i ni itui ii rm TTin CILUM Bt A nKMOt'llAT, STAU OF THR NORTH, and CO. l.UMBtAN, Consolidated, l.ttii-il Weekly, iivrry I'rlilny llnrnlnu, lit iir.ooismtuo,f(ji,uMiiiAcr(i.,l.. 4ttwo)iiUu4 pot year. To stibsirllicrijiuut of tliorounlj'iua t0iiiiIiKilrrct1irn mivanci-. itflio liner ilH.'iiiiliniK'il fiTi-ntit hi ii... ....it... impIiiij!...J jtajw) riiiniit J.i.l irtm 8 if tJW A (XI II Oil 1.1(11 in mi 8.1 () woo It H0 I. 'KI' II. (.0 win) sr( Mitt) KliKO II III MM vim him Id im i I'lirri' Hi' lii-s..... 4 ii mm Knur Iik'Iii'k...... Sim Ouarlcr column., nun 11 a I r column,..., 10 0 1 onccolumn 20 no t ; on ltd SSOJ I' I I'll 1 1 I . til " " l.i i .M.iiiftt i. ' .,. I ,, Jit III I 1700 of tna imlitlilinr.j, mini nil arrearages nro imli .lint BOiiif conlliniwl credit will not )U given. 1 ' , All papers sent out ot thu Htato or to distant, nnsr. so Oil Yearly ndvertliwnvnt" najnUnnimrlorlr. Tntn. lotitnilvi-rtl!'inrnlmUK(liopiililrorbcfori,liiii'ii' eil except whm, parties have accounts. lj..fil niU'rf-lltutnpntn tltn cl(lllATA ItOf lllCll Ult oiiniM mint no p.ilil forlu advance, unions n region, sllilepwmliit'iiliiinlila raiiuily (mumm In ii.ir m'i'iib c'Vurfl y.1"' l0BlIr "x Acte' '"wn tmWrlbrs z .oBiPR,tTxir(3:.,, ", r ThoJobblntfliopartinontoftlio Ooi.tfUBlANliTirV oomplcto, tinii our. Fob Printing will comnaro favor. 1MitJatot,ill,,1Wlll"' Allworkaonoon short notice, noatly and ntmoderato prices. ilirif Insert Inn, find nt Hint niKvfor aHillllorml insert Ions without reference to length. Kxccuior',Admlnlitrntor'ii,ftndAudttorBnollct't three dollars. Must tic paid lor whon rucrtcd. Transient or !-bcl notices, ten cents' a line, regu , IV 0. E.BLWELIi, U-.-.i...,, 1 K 3ITTEN3EMDBB,'0I'Iet0, BLOOMSBtTRG, PA.., FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1884. lar ndvcrtlRcnicnUi halt rates, THE OOIiUMMAfli,! VOL, X fill. NO 20 COLUMMA pEMOdltAT.VOL ALVlll.i.NU IN Cards In tho, 'IluiUncBsDIrectOrj-" column, one dollar a year lor each line. ..... ....Trr1r A'' JJt' T-W- u i -w - in , . i, . : " II l 111 111 111 Y 11 fWl 111 Pfwil PROFESSIONAL CARDS, H. WALM3U, , ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, on.'OOVcrlst.N.monain.uik. """"na"ur' Vi XT U. KUNIC, ' AT TO R N E V- AT-L A W i ' O ill J J lo S it's ll'ulldlng. l)i.ooiinuiu), PA, LL LL. l p It. niTOK.VI.riW, ' AT l'O R N Ii Y-AT-L AW. Wiovtsntiitn, Pa. o.llco over 1st National Hank. ... H. , '-r -jr- " g j-oii'i.i.Ajucfl I JU5nOE OP THE PEACE. IlMIOMSBUWI, l'A. nniio our Moj-cr llros. Driift store. tr- p W.MILLKB, ATTOItNKY.AT-LAW omjo In.firbtf er's buliainj.sccoiid noo'r.room No. 1 Uloomsburir, i'a. ry PRANK ZARR, JATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. Offlco cornor of Centre and Main Strocts. Clark j Uulldlng. Can bo consulted In German. 4- ' SJ G EO. E. eiayell; ? ' ATTOR!NEY-AT-IiAW. Nw CoiouBliH BBtLDiKO. UlooihsbnrB, ra. Member ot tho Dnltod States Law'Assoclatlon. ijolloctlons mado In any part ot America or Eu rope 1 pAUL E. WIRT, Attornoy-at-Law. onieo In CotostniAM boildino, Itoom No. J, second Uoor. BLOOMSBURG PA. B. KNOKR. L. S.WIKTR8TI1N. KNORR & WINTERSTEENj Attdi'noys-at-Law. fim.tn i,. iai uniinnni rtani? htilldlntp. second lloor. nrst door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market atroots isioomsouri;, ra. tSf 'Penfiom and Bounties Collected. J II, MAIZE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW omco In Maize's bulldlnj, over IHUmeycr's grocery. May 40, '31. Q 11; HROOICWAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY! PUBLIC. i i.i OlUco In Ills building opposite Court House, 3tul lloor, Uloomsburg, l'iv. upr 111 'S3 JOHN C. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, l'A. D'mco In'NKws iTsu building, Mam street. Member ot tho American ' Attorneys' Associa tion. . . (jjliectlons made in any part of America. Juu. s, s$i. A K. 03WALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jncltson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. Mart, 4l.i llBUWICK.HA RIIAWN & ROBINS, AT f 0 1 1 N K YS - AT-L AW. Catawlssa, Pa. omce, cornotot Third and Main titreets. . w E, SMITJT, Attornoy-iUL:iw, Berwick. Pa. C-u bu Consulted in German. ALSO FIUST.OIJkSS FIRE ANLt' LIPB ISUa'ANOB OOMl'ANlKS ltKl'UKSKSTKD. WOUlco first door below the post ollico.' MISCELLANEOUS. c 14 nAHITT.TCV A ttnvnnv.nl. 1 omco In II rower's building, lad utory.Kooms 5 T . MorCELtVY, M. D.,SiirKeoit nnd Phy it .iliuu, north sldo Main stroot.bclow Mr!cet A ti. PIttT5, AtnrnBT-at Lujv. Ofliu" , in uii.omiiun uuildiner. p M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH eviiid Mistime and Michlneryof alt kinds re airod. OfMKi ilousv llulldlnir, Uloomsburg, Pa.- D It. J. C. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN 8UiOE6NV ' oraec Nortli Markot strt?t", liloomsburt,, Pu pa btroet. mi. M. REBEB, Surtteon and hyslclau, onico corner of Uock una Market f !lt. KVANBrM. DJriirseoTi and 1 1 , l'hyslcun, (uaico and KoslJen'cu on Third stroet.l It HOUSE, DENTIST, Ui.ooM9iii)itn, Coi.UMiiiA County," Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tistii Kxtkact id without l'i in by the use ot (las, and free of charge when arttnclal teeth aro Inserted, onico oyor Illoomaburg liasklner Company, r 7o be open (afl all hourt during thtHlai Nov,s.ly 1 piBE INSURANCE. CIlltlSTIAN P. KNAiT, HLOOMSIIUIIO.I'A. 1 10 Mil, 01' N. Y. MHItUllANW, 01' NKWA1IK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. l'KOl'LKS' N. Y. 11KAD1NU, l'A. Theso old coni'oiuTioNs nro well reasoned by ' Roundnuu TisruuuiKl havu never yet had a loan settled by uuy court of law, Tliclr a'ts aro ull Invested In bolio skcuiutiss nro mbto to tho hazard of i iiik only, lxist.es I'KouiTLv and iioiiestly adjusted and paid as boon as determined by christian r. KNAI'l', Sl'ICIAL AOKNTANUAOJVSTimllLOOllSUl'tlU, 'Ihopeoploof Tolumbla county biionld patron, zo the uu'eney whero losses It any aro settled and Piald by one of their own cllUens, I'llOMlTNEbbS, KIJUITY, FAIlt DKAL1NH. miiI I'liy rui' .lu-i'iil. 81110 1(1 r40U icr 1IU. ,IIUllV-lllllUIIIH',Jl'llllll.'l III.IIH T, t'UIUUUllllll ' l.l'llMll'lll lVullll Yl Hut lu J, '. lt'( Unix A t ., I'MUUi.li'tila, I'a. inar Sb-ty aid THE KM LATEST AND 1 WILL Pipe, Ave Offered LOWEST' FQSSlBliE lElATES, BY G. A. ' Buckingham, jMAltKET ST., ' Berwick, Pa. April S5-3m .. L L IEW, III Medical Superintendent of the Sanitarium. Invalid's1 Home; Bioomsburg, Pa., Devotes special attention to Epilepsy, Kcrcus, Affections, and Siseases of Women. Patients received nt the Sanitarium on. reasonable terms for board and treatment. P. S. No charge for first consultation, npr 27. '83 Bt F SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dopst, Blooracburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges In different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves and stoves for beating stores.scbool houses, churches itc. Largo stock of tlnwnre ana stove, repairs, such as grates, firebrick, lids, centres CALL AUD SECUfifi BARGAINS. Oct 20 tf The Science of Life. Only U BY MAIL POST-PAID. Exhausted Vitality, Nervou3and Physical Debil ity, l'rematuro Decline In .Man. Urrors of Youth, nnd tho untold mLicrles resulting' from Indiscre tion of excesses. A book for every man, yoitnf, middle-aged and old. It contains lii prescriptions (or all acute andchronlo diseases, each one ot which Is Invaluable. So found by t lie Author, whoso experience f or S3 years Is such as probably never before fell to tho lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, uuarauterd to bo a Uner work In every sense ineonantcal. llterary and professional than any other work sold In this country tor J'-J.W, or the monoy will bo refunded lu every Instance. 1'rtca only f l.oo by mall post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by tho National Medical Association, to the omcers ot which he refers. Tho science or Ufo Should be read by tho younrf tor instruction, and by the attllcted for relief. It will beneilt nil liomlon Lancet. TheroU no member ot .society to .whom Tho Science of Lirn'wlli not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guai'dlar Instructor or clergyman. .lr yurutut. Address tho l'eabody Medical Institute, or Dr W. II. Parker, ho. 41luinncli street, lloston, Mass., Who mar bo consulted on nil diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronlo and obatlnato diseas es and that nave bunted the i i n i I skill ot another phydclani n bio 1'LVjJLj clalty. suchtn'ntedsucces5tulfiri wyni 1 ly without an lnstanceot J.J.L 1 OPiljl. fall uie; Mention this1 paper. June S7.4 w d B. P. HART.MAN nSPl'.E32MS T1IK I'Ol.LOWINQ AMEBICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Vrankltn, t " . Pennsylvania,' " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. Y. ouuens, ot Ixindon, North llrlllsh, ot London, untce on Mtrkut street, No. s, Uloomsburg. oot. S4, 9-ly T71HEAS BBOWN'S INSURANCE I1 AUKNUY. Mover's new building. Main streot, Uloomsburg, I'a. Assets. .litna insurance Co., of llartford, conn, l,0T8,aw Itoyal ot Liverpool 13.5DO,oiki Uncashlro lo.ooo.oos Flro Association, Philadelphia 4.105,710 Phoinlx.of London T. B.Sdfl.Slt 1iiidon & Lancashire, ot England.. , l,Tiw,970 llartford ot llartford , 3,2T3,o;u SprlugUeld Flro and .Marino. . ,- a,0ii,5iu Ah the agencies aro direct, policies aro written for tho Insured without any delay In tho omco at Uloomsburg. Oct, 'ii, 'Sl-t BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL -:o.- The undersigned having put ills Planing Mil on Hallroad Street, in nrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In his line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisned at reasonabloprlcea. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and specinca uuuo prupureu uy an uxpvrienccu uruuumuinuu CIl.ini.U8 KRIIfi, ItlooniHburer, I'a T iirnnnni rrr nntirr i..un.afMi iitbumrLc, 1 1 nuinc.io,iili.u..v.i4i Itguk, Ntw edition. Nw birdingi.-Nw HlutiaUin tivax a (letlttt, bui'trUy t'ottomiL. bnn low trlct. AJtuIe4 tu ill tU.tci. belli kliilit, Afeuti illutf Uif or. LxCULLliNT fBMMi, Tl UaJtwWfkt pffclccttt ever litucU, Aily now. UUAULKY. (iAKHtttttuN Si CO., fl N'urlhlth St. I'lillid:! KNOW THYSELF.. & Qreai Msdicil Workon Manhood. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! AT' .as Tim ARTIST AND Wlio nlways given you tliO InteBt HtylM, ntki Cuts your clothing to fit yott. Having bad tho experience, lor a niliiilier oi ytiitrn in tlie Tailoring liusi ncB.i, lias learned what material will L'ivo his utiritomei'S the best Hatisfaction lor wear and style and will try to please all who give him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods 01' ALL llESCIlirTIOXS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always ot the latest styles. Cull nnd ex amine bis stock before piircliaslup; elso- wnorc. Corner Slain ifc Market .Sin. Ar.m;sMy ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. OP CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. The following shows tho Picket Oothle, one ot tho several beautiful stjlesot l'ence manufactured by tho unuersisneu. rorlleautvnnd Durability titer nrounsurpnss ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to give saiisraciiuu. Prices and specimens of other do signs sent to any address. Address & hl mmm.. BLOOMSBURG PA. May 4-tr NEW BUGGIES!! CARRIAGE SHOP, BERWICK, PENN'A. FHOM 33.00 TO 123.00. 29 MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP STRICTLYJFIRST-CLASS. May 2-Hn aoakcv or WILKY&llUSSKI.L'H LABOH SlVINd TOOLS MACHINERY. Heail Qaurters for Iron, bUfl.llontf shoes Nails nnd Wagon Makers' nnd llinck Rinlths' Supplies. Israel liltteubender, storo Warcrooms l?8 1'ranklln Ave., also warcrooms 111 Frank, lln Ave., and US Gen tro street. SORANTON PA. may 23 ly E. B. 8R0WER, fPIvUMBlNG,) GAS FITTING & STEAM HKATING. DliALEIl STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Shoot Iron, Roof iug and Spouting promptly nttended to. J P-Strlct attontlon given to heating by steam. porner of Main & East Sts., . Bloomsburg, Pa. M, C, SLOAN & BRO., HLOOMSKUUQ, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDDIES,' PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, &C Klrat-clasa work always on ti&nd, lUiPAUUNQ NEA TL YDONli. Prices reduced lo tuil the timet. I merciianttailorJ Bloomsburg, Pa. $ ,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY rr.at.a. No. At. IS mtfio $400 $350 WJOO rS27 V'JSGO .$225 200 155175 !5I50 tj?125 100 $00 80 W70 $00 $50 J?4() $20 $10 March Hmnkeni ot nUckmll'i Ocnnlns Bull Snrhim Smoking Tobacco will rcoclvo Premiums s foUows on tormond condltloni beropoclnodi 1st PRipw. $5,000 2d S2,000 3d " $1,000 tia other rremlnmiiuhertkhown. The St proniluma will bo awarded December 1. 1881 lot prelum rocs to tho ttmon fromwhomworo. relrettaelinroirtnamberofonremrlr tobiw-obw.j'rl J).15. 'JilwiU lw irlvcn for tho next hrvest nunTbcr nd thu. In tho order of tho namber ot empty bir reedTcd from etch, to tho tweo.tr.flre ruoreMful con. to.tantii. Etch bur muat beArxur orUrlnAl Dull Durlilm libel. U. 8. ltevenuo nttnip, and OuUon Notice, libra mutt Iw done up Mcnrely In raeiAire, with nime and AddreM ot (coder. nd nnmbrt of bwrs conUln od, pUlnly mred on the ontiidn, and mint Rent, charpefl nrerald. to Hlnrknrll'ii Durlinm Tobnrro t'o.,DuniHM. N. C. Every rcnolne packaire hM picture of DiUL Boo oar next annoancemosi 1-tt Health andHappiness. 22? DO AS OTHERS' y&?lAf HAVE DONE. j Aro your Kidnuys difeordorod? i Kl Jimr vi t liiuglit mo froia my tirava n.H -.., "i i. I l il'Ml ik I'll Kirt'Il Uli IIT I i U'il UOCKTl. m H IKtlvit," M. W. D0Tfur, llcchanlc, lolila, Hleli. j . Aro your norvos wenk? II iTlfV "(Vi)rt it-iir-ml (Hit from ti.rrn wi nbriKiiH U p.,ntt r wj not it'tfti tn Htc,"- Mr. M. M. U. M Uovdwin, 111. Mrttttun Monitor CMcl&atJ.U. iavo you iingafs Diseasti7 , "KJ.ineT oit pitn-U 1110 cu my ater noiuat Ilk cliMt aiui llu'ii UkA blmul' Sufforincr from Diabetes? "Ifltlnv.WnrtHtiifliTKitit nnrco-(fiil Mtrinrif 1 Imvri If JcviT u km U Olvw Rlmot imniftiilato ri'Ilef." . ur.iniuipj.iuitos.aioDKbn. vert Havo you Livor Complaint? K!tlrT.'YVirt (iirpi rfin li( rhrutJi Uf it DI-rrAuL'! j ntiiry Ward, bio Cd. C9(hKat.0uan1,N.Y. t Is your Back lamo and aching? . "JUOimyVort, U bittk tmnl luO Dtitli 1 uoiio ll JUL' I hflll til lOll Ol.t Of C, JI. Talhiiusc, Mltwaukmi Wit.' 'H'Avo you Kidney Disoasb? ":vJ.Jicy-T ort Madd in4 unuii.t in llrcr alul kMm n ift-r )oim nt uiihucf) tt-ful ('twti.rlnpr. ll woith. Are you Constipated? ; "Kl.Imjr-Wart cuuw cxvi-TaruatlAh and trurt-J mo afttr 16 jcura iu of othT nifdiinitin." . . i NJ'OH KalrcliilJ, St. Albaf.-, t. Havo you Malaria?. "ivMnpyW'urt lint Jono butter than any otlivr vomtUy f havo tvr u! In my iretkp.H Ui. IE. K, CaJU-k.yuuUiikrv, Vt. Aro you iiinouar 1 '.!. t,iAAt.,i Ur? ..... (linn .,rtw J1 other rciaody I Imro ever tAlm." Ii Aliu J.T. Oallay, CU FlatOrciron. Aro you tormented with Piles? 'Kiliicy-Vort jtrnnanrnttn t v.( itio ot hleodinff j-iloa, Ur. W.(J, Kliiio rn'titiinicuhil lr tome," Aro you Rheumatism racked? K:ilni-y-V,"ort cunu me. afttr wan tchtn up tu die by hhrstclunH nnd I tnI milTi nil tlilrt ytnt ." UbrM jo Malcolm, Wi t lUtli, ilutno. Ladies, nro you suffering? "KMtii-y-Wort ciut-d mo tx.ct.llnr trvUklot ot K'teralTiarsitamlhu'. Many fm'iidni!Ff aim) pml-u It." Sir. II. Lninori-aux, Isle La UitU, f. K you would Banish Diseaso i and gain Health, Tako iaSaussjisi ANSER. j The Ulood cue Spring Without Blossoms. LATE IN LIKK TO LOOK VOH .10V YKT XV.Y Kit TOO LATH TO ML.MU. Headers of nawthorneM "House of Seven Oa. bios" will recall tho pathos with which poor Clif ford Pyncheon, who had been unjustly Imprison ed slnco his early manhood, said, after his re lease, s "My llfo Is gone, and whero Is my happi ness 1 Oh I glvo mo my happiness." liut that could be dono only In part, as gleams of warm sunshlno occasionally tall across tho gloom of a New Lngland autumn day. In a letter to Messrs. IlLscox & Co., Mr. U II. Titus, ot Pennington, N. J., says : "I have suffer ed untold misery from childhood from chronic dis ease of tho bowels and dlarrhaja, accompanied by great pain. I sought relief at the hands ot physi cians ot every school and used every patent and domestic remedy tinder tho sun. I have at last found In 1'AltKEK'S TO.VIO a complete specific, preventive and cure. As your Invaluable medl clno, which did for mo what nothing el' could do, Is entitled to the credit of my getting back my happy days, I cheerfully and gratefully acknowl edge tho fact," Mr. iX. H. Wells, who needs no Introduction to tho eoplo of Jersey city, adds: "Tho testimonial of Mr. Titus Is genuine and voluntary! only ho (loos not adequately portray tho suffering he has en dured for many years. Ho H my brother-in-law, and I know tho caso well. Ho Is now perfectly free from his old troubles Rnd enjoys health and life, oscrlbluif It all to PAltKKU'S TONIC. Unequalled as nn Invlgornnt ; stimulates all the organs (cures ull ailments oi tho liver, klduoyts, and all dbcases ot the blood. for tho working class. Send 10 cents for pontage, nnd we will mall you free, a royal valuable box of sample goods that will ,uut vou In tho way of maklnir mora money lu a few days than you ever thought possible at auy business. Capital not reonlred.1 Wo will start 3 ou. Von can work all tho lime or In sparo tlmo only. Tho work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily cam from tO cents to f5 every evening. That ail who want muy wsi, me uusiness, wo maice mis unparanea offer ; to all that aro not well satlstled wo will send t to pay for tho trouble of writing us. l'ull parti culars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will bo madobythoso who glvo their wholo ttmo to tho work. Ureal Buccesa absolutely sure Bon't delay, start now. Address hti.nfon 4: Co., Portland, Maine. ccc iM YOU CANNOT OUT "WELL AT HOMK. Fairvisw Institute, HINGIIAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. The houso Is sDeclally Utted un for the comfort of luvnllds whodfelrea pleasant uud Chrlsllau home. Stands on high ground with plenty of huaae. rereuuui aiieunuu given vu mury paiieiu. lUer.trleltv and (lalvunlsm In their different moilt. ligations a speciality, prof. Mills has given many years ot study and practice to tbts branch, and hundreds will testify to his sktlL (send tor circular, suiting what paper you saw tUlSln. I'ltOR HliNllY .MILLS, .Mrs. iiuw. nir.uii .mii.i, Lock llox 97. Kept. 7 ta-iy. lilngnamton, N. V Continued rcn last ueelc.) flow Waich Cases are Made. In Luvlpg a silver watch caso great cars should bo taken to sccuro ono that is solid silver throughout. The cap of most cheap silver casts is made of n composition known ns nlhata, which Is a very poor substitute) fortilvcr, as it turns black in a short tlhie. The backs of such cases aro mado much thinner than thoso of nn all silver case, being robbed in order to make tho cap thicker and get In as much as possible of tho cheap metal, Another important point inivsllvercoso Is tho joints or hinges, which tliould be made of gold, Tlao.o ef moit tli cup cases are made of silver, which is not a stiitablo metal for that purpose. In a brief period it warps, bends and spreads npait, allowing '(ho1 backs to becomo looso uiion the caso and admitting tho dust and dirt that accnmmulata in tho pocket. Tho Kcyttouo Silver Watch Cases aroonly mado with silver tups and gold joints. . ,8''.Lnp,iMo..Fb.l7,18S3. Id our wne and vanad txDnrutaoalo hamlllng w.tcti.i, wt cahoot but auktiupl.dc.and f tvfiourta.UiDoar that tl K.'j.kiu. Klia hji.r VVaUh tla.M an Ilia but mail, taour knu.Udaa, llaviQg Dnaold.rma IU.I rH niala honingenfoa., harjtr and .(.. thaulUvy viuuld til wtfrb they Iwalud (or auldarliur, ana havo luor. riaUtiur iiuwor aA.ln.t preiMUfi. than any cith.r eaao. lu tU uiaikiu Maimou 1 Jicciiuj Jtwiuii Uu, a., j i .i .Lb. i. w.i. v r... r.it.riM, r"'- iilikl.,l'b,rwrK..il..M. llliu(rat.4 ranpAUl a.laiw Jiuuc. S...' u4 k,;.U. Ualtb lim art aikit. o E SELOTSTOIIY, A FAVOR OF FORTUNE. Jason I fall, a quaint, old, castclla. tul HtriiuliirC ol Ur! timu of Queen Kli.dheth, fUimled upon the const of Kex and overlooking thu English Channi'l, wni the Bent of Admiral Sir Thonus Slroiit, a rnili;li, roblist old BiilWli Hailnr, who llouririlied ilniiiij; the latter paitof the last and the lir ginning of thu presoiit centuries. Oiig. iniilly i ho place had been called an ab bey. The Adnilral had given it iu present name in honor of tho old Jason IrijLjato, on board whiuli ho hail served 114 post caifaiu when it wait the Hag ship uf Etigland'n Haildr-ICitig, William IV., then Admiral, and Duke of Clar ence. In 1832, the lime of which vu write, Sir 'I'lionm', thrown old and battered in tho Mtrvicc, hail been honorably retired upon full pay. lie was never so hap py as when no could induce old ship mates to share his hospitality. , Admirals of tho Hod, tho Whito or the Hliio were all gladly entertained by Sir Thomas, Post captains were al ways wclconle j oven a colilniander, if his war record was good, might find favor in his sight. liut lower than that lie did not go. In fact, ho was lan aristocrat of tho first water the 'very saltest of the salt: and ho would sooner havd admitted to social' equality tho boatswains and tho gunners of the old school than to havu admitted a lieiitonaut of the now. Tho 6nly near relative which tho old dmiral had! was' 'a granddaughter, whom ho catuo very near to worship ping. His wife had died when quite young, leaving only ono child, a Dean titul girl, wno tho proud lather was wont to dcclaro was tho handsomest and tho best and the most intolli trent tni'l in tho kipinlom. She, rather lato in lite her lather having kept tho general run of lovers 'nt a dtstanoti. bocanio tho wife of an dinrl, but tho Earl was so poor that ,whcn ho died, only live years alter Ins inarringe, lie did not leavo behind him tho wherewith to pay his debts, tho ro hult being that Lady Irene, the Admi- al s daughter, camo homo to lior lath' .er, bringing with her an infant datigli tor Mio littlo l.adv l!.meline.' At tho timo of tho openiug of our story &ir I homas daughter had been dead several years, and thu Lady Era- eiino had crown to a bcautitul maiden bf 19, with a character that lacked nothing to mako it lovely and lovable. And she had a lover a youngr lieuten ant of tho Royal Navy named George Ay ling. Ho had come fust to Jason Hall, having been sent with a passage io tho old Admiral by tho Board of Admiralty. On that occasion had to remain all night, and Sir Thomas had detailed Lady Emelinu to entertain him. lie was a brave, loyal, true- hearted man, 2d years of age, tall and strong and handsome, so handsome and so genial and so puru-niiuded that his beautiful young hostess fell in love yvith lum during that lust visit. He was attached to tho naval de partment at Whitehall, beititi on the itaff of one of tho lord commissioners. His father was only a merchant, but ono of the most wealthy in London. In fact, few men had more inlliteuco at court than had tho elder Aylins, ho having been a life-long friend and devoted helper of the present King, and ho never obtruded himself. The only favor he had over asked had been tn behalf of his son. Lieutenant Ayling had fallen des perately in lovo with Lady Emeline, and at lent'tli ho told her of it, and ho told her so heartily and so ardently and so lovingly that she could not keep oacK her own contessioti, but said 'Oh, George 1 my lovo ! my heart is an vour own now. But when he talked of speaking with nor grandfather sho trembled She knew tho old Admiral's whims and inconsistencies, and sho feared ho would oniioso their union. 'iortuno tavors tho brave, said George, laughingly. "Faint heart never won fair lady. I shall beard the tiger in his den. hurely he cannot eat me." And, on a certain afternoon, when tho lieutenant had brought down packet from tho naval ollice, and had seen nnd spoken with his darling, ho approached tho old Admiral in his sanctum sanctorum and told of his lovo for tho beautiful Emelino, and boldly asked the veteran tor her hand. What a shock wa9 that for fliu British Admiral ! At first ho could not credit-tho: evidence of his senses It could "tuft bo possiblo that ho had h'eardfariglit. And thu ardent lover stated his case a second time stated it' so there could be no mistake. And then thu wrathful torront.bnrst forth What 1 A 1'toutonant 1 Son of Loudon merchant 1 A mere nobody 1 : strippling, who had never smelt ppwder! Who had ncvor'seeu a fleet plit in lino of battle 1, Marry with his granddaughter tho daughter of an rarl ifAnd so ho went on to tho closo and the olQso was tins : "Get out o piy house;? sir I Grt out; sir 1. And .ikt.l, .TaiV .In.. I 'v ennll. ...tit. lw. T n.l.. IJinolino ag.iin I Vou! You! You I njarry with tho granddaughter and heiresa'of Admiral Sir Thoinas' Stroutl By heave'nb, if sho should do1 suohia thing as listen'to your talo of love, I would would I don t know what I should do ; but, if sho should marry with you, I'd cast her olt on tho iu stantl. Now, gol I think you havo your'answer r .The 'young and gentlemahly Lieu tenant was thunderstruck utterly nS' tounded. Re gazed upon tho foaming old tiger as ho might havo gazed upon a noiiiu oca isianuer gone man. "Well, sir, d'you hear mo t Why aout you move 7 What aro you waning hero tor 7 1 don t think you'vo got any moro to say J" bluatorcd tho iralo Admiral, wlulo the oxtraordl iiarv rusli of blood to tho head gave to his rough and puffy faco n color purely crimson, "Only this, my dear sir, for the prpsent," returned Ayliug, mildly and mpdestly, and bowmg politely. "I would liko to know, sir, through Vou, if tho specimen of speech and behavior which I have just witnessed may bo taken as a lair sample ot the nio and intercourse of tho quarter-deck iu1 tho hUtorio and heroio days of His Majes ty'a royal navy t'1 Having thus spoken ho bowed agai vury low And then turned to leave tho room, passing put uuder a torrent of ' abuse. On tho road pinjiza George met tho i.ady JuiU'ltno. wiicn biio saw hlH I faco she caught him eagerly by thu arm and asked what had happened.' Hu told her as nearly as ho thought proper. "Oh, Uoorge, dour heart, 1 feared It I feared it! 1 havo been in h feVci' f anxiety nil tho timo you havo been' gone. What shall wo do alas l hatt Never surrender, my own tb'ar promised onel Let us consider. Wo will take timo. I have friends in Lon' don who will gladly help us. At all ovents, we won i give up uie snip iiiat1 et, Her lovers strength and heartiness, if, id nd is commence in right nnd justice, nn is masterful manner of stiecch nm purpose, soon brought tho sorrowful maiden iato a more IioDoful state, so iat when ho left her ho left smile" l . . . '- . . i upon her face. lhe lieutenant, sineo his interview ith Sir Thomas, had resolved to re- turn at onco to London. lhe stago coach from Shoreham to Chichester would pass shortly, and tho nearest way from tho Hall to tho highway wa4 through tho great- park. Ho" had struck into t!io well-beaten pathi and hail gained, perhaps, half tho distance when he was brought to a stiddon stop a scene tlirtt commanded at onco us earnest sympathy. aii elderly gentleman, who had evi- lently been on his way to the Hall, had been attacked by a savage stag that broko looso from tho deer park. vling well know tho nature nnd dis position of tho animal, as ho had onco radabuuti with him on his own ao count. Ho was ono of tho largest of lis class : literally, "a monarch of tho glun," which had been sent to tho lord f tho manor from the highlands of Scotland. His widely-branching an- tiers were of enormous size,' and the man who should once get fairly caught thereon might calculate upon a speedy exit lrom tins sublunary sphoro. iho individual attacked was certain more than tiireo score ' porliaps nearer to three-score and ten habited in a sort of undress, freo-and-oasy na val -uniform ; naturally, one would jndge, a pleasant-faced old man ; bat just at present so :oxccssivoly frighten- ni uiiu iimi-Ks 01 ciiuruoior uiiguvgu for nothing. When our hero first discovered him I . s- he had dodercd behind a larirc oak tree, .while tho stag sto6d ready for a charge .! J . I oil 1110 OIIIIOSIIO Siae. Ayling saw in an instant that when tho stag shdtild makfe another onset it wnuld bo next to impossible for his victim to eseapo ; and if the infuriated bea9t once reached him what could save him 1 iho brave youth hesitated only long enough to fully grasp the situation. Ho had great confidence in his own physical strength, and he believed ho could throw tho animal from his leet. jl uu uvkiiis nu wuuiu not sou u uu- fenceless old man killed before his face whilo he had stretigtn and sense to make an effort. He took a critical view of every point, and then, with a hound nnd a yell, iio leaped forward. Exactly how he did it he never could tell, lie caught tho branching nutlcrs, nt the samo tune striking with heavy lorco against tho stags shout dors ; then, witli all his strength, twist ng tho head backward and drawing it towards him, while ho slruck his foot with a solid kick against the leg near st to him, Tho effort was successful. He firoitght the stag down upon his' side, riving his noso into the gravel and piessiug his knees upon tho neck and shoulder. Thou lie shouted to the old gentleman to run. There was a gate lot ten rods away, which be could eas i, - ily reach "Kun tor tho gato and 1 will fol low," was his command, and when he had almost reached it the lieutenant sprang to his feet and sped after him, and boforo tho demoralized beast could recover his senses botli the men wero safe, "Well, vonng man, you havo saved my lite. Won't you think sol ' "1 certainly think, sir, that I saved you from a great danger. "Ay, you saved ray life. Who ate you t" Ayliug was well satistied that tlte old gentleman was nothing less than a retired admiral and ho respected him accordingly, "I am George Avling, sir, a lieuteiH ant in His Majesty's navy. Are you the sou of Arthur Ayling, tho Loudon merchant 7'' "I am sir his only son.'' "Ay : I remember j I gave a word for him to tho A,liniiltv when lm wn seeking to get a place in tho navy for his boy. Iteally, lam glad that i have met you. And now, what ard you doing heroY" It struck the vouth that if this man lin.l inllnpiinn wna ni.il,,, tn, t)mo a friend of Sir Thomas, ho, might jiossibly help litin s6, in a very deli cate and uioilcst manner, ho told tho wholo story told of his lovo for the Lady Emeline of her love for lum, of his lato interview with'Sir Thomas, and ot tho result. Tho did man laughed outright. "Oh, the, old sea dog 1 What a grow hois! But, young tnau, do you c)iq with mo. By St. Georgo,l I will give old Tom a piece of my mind. Come along I won't let him eat yon,'1 tvyling Hesitated but tor a little tune. His aged friend seemed so con fident, and was so pleasant, eager, jo vial, that ho quickly gave in, and turn- cd back wttti him towards the Hall. They had reached the broad gravel- en driveway in trout ot the mansion n driveway in trout ot the when thoy discovered tho Lady ElllO- lipo herself upon tho piazza, sitting With her head boilt upon hor hand, llko 0110 disconsolate. "Hold on,1' said tllO Old man I "Jo JUii inu Ku uu iu mivuiieu unn speun n Word with tho lady before you como up. And without further remark ho tfd ou Ayling tuw him ascend the piazza i saw timeline Btart qutekly to her feet with an exclamation of Burpriso saw unit miu in:i iiunu unit iuisu it to ms lipsj nnd thou ho spoke. Presently the beautiful faco was transfigured. uiiu ino near gin ciappcu ner lands 1 .1 . I .11 11 witli a cry of joy. i no eager lovor iloiild tarry no longer. Ho hastened forward, and as he loined them, and once more took his darling's hand, thu goon old man uauu tiiom loilow him, and, as he thus commanded, lie turned and strode on in the direction of the old Admiral s sanctum, tho two lovers, hand - in hand, following eosq behind. Having art ivpd at the sanctum or tho "Growler. ' as it wn eommonlv calleil - - thcy found Sir Thomas then) alone, with it pipe in liii mouth, nnd n decAnter nnd i.'hiss at Iih nlbow. .. J . . . I I Uo saw trip intruder, nnd win upon his feet in ml Instant, his ninn drniiin.il and broken, nnd his red f.im tin. id,,, ttno of aitonishuieiili "What I Sim! u mv old lviw .lr, not declovo inc. this is n nroiid ntul liatuiv inoment I" I Hold on, Tom, 1 am not lo bo ' i welcomed utiles you can welcome ono ot tho best nnd dearest friends I iavo in tho world. And here hu is Lieu- tetiant Ayliug. I propqso to mako hint a post captain as soon as possible, Say, old shipmate, shall we bo welcomo to- getherT Avlimr. as miiTht lm Biiin,rni.i1. uluui - j o? a- ..... , - - ii. ie thus d scovured that L wai his Kim. whom he had rescued Irom mortal peril, was doenlv nnd iinwoifullv nffm-tnil. but his souses did not leave him. Ho saw thu nk mhln Rltimtinn nf Sir Thomas, and. in tho iroodness nf bin I heart, ho moved oukklv forward to his relief. '-Sir Thomas." hu said, extendinc his 'hand, "let us furcntthn nasL." "But- don't forget mo 1" cried tho Kinf. i.ik mdv. "Nn ilnn irpr nf i1mt.M rnannmlpil 1 Ayliug, heartily, and with deep, truo leclmg. "When a Untisli seaman forgets Eugland's gallant sail-or- King we may look for chaon como nrfnin I" 'W,. H.iid 1 Vnn . am ritdii. mv trm.. C3 . I heartod boy j1' exclaimed tho old Ad, ltnir.il nlainlv w u-nv nf iwtilinir him. snlf rlivht. with liia anvuniirni. nml hu i.r.isnfid the voutli'n niirjifrntidipd hand mhn mlilnrf. "Tlmt apmimont dnnn vnu crndit. mv imv . and lli Maieatv (iod bless niid keen him I avouched for you I should be a, traitor and grade, indeed, if I could refuso, thus In nrtnnri tin, hnnil of fr nnilHli in. AVelcomo ! Welcomo to tho pair of vn!" . . . . . . . i Anil limn ImtMtii tnL-nn lrpnl.li. Itn lemnndeii "Siro. nrav tell mo. how in tho world did yoU get hero? JIow camo you, and weucol" "Mv dear old Tom. I ran awav from the tuiraoil of the Court on purpose to ge a , jay ot blessed rest and recreatioiii with' vou. I camo in mv coach, and ln W'nt tl,n ronr,r.itn nf m, tmrlr v ,M v vn vta k.vw a, jua ) .ii.iir,,. m r.mn,T, r,A ,1,,, onl.luu L. i,,,., i, ,.niild. whilo took n com. . - . . ' . . . I fnrt.i 1 p wnlk .linnnnt.lt vnur tnninstin 0ij 0,ha Hut it camo near being a! la., vp'alk to nie.rand if it, had not bnpii fnr nnr ltr.ivn nnili irallnnt Imv hnin or, 0f Ono of tho very best' friends liea- Vn nvnt-.ivn nm vnu mirrlir. npvor Wn snnn William IV. otiF-nr-lnnd nlivn aain. But I'll toll, you shortly about t over a nine and a fdass." Shortly after thisthe two young peo iQ wer0 sent away to look after the work of the gardener, the King hail , our hnro .m lift was tnrninir awnv "Bv the wav. Liuutenant .ir-'i I don't like that title. Wo must mako it Can- tain. Yon have lost the stage couch for to-day, soyoiiitnay tarry overnight, it air Thomas can hnd ft bed tor you, and rule back with me. And then tho two Shipmates wero left to themselves to revel in tho scenes and to fight over again tho br.ttlcs of tho times ngone. Wo will only add, belore tho young Lieutenant left tuo hall he was per mitted to hold the Lady Emelino by the hand under tho lavor of a blessed fortune, for tho old Admiral had smil ed upon their love and giVen Ills con- sent to their union. The Income of the Noted New York Jour nalist $200,000 a Year. I learn that Mr. Dann s ineomo trom the .S'im is not only princely, bnt that ii is e.tttcutu imij ji im.eij, un in.!, ii. is exceeueu omy oy mat, ot nir. uen- nor plan m these cases was very much nn . s,t ...l. i .11 ..fit. . . netu v lieu iur. aaua iook, iioiu oi the iSan ho made a contract with 'the trustees to edit tho paper at a salary" of 5lU,00U a year. Ilo Had then somo twenty shares in tho paper. Said ho "Now, if tho profits of tho paper are tor- large I think I ought to have an inter est 111 them OtltSllltl Ot tllV'Sa arV. ailll 1 proposo that all dividends above twen- iy-iivo per cent, mum ou uivuieu aim man nave nan. mo siocKiioiuers, to whom a 'dividend of twcnty-iivo per . ... j-. cent, seemed not only very Inrge, but very improbable, said : "Whyi of course, if wo declare any dividends over livciity-iivo per cent, you shall have one half. ''Will you make a contract to inat, ciieui lor ten yea t ti T rm . t.t...i i .... ....... . .i . . rp .. t ..' l . I sain jur. xJMiiii. a ue hiuuKooiiei agreed and tho contracts were maile. Within two years lhe paper paid over atlY )cr wu aml for a number oi yo.ira mis not puiu ie umu eignty. 1,10 ten-year contract expired a year or tw B d l ww reuoweil, with this . 'Iptj l"ummB one nau oi uu uie uiviueiuis over jony per cent. . live f uii tut wvcu, tin itiyi j viib iiii . JJana s share last year, Including Ids salary, was $207,000. JV. 1". Ct or. Washington Oapttal, Pekit.ot Bi'TTEit. Mr, Robert Hall, an Ohio butter inspector, says that where butter is properly churned, both as to time and temperature, it be comes firm With very littlo working nnd it is tenacious ; but its most desir- abio stato is waxy, when it is easily moulded into any shape, and may lie drawn out a considerable length with out breaking. It is then styled gilt edge. It is only in this stato that but tor possesses that rich nutty tasto nnd smell, and shows up a rich golden yel low color which Imparts so high a do- gico of plcasuro ju eating t, and which increases its value manifold. It js not I nlwiu'M niwiiaarv. wlinh it. smnlla n'wcpt. to tastu butter in iudmntr it. Tho Hinnoth unetinus fuel in rubliint. a littlo I t,ntwppn tin, finirpr nnd Mm, ,1 i'Ynnwa L. nt nnim its linh nimlitv . ll,n nnttv nt onco its rich quality 8mcn ami rich aroma lr dmnll nnd riidi nrnnti iniltii'itn n fiindliit tastvi and tho bright, golden glistening, creai,i colored surfaeo. shows hi height of cleanliness. It may bo necessary at times to uso a tryer, nr use it until you becomo nn oxpert in testing bv tutu, smel and rubbing., i At Point Barrow. Alaska, thu re- I com v returned Uu led btato oxnei ! - . . . l.. - tion lound evidence that t in ground is trozen to a depth ot nearly ano teet. Below a point a few yards from tho surface tho temperature never ciaugei?. from November to ,uuy no living Ibiug may bu seen on this laud ex cept tho Inntiit uud his dog, and mi occasional stray reindeer or white fox. A Woman Bandit. LA RAUAMIIOIIA KILLED, AKTT.lt AN, EX? TltAOItlUNAKr OAIU'.EK 01' CHIME. La Carambodaf tho woman brigand, . . . I I. ,11. a terror io travelers in hub ivgiiin, is dead at Inst, with a bullet in her heart, Her operations extended over many yeais and wero of tho most daw nig description. I'orftlong timo the ailtlioiltius found it very dllhulllt to trace or oven to explain tho crime, which sho commiltud, for no one sttsr peeled that ft wotnon was tho guilty, person. No two of her robberies were committed in thoeainomannntr. Some- ... . - t'ne sho was n passenger and at other times she was with the bandits, nnd look part iu tho shooting if thbru was ban y to bo done. A woman ot somo, rnorsonnl charm: when appropriately diessud, sho was n liend iwhon abotiu, ... .' ' . .hor business of murder nnd pillage) whom very lew cared lo encounter. Her nialo assistants were many and do voted. Ono of her schemes, it has been learned, was lo bldo her time in some lowli until she found one or two men of means who weM going by tho dilli- gence to pome distatit point and then tako passage with them. It is suspect- ed that on more than ono occasion sue took tho driver into her conhdence, but when this could not bo dono she ream- dy necotveti nun or ijuicuu unn nim u ibullet. A perfect mistress of tho art of dissimulation and possessing ft soft and i isitiiiating manner sho had no - . dillicultv. in working herself into the good grace' 6f travelers who did not look for n Mexican batulit under her lattractivo guise. In tins way she eas- ilv discdvorod who had money and val- limbics and who had 'riot. If sho found Pa man who appeared1 to be ot some conseouence, but who" did not havo rcno-Luiuch money, she betrayed him into ,the hands of ?ier confederates, who dieid Hint lor ft ratlSOtn. It nor Victim proved to bo well supplied 'with cash ho U9tiallv mot a violent doatli within " IWCIllV-IOlir 1 Olira. I Leaving a town' before daybreak ii company1 with two travelers whom Blio )ad marked for robbery, sho would b6Vl V accent the customary innocent httctitipiis at their hands; and perhaps inouigc 'in n utile eonveiHuiiuu ,u, thernl An hour later, when 'well on the iounie v. watching her opportunity. j r 0 him would draw two revolvers, and. be- fore, they could detect her movement, t ,t . 1 ul? t. C lOUCO a OUHCl in 1110 DaCK 01 c.'iuil 01 them. The driver, busy with bis team, hnd perhhps paid not to bo, too atten- live' to what waft gOiiig.oii behind him, Svould not disturb her; With her booty secure, she would take her own timo hbottt leaving tho stage, always wait- fug until a point convenient to the fastness of some ot her confederates was' reached. It' was known that tho highways Were infested by robbers and it was not thought strange that an occasional Inurder was perpetrated, but tiio slim- anty between several cases soon at- racted attention and various exp'eri- nents led to the discovery that, a wo nan, operating first on one road and lion on another, was at tho bottom of muii ti Ilium, ho dri The plausible stories told by rivers served to mystify tho offi cers' moro than anything else, ihey always nsserted that the highway- pien had done the work and it inquiry Was made at ono end of thd route for lhe woman who started it was always 6iiid that sho arnyed at her destination inmolested. Tho absence of telegraphs nd ot any regular means ot cominuni atiem made it possible to kei'p up this leceptioij for a long time. When the woman found that she was suspected she abandoned this plan of operation and, remaining with tho robber baud to which she was attached, devoted the greater part of her timo to inu uuuueuon or weattiiy agiicuiiurisis. no. satiiu as in hei stago robbery en terprises. lurst winning the conh- ilencu ot her intended victim nnd get ting him involved in gome intrigue, sho would betray him at tho proper time ihto tho would s' hands of her associates, who pirit him away and preseutly liiiPli iinrrntintihna t.- hiu r.'lni'ii While' these were in progress she would no HUM- setting her net lor a Irish VIC' um a hundred miles awav. i i - La Caramboda's latest exploit was i nsuccesstiil. blio was, hovering about t io San Juanico hacienda witii the in t iition of securing (ho abduction of Ipbu Clvelo Vasquez or one of his sops, .. .i. ... u ii . . . . ., a. , . i wiiun a leuow wno nau long bervuu in i iiyr I .1 tram, descried and communicated i ncr Becret t6 tl)U autliori lonties. l.lioy ii;Ulo elaborate proparatious to capture l for- cntiro hartv. but. failing in this. tjiev made sure (if her and soon 'had acr in irons, uoainig oi inr late, nor fhllowers determined on a rescti,'. They jhirsued tho oliicers' for twenty miles, u ,d ovetiaking them at Uounindad, .eiied hie at Ollee. Tliu troops re turned the shots and a lively engage lrk'tit ensued, iu the course of which t irefj of tho bandits, were killed and io others put to llight. When tho troops approached their prisoner aftev the light thev'fouud her dead, presum- t ably from' a bullet fired by her own fiielids. The chains wero lemoved from her limbs and sho was buried by the roadside, One of her eaptprs de scribes her as a beautiful wpmnn, not more tnau itiirty years qui, wun cienr complexion and long and abundant iir, but with a wicked eyo and a ej-iiel .looking mouth when in repose. Qtteretaro (Mexico) Letter in A'eio York tSttn. llow to Take a Pii.i. People who find difficulty in getting down a pill, may Imd n useful hint in the following; Put thn head In thu no-iitinn thev woub Id I if eaiinc and swallowing food 'at th tho table that is. tho head inclined for. - I uvnil. tlin chin nnnr tin, breast and kepi, it In that ltnsition. If n snmll I tthrlion nf aalivrt hp nit Imtid. nr a htnnll quantity of water taken after tho pill is' put lu tho mouth, it will surprise the patient and gratify tho doctor, to wit- ntsj the facility with whipli. It will bo swallowed. To direct tho patient to keep Ills oyts on his toes, will help to i Kvep me iieau in wie proper puMtiyu. , . , I ho laundress of tho House of Re- ! . ..a ... i. i iresentatlvea has not hnd long nsso cif.tions with uong grcssmeiifor nothing. Sho takes the washing work ou con tract, nulilcts it at SI a weekj and gets $200 a mouth profit. Why is n United Staled Treasury note like a caterpillar 1 Because it is, hard to eountofeit. (Count-hei.feot.)