le dolunli)ii. tjsueit Weekly, eyery I'rl.lny .Horning, nt ULOOMSlUmd, COLUMMA CO., Pa. jit two KOI.Mna per year. To mibicrllxra out of llifHmntytlio terms am strictly In advance. ..'STiH.MPJf Ilseontlnuea oxcept at tiio option of tho imbllshers, until nil nrreurag nro paid, but .ilhil- eiinllmiffl prn, lift, urllt t,,7i ...... 1 uui 1jes op DvcrTisiriq. 8 Jinn 600 7fX) I) no inoo 1700 no no Ono Inch 3O0 Two Inches rm 400 6PII 7() 8(0 1100 23 0) iioo BOO 11 HO IS (II is in 23 00 Mm 1r 1801 1S if) no woo nro SO 00 KM 00 Three Indies..... 4 mi Kourlnchrs B( Quarter column., em Half column 1001 onccolumn., SO 00 All pa pen sunt out of tho Htato or to u'l Yearlr artverllwmeiit, natablnnuarterlr. lian. ilent advertisement must bo nald for beforo Infer I- nmem must bo paid for In ailvnnce. unless a ronnn. distant post stoio person in Columbia county aiumea to Day cd oxcept whero parties have account If gal ndvertlwmcntJi two dollarH per Inrli foi three Insertions, and at that rato for additional Insertions w IlliouU-cferenco to length. rui hub 13 no longer the county. exacted from subscribers Kxeeulor'a.Admlnlstrator'a. and Auditors nollcei JOB PRINTING. three dollars. Must be paid for when nsertcd. Tlio.IobblnffepartmentofthocoMmBUnlsvory ? hWwi'.?; JVilV?;10? 1,rlnlln!f will compare favor a.bI?,liH lhftt uf.iM0 laJK elUM- A work dono on short notice, noatly and at moderate prices, Transient or Local notices, ten eonts a line, tf ru- 0, E.ELWEIiL, ,,.,., J S BITTENBEMDEB,;""1"1' lar advertisements bait rates. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1884. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIII.NOfll COLUMBIA DKMOI'HAT, VOL XLVIII, NO SB carda In the Business Directory" column, one dollar a year tor each line. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r K. WALLEIt, J ATTOItNHY- AT-LAW, omco over 1st. National Umk. llloomaburif, Pa. N T U. PUNK, ATTOUNliY-AT-LAW. ULOOMSBURO, Pa, 0 ilc.i In (tufa llutlJInif. c u. uoKAr,uv, ; ' ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. llLOOXSBORn, PI. O.llco over 1st National Hank. J OHK M. OLAH1C, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. DLO01I3BCKO, PA, nmca over Moycr Bros. Drug Store p Y MILL.EB, " ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW omco In Drawer's bulldlng.socond Uoor.roam No. 1 Uloomsburg, Pa. D PIIANK ZARB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Uloomsburg, Pa. omco cornor of ccntro and Mala Streets. Clark i uuuaing. Can bo consulted In German. Q.EO. E, EIAYELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Niw Coujmbuh Building, uloomsburg;, Pa- Member ot tho United States Law Association, collections mado in any pare oi America or jtu rops. pAUL E. "WIRT, Attornoy-at-Law. omco In Columbian buildim, Itoom No. s, second noor. BLOOMSBURQ, PA. S. XKORR. I B. W1NTK3TEIN. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. nmna tn int. National nank hulldtntr. second lloor, first door to tho left. Comoro! Main and Market Btrccts nioomsourtr, ra. t& Pensions and Bounties Oollecttd. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omco In Malzo's building, over Blllmeyer's grocery. a B. BROWCKAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Olllco in his building opuosuu.Court House, 2nd lloor, Uloomsburg, Pa. npr 13 '83 JOHN C. YOOUM, Attorney-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, PA. omco In Nmva Iteh building, Main street. Membor of tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collections mado In any part ot America. A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jncksou Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5. MiUWICK, PA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. omco, corner ot .Third and Main streets. w E. SMITH, Attorney-atLnw, Berwick. Pa. C'in bo Consulted in Qorman. ALSO FIUST-OLASa PIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES HKPltESKNTED. WOillco first door below the post olllce. MISCELLANEOUS. CD, B.VRKLEY, Atlorney-al-Law , olllco In Urower's building, ?nd story.Uooias x 6 " II. MoKELVV, M. D.,8urgeon and Phy . ilclan, north sldo Main Btrcec.bolow Market A Ij. PKITZ, Attorney-at-Lnw. OtTice l , la Comjuuian Building, Q M. DRINKER, OUN & LOCK8MITH e-viug Machines and Maohlnory of all kinds. re al red. Oram llousi Building, Uloomsburg, Pa. R. J. 0. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN SU)t(BON, Otr.co, North Market street, Hloomsburr, Pa BR. pn: t. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon nnd onlce corner of Hock and Market physician. f R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and (J . Phyalomu, lonico and Kosldeucti on Third street. -yy II HOUSE, DENTIST, IJi.ooMsiiuuo, Columbia County, Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work wuriunicu ua repruuuuiuu. iibtii aitkivt ko wiTiiocT Pain by tho uso of oaa, and free of charge whenartlnclal teeth are Inserted. Olllco In Columbian building, 2nd floor. 'Jo be open at all hours during the day NoV.ss-iy KiJKE INSURANCE, CIIUI8TIAN F KNAPP, BLO0M8BUI1O, PA, IIOMR, OV N. Y. MKUUIIANTS', Of NKWA1UC, N. J, CLINTON. N, Y. PKOPLKS' N. Y. JllUUINU, PA. WTheso old conroiiATiONg aro well seasonod by ago and fikk tiswu and havo never yet had a loss settled by nnv court ot law. Their iuuptn nrn all Invested in souu uucuBiTiKa nro tlablo lo tho auzuru ui iiiik ouiy. Loaaea rK0Mni.v and iiovestlv adjusted and paid as soon aa determined bv Cukistian v. KNAPf, SI'KCIAL AUENT ANU AUJfStBK ULOOKBUUKO, Tho people of Columbia county should patron io tho agency where looealt auy ara uettlod and mid by one ot their own citizens. pitoMiTNLsss, utuirr, paiu de.lino. .il I'My fur Alrnil.. mu. in ml I. M-lllnv oui'.Jriuiil New ill. lor: SIOO In 'J00 irr rw.uuu.it.iii ..rci.i.r HalUr.orCutt I.I.IU liull',,1 fa rUo to J, C. Mel'urtly A ; t'lillultlvblt, Pa, mar-W-ly aid L, i ffiffljjj, V. 1 Medical Suporlntandonl of th thnltarium Invalid's Homo. Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special n.tuntlon to Epilepsy, Nervons Affections, nnd Diseases of Women. Patients received nt tho SnnUnrlum on rcnsonnblo terms for bonrd nnd treatment. P. S. No clmrgo for first consultation, npr 27. '83 3BE, Q, Bsh,toan, number and gas fitter, liear of Schuyler's hard- waru sioru. Uloomsburg, Pa. All klndsof llttlnirs for steam. c.s and water pipes constantly on hand. Koollncand snoutlnif attended to nt short no tice. Tlnwaro of every description mado to order. Orders left at Hchuvlcr&Co's.. hardwaio store will bo promptly lined. Sneclal attention plven to hpntlny lir ntenm nnd hot water. y9-ly CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! "'at'; jiij Sir THE ARTIST m w a a m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR, AVho always gives you tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho experienco lor a number oi years in tiio Tailoring Busi ness, lias learned what material will givo his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to nleaso all who cive him a call. Also on hand Gents' Finishing Goods OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Alwnvs of tlie latest stvlcs. Call nnd ex. amino his stock before purchasing else where. Corner Main & Market Sts. AprH.S5-1y ThoSoienceofLife. Only$l BY MAIL POST-PAID. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Premature Deolmo In JIan. Errors ol Youth, and tho untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tion ot excesses. A book for every man. younsr. middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for nil acuta and chronic diseases, each ono of which Is'lnvaluable. so found bv tho Author, whoso experience for si years Ls such as probably never ueioro leu to inu lot, or any puysician. ;ha pages bound in beautiful French muslin, emuossei covera. full cut. Guaranteed to bo a nner work In every bcnsc mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for fv.W. or tiio money will bo refundeU In every Instance. Prlco only $1.00 by mall post-paid. Illustratlvo xamnlo B cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded luu auiuur uy muuiiuuui muuicui A&biA;iuituu, iu tho onicers ot which ho refers Tho Science of Ltfo should bo read by tho younrf for Instruction, and by tho anilcted tor relief. It will benellt all London lancet. Tlierots no member ot society to whom Tho outruutj oj uiu wm iiui, uu useiui, ueiuer juuui, paivnu guaruiau, lusirucior or cicrgymau. ar W. 11. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch street, Boston, Mass., Anuress inu l'eauoay icuicai institute, ur who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstlnato diseas es and that have tunica tho ii n i r skill ot another physicians a sno H Hi Jl J clalty. such treated successful run irtini lv wlthoutan Instance of I JLx X OJ jIji; fall ure. Mention tins paper. 3uiyS5-lw d B. F. HARTMAN BXrKESBNTS TUB rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. rruuKiin, Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania. oueens, ot London. North British, ot London. Office on Market Street, No, uuuuver, ui r.. x. s, Bloomsburg. UCb, '44, v-iy BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL :o. The undersigned haviuL- nut his PJanlnr Mil on itauroaa street, in nrsi-ciass conauiou, is pre' paroa to ao an Kinas oi wuric m uis uuu. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisnod at reasonable pneos. All lumber used ls woll seasoned and nouo but sklltud workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plana and spocinca lions prepared oy an oxpenenccacrauguisman CIMRL.E.S KRIIO, UloouiHburfr, Pu tor tho wailing class. Send 10 cents for postage, ano wo win man you Trie, a royal vuiuuuiuuux oi buuuiiu uuousmni win .nut f ow days than you ever thought posslblo at any business. Capital not required. Wo will start you. You can work all tho Lima or In spare" time you iu tuu way ui lumaii uiuiQ money in oniy. 'mo work is universally adapted' to both sexes, young and old. You can caifly earn from W cents to every evening. That, all who want may icsimo business, wo maxeiim unparauou often to all that are not well satlsnod wo will He ml fl toparfor tho tioublo ot writing us. Full parti. cuiuin, uitwiiuus, tau., Bcubiruv. 1'un.unua win uq mado by thoso vhoglvo their whoetbuo to Ilia start now, M alno. Address briNtoN s: Co., Pre 1-1 Portland, TT'REAS IIROWN'S 1WSURANOE AUKNUY. Mover's Mover's now bulldlne. Main bireet, uioomsDurg, pa. AssetB. .t!tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, T,o:e,2!0 itoyal of Liverpool , ..... m.suo.ooo Lancashlro , lu.uio.oo? Flro Association, Philadelphia .ies,Tio Phuinlx, ot Loudon t.'im.ilt lndon & Lancashire, of England , 1,1U,10 llartroM ot Hartford a.'jm.oio sprlngneld Fire and Marine a,uSi,sw As the agoaclea are direct, policies are written for the Insured without any delay In tho onice at uioomsourg, Oct. us, '8i Blooiiiskirg, Pa. KNOW THYSELF. Qreai Medical Work on Manhood $300 a month for agents now D I A f XT I? n'"1 L'OAN.o o m p 1 o t e. 0 1 1 V I IS VJ Official, illustrated Life of tho ltepubllcan's rholco by Judgo llucl, assisted by tho Editor of tho Krnnetjn' Journal and lllnlri'J's Private Bocrot iyij,iN,,," ' '', .""J' CI ylS V El ji N lmnkllrtpietuSiir books aro beyond all eom)Ollllon In Authorship, Illustra tion"!, ranerand lilnilln.r. Prospectus free to actu al Canvassers. Special term's lo thoso ordering from a distance. Also ready tho .hltof tho year, MY WIPES FOOL OF A HUSBAND! with 115 emrravlnirs. by Wlllllams. irNo moro dull times! Write for clrcuurs now. W. II. Thompson, Pub., 401 Arch St. I'hlla., Pa. juiyii.iw u To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Pitclal DcihmU Is to gnarantco th ryineiit of the 'St premiums fully described n our former nmiouuccmcnK The premiums will be paid, no matter how mall the mtmler of bags returned may be. Oftt 1Uarwtrt Ihirham Ttfnrfn Co., "irAnm, .V. C, Hay 10, 13M. 1 P. A. Wl LET, Em. Onftlfr tin nf Hurtiim, DHrJiim, JV. r. Dkab Him We Inrlfwe yon tll.Koon. whlrh FltAfO place nn Special Prinwlt to pay premium! nr our rnipty tobacco lm to U. reiurneit lux, Uth. Yotiri truly, J. S. OAltll. PruMenL OJit ! IA n.mk ft lurftnm.l 1. s. CAnn, Fjiq j'urAan, ,v. c, Kay Vi, IBM.) DrAn Sir: I laic to nckncmtoitre rcrripi of Sll.ttoi.i from yniL wlilch o have placitl ui-on peclal Dcplt inr the nltl mi ftAte. None prnuUic without pictaro of BULL on th pakaire. trSM our other announowiiwiH. March Sl-tt GAIN Health and Jappiness. 3P V DO AS OTHERS 0CRAS" HAVE DONE. Aro your Kidneys disordered? "KUncy U'oit biunitlit mo from my rtt, aiUQ rre, Rf ter I had licrn kItc n un 1t 13 l-cit cloctor? m P Livtrolt." M W. Puwruux, Mechanic, Ionia, MJcli. Aro your norvos "weak? Ac.iifli r I m.t i-ijXHtod tollvtV'-Mrs M. M. II. Uo.awin. J:1. Vh rt it ian Monitor CltiTcl&iitl, O. hHavo you BrighVs Disease? IJ "liliiey Unit mmt mo when my water was Just H like challc an. I tlien Ilk. blond.- naiiK iikou, foauooy, Haas. Suffering from I la jy-Wort U tho moat euci l Diabetes? "KiJ: over ujed. teuet osnfulrciuottT I liare UItcn almoH Imrrivllnto ri-llrf." Dr. l'hillljiC. Uullou, Monkton, Vt. Have you Liver Comolaint? after 1 prayi'd to ille." kidney. oit cured mo of chronic Liter Diseases nry Ward, l.U Col. C?th Nat. Guard, N, V Jt your Back lame and aching? ' Kl.lnry-Wort.ll bottle) cuictl iuo whtu 1 wubso Im'j.o I had to roll out of lcd." O. M Tttllmaffe.Mllwaakce, Wl. llr-vo you Kidney Disease? "ivIdm-yVort made mo sound lnllrer ajid kidneys rtir years of unsuccessful doctoring. Its worth t.ualjux." Satn'l llodffos, Willlnuitown, West Va, ! Aro you Constipated? I ''Ifldncy-Wort rauxon easy ovacuationi nnd cured , iuo after Id) cars uo ot other medicines." Ni-Uon KutrchUd, bt. Albans. A t. Havo you Malaria? 'Klduey-Wort has done better than any titer rcii.s,Uy i i:avu eer ii'rt in my nrnctifo," ur, ii. JV, viarK. ouuiu iiero, i. Aro vou Bilious? . "TlllneyVort li.m done me muro tfuod than any oilier remedy I haro erer taken," m Ur. J. T. Uallonay, Klk Flat, Oregon. Are you tormented "with Piles? "Kidney-Wort ivrmanentty rrtrM mo of Moedlng pllei. Ur. w, ( Kline reeoiniritnd'-1 U to me." Geo. II. Hurst. Cohier M. IUa, Myerstown, Pa. Aro you Rhoumatism racked? "Uldniy-Wort cuurt mo. after 1 m uitcn up to die by uiiyslclaiiv and I had ufTrri'd thirty ) enm." Ubri J6-e Malcolm. West Uath, Maine. Ladies, aro vou suffering? "KMirt-y-Wort cured mo of iieculUr truiiblfs -f et'raiycari standing. Jlany friends uto nnd yialoi If you would Banish Disease I i and cam Health, Tako Tub DLOOD CLEANSItn. (CbnlinMedro'rt tif utel.) How Watch Cases are Made. It ia a fact not generally known tliat tiio James i'oss' Gold Watch Gucs ruilly con tain moro pure gold than many "boliil" gold cases Tho demand for theso watih cases has led to tho manufacture of a vciy poor grado of Bolld gold watch cases low in quality, nnd deficient in quantity. These cascsaromado from 43 to 10 karats and a 5 or 0 karat case is often hold for 12 or 11 karats. It is not economy to buy a watch case so poor in quality that it ill toon loso Its color, or one so soft that it will lose its shape and fail to shut thjht, tlu.s letting in dust and damnginj,' tho works, or ono so thin that a slight blow will break the crystal, and perhaps tho movement. It IS economy to buy n Janus Josa' CioM 11'afcA Case, in'which soxu of thc.o things ever occur. This wuteli cv.o is nof ai t'jwrt ment it has been mado nearly thirty ijeart. Hazleton. Va., Oct !l, isi I .old two Jamen Oomh Oold Watch Tikc tlility ytan ago", uhen they tint caino out, ami thty are in good condition yet Ouo of tlieiu li civrrt'-d by a carivuter, Mr, L. W. Urtko, of lUzlttou, and duly rliowatbewcarln ono or two placcst tho other by Mr. Bowman, of CunnluKhaui, l'.; aud I cau vro duco ouo or both of thufeu cam; at any time. HlLVLSTCU LNOLE, Jtlriltr, S..J S ...t .l.up to K..t.,.. lUltb Cm. F.rlurlr., I'hil. i.lphlkl'a furfcud..alll..trtrd I'.w bt.l .kuwlei, fcuw SimH BtM.' aatl k.y.U.. t .ItS lM. ar. Mkd.. (IV l Cvntinu&t.) t Infants nnd Children Wiat rItc s our Children roy cheeks. What cures their fevers, makes them sletp; Cn.tnrla. en Babies fret, nnd cry by turns, What cures their colic, kills their worms, Cnalorla. What nulcklv euren Constipation, Bour Blomucli, Colds, Indigestion : Cnatnrln. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and l'arefc'oric, and HnllCn.tnrln. "Caitorla li to well adapted to Children that I recommend It si lupctlor to any medi cine known to mo." II. A. Aicaia, M.D., 111 So. Oxford St., Drooklyn, N.Y. IentauR INIMENT i Au nbsolnto euro for IUiou' matlun, Sprains, Palu in tho Baolt, liarus, GaUs,fto. Aula stftutauooos Paiu- rollover. QtWEH AMY SELECT STORY. THE TUEN OF AH ACCIDENT. It wns six o'clock of n crisp October liiroiiing, nnd Joiiii Hoyii, n lnvmcr, rousing fiotn liis soniitl nijjlit'u Bleep, iprang out of bed with tiio nlurt rend iiess of it man who knows, tiro vnltio of iu fiist liours of day. It was a tavern bed from which ho jumped i homo nnd h carca wero miles away ; nut a long lo lay bcloro linn, nud no washed and dressed briskly, as ono In liasto, humming a cheerful nir, meanwhile, as became a man who felt himself in good spirits nnd had amplo lenRon for beiiic so. For, bo it known, this year had proved the best to farmers since John had boon his own master. Har vests had boon large, prices high, nnd John, on his way back from the an nual matkot, carried a sense of freedom nnd liberation at his heart from the final extinguishment of n mortgage on his farm a mortgngo which had press ed as heavily on his conscieiico as did tho burden of a Clnistiau on his shoul ders. Tho burden was lifted now, and ftnther tli an that, John carried in his fat, red wallet, S'-'OO over and above, toward tho expenses of tho next year. Uo had never been so "Dotorcliand' before, and tho sensation was a joyful one. "My neck is out of tho collar now,". ho muttered to himself as ho brushed his thick, brown hair. "I should bo a fool indeed if I put it in again. No moro mortgages for mo 1" Then, his toilet completed, ho ran down stairs, two steps at a time. Farmer-like, his first visit was to his horses. They wero munching their corn very satisfactorily, and after a look or two aud a pat, John returned to tho inn, where a jingling boll an nounced a breakfast. It was smoking on the table a substantial meal of tho kind universal in taverns thirty years ogo, and John Hoyd, whoso nppolito was of tiio kind proverbially said to accompany a cood conscience, was iloinc it amplo iustice, when a sudden instinct led him to thrust his hand into tho. inner pocket, which held two hun dred dollars. Tho wallet was gono. In tho suddenness of the shock John felt himself turn palo and then Hush painfully as ho confusedly tried to re member if ho had taken out tiio wallet aud when. Under his pillow there it was ! IIo recollected distinctly, or so it seemed, putting it thcro for security's sake when ho went to bed the night before. With a muttered excuse ho left tho tnblo and hurried up stairs. The door of his room stood open, aud tho maid servant was putting fresh sheets on his bed, and tho soiled linen was lying in a heap on the floor. Toward tno heap John hurried and began turning it over. 'Have you lost something, sir 7' iskt'd tiio maid. John straightened himself to answer. IIo had not noticed tho maid before, though sho had waited upon tho table at supper. JNow he observed that she was young and rather pretty fair, with a trim, slender figure, beautiful glossy hair, neatly dressed and braided, and a pair of sweet, apprchensivo bluo eyes. Her voice was soft, too, and she had a shy, modest manner, which suggested an idea ot relinement. All these things Farmer Boyd observed in a flash, and instinctively noting, weigh ing, estimating by that wonderfully rapid progress of wliioh tho human mind is capable, while yet his thoughts wero lull ot Ins money nud Ins loss. "ie9,i am looking lor my wallet, which f left under my pillow. Did you find it ?'' i ho girl s laeo blanched to a deadly whiteness and her eyes dilated as with sudden terror. "No, sir," sho said, her voice tremb ling and sinking away as sho spoke. "1 didn t seo any wallet. John looked at her distrustlully ; but thero was something in tho pale face that disarmed suspicion. "I d like to search the bed, lio said. "It may havo slipped under tho mat tress. Together they turned the mattress, but no wallet was visible. "That off horso of yours lias got his shoo loose, somehow,'1 announced Mr. Nash, tho landlord, suddenly appearing at tho door. "I thought I'd better tell you, so that you can stop at tho black smith's as you pass and get him to put in a cotiplo ol nails. Why, what's tho matter !'' John explained. Tho landlord looked very grave. IIo whistled softly to himself a minute, with his eyes fixed on tho tumbled bed ding j then ho wont to tho head of tho staii saud called his wife. Presently they carao in together, nnd tho land lady's fnco looked very red and trou bled. "Such a tiling never happened in my house before," sho protested. "Hut there's only ono person that lias been in your room since you came, besido your self, and sho's the person you must reckon with," pointing to tho maid, who, with white cheeks and downcast oyei, leaned agaiint tno wall as it awaiting Hcntenee. "Oil, indeed, indeed, I didn't tako ill I never saw any wallet," sho said ; but her voico wiw drowned in Mrs Nash's louder tones. "And pray who olso took it, do you suppose? Who elso had tho chancel Answer mo that 1 It serves mo just right for taking in a girl with no reo ommend a girl I don't know nothing about, not so much as hor name, or wliero sho catuo from, or where her folks aro. Five- week's ago to-morrow, that's all tho timo sho's been in tho house, sir, but this is tho end of it. It's tho last timo I'll over havo a help I don't know tho long and short of, bo you needn't bo afraid to stop ,vith us again, no, nouo of your friends, eithor ; as for her, out sho packs this very davl "I'd better go for tho constable, hadn't I, if you're suro it was under tho pillow you put it 1" said tho landlord. "Oh, don't, please, don't 1" pleaded tho girl, weeping bitterly. "Givo tho gontleman his wallet baok, then, nnd perhaps ho II lot, you go.' "I can't. I haven't got it I Oh, pleasu bclievo me 1 Don t send mo to iail 1" sho urged. The landlady ouiy answered by an expression of tlisgust. And, throwing her apron over her ucad, tho poor gir went iu silence, saying no moro. John had hold his penco during this nltorcation, sharply oyeiug tho persons concerned iu it meanwhile, Tho Nushcs ho know something about. Thoy wero of good reputation as far as ho was nwarc. The maid wns a stran ger to them, as to him i but, in spito of circumstance, and her manner, which was hardly less suspicious, ho could not bring himself to bclievo her guilty. IIo was not a hasty man, and ho wns a iust one. with a kind heart to back his temperato judgments ; and niter a low minutes' reflection ho mado up his : a . I mind what to do. I can't swear that I put tho wallet under my pillow, or nnVwhero else," ho said. "I'm pretty suro that I did, but my thoughts about it aro confused, somehow, and It may bo I left It nt Holton, whero I slept 'lucsday night. I don't wont no injustice dono on my account. "Don t cry like that ad dressing himself to tho girl -"I'll tell on what I'll do. Will you get tho bay maro shod during the day 7" . . . " . S" ... I "and if vou'll end mo a saddlo I'll rido back to Bolton and mako inquiry there. If I find tho money, well and I good ; if I don't it will bo timo enough to talk further about it to-morrow." "I'm suro it's good of you to tnko so much trouble," declared the landlady. "But whether or no, tho girl don't slay here. I'll havo no suspected thief in my house 1" "There'll bo nothing to suspect her of, if I find tho wallet," rejoined John, uryiy. "uon l give me poor ming a I bad name- till you know that sho do- servos it." Thnn lin lnfr. tho rnran. nn. mindful of tho look of gratitudo which shono upon him from tho bluo eyes of the girl, who had dropped her apron, nml sl,n rrnnl nftnr liim (ill lio mi mil of sight. His reflections were not agreeable, as hd retraced his footsteps over the dusty highway, traveled but yesterday with so light a heart. Tho loss of his mon- ey meant a good deal to John Boyd, '1 ho pressure of anxiety seemed to sot- tlo again upon his shoulders, ns ho thought over tho probabilities of its nonrecovery. "But 1 won t givo in without a "fight for it," ho thought, grimly, as ho urged his horso for ward. Miles seem doubly long when meas ured by a heavy heart, what with dust, heat and tho continual eltect to clear his mental confusion as to when and whero ho had last seen tho wallet, tho young farmer was fagged and dispirit ed enough, before noon was fairly come. Ho stopped to dioo nt a little tavern attached to a toll-gate, and with some vaguo nope mat, tno money migui nave been picked up on tho road by Bomo i ., : . . , i one, mentioned his loss. I ho toll- Keeper shook ins iteau. "Bolton's your only choice," ho said. "If it was on tho road you dropped it there's no likelihood that you 11 over hear of it again. The dust is eight inches deep, I should say, and there's been thrco big droves ot sheep and one of bullocks along since yester day, so if your wallet was lying thero they have trampled it under pretty thoroughly. It is bunod deep enough you may bo sure, unless, which is just as likely to happen, somo ono has pick' ed it up and mado olt with it. l our chance is a slim one, I reckon.'' Void comtort this : but John was forced to agrco with his opinion. De spondingly ho rodo through the after noon, scanning tho way as ho wont, for despito tho toll-keeper, a faint hope still lingered in his heart, though tho ivrtrr lnnii in 1m of nml e ii i.nn1 ntirl trampled by tho crowded droves, pre- ar.ntnA o ...... fil,1 fn I I.nnn I discovery. Ho had gained the top of a long hill from which Bolton was dimly visible, when a moving object f nr ahead caught Ins eyes and he roso in his stiriups in order to seo moro clearly. As ho did so his horso made a false stop, stum bled nnd threw him forward in tho sad dlo so that his head grazed tho horso's neck. ft was in this position that a tiny object, a patch ot red, caught Ins eye. His heart gave a little leap, then he called himself a fool, but all the same ho dismounted to examine. Already a random hoof-stroko had burned tho red patch from sight, but Jonn recollected tho spot, and stooping, dug and Bcooped till it again became visible, llis fingers rccoguized a solid substance. Trembliug with excite ment, ho continued to dig : another second and tho object was uncovered, lifted out, and will a wild, incredulous whoop of joy, John Boyd held in his i.i, ,i. j t... .i. hand his wallet, buriod deep by tho hurrviiiL' herds nnd uncovered for ono .... mm ,i vto .,o .:!,, reit niton t ind no o her Excent for ETcky suunble he would Co ridden over tho lost treasure, nnd . . - never dreamed what lay beneath his horse's feet. "And some folks sny thero ain't no Godl" was his mental comment, spoken half-aloud. Then for John' Boyd s religion, though a homely, was a true ono ho bi nt his head, and said a few words of thanksgiving ; after which, jumping on his horse, ho took tho backward route, eager to toll his good fortune, and oxoncrato tho Door girl, who, as ho now remembered with self-reproach, must havo passed a pain- fill day under tho stigma of undeserved Hiiipioiou. Tho heat wns yielding to evenipg breeze-, and ho urged his horse, Im patient to set matters straight, but with his best endeavor it was eleven o clook before ho at last drew rein in front of Nash s hotel. Ho was ex pected i that was evident, for lights wero burning and ISash and his wife hurried out to meet him, wearing faces oi itigiiborious length, winch only in part changed to cheerfulness when they heard of tho recovery of tho wnl let. "There, what did I tell vou 1" cried tho husband. "Haven't I boon a say ing and a saying all day that likely as not this scaro wouldn't turn out all for nothing And you would not listen to a word, but just kept on to that poor thing insido thero, and she noth ing to blame all tho timo. I doclaro its too bad tho way women actio each other and folks calling thorn the 'softer sex 1' A man would be asham ed to act so. Well, do toll I And so tho monoy wns a lying thero nil tho lime Iu tho dust I Well, I'm mighty glad, for your sako aud ours too. Go right in, sir, nnd wifo will givo you somo supper. I'll sto to tho horso.' Mrs. Nash waited on tho meal in grim silenco. Sho Boomed only half rejoicod at tho dououeuient. "Its mighty queer," bIio rqinarkod, as sho sat tho last dish on tho table. "I don t feel as if wo had got to hot lorn of it yet. Why didn't Luoy deny moro positive V "Hut sho did," snld John, between "sho said she hadn't two moiithfuls i got it.'' "Why, of course, sho said as much as that. You didn't expect her to say that sho'd got it, did you t" rejoined tho landlady, with lino scorn. "Hut sno ciiun i spoaK up vioitni ami now, as you'd expect an innocent girl t 1 I. 1. t . II I would. "But slio was innocent nil tho time you know. "I ain't so over suro about, that," replied Mrs. Nash, with a shako of her head. "It's a queer business." "Now, look here," shouted John, rousod by this persistent injustice, 'what is there queer about it, I should liko to know t Hero's my wnllet" slapping his pocketbook "and I told you wnoro i lounu ii. ynu you Know 1 TH-t. a . t as well us I do that I never put it tin- der tho pillow, nnd that girl of yours had no more to do with it than a babe uuborn. It's her pardon that I ought to beg, and you, too. So I hope, madam, you'll drop tho subject and just make it up to the poor thing by being extra kind, as it were, for the bad day wo mado her spend." Mrs. Nam seemed by no means mollified by this not over judicious ap peal, and as socn as her duties as hoa less wouiu permit, ion iuo room mm,-1 tering under her breath something that John did not catoh. IIo was too tess would nermit. loft tho room mut- sleepy to caro particularly nbout tho matter, and presently went to bed, when dreamloss slumber drew hor veil nvnr ttm llnv'tt vtnUaif tlrlon. Hurrying out to the barn the next morning in tho best of spirits, a low, sobbing sigh called his attention to a bench outside tho kitchen door, whore sat a fignro crumpled up into a forlorn little heap, in which he recognized tho pretty maid of tho day bofore. Sho wore her bonnet, and a bundle lay bo- sido her. Her face was hidden on hor arms, which wcio crossed on tho back i . , of tho bench. "Why, what's tho matter 1" said John, turning back. Tho girl looked up with n stait. "I bog your pardon," sho faltered : "I'm just going. 1 didn t mean to stay so long." "Uoing! Whero' "I don't know where," sho said, do- jectcdly. "I'd try for another place, only thcro doesn t seem much chance of getting ono without a recommend." "Do vou moan to sav that thov aro .. - . . ... Bonding you away from here 7' "Yes. But in tho name of goodness, why?" "1 don t know. Mrs. JNasIl says sho don't liko to have servants about who aro susDeoted of steallntr." Tho blue 0yes filled again as she spoke, and sho hid her face. "By Georgo ! I never heard of such mjustico in my life, ' shouted John, "JNow, Lucy, it that s vour name, you just sit still whero you are. Don't you stir or move till I como back. I'll see Mrs. Nash, I'll put things right." To put things right seemed easily enough to a strong, hearty man, with iustico and argument on his side, but that is becauso ho docs not calculate properly on thoso queer hitches and crochets of human nature, especially woman nature, which havo no relation to justico and fair dealing, and aro un affected by argument. Mrs. Nash Droved impervious to John's choicest f,?!'? llin t Her mind was made up ; she want to near no moro on tho subject; finally her temper rising, "what business was it ot his, sue de manded, "what help sho kept, or if she kept any at all t Ho'd got his pocket- book back ; accounts were square be tween them ; thero was no further call, so far as she could see, why ho should meddle in her concerns. This upshot ot the interview was that John tlew out of the kitchen with his face as red as fire, tackled his horse, threw valise and feed bags into tho wagon, mini tho amount of his reckoning on tho table, and addressed Luoy, who, pale and terrified, stood bundlo in hand, prepared for flight, calling out : "XSow, then, my good girl, you've lost one place by my' fault, and 1 m darned if I don t offer vou another. Will you jump iuto "my wagon and go homo with met My old woman's ue ""V 7 Siting a smart girl to help her along when she s aid up with rheumatics ; so you re lust tho ono wo want. Shell been talking this long pieco back of vou re lust the ono we want. She 11 lrual you ,umf u"ouK 1 " uu uuunu a 1 L. T'l 1 1. 1 - .1 and you sunn have wiiatover you wero Scing here. And if you behave your- 6e'f; J011!1 bo ll uset1' "?l tu,od !lt I iii finnrtt wir inn iiinir ii iifr:itra in ..WW.M U. "VII.MJj - O V that: it isn't tho way up in our parts," with u Tindictivo look at tho landlady, who stood rigidly planted in tho door- way. "Wo don't sot up to be extra Christians, but there's a littlo honesty nnd decency left among us, which is more than can bo said for nil places. Woll, what do vou Bay T Yes or no. There's my hand on it, if it's yes." lio held out his broad palm. Luoy hesitated, but tor a moment only. "es, I will, she said. "I've no- whero elso to go, nud you seem kind. dr: vln off toeother down tho manlo- Another moment aud limy wero shaded road, whoso vellow and crira-, son boughs danced overhead ngalnst "October's bright bluo weather." Thero was penco and calm iu tho froslt still ness ot tho early day. uraauaiiy a little color stolo into Lucy's pale checks, and John's hot mood gavo placo to ins wonted good humor nud cheer. "You've had no broakfast, I'll bet," no saui with a smile. "Aim no moro have I. I was so mad with that wo man that I couldn't swallow a mouth ful, but now I bogin to feel sharp enough. Wo'll stop at tho next lav ern, Southwiok, isn't it 1 Five miles nud a half. Can you hold out till then 1" 'Oh, yes, indeed," with a grateful look out ot the blue eyes. Johns tone grew mnro and more friendly. "Wo'll have something hot and hear ty there." ho said. "You look polo. I guess you didn t sleep any too muuh last night. ' "Oh, 1 couldn't sleep at all. Mrs. Nnsh told mo that I must go tho first thing iu tho morning, and I felt so badly, "I shouldn t think you would wnnt stay with a womnn liko her." "But its so dreadful to have no- to whero to go and, besides " tsno stopped abruptly, with a look liko terror in her eyes. "Havo you no friend then '" asked 1 John. "No." The tone Was very reserved ( but ro serve could hardly fait to melt under so sunshiny a presenco ns John Boyd's, and before tho long doy's rido was done he had won from her tho main facte of her story. Lucy Dill was her nnino. Her moth er hnd married the second timo when Lucy was 12 yeais old, and thrco years ago, when the girl was baroly 1C, had tiled, leaving her to the protection of her stepfather. "She didn't know what kind of a innn ha was," said Lucy. "And he wain t that kind of a man when sho wns alive. I was too young to no tice much, and mother always put her self between him and mo when thiugs went wrong. After sho died it wns dreadful. Elkins that was his son came homo to live. Ho never lived thoro before, and he " "Wanted to marry you V "Yes: and his father said I must. But I was afraid of him of them both. And pcoplo began to come to tho house bad people, no good and I began to suspeot things." "What kind ot things It was not easy to get an answer lo this question. In fact, the terrified nnd inexperienced girl had hardly dar . -." ..v-, n,.. mi. i Jonn gathered the idea that coining, or SOtno Other unlawful practice were cd to lormulato her own fears ; but Kn? 0,1 n'i I'cy only half comprc- hooding, had tindcistood enough to startle and frignlen her into making her C8Ca)0. SllO ll,1(l effected tll'lS bV "'B1' six wcel8 before, and hor great drcau was of being discovered and forced to go baok. John reassured her 118 fts ho could, . "You N uo j"t as safo at tho farm as In an iron safe, he protested. Bnt, in spito of his assui i assurance, the lurking terror never loft Lucy's eyes though weeks sped safely by and noth- n. , , mg occurred to alarm her. Every sud den noiso made her start j tho sight of a strango figure on the road blanchod the roses to paleness. Except for this fcarfulncss, sho proved an excellent "help" in all ways quick, neat finger ed, sweet-tempered. Old Barbara won dered how tho farm had ever got along without her, and John in his secret heart wondered also. It never should bo without her again, on that ho was firmly resolved. "Luoy," ho said ono day. three months after sho became his inmate, "Im tired of seeing you jump and quiv er, and scuttlo up-3tairs whenever tho pedler or the ragmau comes along, it's bad for you, and it worries mo almost to death. Now there's just ono way that'll make all safe, and set your mind at ease, and that is that you should marry mo out of hand, and give mo tho right to protect you. Ouce my wife, I shouldn t caro if your stepfath er and all tho gang carao after you ; let thorn lay a finger on you at their peril, while I'm alive and have a right to interfere. Will you Lucy 1 It's tho best thing to be dono, trust my word for it. I don't mean to pretend that I'm doing it for your sako entirely,"' added John with a broad smile, "for I ain't, I want you for my own sako tho worst way, but both ways will bo a gain ; so, unless you havo something against mo say 'yes,' Lucy, and wo will have thu parson over to-morrow, aud mako all safe. Will vou, Lucy ?" "Oh, how could I have anything against you V replied Lucy with tho sweetest blush. "Well," declared John, a moment after, as ho raised his head from his first long lover s kiss, "now I forgive Mrs. IN ash What Young Lovers Should Look at Be fore Going to the Alter. So long ns the cat is left iu company with the cream jug tho cream will bo "absorbed, ' aud so long as young peo plo of both sexes aro allowed to meet freely in Bocial intercourse thero will be moro or less marryiug and giving in marriage It is greatly to bo feared that with the proverbial thoughtlessness of youth, the young peopio will not stop to con sider the question of wavs and means, nor calmly calculate whether they shall bo able to gather sticks in sufficient quantity to keep tho matrimonial pot boiling. Tom, with a lover's ardor, win prooauiy jorget, io inquire, oeioro will probably lorgct to inquire, before I moprinnn niltnllinn Tsimitvtrt to .nnnlil. "......., i1"" marriage, whether Jemima, is capablo oi oooKiug uiuuer, wuno jemima, on ot cooking dinner, whilo Jemima, on ir part, is just as like y to bo left in T 'CS,,S"1!! Tr Jf" I ... ... ' , ---rff i u.iu rw ai,uuuiii. uulbiuu ui his auim v. which win ensure- mero ucmg a aiuner to cook as well as a kitohen wliorem to cook it. It is all a mistake to say that two ueouie can live ns cueapiy as ono ; lor proof controvertivo you havo ouiy to osk lor rates at any boarding-house ior example, John inanagos to support life quite endurably on his sal nry ot iu or $ir per wcck ; perhaps even maintains, a certain position in society thereon, but no would novor dream of asking Jemima to sharo it. if ho did, Jemima, with her worldly wisdom, would think him demented or tipsy, bix dollars a weok pays for his bedroom on tho fourth lloor of the re spectablo boarding houso which ho patronizes, or, perhaps, ho rents a small turnlshed room, and, trusting to occa sional invitations to dinner, etc., takes his meals on tho huropean plan. Tho rest of his salary, with economy, keeps him in clothes, gloves and cigars, with nu occasional thentra ticket and ad mission to tho opera on gala nights, llis well-kent dress suitdoes not often need renewal, nnd dancing men aro al ways in request at parties lsut what on earth could ho do with a wifo 1 Angels ami ministers of grace delciul us. Whero aro her dresses to come from T How is oven tho board bill for two, instead of ono to be paid 1 liow could thoy expect "pcoplo to visit thorn t So ho danoes on, hoping vainly to tind a rich wifo, while she, on her part, knows that her duty to herself requires that her husband shall bo nblo to give her nt least tno mxurios to which slio has been accustomed and keeps detrimentals at n safe dis tance, Whilo an Idaho girl wns sitting un- dor a trco a grizzly bear came al nnd, nppronohiug from behind, b to hug her. But sho thought it oug, began i uu her. nut sue thought it was Tom, and sho leaned back and enjoyed it heartily, and murmured "tighter," nnd it broko tho bear all tin. nnd ho wont nwny and hid in tho forest for ' Uireo days to get over his shame. How the World is Tilled with Mado-Oyer People. "Wanted A girl lo make over." Tho above appeared in the 'advertis ing column of n city paper. It Is so indefinito that the reader is left lo ima gination as to wheth6r tho girl is want ed to mako over as a wife, or a scam ter, or merely to servo as a model for somo one whoso training, prejudices, bigotries aud ambitions nro seeking for an educational outlet. Every day somo young man is look ing for a girl to mako over. Whilo sho is his sweetheart sho is simply per fect, but as soon as the honeymoon is ended for tho making over process be gins. It has its regular formulae, ono of which is liko this : "Did you make thoso biscuits, Hel en 7" "Yes, dear I thoy'ro not quilo right, but I nm going to improvo on thorn.1' "I supposed you know how to make bread when I married you." "Why, Chariiol didn't I want to wait a year on purposo to learn how to cook, and you said you novcr cared what you eat, and didn't want to marry a cook, and all that 1" "Pshaw I novcr said such a word. Givo theso bullets to the cat and kill her. I'd give anything for ono of my mother's tea-rolls." "Woll, dear, I will write to her for recipe. I-I--11 try hard to learn..'' But a man who finds fault with ono thing will find fault with another.- It does not, occur to tho young husband and that liis mother is 50 years old and a farmer's daughter and that ho married a school girl who is as different from tho mother-stripe as he is from the father-pattern. He is just capablo of expecting her to mako sausage and soft soap as mother' did. Eventually ho makes her over into a nondescript that is neither a companionable wilo nor a comfortable housekeeper. And his highest praiso is the omission of fault finding. David Copporfield tried the making over process on sweet, sunny littlo Dora, liis child-wife. Sho tried to livo up to his kitchen and market require ments, but was glad to dio and end a condition so unsatisfactory. Ulnldrcn aro perpetually required to make over. An original child is run in a groove, fitted to another soul. It is dwarted and expanded at tno arbi trary will of parents, until it becomes an epitome of its father, mother, undo or cousin. These Gadgrinds of learn ing incline tho twig in their way, givo it their limited sky to reach, and when it is no longer a living branch of air and sunshine nnd riotous life, point to it as tho dry stock of their grafting. The world is lull ot made-over peo ple. A great number went early to their graves, discouraged with the demands mado upon them. "What shall I do to cure my young daughter of laughing and looking in the glass ?" wroto a mother to a celebrated divine. And the answer camo : "Let her alone. Time and sorrow will cure her of both, all too somi.'' A popular novelist has depicted a scene between a husband and witc, where wife wishes to take a journey for her health. "You don't want to travel," says the considerate husband. "It will disagree with you ; traveling always disagrees with me." She urpes a sea-voyage. "You will bo sea-sick a voyage al ways makes me sick.' iac., etc., etc. Made-over people, liko made-over clothes, are weak and urelinble. It is no sign becauso John s fnthcr is a shoe- makeror a farmer that John, will be. Ho might do worse, but ho may do better. At any rato ho has a right to asotrtain his own valuo and do that bst fitted for him. "Blessed, thrico blessed, is the man who has found his work," says Unrlj le. "Let mm sei.'k no other bless ednoss. It is a responsibility the thoughtful, capable soul will shrink from, that of making a human life. But the narrow, unwise, bigoted theorist is ntways will ing to try his hand, on the principle that "fools ruh in whero angels fear to tread." Lost By aT. It would hardly bo supposed that a sine o ettor of tho alphabet could havo 1.1 rT , f ' I I 1 uio euect oi cuauging ino wuoio coursu 0f a man s lite, but it did in my case. Some twenty years ago, when I had mo.r? l'1!m 1 liave now' 1 w,na in . J,UL1UIWIV "HO WWI I VHJIVUUVMVW ita timnwi ohm urna in onri'nonniinnrinn with a gentleman in Michigan m refer 8nco to the purchaso of a largo sawmill I and an cxtensivo tract of heavily tim- bored land. I mado nrrangemonts to ment him in Saginaw and perfect tho trade, and sent him a telegram saying, I will meet you there. I immediately started on my journey to Saginaw, and whon I arrived thero i tound the gon tleman whom I had gone to seo had started tho same day I did for Balti more, On reaching that city ho found that I had gono Wost, but no ono knew whither so he returned home, in the mean tune I had started on my return trip from Saginaw lo Baltimore to meet him there. When he go: homo ho found another purchaser for tho property, to whom ho sold it nnd re ceived tho money for it. The purchas er lias since, out of that very property, become one of tho wealthiest men in tho Northwest, while I am poor. Tho whole trouble resulted in tho message beiug transmitted. 'I will meet you here," instead of, 'I will moot you there.' I am now Btruggliag for a living in Lendville, when if it had not been for that unfortunate 't,' I would in all pipbability to day be a milliona lio. LeadoilltJ)cmocrut. Vandal's at Juiteuson's Tomh. Great indignation prevails iu Alber marlo county over tho desecration of tho tomb of Thomas Jeffoisou by roliu hunteis. Recently apaityof Noith- em excurttonists visited tho burial place of the great Democratlo states man, at Monticollo, and defaced and carried off tho lock and a largo portion ot the ornamentations ot the iron rail ing nround tho tomb. Tho base and other portions of the monument havo nlso been chipped oil aud injured. Thero is no guard or keeper to prevent tho depredations, and if they ure al lowed to continue tho eutiro tomb will soou be spirited away iu the pockets of Northern relic hunters. The Vussar girl's favorite lloninn kcro Marius.