THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT,, BLOOMSB UllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TTT I I, Hid! THE COLUMBIAN. 3 Is 'VvJVi' O. Hi Blw:;i, ) -.11.,. J. E. JJIUonbondor.,! E4ora' .-ui ... -i-..-sax.ct BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FHIDAY,.,TUNIU3, 1834, Win , Hislion 1', J. Itynn of St. Louis litis been ' apiioM . Arcl.bUi.op of Pliilrt- dolphin (ty tho Pope. It is mA to bq ft wise iiml J.ilily sAtisfnotory Htilco- tiou. Snmufcl J. iildoi. hfis writlcti altllpf, in which ho ulalnis tho right to rctird from in.blio life. It is coiiclicJ in Bilcl. terms as to mnko it almost certain that ho wilt not , nccqpl a nomination for President.. ' i mm m -1 . . . Tho Now York Hun sayH that Til don is out of tlio raco its a Presidential candidate, as ho will not accent, and aftor a discussion of tlio qnalillcatlrtns mid avnilaiul.ty ot other prom inent men, finally concludes that .Sena tor Hayard of Delawaro is tho strong est cantlttiato tlui Uelnocrats can name. Tho republican party has nominated its most brilliant ntld most valuable moiubnr for Prosidont, of tho United Statcsj With all tho doubtful points in his record ngatnst him ho has proved bo strong with his party that no consul oration of prudence could avail against his determination of oltmbltig lo tlo Us far nS posSiblo Concea the weakness and In Presidency if republican votes, could1 congrtiity'or th6 result. A longer nnd inoro ver- put htm there. Jvvery idoa ot foar of tho people's L'ood iudement was cast flmt !), Hnrv llli., .rmnt.l Imi'n ... ...-...-.j ... ...... bis way. Hero is magnotisnn indeed. IIo has tho shout to-day ; will ho havo tho vote in November 1 Oan hu citrry ew xoric against jiiiiicn or oven Cleveland T It is extremely doubtful. Tho great chauoo of tho democratic party has nrrived. Bostdn Jour nal. Harper's Weekly, tho Boston Ad vertiser. Snrinrrfield Mass.! Hcimbli- can, 'Worcester (JIass.j iSpy, Nqw York, Times, No York J2venitg J'ost ,am jirouKiyn i7iicii:irq among mo promi nent 'republican journals wrioh havo n'niirtnnnnil tltnlr nnclllilv tn 'llloltiA rn. J ..." .. I ' nnan unnnra Biinnn.inii rt' .ahi.i. I . ...Y:.ii r. i.- it .i n... van i;.iuuiviabu iiuiu j.' luuiuiii. lu UUI- flij :Tl.e indcpeuilent journals of note wbiohiopposed the .election ,of Blaine are tlio tsostou Jfetos, New Morninn Journal, Nevf lork Htaats Zcltung, I'uckAl Til ti ..... T' t-i 1 fiiinfiitiTiiiifi iiiiifi I'liiioriiiiniiin 1 "7 . . l Times ana Uhipagp, Times. Other in- dcpcndcnt,journals deplore the action i.A 1 rnn,,Mi',.Vn' ,..,n..f i m.i , in,r him tlm nominno. .' ' ' I The Coming Issue. Tariff for revenue, sufficient to' meet the obligations of an economic, admin- lBiration. inai win. op(tue doctrine oi tho'democraoy in tho impending cam- tiaicni 4 Tariff to build un inononolios 'and swell thtj' surplus in the. treasury and oppress a tax-ridden, lH'onle. That, ...ill , . t . . . 1 '.r , . mi I win bo mo renuoucan aoctrino. lnov have' put it in their nlai'form. Tho neo- I'f pie will decide which they will have. iJTansas City Times. ' ' Boltinc: the Ticket. l lie movement lor independent po- litical action against Mr. Blaine has taken organized form in Boston at tl.o meeting of tho Massachusetts Reform 'Club last Saturday. Tho attendance was large. Among thdse present were James Freeman Clarke, John 0. Dodge, Gen. G. D. Ayers, Richard nenrv Dana, J. Russell Reed, and many oth?r prominent men. After dinner the secretarv of .tlio. I club; Mr. Ji Carter, roiid a number, of letters. Amcng'lhem was ono frim Charles Frauds Adams', jr., regretting his inability to bo pres.((nt.; IV an . , 1. Dilnnl a I .... I I ..... .. II,. , ubii inu aikuukiuii ll.lll iicuil IIIO- I cussed at length the club put its'senti- ments into deeds by'unanirh'ouslyridopt ing tho following declaration of princi .I!.... i , i I. I ples : Tho Massachusetts Iteform Club regard tho nom ination ot Messrs. Blalno and "Logan by tho rcnub- lican party as, a distinct nnd unqualified Irepudlo- tlonof all its professions of reform, and nsnn In sult to the conscience of tho conntry, The mem- bers ot tho club will under no circumstances sub- port mem. it was resolved mat tho independent voters inrouguout tne country bo re quested to join with the members of the club in active and immediate, efforts to-secure tho nomination by the 'demo cratic party of such men as can com mand tho support of tho independents. and that failing such nopiinatiou of in- depondont men, without distinction of party, a convention bo called at tho earliest practicable div to nominate candidates in full sympathy with tho reiona sentiment 01 ino' country. A committee wns appointed with full power to tnko such steps by correspond- encoor otherwise; as may bo deemed best calculated to carry iuto effect tl.o foregoing votes. Tho cotnmitteo' is authorized t6 increase Ub numbers If desired, and to co operate with organ- izatious of independent republicans and others to eecuro candidates pledged to relorm.1- un motion ot uol. 1. V. lllgglnson, the following resolution was passed : -ii-'MMOfcfd, That tho foregoing commltteo bo" in- ''!KrSrSK:.U2; SLSSrJ 7intypterainthUyicWylnrcganitqtha,cwcago nominations, and to nrennre for riilnm n-llon "." Telegrams wero receiycd from jead- jug New York independents rcrjupsting n'n;early.cou8ultation on decisive action toward repudiating the Chicago noin- jnation, and looking to sucn ftirtliQr steps, as may bo deemed jiecessary. , - 'TflEEPUBLIOAN TIOKET. 11I..WNB AN1 I.00AN NOMIN'ATIU). '"' Tho National Republican Conven tlon cbmpleted its labors last Friday oy tno nomination ot James li. Ulaliio of Maino for President, and John A Logan of Illinois fpr Vice-President. Blalno was chosen on tho 1th ballot, receiving fill votes, only 110 being necessary to a choice. Tho news was received with enthusiasm in man)' places, anil while it is generally con sidered a strong ticket, it will be op posed by somo influential elements in tlio Republicnii party. Tho platform, which wo publish in full, is a botch patch intpmled to catch tho votes of almost every trade, profession,! clatji and condition. It makes the oanio old promises, that l.ayo been .repeated yoar after year with fulfillment, and oxpeolB tlio people to bp deceived again witji its threudbaro falsehoods. Wo givp below soiuo press ppinions of the plat form. Tho republican convention might liato made n worse platform, fur ollthluirs are possible) under Herald, JNow ILavcni Z, r"uo v"-""-" York JferaM. Now York, , . . ,L'l.)rc'.8i0,J18 u,?.iaVV'r OI, WT , New' York Truth., S?" P.ncipics ana purposes, oi repuu ti- tho sun, lmt we do not son In Hint, was one rotiM lin Iktii made much mon ililliulou.s than this. If Mr. Mi Klnli-y nrold'i, and Mr. (luiles i:iniii 10 Hlllllll, Of IVIIIlKJlMHlIn, Ik', 111 I III' text of I he til fiinn Indicate, thcnulhorsof Mill pus lnusdi ii- IihmiI, they nir nilllliil In (In rutin, nf pirnlm lug a moro artistically absurd nnd Insincere tiii l sonsclcss hodge-podgo than lias disgraced nn; party. .veto 1'orfc fYmc. ;.'rj. ThiMrpub'leati party Is a fraud, nml llio Mino old platform Hps nrc Innilo to ttoscnlrongnln In this J car of grnco and liopn. -Sew York Run, ImUf " " " Tho republican platform reminds us forcibly of. tho, imnrrWal cngtrnt'ss of thb flWItfc when snVki lo boasaltit, Tho declarations ttftlio bftAtitlftil In tcotlons of the re publican 'pbrTftTfilflfthlful to read I or would bo It yo could forget that, It Jus not availed Itself of t Ho ntfun J.hl Opportunities It lias had In Its long leajo of power to do any of theso beautiful things, it S?" ?L Lr10 not for a tariff for rtWe.iuoony. lmt thd tttrtiT which It conttssos should bo reformed Wan its own i iwork n poui)p qt years alto j' find what reitjonablo1 rcuuncp can 11 xiccv ina pcopio in nayp upn, ji") relornl crfort In tlds line, which weri so lately fu-. tllot Hien It ISk6llifi't()rclorotl(6i(l(blltMatiills which It has RnU.UMcrM, tli6utll It lia nMerl midonn effort 111 that direction durlitg' th mahjt years Mnco theso grants havo laiwod, nndU had u chance to foibld theni, Uvqaster Mrniofnivr. it Is Just not chough ot a protection platform to show" that, widloin fplnt nnd prindlpt6 (ho tt. publican party tliliRK vlth tho tamo tenacity nil ever to tho poltcy of perpetuating the bur dens ot a war tarltf, It dare not Hqtfaiolytnr'ct tho Usuawlth.wlUchltBasnresslYely confronted by tho national democracy.-fiuMngton lvst. The tariff plank will attract attention by if as-on of. Us Intimation of inc departure In the direc tion of reform, tliuscntblltijitlio party,toteAl n march, as It were upon tho democracy, nnd bent It It It can upon Its own ground. UiWmorrtfwi. n.o republican platform Is a mass of Klltterlng generalities." Against the Clap trap of republican professions tlio peoplo can placo the latncntAUlo fact of republican practice. .Veto York. H'flrtd. Tho ltcpiiblloan platform adopted at Chicago Is tho mobt extraordinary combination of mcajiilg- lfss platitude And rank demagogy w llh w hlch nny rcspectnblo party c er e'ntb.vd tt national earn palgn. It Is llko tiiid ot thosotnonnments to vhlch eycrj body coritrlbutca a stono of his - own design-" jlng and the fluty ot tho builders Is to cover the wholo with such in abundance, of ptucco as filial. bososctgf resolutions seldom has wen composed', ncvcr ono.thntcmbo.lled to many direct bull for votes of scf tlons; qn,d classos wltJi so llttlo of dotl, nlto palitlcal prlnclple.-'fa Times. -" 1 ' Not lor Blaine, X i.f.AWN'ti- itr.riJiii.iCAN l'Ai'tnt r.urcsES to sqrroiT; him. Tl.o Now Yotk Times, ono of .the ablest republican dailies (if this .coiiti tryf has opposed tho nonuuat.oi) of Blaino lrbm the start. , oinco his tipnii- nation it has. published tho follownig editorial : It is best,, after all that James 6.' Blaine .should ,bo the candidate of the republican party. His nomination has lmml i,,'0(1 ilmiIi no r in ml ifhuo nml ull v.v.. i t-v v.iiiv.iiii. .m. ..., ceritv bv a tnnioritv.of that nartv. aild 4 " . -i'.( i' tno majority must rule in tins country cvun whcn ,l ia...h'. U!? wron' X, party now api.ea'ls to tho cpuntry. with' - - ;iri 'W' f"uT n 1 1 urtf I .it mitiM'ial it nnnn . 'T "f B x '', , v,1 " rephblldans wll d9, nM.liko Jlr. ISlajno resent wiin neai tins alienation inai a man''Spoaker of Abe House ,f Piitiwioniililitrna 1 o i I rn'i I lita iilnninl it tluenco for'Hrivatoiirain, ,who ns Secrb tarv of State made tho enforcement of a swindlinc claim againktia disfressdd andi pcrishinrr sister Rormblio the mhst conspicuous leaiure oi nis ioreign ioi cy, n man whb had no partnor-interest ih tho work done1 in tho last tivo 'yenrs toward, tho ),urlhcation of tho publji service, is a fair typo and represonta i ! .1 ' . 1 I .1 ,.1T l . nvo oi ana party inni saveu un;; union, reed, tho slave nnd restored the nation-. al credit. Dublin soberness and truth, good friends, is this not so ? Is it nit the of Blaine that . tally stirs tlio beartsjof the rei.ubliean mases ? lJid I not liis devoted band of adherents, without tho aid of thoi oflicef holders, who in tho most States were enlistqd under another Hag, not only without favor from any deinrtmnnt of. the hoV erument, but 'against theiiniluoucu if all, so far as that iilfltu'iico was. ( cited, led to Chicago nu nrmy of dele gates larger than that supporting any other candidate 1 JJil not Ulaniiirf name lead on the first ballon nnd in crease ita lead bv mums to tho' last when nearly ttvo-tliirds of'tho Cotiven lion registered in tl.o, Blniuo col umn ? If Mr. Dlainu is not. a fairtrep resentativo of republican principles and ' . . T .. 1. 1 : .. 1. . . l .. . lllll IIU3tS.' UL IUIIU IlllUilll I1UIIUI Ullll coil .science as tlioy now tie, thou tho ... I. rr - . I. f- . . , -.-r puuiicat.s ot inainc, xsow lorir, x;e Jersey, -Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michiga Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa artil ' Kan sas wero wilfully betrayed in thejr piji tnaries, in their District anil State con vention and at Chicago, and W6 Iiavo nowhero read dr heard tliat republican sentiment in these States, or in any State was stilled or perverted in orde 1 to secure lilamo delegates. JN6r was air. isiaino nominated in ignoranco who and what ho was. The party had its eyes-open, it has talitn this step, not in the dnrK nut in broad daylight It is much better, therefore, that ?liY Blainp should ))Q tho enndidato than that Mr. Arthur's Iriqnds should haV I been successful in their purnoso thrust him on the naitv ntrainst will. "Ye havo clearly seen and plain ly said that tl.o great majority,'6t tlje republicans dtd not want Air. Artllii' for their candidate. Had ho been Horn inated hid defeat would Jia'vo' '6igni fled n6thit)g it "regards' .the' htavt and virtue of the' jlarty, nothing as tO' 'tjio favor l(s principles and present pra'iitj- ccs Ibid in tlio oyes of tho" Atrid'ric'a'n pcdplc. There will bo ndtl.lng ainbigii ons, about tho defeat of ft". Blain6. II who.rtins may clearly read tho verdict in advance: "A canditlatonnwprthy ot conmicuco and a party too caroled of. its horior to bo longer truscd will tl.o nations s. 1 .. '''at dofvat will U the salvation of Plu inlilioan party. It will orpuro ItS torpid Conscience, it Will stir it tt) self. purification, it will deppso tho. false lenders who havo fastened themselves uI,on lli il wl'l tCJI tho rogues to thu background and will inaku tho; patty onco morn worthy ot honor ami nf power in thu lioptihhu it Inn no mbly nerved. When thu purly has passed through the fires (if defeat and' is well rjd of its peccant .humors it will come back in tl.o impregnable ground of right it stood on when it beat down treason and diiiuiou, lo a position in which it shall embndv the liiirho.-t and best, impulses of American life, to a statu of heart and mind1 which shall fit it to bo again the custodian of Hint matchless trust, "government of the people, by tho people and for the peo ple. One H'ord ns tp the positipu .of tip Times, It .will not support Mr. Blaine for tho Prcsiilunoyj It williadvisauo man to volu for him, and its reasons for this (loiiieo am perfectly well iinderi stood by everybody that 'has ever rend it. Without tho. montion of uaines th 0 cpursaof tlio Utmes was JoreshatliwiK in its issue of May !29, when it repHui to thu (mention Of a corrcfiioudoutuii theso words ;rr-.. If the nominee of the Chicago Itepubll, enn Convention Is a man worthy to he I'ro sldput of Hie United States the AVu York Tiuu will give bin. a hearty and vlgornuf support, Jf heshall bo if man unworthy to hold that great olllce, u man Who, person, ally und politically, In olllcyor out, rcpre- hoilpr anil conscience as tlpy,npw souls principles nml .iirnrllcf's which hj 'M 11WII, tTilftf of ilrfsii ifsimnslbT.) filFStlrlL it U ic.simnilblt) tilf sIIi'Il I .heir luildltliili'Jlliilt Wri l",V-.i M 4 "1 limitllmtloW to lllw i':ttiTMvlt1iliii t!.1funA (5 tliftV of T hiend '"Suitl pli VKifiiiu. It is nut with oynlcnl In ilil.'eionoe, lmt willi iinsnoiikiililo nml- less, that it sees tlio roiiiililiyai iai lVT tor vet sMy s'U1 ifTTuee niTunntis nafli't,'' for it bus (b)iio some servieu to . ihu :.ily, I'ut with iiatieneo niid withdit AllUifJtPPitliULZVHtC5.wilLclieorinlly. and will, siueeilty labor to set tl;c party .)ii,Hlt hjthlii, rttitl' Ulil-tf k ullall havo hail its new birth to dratv ti) it all tliat is ouiitlest( iiht ami "Worth iest in thi' manhood iif'this' Iteinlblic. Ul I, III tin l" itxtrntiiH rrtiiilciiL' 'j'r.Vct'c'iiliijj'iOr I I 1 .' CIKHHM. 'Oil Syeduesij evening fcWt, week,, tlio, nsl Susuueliniiiia ('Inssls convenril In the rtityrined elj.cli.tif tjtsp,Jnqe., yiq oppti- ng scrniqn was. .prchclicd.liy the WUii'S prcsti)((iit, ltuvA, ll.,l.i))tyn,stb)p,, f(lLT Iviiip scrvlfx., a nuouiin ;bulit, presuiit, .Cl.tspl? proej:t(viLto elqcj.Um, fJC,ts nual ollicer?i ,wl)qli ,res()IlrIii.S v("HowSt president,, ItoV'l .1. llnoktir; stiUviU'-lcrk, 0, t(. Sjruick .coriisppuiling' sccrulilry(, lf,Y, IV 9.,I.utiil., (In 'IUvvtsilny morning the vlialriimn iinnuiii.ccil (hi! various slnulU ng, ivoiuiulttees, nnd th'un the reading 6t, thu.pntoclilal rdprirts wasitiikcii up.. - 'Ihli occupied mostly tbd forcnooii ami arter-' noon sessions. ilh-'tlicl.e Voports' the pnsJ. tori tecoimtcil tlio'evcnls, t(i'o'lint!lilngs, the encouragements arid riiscritirngbmcfUs, the rctrospict nml prospl-ct'Of'th't'lr1 nilec-' live chhrcs-, ' The general tinor llrllicso reports inlllcittcdHV heAltfiycollrlltlbn Df the ii'nstnriil eliartres." 'Tlio alrAlsiicrti'rc'. port ot Claris f6r tills' tlAlcal iJe'ar'U hs' follows i ministers 28, congregations 82,' mcntllrrr Sl,7(0, hapllsnis' OTlj ctihTirmU: tloHr,7(1. imVifHllwAln DAl. 'eoiitrllntllonJ f6r,lidiieV61i'ucc4:),18(, rnlbilfor corij(ri'. gatlofinl'purposc'sSai.Oai. ;' The business sessions of Friday ilml Sat urday' wero mostly occupied lu hearing therepdtts rtf stAndina comln'ttlccs. 'Thu rcelmstnlctliSn of charges seemed some- kviiiit ' diirjcujl, ami elicited conslilerahlc .ItscusstPn. ' (In Fildav nflcrnoon thu IlcV. Dri Slohroe of Hie t. E. Church occupied1 the lloor1 of ClnssIsV short time In behnlf of a contemplated Uniformity In marrinfee aw. In reply, ClassU.nppplnled am.. iH'fcp'to diaw Yp a' .preamble nnij reolii oii, iWliVcj. jSycrq aiipptcd Jiy action bf The cpnujiittcfl pn Ilenlelary(i:(lucatidn rcnorivd Uyf),c,anplilau'Si I(or tlio ministry. After due examination they, wcro ruoclvdd and placed upder thq care of,Classls.1 In one of the parochial reports, a rcqucbt Was.raado that Cl9sg shotld give .a'dellv-, erance upon the propriety of liolilhigifestl yals as a ineails to rfilsoffunds for Sunday school ninl,t;HnicIi purposes ; .aiid.also Hip. on the propriety of opening our churches for holding secular meotlngs. In reply fo this request the following wusi offered and adoplpd,; , i i i To the East S t)ilb i4 i i'XV na ' t? 'a ? i !j' i " Your1'ommitlee,td''.w'hiifn' word' referred the itetnJ referring to fitivaW ft? a mentis of rnlslns funds for Sabbath school nmd church) purposes, and the ppquluz: itif oilr uiiiirciicH .in scuuuir uicuiiiig avoiuu report as louows c 1. RWi,l. .It iVllin inn'm nf thla Classls tiilit rnislric money by .festivals fcjr Sunday school nnd elmrch'pul'poscs' IS'lm propor aud not in harmony with the true spirit of icliarlly. dint If it U.decmt'il nec essary or expedient to hohljcslival, under no, consideration should any game of cllaiicoljc resorted to. ' i .... Inasmuch as tho church. Is dedicated to tliC 'worslilp of Dlvlno Uod and U his sacred dwclllm? nlacO'ainon!rlh i'udonle'on earth, thtreforc JiWreJ that It isithu sense of this (lassis that l)ic churell should not du sccuinrjzcd by giitierings pt a purely .U,(L(I V.1I4I4 ItUli;! lllll. llll.V tltl UIIUI1L.11 IAJ gainerings wnose Object is closely assocm icu wiin ine causo ot unrisuanity. ' Hcspectf.lly Submitted, ' 1 A. llonrz, i A. 51. JIasosiiimkiiji ; 1', I'KTUlts, 'S!ha .ek'vllon of delegates to tho Synod Whiob, meets in Trinity. Reformed church in l'ottstowu,.on tlio 8th of October,' are as follows: Itevs. Strunclc, Millet, "Honti, Sulmcfdr and Meckel) Elders' Dressier, liisenhart, I'etcrs, Kclley and Winner. ' 1 On Monday morning, it being tho order ofthu,'day,iFathcriI)'uailgcr, Who now in thei fiftieth' year of'hli mliilstrv. cnvo i very interestirig hnd touclilng'renilnlscendi of lils-exnerlciicofln the mlnistrv. This ex perie.ico wtisi l idh'hs ' well 'as clujcUcrcd. Lvt one momSut lJi3 narrdtive' provoked laughter, at another it stinted the 'sympji. thetic tear. For forty-dVe niimitcs lie hejd the'PWs'est at ciilibn ot his nudibnee. Tl'i6 evenlilg sessions wtjrd'jjcvotc'd to re llglous services In eonncctlori with whlc'l n'yernlon', or1 address, oil sdmo specilc cliurch topic was delivered. The attend anco upon these services was good, aiyl tho discourses highly appreciated. During Sabbath several of tho pulpits In town' wcrb occupied by ministers att9mliijg Classls. Oji Monday, at noon the Classls adjourn ,qd,to meet ou the Irpf Vednesday bqfpre 'I'lnlly.iiuiulay ItjM u ChrIst)clmpliI.FAy otto, fceneca county, N. Y, This is tho .most rcpiotu paslprid chargo,in this Clossis About thuyear 1839 Claspls met In thiit place. The, brethren concentrated at Wll jiauisporv ,an,u lijnn ijnero proceeded on hprscrlmek through tlib partial wilderness jljt.tpok themAwo daysita tmvel the dls tnr.cp.. ThiS trip wns somewhat romantic, but ejidcedingly iinjoyablow It U proposed that next springiwo will not 'do as our fathers; did lu this particular, but take tie cars. A. H. Cures Scrotals Vim n los nwl Blotches, Dolls, tor, Humorsi Salt Uluiu ii ( "calil Uotul. Soros, Morcuriu: Bfsaases, Fomula Wonknow Mid Irroanlarltics, Dizziness, Loss of Appotltd, JuanOlco, Affrl'Hort ot the IIIvot, Intli fcaat'Jati, Biliousness, Jiyspcp sito a-icl General Debility. At n...(liuiit'fk JiU 'l lilllfn II Hlbfr Ik, ni'AI . 1) l'..l m..t 11 uihti Deitf,! h r, .1 1' uu caiili HI y n li. I l'li, cvrtv I141. Pilkll..ii-ilMYfii laitliv-K l-klft,, ' F03TU1, Hlt?UN4tC., Ptop'i, Bulf.'o, N.Y. 1 ' " I 11 ' jySSOIiUTION NOTICE, Notice Is h (jliy fcSSvatb wi ary lit lbKL fl'liulmoka are in tlmhim.l nr a.-ii iun.,iui U) III U! 1111 1 IUI1SI 111. Ullllli Jli'rilqg to hoiu all iwxouuta should ,U) paid, Alt clalmisettled Byldm. ' .Tt i A. li.' UEHWNt. JUnd l3v DAV1U HAVAOH .48, .1 HOOK A J7rV'ICSnr0 trfaUdMtha hiirmlai)-3'-r-l. f Otlmt it, unexam5 liUsl in what Is how for tlio lltt tlpie orrertid them "If 117. T :'JtfAuv IlltVoi.lJTION! m drill, lupirbly lllusttathl, rlehly bound, retnlleil utuiuue traction ot forinurvrlied. I(; 1MH coillV.'Hntidexi'lusive territory I) given l'oki uwiiri, iw-iiaKucmuiiiiriiuirt'e. wmonmcx, Jons 11. .M.bKN, Publisher, M 1'earl st,, Neiy ork( Juneuiw d WW i IvfiTTvS it uim ith nriniiiuMMl hu r.tti- illditflis lltTtliU wiliinn, titA Hpccl(il tiinbliln bft thOhclliiiibf llii1)nmo(allc rutint) I'oiivcniionY iq lichdid on Tdwd ly, auju4 uih m. IjSVrli.'OfurftriStini'lSj ii.iraes In this culumn IslVod for "nny oifM", and mut. lio i il.l pnsiihcly In ndvniKV. .rOlUClJb'MWTUI'.AHIJIlKII,. . ,! i I fTir iiftMfttjunim. ' s ' ftm ;,yyN rv,iti:it. ; tu,-V. Aj-EViANd, ' ' ' ot' MdN-'rotiii townsiiii. 'i'dit' OoiiNTi-'TiiliAstJiiKn', , . 0. A I1EBRIN0, w.. 1 'or- ui.oo.MSiitJitfi. . . i j 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 roll' lUtoT.i'mtforAn'v' vni cixitic or 'i'iii: . sv'ivkii.u. cotntrs .', '...KitlblCllAUM , , ot' lii.ooMsnuiui i , KOK PKOTIINOtAhW W. ,11. snVdicb, i n OI'OltAStlKi. i t'OU lil-.tllSTKil & lll'.OOltliKll. i, .C. II. 'cAMI'BULTi, oV'i.t.Oo.Msn'uttti. ! ii I 'oil UKiiiirun & itucoltmn't. '.Ill ... G, WtnSTEKNUU,. , 'MOI' llt.O0.MSllUtt(l. " .ii m 'l ! I ,' I. 1 I . ' iiV itt-.tilsrEit'it itictj6ittl:it. ,1 , lll 1 U, ,11.- ENT, I'M. of ni.oojisnlmo. lyu niiisrmt &ui:coitii:u. A "' M. F. EYEltLY, 11 '' oi1 lit.oo.Msnnnd. ion COU.STV COM.MISS10KKK. WASHINGTON PARR, , , .1 I 01;' I'KANKl.lN. I'Oll COUNTY C0MMIsr0NKU :' 'STUPIIHN POIIE 1 1 1 1 hi i- i .in, i . , , i o ! li liNTt: i'.. tov.ns 1 1 1 r. i l'OIt COU.STV COM.MISSION'UIl. , I. 1. (R. A. S1IUMAN, ) OtC'UATAWISSA. l'OIt COUNTY 'cOMMtSSIONim, VM. (',. GIRTON, hi -- in w m.oo.Msnutto. rOItnOUyfY COMMISSIOKUU. I"- "15: F: EDGAR, 't ii id ill fir or "rislllXdCUUKK. ii ii' -Ttrmr l'oll COUNTY COM.MlSSlONKlt. 'DAVID LONG, -I . i rt OI' KOAlllNdCItl'.LK. 1 1011 '.COUNTY1'' COMMISSfON'lilt. . W. S. FISHER. 1 t 11- 1: ' , ' , or main.j I will not make a personal canvass of thecounty to solicit votes, but, t elected, I plcdgo myoelt to Oonduct the onlce In tho best Interests of tho pco- ii hi 1 l'oll iii:rr.i:s'l:N'rATivi:. G,. M. LOCKARD, - oi ni.ooMsiiuitd. roil nnritr.Sr.NTATivE, WHiLIAM BRYSON, ' or ci;.vritAi.iA. roit itr.riti:si'.N t'ATt vi:. .' 'A. L. FRITZ, or ni.oo.MsiiuiKi. 1 . .'I'oiiitKi'ititsr.NTATivi:. . e:;i.' TUWKSBUItY, or 0ATAW1S3A. . I will not travel the county to solicit votes, but will cheerfully vMt all publicly, to discuss the Is sues before the people, If desired, roit, DR; L. J. ADAMS, 01' HRlAltOltF.KIC. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A, marvel of purity strength pod wboieaoraoness. More economical tUintbB ordinary kinds; and cannot bo sold in conip"tltlon with tho multitude of low (est, short welifht.i alum or phosphate powders. Hold only tno ins, lwvAt..UiiNu I'owput Co , 100 Wall-Bt;, N. . augll-iT. ' i ' UDtT01f$ NQTICE. ESTATE OK JACOII HONS, SECEASEP. Tho undurslgniid Auilltor1 appointed by tho or, phans' C'oyrt ot Columbia county by agreement of hurtles, to make' dlktrlbutlou of tho tunils In the hands ot thu admUiVitrutor to and among tho par tli-s entitled thereto. wllUlt at Ids oiilco in uiiKiirisburg on Saturday, July isth issi, ut ten malms against said rstato muit appear and prova thelr,clalm yr bo debarred from auy sliaro of said 0K0. li KLWEI.I, Auditor. Juno 13 Caution to Farmors Si Doalerc. l'or Safotr in nrocurliiL' vnnr IIAUPOON 110USK HAY V01IKM. tried ouly. thoso having Ihereou an UIIUIIIV ot lllir TKAUK IIAKK, UOU thereby savo Intrlngeuient fees. . tiata'Oiriin L.lvllR- r,.ll.,lili.lnrnrmn- tlon furnlslied fn by Mf gn und Props., A. J. NKIXIS COMPANY, I'lttsburg, 1'a. Also, Jlt'Ks Nellls'. Mounted 4; l'loatlng HariOws, Agt'suiels,) m fl I'uucing, ItOid (irodeni, &c. Jdnoa,iw r H ' ' 1 A IlVUltTlHIiUS by tuldrostlng (1E0. I'. 110WEU. " K .Oo,, )ii siyuca bt. New York, can learn tho' exact ftfct of auy proposed lino of APVKHTISINO In American Newspapers, tirioo page Pamphlet, ni?I?rr!lT!R S 0( th" 'ato war who wero refused JL J. lUJjn,01Mly Ior nl0 Uln0 i.weun uato of oommlsklon andoiliclal muster, will find It to their luterest to couimiinHate prouiiitly. and wltth imr ciir', with M J.NlilI.r. & llliicl, Attorneys and touctiors, uruwcrJUT, wusiuugion, l). o. No fees l i uuiun , uuuuiuuiniivuiuigi niguiut rcioreii. tec, Juno im w d lliil lM7 fill' Aunila. HI00 lo StOO rr niu.iuuilHM'llliitr iiu JiiiiiiI .Ni i liuiorr, f uiuuuamiil llrrll IliiltlraurilivtVurlil Will Id J.C. Jlfluiiy A t i,., t'litliiilcliiUa.l'ii. mar ss-iy m . AWnihATKc; k L. ASS ON BBS SALE I ASSlQNEgS SALE. The UhiVnJirniHl nniioluteil iiihlini'o oil". II. llroclvtvfty, of jjlopmsburir Columbia county, I'enn. SMf.inl.t Hill offer nl pilbllo B.ilc, nl I lie Ciiurl, lliillsi', Siitunliiv, .Juno 12Hlli, 1H8-1. -Rctomrnvrx. si) n.o foiisjrWvXTTiiij tkt IHTUC, VIS I , ,IUSI'.-.Vthfc6 storl- lia-I lmlUlMim''t'timt lluliio nlloyt lio.if thtfCourt'lfouW nnd attadhod to tho Dro or.UullilhiK lu. the rariiial for law oniees Ac, aril formerly known in tho Colum bian IlillldliiL' l611itl.wlIiiiill4lW way on tho north'. SKCON'P. A two an IV slo y brlcK houw on third Street adjoining lot ot lVt'r, liruglcr on tho cast nnd n vacant lot ot U. II. IImjIcw.iv on thu west, containing a front of llfty-two foot, and n depth ot about St I fect,-tho said houw bolus fur- nmieii in nil us rooms with g.nllxtuross also water, a bath.ruom, lialtlmoro heater, He. 1co Isnlwonllio prumUosn good Hablo, and btlr out building!. , mi. .' Ill I It I ). A vaaint lot ndlolnlns tho above, and bounded on tho west by property ot M, 1 Lutz being foi(,y fot In fruut, nnd about el t fret n depth. ., i Kori!. Any. of thonbovo premises can beck- nmlned nt nn'jf reilsonablo time, by persons wuli lngtoilo5,"n'nll' c.illlngupjn ettlier to.!', nib, nsslgnee, or 0. II. lirockwny. ! rot'ltril. Atr.ict of tlmlior land in Hc.ivtr township, firmcrly known rts charlM II. 'lrdy tract, liotindcd by lands ut Aaron .tchnn, Thoi i ns Downs, Kmc P.ivls, Wnrr.tniee, COto lands nnd othcra cnntnlnlnqr 1M nercs mbru or less. I'll' I'll. Throo building lots In (Hen L'llr, Jle.l ver township, formerly In tlio lame ot Charles It. names. . , SIXTH. A tract of timber land In 1!o.ivt township containing 7!) acres, more or loss. H KVI'.NTI I, A tract of timber land I nsairio towh ship containing lis acres moro or less. MIOIITII. A tract ot tlmberlind In salno low n-; ship containing 61 acres 1110113 or less. NINTH. A tract ottlinbeHandin Samutown. ship, containing .' acres hwro qr)ess. . NOTII-Tracts a, r, 8, i) art edhtljuous, bouiit cd by tho Hchuylklll county llhe, lto.iHngcreijk township line, ,tc., ou Trtl.uri 'Stewart. J.mik McNcal, Henry !Noar, and other warrants, nnd we 0 commonly known as the Vandtlcenl, tillllman.t do tracts. Ti:.NTH.-A tract ot tlnilierlaiid In IleaUTtowji Hhlp containing S-laciesot lnul nuiro or, lli- tersectcd by tho 1'. ft 1L It. li. Co., tlio CatnHlsl.i civek, adjolulng Aaron .lohiibon.r Schell, mid others, , I TIlIliTFllNTH.-A tr.ictof timber lnnd In ll cust township In tho waiTCiitoa of John Kverhart, containing 4 10 acres moro or leis. 1 l-ouitTKL'.NTJl.-Nuio-tourttcthi ot a tract (it timber land sltuato In Jackson and Sugarlot lownynps, uoundcd by tho Sullivan .county Hue, lands ot t-amucl Yorks, Jciso an ! Manilas ltlionc. .John Kile, David Ootdcn, ltobett Jlbntgomqry and, othcRscoutalnlngTOi) acres, moro or lcs, tho ic- mninucr ueuig owned by c. W. JUUcr., l'Tin-KEN'rjl.-A tract of timber land In lto.uln. creek nnd locust township, In tho warrantijo naino 011 nomM-liarnei, jr.; containing 00 acref, moroorl. , , Ji0..u. ySlH 10tSIn.Montann.UItyConyiijrham township, lu Ulock "0," being No's 1, s, :i, 4, 5, aiid u. NO. l", Tliro .lot Ih'saml ptiodj In mock "c, being No's 2, 3 nnd I. NO. is. Throo lots In sarnu plac?, lu Ulok "J, being No's 1,14 nnd 3. , NO. 1?. Jilcrcnlotslusaiuo placo, inhiopk "I;;" no's 1 ti ll inclusive. ' , N0TI1 Any person deslrtn'' to' soo th6 toAi plot of said Jlontnna City, as to tho lociltlon of tile nbovo named lots, or their sLtc, or who wishes to seolho tljlo thereto, can gut tho Information by calllne oil 0. 11. Urockwnv nrlnr tn iln- nriin I The' above properties will bo sold In tho ordr named, thoas'Ignco rchervlngtha jibw'iJrtO ad journ tho sale ffom tlmo to time; ns circumstances iuu',i;uiiiro. 1 1 , Ten per.fentof (ouo-fomOi of tiro purehaso money tobopiild at tho sinking uuwuoi ino propeny j 1110 on one-halt less llio titn percent, fit tho confirmation ot the'sale : hnd tli. remaining lu threo months' tliea'attcj-, lui.iuiuivnt iiuui uuuiiniiiiuou mm. ,V. P. lUTf, Junefi . Assignee. silEft'ii. Sale. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of 6luihbia cOunty, anil to mo directed w 111 bo exposed to public dalo'at tho Court Houso,lnllloomburg, li, on Siitunliiy, .Juno 28, 1881, at 3 o'clock p; m., nil that certain lot Oi-'Wecoof grounu fcituaui in tno norough of Centrall.i, Pa., uounueaaimiiepciU'edns tullows: On tlio hoith by lot otAlexander lilack, on the cast bran nUey, ontliowcstbylflciHt Avenue, and on thof-outh by lot of p.ivld c. niack, being lot or li in block 7-1, whereon Is erected a two-stdry frame dwelling house and other out-bulldlngs. se7cd, taken In execution at tho suit of P.w C. lilaek nganst VpLam II. James and to bQtioiil as tno property or Wll lam II. James, 11. P. fill. Ally's. ' "l.isa., ALSO. Tho following real estate sltuato In tlie'Tllln'go .litpy, Scott townslilp,i Columbia county, linn1 boupdod , )inrl .deirjbed as follou-M., itQAVltti J ginning rilcornpr of lot, number (0, lu plansaid vllfngo'of Kspy, bdlonglug to Cyrus Harton, tlienjo eastward bf .Mala street elghtyijwo and oiifc-balt reel to corner.ot lot number 18 belonging to Jshao .Mcuamie.iinenccsouthwnrd by. tho samo oneliult drcdandRqventy,thfeq and one-fourth, tt-ot to an alley, thence by samo clglity-twp and ono-halt et 10 Oorner of lot number 16 afoies.ild,.tlience'b,v fho samo northward ono hundred and jtcvcuty-thrfo and one-rourtu feet tothe placo ot bo,'lnnlugJ lm lng lot number 17 in bald plau. i ALSO, 11 ucscnpqu as touows i liegmnlugat a coin- erou tho north tldo of .dalusticct lu lino of lot bt Jacob NOsS, formerly W. Ituckle, thence ft long said street south sixty-six nnd one-fourtli- degrees Hvct sixty tict.thonjo by lot ot (Icorgo Itucklo' north twenty-threo and three-fourth degioes west, ono huudrcd and feet to alley No.,1, t,l)cnco by said alley north slxty-tjx arid one-fdurtii degrees west sixty feet to co'rnfr of said lot of Jacob Hess, theuco by said lot soiith tweaty-thrco and three-fotirtii degrees ulst onu hundred and sOMinty-tlueo.aiul. onivruurlli feet to place of beginning, contnlnlug 10,3Xi bquaiofeot whereon IS greeted a two story framo dwe.ll): hou$o and out-bulldlniil ' Selzeil, laken In execution and to bo so'l'd as tlio property of (ieorgo M. llaker ut tlio bull' of ItA, llakor, i K. Si W, Att'ys. ,'i..:i, .Al-l'L'a. 1 jphs ,moUu:y, Juno 0, tf. Mierirr. SHERIFF'S SAL'iX uy vlrtuo of a writ of Ven(!. v.. , Issued out of the Court 'of Colnmon 1'leas of Columbia county nnd to bit directed, will bo' expose 1 tdpuS pqsale at tuo.Comt Houno hililoom.sbiiiutou Saturday, July 5th, 1881,, at s o'clock p;tn. Alltliat eerthlti'lotpr V'"1)' land situate In Mllllln townshliu Coliimblli coun ty, lVnnsjlvpla, bomidiiitpid, fleiilbifdiis lU' lovs, ln-wll j On thd uoith bJIAawaAmlfews. on tho bouth by lands ot baniuel snyder, outho.iM'yt by lands of Nathan Creasy, and' On tho west by lamis ui ovojiiimi ucuruari. lumninwig nveu Acres inoruor less, without, buildings.. .Seized, pud taken Info execution utthpi (jyltuf, John' Hhid'orlUer andSarali. A. Jlluilqrmcir, his wlto In right of said wife, vs. btepnen W'olf; aiid to lw sold as tho property ot tlio said tfiophcn Wolf. " , JOHN NDCltiiY, K. W. Att,y,'s ' , bherllt.' t Juno 13 , , i "li" si'uwi'ic .iifv'niciNi:. TtlADC MARK' TllEtlKKATilNil-rKAUE MAItK 1,1311 IIKK1IT. 11 ,$t$. Beinlhal W'oak. ness, Hpermator iliaia, Impoit'iicy, laid nil Phcascs that follow as n si'iueneo of self Abuho t as loss ot Mi'innr. tlnli'itr. Btrust TAKfllQ.sal Ijissltudrt,ftniR TAKIIfJ. thu ll.ick. I) mnuss of Vis on. 1'ihii atuio I'alalli tho Uaek, Plmnuss of Old A'e. nnd lntinv other dlsca old Ageainl many other diseased that led to Jaw- nit v or Consunipilon und a Itvmaturo Oravo, ifEWAHK ot ni'vcrlMments w leflinil money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Is tougfil do rruwl, but releryou toi thptnaiiuraotur e;s, anatho renulrwucnU nro tuob that, they tiro ewom, (ftei', coiniiiied with, T,eo ineir wilt, ten gunrantec, A .trUlofwie tJligln p,icj:age of dray's Spueltlo w 111 com luco 1110 mo-t hkcptie,il (U Its real mults. ' y on u -count of counterfeits, we havo adopted tlio Yellow Wrapper ; the only genulno. , rfMUli particulars In ourpsniphlet. whlt'h wo doslro tOM'nd rreo by maU to uvrry omv, 8Tho Speclilo 'Mpdlclno is sold byW druggists at tl tier package or I) packaes for ti, or will to hunt lie 0 by tnaU ou tho tecelpt ot llw money, by addrvwlng ' THK OKAY .MElliciNl! CO., llufTalJ.K , fujltlln lijoou)sb(in; by ql drmtglils, A(insrrt wA.NTico vim tuu i.ivhs ojv BI.AINK mid LOGAN Dy col. Tnos W. Knok. Outsells all u'ther nl to 1, Authentli',, (uiiiplele, thu Jimi aud per eeui. 10 -wins, uuini. ivw. I'l-vl'jhlt wm mild. .TOiiTinuiwi'iiig iniiiiiirii run li, li inn Hartford, Conn. tnmu 101 w, 1 r n 41. b s. I j (US KITTIMJ tV STKA.M IIKATINU. ' - 'irK.u.Rn - STOVES & TINWARE. Ml kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof I nig aud Spiriting promptly I iilteiitlotf Id.-J Htrlct aitenlliihilyeno healing by steam. 'wiiorot Main' it Eas V - N , - 'V "Tt" I I oirvXi.V.MW,K J ! Ttulnndi' at4ol Ilea mijlldsUf TJ(tindi'ilinMndmllstrtitoVoltii.sin llumbel avertownslilp, decc.isi'dMlll expose to on the premis.'s lu Itoartir tnwnstiln. lliuibl i County l'.u, on 1II,B Mill.. nts o'clock I. M., tho followlug described real es-tatcto-wits A tot Mtu.uo In Bild Heaver town ship adjoining land.ot Charles Shunlin,rMar.tln Johnson and otliors, whereon nro creeled a two story , '"" " Fraiiiu Dwelling Houst! nhd out llulldlug. .. , nSHMS dp HAI.Ii Ten wr' cent, of one.fmirth irtiiOpurehasomoiieyth.illbo paid nt tho ttrik- ...4..y,. .....t I'luiuj. iinu-iuuriu i5ss 1 lie ten percent, attlieco.illrinat on nlis.iint i,i,.i iim1, iii.ilnlngthiee fourlhslu ono yvsr from enriiirnn. ion nisi with interest from that date. 1.UV1 jiichai:i, "lno Administrator. A fJDITOK'S NOTIOH. KSTATE OK ABttXttAM 1'OllCE, IlKCKABEl). The undersigned onnolntfit mtriitnp in Rail decadent, wilt meet, thu nartiou ii.,.u,...i titv u ti.t in - iu nit, hi i, mini, niiiniuiki r ,., nr nt tlio oniens or ll.irkley X llucklngliam on .Monday ot ,1""' ""j "i.mij, ,1. j. iroi, in ten ociock n tn. when an 1 where all parties li.ivlnv claims niriinsi said esiatn niiMiinmur m,.i n,n siine or lie foreyor ilebancd from coinlmr'ln for a share of said estate. It. 11UCKIN0HAM, Auditor. June 1.1 milNlSTKATOK'S NOritiE. ESTATE 01' CIIAUI.ES HAYES, DECEASSD, l.TE Of CATAWISSA. litters of ndinlnlstrnllmi III! till, rttntf. nflilimln. llayfs deceased, l.ilo of cntiwlssa, ColumbUi county, Pennsylvania, deceased havo been grant od by tho liegtstcr ot said county to tho under signed Admluwrator. All persons bavin? claims Mi,w..,..iiiv t.',nu ui uiu ueuenseil lira lvnut'Steil totirCMMlltliem forottlAmnnr iiiwl 11, f...ini... cd to tho ostato to mako payment to tho undcr- n14nt.11 iitiiiiiui,ii,iiui- i iiuuui uri.iy. l Hhawn A- llobblns Atty's ''LI AdnijiaJtnitor, Juno 10 Ow , rjVX KOTK K. ino unncrsigncd, Treasurer of tho town of niooinsburg . heteby gives notice thai ho la pio. pared to rcoc vo tho tmvn tam nr t. i.t 1, .j. I 'Pl'l H I ni.ll tftf Ihntm.lLJI .... ...1 n ri... mi..... .'i.V.. Juiio u, iS.l, ntlilsomc.oln.M.ile's building, co'r' nnd all tax.p.iyers aw liereby reii'ulred In pay llio days from tho s.lld isih day of June, shall bo paid with tlvo per centum upon tho amount ndded thereto. HUNK 1". UILLMKYKlt, Town Trciaurer. Juno l.l lw E3 XI.CUTOU'3 NOTICE. ISTlTEOfSAMOEt. UIMI1V, UECEtSED. Letters testamentary la tho estatoof Samuel lllmby I.1I0 ot Jladlsou townshlnl Columbia coun. ty, P.i., deceased having b(cn granted by tho re gister of said county tn tho undersigned executor. All persons having claims ngalnst thoestato ot mini utjjuiii;iii, uru miu-jsu-u vt piesuni t,no samo tar settlement and those Indebted to tho estate to iiiunu iniymeni wiinour. aeiav. LHVI 1). UCIOIIII, Kxecutor. ashlngtom lle, Monfour county, J'a, 'f'.Iunosi&Sl. Junel3-0w UD1T01V3 NOTICK. 'i ESTATE 01' JOSErn WEAVEK, DECEASED, I.ATE Of ' III.OO.Mf lll'KIl, 1'A. I itjio underslgnoil audiinr annolnted bv Itlfo or. Iflilns' court of Columbia county, to tiutiihuc Hinds In tho hands of Hvecutor In the cstaio of .rii-4-pli Weaver,' lata ot Jllonmsburg, didelisedl win Mt at his omccln lilooniobuiir. 011 1s.1t 11M.1v. Jiily, Mb issi at uiwclnck', a. m., when ana where allJiaith'S Interested In sidd p.-'tatc, must japnear iihuf present their claims or bo dob,irred fin5 any Mi.111 ui n.1111 1111111, 1 1 I (June 13 Auditor. 5000!! Agents wanted!! SVu'Vj ip ;seii 1110 nisi Aiiiiui'iiu wogrnpuics 0: I31LAKNE & LOGAN liv I the eminent scholars, II. J. ItAMSPELU anil linff l'KItl.KY rooitu. Tlio people demand! tuts work because the most reliable, complete,, Inter tittugand ilchly llluotralflil. It contains' nearly) llll ..r. . fit... ,IMl ...... ...1... t. .11 .... - .1 tn. ' ll. , lllltl OH 11 I'UlllilltS. 1,111 1U ll(SIUUI, till rn-iti'.-t. und pay blircost nrotlts. llowaroo i(aieliable, eatclipeimy books. .Wrltqat onco to Hubbard -Brcs,, 723Chostnut St.. Phila 1 j. S. outllts aro ready. Send 5De. for Ono and savi 1 one. , JUU013-4V.' d proTici: Is hereby given that nppllcatlon Svlll bo mado onor about iliojst day ol July, A. I)., ISSI, tothn (oeinor .of tho Cominonwpalth ot Pennsylvania InnccordancovlUi thoiuiulremcntsot nnncl of tho'iieucral Abscmbly of tno commonwealth, en- imi, ".An'Acito provioo tor mo incorporation nun rt'Kuiauuu 01 certain corporations tor prom." Second class, nmnoved tiioautli dav of April. A. 1), 1874, lor a perpetual charti-rot Incorporation and, t iat letters p.uent mayKsuoto llvoormoro per- twiiis iu ij uuiieu "iaujsiiy imiuuiaeiuniii; cum. bark und manufacturing specialties from woo3 una metal nlKpy, Columbia county I'.i. i 1! . . r r. it. iki:li:h. I .1 AtUy for tho subscribers ot ' 1 i intended corporation, llloornsbui-g, l'a., Juno 4 ISSI. ' Jiini);iiaw . ' 1 I UDITOIl'S NOTICE. ,1S TnS ESTATE OP ALEX COILUV UKCEASEP. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or Ghnns' court ot Columbia county to dlstrlbuto tho ulanrtvUi thuliandsof tho executor In thoestato of Alex. Colley, dece iswl will sit ut his o.'Uco In liloomsbmg, ou Friday thoSTth diy ot Juno A. 1). ISSI, at leu oVlock lu tho foienoon, when and w Hero all luiues inierehteii 111 S.1I1I estalo must nppoarund pivsent tlulri'lalms and those indebted 111 uic uuu to lylthoS. delay, tliojcuuo 10 mako payment to tho undersigned C. C. PEA CO K, Audltur, Juno 1) la ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. , OP CAST CU WIIPUOIIT IUON. Suitable for Yards, 1 Cemetery Lots t ami u Public Grounds. :o:- Tho follottlng shows the Picket Gothic, one of the several bo.iutirul styles of l'encoiiiunuf.iclured by tjio utuh'rslgiied. i i Vor lioautv and Durability they aro unsurpass ed. SctupbyuxpoiliuuvU hands und uai.uulod to givu baiuincuuu, ,4 1 1 1 ' ! Prices nnd spcejincns- gf'otliorilaj siyus sen! to nny ailuress, Aildrtstf ! BLOOMSBURG PA. May l-tf A NliW",'. TBLBPHOlsrE. I lie u. H. Teh phiiiii) Is llm latest Inventloii In Telephones, nnd stands w 4,.ll I. II... ...I.. 1lllllill,, ,1,1,1, ... ....... , ..... .. ,,, , nu in tuu imiiv lYwm in juYAj,oi 1110 lieu iciepuonc,' tinu is tno only nf thpklntl;ever hcMrorrered to Iho public. It Is the only non.elertrln ,.,..,,""'".M'itl1 11 Telephone Heppnlor, or that will work on OKOOKKI). . i. f,it,..AM lines, or 1111 11 line Having auu n. uu itiuill AXUllilib. A(iu ri'i xhorhltniit Nild outright for $10,00 no exliorl llioy aro the only Telephones Imvlt iro thu only Telephones that nro prole vine nru thu only Ic'lephoiies that nro protected by nu outdoor Uffhtnlnj; Arrester. All sounds nro delivered Ih clear and natural tones. Tllfcy tire the heatesl, most tlurnblo nml rcqulro less attention and repairs than nny other Telephone mndo. Send for our lllustiiitetl circular. Agents wanted. irHrBirr.di'tTELEFHcojcsrB oo. N03. 40 AND'fil WEST STREET, MADISON, IND , , jMfiyiS'.'linos CIEAI ID) OF SPRING STOCK HATS, UAl'S, iTI.MJNK.S, ' ' ' HOOTS, SIIOKS AND oiiXTS' rmixisiiiNas, "f felfYA(& GO'S Bpneatli the countcra, inVav every inch of space in our extensive shelving accommodations, our :oods are PfflMSIlM i?ffJ&ffllS iifflI9J Wfi olfei lictter goods tit less prices than evtir witli 1'ilost Kt.vloa in all patterns. Call and judge times sustain our well Known motive. GOOD GOODS! AT , LOWEST PRICES, SPECIAL NOTIOK. nrr 20-3m -Wo take .1 tJ:"l. MBBII DEALEK IN WINES. AND LIQUORS, AMD JOBBER IM CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HBi 'SHI PVHB r,M r,!Hi.1,?,?'"'cd, Vy br. J. A. HHIiUMAN'S method, without operation or tho Injury m,?,1!!,1.1,1 TIrS ;':b.or' "na vltH securltyrrotu u. strunjfulatloa ot wnicli nccoraiajr to rVnhiliSi, --Vs 1 ,mJ". 0 0 le u H'uo w" "Js a rupturo nnd depends upon a health moro tnan'ngr kl.i?fit?. '"i? )ro,'ul c',ni a;ct',vu t''t'!nt and leave tor home la no day. kk, with pPhou1. 1 ,la..',,ke,li!a!? 0( cases before and nttur cure, und endorsonu'tits by pbyslclauin crcliants nnd u. lurs, 'ho liavo bi'en cured, mailed for lOets.1 1' oilleo S.M ilruadwW, N. cti?i?or ronsima- : B.- W. BMSBACM- ODIco aud salesroom, ODD FELLOWS' HAIX, BERWICK, ?A., IN PIANOS, 0H3ANS andSEWING MA H INBS. The celebrated ClIICKBUINa and ivhw MSlljlwceB-.tal ESTliV QUM OllQANS Now High Ann P.uls. Neiv Ainei1:an No. 7; Whltf',' Domostlc, Household, Now Home' New Howe r.utsor. everything lu the. lino ot. BCwlng Tbottoin pHeci U an Qrgans and Sowing Machines! Sold on Monthly Payments. Liberal Discount made for Cash. .1. . ' Agent for tho Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment 1 i - ,. j iiirrr.iRioK, domkstio & universal pkupegt FITTING PATTERNS. TicSAU Orders received, promptly attended to.-SiJl npri'Min ' IPILITTIIMZJIBIIEIIR, I0EET METAL IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SPECIAL PAID to! Itliout n rl telcphono tclenhonn .IWUlilNQ uu 11 rents. nn Alltom.HlC'Iilno WlroTlirhltier nml tl...,. P.O. BOX, 28, OPEKWG - OF CLOTHING, above tlie coiintorH nnd fillinrr lor yourselves, if wo do not at all pleasuro iu waiting on our customers. pture trusses Inflict, statistics, ovor truss : both aro I uwuii.ot ivivt ATTENTIONS - TO