1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BIjOOMSMHIGK COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. run 1? DAT lUHT A T hm;.. 4 r r.wi. HID UUJjUMDlilLN. pmiuu a Juuw-iwiuiug. 0. E. Elwell, 1 r.4. J. K. Blttantxmdor.J E41to"' BLOOM8BUKG, PA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1884. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. FOR l'RKStM'.N'T, STEPHEN QROVER CLEVELAND, Of NEW YOItK, PQR VICE l'RESIIIENT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, I , Or INDIANA. DEMOCRATIC 8TATE TICKET. KLECTORS-AT-LAROE, UtoiiAtw Vaux, 11. J. jUcGrann, II. II. Pl.UMK.il. Jltst. 1. JohnRlovln. 2. Ji V. J. Scnscndorfer. 3. John W. Leo. 4. II. J. lloran. 5. It. L. Wright, o. J. II. lirlnton. 7. Wm. Htahlcr. s. c. p. Iteutschlcr. S. II. M. North. 10. II. (1. Utiles. 11. A. o. Iiroadhead. li. r. V. Rockafcllow. is. Ulchanl Kaon. 11. tieorgo II. Irwin. ELECTORS, DlsU is. ocorgos. inrdy. 10. r. it. Acklcy. IT. John P. 1ivnn. 18. Ezral). Parker, is. F. V. Murama. an. a. II. Dill. 81. F. l. James. 22. J. K. 1'. Duff. ax John swan. SI. A. U. WlnternlU. 25. John II. MIL 2ft. Wm. A. Fornucr. 37. A. J. Greenfield. IRREFUTABLE FACTS FOR IR1BHMEN TO PONDER OVLK. TIIK RKI'llllUOAN OANDIHATK KOIt PRE SIDENT A 1IA11K LANTERN l'ROSPEO- TIVK KNOW-NOTIIINO IN TIIK DAYS qF THAT OHO A- 4 NUATION. In 18.rit when those vnllnnt knights of tho Urk lantern, tho Know-iNoln- ing-, wero holding their midnight meet inns, Sir. Jnmcs (1. Blalno was tho editor of tho Konnohco Journal. Ho took tho active interest of n full-Hedg ed member in tho development and in crease of tho order. As an ovidenco of this tho following is nn oxlrnct from liis paper. It Appeared as tho leading editorial and was written by Mr. Blaino himself : "Wo need strincent laws to regulate tho Irish immigration from Kttropc. If tho present abuses arc not corrected, and corrected Bpccillly, wo shall becomo worso than Uotauy Hay ; in fact, wo nro worso now, for more Irish reach hero in a sinclo year man were ever transposed to tho penal colonics in ten years. Aud llioeo con victs and lolons nave nardiy got our dust upon their feet boforo thoy arc allowed to vote and control our elections. "And yet, with these facts, plain as DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TIOKET. CONQKESSMAN-AT-LAKOK, W. W. II. DAVIS. William II. Barnum has been elect ed Chairman of tho Democratic Na tional committee. tho light, demagogues will toll us that qqj our European emigration is nuiiuug uui, a benefit to us, Wo hope, and wo sin cerely, beliovo that tho day is not far distant that this wnolo subject win do Impartially roviovvod by tho law-mak- lDK power, and tlicu tlio lust anu non- 'Tlioy tako .Scandinavians and Ital ians, who work'fbr from CO to 05 cents a day hardly enough to "f keep body and); soul' together Blalno employs paiipor labor in" his? mines. He wilt cnfploKnhykKly who will' consent to work for GO or C.' cent, which ho has often said ho regards as fair remunera tion for a day's work. Wo think oth- ei wise, nnd on ncoountof his tyrannical management of his properties and his persistent refusal to employ Irishmen or other skilled laborers wo nro against him. Ho has brought into th6 country pauper labor from Norway and Swe den and Italy and netive, skilled, nn tlvo mechanics have no chance to com pete. Ho trades on tho idea that tho Irish nro poor nnd ignorant. But thero is a great deal of intclllgonco even among Irish miners. It would aston ish you to sco tho intelligence of boiiio of tho men who come out of the mines dusky and black. They are honest nnd thoy hava no sympathy with a man like fJlainc, who wants to crush them nnd hos mado every possiblo effort to crush them in tho mining districts in which ho has nn interest. "I belong to the Labor party. I pro- iioso to stand by tho laborers, and while . am hero I intend to tell tho laborers that Blaino is no friend of theirs, and that ho is no friend of tho Irish cither. He docs not believe in tho Irish or any skilled workiugmen. Ho wants Scan dinavians or Italians or Chinamon who will work for 60 cents a day, How in 's name is a man to livo.on that. I know Blaino. I hnvo worked for him. I know what I was paid lor my labor a miserable pittance and I pro poso to do all in my power to opposo Blaine. I am going to vote for Clovo land. Ho has proved himself to bo o ,- 11" t ! I lonu. no nns nrovca inraseii to uu u orablo pride of being an American citi- f . d f t, wor'kingmon and ho do I evil niu DUUUI nu UIMOH - w tJ our paternal rights bestowed in full equality upon nouseuoiu. those who aro of our i Ex-Senator William A Wallace is a member of tho Executive committee of tho Democratic National committee. An Illustration, Tho strict observance of tlio dootrino that tho candidate, whatever ho may be, ought to bo supported for tho sake of tho party, which seems to do ino staple argumont of tho friends of Mr. Blaine, leads to most extraordinary ro suits. Wo find amonir our exchanges tho following paragraph taken fiom tho St. Louis Globe.JDemocrat of tho 23rd of May, 1884, alludrag to Mr. Blaino : "He is an unclean man nnd the peoolo will not have him. lie stand3 pclf-convlctcd of prostitut ing the nigh omccs mat ne nns new to ouna up a private xoriune, ot conaumng wnu corruption lur dishonest money, ins recoru wouia aamn nun. ,If tho Globe-Democrat said this and beliovcd it, its present support of Mr. Blaino is a travesty upon decent and bonorablo politics, ihe more resolute- lv it argues that a candidate whom it thus describes is tho free choice of tho party, and tho more injury it does to the party allegiance ot original and conscientious Republicans. Tho more loudly it denounces as "dudes and Pharisees" the Republicans who can not support tho candidates, tho , more dishonest, and contemptible does its own position becomo. Yet that position is in strict accord ance with tho now docrino of Republi can orators, that the nomination puri fies the candidate, or dispenses tho vo- A view ot Tho headquarters of the Domocratio Stato coraraitteo were opened at Guy's Hotel, Philadelphia, last Monday. Ex-Speaker Keifer has been given tho "grand bounce." Captain Bush noil defeated him for tho congressional nomination, in Clark county, Ohio. Exit Keifer. Hon. James Speed, of Kentucky, who was Mr. Lincoln's second Attorpoy General, says ho canuot support Blaino. In a letter to the XSow iori tieraia, ho remarks : "It would be liko voting against tho peace and honor of my co untry. W. U. Hciisol. Esq., Chairman of the Democratio Stato Coramittco of Pennsylvania, has begun tho pnblica lion o a now Democratic weekly paper in Philadelphia called The Fost. It will be especially political and will bo printed for the benebt ot tho party ana in close connection with the operations of tho stato committee. The cam naicrn will be lullv reported, with ac counts of all tho crrcat meetings and with renorts of all tho notablo speeches ter from moral obligations. made, &c. Singlo copies during tho party which holds that a journal or a campaign, 30 cents : 10 copies to one man, believing a man to be nnht, address $2 50; 20 ditto 5 00 ; 50 ought still to support him for tho high d tto S10 00. The I'ost is edited bv est otueial trust ot tho government, is W. U. Ilensel. . assisted bv Georgo F., a view which makes party a fetich as ig l'arker. This is sufficient guarantee ot norantiy worshipped, : mat oi an ai- its ability. An important feature is rjcan tfibe. It is truly amazing that intelligent anu nonoraDie men can sup pose, that other men of the same kind can bo persuaded by an appeal to sup port tho party to vote for a candidate whom thoy condemn upon grounds ot official integrity, and for whoso eleo tion no exigency whatever can bo pleaded. In tlio samo way thoso who for tho sako of political preferment vote, and ask others to vote, lor a can didato of whom thoy hold tho opinion which is expressed by tho Ulooe-JJem ocrat, cannot, hope to gain increased respect for themselves or greater confi dence in the party whoso action they the printing in each issue of several columns ofeditorial matter in Ger man. It was thought that Mr. Blaine would at least bo honest in writing out his letter of acceptance. But tho sen tence below looks bad. Tho follow ing is from his letter of acceptanco : "The name of America, which belongs to us In our national capacity, must al ways exalt the just pride of patriotism." Tho following occurs in Washing ton b farewell address : "The name of America, which belongs to you In your national capacity, must al ways exalt the lust pride of patriotism moro than any appellation derived from locul discriminations." Mr. Blaino has been charged with crookedness whilo in Congress, but no one ever imagined ho would use the writing? of tho immortal Washington without distinctly stating tho faot. Me, To Irish-Americans, in particular,- we say: What is tho record of tho Republican party in rela tion to you for tho past twenty years ! What Amerioan citizen of Irish birth has it protected abroad t What shame ful outrages on American citizenship has it not allowed when England was tho perpetrator and citizens of Irish ox traction the victims 1 Not one Repub lican handnas been moved to redress theso astonishing evils except President Arthur's, and he had to whisper and smilo his objections, because ho, repre sented the Republican party. Mr, Blaine's voice during all those years that ho sat in tho cabinet as Secretary of State, would have been powerful to correct; but it was never raised not onco. We say to Mr. Blaine now that had ho been a defender of the rights of naturalized citizens when thoso cm zens were flung into forolgn prisons untried nnd uncharged tho Jilot would support him to-day, and a million Americans of tho Irish race would vote for him in November. But he did not do it, and his 'pretensions of fair play and friendship aro sheer Hum bug. Moslon J'uot. Blaine a Monopolist. G11INU1NU LA llOIt DOWN WITH THE SE VEREST EXACTIONS.. Get Registered, It in advisable to attend to tho regis tration of voters as soon as possible, Any time between now and tho 5th of September will do, but don't delay to havo it doiic. Take advantago of tho first opportunity and sco that your name is put on the list. Uhis will snvo you from forgetting it, hereafter, nnd mavprovontadeal of bother and voxa tion on elootlon day. Let every Demo crat attend to this unporant duty now, Btill They Come. JYTO VttOMINENT CINCINNATI HKl'UIll.I- CANS PKCI-AUK AGAINST 1II.AINE. Cincinnati,' August 8. 1 hero is a quiet defection from Blaino in this city which threatens to necomo quito ior in dable. John L. btettimus and JjOW is Worthiugton aro well known mem ber of old and distinguished families, and enjoy tho contitlenco ot all as men of high moral character anu nno uusi- ncss capacity. They have boon zeal- ous republicans, though not of tho ofllco , ' ai iM nn..... HeCKlIlg Or UIUUU liuiuiuy uiaao. xtivj aro just now creating consternation in republican circles by oponly avowing that they will not vote for Jilaino. Air. Stettlmus says he would rather vote for Mi. St. John than for Blaino. Neither of thom declared for Clovoland. The great influence of theso two men makes thoir position of local im portance. Fifteen years ago Houry Richards, a brass moulder, wbo was born and brought up in tho Eloveuth Ward, left JNcw xork and wont west, no mado a circuit of tho continent, and finally settled down in ono ot the most prom inent manufacturing towns of Pennsyl vania, lie boa built tor himself a home, and bis horny bands show the burden of labor. He was with President Ar thur when he went through Yellow stone Park. He was the leading guide, He knew every portion of the park, and pointed out to tho President and the members of his party all the places ot interest. Mr. Richards arrived in New York tho other day. He has a son who lives on i' ttty-mntn street and n married sis ter whoso homo is on bixth street, on tho east sido of town. Within a few minutes of his arrival ho picked np a paper containing Mr. Blames letter. He read tho letter through, and throw ing down tho paper said : "fie is a lino man to talk about pro tccting labor. Ho is tho most oppros sive employer of labor in this, country. Ho olaims that he is an anti-monopo list. As a matter of fact he has been a monopolist all his life. Whenovor opportunity oltereJ bo used his position and inlluenco to crush labor aud labor aspirations." "Pleaso givo the details,'' said a by stander, wbo announced that he had mado np his mind to voto for Blaine, and declared that it would require very forciblo argument to pcrsuado him to voto tho other ticket. "1 am a laboring man, as you oan see," said Mr. Richards, showing his hands, "and I know whereof I speak. 1 left tins town almost lit teen years ago, and I have been away sinco. I liavo been nil through thu country. My homo is in a town iu Penusylvanio. I havo amnio opportunity to ascertain the couditioon of laborers in tho States in which I have lived during tho past few years. In Pennsylvania and in parts of Virginia Mr, Blaine, tho Re publican candidate for President, bos a largo interest in coal aud Iron mines and railroads that run through tho country in which thoso mines aro loca ted. Slcvo Elkins, tho manager of his campaign, Is associated with liimiti nearly all his speculative enterprises, Tiiov run their properties on tlio prin need apply ior employment. "What do yo mean by that !" ALMOST SLAVE. "Simply this. In tho mines that Blaine and Elkins control, whether in Virginia or Pennsylvania, tho laborers aro almost slaves. An Irishman can not act employment. A skilled mo chanlo will not be given work. Thcro is a pronounced prejudlco against the- irisn, anu i uonevu jitujuuiuu comes from Blaine personally. serves their support. "What Is tho feeling in their district in which you havo been lately I" "In tho mining regions oi Virginia and Pennsylvania thcro is a decided opposition to, Blaine. Not ono labor ing niau in a thousand will voto for him. fie is unworthy of their support. He has been n monopolist all his life. Ho is a monopolist now, and will over be. Ho considers that CO cents is fair remuneration for a day's work in tho mines, and when ho cannot get inon to work at that rate ho imports paupers who will work for almost anything.' The Buffalo Lie- The following which explicitly ex plains itself, is ot vital interest just now. as it comnletclv demolishes the scandalous lies which have been parad ed by tho Blaino organs with shame less inuecency. it is an uimwer iu 11 private letter sent from Harrisburg : liUKKALO, JN. I., Jlliy 2. IJEAK Sin: Yours of 24th instant received, nnd we thank you for your manifested interest in uov. Cleveland s behait. With roferenco to the reports about Governor Cleveland, you can say, and you will tell the positive truth every time yon say it, that tho story over Rev. Ball's signature, and tho other re ports about Cleveland's immorality, aro absolutely false. Tho "Rov." Ball was an ardent supporter ot Cleveland dur ing tho gubernatorial campaign, and was paid lor his work, we under stand, however, that he was disappoint ed about some position, henco the "Hop" and dirty work unbecoming any man, whether ho wears tho cloth or not. Rev. Ball's article has no weight in this place, where ho is known. The story as published is false, absolutely so, and will bo met in due lime. Cleve land will carrv Buffalo by 5,000 to 8, 000 majority, and New York stato by at least 25,000, and in all probability considerably more. Ho is a man whoso social or public lifo has never been marred to prevent his associating with and having tho confidence of the best pcoplo in Buffalo, And if elected, which ho surely will be, the united States will havo an upright, honest, fearh'ss president, l ours 1 ruly, U. VY.JUCUUNE, President Courier Company. Tho Buffalo Express, tho republi can Blaine organ at Buffalo, the homo of Governor Cleveland, publishes the following editorially : 1. Tho Jixjtress adheres to every good word it then (when ho was nominated) said with respect to tlio candidate's lifo and record 2. What wo can say, based upon our information and ludgment, is this We do not believe that mo charges are, in any lust sense of tho word, true, 3. Tlio Telegraph (the little paper printing the slandor) has had bitter cause ero this to regret its publication of scandalous matter which it could not prove, nnd we think that its editor has learned heretofore how hard it is in this city even to get bail in a prose cution for criminal libel 4. Wo did advise everybody who oould to vote for Mr. Cleveland for mayor of Buffalo and for governor of New York. Wo have never rcgroted his election to thoso places. TUB GOVERNOR'S FIS1IING PARTY. Wo clip tliOjjfollowlng .account tf tho, vlslffof Governir Paulson and party to this county! iroih tho Hnrii.bur;.r .- uepenatm : rf y- t Tho party Which luft this city Mon day, July 21, to cngngo in n fishing tour In Columbia county, returned last night greatly Improved" in health and satisfied with tho enjoyments of tho trip. Tho following aro tho ladies and gentlemen wh& comi6sed tho parly ! Rev. Stovenson nnil wife, Governor Pnlllson, wifo nnd daughter, !Dr. Pit cairn and family, E. 'A. Wnllower, of Harrisburg j Thomas S. Bear nnd wife, of Bnltimoro ; Rov. Evans and family, of llerwick, John Evans, of Berwick t Rev. Joseph Williamson, of Brooklyn) Mr. Frysinger, of York ; Rev. Kinter, Daniel Mcllonry and wife, of Stillwa ter. Camp was broken at 6 30 a. in. yes terday, aud after a drivo of 30 miles in n four horso wagon the beautiful town of llerwick was rcachod. Tho r6ad runs through the mountains of Colum bia county which at points affords scenery magnificent In its bold out lines nnd unsurpassed for its poeliu beauty. Tho landscape, whero fairly exposed to view, contnins scenery which is not surpassed in loveliness nnywlicro in the country. Half way to Borwick, at Stillwater, tho party was handsomely entertained by Daniel Mo Henry and wife, in whose hospitable homo welcomu was extended which will serve hcroaftor to call up pleasant recollections of both host nnd hostess. On reaching Borwick at 3.30 p. in. a splendid dinner awaited tho tourists at tho residence of tho Rev. Evans. Liko hospitalities wcro dispensed at both theso places to tho party on the way to tho fishing grounds. AT THE KISIIINO OltOUNDS. The locality whero tho party fished and spent tho week is in tho shadow of threo mountains, at tho baso of which runs tho streams from hich tho speck led beauties wcro hooked. William Cole entertained tbo fishermen and tlio ladies of tho party during thoir stay. Tho locality is one of umbrageous shade, with tlio mountains for its walls and tho bluo canopy of heaven for its ceiling, through which swept winds la den with tho porfumo of mountain ver dure aud full of health invigorating draughts. Some disappointment was experienced on arriving to find that owing to the drought the streams wcro nearly all dried up, but notwithstanding lav trout wero caught tho hrst day, and over 900 wero taken during tho trip. Tho low stage of water was a drawback to tbo amateurs, but they did the best under the circumstances, making up for failures in angling bv displays of good nature, tho indulgence of games and cracking jokes, keeping compauy in high spirits constantly. On tbo road to tho stream aro two bridges, which have been named "Truth" and Veracity," on the other sido of which fish stories nnd prevari cations wcio allowed (when not detect ed). Tho names of tho bridges wero greatly compromised in some of the ac counts related of big catches. It was discovered that some of tho hshermen paid a visit to a man by tho name of John Stout, from whom they purchased trout. (Jhnrges of visiting John btout wero frequently made. Dr. Pitcairn nnd Mr. MoIIenry made a large catch, which was "stoutly ' questioned. tiovcrnor I attison and Ur. otcven- son did not develop as fishermen until tho sixth day. JUr. iiear concluded ho was not a bshermau at that stage ot tho water. Hugh 1'itcaitn, Jr., caught tho largest fish. Rev. Williamson was accused of damming up a pool aud bailing tho water to catch the trout- Rev. Kinter maintained his reputation of being tho champion fisherman. His record for this season is over 1,700, Rev. Evans and his son wero indefati gable and wero rewarded. Mrs. Paul son, Mrs. Pitcairn and Mrs. Bear put in the timo with "crazv patch work,' etc. Quoits, proverbs, historical char acters, chequers and other games help ed to amuse tho party. Governor Pat tisou is an export with quoits. Dr. Pit cairn is not so skilled in the gamo though energetic in his playing. Ow ing to his attendance at tho funeral of of Mrs. Caasidy, Governor Patttison did not arrive on tho ground until Thursday. Tho Jadies of tho party enjoyed tho trip with much zest, and performed tho difficult task of walking to tho fourth or upper falls. Thero were mishaps to some of tho party during tho week, but nothing serious occurred to mar tho pleasure of tho trip. Dr. Stevenson fell off a high rock re ceiving a sovcro fall, fortunately not a dangerous ono. Governor Pattison, while in compauy with Dr. btovenson, will bu given, during tho season. Be sido t this tlio fact ought to bo known th.itlNuw Orleans Is tho only city in thd'Uuloii that ha-vliAd mi established ope'rh tlnriilg half a.lieiitiiry. Nor is this all. Strangers' think themselves well paid by making a visit of pleas ure to tho quaint old city nt any time. During tho carnival season tens of thousands of visilois Hock to tho Cres cent oily to sec tho gorgeous pageants prepared annually at an expense to tho citizens of 100,000 to 200,000. This lavish pxpcudilnro of inonev Is for tho gratification of strangers and homo folks, find tho displays are absolutely free. Tho citizens of tho Southern metropolis who do such largo things, in Rticli n large way, t havo pledged their word to imiku their World's Fair tho crowning event of the century and thov will do it. ITEMS. , CANDIDATES. , ., All persons wliow names aro announced m can didates, In thUcolumn, nro expected to abide bjr tho action oft ho" bemocrntlo county conTontion, to bohcld on Tuesday, August isth 1801. 11 the price for announcing natnes In thUTcblumn la J3.00 for nny office, nml must bo paid poslttvclr In advance. KOIt UONUnKSS. . . DB. O., A. M1COAUGELL OK OUANdEVII.I.E. roit CONOUESS, J. M. O. RANOK, OK SCOTT TOWNSHIP. KOIt COUNT TUHASUltKIt, G. A, HlflltRlNO, OK llLOOMSUUItO, lloadquarta for D. M. Osborne & Go's. '0m The Bildwin Locomotive Works at Philadelphia wero burned oil Monday night. The loss on stock nnd machiii cry is Sl50,000. Several hundred men nro (brown out of employment. Tho return of the survivors of tlio Greely Arctic expedition was celebra ted nt Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Monday. There was n .big proces sion and great et'tliiigitkHin. The headquarters of tho Dcmooratio National committee were opened in Now York on Monday. The encampment at Gettysburg is one of tho most successful ever held. Governor Pattison reviewed tho troops on Monday. Thousands of visitors havo watched the proceedings with much interest. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This towder never yarlea. A marvol oftnirlty strength and vrholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In competition with tho multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cam. Hovai. Diking powder Co ,-106 Wu'.l-Nt., n. v. aueii-iv. B HIDGK LETTfNG. Will be let at tho rc&ldcnco ot Ezra stovens on Wednesday tho sith day of Awrust 1SSI. a brlilsro to bo erected over i:ik itun near A. li. Stewart's saw mill whero tho open brldgo now stands in Jackson township. To bo a wooden brace covered brldgo M feet ons. wing walls nnd abutments to be rpnnlrcii hr eontrnnt mo as tn lulmlt of skew- back threo feet from top of wall plate. Plans and specifications can bo &eon at tho Commissioner's uiucu iHoumsuurK, rn. CHAltLES KKIClIAUT, 1 II. F.KDOAK Coin's. JOSHUA FinTEUMAN, J Attest : John B, Uisev, clerk, Commissioners Ofllcc, nioomsbiug, Ya. UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF DR. DAVID rETHIKIN, DECEASED. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or nhans' court or Columbia county to make distri bution of tho balance in the hands of tho executor to and among tho parties lentltled thereto, will at tend to tho duties of his appointment at his omco In Moomsburg. on Wednesday, September 3rd, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., when nnd where all per sons Interested In said estate must attend, or be forever debarred from any share In Bald fund. J. II. MAIZE. 7-T-ta Auditor. SS CLEVELAND ick, Qeuu-uant (loernor of TIIK BEST AND ONLY AUTHENTIC LIFE llv Chauncv R mack. Pennsylvania, our book will contain facts to bo found In no other, besides a complete history ot the Democratic party, with all Its platforms; sketches ottho lives of all tho Presidents; tho women of tho Whlto House; protective tarin; revenuo reform ; electoral vote ; home moot tho resiaeni, una a mu mom iiunuiucHn Ours is the text, most accurate, cheapest, and sells roost inrgeiy. nenu w cents ior ouuib THAYER, MEKUIAM & CO, IN FORM ATI ON VALUABLE TO EVERY YOUNG MAN T-83wr Wiry They Should Support Blaine and Lo gan. Tho following reasons are assigned why workingmen should support Blaino and f jocan BccauBO Blaino nnd Logan, as mem bers of congress, insisted in tho pas sago of tho laws under tho opcratiou of which the most dread tut tinanoin! pan ics have occurred, industrial prosperity has been liindored nnd labor impover islied. Bccauso Blaino and Logan sat silent in their scats in congress whilo tlio eight hour law passed for tho benefit of workmen in government employ was deliberately violated. llecatiso fslaino nnd l.ogati aided in the passage of bills donating millions of acres of tho pcoplo's lands to rail road companies, Hecauso Jilaino and l,ngan tailed to uso thoir power In Congress to restore tlio forfoited railroad lamli to the pub lio domain. Because Blaine nnd Logan, as mom. hers of congress, always supported measures pushed by tho lobby in tho interest of monopolies. liccaiiso Jilaino and Logan aro sup ported by Stove Elkius, C. P. Hunting ton, Jay Gould and other monopolists. Because Blaino nnd Logan havo neg lected or refused to assist in repealing or redlining tho unnecessary tares ou tho iiecesanes of lifo. Bccauso Blalno and Logan arc In fa. vor of keeping up tho present surplus taxation of ono hundred millions of dollars per annum Bccauso Blaino and Logan are tho candidates of a party whoso legislation has mado tho rich riclior and tho poor pooror. Bccauso Blalno nnd Logan aro the candidates of a party which in tlio sen nto defeated tho bill passed by tho democratic house to prohibit tlio Im portatlon of pauper laborers under coo tract. Doubtless otljer good reasons could bo given why tho workingmen should givo thoir suffrages to limine and Lo "What labor do tlioy employ In their I can. but thoso alicady assigned ought miues I the reporter asked. I to bo amply sumcicut. -a. also fell "all over' as ho expressed it, without receiving any injury. A number or the party fell into pools, over rocks, down embankments, etc., but no injuries of any consequence wero experienced. After tho bridges of "Truth"' and "Veracity" wero passed homoward bound, confessions wero in order, large catehos wero explained, unexpect ed admissions mado which to a degree lessened tho reputation for expertness of those who claimed their catches as genuine. Tho contrition of tho fisher- mon, tho evidenco of unsearcd con sciences, was as much a sourco ol grat ification as of merriment. It is doubtful whether a fishing par ly ever left Harrisburg who enjoyed a moro pleasant time nnd returned as greatly benefitted in leinvigoration by a week spent iu the mountains. Tho memories ot the trip will form an oasis in tho recollections ot all who parttci pated in it. Tho World's Exposition. Tlio Woild's fix-position that is to be opened at Wow Urleans, u so lur nr- tectoit in nil its iiep iriiiiiMiii unit it now iu order to state tint it will be thu largest world's fair ever held. Tlio buildings aro larger than those erected for tho Philadelphia ouuteuninl. The exhibits out-number thoso ot any pro- vious exposition, luicli ot tho Males, except possibly ono or two, will bo rep resented by an exhibit. Congress has made a loan of 91,000,000 iu favor of this centennial exposition. Tho United States government will make a special exhibit, tho largest it hns over attempt ed, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to that end a mammoth building is being erected in the group of exposition buildings, ihe Mexican government has appropriated S'JOO, 000, and will erect a spocial building for its uniquu display. Tho Central American republics havo been aroused from their long slumber and will bo fully represented for tho Hrst timo nmong tho great nations of tho earth At tho exposition ono may learn morq about tho natural resources of thoso re gions than by an ordinary visit lo Mexico or Central America. To lov era of musio a visit to tho Exposition will bo highly gratifying as thero is musio hail capable of seating 11,000 Dcrsons aud a state largo enough to hold 090 musicians. trand concerts XK1 A KUPCna representative ot good W A.JM XCilJ address to travel through k m rvxrnrs Columbia iV 1 J1V j III county with Valuable works ior special classes of business mon and ine- cnanics wuo understand and need tuem, givim their orders at sight : nrotlts UoeraL easr oni quiet. ; can reier to gentlemen clearing jso to vu a wceic wno are pieaseu wnu mo worif ; oniy iu capital required; write for particulars If you mean uusint-ss ; givo age, inuiu or pruviuus uui- loyment and references. Palllser, Palllscr Co. 'andcrbllt Ave., New Y'ork. Send 50 cents for outltt nt onco. so Arcn St., l'huad'a. In tho NEW catalogue of the TRENTON Business College seat iiiKu. Aaaresss, A. J. IllUEIt, Principal, Trenton, N. J. Aug 8-lw A DYEBTI8EB8 1 scud for our Select list ot local Anewspapcrs. ueo. p. ltowcll Co., bU, N. V. Aug B-Iw 10 Spruce r ,doublo 'uulck us oi 7000 AGENTS WANTEDS to bell the only OFFICIAL ulograpb'i P P V P A V H AND VUiHUUftiiu HENDRICKS By ex- Gov. Borshelmcr. of N. v.. member of u. 8. Congress, and Hon. . U. lleuscl, Chairman ot iiem. stato com. oi ra., lnumaco menus ui s II. It is tho most reliable. Interesting and richly Illustrated, hence in Immense demand. Agents aro coining money, it lias lino steei portraits, sens iasiesi nnu pays nest, liewaro ot uurenauie catchpenny books. Write to Hubbard Brcs., 723 Chestnut St PHla 90001! Agents wanteds B'k1! to sell tho First AUTIIKNTIO Illographloa of BLAINE & LOGAN lly II. J. lUmsdoll, LM., lr. lllalno's Intimate friend and personal choice, and lien l"erley l"oore. for IS years an oillccr of tho U. S. congress. B.00U 1 outfits ordered nlthln n week. Acents coining money. Is in lmmenso demand bceuuso the most lteuabio, interesting anu incuiy illustrated; nne steel portraits ; first out, sells fastest. Iiewaroot unreliable uoows. vrlta to Hubbard uros., runs. i-uuaueipui.i, rn. ,-o twr FAY'S CELEBRATED! WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFING ltaaraiblea fine le&Uieri for Roof. OuttdQl Wiua, anil lnlde In pUoe of ,Utr. Very I ttronjr fcnd durable. Cftt&loffue with twtlmo.1 fill tnd uiml PUBU, UfablUhod IwM. I V. II. I' A V V Ull., UHDIIlcn, N, J. Aug 8-1 w (1 tt-J til tl VI mi at 131 L We mi ato.. CnroH Ocrorula, Erysipolas, Pimplos and Fr.ca drubs, JJlotches, Boils, Tumors, 0'ct- Ur, Humors, salt unonm -l.i t r at , .. ..J . , , QL'UJU lVnil, fJUiVS, jnun.uii. Diseases, Female Weakness! ana Irronruiartuos. mzztness, Loss ot Appetite, Juandice, A flections ot tho Liver, Indi Edition. Biliousness, Dyspep sia and General Debility, A coui of Huolatk UIo4 filltcn tll Mlllfr tk wufct ilrpiliftl ttt.l it ! th Cr.itrtl ulouil FuiiAw ea (trih. bul4brinl4ciAilealttifcirht. Uu cclkoul U cUvte Unguis,. flOCE, io, FOSTER, MlfBURN & CO, Prop'i, DuftVo, N.Y, l-'Oll COUNTY TllKASUltKll. P. A. EVANS, OI' JIONTOUIl TOWNSHIP. JOIt COUNTY TItUAHllltKU, A. 15. CI 1001', - OP UltlAliCItKI'.K. l'OK PltOTHXOTAUY. YV. II. SNYDEK, OPOItANOP. OK PUOTI I ONOTAUY AND CI.KltK OP TIIK SKVEUAI. COUIITS Wm. KU1CKBAUM OP III.OOMSIIURO. POll 11KOISTKII & KKCORllKH. M. F. EYEIILY, OP llt.OOMSIlllRO. VOU Itl'.OlSTKlt & KKCORDF.lt. C. II. CAMPBELL, op nt.ooMsiiuno. FOR llKOISTKIt k ItF.CORDKR. G. W. STERNER, OP lll.OOMSIlUHO. FOR HKOISrER & ItECORDKR. U. II. ENT, OF IILOOllSIIURd. FOR COUNTY COMJ'.ISSIONKR. CHARLES REICIIART, . OF MAIN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, 13. V. EDGAR, OP F1SIUNGCREEK. . FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. WASHINGTON PARR, OF FRANKLIN. " ' FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER STEPHEN POIIE OF CENTRE TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. R. A. SIIUMAN, OF CATAWISSA. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WM. G. GIRTON, of ni.ooMsuuna. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. W. S. FISHER, OP SIAIN. I will not mako a personal canvass ot thecounty to soUcit rotes, but, If elected, I pledgo myself to conduct tho omco In tho best interests of the poo- plc. IOR REPRESENTATIVE, WILLIAM 1JRYSON, OP OKNTRAl.IA. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. A. L. FRITZ, OF 1ILOOMS11URO. HAKIM & lASfflH havo Just received tho finest lot of LiqfJX fEAJEtS, flbwErS UQ ScLf BlJDElS ever brought to Columbia county. For light draft, durability nnd simplicity tho Osborno Machines are scconu to none. Kvcry mncnuiu is iuny wurrumcu. i uey niso Keep n tor all tho old and new machines, so that If you break down In tho middle of Harvest they aro prepared to tlx you up without delay. farmers uo nut vuuocuiruu uui, uo sure to examine mo -oisbioi:r,i:n":e- before making your purchases. M&m'M&M & Hj&SS3M, Agents. Junes? tf DEALER IN M amigni am WINES AND LIQUORS, ANU JOBBER IN CIGARS. V BLOOMSBURG, PA. $ 1 imam 7"iPijiTriBrBi,iJ" OTEET METAL WOEK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. E. M. TEWKSBURY, OP OATAWIS3A. I will not travel tho county to solicit votes, but will cheerfully visit all publicly, to discuss tho Is sues before the people, It desired, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, DR. L. J. ADAMS, OP 1IRIARCREEK. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. G. M. LOCKARD, OP III.OOMSIIURO. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, DANIEL KNORR, OP LOCUST. WANTED IMMEDIATELY to learn telegraphy. U.teo miles of wlro now be- Young men Ing extended by tho II. & O. h Co.. Tho tankers' National TeL Co. Organized. Merchnnts' and tlio Postal Tel. cos. aro both push inirnhniul with new lines. The Standard Multl ilex leu CO., recently lucurpumieu, e&u.-uus rist. Vest. North and south, oood positions now ready. Por further information, address with stamp, Tho l"enna. S. New Jersey Telegraph, Shorthand Typo Writing instruction Company, cuesmui, street, riuiuuuijiuiu, Main omce, l-enna. July S&-4 w UMTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATK QV JOHN LKW1S, DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or- Ehans' court ot Columbia county, to inase aisiri utlon of tho funds In the bands of the administra tor tn nnd nmnm? thu nartles entitled thereto. will attend to the duties of his appointment at his omco In Iiloomsburg on the iuu day of August, ltfej, at iu o'clock a. m., when and where allpar. ties Interested In said estate must attend or bo forever ocuarreu rrom nny suaru iu sum iuuu. 7.1ta J. If. MAIZi; July sutli, 18l. Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICF,. ESmi OP SiUL-tl. DBCH, DECEASED. TiiA tin,inrHi(mpl auditor annotated by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county lo pass on tho exceptions to the account oi Joun h. itouins, exec- tn mnla n I-, vl 1.1 1 1 Irtn rf I hft I II nrl 1 1 1 1 M hands of the executor, will sit at his otlluu lu cam- wissa on saiuruay, Aug. mm 1001 w iuutiin. in. in m-rninii ihe duties ot Ida nnnolntinent. All per.ons having claims against suld estate must appear and present the same or tw debarred fiom any share of suld fund. July 16-tn w. u kyi:hi.y. Auditor THE COMPLETE HOME.M:: I book. Ntw edition. New binding i.-Nw UlLutmtooi I horn newdctitfnt. buperLly rotten uu. Sjw low jtc, AdueJ to all tU. bell f tight. Aftcnts rtoioif br WOI&. ExCKLLlNTTIKMS Tho tidoiiwrt proipectui ttf Uiutd Apply now, bKA ULHY. GAitKBUKJM Si Co., 66 North ith St. PhlldU gUft. V . Alwo oUf i44 dw bwtt oJ UtUtt. m&rss-iy aid a a iNC v ay M'lLKY&UUSSELL'H MCOUflAVlKa TOOLS MACHIINERY. Head ((aurtcrs for Iron, bleel.llorubhoes Nails and Wagon Makers' and Ulack smiths' Supplies. Israel " llttlenbendcr, storo& Warcrooms tsai'rauklln Ave,, also warvroomslil Prank Un Ave., and 106 cen tre btreet. SCRANTON PA. limy 23 ly SUIJSORIHU FOR TIIK CQLUAIOIAN, $1.50 A YEAR, SPECIAL ATTENTIONE PAID TO Kor Tetter. Klngworm, Erysipelas, Kcrotula, rimplCH Blotches, Holts, Ulcers. Femalo Complnlntp, nn all diseases arising In or transmitted by tho blood, USJS Dr. LIWDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER. This celebrated Vecctablo Comnound has no enual. nnd li an Infalllhln rrmpdr when iiikvi nn iiirect. ed. send for circular. For salo by all IJrugglsta. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Tropr's Pittsburgh, Ta. ALLENTOWN BOM PHOSPHATE. Ro.rtiliy.o.v l LI11IJUI T ho, Onni nlo.to. umw auu j uiiii; iu uu miiiiii l. v. OUR PREDICTION VERIFIED. ICiiESdUVii.i.E, Monroe Co., Pn,, July 20, 1884. Gentlemen : Many of my customers who used cheap Phosphates last Fall bccauso told to bo as good as tho Allen town Phosphate, havu nlready de clared Hint they will uso your niako only this Fall. Thoy aro sat isliod and will not bo deceived so soon again. Yours Truly, Nathan Grpoorv. Special Points for Farmers to Consider. I, V!oiq not manutactura two or moro grades and whero tho best can not bo sold call tho poorest the host. 1 a. As the valuo of fertilizers was established by trials on tho soil, so tlio rmcstlon "Which H l't. will bo answered by growing crops and harvests, our rhosphate Is fast settling tho uuestton to our entire satisfaction. 3. It was tho merit of oood Phosphates which established tho present trado nnd suoh only will ot last como out victorious to tho beneilt ot manufacturer, seller and consumer. !. The word 'Thosphate," as usixl commercially, has no meaning of value. Tho statement that onn "P"!!1 o' Phosphato Is cheaper than another, so far as price per Ton Is ooncernod, means lust nothlntf at all. The result ou tho neld-not for ono wason only, but tor two, threo and four suoccodlmr crops cTaiKhoTa're " "CV Xt ATOW VmmiAlu lo . as chelp as'lho Crives the Best Crops for the Money. TRY IT AND BlfcONVINCED. MANCPACTUUKI1I1V THE ALLENTOWrJ flUFCTURJQ CO,, Allentovvn, Pa. FOR SALE BY Geo.W, Correll, Samuel Heacock & Farmer's Produce w,,,w, Exchange, BloomsDurg, Pa.