THE CODUiMBIAN AJSD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGIv CGTOM'BIAH Wtfm V'L Sound Doottlne for all Times. 11IOM THE INAtJ&Ult.u'. ADDttfcsS 01' THOM AS JKKPKttSqNj lKMVKttKI AT WASH INOTOnVn KNTEltlNa UPON 1118 , HKCONDTKIIM OK OKKIOR A3 l'ltKSIDENT OK THRV VNtTI'.ll STATUS MAltCH 4, 1805. Hanoi: ra Poultiiv. The l'oultry , thoiimimhih Vorld saVs tlifit whether fowls form a t, , , . part of tl.o farm stock or nro raised for afi?. plcasuio or tiedunmry lntere'st1, thoy can madoVby sdfno largely nti nick up a eooct sliaro of their living if rmteht mc(H61n6 lias lioatc HllHtCIICtl World says i thhf whether fowls form a ..,,,,. . "U. writ.,.,, I vtvl.1 sumo nuracuioiu cures ly ptiiTcd up doctor or hastened thousands to "L l. , . I T !!....( 1 I their rsrriviYa. i linllntoltiff lh thmr Alinnat In. iiii'v ttiivu n irm iinmci jiiuciit uiiu i nv-.-r- . . . . ' ,t,w ,M ln,innl mnMn.-r no raitujiiat liiti snmo m rftclo w l bo I1""v-X"Y" , , . V i ! pcrrormcu on tnem, nmi timttiicso tcatimo- fowls nldrd prolltablo to their owners. nat mai0 ti,0 cures, wldlo tlio so called TluVVilktV to enjoy ntuiilo rango among mcdlduc Is nil tlio time linMcnlnir thorn to s,and M to tltelrl" J779 Juno 1 I'M Jno, Duganlrv I lior " BSlJuno H'M I'at'k McAn drniT inlinr DHlJimo M '81 Christ, Coil, dlngton labor ssjJuno HtciJns. Daltonla- avoided imbllslilnir not'tnnkc tlio cures, t,i.rfli(Vtl.a'fin,rii.1ilj. unrnlithlnir lii-ru their craves. Wo linvo At homo, felloe olttzdnR. yorr best nhWJrt)Amnnir leaves, half hurvliitr testimonials', its tliey do know whether wo hnvd .lone Well or ill. 'tficWsfclsMb.saiiil and loam, and elms- wo "ftT0 i no suppression ot mincCessary omcca, ng it,80ta alll.y long. Thus they thousands urox thousands J S i.S ??A Z TZI TOWS1 JS-fCRS'. i 1.7 f lf,e"'. ai wonderful cures, vol- enabled us to discontinue our internal looking hvhti nnd eliJofeAW healthy ,mtrily sent us. U k "r mcdlcliiu, Hop vtA.o A U(.9ti WfUi iiiu " iuita uiv" 1 I'lUruiBH WI11UI1 U1UUU KIVVB SlttlUIIIU iM I llllltTB ilUIL JllllKl'S IIIU CUrUR. XL I1US UUVUi thO fftVoraulo 'V!X"u1fr,uiiy uucnw nmir iu iih' count UDoti I ..i..i.i..,..- ... .i.... i. ..... .. ,.i..i,i.n.i.,i i.. entered, is scarcely to bo restrained their Value iby" tlio n limber of eggs mid h,p known world hut cm gliow Us cures irom reacmng, successively, overy nru- cliioka they produce, it is remarKauio uy imp piuci, clo of property nnu produce, it, among tho amount of good a flock ot fowls theso taxes, somo minor ones fall, which wlll do In an 6rchard. Thoy will keep down weeds, oat tlio worms and cur- culio that como In their reach, nnd im provo tho growth of thotreis by scratch in II 1 C'urraii llarrclt ("opo "ft W Tlioa. Ixxltlt- uiuuvis, urn, uiiuuiug uui uuun w men nni aincft9,nni lncrensvs intrusions, had already begun that pro- Few'uomfryrtioti look-'oii cess of domioillarv vocation whioh.once Htdoof their lfvW arid'oi A tOSlNIl JOKK. A' prominent pWslcl&n of nuM)Uit Rail to a ng null maduripg" h9, they ko along in small runs' Or inolosilres (fowls do lot liko to scratch. There they Stand, luiy puwnt-whowiiMcomiilMntnsof lifrcontimiod aim, ana a, nil luauiui "Try e uncst and u 111 health, and ol till inability to cure her. Inklnzlt- saiai "iry lion imiersi" inq may looKiiin used tbo Hitters from which sho nb lion mtteral" Tho lady took It In tnlned fnnanent hi'alth. She how nt tho doctor tor hlijoke, but ho Is not no well pleased very with It, as It cost 111 in n ooJ patient. FKK3 01' DOCTOKS. '1 lie fee ot doctors Is an Hem that had not bocn inconvonienl, it was bo cause their amount would not hv6 paid tho oilloers who collected them, and bccau'ao, if they had any merit, tho Stato authorities might adopt them in stead ot others less approved. not Tho remaining revenue, on consump- moping, dull nnd inactlvi1, knowing tlon of foroicrn articles. Is natd chiellv full wll it. U nt no iihu to exnciid by thoso who chh afford to add foreign fori-o in Kcrnlchliiir in tho uaVd soil, I many person are Intertsted In. We lie. luxuries to domestic comforts. Buinc fntl.l uitl, nwn uxoroinont. which Uuvu Hie schedule for visits Is $3.03. 'which collected on our seaboard and hontiers contaminates every monel of fMd SAHlTSiS,1? only, and incorporated with tho trans- given them and in which a worm or $1,000 n year for medlcnt nttundanconloncl actions of our mercantile) citizens, it bUg has not been seen for months, and And ono lni?lo bottln of Hop Hitters taken may bo tho pleasure and prjdo of an are thit9 deprived of the most natural In time would save the $1,000 nnd nil tho Anierloah to ask: What farmer, what f00d which they like, nnd would do years sickness, mechanic, what laborer ever sees a tax, them much good, if thoy had n ohanco a lady'i wish. gatherer of tho United States! These t0 at will nnd search for tlieso hmv , ,,0 wWl, skn WM clMr and contributions enable us to support tho orccious morsels at their leisure. Out soft as yours," said a ladr to her friend. "You can current, qxpensra ofrtho Government i ,f.tlodra reerCatidrrScrVes-tnionblo pur- fSnmm to fulfill contracts Willi foreign nfttioiiB; J08C.. tho fowls find tnticli food daily l?SoucotacrTe -nnd toloom,nf to extinguish tho native right of soil and net onoiich of pure air and exercise p ' wuiiiu our iiuiua; to uxiuuu nioau to tnako tnem iieaiiny. limits ! and to npply such a surplus to rT '"Is It possible that Mr.' Godfrey Is up ounpublio debts ns plates at a shdrt y Ya'i.ur 6k Wood- Asin-is. -Oalnis ana nil work, nntl i cured by' so simple (Tny their final redemption. point' tho Southern Livo Stock'Tournal nomeilyr ' !. i.- . nit i..... !.. .norTnt "I nssuro vou It is truotliat he Is entirely uiliuu, UIIU' null IIU. 11111 UMl liup 1.U.CID, and only ten days ni?d the doctors isuvu l)lm up nnd biiUI Im must dlo, from Kidney nnd Liver trouble I" bor 280 Juno 11 nudltlnir S8T.IUHO 11 W.Ins. nudltlnir awJunoHW (loo. II. sinlthlnil DUI Jitnn 1 eoat Mnlthlnif siiuuly 11 'SI Thos. flcrmty lilior SMI July II W MIJi. ltakey labor hoi July M ta Kuber Valant labor auJuly 11'M I-ctcr Bradley labor nm.luly 11 Win' Curry la bor oi.Ttily It "81 Dul. CalAlian latmr aw July II WPafk. Lmiron labor . , nii7 July n '81 Pat 1c Kellcy labor . ... 307 Ju!y 1 1 '3.1 Jas.'on la bor .. .. moJuly 14 'si Thos. Kellcy labor 311 July 1 1 'S1 .Mich. O'Connor labor I4 July II 'SI Jno. O'Connor lalmr .ID July ll 'SI Owen Kaiio la bor 8U July 11 S3 Jno Nlcewlntcr lalxir . 1 3iHJuly ll 'S1 I'at'k. I.incli labor 1 3) June 11 'M I) K curry la 1 ail June 11 ) J 1 W llltcy ' 3Ji July ll 'S1SM Itlley map Huilttlnir nnu grades A Large Eel Fond. In tho cheapest form, tho manorial ele ments contained m iuu tiounas oi or- Tho greatest eel pond in tho country' dlnary wood ashes," the cost 'would bo is on tho farm of Mr. Wells, of Kivcr- $1.16, or about SS520 per ton.' Even had, L. I. The pond covers five acres, after loarching to tho very last degree, Two years ago Mr. Wells put into tho when every soluble thing has been pond two thousand dozen eels, with no washed away, the phosphato and car intention of'disturbing tliera for five boiiato of lima and magnesia remain, years. They have increased wonder- and th6y are' worth 34 "cents per hun fully, milliqns iboiug in tho pond, and dred weight, orjSff.Hft per loh. A1. it Is thought there will bo qiiadrilliohs dant ihs'taricts arogiv'cri' where cbmmon before Mr. Wells gets ready to market leached ashes applied to soil have come .i .i -. i . i r . . - .i . t , . i i 1 1 I ' i r.A ..f...... iiil'iii, uuu iiiai ue uus nioriuneiii mem uacK witu uuuuiuicyiujiuuuu iuiucji m Tho eels arieil jre'gtilirlyovcry threo b.ayr!afid!more'abijnUantjcrof)8.'A far days on w;bat is known as '"horso feet," mer's soil is the most grateful thing ho a sea, product, with meat inside a shell can find. Whatever hepiytfijiutd'Mt which faVce, the shao of a horse's hoof, will &ttrelyvc6rao back e Very lime.'' and it is doubtless from that that it de- rives its namo. Tho eels seeiTi toknov Tho method by which stumps aro when thoy are to bo fed, for when Mr. removed by petroleum consists in al Wells beats upon tho side of his wagon lowing tho stump to bo completely sat with the butt-end of his whip, thoy "rated with petroleum, and then set swarm towards him. Any other per. ting them on fire. Tho method by son' mar beat and bang for hours with- ua'mg saltpeter consists in boring holes l . 1tL.... t nf flin ohimn nut, lilltlinff out causing uiu BiigQicst commotion " .- " t.-...t, among thorn. Hundreds of people go into each one onco of saltpeter, and to see them' fed. Mr. Wells, to satisfy after having it to become wet and pene- the. visitor's curiosity, will hold a "horso trato the substance of the stump, tho fooC in the water for a minute or two, latter is, sot on fire, .when it will bo and then withdraw it with numerous completely consumed. eels clinging to the contents, or the rn , , , 'tT ",'.f"i. : shell. Tho largest eel ever taken Irom , f 0 go oneyrlendstl ing, the pond in thil way weighed fivo and ,but t0 be fo.rc?d t0 ,that PPTi three-quarter pounds, but there are, it let you Sj Vind way,,and that : .i.n.?i.f o.ii i rp. ., ' vou cannot think quite as well of them io bituuuuu Dim luilia Uliun. 1.1IUV i;uil- I , . . , . some seven hundred and fifty "horse ?8 v.on us.e1 10 do 18 anoll,er and rauSh days. It would seem im- naruer lnah 750 S 07 S 1)7 07 900 0 00 1 61 4 69 40 00 11 07 0 3.1 0 67 13 M IS 00 4 00 5 67 8 07 1 31 1 113 1 33 1 00 5 00 S C7 it! 13 0 0) 40 00 SO CO 18 (X) 13 3'1 18 00 0 00 SO 00 10 07 33 0 3) 7 SO 4 CO OCT D K 5 33 1 33 a 81 SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Alio UNKKKMKNTl'.l) (UtAl'U .IU1CK. Used In tho principal Churches for Communion. mccllcnt for Females, Weakly Persons and tho ngeu. co&x,sasiN& waxiki nr. or. im students from Pennsylvania In ifw.1. Mors ruKiMuusKnuiuaii'H man auomer sonoois eom blncd. r.lro Kchoiarshlp, Jia. Wrllo for circulars. l'Al.Ms, Proprietors. Junol3-4w r AM. KINDS PV JOB f'llINTING ON SHOUT NOTICE at Tins ovihek ' AUDITORS HEPOUT tho borough of Cc'ntralia ior tho year endlnff Aprlll, lffji. TliomasVireifif, colloo'tor, ln nccount wlthocn tralla ltorough. bit. , To amount of duplicate - w; 23 f 3279 S3 ' ' Clt. Dy amount paid .Treasurer 1874 sa " s per cent com; on H874.3J ta 71 " unseated land returned to , , com. i . i ,63 M amount of exonerations 41 78 balinco due borough ma St IS379 S3 l)a,yjd Wtlsh, collector for 188-i, In account with dentralla Doroiigh. 1)11 To balance on duplicate f or1 tfee' vu 45 $9S2 45 Clt. IIt, amount .paid o U milliard, , Treasuter.,,, ( ., 43 9l ,f '6 per' ceht tiih. ori sj sm " errors and exonerations 2 03 "- balance duo (borough. 477 CO $ 932 42 O. II. Millard. Treasurer. In account with Cen- tralla.Boruuuh. 1 UK. feet"-in three days possible to furnish so many, but the number does not betin to detail tho ex- tent of tho catch. Millions of them are nnniially fed to swine and poultry, and somo make a business ot catching them. ODD ITEMS. Sales have been made of , hemlock bark at $ll).a cord on tho caraiia'iBos- On Juno 15, after a storm, Captain ton. To amount ree'dfrom TUregg coL To amount rco'd) from D Walsh COlfor W . , ,.; . ... To amount ree'd from D P curry on balanoo due disc asTreas for '.'8 and 'si) . il Tobilance due OB Millard 1B74 403 00 1 14 00 41 vm 76 Downs, with n trap of his own inven tion, caught ono thousand "feet, and between the 15th of July and April his aggregate eaten was nineteen thousand. The Cultivation of Boots. ,Th"o. Western Jlural says it has fre quctly remarked in answer to corres pondents with reference to feeding an imals, "feed roots if you havo them." Wb havo felt tho necessity of adding, "if you have them," for wo know to what a largo, extent the culture of roots is neglected; Indeed, in the Vast majority of cases we feel that it is use; less to make tho recommendation, for we aro very suro that tho farmer has no roots. It'Js' a neglect which should .. t. - i '"mi! 1 .i iiul uu bu iiiuvaiuiiu Skimmed juilk is excellent for young, and growing animals. Soapsuds is a valuable fcrtilizer'for small fruits. TJso a soft sponge iu bathing your i i t. i .i nurses snouuieru. - . jt "Bntterflies' aro said to his 'disappear ing from England. Thoro is land in the city of New I York wprth $10,000,000 an' acre. Kerosend is solidified in Russia and ,madu into candles., ; ." For the promotion of the milk yield, oat middlliiK&'aru considered ond' of . ' CK. By a'mt. ot int. warrants redeem. od ' , Uy anit. ot State tax' oh bonds " " ; orders reileemcd as i follows :; , ,Nb837i'ebl1-7tl'ElUuck nails i tee iNo 001 Sent SilOlVra Hlneslabor i" 75 Deo 17 '81 Hurry Stroud " i" 105 Mar 15 "bS Chas Straussor i labor Ko 115 Aug 14 'il Jas Cannon la- Ebor , 0127 Aug is uailarry Stroud ' labor .;o 131 Aug 18 '83 Wm Ulncs la . I . bor . J , 0141 AuglS'Ja Jas Oannonla- bor No 151 Aug J8 ms 'l'iVX Durrah labor No 103 Aug 18 "83 Mlcli Brcnaan labor 3io 183 Jan St '83 Wm nines labor ' oi;i.Mar,l0'W James Caliban . labor No 814 Mnr 10 83 James Calahan" 703 40 47 88 3 CO 5 IX) 94 50 7 15 'S 50 1 23 2 60 1 85 S 50 81 mly 14 '83 I'at'k Lynch li- " 33.1 Aug D "83 Jas. Calalmn la bor " KM Aug 9 "8 1 Jas. McDonnell labor ' 337 Aug 9 WMIclu Ilakeyla. bor " 83D Aug 9 'SI Itlch. Moran la bor " &li Aug 9 '83 1)K curry haul. lag " an Aug 9 "8.1 Thos. Kellcy la bor " 3i.1 Aug 9 '1 Mich. O'Connor labor " 3)1 Aug 9 '81 Jno. O'Connor ta bor, . . " mAugO'S.IOwenKnneJrla- lior " 3)0 Aug 9 '83 Jno. Sprtns la- t"or . . " ssr Aug fl Dul. Darrah la bor " 3. Aug 9 '83 Thoi O'lirlen la bor " sii Aug o '83 Theo. Kvans la bor " 3 13 Au? 9 '81 Itlch. Meek talKjr " 843 Aug ll "HI owen Kane lalxir " 3ll Aug 9 '81 Christ. O'Connor i.iuor " 317 Aui9 '81 Christ. Ernstber- per labor 2 (17 " E 18 Aug 9 K3 Tlios. Fern labor 0 0) " 350 Aug 9 '81 Jno.Nurtney H- bor 2 51 " 353 Aug 9 '8.1 1. A ltllcy SCO. plunk and work 141 68 " S34 Aug 9 '8) Andrew Kano labor 3 75 " ,355 septeo '81 Jas. CalaUanla- bor 6 07 " 50 Sept SO '81 Jno. McDonald labor 4 ai " avj sept 20 't3 D V Curry la bor 2 50 " 300 sept 20 '83 Mich, llakey la- Dor i 3 13 Sept 2 ) '83 Theo. Kvans la bor 5 00 3C3 Sept SO '8.1 Chas. Strausser labor 4 60 3i5bcpt20 '83 Jas. Culahan rem. nuUanco 2 35 808 Oct 12 '83 Dut. Hughes la bor 1 31 3i'9 Oct is 'si Owen Kano work and lumber 1 81 371 oct IS '81 Thos. Johnson labor 35 53 372 Oct 12 '83 Jno. Conrey la- bor 4 00 37J NOV 9) DC Black bal nnco on settlement of 18H2 7 11 1 375 Dee 14 'K) 1) F curry labor 2 50 1 319 Dec 1483 Itobt. Little cost on Crawford McOuIro cawj 7 2) ' SHI Dec 1 1 '81 J. T. Mllllngton wltnessfces and assets 7 50 1 383 Deo 1 1'Sl Wm. Petrferla- bor 17 25 I 314 Dec 1 1 '81 Jas. Colahan la. bor 0 30 ' 87 Deo 14 'SI " " la- bor 3 70 ' 221 Apr 12 W.Ias. Dyke cost as committee to A 1' litackes- leo 2 00 38ilSept20'S1OBMlllardsub. pnenas . . 30 ' 38'J.lanlt '84 Thos. Ledllcoat smithing 9 10 ' 3'JOJttllll 8t " " labor 5 80 II Sl.Marl4 TM A B Fortner nails e 8 08 " 33 Mar 14 '81 Jas. Calahan rem. nuisance 4 50 " 39) Mar 14 -84 Pat'k. Barren labor 4 00 " 397 .Mar 14 VI Jas. Calahan labor 4 07 " 398 Tnos. Gregg constablo s so " 3'J9 Mar 27 '64 Jos. II. Thomas bervlng notices 5 20 " 401 Mar 37 '84 Jno. McDonald libor 3 00 " 403 Apr 4 '81 n F Curry taking , prisoners to Bloom 14 00 " 405 Apr 4 '84 OB Millard pow der AO 55 By balance duo o B Millard on settlement for iwj 4 oa " 2 per cent commtislon on 15392 33 45 85 iSpcor's Port Grnpo rino FOUR YKdllS OLD. milts CKI.HIlltATKI) WINRls the lillre lulco of I tho dead rlno onorto tlrane. raised In Sneer's vincyarus. lis invaiuauie, Tonl: anl Stren;thonlsg Properties are unsurpassed bv nny oilier Wine. Belnir nro- I duced under Mr. wneer'H own nerMOnalsui,erlslon. its purity and genuineness, nre guaranteed uy the principal llospftaUand lloanlsot HcaUhwholiavo uxuuiuii iu l nu ynuiiKmi, cuuii may puritiM; ui It. and tlio weakeHt lnvnl d sa It In ndvantafrc. Itlstiartlcularlr benenctal to tho aired nnd debilitated, nnd sulul to tho varlousallmentsthat anect I ho weaker sex. it is in every respect A wine to bi. belied ox. Speer's Unfermented Qraps Juiop- Istholulceof tho Onorto (Iranos nrescrved In Its natural, fresh, sweet stato aslt runs Iron thfl uresn uy iumii(nuon, inereoy U'.'siroying mo exci Icr ot ferinentailon. it li perfectly pure, t req Livia njui us uuu wiii Keep iu uny cuinaie. Sneer's Burgundy. Is n dark rich medium Dry Wlno used by the wealthy classes na a Tablp or Dinner Wine, and by pnysicians incases wnero a ury wino instead oi a i swevi. puri, is uesireu. Speor'a (Saoialite) Olaret. Is held In high estimation for Its richness as DryTablO Wine especially suited for dinner use,. Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wlno of Sunorlor Character and nartakes 0 the rich qualities of the grapo from which It'll 1UUUC. ' Speer's P- Brandy. IS A PUltU distillation from thelrraoe. and stands unrivalled in this Country for medicinal purposes. ' It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes f romwhich it Is dlstuied, Seo that the signature ot ALFIini) SPEKIt, Pas saic N. J Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM AND UY DRUGGISTS EVKnVVIlIUK. Sep. S8-'83lyr. COLEMAN for the working class. Send 10 cents for ipohiage, nnu wo will mail youiee, n ruyui Jvaluablebox of samnlo goods that will .put, vnu in tho wnv ot m.ikiii" more money In a few days than you over thought' possible at any business. Capital not requlicd. We wlll start you. You cuu work all tho time or In (spare time only. Tho work Is universally adapteU ,to both sexes, young and old. You can easily cam from 50 cents to J5 every evening. That all V'ho wnnt. may icst mo ousincss, wo mai;e uus uiiparma'ti oner i to nil that are not well satisfied wo will tend tl to pay for the troublo of writing us. Full parti culars, directions, etc., hentfrec. Fortunes will bO made by those who give tncir wnoio time to me work, ilreat success absolutely-sure Don't delay, start now. Address STrvtON Co., Portland, Maine. Dec J3393 70 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. D1L 2 5) ,5 CO tho bust, of rations. . i - . ... Tl,i Tirinemlpickspiiti.'ils tti success in .si"i:. .. -.....-.. t Tlie1 demand V duck and geese 'raising aro plenty of So ffiffiag<P J6 'J . 1 stock feeding to-day is raoro for roots om water a,ld pasture, than any Other ono thing. Almost ov. wm who h'avo'.tried it.say-thata ery-farm-has all that it needs of other ood cr0p 0f cabbaKe kinds , of fwd , but while tb? flesh- growing a ,few'.t6bal;od ,plantJamong. formtriglfodds coritain inore moisture tllem than the fat-fprming, and therefore are " , , . , moro liko roots in nlinr.intPr. tW full Corn roots run shallow, which ao- far, tshnrt. Thorn U Snlhinrr tn tnlrn COlintS for tllO fact that hilled COm the placo of roots except ensilaco. and blows down more easily than we'arp not quito ready to believe that eyim that ciin'. At all events ensilage costs tho most, and if wo allow it all tho advantages over roots that its war mest admirer would claim, tho differ- ehco in tho con would still, wo think, S'o 830, May 10 "83JtIch. Orant aabar,j'j fr, KoHsa, Way lO.'-Js.l! Hungarians No 139, May 10 't3 Jno. McAn : drew, labor, No 146, May lu 'SI Pat'Ck Lan , gou, labor, . NofWSOt'Junfl '83 Wm. prnnt, Np'siftyluialiS'&l Mich. Barrett, uuur, 25,1, Juno 14 '83 Mich. Barrett, 234, Ju'ijd''&l' fcilch. Barrett,'i if level culturo is used. Two slaves, formerly owned by Jeff No5o jrunc, 14 -si, DuLcaianan, D,ar8' .,!nl8naUtaUOn, fr rat?cXangon An Australian ram was sold in that 07 0 33 4 3 I uii 1 '10 to To amount of orders outstanding last repx auiount of orders Issued dur ing year Clt. By amt. of orders redeemed ouistanuing ior 1881 amt. " ' " from previous years 1 LIABILITIES. Amount of bonded debt "coupons outstanding ' " nrilprs ' iBalunco dua o B illllaid YOU CANNOT GET W'Atih AT llOMK. Pairview Elsslptliic InsUs, ' BINGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK, The houso Is specially nttedupfortho comfort of Invalids whodeMrea pleasant and Christian home, stands on high ground with plenty of hhaile. Personal attention given to every patient." Electricity nnd llalvaulsiii In their different inodl ilcatlons a spi-clallty. l'rof. Mills has given many years of htudyund practice to H1L1 branch, and hundreds will testify to his skill. send for circular, stating what paper yousaw thISln. PllOF. IIKNUY tMILLS, -ilia. rr..,vu .iii,ih, Lock Box 97. lllngliamton, N. Y. Sept. 7 '8.1-ly. S463 29 $3550 Of 1193 10 1140 60 931 .15 $3550 07 13G00 01 53 tti 8043 91 41 $14717 00 33.07 Pat'k Laniron 1 8 33 ) oU Jumi.u IB-JaaarauHa- - ' ASSETS. Amount due by Jno, Moran treas for'io so 11 Amount duo by D F Curry treas. ior '&u 0. Amount due by D Walsh col for TO 477 00 Amount duo by Thos. Gi egg col. . iort .1031 Liabilities moro than assets 13J41 29 uuvu it wtu wit truuiu Dtlll, wu Ilium, - , . . i.,nA niako roots preferable. Why cannot !untry he ,ar8 Bum. &l'9' wa inaugurate a reform in this matter, Tho wool taken from s fleece, was and those of us who havo never given over four inches iu length. attention to root crops begin now to do so t The mangel wurtzel is not I with phosphorio painti so as mously, tnougu there aro those who A rolatnrn mftn r ,.f la.uu r ksT.i- T li'i' sirablo However mangels are good - . ou enpttgh. It would bo well if wo grow , nnn. fnr . hiink p-i.uV root crops just as wo grow other orops, " . , with tho object of raising tho largest Mrs. Susan Canfield, of Ifashua. 'N. ouantity, that coulil bo produced oon- H., bas a raatib for cbUejitiiig buttons ststent-with quality; That Is the wav of odd pattorns. Sho has.llGO buttons to grow,anything. It does not pay to of different kinds on otifl'string.. r grow unit a crop, if n thing is worth Stratford (Coirn.)omaWiirtamcd sho saw her husband kissinff,;ti-Tieitrh bor's wife. She awbkeWd'StruoK'hira in tho face, breaking his n6se. 15. i, liuticr s nouse in l.iivvieiieo :h a largo plain building with a flag staff, cultivating at all, it is worth cultiva ting well. But it is better to grow Halt a crop ot roots than none. It is a very careless operation to cultivate roots upon badly prepared or poor land, for it costs just as much to grow an aero of roots on poor laud as it does' V" viuyuicu b'uu ' ' upon rich, and it costs no moro to Cd with handsome, substantial furni grow them on land that la in proper ture' condition than it does on land that is An Alabama colored woman shot a lumpy, trashy, etc, If the planting is an for snatching a book, ifrpnj her,. A properly done in rows, and tne plants man who would snatch a book awayi nro mnue 10 bijiuo. in line in 1110 row, jrom a poor, Ignorant neKress'onciil to bor 1 00 0 272 Juno 14 V3 Mich Hannon laoor . 2 or 0275 Juno 11 'Si John Navln labor 14 00 0 270 June H .'83 Jno. Clarko la. nor 3 si 02.10 June 14 -83 Leddlcoat la- , bor-.j I : I ; J . 7.15 O290 Jdly 11 '83 JaS. Calahan laoor . - 20 of aoo July 11 '83 Mich. Barrett labor an Aug 0 '81 Win, Orantlabor 813 'Aug 9 '83 Win. Dalloy U . bor sm Aug 9 '83 I'at'k Curran la bor ,1U Aug 9 83 L A Blley 4: Co. . plant aud work , 337bept, so ftl 'l'aVk; Lynch , labor 'SU1 Sept ,20 '83 Thos. Fern Jr. labor 383 Deo H -S3 Thos, Gerraty labor 2 Feb 18 "81 Barron i: Hart man order book 133 Aug is '83 Jno .Hanley, hauUng , ltu Autf is ha Jii Cannon U bor 178 Nov n vs O it Millard kun-drlcs i,u nov u 'bj win. nryson salary 50 00 187 Jansi i avr Michaels labor l 00 luajansi'SI Henry Constan. tlal labor 19J Janai -83 Geo Wills labor Hw.uur lu'sj.w- W.-saheoWlWYli'la-t $14717 93 We. tho auditors 'for tho BorouBh of Centralla. havo examined the nbovo accounts and nnd theiu u uo correct as btated. JAS. BAUKF.TT, ) J. 1". W. 1I1LEY, Auditors. B. L CUltltAN. J 11 07 10 01 0 07 4 00 100 00 1 07 14 83 S3 00 6 00 5'00 j. 1 23 2 20 1 : the cultivation may ho dono by horse power, and tnus save tlio greatest ex pense of cultivating roots hand culti vation. Unless this is dono the land should bo inado scrupulously clean of weeds before planting, for every weed adds to tno expense unless it is permit- ...J 1 I.. !. ...!,, bo killed. Ruilroads occasionally go into the Ijauds df a Receiver, but old maids don't. Thoy can t get any receivers. Tho evil that men ' do lives after tiem. Sumo people write poetry that 7 oo s no H, Mll in'MH.YUill llAcltnin I bor M iu. i 49 0,75 3 20 231 Apr 13 '83 Wm Krtckbaum assignments to treasuri'rj 233 Apr 12 '81 Jas. 'Calahan rem. nuisance 221 May iu 3 Jas. Calahan lu- , bor ... 1 .it I i i93J t 220 Matf o MJos. Huglurflay ltl , . led .(p grow unmolested, and it will I is noi published until after their death. add to tno expense men in tno snapa of a diminished crop. When there is a very larue acreage, largo franc imldo- mcntB nro used, by whioh two or threo rows arc cultivated at a time. It it better lu root cultivation to plow In tho fall, nnd to replow iu tho spring. Then level and thoroughly pulverize, nnd tho sol is ready, .so far as thy pie chanical'work is concerned. laborJ m'Ma Now that he is married, Oscar Wilde will havo to dron knee breeches or bo accused of wearing his wife's stock-,!,' ings. It may seem singular, but it ia nev ertheless true, that a womrtil call stand squarely in Pcnunsylvania and yet be in rrinewj'Jerev"-" - " ' JWI:! V.,. An 3 ,h tlotwl nt.l '1 .i tH"-' mw m -vv -..-.I . moor fo. out it. Tho best Vav s to'havo the " . A' M Mich. Troyan v . .. . ... - . . i, i laoor' 257 June ll '81 Thos. Kelly la bor I 238 MaV io -si jno.'Han'ey la. bor 8 May 10 '8.1 Thos. Kellcy la bor 231 May 10 '81 Mich. Barrett labor 2J0 May 10 'til Mich.1 Troyan la bor Hi 218 May 10 m B J Dvko labor wo May io '81 Thos. Gerraty 10 '83 Jno. McDonald labor 213 May 10 -a.'! Jno, Itinea la-, bor . ,,A 211 May 10 'Sl Jno. Dalley la. SllJlayjlO'SIMIch. O'Connor labor m 245 May! 10 '83 Jno. O'Connor lnhnr .1 "! 2:i8juna It W Jas. Calahan lapor S 00 HI 5 31 5 81 2 60 6 00 ft 1 j 'n t--j (CVmffnurttro'nt last ictit.) How Watch Cases are Made. Imitation always follows a successful article, and Imitation is ono of the be&t proofs of real honcbt merit; and thus it is that tlio Junto Host' Cold W'aicli Case has its imitators. Huycrs run always tell the genuine by the truite-mark of a erou-n, from which is suspended a pair f tcales. llo tiiroiiOTH croini and & teaks aro stamped in tlio rap of tlio watch cate. Jewelers uio very cautious about en dorsing nu article unless the not only Anoto that it is good, but that the character of tho manufacturers is such that the quality of the goods will be kept fully up to iltmdard, Willi iMronT, Pa.. I'eli. IS, 18S3. Tha JimlM Bou' oolil Watch Cuua ptt tllu hot cike. Jtb out I veil ae)UmfU:r, Don't umiI to recoiiimend Ibemi tliey Aell tieuiMlut. One of xuy cUBtotnera tiaAhadAjAiiiun lttW Gold Watch Caho lauwiforao yi'r.,n,llllxidAtJer. Wiuitlili catw I do not htwlUlti to kivo uy uu gUAXUitn, Ok rulally with the uwaii,1 tmnroied cunt, which wxiiawbc tvtrlAUng. Jmt X, Dxiut, J.u.Ur, N:wriiiOHwicx,N.J.,Jtn.8.18S3. TlilA iroM rant), No. em. kuowil att the Jamea lUmf Gold WalchCaito.caiua luw my iKMUteaalou about IKS, ihu tn lu una tluca that Minn, and la attu lu rood condition. Tlio mo euient If ttiaona wlikh aalu tha caaa wlifn I bouvlit It, audita condltloit auowa tbat i the cane haa ruuly out-woru tha nioveuiut, which la ,1'kjedout. Uaiitin A, Howkll, U Board a lllrutni JV. K. II. it IWntA? Ck. I ti.i alkap l.ttj.Ut,. tfil.k Taw rutarln, ralla. l,blB, ra., lor.U.., llW.trat.4 1'aataU.I ,kila itw 'Stmit Vim Aa4 ki;.UtM Tltli Imm .r, Mt4. (lb U Cur.'Mued.) t sn m mi a r & 4ft j -tot- rn.lnnr, l.ttcto f n tt nl.l Inilxr nnur a l0 lit UUIVHUW UUUOIO VIA Ull Mill IWIIJJ . - I " 1 iilnety-four year old, who used to sit iu reporter writout ug In the. WPSjPr Georyo WnshhiLrton's lan. It is com- fr yQU. forting to know that, oven if George A olVk'Urthq" JMffgohllQ'lJs-; ga)3 couhlii'ttelj ajje, Iiq used to havp some; Tjibrary vas ,ic i'eijry' ioAertjiJ in au- i fuu with' the girls. ' tk'rShs tha bft cu tfio.yigna.liirea. pi I . etninont n onPnVllft' bld'ilocumonlB1 ' "I don't think tntioh of that," said a waiter scornfully, as ho picked up a two cent pieco given him by a custo mer. "Neither do I," replied tho cus tomer, 'otherwise I shouldn't havo giv en it to you I'1 etninont non ftpmllA' ' bid ijoei storbyfltttlltilarciIivtW.. ! : n ,1 1. 1 1 i n . 1 1 A . . t.'. (1 . d i tAnnLlewollynnyWli, W Al Wooden Men. iier jntu. nusuauu.iutu opo. Her oldesj, sou topk ,no to the gravo with bitu. Her.otherJiboysraBd. oily child is stubbing nround on one. 26.1 Juno It tl Jno. McDonald labor 21IJUHO il '83 Jno. nines la bor 203 June 11 '83 Jno. Dalley la. bor 2WJunBlf83 Midi. O'Connorl .1 labor 207 June 14 "83 Jno. O'Connor labor U'il tnn.ll IU4 1'tnr ItrnllAV 270lJuer4,8l Wm lilnL'la. " bor 3J 2ti June 11 '83 Jno. Bryson la- bor , . 8 75 2:s Juno 11 '83 MlcU. Jlakey labor 23 1 ai 31 i 91 li J3 $ 07 2300 5 83 2 07 0 81 6 81 Till) unit.'rsl'.'ned offers advantageous InrtiiRn meuts In tho purch iso ot the following specialties The DUKMNQ BI.NDKUS, JUUWKlUt AN11 COUN CUI.T1VATOIW, Tho Perry Spring Tooth Harrow, the best In luo .Market. 'All kinds and irrades of Phosnhato bv thn M AltY l,v.ii rr,iiui.i.iau uim ,-uuui g., uo. raiEEaSsniosuessi ESPY Columbia Co,, Pa. May 2-3 mos. ' Mayso-lwd J. E. Caldwell &Co. Sole Agents in America for the celebrated Ekegren Watch, Universally conceded to be the best high-grade Watch In existence. A splendid assortment in all the varieties of Chronographs, Calen dars, Repeaters and Plain Timers. Purchasers contemplating ,the se lection or a fine Watch, Bhould in vestigate the' merits of this 'superb Timekeeper. Inquiries by mall will receive iprompt and careful attention. 902 Chestnut Street,' Philadelphia. rtWAHttWIiMilU- l'or tin1 Celebrate d-ClilcUcrlnif, lvers 1'nliil, nnd V04eAi Bon I'iiinos.- Worhl-ra nowiiiM Ksltyiarif us, Vlollnsi AcCor(lcpns nn.l Hl.i'vt Music lVlel'rtvd While, New, lllyii Arm Davis, .New Wj'V pV, Join,, 'mid I.lul.t ItuiiiilnglVriiest d Sewhifel Mnolilnes. Nttdles, oil hnil rittaehmetltH fnr nil makes of Sowing Mnchlnes. GMAINIISTRlSfiT.Q 1 IFIIii - 1 1 :STL1S 1 1 11 1.1 .ttiotlUoiill 11. , ."jvl'f ' '1 -. ' Mr . tti. .I'tft ' 4 ,:i ,)l .1 n ' 1 f J H8 TrfTfff .iVjfiaStiUAi lWl'T ' . lf' r&.Vf 1 ' N VfA.IL. KAIItlvO AD TllVIE 'VlLAta. lu,r Pennsylvania Hailrold. WWFtb n ar nH -HHullll 1 I 11- J J lamyi'tlophllaAclpnla.I'lilladclphU 1 lenrdlA'M Sleeper undisturbed until Mm L0W1BERGS 1 . '.''' 1 1, ll I'.J.'JU. i ,ll "I l, , ., -,M,i'- THE MERHI'Wt' ,1 H'iltfrj' ''flfl ,'l!i null , !, ,1! 1 ' H ui',' I il, . ,' nil '1 .bill I'. hilaclqfpliia.,&. Erio R. R., (Divis ion, and' Northern L-entral ' 'Ra'jlway, . ,. W ' JIME. TABLE.. In t nut May 12th. lSSl.i Tl'otnj, leaw bun- bury. ' , ... lii.m.. Sea Shoro Kxiiress (dallr excent Sunday), for HarilsburK and Intermediate btntlons, arriVini; UL 1 Ulliiuctj,maa.iu ,. tit., tiut. iuiiv, 0.20 1). 111. t llalllmoie, 0.10 p. in. ; Wnshtngtnn, G.iiO 11. 111., conned UM at PUIladelphla for nil eu fhoro points. Through passenger coach to i'tmi: Mi'i.tln.ive.tme.y 'Iddilvl. Tor hitrilsbure nnd Intermediate statioiis,nriHliiK at, Philadelphia u. m. : now 101K, iu,su p. 111.: iiaiMinore. 7.sopi in,; .iWnfelilnttton, aiapnu Piirior ear llirUllUll V" J llll.iuuii'uttv itjlVA itspviiwt Luaviiva llirlmghtoPhlladeitiiiuttml ll.litlif.ore. 8,20 p. in. ,Wlll:unh!ioil ArooulinOdatlnnXdaily) for llariliburrf nnd all Intennodlato stations, urrlv- ln(ratil'liiiaqe)pniaa,an.'m. aew iorK ciuir. 111. Mt'euUut cur uccoinuiodatlons can. bo secured ut lihiiiBiiiiriHnrPlilliidcltfifanndNewTurK. On. sun- days athrouKli blceplnir car will be 11111; on this tram irom iiiuuii; jiasseuueiscau , 2.8O a. nv-rrirle Hall (dallK.racqpt, .r Monday) for" HarrlsWe and lntemiedlaW stntlous, nirlvlng nt Philadelphia 7.50 n. m. New,VotK, 11.20 a. tn. i Baltimore 7.40 a. in. ; Washington, 8.50 n. in., Ahrouglt Pullman MeWln'.corslirutruh 011 this train to I'hlladelplila, Jlaltlnipro and V ashing ton, nnd through pusWiigof I couctiWS 10 ITilladol phlanndBaltUnorc. , . , ., , r, ,n . r. sviisiH'lfib; 1 V R.iMi.ifn'.!tRrf!ilill 'fdalfr'eitednS Runiiay). Mr .Krlouud all 4iitermodlatobtatloiisiWltili through 'Pullman l'Slace7 car and tlirtnignpAbsrnger coaches w WIC, lino .mrougw A'uiunaa i-uiacu carsto BulTalo via Kmporlum. on Sundays .this train runs to Henovo, lth Pullman rniacecar'lb Wllllamsport and passenger coachestq itenovo. lifer iuaictndnlgua ana Inttfmiodluto 'ktiittons, liocncsier, iiunaiouiiuniuguiiiraiis, uiui uawiii. Sundays) ulth through l-ullmaul'alaco caraiid passenger coaches to itochesler.i ' , , LockilItvcn and intprmodUtto stattoOS. .1 0" Sun days this train runs out,' to Wllllainsport. , , , 1,10p.m. Klagara lttprcss (dally oxaJpe. Sun day) lor, ,Knnufu!ul lutii mediate statloua. througiipassengercoachlstO K? tv. lw Canitrf- uaigua nun principal iiiieraamaii .sumi'iia, llocliester, Bullulo nnd Nlaguui rails tutli Uirougli paSHonger .coaohe.3.tuiiochttt)r; audTar- lorcuriu HuiKins. ,. . , ' '8.'23 p. til. I'ait Line (dally1 except! sun'dlryifor'llf novo and Intermediate MaitouH,,uinl illluilia,-WtiV klnsaud Intel mediate stations, with, through pas benger coaches to lienuvo and Watklis. THltOUOH TUA1SS 1'OltSUUUllV lJUOMfTIIU , pAST.Ap SOUTH, ,.r , . , .News Kxprebs .leaves,, Philadelphia, 4.30 a.m.! llnrrliburg, j;ip A.'in! clalty, univlug nt sunbury WAS. -ft ' ic lr Niagara Lxpress leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.80 it. w: fanliy except huuday), nrrhlng ut bunbury, 1.10 p.., 111., with . through Parlor car iroirv Philadelphia and through pabseiiger- couches ,f itiiu 1'hlliuiel phld and Baltimore.- ' " L , Vast Una leuves New.Yorlc SCO ,n. in. j.Philadol plila.ll.ioa. ui. j Washington, ..o a. 111T; KjlU inore, 10.00 ajni., (dally except Huday)'lirrllng U bunbury, 6.20 . in., with, thiough pabseugor coacues irom I'luiaucipiiiiiuuu iiitiumoie. .iltl - Krla MuU leavesew: toiKHOpp. ni( j; l'hlladol- i.; Washington, taiop. m. ; luauy; nirniugui. unuury f.iu Pullinau Sleenliig 1 iiamiiiore nua Ciuu looinsbiirs: bhlll, 11.20 p. ill. mure. 11, im i. In., a. m.. . with tluuuirli from l'hllddcliililii. Washington und'i tUiougli iiabacnger coaches Irom l'idliuleluhla. Sleeper from Wushlilglou 1 uus dally except Sun day, MINIHUtY, lIA.l.liTON W 1 1 . 1 v U-1 1 , K 1 1 K II.MI.Illl.M) AM) MtUT'll AMI.WIP IIKAMill llA'lllw'AV'.' ' (Dally ox'cent Sunday.) Wllk'csb.lrl-n Alnll luiiM'S Slinburv 10.IU) :l. m.. arriving nt Bloom reirj- li.27'u.m., to p. in. ,, , Ilxnress Bast leaves Sunbury S.S3 u. m..,arrlvliur at i!ioomteiryr.3un.ih., wukos-baire s.0ip. 111. sunUui y Jlull leai is Ukeobarru 10,8,1 u. in. an IV. Ing ut lllooin terry la.ul p. 111., hUubury 12.53 p. 111. t.Ai'ivra ttiai. nans tttii. i. ill., ui- 1MIW at Bloom i'tny 4.15 p.iu:, ailnbiuy p. i.l) M i (I "ilT ui, 1 1 il IP IllsTOS FINKINtAII) FKKN01I WALNT0ASE 0HGAN, 9 BTOPS-S00 CASH. Basy Ttirins. sjiiliiractlon CaiiaranVeeil. ii A. CO ISPS FIA-lSrd WARE ROOMS, MUSIO UALIj ULOOK, ! nnHBS;BAWB,r DHUtApliLil'HA axd JiEADlNOiKOA D AItRANUi:MKN'l -OF I'AB&ENG bll ,: TUArNb. , , ( ,Mayl9 1884 . , TUAIK.'t LKAVK UCmaT AS 10J.I.0 A'SISUNM Y I (HOarTiD. I'or New York.l'h!ladelnbla.I!ladlng.Pottaville Tamaqua, Ac, H',fO a. m Iforjcautwlso;.!), 0a m.ii.ia aad 10'S p.iuil' rat wuuauwpori,o(sj 11.43 a. m, aud ,oa,p. iu ror Lew lsbiirt' aiid iu'gburi , 4.00 p! m. TKllKri run SUI'tilAI 1.BAVA' AO ruLUJrtb,' (SLiiPA I monrTKO.); i Luarv New York, via, J'aui..iua o,oo u. ta. and vla.;liouuq Irook Koutu ",il a,ta. Leave Phljaaelphla, )i,&a, oi. J ui&vu ucuaing, 11,00 i. ai., j'muviiiu, ii,d p, ut and Tamaqua, 1,83 p. ta. Leave C&tawtsui. c.SO 11.15 a. m. and j.oj d. in. Leaviwiinatniipt)rt,.4ia.m14.i5p.'m. tVitSeAi j!. m " 1'l!en1jburg 4.41 p.m. ' , Paisenjers'lb ani'froi'WIa'lelphra go thf 6'uh BWORD ..NTKUTAIM AM. !N--Tltl!VK PAIMK, US junoi WttlyT C OT I SECOND uuiiT bU n 'olnR to tlis grrat bo i out oner two f .iltCT.I Kl out brain U'wdrualnl.Sbklltinll! Mat 1.1, AOj lb, man taia'iiiMnpau, cootlaltJ lo oiln ) W lollli,.(itlilJ.iil ,imult c 1 atKita :i.y iNt;iiKASKi .lii liens ok, rcquftti of bfnoni ui lh lailt.l IUU of 'J frcui IU. kiln. conirltli,i Iba orJ I "USE DAY'S SO r rqutti or tif rioni if IKQP HAY'S SOAP ' llin I Mill, r rilll riHIlU. t.lCU. liiuv urnuimi i. 'rAINWHiailT & CO., WHOLESALE GEOCEltS, Pmi.ADEi.ruiA ' rKAS.SYItUI'S. OOFVER, SUOAlt, MOL'ASSLti. HICK, 3PIm3,lllCAKB80DA,:C.,C. N. R. comer second and Arott stroma, nrurders will recelvo prompt attentln wanted forTiia Lives of all tho PhhI" dents ottna u. . me largest, soinest. nesv hook over swiu tor 101 man twlco our nrtco. Tho fastest selling book In Amorlua. Iininenso nrollts to agents. All intelligent peoplo want it Any ono 0 iu become ft successful agent. Terms tree, iui.i.btt hook , l-ortlandj ilalno. Deo 2.y PEb6dyHOTEl7 VIIll-ADBLVIIlA. 9th St. south of Chestnut, 0110 squaro south of the N'uw Oiuce, one half square d'oin Walnut Ht. Theatre und iu tho very biwnoss centie of tho city. 011 tha Ameiloan uiul Buropean plans flood rooms from 500 to AO) iter day, Heiuodelled uud newly furnished. W. Payne, M. nov so-i y Owner H. Proprietor. TXTn-nlnA Caiivassors In erery county tn tills vv ailbcu btato to tauo orders mr nursery Stock. Stmtlu "'id ueslraiiui rinpioyineiu ill )I WAIiliH, Experience, in tno busi ness not required. Kursorle widely amt lavorr ablv knowu. Vur termu address f' Thi 0. L. Van Dussn Nureary Co , (IKNKVA, N, Y. Van Duien Nurw rles (istablUUo! 1633. Also stock at wholesale, April 4.i3too w r inn RoxEsl,v ;: a VoTOrr"1 special premium w yl At ot.tttt ll.t .lA'mcil, pu,J.4 lb. Ilti im half ibe uumlrti tl 4 it lliu eoauflMr. l..lua t""""l' P"1"" AuSim.i ai iIaiala' J ao li!l t,ai I'll at AAmaiwIllai.i J"'"'. f .f:.i!5 .T;:..t'v,,I.J ...I nal.a.terli'l.-. ttw . od.ra lb. 1 ! an; 5ii,ih: fluiAla ol all atniliua tawpt Hoftartlo A aaaira, awit.ol r II. ut . .. ... - . a I It 1 1 N I I.. V Bliin. aii i... -f ' , .,.,,' tJ.h.l.t.eit lllllol wurd.l .1.1. Diltt OQ b. Mat lu nil, HI t " !'" I.l n4lotrll,tt aHpar taiata. BO Itacat.or oil.twl.a not aJuilll.d. ,4lo I'HK I4Y'H SOAP q.M.. t Ibroan out, Utt. HUtb, Ra.alltb. ..ItblU. L.1 at.Ut'lAt'l,,. lMl.ltlt,llU'ni'.. 1T60 'llaVAT'l 8trtel. tli .!!..) if. .,h. a!J Mai" It .oJ,a,l(.4 fjoalatlltl',aln lb... I.e. rli" re.l,.d f. hS nha! illlr laaawlf bll J.Iiii l "I ' Jl"l In Hl't. tat aVai mdb'w a ll I. latt hWl aid tl Ii ali f Ji d.tlrt. li.l a.ol..lal. .Ill a .t.lf .fori W iaia ini 1 rot. !I.J itSa! b'al li . lb.V alU iwi.raa.FilU, an laaalpllt 11 W, for.arJ la ajr I "''; OlllttlUaUi, a.( of ttt..l ,ifi ,"r..afiall"l(rattl,lchllaillitMMaar ll.aalllullj I'lcluri C.rji. t, .Wa vi 'fill AI 1. Iba pulllt an I bl oai mad.. IK 111 u.a ju b... no Halllai, Iwatllot. or Hard ttubblni. ,, ..V.. lit f?L aU aliVai' Vi . II f 'rfrll Ivajlt It. HA 'f HI A I .... Ml do all-. .1.1.1 bf It II aa-d a. lb. f It llttt ''"'""'J??, r.V.nin. Ilaaallrullf Ko,bi.d 1' oir. C.rd. ol m.n? dultb. lit. a, U.ooU.'lur.J b "uli i! Hilt K. 1 III! .13. 1I4. IIW i l, How... b?. 1143, HJJ, llil, IIU 1161 St.. l'a..,rA. EXCHANGE H;dTEt. W. R. TUBB3, PROPRIETOR DWOilSBUltCl, PA", i ovi'osrrB'cooBT douse. k iir.n nnd convenient a unplo room!. Bath rooms iSt".m?t eou 1 walir, and all nyxlom couveulences , B Birwielis EoM OPPOSITI! I- tl li DllPOT, Fred Bocr, Prrtp. BEtwick P. H Klwft ho nbovo ildestalillslied lUepsed house, v lilidt bo lias rt'oently flttiil Up nllrtt oIuW stylo iiid bo offers ua'Oiniiiodatlons equal to iinyt The bar is suppUed with thochulcoot ales, wines, liquors aud clgaiu. flood Stabling Accommodations. Alt' a 9m The most popular rosort ontho susquennnno lUver Is tha Wapwailoiien Valley Hotel, WapwM lopen, LUiernoCo, 1'a. . 5, W. MM, Proprietor. This lioueo has been tnorougnly renovaleil and M lilted uii with evcrv oonvcnleiices for Ira. (vekrs, tourists, hunting and nshlng partlon, Ut H ueugniiuiiy bituateu luiue iniusi out ueauuiui eelTau ot river and mountain souuery lu clue ity Aliiiti, uy iuuhiuuv)i Council Cup lind special Inducomonts aro otTerod to all who llcblra rocmatlon comblnod wlttt nrst class ac iwiimodatlonti. Tho bar bupplledpnly with tho thoicest wines and Unuors, excellent Btablo ac tqntmodauans, boats to Hire so, 'flo ExTOrTIOllr7E tXE April ss-om send six rents for postago, and cclvu free, a coatiy box ot goods which altlllAtll' JltlS WHO MIO,,4 .IHU 'away than, anything elte lu this worh All, ot either sev. luocucd from first hour; The Lioadroad to fortune oivens before tho workers absolutely suit). At onco address, Tt4b Is Co,, Au) BUSia, jiatue, CHAS. B. PUCH, (iiuijianagtr. Ji It. wooir, MM l'ai4iiger ' Agent. Ithoutchaugool cars, i ' ' 1 J. B. WOOTTBN, Generavl'assengef had Ttcliet'Age'nt. ' Jan. 10, 1881 rr. jJELAWpE, LA'pWANNA, ,AIJ 'M'E8TEllJI It.VlLItOAD. ' ' 11LOOMSUUKG DIVISION. ' NORTH, to.irt.1 p.m. a.m. uo; i w (4 1 25 ,41 1 lid 10 1 M ,'tl l ta 27 1 00 22,12 55 lt'12 61 12 12 48 OH 12 II OH 12 41 III 12 !!'.! .7.1 12 US 51 12 1)0 50 12 20 II IS 1!) tO 12 08 18 11 M 11 11 50 05 11 41 58 11 kil 51 11 111 il). 11 80 t 11 1M STAT10XS.I ,.,firntiton. Jieuevuo, I .lJIUHCV uu, , , , .'.Tuylorvllle... . Lackawanna,) ati.ii.iT 50 '11 13 ' miu on 08 10,5) Od'10'47' 55,111 11 "40 10 80 iii. a.m. OfVO 0 l'J loiii 11 (III 8 50 Piltbton. 8 M..WesfPittston. 8 'W,.,.Viomlng...-. Sill.' . ..Maltby"...-. 8,'J,,,.iijemiett....; Hai .,:.Klngiton..'.,i(ings't6ii.. . s 00,1'iyiuoutli June , ...riyiiioiiiu.... i.MvondatOi . ....Nantteoku... liiinlock's crecli )Nit shinny. t Hick's reny,. i.Ile.ioli Haven1, , Berwick .Ilrlar Creek.. ..Wltlowtirove.r MMlloomsbiirg'u! .... tiuiiuro,..., CdtawtM 'Bridge ,. .aianvuio..,, ....'chulask'y..;. ...i L'ainoroQ.... Northuiiiberland ssa 8 21 8 17 S 10 7 58' 7 47 T41 r ai 7 27 7 m I 111 '7 It V (10 1 0 61 oat B 20 0 25 0 10 a. in. a.tiit ii!m.' 5'W v 40 -IJ 20 5 55 U l i 2 25 0 111 tl HO 2 90 11,00,057 2,08 O'lt'lO 012 40 0 2.1 10 00 2 51 0 28,10 ItiO o ai'io ir a oo 0 Oi) 10 20,S Ut 0 III 10 '25 a 00' 0 48 10 1)1 U 0U 0 50 10 20 I) 11 U 55 10 a.) 3,15 7'00'10'37'lll20 T (fi 10,41'a 21, "7 12 10 48'3 32' T 21 10 tV U 45, 7 47 11 10 a 57, ' T'M li 1'4 0.1' 8JI0 U 22,4 10, S W 11 3U 4 10 810 11 00 4 10 8 11 11 4i,4W 8 21 It 48 4 'a0 xi it 59 4 ;ic 8 ai.ll 61 1 42 am u o4'4r' H 55 12,20 6 Ml U 04 l-.'-3J 0,101 U 20 11 50 SjifO a.m. p.m. p. in tuptilntcmlont's omoit JAMES ICKILIt'Vi Tonsorial W. IVIIALSTEAD, Supt, MifrOru'illoHi'Vfklst, : -. il'.' I J 18J2. u.MIn at his old Ui CEL. and haa tlAItllBKSlini'. He Avtist, stand tinder BXCIIANCiKi as usual a I'fUST.CLASS respectfully solicits tho patronage ,(fhs old oujtwoefi ad of I lie puoUo tenerally, ulyi,'fo-tt Amy iti-iw d mm For COLOR end SWEETNESS ' Uta BEAN'S C0NCENTRATC0 Extract ol Annnllq. . Kature'i awn Color.' Erlrhttit inani, or leua eu. io auial, lor a aiol la, ooLmai CW) 11... la 'IFAN, 1HIIK 4 10., Sit.kM MirlWSt., nlll.'AUX 1 Juiiouiy ats ' I ' 11 tox, FlhipsM'i? ''ita'valilii52io! 1 d). V. Ko pay asked for pitnm null 1 1, Arm iuw