The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 04, 1884, Image 1

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Tle dolttn1bikr.
LOMBIAN, Consolidated, '
lniil HVrlilr, nrrry Ifrlilny Morning, nt
at two not.t,ARfl per yoar. To fmbicrtbcrs out of
tlio county tho terms nro strictly In advance.
Jf"Nj piper discontinued ecopt at tlio ontlon
of tho piiulithnra, until nil nrrcamSos aro paid, but
Bony continued credit will not lo Klvcn. '
All papors Hont out of tlio stato or to distant post
oljloos must ba p.i d for ln advance, unless a respon
sible person in Uolumbla county assumes to nar
tlio subscription due on demand. au"11"3 w m
iiue county.110 10nif'!ro',acted from subs:rtbrs
oolnplotol anj our Jotmrntlni WU com'p'iro Mvor
Uly with that of tlio lanto cltlSs. All work dono on
snort notice, noatly and at moderate prices.
IK 8M !)W
Cm It
t r on ts o i
ism urn
1100 18(10
1,1 UO SO 00
1510 SSOO
2500 MOO
One Inch. tarid tiw run
Two lliCllCS....,, 9(10 4 011 510
Thrcr inches 4 m BOO
Four Inches Kim 7i
7 no
Ounrler column., dim Bt
in on
llaimolumn iom lino 17 (i
onecoiumn suuu woo
DOU WOO 10000
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient advertisements must bo paid for beforclnfen
r d except whero parties have nccounts,
fcal advertisements two dollars per Inch to
thrru incerttnns. nnd nt that rhto for additional
I Insertions without reference, to length.
three dollars. Must bo paid for when nsertcd.
Transient or Local notice, ten cents a line, tegu
lar advertisements halt rates,
I Cards In the 'llaslness Directory" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
(Hf If 1 4 f iff 1 It f it ft
o.iuo orsr 1st. N.itioau lunk. 1,loomsbu
L ' ATL'OittflSY-AT-LAW.
nil 1 1 i 'i uii in.
UtnousBima, I'a,
n ,i. . jj.cuiH.v.
lll.OOMSnUIlfl, I'A.
o.IlM owr 1 n N.ittnn d li mk.
Ui-oomkiiuim, l'A.
Oitlca over Moycr llros. Drug store
onico In Hrowor'a bulldlnff.sccond noor.rooin No. 1
Bloomsburg, I'a.
Bloomsburg, l'a.
omco corner of Ccntro and Mala StrsotB. Clark s
Can bo consulted In German.
Nkw Colombian Btrunwa, Bloomsbursr, l'a.
Mombor of tho United Btatos Law Association.
Collections tnado In any part of America or Eu
rope. pAUL E. WIRT,
Ofllco In Columbian Boildino, Itoom No. second
floor- .
onico la 1st National Hank building, second lloor,
first door to tho left. Corner of Main and Market
stroota Bloomsburg, Pa.
Pensions and Bounties Collected.
J It. MAT3E,
onico In Malzo's building, over Blllmoycr's grocery.
Olllco in his buildm;.; opposite Court House,
Siul lloor, Hloomsburg, 1'n. pr 1U '03
omco In Nkws Iibm building, Main street.
Momber of tho American Attorneys' Assorts
tlon. , ,
collections mado In any part of America,
Jnckson Building, Booms 4 nml G.
Catawlssa, l'a,
Ofllco.coruoroi Third and Main streets.
Altorney-atLitw, Berwick. I'.i.
C'n lie Consulted In Gorman.
ALSO FtltST-al.AS3
OUlco Urst iloor below tho post ofllco.
Ci. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law
. ofilca lu Broker's building, Had Btory.Hooms
" B. MoKELVY, M. D.,8ur!?eon anil Phy
. it:liu, nortli sldu Main streot.bolow Market
I j. FRITZ. Attorney-at-Law.
. , lu Coi.umdian Building,
owing M.icbtaes and Machinery of all kinds re-
airti'i. urani uocsi uuuaing, moomsourg, r
otuce, North Market street,
BloomBbuie, i'a
rR. WJI. M. REBER. Surceou and
U I'Uyslclan. onico corner of Itock and Market
1" R. EVASS, M. D.. Surgeon and
f) . rhyslo to, (umco and Itoaldenco on Third
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranteo as represenieo, tbbth
id witoodt I'A in by tlio use of uas, and
free of charge when arlWclal teeth
are Inserted,
onice over Bloomsburg Hanking Company.
lo be open at all hours during the (foj
Nov. ss-iy
IIOMK, 01' N. Y.
pi:oi'i.K.s' n. v.
These dill coni'OHATiosg am well goasoned by
agoandniiKTisTKiiaud hava never yet had u
loas Bottled bv auv court of law. Their luuets aru
all liivested In solid skcviiitiks are liable to tbo
hazard of Mux only,
Umocs I'houituv nnd uovrsTLY adjusted and
paid as soou as determined br CmtiariAN r.
Thonconleof Columbia countr should natron
IB tho ugency where losses It nuy aroBCttleU and
Hiu uy uuuui inuirown eiiuens,
mmI I'iij lor Au-fiil. 8100 In taoo irr
iiiu.iimilrfti'llliiu iiirlJriiiilrik lllalui'j',
f'uiiiountiiiil Iliilllfaorillptt iil-lil
Ills lu J, '. .Hrl UKlj V I II,, I'lilUilvlA-lilu, l'A.
mar SS-i y
simis in
Are Offered .it
G. A. Buckingham,
Berwick, Pa.
April !Mm
l i wm, M. 1.
Medical Superintendent of ths Sanitarium.
Invalid's Ilomei
Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Devotes special a.tentlon to Epilepsy,
Nervous Affections, and Diseases of Women.
Patients received at tlio Sanitarium on
reasonable terms for board and treatment.
P. S. No charge for first consultation,
apr 7. '8'i
Near L & B Depot, Blooms'burg Pa.
Manufacturer of First class ranges It)
different ftylcs, cook stoves, parlor stoves
and stoves for heating stores, school houses,
churches &c. Largo stock of tinware) una
stovo repairs, such as grates, flro brick, lids,
Oct 20 tf
The Science of Life. Only SI
Exhausted vitality. Nervous and Physical Debil
ity, l'rt'inaturo Doclina in Man. Krrors of Youth,
and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscre
tion of excesses. A book for c ery man, young,
mlddlo-agcd nnd old. It contains 1S5 prescriptions
for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of
which Is Invaluable. So found by tho Author, whOso
experience fors-'J years Is such as probably never
belore fell to tho lot of any nuyblclan. 800 pugcu.
bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed
rrtveisi. full Mir. eimranteeil to bo a nner work In
overy sense mechanical, literary and professional
than any other work sold In this country for t-'.W,
or mo moucy win uo rciuuucu in every lu&uiuuu.
Prlco only 11.00 by mall post-paid. Illustrative
sample 6 cents, fiend now. Gold medal awarded
tho author by tho National Medical Association, to
tho omcers of which ho refers.
Tho science of Ufo should bo read by tho youn
for Instruction, and by tho anilctcd tor relief. It
will benont all toiiiJon iMimt.
Themis no member of society to whom Tho
Sclenco of Uto will not bo useful, whether youth,
parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman. .ir
gunaut. Auarvssuiu i-eautwy .iieuicai uisuiuie, ur m
V. II. Parker, No. 4 llultlnch street, Boston, Mass.,
who mav bo consulted on all diseases rcnulrlng
skill and experience. Chronlo and obitlnato diseas
es and that have honied tho j T.T f Bklll of
niinitipr I n'Rininii4 a hthi i I'm j ciaiii.
Suchtreaiedsuccessfulfnri VCI?I I?1;,
without an Instance of Lll 1 k)Jjljl1 f"H
ure. jicniion uus paper.
North American of Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania, " "
York, of Pennsylvania.
Hanover, of N. Y.
oueens, ol London,
North llrlllsli. of Iindon.
omce on Market filreet, No. S, Illoomsburg.
oci,i, v-iy
street. Uloomsburff. Pa.
Jtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. ti,078,9W
lioyai or Liverpool u,5w,
Ijincashlro 10,000,001
Klre Association, Philadelphia 4.165,110
l'hamlx. of London S.M8.3T6
London & Lancashire, of England., . , l,Tus,910
Hartford of Hartford s,173,o:o
sprlngtield flro and Marine 2,uiJ,5W
Ab tho aiencles are direct, nollclcs are written
for the Insured without any delay In tho
ofllco at Illoomsburg. Oct. is, 'si-t
The undersigned having put his Planing Mil
on iiauroaa ntreei, 111 nrst-cioas conuiiiou, is pre
parea 10 ao nil Kinus 01 worK 111 uis uuu.
furnlsnca at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and noao but skilled workmen
are employed.
furnished on application. Plans and snocltlca
nous pruuieu uy un experieuceu urauKumiuau
niooiiiMiiiu-pr, i'a
1 bouk, Ni edition. Nw WnJIuttJ.-Nfl illubtuiiom
I (ram dentfiu, bupcil'ly KwKeu uu. bin low tUt,
AJruJ to H belli f iiht. Aycnii Mng U
ever iiuml A('1y now
liiuuLi(V.GAtti(iirfeN & Co., W North itli St, I'Uladel
I Aijoilief 'ru4 new Uwki u4 Utile,
li M Medical M on Manhood
AH contestants for tho 2r promlnms nfjeregat
Ing ntiovo amount, oUered by Illackwell s Iiur
ham Tobacco Co., mutt obscrvo tho following
coudlllona on which tho premiums nro to be
awarded: All bags rnmC bear our original
Hull Durham label, U. H. Revenue) Stamp, and
Caution Notice. Tho bags must bo dono up
necurely In u package with namo and addresi
of sender, and number of bags contained plain
ly marked on tho outsldo. Charges mint bo
prepaid. Gmfcilelosei IfonnihtrSOth. All pack
ages should bo forwarded December 1st, and
rnmt reach us at Durham nof later (Ann Decern
lerltlK No matter whero you rcsIdo,c:id
your package, advlso us by mall that you havo
dono so, and ttato the number of bags sent.
Names ofiucccMful contestants, with number
of bags returned, will Iks published, Dec. ZI, In
Ponton. Herald) Hew York, lleraUlt Philadel
phia, Timet; Durham, N. C, TotMeco lHant;
New Orleans, Timet-lfemocrat: Cincinnati, at
tmireri Chicago, Daily A'eui; San Praucuco,
Chronicle. Address,
ULICKWILI.'S DtmnAH Tobicco Co.,
Durham, N. C.
Every gcnnlno package has picture of Bull.
3-b'co our next anuouuccmcut.'ft
Match 91-tt
Health and Jjappiness.
Aro your Kidneys disordered?
"Kidney I'Mnitflit mo from my Rravp, an It
wero.uricrth-! Krn iflrpnupby I3lcit ilwtorulu
IV try it." iU V, iKTvi imx, ilfchaiilc, IoaJa, Mlcti.
Aro your nerves "weak?
m"KIJnojr Vit curod nui t mm nervmu wiaknpKs
JtC.nfttr ! w ni.t ciikm tct to tlr,"-Mrs. M. U, 11.
UtHNtwin, Kd. Vhvtttiait Monitor Ck-Tilaiid, o.
Havo you Bri&ht's Disease?
Kidney Vrt vurvd mo when my nntcr vu Jut I
j v nuifc uuu tuvii llttu uinnru "
Franle WUion, rcl)ody,MMS.
Suffering from Diabetes?
vi Juvy-Vot t li tli mobC tucifit I remedy I h
CTtr ustd,
i Liito I
vr. I'uuup c. uuiiou, jjoukton, vi.
Havo you Liver Complaint?
"Kldney-Wort curert mo vt chronic LlTcr DIbomm
after I imjod to die,"
lloniy Ward, into Col. CSth Kat, Guard, N.T,
Is your Back lame and aching?
'Kidney .Wort, (1 bottk) urcd mo bcu I woao
laiiio 1 Lad to loll out of ltd."
C. WTollmapp, Milwaukee, WK
Havo you Kidnoy Disease?
"uldticy.W ort mftdo m-i hound in liver and kldntyi
rft:r ye in n( utnncnfiil tin lorincr. Its worth
tiuubux." Sam'l Uodgos, WllUiuiutunll, Welt Ya.
Aro you Constipatod?
'Kidney Wort eaue ca-y efleuatlona and cured
iu after 10 j tors mo of other mod I Pines "
h'rlion Kalrclilld, bt. Albans, t.
Have you Malaria?
fIr(nT.Vort ItfM rtnnn tuttir ttmn nv ntlier
Ulirx almnc inunetHAto rvller."
remedy I liar o ever uaod lii my rroc(lre."
it, i.. th, L.iLLrK( ovuiu uvru, fc.
Aro vou BiliousP
H "ICIJney.Worth.i8 donme moro good than any
P other remctlj 1 haw fei taken."
All, Vi A, umiwnuj iii Vl ItUUi
Aro you tormonted with Piles?
"Kidney-Wort tunmintntlii eurtd mu of tlot-Ulng
piles. Dr. W,(J, Kit no recommend d It to hip."
Ueo. II. II urn t, Cashier M, loik, 2J yen town, F.
Are you Rhoumatism racked?
"Kldni-y-Wort curoi me. afier I wan c1lii tip to
(Mo by physician and I had mfCond thirl eam."
UbrUb'Q Malcolm, Wcat Uatli, Maine.
"Kldmy.Wort eured me of iniullar truuUte of I
ev(.rulyLarstiiidfiih'. Hany fnendunpoand oruNu I
iw aim. u. uimortaux, mo la koiw, m.
If you "would Banish Disease
i and gain Health, Tako j
Tub blood cleanser.
Spnug Without Blossoms.
Headers of Ilawtliorno's "IIouso of Seven Ga
bles'' will recall tho pathos with wlilch poor Clll
ford Pyncheon, who had been unjustly Imprison,
cd since Ills early manhood, said, alter his re
lease, : "My Uto Is gone, and whero Is my happi
ness? Oh! giro mo my happiness." Hut that
could be dono only In part, ns gleams ot warm
sunshine occasionally (all across the gloom ot a
New England autumn day.
In a letter to Messrs. IIIscox & Co., Mr. I. H.
Titus, of Pennington, N. J., says : "I have suffer
ed untold misery from childhood from chronic dls
easo ot tho bowels nnd dlarrhoja, accompanied by
great pain. I sought relict at tlio hands of physl
clans of overy school and ued every patent and
domestlo remedy under I ho sun. I have at last
found in paukeh'S tom lu a complete specinc,
nreventlvo and cure. As your Invaluable medi
cine, which did for mo what nothing eUo could do,
Is entitled to tho credit ot my getting back my
happy days, I cheerfully and gratefully acknowl
edk'o the fact,"
ivir. . o. neus, who iiueus iiutiuruuutuuu lu me
3onls of Jersey Cltv. adds: "Iho testimonial of
,lr .Titus WL'enulno and voluntary: only ho does
not adequately portray tho suffering ho has en
dured for many years. Ho Is my brother-in-law,
and I know tho caso welL Ho is now perfectly
free from nis Ota irouoics ana enjoys ncaiui ami
Hie, o-scrlblng It all to l'AUKKIl'S TONIC.
organs i cures nil ailments ot the liver, kidneys,
ana au uiaeaics 01 uiu uiuuu.
for tho working class. Send 10 cents for
UUmU valuable box ot sample goods that will ,put
" vnu In tho way of m.ikliiL- moro money In a
lowuaysinan you over tuuugiiv ikjijiuioul uuy
you. You can work nil the una
only. Tho work Is universally!
ousiness. uupiitii uul miuirti
We will Mart
or In spai-o tlmu
tdapted to both
I'aslly earn from
boxes, young ana oiu. ion cai
W cents to every evening. That all who want
may test the business, wo make this unp.irnlled
offer ; to all that are not well satisfied wo will send
U to pay for the trouble ot writing us. Full parti
culars, directions, etc, sent free. Fortunes will bo
maao by those wnogivo ineirwnoioiirae toino
work, (ireat success absolutely suro Don'tdelay.
Start now. Address Htinson SCO., Portland,
Maine. rcc al-l
Um M0i Inslilulo,
n'hB house Is sneclallv fitted un for tlio comfort
nf invniifin whodeslrua and Christian
homo, stands on high ground with plenty ot
shade, rersouai attention given 10 every patient.
Electricity ana uaivanism in meir uwereui. iiiuui.
niniinnan.Biwlnlltv. l'rof. Mills has irlven many
years ot btudy and practlco to this brunch, and
hundreds will testily to his bkllL
send for circular, stating what paper you saw
thlslu. l'HOF. HUNItY MILLS,
.mis. auui. nu..uii jiii.i.-i.
Lock ltox 07. lllnghamton, N. V
Sept. 7 '83-1 y.
How Watch Cases aro Mado.
Most persons havo an ambition to carry
a jolil watch caso, nnil yet fewpcoplo know
how a watch enso Is made, or tlio vast dlf
fcrcncolnthonualityof them. In a Solid
Oolij Watch Case, asldo from tho neccs
eary thickness for engraving and polishing,
a largo proportion of tho metal is needed
only to stilleii uud hold tho engraved por
tions in place, and supply strength. Tho
surplus is not only needless, hut undeslra
hlo, Lccausogold Is a soft metal and cannot
furnish thoEtiflhess, drengthand elasticity
necessary to mako tho caso permanently
etrong and closo-flttlng. Tho perfect watch
rase must combine gold with soruo metal
that will sunnlr that in which the cold U
deficient. Tills has been accomplished by
the JdmM Jlots Uoul II alcA L"1fatjgjuit
which saves tho wastk ofni- fik 7
lets cold, and iNcnnA8Wthe solidity and
Bli'.DSQTll of the case, and nt tho eatuo time
reduces tho cost one half,
ti.l t tt .Hup I. X.l.toM W.lik tut Ti.tirl.i, rulf
4ilpkl l',far bBiUN lllu,lral.4 rvackltl.kff.Uik.w
Iuih Uwm w4 l,;ilw Mttih l'w kri u.J.
(IV U conllnutd)
So tho gold lias come Jim's got tits duo,
Tlio gold ho talked nnd dreamed about,
That should always have been disown ho know
Hut a qulbblo of law had kept him out.
It's come at last, and It seems so strange,
I wonder now how wo shall feel,
How bhall wo bear tho marvelous change,
Never to worry about a meal.
lie must havo a coat that will keep out rain,
And curra and shirt Ironts whtto as milk j
And I'll havo n gown that will rustlo again
Fancy Jim Maberlcy's wlfo In silk t
Anil Charlie why tho stuff's not wovo
That will lu too bonnlo and rich for the la I,
Wo'll wrap him round with our wealth like loe,
Ami m.tko nil his life so bright and glad.
He ll gro? tpilto rosy and stout of limb
With purer air, and warmth, nnd bub,
Wo mustn't mind what wo do for him,
For there's only ono left to us now only one.
oh, Jenny nnd Dick, why didn't you live
Just tilt wo found this wonderful gold 1
We gnvo you tho best wo hnd to give,
And you died of hunger and want and cold.
I know you'ro safo with God nlwvc,
I know ou never feel grlct or pain,
And I ought to bo glad but oh, I'dlovo
To hold you both In my arms again-
Oil, darling, It you look down hero
And seo Httlo Cliarllo so grandly dressed,
Whllo your poor lives were so blank and drear i
Don't fancy that mother loves him tho bust.
I half begrudge his childish Joys ;
Why should ho havo what tho others lacked
Food, and warmth, and clothes and toys
Whllo they with fever and pain were racked t
Well, I musn't murmur, It seems so wrong,
For Jim was growing sullen and mad,
llelng kept out or hl3 rights bo long ;
Injustice makes n man feel bad.
Wo must do our best with our well-filled pur&o
In tho new strnngo Ufo that's Just begun ;
Only ono left I Well, It might bo worse,
Hut It seems so sad only ono only ono I
Ono evening, about two years ago, I
went to spend a couple ot Hours witu
mv dear old friend and neiirlibor, Mad-
amo do Lorccrel. Aware of her ex-
trcino fondness for flowers, I took
with mo a bunch of yellow roses, her
especial favorites. On this evening,
as on many another, I found her with
an old gentleman, who had about a
year before como into that neighbor
hood to take possession of an adjoin
ing property, left him by a distant rel
ntivo on condition ho would change
his name to that of Dcscoudrais. I
was quite iealous of the intimacy that
soon had sprung up between him and
my dear old iriend.
On the evcninK in nnesuon thoy
wero busy over a game of "tric-trao."
entered soitly so ns not to oisturb
them, and waited until tho game was
over to present ray roses. Madame do
Lorgerei's faco was brightened with
genuine delight, out to my astonish
ment, Monsieur Descondraies became
most strangely abstracted and thought
ful. 'Would you believe it, my friend,"
lie said, at length, ''thoso flowers havo
ovoked, as if by enchantment, a whole
epoch of my youth. For a few mo
inents I was again twenty years of
are and in lovo with a woman, who, if
living, must now bo fully sixty years
old. I will tell you tlio whole story,
ono that influenced my whole after
life even now, when old age has left
mo barely energy enough to play at
nc-trac, tho remembrance ot my
youthful lovo fills mo with emotion.''
"Uver lurty years ago, inst alter 1
had loft college, my father, without
consulting me, sought to obtain a post
for mo in a certain regiment quartered
in the little town of X , for which
place I received orders to depart at
once. Tins was distressinj' news lor
more than one reason ; I had no
necial love for the armv. thoiiL'h that
objection was no great one, as at that
time of my life tho inero sight of a gay
umtorm, or the sound ot martial music,
sutliced to iiro my ambition into be
coming a Ctusnr or an Achilles. But,
worst of all, 1 was in love, and dared
not tell my father, whoso answer, I
knew, would havo been an order has
tening my departure. Fortunately, I
lad an uncle and what an uncle! H
that timo he was as old ns I am now,
though still retaining all tho vigor and
freshness of youth. Ho was tlio con
fidant ot our follies, loves, debts and
aspirations. I went to hnn :
"Uncle, 1 am most unhappy.'
"I bet twenty louis you aro not 1"
"Ah, unolo, do not nest besides you
would loso your bet."
'If I lose, Ji pay. l'orliaps that
might help to console you."
'Hoi money has nothing to do with
my wretchedness. Father has just ac
cepted a lieutenancy for mo in tho
"A misfortune, indeed I Tho uni
form is most becoming, and all tho of
ficers aro gentlemen.''
"lint, uncle, X do not wisli to be a
"Not bo a soldier! Aro you a cow
ard, by clianco i
"I do not yet know, undo : never
theless, I know you are tho only man
might daro doubt my courage.
"Well, lad, my boy, what is your
pbjectioii'to tlio army T"
"I wish to marry.
"Monsenso or no nonsenso, 1 am m
"And you call that n mlsfortun'o! I
wish I wero in lovo myself. Who is
"Oh, unolo I an angel 1"
"Of oourso I know that before
thoy always are angels. What I ask
is to what namo your angel answers
when they call herf
"Humph 1 Naomi mny bo cnoiiKh
for you j but I would like to know
what family this angel belongs."
"Slio is a Miss Amelot.'
"Indeed 1 Then sho is truly an an
gel. A tall, graceful brunette, with
dark eyes, soft ns velvet. I approve
your clioico. '
"And it you but Know ncr
"I do know her. Does sho lovo
"i do not Know."
"What I not know 1 You aro nn
worthy ot me. At her iinuso every
evening, and yet not know If sho loves
"ono does not ovou know ot my
"Pshaw 1 Httlo you know about it
Sho know you loved her at least fif'
teen minutes beforo you know it your
"What I do know, at all ovenU, is
.that I will dio if sho bo not iniuo I"
. , c-r.i 1 ml I
"Wii, noi ooitiy my iioy. ahuiu
nro ninny tenuous why slio should not
lo vourg. Your father is far richer
than hem, and would never consent to
the match."
"Ill that cast', uncle, I know what I
will do"
"Nonsense! Do nothiiif,' silly. Lis
ten to me. Vou cnmiot marry nt
"Why not f"
'ltccatitiu I do not wish it, and with
out me this murriaiic can never take
Oli, dear uncle, 1 bee "
"If tho girl loves you, and is
If alio
to wait tlirco years
"Three years 1"
"Peace, or I shnll say four,
is willing, then, to wait threo
you will join your regiment "
"un, unolo r
"But not this one. I shall havo yt,u
exchanged into ono quartered within a
few miles, and you may conio home
for three months every year until the
term of probation is over.''
"Well, if it must be Hut how
shall I know if she loves mo V
"Why, ask her, of course."
"Oh.'l should never dare."
Well, then, obey your father, and
pack off at once."
"Ah, ulicle, you do not know Naomi.
A hundred times have I tiicd to do
claio my passion ; I havo even com
posed speeches, and learned thcim by
lieart , but at tlio moment of speaking
my courage wanes, and each word
chokes me. Her expression is so
sweet, but yet so grave. Tho man
wOi thy of her is not bom 1 Writing
was useless. When my effusions weio
penned and ready to bo sent, their ut
ter foolishness struck me so forcibly
that I was at pains to tear my notes
into small pieces."
"Nevertheless, you must mako up
your mind to speak at once. Your
father has not told you all j ho scuds
you to Clermont because his friend,
tho colonel's daughter, is destined to
become your bride. It would indeed
be a good match no protestations
all this is as nothiui;, it you aro really
in lovo with Naomi. Lovo is folly
but is a kind of folly I should regret
novor having been guilty of. Old peo
ple may call it nonsense, but perchanco
the nonsense is theirs. If tho girl
loves you, vou must saorifico all for
her 'tis stupid, maybe, but right. AVo
must first ascertain if sho loves you,
and now is tho timo, for they seek to
marry her. Ah, ha 1 that makes you
hudder and crow pale 1 1 ou loni; to
havo your rival at sword's point, as we
used to say in my young days. Well,
courage ; faco your beautiful Naomi.
If you are richer than sho, her intend
ed husband is richer than you, besides
having a title and beiog quite ready
for tho ceremony ; her trousseau is
oven being made. You aro not pre
pared j go to her, declare your love
she knows it, but one is always ex
pected to mako tho declaration. If
sho loves you sho must, for yon aro
handsome, young and clever. If she is
willing to wait, write mo so in a letter
which I may keep ; then I will pre
vent this other affair, Ret your ex
change, and in threo years marry you
to Naomi in suite of your father in
ipito of tho devil himself I"
"Unolo, 1 havo an idea.
"Well ?"
"I will write to her."
"Very well."
After leaving my dear iinelo I set
about writing that note. Tho writing
was no difficult matter, for 1 had dono
it a hundred times before; tho puzzle
was how to give it her. However,
there was no timo for indecision, so I
soon mado up my mind, and haviui;
purchased a bunch of roses, I slipped
my declaration in among tho flowers.
I still recall tho words of that nolo.
After doclaring my passion, I besought
-Naomt to lovo mo a littlo in return,
and to wait threo yeais forme. If
she consented, 1 asked her, as a sign,
to wear ono of my roses that oveninc,
Then would I daro to speak of my of
our tu'.uro plans. '
Mi! you hid that uoto in tho bo
met?" breathlessly interrupted Mad
mio Lorgerel.
"Yes, inadame."
"And then T"
"Well, Naomi woro no flower that
evening. 1 was desperate, and m my
misery sought to take my life. My
good undo took mo to Clermont, stay
ed llicro two mouths, and did all in
his power to distract my thoughts
from Naomi, declariug she never could
tiavo really cared lor me. '
"But uncle," I used to object, "she
always seemed so pleased to seo mo,
and reproached mo so gently when I
camo later than usual."
"Women seek the lovo of all
but caro for very few."
At length 1 succeeded m banishing
.Naomi s imago trora my lieart.
married tho colonel's daughter, who,
eight years later, left mo a childless
widower ; my dear undo has ueen
long dead, and I am now alono in tho
world. Would you bolievo it my
friends 1 often to this day think of
Naomi, nnd sho is still to mo, though
now quite an old lady, tho Naomi of
mv storv mv first lovo a tail. rr.Kn,
ful girl, with auburn hair, nnd, so my
unoio used to say, uiacK velvet eyes
"lou know not what became of
"No, raadarao.1'
"Then your namo is not "Descou
draies 1"
"No : that is tho n.mio of mv
u ii
clo's estnto ; mine is d'Altheim.''
"I know it. I"
"Why 1 how I"
"I will tell vou what bennmn nf "Kurt
mi sho loved you."
"Hut too nolo the roses r
"Sho nover found your note. Your
sudden departure cost her many bitter
tears, nnd thou sho married Monsieur
do Lorgerel. '
"ji. do Jorgerel 1"
"Whoso widow I am."
Then vou you aro Naomi Amo
"Yos i just as you are. or rather, a
you aro not, tho Kdmond d'Altheim o
my youtu.
"To think wo
as strangers 1"
should meet ono day
"Yos, aud then onlv to play nt trio
trao. '
"The roses'"
"Are hero. I always kept thorn.''
And Madamo do Lorgerel, with
hands that trembled slightly, drew
from an ebony cabinet, near by, tho
withered bunch of yellow roses.
"Unfasten them, quiok 1" oxolaim
cd Monsieur Desooudraies. Sho did so,
nml thoro among tlio flowed, now al
most Just, found tlio nolo, whoro it hnd
lain concealed for two-niid-forty year.
San Francisco Argonaut.
Horseshoes for Luck.
"Tho nrincinal catewav at Allaha
bad is thickly studded with horseshoes
every hizo and make. There aro
uudreds of them nailed all over tho
rt al gales, doubtless tho offerings of
many a wayfarer who tins long since
finished his earthly pilgrimage. Wo
could not lind out what was tho oxact
lea connected with tUU custom
irobnbly much tho samo notion of luck
as wo attach to finding a horseshoe,
xpecially onu with tho old nails still
n their place. Wo afterward noticed
that tho sacred gates of Som-
ath, preserved in the Fort at Agra,
aro similaily adorned. It reminded us
t that curious old manorial rito still
ept up at Oakham, in Rutlandshire,
hero every peer of tho realm is bound
the first titnd ho enters tho town to
ircsent a horseshoe to bo nailed on tho
old portal, which is well-nigh covered
with these lordly tributes. It Is said
that in caso any contumacious peer
should refuse to pay this tax the au
thorities havo a right to stop his car
liayo nnd levy their black-mail by un
shoeing one of tho horses. To avert
so serious an annoyance tho tribute
Hhoo is generally ready, porno being of
iiormous sizj and inscribed with tlio
namo of tho donor. Whether these
iastcrn horshoes were taxes or offer-
ngs 1 cannot tell, but it certainly is
,'ory curious to observe how widespread
is tho superstitious reverence attached
to this particular form. It has been
suggested, and apparently with sonio
cason, that m ancient pagan limes it
may havo been a recognised symbol in
serpent-worship, nnd hence may havo
arisen its common uso as a charm
against all manner of evil. The resem
blance is obvious, more especially to
that species of harmless snako which is
rounded at both ends, so that tho head
and tail aro apparently just alike, Tho
creaturo moves backward or forward
it pleasure ; hence tho old belief that it
actually had two heads and was indo
structible, as even when cut into two
parts it wns supposed that the divided
leads would seek one another and re
unite. It stands to reason that in a
snake-worshiping community such a
creature would be held ifihigh rever
ence. Jiven in Scotland, various an
cient snako-liko bracelets and orna
ments havo boon found which seems to
favor this thcory,and at a very early per
iod botli snakes" and horseshoes Becm to
have been engraven as symbols on sa
cred stones. We hear of tho latter
laving been sculptured not only on tho
threshold of old London houses, but
oven on that of ancient churches in va-
ious parts of Britain. And in tho
present day wo all know tho idea of
luck connected with finding one, and
how constantly thoy are nailed up on
houses, stables, and ships as a charm
against witchcraft. In Scotland, all
parts of England, and Wales, and es
pecially in Cornwall, (whero not only
on vans and omnibusus, but sometimes
oven on the grim old gates of the old
an,) wo may lind this curious trace ot
uicient superstition. Whatever may
mvo been its oritrin. it ccrtamlv is re
markable that it should survive both in
Jritain and Hindustan. The Gentle
man s Maaazinc.
Books Made of Olay.
Far away beyond tho plains of Mes
opotamia, on tho banks of tho river
iigns, ho tho rums of tho ancient city
of Ninevah. Not long sinco hugo
mounds of earth .md stone marked the
place whero tho palaces and walls of tho
proud capital of the great Assyrian
Umpire stood, llio spade, hist of tho
Frenchman, then of tho englishman,
has cleared all the earth away and laid
bare all that remains of tho old streets
and palaces whero the princes of As
syna walked and lived. Tho gods
they worshipped and tho books they
read nave nil been revealed to tho
wondering world. L no most curious
of all the curious tilings preserved in
this wonderful manner aro tho clay
books ot iNiiioveii. Tlio clnet librar
of Nineveh was contained in tho pal
aco of Konyunjik. Tho clay books
which it contains aro composed of sets
of tablets covered with very small
writing. Tho tablets aro oblong in
shape, and when sovcral of them nro
used lor ono book, tho first lino of tho
tablet following was written at tho
end of tho ono preceding it. Tho
writing on tho tablets was, of course,
dono when tho clay was soft, nnd then
it was baked to harden it. Then oaoh
tablet or book was numbered and as
signed to a placo in tho library with
corresponding number, so that tho li
brarian could easily find it, lust as our
own librarians of to-day number tho
books wo read. Among these books
arc to bo found collections of hymns
(to tho gods), descriptions of ntumals
and birds, stones and vegetables, as
well as history, travels, etc. Tho As
Syrians and Jiabyloinans wero great
studenw ot astronomy. The method
ot telling timo by tho sun and of mark
ing it by tho instrument called a suip
dial wns invented by tho latter nation
in ono ot our modern clocks and watch
es can bo compared to tho sun-dial for
accuracy, indeed, wo havo to regu
ato our modern inventions by the an
ciont Babylonian system. 'I'lnters
1 ho following nro said to be tho
seventeen American inventions of
world-wide adoption : "Tho cotton cin
tho planing machine, tho grass mower
ami roaper, tuo rotary printing mess
steam navigation, the hot air machino.
tlio sowing machine, tho India rubber
industry, tho machino manufacture o
uoisuoes, tuo sunn biasi ior graving,
iiiu gauge lame, tuo gram elevator, ar
uiici.ii ice making on a largo scale, th
electro magnet in its practical annlica
lion, tuo teiopliouo aud tho muit julop.'
. .i . . . . I . .
What promised to bo a pure lov
matoh was broken off tho other day
wut'ii a piiiiiiueipuia man uiscovuroi
that his intonded bridu had used four
us in muiting a pie wueu eggs wero
forty-livo cents a dozen. After worry
ing uuuui, it jor a weeu no conclude
that n woman so extravagant won!
bankrupt him in hvo years.
Asowlng madiiiiongoiit was recently
uuui-iii'ii uy ii uereucaiamouni, near Alii'
ford. Strange as it may nnncar tho cat
amount escaped without boing struck
wuu uuu oi tuo innciuucs.
Tnlmage's Stirring Advice,
At the Commencement exercises of
tho Pierce Col k go of Business of Phil
adelphia, last vveek, Ho v. T. Do Wilt
Taluiago of Brooklyn, gavo tho follow
ing good advice in his own pcouliar
ays Hu was chid to find tho uradu-
ating class composed of young women
us wuu iw men aim wis lieu inero wero
more women in business. It would be
batter lor tho merchants of tho coun
try if they would introduco more
omen into commeicinl Ufo. No man
had over yet committed n dishonorable
act, hnd absconded or forged notes
ho had first consulted with his wife.
Ho advised tho graduates to concen
trate their lives in one direction to
choose au occupation and stick to it.
s a general rulo the best mason sticks
lo his trowel, tho carpenter to his piano,
tho lawyer to his brief, tho minister to
his pulpit, the fireman to ono locomo-
ive, tlio navigator to ono shin at n
time, tho professor to ono department.
Tho mighty men of all ages have been
men ot ono occupation Thorwaldsen
as a sculptor, Irving as a writer. Kolh-
child as a banker, 'Forrest as an actor,
liruut'l ns nn engineer, Koss ns n navi
gator and Punch as a joker. Somc-
mes a man is prepared bv Providenco
for some great mission. IIuoli Miller
climbed through tho quarries of Cro
marty to his high work, but generally
by thirty years of ago a man or woman s
occupation is decided and thero will bo
uccess in that direction if thoroughly
"It docs not matter,'' said Mr. Tal-
mage, , what you do, so far as success
is concerned, if you do it to tlio best of
your ability. Brandieth mado a for
tuuo out of pills, Adams by express
age, VanNess by harness, Cooper out
of gluo and Jcniicn out of hats. Con
tractors make fortunes by manufactur
ing shoddy, merchants bv nuttinc sand
n sugar, beet-itiico in vinecar. cliicorv
in coffco nnd lard iu butter. Aro you
merchant, you will find a swoon for
tho energies which absorbed a Brunei
and a Lennox. If a lawyer, Uiero is a
scopo for tho heighti and depth of in
tellect ot a Marshall, n JlcLain. a
Story and a Kent. Aro you a physi
cian, then you canVaste but little timo
outside of a profession which was tho
pride of a Hush, a Harvev. a Cooper
and a Sydenham."
Chicago Oheek.
"May I havo this seat J" sho asked
f tho genteel-looking drummer whoso
baggage was occupying it.
"1 don t know ma am, ho auswered
politely. "It belongs to tho railroad,
you know, but I'll seo tho conductor,
and maybo ho can give it to you,"
alio grow purplo and said :
"You don't understand mo. I mean
can I take it V
"Well, I don't know that, either.
You seo it is fastened very firmly to
the car floor, and would bo troublesome
to get up ; however. I'll havo a car
penter to como on board at tho next
station and ask his advice."
"I don't want to tako the old thing,''
she howled. "Is this your strap on
it ?"
No'm," blandly answered tho
rummer, "tlioy belong to tbo tirm I
travel for."
"Well, can 1 sit down here," she
finally screamed, after shifting from
ono foot to the other.
"I don't know, madam : 'you aro tho
best judge of your muscular powers."
Whero do you travol from T sho
"Chicago," ho replied,
"That settles it," sho said meekly :
'will you pleaso movo your valise and
permit mo to occupy a small portion of
this seat V
"Certainly,'' ho replied, why didn't
ou say uuu at nrst 7
I he train sped on, while ho sat
couuliug up his expenses, and sho won
deiing if Chicago cheek had any equal
turner tuo sun.
The Two Interesting Operations Performed
on a Hospital Patient.
There was performed at tho Phila
delphia Hospital last week tho second
of two curious surgical operations.
Early in January Anthony Weaver, a
forty-vear-old Swiss carpenter, was ad
mitted to tho hospital, sintering from a
tumor in the throat. Whilo tho tu
mor did not prevent tho reception of
liquid food breathing was almost im
possible. To relievo the stricture
tracheotomy was performed, au inci
sion being mado in tho trachea and a
tubo inserted, 'through this tube tho
patient has breathed for nearly six
months. Hecently a new complica
tion appeared. An unlooked-for im
pediment in tho throat prevented tlio
passago of oven liquid food into the
stomach. In this emergency a consul
tation was held by tho staff and Drs.
,i annoy, raucoast, White. Porter nnd
ltoberts performed what is known as
gastrotomy. An incision was mado in
tho abdomen nnd tho abdominal walls
and tho stomach wero sowed together.
Into tho incision a silver tubo was in-
sorted. Goodwill bo passed into tho
man's stomach through tho tube. The
caso has attracted considerable atten
tion and tho result of tlio latter opera
tion is awaited with considerable in
torcst by physicians. There Is now nt
tho Jefferson IIoBpital a woman upon
wuom mo samo operation was success
fully performed several weeks ago. If
she dies, it will bo from the tumor and
not from tho effects of tho operation,
11T1 . .
workers in ornamental wood now
assert that yollow pine, hard finished
in on, is tuo rival in ueaiuy ot any
wood that grows, not exoeping the
costliest of tho hard species, it being
susccpiioio oi receiving niut maintain
ing ns mgii a tiegreo oi pousn as any
known wood, whilo, when impregnated
wuu on, is almost ltuicsirtiotlb o. in
such a condition it is impervious to hot
greaso ami oiner substances that leave
an ineffaceable- stain upon white pine,
mapio uuu various oilier woods.
ii uas been stated, and some sports
men will no doubt bo sorry to hoar it
that a fishing polo has been mvonted
that registers ovory fish caught. This
will do away with all fish stories, inas
much as tho angler with a polo that
doesnt register will always bo regard
cu wuu suspicion.
ticorgo hlliot's letters, soon to bo
published, aro said to abound with per
sotial touchos describing nerBonauei
whoso names nro iu every one's mouth
i his means that ho has written about
A Eetura of Confidence After the Election,
and Consequently Better Times,
Willlinm II. Vandorbilt, who was
interviowed a day or two ago on tho
business outlook said i "After tho
Presidential election is over wo shall
havo a return of oonfidoilcn and consd-'
qiicnlly better times. I know lots of
people who aro foolishly converting
their nsscsts into money and placing it
in their boxes in tho safo dejioiit vaults
wlicro it can earn nothing, instead of
investing it in securities of known vnl
uo at tho prevailing abnormal nnd pan
icky prices. It is nil a matter of con
fidenco. Why, I know ono instnnco of
a man who has stored a lot of specie
in his house mid hnd a burglar alarm
attached to nil windows nnd sleeps with
a rovolvci under his pillow. Ilia sec
ond night's oxperienco proved a ludic
rous one. Ono of tho family camo in
lato, and not knowing how the burglar
alarm worked, set it off. Out comes
tho pistol of my friend nnd ho bnngs
away, hitting a valuablo mirror and
creating a panic in the household." Mr.
Vnnderbilt, however, keeps his own
vault carefully guarded, nnd it is be
lieved that his slumbers nro not as
sound as they might be.
All About the Mosquito.
Somebody, writing about tho mos
quito, gives a sort of sketch of its hab
its, as follows : Just about this timo
of tho year tho mosquito reaches ma
turity, and is entitled to nil tho rights
of American citizenship. Thoso who
havo mado a study of tho bird tell us
that it is born in April. It spends ils
infancy preparing for tho .battlo of life.
During tho first month of its oxistenco
it lies in complcto idleness, giving n
chnnco for its claws and stinger to
grow and for a copper lining to form
over its stomach, During the second
month it indulges in athletic exercises
and in cultivating its voice, and at tho
end of tho month is ablo to fly in thir
teen diHeront directions nt tho samo
timo and to sing like n, lark. It spends
its third month testing its stinger on
tho railroad track, nnd when it is ablo
to plungo the instrument of torturo in
to tho iron, spread it and pull out a
piece of iron witli it, the animal is ready
for notivo business. Its modo of at
tack is a treacherous one. It hovors
about tho back of your neck until it
gets everything in shape, then it darts
around the corner, and with a wild
shriek sinks its stinger into your face,
and although you claw at it immedi
ately it is gone, together with a gill of
blood and a big piece of your skin.
The Weapons of the Soudanese
Harry Menges, who should bo an au
thority, sends tho Cologno Gazette a
dissertation from Aden on tho various
weapons employed iu tho Soudan.
Both kinds of spears aro thrusting
weapons, not javelins, and rarely used
as such. That of the maratimo tribes,
who composed Osman Digna's forces,
is about six feet long. In tho districts
round Kordofan it gives way to a long
lance, nearly threo times tho length.
But, of course, the two-handed sword,
which is often tho heirloom of genera
tions, is the mosl universal arm. Herr
Menges, it is pleasant to find, believes
in tho comfortablo tradition that sever
al of these havo been hauded down
from tho Crusading times, which un
doubtedly supplied tho model. But
tho majority of the blades unquestion
ably aro exported from Solingen, fa
mous for foils. Tho shields aro of
hide, and are always considered proof
against spear thrusts, and, therefore,
certainly against tho quick snatch-and-recovery
now in vogue with the bayo
nets, instead of tho lutigo home. Pall
Mall Budget.
The miller who has mado use of ver
min powers, steel traps, and bull ter-
lers, aud lias yet tailed to rid his prem
ises of rats, will bo glad to know that
a contributor to a recent number of
Chamber's Journal drove away a large
colony of these rodents from an ancient
house by tho following simplo expedi.
ent : no trnppcd two rats alive, smear
ed them all over with tar, tho head ex
cepted, and then turned them looso
uto their favorito run. It is to bo pre
sumed that tho victims wero ablo to
mako their unpleasant experiences
known to their companions, as we aro
assured that from that day in 1875 to
the day of writing in 1888 not a single
rat has been seen or heard iu tho
house. It should bo added that beforo
trying a personal application, tho wri
ter had poured tar into tho rat
holes aud put broken glas in the samo
places without any good result.
A now material for window and oth
er draperies is an imitation of Cordoya
leather, with very largo handsomo do
sign on an oatmeal ground, like wool,
n warm, sott colors, 'lhis a'so an
swers exceedingly well for panels,
cither ou tho wall or on tho dado.
By experiments on iufectcd hams.
Messrs. Mignon and Totiard hnvo pro-
-i. .-r..i , i
veil iiim incuuao may uo renncrcu en
tirely harmless by exposure foi au hour
to a cold of four degrees below zero
novel that tho heroino's beautiful faco
colored with pleasure," remarked,
"Now I know what's tho matter with
my nose."
A woman always carries hot nurse
in her baud so that other women will
see it; a man carries his inside his pock
et so that his wifo won't seo it.
"Can you tell mo what timo it is?"
asked a lady whilo waiting in a bank.
"No, no i I am not tho teller. Next
window, please."
Au Italian journalist, describing tho
American girl, says sho is like cham
pagne. Yes and this is tho year for
her to "pop."
Chineso barbers shavo without lath,
er. This reminds us that our old
Bchool master used to lather without
"It's so quiet iu tho. country,'1 said
Joues, that I havo often lain awake
at night and listened to tho bed-tick-)"
Never wash tho feet m warm water,
except lust beforo retiring. Cold water
with a Httlo ammonia or salt dropped
in, is inuoh pleasauter and moro healthful.
Hogg, Lamb and Bacon.