THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBXJRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1881. Correct KitltroiMl Time Table. Trains on tlio Philadelphia A It. It. leave Itupcrt as follows i NORTH. BOOTH. S:M It. Ill, 11:51 ft. in. 4:00 p. HI. 0:13 p. in. O fcTralnson tho 1). 1. t V. It. It. lcavo Moomsburif IVHfOllOWBI X0HT11. 80UTIt. ;7K a. m. 8:28 ft. m. 11:17 n. m. 11:63 a.m. 0:30 p. in. 4:36 p. In. Tlio B2H a. m. 1 rain connects at Northumberland with tlio im train on Pennsylvania road, reaching Philadelphia at 3:15 p. in. Tho 11:63 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading road at Itupcrt reaching Vhlladol phla at 6:00 p. m. Tho ll:S3 train connects with Pennsylvania road nt Northumberland at 1:60, reaching Philadelphia nl:!Up. m. Tho 4:3d p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania rniul nt Northumberland at 8:05 p. in., and roaches rnuaucipuia m a:vo u. 111. Trains on tho N. tt V. 11. Hallway pass llloom Ferry as follows I KORTIIt SOOTIt. 1I:S7 13.-01 p. m. r.30 p. in. 4:16 p. in. leinocritlc County Convention. Tlio Democratic voters of tho several districts of Columbia county will meet at tlio usual places cf holding tho general election on Baturday, August 0th, 1884, between tho hours of three nnd sovcu o'clock In tho afternoon, nnd elect Dele gates by ballot to represent tho districts In tho County Convention, to bo held In tho Opera House, Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, August 12th, at 11 o'clock a. in., to plnco In nomination ono candldato for Congress, two candidates for Assembly, one candU dnto for Prothonotary and Clerk of tho Courts, ono candldato for Register and Recorder, ono candidate for County Trcas urcr, two candidates for Commissioners, two candidates for Auditors, and to tran sact such other business as tho interest of tho Democratic party may require. Also at tho samo tlmo and places, and In tho samo munncr, tho Democratic electors In each district "will elect ono person to serve ns a"mcmbcr of tho County Standing Com mlttcc, which will meet Immediately after tho adjournment of tho convention. By order of tho Standing Committee, G. A. Clark, Chairman. Apportionment of Delegates nccordlngto tho Democratic vote cast for Governor, November 7, 1883. One Delcgato for every 07 votes allow, nuco made for tho largest fraction of a ratio : Beaver. 103 3 O O 8 4 o n a Delegates. Berwick, E. total 212 tt W. 220 202 Benton, Bloom, 12. " W. Briarcrcck, Catawissa, Centralis, Centre, Conynghnm, N. " S. Fishingcrcek, Franklin, Greenwood, Hemlock, Jackson, Locust, Madison, Main, Mifllin, Montour, Mt. Pleasant, Orange, Tine, ltoaringcrcek, Fcott, E. " W. Sugnrloaf, 157 132 224 130 173 75 73 202 CO 103 145 123 248 103 130 103 74 88 115 07 70 103 CO 107 4 o o o n 4 8 o 3 o 2 2 2 2 o o 4130 70 Total 70 Personal. W. It. Tubbs Is still on tho sick list. His strength returns very slowly. Miss Ella Fox returned from Lock Haven last week. Gcorco Sterllnir. son of C. B. Sterling, is qulto ill. llev. Mr. Yocum and family arc visiting friends here. Miss Julia Guest of Ogdcnsburg, is visit- ing Miss Eva Itupcrt. Miss Amelia Armstrong has been ap pointed Principal of tho Berwick schools, Boyd McMurtrle of Berwick spent Sun. day with Charllo Lutz. Mrs. Bellas and Mrs. Gould came from Philadelphia on Monday to nttend the fu neral of Miss Mamo Sloan. Ttcv. L. Zahncr went to New Castle, Del aware, on Monday, to look after tho ship ment of household goods. II. E. Smith, Esq., went to Harrlsburg on Tuesdav to attend tho funeral of his father. Dr. Megargell and J. M. C. llanck wero both in town on Tuesday looking after their congressional chances. G, W. Bertsch, Harry Eshleman nnd others aro camping near Hunlock's Creek on a Hushing expedition. B. F. Bertsch of Maueh Chunk has charge of his brothel's Merchant Tailoring Store this week. Among tho visitors to tovn tills week wo noticed J. E. Snyder of Mifllin, and fc. Beishllne of Stillwater. B. John L. Woods, foreman of tho iiqiuMi can ofllcc, is prevented from woiking on account of sickness. Lcoul Mellick Esq., of Philadelphia, Biicnt last week with his parents at Light street. Ho will pass tho remainder of tho season nt the scashoro. Frank C. Trlco and wlfc.John C. Price nnd Thomas A. Prico of Philadelphia, aro visit- ing Henry Gablo in Locust township. Tho two latter rodo from tho city on bicycles. Col. Jnmlsou and wife, accompanied by a number of girls nnd young ladies, camp. cd out along the creek above Irondalc, last week. Tlio following persons lmvo engaged tents nt Mountain Grovo for tho camp meeting s John Wagousellcr, Mrs. F. Gil more. Peter Uruitler. IC. C. Ent, L. N, Mover, I. W. Hartman, J. Saltzer, J. Wil son, L. T. Sharpless, Caleb Barton, Misses Bobbins, Miss Alice Edgar, Mrs. H. A Malzo and C. O. Peacock. Miss Hastings will not return to tho Nor. mill school, having resigned her position thero to accent ono In a school In New York state, Shu is now visiting her uu cle. Governor Cleveland, at Albany, and was present at .the notification of tho Gov. crnor of his nomination as President, by the committee last Tuesday, Delcgato election, Saturday, August Oth between tho hours of 3 and 7 i. m. Con vention Tuesday, August 12th. Wanted, A married man who line u thorough knowledge of farming and competent to tako charge of n farm of 450 acres, nnd handlo 5 or 0 men. Good wages will bo paid. Apply at ouco to IlAllMAN 5 IUSSEUT, 2v Hloomsbtirg, Pa. The rain of Monday night and Tuesday was very acceptable to tho corn crop, which was languishing for want ol It. Jan. Commons will bo ready to ferry any body across tlio river for Mountain Grovo Camp Meeting nt nil times, daytime or night. A. Bin Cut iff Piiicb. 1 pint fruit jars, 91.00 per dozen t 1 rnmrt lars. ftl.Mi tier dozen t 2 quart jars, ll.CO-clther Mast or Lightning, t Llllcy & Blcppy's. There nro people in the world who aro so constituted mentally that they cannot take an impartial view of any question, relig ious, political or otherwise, and so thev make Iho mistake of concluding always that any opinion different from theirs Is wrong. They loso sight of the fact that eomo people's opinions nro Just as good ns Bomo other people's. Tlio Fall term of tho Ornr.govlllo Acado. my will begin August 11th. This school has commended Itself to tho public on no count of its thorough and practical Instruc tion, tho beauty and healthfulncss of Its location and the small cost for tuition and boarding. It prepares students for any college. It gives thorough and professional training to teachers. Send for circulars to Fkanois Hkok, A. M., Principal. Hon. A. C. Smith tiled at Scranton on Monday morning last, tho cause of his death being cancer In tho stomach. His ago was G7 years. Mr. Smith practiced law In Harrlsburg for somo years, and re presented Dauphin county In tho legislature In 180-71. Soon after that ho removed to Bloomsburg, and followed his profession until his removal to Scranton n year or two ago. Tho remains were taken to Harrls burg on Tuesday. Wo have received from Bradshaw, Ne braska, a copy of an extra edition of tho Bradshaw QazMe, giving an account of a tcrrlblo hall storm that passed over that region on July 20th. Tho hall stones were as largo ns walnuts, and windows wero broken In nearly every houso in the town. Tho path of tho storm was three and a half to five miles wide, and within that strip tho crops were almost entirely destroyed. We are sorry to learn that among tho heavy losers are William Colcman,Dnniel and Sam uel Bclshllnc, all formerly of this county. During his recent visit to Chicago Mr. Lowenbcrg called at the Times ofllcc nnd ordered copies of the paper sent dally to several of his .friends here during the con vention, nnd paid for them In advance. On his return he was surprised to And that none of the papers had been received. Ho wrote to the Times stating tills fact, and in stead of refunding his money, they for warded the papers threo weeks behind time. Wo nro under obligations to Mr. Lowenbcrg for his kind endeavor to give us the fullest reports of tho convention. Sec the cut in price of fruit jars at Lilley & Slcppy's. Now is the tlmo to buy. The game of bull between Berwick and Bloom last Saturday, resulted In favor of tlio latter by 10 to 0. At tho end of tho eighth inning it stood 0 to 0, and on the ninth the Berwick boys were put out with out n run, by three successive flics taken by Klcchncr In the left field. Bloom wont to tho bat nnd made ono run and the game closed without playing the Inning out. Ber wick imported n pitcher and catcher from Nanticokc, and came evidently with tho expectation ot winning an easy victory, and were considerably disappointed at tho result. During tho gamo thero was too much fault found with the umpire. He in tended to act fairly, and did so to the best of his judgment. Tho loud talk of specta tors and unfavorable criticism of tlio um pire during tho gamo ought to bo .stop. pcd. Miss Mamc Sloan, daughter of tho late A. J Sloan, died at her homo on Sunday morning. For some tlmo she has been in ill health, hut was confined to her bed only for a few weeks. Her sufferings were In tense, but sho retained consciousness until tho last moment, and expressed her wil lingness to die. She was a young lady of lovable disposition nnd Christian character, and her loss is a heavy ono to her assocl atcs and friends. To her aunt, Miss Mat tio Wells, who for many years has filled the place of a mother, and to her brothers, H. W. and W. M. Sloan, her death Is a severe blow, and the sympathy of tho com. niunlty is with them iu their bereavement. Tho funeral took place on Wednesday af tcrnoon at two o'clock, at the Episcopal church, Bev. Mr. Hall of Danvlllo oflicla ting in tho absenco of tho rector, Rev. L Zahner, who was unavoidably absent from town. Come to sco us, tor your jars prices lower than you ever bought at. LlLLBV & SlKI'I'Y, Editoiu Columbian i I endorse every word and Hue of your editorial of last week entitled "The Next Congressman," and am freo to say should I be the choice of Columbia county, I will uso all honorable means to secure au en dorscinent of tho conferenco j but should I fall, then party usages entitle Hon. John B. Storm, present member, to tho nomina tion, and without paying my expenses of canvass. I would further consult tho leading Democrats of tho county as to my conferees. Respectfully, J. M. O. Basck. Dr. Megargell has in his possession somo letters from Mr, Storm, showing that tho friendliest relations exist between them. Wo nro assured that If tho Doctor should bo tho cholco of this county for congress, that his lnflucnco will ho given to Mr. Storm In caso the district nomination can not be obtained for himself. A Good W'oril for M. 1 ltycrly. Wo would most earnestly recommend to the public Mr. M. F. Eycrly, candidate for tlio Plllco of Register & Recorder, ono well qualified In every respect of sterling lion esty and Integrity, possessing also qulto an amount of legal knowlcdgo which would be of great scrvlco In said oftlco ; tho old est candldato, a man of couslderablo ex perience nnd worth, always un honorable nnd respectable citizen of thls'place, This is ono reason why ho should be supported, besides, In cvory position Mr. K. has filled, ho tried to discharge his duties to tho cn tiro satisfaction of nil concerned, never llluchlng when right was In the case, no matter how distasteful u task to perform, his motto being "do unto others as you would bo dono by." Mr. E. will not court public popularity or votes by tho offer of free intoxicating drinks (as remarked upon by opponents), which should be no detri ment but rather an Inccntlvo, for men of Intellect and culturo to support him, He would rather loso tho election than gain it In this manner. This noblo principle should elcvato Mr. Eycrly i not crush his prospects or bo raised ns an obstaclo in his way. Just meu of this stamp aro qualified for public olllces, but seldom nominated. Let all his friends prove such by doing and working In good earnest, and w would say to him "NIJ Dsporandum." Mr. Philip V Weaver and Miss Lou E. Bauer 6f hazlcton, wero married recently Wo extend congratulations. Tlio track at tho fair grounds has been enlarged to n full half mile. Tho grand stand nnd Judges' stand wilt bo removed to tho west sldo of tho track, thereby afford ing u much belter view of tho whole track than heretofore. When completed It will as flno n rnco course as thero Is In tho stntc. Arrangements nro being mado which will bring somo good horses hero this fall, nnd thoso who enjoy trials of speed will have an opportunity to witness some first class races. A number of other Improvements nro contemplated on tho grounds. Early In the spring tho Columiiian an nounced that Its columns were open to nnybody for tho discussion of any subject proper for publication. It has invited cor. respondenco touching the political situation In this county, but received only two or three communications, and to these tho writers were unwilling to sign their names. It has boldly denounced all political meth ods that linvo a corrupting tendency, nnd insisted that tho campaign should be con ducted entirely within tho law and tho rules of tho party. To show that It was sincere. In this, It offered to subscribe fifty dollars towards a fund to bo used In tho conviction of any person who violated tho election laws, and urged that the fund bo enlarged to five hundred dollars. Not a single individual endorsed the proposition, and not a cent has been offered by any body towards such a fund. One of scv. crnl things must be true ; there is no re form necessary, or this paper has been mistaken In Its efforts to bring It about. Wc have Insisted that If nny person know of Improper practices on the part of any candidate, that the fact should be pub lished, openly, honestly and fearlessly, and have offered to print anything on the sub ject that was accompanied by the name of a responsible person. Wo have frequently criticised tho practice of circulating char ges against candidates, nnd have Insisted, nnd always will Insist, that such charges shall bo fairly made and openly sustained, or bo looked upon with suspicion. Wo have en deavored to bo strictly impartial, and have had no regard for persons lu the appllca tlon of these principles, seeking only that which, ns a general rule, we believed to bo for the best Interests of tho party. All that can bo done now is to urge nil voters to attend the delcgato election on August 0th, nnd cast their ballots for those who they bellcvo are best qualified for tho positions to bo filled. If you believe any candldato Incompetent, do not vote for him; if you believe any ono dishonest, Tote for somo ono else ; If you bellcvo that Improper means hayo been used to secure votes, vote accordingly. At all events, GO TO THE POLLS AND YOTE. Mlflllll, Mountain Grovo is the next point of In- tcrcst. A band of gypsies aro located near town. The school directors on Saturday ap. pointed G. B. Swank collector of the school tax. The cast end residents attended a festi val at tho Shaffer church onSaturday even. Ing. II. G. Grover tho West Mliilln huckster has traded his horse for a pony team. HI. is n wide awake young man. Mrs. Ross Creveling of Iowa Is visiting her sister Mrs. Samuel Snyder and others In town. Mrs. Samuel Drum and Mrs. E. Swep pcnhlser drove to Wapwnllopcn on Satur day to visit their brother of that place. Sam. Hetler made a trade with tho gyp sies. Messrs. E. P. Hons and G. B. Stcclcy of Hazlcton aro visiting their parents. Horace Creasy's new house is nenring completion. Our people seem to manifest qulto an Interest In tho coming delegate election. Michael Brown of Shamokin Is visiting In town. Centre. W. L. White spent several days In Union county. Wc have come to tho conclusion thatMt. Pleasant township Is forsaken. A town ship that has as muck news as It has and no ono with courage to report. Last Saturday tho 10th Phillip Creasy insisted on his wife going with him to Bloomsburg which she did. And as they approached their homo they saw a num ber of buggies nnd spring wagons standing around which proved to bo a general sur prise for Mrs. C. tho occasion being her 52d birthday. Tho day was pleasantly spent in various ways. Pitching quoits, playing croquet, music and dancing on the sly. Thero was lots of good grub de stroyed. Tho presents were numerous and valuable; among them was a largo bible, n gift from her children. Rev. Houtz pre sented It and mado some very appropriate and tender remarks. Tho wishes and con gratlatlons for tho future wero many. Oats harvest Is close at hand. Festivals and politics aro tho rage. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sitler spent Sunday In Jackson township, Tho Hldlay Sunday School will hold a picnic in Philip Creasy's grovo, August 10. Among tho visitors at Centre on Sunday wero G. M. Ikeler, II. W, Musgravc, Joo and Maggio Hlppcnstecl. HAWKUYK. jerHeytowii. The oats aro ripening. Tho sound of tho reapers Is still heard in a few meadows. A much needed rain fell thu beginning of tho wcok. More candidates around. Dr. Lourlo of Brookvlllc, Is visiting nt his brothers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Stout of Berwick, aro visiting friends here. Mr. John Ross' new houso on Chllllsqun- quo street Is Hearing completion. It will bo a nice building. Supt. Grimes has Issued thu notices stating when nnd where tho mutual cxnuii. nations aro to bo held. A uumbor of our young people went to tho picnic at loin last Thursday, Many who attended tho picnic went to the Mill vlllo hotel In the evening, where, dancing Ing was Indulged in till t Into hour. Not withstanding tho rain through which they wero compelled to drive homo all ap. parcntly enjoyed tho picnic aud tho hop, for tho boys camo around In tho morning smiling Last Thursday Mr. James Hartman took unto himself a wlfo. On Friday tho hap py couplo with a few friends dined nt Dr. Swisher's whoso hospitality Is too well known to need mention. In tho evening tho boys gave Jim nnd his brldo an old fashioned ecrcuado drumming away till ho made his appearanco and generously treat- ed tho crowd. Mr. and Mrs, Hnrtman have tho wishes of many friends that theirs may bo a long and hnppy life, Don't forget tho festival In lCrenmet's Grovo on August 3d. Extensive prcpara- rations aro being made and n grand good "((IMMUNIOAlltl). Tho new rectory nt St. Paul's church now being nearly completed, Iho vestry met on tho OOlh of June, nt tho study In tho rectory, nnd nfter examination of the architectural arrangements of the building, passed n resolution of thanks to Mr. L. Ucrnhard for tho rare nnd nttcntlon ha had given to tho plans, construction nud de tails of tho building. To Hint compliment Mr. Bcrnliard Is nbumlantly entitled nud It seems to mo that when tho houso Is com pleted, ns I bcllovo It now Is, that tho con tractor, Mr. Charles lCrug, will bo aslo en titled to, and will receive, the assurance of the Building Cominlttco nnd of tho Vestry fol- tho strength, solidity and excellent con. Bit notion of tho building. Feux. llerwlch, U. L. Sholes returned from Montrose, Monday evening. Miss Eva Fensteinaker Is'vlsltlng In Wnt sonlown. Tho pedestrians have returned, Will Me Bride, Friday, and J. S. Hicks who stop ped oil a couplo days at Wllllamsport, camo Monday noon. They report a splen did time. J. W. Moorhcnd Jr., left Wednesday for Wntsontown, where ho will visit relatives, after which ho will continue his journey to Hinckley, Ohio, where bo has aecoptcd n job at his trade. Mrs. L. S. Jackson and daughters return ed from Montrose last Saturday. Mrs. Jno. Moorhcad of Watsontown, for. mcrly ot this place, vistted relatives over Sunday. The long wished rain has at lastarrrlved, which cheers tho drooping spirits of the farmer, and revives vegetation. Tho Y. M. It. O. held n very cnthUBtas tic meeting last Friday evening In tho roll Ing mill olllcc, where the constitution of tho club was unanimously adopted. Bloomsburg vs. Berwick Friday after noon in this place, and Hazlcton vs. Ber wick, Saturday on the grounds of tho for. mer. A large number of people from this placo visited Bloomsburg, Saturday to sea tho game Of Base Ball which resulted In a vic tory for the Bloomsburg club over the Ber wick, by n score of 10 to 0. Another baloon ascension took placo Sat urday evening on Front Street, under tho management of Geo. MacCauley, which turned out to be a complete success, and docs credit to his efforts. Dnitr. Ccntrnlln. Thomas Stanton, a miner, was Instantly killed at Big Mine Run Colliery on Satur day evening, by being caught between tho cur nnd a low collar ou tho slope. His body was terribly crushed. He was mar ried nnd leaves a wife and four children. A young lad named Thomas Downey shot himself iu tho thigh, on Saturday, making a very ugly wound. H carried n loaded revolver in his pocket, nnd it went off, with tho above result. Wo fail to sco the necessity of carrying deadly weapons In a town llko Ccntralla. A Polander employed ut Contralia col liery had his arm lacerated In n shocking manner by being struck with a pick by his companion. He was taken to the Hos pital. Dr. Uwimicr, nfter two months of hard work with the Binall-pox patients, left on Monday to spend a few weeks in tho coun try to recuperate. Tho Doctor well earned his vacation, nnd wo hope ho will enjoy It. Tho work of completing the tunnel nt Montana, which was abandoned several years ago, has been commencod, and it is gcncrnlly believed that the Skldmore vein will bo reached by driving one hundred yards. Joseph Fletcher, son-in-law of our townsman, Edwnrd Schacftcr, died on Fri day last, of consumption, lie leaves a wife and four small children to mourn Ills untimely demise. Mrs. Clark has moved to Morris Ridge, and will rent her residence In town. A new fan engine is in courso of erection nt the Continental colliery. Daniel Sweeney, who went West several months ago, rcturnod- on Monday, nnd speaks very dlscournglngly of tho far West. Ho docs not approve of Grccly's advice to young men, nnd would ndvlso them to stay at-home. John Hummer of Shamokin, Is In town, as the guest of Daniel Curry. John Wells indulged too freely in barley water one day last week, and talked a lit tlo louder than he should, in passing ono of our model policemen, who knocked him down with a club and beat him until ho wns unconscious. If the clubs were fur nished by the borough to beat defenceless men, then we say burn them nt once. The evening freight train wns delayed over an hour at tho L. V. depot on Friday evening, caused by ono of a lot of beer barrels standing near tho road, rolling un dcr a car throwing it from tho track. Susan Delancy of Carlisle, Pa., is visit- Ing Mrs. John Hanlcy. Michael Grady, a miuer, at North Ash land colliery, was badly squeezed on Thursday, by a fall of coal. Tho strikers at Big Mine Run colliery were compelled to ucccpt tlio reduction, as they received no support from the outside laborers. If tho Hungurlans continue to leave us for a few months as they have been doing since the half-time commenced, wo will havo but very few left. It seems they pre. fer slavery to this half-time system. Mrs. Evans, of tho small-pox house, is at present acting physician and nurse, as sho will not nllow tho Doctor near the prcm iscs. Sho can hold both positions until tho disease subsides. The first time picco drawn for at tho watch club room was won by Bernard Rellly. The watch is a beautiful ono and well worth tho price paid for It. The annual Teachers' examination was held here on Tuesday. Quite a number of our school girls stood n very fair examina tion. Thu carpenters ami masons nro as busy now as when tho building season opened. and report lots of work until November. Miss Llzzlo Zcrby of Maueh Chunk, Is visiting In town. The entertainment of last week for tho beneilt of tho Methodist Church was a very pleasant nlTalr, and proved successful In every way. A party of young meu mado night hid cons for tho residents of Centre street near tho Post Olllcc, on Friday night about a. m. Having tilled themselves with Cat nwbn, they prepared to scrcnado some of their friends, for which purpose slelgli bells, horns, violins, &a, wero brought lu as requisites. Tho party serenaded how. ever, did not care about getting out of bed at that hour, and ordered them to leave They left, and while doing so played somo entrancing music, which awoko the neigl: borhood for half n mllo, more or less Tho next morning our Chief Burgess had warrants issued for their arrest, but owing to tho mixed up manner lu which Mr Fortner had tho names, he was uuablo to collect his fines. Tho thought of being nr. rested wo think sulllccd, nnd wo will hear Orntisuvllte. Our region wns favored with tho much needed rnln this week, and the farmer look pleased over tho prospects for n boun tiful corn nnd buo.kwhent crop. Conrad Smith, one of our oldest towns men, died very suddenly on Thursday last, of paralysis of tho heart. Cap. has not given mo that Interview yet. I supposo ho Intends to wait until nfter tlio election Is over, nnd then ho Will be able to name tho next President with n greater degree of certainty. Wise mnn, Cap I Our famous bass fisherman, George, seems to have lost his grip tlio past few days. Ha caught ono so largo that he broke n $2.00 Bamboo rod trying to land It, nnd he says ho didn't pull any too hard on It, cither. Harman Hiiltcuslluo has snccecdcd to tho Mcnrs meat market. Harman Is a ge nial fellow, nnd will do tho fair thing. Good luck, Harm I Mr. E. Trowbridge of South Bend, Iud., wns in town this week visiting friends nnd relatives. Jessie Fisher returned from her Western trip nesompnntcd by n friend, Miss Park, Jessie looks well nnd hnppy. I hear tho Ent Post, G. A. It., propose holding a camp-flro in Ornngcvlllc on Fri day and Saturday, 8th and Oth, of August. Tho bill of faro will be, on tho 8th hard- tack, pork and benns on tho Oth pork and beans and hard-tack. All nro Invited to nttend nnd aro promised a good time. Tills will bo a novelty to mnny In this sec tion, and they should not fall to attend it. Cap. has the management of it, and that Is guarantee of Its success. What a bonanza tho county elections nro to tho landlords nnd political dead beats. It is wealth for the ono nnd freo whiskey for the other. Wo notice tho hotels nro filled half tho time with these would-be county ofllccrs and their following. Can not a candidate canvass the votes of his district without getting all the dead beats drunk ? Wc no- tlce somo few of tho candidates will not stoop to this whiskey bribery to Influence votes, and they arc the ones best fitted to 1111 the olllces. It seems to me that a man holds n very poor opinion of another when he thinks to bribe or lnflucnco his vote by a drink of whiskey ; and yet that is just what somo of these candidates aro doing, offering n drink of whiskey for your greatest privi lege as an American citizen. And some of these candidates have not even tho grncc to feel ashamed of theso disreputable meth ods, but they publicly avow that they buy It by tho barrel and use It In their canvass nnd, as If this wns not disgraceful enough, they oiler to pay the bills of their pimps at baudy houses. Will any Intelligent, re spectable man vote for ono who stoops to such methods to secure his election ? I wish somo one more able than I would take this matter up and show up the char acter and methods of these candidates, and then let the voters determine who is best fitted for tho olllces. Let merit, not whis key, elect tho men. IlErortM. icriclchnum'f) AnHwcrn. Tlio atlldavit published below was made answer to the questions printed in the Acii-i ton of July 10th. The questions aro as follows : 1st. When you were up throuch hero electioneering, a short timo ago, did you not give somo parties five, somo ten and another twenty dollars to electioneer for on t 2d. Did you not send those two demi johns of whiskey up to this place, about two wceus ngo, to your friends to electio neer for you ? oil. nave you not mado nrranscmcnts to attempt to carry tho primary elections with money, whiskey and beer, wherever they can bo used to an ndvantngo 1 4tu. jjiu you not mircliase and roll a barrel of cider into your friends' cellar Inst fall, lu this town, for this purpose, nnd havo you uot a barrel of whiskey nt the new jail at present ? AFFIDAVIT OF W.M. KUIOKllAUir. Columhia County sa : Before me, John M. Clark, a Justice of the Pcaco lu nnd for said county, personal ly came Wm. Krlckbaum, who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth aud salth. That to all of the above questions except 4th deponent says, No. As to 4th question deponent has this to say j bometlmo In October of Inst year, nr. rnngemcnts wero mado wltli tho commit teemen of Fishlngcrcek, Benton, Jackson and Sugarloaf townships to meet tho coun ty chairman and deponent at Benton, for tho purpose of making arrangements to get out the Democratic voto in the aforesaid townships; hnving met nt the tlmo appoint ed nnd when nbout ready to proceed to business Mr. Kverhart of Jackson stopped in front of the Hess Hotel, and when re quested by tlio depoucnt to como into tho house, replied, that ho had a barrel of sweet cider to dispose of first. Thedepon cut wishing him to assist in tho caucus, thought tho only way to mnko suro of it, was to get rid of '.he elder, asked M Wire- man if he wanted It, nnd upon his answer ing In tlio nlllrmatlvc, the deponent order ed it to be taken to Mr. Wlrcmnn'snnd then paid for it. What Mr. Wircman did with it tho depouent has no knowledge. As to tho barrel of whiskey tho deponent snys, that ho lias not n barrel of whiskey nt tho new jnil nor anywhere else. In answer to slanderous reports circulat ed by Wm. II. Snyder that tho deponent sent out demijohns of whiskey by tho Ben ton stago to Daniel Kams, James Wircmnn or to any other person, nro untrue ; and for the purposes of deceiving tho voters nnd to Injure tho deponent. Wll. KlIIUKllAUM. Sworn and subscribed before mo. Julv. li'JUi 1S31, joiiu l. uiaric, J, r. lli.ooMsnur.o, July !J0th, 1884. To Wm. KiticKiiAtiJi : Su: : I took your affidavit made out in answer to request of Mm Item corrcspon. dent to tho otllco of tho ATn Item of Cata wissa anil requested them to publish it of. lenng to pay iiicm lor mo same. Tiiey re- tuseii to puuusu it. wm. w. JHiuiKvr. Rut) Mill, July, 25th 1884. On Monday July, 21st 1831. Wm. 11. Snyder while at this placo electioneering tout my sell ami sous, tuat Mr. Ju-lcUbaum iud two i end onus of whiskey sent with mo nenion stage to ucnton, one for Jan. wiremau an ono for uamci Karris, ami no also stated that thev would nut circulars nil through tho county a few days beforo mo uciegato meeting which were iniciuieu .r, i.n..... Hf - rr-i-n U WIU HIJIIIJ. Ill .III, JlllUllUilUlll. Geo, W. DniKsuAuu. Bknton, July 23th 1884. To Wm. Kiiiokiiaum, Esq. Mv Deah but i hi answer to your ques t.... t ...... ii. ...... .:.i.t. IIUII 1. tVIIIOllJ llltIV JUU MUVGI BCllfc 111118" key In a demijohn or otherwise, by mo for j nines Yvciruiun. m.uci lumis or an other person. Nor have I carried whiskey to uioso persons, irom anyone eise. E. P. Aliieutso.-, Ronton Btugo Driver, A Cnrit. A report having been circulated In this township that William Krlckbaum has left u keg of whiskey with 1110 for campaign purposes, I desire to statu that there is not u word of ttuth lu It. Neither ho nor uny ono for him lias ever given mo money or whiskey lor that or auy other purpose, and I would not havo taken it, had it been of. fcred. Yours Truly, NlnKiuu l-'nllrt unci WntUliiH CJIfii. SKOONl) (II1ANI) ANNUAL KXUUItSION TO Tllf IIATAltACT AND WATKtUS Ot.KN, TIIK MIKAT NATUI1AI. WONI1RII8 OK TIIR AMRIll OAK OONTINKNT. Arrangements have been perfected for this excursion. A special train will be run via, Pennsylvania railroad, Tuesday, Au gust 10th, 1884. Bchedulo nnd rales of faro to Niagara Falls and return ns follows) llatf. Train lraect, Lancaster 0.U5 0.85 n. in. York 0.05 7.00 " Hnrrlsburc ..." 8.85 8.10 " Clnrks Ferry , 8.40 8.44 " wiiinunsiown B.iki i.w Lykcns 8.00 8.20 " Mlllcrsburg 8.05 - 0.11 " Georgetown 7,75 0.33 " i.ow stown U.U.I i.VJ Hellnsgrovo 7.00 8.53 " Scllnsgrovo Junction 7.40 10.00 " Mount Carmcl 8.05 7.15 '.' Shnmokiii 7.80 8.25 " Bloom Fcrrv 7.05 0.05 " Catawissa 7.05 0.10 " Riverside 7.40 0.37 " Sunbiiry 7.25 10.15 " Northumberland 7.16 10.25 " Spring Mills 8.25 C.50 " Coburn 8.05 0.18 " Mllillnburg 7.80 8.00 " Lcwlsburg 7.00 10.15 Aioninnuon u.uu iu.uu Milton 0.85 10.45 " Wntsontown 0.75 10.53 " Montcomcrv 0.55 11.00 " Muncy 0.40 11.14 " ucnovo 7.U0 Bellcfonto 7.00 0.45 " Lock Haven 0.80 11.15 " Jersey Shoro 0.30 11.45 " wiiuamspott ti.oo i:ip,m. Arrive nt Wntklns, 3.45 p. m. Tickets will bo good going only on spe cial train to Wntklns, but from Wntklns they will be good for passage at auy time within ten days from dnto of Issue, and good to stop oil nt nny Intermediate point going nnd returning. The route from Wntklns will bo over tho Northern Central railway to Catinndalgua, giving a beautiful view of Seneca Lake, thenco to Niagara Falls over Now York Central railroad. Tho scenery over the entire route Is not excelled for beauty and grandeur. Tho accommodations for this excursion will bo first-class In every particular. Tho train will bo composed of elegant Eastlukc coaches, and every effort will bo mado to make It an enjoyable trip. The faro to Niagara Falls and return from all points has been mado extremely low nnd within the means of all. Arrangements have been mado for re duced rates at tho hotels ut Watklns and Niagara Falls, and for carriage hire and admission to all places of Interest, so that persons may know just what It will cost before making the trip. Tho expense of the trip outside of the. mil road fare will not exceed $9. Home More QucntloiiH. .Gns. COLU.MIlIANi A few weeks ngo 1 requested Mr. Krlck baum to answer n few questions over his affidavit in somo paper In tho county. which ho refuses to do bocauso tho com munication contains an anonymous au- tltor. I would ask Mr Krlckbaum again if ho did not purchase a barrel of elder from Au gustus Evarhart of Jackson township, and placo it In James Wcirman's cellar to bo used for electioneering purposes ? 2nd. I also nsk him If he did not invito Messrs D. Kams, James Wclrman aud Jesse Hartman to go with him to the Mountain a few weeks aco, keen them clear, give them money and after he re turned to Bloomsburg, send Messrs. D. Kams and Jesse Hartman each n demi john of whiskey up in the stnge? 3rd. I also ask him if ho did not get a barrel of whiskey, directly or Indirectly, nt Fowler's distillery, and havo It hauled to tho new jail, and if his friends do not con grcgato thero at night and on Sunday to drink it ? 4tu. I also ask him If ho has not re quested 'persons to bring their demijohns to him to get them filled, during tho pres ent campaign, nnd if ho has not had ono In the vault of his otllco 1 Oth. I also ask him if ho has not had boxes of beer delivered at the Lime Ridge back of Afton, nnd in private cellars at different plaecs, and If he lias not taken whiskey with him electioneering ? Oth. I also ask him If he has not given men money, whiskey and beer In violation of tho rules governing our County Convcn tion and tlio election laws ? I have not tho slightest prejudice against jir. nricKoaum, nut i am violently op posed to any candidate corrupting the peo pie to secure his election, which Is a shame and disgrace to any civilized community If Mr. Krlckbaum Is innocent let him make a clear, clean and positive statement his affldavlt. I am sorry Mr. Krlckbaum did not reply to my questions sooner so I would hayo had nn opportunity to reply before the primary election. i,ci it no aejmutiy unucniood that we want an honest, unequhical statement, con talning positive facts, not ono In which ho screens himself aud places the rcsponsibil lty upon his hirelings. Yours Respectfully, J. F. Smith. Benton, Pa., July 20th, 1884. Hpcclnl KxcurHloitH our tlic l'eiui- Hyivnuln Iliillruncl to CcUyHlurr clurltii; tlio 14. 3. I. lCucnnip- lllCllt. Tho National Guard of Pennsylvania will go luto camp nt Gettysburg on Saturday, August 2d, for tho week. The encamp - racnt promises to bo tho most brilliant mill- tarv event of many years. A very lare-o number of troops, both volunteer nnd vet - - - - a eran, will be camped on tlio Held, nnd a number of distinguished military leaders will honor tho occasion wltli their presence. Tho week will be filled with drills, dress parades, reviews, receptions, and other festivities, whllo the historic ground on which the camp Is pitched oilers lrrcslstlblo attractions to every American. For the purposo of affording nil posslblo facilities for reaching the camp the Pennsylvania Ballroad has arranged special excursions to be run us follows : August 7lA. Special train will leave Wll llamsport at 0.00 A. M,, rate for round trip $4.40 i Muncy 0.20 A. M., rato 4.0:1 j Montgomery 0.30 A. !., rato i3,l)l Wat-. sontown 0.07 A. M., rato S3.71 : Milton 7.10 A. M., rate 3.58 j Montnndon 7.20 A. M rate 3.47 j Northumberland 7.35 A. M., rate $3.27 ; Sunbury 7.45 A. M rato 3.21 : Scllnsgrovo Junction 7.08 A. M. rato $3.00 Trcvortou Junction 8.10 A. M. wtois2.87 Georgetown 8.20 A. M., rato $2.70 j Mlllcrsburg 8.40 A. M,, rato 2.40 ( Halifax 8.00 A. M., rato $2.21. Returning train will leave Gettysburg, In each case, at 0 P. M. Tho tickets by these excursions nro lim ited to one day. DEATHS. BKOADT.-In Espy, July 24, 1881, Mor. rls Uroailt, aged 3 years, 1 mouth and 10 days. 8AYAQE. In Espy, July 20, 1884, Har. ry Martin Savage, aged 3 years. 0 months nnd 17 ilnvn nun 11 iinjs, SMITH. In Oranccvllle. July 24. 1881. Conrad Bmlth, aged 08 years, fi months and LOCAL NOTICES. "The apparel oft proclaim' the man." A well dressed gentleman Is tho ndmtrn- lion oi nil, nnu tlio plnco to get your SPRING HUM' Is nt the POPULAR AND Ili;iilAlilil-;HTOIlE cf David Lowenbcrg. O. C. Marr wants side, shoulder, ('hUStciiK, butter nnd eggs. ham, New lot of frames In all nl.cs Just recclv cd nt MacKIUtp & Choate's. 01)00 1.0 spring chickens, 8888 1.8 old hens, 7777 1.7 pigeons, (1000 1-0 ducks, 0555 1.5 geese. 44-141 good calves, ii:):j:il largo shoats, 2222 lbs. pltted.chcrrles, 1111 lbs. dried ruspbcrrlcs. All tho above wanted nt Light Street, by July 23.0m SILAS YOUNG. Mnclvllllp's Instnnt Process Is tha best u.iuy picture?. ijiucK ns wink. C. O. Mnrr pays 14c. for good lard. a neni present given away wltli every purchase mado nt the Popular Clothing oiuiu vi uaviu ijowcnoerg. O. O. Mart's COc. town, try it. syrup bents any In "When found mako a noto of." Tho placo to go for your spring clothing, n stylish hat, or n flno neck senrf, or the latest stylo in furnishing goods Is nt David iiowenucrg s. C. C. Marr takes trade dollars nt par, for ury goous. a very larco lino of straw lints now on view, NOBBY, NEAT nnd NEW, just nr- riveu nt uavm L,owenoerg'9. Great bargains In dress goods, nt O. C. Mnrr's. Gentlemen who wnnt a spring suit put up in CITY STYLE should call at tho POPULAR MERCHANT TAILOR of Bloomsburg, David Lowenbcrg who em ploys only EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. MIMIIKI! ! I.tMimnll FOIt SALK CHEAP. Hemlock boards, plank 2 by 4, jolec, bill stuff. 10. 12. 14. 10. 18 and 20 feet Ion.? worked lumber, flooring, German and bev- i Biding, siinace Hoards ana siding, sawed shingles No 1, 2 nnd 3, chestnut, kemlock nnd pine, shtnirlc nnd cclllns'lath. I havo made arrangements with n couple of steam saw mills If there Is nny thing mat i iiavc in got i can get it nt snort no tice nt Light Street by SILAS YOUNG. Now goods nt J. B. Skccr's. BUSINESS NOTICES. OATAlIlIlt CCI1E0, health and sweet brenth secured by Skl loh's Catarrh Remedy. Prico 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Moyer Bros. ScitANToN, Marcli 10, 1882. Tliirty-llvo years ngo I was seized with Acute Rheumatism. Since that tlmo I have never been free from it until I gave Phelphs' Rheumatic Elixir a thorough trial. It cured me, nnd I freely endorse it as a positive euro for chronic lhcumntism. BAltAlI JlCUARTIIY, Mntron to Rt. Rov. Bishop O'Hara of St. Vincent's Cathedral, bcranton, Pa., for the past twelve years. For salo at Hendershott's Fhnrmacv Bloomsburg Pa. HEALTH 13 WEALTH. It Is worth more than riches, for without it riches cannot bo enjoyed. How many people are wltuouthealtli who might regain It by using Kidnoy-Woit. It nets upon the liver, Dowels ami Kiunevs, cleansing ana stimulating them to healthy action. It cures all disorders of the important organs, nuriflcs the blood and promotes the gen eral licaltu. sold oy all druggists, ace advt. For lame back, side or chest use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Prico 25 cents. For salo by Moyer Bro3. AS Wlir.N SHE WAS VOUNO. "I have used Parker's Hair Balsam and llko it better thnn any similar preparation I know of," writes Mrs. Ellon Perry, wife of Rev. P. Ferry, of Coldbrook Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost entirely crav. but a dollar bottlo of the Balsam has restor ed the softness, nnd the brown color it had when I was young not a single gray hair leu. since i uciran applying tlio ualsaru my hair lias stopped falling out, and I find that it Is n perfectly harmless and agrecablo dressing." "IIACKMETACK," A lasting and lragrant pcrluiue. I'rlco and CO cents. Sold by Moyer Bros. Laneshoiio, Susq. Co., Pa., Oct. 1 1883. .Mr. l'lielps uenr sir : 1 lmvo been try ing your Rheumatic Elixir nnd find It the very best thing I ever camo across, Prof. J. N. Gardner, of your city, recommended it to me. E. Z. MARSH. For sale nt Hendershott's Pharmacy isioomsljurg l'a. SIIlLOIl'3 VITALIZElt Is what you need for Constipation, loss of Appetite, Dizziness nnd nil symptoms ot Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bot tle, r or snio uy -ioyer liros. 'Diamond Dves will Color Anvthlnc any color, and never fail. Tho easiest and best way to economize. 10c. at all druc- clsts. Wells, Richardson &Co., Burlinc- ton, Vt. SamploCard, 33 colors, aud book ot directions for - cent stamp. SHII.OIl'S CDIiE WILL Immediately relievo croup, whoopliiir cough and bronchitis. Sold by Moyer uros. THE LATEST NEWS Is that all who havo used Law's Bluing And it inr excels inuigo nt a much less expense. It Is used for bluing and blenching, also for coloring rag carpets It Is unequnlcd. Each package retails for 15 cents, nnd makes ono quart of bluing strong enough for Ink, which Hows from n peu equal to the best writing fluid. It Is guaranteed to gtvo satistactlon or money refunded. For 1 salo in Bloomsbiirg by Henry Kleim, I). A. Vt'0"81'' SIarr' b' A- H9''. ! . "" ""m .. i-ocKaru, ".nil iiF Mnnifira iri.nnrn 11 . 0 j DIE. -MOIT ON Sl'IiKlt'S WISE. Dr. Mott of tho Bellovuo llosnltal Col. lege, (lives his utuiualifled endorsement to Speer's Wines, mid recommends their uso to sicuiy remalcs and consumptives. It can be procured of uny first-class druggist iu uiu uuiiniry, ror saio uy uruggists. DKSKIIVKI) POPULAIIITV. Tho Phelps llheumatlc Elixir which lins accomplished so many excellent results here, is rapidly gaining its well deserved popularity iu oilier parts of tho country bimcrcrs trom rheumatism sonn tlml nut whether medicine labeled a "remedy" or "curu" is or is not what It purports to be. and they aro rapidly marshaling uudcr the Haulier oi --i iieips." as iar as wo ana our readers nro concerned wo need nnli- av that wo unconditionally ndhcro to all wc uuvo lesiiiieu in lavor ot tlio lillxlr. , E. II. HAUCII, Editor Carbon County Democrat. Maueh Chunk, Pa. I' or Salo at lleiiderslintt'ri IMmrmnoi- m 1 ii. - -1 fiuuiiiauur I 11. VHOM 01.KVKI.ANll, OHIO, Conies a letter stencil T. Walker, savlm? 1 "Atioiit six mourns ago commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters for protracted caso of lumbago and general debility, aud now uiu pieaseu 10 suiio navo recovered my ap. petlto and wonted stteugth. Feel better aitogetiier." will you surrKii with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Ricoh's Vltallzcr Is guaranteed to cure you. tor salo by Moyer Bros. (IAI.LANT ItUSCUKS. Thero can bo something horola In nmeill. oino ns well us In Individuals, Burdock l,l"a 111,u'r8 '"V clc" mvlny uscuo iviuoug the suffering sick. TllOIIS. I nnds lmvo escaped tho-mUerles ofdyspep. ? 1 aml nervou debility through tho uso of I lly tho beat stomach and blood tonic lu clears nut Rats, Mica 15c. "Hoiitth on Corns," for corns, bunions, 15c. Thin lieonlo. "WpmV Health Rencwct" restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, cue. 71. "Rnucli on Toothnr.lip.'' Instant relief. 15c. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vlvncily don't fall to try "Wells' Health lienewer." "Buchu-palha," grcatkidnoy and urinary euro. Flics, roaches, lints. lipiLlnma. nits. Inlre. cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. "Rough on Coughs," troches, 15c j liquid, For alow In ilevntonmnnL minv H!lll (If'llnntP II of. lVn1la llnnllli Unnntvor.' Wells' Health Rcnewcr.1' -t "Roiiah on Dentist" tooth tiowdcr Try IU lCc. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, soxunl debility cured by "Wells' Health Kcnowcr." VI. "Mother Swan's Worm Rvrun. for fever. Ishncss. worms, constipation i tasteless. 25c. Stltitrliitr. Irritation, nil Ktdnev nnd Uri nary complaints cured by "Buchu-palba." Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dva pepsla, cured by "Wells' Health lienew er.1 "Mv husband (writes a ladvl Is threo times tho mnn since using "Wells' Health Renewcr." If you arc falling, broken, worn out and nervous, uso "Wells' Health Reviewer." 1. . Provnlcnco of K dncvcomnlalnlln Amer ica j "Buchu-palba" is a quick, complete cure. $1. June 10-ly cow CALLED TO 1'lEEAOIt. Wc feel called upon to preach a few cos- pot facts racts that are worth knowing. Wo want everybody to cnoy all that Is possible In tho world. Wo want till thoso who aro Buffering from rheumatism, neu ralgia, and all aches, sprains nnd pains to know that Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil is nn un fnlllng and splendid cure. FOlt DTBl'KI'SIA And liver complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vital Izcr. Sold by Moyer Bros. Sco n womau in another column, near Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Qrapo Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for the use of invnlids, weakly persons and the aged. bold by U. A. lvlclm, liloomsburg. sept aa-iy bmiloii'h oouoit nnd Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. For salo by Moyer Bros. MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel 00 Rye " " 70 Com " " 05 Oats " " 40 Flour bcr barrel C 0C Ctovcrsccd 8 (X Butter 20 Eggs 15 Tallow 00 Potatoes new 75 Dried Apples 00 Hams 14 Sides n.ul shoulders 10 Chickens 12 Turkeys 12 Lard per pound 13 liny per ton la W Beeswax 25 Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00 niues per iu o to i Veal skins per lb 08 Sheep pelts, each 75 wool per id su Philadelphia Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLY. VKKI)- Western winter bran, spot, ( MACKEREL. Extra mess 35c. lariro l'a. 28 a sac extra sliore l's 25 c soc. VLOUIL Western extra's 3.00 3.50 ; renn'a. family, 4.85 4.50 Ohio clear, 4.T5S.:st: winter patent 5.50 c 6.85. w akat i-cnnsyivania reu, new, i.oi old, l.ia COUN, Mixed lots, 68 59. OATS. No. 8 white 39 NO. 2, 89. W HAY AND BT11AW Tlmothr Cliolca Western and New York, tn. fair to good Western ana new i urx-, n. u.; medium w esiern ana New York-. 10. I 12. ! Cut li.iv as lo minlltr 14. u 17 im ltso straw old, 19.00 Wheat straw, 9. w lu. Oat straw 9 10. WKKU3 ciover tx v per id j Timothy J.50 a l.cOperbushcL WOOL. Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Fleeco Wasjcd. XX and abovn. : a sin XHiifit S3o ; common 22 tc Texas, Sprlne clip One 20 a 22, medium so (4 24 coarse, 16 17. nuua.-l-ennsyivanta extra, is $ western ifuvrnt Pennsylvania extra. 20 (A 21 Western extra 20 c 21. LIVE POULTRY. Fowls, 16tf 17 mixed lots 15X (it 16 roosters old 9 (4 loo ; sprlne chickens as IU BUU II1IU UUUUiy 10(410. DKE.sSKD roULTKY.-Chlckcns extra 17 a 19tf ; spiluir chickens as to weight and quality 18(4 19. 1'OTAxOES. Per toushcl 75 90 j per barrel 1.7S 2.00. ONIONS. Maryland per barrel 8.00 a S.85; North Carolina 2.50 a 2.75. cauuaqe. New, per barrel 150 a 1.00. TOMATOES. Per ernte 40 a sftn- APPLES Yellow harvest l.oo a 1.50 per barrel. PEACHES. J.5D a 4.oo per bushel. jUDITOIVS NOTICE. Orphans' Court ot Columbia County. XST1TE Of I). WIIDJf AN, DECUSED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Court to make dtstrlbucton ot the balance in the hands ottho executor ot said estate will meet all nar. ties Interested lor the purpono ot his appointment on Monday, August 25th, 18S4, at IU o'clock, a. in., at his onicoln Danville, l'a., when anil where all lierboiis naTing claims aro requested 10 present, them or be debarred trom coming In upon said lund. HEN UY VINCENT. aug 1-ta Auditor. JHIDOE LETTING. Will bo let at tho residence ot Ezra btevens on Wednesday tho 2tth dar ot Autrust 1R8I. a brldiro to bo erected over Elk Itun near A. II. niewari's saw mill whore tho open bridge, now stands In Jackson township. To bo a wooden brace covered bridge 56 teet long. Wing walls and abutments to be repaired by contract so as to admit or skew back three feet trom top of wall plate. Plans and specincatlons can be ueen at the commissioner's umco inocmsuurg, i-a. UllAlU.h.1 UKlUllAKl, 1 11. l'.EDOAH Corn's. JOSHUA KETTKltMAN, J Attest: John It. CiBEY. Clerk. Commlf sloner's omce, llloomsbujg, Pa. NOTICE 01' APPLICATION FOB CHAltTElL Notice Is hereby clven that the underslened will apply to Hon. William Elwell, President Judge ot the Court ot Common Pieas. tor a charter for'Tho Methodist Episcopal Church of Itupcrt, lvnnsylva- uui," tor iuu support oi puduo wonnip according Iho Doctrines aud Discipline of tho M. E. Church of America, on Saturday, the 23rd day ot August, A. 1'. Ii, ai . o Clock p. in. HENltY S. ItEAY, JAMES T. FEUNSWOHTII, NOAH K. CltlTKS. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE 01' JOHN LEWIS, DXCSISKP, Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or. ilmns' Court ot Columbia county, to makodlstrl jullou ot tho funds In the hands ot the administra tor to aud umong thu parties entitled thereto, villi attend to tho duties of his appoint ment nt his iu uioomsuurg on mo 21111 uayoi August, issi, at 10 o'clock a. m., hen and where all par- lies Interested In said estate must attend or bo forever ueu.irrea from nny snare in said luuu. 7-lta J. II. MAIZE, juiys-jiu, issi. Auuitor. A School for All. The University al lasting, k COLLEGE, ACADEMY, INSTITUTE. A full Faculty of 18. Large Libraries. Eleven Free bcholarublps at disposal. Send tor catalogue to President DAVID J, HILL, LI. D "1-lwr Lewlsbuig, Pennsylvania. THEC0MPLETE HOME I Lxxik.. Nl edition. New kimUn(r;i,Ntw ilUaruui 9 fioiu nwtUti;uh Suirtly gotten up, tow prka, AdipteJ tu fcU clkw. 5U tt tltfhl. Afcntt ilUn Ug oork. EXCKIIKNTTKRUI, Th Unil-ait ! prctjUu ver Uiutit. Apply twiw Uraulut Gkk rN & Co., M Nonhith si. PblUdel Vhl,?, Alhuotlirivrvul nw Lkki ! tttUet. mar 24-1 y aid "IIoueIi on Rats" SUBSCRIBE NOW KOH THE COLUMBIAN $1.60 A YEAH. tlmo Is expected, J y, to more muslo for louio tme. Bugarloaf Towushlp, W. A. Kit. 1 ay. 'iue woriUi