THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BEOOMSBmi'COUMKl'A'-'COtJN'rY, PAT The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., l.MUDAY, JUNli 27, 188i. Cim-ucl ItullWmtl Time Tnlite. Ult.v Icljilii.i & It. It. lcavo Itupcrt 80UI1I. 11:53 0. in. 0:13 p. m. o Ac W. It It. lcavo llloomsburic Trains on llio as follows i NOllTll. ruin a. in. MM p. in. .Tralnsonthol). I. ai ioiiowsi SOUTH. SOUTH. 7:ft1 a. in. 8:58 a. ni. I H17 iu in. 11 :M a. m. tun p. in. 4:30 p. in. Tlio 8.48 a. in. train connects at Northumberland with IhoiKU train on I'enniylvanUroid, reaching rniiaucipnia nv o:iop. in. Tlio 11:5.1 train connects Willi rnlladolphla and llcaumg roau nt uupcri. rcaciiing riiuauui pma at u:w p. in. Mr. 0. K. Wclllvcr of Morris, Tloim county, nml Miss Calllo Itatib, daughter of William IlubU, wcro married nt tliuicsl. ilcnco of Hit brhlo's parents on Wednesday nftcrnoon nt ono o'clock, by Hov. V. V. Manliart. A number of relatives and friends wcro present. May good luck ever attend tlio the happy couple. Ira T. Clement lias it gang of men at work nt Espy, Columbia county, digging load ore. Ho Intends going up In n day or two to examine tlio mine nnd maku some Improvements. Mr. Clement intends Duell ing the lend business for nil It's worth. It hasn't been worth much so far, but the darkest hour Is lust before the dawn. Sun&iiry Democrat. Tlio 11:M train connects with Pennsylvania road nl":S3p. in. at Northumberland at 1:50, reaching Philadelphia The 4:3D I), m. train connects with Pennsylvania ro id at Northumberland at 8.05 p. in., and reaches Philadelphia ut U;3 a. in. n Trains nntho N. &W. 11. Hallway pa,u Dloom Kerry as follows I NOllTll. SOUTH. Il:ii7 n. in. 18K)1 p.m. 0.30 p. in. 4:15 p. in. Notice to CorrcHitotulciitH. la order to savo many communications from tho waste luikot wo mako tlio following suggestions to loail corroipond jntst Uso only ono sldoottho shoot, and wrlto ai pialn as powlblo i glvo only tlio local news that Is of mmo Interest to tho com- raunlty, such ai accldeun, Improvements, mar- rlajjj, (lsatm, mmcr relating to schools and churchoi, bailnon enterprise clunjoi otrojU djno, anl tho like. Walt apimr to bj Joios at thooxpijuuof other), anl persjnal mjnllon glv las only ono n mi or lultlaHora nlcknain?, will natbj prlntoi under any circumstances. Such Itonuolton glvooffen, thoujli nona may ba In tended. Tiij full nainj ot tho writer muit always ba glvon, bat will not ba prlntoi unlejs ro (nested, tf William Hrysnn, cnndlilfito for Assembly, wns born In Mlncrsvllle, Schuylkill county. He litis resided In this county tho past 22 years, nt Ccntralm. Ho was educated at tho Normal School, nnd rend law with the Hon. C. It, lliickaluw, Ho wns elected lteprcseutatlvo two ycara ngo, and now asks for n rc-nomlnatlon. His brother James wns District Attornoyot this county Jlr. Hryson's ngo Is 30 years. Last Saturday while l'arvln Kilo and David Lewis wcro looking nround on the North Mountain near tho head of Hear Run, they sat down on n log torcstnwhllo, when they saw n largo black bear coming toward them. Fortunately, they had n gun nnd Kilo drew up and shot the bear between tho cyc9, killing It Instantly. Ho was n fine fellow. I'nriu for Hnte. 100 acres llireo miles from llloiiinslnirg west, In flno stnlo of cultivation buildings, fruit, Ac. Apply to Dr. J. It. Kvnus, llloomsburg. 0-27.3W Model Hclioot I'.xlillillloii. Normal Hall wns well filled Inst Monday evening by the friends of tho Model School children. Tho cntertnlnment passed ofT very satisfactorily, and tho children ills played careful training on the pnrt of thdtr from t10 text "And they tat bo wise shall teacher, Miss Hrowster. Tlio first part of 8blnc as tho brightness ot tho firmament, TIIH NORMAL HC1IOOI.. Coiimieiicctiiciil Week, Tlio exercises of Commencement Week began with tho preaching of tho Uaccalau. rcato sermon In tho Lutheran church last Sunday evening. Hov. Joel Bwnrtz, D. I)., of Gettysburg, wan tho preacher, nnd tho church was thronged with listeners. Tho school marched to tho church In n body, headed by tho Senior clasa wearing neat badges. Tho sermon was an nblo one, tho programme consisted of music, in which tho orchestra, Helen Hnruian, Prof. 2llcs and Mary Thompson took part. Pnrt second was "Tho Rebellion of tho Daisies." The sunflowers, elated nt bolng prounouueed by Oscar Wilde tho most beautiful of llowcrs, mako prisoners of tho king mid rpiccn of tho daisies. Tho daisies narrowly cscapo being mowed down by tho farmer and his mon, their captors being in turn captured by a num. bcr of esthetes. King of Sunflowers Frank Miller. Queen of Sunflowers Loulso Jamison. King of Daisies Harris Curran. Queen of Daisies Clalro Whltmoycr. Chief of Police Frazlcr Mann, llotanlst Mclvln Sliullz. Farmer Wade Hartman. General Daisy Will Lnwenbari:. Sunflowers, daisies, farmers. luUhctcs. detectives. To 8ittserl!icrrt out of tile Htiite. Hereafter all papers mailed out of tho stato must bo paid for strictly In advance, 1.75 it year. Wo havo to pay postage on them and In several instances wo have lost not only tlio postage but the prlco of the paper. Tho dato on each paper shows up to what tlmo It Is paid, and It will be stop- nml nt tho oxolratlon of tho tlmo unless paid In advance. Sclf.protcctlou compute U3 to adopt this pin n. tf lfor Hale. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 25 acres of land In Hemlock town- ship, partly cleared, balauco well timbered. A farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp. For terms nnd particulars apply to Geo. . Elwcll, llloomsburg, Pa. fob. 29-tf. Jonas Mann, of this town, died of lock jaw on Sunday night. About two weeks ago ho assisted In raising a barn for John Whllenlght mid wns lilt on the hand with a stone. The wound healed rapidly and gave him uo trouble. On Saturday his jaws commenced growing stiff, and on Sunday night ho was n corpu Tho wound lid received on his hand, although n slight one, was evidently tho cause of his death. Tho Chautauqua movement has been ex tended to include the young folks, who al ready have a "Heading Union." They are now to have an illustrated periodical ot high character, which will be issued in July by thu publishers of tho far-famed II idc . I unite magazine, D. Lothrop & Co., Uoston, who will send It free for two months to any of our readers who may rctpiest It. XcrHotutl. Mr. J. II. Llnclo of Bollefontc, spent this week hero with his family. Miss Hessle McKclvy lias returned from boarding school at Chestnut Hill. C. W. Scott, of Wllllamsport, registered nt tlio Exchange on Wednesday. 13. Dallett Bowers is visiting '.friends and relatives in town. William llrvsoiiEsn.. was In town this week looking up lils constituency. niinrlps llnrtsch of Mauch Chunk, Is vis Itlng bis brother, George, this week. Miss Georgio Gearhart of Wllllamsport, is tho guest ot Miss May Sharpless. Miss Lilian Barton Is entertaining her friend Miss Eva Hutchison of Kingston Miss Minnlo Stcwnrt is spending the week with Miss Campbell, at J. II. Maize's Miss May Dean 6f Danville, is visiting Misses Annie and Ida Bernard. F. B. Hartman spent Sunday in Hughes ville with Ids friends. Miss Marlon Wilbur of Bethlehem, is visiting at Dr. McKelvy's. Mrs. Soverccn of Canada, is tho guest of Mrs. M. C. Sloan. Mrs. Dr. Blddlo of Ashland, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Buckinghom. Miss Lizzie Staver of Jersey Shore, is visltlnz her brother. J. M. Staver, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frymire. B. P. Vuiinatta is in the olllco of Bradley, Garrltsou & Co., publishers, of Philadel phla. Ills address U 00 North -lth Street, Elmer E. Dunn, lias accepted a position In the tnllorlmt establishment of Ganger & Son, at Milton. He went over on Monday, Miss Anna Jamison is spending the sum nier with her parents here, her school term having closed. Mrs. Harold Hodgers Is spending tho summer with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Fuustou. Miss Sadio Colloy of Kingston, n gradu- ato of tho Normal School In the Class of '82, Is attendinc Commencement. Sho is tlio guest of Mrs. B. F. Zarr, while here. Col. Freeze was elected as one of tho lay delegates from tho Diocese of Central Pennsylvania to tho Federal Council of the P. E. Church, at tho recent convention at Heading. Tho Sanitarium is rapidly till ing up with guests. It is a delightful placo to spend tho summer. George M. Loekard, candidate for the Democratic nomination for member of tho Legislature, was born in Briarcreek town ship. Ho worked at Jackson and ood- In's shops In Berwick for 15 years, and taught school for five terms. In 1872 lie moved to Bloomsburg, whero ho has since resided, extensively engage In car build ing. Ho has held several local olllces but was never a candidate for county otllce. His ago is -19 years. He Is a married man. From alt that wo can learn tho candi dates for county olllccs aro making a cleaner canvass than has been made for some years. The practico of treating has fallen olT largely, and the stock of cam. palgn slanders docs not seem to bo as large a3 in past years. The feeling that every man should stand on his own merits, and not depend upon what lie can say against his opponents, has grown among the people, and it is probable that the nominations this year will be made by tho voters at the delegate election, and not by the wire-pullers. Water was turned into the sewer pipe at the Normal School last Friday to ascertain whether there was fall enough to carry off the sewage. Owing to the dirt in the pipe it took some time for the water to work its wav down to Market street, but after this was washed out, thu water ran wltli considerable rapidity, showing that there will be no dilllculty so far ns the fall is concerned. Men aro now at work on the trench from the railroad to the river, and the sewer will probably be com pleted by fall. Georgo A. Herring, candidate for Coun ty Treasurer, was born at Orangevllle iu 1831. He lived there until about 18 years of age, ami then worked in Bloomsburg for four years. Spent some time iu tho west. His present business is farming, and clerk to the County Treasurer. He was engaged iu boat building at Lime Hldge for 5 years, followed tho mercantile business in Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, for 12 years, and tho tanning business in tliis town for 5 years. Ho was never a candidate for county olllco here, hut was Treasurer of Schuylkill county in 1871-2-3. Has been elected President of Town Coun cil several years. His ago Is CO years. He Is a married man and has thrco children. Centre Misses Ida and Lllley Bower nrc visiting friends nt Orangevllle. Mrs. Ellas Heller of Wapwallopcn Is the guest of Mrs. Win. Hess. Farmers are commencing to make hay, Steward Henry of Flshlngcrcck drove through Centre on Sunday. Mr. H. V. White and wlfo spent Sunday wltli his fattier. Tho delegates gave a full report of tho convention held nt Webb's Hun Juno 21. Thanks. The farmer's favorite song is i "What shall the harvest be ?" Some of the young men have contracted to Import nnd export letters to foreign hv dies. The boys think they are the cheap est boarders. Miss Burgess from Carlisle is visiting Indian boys through the county. J. S. Hagcnbuch Is Improving his house by building a veranda. Francis Hess lost a very valuable farm horse. Mrs. Wm. Fleckcnstlnc and Mrs. Cole man from Orangevllle were visiting in Cen trc on Sunday. Elmer Jlears of Itupcrt is spending vn. cation with Chas. Hidlay. Ho Intends helping through harvest. Hawkkyb. Tho best dirt-proof watches made can be seen at L. Bombard's Jewelry store. Btlllwiitcr. Mr. William Hunslnger has purchased a lot of T. II. Edgar and broken ground for tho erection of a house thereon. Mr. Wm. Stoker is engaged in the ercc tiou of n large shed lu connection with his other buildings. William Is ono of our most tasty farmers and believes in having things comfortable and convenient. Sirs. J. J. Karns has the most lovely roso hush In this vicinity. It Is a twining rose, only three years old and has 1400 r and buds on It. Who can beat It ? Mr. Jerry Stiles, who has been farming for Daniel McIIcnry for some time, will start for Kansas with his wlfo and daugh ter next Tuesday, wlicro ho expects to make his future home. We nrc sorry to part with so cood a neighbor, but wish him well in Ids new home. The party which camped on the North Mountain near Bowman's creek and pond last week, consisting of Prof. Pealcr and son, Mr. Dolph of Sernnton, James, son of Harnian Kline, and D. M. Kinter, caught 1131 trout, besides a number of plku and catfish. This is tlio largest catch wo have heard of tills season. Everybody Is anxiously watching the clouds for indications of rain. Vegetation Is suueriue somewhat and a few more days of dry weather will materially injure tho oats and early potato crop. The wheat is whitening for the harvest, and promises an abundant yield. X, Xicrwlclc. nnd they" that turn many to rlghtcinsncss as the stnrs for over and ever." Daniki., 12-3, After Dr. BwnrU had closed, somi well chosen remarks wcro mado by Dr. Waller, Principal of tho school. On Monday oventne tlio Modol school gave an exhibition which Is reported else where. On Tuesday evening Hov. 1). F. Allcmnn of Shlppcnsburg, formerly pastor of the Lutheran Church here, lectured beforo the Literary Societies of tho school. His sull lect was "Tho Mission of Life." and it was discussed In n very interesting and In structlvo manner. On Wednesday ovenlng the Callieplan society lad Its annual reunion, which was well attended, and enjoyed by nil, though the heavy rain that fell during tho uvcnlng prevented many from being present wliq would otherwise havo gone. UOUMKNOEMP.Nr. On Thursday morning nt 0:30 tho final exercises which closed the student llfoof tho Class of '84, were held In tho Hall. Tho attendance was lnrgc, nnd tho efforts of those who wero fortunate enough to sc euro appointments for I ho occasion, wero well prepared and nicely delivered. 1'llOaiIAMMK. rilAYElt-by ltov. L. Zahncr. MUSIC Meggar Student Waltzes, by Nllcs'Or chestra. SAI.UTATOIlY-Kato E. Illgglns, of Ihuleton. nsSAV Tho Sorrows of Ocnlui, Alice I. llobnn, of Sernnton. OIUTION Tlio Advantages ottho classification ot Knowledge. William II. Urower.llloomsDurg. ESSAY Morals and Manners. May Sharpless llloomsburg. MUSIC-Oondelled. Orchestra. ESSAY Tho World ns a Model School. Jennie IJ, Mcainness, Danville. OHATION Moral Education. Philip A. Clark" Jeansvlllc. ESSAY Tho Uulldlng of a Lift. Anna M. Deng lcr. ShcnaDdoah. OUATION An Ann In Lite. M. Louis uuut, car. bondalc. MUSIC-llano Solo. Mary n. Curran, llloomsburg OKATION Tho New Education as Compared with tho Old. Irvln II. Winters, Espy, ESS AY Tho rower ot Music Laura M. iieiman, llazleton. ESSAY Moral Dignity ottho Teacher's Profession. Jean T. MacCulIoch, Shamokln. ESSAY Means and Methods ot Admiring Knowl edge. AUlo S. Elnncy, Forkston. MUSIC Nllcs' Orchestra. OUATION Teaching, a Profession. M. It. MC Anirr, rialns. ESSAY How to llecorao Beautiful. vcy. Mllroy. ESSAY Government as Itclatcd to Morality, nlo it. Llinberger, Danville. ESSAY" Charlemagne. Annlo K. Iloban.Scranton. MUSIC Song by Jennlo M. Stiles, and Annlo Mil- ler. CONVKKHINa OV DEflKEKS. MUSIC-Nllcs' Orchestra. OUATION and VALEIlICTOHY-l'olltlcs In Educa- tlon. Charles E. Kennedy, Stockton. MUSlC-Orctiestra. BENEDICTION. The other members of thu Class who re- celved diplomas are : Fain our footstips wander. And our minds still ponder, Whlto a sigh lingers nigh, Wakening every lender feeling i And mid Joy nnd gladness, Comes tlio thought of sadness That wo the Class of Ktglity-four Must part forever more, LOCAL NOTICES. A neat present given .nway wlh uvcry o. at tlio i'o ; Dowchbcrg. "tub iioss." Bi lhlebeni, Pn., July II, 1832. .Mr. John 11, Phelps, Dear Hlr-Plcnse purchase mado at tho Popular qlothng h?'"' mo lhtvu tlo,'fi1 1'),,c1.1"' Hl"mi1,11? Store Of David IJowehucrg. r !??, PA,lb,lc J ,m?. loU, linu. liir. ii. u. ituusuniii, cimur "jinny Tho peoplo bring their butter and eggs from mi the rlv'or. over tho river, down tlio Thotmh tho weather wns very unfavonn rlVer and nil around tho country to cx- bio, n heavy rain falling nt tho tlifte, the auchango fori. W. Hartman Son's cheap rrl.t. ...... ... I KlUVLUUl, kllVltll MIM3UI19, ltlllll. l.tllll,WlE, tundanco wns largo, icld In tho, halt Instead of on thu campus. OWIng to n delay In 'receiving tho ntfclno rlat to bo presented t6 tho school by tho class, tho presentation was not made, and no ono has been nblo to learn .what tho gift Is to be, a fact which proves that young ladles can keep a secret If tlicy want to. Tho exercises word Interesting, anil tho Prophesies and Presentation of glfia to members of tho class contained many good lilts that wcro greatly enjoyed by thoso who understood them. nnd other gooiR It Cciitrnllii. Sara M. liar- An- Tho Clinton county Democrats havo nominated S. H. Pealo for Congress and A. W. Brumgard for Assembly. Quito a number of old students of tho Normal attended Commencement on Thursday. Tlio contract for repairing tho Rupert bridge was awarded to Ell Jones ot this town on Monday by tho commissioners, The cataloguo of tho Normal School for 1883-81 Is ready for distribution. It was printed at tho lieimbtican office, aud Is a very neatly executed job. Foi: Salu. 100,000 shuved hemlock shingles, by A. Lnubach & Son, Guava, Sugarloaf township. Juno 10.4w Tliq largest bass that has been caught this season was takou by Georgo Brewer In tho river opposite Wm. Ferguson's last Thursday. It weighed a trlllo over four pounds. Tho festival of tho Fullologlan Society last week was well attended, and tho net proceeds wero largo. Tho society bus been making many improvements in their hall, and tho money goes to liquidate Its Indebt edness. It i3 always a good rule to know what you want beloro you uuy. n is also a good rule to bo sure you are getting tho best after you know what you want. Some years ngo there was more or less dls. trust among farmers, of all agricultural machluery, because so much of It failed to do what It was intended for. But so mnny improvements havo been mado of Into years, that a lanner can now get niacin. nery that will do about all of his work, aud do it thoroughly. There are huu drcds of manufacturers of farming machi nery, but among them all nono stand high er than D. M. Osborne & Co. Many of their machines aro in uso In this county, and they aro being constantly sold here. If these machines were not lust what they aro represented to be, tho demand for them would havo ceased long ago, but on tho contrary nioro aro being sold now than ever, before. Tlio local agency is in tho hands of tho enterprising firm of Harinau & Husscrt of this town, who arc practical macldnlsts, and who keep on hand all klnqs of repairs for theso machines, thus saving the ueccsslty of sending away for parti In caso of a break. Farmers will do well to consult them about mowers, reap. crs, binders, &c. Collector lor i88.. of Collectors County of Commls- Arrangcmouts havo been mado for a grand celebration of the 4th of July nt Nan. tlcoko. Military and clvlo societies will participate, and a largo crowd will attend. Wo aro Informed that tho Friendship I h o Company of this placo will attend. On Saturday evening G. A. Herring and his son Grattt wero driving above street, when their horse, n four-ycar old, suddenly shied, upsetting tho buggy and throwing tho occupants down tho embank- incut. Both received cuts about thu head, and tho thills of tho bugy wcro broken. M' i . ii f -r t r. . n ,. ! ..I. inu nun u u. jiuvy iu uu., ui iuiii;n, having decided to dUsolvo partnership, a iu altering great bargains In clothing, Everybody has to buy clothes, and there. foru It Is to tho Interest of nil to read tho advertisement of this Arm In this paper, and Bavo money by taking advantage of 1 tho Inducements uttered, Tlio following Is a list Taxes nppolntcd by the slonor for 1881 1 Beaver Franklin Hhodes. Bcjiton G. W. Knousc. Berwick Daniel Hccdy. Bloomsburg W. B. Allen. Qatawlssa Jesse Mensch. Ccntrnlla-Davld Walsh. Centre I. J. Hess. Conyngham John P. llauuon. Flshlngcrcck E. L. Lemon. Frauklln Mo3es Ilowcr. Oroenwood William Dowltt Henlock-W, .0, Hichart. Jackson H. II. Hirlcmau. Locust Christian Small. Miullson-D. W. Williams. Main Nathan Miller. Mllllln Samuel Snyder. Montour Davldi,Mouser. Mt. Pleasant Ellas Howell. Orange Cyrus McIIcnry, Pino L. A. Germnn. Hoarlngcrcek Joseph Levnn. Scott T. W. Hartman, SujJarloaf Georgo Mooro, Foit Balk, A desirable, store property of tho latu A., II. Vuullew nt Duckhoru. Tho goods will be sold separately, or tho goods mid building together. Apply to A. O. Yanllew or J. Tenvllllgor, Llghtstreet, Pu, 1 w LADIES. EUn M. Albright, Flora E. Alexander, Mary A. llcadtc, Bird li. llcrtcls, Lizzie Crago, Evalyn C. Decliant, Bessie B. Dershcimer, Lottie D. Eckbert, Sopldo E. Glover, si. uertruno iiartier, Nellie M. Kolb, May A. Kulin, Maggie L. Lawlor, .Mnry J. Mansell, Maggie Mcwonougn, Lizzie C. Moore, Laura I. Hobbins, Maggie E. Hogan, Hiittie L. Sloan, Grace Wintersteen, S. Ella Youiig, GEXTLEMKS. Irvln C. Brcece, Hobert Charles, William (J. Farrow, Charles J. Fisher, Hiram II. ileishcr, Frnnk P. Hopper, Harrv A. Kinnorts. Charles E. Martin, William A. Mover. Charles P. Sweeny, Laurclton. Iteedsvllle. Shlckshlnny. it Carbondalo. Catawlssa. Falls. Curwensville. Shenandoah. Bloomsburg. Slicmuidoau. Bloomsburg, Shenandoah, ii Kingston. Buckhorn, Wilkes Barre. Jcddo. Bloomsburg. Plains. Mlllville. Bloomsburg. Sernnton. Snydcrtown. Catawlssa. Auburn. Wyoming" Bloomsburg. Audciiiled. Beavertown. Lykens. Miss Annie Burns nn estimable young lady, died on Tuesday from that terrible dlBeaso consumption. Her reninlns were conveyed to St. Ignatius' church on Thurs day morning wlicro n requiem mas3 wus celebrated by Hcv. Husscll, after which In terment took place. Tho consecration of Odd Fellows Ceme tery was performed on Thursday. Tho fol- lowing societies participated, viz i Citi zen's Cornet Band, Sons of America, and Oiid Fellows headed by tho Hcv. G. M. Lamed In carriage. Tlio cemetery Is qehutlfully situated on an elevation south of .town and reflects great credit on the Odd Fellows for Its lino appearance. Ono of tho grandest sights ever witness ed In Ccntrnlia wus the celebration of a lie quctu High Mass for tho deceased pattor of St. Ignatius' church oirinursciay. Over forty clergymen were present, In tho procession followed by at least llvo hun dred parishioners. The lady members of tho sodality wero dressed In white, and their medals wero suspended from black ribbons. Tho church wn3 draped m mourn ing, also tlio three nltars. Tho catafalque was erected In the central nlslc on cither side of which stood three lighted tapers. Rev. Koch of Shamokln, celebrated mass, and the eulogy was delivered by Hcv. Me Manus' of Lost Creek ui a very able man ner. The Logan, Ceiitralla and Basl collieries paid their employees on Saturday, and wo had an unusually large number of drunken men on our streets. Tlio Citizen's Band picnicked in Hazel Dell grove on Saturday, and realized quite a neat sum. Among the visitors was me Grunt Band ot Shenandoah which enliven ed the town with some cholcd music. Some mischievous boys cut the telephone wires between Logan colliery and the town olllcc on Sunday. When the linemen came to repair It, they found over fifty feet of thcAviro stolen. Wo suppose someone was In need of a clothes line. Mr. Fergusoii, employed as a watchman at the small pox house, was attacked by two young men of town on Saturday night, becauso he would not allow them ncor tho building. Mr. Ferguson, with tlio aid of a club was ono too many for them, nnd used them ui) nrcttv badly and afterwards had them locked up. Joseph Fyfo of Glrardvllle was In town on Saturday trying to organize a watch club. As Jlr. Fyfo has several clubs In several adjoining towns, we have no doubt but hu will meet with success hero also. It is rumored that ono of our worthy cit izens, M. McNnlis, will superintend the in. side workings ot Lentz, Lilly & Co's col- lleries at Mahanoy City. Jno. P. Hannon is repairing the house he lately purchased on Centre street. coat of paint would not hurt it in tlio least. A new ambulance has been procured for the Continental colliery. It was built in Pottsvillo and is u tine pleco of workman ship. Superintendent Heefncr received over two hundred volumes, for the itigu School library last week, and Intends to have that many more, before fhe school term opens' Charles Weldensaul of Mt. Carniel spent a few days In town this week. Jas. Kelly took in thu cxcurslou to Phll- dclplda on Tuesday. Mr. I). J; Godshalk. editor Times," Bethlehem, is taking it. Unsays I could tell my customers It Is tho "boss" medicine for rheumatism. , Yours, utc, , K. T, Mkvkii.1, Druggist. For' satd at Hcndcrshptf Pharmacy Bloomslliirg Pn. vnv. tlTAl'lttUtA And liver complaint, you have, n printed gunrnntco on every pniue ot snuoii's vital. Izcr. Bold by Mover Bros. " A 1MI.IOKMAX IIUACRII UI'. D. F. Collins, member of police, seventh ward, Heading, Pn., tulks this wny i "Suf fered severely from rheumatism nothing did me any good till l tried l nomas' Jvcicc- trlc Oil. It Is n pleasure to recommend tt. WHY THKV OAIX IIIM "(IU) .MAN." "Yes, that's sadly so,"f(ald Jbnklns, "my hair is turning gray nnd falling out before Its time. Use something t I would, but most Imtr restorers are dangerous.'1 "True," answered his friend, "but PurkerU Hair uulilvn uiti I' to i il. nnliiTT ill t vn unisniu is us iiuriinens us u isiuivuiivv. i u RELIABLE SI QUE c f David Lowenbcrg. how n(1 tllauoy,wm g0on Mop calling you "Old Man Jenkins." It tietcr falls to ,Gd to C. O. Mnrr's for GO cent syrup. is;very ciienp. Gentlemen who Want a spring' suit put up in CITY STYLE should call at tho POPULAR MERCHANT TAILOR o f Bloomsburg, David LoWCnberif who em ploys only EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. "Fourth of July whito dress goods nt W. Illirtin'iin & Sou's1. 'Now goods nt J. B, Skecr's. Trade; dollars taken at C. C. Marr's par, for dry goods', I. at OATAI1I1II OtlllRI), health and sweet breath secured by Hid. loh's Catarrh Remedy. I'rlce m cents. Nasal Injector frpo. For.salo by Mayor nros. MARKET JUiPORTS:, , BLOOM8I1URU MARKET. .ii..';.',,1.. -ii,t'. ni" -.1 i i -ii' i . 1.07, , ,' ' 70 ' , " 0.V' 1 . "' 40 m 0 00 ili .. ',8 00 , .,1"( .. 18 00 ' 25 I- ''Tho apparel oft proclalmM the man." A Well dressed gentleman Is tho adtnlrn tlon of nil, and the placo to get your Wheat per buslic),,.' Ryd J " .... Corn " " Ohts ' " ... Flour bcr barrel Ulovcrsecd , Butter .........,........., Eggs I..,,,., ...........,,,.., ,.M...,...... Tallow. ......'. l'ntiitnpn.i.. i . i 1 1 .... i .... j Dried Apples ,.i ( ;.; , 08 iinms Sides nnd shoulders 10 Chickens ................... Turkeys 13 Lard pur pound...,, ,,,!. r lit nny per ton.., , i uu B(eswax , Buckwheat llour per hundred 3 00 Illdosptrlb I, 5td7 Veal skins per Hi... ' 03 Hllccp.nclts. each 75 Fourth of July groceries nt I. man it Son's. W. Hart. nnd restore tho.orlglnal color to gray or faded balr. Richly perfumed, nn elegant dress I'lR- HUT IIAUKI.S'U OOlldlt can hi so qillckly cured by Blilloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sn)c by Moyer Bros. CiTThe Voted Of tho People. Nn family Dyes Wcrd ever so popular as the Diamond Dyes. They never' fail. The Black Is fur superior to logwood. Tho other colors are brilliant. Wells, Rlchardeou &('., Burlington, Vt. WHAl III!, tf. INUltAM HAY-!. Wherever Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir has been tried hero It has given satisfaction. Yours, &c, N. INGRAM, M. D. Blossburg, Pa., Jan. 11, 1883. For salo at HendersliOtt's Pharmacy Bloomsburg Pa. oaues or 1.1 FK. As wc come to them they arc received, A verv lnriro line of straw bats now on borne with, nnd passed over with no more view, NOBBY, NEAT nnd NEW, just ar. than a thoughti If We nro In tho enjoyment rlvcd at David Lowenberc's.' of health, but If sullerliu; with Piles or sum disease oi any Kind iney raagniiy a Harvest Son's. C. C. Marr pays 18 cents for butter, 18, cents for eggs. "When found mako a bote of."1 The.plaCa to go for your spring clothing, a stylish hat, or a lino neck scarf, or tho latest stylo In furnishing goods Is nt David. Lowottbcrg's. PH03PHATE3I PHOSPHATES I I Tho undersigned is selling' J. J. Allen's phosphates, as cheap as .the cheapest. Differ ent grades and different prices. Call or itdtlress, HARVEY E. 1IEACOCK, Llghtstreet, Pa. June id-Gw The cheapest placo to get goods Is C. Man's. at C. Flags for 4th of July at I. W. Hartman Ci Sou's'., Wool per crib.., 80 Philadelphia Markets. ; 'i COUHKOTED WEEKLY. ' HHKD'-tWestcrn winter bran, spot, Q1S.W. MACTtUIlKL. Extra mess 350. largo l's, 38 9 SOc. cottrn shore-1'b-!K4 2Cc. ., . ' I'lAiuii. esiern KAir -i.w o.ooj ,i'enna. tmhlly, t.w .TT onto cler, 5!5.40; winter goods at I. W. Hartman & BUSINESS NOTICES. hundred fold. C. A. IClelm. tho Druircist. has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn absolute euro for any affection ot thu kind nnd is sold for, pucents. July lu-cow '(Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice. 15c. "Rough on Corns," for corns, bullions, 15c Thin people. "Wells' Health Rcnewcr" lcstorcs health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, &c. $1. 15c. Rough on Toothache," Instaut relief. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vivacity don't full to try "Wells' Health Rcnewcr." "Buchu paiba," grcatkldncy and urinary cure. O.UISK AND EFFECT. At limes Rvmtitoms of Indiffestion aro present, uneasiness of the stomach, &ci, a moisture iikc perspiration, producing ltcii Ing nt'iiight, or when pne Is warm, cause tho Piles. Thp effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Basanko's Pile Remedy, which costs you but 50 ccnts.nnd is sold by C. A. Klelm. July 13-cow l'DKITV. The scarcity of ptirc nnd reliable wines lias kept them out of tho reach of those lu moderate, circumstances. Mr. Alfred .Spoor of Passaic,, N. J., who has spent 25 years In cultivating and acclimating tho Port Wino Grapo nnd establishing his vineyards produces wine that has been tested by ex ports and pronounced the best. For salo by druggists. HV1'. l'riuicl'cnr.sylvan.a '.0 TOc uoilN.-MU-j bushels in gram depot atsie. 0AT8, No. 3 whlto (A 3H No. 2, S' HAY AN1 STItAW 'Ilttiutliy C'liOIca westerri and N'uw York, III. fair to good Western nnd New York, 11. ((9 15. : medium Western and New Vutk", n. t, lx i cut hay as to duality 14. w lr.ixi. 10 1 btr.ur I G. JO (A ll.uu Wheat btraw, U. 10. oat Straw 10 Mil. WOOU Ohio, l'cnasylTiUiia and Wwt Virginia, llecco Wnhhed, XXmid above, 31 poc ; Xi(J 31c ; common l 3'c Texas, Spi nitf clip line to 4 i), medium u 14 m coarse, 10 (4 IT. EUUS. Pennsylvania extra, lstf 19 western 17M 18. iiUUTKlt. Pennsylvania extra, 31 Western extra so ( si. I.ivi: l'oin.'1'ltY. Fowls; liens, 13 mixed Ion vtz., rooitcrs old I (jto: bprliig chickens , as to SI7.0 and quality Siiissa. intlJbsui) l'OULTlty.-Turkcys extra l017cts. chickens extra lGrti"; spring chickens as to weiifiit and quality awn. lUTATOKs. Kurly Hose per bushel, is SO Uutlmnk and Hebron. M $ 80. New potatooa 13.60 uiSnu per Uinel for fair and good. culU $100 a 1 1 . 3tfl0SS.-fllermuda, per crate, J1.55 a 1.40. Cab. baye, now, per bbl, Kill a X 00. lomntoe Flori da, per crate, choice, ripe, if.DOaal ; do, fair to da, feood, 5 a wc. Squash, Charleston, per crat. Jal5c Cucumbers, Charleston, per crate, Hal 60. , lieans. Charleston and Savannah, round," per' crate, fa a 8 26; do, North Carolina, per ii bbl, iaa260j do Norfolk, per K bbl, tseoaiou., , XECUTOR'S NOTICE. isTATE OF JOHN Ol't.N.'., felt. , pKCEASED. , , 1ittcrs testamentary In tho estato of John, (lulnn.Sr., lato of Catawlssa, Columbia county, ' I'o., decoascd, have been granted by .tho Heglstor . of bald county to tho undersigned executor. All persons having claims against said estate aro re quested u piescut them for settlement, and thoao indebted to tho same to make payment to ttie,un. dcrslgnod without dolay. ' 1 ' CLINTON KLLIS, Jup SO-ew Ilwcutor. . SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN S1.50 A YEAR , , i Flics, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, cleared out uy "itougii on Mats.' 15c. "Hough on Coughs,' 25c. troches, 15c; liquid, t or children, slow in development, puny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Rcnewcr." Headquarters for D. M. Osborne & Go's., "Rough on Dentist" tooth powder, it. 15c. Try Nervous weakness, dvspepsla, sexual debility cured by "Wells' Health Renewcr." $1. "Mother Swan's Worm Svrun. for fever. isliness, worms, constipation j tasteless. 3.jc. Stinging, irritation, all Kidney and Uri nary complaints cured by "Buchu paiba." 51. Niiiht sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys. .pepsin, cured by "Wells' Health Renew, er." "My husband (writes a times the man since using Renewer." ludv) Is three "Wells' Health orn out nnd Rcnewcr." Tho C. Ii. S. 6. will havo its last meet- lng, of the nine months course, next Tues day evening. Wo are clad to hear Mr. W. II. Woodln has recovered from his indisposition. Misses Lizzie Hauley and Maud Eaton, from Elmlra Female College, reach ed hero last Friday, to spend tho summer vacation with their parents. A. V. Bower scnd3 homo glowing de scriptions of his European tour. Wc are glad to hear of his good health. Theodore Suit's little girl fell from a fence and broke her nrm lust Thursday, Mrs. Elzzle Jackson, Miss Helen Jimil son, Misses tttta nnd Jeunie jacKSon re turned from Boston Saturday evening, where the two young ladles have been at' tending the Lasellu Seminary. Miss Minnlo Bower returned from the Somlnary In Hnckcttstown, N, J, on Fri day last. Au appeal for tho tax payers was held in Jackson & Woodln's "little olllco" last Saturday ovenlng, and according to tho small attendance, Joo Fuust must havo done good work as an assessor. Owing to to the Illness of Prof. Kelly, tho band failed to give Us usual concert Saturday evening. A fire was discovered having consldcra. bio headway lu the rear of Little's drug storo Tuesday morning about eleven o'clock, which was caused by throwing hot ashes on some dry wood, lying near tho wood, house. What might havo been 11 largo tiro was extinguished by timely assistance. Tho Crickets will cross bats with the Sunbury club Saturday 28th In Borwlck. Tho Baso Ball Association started In Berwick has reached nbout thirty mem bcrs. Had a meeting last Friday ulght and elected tho following officers 1 For President, W. E. Smith 1 Secretary, S. II. Rueh j Treasurer, R. G. Crispin Execu tive committee, II. F. Glenn, J. W. Evans and 0. A. Buckingham. Tho game between tho "Association Nino" and the Crickets of this place, play ed nt Danville last Saturday turned out to bo very uninteresting after tlio fourth Inning, tlio latter playing loose, and making sover. al severo errors. From tho start it was secu that Thomas was having poor luck ns third baseman, onjaccouut of lameness, and especially LInvlllo (who always plays it splendid game) could not manage to judgo tho balls properly. Nevertheless several iluo plays were mado on both tides. Heist, Rccso and B. Sherwood made a doublo play, mid S, McCoy made a homo run. Fielding on both sides was done crcdlta. bly. Tho score was 11 to 4 In favor of Danvlllo. NOTES. The stago was occupied by the Trustees, Faculty, Clergy, and press rcprespcntlvcs. The hall was crowded to overflow ing, standing room being scarcely obtaina ble. The lady graduates wcro attired In bo comine white dresses, and wore natural flowers. Tlio speakers and essayists wer'j each re- warded with handsomo baskets of flowers by admiring friends. Tho music by the Orchestra aud music pupils wns a very agreeable feature of the programme. The Diplomas were presented to tho Class bv Judge Elwcll, President of tho Board of Trustees. At the closo ot tho exercises tho Alumni Association met in tho chapel, ani after some routluo business, and literary exer cises, adjourned to tlio Central Hotel, where u banquet was held, in which a large number participated. Several toasts were proposed and happily responded to. Tho Seniors held a reception in tho school parlors in the evening. ClnHH nay. Tlio Clas3 Day exercises of tho Senior class at tho Normal School took placo on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tho order of exercises was as follows 1 I'KOaiiAMME. iNSTHt'UENTii. Solo Miss Gertrude Harder. 1'HKSiuENT'a Adduess Mr. Hobert Charles. IIisTOitY Miss Lottlo Eckbert, Douulii Qwhtettk, 0, There's Music In the l'atrr. Misses Harvey, Hoban, lieadle, Dcngler, liar, der: Messrs. Charles, Farrow, Clarke, Winter. Class Ohition CoiMUons of Success In Lle, 1. 11. Wluter. INSTKUUKNTAI.DUKTT TU0 MlSSe3 II Oban. I'lioriiKCv , Miss SaraM. Harvey. Essiv....Oui' Jl-qfsnloii, lloui shall tee Atom tt I Miss Anna Utnbcrgcr. Ciiouvs The lltllsaivt ttiffJ Kesouml. Uy tlio Class. Phesentation of Qifts Miss AUlo Finney, PllKSKSJTATION OF MEM01IIAL, 1IY I'liKSIUBST. Cuss Sonu Uy tho Class. CLASS SONCJ. Composed Vu Anna lloban. Foit Reni', Tho frout room, second Iloor, of tho CouiMiHAN building. Ono of the best rooms for nn olllco In town. Heat ed by steam, lighted by gas, water on samu Iloor, Apply to Geo. H. Elwcll. tf With Joy and sorrow blended Our final yoar Is onded ; l'ondost yoar, with a tear, Thco wo bid adieu I Iiig wo'vo totlod together Through bright and stormy weather; Friends have met, aud linger yet To part with you. Fain our voices tarry, And their Mendings carry Hack tho heart, with each part ot familiar song aud chorus Thus tho tlmo Is Heeling, And our Joyous mooting Softly stoats Itself away With swift departing day, Kach fond memory flowing, Joys depaitod tliowlrg, Culls to mind sweet aud kind' Pictures ot the past And our hearts still kecplug Thcbo dear ineui'rlos sleeping, Wake again Joy and pain That could not last, Dci-dH Recorded. Tho following deeds have been recorded since those last published : Tho Locust Sit. Coal & Iron Company to Bridget Donnelly, Centrulia. W. W. Boono and wife to Clinton Hit. tenbeuder, Centre. Lafayette Creasy, executor to Mary E. Boone, Centre. Franklin L. Shuniau and wife to Frank lin P. Miuihard, Catawlssa. William Zelglcr and wlfo to Francis W. Hess, Scott. Peter Boweu and wife to Jacob Fisher, Berwick. Charles F. Habb to William Rabb, Bloomsburg. James E. Klino to David Lowenbcrg, Bloomsburg. S. B. Bower and R. D. Kinney to Sarali Knousc, Briarcreek. S. C. Johnson to A. C. Johnson, Mt. Pleasant. Peter Pershing to David Pershing, Lo- cust. M. M. Hicks, et. al., administrator, to Ellis Hingrosc, Scott. Ellis Ringroso aud wife to Aim Hutcui. )n, Scott. L, S. Wintersteen to Harvey J. Keller, MIllllu. . ' v-- . C, E. Sponenbcrg to Charles Haas, Her- wick. Mary Creycllng to Samuel Neyhard, nil- lutnlstrator, Scott. Samuel Neyhard, administrator, to Al fred Crcvellng, Scott. AJfred Crovoling nnd wlfo to B. r rauk Zarr, Scott. , . a , S., M. Pealer and wife to John Iv. Watts, Greenwood. Louis Baker to Mnry Brelsh, et. al.. Bea ver. E. L. Yocum and wlfo to William George, Franklin, Francis Ely and wlfo to William George, Franklin. Catharlno Paulus to William A. Case, Centre. . Jauo B. Case, to Christian lloone, Centre P. L. Shuman and wife to Charles Baker, Catawlssa, John B. Mills, et. al., to Charles Glrton, Madison. David E. Wliltmlro and wlfo to Jacob SI. Hess, Berwick. John Youo und wlfo tp ClinrleB Work. helser, Mllllln. Wllllnm Sloan und wlfo to Elizabeth Knarr, Bloomsburg, SI. C. Sloan and wlfo to Elizabeth Knorr, Bloomsburg, W. J. Knorr, administrator, to F. P. Drinker, trustee, Bloomsburg. Lavlna Stackbouso to Henry Applegate, Pine. If you are falling, broken, w nervous, uso "Wells' Health 51. Prevalence of Kidney comnlaint in Amer ica ; "Bucliu.paiba" is a quick, coinpleto cure. yl. June 10-ly cow Alii: YOU MADE Miserable by indigestion, constipation, diz ziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin ? Shi lob's Vitallzer is a positive cure. Sold by jioycr tiros. WILL YOU 8CFFKU with Dyspepsia and . Liver Complaint 1 Shlloh's Vitallzer Is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Sloyer Bros. A MARRIAGES. SlOOllK-PlJNMAN.-- At Bloomsburg, June 10th, by Hov. Stuart Mitchell, 1). 1)., Sir. Joliu W. Slooru of Buckhorn, to SIlss I JIary Penman of Bloomsburg, A DUTY l OWE. Wllllamsport, Pa., Dec 21, 1882. John II. Phelps, Seranton Pa., Dear Sir I feel It my duty to inform you how much good you have dono mo through your Rheumatic Elixir. I hnvo becu a very bad sufferer with Inflammatory Rheu matism for over two years, half of the time not able to walk without crutches or canes. I hnvo used three bottles of your Rheuma tic Elixir. I pronounce myself entirely cured of rheumatism when all other reme. dies nnd treatment failed to give relief. And I am In better health now than I have been for years. I bono your circulars with their wonderful testimonials, will reach every sufferer wltli that terrible disease, rheumatism, and may encourage them to give the Rheumatic Elixir a ihorongh trial. 1 can recommend the Rheumatic Elixir with great confidence. I am respectfully yours, J. 11. AllSOLI). For salo ut HendersliOtt's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg Pn. 1'ltOVKI) A 1110 HENEFIT. "Has magical pain killing nnd healing properties. Hulf of a llfty-ccnt bottle cur ed me of rheumatism and a cold that had settled In my back. Feel as well us over I did In my life." Otto J. Doesbtiry, prop'r Holland City AVuvi, Holland, Sllch,, speak, lng for Thomas' Ecloctrlo Oil. HIIILOU'S VlrAUZElt is what you need for Constipation, loss ot Appetite, Dizziness and alt symptoms of iiyspepsiu, i'rlce iu and io cents per uoi tie. For salo by Sloyer Bros. See a woman in another column, near opeor's vineyards, picking grapes irora ...l.lnl, ,w, Url rlnmn V'1,T la ......I.. that Is so lilnhly esteemed by the medical profession, for the uso of Invalids, weakly persons ami uio ugeu. Sold by C. A. Kletui, Bloomsburg. scpt22.1y , "my mothkii Has been using your Burdock Blood Bit ters us a liver remedy and II nils them verv etUcnclous. Chas. L. Alnsworth, 41 Vuuco Block, Indianapolis, Ind, siiiloii's oouuii nnd Consumption Cure Is sold by us on a guarantee It cures consumption, For salo by Sloyer Bros. WANT OF FAITH. If C. A. Klelm, thu Druggist, docs not succeed It Is nut for tho want of faith. Ho lias Biich faith In Dr. Bosanko's Couidi and Lung syrup us tt remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, nnd Lung Affections, that ho gives a bottle f reo to euth und every one who ! is in neeii oi a mcuiciuo oi tins Kinu. July 18-eow time is money. Tlmo and inonev will bo saved bv keen. lng Klduey.Wort in tho house. It Is tin In. valuablii remedy for all dlsordera nt the Kidneys, Liver mid Bowels and for nu diseases arising iriim uusiriictiuns ot these organs. It mis cured many obstinate cases utter hundreds of dollars had becu I jiald to physicians without obtaining re lief, It cures Constipation, Piles, Bilious. iicss and ull kindred disorders. Keep It by 1 you, IIAMMAI & HAS havo just received thu finest lot.of 1 LiqHT-EWEflsj PWEfs nd Self Bdes ( eer brought to Columbia county. For lwht draft, durability nnd simplicity tho Osnorno Machines aro for all the old and new machines, so that If you broak down In tho middle ot Harvest they aro prepared to nx you up without delay. Farmers do not bo decoliod but bo sure to cxamlno tho f n l l -r I 'l-r-- I "TvT I "rinl v s i so -J) I v i JCx-r i .-cu; , beforo making your1 purchases. & KJtSSBT, Agents. Junes? tf THE WEEKLY SU in the great work of Government He most uflieient airent form. Should be read in every School District of the Union For rCitl live missionary work amony thii people, here js, your op portunity. Will bo sent to any addrcBS for fivo months, embracing the entire period of. tho Presidential Campaign, for FORTY" CENTS. Or, tho Daily and Sunday issues for tup Bamo timo for 8.00, l ADDltUSS ' : TIE! IE STJIsr. ,'; fi-L'O-lw ICO, 108 and 170 Nassau St., New York City. 1,1 1 1 hu DEALER IN i i ' ,1 FMmgm audi MomesiiG WINES AND LIQUORS, ! AND JOBBER IN GICARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. . dltix ' "I' ' r Rupture ltelled and cured by nr. J. A. SIIKHMAN'8 method, wlthuiit mierathiinrthaliilury tru-io lnllw or hindrance Inun labor, and with security from a (rani,'Ulatlon ot which, aivurdhit; to Mathtli-s, oior :to,uiUiUi'.l durliiK tho pant ) cr. No one H bafu h hu has a ruptuio and deiHiudi upon a trUM ; both aro a phibli' und nn ui al tin ; biliii' on kidney, bladder and other 01'1,'aiilo ill.t'.isei, which arfeclucuerM heullh more nun av or labor, h(-UhsultiVtiii?iimiifnkl anddKxiroitni; nil lueonthw to aoclul pleas ure. l'ulli'ul. from abroad eulini'Chi' ireutineut and leaolor huinuhiiuutdav. Hook, with uhotu. graphic llkenesis of bad cases before and ultur cure, and ondorseineiils by iihytVUus, inerchaiiu and others who Jiavo vn eun'd, mailed for liK'tn. prlnelpul onhw cm liniailwa , N. . t iy of eousult& tlon Moudaj s, Tuendayit aud tiuntuju. Hianch ulhce Walnut sttect. VlUladclpUla : NYediifriduys, TUurbdaytthdl'ildays. May3o-lv 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers