The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 04, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, .JULY 1, 1881.
Correct llullro.ul Time Talle.
TmIihoii tlio 1'lillUolplil.i.ti It. It. loavo import
as lollows i
11:30 ft. m. 11:53 a. m.
1.11 p. in. 0:13 p. la.
Trains on tho 11. L & W. II. It. Icavo Blooinsburg
7:05 ft. til. 8:33 ft. tn.
11:17 ft. m. 11:53 ft. m.
uM p. in. 4:34 p. m.
Tlio 8:33 a. ra. train connocti at Northumberland
wltn llio u.;u train on 1'eniniTvanU roaj, reaching
I'lUKulolphU at 3:11 p. in.
Tlio 11:33 train connoets with Philadelphia and
Hooding road at ltupcrt reaching rniladcl
phla at 0:01) p. m.
Tlio 11:M train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1.50, reaching 1'hlladclphlu
at T:S3 p. in.
Tho l:3i) p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
ro 1 1 nt Northumberland at H.nS p. in., ami i caches
I'lilladclplila ul 3:u5 ft. in.
Trains on tho N. V. 11. Hallway pass lllooin
l'orry ns lollows I
11:37 a. in. 13:01 p. m.
tl.30 p. m. . 4:15 p. m.
To Hnlmcrltiern out of the Hlutc.
Hereafter nil papers mailed out of tlio
t:;to mint bo paid for strictly In ndvnnco,
31.75 n year. Wo havo to pay postngo on
tlieni and hi several Instances wo have hist
not only tho postage but tho prlco of tho
paper. Tho date ou each paper shows up
to what tlmo It Is paid, and It will bo stop
ped nt tho expiration of tlio tlmo unless
paid In advance. Self-protection compels
us to adopt this plan.
For Hale.
Several town properties, good location,
bilclc or frame.
About 23 acres of laud In Hemlock town
ship, partly cleared, balanco well timbered.
A. farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp.
For terras and particulars apply to (Jeo.
E. Elwcll, Uloomsburg, l'a. feb. 29-tf.
Miss Monro; of Boston,', is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dr. Shattuck.
Miss Bird Bell of Altoona, Pa., spent
Sunday with Miss Ruth Tustin.
Mrs. Fletcher Harris of Ohio, Is visiting
her mother, Mrs. V. Rupert.
Miss Eby of Scllnsgrovo, was tho guest
of Miss Mamio Schoch last week.
Miss Besslo Monroo of Rupert Is enter.
talulng her friend Miss Harkness of Wilkes
J. 0. Butter of .this ofUco Is taking
week's vacation and will visit a number of
Among tho lawyers from out of town
who wcro In nttendanco at Court on Mon.
day, wcro W. A. Marr of Ashland and Jas.
C. Scarlet of Danville.
James Hartman of Sunbury, was In town
on Monday. Ho was visiting his brother
Amos, of Buckborn, aud other relatives.
W. II. Jacoby, who has been employed
In tho Milton Economist offlco for some time
past, Is at home again. Ho has recovered
from his recent attack of rheumatism.
Mr. Shifter, forcraau of tho jobbing dc
nartment of tho Gazette & Bulletin otllce of
Williamsnort. eavo us a friendly call on
William S. Elwcll who has been attend.
Ing the Normal School tho past two years,
started for his homo in Wisconsin on Wed
Wo acknowledge tho receipt of tho re
port of the Department of Agriculture
from Congressman Storm.
Mrs. William Webb Is serving her excel
lent Ice cream ovcry evening to numerous
customers, on Market street.
The curbstone market is not numerously
attended this year, there being nn average
of not over a half dozen wagons.
A healthy girl who understands cooking
thoroughly, wanted at Dr. Shattuck's Heat
Cure, opposite the depot. Bloomsburg, Pa.
The now awning recently erected in front
of Clark & Son's storo Is n great Improve-
mcnt. This firm keeps up to the times In
Was ran. A correspondent In Benton
Catawlssa, Jerscytown, Mlllvillo, Numldin,
Ilupcrt, and other points not now repre
sentcd. Write for terms.
A game of base ball will bo played on
Friday morning July 4th at 0 o'clock be
twecn tho Catawlssa club and one ot this
Dr. W. II. House, has moved his dental
rooms from over the Banking Company of.
fico to the new Couj.miiian building, front
room on Second floor.
Tho Young Ladles Mission Band of Lime
Illdgc, will hold a fair on tho lawn In front
of tho M. E. Church, Saturday evening
July 5. All arc Invited.
Fon Sale. 100,000 shaved hemlock
shingles, by A. Laubach it Son, Guavn
Sugarloaf township.
Juno 10-4w
Wo publish elsewhere a full report of
tho delegates to the Stato College. As few
people In this county havo any knowlcdgo
of tlds institution, the article will prove an
interesting ono.
To-day is tho "Glorious Fourth." With
tho oxccptlon of family picnics It will bo
spent very quietly In town. A largo nunr
bcr of our people wilt probably tako In the
celebration atNantlcoke.
Tho rains ot last week were very bene
tlcial to tlio corn croji, but in places the
grain was beaten down, Iu tho western
part of tho stato tho storm was heavy and
considerable damago was done.
Tho Lutheran churches and Bunday
schools of Uloomsburg, Catawlssa, Dan
vlllo and vicinity propose holding n mis
slonarv festival at lluncrt. July 23. Par
ticulars later, All aro Invited,
Notwithstanding tho prevailing custom
of mnny nowspapcrs to lssuo no paper on
tho week of July In which tlio 4th comes.
our renders are not asked to grant us this
Indulgence Printers, llko everybody else
onoy their holidays, but when pleasure In
tei feres with business wo must forego it,
Glrton's restaurant Is a unlet and well
kept establishment. Tho proprietor fur
nishes his tables with tho delicacies of the
season. Frogs, soft-shell crabs, and turtle
soup have lately been ou the bill of faro
Ho keens Smlth'a India Palo Ale by tho
bottle or dozen.
The change of tho tlmo of holding tho
meetings of town council from Wednesday
to Thursday evening Is not a good one so
fur as tho publication of thu proceedings Is
concerned. Heretofore wo were ablo to
glvo them tho samo week, but now it can
not bo done until tho following week. All
taxpayers havo a right to know what Is
tlono by tho council, and tho sooner they
know It, tho better. Wo would therefore
respectfully suggest that If tho meetings bo
held on Tuesday instead of Thursday, nil
the papers that desire to do so, cau print
tho proceedings tho same week,
Tho SOtli Atimmt Meeting of tlio Stato
cachcr's Association will lio held at Mead-
vllle, Pn., on July 8tli, Oth and 10th. Ex.
curslon tickets will bo sold on Ilia mil
roads. On tho 1). L. & W. S9.35 for round
Tlio Lewlsburg nail works, under course
erection, will bo completed and In one.
ration not later than tho middle of Soptcm.
bcr. Tho stono and mason work of all
kinds arc finished, and tho lumber hauled
upon tho ground for tho framo work of tho
building. Tho wholo structure will ,bo un
der the roof In a few days, then will come
tho Introduction of tho machinery which
lias been selected nnd purchased.
List of letters remaining In the I'ostofllcti
Benton Columbia county, l'a., for tho
quarter ending Juno 80th, 1831 t
Mr. Levi Kccler, Mr. A. 1'. Kitchen, Mr. Met
tcrly Kvoland, Mr. 0. Vox, esq., Mr. J. It. Carl,
A. II, Malcolm, Mr. Jacob l Hcchrlst, Mr.
Joseph Meeker, Mr. J. Wclssbcn, jtr. Martin States
.Miss -Mary J. Mcllenrj', MIssKatlo Michael, Mrs.
Leah. Hartman, Mrs. Mary Hess.
Persons calling for abovo letters, please
say advertised. John Heacock, P. M,
The present hot weather makes n man
feel as though bo would like to keep ns
cool ns possible. Tho best way to do this
Is to go to I). Lowenbcrg's and purchase
ono of Ids light summer suits. lie has
them In cloth, linen, Pongee, nnd various
other textures, of nil sizes, colors, and
prices. Put ono of these suits on, sit
down in a shady place, don't get excited
over politics, and we will guarantee that
you will bo comfortable.
Cheap goods at Lllloy & Slcppy's.
Henry Miller was hauling a load of lum
ber from Jerscytown last Saturday, nnd
when about three miles the other 6ide of
Buckhnrn one of tho traces broko nnd the
plunging of the horses throw the load over,
catching him under It, and killing him In-
tantly. A littlo boy of sovcu years was
with htm, but Jumped off the load, nnd
was only slightly Iniurcd. Mr. Miller was
son-in-law of Gcorgo Beagle, and was an
Industrious man. Ho leaves a family.
Major General John F. Ilartranft, com
manding tho National Guard of Pennsyl.
vaula, lias Issued an order in which he
states that tho encampment nt Gettysburg
will bo designated ns ''Camp Gettysburg."
During the encampment the regular fall in.
pection by the the adjutant general will
take place, lteglmental, batalllon nnd in
dependent company comrades will there
fore bo prepared with tho required muster
and inspection rolls before going into
Some months ago the post ofllec at Lo
cust Dale was in Schuylklll.'county and Mr.
Joyce was postmaster. A change waB
made In the postmaster and tho otUco was
removed a few yards, which placed It In
Columbia county. Last week Joel Hobcn-
tein was appointed postmaster and remov
ed tho olllcc about fifty yards, near Charles
Nelman's, which again places it In Schuyl
kill county, where It is likely to remain.
Uhland Advocate.
Uloomsburg is well supplied with barber
shops, having three of them, and all first-
class. Itellly has been adding some fine
cosmctlqucs, Hungarian Pomado and Uril-
llnntlno to his stock, nnd InMlic use of
these articles ho gives his customers a
shave that cannot bo surpassed anywhere
Rellly has a valuable assistant in John
Wanich, who takes prido in doing all his
work to the entire satisfaction of their
A car load of Mason nnd Lightning fruit
us at Lllley & Slcppy's just received.
A strange death of a little girl by acci
dentally swallowing a lightning bug is re
ported from Concord, N. C. The child
was playing In the yard with a number of
other children, at her parents' house, near
Odell's factory, and whllo laughing and
romping about a lightning bug llcw into
her mouth and made its way down her
throat. Tho little girl became suddenly 111,
and, though physicians did everything to
relievo her sufferings, she died within a
few hours afterward. This is the first
death from such a causo on record.
The following persons partook of a trout
dinner at Perry's Elk Bun House, Sugar.
loaf, last Sunday : E. P. Albertson and
wife, W. W. Hess and wife, Frank Hess
and wife, George Raber and wife, W. H.
Mooro and wife, A. Kllno and wlfo, H. F.
Overctt and wife, U, H. Ruckle, D. H,
Karns, S. W. Roberts, O. E. Sutton, D,
Lewis, F. IC. Slgfrled, J. B. Lemon, W. E,
Sellers aud J. H. Krickbaum. Tho com
pany was a jolly one, tho dluncr was ex
cellent and all came away with n high
opinion of mine host Perry, nnd his esti
mable lady.
How to Dkstuoy Pests. As the season
for various Insect pests once more comes
around, It will be well to prepare for them a
fitting reception. Paris green nnd London
purple aro cheap and effective remedies,
but their use Is attended with moro or less
danger. Four ounces of keroseno thor.
oughly mixed with ono gallon of skim
milk, or soap suds, and then added to four
gallons of water, If applied through a hose
sprinkler, will effectually dlsposo of tho
majority of insect enemies and at the same
time involve no danger in its use. Py
rethrum powder is an effectual insecticldo
in many enscs. Cabbage worms may bo
disposed of by sprinkling upon thorn water
heated to 130 degrees Fahr., or by spraying
on the plants a mixture of 200 grains of py.
rethrum with two gallons of water.
Examine tho Lightning fruit jar at Lll
ley & Slcppy's,
In our issue of Juuo lUth an Item was
printed statlnc that Ann Llewellyn of
Pottsvlllo had a wooden leg ; that her hus
band also had one, nnd that two of her
children wcro ntlllcted In tho samo man
ucr, Mrs. Llwellyn called on us last Fri
day to deny tho story nnd to learn tho
source of our Information, She once had
her leg broken, and her husband was In
jiircd somo years after marrlago and had a
lee amputated, and thcro it ends. She
says that somo ono has started tho Item to
Injuro her and sho proposes to traco tho
author. Wo could only refer her to tho
Philadelphia Chronick-Haatd, from which
tho Item was clipped. Tho lady has
brought an action against tho Philadelphia
0.ill for a similar publication.
We wcro asked, a few days ago, why
it is that tho C01.UM111AN does not publish
reports of proceedings, and other matters
of interest to tho Grangers. Our reply was
that wo do publish nil matter ot tho kind
that Is furnished, nnd nro always glad to
get it. Not being Grangers, however, w
must rely on the secretaries and others In
tercstcd to supply tho necessary Informa
lion. If no ono takes enough Interest
In tho Granges to supply tho papers with
tho Grange news, wo caunot bo expected
to manufacture It ourselves. Xto aro will
Ing to nil ml t that editors know almost
everything, but not being endowed with
tho gift of second sight, and not being om
nipresent, wo aro unable to describe events
of which we have not heard, or to discuss
matters of which wo havo no information
If tho Grangers will appoint some ono of
their number to represent them In our col
umus, wo shall bo glad to give space to
, their contribution.
Very fow people are aware of the com
plelcness with which tho Exchango Hotel
Is provided with conveniences. Although
our office Is next door to It, wo wcro sur
prised at what wo saw tbero n few days
ago. Within n few months a largo now
range has been set In tho kitchen a hot
water table for heating vegetables nnd
meals has been placed In the carving room,
and a handsome nnd commodious refrigera
tor adorns tho quarters where It is erected.
There aro fow city hotels that nro bolter
cqulppod, nnd none that nro better kept. A
colored malo cook who thoroughly under
stands every branch ot his business, has
recently been employed, and tho cuisine Is
nil that can bo desired. Families from the
city who wish to spend n fow summer
months away from home, could not find a
plcnsantcr place to sojourn than nt the
Exchango Hotel.
I'or tlic CatitiialKii.
The Colbmiiian will bo sent from now
until November lfith for fiO cents i Irom
August 1st, for 40 cents. If your neighbor
Is not a subscriber, show him this item,
nnd advise him to tako advnntago of It.
Our town has been specially favored
with visitors the last few weeks, said visi
tors being commercial drummers and po
litical candidates with the candidates In
tho lead. If wo aro to believe tlio stories
theso candidates tell of each other there is
not one of them named on the tickets lilted
for tho office to which they nsplre. They
nro not satisfied in decrying their oppo
nents fitness for the office in their ability to
discharge its duties but they nspcrso their
personal characters and domestic affairs.
When will these would-be olllcc holders
learn that It Is not their best way to Im
press the voters of their fitness for tho of
fice thev nsplre to by slandering their
opponents, but by letting tho people know
that they nro men nnd not blackguards.
The leading topics of conversation
among us nro crops and politics, jiany
guesses are made as to tho probable noml
nations by the Democratic party at Chica
go on the Oth Inst. Cleveland and Butler
have tho lead with Baynrd n good third.
In Cap's opinion no ono of the threo stand
any chance against the plumed knight.
Cap has yet to Icaru that the favorlto In
the start of a raco seldom comes In the
Tho firm of Lillcy & SIcppy has been
augmented by the nddltlon of a new mem
ber brought about by Llllcy's taking unto
himself a wife. No change in firm's
James. B. Harman is pushing his new
store room. When finished it will bo the
banner building of tho town, If anywhere
near the draft we saw of it.
Prof. Heck has opened his Normal terra
uly 1st with quite n respectable attend
nncc. 1 understand lie is to ue assisted
durlug a part of the term by Ilov. W. H.
Dill for 14 years Principal of Frecburg
academy and now supcrlndendcnt of pub
lic schools of Centre Co. This is nnothcr
proof ot Professor's energy nnd progress-
ivencss. It is n shame to the people of
Orangcvllle the littlo Interest they take in
this enterprise, tho most commendable ono
wo have in our community. They don't dc
servo tho efforts ho Is putting forth to help
the town, nnd still less do they deserve the
man a mnn full of energy, of uncommon
bility and fully versed In nil the methods
of teaching. The school would ("as It just-
ly should") becomo tho best educational
institution of its kind In tho stato. Won't
our people wake up to the importance of
the need of their help in tills matter and
give it and Its hard-working Principal their
moral support If nothing else. They now
have the best teacher they ever have had,
Then why not help him along nnd keep
him here.
Miss Smith nnd Mrs. Gill of Washington
nrc visiting at A. B. Stewart's.
I understand the Free Masons of town
Intend having a now lodge room fitted up
over the store room of James. B. Hnrmau's
New Building.
Mr. Mnlny of Brooklyn, Is visiting his
Miss Marr and the two Misses Yannat
ta from Bloomsburg nre visiting in this
Mr. B. F. Eaton aud lady of Coxsacklo,
N. Y., aro visiting relatives iu Berwick.
Quito a number of young folks attended
tho commencement of the Normal School
nt Bloomsburg last week, aud report
splendid time.
Mrs. F. R. Jackson had a birthday party
Monday evening for her daughter Katie, at
which tho young folks enjoyed thennelves
immensely for a couplo of hours.
Chlldrcns' Day was observed at tho Evau
gellcal church last Bunday.
Miss Fannie Snyder whllo picking cher
ries Monday morning, fell from tho tree
and injured herself severely, but not ser-
I'he Fourth of July In Berwick will be
celebrated as usual, with tho exception of
a few picnics, anil boys with their crack
ers : tho town will bo very quiet, and tho
majority of tho people will be found in
The Good Templars had a picnic Satur-
dov In MarU's woods, whero all the deli
cacies of the season were partaken of.
Tho presentation of a splendid silk flag
to tho Grand Army by Prof. W. E. Smith
In behalf ot the citizens, was well deliver
cd, as well the rcsponso by G. A. Bucking
ham. Appropriate music by the come
band was also very well received.
The grain nnd hny around here, Is being
cut, and tho merry chime of tho reaper is
about all that disturbs the quietness of tho
Tho base ball association have marked
out n "diamond" In tho Fair Grounds,
which they inteud ploughing up, after
which they will put In clay and then roll
it. This will make a splendid place for
match games.
Under 0. 11. P. Kitchen's skillful man
ngemeut tho cemetery still retains its beauty
which makes it an uncommonly agreeable
Tlio commercial nnd I'roressional men
gave a frco and amusing entertainment on
the base ball grounds laat Friday after-
noon. Evans led off at tho bat and scored
tho first "out" whllo Bower followed with
a run. Very few "home runs" or "threo-
baso hits" wcro madu on account
Hill's and Brubakcrs lively playing
Pooler was tho first to receive tho ball on
his leg which entitled him to limp on tho
wrong understanding to first baso. Os
wald deserves praise for his pluck In cap
turlng Bowman, whllo tho latter was at
tempting to steal his home base. Although
It was a mistake in touching him so hard
as to causo his prostration, and to plougli
up tho diamond with his shirt-trout.
Score by Innings.
130 1 00780
Prof, 1117
Com. 7 li 2 3
Time of game 8 hours,
G 0 6 11
4 14 3
10 minutes.
Tho young men ot town organized a
watch club on Monday evening, nnd elect
ed tho following officers, viz i president,
Daniel Dougherty vice president, John
Brcnnnni secretary, II, llelllyt treasurer,
James McBrcarty. Over thirty members
were admitted. Tho watches will bo fur
nished by Joseph Fyfo of Glrardvllle.
Tho work ot standing center legs on
Morris Itldgo slopo has been completed,
nnd tho rails will bo laid ns soon ns possi
ble. When this Is finished, Mr, Troutman
will havo ono of tho finest slopes In tho
A largo delegation from town visited Mt.
Cnrmcl on Saturday last to witness tho
contest between tho Rcllanco baso ball
club and the Ashland nine. Everyone
went with tho Intention ot witnessing n
fine game, as both clubs havo quite n
record, it was a disappointment, how
ever, as jit. Carmcl had an easy victory,
scoring fifteen runs to their opponents
two. Tho raturn gatno will bo played in
Ashland In a fow weeks.
John McNnlly was severely hurt by a
fall of coal nt Lom colliery last week.
He was conveyed to his homo In tho am
Patrick Burns, who has been In tho
Miners' Hospital the past few months,
came home on Saturday. Ono of his legs
was taken off at the knee.
Hunt, Hcllner lias opened n summer
school In tho new school building, nnd has
a full attendance.
Our popular druggist, J. T. Mtlllngton,
Is spending n few dnys In Philadelphia
this week.
The Citizens' Band will spend their
Fourth with tho Grant Band of Shcnan
donh, who intend holding a picnic on that
Ou Monday morning one ot the freight
cars on tho early train on tho Lehigh Vnl
Icy Kallroad caught fire from the engine,
nnd before It was discovered burned
through tho car and set lire to the goods
inside. The train hands, by hard work,
extinguished tho firo before it got fairly
stnrtcd inside, thus saving the car and its
Harry Ferguson, agent ot thu L. V. R.
II. depot, took a business trip to New York
this week.
Tho collieries nrc all idle this week, with
tho execution of Morris Ridge, which
worked on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day. Twenty-five new mine cars were receiv
ed for the collieries on Monday.
The .Methodist congregation will hold a
festival in tho church on Friday and Sat-
inlay. Extensive preparations are being
made to make It pleasant for those who at
tend. About a dozen Hungarians left here on
Tuesday morning with their household ef
fects, which consisted of two chairs, a
tabic nnd stove, for Wcatherly. Wo ear
ucstly hope to see the rest of their country,
men do likewise.
mate College.
1 fie Pennsylvania State College was or
ganized In 1850 as the "Farmers' High
School" and Its object was to glvo an ex-
ciuslvcly agricultural education. Iu 1802
its name was changed to "The Agricultur
al College of Pennsylvania." Subsequent
ly, the Legislature of the State having ap
propriated to this institution tho Income
from the proceeds of tho National land-
grant, its name was iu 1874 again changed,
and It has since been known as "The Pcnn
sylvania Stato College.
The scone of tho institution, ns now or.
ganized, caunot be better stated than Ir
tho comprehensive words of tho act of Con
gross Itself, defining tho duty of this and
similar colleges.
The leadlnc oblect shall be. without ex-
cludinir other Scientific and classical
studies, and includlug Military Tactics, to
tcacli sucli branches ot learning ns are re
latedto Agriculture and the Mechanic rts
In such manner as tho Legislature ot tne
State may prescribe, In order to proraoto
tho liberal and practical education of tho
Industrial Classes in tho several pursuits
aud professions of life."
Tho institution Is situated in tho village
of State College, Centre county, neurly
twelve miles south-west of Bcllcfoute, nnd
about equl-distant from the extreme parts
of the State. Its position In tho midst of a
broad, rolling valley, with Muncy mountain
on the north, Tussey mountain on tho
south, and Nittnny on tho east, secures a
varied and beautiful landscape, and i
healthful climate.
A suecial act forbids tho salo of Intoxi
cating drinks within two miles of tho Col
leire. and all its surroundings arocxccptlon
ally frco from demoralizing influences, and
irom temptations to extravagance.
The main College building Is a plain and
substantial structure of magncslan lime
stone, seated on a pleasant elevation, aud
is two hundred and forty feet In length
eighty feet in avcrago breadth and llvo
stories in height, exclusive ot attic and
basement. Tho building is heated through
out with steam, and is furnished on every
story with an inexhaustlblo supply of puro
water from an artesian well.
Tho tract of laud ou which tho building
stands contains 400 acres. Ot this about
50 acres In tho immediate vicinity of tho
building constitute tho campus, with near.
ly 20 acres of the orchard, vineyard of
about COO vines, and experimental ground
ot moro than 30 acres.
Tho control of tho Institution is vested
in a Bourd of Trustees, consisting of twen
ty-thrco members. Tho ez.ojjicio members
nro eight in number, nnd include ofllclnl
representatives of the Interests of tho Com
monwealth. Thoy aro at present, Hon
Robert E. Pattlson, Governor of Pennsyl
vanla, Hon. William B. Stcnger, Secrc.
tary of tho Commonwealth, George W
Atherton, L. L. D., President of tho Col'
lege, James Miles Esq., President ot the
Stato Agricultural Ssolcty, Hon. J. Simp
son Africa, Secretary of Internal Affairs,
Gen. Presley N. Guthrie, adjutant general
E. E. Higbcc, D. D., superintendent ot
Public Instruction nndW. P.Tatham, Esq
President of Franklin Institute. Of the
other fifteen members, one third nro elected
annually nt tho Collego, ono by tho Alumni
of tho Collego and the other four
"by a body of electors composed of tlio
Executlvo Committee of tho Pennsylvania
Stato Agricultural Society, tho managers
ot the Franklin Instituto of Peuna., three
representatives duly chosen uy eacu coun
tv agricultural society In this Common
wealth. and threo represent!!
lives from each Minim: Manufacturing: and
Mechanical Association, not exceeding ono
In each county of tho Commonwealth, aud
which shall llko Agricultural Societies
have been organized ut least three months
preceding tuu timo ot election,"
It was for tlio purpose of attending thu
election or Trustees lor the ensuing year
that wo wcro appointed delegates by tho
Columbia County Agricultural Society,
Leaving Rupert on tho 4 p. in. train
Tuesday Juno 24th, took supper at thu
City Hotel, Wllllamsport, stopped at night
at the Fallon House, Lock Haven, took
breakfast at tho New BrockerholT House,
llcllciontc, nnd were thcro met by car-
riages from the State College, for which
place wo started at 8 o'clock, sharp, After
u pleosant drlvo through a beautiful agri
cultural country whore wo were greeted by
no farms, good stock, handsome build
ings, nnd beautiful scenery at every turn
tlio wcll-mado nnd well-kept turnpike
road, wo reached tho college at 10 o'clock
ml wcro welcomed by a military salute by
tho college students from two mounted
brass field pieces. Tlio plcasnro of wit
nessing tho military parade by the students
was forcgono for tho moro profitable treat
f n drlvo over tho farms In company with
Prof. Jordon, Instructor In ngrlculturo nnd
agricultural chemistry, and Mr. Patterson,
10 farmer, both genial gentlemen and well
posted in tho working of thu farms. Wo
wcro pleased to notice that thcro wcro no
poor crops of any kind on tho farms.
Thcro are 00 acres of wheat of tho Flltz
and Lonebcrry varieties, nil of which Is
very good, In fnct, the best we have seen
its season.
Tho corn and oats wcro above the aver
age crop for this season, and the grass was
thick and heavy. The farm lias no Inside
fences, except nround a grove and pnBturc
field, and tho dividing line of tho expcrl-
mental tract, and It Is frco from destruc
tive weeds and rough stones, showing
careful and judicious management. Tho
barns and stnblcs wcro models of neatness
and convenience. There Is but little stock
cpt In summer nnd thnt Is of the choicest
Guernsey and Jersey breeds. Scvcnty-fivc
steers .were fed on tho farms Inst winter
with n profit. Tho farming Is nil dono
with mules, two of which, Jack nnd
Coaly, helped draw the foundation stones
for tho- college, and nre still qulto hand
some animals.
Returning from tho farms the Alumni
dinner was tho next, and ono of tho most
cnjoyablo feat urcs of the day. Tho tables
prcad In the armory wcro soon surround
ed by over 200 persons nil anxious to do
ustlco to tho occasion by enjoying a plea-
sant time. After dinner the following
toasts were proposed by Gen. Francis Jor-
dan : 1st, Condition of the Farm : Mr. C,
, Forcsmnn of Wllllamsport, responded in
short complimentary address reviewing
the Improvement since ho had first visited
the institution. 2nd, What do our Fur-
mcrs most need to Know ? To this Mr,
John A. Woodward of Bcllcfonte, made
the following happy reply t "Just what
they can learn at Stato Collego." 3rd,
What kind ot education do our children
need ? The response to this by Mr. 8. R.
Downing was to the point nnd appreciated
by all present.
4th. Docs science help agriculture ?
Prof. Jordan In reply to this said, "science
is true knowledge systematized, there
fore the answer is obvious. Yes : science
hat helped agriculture, it helping agriculture
nnd Kill help ngrlculturo."
Mr. Jesse C. Atnracrmau was called to
the last toast of, the day, but had left the
room, and the Rev. M. N. Cornelius, of
Altoona entertained the company with a
few very pleasing and interesting general
remarks, after which the Hon. John M,
Grcgory of Illinois gave an interesting
sketch of the work being done in Europe
by Agricultural Colleges and what thoy
had accomplished and urging the absolute
necessity of America giving moro and bet
ter attention to this all-Important sub
His remarks were supplemented by'
short, clean-cut speech by Genrl. Jordan
who Introduced Dr. Arthcrton who provod
himself to be an ablo speaker and convin
ced all who beard him that his heart
In the work and that he was using bis best
efforts for the advancement of the Col-
After tho dinner the delegates met in tho
chapel for the election of trustees. Hon
Francis Jordan and B. W. Starkweather,
Esq., wero the Judges elected by the trus-
tees for the purpose of taking tho vote.
purpose ot taKing
On motion Dr. E. W. Halo of Centre
county was elected chairman of the con
vention and Cyrus Gordon Esq.. of Clear.
field aud II. V. Whlto of Bloomsburg,
Secretaries. The chair announced that th
trustees whose time had expired and whose
successors were to bo elected by the con
vention were Hon. John H. Orvls, Hon.
Victor E. Piolctt, J. II. Hartman, Esq.,
and C. S. McCormlck, Esq.,
Roll call of the secretary showed 47 dele-
gates present representing 10 counties. It
was decided to receive nominations to nil
the four vucancies and vote for them all at
tho same time, n majority vote being nee.
cssarv to elect. The following are the
nominees and the voto cast for each :
John H. Orvls, 20
S. R. Downiiur. 37
C. 8. McCorm ck. 10
Amos H. Mvlan.
Jesse C, Ammcrmaii, 6
John A. Woodward. 24
Victors, l'lolett. iu
Thomns P. Walker, 10
William O. Duncan. 0
The chair announced tlio vote and de
clared those marked with a star duly elect
Genrl. Jordan stated that the resignation
of T. J.' Edge, Esq., had been received and
accepted by the Board of Trustees and
that it would bo necessary for the conven-
tioh to elect a member to fill the vacancy
his term to cxplro in 1880, whereupon
George D. Stltzel, C. S. McCormlck, Jes-
C. Ammcrman. Thos. P. Walker and
Wm. A. Wallace wero nominated. No one
receiving a majority vote on tho first bal
lot, the chair declared no election. The
names of Stltzel and Walker wcro with
drawn and Secretary Jordan moved that
tho chair authorize the voto to bo cast for
Wallace. Mr. Hess of Clinton county ob
jected, and tho second ballot was taken
without an election, when tho namo of Am
merman was withdrawn and tho final bal
lot taken with tho following result, Me-
Cormlck 20 votes, Wallace 10 votes. The
chair declared C. 8. McCormlck elected to
tho'vacancy. No other business tho con
vchtlon adjourned after a session In which
each and every point was warmly but bar.
monlously contested, and all left thu hall
satisfied with the result.
Atter the convention, Prof. Jordan con
ducted a party through the building show.
Ing and explaining the Chemical Labora
tory and all other points of interest iu a
social, friendly way that will leave a last
ing impression and gain for him the friend
ship of all whom he met.
Tho courtesy and cordial reception of
Prof. Hamilton, the business manager of
the College, will not soon bo forgotten by
tho many who had tho plcasuro of making
his acquaintance
Dr. Atherton is one ot that class ot indi
viduals who aro gifted with a talent of
sociability that makes every person thoy
meet feel acquainted at once, and with his
happy conversational powers, combined
with n thorough experience iu his position
lio entertains nil who come within his clr-
clo and appears to feel a pleasure In doing
-caving tue college at 0 o'clock we re-
turned by tho same routo wo went feeling
that wo had been royally entertained, that
wo had learued much that would bo good
for all agriculturists to know, aud that wo
had enjoyed a very pleasant trip.
Very Respectfully,
Sampki. Camp, ) n, ,,,
H. V. Whits. Ugoto
WOLF KEI.OHNER. At Mlllllnvlllo,
Juno 14th, 1884, by Rov. J. P. German, Mr.
S. II. Wolf, to Mrs. Angellno Kclchner,
both of Mlllllnvlllo, Pa.
A. A. Zaner, of Audubon, Iown, Is lying
very 111. His brother, O. P. Zaner, started
out to see him on Monday last,
Centre ToirtiHliln Hnndax School
Tho fourth institute nf the Centra town.
ship Sunday School Association was held
on Saturday, Juno 21st, Iu n pleasant grove
on tho river's bank, near the school housu
in which Webb's Hun Sunday school Is
held. All ot tho expected speakers wcro
in attendance. Of tho topics discussed an
Impottnnt ono was "Tho Duly of Teaching
Benevolence, nnd that a certain fixed part
of that which comes Into our hands should
bo set asldo for the Lord's work." Another
Important subject wns "Worship In tho
Sunday School." This, It was stoted, Is to
bo n leading topic In Sunday school assem
blies of tho near future. Tho Sunday
school scholar should bo taught reverence
for tlio Sunday sciiool ns a placo whero
God Is. They should also be taught to
havo reverence for tho exercises. Tho
person who leads In prayer should use
words so simple that all understand, and
mako the prayer so short that tho youngest
will not ;wcnry. Tho following officers
wcro elected for the ensuing year: presi
dent, I). W. Campbell) secretary, A. W.
Spear treasurer, W. II. Hess ; executive
committee, A. W. Spear, A. Frederick, N.
L. Campbell. The tlmo fixed for the next
meeting Is January 1885, and tho place
Centre Lutheran church.
A: W. Si'KAit, Scc'y.
l-'uriu for Hnle.
1G0 acres threo miles from Bloomsburg
west, in fine state of cultivation; buildings,
fruit, &c. Apply to Dr. J. R. Evans,
Bloomsburg. G-27-3w
A neat present civen away with everv
purchase mado at the Popular Clothing
tore ot uaviu iiowcnucrg.
Tho undcrsicned Is sclllntr J. J. Allen'
phosphates as cheap ns tho cheapest. Differ
ent grades and different prices. Call or
address, HARVEY E. HEACOCK, Anent,
Llghtstrcet, l'a.
June 10-0w
Gentlemen who want a spring suit put
up in CITY STYLE should call nt tho
Dloomsburi!. David Lnwcnbcri! who, em-
New goods at J. B. Skccr's.
"Tho apparel oft nroclalm'g the man."
A well dressed ccntlcman is tho admira
tion of all, and tho place to get your
RELIABLE STORE cf David Lowcnberg.
'When found mako n note of."
Tho placo to bo for vour snrimr clothlnir.
a stylish hat, or a fine ueck scarf, or the
latest stylo in furnishing goods is at David
A very largo
lino or straw hats now on
view. NOBBY, NEAT nnd NEW. lust nr.
riven at uaviu iiowenucrg's.
Lougn when billion's uuro win give you
immediate relief. Prlco 10 cents, 50 cents
and $i. aoui oy juoycr uros.
is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
uyspepsia. rrlce IU and 70 cents per bot
tle, X or saio oy Aioycr tiros.
At times symptoms of indigestion are
present, uneasiness of the stomach, &c, a
moisture like perspiration, producing
Sf a , g' VlX. '
ling itch-
tho Piles. Tho effect is immcdiutc relief
upon tho application of Dr. Busanko's Pile
Remedy, which costs you but 50 cents nnd
is soiu oy u. a. ivlcim. July lu-cow
A lncttlnr nnd frjurrnnt nprfmni' l'rlpi. 9..1
and CO cents. Sold by Moyer Bros.
Wllllamsport, Pa., Dec 21, 1883.
John II. l'helps, Scranlon Pa.. Dear
Sir I feel It my duty to inform you how
much good you have done 1110 through
your Khcuiiintlc fcllxir. 1 Have been a
very bad sullvrer with lnllamm ttory Hheu-
lnatism tor over two years, nan 01 the tune
not able to wniK wuiioui crutches or canes.
I havo used three bottles of your Rheuma
tic Elixir. I pronounce myself entirely
cured of rheumatism when all other reme
dies nnd treatment failed to civo relief.
And I am In better health now than I have
been for years. I hope vour circulars with
tueir wonucnui testimonials, will reach
every sufferer with that terrible disease,
rheumatism, and may encourage them to
give the uncumatic uuxir a tnoronsii trial.
1 can recommend the Rheumatic Elixir
with great confidence.
1 am respcctiuuy yours,
J. 11. Aknold.
For sale at Hendershott's Pharmacy.
jiioomsuurg ra.
Free with each bottlo of Shlloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Sloyer
As wo como to them they nro received.
borno with, nnd pussed over with no more
than a thought, if we are in tho enjoyment
of health, but If suffering with Piles or
skin disease of any kind they magnify a
iiuuurcu loiu. u. a. Kiemi, mo Druggist,
has Dr. Rosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn
absolute cure for any affection of tho kind
aud is sold for SOceuts. July 13-eow
of Bourbon, Ind., says 1 "Both myself aud
wifo owo our lives to Shlloh's Consumption
uure." Bom uy Atoycr iiros.
is that all who havo used Law's Bluing find
it tar excels inuigo at a mucii less expense.
It Is used for bluing and blenching, also
for coloring rag carpets it is uiiequaled.
Each package retails for 15 cents, nnd
makes ono nuart of bluing strong enough
for ink, which Hows from a pen equal to
the best writing ttuid. It is guaranteed to
glvo satisfaction or money refunded. For
sale In Bloomsburg by Henry Klelm, D,
Creasy, C. O. Marr. S. A.Wilson. I.
iiartman bou, u. id. & J. lv. Lock art!
nd by dealers generally.
okoup, wuoomo oouaii'
nnd Bronchitis Immediately relieved by
i r t. 1 . . w -
Diuiuii a vuic. cur saiu uy juoyer uros.
As a general rule tho uso of wine Is not
necessary for youne: or adult persons In
good health, breathing country air nnd not
exposed to ovcrworK. As however life
advances and the circulation becomes lan.
cuid. natural red wlno used In moderation.
becomes au essential article nnd iu mnny
cases absolutely necessary but It must be
tne pure products oi inourane. And even
In the Eustern States the physician meets
largu numbers of town people, especially
women, who cannot digest the food and
drinks suited to ouUloor laboring peon e.
in such cases uiey resort to tlio beverage
of ten which gives rise to a distressing dys
pepsia. Tho wines Introduced In Now
Jersoy, especially tho Burgundy aud tlio
rort urapo wines irom Alfred Sneer's
Vineyards, at Passaic. N. J., aro tho more
reliable and most sought after by those who
iravcicu una Know wnai wines aro.
Alfred Spccr, Passalo, N, J,
Dear Sir. I havo used vour Socialite
Claret and your Port Wlno In my practice
wnu (rem sausiacuon.
Very truly yours,
For sulo by druggists,
A positive euro for catarrh, diphtheria and
caiiacr moutii.' doiu uy toyer iiros.
made inlscrublo by that terrible couch.
Shlloh's Cure Is tho remedy for you. For
sale uy id oyer uros.
Sco a woman in Another column, near
Bpccr's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Bpccr's Port Grape Wlno is made,
that is so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, tor thu uso of Invalids, weakly
persons nnd the nged.
boiu uy i;. a. Kiuim, uioomsmirg.
'Hnvo tried Thomas' Ecleclric Oil for
croup and colds, and find It thebest remedy
I havo ever used In my family." Win.
Kay, 010 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
For latno back,
sldu nr chest use Shltoh's
Prlco 23 echls. For sale
Porous Plaster.
by Moycr Bros.
If O, A. Klelm. the DriienUt. docs not
succeed it is nut lor tne want oi tnitn. no
has such faith In Dr. Uosankn's Cough nnd
Lnng syriiD ns n remedy forCouchs. Colds.
Consumption, and Lung Affections, that ho
Kivi-9 iiuiuc iruu iu uui'ii nun uvt'ry imu wuu
is in need oi n medicine oi mis Kind.
July 13-eow
Hllll-Oll' UU1IK YtlLt.
Immediately relievo croup, whooping
cough nnd bronchitis. Sold by Moyer
True, you nre tn n miserable condition
you nre weak, palhl, and nervous, l oil
cannot sleep nt mum. nor cniov vour wnu
Ing hours j yet, why lose heart ? Get nt the
(irueirisi's a unuiu ot ni rdoci; moon im
tcrs. They will you to health and
pence oi mind.
WHAT 1)1!. K. lh'UUAM SAYS.
Wherever Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir hns
been tried here it has given satisfaction.
i ours, tve,
N. ING It A.M. M. 1).
Blossburg, Pa., Jan. 11, 1883.
For snlo nt Hendershott's Pharmncv
Bloomsburg Pa.
rti economy is wen 1 1. An womnn
rcnlly practices economy unless she Uses
tho Diamond Dyes. Mmy pounds can bo
saved cverv venr. ask vour iirinrcist.
Only 10c. Simple to use. Well, Richaid
son & Co., Iliiriliv'ton, VI,
"Yes. that's sadlv so." said Jenkins, "mv
hair is turning gray and falling out before
Its time. Use something ? I would, but
most Iinlrrestnrursaru uanacroiis." "True."
answered his friend, "but Parkei's Hair
Balsam is ns harmless as it Is effective. I've
tried it, and know. Glvo tho Balsam
Bhow aud tho boys will soon ston cnUinc
you "Old Man Jenkins." It novcr falls to
restore the original color to crav or fnded
hair, ltlchlv nurfumcd. nn i-lm'nnt dress.
Ann otner lamous women havo won a re
putation for facial beautv. A llnu com
plexlon makes one handsome, even though
tho face Is not ot ncrfect mould. Ilunloek
Blood Bitters act directly upon tho circula-
non, nnu so give tue BKin it clearness and
stnnouincss otherwise unattainable.
Bethlehem, Pa., July 3, 1882.
Mr. John II. Phelps. Dear Sir Please
send me threo dozen Phelps' Rheumatic
Elixir soon as possible. I havo sold nil
had. Mr. D. J. Godshalk. editor "Dallv
Times," Bethlehem, Is taking it. He says
l could tell my customers It is the "boss"
medicine for rheumatism.
Yours, etc.,
E. T. Meyeus, Druggist.
-I'or sale nt Hendershott's Pharmacy
Tl , I T 1 '
uiiHiiusuurg ra.
owes It to herself nnd her family to take
care of her health. When she finds her
health failing, nnd debility and weakness
undermines ner strength, her surest and
best remedy Is Kidney-Worti It builds up
iiiii general neultn. Keeps tue secretory svs-
tern In perfect order, reculates tho Kidnevs
and Bowels, and enables these important
orcans to perform their natural functions
in throwing off tho accumulated Impurities
oi tue uooy.
Hcadquarters for D.
havo just received the finest lot of
Liqljx fEAjEfs, JlawErs m Self BifloErs
ever brought to Columbia county. For light draft,
sccona 10 uoue. ivery uiacume is
for all tho old and new machines, so that If you
Farmers do not be deceived
before making
m&mm&m & h&ssrt, Agents,
efliciont agent
in tlio
Should be read in every School District of the Union
For real live missionary work among thu people, hero
Will bo sent to any nddress for fivo mouths, ombruciiic the entire purioil of tho
Presidential Campaign, for FORTY GENTS.
Ur, ttie Daily and buuday
100, 108 and 170 Nassau St., Now Yoik City.
0-20-1 w
ft B. mOBMIS
F&teigm ami BommMo
Wheat per bushel
.... 1 05
uyo " " !
(lorn " " 'mi .v.....
Oats " " !...
, 40
ft 00
,8 00
- 00
13 00
3 00
Hour her barrel
KggStI,!,. i. ...
Tallow iu,,1.1
Potatoes i
Dried Apples... a................... .,.......
Sides nnd shoulders
Turkeys ...... ............... .,....'... ....
i.aru per pound...,
Hay per ton
Buckwheat flour per hundred
Hides ner lb
6 to 7
Veal skins per lb 03
Slice) pelts, each 75
Wool per lb 30
Philadelphia Markets.
rKCI)' Western winter bran, spot, 13.M.
MACKKHi:i Kxtra mess 35c. larso l's, 88 aoe.
extra f horo lSJ S8c.
VLOUH. W'entcrn extra's 3.00 M 3.H01 pcnn'n.
family, 4.S0 (H.7S Ohio clear, 4.75 (A 5.40; wluler
patent 5.75 t 0.60.
HYU I'rlino Pennsylvania 70 (4 73c.
I'OH.V, (vm bushels In grain depot atOJC.
OATH. No. 3 WhitO SStf N0.8, 39.M
HAY AND STItAW '1 Imotliy choice Western
and New York, 117. fair to good Western ond
Now York, 11.(4 15. : medium WVstcrn and Now
York, 11. (4 PI. ; Cut hay as to quality 14. (4
Hyo straw 10.50 n, 1T.OU Wheat str.iw, . a 10. Oat
straw lo c n.
WOOU-Ohlo, Pennsylvania and West Virginia,
Flecco Wtoliod, XX and above, 81 8So i X82(4
810 i common si t sue, Texas, Spring clip lino SO w
Si, medium su A sieoarbe, HH4 17.
Wins. Pennsylvania extra, I8tf & lnwcstcrn
l?Jv is).
IiUttkil Pennsylvania extra, 31 Western
extra sum si.
, 1.1VK I'OULTTtV.-Vowls liens, 13 mixed
lots lsc. reenters old I c; spring chickens as
to M?o and quality UJw Sj.
nitllSSKt) 1'OUl.TltY. Turkeys extra 10 17cts.
chickens extra 10MI7; (spring chickens as to
wt'Uht and quality s-ii-'k).
ruTATOKN. mrly lKHpper bushel, 43 n 50 and Hebron, M jt 00. New potntoiw (3. to
to 5 00 per barrel fur lair and good. Culls 11 00 a
ON10NS.-llermuda, per crate, 11.33 a 1.4a Cab
bage, new, per Mil, f no n 3 00. Tomatoes, Flori
da, pcrerato, choice, ripe, 11.00 a S4 ; Uo, fair to
da, (rood, -75 a'JOo. Squash, Charleston, per crate,
50.1750. Cucumbers, Charleston, per crate, tlal 50.
Dean, Charleston nml Savannah, round, pvr
crate, ti a sssj do, North Carolina, per a bbl,
ii a s 50 i Uo Nortolk, per a bbl, J3 00 n 4 00.
letters testamentary In tho estate, of John
Oulnn, Sr., late ot Catawlssa, Columbia county,
l'a., deceased, have been granted by tho lteglster
ot said county to tho undersigned executor. All
persons having claims ngalnst said estate aro re
quested to present them for settlement, nud thoio
Indebted to tlio same to mako payment to tho un
dersigned without delay.
JunSO-Cw Kxecutor.
Tho Directors of llloom School District will hold
a meeting on Saturday cv'ng.luly is nt which tlmo
tho teachers and Janitors for tho ensuing year will
bo selected. All applications, to receive consider
ation, must bo handed to tho .-ecrctary on or be
fore that day. l'KTKK JONES,
at Secretary.
Letters of administration on the estate of K. T.
Kleld, late of contralla, Columbia county, l'cnn
sylvnnla,have been granted by tho of said
county to tho undersigned Administratrix. All
persons having claims ngalnst tho estate of tho
deceased aro requested to present them for settle
ment, nnd those Indebted to tho estato to make
payment to tho undersigned administratrix with
out delay.
No. 113 ltlcumond St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
W. HitvsoM, Atty. Administratrix.
July 1-0 w
$1.50 A YEAR
M. Osborne & Oo's.
durability and simplicity the Osborno Machines are
luny ,wurrauicu. 'i ney also Keep a
break down In tho middle ot Harvest they are prepared
but be sure to cxnmlno the
your purchases.
givut work of Government Rc-
vo is your op-
issues for tho same timo for $3.00.