The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 15, 1884, Image 1

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    Tle dolunbi&i.
ujLimnUDBMocniT.BTAnorTiit north, And co.
Issued Weekly, ery 1'rldn.y Morning, nt
t two noi.UM per year. To subscribers out of
tlw county llio terms arc strictly In aclranco.
fSo paper discontinued except at tho option
of the publishers, until all arruarairos aro paid, but
sona continued credits will not bo Klvcn.
All papers sont out of tho Htnto or to distant post
omcoi must bo paid for In advance, union a respon
slblo person In Columbia county ussuraos to car
tho subscription duo on demand. v '
l-psTAOK is no longer oxacted from subscribers
llio county.
Tho JobbliiB Department of the Columbian Is rcry
complete, ana our Job Printtnn will compare favor,
ably with that of tho large cltlos. All work dono on
short notice, noatly and at moderate prlcos.
lu fitf flit
onolnc) lam MM noo
Two inches soo iua boo
Tbreo inches 4 no ooo 7(i
fmir Indira...... () 7(x) 9(0
1300 20 00
(juarter column., eoo mio lo no
in soo
liauroiumn..,.i.ioui mil inn
S500 mi no
onccoiumn woo socio now woo loooo
Yearly advertisements payable nnarterly. Tran
sient ailTcrtlsemcnta must bo raid for before I wort
ed except where parties hare accounts,
Ix-gal ndTcrtlsements two dollars per mrn rw
llirm ineortlnna. nnd nt that rata for Addl lonal
Insertions without reference to length.
Rrnxulnr's A ,tmf nlt rntdr'K. and Auditor's UOl ICPC
three dollars. Must bo raid for when nscrted.
Transient or Iicnl notices, ten cents a Hue, f f ru
lar advertisements halt rates.
0. S. aitWEIili, . lt i......
cards in the liuslness Directory" column, one
'dollar a year for each lino.
Bloomiburg, 1'a.
O fllco over 1st. National Hank.
onico In rut's Uuildlng.
Uigoousauao, l'i.
IlLOOVSBuna, Pi.
onico over 1st National Hank.
Offlca over Moycr Bros. Drug store.
omco In Ilrowor's bulldlng.sotond No. 1
Dloomsburg, Fa.
Bloornsburg, Pa.
omco corner of Contro and Main Streets. Clark a
Can bo consulted in German.
Nsw coumux BuitniNO, Bloornsburg, Fa.
Mombor of tho United States Law Association,
Collections made In any part of America or Europe.
omce In Colombian building, Itoom No. s, second
... l ...,.nHnt namir hniiiitn. nnennd floor,
first door to the left. Corner of Main and Market
streets moomsDurg, ra.
iSFPentiotiB and SountUt Collected.
omco tn Malzo's building, over IHllmcycr's grocery.
l. i wm, i,;, i
Medical Superintendent of lh Sanitarium.
Invalid's Homo.
Bloornsburg, Pa.,
Devotes special mtcntlrni to Epllopcy,
Norms Affections, nnd Diseases of Women,
l'nttcnts received nt tho Sanitarium on
rcnsonaWe tcims for board nnd treatment.
I'. S. No charge for first consultntlon.
npr 27. '83
lumber nnd gas fitter. Hear of Schuyler's
ware store.
Bloornsburg, Pa.
All kinds of nttlnra for steam, cas and water
tuiismmiy on nanu.
Rooting nnd spouting attended to at short no-
Tlnwaro of every description made to order.
will bo promptly llllci
Orders left nt Schuylor&Co's., hardwato store
Special attention given to heating by Btcam nnd
Offlco in his buikling opposite Court House,
2nd Uoor, Bloornsburg, Pa. npr Id oi
omco In Nbws Item building, Main street.
Member ot tho American Attorneys Assocla-
cono'ctlons mado In any part of America.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5.
Catawlssa, Fa.
omce, corner ot Third and Main stroots.
Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Cm bo Consulted in German.
ttrofllco first door below the post ofllcc.
il. HARKLEY. Attorner-at-Law
, onice In urower's building, 2nd story.Rooms
R ELVY. M. D..8urceon and Phy
t ilclan, north side Main street.bolow Markot
L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Oflico
awing Machines and Machtnory of all kinds re
ulrod. orsiu Iloosi Building, llloomsbnrg, Fa.
R. J. 0. RUTTER,
omco, North Markot stieet,
tiloomsburt Fa
M. REBER. Surecon and
omco corner of Kock and Market
U. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and
Fhyslo'an. (onico and ltosldence on Third
All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented, hitu wtmut
bd without Fain by tho use of Uas, and
free of cbargo when artinctal teeth
are inserted.
Onico lu Columbian building, 2nd floor.
Jo be open at alt noun aunng the aa
riov, s-y
I-UOl'Llto' N. Y.
HTheuo old coHrouATioKa aro well seasoned br
age and fibk tkuteu and have never yet had a
loss HCttlod by any court o( law. Their ashcts aro
all Invented In solid dicuumui uru liable to tho
nazuru oi mis oniy,
1M60M raouiTLr and iiovistlv adjusted and
imiu us bouu oh (ii'icruiincHi uy uiiuistian r.
Tbopoonleof Columbia county should natron.
re the agency where losses It any are settled and
luiu ur uue ui tueir own cutzena.
Rmokcrfl of lllfcckwell'fl Oennln
Hull Durham RmoklDj? Tobacco will
rcoolTo lYcmlnran u follows on
terms and conditions beretpoctflodt
2d S2,000
3d u $1,000
another PretnlunisMherofthown.
Tho 25 rremliims will bo awardnl
Dect'iubcr 23, 184. 1st Premium
ftom to tho irwon from whom wo nv
ccivo the larircut number of our cmrtT
toliaci bisr ;rfor f- Vtc, 15. 2il will
ba nlvon fortho next lartmt numltcr
and thin, in tho order of the number
of emvty batfs receired from each,
to tho twenty.flro snoccnaful con
tcfttanti. Kach brw rauit boar out
orltdnal null Durhant libel. U. d
Itevoitio Btamp. and Caution otica.
Ua mint bodononpnociirrlyln a
pfldtw, with namo and ftddrcfifl of
ponder, and tvnmlx-r of bws contain
M, plainly mar)toi on the ontfdd
and inunt 1m Bont.chircos propaitt to
Itlnrkwell'n Ptirlmiii Tobnrr
l,nI)tmiuM,N.O, KvorypenoiM
l-ackae haa picturn of Hull.
Soo our next annonnccment
wiMu vij nr Age gioo lo aoo ir
iuu. maUr lltuir uurJrniia Nrw llUtorr,
lMmuMBHiiil llalellu(ilMurtli0Wori4
Ilnrima It acts on tho I.1VKR, IIOIVELS aid
KinXr.IS at tho tamo tlmo.
IJoeiii9 it oloaiuoi tho nyatcm of tho poison
ouji humors that dovolopo lu Kldiioy and Uri
nary TJtBOOsoa. BlUouincfifl. Jaundice. Constipa.
tlon, Piles, or In IlAeumatlsm, Neuralgia, Nor.
voua Zliaordors and all Fetnalo Corarlalnts.
wsuuu mum ur tuis.
TJy Cfiualnjc mlSl ACTION of all tho organ
and runctlona, thoreby
restoring the normal powor to throw off dise&sa.
of ths TOrst forms of theoo terrible dieecsos
liavo boon quickly rcliovod.andlnaahorttluio
riticr, i. nuiiD on sar, sold bt cr.vccisTS.
Dry can be sont by mall.
WELKI.niCIIAIlDSONi. Co., Burllncton, Vt.
3 St-nJ Ump for Plvy Almanac fr 1154.
Infants nnd Children
What Klrf a our Children roy cbeelr, ,
What cures thulr foyers, makes tlicm lp j
Wien Babies fret, and cry by turns,
What cures their colic, kills their worms,
What quickly cures Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Colds, ludlgestlon :
Farewell then to Morphine Byrups,
Castor Oil and I'aregorlo, and
Hall Castnrln.
" Castorla II is well adapted to Children
that I recommend It as superior to any medi
cine known to mo." II, A. Aacnia, M.D.,
111 80. Oxford St., Drookljn, N. Y.
An nlisoluto onro for Itlion-
matlsm, Sprains, Pain In tho
Back, Burus, Galls, &o, Aulu
tantanooaa Pain reliovor,
New York Bun.)
When men wcro held as chatties,
And slavery ruled tho land,
It found In Johnny Ifgan
A servant at command,
Who boastol that ho never
llio hardest task w ould shirk
When Blavcry called upon him
To do Its "dirty work."
Hack hack, Mack Jack I
Get ahead no matter how I
Turn over, flop over I
Where la Johnny Logan now t
Ho hated nil tho "niggers"
Outsldo of slavery's pen,
And vowed that they wero cattle,
Who never could bo men.
To drive them Into bondage
Within tho southern lines,
Ho worried negro freemen
With prisons and with nnes.
Ho sworo that northern soldiers,
Who ought to frco tho slave,
Should never pass through L'gypt
Except across Ms grave.
Tho sons of trusting neighbors,
Whoso mothers well he knew,
Ho sent across tho river
To light tho men In blue.
Hut when upon hl) shoulders
Tho oaglo sign was spread,
And other friends and neighbors
To southern wars ho led,
Then Logan hurried southward
As fast as he could go,
And killed or put In prison
Tho lads ho sent below.
Hack back, Mack Jack I
Get ahead no matter how I
Turn over, nop over I
Where Is Johnny Logar now 7
StiiHloilaiid iiuiotly withdraw from the
scciio of action, leaving her neighbor
in possession ot tho held. 1 110 pro-
tllctoct quarrel nan come, granny 10
Mrs. Sunderland's mortification j for to
havo it known to tho wholo town that
sho wiw at varianco with her next door
neighbor as, thanks to Mrs. Cooper's
unscrupulous tongue, it siiecdily was
was folt by the widow to bo a real dis
All that sho could do to smooth mat
ters over sho did, with no effect, how
over, oxc-ont that Mrs. Cooner subsided
gradually from n ferocious into a sullen tho wholo community Borrowed
mood, uui lost 110 opportunity ot ex
hibiting her disliko and ill-will in tho
numberless liltlo ways wnicn a neigh
bor can always niako available.
Tho quarrel between lliebojs was
ot much snorter duiation. in tnc
I i-ii 1
courso ot n tow days unarno s rcu
head was again seen bobbing over the
division-fence, and Frank being ro
snonsive. tho former iutimacy was
soon re-established. When September
his mother novcr boforo welcomed
spring weather so gladly as sho did
that vear. Frank seemed to cet quite
well and Btronc as tho warm weather 1
camo. and thordoro norhans less pru
dent, for in May ho again caught cold
... 1 I . !-!- rZ 1
nnu camu numu biuk lruiu buiiuui.
Ho was severely ill from tho first 1
in a few days diptherio symptoms de
veloped themselves, and twonty-iour
hours later tho bright young soul was
freed lrom its frail tenement, and Airs.
Sunderland was a childless widow.
I will not dwell upon her desolation ;
wero shrouded in n dark shawl, and
thon discreetly withdraw.
Mrs. Cooper, for she it was, ad
vanccd toward Mrs. Sunderland os tho
latter aroso. "I've oonio to .talk about
them books you sent to my Charlie,"
sho said, roughly, almost fiercely.
"Yes," replied Mrs. Sundorlniid,
deprcoatinglv 1 "I hope yon don't feel
offended 1 Charlio told mo his father
did not feel nblo to buy tho books ho
needed just now, and I thought it n
pity ho should bo obliged to get be
hind his class on that account.'' "My
uiinruc says tiitni pqoks is tno ones
her ; everybody had liked merry little you bought last year for your Frank :
rranK auimcnann, nuu 111s moinur was im iiiui hu i
almost an equal favorite. If fiiondly
sympathy could havo lightened her
giiot that solaco would have been hers;
perhaps it did, even thouijh uncon
sciously to herself, but, as sho sat tho
evening beforo tho funeral by tho side
of her dead darling, she felt as though
there could nover bo any more bright
ness or pleasure for her this sido of
catnn and tno scnoois ro opened me
two lads became school-mates and
Charlio was a bright boy, and his
Sho sat there tearless, speechless and
despairing, and heard not tho timid
knock that oamo upon tno door, nor
"Yes," Mrs. Sunderland said, her
voico faltering a little, "they wero my
boy's. Charlio was fond of him I
couldn't havo given him those books if
ho had not been."
"You'ro right ;" and tho fiery voico
grew suddenly husky ; "my Chnrllo'tj
been a crying hover them ever since
ho got them, and I don't wonder, for
tho sight of 'cm has mado mo do what
I novcr did lor living oreaturo in nail
my life aforo. I'vo como hover to beg
pardon lor all my liuglincss to
racnts : but though ho was two years
older than Frank, tho latter was inoro
than his equal in sohool-standiiig.
There was 110 brag about Frank, how
ever, and tlicro would probably have
been no jealousy on Cliarlio's sido had
. 1 1... 1 !....
it. nono oeen uxuiiaju uy iiuuiu uiuu-
enoo. Mrs. uoopor was uuieriy icai-
ous and envious, and her sneers and in
nuendoes did much towards making
her son as unreasonable and suspicious
as uerself.
A few months after tho school open
ed, an examination was hold for the
"You aro to havo tho Coopers for nurnoso of promoting suoh of tho
neighbors, I hear," said Mm. liaily, as scholars as wero fitted for tho advance
VIliiriIU n un il uiiui. uujr, uuu 1110 " , r , yum riiituii iui .111 u, y iiniiiiurn w
parents had kept him steadily at school, did sho notice tho figure that it moment you and to him that's gone j you poor,
and wero very proud of his nttain- later entered tho room, until a voico de3r &oxxt y0u hido, hido," and fierce,
sho stopped on hor way "down town"
to chat lor a moment over tho lcnce
with her cousiu, Mrs. Sunderland.
"Look out for squalls 1"
Mrs. Sunderland paused in her work
of nipping tho withered blossoms from
a running roso to turn an inquiring
glanco toward tho speaker,
"What is wrong about tho Uoopers T
They aro honest, sober, industrious
lolkB, arc they not 1
"All ol that, with many other vir
tues beside," Mrs. Uaily replied, laugh
ing. "JNcvertueless, I d rattier have
them livo next door to you than to
. , , , I,
"Don't bo so mysterious," said Mrs
Sunderland, her good-humored faco be
ginning to wear a shade of anxiety.
"Jilthcrtcll mo what there is to tell, or
tell mo nothnm.
"inero is nothing very dreautui to
reveal, and what there is is no secret,
You would havo known Mrs. Cooper's
reputation as well as overybody else in
laireeiivillo docs u you wero not a new-
comer. Sho is said to bo tho worst-
tempered woman in town, and has
novcr lived neighbor a month to any
family without getting up a quarrel
with them ; therefore, I say, bowaro of
squalls I"
Mrs.'Sundeiiand did not think that
tho dangers her cousin had warned her
to preparo for wcro of a very serious
character, but beinc a womau "wiso in
her generation," sho deemed it prudent
to higber departments in tho school.
Frank Sundorland was the only boy in
his class who was successful m passing
tho examination, though Uharlio
had not been far behind hint, and his
heart, and his mother's as well, had
been set upon his obtaining tho pro
That he failed to do so was, 'n it
self, a bittor disappointment, biu
Frank should succeed where Charlie
failed was a trial much harder to on-
dure. Mrs. Cooper's undisciplined
tongue wagged freely, and her opinion
that tho school was conducted upon
tho rankest principles of favoritism
was widelv disseminated. Sbo would
have been foolish enough to
choked with sobs said
"Please, Mrs. Sunderland, mayn't I
see him f
Then she turned and saw Charlio
Cooper. Tlio boy's swollen eyes show
ed that ho had boon crying, but Mrs.
Sunderland looked at him, apathetical
ly, and when sho had realized what it
was ho wanted, turned quito calmly to
wards tho coffin and withdrew1 the
cloth that covered tho waxen faco.
Charlio gaaed for a fow moments
upon his dead school-mate, awed and
Bilent, though tho tears chased each
othor down his checks. In a littlo
while tho mother kissed tho marble
brow, still with that unnatural calm-
nesi, and re-covered tho faco.
Charlie was trembling from head to
foot with repressed agitation, and Mrs.
Sundeiland almost unconsciously laid
hr hand upon his shoulder as if to
calm him. At her touch tho boy's
self-control gave way ; with a child's
instinctivo dodiro for comfort and sup
port in sorrow, ho llung
around her, and dropping
upon her besom, burst into
ht ot weeping.
'Oh, Mrs. Sunderland T' he cried, "I
can t bear to have him die; I can t 1
cvil-tompered Mrs. Cooper ended her
Bcntcnco by bursting into a hearty fit
of crying.
Mrs. Sunderland clasped in hers the
knotted, toil-worn hands outstretched
towards her.
"uon t cry, ' sho said, tears rolling
down her own chcoks as sho spoko. "I
know you aro sorry. We'll havo to be
friends aftor this, and we will never
quarrel any more.
And they nover did.
About Bales for Health.
Queen Viotoiia's Orowu.
It nlwavs interests ladies to read
about diamonds nnd jcwols, and wc
hnvu no doubt all would feci a pleasure
in having a description of Queen Vic
toria's crown. It wns mado in 1838.
with jewels taken from old crowns.
and others furnished by command of
tho Queen. It consists of diamonds,
pearls, rubies and sapphires and emer
aids, set in silver and gold i it has a
crimson velvet caji with ermine bonier,
and is lined with while Bilk, and
wclahs fortv ounces trov. Tho lower
part of thu band above the ermine bor-
oonsist of a row of 199 pearls, nnd tho
upper part ot tno band a row ot 112
pearls, between which in front of tho
crown, is a largo sapphire, purchased
tf fl,.i f,m,t.n t., tlnni.t 1r At llw.
IUI IUU Kl'fTOII U J MHUlgU a . jib lull
back is a sapphire of smaller size, nnd
six other sapphires (thrco on each side),
between which aro eight emeralds.
Above and bolew tho Beveral sapphires
aro fourtcon diamonds, nnd around the
eight emeralds 128 diamonds. Be
tween tho emeralds and sapphires are
Bixteen trefoil ornaments containing
100 diamonds. Abovo tho band arc
eight sapphires, surmounted by eight
Paraljtio Btruok by Lightning and Mar
reously Ourcd.
Abrahnm Cuddubaek, a highly ro
spectcd citizen nnd merchant of Da
mascus, l'a., was strickon by paralysis
thrco months ago while attending
church. Hu was conveyed lo his
homo nnd several physicians from Now
York and Philadelphia wcro summoned
to his bedside, but all to no avail. His
devoted wife was untiring in her ef
forts to aid him, and everything that
surgical or modicnl aid could suggest
waB Invished upon tho sufferer, but nil
to no purpose.
A short time ago tho family, broker,
down in health nnd spirits, removed to
Matamoras, Pa., directly oppostte Port
Jcrvis, and a physician from tho latter
place was in constant attendance upon
Mr. Cttddcback. Several weeks ago
ho lost his appetite, and ho has been
growing steadily weaker day by day
until it was believed that tho end was
not far off.
A terrific thunder-storm accompanied
by tha most vivid lightning prevallod
in that section lost week, nnd a houso
close by Mr. Cuddeback's was struck
and tho elcctrio fluid camo in at the
diamonds, between which aro eight open window of his house, 'and, strik-
festoons, consisting of 148 diamonds, ing him, threw hun violently from a
In front of tho crown and in the center chair on which was sitting to the floor,
of a diamond Maltese cross is a famous lie lost consciousness and was on tho
ruby. Around this ruby to form the floor in that stato for some time, when
cross are scventy-fivo brilliant dla- his wife camo in, and sho raised him
monds. l nrco other Maitcso crosses,
forming tho other two sides and back
of the crown have emerald centers,
each 132, 124 and 130 brilliant dia
monds. From the Maltese crosses is
stio four imperial arches composed of
to a sitting posturo and set about to
restore him. This sho succeeded in
doing in a fow moments, nnd what was
her delight to discover that ho had re
mained tho iiso of his limbs and could
talk and walk as naturally as ever, IliB
his arms
his head
a violent
can t ho was always so good lo mo.
llio mother s hps quiveied : her fea
tures worked convulsively ; the healing
withdraw Uharlio lrom tho school had tears camo at last to her aching oyes,
not his lather interposed his rarely ex- and with her faco bowed upon Cliarlio's
erted authority and put a positive veto curly head, she, too, wept freely and
upon any such absurd proceeding. soitiy, and with tho blessed tears tho
As usual, Charlie's wrath soon evap
orated, and as there was now no occa
sion for actual rivalry between them,
tho two lads got along very harmo
niously, and Frank was ablo to do
many a kind turn for Charlie, which
the latter, as a ceneral thing, fully ap
Thouch very well aware ot tho ru
mor of Mrs. Coopor's feelings toward
her aud Frank, Mrs. Sunderland was
sensible cnouch to feel rathor amused
than irritated, even when Mrs. (Jooper s
conduct, on their chanoo meetings.
verged upon actual insolence. luo
first bitterness of her anguish passed
Conttnutilfrom laft wwS.)
How Watch Cases are Made.
Imitation always follows a miceesiftil
article, and imitation is one of tho boot
proofs of real honest merit; und tlius it is
that the James Boss' Gold Watch Case has
its imitators. Buyers can always tell tho
genuine by the trade-mark of a crown, from
which is susp ended a pair of iWOt uKn
tcaus. lie sure both crovm aim to a
scales are stamped in the cap of tho watch
case. Jewelers arc very cautious nliout en
dorsing an article unless they not only inou
that it is good, hut that the character of
tho manufacturers is such that tho quality
of the goods will ho kejit fully up to standard.
The Jamea Bobh (iold Watch CaMw po Ilka hot
eakci. Koch one I soil sells another. Dou't need
to recommend them they Mil themsolieti. Ono of
my customers has had a James 11064 Oold Watch Cat
In use for 20 years, and It Is as irood as ever. With tits
case I do not hoslute to Kite my own guarantee, es.
reclally nllh tho now and lmiroved cases, which
aeemtOLieoveriasuuK. massif i.ivxi.s, .i.wirr.
n.t.i. vrn aaca t.iulLW
Gold Watch Cue, came into myiwseesslon aljoutltua.
has tsMii In use lnco Uiat time, and Is etui In koou
condition. The movement 1b theoue which waslnthe
Mu.lun T Imnirht It. anil lb, oontlitinn shows that
the esse has really out-worn the movement, which Is
liayeuout. aishtin a. uuivMa,
0 Board q Vtwtori Jf.J, K. R, .c Tnmt. Co,
a,. a t it iua-p loi.j.i... rrsuk c. r..iru., nils.
e.ltib!,Fa., fursssatttM rsHpsMlksalsg avw
SSSIH UvM' ass "IMS ISM srs ..
(lotK OorMnued.)
to pour oil upon the waves beforo any widow's cheerfulness and politeness
siens of a storm became visible- A continued to bo finite invinciblo until
clay or two after her new neiehbors ar-1 tho events of a certain morning proved
rived, secinc Mrs. Cooper making somo to her that forbcaianeo had at last
endeavor to improvo the condition of a ceased to bo a virtue.
very neglected garden patch, Mrs. Sun- It was a cold day in January ; Frank
dcrland stenned to the dividintr fence had trono to the woll to draw a bucket
and becrtted her neiirlibor's acoeptanco of water, but found tho well-bucket
of a basketful of vegetables sho had half full of ice, so that it would not
iust Gathered from her own thriving sink when lowered into tho water.
garden. His mother camo to his assistance, out
"It la so lato in- tho season that I'm succeeded no better than ho had dono.
afraid you won't bo ablo to raiso much Charlio Cooper was at tho well in their
in your garden this year,' she said own lot, scarcely a stones throw dis
Sunderland's friends came to
her and took her away from the sceno
of her bereavement. All that affection
could do was done to cheer her, and
after a few months her healthy, chcer-
lul temper began to reassert itself, and
so aided tho ellort of beuehcient na
ture that by September sho felt ablo to
return to Greenville and her boy's
grave, and to become again, in a meas
ure, her old calm and gentle self.
Tho schools had just reopened, and
though tho remembranco of ono short
year ago, when her own boy was there,
tho brightest and most hopetul of tho
young throng who commenced tho
school year together, brought a pang
ot almost unbearable pain to tho
mother's heart, sho endured this Buffer
ing as she had endured nil
pleasantly ; "and as 1 havo moro gar
den truck than I can make use of, I
shall bo glad to have you help mo dis
pose ot it.
Mrs. (Jooper turned upon her a lace
that certainly was not very prcposess
ing, for it was dark, sallow and scowl
ing, and when sho spoko it was with
such a misplacing of her aspirates as at
onco betrayed her to havo been at no
distant date a subject of Queen Victo
"ilrm much obliged to you, ma am
and as you've hoffercd tho garden-sass
I'll accept it ; but, as a general thing,
me and my old man payB our hown
way, and don't caro to bo beholden to
Tho lad (Jharho sho found it much
easier to mako friends with : ho wns a
frecklo-faced, black eyed youngster of
twelve or thirteen, with a hoad thickly
covered with closely-coiled rings of au
tant, and he called out
"Como fill your bucket here, Drank ;
our wed is all right.
Without Btoppinc to ask permission,
Frank scrambled over tho fence, and
soon tho two lads wero laughing and
joking together as Charlio lowered tho
bucket. Just then Mrs. Cooper camo
out of tho bouBO and advanced to
wards them; she brought another
bucket to fill, ono that was already
half full of water, wlnoh sho was shak
ing around in tho bucket, preparatory
to throwmtr it out.
"What aro you doing m my lot, sir,
may 1 ask" sho said, as she noticed
tho intruder. Frank colored, and took
up his still empty bucket.
"JNover mind, Ubarlie, ' said no;
"wo can get tho ico out of our own
bucket : I'll go back, now."
Charlio was provoked at his mother,
and his temper being as ill-governed as
Tho examination for promotion was
again held, and this time Charlio
Cooper ranked first among the five of
his clnss who wero promoted to tho
higher department. Mrs. Sunderland
was sincerely pleased when sho heard
of tho lad's triumph, and a fow morn
ings later, when she met him, she
stopped to shake hands with him, con
gratulating him most cordially. "But
how does it happen you are not in the
school this morning V' sho asked.
"11 don t go to Bchool iust nowr
ho Btammercd. "I've stopped awhilo."
Tho observance of scrupulous clean
liness and tho practice of tho strictest
tempcranco will, other things equal,
give better health at all times, whether
cholera threaten or not. It is worse
than useless to get up a scare ab6ut
Asiatic cholera. Cholera morbus is
with us always, together with a host
of other bowel complications, any one
of which stands ready to carry off tho
imprudent, oven though tho dreaded
plaguo keep to its own Krishna and
Jumna. Statistics aro wanting to
prove whether the imprudent or the
over fearful aro most llkoly to bo at
tacked by cholera, but thero arc indi
cations that many individuals are both
imprudent nnd scared, which is a seri
ous combination.
Every man ought to know what is
best for his own well-being. If ho
does not know, it must cither bo be
cause ho is in robust health or from
lack of observation. It is worthy of
notic that a great many men and wo
men go on being sick for years without
making any attempt to ascertain wheth
er any peculiarity in their diets or their
habits is tho cause. Habits aro so
strong and falso tastes have such a firm
hold upon somo of us that we refuso to
listen to tho warning even of our own
experience. Tho whiskey drinker will
attribute his sicknesss to the water, and
tho lover of highly seasoned dishes will
charge tho qiicasincss of his stomach
upon anything rather than upon his
fats and sauces. As a rule, children
know what is good for them bettor
than adults, but tho latter will not al
low tho weo things to feed as they
All excesses aro evil all. Excess of
tho rest f0I f any kind, even the best j exoes-
sive drinking, even cf water : excess
oak leaves and acorns, tho'leaves con- appctito returned also, and now ho eats
taming 728 rose, table and brilliant his meals as usual and seems to enjoy
diamonds, twenty-two pearls forming them, too.
tho acorns, set in cup of fifty-four dia- His case is exciting considerable in-
monds undone tablo diamond. I he terest among tho physicians and his
total number of diamonds in the arches happy family are tho recipients of
nnd acorns is 108 brilliants, 11C tablo many congratulations over his miracu-
and 5o9 roie diamonds. From tho up- lous recovery. The caso is one of tho
per part of tho arches are suspended most singular ever happening within
four large, pendant, pear-shaped pearls, tho recollection of old' physicians in
tvo excitement, whether from worry,
grief or pleasure, and even excessive
rest. Though it is a fact that all
heroic deeds havo beeu performed uu
dcr tho pressure of excitement, it docs
not follow that excitement makes he-
rocs. The man whoso nerves and di-
gestivo powers havo been kept in or
der by judicious use, without abuse,
will probably mako a bettor hero when
tho occasion demands than will tho
man who seeks excitement. Intensity, of
mental effort has mado many men fa
mous but it has killed them. Hum-
with roso diamond caps, containing
twelve roso diamonds and Btoms con
taining twenty-four very small roso
diamonds. Abovo tho arch stands the
mound, in tho lower half of which is
304 brilliants, nnd in the upper 244
brilliants, tho zono and arch being com
posed ot thirty-three roso diamonds.
The cross on tho summit has a roso cut
sapphire in tho center, surrounded by
tour, largo brilliant diamonds and 1U8
smaller ones. To read of all theso ele
gant and costly jowels sounds almost
liko fairy land, and ono would bo re
minded ot the Arabian .Nights. Tins
crown must bo very heavy, and wo
guess Quceu Victoria is happier
without tbatrwiih it on her head, which
only is on grand stato occasions. At
lanta Constitution.
Wheeling Oity Bankrupt.
burn hair. Noticing him one morning hor own, ho turned towards hor an
wheeling away a lot of weeds and rub
bish lrom his mothers garden, Airs
Sunderland asked him if ho would liko
to perform the samo servico for her-
of courso, for a remuneration. Tho
offer was eagerly nccepted, and nfter
that Charlio Cooper earned many a
dimo by littlo services performed for
.a 1
tho widow lady,
Frank Sunderland nnd ho becamo
quite well acquainted lu tho course of
these labors, and, an a general thing,
the two boys got along together re-
grily, crying: "What's tho iiso of
being so hatoful t you ought to bo
ashamed of yourself 1" at which words
Why, how does that happeu ! Sure- hold, Newton, Titian, Michael Angolo,
-aiiiiou nuu iToetuo are great names.
They took lifo easily and lived long.
Raphael, Byron and Schiller aro great
names also, but they burned out their
lamps in comparative youth. Who
dare say that their light would have
been less had it been tended belter. T
Specific directions ought nover to bo
given unless tho hereditary or acquired
bodily tendencies of the advised indi
vidual aro known. Tho rule of life,
even in tho Autumnal months, for a
man allliotcd with costivenes can nev
er be tho same as that for a man with
n tendency in tho opposite direction.
Somo may abstain entirely from fruit
and rotain gtrod health, but there are
many to whom compliances with tho
ly, now is tho very tirao you ought to
be most regular in attendance.
M know Id liko to be, but
again ho stopped much emi arassed,
and it was not ivithout a good deal of
questioning that Mrs. Sunderland at
last drew from him tho information
that bo had censed to attend school on
account of his father's inability to pro
cure for him the new set of Bchool
books his promotion had mado ncces-
"fathers had a ielou on his hand all
summer, and its not well yet. no
hasn't been ablo to work tnuoh, and
wo'vo had to bo awful economical.
Mother oried liko everything when
father said ho just couldn't spare tho
Tho city of Wheeling is bankrupt.
The. Constitution provides that a city
cannot create a debt to exceed five per
ccdI. of its taxable property. The
State assessment just completed shows
the city properly to be valued at $1G,
000,000, which allows a debt of 800,
000. Somo time ago tho Exohango
Bank refused to cash any more orders
for the city, as its fund was then over
drawn !t14,000. A meeting of tho
counsel was called and it was ascer
tained that none of the loans negotiat
ed for a number of years was legal. A
new ordinance was prepared, but has
not yet reached tho Council. The City
.Receiver has borrowed email amounts
of various persons on tho street, but
this source of revenue has ceased. The
police got their orders for July pay
cashed on the street, but there is littlo
hopo for their doing so again. Tho
firemen are unpaid for last month, as
are many othor city employees. A now
tiro engine was ordered, and is now
here and must bo paid for in ton days.
Tho city has overdrawn its account
$160,000 to date, has not a dollar, and
ill not get any before December taxes
como in. Much sutlering is likely to
ensue. It is believed that tho city
ould vote against another loan. The
banks won't touch au order, tho oity
being in round numbers $80,000 be
yond tho constitutional limit in debt.
large part ot tho city loans are draw
ing 7 per cent, interest. An attempt
as made last night to secure a quor
um at Council, but without avail. Un
less funds are raised from private
sources, from citizens willing to risk
getting thoir money back, thero is lit
tle prospect of oity employees being
paid tor two or threo mouths to oome.
As nearly all the mills of the city are
shut down, this will occasion much in
convenience, if not suffering.
Influence of Beer on Health,
his raothcr'B anger roso to the explod- money to buy a lot of now books. Sho order "abstain from fruit" would bo
inrr nnint. was mad at first, but bIio soon cot over tho signal of their death warrant. Tho
ing point
"1 11 thank you to mind your own
business, Charlio Cooper 1" sho said ;
and then turning ferociously upon m
offensivo l'rank, "as for you, you
young haristocrat, I want you to get
hott my premises, and slay holt m
We don't want no favorites round
hero." Tkon, throwing tho contents
that, for sho know father couldn't help uian who lives by any set of rigid rules
it. Sho's saving up now, and so am 1, ot dietary tonnuiated lor him by otn
and wo 11 raiso tho inonoy between us
markably well : but ono day omo ao- of hor bucket, not absolutely at Frank,
cideut happened to Charlie's wheelbar- but with an utter disregard of what
row, and ho choso to think Frank was she was doing, sho dashed tho vvater in
tho cause ot tho disaster. Tho evil suoh a way that tho lad was complete-
temper which nnu hitherto mm dor- ly drenched.
mailt sprang suddenly to life, and Mrs. Sunderland advanced to tho
Charlio gavo utteranco to such a tor- fonco to holp Frank, shivering and
rent of profanity as uttorly apallcd not crying, to uet over it. Her gcntlo
only Frank, but Frank's mother, who temper, proof against insults or attacks
witnessed tho sceno lrom her Kitohcn directed upon hcrsell, win at last
window. Sho called Frank away at aroused. Frank was a very delicate
once, mid, alter a tew words ot robuko oluld, and tho clleots ot suoh a Bhotvor
to Charlie, spoken far more in sorrow bath upon such n morning might bo
than in nnger, sho sent him home, say
ing that sho could not allow any boy
who sworo or used bad languago to bo
tho companion ot her son.
serious, with hashing eyes and lace
flushed with indignntion, sho turned
upon her enemy, who did have tho
crnco to look a littlo ashamed of her
Charlie departed in tears with his self
Urokon wheelbarrow, and probably "You aro a wicked, cruel woman,
gave an account of thu troublo from I Mrs. Cooper, and heucoforth I will
his own point of view to his mother,
for a fow moments later Mm. Sunder
land was startled to sco coming over
her back fence first a cabbage, then a
neck or so of potatoes, and unally the
basket in which sho had that morning
Bent to Mm. Cooper the vegetables
Ihus unceremoniously roturnod. An
explanation of this surprising shower
tolloH'ed lu All's. Uoopurs voico :
"inn tnauK you niter mis to keep
yourself nnd hcverythiug belonging to
you to yourself, Hit my boy lialnt lit
society for your boy, wo don't nono
ot us want nothing to do with you.
ui courso, to suoh a speech us this
no civil reply was possible, so Mrs.
havo nothing to do with you.'' Then
sho hurried Frank to the houso, and
minded her tears with his as she help
ed him to attire hiiBjelf In dry gnr
The lad had a cold and a sore throat
as tho result of his dreuohing, nnd his
anxious mother, during tho period of
his iudispositiou, entertained towards
Mrs. Cooper a rescutincnt hearty
enough to havo satisfied oven Dr.
Johnson. Frank got well that time,
however, and was booh at school again
bright and merry as usual.
But ho had several attacks ot boio
throat boforo tho winter was over, aud
thoy lull him so wenk uud puny that
beforo Christmax, I guess, though
those kind of books do cost liko smoke,"
ho concluded, with a rueful sigh.
After ho had gone Airs, auuderlnnd
roturnod to her home, and, entering
tho darkened parlor, sat in tho rocking
chair and rooked nnd cried softly for a
long timo.
1 lien she weut up stairs and opened
a deep drawer in a bureau, lrom
whence issued a strong perfume of
withered roso leaves. Sho removed
tho linen towel that shrouded tho con
tents of the drawer, and from ono coi
ner drow forth n slato and a pile of
school books, almost new. Sho opened
tho books ono by one, and In eaoh bIio
kissed tho name, "Frank Sundeilaud,"
inscribed iu a big, boyisii hand ; then
sho laid her check upon tho books.
fondling them ns though thoy wero
living oreatures, and cried ogam.
At last sho wiped her oyeB and tied
up tho books in a neat, strong pack
"I am doiug iust as he would want
ino to do," sho said to herself. Sho
wrote the namo of Charlie Cooper
upon tho package, and giving it to her
littlo kitchen maid, directed her to
tako it to the house ot her nolghbor,
Mr. Cooper.
Tho evening of tho same day, as
Mrs. Sunderland Bat alone, reading
over a few verses from her Bible be
fore retiring for tho nlpht, sho heard a
bustle of approaching footsteps, tho
door oponed, nnd hor little mam said :
"Hero's Mis' Cooper wants to seo
you n fow minutes, Mis' Sunderland."
Sho ushered Into tho room a tall,
gaunt figuro, whose head and Bhoiildors
oib : who abjures animal food because
vegetarians seek to prove that it is not
right for man to eat it; who abandons
fruit and vegetables through dread of
diarrhea ; who forces himself to a mon
otonous and unvarying dietary, or who
takes his food by weight, if but a fool
for his painB, and will soon rcip his ro
ward iu sickness. On tho other hand,
it is impossible to write four letters
largo etiough to express tho foolishness
ot tno men or women who will contiu
no to eat what thoy know is hurtful to
them either because they like it, be
causo others recommend il or benuse
they perceivo that others tako It with
impunity, llio mail who exercises
largely every day, who lives out of
doors, who works at hearty manual
craft under healthy conditions, will, i
in good health, piobnbly find himself
ablo to digest and nssimilato protty
won any Kind ot tood not taken In ox
cess, while tho man who follows a bo
dentary calling must, even if in good
health, tako tar moro caro ot himself.
It is singulnr that advice to bo tern
perato Ib ofton given intompcrately,
and that tho most tcmpernto ndvico
temperately given is likely to bo disre
garded by somo nnd inteinperalcly
acted upon aud abused by others.
J'huuthlphin Jiecord.
A woman will wear a hat trimmed
with birds, a eheaf of wheat, a small
alligator and other articles of like do
scriptlon and feel perfectly happy.
Yet that samo woman will complain
bitterly if her husband happens to como
homo with n plain, ordinary, ovoryday
brick in hat. bitch, alas, is the moon
Bistcnoy ot woman.
that neighborhood, and a thorough in
vestigation is soon to be made.
As human curiosity is never satisfied
as to tho precise monymt of death in
tho case of beheading, the account of
tho latest experiment on a decapitated
criminal, which is communicated to tho
Jieuue Scientifique by a French scin
list, who made his observations on tho
head of Catnpi, is of interest. This
tirao tho results aro more satisfactory
than has hitherto been the case, and
Dr. Petitgand makes the following
statement with regard to the manifes
tations of consciousness after the head
has been separated from the body : 1.
That tho head, on being separated from
body, remains in possession of all its
faculties if the hemorrhage docs not
pass certain limits, and if the propor
tion of oxygen in tho most blood is
sufficient "for keeping up the nervous
functions for a few short moments,
which can never exceed half a minute.
2. That repeated convulsive maxillary
movements afttr the separation of tho
head from tho body, generally called
"liiting the dust," are nothing but the
reflex action common in oases of acnto
Tho cholera appeared at Albano,
near Rome, on July 13, 1866, under
very singular circumstances. It was
on tho occasion of somo religious cero
mony that attraolcd a great number oi
visitors from tho Eternal City, who
were gathered together in the grounds
of tho Papal Castle of Gaudolfo. It
was after the ceremony, and tho crowd
wero walking through the grounds, ad
miring tho beautiful fountains and lis
tening to tho music of a military band.
All at onco some of llieni perceived in
tho sky, coming from tho direction of
tho African coast a great black cloud,
divided down the middle so as to re
semble tho two wings of an enormous
bat. A feeling of intense cold over
powered tho spectators. Iu less than
an hour a hundred and four persons
had beeu stricken down by the disease.
The cloud seemed to bo charged with
cholera as other clowds with electri
otty. Scientific men explained this
curious phenonomenon by assorting
that tho cloud had formed over great
stagnant pools in the peighborhood of
Tunis, that aro filled with thu excre
ment of countless hosts of locusts and
grasshoppers. Tho disoaso did not
spread beyond tiio gates of Albano,
Colonel Green, Presidout of tho Con
necticut Mutual Iifu Insurance Com
pany, says that in one of our largest
cities containing a great population of
beer drinkers, ho liad occasion to note
tho deaths among u large group of
persons whoso habits, in their own
yes nml thosu ot their menus and
ihysicians, wcro temperate ; but they
were huof.ual users ot beer. When
tho observations began, they wero,
upon tho nverago, something under
middle age, and they were, of course,
selected lives.
For two or threo years there was
nothing very remaikable to bo noted
among this, group. I'reseutly death
begjiu to Ktiikoit; and, until it had
dwindled to u fraction of its original
proportions, tho mortality in it was
astounding iu extent, and still more
remarkable iu thu manifest identity of
cause and mode. There was no mis
taking it. Tho history was almost in
variable robust, in apparent health,
full muscles, a fair outside, increasing
weight, florid faces, then a touch of
cold, or a sniff of malaria ;nud instant
ly somo acute disease, with almost iu-
variably typhoid symptoms, was In vio
lent action j and ten days or less ended
It was as if the system had been
kpt fair outsldo, .while within it was
eaten to a shell, and at the fii st touch
of discaeo there wns utter ool)apso i
every fibre wns poisoned nnd weak.
And this, in its main features, varying,
of course, in degree, has been his obi
nervation iu beer drinking everywhere.
It is peculiarly deceptive nt first; it
ia thoroughly dcfitiuclivo at tho last.
Preparatory to weaning colts, they
should hu taught to feed en tluo hay,
meal and oats, that there i ecd be
no shrinkage of flesh after leaving thu
dit m.
A question, probably never raided
before, namely, whether a lady moro
than 100 years old is not presumably
of insufficient disposing mind, memory,
and understanding to mako a will, has
been decided by tho Civil Court of
Lyons. Thu testatrix was Mine. La
cene, one of the most brilliant women
of the Restoration. At her chateau,
whero sho died last December, in her
104th year, sho often entertained Mmc.
do Stnel, Mine. Rccamier, and Benja
min Constant. In 1 873 bIio mado a
will, by which bIio left a great part of
her fortuno to tho wife of tho notary
who drew it up. This will sherovoked
by a subsequent will in 1880, and di
vided all her property among nephews
aud nieces. The notary's family con
tended that at tho extremely advanced
ago of 101, whieh sho wns in 1880, sho
eould not have possessed testamentary
capacity. Tho tiibuniil, however, was
satisfied on tho evidence that thu cen
tenarian wns iu tho full enjoyment of
her faculties, and established tho will
in favor of her relatives.
A woman hastily entered n Harlem
lager beer saloon and demanded of tho
propiietor i
'Has my husband been in heio 1'
'I don i know him. Is he n lull
man t'
'Redheaded V
'Yes, and red complected.'
Full beard !'
Wore a slouch hat V
Hu was hero not live minutes ago.'
He oamo in drank n glass of Itni
onude, and then WRlked dowu tho
'Drank what!"
'Wrong man !' bIio said Bhcoting hi r
self out of tho door.
Who wob tho most sueoosBful finan
cier mentioned In tho Old Testament T
Noah, because he successfully floated a
limited company when all the rest of
tho world wns iu liquidation.
Tho Fall overcoat
ilothos of tho year.
belongs to the