TEE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BTdMSM?R&, COLUMBIA CdtNTY, 3PA. Precautions Against Drought. On account of the plentiful ruins thus fnr It Is not too much to expect that lieforo the. homou la over we rrmy oxperioncd weeks of dry weather. In any ovent the following suggestions from tho I'Mladtlphia Jlccord In re gard to preparations for drought nro worth noting. "It ts n well-known fact that when tho soil Is kept in a loose, fine, friabto condition it not only absorbs moisture from tho atmosphere, especially at night, but allows of tho downward courso of tho water during showers Instoad of a loss by flowing off, as is tho caso when tho surface is hard. A looso, deep soil also permit nn upward tendency of Water by capil lary attraction, tho loose soil thus stor ing mo'iBturo by its greater power of absorption when rains aro abundant. Wo thcrcforo find it in time of sevcro drought that tho frequent uso of tho cultivator, even when tliv soil apparent ly does not require working, is very boncflcial, tho greenish tin go of tho growing corn giving evidenco that tho oonstant stirring of tho soil enables tho crop to derive a oertaln proportion of moisture that it would not otherwise obtain. "The leavos of plants give off mois ture very rapidly. Whon wo sprinkle a plant with water tho moisture is not absorbed by tho leaves as many sup pose, but it arrests, temporarily, tho rapid evaporation that constantly takes plaoe, wuicu is greater when tho sea may safely to a pump, son is very warm. We compare . crowinc plant which brings tho moisture iroin below and discharges it from the leaves. Tho moisture is collected by the roots, whioh spread in ovcry direction, nnd tho amomnt of moisture given off in a uiiy uy a piant as corn, ior iiihuiiiuu, is i very groat. Wo cannot, ot course, water a Gold of corn, but wc can at least lessen tho amount of water which it gives off. Tho warmer the soil the more activo tho plant in search of mois ture. Among tho agoncicsused for as sisting to retain moisture is plaster, which absorbs tho moisture to a cer tain degree, from tho atmosphere. Any material that serves as a mulch will impart great benefit to a growing crop, not only by preventing tho evaporation of moisture from the soil, but also by keepincr the method known tho largest pro ...".I .V 1 is, as, wo siatea. mo aeep, constani. anu tlinrnilfrti nnlvpruLfihnn of thn anil. I "Thorn ia nnnihor font, tn hn nnn. siderod. Weeds and crass also civo off mnialnrn nnil avnrv uino.1 llinl nrnura In- ihn Qiiln nf n nlnnt intpn.lmf fnr oronniiiDr derives the desired nlant of moisture. Sometimes tho weed or blade of grass requires more moisture than tho plant, and nourishes, while tho plant dies. Clean cultivation, thro- fore! prevent the rbbbery of the plant nf mn!.li,rn h crninW wr.n,l nn.l -.r.v, UJ v.vw...u crass. As two plants ot the same kind growing together, are rivals, tho ono struggling against the other for supro- . ..' .: raacy in procuring food and moisture, we should be cautious not to havo too many planU to tho hill. If danger oo curs during drought thin out every plant that can bo spared in order that tho stronger and moro thrifty may havo better opportunities to mature. A clean surface and deep tillage will often save a crop, that would otherwise be lost during a dry season." The Head of a Three-Tear Old Child. Without a doubt tho Greatest cun- osityin w iiiiBrapon,in ino BMpooi an unusai neao, is at jno. xuwn Eighteen years ago Mr. George Katz ana Miss Thalka Nash were married in Williamsport. Their union has resulted in tho birth of einht children, all of whom aro living. The oldest child, a girl, is 17 years old and the youngest, also a girl, is a Iittio over fourteen months old. Tho seventh child, Annie Ivato, i ir l. nl inn, mu!. : -. I wan uum luaiiiu iu, 1001. 18 1,10 ohild with tho monstrous head. Vhen tho infant was less than a month old it was seized with spells of fits winch in a manner paralyzed part of tho body from which it seemingly never rccov- ered. Tho child is healthy otherwise. It eats, drinks, sleeps, laughs and talks as naturally as any of its brothers and sisters. Although its language is rather indistinct it makes all its wants known very readily ,to every member of the household. The remarkable part of the little creature is that in growth and development the body is wanting and everything seems In Hraw to the head. This part began to dc velop out of proportion from the child's early age, until now tho, head measures twenty-seven and a halt inches around the forehead and the same tho other way. Tho head Increased over five inches within a year, and is now growing as rapidly as .ever, whilo tho other portious of the body, especially- the legs and teet, are not larger than those of a child less than a year old. Tho disproportion of tho head Is all from tho oyes up. Her face is a trifle larger than is natural for a child of that ago. Her hair is a very light complexion and thin. Thu deformity of body causes it to be perfectly help less, not being able to sit alone, nor has it tho use of its bauds aud arms. Tho mother says tli,e cjiild isvory good- natured, not making much trouble in any way. Some of- the physicians arc battled, while otbors pronounce it a case ot dropsy. Wo one has over prescnb ed anything for the arrest of thu un usual growth, that has taken tho least effect. At tho present rato' of growth no ono knows what proportions mo head may assumeby the time the child is of age, providing it lives. Theifatlier is. eLloyed as a sawyer uo a Dttnjci on Brown, Clarko & Howe's mill. To : . I . ... . . say tho least, the child has been a won- deV to all who have seen it. To those who havo not seen it it will bo well worth whilo a trip to see, as an instanco of tho kind is equally rare as remnrkn ble. To illustrate out of what propor tion tho head is, it is necessary to state that a child's head, at that age, ordi- narily, measures about 13 inches and a full grown man's head averages 22 inches i but hero is a threo year old child with a head measuring twenty- soven inches and growing overy day. bun and JSanner, Strincr beans whon vomit? and tender mako a good salad. Cut thorn lu small pieces, boil in salted water until thoy aro tendor, drain them well,, and mix with them somo onions chopped line, nnil nnnr over them a mayonnaise dressing. Tho onions may be loft out if you pefcr to do so. A famllv that lived next to a boiler .l.n,l ii,.. iintm fnr flflnmi v(nrs .,,, Bu. , lining tnniMM rr itiir. ir. wiiH iiiuru Liniii thoy could stand when tho young gill tho first door below uogan learning play tho piano. . "Do you know," remarked a grocer to ono of his customers, "that eggs nartli .rnl 'I'lin nn hi 1 .. . .. . .' . V.. 1 I u iiwhoiiw uuuui v vwa. .-...v v.. i .. i -. i . iii.,, ,r ... n ii r ..mi mill rnnrn,ia I. ' . hnorntrt.1. fnr annnrinrr I f. J n.. r i . . ii I uuubu lu tuwil. , ..-,,.w, on v one class ot me peopio reauy op- ,K0.,',ifi,i r.m nnriinn nt mnialnrn ... ... i . .i:. I " m contain fivo times as much nourishment ft result pot attained by any of the payment w tuo undcrbiirncd administratrix with as any other kind of food t" "1 don't European systems udw lu operatlpn, J mr. halqmk iiiiapsiiaw. of those I bought of you tho other day, and I'vo not eaten anything since." ODD ITEMS. In another month some indication of fall and winter fashions will be given by local modistes who will haVn return, cd from Europe. When tho marriage coroniony was1 over tho parson was approached by the! grooin with the question ! "What the1 (iamngo. Several spurious blind mon were ro , coiuly arrested for bogging on tho1 ulrceti. This may bo Set down as a, gamo of blind man's bluff. Some rise with tho lark ; olheis gut up when tho steam whlstlo blows. Ileal comfort is found lying in bed until one feels like gutting up. An Iowa paper thinks there is stronir nrobalitv that a "nocktio par-, ty'1 will soon occur in that State. It rotors to thu anticipated hanging or a murderer. Tho lato Sam Ward said any green, thing could bo mado into a salad Tho youthful medical graduate may, there fore, bo said to be in his salad sea son. The paper market has briulitoncd with tho announcement that Gail Ham ilton is going to rill scrap books with all that is said in tho newspapers against Hlaine. How did you like tho doctor's ser mon t" said one to his companion as tnoy wcro walking homo from church, "First rato ; I always likod that sor- IIIU" - p;lj" nuked Walter, "what is a Iiudd- hist 1" A IJuddhist, my son," replied nn. "Is a well a sort of horticultural' ohap you'vo heard of buddding fruits, you know. The late rosidonoa of Tom Thumb . was sold lately for $4600. Its original cost was. it is said. SGO.OOO, but tho erection of a now jail in Its vicinity de preciated Us value. With poison lurkinn in ice credm freezers and tho faucets of soda fouo-i tains, tho young man of tho period is given no chance to treat somo other fellow's sister tbese warm evenings. Mr. Evarts, upon being remonstrated prjm:nai Krti The national debt is over one billion nve hundred million dollars. No won- der a man ICCiS allUOSt OS bad OS It 110 had lost his dearest friend on earth when ho finds that some ono stuck him with a counterfeit dime, jt ;g t0o soon to get in a flurry about uoliiics. Both parties are now collect- W tUo cash t0 pay 3lurap orators $50 "? night for spLcl.es whfch under any " 5.. " .. fil T- ... "l.l .Ui olner druumsiaiiuca woum uuhiiu -uv-u, i.n biilo,l at nno nancrerons u, tho peaco and mortality of the ooun. trv I"1.' I The old bach who said he would got i ....i.. .1 - .1 iuuir,ieu anu seiiiu uuwu uuu duuuu tun i remainder of his lifo in calm repose, got married ; but ho didn t repose worth a cent, aud ne is now appiy- luct lor a divorce so ho can seme UP agalu- A Chicatio cirl acknowledges having been encased to fivo men within six months and now sues tho lattor for breaoh of promise. Tho "reason why tu ,unrn nilrt ; to t ,tU)0 iame'torun whon he popped tho que8tiotJ. In Russia the sphere of usefulness open to women physicians, soarcely ox- ceedsthatofskilled.iiurs.es. Thoy aro permitted only to treat tho diseases of women and children. Apotheoaries, moreover, are forbidden to put tip prescriptions coming irom a wuiuuu, rpim at.i.ritmina of a rood noliceman . . V. . 1 aro dctihed by a JNew Xotk polico m- MiPMnr to bo courage, health, a stronnr ,mvsimie. horse sense, a general knowl-1 e(e 0f tl0 c-,tv an(j iawa (s0 far a8 1 ,i,ev 1)ertaj t0 his duties), ability to rea,) t0 write plainly aud to calculate j up to the rule of three, courtesy, truth and politeness a branch of accom plishments that is seldom found in the knight of thu club. The old custom of bottling tears is still continued iu Persia, it must be in" the earners very old, as it is alluded to ? .arnI3.r! Psalms of David. As tbo mourners UlUDUVIIIi; Aivuim niu, nwku.uuL, mivi. master of ceremonies presents each one with a piece of cotton-wool, with which ho wipes off his tears. This cotton is afterwards squeezed into a bottle, and the tears are preserved, as a . ... 1. poweaful and cilicacious remedy for ro- viviiig a dying man after' every "means it is also' 'employed" ad aj havo tailed. charm with on account ot his lontr sentences, i ,m, ,i. .... w i i,n i . rt rtiii. aniiiAniiAd mill rnnr la i n 1 1 ., .. I against evil intluenccs. Thei"" luuioram u practice was once universal, as is evi u ..,! denced uv tho tear bottles which are found in almost every ancient tomb, A poor English ladv, whoso house on the outskirts ot London was ovor., run uy uiui.iv ucciicd, wiuuu, i4wi;ib uui. only on the walls, but in the beds, ap plied tho other day to a magistrate to know whether she could bo compelled, under such circumstances to pay her rent. Tho magistrate explained to her that the courts were divided upon the question. A house overrun with bugs had been pronounced uninhabitable, but not with bodies. Sho would havo to carry the matter to tho House of the bonis. 1 he extent of some of tho vast T8 "1 ?'0 y?nd, 1 10 '""nation. Bad win KStZS I , . . T co ?m HUU,M" ",a uou I nntnml ilof nrntinna nrn mnrvnlnna. nnd V"' "" i .iiir.t . K1 anio and lemon trees. 2000 pomearan ates. 8000 English walnut trees, 200() almond trees. 2ouu peach trees, iuuu pear trees, 2000 apricot treos, 1000 fig trees nnd subsistence is furnished tor 25,000 head of sheep, 200 cows and pigs, and several hundred ,orscs and mules, this year there was 1 ,,000 acres of golden grain. Tho iirs t electric railroad tor publia uso in America went into operation In Clovoland on Sunday in connection with the East Cleveland Street Rail way Company, who havo just coin- lT l mi . ...... a I p.eteii a mi.e rpau. ino experiment was so successful that the company ex- pect to change their entire system, comprising over ( twenty miios, tntp M1, I . T" .7 . 7" . ?Tr rr. comuinniiou ui um irusii aim tvuigui. i I nml Ttnntlnv HVHteiils and thn r.urrnnt -:-v -'"-r:.- i w:ih ciiriiuti uii iiiiuui uiuuiiu uuiiuuuiuia laid in conduits liko thosq of calol to roads, inc cars weru smrteu unu slopped aud reversed with the greatest I ,. .i, ml ri n.pa ill, in Til. LU3U. 41UI 4IUIMUUI v. vm.o m v tocl, 0an bu run at ono timo on a singlo circuit and from ono maohine, whioh is Bouud over fof n ' year's spring suit. now trial Last Polygamous Economies- ftCMRTiiiNO aii6ut TiiK doMkbtio i.H'k W, MORMONS WITH MANY WIVKS. l'rom Harper's Magatlno. Tho private homo routlno of a po lygamous family is n matter upon which so much curiosity is constantly expressed by my acquaintances that I venture to sav liero what little 1 knowi but the reader must remember that' lesi than ten per cent, of the votlncl Mormon population ol Utah are polyg-i amists Tho polVuainist, ns a rule, has neon-1 mulated solno uroportv nnd owns a house beford ho takes a socond nnd successive wives, though sometimos ho begins by marrying' two or three nt once. All of these fnarrlagcs, hower-i er, except tho 'first) aro made seorctly by tho Church, nnd ho record of thorn! Is accessible, In tho' city, at leatt, it u seldom that tho different wives share tho same, quarters. In tho country this is notj so common, but tho natural unpleasant-' ness follows in most case. The treu-i crnl method is to have a laruo bouse,! tho, main part of which, perhaps, is oo cupied by tho first wifo and wings or additions by tho successive candidates' for marital Honors. 'Jiiicso larce. stran gling, hoteMiko houses nro oommon in salt iako Uity and mark a diltercnce' between it and a town of small houses liko Choycnno and most other Western villages. In nianV cases, however, the husband Bets up bis wives in separate' homes, cither side by sido or in differ-: cut parts of the city. In any caso each! has her own kitchen-garden, etc. I have in mind a wealthy dignitary of, tho Churoh whom you might easily! havo miBtakori for tho lato Peter' Coop cr and who is possessed of seven wives.; Each of theso women has some farin-i ing and garden ground of her cwn and all are greatly, devoted to rearing bees.' With the help of their crown children thov each ralso a larco alh'ount of pro-i duco and honey annually. The bus-, band acts As their agent. He hives' their swarms of bees and charges iliem' for it : ho renders special aid when' called .upon and is paid for it; ho sells' their crops and honey when it is ready; and credits each wifo with her duo: 'share. Most of them live in suites ot tho roof of his creati but tho first wifo has a' her own a little out which alio aud her chil i dren have retired to end their days in; peaceful independence. xuo way in which Ibis old gentle man has alwavs arrancod his domestic;' life is reported to bo thus : Ho iad' certain rooms m his house where ho kept his bed, his wardrobe, bis books and saw any visitors who called upon' I TT I t .1 l' l1, ' uim. itere re was a oatcneior anu iioro ho staid every other day and night.; 2" !a rZ olDer ,uay. ,ana alternate days and nights ho tho CUeSt of One Or anOtberof hl3 W was wives' . - , ,i rM""i """" ' aa AKXa ,ll,aV,S T'nt WM doV?d d,I,Pent,X t0 hersocieiy. Of (inn run this rnnl.inn vinn nnt. lnvnrinhln. but for-tho most part it was recrularlv 'f.n i " iuuuwcu. of; ater There aro some very pleasing tricks that may be performed with a glass of water. Mot only do they amuse, but lessons in natural science may be horn ed at tho same tiino. One, requires pijly a sheet of paper in addition to tho cub- let of water. Fill tho goblet brimming full of water; and cover it1 with the sheet of paper : then turn the glass quickly over ; tne pressure ot tno atmosphere upon tho paper will sustain the water; which will not run out. This experiment should bo first prac ticed over a bowl or pan until accuracy is required. Another exponmeut consists of till ing a dry tumbler evon full of water, and dropping coins into' tho centor of the goblet tbo coins edge downward. The water will rise up a little as each additional coin is dropped, until you may say you havo a tumbler heaping full of water. Tho top edge of the goblet should bo mado dry before drop- ping, the .coins. Tho third, experiment, will illustrate the, philosophy of the diving-bell.. Take a goblet,, and when inverted, sink it linu a vessel ui water, xou will uuq that thn air in thn rrlnH'i will nnt nil eacaPi and will' oooupy the upper half fi? SW( a"d KJ mwl hiy puftrng a fly or two in tiio glass, t ZVSH'Z lZdX$ .:i.ll'V , -IV sent tho divers as they go down in the bells. The fourth experiment consists of drawing water iroin a saticor up into a t r goblet. To do this put somo water into a tea saucer, then light a little wa dry paper, 'and after placing it I . 1. . I I . ....... ...,l,Ul A...M ill buo uiaii, bum uu ciuubv uuuuib uiui iu xuu uuai win lurcu um a greaior por tion of the air, and form a vacuum, and tho outer air. in an effort to till the vacuum, 'forces-the 'water from the 8aucel up into tho goblet. Tne annual renovation of the White' Ilotiso has begun, it being tbo inten tion of Gen. Arthur to depart in a few days. During his absence not only- will many of the adornments of last year be treated by artists, put new ones will bo added. New furniture will be bought, and carpctB which a year's uso has rendered unsuitable will bo replaced by new. Gen. Arlhurfs rosebud portrait will bo removed, and another by a different artist will take its place.' The Presi UoeMe,! nl(tl the mU,tcS sident has never former, but per I v iviiiuiii laiuui tiiaii ovum J endorse the criticisms which were mac e I .. . . ......... .... . on ,u intoniion is that the YVhito 8ea80 W shall be in a oondition to realize tho I purposo of Gen. Arthur of having tho coming winter unexampled tor tbo character ot its entertainments and brilliancy of its company. It ia already decided that tho President's sister, Mrs. MoKlroy, will be tho mistresi of the White House ce8Bor,e8 a wi roaizu the .mf.)080 bf raaking t,ib ...ling d of Gunt Arthur's occupauoy fully equal to any in the history Of tbo Whito House. uen. Arthurs successor Should no ue Blaine, Clevolaud, or Butler, will find tho White Ilouao a placo fit for a gen tleman 8 residence. T evenings are just tho f. fc , , ,llcstloufor the ft. , UHUalivlre,adv wUt Uc'for0 the l" an fiaa Ume to uWit v thou be mlno T dministhathix's notiok. i im mtats or .T.riiLu, pxcmKo, liittora of administration on the calato ot V. T. Vlnld. latii nl Cttntrallfl. ()lumbta cuuntr. 1'enn- nylvaula,Uavebbtn)frantedby the initiator of said I county to the undcrelgned Adiulnlalrutrli. All Mraona lmvins uuna sgUnst rtfadthoSu indented lo ule reucnt ttiemlorueuio. I Cutate ui inane V lUVUUllPUU ou, l'UUadelnhlu. l'a w. Uktbon, Atty, July i 0 w AdmuiUtrutrix, I - - I J WW 'AtHcrtlMlMK ciicnlMtil 'It has beconi'o M uiimmdit to begin nil article, In nn elegant, interesting style. "Then run it Into snmo rwvorllcmoiiti that wo avoid nil sucli, I "And simply call attention to tho, merits of Hop Hitlers In ns plain, linncstj terms ns possible, "To Induce people "To give them ono trial, which so proVos' their value Hint thoy will never uso nny. liilrur. else." "The remedy so favorably tiollcod in nil tin pa pers. Kellglous and secunr, M "Having a largo sale, and Is sippUiitlng all other remedies. "Tbcrols no denying tho virtues of tho Hop plant, And tho proprietors ot nop Hitters lao shown great shrewdness nnd ability "In compounding a medicine whom? virtues kid so palpable t o ovcry ono's ouwrrntlon. " 1)11) 911 F. 1I1K f "No I "Slio lingered and sulTuruil tilling, lilnlng nwny nil iiio unic lorycnrH, " l he uoctors doing nor no goon i" "And nt Inst was cured by this tinp lilt, tors the papers say so much about." "Indeed I Indeed I" "I tow thankful we should be fcir tlmti medicine." A DACUIITKn'ri MISKIlV. "Eleven years our daughter sullercd on a bed vl misery, "From a complication ot kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble nnd Nervous debility, "Under tho euro of the best physicians, "Who gnvo her disease various names, "Uutno relief, "And now sho Is restored to us in good health by ns simple a remedy as lion Hit ters, that we' had shunned for yenrs before Using It." Tho Parents. FATHER 13 OGTTINU WKU,. "Jly daughters sny i "How much better father is since ho used Hop Hitters." "Ho is getting well after ids long suffer ing from n' disease declared Incurable." "And wo nro so glad that ha used your' BUtcr8,"-ALadyof,Utlcn, N. Y, HNono gonnlno without bunch of green Hops,' On tho whlto label, tmun nil tho vlln, poisonous stuff vflth "Hop" or Hops In their namo, bMINI8T'A.Tbft'S NOTICE. X3TXTX pF UlRRlfcT VANLlSW, DICIA8KD, : Letters testamentary in tho estoto ot Harriet, Vanllew, late of Orango townablp, Columbia' county, l'cnnsjlvniiia, Mrabeca granted uyillog'l later of said county to tho undcrMgncd AdmlnM trdtor. All persons having claims against tho ejn late to present them for settlement, and those ln debted to the estate to make payment to tho un. derslgned without delay. A. C. VANMKVf, juiy w Administrator, UDITOn'S NOTICE. KSTATE OF MAKV C. CONNOR, bEOEASKD. Tho tinilcreigncd auditor appointed by tho Orj bbans'i court of Columbia county to distribute, funds In tho hands otibo executor In tho estate of) tuuu deceased, will meet at ins omcu in moom. burg on Naturday Augies ' 1881, at 10 o'clock a. ml when nnd where all parties ;must appear nnd pro-! sent their claims or bodebarmt from any guard ot said fund. L. E. WALIJJll, 1 July 18-t a Auditor. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF OAST cu wlto'uuln Suitable for mON. tr3 ftflw, Cemetery Lots and Public' Grounds tho several beautiful btylesot Fence Manufacture by the understsned. vni nniintv nnd Tiitrnhllltv ther are unsuroass cd. Set up by experienced nanus ana warrniueu tot'iresntwactlon. Prices ami specimens of other dei signs sunt to any address. Address mm BLOOMSBURG PA. May 4-tf E. B. BROWER, GAB FITTING & STEAM HEATING, DKALEIt IN gxoVES & TINWARE All' kinds of work' in Sheet Iron, Room ing and Spouting promptly attended to. prstrfct attentib-nKiveri tolieatinif by steam, Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. A School for All. The University at Mskg, Pa, COLLEGE, ACADEMY, INSTITUTE. A lull Faculty of 18. I-argo Libraries. Kicven rrco ttcuoianuuim ui. uiapusuu Send for catalogue to. .... lTtsldeui UAviu j, 1111.L, i.u u., 7.1-twr Lewisburg, I'ennsylvanla. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN 81.50 A YEAlt, Aro you falllnic, try Wells' Heiltu Its- Tot Bnln.Nemff, PtftmuhtUTer.MdQcjf, Lunga. AnUngpJwllnlrformt. Cure llcad4ch; Ferer, Ami, Chills, DEBILITY, & WEAKNESS. lca ta UA; trua miit, unequnled (or i, NervousWoo.kno.es, svvoai, wai arm. winen, uoxuai tieolino. 9m.T ixJf. o forra.oo. at unuteisu. 8. ViM.Jr4ty.Cty.,N, JU..A, liemarkulile Curnof CuUnuof the Bladder. Inflarairtitlon. Irrltatlonof Kid Dey ami uiaanrr. nioiie or uravel Lu rasea ot the FronUto (Hand, Propel col BwelUnn, Female Dlseanri, InranUn lnce at Urine, all I)1schm- of the (lentto. Urinary Organ Id either itx. For Un. hn&lLliv or Unnatural DIuihAnrfi. li&a alio "L'hipln'i Injection tfeur," each It. for nii'Mii iH, c-icuor conmciea or herMllaryulnt, uie Uhipln'a t'onjUtu UanlUtterOyrup, 11.00 ir botUe, and Chapln'a ftnhaiilal111. a.00-, and Ctuv pla'a BrTVjlla.Bl, ll.OO. boUlea ryrnp. J yr iiim, p e, py jupreef c rip of 110.(0. or at DniA-im. ajWEjylenjmyjUU SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFGItMKNTKD (111APB JUK'K. IfoAit In fhn mltilnn1 plilirlifSa tn ri.ntmnn4inl llxcellent for t'omales. Venkly Persons nnd tho Spcer's Port Grape Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD. rilHIS CKLKllHATUD W1NI5 U tho puro tulco ot incyards. Its Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any oilier Wine, llelng pro duced under Mr. Speer'Sbwn personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness, are guaranteed by the principal Hospitals and Hoards ot Health who have examined IU Tho youngest child may portako of It, and tho Weakest invalid use It to advantage. It la particularly bencilclal to tho aged and debilitated, nnd suited to tho various ailments that wieciiuewcnKcrsex. . 11 18 in every respect A WINE TO BE ltEUED ON. Spoer's Unformented Qfapo Jaioe- Is tho Jnlcc'of tho Oporto Orapes preserved in iionuvuroi, jrraa, sweei. suiie as it runs from tho press by fumigation, thereby destroying tho cxcl. from spirits nnd will keep In any climate. Sneer's Burgundy. IS a dark rich medium Dry Wlno used by tho Pnll.llV nlntKU'ia nq n TnlilAn.Dliinn.U'lnn mml liw physicians in cases where a dry wlno Instead ol a sweet port Is desired. , Speer's (Sooialite) Olaret. Is held In hltrllCHt.lmntlnn fnr lt.q HHinpu nq il Dry Table Wlno especially suited for dinner use, i Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wine of SunerlorClinracternnd narlakeoi of thortchquaUtlcsottbo grapo from which It Is uiuue. ' Speer's P- J, Brandy. stands nnrivalled In this Country for medlclual It has a peculiar navor.Blmllar to that of the grapes fromwhich It 13 dbtlllcd, Bco that the tlgnaturo of ALFItKD si'EKlt, I'as- palo N. J., Is over the cork of each bottle. SOJLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND 11V DI1UGHISTS EVBUfVUBBK. sep.ss-'83ljr. a week at homo. 5.00otitllt free. iay an. Mhsolutcly sure. Ho risk. Capital not required, y y Header, ir you want business at which per- CTOat Dav all tho time thnv work, with almnlnln certainty, writo for particulars to II. Hallktt fi vu., t uiuauu, jiiuiut. Deosi-ly STAFFORD'S tra BLACKING Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN.AriY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S. STAFFORD, Now York. July ll-4w CATARRH Hay Fever, From C31. J. Slald hor, of Now York i I havo buffered severely tor thn last ten years from Hay Fever In early and midsummer and In tha fall. I de sire In tho Interest ot my fellow sufferers to testily In favor of Kly's Croam Jinlm. My short uso ot It demon strated i Its efficacy. j. juaianor, 401 uroaa wav. Apply Into tho nos trils. .f EVt. a remedy founded on a correct diagnosis .of this dlseaso and.canuodo pended upon. Cream Balm causoa no pain. Gives relief at once. Cleanses tho head. Causes healthy secretions Abates lntlatnmatlon; Trevcnts fresn oOlds. Heals , t lie sores. Itcstorea tho senses of taste ana Emeu, a inorougn ircaiment win cure. Not a Unuld or. snuff. Amulod Into tho nostrils. 60 cts. at druggists j 60 cts. by mall. Samplo bot. tio Dy man iucis. AUI jmUlIIC l.lUljUtB, UIH.Uj ... A July 25 4 w ORAVS HPUCII'IC MEDICINl!, TRADE MARK TuKOaglTENa.TRADE MARK LISn ItEHEDT. All unfailing euro for Seminal Weak ness, spermator rhoea, Impotcncy, and all lilsoases. that follow ns a Bequcnca or self. Abuse; as loss of Memorr. Unlver. BEFORE TAKIIQ.sal Lossltudc,AFTER TAIIRfl. l'aln In thn Hack. Dimness of Vision. Vremature Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa- luiy or uonsumpiiuu unu a rrcmuvuru uiuvd. 11KWAKK UI UUVCrVUMIlUUilUl W 1UIU11U IUU1ICJ, when ilniL'L'Kt .1 from whom tho mcdlcluo U bought .Tn iuii renuui. but refer von ta the manufactur ers, andtho requirements aro such that. they ten guarantee. A trial of ono single package of dray's specino win convince tno moat buepucai oi ltn real ineiita. on account of counterfeits, we havo adopted tho Vnlliu. U'rnniwr . Ihn nnlv l-nnillnfl. t fFull particulars In our pamphlet, which wd aesiro to sena iruu uy man io every uiip. v i uo hnecinc Meuicine is bold ur au uruisis ui. ii per packuge or 6 packaes for ts, or will bb sent free by mall on tlio receipt ot the money, by nddrcb-ilng Mid in nioomsunrg uy an aruggisis. Novo-lv AdKNTS' W.INTKU-I'or Hie Llvm of Blaine & I Clovfeland & Logan, HendrickH In I Vol. by T. V . Knox. ln l voh by Hon A. Bar- uum. 'i ne lien nnu vneutvu. Kacn vou.f ouu pa ces, H.W. 60 per cent to agents, ontnts fi re. Address HAK'l'FOUU I'UUI.ItllllNd CO., uartioru conn. buiy ss-iw YOU OANNOT GUT WELL AT HOMK Pairview Eleclrop&tliic Institute, HINGIIAJITON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOK THIi SICK, Thu housn U hpeclally titled up for tho comfort ot Invalids who denim a pleas.iutand Christian homo, htands on high ground with plenty of bhade. l'crsonal attention given to every patient. Klectrtelty nnd Ualvanlsm In their different modi ilcatlons a speciality. I'rof. -MllLi has given many yean of btudy aud prartlco to this branch, and hundreds will testify to ULiBklU. fiend tor circular, btatlntf what paper you saw mis in. ynuv. iiemiy jui,ij Mrs. AUCK 1'ltKNClI XiLW. IMb Uox iff. Ulnghamton, N. V. m-pt.T'Wly. 1. C. SftOAU & BRO., HnOOMSUURG, I'A. M tnufacturersof CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETONS. SLE1QIIS, PLATFORM WAGONS, C First-class work always on hand, JtErAlltWatifiA Th YDONE. Drictt uducetlto tuit (he timtt. HAY M 4 rjfD COLEMAN bottiaon.HEvrAKK, zr. j. MOstudpnta from IVnn.vIvnnli in ihh.1. llnrn positions craduates than all other sOhools Com'- linear ura Kcnoinrsnip, I ia wrno ror circulars. July l'Mw r ALTi KINDS OK JOll l'lMNTINCj ON SirOHT;NOTI0Ii AT THIS OKFI01C. GMAIN STREET.D STYLES WAN NOW baved mmun THE. MERCJH Rloomsburg. WESER-HARDMiLN IP I A IsT O S, FINK INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASE ORGAN, ! STOPS, $90 CASH. Kany TcrniM. SatlNlactlon Gunriinteed. BA-OOIST'S 3?I.A.3XnO WARE ROOMS, MUSIC HALL KLOOK, G!"d WORD CONTEST! tNTEUTAINlNlJ AND IN-ftTKt'OTtVi: I'A ST I MP, LAItdRLV N0RABK1 MCMliKUB Of UAOMULK.NrAMICOftTLVl'JtKMXlJilHOlVtN. Owing t iht grett iuooi ef or rrir Wtrd CBt't, vhleb ttplrtd Vjr Ut, tui tb n7 Ttqnfiti f ixrteBi h ur offtr too Ut to oopttt. mdi1u14 t dffer tb following sagDt&iot priMDU to th ptf hbi utklii tot tbt lrgeit Mitt of wofdi from tb Ictttri omprliing tti worJn " USE DAY'S SOAP ONLY." lit. Holld Cold U ittch..) j Hvru id. Mamtli-rntTuMbet and Hlvrr..,. 1UO Ird. DUuioad Kftr-rlncs... Tb 4th ldr'ftUold W(rh 50 fctV. Uvai'llnmend Hearf 1Mb 5 Qth. r.lrraBt l lltiar icei mrr ei,aiori unp xh ioo BOXESDAr.i;iTv,?,,"r"'SP premium of $20 for th BtfcUii Mil with fweit man, froiU4Uf Ut huhilf lit auuVtrcf wordi or tbthlttitsniUUr. t'ONIIITJONH. Flrsi. All tlili Muit h full rptI ta4 ecutfotl b; two ceut atamp fur rtttra oiUt. a itttimfnt that ton tr uilng llW'H HOAI ta tour ftul)y, niu tad ldrn r groeer from wbom ton buir It, buiubr t word la Uit, u4 f sur akm and 4iri, 1 to be written oo in ihfl or tpt, ipkrlt from lilt. Boo4. Word nuil l wrltttn i'Uloly,'uniir t, and ali'bkUilvtllr orrtnged. Tb bloi rrhlel atai, Bimil of flotloo, Moriptur proper bain, uodrra giiigrihkat d Cbrtatlaa nnt, muit beUifltd iraroU). Third. Ooly word found la WvLtr'sar U'iiritr diUnar ariraiiirdi tbl will lacludt aj word from tb flril to tb Uil with th iiaeptiuo of rHit q4 tuEttit i arporat word and oUolclt word word of aai lulling, rourih. floral of atl word admltlM eift bio riblal lamea, aamea of fie lino, Bertptar proper a tne, nodra rrapblcal oanieii and (JbrUtlm iiamvi. hot anoirui hea tritAtlng pwuelr cn or oiherwli not admitted. yiflh. No wordaooualed uole tb lettfr e-nuprl.lo Ibi'tu rroiaiod U. VhK HAY'S HUA1 ONLY, that Ii, anr word baring over 9 ', I R, 1 1, S II , 1 1', .1 ft a, 1 U, 1 N, I I., t Y . will U throwo out, 8Ulb. All lUt limit b In by December lt, ami the rremlmn will ho awarded )e. ZOttu Hffratb. rremlum will bo glrvn In rolailm incnrrlitg to lb largcit llitl of wtrd. I Ightb. LUt tuut not b arnt In rolU, but rut la entrkofwR, Sloth. Uallor wild Ihn to our Nt-w Yoik dftice. U't-'i leU Ftreet.or our 1'bl'adehia OfTlfJ. ITM Howard Btrett, Tk.llt Vlu.llt litiiliuii larlanl,l h rh. tn,l ll.t t II H riut.r. h.... .kn... . I. . II. I . . I & and whrer It merit aro kuowu It eujnj unhuuurlid nan buudrtd Icttera troni perMin In ourrmer rnnti( great liijuitice. It la to he hoped. an It 1 a)M our dt-xire, that eonteataola will ut et crj effort to hare their grocera upptj iheui. but la ct thjr IU not. w wllt.rn remlptof l.t, fgrwird t any part of tb United Btatt. tail of UliaUtlppl titter. er.re .rirH, 10 cake, lucludiug thief of oof Beaut IU II y faaboiMd I'lctor Card, It tare labor, fuel, and loth. V e wilt f rf It ftu Tbo ii ri i-1 mi virn mi wniDip inut. " l,nf " dilott ar leii in the wrapwr. Ileauilfuilv t.mlMiel I'Ulnr llVVA KI1MK, &A, ITW, tlfio Hi..wanS JUUO 13-13 Y EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BMOUSDUIIO, FA. OPPOSITE COUItT 1IOUHK. Luri,ro auil convenient samnlo rooiiH. Il.illi rooms Hot una cold water, uuX all inoJma couveuleuces TT yAlNVYMGHT & W WHOLESALE QJiOCEllS; l'llIIiAPKI.I'lIIA rKArt.8Ylt0l,H,COKl'RB , HJdAll, MOr.ASUI.H kici, sricis, DIOIHS soi, so., fio rl, B. (lornor Sncono: and Arclistremn. iw-nrdem vlil receive rromi'l Rltrnllu wanUMl for Tha Lives of nil Ihn Pro,! deuuottho U. H. 'I'lio larifesl, hand. 3uiuuiv uvui inaik ever huiu iur lens i nan twlcu our nrlcu. Tlio fastest helllnir book In America.. Immense proilts to agonta. All Intelligent neoiilo want It Any ono can become a hucce-siim igeht. Terms tree, Uallxtt Hook Co., Portland; Maine. l)oo wi-ly 3, $MTJMMM,. BMHIUAIITb),,. For thu Coli'liiritcil Clilckfrlng, Ivors & Pom), nml Vosu& Sou l'lnti6s. WoHil-ro nowncd Kstcy Ore ills, Violins, Atconlcons nml Slieot Music. Cololirntoil Wliltc,- New High Arm Davis, Now Home, Hovnl 8U John, nml I.lpht Huimlng Domestic Sowliis Machines. Needles, oil nnil nttnchmcntu for nil makes of Sowing Machines. 15E SEEiV . .rtllllj TAILOR, WXLSES-ZAX.HB. 7A junol SECOND SERIES Wtrl 10 lo Htb. Krult Hl.ii J, 11 1 ob, Illut r AmUt Oln Vth. Tleu-Tt Net, S t. K4 or AmUj 10th Hell Ctr,Cbiedlft&dlt,,, 11th. If llthr,lqii.,Cbn.J Doullt Willfrl 18th.' Fruit HUntC llock Cryilhl Cut UlMi! ipalarlty, Notwlthitanitlng the fact w haa rcoclrta eomiilaiulog that their irooer did net keep DAV'H eoap, and l eoap, and I dofog ua iti u iiiu ii a t do noiiiog, peai.iing.M Hard Rabblng. A .? "" a " iiw ior it ir id a th Cardl of maoe different deilgn rlren. U A ITU. UW Hl, H.''fl A UII WaraitLoa t anofaetvred by Tlio mast popular resort on tlio Susauenanna Illver Is tlio Wapwallopon Valley Hotel, Wiuiwul lopon, Liucrno Co , Pa. ( This liouso lias been tnorougiily renovated and Is ntled up wltli every conveniences tor tra velers, tourists, liuntlnir and rlshlng parties. It is dcllKlitf ully bltuated lu tlio midst ota uoaullful bectlon of river and mountain scenery In close proximity to l lie famous Council Cup and spoolal Inducements are orfered to all who deslro roereatlon combined with llmt class ac commodations. Tho liar sunnllnl nnw vrlihthA chokvst wluos and liquors, excellent stable oo- euuiiuuuaiiou uoais vt lure CO. lo ExTOHTIOfJAjfcl lejiS. April S5-JU1 send six cents for pouUeo, and re. relvn friyi. anwtlr Imriluruvi. ,u"'jwii llinn linvlhlnrutui In n,il All, of either sex, succeed Iroia nrs hour. The broad rood to fortune opens before the workers atnnlutiilv nuro. At onnfl aililrfum 'run Jb t'n ... gusta, Maine. Ucosi-iy" ' " mm Pennsylvania Railroad. Ilxll Philadelphia & Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern uentral Railway. -1111 TIME TABLE. In pfTiit. Mnv istli, l(l. Trains leavo Sun EASTWAItn, bury. tU.ln . m., Hca Hhoro Kxpross (dally except r), for Hnrrlsburif andlntennedlatostntloni, nrnt Philadelphia 3.15 p. in.; New York. Sunday), nmvinK 6.20 p.m.; llallunoR', 6.10 ii. in. ; wasldngton, 8.20 p. m., connecting nt I'hflndelpliln lor all Ben Shoro points, nirouah passenger coach to Philadelphia. z.ujp. iu. imy CAPH.-33 vuuiij-;, ior uamsourg and lnlcrmodlato stntlons,arrlvlni; at l'hlladelnhl n 7.i p. m. j Now York, 10.W) p. m. j lialtlnioro 7.S0p. m.; Washlngtfln, 8.4ft p. m. Parlor ea mrougii iu t niinueipiim nnu passenscr coacno through to I'hlladelphlatid llaltlmoni. ' 8,S0 p. m. Wllllnumport Accommodation (dally for Ilarrlsburc and all lutormedlato stations, nrrlv ing at Philadelphia 3 05 a. m.-; New York 6.1U n. m. Weeping car accommodations can bo, secured nt Ilarrlsburff for Philadelphia aud Now York. On sun. days a through sleeping cnr iylU bo run; on this truliitromVllIlamsp'lloPlil!aaclphla.Phlladclphla paescuyeia vuu ri-uiiuu iu oicupcr uuui&iurucu uum 7 a.m. S.ii0 n. m. Erie Hall dally except Monday) for Ilarrlsbuiv nnd mtcrmedlalu statloin, nrrlvlnif at Philadelphia 7.60 a. in. Now York, 11. to a. in; Ualtlmoro 7.40 a. in. ; Washington, 8.50 a. in. 'through Pullman sleeping cars uro run on this train to Philadelphia, Ualtlmoro and Washing. ion, anu inruugii passenger cuacuesiu I'uuauei phla aud llaltlinoiv. WESTWAlll). 6.15 a. m. Erlo Jlall (daily excent Kundav). fnr Erie and all lntcnncdlato stations with through Pullman Palaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Erie, nnd through Pullmun Palaco cars to Duffolo via Emporium. On ' Sundays this train runs 10 icenovo, vfiiu l'uiiraan j'ainco car to Williamsport and passenger coaches to ltcnovo. For canandalgua and Intermediate btatlons, llochoster, llutraloand Niagara Falls, (dally except Sundayb) with through Pullman l'alaco car and passenger coaches to ltochester. 10.15 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and intermediate stations. On sun days this train runs only to Williamsport. 1.10 p. m Niagara Express (dally except Hun day) for Knno and Intermediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Cannn dnlgua and pilnclpal intermediate btatlons, ltochester, llurtnlo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to hochester and Par lor car to Watklns. 6.S5 p. m. Fast Lino (dally.except Sundayjfor lte novo nnd lntennedlato stations, und Elmlro, Wat klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltcnovo nnd VYnUttns. THJtOUGH TltAINS FOltSUNIlUnY FItOMTIIE EAST AND SOUTH. Nows Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. in. ; llarrUburg, 9.10 a. m. dally, arriving at Suubury 10.15. Niagara Expicss leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 a. m. ; Daltlinoru 7.S0 a. m. (daily except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, i.io p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches Irom Philadel phia and llaltluiore. Fast Lino leaves New York aoo n. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.10 a. in. ; Washington, 0.40 a. in. ; Balti more, 10.5U a. in., (daUy except Sunday) urrlvlng a sunbury, o.sop. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Ualtlmoro. Erlo .Mall leaves Now York 8.00 p. in. ; Phllndol phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; Haiti more, ll.au p. in., (dully) arriving ut Sunbury 6.1 a. in., with through Fulltnan Sleeping cam from Philadelphia, Washington and Ualtlmoro nnd through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper fiom Washington runs dally except sun day. fSUMIl'UV, IIA.I.UTON A: Wll.lt HSIIAUItr. KAII.1IIIAII AMI NOltTIl AMI U'ES'l' 1IUANC1I ItAIIAVAV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbarro Jlnll leaves Sunhurv lo.win. m.. arrHlngatUloomFeiry 11.87 a.w., Wllkes-barru lS.ip.m. Express Eabt leaves Sunburv n.8X 11. m.. nrrlvlni? at Uloom Ferry u.30 p.m., Wllkes-barro 8.00 p. in. Sunbury Jlnll leaves llkesbarre 10.su n. m. arriv ing nt llloom Ferry 13.01 p. m.,Hunbury 12.55 p. in. Express West leaves Wllkes-barro s.45 p. in., ar riving at Dloom Ferry 1.10 p. in., Sunbury 5.10 p. in. Oil A3. Ii FU01I, J. It. WOOD, uen. Manager. uen. Passenger Agent. pHILADELPHA and HEADING ROAD Arrangement of passenger trains. May 10 1881 TH1IN8 LX1TX BDl'XHT AB rOLLOW8(0ONbir BXOlrmD. For New Yorlr.PhlladolDhla.KoadlnL'.PottavilL Tamaq.ua, to., 11,50 a. in, For Catawlssa, ll,W a. m. 0.13 and 10.S8 p. tu. For Williamsport, 8,s 11.45 a. m. and 4,o p. ai For Lowlsburc and Sunburv. im n. m. TmiNflFOE BCMBT LKAV AS roLLOWH, (HGMbAT ixoirrnD.) LoaveNow York. via. Tomaoua o.win. m. and via. Hound Ilrook ltouU) T,4S a. m. Leave Phlladolphla, 9,W a. ta. LoavoIteadlnir.ll.es a. m.. Potuvnin. n .as r. and Tamaqua, 1,85 p, m. iavo uaiawissa, ,so 11,1s a. m. and 4,00 p. ta. Leave Williamsport ,,4o a.m,4.oo p.m. and 6.1 d. m Ipnvn Kiinhii.v .1 111 n m r " Lewlsburg Ai p. m. Passongora to and from Phlla lelpbia go throuh withoutcbanse ot cars. J. JS. WOOTTBN, CQ.nANCOCll, Qonoral Manager. Jan6!?' i88i-uD8er an1 Tl0k0t AB0Ilt JQELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEItN ItAlLllOAIX ULOOMSBU11G DIVISION. NOIITII. STATIONS. ...iFcrauton,.., llellevue..,, ...Taylorvlllo... ., Lackawanna., Plttston ..West Plttston, ..T.WyomtnL'.,,. Maliby..,,, llnnni.1 . KOUTII. .m. p.m. n. in a.m. H.in. n.m o a: 5 50 V 40 8 80i 6 55 (I 45 3 83, tt 01 0 CO 8 301 G (IU 0 57 8 38. 0 17 10 04 3 4C. 0 S3 10 UI S 51 0 88 10 14 8 511 H 33 10 17 U 00 0 30 10 80 3 Oil 0 40 10 85 3 00 8 48 10 S3 3 00 50 10 SO 8 11 D 55 10 33 3 15 7 UI 10 37 3 80 7 05 10 41 3 St 7 13 10 48 3 33, 7 SI 10 to 3 45, 7 47 11 10 3 57 7 53 11 IU 4 03 8 00 11 S3 4 10 8 00 11 311 4 10 8 10 11 3'J 4 10 8 14 11 43 4 2-1 8 81 11 48 4 DO 8 88 11 53 4 SB 8 31 11 57 4 43 8 30 13 03 4 47 8 65 13 SO 5 03 0 03 13 38 5 13 0 Oil 13 33 b IB 0 80 13 50 ft SO 8 54 8 48 1 ! l ai 1 13 V 1'J V 14 8 40 II Oil1 8 .tl 8 87 l us l on 8 59 8 Stl 18 54 8 17 18 51 8 13 18 18 S IW 18 41 8 118 18 41 8 01 18 3'J 7 51) 13 33 7 51 13 30 7 50 13 80 7 41 13 10 7 SO 13 08 7 18 11 50 7 11 It 50 7 0.1 11 11 0 58 11 Ull 5 51 11 at B 50 11 30 6 43 11 S3 tl 36 11 17 0 SO 11 13 a 8,1 11 08 6 08 10 53 0 00 10 47 5 5.1 10 4'1 5 40 10 30 p in. a.m. 8 48 8 4.1 8 SO 8 35 8 351 .Klnirstnn .... Kingston . 8 SO, Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth.,.. 8 83 8 31 8 17 8 10 ,..,JVU11UU1U. , ....Nniitlcoko... Hunlock'B creek . Shli'L-OiIni, v 7 58 7 17 ..lltck'8 l-'erry.! 7 41 7 31 7 37 7 83 7 111 7 11 ..uviicuiiavcu., llcrwlck .... ..lirlar Creek... ..Willow drove,. ...Llmoltldge... ...Mocmisuurg!.'. lMniurt 7 05 7 00 U 51 0 31 0 811 H 83 t'atawl'u lirldgo .-umiviiiu..,. ..L'hulasky..,, 0 10 Northumberland n.m, a.m. n.m. n.m W. Y, IIALSTEA1). Sunt. Superintendent's oftlco, Scranton, l'eb..lst, 1803- JAMES UEILIY, Tonsorial Artist. iSSJi?' 5l old stand undor KXCIIANOK patronapo ot Ma old customers aua or tho publlo PEBODY HOTEL PniLADKLI'IIIA. Dili St. south of Chestnut, ono square bouth of y.'e.Kew.1 031 .mcoi oue ' Bquaru from Walnut SJr.'HSS1.'? a?d ,n.th0 ver? business centro ot tho city, on the American and EuropMn plans, flood newi? f urnlsh?d. pcr day UcmoJ,!lK!j ttni1 V. Payne, M. D., nov 80-1 y owiier i: Proprietor. WanPrl "an,vass(!rs n every county in thla I . HUM stock, steatlv btatO to laku Older fnr Nnrunrv SteatW and aettruUltt mnnlmnnimt .t oo WAjilJH. Kxpcrlenco In tho busi ness uot roqulred. Nursorles widely and favor ably known. I'or terms address Tho 0. L. Van Duson Nursery Co., amTi, . y. Van rosea Nurscrloa established 18.W. Also stock at wholesale. April 4-iat cow t trMgi