The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 25, 1884, Image 1
lie Colunkh,i. OJf.CMBt A DtMOCMT, STAR Or TUB XORTIt, ana CO I.OMBIAH, consolidated. lulled Weekly, every IfrtilnylHornlnir. nt nf.nnxtHniTtta. rnt Ttum i fm ... iTTroDoi.t.ABgfln j-6ar..'(ro sdMctrodra'olit of t1i county tho terms aro strictly In advance. u paper uiicununucu except (It tho ontlnn acmi All paper enl out Ofllcos must be irnlil forlnndvancn. nntn glblo person In OoluflMjta county assumes to rjav tho subscription duo on demand. "umcs " Pa fostahk is no longer exacted from subscribe the county, Tnn nnrMmrxt-! Tlio.Iobbln; cninnlete. am n.S IW",1?.' 1,10 conm.iAKis'vcry nd our Job PrinUng wllleofnjiarfl favor, lat of tho lanro cltlos.. A ) .work SoMwi aoiy wiiii uuu or uioiargo cities.. All. work dorttfori short not co. noat r and nt mmtMtVi." - iiwtji PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r E. WAlitjliU,- , J' ATTO ItNH Y-AT-Ij A W, Htoonnbute, Va. o.Tlco over lsU National Hank. N". U. PUNIC, AT rOUNIiY-AT-LAW, VlilboilSBORO, Mr i) Hit In u'.4 lluil llng. Bl.00M8B0Rf!t,P A,, O llco over 1st National Hank. J01IAL:pjAUK ja3 ail 8 AT.'COHNIiVT-AlVLAW. AND JUSTICE OF- THE PEACE, 'i 1,.. .. s. ' bloohsboko, Pa7 nmcaoTorMoyornros; DrugrStoro: 11 '"' 1 p W. MILLER, attobney-at-law , onio In nrowor's bullding.sociond noor.'room No. t Bloomsburg, l'n. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloonisburg, Pa. omce corner ot Centro and Main Streets. Clark j Bulldlog. Can bo consulted In German. G.E0.E.ELWELL,XJ -J.J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nsw Colombian BrnLDiNO. Bloomsburir. l'a. Mombor ot tho United States Law Assootstlotf? Collodions mado In any part ot America or eu rope. pAUL E. WibT,3 tA M C) Attornoy-at-Law. omco In Coloudiah DoiLDiwi, Itoom No. t, second L. a.wiHTsnaTBtN, KNORR & WINTEU3TEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. ' ' y f r f orrl'jo In 1st National narik bulldlnsr. sacona- floor, nrst door to tho left. Corner ot.Ma(n jnd Market stroota Bloomsburg, Pa. " t ' , SSf Pensions ami Bounties Collected. . T II. MAIZE, il All!' ,- . - MniHWWBIIOK. ATTORNEY-bAW n-fr Dmco la MftUa3 building, over BlUifieyeYs grocer?. C. B. BllOWOKAY, Attornpy-at-Law; ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllca'in. Ills building opnosito.Conrtlllousoi Snd Uoor, IUoomsburg, l'a. npr 13 -'83 JOHN 0. YOOUM, Attorney Jal?lJd.frf,-i"1 " , , OATAWISSA, I'A. NRWa Itk1( building, Main street. Member of tho Amorlcan Attorneys' Associa tion. , , 1 I Oolloetlons mado In any part of America t A Id OSWALD, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson BuiliHbg,-Jt9oms 4jnnd C- 5 . j ' 4HErtwicir,'rA RUAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNE YS-AT-L A"Y.. . I j.. , catawlssa. Pa. Office, cornorot Third and Mainstream.; i m ; ' ',, - - --i- yyBrBMITHr - Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Va, Ctn bo Consulted in Gorman. ALSO FIUST-OI.ASS , PirUJjNJ) IJE'E IN80RANOJ, i, UOMI'ANIKS REl'liESENTEO. "STOalco first door below tho po3t olllcc. MISOENEQUS; 4 CU. BAKKLEY, Attorney-at-Law , omco In u rower's building, snd story.Uooms is ' B MoKELVY.M. D.,8urKeonandPhy 4ician, nortn siao .uain siruei,uiow aurno; A L. FRITZ, Attornoy-at Law. t In Columbian Building, Office Q M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITIT ewlug Macliloosand Maehlnoryofall kinds ro alrsd. OriRA UoBsiBuUdlng, IHoamanarg; Paj 1 f, I Li i ': V . mi- J, C. RTJTTER, PUYSICIAN SDKOEON. omco, North Market street, Uloomaburr., l'a On. wm. 1'hyBldau,1 M. ItEBEH, Rnrminn n,,il lA onioocorDcrotltocJ; untj ,Murket T 4t-J5VAN8.--M.D.8urKtionnd ij .Phyaloan, ivmcij and nosldenci),on TJblrd DENTIST, Bi.ooMsnuitn Columbia CountVj Pa. All styles of work doue In a auporlor manner, work warranteuas ropruBcutea, ikktii h.xtki:i' id wituout pain by the use ot (las, and trceot charge w ben artificial teeth . aro Inserted. Olllcoln Columbian building, a 3nil floor. 1o be ojen at all hours during the rfaj ' ' , ..('!' i t jpIIlE INSURANCE. AlltllUIIANtTS', or MSWA1IK, N, J. CLINTON, Y. . , !,, l'KOl'LEa' N. Y. UKAU1NQ, fffi., , , , f . , "These olu coaroitATiONS, aro well soasoned by ugeanariiiKTESTBunud uave novtr yet had a loss Bottled by any court of law. Their octets aro allluvosuxllntwi.iu becuhities are liable to tho hazard ofHiiK only. Losses rnoniTLY and iiduusTtlr1 adjusts and paid as boon as determined by Ciiiiibtian r. KNAH, BfKCL AOHTANHAPIIlUBLppilSllVHU. I A. , . i Thopeoploof Columbia county should patron- m uio agency wncre loaxoa It any are settled aud lam uy unuui iiier own emails. . "1, PitOMlTNESSS, P.qon'Y. PAIIt DKALINO, . uulrM-lliiil,rJrnl .vh HUU.rT, uiiiuui.11,111 lrrlallliiuf tlietVui-ld i ni Jin ur.lj di t'o., i'UUdtllMi, ', marJ8-ly aid i M io! K'',hui.!i:'il 1 I r . 7 V .1 ' '. 'Iiialld's'IIoine, BlooniBburgfj Xa., Ho votes ,8pcclnt .nttpn to Epilepsy, HetTOus AffcVtiohsXiina:Dl5a:cs ef Women. Wttcuyfocilvoll'll ditJ'Sf.ltnrtlfJn on rcJiSpnriWb tJ-TDisJr, V9.tiUhi)(l truntiicnt. 1. 8. No charge for first consultation. T1 tlumber and ga. nuem " Jionr of KeWiylf r'a hnrd 1. 'Wnro Morw 1 u Bloomsbu Pa; ) AlKkindibr; nttines'forstciun, feas.nnd' Wcr plixN constantly on band.- 7 ' ' ' lloortngand spouting attended to nt short no tice. , . -. ' . - - s Tlnwnro bf irerr description made to order. Orders left at Schuyler irCo's., hanlivaio storo win be promptly mica. Hpecfal attention given to heating by bteam and hot water. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! ( li en mi AT 5, THE ARTIST AND WhaiJillv.'ij'Btgivea' you'itho latest styles, .nid cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho oxperienco ior a Jnumhcrjoffydars hiitliy Uaifaling Busi ness", lias joamctlj vhnt ihtjrial will gi'vo liis customers tlio I3cst satisfaction for wear and stylo and vill try to pleaso till wlio give liim a calf. Also oil hand, nts'-uriiishiiig.rGoqds bp lc bEinpfToNsr HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latest styles." .Call and ex amine his, stppk1bcforci purchasing clee whorjp. , Cornor Slain ,&i Atarket fste.. Iho Sce7)f Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. Exhausted Vltallty. Nfrvouifand t'liralmii Dcbll- ltyrlTenilturo Declma In Man. Errors of Youth, tlon ot excesses A boop for cverymah, young,' iniuuio-uguu anu oiu. ii contains iss prescript ions for all acute and chronic diseases, each ono ot which ls:invaluablo. So found by tho Author, whoso oxperienco for S3 years Is such as probably never before fell to tho lot of any physician. 300 pages. TVtimi, In tmillltirnl mnni mtlulln nrnfu... i-uvuitviuiigut, Kuurumvwt ujuoaimer.worK'iin every Benio-inecliaiilaul, lUritrrnnd protcislonal than any other worKsoid In this country for f3. W, or tho money will bo refunded In every Instance. Price only f l.oo by mall post-paid. Illustrative samplo 8 cents. Send now. oold medal awarded a . ti ii,i,yi ii.uijiiii, .wiwmu) iuu uuiuor uy mutational .tieuicai Association, to the oillcers of which he refers. Tho Uclencoof Life should bo read by tho young win oen Tlujro lur uiairuuLia '.Sctancci ot-Ufi Aauress mo l'eaoouy jicuicai institute, or nr W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bultlnch streot, Boston, Mass., who may bo consulted on nil ilLspjiara rrnutrlnir III, bkUl anil experience, chronic and obstinate diseas es and that luivo battled tho i i iti a r skill of another physicians a SK) ll.XU Lt clalty. tiuch treated successful ril n V,U Ij' I 1? 1 wlthoutbn! instance Of i.J.X X Orjljl: tall ore. Montlorrthls pajion - B. p. iiAimiAN KSPllESENTS TUK FOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES NortliAmerlcan lotPbWiikV, I X'J aruniiii, I'enuavlvanl.ii- voik, or l'ennsyivania. Hanover, ot N. Y. ()ueens of London. North British, of Ixindon. pjllcii on Market street, No, 1 O.I l.1v o, IUoomsburg, THE COMPLETE HOMEAWESffi I book, NeellUoa, New binJiiici.iNe illwrttauora 1 I from newiUiicn.&uf r(hr euttwiiiii. ,$un . ; AdiwJ to tlltlf. belli a( iLtJAniu lolo)tf big t , work. lixCKLLBNTTBKMS, Tt ha Joui,t iroiiectu ever luuctl. Apply now. IIbaiiluv. nAuuitlsoN & Co.. 6& North ith St. Phi IkdeU ( marss-y am nr.-.. -i . l i j ... l' . ,,,, I recommiud if am sunrror to anv nnttarfntliiii! known to ma,"- IL A. AEonin,Mib.,i. j f lllJo;'OilforU Bf., IlrooWrnjN;, 'i n i . rprii.iyyjy r- KfJOW THYSELF.!? A jrealleijcal .Work AM 1 for Infanta and IChildren. ICentaurXiniment An, nbsoluto euro fur Khcuiuntlsnl, Sprains, rain in tho Back, Burns, Galls, &o, Au, Xustautauoaus Pnlu- rollpvhig aud Koallui; Kouicdy, 1 II; v 111 1 -VilI.4.A4,'l.'i-.',' 0 VHSV -t n ! I V iff 1 1 E" t P 1 U I 11 I Illl 1 A I L )z : $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS I All contestants for the !S premiums ameeat. lnR nbore amount, wr ed by Blatkweiribur. bam Tobacco Co., mutt cbieryc tho followlns conditions on which the premlurai aro to be awariled: All bncs must bear our original Bull Durham label. U, H. flcvenuo Stamp, and Caution Notice ' TliO ban muit bo done up securely in a pactnKO with namo and addrena of scndcr.and number of bagi contalntd plain ly marked on tho outside. Charges must bo prepaid. CmUtleloMKmrtnkeASOth. All pack ages ehould'bd'forwarded DecemlKrlst, and must reach us at Durham not la'f than Decem ber Ulh. No matter whfiro ton rcsldo, cnd your package, edv'o usbymall that you haro dono so, and itato the number of bcgl sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bags returned, will bo published, Dec. 22. In Boston, Herald! Now York. llerdUl; Philadel phia, Tlmeil IWrhaavlNl il J'otmeetilinntt New Orleans, Timet-Democrali Cincinnati. . Si(rcr Chlcafo, Daily AVwj.-iSanil'rancuco, irotifcfc. Address, Blacewili.'s DtmiiAU Tobacco Co., . DCBllAM, N. C. , Etcry gcnulno packago has picture of Bull. Br See our next' announccmcnt.t.ti March 21-tl DOZS WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. IBwano It, acta on tha I.I.YKK, ROWELS and I KIDNKlS at the Rflmt) lime. I Bocatud It oleaniOci thd tyBtem of tho poison ,oua humor that develops in Kidney And Uri nary Diseases, BlUouaaM( Jftvmdlre; Constipa tion, Files, or in R ileum ml m, Neur1cla, Nor ivpu jAsoraexv ana ui l emut uompiunta IT WTTJi 8UHEL1? OUBB CON8TIPATIOM. Pi LEO 1 ! and RHEUMATISM, lly CAutlOfi: PIIEE ACTIOif of -nil tha orgnu and funotionj, thereby , CLEANSING thet BLOOD TMtorlnff th6 normal power to throw oil diseuo. ( THOUBANDS.OFiCASES jhavo boon quickly relieved, and In short umo I PBRFECTLY CURBD. PRICE, U LIQIID OR DRY, HOLD lit DRUGGISTS t Cry can be sent by mail. WELLS. niCTTJUlDSON & Co., TJorlltiffion.Vtr. 3 Send lUrop for Dluy Alnnnso fur.l., t ' How Watch Cases are Made. A plate ofsOLlDiaOLD 14 2-10 karats fino is soldered, on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the tliree are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this plato tho various parts of the cases backs, centers, bczels,e'tc. are cut and sjiaped hy dies; nndi' formers. Tho gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving, and' engine turning. The composition metal gives it ' needed strength', itIJJhess'aM solidity, while 'iho im'ffcn guaranteq of. (ho inanufivcturers 1'trarran(i'nj each case to wear ircn(y years proves that it contains 'all. tho gold that cart; ppfsibly ,Le needed. This guaranteo-i is given .from acfiiai reu((r, ,os many of ' tliese casis have been worn perfectly smooth !by years' of use without wearing through tlie gold. Dmnqtn:, Ia., Dea H, 1880. I have used onekjf :yoUr Jiraiee Bot' Oold Watch Cascr for eerontoen years. ,1 bought it accopd-hand .and know of lMbatlliK boon usodibefara I irot It, but do not know how long. It looks g-ood for ton yoT8 Jonirer. Did no eusjwett os filled caso until so Informed by a Jeweler a Bhort time place. I most cheerfully rocommend your cases to bo All they aro represented ta be, and more. , i i O. McCBAKET, Dtp, Cot, Jut, Kit, 3J Dit, Joaa, Eesi t nt lUmp la Kr'W''" cu r,uri. rkiu. Selpfctt, r., tor faaDd.ouB Illa.lrkUd l'tmphltt ihowlng htw Iuan IJuh snd kcritup J) Itih Out, srf ud. ' (! it Continued.) for tho working class. Send 10 cents for postngo, and wp .wilt mail you Me, a royal valuable bOX of sairtnlo iroods tlmt will .nut you In tho wav Of milklnc? moro inonnv In n lun.uuja iiiuu juii uur vuuugni. posiiuieat any business, capital not required. , wo will start. Vnil. 'Vnil'ilriwni'tnl thii,lmnA,ln Dn.Ml(lmn' only, Tho vmrk is 'universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from DO cents to 15 every evening. That all who want. may tcsnno business, wo manotius unparallcd Offer; to all that aro not well BAtWled wo will send li to pay ior tno trouuio or writing us. Full parti culars, directions, ete-.'sentfree; Fortunos.vill bo madobythoso who give their wholo tlmo to tho woik. Oreat success absolutely sum Don'tdelay. start now. Address Htins-on Co., Portland, "UREAS "jT AUBU ISpeet, Bloo AS BROWN'S INSURANCE AURNOY. Mover's ,now building, Main nioomsourg, l'a. iEtiia Insurance Co,, ot Hartford, Conn. st,ois,320 ltoyal of Liverpool,-; "t3,5no,ono Unicashlre .,, io,oio,ofli Klrd Association, Philadelphia..'.... , . " 4!lG5,T10 Phajulx.of London...,....., . 6.2Co.37is Lonflon .t Lancashire, "ol'icngland ' .' 1,T09.9T0 Harttort ot Hartford ., 3,S73,o:o sprlngneld Fire and Marino . iu.. . 2,0S2,6J0 As tho agencies are direct, nollcles are written ortlie Insured without' Any .doJay T In tho mop at nioomsourg. " r $ .qqtnsi i'st BfljM8SUSlJPLfflIB8 Witt -:o.- Tho underelirned havlnc nut his Planlnir Mil on Kallroad street, In tlrst-ciass pre paroddo allllndsof worn in his Jlne: - FRAMES, SASH, OOORSr 'BLIriDSJ MOULDINGS, ... '' FLbORINGj Etc. - ' furnlsnea at reasonable prices., All lumber used Is wpU' soasoned and none but skilled workmen areejmpioyea. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. ! .Plans and epeoinca tiuua iruuurL'u uy uu cspcricuccu araugaipuian rtlooinHliu f?, l'a j.; 'SUJ3SORIBE NQV IfQR -!,,' S1..5P A, YKfijl. 1 lil'-'JiiiJiBJ, U J. Ca tori euros' Colic, Constipation; Boi r ptouiacJi, plarrluea, Krnctatlnn, , KUs Worms, gives fckcp, aud liromotcu, Ul- . portion lr "Wlthijut lujurloua modlcaUon. 4 T T o BLOOMSBtJftG, PA., FRi'DAY. JULY 25. 18$A. SE.lvKCT 5T0RY, t ME. BEOWNH'S HEIBBSB, BY II. M. ' i "If vou mean to no In for nit. ottl fellow'," you must niako up your mind to traVfcl by n Voritablo Via Dolorosa Wr, fofd Vou attain success. cBneoiallv it' you liavd 10 livd by it," said iny friend Te'tl Oolirc. I liavo'bcen tlirbi1i llni wholu blialnccs, mid know nlj nboh I'liavo feiiico proyed bis wonja 'to Ijo tu b', iillliouiih I liavo lc89 causo id comiilain than many of my carnrntW of tlio brush, lor a lucky acuiuent pro vided my wlfo and myself witli tho.' means of living till I got a fair ptart. Hut I passed through soinu grievoim exjiei iunccR before that had liappcnod. When I had bcciin to make a llttlo1 nrbcrcss, nnd had saved cnongli mon-' enable me to do bo, I (loturrdiudd to givo mysclt several vreekB' stay in thoicountry, wliuro I hoped to recruit my health, at tho Raino time that I pursued my studies. I meant to live as cheaply as possi-" bio, and work hard all tho tituo ; yet it was with a host of pleasant anticipa tions that I jumped into a third class carriage at Liverpool street, and, after a (hroo hours' journey arrived ht a quiet little country station for W . After havinc ascertained from ono of tliciportorB.tnat'tnero were good lodg- nigs to bo had at tlio village inn, l walked up the platform toward the placo of exit. As I passed tho first- class can iages,' my attention was ar retted by ono ,of tho windows being let dowii in, a yiplent liurry. , 'Uiih, porter I YYJioro.are thoyalir exclanncfl an irritable voice, belopgr ingjo ajBtout eldeyly genljoman, whp wnsi struggling with, swollen gouty firigQrs, ,to turfj ,the,siT handl.of Mjio ddor. , 'With somo Uilliculty I managed to opcu it for him,, just as tho station master had given the BiguuJ for tho train to movo .on. fTlio pprter, catching sight, o$ me opening the, door as t(vo train was inpviug, shouted, to me, to "Stand ba'cli )" and ran to enfprce, his .com mand : but tho irato liasscncer .forced open tuo.door, whicn the oilicial nau. iiLiuiy rL'Biiui, anu jumpeiiiout, iuiiiug asihq with.ono. foot between the, .T i . ,; platfprm aqd thq .train.' .Uatehing Inn) as ho loll, while tlio porter at the same, moment, signaled for tho .train to stop, I waa fortunate. enough to .extrjeato the old, gentleman iionijtus perilous position. U s Jllr.;lircwnel, 1 hope you re not hurt, sir !'' exclaimed thp a.tation master,.comiug.u:j. w "Hurt 1'' ho replied, stuttering with rage. ijl ill report .qveryinan jack of you. If it ha'd not, beenfor this gentleman ' '"He knows 'twarn't, my fault, said tho porter sulkily; "you would "get out o' that' train arter ahe'd starte'd.'1' "In that case," .bdg'aujithe Btation master, very deferentially, "if Jones is cPrrect " ' ' ("Correct! Tiiis jrasoallI " j"Tlie man is.nght enough so far,1' I interrupted i J'but"' there was no one near to open tho,carna'cedooi,) and at the last moment, .after pome difficulty, I Opened it mysolt",v. if'Gross iieclecUiuL'h 1" with a crowl of Ipain: "aud a's" surii.ail'm director Uglll 'V 'I nm afraid' vou aro Hcvcroly, hurt,V I interrupted ;, "Jet,ino. assistfyou to the waiting roomi" I'No. no ; strainht. homo at onco my carriage is, waiting,'' ho roplicdj taking ny arm, and answering only by 'a 'fierce crowl tho sulky apologies of .the porter, he, limped, painful to his carnage. 'Just-- as-I had helped him in the station, master hurried up, and exclaimed : I'l trust-you ,aro,nol,oiiuusly hurt. I-r" i'llurtl" he groivlod, with renewed imjignatiou. "I think I havo ,pn!y urOKcn my leg, imr. mats noinin nothincr of anv conscauonco l1' 'You eec.Ir. Urowne, it's not yoiii usual train' replied tho "crestfallen 'dfii liclal. ' let mo'Bcnd tuo uoci tori on T he asked. y 'No!'' roared tho. old geiitlcnlarT. j Vl think that would, bo tho .wieesti plan," . suggested'; "for .thdyghtl; thiiik it can bo notning, more Berions thn.n a bad spralu r'i t ' r ' ','Gootl L'racidus, Bir!y,Wh'at.chii.yi)n k'noy about it !. , tell you I'tri jn, ag-, ony. Wellf .to thc Btat-ioq inasjter, wlio stood waiting. Ins instructions, ''why d'yo.BUafc'agapmg Chero ?l' Al'lieS; to hie, as I turned " to 'goT "Get in cati't vou'l Get in 1'" ' ' ' ' 'jTharik you, but I must. 'fluJ, 'niyj ,way to the inii,"' I replied, rather ,fl'Uft'. ,ly, ior l.tlid not. relish tha. tone, of.tho request, T ? . . liother. jt all J i - iJan't vbu seoTrm mall I withpainr' 'hp'ask'bd' .irritabll! "In il lilr.-.M,. tliftt! T nrt flninn.ln Iftt'Sltti' to a wetdhct Qqiijry puyicj.hoiie 's noluhigjpgttbr after saving iny '"J .wj llfo1 "Seoirig-'that tlioi kind'heartbd' but choleria pld gontloman -was 'really (Its, tressed at. my' lofusal, I yielded ' to his wish, and after half an hour's , dnyo foilid myself established as an honored guest in J liis luxurioiisjionio, Ho in sisted tl4t I should tnko up iny quai; terstliere during my Btay! at W' i hvery oustac)p that I raised was' ,sur. 'tnoiintedl bv him with Biioh pcrBover- ancd that in 6plto of myself, I was forcpd to' yield to his desiro. If was "oertainly pleasant at Dale hurst. All that wealth could proctiro wasltobo found there, for its owner waalriob, and allowed Goneviove, his (laughter, oarto blanche in the exorcise of liar cultivated and relined tastes. His laughter, ah I how can I describo hqr?t iioautiful, Intellectual, gracious and an enthusiast about art, was it wonderful that I lost my heart long, bef6rel kuowitT Whou I dddij covej- it but I mustapeak of tho liup-., jiy 'days that( preceded . the 8lirjck?o that tlispovory,' ' , Abj T had1 supposed, Mr. lhoyno's injury proved to bo nothing more 'dan 'gerous ithan a, s,ovor sprain, but It Ifpjit him a prnoner (or Bovernl days, and as I was nlwaya oit at work' till dipiiqr tlmo, ho gTOW to look forward t'pwajd my presoppp in tho evening In quite a ridiculous manner. IIo was very muoh interested in my pictures, although fu knew notlilng about art, but ho thought he did, hud his daughter's sympathetic apprecia tion atoned for his incomprehensible AtrHlcUms nnd was; ';dangerpn'g)yldq j jglitfnl to,,n;e. 4 Of courso. l wa mad, foohsli, cul- 1 abloi not to understand that it wan KorrielhlilLr mow than iiilolloe'lual svhi (pathy whiull undo oUrf IntefcoursO.ijUch, a uappiues, to us ouui j uiu a, Huipuv I wits feoliuir loo intonsoly to analyzn i!ind define my foolings. , i think, too, mat as no; know my lindlttoii. Mr1. Ilrriivrih hriloil 'ui Tt IllP'st tliou'iihtfui, way, for ho .insisted that GoiiGvicvo should taku lessons oi tnei arid what could heiexpbot' when two ydung people, with bo mn'tiy1 Bympa-' t! ilea anu tastes in common, were bo bnstantly thrqwii together t I can ci .cp: Jiiscitiuiiunsiy ucuiuru null, uuu a, jaifi(l my, danger, I .should Jiavo Uqjl ling before I. 'did,. for I believed lat that timo that''GenevleVc was her falh o-V heiress; vhile l was a poor, Btrng--gllli arUst. , When, ono morning ray Host aiii nbunocd that, ho expected his nephuw, legihalu vane, anil somo tneniladowil for tiio 'shooting, l felt a vajrno pre sentiment that something unpleasant wa in Hiore tor me, uuu insisted uu jtdking up my quarters at tha inn, fori know that with a house full of young people wllOSo boIo Idea vras amnso- hient, whilo mine was work, I should be out of placo and at a .disadvantage Uenoviovc, .however, would not hear ot &ving up her lessons, and whouovei Uioy took place it was invariably in sisted uuOu that 1 should, remain, to 'tltno at, l)alchurst, , X ho moment I saw Reginald Y ano 1 deceived nn intense aversion to him, And lit' took no pains 16 Jiido lh6 fue't hat, the feeling vaa mutual. rrhr firat. pvnninrr T, nni.nt. iii.hifl an A'.ty lie treated me with, a supercilious alternation1 of'upbriority 'which 'made 1.1 j -.1 t -V mi - rr.'...l..,tj my uioou udii. . Alio japi tnar, no was in lpyo, wtu Ins cousin, aud .madly, jealoua of. o.very, man that ,found th6 slightcstr favor an hereyes, restrained, mo lrom oponly resenting nia many impertincil'ces ! but there 'is. a limit to frirfelr!nr.ltifip. nhd whnri imp nvpnintf ,'atcr 1 had been Binging with Geno- viove, uc mauo somo insulting auusion to fortune-hiititcrs, pointing his remark with, a look nt mo that no onu , could .mistake, we .came, to an open 'quarrel. 1 ho next morning I sought an inter view with Mr. Brownt1, t6 hid him .farewell. l"Tut, tilt, maul"' lie answered i cor-. .dimly. "So that jealous idiot has been allowing' his" airs to Vou. eh"'? Ho spoke :to mo last night biit',1 told him' it know you and could trust you. oJiut Ijinow thatilcould .flotitrust myself, so begging him to mako my e.Ycuscs'niid adienx to Genovieve,1 I de parted, vvitlrtho intention of ceuig her no more. Tjio old gentleman must havo begun to. suspect the truth during this inter view, for despite niy Own' agitation, I noticed how worried and anxious ho wa-i lodking. 1. was at the time at, work on. a land scape ffhioh would keop me, as'I reck oned, about a iwoek longer in1 tho neighborhood, but for tho. next day or two my picture made little pr no .prog ress; ,work Bceracd .an imiiosibility. ff hen a Juverish energy seized me. 1 was preBtimptuo'us enough to' believe that' Genc'vievd; returned my love; a' .i.t.i...j.i 1 1.-1. ' i '.. uiuiisuiju nigiiiuuuut inuus iiei)eu,niu to (this cpncTqsion., i.'With such au,iur cehtivo: to, spur mo pn,,I - told myself that l tnnst'finlokly win the wealth and pofdti'dii Xvlii'ch" would' givP 'rao a right to, speak. With, a .rapidity which sur prised oven inysoll,, 4 tuushod, my pic turo and began.. another to pair with Day aftbr day'I worked, exposed1 to tlio sun, and scarcely stopping whilo the light-lasted even to t'ako 'necessary tood. About three o'clock oho afternoon I had Ii m shed, and started to return to tho mi. 1 was feeling 'triumphantly excited heart and brain werp1 (ull of Genevievo. "If I could only seo her Onco moro !" I thought, as I pounded through tho wood with down-bent head. il in .ttuawui w iii iuuii,, uii ooking up suddenly .Ii.saw' her. Slip jwa's at somo little distance from me, find 'as with oagor steps I hurried for ward, 1" perceived that 'Bhe was 'not alone. Ijt'pppqd, djzzy a,nil confolmd- L'u,;ioruer opmpapion, was my rival, Srane. Her handsilayipaasively withi n iis grasp;' she soemed'to bo listen ng willingly to'his eager words; but jo-j-fciiddohlytho dowricast oyca wero, aiscdr-sho spoko f vbhomiritly - alio itrugglcd to roleaso horself; I ushod madly fdrward. ,lIt'H a falsehood 1" I heard her ex dalm ; "and, you arc a coward 1" Thou her, iaco was' turned toward no1 in surprise, delighted recognition, ear, trouble, and tho noxt moment her ersecutor had measured, his length on be! ground, whilo 1 reeled and fell, ' or 'gi.e3t. darkness .svam,. hen"nll was blank. ) J A world peopled witli many laces, m turn s trau sc. familiar, compassion ate, cruel, merry. ; 'ovonts 'following ono, 'anotheri wi,h incoupeivable rapidity, sonio ioylul, somo tho roverso ; a con ifusod agopized Btrugglo nftert compro bonsioii of Bomc'thifig cruelly 'puzzling, i gradual relinquishment of the' effort, ! nd at last' I know my mother's sweet ' oiu iaco as it bont anxiously over no. Atiflrst'bcr faac was.all that il recognized, nnd, soothed. by tho con sciousness of. her proscnoo, I slept. gradually recollection 'returned; theu fpllowcd tho tcdiutp of n long and xj'eary convalescence,! during which 1 Ibarned that they had sent that very day from Dalehurst to inquire about me, and ,liad .'also 'sent fruit and flow ers continually till, I put of danger, and that they had now gonb abroad. "I bog pardpn 1" I oxblaiinod absont ly, foi' I had cotno into sudden, and violent o.ollissldu with a lady who, llko jinyholf,, was turning thp cPrner' of a street in Haminersimth. There Was a deiiBo for1, and alib waa closelv vdllod. eb it, is not Wo'iiderful that I did hot at first, recognize lior. "Miss Lir6wn 1 Is ty possible, and alpno f Ilmvo grown Indopondont you lee'1 in slightly, itro- nations tones. ".'You must lot mo pnt ypu jnto a cab., Where aro you goingl" Ijaikod,, fooling like one .who dream- od. "llomci no, no ploasol" as .1 took iimbroila and immio roll from her hand, "indeed, I cannot let you ," but tho words wore woak and faltering, nnd I ventured to disohoy. Drawing her hand through my arm 4;wamen uy nor biuo in silence, lor l could hoar by lior quiok, Irregular ijroathing thnt slio waN Bti'ug'lilig will) soma halnfuVdiilPliop. . i "iyhat "iuus you think ojf,'us,f' .ulie tlxolaiiued at fastr-V'our silence It win ijoV my faulu Aro you quite strong afealn t" Uy degrco l drew ortn troiu nor lat thoy wpro (JuHo poor uow, and lat.sho was uiviinz daily tnusiu lesfons in order to lierself and lior father, who m Weak and ill and terribly 'altered. Qalto poor indeed they were and iiv- 5g In.apartirto.uUr to. whiclt,, Vy her sioful arrangement, of tho, relics that mained to them of their prosperous iyB, GenovioVo had iievdrtHoeS! raanagdd to impart an air .Of .rennet me;it, ami 9egaice. It waq oply. just ii 'timo, that I. had found them,,, for ppon old Mft ISrowno. waf, as any ono cbltld sue, qnito brokon up, and seemed to"dcpend entirely upon his daogtitvr,, 5hd ' told tno that When I dad oomo upon them in the wopd her cousin had liistiboeu reiusoci Dv.ncr, upon which hp taxed her for entertaining nn afTec r. il.r. l.. - it....." - linn ior a penniless luriuno-uiiiiier, ytuo hKd been kicked out of Dalohurnt as, soon as her father became awaro of his presumptuous designs.' -Then followed lior' indignant Words and my' interfer ence and Sudden faint. As a whole party had been piu-nicing thcro .help was not far off, aud Mr. Browno would hjwe had: mo carried , to,. Dalehurat had itj not boon for his nephew's strenuous opposition. A.fqw days rtf.tcrwaid,horfi;thor had, s)okun .to her and boggod lior to. re ceive Vano'B attention favorably. Gradually it came out, that he had been ft) coulating nnd was ruined, if 'sho did not help him'to .rotr'uSvo Iiih position Iy ,ij is marriage, but, thi3lhe,did,ii9i,.,ol( her til, they had alliquittcd'Dalohur8.t .for tl u .Continent, and she had again ro-. fiKod' her' cousin. From her mother Bl: o had inherited n sum which' brought nor r i$0 a year., ,U poll, this pittance, u,what she, could mako,, by teaching, my, bravo girl, had struggled, to main-, t: in hoiudlf and her father until now. I md not been mistakun'with 'regard to ,G ineviovo'a sentiiin.'pts,' Ipx, won .from. Ik r thp confession that slip had. loved m ; frpjn thp first. (3o now that , thqro, ,w is. no mpnoy to como. hetween us, I asccd and obtained her father's consent to our union. Wo were married vory quietly, botii for tho sako ,of epouomy, an'd also on account of her father's do cliniu? Jiealth. , Among the relics of his former grandeur, 'Mr. Browne had retained a picturo which, in spito of everybody ha had always persisted in believing tpjbo of groat.valuo, This hqjprcaoilt-. ed, with raiich.satfsfactiono lusi'daugli, tcr on tho occasion of hor marriage. IIo was getting 'quite 'childish udw, nnd she1 nursed 'and humored llim with' .Unfailing awqetqesa and, devotion. Quo morning, on, coming down into the kitchen, I, found her busily engaged in (cleaning her father's picture. , ("What are you doing T" I asked. ."I am trying to make ,tiis 'old and valuable picture' look, a little morp Ale cent," Bhe replied, laughing igayly. ''ljoor papa has taken it into his head that I do not value it,- so I am golng'to give it1 tho place of honor in tho dining ropm.'' Df, cqursp I, grumhled, for it rcally an awful productionand equally p'f oourse, my darling coaxed tnc into acqniescetice.- 'Loqk here, dear'1 shq exclaimed; vofy suddenly, 'how, oddly this painti nae pooled oit horo in tlio cornor I It looks as if thorp ware -.-another picture underneath." I looked oarelesslyiat first, then cu-, riously. ('So it does," I replied, nnd taking thq cloth from1 her hand I, carefully continued the process till about lour sqiiaro inohen had .beep cloaupd pff, re vealing, part of a lamb. ''My word I" I exclaimed, and Gone- viuye must havo 'thought mo mad, for. datehiilg up tho, picture, I hurried away witjh it to my studio, packed it. up, tore out ;ot tne house, took' a cab and .in half an hour's timo wuBexoitodlywatch ing tho operations of tho restorer to Whom i had taken It. lo uiako a loua.storv short. It luruud a orreggio-wlnoltBomoAioth had covered with his own infamous ubud. ii was sent '.to uiinatiq and Marison 8 and Bold.ior 2500. Mr. ,Uro who's .triumph may bo easily "' : r 1 1.... 1 ,1 . ,, . iinagiueu, uui no wouhi not aiiow mar. tjio. money belougod to him. "It was his dear' girl's dowry," ho qa'id. ao you seo you nave marriod. an heiress.) after al, you mean, .fortuno hmltorli iciiediGeiiovieyo, with glad tears in ncr eyes. ''Yes, 'and tiierefore I shall paint no more 'pot-bcllers !' " I exclaimed. I kept, to this' resolvp, and, noxt ypar-1 puu it pivuuii; in tuu ivcauumy. 1 . A bnnvan trco is a forest m . itself. giving Hboltpr and-Bliailuto , wholovih IrfgeB oL ,huls.. its wido-sproading branonoB aro finpportod iw many scpa rata atoms or trunks, formed hv'dn. scenuing aerial roots winch, pn r.eapli ingiino ground oocomt4;nx.pua9, propsi t6 tho great loaf v roofabove., .Natives ol; parts iof India regard tho tree as Bituijcu, uuu ib is uui surprising tuat. tno deep twlliglit whtqh always , iireyaibj unuor us. uqnsp louagq should impross, With nwo tho simple Ruddhiet dwellers in, its shade. ReBpocling tho size reaohod by this tree, it may pp Stated, that! Forbes,, in his '".Qrieptal .Meinp ries,;' inentioiiB .a banyan,, whioli ,was pearly 2,ouo leet in circumference, measured round ilH principal stems. wiiile tho gronud covered by its branches was considerably moro. ex tensive. Tho largei trunks numbered 450,, and tho Bmalldr1 olios exceeded 3,00Pj Even tho 2,000 fe6t or mpril tl. e .!i. !i . man tunu iiiuu oi u (uuu .noes, yo roprpsent Mio lull en puiiuorqiice. over yvluqli this colossal plants chief sup ppits had been spread, as a lldod had parried away a very ljirgo part, , pf thp wm uyiuiu A'lnuca, pnw 11, reuuuiug UIO nqipper of larger trunkH from 1350 to tha,3Q upw remaining,! Tlio banyan belongs to. the goumt whluh iucludeo tho common fig; and is known as tho T. ..!!-.. 111. EV..r. T" . , . v Aiiuiau a'iuh j.nut;a.) "By cuUiiig back the, hybrid perpet lial roses after thoy ImVo lloweml later crpp9 pf floyors will bo' moro per taip vp appear, nr . !.i r . t , yuuing ior a rtso ino young lauy wuo iiaqgs en to a Birap in horsecar, It takes a long tlmo for a woman lo get, into tjio thirties,' bjut when slio does gut iuy.( anu atays.i asjtttlHa tir nni'.UMniAN. Vni.. vvtti wnn UOLUIlllA, UBMOIinA.VJJL XLV1II, M Oen, Jackson's Duels i;illl? WITI IHCKINION llf.NTONS. AND TH'i Gfen Andrew .Tackson. l'reeldenL of tjio ITiutcd Statin, and iuimortnl as tin) l.(ron saint of Dcinbcrncy, is ppo of ho few men whoso rcpord was nptjna eriallv Biilllod bv his dueHintr. To fight scemod in iierfcpt ncqord with tho man h coiir.igcotH .tcmiierninent nnd tho hole drift of his career. Tho first af fair of honor in whlch-tho General was tigagpd was wben ho was n very pung nirin,- nnd holding tlio odlco of istvict Attorney ,111 Western Tennos-' ;seo. it vvasiin the summer of 1790 Jtajor-Gnoral Sevier had just bein leclod Uovcrnor, and still retained his commission as General, Jackson want ed him to resign, and thoy becama en gaged in a dispute, m which buvier told Jackson tlmt ho had run off with another man's wife. This happened in thu streets of KnoxvillP, Jackson ra- lieJ i "Great God ! Do you mention her acred namo f Doth drow pistols nnd red Bhots in tho crowded street. Ono hiau was grazed, but no ono was ser iously injured. When Jackson chal- onged bevlcr tun lntter declined to fight because ho. was a poor man and had h largo frimlly dependent upon him. Soon after this nioetiug tho par tips camo together on tho' main road frpm Knoxvillo unexpectedly. All wero on horseback. Jackson, who was accompanied hy Di. Van Dyke, called, upon Soyicr to defend himself. Tho 1iitor jnmped from his horse, whicli rah away with, the pistols in the hols ter. Sevlerls bpii drow on .Taokson, nving He wdnld 'protect his father, and Vnn Dyko drew on Sovior, but travel lers interfered, and no blood was splll qd. In this caso Jackson was popularly (judged to bo in tho right, as the lady in question was then his wife, nnd had .been descried by her former husband. lie hold her namo sacred. Iti 1805 Gen. Jackson heard that ChiirleV Dickinson, a young lawyer, had 'spoken disparagingly of Mrs. Jaok- 'sph.- This was something ho would not allbw under any circumstances. IIo lound Uickinson, who told him if ho said it ho must havo been drunk. Tho matter wns for a time amicably arrang ed. Again Jackson heard that youlig' AJicKiiison naci oeen taiKinif. Anoroner n I -1 1. - .1 1 nn ai then; went to tho young man's father-in-law and told him that1 ho wished tho young' man' would hold his tongue and comport himself as. a gentleman, IIo Wanted 'no quarrel, and counselled Capt. 'Ei-vin to exert his influence id quiet tlfe ydung man down. ' Moan; limo'n hPrso race was to come Pit in wljich Jackson 'and Dickinson were in terested. The stakes wore $2,000 a side. Heforo the race" tho horso in onosition' to .lieu Jackson broke down, and $800 was forfeited. A young man named Swann, iti speaking'of the notcS placed up on each, side, said something that irapugneu uenerai jaeKson s veracity, 'and Jackson, when tho matter was brought bc'foro liim, promptly said that whoever1 'made tho statement was a m! liar: Swann addressed a letter isking nn explanation. Tlio' General replied 'by reiterating1 his language: though' ho did not know'whqm'it struck when1 first nsell, and referred to Dick inson ds a tale-bearer, a'cuw'ardlv nol trooii add liar. Swann then chalieng- 3 1 I-i ii. . : . I . CU UUCK5UU, WUU ill UCUUIUUIlCC Willi il threat prSoviously made, caned Swann in a public place. Dickinson next wrote a fierce letter to him, and left on a trip for the aouth, expecting An an' swer on' Ids' return. While ho wns iway another duel camo olT between two gentlemen,- Mr. Coffco and Mr, MoNairy, who wore mixed up in tho imo affair, Coffee being wounded. When' Dickinson returned on May 20th, no published a long letter in the iNash- viiio Impartial JCevieto, lull of cutting sarcasm, and branding Qen. Jackson as. ,a-coward and poltroon. Tho inevita ble 'came. Reforo the article 'appeared ui punt lJicKinsnu was handed uyUcn Overton,- Jackson's second, a perempto ry challongo. It was. promptly accept- and Dr. Harrison ColloV earned Dickinson's reply, naming Friday, iuav aum. tauo. as tne rintn. (-.en Jackaon wanted to fight at an. earlier datp, but, the other would not consent, The location of tho duel was a long itayis ride lrom JNashvillo, in Kentucky, across tho' Red River. It was tho gen oral opinion that the' meeting wpuid bo i.iLiii iu ,1 ii, iicKinson was n marksman bf unerring accuracy, and was considered tho crack shot of Ten nessee. He was certain ho would kill Ins niitngoiiist. Tho morning before tho duel ho kissed his young wifogood- uy assuring uer no wpuiu ue nomo mo tollpwing evening, alio was m entire ignorance of his mission from: home, Dickinson wn,g accompanied by a party of gay young men. All disported tuqmsoi.ves as u on a pleasure tour, On tlio lournoy tho principal amused them hy giving exhibitions of his skill with tho pistoK At a .distanco of twenty- four ,feet ho fired at oonttuand four balls into a spaqp that could bu covered by .half a dpliar, .At. a waysido, inn he cut a string at a good distauco with a pistol ba II, and instructed tho andlord Bh'oilld An'drpw Jackaon pass that way to , point, it, oui to uuu. it was also Baid iliat ho wagered 500 that hq would comq within half an inch of a certain fiuttpn pn Jackson's coat, and had Bevqrnl thousand dollars wagered on tho reBult of tho fight, betting ho would kill Ids antagonist at tho first lire. (Son, Jackson's demeanor was entire ly qiUoruut. His second, Gen. Over ton, and himself conversed aoloinnlv together op thq prosiUots. They know tho oppouent, to bo it irnro Bhot, and cpupiea every olinnce, I no inon wor to aland at eight paces, with pistols down, and pro ac tho simple woixl with out f Hi ther ado. Tho two parties passed the 'night at pountry taverns about two miles apart. Jackson Had determine! to let bis adversary lire, first, as h kpqw Jinn to bo, tho quicker aud the surer, anu then take Ills chances later, Jaokson was dressed In a loose frock ooat, which concealed the Blendemess pf hU phisiqne.nnd rendered thu exnot iii.. . , , i . puaiuuii vi ilia vital pans some wnnt tin cciiam. AicKiusou was tno youuge and handsomer, Jackson being mot- commanding and superior. Thorn was a etui intensity in his niannor that ron dercd him grand as ho stood under tho tail poplar pn that bright Moy mom ing awaiting tlio crack nf doom. - Tio word "ready" was repeated by both men, and Uen. Ovortoii shouted AX 1300 500 '7,00 00 1000 17 00 DO (10 IT 18 0 110 ' 18 00 SO 00 2.100 Ml 00 100 00 onolnch J3(l 3 mi Two Indies. . , .800 14 m 600 7() 800 1(00 2S0O rilirco lnclios..iv A t II 00; MOO ' IS'0 rourincurn.t.j.i oi ijunrter column.. Boo Ilalf column... ...100) onccolumn in 00 S5 00 GOOD Yearly adverUaomenU payable grtartcrly. 1 ran- lent adverllsomciila must bo paid ior oeroreinr rri rd except where parties havo accounts Legal advprtlsemenls two dollars per Joe'' lot thr"o insertions, and at that rato for ftidlllonal InaerllonswltbouLrofertncotolengUii y Kxeeutofs. XrlmfnlstratoT'rii andilluir nnriri-i three dollars. Must bo paid for wnen nsencn. Tranilent or Xxn notices, ten cents a lino, rrgn lar ndvcrtlschicntJi baltrjurs. . UJ Hard in the 'Business Directory" column, one dollar a year for each line. J U1....L .i in " ii i i i I tho" signal; nrtC''rcTci5B-nlfifo1r instantly fired. T'lwrb- Was UK pltfTiof dust from Jackson's coat, nnd ho raised his hand and clasped it td' his breast. His frleiAls wiitad 16 SfrolhlKil Tultl hut lie stood calm and iipplacablo as fate. Astounded at his failure, Dickinson ro coiled n step cr two, Baying :, "Great Godl havo I ml.sqd hun t", "Rack 'to' thu" mark; slPf'sllriekcd Overton, with his hand on his pistol. Dickinson recovered his composure, rind stood with his eyes averted. vG6n. Jackson took deliberate aim and pulled tho trigger. Tho pistol neither snap-. pod nor went oil. It stopped at Hall i cock. Unrctuliy he reoocKuu it, anu a fcccond time took aim and fired. Dick- nson reeled, and was caught by his friends. A deadly pallor camo over "' his fact1, and his trousers, became crim son from the lifq blood tlmt ti jcktqil from his breast. The ball had entered 6no side nnd come out at tho other. Jacksou was joined by Overton and thoy hurried from thp field. Ldoking down, Ovorton saw that tho General's shoo was full of blood. It was tho first ho know that his friend was wotinded: Mv God, aro you hit," ho exclaimed. I believe ho has milked mo n little. but say notliing about it," Jackson re lied. Dickinson's' aim had been' herfect. Ho struck" tho markwhero lie thought would piercd Jackson's 'hoart, but-th'd lender Iignro and deceptive uresa ot is adversary rendered tho wound not fatal The bnllct raked "tho breast bono and broko two or three ribs. Jackson us laid up for wccksrTind though lie lived to a rilto old age, thy tvoun'd Was tho" eventual cause of his1 deatl). 'I'was" 1 ti case in which one or tho pthhf' liad to' ' bp kil!ed; aud Jackson 'was to' btamo'J' n4 mdro than the other i'uati: 'Dick'ni-''1' Bon died tho following day, beforo his" ' wjfo arrived at Ins bedside. ( j 'Thd next encounter of mip'oKanco in which Gen. Jackson was' .c'liga'gcd lit was in 1813. It wa ho fault "of .- A young Captaill naliied Wil- iam Carroll, who later bc'caino'a ueff , !ral, was a favorite of Jackso'ii'A.'''.Ies's6 Renton, a brother ofCbl. Thomas 11. Benton, challenged Carroll 16 fight d difel for somo imaginary' offeDso.- Car roll 'succeeded in getting Jack'son' to lib " , His second, tuough tlio uencral tun an hq could to iriake a plcas'act settleiiicnl. Jesse Ilenton was untamed 'aild fiery, ' and' would figh. They piPt, and Car- , roll wpurtded him. Jackson, who'was ggravatcd that tho fight should take" placo at all, mado light of tho affair all'' around. Jessp Benton then poured., into.thdtears 6f Tlipmas.BrJn'tPri a won-' derful talcj'and Thdmas ai," onco' dd- ' nouncccl Jackson as an ingrate; a'trii-', tor, itci Jackson 'said lie :would hprso- whip hirri on sight, arid pyery oild'.be-.! lieved it. On the 3rd of 'September all ' the parties1 wero', in NaBh,villo: ' 'Jaok1-' son witli his friotid, Col. Coffee, 'went1 .' to itho Post Ofiieo whero thoy saw tho, two Bcntous standing. "iNow, you d u rascal,, JLam go ing to punish you,' said Jackson to xom ilenton, advancing, ruling .whip, in hand. Benton madp a uioyemeiit.lp draw a piatol( and Jackson drew hist . still ndvancing, whip in hand, Jes's'q JtScntOii then discharged a pistol lpadcd with slugs at Jackson, literally ,tearingr upiohobf his shoulders. Jackspn foil, vplleriHg in blood. running.duoI , theil commenced in the street, though,. will but effect. Coffee shot nt Thorn-, ' as Rentoif .and knocked iiiin down "a , flight of stairs,- and friends .of Jpkon, tried lo kill Jesso Benton,' who'was. wounded with a dirk. Jackson rinnih' very nearly dying, nud'carri'rd'Ben'tqn'si ball io Ins dying day.' This. , was tho' last ot tho iinpoi-laut engaginciits in' which Gen'. Jackson figured. Oinhiii nali Enquirer. A Ooward Seeks a' Pension. At a club dinner in New York -ro ccntly,,an examining surgeon related tho, following Incident Hbow'ing how. I tho, arrears act, developed pensioners out of sound and uudeserving'. i mdn, Duripg tho war ho was Burgeon df an infantry regiment. When tho regi ment tirst went into battle ho observed. Hitting, behind a,big trco at alBafudlp- tahbo from the, .lighting line, thn cap tain of one of tho companies. '"What-. aro you doing horo. Captain?,'' asked tho doctor. "I am not, feeling! well? repped tho oihcer in- a- doietul voico. Tho Burgequ.was too, busy looking af ter the wounded to stop and inquire as to his coiuplainl. A low, weeks later tho regiment got under pre, nnd tho surgeon found the same captain skulk ing behind a bam. "Hello 1 sick again t" he oxclnimcd. t'Well, tho fact :s Tl . .1 T. I .L. ip, uubiui, ul 111 iiuw uAuuuv riuK. a limy aS well own up that I'm a'cotya'rd. Them's no help for it. It must bo' cbn stitutional. Now, doctor, what'sl Hho use of my staying iu tlio armv ? WPri't you help mo get a discharge?" Tho surgeon thought ho was doing tho oountry a sorvico when, a fow'days af terward, ho recommended that tho man bo discharged on tho ground of general disability. IIo heard nbthiiii of tho captain until sixteen yenrs late when ho received ailettobfrorh tho pen ttion office informing him that Captain isiauk had applied lor n pension lrom thu data of his muster-out that he, ns surgeon of tho regiment, had certified tq tho disability, wonld ho kindly in' form tho Government as to tho tmturo of thu d'lBoaso from which tho officer suffered t The Burgeon replied that the complaint was chronic and incura ble cowardico, not contracted in tho lino pf his duty, but constitutional. Tho' captain did not go upon tho roll,- and nis pinn jor geuing hoiiio 5 i,uuu ior arrears and $20 a month for tho rest of his lifo cainu to oriof. Ilhw mnnv schemos no less' dishonest h.nvo sun cccded through1 tho coinplnisaiicu of ' oxaiiiiniug surgeons less houost than thq narrator of this incident, could on ly bu nnoertaiueil by a thorough oyer hauling of thu wholu pension list nnd a rq-oxaininatiori of tho entire nnny of pqnsionot,-r-(7e"Hf!r-y. 1 Dr. Bjornstrom, Biuteimlenduut oi tf lunatlo asylqin at Stpckholm, intro-, duood a print'"? Pa. W& s.pinp, typo into tho establishment' (or tlio boijofit of an insanq ppinppsUor, Thp qior patlpnw ht'oiunn Interested In pijuthig and thq Doctor spqn gnyo then n morq extous'ivo npparatiH. Thq result 1m tint rw.i!it iinlutnntlnii nf flu, 11n- tor's bpok on ''Diseasq of tho Mind," which was set up, printed and hound by thu patients, and is prququnced, a very good piepo of work ii) pvqry spect. It contains 2.Q2, pages. Tho rdally highest tit rung'' tit Ju iii'tho' , West aro tho horSP thipWHV ' ' '""'J 7-