THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOC-MSB URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Economical Tanning. Nowlicro mo the disaslrom effects of ft falao Bystcni of eooiiomy moro npprt font tlmii in tho m.inagomcnt of n farm. Tho man who thinks that eco nomy stands for starvation of mind nnd body for a moan, petty, selfish, nnriow way of liring will over bo na far from success in farming as ho is from tho truth of tho matter of econ omy. Tho armor has constantly boforo him tho best lefiolicr of true economi cal principles that tlicro is in tho world, and that is Naturo itself. All her operations aro carried on nccording to thoso principles in their best mid strict est sense Naturo is a wiao conserv.-v tor of forces, and her uncrjjies aro al ways spent when nnd where they aro needed, to tho full extant demanded, no moro nor loss. Sho gives to overy herb nnd plant its full uompliniunt of nutritious juices and nnkes the mistako of supposing that if she holds back a part tins year they will do just as well for it in tho next. Sho is gonerous without bolntr prodigal t sho is frco without being foolUb. Sho doos act upon tho principle that it is wasto of timo and energy to mako somo things beautiful as well as lasting, nnd that everything is lost that is not spent in ministering to tho commonest every day uses. Among other lessons that may bo deduced from a study of tho science of economy is, that It is a poor way to effect its ends in fanning to erect poor, unsightly, unsubstantial buildings for any purposes. It may cost less monoy to build a house in n mako-shift fashion, with thin, open walls, unseasoned doors and windows, and rcfuso lumber for tho roof nnd floor timbers, but nfter a few years, if tho cost is counted up, of re pairs, mending leaky roofs, and pulling in new materials, to say nothing of tho doctor's bills brought about by cold nud damphess, it will bo found that economy missed its aim in this instance, and that .1 good house, well put to gether, strong and durable, would have been a saving iu tho end. Tlicro is, moreover, moro actual waste in house hold matters whero accommodations for storage aro poor and inadequate, than whero facilities and conveninces aro provided for doing work quickly and neatly, and properly caring for things. It is much easier to practice economy in all household matters where the house itself is built and conveniently arranged in its interior. Tho same principles may bo applied to buildings for storing produce and farm imple ments and for sheltering stock. Sue cess in farming depends to a very large degreo not only in producing abundant harvests and raising iiuo stock, but in knowing how to care for them after they como into possession. Tho profits of a summer's work will soon leak and wasto away in poor, rickety granaries and barns, and the finest stock soon deteriorates in cold, dirty, crowded stables. No farmor enn afford to put tho pro duct of a season's labor under shelter that is not shelter but where it is con stantly exposcd,.to drippings from the roof, to destruction by inico and rats, ami wastcfutness i nail directions. It is tho poorest kind -of economy to erect cheap, ill-arranged out buildings on a farm. The economical farmer will keep well supplied with tho best agricultural im plements that his means will afford and that hecan use to advantage. He will not malto tuo mistake- at thinking that be cause these things cost moro at first than tho old-fashioned tools ho will savo money byplodding along in tho old way. IIo will seo that a machino that does tho work of ten men much easier than all together could do it, will bo a saving in tho end over a tool that does not cost a fiftieth part as much but which requires ten times as much hard labor. JIo will keep his implements, when not in active use, untltr cover, and make such necessary repairs as they may rcquiro without delay. Good tools in bad order aro a continual drain upon tho farmer's pock et. Good, strong fences on division lines and between pastures and growing crops are a true means of savint-. A singlo inroad by tho sheep and cattlo in a field of crowinc corn or wheat costs more than a long section of firm, well built fenco. Economy proes wrong when it dictates tho building of fences out of material that rots down or blows away tho first season. It navs in tho end to keen tho beat breeds of stock and feed them well and treat thorn kindly. It costs no moro to feod nnd shelter tho best kind of cattlo than it does an indifferent, mongrel breed. Poor, broken-down, diseased horses are more expensive than young, sound animals. They require much caro and do not do their work half as well. Tho same truths will apply to sheep, hogs and poultry. If anv of these are lcopt, it pays to keep the best. In short, it will bo found that the true way to savo is ofttimes to give- to deal generously with man and beast and not soarc to-day what must bo compensated or wholly lost to-morrow, it is not the way to make suro gams by wasting tho powers of mind and body in unremitting labor. IIo wisest who rightly so distributes his timo between necessary work and re creation as to keep tho whole being mentally nud physicially in tunc. Forfeited Land Grants, Tho land grant forfeiture bills which promptly passed tho democratic house and now linger in tlio republican senate, bring to mind tho prodigality with which tho controlling party lavished ttie puhlio lands upon speculators nnd railroad enterprises of questionable util ity. Tho bills aro designed to recover a vast number of acres given to bcnclb ciariea who havo not complied even with the ensy terms upon which the grants wero made. This almost if not completely crimi nal disposition mado of the publio do main apportioned, among miner grants, 12,000,000 acres to tho Union l'acifio road i to the Allantio and Pacific, 42, 000,000 ( to tho Northern Pacific, 47, 000,000 i tho largest grant being larger than the stato of Pennsylvania. Theso aro colossal figures represent ing not only tho immensity of tlio steal by whioh so largo n portion of tho publio domain was taken from the ownership of tho people, but also tho turpitude of that class of statesmen who personally profitted by tho dishonest transfer. Among them was ono who put it op record iu letters written with his own pen that when ho employed his oflicial inlluenco iii assisting to rob tho peoplo of their lands for tho benefit of rail road corporations, ho was not to bo con xidered a deadhead in tho entorpriso. IIo is now tho republican candidato running on a platform which hypocrit ically demand that tho publio lands must bo reserved for tho uso of tho peo ple. J'atriot. Tho Stato Fair (hounds. The work i nror-ri'iuliir ranidlv on tho main building of tho Slnto ngricul lural Society at Hroad stroot anil Lo hlgh avenue, 1'hiUdulphh. Tho other buildings, which are four iu number, nro rapidly approaching completion. Tho stables and cattlo ptns have been finished for some timo. The Contrac tor J. IJ, Doyle, who is in oharge of tho work, reported to tho building com mittoo that ho would havo 110 dithculty 111 turning over tho work on August 1, stipulatO'l. From that time to Sontember 8. tho date of tho opening of tho fair, tho work of receiving ell- tries nud nllottiug space can go oil Without a hitch. Tho great autumn il exhibition, for which the grounds were planned, has been n wanderer throughout tho State for tho most part of its thirty years of existence It has, however, long bocn the desire of the society to hnvu a pci maiient ground ami this Milling the time was lipe. $70,000 was the amount required for the building. Part of this sum tho society had in hand. Their friends tho two great railroad compan ies which nro to bo benefited by tho nterprisc made tip the rest ana 1110 situ was selected. The plot of rolling ground on which tho buildings aro being put up is thirty ,.! - :.r,.,.. i..,i,..,;.., wit. l. iiuii: 111 UAtVllb UIIU Vl'IUUl.'0 IU Vf 11- am Weightmnti, of tho linn of Powers Ss Wcightman. Tho only consideration for tho ten-year lease which ho gave to tho socioty was that they should pay the taxes. Tho Sixteenth Street Sta tion of both railroads is close at hand nnd tho terminus of tho Thirteenth nnd fifteenth Street Passenger Hallway is iust outside of the bounds. Tho tracks 11. I , .. n n.1.1 ( inji, nt t li n I e nn ,1 1 n rt I """"' ivaiuo'iu Vyompany win uiuui iiiu grounds at the southeast corner. I ho 'eniisylvania Kailroad is to havo a pecial station at the northeast entrance, ! M . I ... 1 n .. I lllll) IIIU lllillll UCUI-S9, WIIUIU il K',LU houso is now nearly finished, is at the Seventeenth street entrance on tho south sidu of the grounds. Tho society imposes to plant trees and lo a great leal of grading in the autumn. For the present, the only improvement will bo about tlio buildings. Tho latter will fairlv fill the great enclosure when fin ished. The stables, which are com pleted, run all along tho north side of tho grounds. They will hold one hun dred and twenty-five horses. At the western end of the grounds, and also in complete readiness, aro tho sheep and the cattlo sheds. Thoro are five long pens, which will accommodate iu all six hundred and eighty animals. Tho great main building, which is to occupy tlio middle of tho grounds, will be 300 feet long by lfiO feet wide. Its height is to bo 05 feet. Tho seed house, which is next in sizo to tho main build ing, stands beside tho poultry houso, in tho northeast corner of tho grounds. Its length is 200 nnd its breadth CO feet. Tho poultry honso is 1C0 bv 50 feet. Both face east and west. Floral Hall, which also stands to tho cast of tho main budding, is 100 by GO feet in dimensions. For tho convenience of visitors to tlio grounds th'ero is n largo restaurant m courso of construction to tho west of the main building. All tho work so far accomplished has been done sinco May 1. A force of one hundred and forty mon was em ployed. Tho buildings are of yel low pino and hemlock. Considering the materials, thoy aro unusually sub- tantial. Fawn color is to bo tho prevailing tone iu the decoration of all the strucluies. Qrabbim; Land for Qraziug, Tho Attorney General has been re quested to bring suits against the fol lowing persons who havo' unlawfully tenced in large tracts ot land tor graz ing purposes: Tho enclosure of W. J. Wilson, con taining about 40,000 acres of public lands in Kansas nnd .Nebraska; tho tfacts fenced by Nichols, Beach A Co., Keitli it llcrshey, in .Lincoln county, Nebraska, containing 1083,31, 1,414,38 and 380,38 aorcs respectively ; tho en closure of about 5,000 acres of land in Manoos Canon, Colorado, by John Whito ; the enclosure of Wober Canon, Colorado, containing about 0.000 acres, by one Alborson ; tho enclosure of Chick, Browne & Co., containing about 30,000 acres, in Colorado i and tho lirighton Kanch Company s en closure, containing about 52,000 acres of land, in Custer county, Nebraska, Keports havo been received irora one of tho special agents, showing the' tencing ot two tracts ot puuho lauds in eastern Colorado, ono of which con tains about 720,000 acres and the other about 8,000 acres. In tho soveral cases referred to' fraudulent entries wero made by or at tho instance and in tho interest of tho owners of tho ranches of the valuable tract within the enclosures, and in ono finon tlin nnvfino atitnrol nrwlm tlia "nrn " ,r 1' , r , emption law, all of tho lands, or nearly so, upon which their tenco was located, in the names ot their relatives and em ployees, many of whom resided in the" county, and nono of whom ever at tempted to comply with tho law, evi dently for thy purposo of preventing settlers from taking the other lauds within tho enclosure. Congress has not taken up too promptly tho repression of this prac- tico of lawlessly enclosing nublio lands with wirn lences tor exclusivo uso as stock ranges ono of the coolest frauds ot tlio day. Ashes for Pruit Trees. A farmer gives tho result of his ob scrvntion on the subject. I have nn orchard of superior apples, of which I am a great admirer. I discovered ono spring that several of the trees wero in n statu of decline, nud upon examina tion found every tree infested with vermin of different kinds. I dug tho turf from around tho trunk of each tree, and applied half u bushel of leached ashes iu its place, piling them up around tho body of eaoh tree. The improvement in tho orchard soon be came apparent, nnd I have no doubt if the same process wero repeated annual ly, it would be attended with like fa vorablo results. I exnmiued tho trees last fall and found all of them clear of vermin but one, whioh I purposely omitted npplving tho ashes to. This leads mo to tho conclusion that nslies destroy tho vermin, nnd likowlso pro mote tho growth of tho trees. A Catskillian 1ms fixed up nn old Concord coioli, and painted on tlio sides tho words, "Sally Hoe." As yet no ono lias told lit nt ot Ins mistake, nnd tlio velilcle causes intioli merri ment niuoiig summer tourists. Tho futuro yotinc;. Lifo is nil wonderland to the is like ii beautiful and winding lane on either side hrijjht llowers, beautiful Imttertlies, and tompting fruits, which wo scarcely pause to tasto and admire, so eager nro wo to hasten to an opening which wo imagine must bo moro beautiful still. Vllllt UCHllOIIHttl I Atk ihe woi cminml phytieiun Of tiny school, whnt Is (he best tiling In the world tor quieting nnd allaying nil Irri tation ot tho nerves, nnd curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep itlwnys ? And thoy will tell you unhesitatingly "Sameom of Hop) til" UIIA1TKII t. Ask any or nil of tho most eminent phy sicians t "Whnt Is tho best and only remedy Unit can ho relied on to cure all diseases of tho khlnoy. and urinary on-nns 1 such ns Wright's dlscnsc, diabetes, retention, or In ability to retain urine, nntt nil the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women" "And they will tell you explicitly nnd cinnlmtlcallv "WuciiW " Hence when tliesoremollc.i nro combined with olJ5iran?Knrinio Hop nittcr. Hum iortu n won- vcloiieiL which Hw varied In Hh unoratlons that no ilis- oaso or 111 health enn ponlbly or rosl-t Its power, niui yet 11 n ilarmlcs for tho most trail wonun, wo.1ko.4t In valid or smallest chllil 1 1 use. Ask the snmc physicians What Is tho most rcltillilo and surest curcfornll liver diseases ordyspepsliij con stipation, Indigestion, biliousness, malaria fever none, iVc," mm tiiey win ten you 1 Mmlrake I or Dindelion I I 1 " CIIM'IEI!. 11 "Patient. "Almost dead or noarly dying" Forycnra, nud given up by physicians, of IJrlght's nnd o'lier Kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs, called constimp- Hon. linvo been cured. JVomen gone nearly crazy lilt From ngony ot nuitrnlgln, nervousness, wakefulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. reoplo drawn outot shapo fron excruciating lllluus Ul 1 lluulllllllsul. iiiiiutiiumiur iuiu uiiiuu., orsullcrlng from scrofula. Saltrhcuin. blood nolsonlnir. dvsocnsla. lndlKOS- tlon, nnd In tact, almost all diseases frull" Nature is noir to nuiuru is nyir vu .... Havo been cured by Hon Hitters, proof ot which in bo found In every nclzhboliood In tho known can bo found in every nclghbom Wftrlil. world. 8i"-.vono eenu now thout nouncn 01 erocn iiops on tho wiutolabjl. Shun all tho vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "HopV'ln their name. tin AflkNCY OK W1I.KY A; HU8SKLI.S LAllOH HAVING TOOLS & MACHINERY. JT-S Head (jaurtere tor Iron, stecl.llorseshocs Nails nnd Wat; on Makers' nnd lltnck smlths' Supplies. Israel Illttenbcnder, store Warerooms US Franklin Ave, warerooms ill Frank lin Ave, mid no cen tre street. SCUANTON PA. may 23 ly S1 CIIOOL HOUSE LETTING. Tho school directors of Jackson townshln wll rrclvo proposals for building a new school liouso near Heir's store, on tho premises, on Satunl ly, July ltltli at 3 o'clock p. m. juiji-;w - jjy oruer oi uireciors. DJUNISTltA-TOU'S KOTICE. ESTATE OP 11AKHIET VANLIEW, EKCEASEH. Letters testamentary In tho cstato of Harriet Vanllow, lato of orange townslilp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, havo been grunted by Keg lster of said county to tho undersigned Adminis trator. All persons having cUlms against the es tate to present them for settlement, nnd thoso In deleted to tno estato to mako payment to tho un derslgned without delay. A. C. VANMHW. juiy 4 o w Administrator. DMINISTKATWX'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP E. T. FIELD, DKCE18KP. Letters of administration on tho estato nt Ii T. Field, late of Centralla, Columbia county, renn sylvanla,havo been granted by tho lteglster ot said county to tho undersigned Administratrix. All nersons navimr claims airJinsi. ino csinio oi mo ueccascu are ruiiucsu-u iu iiii-scia uicm iur hciiiu- meni, nnu moso inueuica to ino e.sraio 10 inaKO Iiayment to tho uudertlgned admlulstratilj: with out delay. .llltS. BAl.U.Ml. JIHAUUAW, .no. n'J menmonu st, l'litlndelphla, l'n. AUmlnlstratrlic. W. lliivsoN, Atty. July 4-6 w 'TAINWItiqilT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia tkas. sYiturs, coffee, sua ah, molasslh BICI, SrlCES.'OICAlll) 80DA.&C, &0. N. K. corner Second and Arcblstreets. nordors will receive prompt nttontln ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF CAST CIt WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: Tho tollmvmg shows tho nckct nothle, ono of thosoveralbeautlfuUtylesotFcncoinanufactured l'nr Tinaiitv and Durabllltv thev are unsu mass ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted toglvo aatlsfactlou. Prices and speoimons of other de signs sent to any address. Address S1. m. HESS BL00MSB0RG PA- May 4-tf Chios Rheumatism, Lnm bnc'o, LamoBack, Sprains and Erqiscs, Asthma, Catdrrh, Coic2ia, Colds, Soto Throat. Diphthoria, Burns, Frost Blios, Tooth, Ear, and Head ache, and all pains and aches, Tlit tlt Intttiut tn.l it-mil' remcdjr In Uk woil.lj Ever liulllt k'uauntciJ. S&MVy ta-dlrin-il.atff, tuciyfth'it. DiKctl&Dl U tlgtil ltguieht file yt (cnu fend Iiao. rOSTCR, MILDURN 6. CO., Prop'rl, rurPALo, k. Vm u- s. v SUHSOItlUIJ VOll THE COLUJIIHAN, $1.50 A YEAH. UMl'OU'S NOTION. K3TATR OF JACOn HONS, &KCKA8RP. Thn llhiUrvlirnoil Anilllnr nnnnlntfxl hr tho Or- pliant Court ot Columbia county by agreement of '.mil's, in innKo insiriDiiiion oi inn niium in mu nnd of tho ndmlnl-trntor to nnd unoDK tlio car- tlcs entitled thereto, mil tilt fit his omco In liloomstmrg uiiMtiinlny, July lit 11 iwi, at U'li o clock n. in., when nnd whero nil nersons having claim, against Bald rstnto mint appear nnd prove, their clnlm or bo debarred from any sliaro of said fund. (ll;0. K. KLWBI.L, Auditor. Juno 13 DMINISTHATOIl'S NOVICE. K8TATK Of' clt AKf.Rfl UATR., DKCKtSin, LATH Of (IITAWIMA, TA. letters of administration on tho r.lntd of Charles Haves tlpocnsiil. lato or C!aLwRu. Coliimbl.i county, lviiniylvanla, deceased havo lioen grant (Hi by tho Iteglstcr of said county lotho under-Btgn-d'AdmHiUtrator. All person, having claim-, niralnat tho osuto of tho decoascil nro requested to present them tor settlement, nud tho.w Indent cillo tho citato to onako payment to tlio under Blitned administrator without delav. CLINTON ULLIS, IllinwnA; ltobblns Atty's Adnilntitrntor. Juno 16-Ow 7Xi:OUT01t'9 NO nun. It -.TlTOKSAMl)"I. lltXtlV, UACB VSBD. lA-lters testamentary In tho cstntoof Samuel lllmtiy lAtoot Madison township. Columbia coun ty, IU, deceased hnvlnit brcn yranlcd bythoro ulster of said county lo t ho nnilirslirned u.iocutor. All liorsoiis linvlni? claims ngnlnst tliocstnlo of said iloeeddiit am ropnstol t prowut tho simo for settlement nnd those Indebted to tho cstnlo to mako payment w Ithout del iv. LKVI 1). OKIOUU, jticcmor. Wnslilnslonvlllo, Stontour county, l'n. Juno 5 1891. Juno ls-nw iXKCUTOR'S NOTIOK. ESTATE OF JOHN (ll'l. .., HI!., DEOKASKD. letters testamentary In tho rstnto of John Oulnn, sr., lato otcatawlssa. Columbia county, iu. ilecoased. havo been t;rnntod bv tho ItcirUter otsnld county lotho undersigned oxecutor. All persons navniff claims ngainsi, saui rsuiiu tiru iu ftuestpd tn nmso.nt them for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted to tho samo to mako payment to tlio un dersigned w Ithout delay. cunton Jun so-cw Kxccutor. jJOriCK TO TKAOIlErtS. Tho Dlrcctora of IUoom school District will uoia ini.fitintr onN.itiinlavovnT.Iulv l'int which timo tho teachers and Janitors for tho ensuing year will bo selected. All applications, to receive consider ation, must bo handed to tho -cerotnry on or be- foro that nay. i'i;tku iu.-mkm, S1 OHOOJj 110USK LETTLNU. Tim 111 reel nrs of Hemlock School Dlstilct will ro- cclvo bids for bulldlnir n new school houso for said dl-trlct, on Saturday July loth at tho school hoUMi in uucKiiorn, at a o ciock p. m. i iaus nuu speculation can lie seen nt 0. II, Dlctertck's ho tel. At tho samo time tlio old school houso will bo onerwl for saio. ny orucr oi Directors. junos.-sw STATEMENT -01'- Bloomsburg School District Far tlii'.Ytiiir EiiiIIiik Junn 2, Tnx rate 7 mills on t'io dollar valuation for school purpo-cs, and 2 mills for bulldlnir purposes. M. C. WOODWAUD, COI.LKCTOll. Dit. To am't of duplicate iNtl-'si irnou ot bal on duplicate lssj M sos m Cll, 18378 40 Ily exonerations on dup. I88i 18S.1 less commission in ' oxoncratlons on dun. 1883-'81 li 5 si "amount paid Treasurer 07 5i! l " tier cent com. on J740I 01 14S OH "om'tduodls'tondup lSSJ-fll 1335 Oil 8378 4(1 - STEPHEN KNOI111, TUKAS. Dit. To ain't from former Treasurer Of .11 " nm 't rrom collector u,53 in " nm't from stato nrnronrlatlon WJ fin " Tuition Thoinis Methcrcll 7 00 7SM 10 Cn Dyamtordersred'm'dforl8S.l-'8l 58S.1 Oi ainx coupons pu run uu less stato tax 12 I'M off 80S 80 I)y nm't llonds Nos4T, 48, 40, paid, 1100 00 inions.iniQirora.iiuy i, iksi till redeemed less stato tax 35 31 By Treasurer's commission on 17357 70 (.4 S PCr cent 147 10 Dy balance In Treasurer's hands 21 IS 7520 10 building; fund account 1)11. To tax levied for bulld'c purposes IWll 91 uaiuucc uuu iroui lonucr couiT -uu xi Clt. 19 U 01 Ily nmt pd for f 3G3. coupons. nix on fi -u j5 ci 1 threo bonds redeemed 1100 00 1 Interest, on samo from July 1, 1833 till redeemed, less tax 35 31 ny amt pd o T Wilson Kx-Treosurer duo lor bal coupons paid by him 51 00 llv Treasurer's commission 20 vt Collector's commission 8.1 exonerations on duplicate '83-81 10 13 bal duo on duplicate 'S3 '81 373 US SCHOOL FUND ACCOUNT. Uk. 1912 01 To nmt levied for school purposes Of 07 71 uint. ono rrom rormer collector 4 s vi amt due from former treasurer 37 31 nmt stato impropriation 720 00 amt tuition froinT Jlethcrell 7 00 7il0 33 Cn. Ily nmt paid 10 teachers 4500 00 ' ami. puinvjaniiurs w w " amt paid 2 Janitors during holidays 10 00 " amt paid for publishing statement and nrlntini: 53 50 Dy nmt paid llloom Water Co 12 00 nmt. paiu sunnry persons lor clcanlns: bulldlnirs 37 fij Ily amt paid auditors 3 Ul " ami. jiu v rsuai & iiru., cuai vu " nuit pd .las C Sterner, wood 2 (Hi " nmt pd l'rcns llrown, (Insurance) 80 25 " umt pd o A Jacoby btono for pavement 101 01 llv umt paid for repairs 325 til SIlllDlieS 41 Ml Ily additional exoneiutlous on iiuiiucato n.1 less cum iu no Uy exonerations on duplicate &i ni y; -i " Collector's commission 118 a.1 " Treasurer's commission 117 2n " llalanco on dunllcato '81 '81 US1 08 " " In Treasury 21 18 7210 33 STATEMENT OF BONDS OUTSTANDING JUNE1, 1881 No. 50. Bond Issued to Freas llrown. duo Oct. l. '81 A 200 0.1 5 0) 203 00 500 00 12 50 612 50 500 00 12 50 512 50 200 00 5 00 '203 00 500 on 12 50 612 60 500 00 12 50 512 50 B"0 Oil 12 50 612 SO 500 00 12 50 513 50 200 (10 11 00 211 00 100 00 2 50 103 50 100 00 2 50 103 50 100 00 S 50 103 60 duo no 13 50 613 10 600 on 13 00 612 50 200 00 5 00 205 00 too no 2 50 103 50 2iio on 5 U) 205 00 100 00 2 60 103 50 Int from .Ian 1 '81 to Juno 1 '81 No. 61 Bond Issued to Silas Conner, uue Oct l. 'Hi Int from Jan l '81 to June 1, '81 No. W. Bond Issued to silos Conner, uue uci l. 'i Int from Jan l '81, to Juno I '81 No. 53. Bond Issued to Froas ' llrown. uue Oct l. '83 Int from Jan l '81 to Juno 1 'SI No. 51. Bond Issued to Silas Conner, uuo ocii.issi Int from Jau 1 '81 to Juno 1 '84 No. 55. Bond Issued to Silas Conner, uuo occ l. '85 Int from Jan l "81 to Juno 1 '81 Na Ml. Bond Issued to Moycr jirus. uuo juiv i. itvrn Int from Jan l '81 to Juno 1 '81 No. 57. Bond Issued to David Mroup, uuo July l, ibsu Int from Jan l 111 to Juno 1 "81 No. 58. Bond Issued to Creasy urown, uuo. m ly l, lHt-u Int from July i '83 to Juno l "81 No. 50. Bond t 'sued to Creasy & Brown, duo July 1 1880 Int from Jan 1 'SI to Junu 1 'SI No. GO. Bond Issued to Luzeltu (.'rcasy, duo July l, lssa Int from Jan l '81 to Juno 1 '81 No. oi. lloul Issued to DnWd Stroup, duo July l, isst Int from Jan i "81 to Juno 1 Ul No. 02 Bond Issued to D.ivld stroup, duo July l, ins I Int from Jan 1 Vi to Juno 1 ! No. 01. Bond Issued to David Stroup, duo July 1, '87 Int from Jan l '81 to Juno 1 '81 No. oi. Bond Issued to Creasy llrown, duo July 1, '87 Int rrom Jan 1 '81 to Juno l '81 No. I, Bond Issued to K. II. Brown, duo July I, w Int from Jan l '81 to Juno l 'St No. iiO. Bond Ksunl to J. J, Browor, duo July l, w Int from Jau 1 '81 to Juno 1 SI No. 07. Bond tssucd to It. W. Smith, duo July l, '87 Int from Jan 1 '81 to Juno 1 "81 BondcU Indebtedness "5011 50 ASSETS. Cash duo fiom collector 11355 Wl " " " Treasurer 21 is ' ' " C. W. Kes 120(10 " " for Tuition 84 () Tax duo from couiml-islons 6143 I.IABIUTIES. llonds and Interest to .luno I, '81 5013 DO Secretary's Halary is3-'81 Win. in ht nriuKu.uuii lau uu Secretary's salai y 188-I-'8I Jas. C, llrown 125 00 59)8 50 Actual Indebtedness 1-1313 03 JAS. C. llllOWN, O. T WILSON, secrotury. President. Tho underslgueil Auditors having cxainlued tho I atxivo accounts and statements with tho ivouchcrs as pi-chcnicu uy ino -t reasurer unu ,iue samo cor. reel unu apururou tnereor. I'. 1). DKNTI.KIt, AiniitnoL ciiAS. it. nousi:L,Auaitora- Plumber and gas utter. Bear of Schuyler's liarA- wuru bwru. Illoomsburg, Pa. All kinds nt llttlogsforhteam, gas and water I pipes coiisiaiuiy uuuuiiu. Hoofing and spouting nttendodto at short no-1 tlco. Tinware of overy description mado to order. Orders left nt Schuyler 45 Cou, Uardwaie store win uu prompiiy iiuuu. special attention given to lioatlng by steam and uui nuwr. Maywy PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNIK1imi;nti;ii ukapk juiuk. Used lnllio principal Churches for Communion. Excellent for ivmalcs, Weakly Persons nnd tho aged. tSpcer's Port Gnipo Wine! FOUR YJMBS OLD. 'MIIIS CKLHIIUATKI) WINK Is tho ptiro Jutco of I tho dead rlpo oporto drupe, raised In Hpccr's vineyards. Us Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties niomnitriiassed by any oilier Wine. llclnR pro duced under .Mr. bpecr's own personal supervision, Us purity mid srcnulncnpss, nro KUarnntecd by tho piliii lpal Hospitals and lloardsof llcalthwhohavo examined It. Tho younircst child may partake of it, and tho weakest Invalid uso It to ndvnntnire. It Is particularly to tho nircd nnd debilitated, and suited to tho vailous ailments that uuuci ino wcaKi-r sex. ii is in overy respect A WINK TO llBHr.I.IED ON. Spser's UnformantBd Qrapa Juico- Is tho lulec nf Ihfl flnmtn flrnnr, nrpanrvrwl tn Us natural, fresh, sivcut state as It runs from tho pres.) oy iuiiiu.uion, inercuy upstroying tho exci ter of fermentation. It Is nerfocllv num. fnn from spirits and 111 keep In any climate. Sooot's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium llrv Winn imml liv tho wealthy classes 03 n Table or Dinner Wine, nnd by Physicians Incases wherj a dry wlno Instead of a sweet port Is desired. Spsot'a (Socialite) Olaret. Is held In hlorhCstlmatlon for lt.q richness ns n Dry Table Wlno especially suited for dinner use, Speer's P. J. Shorry. Is n wlno of superior Character and partakes ot tho rich qualities of the i;rapo from which It Is made. Speor's P- Ji Brandy. IS a I'UIin distillation from tho crane, nnd stands unrivalled lu this Country lor medicinal purposes. II liiiu...n.ill..fl.,rn. dImII.. tr flint nf Mm grapes froinwUlch It Is dfstllled, Seo that tho sltfiiaturo of ALl-'iiKI) srKEll, l'as- salo N. .1., Is over tho coik of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND UY DIlUntJISTS BVfiltVA'UEltE. Scp.S3-'6.1ljr. SALESMEN WANTED To sell Nurbcry Stock for tholllooker Nurseries. EstauiMied iK-n. Liberal sai.aicv ami i,K..hks ipald rcrinanent employment, send tor terms. it. 11. lluoKI'.lt cu.ill'ANV. May v.1-9 in ltoclu p.ii r, N. v. a week ntliomo. 5.00 outfit free. i'ay ab solutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Header, If you want business at which per. sous of either sex. youm: or old. can mako great pay all tho timo they work, with absolute certainty, wrlto for particulars to II. II.uxktt & Co., Portland, JIulne. Deo21-ly TAFFI )'S mm EXTRA Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAfl ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S.STAFFORD, jfow XorJc. July ll-tw U Catarrh Hay Fever, Is a typo nf catarrh having peculiar symp toms. It Is attended by an lnilamed condi tion of tho Uulnirracin. brnno of tho nustrl s, tear-ducts,, aneciiug wiu iimn An ncrlu mucus Is se creted, tho illichaigo Is accompanied with a nalnful burning sensa tion. Tlicro am cevera snasins of bncezin: freciiicnt attacks of blinding headache, n watery and lnilamed U AY-"EELVE H lay cream Balm Is a remedy founded on a correct diagnosis ot tho dlseaso and can bo depended upon. 50 cts. at drug gists : no cts. by mail. Samplo bottla by mall 10 ..I. Vi v llunri. Ou-pin TJ. V. I rccoinmenu iu inuso smieiuiti iui na.i;i with Hay lover, Ely's Cream Balm. 1 havo tried nearly all tho remedies, and give this a decided prcrcrencu uvur mem uu. ii. iiiujkii;ii. ic mimv itlato relief. C. T. STururNs, Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. 1. Juno ao-i w GKAV't) HI'GCII'IC MCDICINIi, TRADE1 MARK TUB GREAT KNd-TR ADE MARK M31I ItEMEUV. All uofaUlng cure for Seminal Weak- ness, Spermator- that follow as a bequenco of Belt Abusoias loss of Al.mnr- Ilntvpr. RtrORF Tirisokii I.issl tude.ftfTER TAKING Pain In tho llact. Dimness ot VUlon, Premature Old Ago, nnd mauy other diseases that led to litsa. nlty or Consumption and a Premature (irnve. llKwuiK ot adveriueinents to refund money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bough! ao 'of ivuml. but refer you to tho minufaciur p.a nmi thn niinlrements nro such that the aro teliloin, 1ever, compiled with. Seo their writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono blnglo package of uray s apeciuu win uuuviuuu iuu muat onv-,j.ivii Us real merits. , ..... on account ot counterfeits, wo luvo adopted tho yellow wrappers ino oniyBcuiimu. -w-piiii iv,!irttlii nur namnhlec. which w desire to send frco by mall to every ono. tirTho Sneclflc Jledlclno Is sold by all druggiswat li nip nneirnim or B nnekaes for 15. or will bo wni rreo Ly mail on tin receipt of the money, by addressing Till'. tlUAV , , uuuaiu, .1, i. sold in uiooiusunrg ny nil urugisis. Novo lv iilJNT.-I WA."T1!I 1'IIK TIIK I.IVItS OI' BLAINE and LOGAN liv cm. Tiun w. Knox, outsellsall others 10 to 1. Authentic. Completo, tho liet and tlnllr.-. O V I.IKm avua lino . lu-ppi.iii. tn Al'imiIh. Outilt Free. FrtluM mU ... ...... . , .: ...... m in d .nir.iN. , .launw he mm uiu iniriiMrH i iiu.i.iDuH ..... Hartford, conn. Juno 37-1 w. u "wanted for Tho I.lvosof all tho l'rcsl '.li-nmni llin 11. H. Tlio l.irirest. hand i-totnosl Uui iKiok ever sold for less than twica our unco, i no rastcai, beiuni iKxik In America, lininenso pi-nrlts to agents. A I intpni''niiln u-uutlL Anvnnocan becomo Biiccessiui agi'in. icrnis iri-e, iiAi.i.nri nuim u, i-oriiaiiu; Jiuinu. uvu si-iy NEW BUGGIES ! ! C , AT5 CARRIAGE SHOP, BERWICK, PENN'A. FllOJl SS.I.OO TO SI 25.00. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP STRICTLY2FIRST-CLASS, May S-sni Juuo 27-1 w COLEMAN 0011,11023, WHWAB.1X, IX. J. 100 students from 1'enusylvnnU tn 18S.1. Mors positions graduates than nit other schools com. uiui-u. i.iiu rnoinrsiiip, fin, wnio for circulars. vuL.n..HAa , i-almis, iTopnetora. Juno 13-4 w r ALL KINDS OF JOB PltlNTINW OX HIIOUTJNOTICE AT THIS OKFICii. GMAIN STREET,) is mi mmwmm CAN NOW AT david mmim THE MERCH4WT TAILOR, WEBER-xHARDMAN IP IANOS, FINE INLAID FUENCII WALNUT CASE 0IIGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 0A8U. Easy TcrniM. SatlMTactlou Guarautoed, iJA-OOlST'S JPXA.1STO "W-A.S.B ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, M XIOIES-B AB.R.B, -PA Junel qrand WORD CONTEST! KMXUTAIM.NG AMI INKTIilrlTI VK lAHTIU I.AHCKI.V INritKABEl MJMUEUS OV MAUMFltK.ST AM tOMLV 1'JtKMlUMei GlVt.N. O-i ItH to tbi crett luecen or our former WorJ Cooteit, whioh ciplrid Mj lit, tnl tbt 0107 rtqntiti of ptriooi bo uur offr two ltto to eompott, wt coueludtfil to otter lb fullowioi tntiblbetel iirtliati to tbi partoni tutkloi ul tbt lirgcit Uitsof word rrom tbt Icttcn oomprliluf tb words t "USE DAY'S SOAP ONLY." 11. Holla Hold watch 1 trertA ftiuo Sd. Muim fiin t t and SuWcr.... l0 Brd. lllHiiiunu r.iir-rlnK4 .., Tu 4lli. I.udy'-llold VViilrb r0 6th. Mvnl'- IHumDnd Scarf lU lea Atli. FlvfuDt'lllt1nKlceWilturHt.S!0D&CupU;g I la. iuiiciniuuu.u.c.,ia i.iu,,i wfawc, ki Vot tbt nckUit Hit with ftweit trron, proilJtd tbt Hit bubilf tbt numttrof words of tbt kljttit coapitltor CONDITIONS Tint, All 1Uti matt bt full r'PIi to) bj two c'cot tttmp for return poittct, ft ilitcmeot tbtl yo rt ailof Ir V'rt tOAl' la lour finlly. ntmi nJ kldrrii of trooer from whom roil buj It, DHQibir of wcrdi lu llit. tail four dui r,J iviire, nil to bo written on ono tbttl ot pirr, lepirott front lilt. fleoouj, WorJi nmt U written plli.J, number el, ad nlpbibottcollT nrrniel. Tbt blogrtrhUkl nimti, ntmtl of fiellda, Hcrlpluro t-roprr ntinei, niudirn cvoirapbkal Dn,t, and ChrUtltn ntoiei, muit bt eltfled leinntilr. Tblrd. Oolj wordi Tuund tn Webitcr'a or U'oreeiter diction- admitted 1 tbli will Intludt anj word from tba tint to tbe lait wltb tbt tietpilon of prttliei and auflliei at aeparatt word aud obaolttt word) 1 werdi of taut iptlllnt. but JltTtrent tuanlng4, to bt mod but onet, fourth. Plural of all word! admitted tiaepl Moeraphloal nantl, natnei of flellon, Serlptnrt proper namei, modem I Mfraphlcal oanua, and Cbrltllan nanii, but aiwitroiifiri dnotln poiaeMlrt cait or otbrrwlu tot admitted. fifth. No wordioDtloale tbt letlera oonprlilnit thim art contained In, VK IIAY'H bUAl U.NLY. that U, anr wold barlm orer 1 A'i, I B, 1 1. I 0 1. 1 P, S 8 1, 1 U, 1 N, 1 L. 1 Y i, will bo tbrown out. ' Blilh. All lliu muit bo tn bj Oeeerabfr lit, and tbt rremluma win bt awarded Dta. :0tb. Herenth. t'remlunt will bt ilren la rotation acordl&f to tho lareit Una of worda. r.i(iitut 1.1m wiiii nut u acut in roue, dui pq in Kloth. Uallor tend lliti to our New York Ufflpo, lio-i Tbt 1A V'N e0 A V LatUen larfd; aold by Wholtialt whrrerer fta merit art known It en Jot unbounded and n-any hundred letter from wrwni la oar former ton ten, com plain luc that their frocer dlt not keep IAV'f iop,and lo many Imtaooea refuted Bally to lupply their cuitotjicri with It not ooly land In f la their own Ucbl. but dwint u treat Injmtlet. It la to bo hoped, aud It U alio our deiire, that eonteitanta will uio erery effort to hart lb fir frorrra tuewi. wu m mj wiiiiiu, w win, du rwipm i.wi, wrwara 10 any art v tut I'OUM Htatea, ait Of WUlilrrl lllvrr, eipren pre aid, lOoakei, Iniludlnc thret of our liraulifully f.mln-nt fiotort Card. Tho 1Y'H Ar, ti tbt pureil ai ben aoap madt. l It u y..u hart no Uolllnj, Bcaldlof.or Hard Butblnr. It uvea labor, fuel, aud clothe. Wo will f -rfell f50U If tb I N HO A I doei not do all wD elahn for It If ued i tht d. T-etlniHartrl",n n tbtwrapwr, Itcautlfuliy kmboiwd Ploturo Card of many dlfftrr ntdfI(n elrto. Manufactured br ii w nticK, int, ibo, nut, ncu i mi iionn Br, k n, im, iftr, b uei wattiaug f., ruVi",? ', Juno 13-13 w EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLQ0HC3UIU, VA, Ol'i'OSI TB COUHT IIOUSK. Largo anil couvenlant s unplo room1!, ll.itli ronma Uot ana colli water, ami ull moilern convculencca Bwwiefc M(Dtdl orrosira 1. a 11 pei'dt, Fred Boycr, Prop. BEtwick P. M TUo travelling pulillo nnd visitors to Berwick aro rcspectf illy lnfurineil that tlio umlei-blguul liaa taken tlio aboio ol-l ebtiiMUlied llccnnul hoiw, wlilcli lie lias recently lllleil up In nnt clam btylo anil lie om-ra accninmoilatloii) equul to any. Tlio bar Is siippllea wltli tin) cuolrou nleo, wlnos, lKjuora and clgarn, Good Stabling Accommsdations. May v 3m v. S. .-" I ( I.I ' n o r riurA raw j Vor tho Celclirnteil Clilckeilng, Ivors & l'niul, and Vosoit Son I'lnnos. Wnrlil-ro nownetl Estey ()rg..n. Violins, Aecorileons niui Sheet Musie. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Iluynl St. John, ami Light Humilng Domestic, Sewing Machines. Needles, oil anil attachments for nil makes of Sowing Machines. 1815 SEEN SECOND SERIES Nth. Frntt SUnd. Klcb, Hint or Oltii th. TrU-a.Tte Art, I lltcti. Ktltr imUr 1(1 Hi. licit Cu.ttr, Cb,,iJllnan 1 llli. lie I'lli'lirr,Mli.,( U.,d Doublt Wtlltl l 10 10 Km. t aber-iuiia, i ntita taa uoia Linca 1 8lh. t'rult r-Und, VM CJ11I Cut UUI T I enTewpei, Kraia fflreet.or our Philadelphia Offlet. ITM Howard Btreet. aud Retail Uroceri ihrooihaut tbt rolled Utalei ror no jean, tmnolarliT. Natviihiiknii-.- ih.. r.At k.. .i..I Tlio most popular reaort on tlio susnueiianna lUver U tlio Wapwttllopcn Valley Hotel. Wnuwal lopco, Ltucrno Co , l'n, j, W. MH, Fioite. TliU liouso has Ken tnorougmy rcnovalea and U lilted up with every convonloncoa for Ira. velers, tourists, Hunting nnd rMilng partlin. It Is delightfully bltuated lu tlio midst ofn beautiful hection ot river and mountain scenery In closo proximity to tlio famous Council Cup nnd inducement, aro otrored to all who iteslru recreation combined with ilrst class ao uiintnoilatlons. Tlio bar uuppllodonly wltb tlio cliolcest wines and liquors, excellent stablo ac coimnodatlous, boats tu lilro 4.0. ApiUss-dm ill i Send klx centa for postage, and re ceive free, n costly box of gooda which lui nrii uu ui uiuru tuuney right unaj iiuiu uiijiiiiUKUItwlll iuii world. All, ot cither box, succeed from tlrbt hour. The road tofortuno opens before tho workers absolutely sure. At once address, Tbcb li Co,, All. guta, Mulno. DeoiiMy ' mm li'tt. ' V Vf RAXXiROAD TllVin 7 AXILS. Pennsylvania Railroad. , wi Philadelphia & Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IMI TIME TABLE. In cHLct May 13th. 1881. Trains lenvo Sun- bury. IIASTWAllI), n.i.i a. m.. sea hhora r.xnress fdallv excent Sunday), for Hnrrlsburg and Intel niediatu stnl loint, nrilvlngat Philadelphia 3.16 p. in. ; NeivVoik, asop. in. ; llnltlnioi-e, B.10 p. m. Washington, 0.50 p. m connecting at Philadelphia lor nil hen Mioru points, iinuuu jiasseuger cuaen iu I'litladelphla. s.(Kip. tn. Day express (dally), for Harrlsburg and Intermediate statlons,arrlvlng nt I'litladelphla o p. m. j Piew iurK, ju.-.u p. in. ; jiaiuinoro eon. in. : Washington. 8.4a n.m. Parlor ca through to Philadelphia nnd passenger coacho through to Philadelphia and llaltlmorc. B,a) p. in. v iiuniiispori Accoramouation uiauy for Harrlsburg and all liitcrinedlato stations, nnlv lnirat l'lilladelnhlaoioa. m. : New York 0.10 a. in. Weeping car accommodations can bo secured nt llarilsburg for Philadelphia und New York, on nun days atluougli Bleeping cur will bo run; on this train irum liuainsp i. iu i'jiiiaueiiiiiia.i'niiaueipnin passengeiu can lemaln In sleeper undisturbed until , a.m. 3.30 a. rru nri Jiau (daily except Monday) for llarilsburg nnd intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 7.W a. m. New York, 11JJ0 a. m. ; llaltlmoro 7.40 n. m. ; Washington, H.t.0 n.m. Through lnillraan sleeping cars aw run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro nnd Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and llnltluiorc. WESTWAKD. 6.150. in. Erio Stall (dally except Sunday), for Erio and all liitcrinedlato btatlons with thioiigh Pullman l'alaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Erie, nnd through Pullman l'alaco cars to Ilurrnlo via Emporium. On Sundays this train runsto Hcnovo, wllh Pullman l'alaco car to Wllllams-port and passenger coaches to lienor o. for Cauandalgua and liitcrinedlato stations, Rochester, UurfaTonnd Magara Fulls, (dally except Sundays) wltuthiough Pullman l'alaco car and passenger coaches to liochestcr. 10.15 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Ixick Haven and Intermediate btatlons. on Sun days this train runs only lo Wllllamsport. 1.10 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kano uud Intermediate stations Willi through passenger coaches to Kane. l'or Cauan dalgua and pilnclpal lnteimcdlalo sUUlous, Rochester, llullalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to liochestcr und Par lor car to waikius. 6.25 p. m. Fast Lino (dally.except Sunday)for 11c novo and lntcrmedlato btatlons, und Eliulro, Wut klns nnd lntcrmedlato btatlous, w 1th tluough pas senger coaches to lteuovo and Wnlklns. TllltOUOII TRAINS FOUSUNUUHY FROM TUB EAST AND SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. j Harrlsburg, B.10 a. in. dally, arriving nt sunbury 10.15. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; Baltimore 7.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday) nrrlMng nt Sunbury. 1.10 p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from I'litladel phla and llultluiore. Fast Lino leaves New York aoo a. m. j Philadel phia, 11.10 a. m. ; Washington, 0,40 a. in. ; Haiti more, io.oj n. in., (dally except Sunday) ai riving a sunbury, 5.20 p.m., with through passenger conches from Philadelphia and lialilmorc. Erie .Mall lea; esNciv i ork 8.00 p. m. j Plilladol phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, luiop. in. ; Haiti moi-c, 11.30 p. in., (dally) airlvlngat sunbury 0.1 a. m., Willi tluough Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro nnd through passenger coaches Irum I'litladelphla. Sleeper frum Washington runs dally except sun. day. MINIUJKV, IA.I,1:T0N As WIl.KENIIAItltK KAII.UOAK AM) MIRTH AND WEST llItANCIl ItAII.tVAY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbarro .Mall U-acs sunbury lo.son. m., arrHIng at llloom l'cny n.27 iu in., WUkes-bano 12.15 p. ill. Express East lenes Sunbury B.35 p. m., arriving at llloom l'erry 0.00 p. m.. Wllkes-barru 8.0.) p. tn. sunbuiy .Mull leaes llkesbarre icon u. m. urrlv lng at llloom Feiry l'.'.ui p. m., hunbuiy 12.55 p. in. Expiess West leau-s Wllkes-bari0 2.45p. in., ar riving at llloom Feiry 4.15 p.m., sunbury 6.10 p. CHAS. li PUOII, J. R. WOOD, Ueu. .Manager. oen. Passenger Agent. pHILADELl'UA and BEADING KOAD ARUANQKMENT OF TASSENGFIt TKAINS. MaylO 1681 TK1INS LHAVS H0PKKT AB KOI.lOHBlSDNllAV mcrTn. For New York.I'hlladolphla.Ueiilng.I'oiti.vira Tamuqun, ic, 11, M u. in. For Catawlssu, ll.W x. in. il.U and 10.BH p. m. For 11,43 a. m.anil 4,ij p. ni For Lcwlsburg and bunbury, l.dc p. in. TiuiMaroa norKUT I.XAVH as youjjWH, (sondv KXCSFT'D.) Leavo Now York, via. 9,00 n. tu. aim via. liound Brook llouto T,45 n, tn. Iavo Philadelphia, 9,M) a. m, Lonvo U'eadlng, 11,63 u. tn., rotisviMe, li.Si j. i, Olid Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Leave CatawteBa, 0,00 1MB n. in. ana 4,oo p. m. Leave WlUlam8port,,48a, t. m Leave sunbury l.ig p. m. " Lowlsburg 4.1) p. m. Passongera to and from Phllalolpnta go tbrouu withoutcbango ot cars. J. K. WOOTT1.N, r, n n.T General Mawer , C. O. IIANOOCK, General I'assonger and Ticket Agent. Jan, 10, 1881 tf. JQELAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WSTEItN 11A1LKOAD. BLOOMS15UHG DIVISION. NOltTU. P.m. p.m. n.m. STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. .-, m ii jii , p.m 9 IU 1 UU tu IS 8 48 1 !IO 8 40 1 13 S3.I 1 113 8 !i7 1 00 8 Its K 55 8 II IS 51 8 l'. 13 48 8 US l'. II 8 08 12 41 8 0-1 111 W S'J 14 U3 7 M 13 30 7 60 13 Sll 7 .11 13 111 r uu is m 7 18 11 HI r ii ii 5u 7 03 11 41 a m ii hi II 61 11 31 II &U 11 .10 0 41 11 31 U 311 11 17 l 3U 11 13 a S3 ii os I) OS IU M oo io ir .1 5.1 111 4.1 S 40 10 30 P iii. a.m. 0 t'5 ....Scraiiton.... llellevue.... ...Tnylorvlllo.,. .. Lackawanna.. ; 3u ! S3 i 30 i 38 ! 4U U IU 0 14 5 53 0 45 o Ul ii 5(1 : u uu u 67 : II 17 10 ill : II on1 8 CD I ruifeion ..V('M l'lttbton. ....Wyoming.... . . ..Maltby liennett ....Kingston .... ... Kingston .... Plymouth Juno ....I'll mouth,.,. ....Avondale. , ....Nantlcoko... Ilimlock's creek ..Milckslilnny.. . nick's Ferry,. ..llenclillavcu.. licrwlcl: .... ..llrlnp l!r"l.- 8 53 K 4S 8 41 8 !iU 8 S3 8 33; 8 30, a s.'l io uu : .' 51 G S.8 10 14 : it m 17 : 5U i 3 00 it ttjt ill ...n M il-i 0 10 10 S3 3 UU 0 18 IU SI 3 Ull li 50 10 SO 3 11 G 63 10 .11 3 lb 7 UO 10 37 3 SO 7 U3 10 41 3 31 7 13 10 48 3 33 7 SI 10 tO 3 45 7 47 11 10 3 67 7 5.1 11 10 4 0.1 8 00 11 S3 4 10 8 UU 11 3(1 4 10 8 10 11 30 4 10 8 14 11 43 4 3J 8 SI 11 48 4 .10 8 38 11 6.1 4 3D 8 31 11 51 4 43 8 30 13 03 4 41 8 63 13 SO 5 05 1) 03 13 38 6 13 II (II 13 31 b 10 U SO 13 60 S 30 8 S3 8 31 8 1? 8 10 1 58 T 41 7 ai 7 37 7 31 7 Ul 7 11 ..WIIlowGrovei. ..uuieiiidgo... .ilicoiiLburg!.!! 7 05 7 110 .... iiuperi iCatawPu Ilrtdge 0 51 0 31 0 S'J 35 0 10 U.U. . ..lianvlllo.... ....ChulnsJcy,,,. .... Cameron,. .. Nortliumberlaiul a.m. p.111. p.m W. F. HALSTK.U), Supt Superintendent's omco, Rcranton, Feb. 1st, 18u3. JAMES KEILIA', Tonsoi'ial Artist. tuffe, Staml '.mlor EXCHANGE lAliftb'inniH8,,118 XXmal 1'lHMT.CLAbS UAItlllilt 81101'. Ho roapectfully solicits tho WsollouiitoinoHnia of tho publlS uenerally. Julyu.'to-tt PEBODY HOTEL. " PHIUDKLI'lIIA. uth St. south ot Chestnut, ono bnuaro bouth ot st8S. ?'!'c?l "M sauao iin Wulimt r&aVnWi newly furnished. ' " " W. Pxiyuc, M, B., nov 30-1 y Owner 4; Proprietor. li&ivfi-ff. Vi?ft. ii. K1 WantPti Man".y,a?!err n every county in tlila I.IIIII) AAIS1CH. I xpor illicil lnthu busl. SirynrtelKlriy VA Ths 0. L. Van Diisan Nursery Co,, (IKXKVA, X. Y. Yf'il,.u52? lJure'' tstabiisucdisao. Also stock at wholesale. Aprtli-i3teow r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers