The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 11, 1884, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Fill DAY, JULY 11, 1881. Oorruct llullroiul Time Table. Tr.ilm on tlia 1'hll.ulelphU js 11 It. loavo ltupert as follows I NOIITII. SOUTH. Ut) a. in. 11:5) a. in. I.od p. in. 0:13 p. m. o Trains oit Ilia 1). U & W. It It. loavo Uloomsburg as follows! MOUTH. 80UTIL 7:03 ft. m. 8:58 a. m. :17 a. m. 11:53 a. in. ISM p. in. f.'M p. in. Tlio 8.SS a. m. train connects at Northumberland Willi tho u.:M train on IMiimylvauU ro,id, reaching Philadelphia nt S:i p. m. Tlio 11:53 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading road at ltupcrt reaching Vlilladel plila nt 0:00 p. m. Tho 11:53 train connects with Pennsylvania road nt Northumberland at 1:00, reaching Philadelphia at 1:53 p. in. Tho 1:33 p. m. train connects Willi Pennsylvania ro.i l at Northumberland nt S.u3 p. in., and reaches Philadelphia nt 3:u3 a. in. Trains on tho N. W. 11. Hallway pass llloom Ferry as follows I vrtltTll. ftOUTlf. lt7 a. in. 0.30 p. m. licui p. in. 4:15 p. in. l'ur Hale. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 23 acres of land in Hemlock town, ship, partly cleared, balanco well timbered. A farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp, For terms nnd particulars apply to Geo. E. Klwell, Bloomsburg, Pu. fob. 29-tf. iMiial Notice to HulHcr llierH nut of tlic County. Two weeks ago or moro wo sent bills to every subscriber who resides outsldo of Columbia county, nnd havo received re. spouses from very few. Wo are tired of paying postngo on newspapers that uro not paid for, nnd wo nrc tired of paying pos tngo on duns to which no attention Is paid, and wo therefore glvo notlco now, that positively all papers going out of tho county that arc not paid for by tho 20th ot July, will bo stopped on that date, nnd '.hereafter all papers outsldo of tho county will bo stopped on tho dato to which they aro paid. Subscribers who do not wish tlio paper stopped then, will forward n year's subscription, $1.75, beforo tho expiration of tho previous year. Subscribers In tho county will bear in mind that this matter has no referenco whatever to them. 2w Personal. Miss Carl King of Friendship, N. Y., tho guest of Mrs. Paul E. Wirt. Miss Louisa Hutchison of Kingston, was tho guest of Miss Martha Clark this week. Mrs. Price of Philadelphia is visiting friends hero. ; Miss Emma Jones is at homo to spend tlio summer. Miss Nollio Dccn and Miss Virginia Big. lcr arc tlio guests of Misses Anuio and Ida Bombard. William II. Clark has returned from Philadelphia, whero ho was undergoing medical treatment for somo time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W. Drinker and Miss Harrow of Now York aro spending a fow week's at E. R. Drinker's. Frank Wilson is taking a summer vaca tion, and is visiting nt Corry, Pa. Shcrm. Peacock has been oil on a trip the past week. David Lowenberg started for Chicago last Friday to attend tho convention us a delegate. This is tlio sixth Nntional Con vention that Mr. Lowenberg has been a member of. A party went up to Colo's on Tuesday to spend a week. It was composed of Mr, and Mrs. W. Neal, Mr. and Sirs. Shipley, Miss Marplc, Misses Shipley, Miss Wnller, Miss McIClnncv, Harry Hess and Sam Ilnrman. Tho festival held byEntPostin Don tier's building was well attended. The Bloomsburg Band attended the fes tival at Ornngcvlllc on tho evening of the Gtli. Rev. II. W. Buck of Berwick, will preacli In tlio Evangelical church on next Sabbath at 3 o'clock. Tho Plymouth Savings Bank closed its doors last week. It is said the depositors will bo paid in full. A healthy girl who understands cooking thoroughly, wanted nt Dr. Shattuck's Rest Cure, opposite tlio depot, Bloomsburg, Pa There was a chango in tho weather or Monday, and light clothing was generally discarded. Knorr & Winterstecn aro erecting store room on their land next to Dentler's, It will bo occupied as a shoo shop. The Rev. M. L. Smyscr, P. E., will preach in tho Rupert School IIouso on next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Mrs. Jacob Gcist died in Montour town shin on tho 5th lust. Tho funeral took pluco on Monday. Paul E. Wirt's new fountain pen is now complete, und ready for tho market. It is without doubt tiio best of tho kind yet in. vented. Wo havo received from tlio composer nnd publisher, Comer Thomas, a plcco of inu slo entitled "Jackson & Woodln Grand March." Thero will bo a festival held at Fisher's church, Main township, on Saturday even Inrr, July 12th. Proceeds for benefit of Sunday school. Kimberly and Buckingham nrc carrying on a war of words through tho Sentinel and A'euj Hem. No blood has been spilled yet. J. F. Rluk & Sons of Lieut Street, have about C000 feet of nltch nlno ilooring, well seasoned nnd of first quality, which they will sell at market prices. Foil Sams, 100,000 shaved hemlock shingles, by A. Lnubach fc Son, Guava, Sugarloaf township. Juno lO-lw A supplement will bo issued next week, glviug full particulars of tho Chicago con. vention, with biographical sketches of tlio candidates, tho speeches, platform, etc. An effort Is being mado to organlzoa huso ball association here. With proper practlco a good nlno could bo formed out of tho material in town. A festival will bo given by tho Afton Union Sunday School on Bnturday evening July 20. A cordial Invitation extended to all. There'll bo so much political excitement In tlm fall that it will distract tho attention of tho young men, and tho girl who Is wise will bring her lover to tho popping point as, soon ns possible. Tlio tilal of Edward Botheras for tho murder of W. Nichols nt Hazleton In March, took plaeo at Wllkcsbarro last week. Tho verdict was guilty of murder in tho first degree. A motlou was mado for a new trial. Tlio Enellsh snarroWfl iiavo dcstrnvml n I Vast amount of grain In this section. Some of our farmers report that In somo parts of tlio Holds nil tho wheat has boon picked from tlio heads beforo It was fit to cut. Tlio Jit. Carmcl News should not put too much Reliance In their baso-ball club when they como to play with tho Danville boys. In a gamo on July 4th tho latter were vie torlous by a scoro of 10 to 7. Tho Fourth passed very mildly In town tlio streets presenting moro of a Sunday appenrnnco than that of a National holl. day. Thero was n scarcity of flags, only a few residences being decorated with tho stars mid stripes. Many families spent tho day In the woods. A gamo of base ball was played on tho Fair grounds on tho morning of tho 4th between Bloomsburg nnd Catawlssa nines, resulting in favor of tho latter by n scoro of 10 to 4. What's tho matter with our boys ? Tlio Scranton lWth believes that tho gen eral adoption of eight hours as tlio proper length of tlrno for n day's work, would eventually provo a great benefit to every Interest in tho country nnd furnish a prac tical solution of tho problem of overpro duction. The ladles who had chargo ot tho G. A. R. festival desire to express their thanks to Mr. Dentler for tho uso of Ills building, to all others who contributed to its success in nny way, and especially to a generous pub lic for their liberal patronage. About $100 were realized. Every one lias heard of condensed milk, but condensed, or rather solidified, drinks of a moro potent nature arc a novelty. An ingenious French chemist has discovered a method by which nny wine, spirit, or mnlt liquor can bo solidified Into a cake, llko chocolate, nnd so conveniently carried about In tlio pockets of the thirsty. Travelers who have occasion to stop at Northumberland, will find tlio Burr House a very pleasant place. The houso Is new, well furnished, nnd ns neat ns n pin. It is kept by Mr. Burr, an old-tlmo landlord who has been in tho business for many years, and knows just what to do for tho comfort of his guests. Tlio houso is situ ated on a wide, shady street, and Is always cool. Three men who hail just returned from tho bark woods, were arrested last Satur day nftcrnoon for drunkenness nnd tils orderly conduct, and were fined by the President or Town Council. They paid their fines and then one of them took out a warrant for the arrest of Moses Brewer for the theft of twenty dollnrs from his pocket wlillc sleeping in tho barn nt the Central hotel. Brewer was committed to jail by Justice Rupert to await tho action of tho grand jury. A number of gentlemen made up a purso and purchased a lot of flroworks, which were set off on tho evening of tho 5th, tho rain on the 4th causing tho postponement. There were rockets,Roman candles, bombs, and powder trains, nnd the display, which took place at Frccze's woods, was witness ed by a large number of people. The con tributors to the fund were Col. Jameson, I. W. McKclvy, E. R. Drinker, F. P. Drink- cr, C. W. Miller, W. C. McKinnoy, Morris Sloan, J. Fettcrman, D. Lowenberg, Geo. A. Clark, Win. Hart and W. R. Tubb3. Miss Sadlo Weascr of Espy, was mar ried to Mr. Thomas Worth of Wilkesbarre, at tho Primitive Methodist church in the Intter place, on Tuesday, July 1st. About 100 friends were present nnd tho ceremony was performed by Roy, S. Hancock. Miss Sadie Caull and Miss Llzzlo Edwards were bridesmaids, and tlio groomsmen were -Mr. T. L. Edwards and Mr. W. Ryder. After tlio ceremony a sumptuous supper was partaken of at the rcsidenco of tho groom, nnd several hours were spent pleasantly by about 50 invited guests. Tho presents were numerous and useful. Among tho guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Trumporo nnd Mrs. L. Kinley of Espy. On Thursday morning about ten o'clock a firo broko out in one of Rev. J. P. Tus tin's houses ou 1st street, occupied by Mr, Amos Buckalow. The lire was first dis covered issuing through the weather boards near the front door. Thero was no fluo to the building near whero tho fire was, nor nny way of producing firo from outsldo or insldo of the houso at that point ; nnd it is concluded that matches must havo been carried between tlio lining by mico and ig nited. Tho fire companies wcro promptly at tho firo, tho Winona first, followed by tho Rescue and Friendship. Very little damage was dono by tlio fire, but thohouso with contents was thoroughly drenched witli water. Wo aro informed that thero i3 a liberal insurance on both house nnd house, hold goods. Wo witnessed tho working of an Os- homo reaper and binder on the fnrm of N, U. Funk, on tho afternoon of tho 4th. Sheriff Carter, tho cencrul agent, was on tho ground superintending tho trial, nnd n number of spectators wcro present. Tho machlno weighs a llttlo over 1500 pounds, nnd three horses hauled it over tho field with ease. It took up tho grain perfectly clean, and left tho sheaves behind It with great rapidity. No matter how crooked the grain went in, it came out perfectly straight. As much work was dono with tho machine In tlireo hours as flvo men did in a wliolo day. At this rate it pays for Itself In one or two scpsons. Wo do not profess to know a great deal about ngicul tural machinery, but wo do know that tho Osborno docs iU work in a very satisfac tory manner, and cannot see that thero is much room for Improvement. Harman & Husscrt uro tho local agents. IlnlHliiif ClilcItciiH. Do not bo In a hurry to invest in iticuba tors, if you aro a farmer, and havo any thing elso to do besides looking after tho poultry yard. Tho wooden incubators aro well enough for men who havo plenty of monoy, and mako tho raising of eggs a specialty. A good many things nbout In, cubntors aro not yet proved, and a farmer who has ids bread to cam, can nilord wait a llttlo longer, and uso tho original method for hatching nnd raising chickens The hen is good for a dozen eggs, nnd if she bo left to her own selection of nest, is pretty suro to hatch them, if thoy aro fertll ized. You may protect her ngalnst vcr. mill, but sho covets privacy, and desires to lie left alouo. When her brood is off, sho needs a little hell), ft coop for Bhcltcr, nud regular feeding with a mixed diet of an! mal and vcgetablo food, and water or milk to drink tho latter if you can get Nothing Is better than milk for tho fowls, Tho voune chicks will help, rather than hinder In tho garden, until they aro mouth or six weeks old. Thoy will destroy n multitude, of insects, nnd thrive on them, Tho early hatched chickens aro best for layers, but lato summer is qulto aB good for broilers. Thoy never como amiss nny tlrno on tho farm. ll'm. Gift in Ama-l can Ayneultumlfor Jwy. l'ariii Tor Hale. 100 acres tlireo miles from Bloomsburg west. In fine btato of cultivation! bulldlugi fnilt. &c. Armlv to Dr. J. R. Kvaus Bloomsburg. 0-37-3W llCKlHlrnttott of iMiyHlclniiH mid HurRCotiH. In tho enso of tho rulo to strlko off the eglstratlon of Dr. Joseph L. Bauer nn opinion was filed by Judgo Klwell on tho 1st Instant, holding that a prothnnotary lias no authority to register as n tihvslclan and surgeon a person to whom n diploma has been issued by a medical college of an other state, without the production of tho diploma endorsed by tho medical faculty ot a medical college or university of this state. A certificate by the secretary of a medical college Mint he hns examined the diploma and believes It to bo genuine, is held not to bo n compliance with tho Act of 8 June, 1831. The authority to mako tho examination required by the Act can not bo delegated by tho faculty to ono of their number. As tho record In this caso oes not show upon its face that tho di ploma lias been exhibited to the faculty of any medical Institution In this state tlio registry of tho doctor was unnuthortzed nnd Is thereforo stricken from tlio record. We understand that tho caso will bo taken to the Supremo Court. llerwiclt. Miss Mcnshnll of Scranton, nnd Miss May Sharpies of Bloomsburg, wcro tho guests of Miss Llzzlo Hanlcy last Satur day. H. G. Phillips mado a flying trip to Bloomsburg on Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Woodln and Mrs. Hnnlcy left on Tuesday morning for Mon trose, whero tho two former Intend spend, lug tlio summer. A select fow spent their Fourth picnick ing nt "Council Cup." The new addition and tho remodeling of Dr. Little's house, will mako It ono of tlio finest houses, when completed, on Front street. Tho lightning struck the telephone wires connected with Jackson Block, Saturday evening, nnd tho shock caused the pros tration of a horse, nnd quite n number of people, for several minutes. A large number of peoplo went to Dan vlllo last Friday to sco tho gamo played be tween the Mt. Carmcl and tho club of that place. The Nantlcokc Sun docs not seem to ap preciate the playing of tho Berwick boys, according to last week's issue. This is tho first paper to grumble at tho club, and small attention should bo paid to tlio same, for such it deserves. The fat nnd lean men of this place play ed n very interesting game of bull last Rat- urday, which resulted in a victory for tho fats by a scoro of 10 to 15 in seven Innings. JerHCytowu. Seeing that Jerseytown Is not represent ed in tlio columns of your valunblo paper. und noticing n desire expressed to havo a correspondent nt this place, I thought I would take up tho quill and see what I can do. Tho farmers aro busily engaged with their hay and grain. Tho frequent show ers of late, however, interfere somewhnt with the work. A number of barns aro being built this summer, lhcy aro now about completed, nnd iudging by appearances will be well filled when the crops nre gathered. Last week Mr. C. Kramer began harvest ing with a self-binder. This being the first machlno of tho kind which has mado Its appearance in our neighborhood much curiosity was excited. Many Jof tho neigh bors went to tlio field to sco it work. Tho machine worked nicely, nnd did its work well so say tho witnesses. Mr. Kramer is not only a very extensive farmer, but a model one. A largo band of gypsies passed through hero last Thursday on their way to Wil llamsport. Thoy camped just below town, remaining over Sunday. Many went to see them, but few desired to have their fortunes told. Messrs. Charles Fcnstermaker, Henry Hnrtllno and Frank Cotner, formerly of Jerseytown,but now working at Montgora- cry, nnd Mr. William Wclllvcr of Wilkes, barrc, were in town last week. Mr. Horaco Greely Supplec, who has been traveling in tho interest of Bradley, Garretson & Co., publishers, is now at home. Miss Mcgargcll finished her school in town last week. After exercises in Ilia school room Thursday morning tlio pupils with their teacher, went to the grove to spend tho day. A fine tlmo was reported. Miss Megargell mado many friends during her stay here. Tho Fourth passed off Jquictly without observance save on occasional explosion of small lire-works. Tho small boy declares that tho fire-cracker is a treacherous thing, for sometimes tho wrong end goes off ; after burning his fingers lie says ho don't caro very much about celebrating. L. Y. IliicUliorn. The shower on tho evening of tho Fourth wrought many disappointments. Last Saturday evening while George Bo- gart was ruling a colt it becamo frightened at ndog and suddenly turned, throwing nnd dragging him somo distance. Ho was badly bruised about tlio head and was hurt Inwardly. From last accounts ho was still compelled to keep his bed. Messrs. Falrmau and Creasy of Light- street, put up with our friendly landlord, O. W. Dietrich, Saturday night last, and after spending Sabbath with us returned to their homes, Miss Tubbs of Benton Is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. White. Miss Georgia Pursel of Bloomsburg, spent a few days of tho week at this place. MlssHattio Old and a Mr. Bobbins of Pottsgrove, wcro the guests of G. W. Hart man and wife on the 5th and Oth Inst. Miss Anna Leldy has returned from a visit with friends at Jerseytown. O. II. Monro, formerly of this place, moved to Van Camp last Monday, where ho will be engaged in tho mcrcautilo busi ness with his Benjamin Foulk nud William Khuster, attendants nt tho imnviile Hospital, nro homo for a fow weeks. Charles Tcrwllllgcr and his sister Annie aro solo possessors of tho Vnnliew store. Tlio harvest of clghty-four will shortly bo no moro. Several of our farmers aro rylng self binders. Clark Pursel Is testing tho nbllltyot tho Minneapolis, T. W. Pursel tho Osborno, and H. W. Applcman tlio Buckcyo Plat form Binder. All aro giving entire satis. faction. ' Tho following persons met last Tuesday evening to reorganize tho Buckhorn Band: Hugh Applcman, Samuel Hutchinson, Dr. Montgomery, John G. Mooro, Howard Old, Geo. I little, Jr., Clias. Daniel Harris, Chas. and Washiugton Hnrtman, Wilson and Art Pursel. Remember the school houso letting on tho 2Ut Inst. Miss Cal Hnrtman is coming home on tho twcnty-ninlh of this month. PlIUUBHCli. tlic I Oranicevlllc Aciulemy. Sinco the academy Is In charge of Prof, Heck thero wcro no graduates till this year. Those graduating must pass nn ex nmlnatlou cqunl to that for admission to tlio best colleges. The girls read German instead ot Grock, There wcro tlireo grad uated tills year i Miss Aggto M, Mclllck, Miss Gcrtlo E. Stewart, nnd Mr. J, J. II. Hamilton. Tho speeches and essays com paro very favorably with nil productions on llko occasions, Mint I havo ever heard, Rev, O, K, Canficld filled a plaeo on tlio programme, Ho spoko on tho Educated Conscience. Ho was listened to with much interest nnd displayed a wit and gcntlo humor of which no ono supposed him such n innstcr, I will omit tho order nf exercises nnd glvo n few brief extracts from tlio compositions of tho graduates. What to select is difficult, for nil is worthy of publication, Tho extracts here given nro different from thoso published in tlio other papers of tho county. Miss Mclllck hnd for her subject, "Tlio Crown after the Victory" i "Perhaps thero is no pros pect, which imagination can present, so alluring to tho mind of n young man ns public life. The mcro fnct of being n theme of public interest seems to bo tlic greatest boon for which somo of tho men to-day arc striving. Wc, In our short ex perience, can already sco that places and greatness, though fair without, aro full of temptation within. Often on election day when I sco men collecting together, all ex- cited, I have asked myself what Is there in olllco for which men nro thus so eagerly striving ? What is that highest price of contention in the pursuit of which happi ness Is accounted nothing und merit is pitted ngalnst hypocrisy nnd intrigue ? Is it power ? Is this tho crown for which they nro striving ? Wo must fight If wo would reign. Wo must win tho crown wo would wear and just hero let us ask what crown nro we striving for ? Lot us strive not so much for power as for usefulness. lOnr times demand this. To day llttlo occupies general attention Mint docs not return somo answer to tho ones lion, 'Of What Uso Is It?' What advan tage arises from It? -Tho wild visions con jurcd up by tho heated Imagination of other times nro all viewed through this medium nnd stripped of nil their gaudy nnd deceptive colors and nro stamped only with that value to which their usefulness entitled them. The lanco of chivalry rusts In obscurity, while the plow.sharc Is bright with honorable use." Miss Stewart had for her subject, "Silent Forces." "Of love as a silent force," sho said, "perhaps the greatest of all silent forces is tlio forco of love. Where all cf. forts accompanied by tho usual din of hu- innn undertakings have failed, love has most gloriously conquered. Tho lovo of n mother for her child Impels her to endure the greatest suffering, misery and danger for that child. There is perhaps no power besides lovo that could do this. Napoleon with his army overran nil of Europe llko a tornado, visiting all places with destruction nnd death. Kings and potentates were do throned nnd their governments overturned. Alexander conquered tho world with the clasli of arms : Csesar destroyed a million lives in his conquests their names live only in history, their empires wcro of short duration. Christ, the humble son of tho humble carpenter of Nazareth, came upon tho earth to conquer with love. His king. dom now includes nil of the civilized world, and that lovo which ho lias lm planted in tlio bosom of his followers Is reaching out, civilizing aud bringing into his kingdom the deluded and degraded heathen of every land. This is truly a great victory for love." Sho spoko of tho force of literary productions : "Tho fruits of tho reformation wcro nourished by tho printing press. That strnngo superstition. that dark nnd impenetrable ignorance of the iniddlo ngos was swept away by the printing press. All the armies of the world could not have clfccted these results. A few great papers in this country shape tho mind and feeling of this country in relig ion, politics and law. In tho heated and noisy discussions on Slavery nothing elso produced tho effect of Uncle Tom's Cabin Tho pen i3 truly 'mightier than the sword.' The force of tho latter can bo of only short duration, while the victories won by tho pen are abiding. The strength of Napo- loon's army was in Napoleon, but the strength of Uncle Tom's Cabin is within itself." Mr. Hamilton, tho valedictorian of his class, had for his subject, "Tho Ministry ofTenrs": "What Is a tear? The grand est definition I have ever heard or read is by that prlnco ot American preachers, Dr, Talmago i ho says : 'A chemist will tell you that it is made up of salt and limo and other component parts ; but ho misses the chtcf ingredients the r.cld ot a soured lite, tho vipcran sting ot a bitter memory, tho fragments of a broken heart. I will tell you what a tear is ; It is agony In solution. But If you still nsk what a tear is, my an swer is, it Is the overflowing of a heart that's full, tho gurgling forth of feelings that cannot bo restrained or controlled. It Is griof and sorrow rolling down tho cheeks in liquid form, tlio breaking heart standing in tlio eyes in briny drops, tho hopo and happiness o: a wrecked or blasted Hfo poured forth, aye. more tho tribute to tho dead." Ot tears ot sorrow ho spoko as "tears that burn their way down tlio cheeks and leave traces that cannot bo blotted out, tears that bring on prematuro old age. Tears, each ono a drop of lifo mood ; each ono a fragment of a broken heart." In closing ho said : "But wo ourselves, my class mutes, go fortli now in different paths ; each ot us to fight our own battles ; each of us to conquer or sutler defeat as wo ourselves deserve. Each ono must descrvo his own fate, bo that graud and noble or bo Mint base. Let us then keep bravo hearts, and let us bo always armed and ready for tho conflict, remembering that 'ho con quers who endures.' Wo met ns strangers, but wo part as friends, part with tho hopo to meet again ; If not on earth, in Heaven around tho great whlto throno of God Friends, all I Friendship, that mystic tlo that binds tho human hearts as one Ladles and gentlemen, kind friends, dear teachers, all farowcll. What docs it mean ? Good-byo Is simply asking God to bless. It is a prayer, a benediction from lips sincere, With nil tho meaning ot the word aud from our hearts wo say uguln to all, farewell, dear friends, farowcll." Tho examining committee then reported and heartily recommended thoso thrco ns worthy to receive diplomas. Tho diplomas were then prcseuted to tho cluss by Prof, Heck, accompanying them with a few timely remarks. In tho afternoon a very largo number of persons assembled in academy grovo for tho plcnlo given by tho students. Tho exercises closed with an exhibition in tho evening. All tho excr. clses wcro well attended, aud thero was but ono opinion as to their merits they wcro nil very eredltuble. Kki'outku, M, C. Sloan & Bro., sent two handsomo wagons to Hazleton on Tuesday, They wcro two seated surreys, aud tho work is claimed to bo us Duo ns over camo out of tho shop, Tlio wagons were inspected by many good judgoa aud they well deserved the high praise that tut bestowed upon them. Commencement lixcrclHcn nt I'rcNtclciit l'ollt'M Widow. Nashvlllo Manner.) Right In tlio heart of Nashvlllo stands a large, old-fashioned homestead ot dull red brick, its roof projecting over tiio broad piazza, supported by great fluted pillars, ond Its general aspect convoying nn imprc's sion of severe statcllncss, In pleasing vari ance with tho distorted, would-bo fashion. nblo architecture In tho samo neighborhood, Along lawn stretches in front of tlic house, and its pleasant green monotony is tin. broken savo by it plain and massivo tomb of wblto marblu, which carries its own best epitaph In tho slmplo inscription, James K. Polk. A ring at tho bell brought to the doorn good-nnturcd colored girl, who took our cards to the vcncrablo and venerated widow of President Polk, Time, of course, has stolen tho vivid col. oring nnd curved outlines ot youth, but ho has not robbed her of the upright figure nnd dignified carriage, und has left bright ness In her eyes nnd vivacity in her voice, beside lending nn ndded charm In her faultless manners. From tho library of tlio dead president, sho can gnzo upon tho tomb that marks ids resting place, and In that samo library re mnins his hat, gloves and cane, just where ho laid them when ho camo homo for tho last tlmo. Tho book ho was reading lies open ou tbo table, and tho papers ot tho day beside it. In society, nnd fond of it, Mrs. Polk hns yet never accepted an Invitation sinco her husband's death, though with graceful hos pitality and tact sho lias received on tho first day of eacli year tho Tcnnessco legis laturc, which ndjourns In a body to call upon her nnd which, I nm told, Is the highest compliment ever paid by state authorities to a lady nnd tho civil, Judi cial and ecclesiastical bodies mako it a point to pay their respects to her. I'lie Greatest "WIilHperlnir Unllcry." (Chicago Times. The greatest "whispering gallery" in the world is Miat of tlic Grand canyon, Colora do. For years this chasm has been n mat ter of Burprlso to prospectors and miners on account of its wonderful transmissions of sound, nnd it has only been since the advent of tho railroad that nuy definite idea hns been entertained of tho great dis tance it travels within its walls. A train of cars crossing tlio bridge nt tho Needles enn bo plainly heard on a quiet day at Cot tonwood island, a distance of eighty-four miles. Tho fife nnd drum at Fort Mojave is distinctly heard at Bull's Head, a dis tance of clghty-four miles. Tho report of the sunriso gun at Fort Mojnvo can bo heard at Eldorado canyon, a distance of ninety-six miles. Agents Wasted. 100 ladies and men for lives of the Democratic Presidential Candidates. Outfits ready 48 hours after nomination. Send 50 cents for outfits and bo the first in tho field. Hundreds of out fits ordered In advance. Address, Tub Glohe Publishing; Co., Philadelphia. Getting Husplcloua. About February last a party appeared at tho Exchange, tho upper end of this coun ty, who purchased most of tho tobacco growing in that section of tlio country. paying for it a prico ten per cent, higher than it will bring in market to-day. To clinch tho bargain, a portion of tho pur chase money was paid down, and a re coipt taken therefor. Since theso tran sactions nothing has been heard of the to. bacco merchant. Thoso who sold him their tobacco are now exercised over his non-appearance, aud nro getting suspicious that possibly in signing tho receipt they may havo uceu Inveigled Into u sort oi blank note that could bo filled iu by tho party holding it with such figures as lie might surmise the obligee would bo able to pay. The fact that these tobacco raisers four tlio perpetration of such a swindle on them, proves how loosely many members of our farming community do busluess. Many of them sign papers without reading them, a most reprehensible practice, and ono that has often proved a great loss to individuals. No person, let him bo a far mcr or otherwise, should sign any paper or manuscript, not even a petition, without reading and critically examining it, and if he fails to thoroughly understand its im port or object, he should withhold his sig nature until he docs. By observing this rulo it would prevent many heart-bum lugs nnd loss of property. It is especially necessary in these days when business morality is at a discount and thousands avoiding tho honorable pursuits of Indus, try essay to mako a living by sharp prac. ticc nnd by cheating nnd Ueeclng the un wary and unsuspecting. Danville Intellu gencer. Attention, Democrats! I learn that It is being circulated that I will withdraw from tho canvas. I am a candidate, and hopo you will not bo de ceived by false reports. Bo true to mo and I will bo true to you, and if elected will pledgo myself to mako a record that I am not ashamed to havo published. E. M. TKWKsnunv. Catawlssa, July 8, 1881. DEATHS. SPADE. In Mlfilln township, Juno 28th, 1884, Mrs. Sarah C. Spade, aged 83 years. 11 months, 10 days. LOCAL NOTICES. Tlio novelty btoro lias nut tho uron on towels, tablo linens, napkins, counterpanes, uanuitercnicis, etc, etc. Phillips' ico cream parlors tako tho lead. v;au nnu sou lur yuiirscu. --,, i i. Cc, chlhlruns oilcloth bibs, 7c, como and nn-. ! ... Mln thn.l Inn. 7Jn.,i. .. G t rt - -,uvm ""u -jr Just ree'd from tho ureal New York Slier hi aics a large siock oi mens, womensi muses and childrcns extra lluo hosiery which wo can sen at way down prices. Better barctains now than ever beforo of fered : call and cxamino our stock and sc. euro a bargain. Novelty Store, O. E. Con ner, (.manager.; "When found mako a note of," The nlaco to no tor vour snriuir clotlihiir. a stylish hat, or a lino neck scurf, or tho latest stylo lu furnishing goods is at David J.owenucrg's, All who visit Phillips' ice cream parlors pronouueo Uieir cream the best lu town, A very larco lino or straw hats now on View, NOBBY, NEAT and NEW, Just nr. riven at uaviu jjowcuuerg s. PHOSPHATES I PHOSPHATES I Tlio undersigned is Bclllnc J. J. Allen's phosphates us cheap as the cheapest. Differ ent craucs ami uiiicrent prices, una or address, HAUYEY E. HEACOCK, Agent. l.igiusirect, l'a Juno 10-Ow Gentlemen who want it spring suit put up iu U1TY bTYUi should call at the rui'UliAH MEHUHAJST TAIi.UK of Bloomsburg, David Lowenberg who em ploys only EXPE1UENCEI) W OKKMEN. New goods at J. B. Skcer's. "Tho aiinarel oft proclalm's tho man." A well dressed gentleman is tho admira tion oi all. ana tho place to get your BfltlKU BU1T IS at tlio I'Ul'UbAK AWU KEL1AULE STUKE cf David Lowenberg, A neat present elvcn nwnv with every purchnso mndo nt tho Popular Clothing oioro oi uaviu jjowenucrg. Ico crenm ot tho best flavors, nnd well mado nt Phillips' Domestic Bakery. Men's shirts, cauzo under shirts nt a bar. gain this week nt tho Novelty Btorc. BUSINESS NOTICES". Wilt WILL TOU Cough when Shlloh's Curo wilt glvo you immediate reiiei. rnco iu cents, ou cents nnd $1. Sold by Moyer Bros. Rough on lints" clears out lints, Mice. 15c, "Rouuli on Corns," for corns, bunions, 15c. Thin people, "Wells' Health Rcnower" restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, CSC. J i. "Roueh on Toothache." Instant relief. 15c. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vlvnclty doa't fail to try "Wells' Health itencwer." "Buchu palba," greatkidncy andurinary curo. Flics, roaches, ants, bcd.butrs. rats. mice. cleared out by "Rough ou Rats." 15c. "Roueh on Couchs." troches. 15c: llniild. O.ln " ' . . . . For children, slow In development, puny nnd delicate, uso "Wells' Henlth Rcnewcr.1' "Roueh on Dentist" tonth tiowder. Try it. 15c. Nervous weakness. dvsncnsln. sexual debility cured by $1. Wells' Henlth Renewer." "Mother Swan's Worm Svrun. for fover. lsiuicss, worms, constipation i tasteless. 20c. Stinging, irritation, all Kidney and Uri nary complaints cured by "Buchu-palba." Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dvs. pepsia, cureu uy "wells' Health Ucnew. cr." "Mv husband ( writes a lady) Is three times tho man since using "Wells' Health iicnowcr." If you aro falling, broken, worn out nnd nervous, uso "Wells' Health Kenewcr." 81. Prevalenco of Kidney comnlalnt in Amer ica i "Buchu-palba" Is n quick, completo cure. 91. June 10-ly cow SIULOIl'd CUI1B WILL Immediately relievo croup, whooping cough nnu bronchitis. Sold by Moyer uros. eiULOll's VITAI.I7.E1! Is what you need for Constipation, loss of Appetite, Dizziness nud all symptoms oi uyspcpsia. 1'rlce iu and 70 cents per bot tle, r or sale by JMoyer Jlros. WHY THKY OALL HIM "OLD MAN." "Yes. that's sadly so." said Jenkins, "mv hair is turnlug gray nnd falling out before Its time uso something t 1 would, but most halrrestorcrsare dangerous." "True," nnswered His friend, "but l'nrkcr's llnlr Balsam is ns harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Uivo tho lialsam a show and the boys will soon stop calling you "Old Man Jenkins." It never falls to restore the original color to gray or laded uair. iticniy penumeu, an elegant dress- lnE' . "IIACKMETACK," A lasting and iragrant pcriumc. rrico ya and 50 cents. Sold by Moyer Bros. AUK YOU MADE Miserable by indigestion, constipation, diz ziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin ? Shl loh's Vitaiizcr is a positive cure. Sold by jiioycr iiros. TIU1EWAWAY I11S CKUTCIIKS. "Suffered from rheumatism so badly had to use crutches, but threw them nway after 1 nnpiymg I nomas' clectricuil tomy limb!. I now feel better than I have for yo ars." r . ii. uiuus, uuu 1.111 at., iiuuaio, ih. i. THAT HACKING OOUQ1I can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For salo by Moyer uros. SlllLOll'S CATAUUII UEMEDY, A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria aud canitcr mouth, aoiu ly Jloyer uros. A DUTY I OWE. Wllllamsport, Pa., Dec 21, 1832. John H. Phelps, Scranton Pa., Dear Sir I feel it my duty to inform you how much good you have done mo through your Bheiimatio Elixir. I have been u very uau suutirer with lnuamnntory lllieu- mutism for over two years, half of the time not nblc to walk without crutches or canes. I have used three bottles of vour Khuuma- tic Elixir. I pronounce myself entirely cured of rheumatism when all other rcino- dies nnd treatment failed to give relief. And I am in better health now than I havo been for years. I hope your circulars with uieir wouueriui testimonials, win rcacu every sufterer with that terrible disease, rheumatism, ami may encourage them to glvo the Kucumallc Elixir a lliorongu trial. 1 can recommend the llhcumattc Elixir with great confidence. i am respectiuny yours, J. II. AllNOI.l). For sale at Hcndershott's Pharmacy, iiioomsuurg ra. A NASAL IKJEOTOli Freo with eacli bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Itcmedy, Price 50 cents. Sold by Moyer uros. FOlt DYSI'El'SIA And liver complaint, you havo a printed guarantco on every uottio oi aiuioh's vital- lzer. boiu uy Jioycr uros. A CLEUQYMAN'd TESTIMONY. W. E. Gilford. Pastor M. E. Church. llothwell, Unt., was for two years a suf- ...111, .1..on..r.,U 1., lia, until as ho states "lifo becamo an actual burden." Three bottles ot Burdock Blood Bitters cured him, nnd ho tells us in a re cent letter that ho considers it the best family medicine now before tho country lor uyspepsia anu liver complaint. cuoup, wiiooi'is'a oouau and Bronchitis immediately relieved by uuou's uure. ror muu uy jioyer uros. MEDICAL VALUE OF WINES, As a general rulo Mm uso of wine U not necessary for young or auult persons in Cood health, breathing country air and not lw 1 " l" f II. exposcu to overworK. . as iiowevcr advances and tho circulation becomes hiu culd. natural red wine used in moderation. becomes an essential article and in many cases absolutely necessary but it must bo the puro products oi tue grape. Ana even in tlio Eastern States tho physician meets largo numbers of town people, especially women, who cannot digest tlio food and drinks suited to out-door luborlmr nconle. In such cases they resort to tho buvcrago of tea which elves rlso to a distressing dys pepsia. Tlio wines Introduced in New Jersey, especially tho Burgundy nnd tho rort urapo wines irom Allrcd tsnecr's Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J,, aro the moro rcllnblo and most sought after by those who trnveieu anu Know wnnt wines arc, Alfred Sneer, Passaic, N, J. Dear Sir, I hnvo used vour Soclallto Claret and your Port Wine In my practice wiui great sausiacuon. very truly yours, WM. U. CI1ILDS. For sale by druggists, THE 1IEV. OUOKflK II. HIAYEIt, of Bourbon, Ind., says t "Both myself anil who owe our uvea to Biiuoirs consumption iiirc." com uy Bioycr uros. 110 IT WITH l'LEASUIIE. Wnngler Bros., druggists, of Waterloo, lowa, writo t "Wo can with picasuro say that Thomas' Eclectrio Oil gives tho best satisfaction of any liniment wu sell, Every uouy who buys will nave no other, This remedy is a certain curo for all aches, spraius, nnu pains, SLEEPLESS MU1ITS, made miserable by that terrible couch. Shlloh's Curo is tho remedy for you. Kor salo by Moyer Bros, Bco n woman in another column, near Specr's Vineyards, nicking grapes from which Spoor's Port Urnpo Wlno is made, that is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for tlio uso of Invalids, weakly persons nnd tho need. Hold by (J. A. lilclm, llloomsburg. scpisw-iy TIME IS MONBV. Time and monoy will ho saved liv keen. lug Kidney-Wott In the house. It U nn In valuable remedy for nil disorders ot tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels and for all diseases arising from obstructions of these organs. It has cured many obstinate cases after hundreds of dollars hnd been paid to physicians without obtaining relief. It cures constipntlon, piles, biliousness and all kindred disorders. Keep it by you, SI'KAKS 1IKIIITU1'. 'Havo tried Thomas' EclectrlcOll for croup and colds, and find it the best remedy i uavo over used in my mmuy." win. Kny, 610 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. WANT OP PAITTI. If C. A. Klelm. tho DriiL'zlst. does not succeed It Is not for tho want of faith. Ho has such faith in Dr. Iiosanko's Cough nnd Lung syrup as n remedy for Couchs. Colds. Consumption, nnd Lung Affections, Mint ho f;ivcs a ooitic ireo to cam and everyone who sin need of a medicine of this kind. July 18-cow For lamo back, side or chest use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents. For snlo by Moyer Bros. t-TTho Vnlco of tho Peonle. No faintly Dyes wcro over so popular as tho Diamond uyes. l hoy nover lull. Tlio mack is tar superior to logwood. The other colors nn; brilliant. Wells, Richardson & Co., Bur- llngton, t. WHAT 1)1!. X. 1NOKAM BAYS. Wherever Phelns' Rheumatic Elixir has been tried here It has given satisfaction. ours, iic, N. INGRAM. M. D. Blossburg, Pa,, Jan. 11, 1883. For sale nt Hendcrshott's Pharmacy Bloomsburg Pa. WILL TOU StJFFKlt with Dvsnensla nnd Liver Comnlalnt ? bhiioirs vitaiizcr is guaranteed to curo you. For salo by Moyer Bros. CAIIKS OF LIFE. As wo come to them thov aro received. borno with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if wo aro iu tho enjoyment oi ucauii, out ii sintering wun riles or skin dlscaso of any kind they magnify hundred fold. C. A. Klelm. tho Druggist. has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn absoluto curo for any affection of the kind and is sold for 50c cuts. July 13-eow CIIANQEADLK WRATIIEK. The effect of changeable weather on ladles of delicate constitutions Is very de pressing and serious, nnd something strengthening is needed to assist naturo in withstanding the strain. Nothing moro effective can bo found than Speer's Port Burgundy nnd Claret Wine, which nro In general uso in tho New York nnd other Ilospltnls. For sale by druggists. THE LATEST NEWS is that nil who have used Law's Bluing find it far excels indigo at a much less expense. It is used for bluing nnd bleaching, also for coloring rag carpets it is uncqunled. Each package retails for 15 cents, and makes ono quart of bluing strong enough for ink, which flows from a pen equal to tho best writing fluid. It is guaranteed to glvo satisfaction or money refunded. For sale in Bloomsburg by Henry Klelm, D. A. Creasy, C. C. Marr, S. A. Wilson, I. W. liartman n son, U. M. & J. K, Locknrd, nd by dealers generally. For Tetter, ningworm, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Pimples all diseases arising in or transmitted by tho blood. USE Dr.LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER. This Celebrated etretablO Cnmnnund hns nn pnnnl. nml knn Inftilllhln nmnlv whpn ii-wvl no .llFOAf cd. Send for circular. 1 or salo by all Druggists. Headquarters for D. MABVMSTIM& MAMIMM$ fHAMfflAI & HASSEMT have just received tlio finest lot of Liqj RpEs, flowEts ho Self BifJDEs ever brought to Columbia county. For light dratt, for nil tho old and new machines, so that If you to Ux you up without delay. - o i s i :b i o I ir, nsr :e - beforo making your purchases. June 57 tt THE WEEKLY SUN ! most efficient agent form. in the ohoulll be read 111 GVOry bcllOOl may ,'nr r0n hvo in ss nnnrv work- I ,,. " - - , ., portunity. Will bo sent to any address for fivo months, embracing the entire period of tbo Presidential Campaign, for FORTY CENTS. ur, tno may and Sunday ADDUCE THE STJ 1ST 100, 108 and 170 Nassau St., Now York City. C20-4v DEALER IN F&peign aadi Mamestxo WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. siiiloii's oouoit and Consumption Curo Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption, ror sale by Moyer Bros. "thr iioss." Bethlehem, Pa., July 3, 189J. .Mr, John H. Phelps, Dear Hlr PJcnso send mo three dozen Phelps1 Rhcumatlo Elixir soon ns possible. I havo sold nil I had. Mr. D. J. Godshalk, editor "Dally Times." Bethlehem, Is taking it. He soys I could tell my customers it is tno -uoss" medicine for rheumatism. Yours, etc., E. T. Mktkks, Druggist. For salo at Hcndershott's Pharmacy Bloomsburg Pa. OATAllllll CUIIEI), health and sweet breath secured by Slit lob's Catarrh Remedy. Prico 60 conU. Nasal Injector free. For salo by Moyer Bros. OAUSE AND KFFEOT. At times symptoms of indigestion aro present, uneasiness of the stomach. &c, n moisture like perspiration, producing itch ing nt night, or when ono is wnrm, cause tho Plies. Tho effect is immcdlato relief upon the nppllcntlon of Dr. Basanko's Pile uemcdy, which costs you uut ou cents nnu is sold by C. A. Klelm. July 18-cow MARKET REP0RTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheal per bushel ..' Ryo " " 1 05 70 05 40 Corn " " Oats Flour her barrel 0 00 Cloverseed. 8 OO 18 18 00 25 00 14 10 12 13 Butter Eggs Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples , uams Sides nnd shoulders., Chickens Turkeys i.aru ncr noumi 13 Hay per ton 13 00 Beeswax 25 Buckwheat flour per hundred 3 00 Hides per lb 5 to 7 Veal skins per lb 03 Sheep pelts, each 75 Wool per lb '30 Philadelphia Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLY. FEED- Western winter bran, spot, Q13.W. MACKEHEL. Extra mess 33c. largo l's, 58 Q 30c. extra hhoro l's 85 20c. VLoUlt. Western extra's 3.00 a 8.50; renn'a. tamlly, 4.60 c4.Ta Ohio clear, 4.75 q o.40j winter patent 5.75 ( 6.60. HYK. 1'rltno Pennsylvania 70 ia Mo. COUN, 4XM bushels In grain depot at 60c. oats. No. 8 whlto a, asNo.s, sum HAY AND STltAW Tlmothy-Cholc Western and New York, 117. talr to good Western and NewYort, ll. 15. i medium Western and New York, 11. 4 l'l-; Cut hay as to quality 14. ($ 17.00. ltyo straw 18.60 17.00 Wheat straw, . io. Oat straw to u. WOOU-Ohlo, Pennsylvania nnd West Virginia, Fleeco Washed, XX and above, 34 (4 360 ; X 32 Slo ; common U3 35c Texas, Spring clip line so m B3, medium so 84 coarse, 16 17. IXJOS. Pennsylvania extra, 18)f 19 western 17Jtf 18. bUTTEll. Pennsylvania extra, 31 VTestcrn extra SO a SI. LIVK POIILTIIY. Vnwla. Ilena 11 mlrpil lota isc roosters old 7 so ; spring chickens as to slzo and quality S0 85. WllBSSEl) 1'UUl.TllY. Turkeys extra 10 17cts. cuickcna extra weight nnd quality S3a30. spring emcxens as 10 ""-" ..... j ihhdw.1 uuauu, u i WJ tos uo per barrel tor lair and good. Culls liooa o'NIONS.-l)crmuda, per crate, tl.85 a 1.4a Cab bage, new, per bbl, f a 3 00. Tomatoes, Flori da, per crate, choice, ripe, tl.00 a 84 j do, fair to da, good, 75 a Wc Squash, Charleston, per crate, 60j7&c cucumbers, Charleston, per crate, $lal 50. lieans, Charleston nnd Savannah, round, per crate, J3 a 8 35; do, North Carolina, per a bbL S a s 50 j do Norfolk, per ys bbl, 3 00 a 4 00. Blotches, Bolls, Ulcers, Femalo Complaints, and -- v n. K. KELLERS & CO., Tropr's Pittsburgh, Fa. M. Osborne & Go's. durability and simplicity the Osborno Slachtncs arc break down lu tho mlddlo of Harvest they are nrenared & SMSMf, Agents. in-eat work of Government Ro- District OI the UlllOll. iniinncr t if, nnnn n. horn s vnnr rm, . ... -i ' i- issues lor tho same time lor Ssa.UU.