The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 13, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Friday, JUNifraiTm
Corn-it Uitllrutttl Tlmo TnlilcT
Trains on tho Phil ulctnhla t ll. It, Icavo liunort
a follows I
CM n. in.
4.0) p. 111.
tl:M n. in.
0:13 p, in.
Tralnson tho t). U A W. It. 1L loavo Moomsburif
AS tOllOWS I 9
WW a. in. 6.-) a. m.
lliir a. in. una a. m.
8:3 P. ! 4:38 p. tn.
Tlio 8:S3 a. ra. train connocU at Northumberland
wltli tliou.3.1 train on IVumylv.iiiU road, reaching
Philadelphia at 3: 11 p. in. '
Tho lliM train connects wltli Philadelphia and
Heading roail at ltupert reaching Philadel
phia at e.oo p. m.
Tho 11:53 train connects with Pennsylvania mA
at Northumberland at l;50, reaching Philadelphia
nk . yi UK
Tho 4:3D u. m. train connects wltli IMnn.vlvnntn at Northumberland at s.uj p. in., and reaches
Philadelphia at 3.3 a. in.
.Trains nn tho N. & V. U? Hallway pass llloom
Korry as follows t
xobth. sonm.
11:87 a. m. :oi p. m.
0.30 P. m. 4:15 p. in.
Notice to CorrcHliotidcittH.
In order to savo many communications rroin tho
waste basket wo raako tho following suggestions,
to local correspondents i Uso only ono sldo of tho
sheet, and wrllo as plain as posslblo; tglvo only
tho local nows that Is of aomo Interest to tho com
munity, such as accidents, Improvements, mar
riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and
churches, business enterprises, changes of resi
dence, and tho like. What appear to bo Jokes nt
tho oxpensa of others, and personal mention glv
Ingonlyononamoor Initials or a nickname, will
not bo printed under any circumstances, such
Items often glvooltenso, though nono may bo In
tended. The full namo of tho writer rauit always
be given, but will not bo printed unless requested,
For Hale.
Several town properties, good location,
brick or frame.
About 35 acres o( land In Hemlock town,
lilp, partly cleared, balanco well timbered.
A farm of about 80 acres in Scolt twp.
For terms and particulars apply to Geo.
. Elwcll, Bloomsburg, Pa. feb. 29-tf.
Miss EUlc Fox is visiting friends at Lock
Mrs. Geo. A. McKclvy of MUlcrsburg, is
visiting friends in this place.
Rev. F. P. Manbart is in attendance at
tho Lutheran Synod nt Wllllamsport.
0. G. Barklcy Esq., B. A. Wilson and
Mr. Garrison were up to Cole's last week,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Browcr returned from
Bcllcfonto on Monday. Mrs. Llnglo ac
companied them.
Itov. L. Zahncr, Judeo Elwcll, E. II. Drin-
kcr, J. G. Freeze and W M. Monroe attended
tho Convention of tho P. E. Church at
Reading this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Swartwout of Benton
township, will celebrate their silver wed
ding on tho 10th inst. Wo extend our
Mrs. B. F. Zarr, Miss Emmn Dcnglcr
and Miss Mary Unangst arc at Williams
port attending a session of tho Woman's
Homo and Foreign Mission Society of the
Lutheran Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Duckulew spent sev
eral days at Perry's, inSugarloaf last week.
Amos is a success as a tlshcrman, and we
had the plcasuro of eating some delicious
trout caught by him.
A. J. Kline called in to see us few
days ago. Ho resides in Fishlngcreek
township where he was born, and is now
83 years of age. He has taken this paper
ever slnco it was established, more than 40
John Waters of Scott township returned
from a Western trip last Saturday. He
was out as far as Indlun Territory, and
was absent over two months. He met a
number of people who moved from this
section, 'and reports them all doing well.
It proved to be a Blnlne hat after nil.
Venuor, the weather prophet, is dead.
The best dirt-proof watches made can be
seen at L. Bcrnhard's Jewelry store.
John Guinn, an old resident of Catiiwls.
sn, died last Sunday, aged nearly 04 years.
Groceries at Thco. Heck's (Hencock
stand) as cheap as the cheapest.
Tho proceeds of tho festival at the Epis
copal rectory last week were over $00.00.
Great bargains at Tlieo. Heck's in dress
goods at Hcacock stand, Llghtstrect.
The anniversary exercises of Wyoming
Seminary at Kingston, will bo held on tho
18, 15, 10, 17 and 18th Insts.
Tho Columbian will issue a six-page
cditiou Immediately after the Chicago
convention, giving full proceedings.
The sale of lands not disposed of at
Treasurer's sale last Monday has been ad
journed until tho 23rd Inst., at 10 o'clock,
p. in.
' Wedding congratulations, In tho sha'po
of handsomo fringed cards, at tho Colum
bian store,
Tho Philadelphia Sunday ZYmj Is sold
Uero on Sunday afternoon by Wesley
Moyer, The papers are brought hero on a
railroad tricycle.
Go to Theo. Heck's (Hcacock stand) for
your boots and buocb. SO per cent, cheap
er than any place in tho county.
Twenty new names liavo been added to
our list within a few days. Any old sub
scribcr can get credit for ono year's sub
scription by sending us two new names,
with $3.00 cash.
Wo shall publish next week a brief
sketch of each of tho candidates for county
offices, or so' many as can bo prepared by
that time. If any are omitted they will ap
pear as soon as we can obtain tho neces
sary data.
The usual concert at J. Baltzer's, Satur
day evening of this week will commenco
at 8 o'clock sharp, with Illalna's Grand
inarch, overture of Cullph of Bagdad, and
other late publications, public invited. Ad
mission free,
A young mau named John, of Catawlssa,
was arrested last Friday on a warrant is.
sued by J. M. Clark, Esq., charged wltli
assault, resisting an ofllcer, and making
threats of bodily injury. Ho gavo bail for
his appearance at court.
t. Rev, M. A. DeWolfo Howe, Bishop
of Central Pennsylvania, will bo present
at St. Paul's church on Sunday next. Tho
rlto of coullrmatlon will tako placo at tho
evening service. Tho Bishop will bo at
St. John's church, Catawlssa, in the after
There is no lack of accommodations for
fUhlng parties up tho creek. On tho La.
porto road, besides J, W. Perry's Elk Run
House, an excellent hotel Is kept a mtlo
further up by Parvln Kile. The house is
new, and tho landlord looks after tho com
fort and pleasure of his guests nt all
H. E. Hcacock of Light Street is selling
phosphates at low prices,
Tho Band kindly 'furnished music on
Saturday evening for tho Episcopal fesll-
Don't forget the Callleplan festival at
Evans' Hall this Friday mid Sntiirdi ty uven
Tho annual excursion of tho Editorial
Association will gi to Gettysburg next
Tho Ladles of tho Evangelical church
will hold a festival at Espy Park on Satur
day evening, Juno 14th.
Foil Sai.k. 100,000 shaved hemlock
shingles, by Ai. Lnnbnch & Son, Gtmva,
Juno 10-4w
Samuel Keller cnught a whlto chub In
tho creek at Ornngcvlllo last Friday morn
ing, that weighed n pound mid u quarter,
and measured fifteen Inches.
Fon Rent. Tho front room, second
floor, of tho Columuian building. Ono of
the best rooms for nn ofllco In town. Heat
cd by steam, lighted by gas, water on samo
lloor, Apply to Geo. E. Elwcll. tf
At the Episcopal convention In Reading
on Wednesday, Rev. Dr. Rullson of Clove
land was elected Assistant Bishop. Col. J,
G. Freczo was elected Chancellor of the
A. M. Rupert, an old resident of this
town, died of consumption last Friday,
aged 01 years. Tho funeral was largely at
tended on Sunday afternoon, Itcv. Man
hart conducting the services.
Captain M. M. Brobst, nsslslnnt Inspec
tor .appointed by tho Pennsylvania Depart
ment, (GrA. It., Inspected Ent Post, No.
250, last Friday night. A number of mem
bers of Hongland Post of Catawlssa, were
Lost. Between Buckhorn nnd tho Bar
ton bridge, on tho night of Juno 5th, n
child's coat. The owner will bo greatly
obliged If tho finder will leftvo It at this of
flee or ut C. L. Hnrtman's, Buckhorn.
Applcman & McIIenry of Benton, have
on hand heavy wagons nnd top buggies,
nnd have recently finished a lot of spring
wagons. All their work Is well made, and
tho materials used are of the best.
Theo. Heck bought tho old Hcacock
stand In Llghtstrect, and toolt possession
Mny 80th. Mr. Heck is a man well spoken
of by the pcoplo in tho county and will no
doubt command a fair share of the patron,
age In nnd about Llghtstrect.
Fon Sale. A desirable store property of
tho late A. B. Vanllew at Buckhorn. The
goods will bo sold separately, or the goods
nnd building together. Apply to A. C.
Vanliew or J. Terwllllgcr, Llghtstrect, Pa.
4 w
Wml Hnrlzcl has taken charge of the
Exchange hotel stables, nnd will conduct
them on his own account hereafter.
Guests of the hotel, and all others rcqulr
ing stabling will he accommodated tho
same ns heretofore.
A number of incendiary fires have oc
curred lately at Danville, and the people
there nre considerably excited over the at
tempts to burn the town. If the guilty
parties are caught they will be roughly
W) K. 'Armstrong saw a monster of
some kind on his way home beyond Welsh
Hill last Monday night. Ho cannot tell
what it was but says it looked like nn 1m
mense snake, and this Is corroborated by
tho tracks found In the corn Held next day.
A medical journal contains nn article
entitled, "Notes of Cases of Ice Cream
Poisoning." It Is said that young men arc
clubbing together to raise a fund of flvo
hundred dollars to secure the Insertion of
the article in nil tho papers.
Wo lenrn that Father O'Reilly will soon
leave hero to go to Lancaster. During his
pastorate liere he has done a good work,
nnd has made many friends both In and
out of his congregation. Wo wish him
success wherever his lot may bo cast
Sweet potato plants 80 cts. per 100, $3.50
per 1,000 1 Lato Flat Dutch cabbago
plants, (best quality) 25 cts. per 100, $3.00
per 1,000, nt Dillon's Green Houses.
Tho D. L. & W. R R. has a special offi
cer on the road whoso business it is to
keep order on the trains and In the depots.
No disorderly conduct is allowed on the
cars. This Is a good move, as It will help
to put a stop to tho vulgar and profano
languago In which some men indulge, and
which Indies are frequently compelled to
Nice scrap books 'for 25 and 80 cents
and up, at tho Columbian store.
!', " ... r-r-i
Tho Fricpdsiijp boys were out on Mon
day nlght'wlth' their Jumper, for a prnctlco
on maUirjg connections with fire plugs.
Thoy started on a rundown Main street.
and wTicr! In front of tire Banking Com-
panyLboth men at tho tonguo fell, and ono
of them had his hand badly cut. This did
not stop them, however, and thoy got
water through thehoso In a very short time.
Prof. Heck will hold n slx-wcek term of
school at tho Orangcvillo Academy, begin
ning on the 80th of Juno, for all who desire
to review their studies before tho Fall ex-
amlnutlon. Ho will have to assist him
several county superintendents and other
well-known teachers. Tho instruction
.will bo generally without book, and will
(ncludo all tho common branches Phys
lology, Physical Geography und frequent
lectures on tho Principles and Methods of
Teaching, most approved. Should any do
sire to study more advanced branches in
ponnectlon with tho review, they wilt bo
accommodated. Tho healthfulncss nnd
jiicturcsqucncss of Orangovllle and its vi
cinity make It a very desirable place to
spend tho summer. Boarding, lodging
and tuition aro very reasonable. Terms
will bo sent on application.
Tho Republicans of town aro enthusias
tic over tho nomination of Blalno and Lo
gan. A largo ling was thrown to tho
hreezo from the top of tho Mammoth store
In honor of tho event.
A young child of Mrs. Fogcrty's was
badly scalded on Thursday, by the up-set-ting
of a tub of of hot water. At last nc.
count tho child Is doing well.
On Saturday evening one of tho cars
standing on tho tail track at Cuiitralin col-
Uery took tiro from it spark thrown by a
passing engine, nnd before It was discov
ered several of tho cars were in flames.
A largo forco of men separated tho burning
cars from tho rest, and u dam of water
being Jn close, proximity tho tiro was soon
A now caso of small-pox developed in
tho Evans family on Monday, Tho two
children who took It first have recovered.
Tho Methodists contcmplato erecting n
new church shortly, and havo mado ar.
raugcincnts to glvo an entertainment tho
latter part of tho present month. Tho pro
ceeds to bo used to defray sdmo of tho ex
penses. Thoy should' receive ft good share
of tho public patronage.
Will Lake will open a marhlo yard In
town shortly. Tlioso wauling anything In
that line nre requested to call, O'.i
Miss Taylor of Mt. Ciirmet, nnd Miss
May of Hlmmokln, spent Friday In town
tliu guests of tho Misses Tioutnmn,
Tho new lino of column pipes lately put
In nt tho Logan colliery, will ho tested this
wetki Tho pipes were put In by tioiitrVe
tors Wnlsh ib Austy.
An exciting game of bnso ball will ho
played to-morrow evening between the en
gineer oi Logan and Cent ml la collieries,
for a barrel of beer. The gnmii will bo
cnlled nt 4 o'clock sharp. "J
Thursday being Corpus Christie or great
holyday among tho Catholics, was oh
served In the usual manner. Tim collieries
wcro Idlo In consequence.
Tho main water pipes bursted on Satlir
day near the Mammoth store, causing a
water famine lu tho upper end of town,
some of tho pcoplo wcro compelled to
carry water two miles.
Rev. Benton spent tho fore part of the
week lu Harrisburg.
Our enterprising farmers, John Kelchner
nnd David Remley are building houses.
Centre township Is constantly Improv
ing. Candidates nro canvassing tho county
forvotcs. Wo think somo havo "bridled
the wrong horse."
Tho musical mosquitoes will soon be
along with their bill.
Theodore Heck has full possession of tho
store goods, formerly 'owned by .Harvey
Hcacock. Ho has bottom prices for allar
tlclcs. Simon Sltler's colt was badly hurt by
Jumping over a wire fence.
Ellsha Hngcubuch Is building a wngon
Tho township convention will meet nt
Webb's run on Juno 21. Preparations nre
being made for n pleasant time.
Tho Hldlay school, elected 0 delegates to
represent their school, and bring back a
fleshy report. Wo hope they will not dis
appoint us.
Emanuel and Reuben Sltler and wives
went to the head waters of Fishlngcreek to
fish for tho speckled beauties. We wcro
told they made a' "watcr haul."
Our farmers' wives are sighing, because
their turkeys nre dying. If they examine
closely, perhaps they'll find they die of
Last Saturday the Grangers of this place
went up to Ellas Relchurd's to llsh. From
an Interview with ono of the party I lenrn
they had a very pleasant and enjoyable
time. As none of their neighbors received
a complimentary mess, I presume they did
not catch more thnn enough for home use.
By the way, I will suggest that some of
our lending young people make up a sim
liar affair. I am sure your valley friends
would be very much delighted to know
that'they would be invited.
Misses Anna nnd Kate Stroup gavu their
many friends a sociable on Saturday even
ing last.
T. W. Kistlcr of Nanllcokc, spent Satur
day and Sunday with his parents.
Children's day was duly observed by the
M. E. Sunday school.
On Monday last Theodore Bent, Pcrclvnl
Foulk and Ahram SlnulTer started for Vlr
ginla to sec the country nnd visit friends.
They Intend visiting Wnslilngton City be
fore their return.
The Bonrtl of Directors nt their last
meeting elected T. E. Sands as president,
A. J. Emmllt secretary, and E. J. Old
treasurer. The school fund is more Hush
now than it has been for some years back.
The debts arc all paid, some money in tho
treasury, and taxes uncollected. They in
tend erecting a new school building In our
district bctoro the schools open.
There will be no preaching In the M. E.
church next Sunday.
Miss Mattlo Hartmau will spend the
summer with her sister, Clnrn.
Quite a number of our ndults nre teeth
ing. Our small boys begin to experience that
tho bumble end of n bumble bee has a tem
perature of about 7,030,0003.
Tho shower on Monday night did some
injury to our corn fields.
Nortluutilicrluiul Ileiuocrntlc
Tho democratic county convention of
Northumberland county Jast Monday noml
naledWm. Heller, for sheriff ; W. A.
Dean, for copgrcss1 j S.'P, Wolyerton, jfor
stato senate ; Jumcs Rlland nnd J. W.
Brown, for assembly ; Michael Kellighcr
and Thomas L. Kcrchncr, for county com
missloncrs ; H. F. Maun, for prothnotnry ;
Alatthlas Cronlnger, for treasurer) T. Penn
Smith nnd Moses Bond, for auditors ; Dr.
D. T. Krcbs, for coroner ; B. E. Campton',
G. O. Stahl, B. h. Matchlnand Isaao Bloom
for stato delegates.
WuHliburu & Ilumtnit'rt United
Tho great shows of L. W. Washburn &
Robert Hunting having been consolidated
for this season, thus making ono of tho
largest and grandest shows In America, as
their shows before united were two of tho
leading shows of America. This 'great
consolidation will bo In this placo on Tues.
duy, Juno 17. The menagerio contains nu
merous cages of raro animals. Tho great
black elephant' belug a great feature which
Is by far a greater curiosity thau a whlto
Tho museum contains many curiosities,
nnd Sergt. John Mason, tho would-be
slayer of the assassin of our great mar
tyred President, Garfield, will hold recep.
Hons lu this tent. In tho circus, although
largo enough for three rlugs contains but
one, as a person can only look at ono ring
at a time. In this largo ring will bo seen
tho best performance ever given by any
show. Among the performers are M.
Robert Whlttnker, tho champion bare back
rider of the world, who was with Fore
puugh last year. Also tho daring cques
trleune, Miss Lizzie Keys. Tho Huntings,
Robert nnd Clarice, tho finest trapeze per
formers In tho world, Rocmcr and Lcrouk,
Itanium's $5,000 challenge horizontal bar
performers, nnd fifty other performers tho
best in tho circus profession, It) speakulg
of this show, tho Keysfono Cburier, of
Counclsvllle, Pa., saysi
"Nearly flvo thousand people were agree,
ubly surprised last Friday, by tho perform
nnco of tho Washburn & Hunting circus.
Tho circus performance was the best ever
seen in this city, and wo havo had Fore
paugh and Barnum. Hoemcr and Lcrouk
came In lor tho greatest applause, they
being tho favorites. Wo hopo Messrs,
Wnshburn & Hunting success, as they de
serve It,"
Don't forget the date, Tuesday Juno 17.
Graud street parade at 11 o'clock on day of
show. Usual price of admission.
in tlic Upper ICutl.
Tho village of llcnlun is the centre of tho
alleged Fishlngorcok Confcdsiuoy of l.weii
ly years ago, mid the centre of business of
tins Fishlngcreek region of In-day, All
around here nra men who wcro the victims
of persecution in tin) dark days of tho
rebellion, because of their political senti
ments, nnd whose only erlinu consisted In
voting tho Democratic ticket. The rendu
lflC(SiKus of that tlino nrf rehilfd by men who
underwent Imprisonment hud siillcrluir lu
government basttlcs, told now, when all
passion nnd prejudice has subsided) form
an Interesting tale. But the subject Is loo
fnmlllnr to our people to require any coin
ments nt this lato day. The unlawful) nr..
Hon of tho government, nnd tho vindica
tion of tho victims, nro matters of history.
I recently henril of an Incident that oc
curred In this section somo yenrs ago,
which grew out of the military occupation,
nnd ns.I liavo novcr seen it print, I give It
ns I heArd Itt A certain candidate for con
gress on tho Republican ticket came up
this way looking after his political inter
csts, and stopping nt n certain residence,
met tho lady of tho house, to whom ho
cordially extended his hand nnd smilingly
said i "How do you do, Mrs. . Don't
you know mo ?" The lady in question
looked nt him a moment nnd then rccog
nlzlng him, replied wllh some vehemence,
"Yes sir, I know you, you are General So
and So', who was up hero with tho soldiers.
I remember how you camped In our fields,
destroyed our grnln, burned our fences,
called mo up frequently nt midnight nnd
ordered me to get supper for yourself nnd
officers, nnd never paid n cent for what
you got. I have reason to remember you,
and the sooner you leave this houso thu
better It will please me." Tho candldato
took tho hint, got In his buggy nnd left
Benton township, nnd never mndo his np
penrnce there again.
Turning from the past let us look to the
present. Tho Fishlngcreek railroad has
been, and is now, a sublcct of frequent
conversation. Everybody is anxious for
tho accomplishment of tho project. I nm
sorry to say that tho present condition of
tho Philadelphia it Heading Railroad Com
pany has put n damper on the enterprise
for the present. Tlio Reading Is uuable to
pay Its running expenses In cash, nnd
has again gono Into the ,' hands
of n receiver. This will prevent
It from building nny collateral roads, and
tho Fishlngcreek enterprise mtist look
elsewhere for support. Why should not
tho Pennsylvania road tako hold of It? A
brldgo at Bloomsburg would not only glvo
communication with all this section of
country, but would secure for tho Penn
sylvanln nil the freight for Bloomsburg and
tho entire Fishlngcreek section. It would
undoubtedly be a paying Investment for
tho company, and would be of Incalcula
ble benefit to this end of the county. Great
forests of fine timber, and large tracts of
ore lands, which can only bo developed by
a railroad, now Ho here almost valueless,
because of tho great expense of getting to
market. Tlioso who havo an Interest In'
the lands could well nlTord to subscribe
liberally towards an enterprise that would
connect them with the business centres of
tho country, and tend to develop the
wealthy resources of a section now shut in
among tho mountains with no outlet ex
ccpt by slow teams.
Tlio Fishlngcreek railroad will he built
sometime. It Is only a question of years.
By whom or when It will be done, is bo
yond tho kuowlcdgo of yourcorrespondent.
Trout fishing is quite n mania up here.
Most icverybody fishes, and some of the
stories told of their success are consldcra.
bly larger thnn the ilsh caught. A great
many trout have been taken, hut most of
them are very small. Rev. G. V. Savage
of Benton, who is nn expert, is reported to
have captured tho biggest llsh of the sea
son, measuring twenty Inches. It hud
been caught before, but mado lis escape,
taking with it tho hook nnd a short piece
of line, which it had in Its mouth when se
cured bv Jlr. Savage.
During a two days' trip through Sugar
loaf township, I found that the Coi.u.miiian
is read by nearly every family, and what is
better yet, most of them pay for their pa
per in advance. Tho roads were in excel,
lent condition, but I found it necessary to
inquire my way frequently, becnuso tho
guide boards are not all up where they
should be. Tho crops generally nro look
Ing well, but tlio corn was put back by the
frost, considerably garden .truck was kill
ed, nnd It is feared that fruit lins been nf
fectcd. I hope that tlmo may show that
this fear Is ungrounded. " E.
Normal !otcH.
Just ns wo went to press last week we
wcro Informed that tlio members of tho
Senior Clnss had all' passed their examina
tions. They were heartily congratulated
by their friends, and many of them w.ent
homdfQr.a Lfow, days' rest and recreation
nftcr tho hard laborof tho past few months.
Tho'class numbers 81 Indies niid lO'gfe'ntle
meu. Tho appointments for commence
ment nre ns follows i
Valedictorian, Charles Kennedy, of Lu
zcruo'couutyi Salutatorlan, KatoE. Hig.
ginsof Hnzlotan. The following"ar6 'the
orators and essayists, M.L.Hunt, W H.
Brower, M. H. McAnlff, I. II. Winter, P.
A. Clark, Misses Annlo E. .Hoban, (cp I.
Hoban, Anna M. Dcnglcr, Alllo S Pljin
ney, Annio R. Llmheruer, Laura M, Hel
man, Sarah M. Harvey, Jcnnlo H. McGin.
nls, Joan T. MacCullocii, and May Sharp,
SusoiY.r-Juuo 22. Biiccalaurealu sprmon
by Rev. Joel Swarfz,, 1). D., Lutheran
Monoat. Jtme 23, examination of under
graduates. Monday, Juno 23, 7i30p. M., entertain
ment by Model School and Prof; Nile's dr.
chestra, Instituto Hall. ' '..'
Tdesday, Juno 24, examination of un
dergraduates continued.
Tuesday, Juno 24, 8 P. M. address be
foro tho Literary Societies, Rev. 11, F. Al
leman, Instituto Hall.
I Wednesday, Juno 25, examination of
undergraduates continued.
Wednesday, Juno 25, 4 P. M. Class
day exercises, campus.
' Wednesday, Juno 25, 8 P. M., Culllc.
plan reunion, School Parlors,
TnuiisDAY, Juno 20, 0:80 A. M., Com
mencemeut exercises.
TuunsDAY, J uno 20, 2:30 I. M., Alumni
reunion nnd dinner.
Tiiuiisday, Juno 20, 7i301 M,, Senior
Reception, School Parlors.
MARRIAGES. " ' " ''
CO.NwEH- 3100 KE. At tho M. E. Par
sonago In Orangevlllo June 5th, 1884, by
Rev, E, M. Chllcoat, Jlr, Jones Conner to
Miss Laura Idela Moore both of Hohrslmrg
Columbia county, Pa.
SAVIDGE-FOimEU. At tho M. K,
Parsouago In Orangovllle, Juno 5 1831, by
Rev E, M. Chllcoat, Mr. Francis B. Sav.
Idgo of Jonestown, Pa., to Miss Magglo J.
Forber of Philadelphia, Pa.
Parsonage in Washington villi) on Stltlnst.
by Jio. G, Lloyd, Mr, Win. Dallmnn to
Miss Mary E. Miller, all of Columbia coun
ty Pn.
WILLIAMS ALE. At tho M. E, par
sonago in Orangevllle, May 17th, 1684, by
Rev. E. M. Chllcoat, Mr. Warren W. Wil.
Hams to Miss Lizzie A, Ale, both of
Orangevllle, Columbia county, Pa.
Parsonage In Orangovllle, May 31st 1834,
by Rev. E. M, Chllcoat, Mr. Orval A.
Welsh of Orange township to Miss Surah
M. Miinloii of Greenwood, both of Colum
bia county, Pn.
ACIIICNItAtriT 'Died "hi Oraiigevo on
the 20th of .May, Mr. Sulnuel Achunbach,
aged 78 years and I) months.
C. ('. Msir pays 18 rents for eggs.
I'm asols, fans, Jerseys, clovcj, hosiery,
Imndlu'lthlets, ill Chuk &. Son's,
Go to C. O. Man's for ehlldh' Misses nnd
ladles' slioes.
A nent present given iiivny with every
piuchaso iiinde nt the Popular Clothing
Stoic of David Lowentierg.
Go to C. C. .Man's for silk diess patterns.
Lnco buntings 10 cts. per ynrd, best
ptlntsS cents, good Cheviot shirtings 0
cents, good muslins 7 cents, toweling 5
cents, cottonndes 12, 15, and 17 cents,
worth fully J move, at Clark & Son's.
1. C. Man- has tho best 80 cent syrup
town. Try it.
A very largo lino of straw lints now on
view, N011I1V, NEAT and NEW, Just ar
rived at David Lowenbcrg's.
Go to O. O. Marr's for nice dross goods,
very cheap.
Shirtings, Percales, Seersuckers, OIng.
hams. Cretonnes, &c.,just opened to-dny
at I. W. Ilartmnu & Son's.
Colored and summer silks cheaper than
ever, nt Clark it Son's.
C. C. Mnrr wants butter, eggs, lard, side,
shoulder and ham.
Calico by the bale, muslin by the bale
lust lu this week, at I. W. Hartmnn ifc
Hamburg nett, nil over embroideries,
laces, corsets, &c, at Claik & Sou's.
"Tho npparel oft proclnlm's the man."
A well dressed gentleman Is the ndmlrn
tlon of all, and tho placo to get your
Sl'ltlNO SUIT Is ut tlio POPULAR AND
RELIABLE STOKE cf David Loweuberg.
Good gingham 0c. per yard nt I. W.
Hartmau & Sou's.
The largest and cheapest lot of white
dress goods and embroideries to bo found,
at Chuk it Son's.
Lllley it Sleppy waul all tho butter and
eggs you can briug half cash.
Best calico fi'Jc. per yard, by tho bolt, at
I. W. Hartmau it Sours.
Good muslin OJc. per yard by the bolt,
at I. W. Hartmnn it Son's.
Gentlemen who want a spring suit put
up in CITY STYLE should coll nt the
Bloomsburg, David Lnwenbcrg who cm
We offer the best values lu black dress
silks ever shown by us, for the money
Clark it Son.
New goods ut J. B. Skeer's.
"When found make a note of."
The place to go for your spring clothing,
a s.ylish hut, or a flno neck scarf, or the
latest style in furnishing goods is at David
The undersigned is selling J. J. Allen's
phosphates as cheap us the cheapest. Differ
ent grades nnd different prices. Call or
Llghtstrect, Fa.
Juno 10-0w
OACSK and effect.
At times symptoms of indigestion nre
present, uneasiness of the stomach, itc., a
moisture H.:u perspiration, producing Itch
ing ut night, or whuu one is warm, cause
the Piles. Thu effect is immediate relief
upon tho iipiilication of Dr. Basanko's Pile
Remedy, which coMs you but 50 cents and
Is sold by U. A. Klcim. July 13-eow
CliOl)!1, WIIOOI'IVU oouoii
and llronehitls immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Moyer Bros.
If C. A. Klcim, thu Druggist, docs not
succeed it is not for tin; want of faith. IIo
has such faith in Dr. Bosauko's Cough and
Lung syrup us a remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Consumption, and Lung Affections, that ho
f;ives a bottle free to ent li nnd every one who
s In need of a medicine of this kind.
July 13.eow
Fur Inmo back, side or chest use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale
by Moyer Bros.
See a woman in another column, near
Specr's Vineyards, plckins grapes from
which Speer's Port Grape Wino is made,
that is so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, for tho use of Invalids, weakly
persons and tho aged.
Sold by C. A. Klcim, Bloomsburg.
sept 22-ly
is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bot
tle, For' sale by Moyer Bros.
sekvediiim right.
"I havo used Burdock Blood Bitters, and
am happy to say they havo done mo more
;good than anything yet. Send a further
quantity nt once." This' man was a suffer
er from dyspepsia for twenty years. ;llls
nnmu Is Alexander Lough, nnd he lives at
Alpcuu, Mich.
Si.i:i:i'less NIOIITS,
mado mlserablo by that terrible cough,
Shiloh's Cure Ms the remedy for you. For
sale by Moyer Bros.
"Rough on Rats" clears out Ruts, Mice.
15 c.
"Hough on Corns," for corns, bunions,
Thin people. "Wells' Health Rcnewcr''
restores hcaltlyiml vigor, cures dyspepsia,
"Rough on Toothuche," iustunt relief.
! Ladles who would retain freshness and
Vivacity don't fall to try "Wells' Health
"Buchu-paiba," great Uldnoy and urinary
Flies, roaches, ants, bed.bugs, ruts, mice,
cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 10c.
' "Rough on Coughs," troches, 15o liquid,
T"- .
For children, slow In development, punv
ipid delicate, use.' Wells' Health Renuwcr.'1
"Rough on Dentin" tooth powder. Try
1. 15c.
Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, sexual
debility cured by "Wells' Health Rcnewcr."
"Mother Swun's Vonn Pyrup, for fever.
Winoss, worms, constipation Insteless.
Slinging, irritation, nil Kidney and Uri
nary complaint r.urod by 'Buciu.pnlba."
7 It " r
, Nlirht sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys.
pepsla, cured by "Wells' Health Rcnow-
! "-My husband (writes a lady) Is three
times, the, man ,luco using '-Wells' Hoalth
Ul'llnwi-r.'l' l J&L .
r"i t,
If you aio falling, broken, worn out and
rvous, uso "Wells' Health 1U
Prevalence of Klducycomplalntln Amer.
loai "Buchu-palba" Is a quick, completo
eyre, $1.
June 10-ly cow
"In the past threo months I havo sold
oito hundred nnd six bottles of Thomas'
Erlecttlc Oil, NcVer saw n medicine in
my life llmt, gave such unlyersnl satisfac
tion, Cured an ulcerated throat for mo In
Iwcnty-fonr hours i never, failed to relieve
nty children or r.rniip." 0. It. Hull, Drug,
glsl, (Irnyvlllf, III.
- -
A llllTY OWE.
Wllllamsport, l'a Dic2l, 18$2.
John II. Phelps, Srrtititon Pit , Dear
Sir I ft el It ni) duly to Inform yon Imsv
much unod you havo done inu through
your Khcumnllc Elixir, I have been n
very hull nlHTvicr uith IiilhtmmiiNiry Hlich.
mutism for oVer ttvo J cnrs, hair nf the thin
not able to walk wlllioutcrillches'orciltieS,
I liavo used threr1 bottles of your KliHilna.
Ilo Elixir. I pronounce myself entirely
cured Of rhi.'umallsii) when all oilier reme
dies nnd Ircntmcnl failed to give relief.
And I nm in better henltli now than I have
been for years. I hope yourcircllhlrs with
their wonderful testimonials, will reacli
every sufferer with that terilble dUcc,
rheuinalixm, nnd may, encourage them, to
glvo the Rlieumatio Elixir it thorough trial
1 can recommend the Rlieumatio Elixir
with great confidence.
I nm respectfully yours,
J. 11. AllNOM).
For sulo nt Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy,
Bloomsburg Pa.
, UATAlllllI UU11EI),
health and sweet breath secured by Shi
loh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents.
Nasal Injector free. For salo by Moyer
"HTA1I Ladles Should Know That Hoods,
scarfs, ribbons nnd all fancy articles can
lie mndo nny color wnnted with Diamond
Dyes. All tho popular colors. 10c. nt
druggists. Nono equnl them. Wells, Rich
urdsou it Co., Burlington, Vt.
"TII3 noss."
Bethlehem, Pa., July 3, 18S2.
.Mr. John II. Phelps, Dear Slr-PIeaie
send mo three dozen Phelps' Rheumatic
Elixir soon ns possible. I havo sold all I
had. Mr. I). J. Godshnlk, editor "Dally
Times," Bethlehem, Is taking It. He says
I could tell my customers it is tho "boss"
medicine for rheumatism.
Yours, etc.,
E. T. Mkyeks, Druggist.
For sale nt Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy
Bloomsburg Pn.
S. S. Graves of Akron, N. Y., had asth.
ma of tho worst kind. Took one dose of
Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil and was relieved In
five minutes. Ho adds : "Would walk
ten miles for this medicine nnd pny $5 a
bottle for it. It cured my wlte of rheuma
tism like magic."
Wherever Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir lias
been tried here it lias given satisfaction.
Yours, &c,
Blossburg, Pa., Jan. 11, 1883.
For salo at Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy
Bloomsburg Pa.
can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure.
Wo gunrimtco It. For sale by Moyer
This fell destroyer has brought a blight
to many a promising life nnd sadness to
many a homo circle. There is one reme
dial agent that will assist nature In throw,
ing off tills terrible disease, viz i Specr's
Port Wine. It lias been used by hundreds
with wonderful success, has checked the
progress of disease and brought thousands
back to health. For salo by druggists.
wllh Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint f
Shiloh's Vltalizer is guaranteed to cure
you. For sale by Moyer Bros.
shiloh's cough
nod Consumption Cure is sold by us on a
guarantee, it cures consumption,
sale by Moyer Bros.
As we come to them they nro received,
bornu wltli, und pnssed over with no more
than n thought, if we are in the enjoyment
of health, but if suffering with Piles or
skin disease of any kind they magnify a
hundred fold. C. A. Kleira, tlio Druggist,
lias Dr. Bosauko's Pile Remedy which is an
absolute euro for any affection of the kind
and Is sold for 50c cuts. July 13-eow
Hiram D. Maxllcld, formerly of Silver
Springs, R. I., has no doubt about tho
wonderful curative powers of Kidney-Wort.
IIo was so allllcted with Kidney Complaint
Hut lie could not stmul on his feet from
pain and weakness, As soon as lie com
menced using Kidney. Wort he experienced
immediate relief and at onco began to
grow strong and was relieved cf nil paiu
und unpleasantness. He says ; "I know
1 have been cured by Kidney-Wort."
in uAT;
, iliUVii Mi
gj B W ffl IB
Who nlwnya gives you tlio latest
styles, and cuts jour clothing to fit
you. Having had tlio experience lor a
number ol years in the Tailoring Busi
ness, has learned what material will
give his customers tlio best satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
plcaso all who givo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing -Goods
Always of tho latest styles. Call and ex
amine his stock before purchasing else
where. Corner Main & Market Sis.
iiski, Pa,
AuiNCY or
Heart ijaurters for
Nulls ami Wauon
Milkers' tuirt nfack-
MllltllV SuppIlPH.
Israel lilitenbenJer,
btoro & Wurercoms
vh Franklin Ave., also
wuierooumni J'rank.
tin .We., uuu uat'eu
iro street.
may ?L ly
flH.l n nnrTrunr i
$1.50 A YKAH
Headquarters for D. M. OSBORNE & CO'S.
have Just received
Liqlf RjSAJ'EHS, floWErS $ELf? BlNDEfS
ever brought to Columbia county, for IlK'ht uxatt, (lurablUty stid blinpUclty tlio OsUoniO Machines
ore second to none. Every machine Is fully warranted.
They also keep u
for all the oil and new machines, so that If rou break down in the mtddlo of Harvest they aro pre.
pared to tlx you up without delay. .
Farmers, do not bo deceived hut be euro to ( xamlne tho
before making
May 83-lw
Circus, Museum and Menagerie.
4 Wonderful Shows Under Three Monster Tents ! 4
A Few Features of Washburne & Hunting's Great Shows !
& Qraiid Free BallooK, Ascension
SEItQAJJT JOHN MASON, who attempted tho ltfo of Onltcau, the assassin ot 1'rcsldent James A. Gar-
miu., -i uiu uu my n ay uj jiuuy nnu me llauy."
Three fJreat Clowns American Irish and Herman, stroii;; Men and Strons Women. Male
and lemaleliarehack ltidloir. Cluuiploa IUcyclu lUdlns, Clladatoilal contests, Atuletlc, oymna-tlc and
.... hud ,,uumum n-uiam aim-Air, jxhiuiu rMjinersauus,
Extraordinary Leading over Elephants, and Educuted Dumb Iieasti. ot Many Kinds.
2 Fine Bands of Music I 2
Mmd Bkmi Paidlea
TWO rKIiroitMANCKS DAILY. Doors open nt 1
ou'vn uuuna VUUUICU 41 V.1 11LO.
number and gas utter. Hear of Schuyler's hard-
waic hioic.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All kinds of flttlntrs (r!w nmi wnin.
pipes constantly on hand.
lice. uiwuucu lu ui-suurt no-
Tlnware of every description made to order.
Orders left at Hchuvler Co's.. h Anlu'nrA clnrn
will bo promptly mied.
, Bpectal attention given to heating by bteam and
hot water.
May 9-ly
I could hardly speak
It was almost impos
Blbloto broatho
thrsugh my nostrils.
Using Ely's C r o a in
I aim a short Urn a I
v as entirely relieved.
My head has not beer
so clear nor votco s
Lfong In years. I re
commend this iidiul.
rab'e remedy to all af
flicted with catarrh or
colds tn tho head. J.
(). l lehenor. Slerchant
Eluabeth, N. J.
I wa3 arulctcd with
cat.rrh and cold tn the
head. I used K 1 's
Crerm Ila'mwlile h
'mi I -"ni
cured me. W. 11. 1111.
lud, Dentist, Dordentown,
K.IYH L' Halm r.iiiicrst no naln. elves re.
Uet at once. Cleanses tho head. Causes healthy
secretions. Abates Inflammation, l'rorculit Iron
colds. Heals tho sores. Itestores tho benses ot
taBto and smell. A thorough treatment will euro.
Notalhiuld orbnun. Applied with tho linger,
Hend for circular, sold by druggists. Mailed for
SOc ELY llllOTlIEKS, Druggists, owego, N. v,
May hw u
Tlio Town ot llloomsbunr offers f.vieo nf 41 ner
ccnt bonds for sale. Iuterest payable bcinl iiiinual-
i. Any mriucr iiuunuuiiuu can no ooiuineu ut
lie Secretary's ofllco.
A. U FUITZ, Bec'y.
Town Council.
Tosell Nursery Stock tor llie:ilooker Nurseries. IMI ........I 1 . ..a- .... ....
..atautisiiw. low. 1.IIH.TUI IS,1I,. ;A-
I'KNKiis paid, l'urnianent employment. Send
tor terms. it, is, t o.ui'ANV.
.uuj iu itui-ui'hirr, i.
a week at homo. li.oooutnt free, .'ay ao.
suiiiieij- sure. .-o risK. uapiiai uoi required.
Header. If you want business nt. which i-r.
W..4W. .....i, juitui, ui urn, tun IUU-.U
great pay all tlio tlmo they work, with ubsoluto
iciLuiiu., mum lur iiariicumrs lu u, iiallktt a
Co., ltirtland, Maine,
Now York.
June 13-.W
the finest lotot
your purchases.
AMUSEMENT, lleraom' ur tho
and T V. M. Performances one hour later.
Wheat per bushel .iji 1 07
Rye " " 70
Corn " " 65
Oats " " 40
Flour, bcr barrel 0 00
Cloversccd 8 00
Butter 18
Kens 14
Tallow 00
Potatoes , 25
Dried Apples...! 00
Hums 14
Sides nnd shoulders ,10
Chickens...'. ,. 13
iiirncys , 13
Lard per pound IU
liny per ton 13 00
Beesyynx , , 25
Buckwheat flour per hundred H 00
Hdes per lb 5 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, each 75
(t ool per lu 80
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED- Western winter bran, Bpot,
MACKEUEI Extra me&s 35c. largo t's, ss aoc.
extra sliomrs 25 inetwi. v-v.
VLOUlL Western extra's a.00 8.50; 1'enn's.
S5ffi'iS5i-aoMO cloar' 4-T5 5,401 w,atu;
in rnino reunsyivania to t.u.
cuitN, AM bushels tn grain deiot atcoc.
OA'lh. f.o.3 white (A asuKo.3, saw
HAY AND STItAW ainii,ltivl'hnlS;''t...
arid Now York, f if. fair to good Western and
3" u. ii. is i ; jneuiuui nesiernand New
ork, II. (4, is. : cut hay as to quality n. 17.00.
llVO straw 10.50 (illT.UU Wheat hi raw. u ain iSt
ulrntv ill rj 11 , v . wtw
EliMS. renus lvunl.L exlrA. ihw a iDnri...
17 C 18. "
extralt"''TIV,mb,',Vala "" 31 Western
LIVE IWI.TltY.-Fouls, Hens, 13 mixed
"''W' I00"1"'' "MT iSCi i-prlug chickens as
to Blzo anil quality Sin.i M.
intlsiil) l-ouL'niY.-Turkeys extra lOdircts.
chickens extra tapirs bpilug chickens' as to
weight nud quality ztxu.
liJl'A't'UEN Early ltosopcr bushel, 43 M W
lmrbank and llebrun, 5 (a, ut .New potatoes law
to 5 00 per barrel lor lair and good, culls Jiooa
I u0.
ONION'S. llcrrauda, per crate, ll.M a MO. Cab
bag.), nuw, per bbl, muua oe, 'itomatotn, Mori.
,1' .K1, y;ul? I'liul".', U, I1.U) u M i do, fair to
da, good, 75 a wio. squash, Charleston, per crulf,
WaiSo, i ueuinbers, charlfbton, percraie, llui ao.
luaus, Clui lesion and bavunnuh, round, per
tTu&.,!i 1 .tt .8vf'! N'0l1,l L-amlina, periibbl.
M a 5u , Uu, Noriolk, per n bbl J3 uo u i lu. '
Flr.Uolais work always on hand.
fri 'tt rtduml to mil (he timer,
ii uuu uniu, ifiiusj muua aim west Virginia.
Fleoeo Washed, XX and above, at w 300: Xajii
3Io ; common Ki ( tisc. Texas, Spring clip fine WJ i
SMnedluni !rtfl course, in is 'it. 4