuMtyiiifdifina dUuvcirlii. DiiKllum In tight l,ifB-fi, I'fU.soccsU tad Ii). FOSTER, MILDURN & CO., Pr'rt, purpAlwO,r.V..u.,A. UIHTOU'S NOT1CK, ksTATR or John i.mvih, Pxci:AftKb. Tho undersigned auditor Appointed by tho Or. rlmns' court of coliimbU county, to mnkodWrl liutlon of tho tunds In tho ImiiiM of tho administra tor lo and nmomf the p.irtlpn enlltlod thereto, ttlll attend to tlio duties ot his appointment nt hN onicoln Moomtbtirff on tho Sllli Hay of AUituit, 1HMI, nt Hi o'clock a. m., when and whero nil pur. lies Intcrestallnsnlil citato must attend or In foreter debarred from any share In suld fund. Mia ,1, II, MAIZ!!, Jury saili, 1BHI. Auditor. A UMTOH'S NOTICK. KSTATR Of SIMUItt. tmUM, PECBASnn. Tho undcnilprncit nudllor appointed by tho or phnnV Court of Columbia county In pass on tho c.xccptloin to the account of John K. Kolilni, exec utor, nnd to mako distribution of tho fund In l ho hawli ot tho executor, will mt nt his onico In t'nln. whua on Hnturday, Aiiff. 10th ISM nt 10 o'clock a. in. w perform tho duties of disappointment. All Hr ons having claims njralnnt mild estate must appear nnd present the samo or bo debarred fiom any share of said fund. W.I. IIYKUt.Y, July ma Auditor A DMINISTK.V I'MX'S .No I ICR kSTATR 01' K. T. IIKl.n, HRCRISKH. litters ot ndnlnhlrfttlononthoeatnloof l' T. field, lalo of Centralla, Columbia county, I'onii n.vlVHnla,hao been cranlod by the ItejtWer of nald county to tho unJers'jned Administratrix. All persons having claims njf.ilnst UiocHtntoof tho deceased mil requested to present them roricttlo. inont, nnd thoso Indebted to tho cstnlo to mako payment to tho undersigned admlulstnililx w lib out delay. Jllia. HAI.OMI! nitAtiSlIAW, NO. 149 Ulehmond St., Philadelphia, pa. Yv. IIhvron. Ally. .Administratrix. July 1 o w mi)UK I.UTTING. Will bo let at tho rcsldcnco of Kzra nto vens on Wednesday tho arth day of August ishi, nbrldKn to bo erected over Elk nun near A. H. stewnrt'n Raw mill whero tlio open brldgo now stands In Jackson township. To lo a wooden brnco coveicd bridge M feet lonjr. Wing wallsnndnbulmentsto lio repaired by contract tons to admit of skew back three feet Irom ton of wall titate. l'lnns nnd specincatlonscaji ho seen nt tho commissioner's Uillco nioomsburg. Pa. t:iiAi(i,i;s UKILHAllT, T 11. I'.KDOAH Corn's. JOSHUA Jt'KTTEHMAN, J Attest i John II. Cisilv. t:ierk. Commissioner's Office, Uloomsbiuff, I'a. A UDITOH'8 NOTICK. kbtats or nn. patio rKTitiKiM, pichaf. Tho undersigned nuBltor appointed by tho or phans' Court of Columbia county to mako distri bution ot tho balance In tho hands ot tho executor to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will at tend to tho duties o( his appointment at his onico in liioomsourg, on Wednesday, September 3rd, ,., uw ivu tiwi. u, in,, m-u .iiui wiium imiMji- nons Interested In Bald Ohtnto must attend, or be luruver m-uarrcu irum any snaro in saw runu. .1. II. MAIZE. W Auditor. jltEAS UHOWN'S IwaUHANOU X: AUBNOY. Mover's now bulldlnff, Main street, llloomsburg, ra. ,. . . Assets. ........ , wv.,u. I1U1IJUIU, luuu, i,uto,?;U Koynl of Liverpool 13,000.01) Firo Association. 1'hlUdelphta 4,165 710 . UUu...n w. i.uuuii o,iiota(u London k Laccnslilre. of KnirUnd . 1,709.90 Hartfor t of Hartford ? 3,373 060 Hprlnjjfleld Fire and Marine... a,0S2,tF0 AD nO-PfirlPU nrn 11rrr tiiMlotno am itr-in- w. vuw ' 'fuieu "HUUUU UU UOlHi III IUU oaicoatUloomaourir. Oct. 28, fsi-t f thn InmiMrl iltV,n,.(- .1.1 1 .... THIS I1KST AND ONLY CLEVELAND F. Mack, Elcutenant uou-rnnr of AUTllKaTIU 1.1 iiy cuauncy i Pennsylvania. Our book will coitaln facts to bo found In no other, besides n, complete history of tho Democratic party, with am. Its platforms! sketches of tho lives of all tho Presidents ; tho women of tho Whtto House ; protectlvo tarirf ; revenuo reform j electoral voto: homo llfo of tho President, nnd n full llfo ot linrcmticiCH ours Is tho best, most accurate, cheapest, nnd sella must mrKcij . r-enu m cents ror ouiut at once. THAYKll, Mi:i(IUAM & CO., SSI Arch St., Phllad'a. o-juvr INFORMATION VALUABLF, TO EVERY YOUNG In tho NEW catalogue of tho . TRENTON Business Col logo. SKNT FHEK. Address, MAN A. J. IdDElt, Principal, Trenton, N. J. r-8iwr XV A VT'PI?ra represcutatlvo of good V .iN .L llilJ uddiessto travel through A' I1 f lri'Ir coi.ujiniA L l ) iS Vj III Countv with Valu able works for special classes of business men and me chanics who understand nnd need them, giving their orders nt Eight ; profits liberal, easy and qu'ck ; can refer to gentlemen clearing fM to .w a week who aro pleased with tho work ; only tit) capital required; write for particulars if sou mean uuiincss ; give age, trauo or previous em ployment nnd references, l'alllser, Palllser it Co., Vanderbllt Ave, New York. Aug 8-4w r AIiVEIlTISL'ItS! bend for our Select list of local newspapers. Oco. 1 Howell A Co., 10 Spruce St., N. V. Augs-Jw r nnn a (Tewfc! tvr a TTrrtwrtiiaubio I WWW WUJkl O.W VV O.M J. JJJLi Vmtek I to hell tho ouly OFFICIAL Woirr.iDh'es of EIITSLIIIbM&s ny ox- Uov. Doi-shcimcr. of N. Y.. member of u. M. Congress, and Hon. w. u. Ilensel, chairman of iom. state com. oi ra., inumato friends of c. k H. It Is tho most reliable, interesting and richly Illustrated, hence In Immeuso demand. Ai?ents aro coining mouoy. It has llnostoel portraits, sells fastest aud payslxt. ncivare of unreliable, catchpenny books. Wrlio to Hubbard Bros., 723 Chestnut St., Phila. Aug 8-4 w r 9000 H Agents wantdlTO; to sell tho First AHTIIF.N'1T0 lllogranUIes ot B1LAINE & 3LOGAN liy II. J. Itamsdell, Esq., Jlr. Iilalno's Intlmato friend and personal cholci", and lien l'erley 1'oore, for 18 years an ofllcer or tho v. s. comrrnns. r (mo i outilts ordered within n week. Agents coining money, is in immeuso demand becauso tho most llellable, Interesting and itlchly Illustrated; lino steel portraits; llrst out, boils falest. Dowaroof unrellablo books. Wrlto to Hubbard Bros., l'ttbs., Philadelphia, l'a. ..8-4wr mm fiend six cents for postage, and rc- j nun, u cusuj uux ui guuus wnieii lieln you to more lnoner rlht nwav than anvllilnirriwmn this world. All, of either bex, succeed from nrst hour. Tho broad road tofortuno opens beforo tho workers absolutely ture. At onco address, Tube s: Co., au gusto, Maine. Docsi-ly for tho working class. Send 10 cents for postago, and wo will mall youflvt, a royal valuable box of samplo goods that will .put vnu In tho wnv of m.iklnt? mnrp mnnnv In a few days than you over thought, possible nt any business. Capital not required. Wo will start you. You can work all tho time or In uparo timo only. Tho work is universally adapted to both sexes, young nud old. Y'oit can easily cam from 60 cents to f5 every evening. That all who want mnv test tlio business, wo makethla mirinr.iiirii ofter; to all that aro not well satlsiled wo will send tl to pay for tho trouble ot writing us. Full parti culars, directions, etc., ent free, rortunes will bo raauoDytuoso wuogtvo tneir wrolo tiino to tho num. ureal success nusoiuiciysuro uonxueiay. Start now. Address Stineon & Co., Portland, ucc yi-i WANTED IMMEDIATELY YoS to learn telegraphy. I4,i 00 ralloa of wro now be lng extended by tho 11. & o. Telegraph Co., Tho National TeL Co. organized. Tlio hankers Merchants' and tho Postal TeL Cos. aro both Dush- lng ahead with new lines. Tho Standard MultU piex Tel. Co., recently lueorporatod, exixiids East, West, North and South, (lood positions now ready. For further Information, address with biuiuii, -iiio I't-uua. & new .lersuy leiegrnpu, shorthand Typo Writing instruction Company, -Main onico, list) chestnut street, l'hlladoiphla, i-iimi. uuiyo-iw u FAY'S CELEBRATED! WATER-rROOr lUflfjnibleM nuo loathori ror Itoorri, uuuiiie b sila, ud IntlJo, lu iiiai-o of i luter. Very I RtrouK aud duraUP. Cutaloicuo ulth UwUmo-i piiu ad nainiui-K i ici.i;. uwuiw.i .hui I W. II. v. v ,v uu., OHuinon. .-. j. AugB-lw T H E (3 0 H P L ETE H 0 M E. ifsKrisSft book. Now clltlon. Ntw biaJlnet. New llluktratiooi B frwm new dcmgii. 6ui erbly gotten yji. Sntd low ince. Ail4ileJ to all eUiw. Sell t light. Artmi Avng lie work. LXCtitLFNT TBRM!. Tli hnJuuiu i)vipcctu ""rIulVv.CabrkSTh & Co.. 66 North ih St. Phlladel Vlii. Alt j otlier tfrn4 nw Uwt ini Uiblci. mnrl'viy Mil AUtNCV oy WlLHVit HlTbSIlLLH I.AUOIt bAVIMI TOO I -ft I MACHINERY. Head Qaurteru for Iron, btcel.llorbtishoea Nails nud W a g o a Mnken,' and lllack Riulths1 Supplies. Iorael liltu-nbcnder, store A: Wareiooma iss Franklin Ami., also warerooms 1 I Frank lmAvu,,iind It 5 ecu. trostieet. SOKANTON I'A. may 23 ly STArifUKDSi ARk MUM M MM Ml jPVt CM MA A H extra BLAOKiNO Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S. STAFFORD, Now Yorlr. Aug 8-1 W Headquarters for D. MAMMAS & IABH have just received the finest lot of LiqlfT tEfErS, ff0WErS HO SELf BlDErS ever brought to Columbia ciunty. ror light draft, durability nnd simplicity tho Osborne Machines em second lo none, livery inachlno Is fully warranled. Thoy nlso keep a wwmm mmm mw mmwmm for all tho old nnd now machines, bo that If you break down In tho mlddlo ot Harvest they nro pronarod to nx you up w ithout delay. Fanners do not bo deceived but bo sure to cxamlno tho 0SB0R,2SrE5 before making your purchases. .11100 57 tf DEALER IN Fmigm and Mammiia WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HU 1 1 ID 1 TJ HVi: B E:Bl; MEET MIT AL WOUM ALL ITS ESPECIAL wmwmm For Tetter, lllngworm, I!ryslpela3, Scrofula, rimplea lllotchos, Dolls, Ulocrs, Femnlo Complaints, nn all diseases arising lu or transmitted by tho blood. Dr. LINDSEFSBI.OODSEARCHER, This celebrated vecutablo comoound has no ed, send for circular. For salo by all Druggists. mi Special Points ft r Farmci io Consider. I, Wo do not manufacture two or moro grades and whcio tho bc3t can not bo Bold call tho poorest the best. U. As the valuo of fertilizers was established by trials on tho soil, bo tho question "Which is best win bo nniwcntl by growing crops and harvests, our phosphate H fast settling tho question to our entire satisfaction. 3. It wus tho merit of iorxll'liosphiites which established tlio present trado and such ouly will it last como out victorious to tho beuellt ot manufacturer, seller and consumer. -I, Tho word "Phosphate," as used commercially, has no meaning ot value. The statement that ono brand or Phosphate, ts cheaper than another, w far oh price per Ton Is concerned, means lust nothing at all. Thu result on tho Held not tor one season only, but for two, throe and funr tuicccodlng crops must bo Hie test ot valuo. Thus tried wo believe thu Al.LK.NTOWN ITIOSITIAT1J to bo aa choap as tho cheapest and as good as tho doarcsu Gives the Bast Crops for the XVXoney, TRY IT AND BECONVINCED, . MANUKAOTUltKI) UY. THE AJ-LETOWN AlJFACTURJNQ CO,, Allentowii, Pa. FOR Geo. W. Corroll, Samuel Exchange, Aug. IVul, -w. M. Osuorno & Go's. BRANCHES. attention: PAID TO eaual. and is au inrallloio remedy when used ns direct II. E. skllkiw CO., Fropr'B l'lttsburgn, Fa. ALLEN TOWN FIOMTE OUR PREDICTION VERIFIED., jMonron Co., Ph., July 20, 1884. Gentlemen : Jinny of my liiiHloincrs who iicd cheap Phosphates last Fall becauso told to bo as good ns thu Allen town Phosphato, havo already de clared flint thoy will life your mako only this 1" nil. Thoy nro hat isl'ied nnd will not ho deceived bo Bojni again, Yonri Truly, Nathan (!iti:ionv. SALE BY Heacock & Farmer's Produce Bloomsburg, Pa.