The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 08, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
l-'ULDAV, AUGUST 8, 1881.
;L'nrroct ltiiltroiul Time Table.
Train on tlio 1'ullndclphlA & IL It leave llupert
M n. in. ll:M a. m.
4.UI p. 111. &1S p. in.
MTralnson tlio a U Jt V. It. It. lcavo Moomsburg
.7:05 n. in. 8:28 a. tn.
11:17 u. lu. 11:53 a. In.
0.8U p. lu. 4:30 p. in.
Tlio 828 a. m. train connects at Northumberland
wiui tlio u.33 train on Pennsylvania road, reaching
Philadelphia at 8:i p. hi.
ThollsM train connects with 1'hlladelphla unci
Heading road at lluiert reaching rhlladol
phla at, 00 p. in.
Tlio 11:53 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:50, reaching Philadelphia
aUafflp. in.
Tho 4:30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
nod nt Northumberland at 8.05 p. in., and reaches
i'lmaucipnia at u;uo n. iu,
Trains on tho N. & W. 1). Hallway pass Bloom
Kerry as follows !
11:37 a, in. 15:01 p. m.
11.30 p. in. 4:13 p. m.
Democratic County Convention.
Tlio Democratic voters of tlio several
districts ot Columbia county will meet at
Uiu usual places of holding the general
election on Saturday, August Sth, 1884,
between tlio hours of thrco and seven
o'clock In tho afternoon, nnd elect Dele
gates by ballot to represent tho districts In
tlio County Convention, to bo held In tho
Opcru House, Bloomsburg, on Tuesday,
August 12th, at 11 o'clock a. in., to place
tn nomination ono caudldato for Congress,
two candidates for Assembly, ono candl
dato for Prothonotary nnd Clerk of tho
Courts, ono candldato for Hcglstcr and
Recorder, ono candldato for County Trcas
urcr, two candidates for Commissioners,
two candidates for Auditors, nnd to tran
sact such other business as tho Interest of
tho Democratic party may require. Also
nt tho samo time nnd places, and In the
samo manner, tho Democratic electors in
each district will elect ono person to serve
as a member of tho County Standing Com
mittee, which will meet Immediately after
tho adjournment of tho convention.
By order of tho Standing Committee,
O. A, Claiik,
Apportionment of Delegates according to
tho Democratic voto cast for Governor,
Novcmbor7, 1832.
Ono Delcgato for every 07 votes allow
anco mado for tho largest fraction of a
ratio i
Beaver, 103 3 Delegates.
Berwick, E. total 212 3 "
" W. 2 "
Bloom, E.
" W.
Conyngham, N.
- Montour,
Mt. Pleasant,
Scott, E.
" w.
220 a "
202 4 "
157 2 "
132 2 "
23-t a
130 2 "
173 3 "
75 2
73 2 "
202 4 "
59 2 "
103 2 "
145 2 I'
123 2 "
3-18 4 "
108 3 "
130 2 "
103 3 "
74 2
88 2
115 2 "
07 2 "
70 2
103 2 ' "
00 2 "
107 2 "
4130 70 Total 70
Col. Fitzpatrlck of Ilazlcton spent Sun
day in town.
Col. Jamison and Hon O. B. Buckalew
with their wives aro at.Ganoga Lake.
Misses Annio and Ida Bemhard nto visit
ing friends at Scranton.
Y. M. Sloan of Thrco Hlvcrs, Mich., is
'.n town.
Eliza M. Kuhn is visiting friends in In
diana and Knnsns.
Judgo Elwcll is spending a few days
with Judgo Slcklcr at Lake Winola, in
Wyoming county.
Miss Hcrr nnd Miss Boyd of Harrisburg,
and Miss Bcssio Marplo of Bridgeport, are
tho guests of Miss Ella McKlnncy.
There will bo no services nt tho Episco church on Sunday, as Ucv. L. Zahncr
will go to Delaware Water Gap at tho re
quest of tho Bishop to officiate.
An ico cream festival and supper will bo
held by tho members of tho Evangelical
Church at Espy Park on Friday nnd Satur
day evenings, August 15 and 10.
Thore aro twenty-four candidates in tho
field tor tho several county offices. Their
names nro all announced in this paper.
Kono havo withdrawn, and nouo expect to
do so. Bewaro of reports to tho contrary,
Cami) moating at Mountain Grovo will
contlnuo until tho 14th inst. Trains lcavo
Catawissa nt 7:35 a. m., nud 0:23 p. in.
Returning, reach Catawissa at 12:15 and
10:10 p. in., dally except Sunday.
Jjimes H. Mcrcor of Philadelphia, has
purchased tho drug and book storo of J. II.
Kluports, and taken tmmedlato posses
8lon. Ho has had considerable experience
in tlio drug business, in botli city and
Tho Espy Manufacturing Company ob
tained its charter on Monday, and will
toon begin uctlvo operations. It Is com
posed of experienced business men, and
will no doubt succeed.
A letter from Hohrsburg is not published
bucausu tho namo of tho writer Is not glv
en. Wo think wo have mentioned beforo
that all such communications go Into thu
An entertainment will bo given lu Evans'
hall on thu evening of August 21st, by tho
children of St. Paul's Episcopal Sunday
school. Programme to consist of tableaux,
music and Grceunway recitations. Adinls-
ston 25 cents.
Juy-Eyc-Sce, tho famous trotter, surpass
cd all previous records last Friday nt Nar
racanset Park, by trotting a mile In 2.10.
His reputation as tho fastest horso la
Ami'rlcn was short-lived, however, as
Maud 8, mado a mllo In 2.00 at Cleveland
on Saturday.
"Tho Llfo and Public Services of Oroter
Cleveland nnd Thomas A. Hendricks" by
Chauncy F. Black, Is being published by
Thayer, Merrlam & Co., 833 Arch Street,
Philadelphia. Liberal Inducements aio of.
fered to agents. Hco advertisement lu an.
other column.
A married man who has a thorough
kuowledgo of fanning and competent to
tako charga of u farm of 450 acres, and
hnndlo 5 or 0 men. Good wiices will bo
paid. Apply at onco to
Hakuan & Habseiit,
3w Bloomsburg, Pa.
Four Catawissa doctors havo been arrest
ed on tho complaint of Dr. Bauer, on a
chnrgo of conspiracy.
Tho Grccnbnckcrg held a convention on
tho 2nd nnd nominated a county ticket.
The minutes of proceedings havo not been
given us.
Wantm). A mlddlo-ngcd woman who
understands general housework on a farm.
Apply to Mrs. B. Stolmcr, Bloomsburg.
Attention Is called to tho advertisement
of Allcntown Bono Phosphate. It Is said
to bo a complcto fertilizer, and to glvo the
best crops for tho money. For ealo by O.
W. Corrcll, Samuel Hcacock, and Far
mers' Produce Exchange, Bloomsburg.
Judgo Elwcll filed opinions In tho fol
lowing cases on Mondny Bovan vs. IUloy
& Co., now trial refused. Seltzer vs. Mor
ris Conyngham and Ccntralla Poor Dis
trict vs. Wlcnnlsco district Light Street
road vs. Bloomsburg (' Commonwealth vs.
Blinder j Brockwny vs. C. & O. Poor Dis
trict j Mnndrnko Swamp Co j Wcckcrly's
Ex'rg ys. D, B. Fredericks.
On Saturday night somo person or por
tions broke Into tho barn of B. F. Zarr,
Esq., nnd took out ono of his ponies. Tlio
nnlmal wns caught tho samo night between
12 nnd 1 o'clock, on Main Street in front of
tho Exchange hotel, and by all appear
nnces had broken from tho party who stole
her. Sho was sweated, as If sho had been
rodo fast for some distance. Tho thieves
effected nn entrance Into tho barn through
n window.
Wo print elsewhere several affidavits
concerning tho flght for tho Prothonotary.
ship. Mr. Welrman charges Mr. Krlck
baum with tho unlawful uso of money to
secure tho nomination, and Mr. Krlck
baum denies It. As this Is tho last
week beforo tho delcgato election, nn
opportunity was given to nnswer In this
Usuo of tho paper, so there could bo
no charge of unfairness on our part. As
to tho merits of the case our readers must
judge for themselves.
Tho tickets lor tho delegate election have
been printed, and distributed by Chairman
Clark, tho package for each district being
placed In tho hands of tho rcspcctlvo com
mitteemen. Full instructions nro printed
on each ticket. Under tho rules voters
may Indicate a second choice, but there
must bo enough votes for second cholco to
secure n delegate, the samo as for first
choice. Every one should therefore vote
for a second choice. This puts tlio selec
tion of candidates entirely in tho hands of
tho people, instead of leaving delegates to
vote as they please after the candidate for
whom they nro instructed is dropped.
Tho undersigned offers for salo cheap
for cash, 10,090 feet worked flooring and
German siding ; also hemlock fencing, 2x4,
roof nnd celling lath, shingles, occ; Hav
ing a steam saw mill about ready to run
for me, I can furnish bill stuff at short
notice. P. D. Black,
7.8-4w Ilohrsburc, Pa.
A CnrU.
A statement having been circulated that
If elected to the offlco of Treasurer of Col
umbla county, I should deputize somo one
to attend to the duties of tho office, I
hereby mako positive denial of the state
ment, nnd further assert that if honored by
the people by an election to that position,
I shall give it my honest and most careful
personal attention.
Feteh A. Evans.
Montour Twp., Col. Co., Aug. 4, '84.
Tlint nnrrel of WlilHkcy.
Columbia County, ss :
Before mo the undersigned Justice ot tho
Pcaco In and for said county personally
appeared J. M. Long of Benton, who
being duly sworn according to law dopo
setlt nnd saith that in the latter part of
March, A. D. 1881. ho, said Long, used his
team to help move Thomas P. Loro to near
Pino Summit, said county, from Benton ;
that on tho way back ho stopped nt Fow
ler's Distillery and henrd Jerro Fowler, tho
distiller, say, pointing to n barrel of whis
key, ''I sold that barrel of whiskey to Wil
liam Krlckbaum ; It is to go to tho new
jail this afternoon ; I nm going to take it
down." J. M. Long.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 4th
day of August A. D. 1884.
James B. Harman, J. P.
A Card.
In your last week's issue Mr. Krlckbaum
charges mc with slander for saying that I
was informed that ho had sent two demi
johns of whiskey up In tho Benton stage
ono to Mr. Karns and tho other to Mr.
Hartman. I did not say that James Welr
man received any. I wns Informed to-dny
thnt Mr. Krlckbaum failed when up tho
creek Inst week to get said parties to mako
a statement that tho report was untrue.
Mr. E. P. Albcrtson does not always drive
the stago. Mr. Krlckbaum should procuro
proper affidavits before charging mo with
slander. Yours Respectfully,
Wm. II. Snvueh,
Orangovllle, Pa.
Ciruud I'eHtlvnl nt Jerneytowii.
On lust Saturday evening tho peoplo of
Jcrseytown and vicinity held n festival in
C ICrcamcr's grove, near tho M. E. church,
proceeds' to pay for an organ for tho M. E.
Church. It was tho largest and most or
derly festival ever held In this vicinity.
The amount of money realized was $137,
leaving a net profit of SHO. Various In
noccnt means wcro resorted to, such as
guess pie, letter box, nccktio and grab
bag, a contest box for a cake, at 5 cents
a vote, for Rev. Bruce Hughes nnd Rev.
G. A. Marr. Tho amount secured was
$10.23 for thu cake ono lady having
814.00 tho other $5.17, thus Rev. Marr
takes tho cako. Tho ico cream was mado
on tlio grounds by Charles Decker of
Bloomsburg, and was pronounced by all to
bo most delicious. The young ladies and
gentlemen, together with tho older citi
zens, performed their parts most admlrn
bly nnd filled tho bill, walling on tho lui-
liicnso crowd, dishing out tho Ico cream,
Ac. Special mention Is mado of tho gents
who sold confectionery, thus realizing
$10.00. All things passed oft nicely.
Tho Governor and party returned, much
pleased with their trip through our beauti
ful valley, and their sojourn in tho inoun
tains. For particulars I send an article
from tho Independent of Harrisburg, tho
editor of which was with tho party.
Tho article appears on tho second page.
Moses Evans and wife ot Madlsonvlllc,
Lackawanna. Co., aro visiting friends
Thu Into rains and warm days aro help
lug tho corn and buckwheat crop along
Wo aro having a deluge of festivals ust
now. They nro drowning many, I fear In
perdition. Thoy nro only n trick to corner
tho gouts in order to milk them.
No accidents, robberies, cholera or stid
den deaths to record.
Trout Ashing Is cuded again. D,
Klnter caught 1837 during tho season.
A Card.
As It will bu Impossible, and I think un
necessary, for mo to visit tho peoplo ot this
county personally, 1 tnko this method to
Inform you that, (no mnttef what' inay be
reported, printed nnd circulated on tho cvo
of tho delcgato election to tho contrnry,) I
nm n cnndldnto for nomination tn tho of.
flco of Hcglstcr nnd Recorder, nnd respect
fully nsk your support for this office nt the
coming delegate election.
My claims for your sulTrngcs nro as fol
lows i I havo not been a chronic otllrc
scckcr, nnd never naked for n nomination,
nnd while not asking for n county office on
tho strength of my wnr record slnco thnt
hns been mado n pica In other directions
I may say I wns nmong tho flrtt to volun
teer to servo my country In tho Into war,
and that I contracted n dlscaso while In
tho army from which I can never recover
thnt on account of my health, It Is lmpos
Bible for ino to support my family by man
ual labor. If nominated nnd ejected it will
bo my grcntost deslro to fill tho offlco with
honcs'ty nnd In a gentlemanly manner.
Having had consldcrnblo experience In the
offlco ns clerk nnd deputy somo years ago,
I feel thnt 1 can fill tho placo with satisfac
tion to the peoplo ot the county, ar.d that I
shall never glvo them any cause to. regret
their support to inc. Respectfully solicit
ing your votes, I remain, ns ever,
Yours Democrnttcally.
U. H. Est.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 4, 1881.
AnotiyiiioiiH Circulars.
Tho ttmo has passed when tho Intelligent
voters ot this county can bo influenced or
deceived by circulars sent out n few days
beforo tlio delcgato election for tho purpose
ot Injuring tho chances of any particular
candidate. If signed by some responsible
name, so that the public may know who
issues them, they might bo entitled to
somo consideration, but when circulated
anonymously they should have no cllecl
whatever. Thcro ore several objections to
this modo ot campaigning. It is unfair,
becauso it gives tho accused no opportunl
ty to answer ; it is cownrdly, becauso the
person who circulates them has not the
courago to sign his name.
Wo have seen a circular of this character
purporting to glvo the record of William
Bryson In tho Legislature. Four thousand
of them wero printed nt a newspaper office
that has nover cast a Democratic vote. Wc
know nothing about its accuracy, but ev
erybody knows that if there is anything
crooked about Mr. Bryson's record it
could nnd should havo been attacked
months ago, Instend of waiting until a few
days beforo tho election. Tho Legislature
adjourned last November, nlnu months
The Columiiian advocates tho cause ot
no man In local politics, but when it sees
manifestly unfair means adopted for the
defeat of any candidate, it never hesitates
to dcuouncc such methods. It wants clean
politics, nnd nnonymous circulars Issued
on tho eve of an election do not como un
der this bend. Mr. Bryson's chances
now should bo precisely what thoy were
before this circular was printed.
Niagara KallH and WatltliiB.
Make your arrangements to start forNIn,
gara Falls on Tuesday, August 19th. All
arrangements havo been mado for a delight
ful trip. Tho railroad faro from Bloom
Ferry will bo only $7.05 for tho round trip,
and in order that persons may know ex.
actly whnt It will cost for tho trip to Wat'
kins and Niagara Falls and return, the
railroad company have made arrangements
for a thrco day's trip, and a coupon ticket
will bo issued in connection with the rail
road ticket, civlnc tho bearer the follow.
ing privileges, viz : Lcavo Bloom Ferry
0.05 a. m., August 10th, arrive at 3.45 p.
ra. Supper, lodging nnd breakfast at the
Glen Mountain House nnd ndmlssion into
tho. Glen. Leavo Watkius August 20th at
11:15 a. in., and arrive nt Niagara Falls
at 5.05 p. m. Supper, lodging, breakfast
and dinner nt tho Great International Ho
tel, admission into Prospect Park, giving a
beautiful view of the Falls by day and by
electric lieut In tho evening. Inclined
rallwny to foot of Amcrlcnn Falls and re
turn ; toll across suspension bridge to Can
'ada Falls and return ; inclined railway to
Grand Rapids on Canada side ; admission
to Goat and Luna Islands and Thrco Sister
isles, to all abovo places ot interest at tho
small sum of $7.00, which will mako tho
entire cost, including railroad fare, only
$15.25 from Bloom Ferry. Returning,
leavo Niagara Falls 3.30 p, m., Thursday,
August 31st, arriving homo samo night.
Parties desiring to remain for a longer
tlmo will havo tho privilege of tho reduced
rates of $2.50 per day at Watklns and $3
per day at Niagara Falls. This Is certainly
a rare opportunity. Don't fall to go.
Recent ruins havo brightened the pros.
poets for a good corn crop. V,
C. M. Tcrwilligcr has become an Inhabi
tant of our town. Charlie Is a very nc
commodatlng young man and will mako a
cood citizen. Wo wish him succcs in his
mercantile cntcrprlso.
By tho request of C. W. Eves tho Board
of Directors have released mm from his
school building contract. Ho says that
It was Imposslblo to build It for his first
offer, $024. Joseph Crlm builds It for
Clark Roat says ho raised twenty bush
vis of onions from Ids small garden, and
has mado salo for them at sixty-five cents
per bushel. Ho now has tho samo ground
growing other vegetables.
A number of our young people attended
thu festival nt Stroup's church Saturday
evening, and report n good time.
Lcldy Zclsloft and his sister spent tho
3rd Inst, with their cousin, Miss Anna
William Heller and Miss Anna Kucder,
both ot Danville, drove through town Sun.
day nftcrnoou.
It Is rumored that one of our Misses will
soon become a M.r-s.
J. W, Moore will soon forsake father
and mother to nbldo with his better half.
Ho is busily engaged preparing a homo,
and by tho tlmo it Is finished will bo a
neat nnd cosy dwelling place. May Imp
plncss nnd prosperity be their lot,
Thcro will bo no preaching In the M. F.
church Sunday next.
A family without a Mother Hubbard Is
rarely found. I supposo Father Hubbard
will soon bo nlong with a pantaloon pat
tern for hoys and men, nnd I do wonder It
thoy will bo contracted or expanded,
Buckhorn will not bo very largely repro.
seuted nt Mountain Grovo this year.
Supt. Grimes will oxamluo teachers at
this place on Saturday, August 10th, Ped
agogues, begin to scour up or you will not
bo nblo to rise nnd shine.
Thu Lutheran Sunday school content,
plates spending n day lu somo convenient
and pleasant grovo soon.
Do not forget tho dtlegato election next
Saturday, and be suro and como out to
cast your voto tor tho best men,
Jacob Rink spent a
fow days In
York last week,
James Trump tins raised a political pole.
Tho matrimonial trco of Centre Is some.
what withered, on nccotint of tho panic.
Girls, just "sack" your Republican boys
and help elect Cleveland and Hendricks.
Wo will havo n chnngo In financial nfTnlrs
and with It n revival In that lovely tree.
Bertha Hess has returned from Ilazlcton,
where sho has been visiting.
Ono of tho young hoys found a copper-
head snako while plowing, and ho being
quite n friend to tho reptiles undertook to
tamo htm. Tho first thing ho did was to
relieve him of his weapons ho tried to
pull his teeth with his jack-knife, but did
not succeed, and afterwards killed it Ho
worked on as usual. Tho noxt morning
while combing his hair ho taw his face
needed n llttlo surgical operation which ho
did with tho jack-knife with tho poison on.
His faco swelled until tho "hark" crack
ed, when ho called on n doctor for aid, who
pronounced his .caso a critical one. His
faco wns tho largest part of tho boy. Ho
said ho thought It was "all day for him."
Phil, has since concluded to quit tho snake
taming. Wo think ho had better not have
commenced It.
Mr. and Mrs. il. V. White spent Sunday
with Mr. Alkman.
Delia Hldtay and Alllo Hngcnbuch spent
Sunday In Prangcvlllo.
Hawkcyo has banded tho paper nnd pen
cil to mo during his absence,
You Know.
A IIIk Hnnkc Htory.
John Bcnchcm nnd Nathan Wetzel, of
Liberty township, went out to shoot wood
cock, on Friday last. They had met with
fair success In their sport nnd toward
ovenlng started to return homo. As thoy
passed by a big brush heap nlong ono side
of tho road Wetzel noticed a monster gar
ter snake crawling into tho brush. Ho
called his companion's attention to the
fact, and they nt onco decided to kill it-
Working their way Into the brush they
camo across another big snako which, to.
gcthcr with the first ono seen, they killed.
As they disposed of these yet another was
seen making for tho brush. After somo
troublo they dispatched this ono also.
Each snake was as thick In tho body as the
upper part ot a stalwart man's arm. They
wcro females, and strange as It may ap
pear, cacti one was full of young snakes.
As soon as ono ot the old snakes was
stnick n host of young ones ran from her,
nnd the totnl number of snakes killed was
one hundred and fifly-firc. Thus each of tho
snakes averaged about fifty young. This
may appear as "drawing tho long bow,"
but the fact is well attested by thoso who
have seen tho dead serpents. This rather
takes tho cake, wo think, tor this season at
least. Danville Sun.
Michael Kcnchan of Shcncndoab, has ac
cepted tho position of clerk In C. G. Mur
phy's store.
Dennis Joyce had his hand mashed at
Ccntralla colliery while attempting to
Bprnguo n londcd wngon, on Thursday.
Lawrence Joyce of Wheeling, W. Vn.,
formerly of this place, is visiting his par.
cuts for n few weeks.
Tho Esquires of town were kept very
busy tho past two weeks j most every
evening n enso of some kind being brought
beforo them, nnd on such occasions the
peacemaker Is sure to have n full house, ns
In the majority of cases the witnesses can
put some ot our greatest comedians in the
back ground when they begin totclI-"what
I know."
Mr. Hcffron has been very ill the past
few days with cholera morbus.
A number of our young men havo or
ganized a reed band. As most of thcra
are old musicians, wo may expect to hear
some grand music shortly.
Jno. Seymour of Ashland Is a constant
visitor to our town, which leads us to be
lieve that ho intends yoking himself to one
of our pretty girls. It is too bad, but such
things will happen.
Lewis Deck, engineer at Logan colliery,
has been appointed to tako charge of tho
machinery nt the Continental colliery.
Fred Finn of Railroad street, had his
back and head hurt at Morris Ridge on
Saturday by a fall of coal. His injuries arc
not serious.
Tho Dark Corner Bicycle Club has three
members but no bicycles. They rido well.
A Blaine and Logan club was organized
in Ashland on Saturday evening.
An excursion will leave here for New
York on August 10th. Fare $3.95 with
tickets good for six days.
Taylor & Co. aro sinking n well at Big
Mine run to supply their colliery with wa
ter. Ashland will bo brightened by electricity
on Saturday evening for the first time. No
doubt a largo number will leave town to
SCO it.
The farmers aru cuttlug oats which is a
fair crop, notwithstanding tlio dry weather
in tho early part of summer.
Tho ruin last week enlivened vegetation,
and now thero aro lino prospects for good
corn and buckwheat.
Mrs. Giles of Ilazlcton aud Miss Mc
Colluni of Orangcvlllo are visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruer of Franklin, Kan
sas, and Miss Maize Plait of Genoa, 111.,
have been visiting friends here. They are,
also, laboring In the interest ot tho temper
anco cause. Mrs. Brucr has promised us a
lecture in the near future.
Among me strangers on Saturday wo
noticed Messrs. M. Gcddls, G, Sterling nnd
J. Grotz, ot Bloomsburg, Mr. E. Allen of
Mlllvlllo and Mr. W. Welllycr of Wilkes'
Tho festival Inst Saturday was a success.
Over ono hundred and thirty dollars were
taken In during tho afternoon and evening.
Quito a largo sum ot money was raised
by tho ladles who solicited votes for a
cako. Miss Ida Kreamer receiving the
greatest number of votes secured tho cake
for Rov. Mr. Marr.
The Interest In politics Increases as tho
election draws nigh. Ono evening not
long slnco qnlto an enthusiastic crowd, on
tho street comer, warmly discussed the
merits of tho different candidates. Tho
meeting was about to disperse quietly when
In tho twinkle of nn eye the programme
changed and the first prize fight ot the sea-
son was ushered on the scene. All that
was wanting to mako this disgraceful affair
a success, were scats for tho spectators
and a ropo drawn to keep tho young pugl
lists within proper limits. Two boys got
Into a dispute nnd wcro pursunded by old
er persons that It wns necessary that some
one bit tho dust in order to get satisfaction
Bu It Bald to tho shame and disgrace of tho
community thnt n crowd, It Is snld, gather
cd nrouud tho boys shouting and hooting
In savago delight, urging them on Instead
of separating them. It these youngsters
Insisted on throwing mud at each othor,
why didn't thu bystanders stop the light
ing and encourage them to eutcr politics.
L. Y,
Tho Prothonotary Fight
State of Pennsylvania,)
Before mo tho subscriber, n Justice of the
Pcnco In nnd for snld County, personally
cnino James K. Welrman of Benton, said
County, who made tho following affidavit,
to.wit i
"That during thu month ot September,
A. D. 1883, William Krlckbaum ot Blooms
burg, approached mo with reference to his
candidacy for Prothonotary nnd enrncstly
solicited my support for the nomination
for Prothonotary ; thereupon I consulted
somo of my friends in liloomsburg nnd
nsked them whether it would bo advisable
for mo to encourage satd Krlckbaum In
his advances for my support nnd gnln his
confidence so ns to get Into tho secrets of
his disrcputnblo and outrageous methods
of electioneering, nnd I was advised to
pursue such n course.
"This course having been advised nnd
determined upon, I gave said Krlckbaum
to understand that ho should rccclvo my
support. As soon ns I promised snld
Krlckbaum my support ho asked mc
whether It would not ho advisable to use
some money to exert an Influence for said
Krlckbaum In that part ot tho county
where I live, nud, wanting to see how far
snld Krlckbaum might go In his disrcputn
blo methods, I answered, 'yes.'
"During satd month of September I was
serving nil a Grnnd Juror nt Bloomsburg,
nnd received from said Krlckbaum the sum
of fifteen dollars to bo used for electioneering
purposes ; and from that tlmo to tho pics
cnt, nt various times, havo received from
llyo to ten dollars, for the purposo ofln-
flucnclng votes for snld Krlckbaum, at.tbc
same tlmo kocplng my friends posted as to
bis plans In tho upper end ot the county,
and using nil tho power I .could, under the
circumstances, to provent said Krlckbaum
from gaining a foothold In Benton nnd vi
cinity. Tho last money I got from him
was on Monday, July 21sl, 1884, when I
received tho sum of five dollars. The day
beforo Krlckbaum wrote to mo as follows i
BLoousnuuo, July 19th, 1834,
Mit. James Weiiiman, Dear Sir .-I wish
you would como down on Monday and
slay over night, uomc ir you cnn. nn
portant matter to be looked after.
W. Kkickiiaum.
"On Sunday, July 20th, I wont to
Bloomsburg, nnd on thnt day I received
from said Krlckbaum flvo dollars, and on
tho following day flvo dollais. I havo rc
eclved In all from said Krlckbaum about
one hundred and seventy-five dollars slnco
last September ; each tlmo I received tho
money from him I wns instructed by snld
Krlckbaum to do with it nil I could for
snld Krickbnum's nomination for Prothon
The course I havo pursued has not been
a pleasant one to mc, but having once en
tcrcd the Held to unearth said Krickbaum's
corrupt and degrnding prnctlccs I hnvo
been determined from tho beginning to
keep It up till the last, and as tho cam
paign is now about closed, my unpleasant
task Is ended, nnd before God and man I
here submit and substantiate by affidavit
the result of my efforts, hoping that all
those who hnvo seen my actions and im
pugned my motives for making what ap
peared to bo an alliance with said Krlck
baum, will now count mo in tho. great ma
jority of Democrats In their determined
march for tho victory they will achieve In
tho overthrow and downfall of Krlckbaum
nnd his methods.
James K. Weiiiman."
Sworn nnd subscribed beforo me this 4th
day of August, 1884, after hearing tho
contents of tho above affidavit.
James 11. Rahman, J. P.
Columuia County ss :
Before mo the undersigned Justice ot thu
Peace In and for said county personally
camo George A. Clark nnd Robert Buck
ingham, who being duly sworn according
to law depose and say: That James K.
Wclrmnn of Benton Informed each of them
at different times since Inst September that
ho was pretending to support William
Krlckbaum for Prothonotary, In order to
get information ns to said Krickbaum's
methods of electioneering, nnd that he,
snld Welrman, intended to cxposo thoso
methods beforo the delegate election to bo
held Saturday, August 0th. 1884 ; and also'
that said Welrman has given each of them
information, at different times, of said
Krickbaum's movements In the upper end
of the county:
Geokue A. Claiik,
RoDEirr Buckingham.
Sworn nnd subscribed before mo this 0th
day of August 1884.
Joun M. Claiik, J. P.
Mr. Krickbaum's AtiHwcr.
Messes. Eos, :
Mr. James K. Welrman of Benton, takes
an oath that he has been acting tho spy,
sneak and informer In his intercourse with
Mr. Krlckbaum, at the instance and under
the ndvlco of some of his (Welrman's)
friends In Bloomsburg. "He docs not name
the friends in Bloomsburg" under whose
advice he acted, but the nnme of ono at least
will be exposed in tho course of this reply
to the affidavit.
Mr. Welrman having by bis own "disre
putable and outrageous methods" got
himself Into tho shadow of the Quarter
Sessions of Columbia County, tho District
Attornoy, Robert Buckingham, and Wm,
H. Snyder, candldato for Prothonotary,
seem to havo entered Into a conspiracy to
squcezo htm j and seem to havo been so
far successful, ns to add to Mr. Welrman's
previous "disreputable and outrageous
methods," those ot tho traitor, prctcndlug
friendship to betray his friend.
Tho "disreputable and outrageous meth
ods" of District Attornoy Buckingham, In
this business will most fully appear by the
followiiiK letters and It shows nlso tho
"friend In Bloomsburg" who advises Mr.
Welrman to make himself additionally no,
torlous t
Bloomsuuhu, Pa., Feb. 27, 1884.
Jab. K. Weiiiman, Emq..,
Dear Friend ; Our friend was hero to-day
and has so arranged matters that you will
not bo troubled for thrco months with tho
Wilson matter. He wns perfectly willing
to outer Into the arrangement as soon ns ho
came, aud ho has stopped the possibility of
your being prosecuted for thrco months. I
am pleased that they have given you thrco
months' timo to prevent tho prosecution
which iney migui institute against you
ami lor which mero is a nenvy penalty.
know you too well to think that you will
not puy the amount In that time, and
congratulate you upon your safety for tho
noxt three mouths, and I know that you
will raise tho amount In that tlmo. If you
do not, you know Wilson's disposition, and
It may bu that another nttcmpt to help you
out of tlio difficulty may not succeed. Now
James, stand by yfiur principles which
havo ruled you heretofore, and n happy and
prosperous uiu is ueiuro you. iius (inn
culty has proven to you tho valua of friend
,m who will stand by you when friendship Is
iieeueii. i iiavo so mucu
would- Ilka to wrlto to you that I haven'
time to put It on paper now. But will sum
up what i navo to say politically in tho ex
rresslou "Down with Boss K. and his al
lies." Very tiuly your friend,
R. Buokinoiiam.
Mr. Welrman finding himself In tho hands
cf tho district attorney with "his illireputa
bio nnd outrageous methods," came to Mr.
Krlckbaum and put into his hands tho
Buckingham letters, onu of which Is given
above, nud begged ot Mr, Krlckbaum
money enough to settle the prosecution the
district attorney was holding over him.
This Mr, Krlckbaum finally consented to
do and for the money furnished for that
purposo took the following note.
Di.ooMMitmo, April 25, 1884.
81x months nftcr dato 1 promise to nay
William Krlckbaum. or order, ono bun.
drcd nnd ten dollars, with interest, with,
out defalcation for vnluo received, Wit
ness my hand nnd sent this 35th day of
April, L 1)., 1881.
James Weiiiman. seal
So stands thu case on the papers, nnd It
seems thnt Mr. Welrman added to "Ids dis
reputable anil outrageous methods" the
further "dlsrcputablo nnd outrageous meth
ods" of betraying Krlckbaum to Bucking
ham, and Buckingham to Krlckbaum. Mr.
Wclrmnn, may therefore bo dismissed
from the controversy as n master of "meth
ods" ot which no honest man will dcslru a
part. If, with tho above showing, nny
thing ha hns snld Is believed, I make the
following explicit denial 1
Columbia County, ss i
I, William Krlckbaum. bclnc duly sworn
according to law, do depose and say That
I never gavo James K. Welrman any mon-
cy, to uu used tor any electioneering pur
poso In any Illegal ami Improper manner,
or for any Illegal dr Improper object Nor
did I ever request or desire htm to mako
such uso of money Nor did I over glvo to
him nny such sum of money ns he, claims
to nave received irom inc.
William Kiiickiiaum.
Sworn nnd subscribed beforo me,
(Jin, a. iy4.
John M. Claiiw, J.
Mr. Garrlck Mallery aud Mr. II. F. Glenn
attended tho funeral ot Thos. Dickson In'
Scranton, Mondny afternoon.
After spending a few days with his par
ents In tills place, Mr. F. A. Witman re-'
turned to Montrose Saturday.
Mr. S. O. Brown of Bloomsburg scored
for the club of that place, Friday.
Miss Hatttc Gamy of Scranton, Is visit
ing Miss Ida Sponcnburg.
Jas. Suit, Esq., returned last Friday!
from an extended trip through New York,
Illinois, nnd other points.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. II. Woodlu returned
to Montroso last Tuesday.
Mr. Peter Reedy has moved his work to
Ncscopcck, whero he Is doing a flrst rale
After completing his new Iron fence,
Geo. Moorhcnd has also graded the yard In
front of his residence, which adds much to
its beauty.
'i no licrwieK lJase UM (JIuD did not go
to Ilazlcton last Saturday as Intended, but
postponed their visit until this week on
account of the races.
Monday evening a party of young peoplo
enjoyed themselves by taking n trip to
Sblckshlnny on the steamboat Empire. All
report n splendid time.
Plalnville will cross bats with this club
to-morrow afternoon,
The Evangelical School had a picnic lu
Moycr's woods last Saturday which was at'
tended by over two hundred people. Seven,
teen conveyances carried them there, es.
I COrtcd bv t!inf?nrnnl rtnml. All nnlnvnil i
aplenditl day aud returned in the evening
well satsfled with the trip.
1 lie races of last Saturday were not ns
Interesting as had been expected. Edward
H. carrying off the first prlzo with ease,
and Dr. Little's horso taking tlio second
with equal leisure.
The best game of ball ever played in Bcr.
wick was witnessed by n large crowd of
peoplo last Friday on tlio grounds below
the mill, between the Bloomsburg Base
Ball Association Club and tho club ot this
place. Tho former took the bat, nnd
neither side scored a run until tho fifth in
nings, when Woodhouso nnd Daniels
touched tho homo plate. Tho Berwick's
followed up with two nioro runs, which
wero tied by their opponents ou tho last In-
nlngs. The ending brought ou tho only
glaring error In the whole game, iti which
threo Berwick men get their bases. A
short passed ball by the catcher Ihon let
Linvllle make tho fourth run. This being
all that was necessary, the game was clos
ed without finishing the innings. Sherwood
and West with the assistance of Daniels
made a nice double play. Rhodomoycr
caught a splendid lino ball. Lluvlllocap.
tured a "daisy" liner with ono hand by
umplng, and with his timely assistance to
West mado the second .double play. Tho
battery on both sides worked to perfection
Following Is tho score by' Innings :
Bloomsburg, 0
Berwick, 0
1 0
1 2
uamura, a little out-or-tiie-way town so
far as Columbia county Is concerned Is n
thriving little village. It lies about
quarter ot a mllo cast of tho county lino iu
Luzerne ; and is situated on an elevation
at the junction of the Berwick and North
Mountain turnpike, nnd Bloomsburg, Or
nngevllle nnd Cambra stato road, and iu
direct lino from Benton to Shickshlnny. It
is surrounded by n good farming comma
nity and as a business centre is most con
vcnlcnt to the people of East Benton town
ship. A more industrious and better class
ot citizens ono could scarcely find. It con,
tains a temperance house, well kept, two
good stores, post office, physician, Justice
of the Peace, a first-class undertaking,
cabinet and furnltiiro store, blacksmith
and wngou.maker shops, livery stable,
shoemaker and millinery shops, two
churches ami a school In close proximity.
Politically it is nearly equally divided, and
both parties aro very enthusiastic. During
political campaigns tho Wilkcsbarro thun
der strikes around there to an alarming ex
tent. Altogether It is n lively place.
Two old citizens, Simon Tubbs nnd Sam.
ucl Krlckbaum, the former elghty.flvo No
vember 7th, tho latter elghty.flvo Decern,
bcr 15th, the first a Democrat nnd tho last
n Republican, will vote this Full should
they live.
During tho abseuco of Mr. John Ashe!.
man and wife on last Wednesday, their
children, somo of her brothers nud sisters,
ono ot his sisters, tho Rov. Mr. Bavago and
wlfo and Rev. T. II. Tubbs of the M. E.
Church, nud neighbors took full possession
of thoir homo and surroundings In tho
evening, and had all things In common. A
full supply of dainties and a tablo groaning
under tho weight of its burden was waiting
their return. At nlnu o'clock It was wills,
pored "ihcy como." There was silence,
and thu lights turned down. As Mrs.
Ashelman opened tho door and stepped in,
tlio lights wero suddenly turned up. There
sho stood, in blank astonishment, faco, to
faco to tho whole party and table, uot
knowing whether to laugh or cry. It was
her forty-eighth blithday, and this pleasant
entertainment wns n successful surprise,
Mr, Samuel Knse Is very low with con
sumption. A few more days nnd It will b
said ot him, "he Is no more,"
Tho Rov. Houtz and family were calllug
ou their friends in Benton and vicinity last
week. He preached at St. James' on Sun
HUclclwn In Ilie WooilH.
the hones of an unknown Man rou.vii or-
A man named .Michael Hoy Inn, n resi
dent of Teasdalo City, was looking for
young foxes Sunday afternoon nt the foot
f tho high rocks nlong the road lending
from Sblckshlnny to Wnnnmtc Under an
overhniiglng crng, In sight of tho road, ho
cnino upon the bleached skeleton ot n mnn.
Mr. Boylnn mndo known bis discovery nnd
quite n crowd collected. Mr. F. D. Ynptc,
who was 'returning from Nnntlcoko about
this time, saw tho bones, secured n knife,
bunch ot keys and n briar pipe and brought
them to town. On Mondiy It became
nowu that tho skeleton bad been found
and many conjectures nnd wild stories
were set nllont ns to who was the owner of
tho abandoned bones. In company with
M. E. Wnlkcr, H, S. Clark and O. F.Stnck
house nn Echo representative visited the
spot to Investigate.
The place Is nbout two miles bnck upon
tho mountain from tho Mocnnnqun breaker.
When first found tho bones wcro In their
regular order with tho shoes upon tlio feet,
face upward. The only portion of tho
clothing recognizable wns n plcco of n sol
dier overcoat. Tho largo nnd smnll nrmy
buttons wcro confirming evidence thnt he
wore n cont of tlint kind. Several large
buttons, such ns uro worn on drawers, nnd
small uudershlrt button were found
nmong tho decayed clothing. Tho leather
lnelngs for n pair of mittens went further
to confirm tho belief that whoever tho man
may bo his body was clad for Winter
weather at tho tlmo of his death. .Among
the other effects found were a razor and
strop, shavlna mug, satchel frame securely
locked, and two bottles, ono a pocket flask
and the other a two-ounce vial such as
laudanum ts usually sold in. The man
must have been 0 feet tall, with n low, rc.
ceding forehead. Ills right leg bad been
broken nt ono time at tho thigh. How
long tho bones had lain exposed Is not
known. Their bleached condition would
Indicate several years. It Is remarkable
that they were not found beforo from their
closo proximity to the road. Shichhinny
I.cttliiic tlic nevll out.
In a little farming house four nnd one
half miles west of Mount Morris, Mich.,
lives n family of sixteen persons, all hud
dled together in npnrtmcnts not largo
enough for four. Somo tlmo ago a child
died In the family, and since then several
members of tho household have been im
pressed with the belief that everything
around the premises was bewitched peo.
pic, stock, and the very nlr and water nil
being controlled by evil spirits. A Mrs.
Sumner, who is, nnd has for somo timo
been quite ill, wns afflicted with this hal.
luclnntion to n mnrked degree, nnd, while
not pretending to prcscrlbo for her mental
trouble, Dr. Lumati L. Fuller, of Clio, has
been trying to minister to her physical nil
ments. Ho called nt the bouse, and when
he attempted to get to her room ho was
met by a Mrs. Livingston, another member
of tho strange family, who had a razor In
ono hand and a knife in the other. In yhcr
frenzied efforts to Induce htm not to int cr-
fcrc with n caso already being handled by
tho witches, she attacked and cut him sav
agely In the breast, Inflicting a bad wound.
Sho has been nrrcstcd, and a young man
named Whitney, n brother of Mrs. Living,
ston, Is also in custody. Other mcmberB
of tho family may be arrested. The neigh
borhood is full ot stories of the strange hal
lucinations of the occupants. Somo things
thoy havo done nro worthy of the old witch
craft days of Massachusetts. The pigs and
cows have had little nicks cut In their cars
to let the devil out.
the M, E. parsonage, Beach Haven, on
July 4th, by Rev. O. S. Mctzler, Mr. J. B.
Fcncetemakcr to Miss Leorah Klinctob,
both of Foundryvllle, Columbia county,
EVES FAIRMAN. On tho 31st of
July, 1834, at tho residence of tho bildc's
parents, Mr. II. S. Folrnmn, by Rev. E. M.
Chilcoat, Mr. Honard E. Eves of Mordans
vllle, to Miss C. Belle Fairman of Green
wood, both of Columbia county, Pa.
Paul's rectory, August 2nd, 1884, by the
Rev. Louis Zahncr, Clark E. Thomas to
Margaret O. Bittcnbcndcr, nil of Green
Bee tho latest thine in tho way of a shop
ping bag, at tho Novelty Store, cheap.
"The apparel oft proclalm's the mnn."
A well dressed gentleman Is tho admira
tion oi nil, nnu tlio Waco to tret vour
RELIABLE BTORE cf David Lowcnberg.
New lot of frames In all sizes just rccclv
cd nt MacKilllp & Chonle's.
Towel crash ot the Novelty Btoro at 4, 0,
o, aim iuc. per yarn, can nnu see It.
0090 1-0 spring chlok"ons!
8888 1.8 old hens,
7777 1-7 pigeons,
G000 1.0 ducks,
oo.'; i-.) geese,
4444 eood cnlvcs.
3383J lnrgo shonts,
2222 lbs. pitted cherries,
1111 lbs. dried raspberries.
All tho nbovc wanted nt Light Street, by
iuiy .o.oin qiliACs iUUJNU.
MncKllllp's Instant Process Is tho best
unby pictures, tjulck as wink
A neat present ulven awnv with everv
purchnso mndo at tho Popular Clothing
aiuru oi iaviu ijowenoerg.
Ladles cauze. summer merino nmt nimli
mero under vests cheap at the Novelty
"When found make a nolo of."
Tho place to no for vour snrlnor rlmMm-
n stylish hat, or a fine neck scurf, or tin
latest styiu in furnishing goods is at David
ijowenuerg s,
vurv mriru nno or sirnw hum tmw nn
i ,t - .
view, isuuuv, K EAT and NEW, Just nr.
'nm in Liaviu i.uwciiucri; 8.
20 per cent, of a dr 01) In inenft ivnrlfltir.
ut.i,a ., . !. XT 1... o.i
riiiikn ub uiu iMiwny muru.
Gentlemen who want n spring
up in uirVHTYLJJ sliouhl call at
11..I1FT. .11 II n,ii,T I vrm m . . .
ruruuan i'lcnuiuin i J AllAJll o
iiiuuniHijiirL', wuviu lioweiiucrc who cm
Hemlock lionnln. nlnnk l,i. J )!,,.,
bill stuff, 10, 12, 14, 1(5, 18 and 20 feet long .... II.. n. I S. ,
numiu iuiuui.1, lunging, ucnuaii nun ucv
1 sidinc, surface boards and ghll IIP. RAivnr
shingles No 1, 2 nnd 8, chestnut, hemlock
and Pine, shlndu and cclllnir Intli.
I havo mndo arrangements with n couple
of steam saw mills if there Is any thing
nun i imvu m -m i can gei n ni 811011 no
uco at i.igni otreet uy
July 254) SILAS YOUNG.
New goods at J. B, Sheer's.
and Bronchitis
Bhlloh's Cure.
wiioopivd couaii
hnincdlntely relieved by
rur biiiu uy aioyer uros,
Free with each bottle of Shlloh'i
Remedy. Price 60 cents. Sold
i Catarrh
uy iloy
See n woman in another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grnpes from
which Hpccrs rort urapo iv ino is nnme.
that Is so hlchly esteemed by the medical
profession, for tho use of Invnllds, wenkly
persons and tlio nged.
Hold uy u. A. Kieim. inoomsuurg.
Tim riEV. nitoiMK it. tiiaVeii,
of Bourbon, Ind., says i "Both myself nnd
wife owu our lives tn Sblloh's Consumption
Cure." Sold by Moycr Bros.
Ann von MAtie
Miserable by Indigestion, constipation, diz
ziness, loss of nppctltc, yellow skin t Shl
loli's Is n positive cure. Sold by
.tioycr uros.
Bciianton, SInrch 10, 1883.
Thlrly.flvu yciiM nco 1 wns seized with
Acute Rheumatism. Slnco thnt tlmo I
hnvo never been free from ll until I gave
Phelphs' hhciiinatlo Elixir o thorough trial.
It cured mc, nnd I freely endorse it ns a
positive cure for chronic rheumatism.
oAItAlt itlOUAnTHY,
Matron to lit. Ilev. Bishop O'Hnrn of Bt.
Vincent's Cathedral, Scranton, Pn.. for
the past twelve years.
For salo nt Hcndcrshott's Pharmimy
Bloomsburg Pn.
mado mlscrnblc by thnt terrible cough.
Bhlloh's Curo Is tho remedy for you. For
snlo by Moycr Bros.
Not a case of rheumatism, not a case of
ncuralgln, not n case of lameness, not a
cneo ofpnln or sprnln not ono has failed
to go when attacked by Thomas' Eclectrlc
Lanesiioiio, Susq. Co., Pn., Oct. 1 1883.
Mr. Phelps Dear sir i I havo been try
ing your Rheumatic Elixir and find it tho
very best thing I ever came across. Prof.
J. N. Gardner, of your city, recommended
It to mc.
For sale at Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy
Bloomsburg Pa.
In doctoring for rheumatism before I tried
Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Used a 60-ccnt
bottlo of this medicine, nnd got out in ono
week. For burns nnd sprains It is excel
lent," Jas Durham, East Pembroke, N.
can be so quickly cured by Bhlloh's Cure.
Wo guarantee it. For sale by Moycr
Over twenty-five years ngo, Mr. Alfred
Spccr, of Passaic, imported from the Banks
of tho Doura, in Portugal, n few of the
Port grapo vines, nnd commenced careful
experiments for tho purpose of producing
a first-class American Port. Ho has been
cmlncntW successful, and now Speer's
wine is known from ocean to ocean, and
endorsed by tho best medical talent for thu
world ps the best wine now produced for
tho use of Invalids. For salo by druggists.
Thu Phelps Rheumatic Elixir which has
accomplished so many excellent results
here, is ranldlv cainlnc its well deserved
popularity in other parts of the country.
Sufferers from rheumatism soon find out
whether medicine labeled a "remedy" or
euro" is or is not wnat it purports to i.
and they nro rnpidly marshaling under the
banner of "Phelps.' As far as wo and our
readers are concerned wo need only say
that wc unconditionally ndhcrc to nil wo
hnvo testified In fnvor of tho Elixir.
E. n. HAUCH,
Editor Cnrbon County Democrat,
Mnuch Chunk, Pn.
For sale nt Hcndershott's Pharmacy.
Bloomsburg Pn.
Every one likes to take solid comfort and
it may be enjoyed by evcrjono who keeps
Kidney-Wort in tho bouse and takes a few
doses at the flrst symptoms ot nn nttnek of
malaria, rheumatism, biliousness, jaun
dice or any affection of the liver, kidneys
or bowels. It is a purely vegetable com
pound of roots, leaves ond berries known
to linve special value in Kidney troubles,
Added to these arc remedies acting direct
ly ou tho liver and bowels. It removes the
cause or disease nnd iorllncs the system
against new attacks.
Cough when Shiloh's Cure will glvo you
mmcdtnlc rellcr. I'rico lu cents, ou cents
nnd $1. Sold by Moyer Bros.
iJiTPrettv ns n Picture. Twentv-four
beautiful colors of tho Diamond Dyes, for
iiik, wool, cotton, iVc, luc. cncli. A clilld
can use with perfect success. Get nt onco
at your druggists. Wells, Richardson &
Co., liurlincton, t.
This old adace does not slcnlfv that we
must suffer the miseries ot dyspepsia, when
medicine witn tlio curative properties ot
Burdock Blood Bitters is available. It Is
one ot tho most substantial and rcllablo
remedies sold to-day.
A positive euro for catarrh, diphtheria and
canKcr moutli. sold uy -Hoyer liros.
Wheat per'bushel $
Ryo " " ,
Corn " "
Oats " "
Flour ber barrel ; 0 0C
Cloversccd 8 0u
i. 20
, 10
i 12
13 00
Eczs ,
Potntoes new ,
Dried Apples ,
Sides nnd shoulders.,
nrii per pound
Hay per ton
Buckwheat flour per hundred 3 00
limes per iu 0 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, each 75
wool per to 30
Philadelphia Markets.
cokkkcted" weekly.
FEED- Western winter bran, spot, Ql5.7,v.
MACKKItEL. Extra Riess Z.V.. latve l'a 'N ii .tv.
extra shore in 23 w ale.
VLOUIL Western extra's 3.00 a, s.60: renn'a.
family. 4.25 (4 4.50 Ohio clear. J.T5ia.Mi- wintor
patent 5.50 m 8.S5.
iiiiAi vv isyivnnia reu, new, vrv
coitN.-Mlxed lota, oi em.
OATS. No. 3 White ( 48 No. !S, 49.
HAY ANll STRAW Ttmothvj'hnlu UWorn
and New York, III. fair to k'ood Western mid
Newport, 13. (4 15.; medium Western and Now
1orlc, 10. (4 ; Cut hay as tn quality K. (4 17.UI.
ltye straw old, m.eo Wheat straw, 9. mid. oat
btraw 9 10.
WOOL Ohio, IVnnsylvanla and West Vlnrlnln,
l'leeco Washed, XX and abovo, at e 310 : XU4
3-Jo j common ss sic. Texas, bnrlni,' clip flno SO (4
, medium so t4 SI coarw, 10 4 17.
i-uuB. rcuusyivani.1 extra, si 4 ss western
17M ( 18.
HUTTEll. IVnnsylvniilA extra. 21 at MWM.ti.rn
extra so (n si.
i.i vis 1-uultky. rowis, 16tf w 17mlxed lota
lSJtf 10 rooatent old ("4 loo j bprliifc' chlckeiw us
iu but uim quality iih.
DltKhSKI) l-OULTUY.-Chlckens extra 17 C
1U j bprlug chickens as to weight aud quality
1H (4 19.
roi'ATOUS. I'er bushel 75 1 10 ! ner li.iiwi i.m
C4 2.00.
ONloNS.-Marjland per uanel s.oo a 3.S5; NorlU
Carolina 8.60 a 8.75.
UAiuiAUi. New, per barrel 55c a 1,00.
To.l.vroES.-lvr Vrate 40 a 50o-AL'V.';iTl-.rY?ll0W
harvest l.u) a 1.50 per barrel.
l'KAL'iusi j.m a 3.uj jwr bushel.
Orphans' Court of Columbia county,
Tho uuderslKiicd auditor appointed by tho Court
toinakedlstrlbeetonot thebalanco lutlio hands
or tlio executor ot said estate will meet all par.
ties Inteivstod lor tho purposo oi hla apptiliitmeia
on Monday, August ssth.lWl, at m o'clock, a. m.,
a t Ills oillce til li.uu Ule, when andwliero all
ikvs'jus IiuMul' claims aru requested to present
them or bo debarred Irom commi: In upon said
amt Ma Auditor,
Notlco is hereby given that the undesigned will
apply to llou. William Kl ell, IWildeutJudgo oi
tlio Court ot Common l'.eas, lur a charter lor "The
Methodist Epltcopal Church o( Itupcrt, ivuusylu
Ma,"forthbupport o( publlo worship according
tho Doctrine aud Discipline or tlio M. K. Church
f AmrtC4, on buturday, the sard day ot August,
A. u. iwn, at o'clock p. tn, '