li The doltimbi&n. 4 COMJKIttADKMOCIUTtSTAnOFTItt NORTH, And CO lumdiah, uotwolldntcd. ' Wftckly, nrt ry 1'rlilny .Morning, nt nLOOMMllUltn.onntMMIA rn r... at two POLMH3 por yoar. To subwlbers' out ot ttrso jupcr discontinued oscopt at tliu option ol tliopublWhers, until nil lurciuixtfes nro paid, but ontf conllnuod credits will not bo ulvcn. All papers sent out of tho Htnto or to distant post onicoi must bo juld forlnadvaiice, unlearn rospon tlblu person in Columbia county nssumos to nay llio subscription duo on ilomund. u"u"" lu l,Hr.A,Vi".L,nolon8croxllcti;J ffom subscribers n ine county, ,, JOB PfUNTlJSTG. . AhHob,,ln? ""Pa'tmentof tho Colombian Is Very eOiiipIcto, and our Job I'rlntlng will compare favor- Hbly with that of ttio largo cities. Allworkuonoon short notice, noatly and at inodcraw prices, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TT"! r WALuKK, V.VVXK, ATl'OIWEV-AT-LAW. litnoMsnuao, Pa, tl.ll m In t tt.'s (ludilng. V p ii. uuo;cm:w, ATPOUNEV-AT-LAW. 1H.00SSSBURU, I'A. iflilo bye'r rst.itloo.d JOHN M. OL.V11K, ATfOIttfUV-AT-LAW. AND JUiriOG OP TUB PEACE. ULOOMSDCKO, l'A. 0,11: over Moycr llros. Drug Store. p W MtLLEB, " 1 attohnbt-At-law onl3Bln tlMwor'a bulldlng.socond No.l Dloomsburg, l'a. - ' V" O KllAXK 5URR, " ' ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Bloorasburg, Pa. Odlco corner of Centro and Main S tracts. Clark J Building. Can be consulted In German. QUO. E. EL WELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. New Columbian Udildino, Bloomsburg, Pa. Membor of tho United States Law Association, Collections made In any part of America or Eu rope. pAUL E. WHIT, Attorney-at-Law. OMco In Columbiak innuwo, Room No. J, second floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B, XKORR. U S. WIKT8K3TEBN. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. omi In 1st National rtaok building, second' floor, tlrst door to tho left,- Corner ot Main and Market streets Bloomsburg, ru. t&'Pennons and Bounties Collectul. J H. MATZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omco In Malzcta butidlng, over Blllmoyer's grocery. May so, '81. Q B. BROCKWAY, 9f i iAttorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. O.Uco In Ills building opposite Court House, 2nd lloor, Bloomsburg, l'u. tipr 13 'o'd JOHN C. YOCU.U, Attorney-at-Law. CATAWIhSA, l'A. omco in Nkws ITBK building, Main street. Member ot tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. . Collodions made In any part ot America. Jan. 5, IS3J.V A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. May , 'SI BBUW1CK. PA , RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW. CatawUsa, l'a. Offlco, corner c-i Third and Main streets. i e. iitvra, jVttorncy-utLaw, Berwick. Pu. Csu be Consulted in German. f f ALSO F1U3T-OLAS3 "imtE A"ND LIFE INSURANCE COMl'AXIKS llEl'ltKSESTBO. WOlilco first door below the post office. MISCELLANEOUS. C(. BAUKLEY, Attorney-at-Law omco tu Brower'a building, Sud story.Uooms ' B. MoKBLV Y, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy . detail, north aids Main stroot.below Market . L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Office in Columbian Building, c M. DRINKER, GDN & LOCKSMITH owing Machtaos and Machinery ot all kinds re alred. OrjtaA llooss Building, Bloomsburg, l'a. D R. J. 0. RUTTER. PlIYsfciAN &80H0K0N, Offlco, North Market street, Uloomsburt;, Pa DR. WM. M. REISER, Surgeon mid Physician, omco corner of Kock and Market stroot., T II. EVANS, M. ,D.. Surgeon and tt Vl'hyalo m,'(omoe and-Kesldonco on Third strwt. - II. HOUSE, DENTIST, loom3uko, Columbia County, Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented, Tistii Kxtkact id without 1'ain by the use of (las, and froeot cnargo when artificial teeth are Inserted, onico over Bloomsburg Banking Company, lobe'oifenial all Jtourt during the dai Nov.8-iy! , , F IRE INSURANCE. OlIltlSTlAN V. KNAl'P, 1ILOOMHBUHU, l'A. IIOMK, OK N, T. MKItCHANTrt, Of NEWAHK, N, J. CI.IM'ON, N. Y. l'KOl'LICfi' N. Y. UKAD1.NO, l'A. Thoso old coiiroiiATiovs aro well soasoncd by ago und nun testeu and havo never yet had a lo. settled by uuy court of law. Tlicir onits are all invested In boi.iu ancnurmi are liable to the hazard otriuis only. liHses I'oouprLY and hovkstly aillusteil and 4iu us juu u (luiuriauit'u ujr uiijustian r. NAI'I. Hl'KOlL AUHNT AMU ADJUSTKH llLflOUBUOka. ( r- . , Tho people of Columbia county should patron ize the agency whero bosses If any aro bcltlod and paid by one of their own cli tzens. I'ltOMlTNESSS, lilJUlTY, FAtlt I1EALIN0. TANTi:i). -Ono Lady or Gentleman in every ? f iuwii, p a wuhk uii i uxpensvs. Auuress AMKHICANI'L'IILISIIINO, CO. 1-1-ltu 17 North Teuth be, Philadelphia, l'a. J S BITT3NBENDEB, pP""ri. THE NEWEST, LATEST AND BBSV Designs in WALL mil Aro Offered at LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, BY 'G. A. Buckingham, MAllKET ST., Berwick. Pa, April ix-im L L WM, M. D. Uodlsal Superintendent of the Sanitarium. Invalid's Home. Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special Attention to Epilepsy, Kervcus Affection:, mid Diseases of Women, Patients received nt the Sanitarium on reasonable terms for board nnd treatment. P. S. No charge for first consultation, npr 27. '83 . F. SHARPLESS' Near L h B Depot, Bloomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges In different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves and stoves for heating storcs.scliool houses, churches &o. I.urgu stock of tinware unit stove repairs, such us gintcs, lire brick, lids, centres CALL AHD SECURE BARGAINS. Oct 20 If The Scienceof Life, Only SI BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Prematura Deelmo in Man. llrrors of Youth,, and tho untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tion of excesses. A book for every man, joung, middle-aged and old. It contains 135 prescriptions tor all acute and chronic diseases, each ono oc which Is Invaluable, so found by tho Author, whoso experience for S3 years Is such as probably never beioro fell to tho lot of any physician. 800 paires. bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a liner work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for is. w, or tho money will bo refunded In eery Instance. I'rlco onlytl.oo by mall post-paid. Illustrative samnlo o cents. Send now Oold medal nwarded tho author by tho National Medical Association, to tho onicers of which ho refers. Tho science ot Lire should bo read by tho youns' for Instruction, and by the anilcted for lellef. It will benefit all London Lancet. There Is no member ot boclcty to whom Tho Science of Life will not bo useful, whothor youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman. .tr iunaut. Auuress uiu rcuuuuy jicuicui jusiuuie, ur it W. 11. Parker. No. 4 llultlnch .street. Boston. Mass.. who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsttnato diseas es and that have banied tho II in a skill ot another physicians a spo llIiAlJ clalty. huch treated successful r ii r I VU1?I 1 wlthoulan jnsiancoot Lll I OlU I Ji. fall uro. Mention mis paper. May HMwd B. P. HAUTMAN RIPnSSKNTS TUB FOI.LOWIKO AM.EIIIOAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " " I"ennsylvanla, " " York, ot I'enmylvaula. Hanover, ot n. y. oucens. of London. North llrltlsh, of London. . oniou on M incut Struct, if o, s, Dloomsburg. uci. n. -iy I7KEAS BUOWN'8 lfltiUHANCE ; AUliSUY. Movor'a new building, Main street, liloomsburg, l'a. Assets. .Etna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, 7.uis,ti0 itoyai or Liverpool m.auu.uuu fjincashlre 10,000,001 Flro Association, Philadelphia 4.105,710 l'hamlx.ot London 6,':68,ST0 London & Lancashire, ot England., . l,705,uio Hartford of Hartford 3.)73,0(0 Sprlugtteld Fire and Marine y,08i,tt0 As the aeencles aro direct. DOllcles aro written ortha Insured without anv delay In th moo ui iiioomsourg, uci, c, -i BLQOMSBD8I1 PLANING MILL so. TUo undersigned having put his Planing Mil on Itallroad street, In tlrst-ciasa condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line,, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnisnea at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned und none but skilled workmen aro employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and Bpecltloa tious prepared by un experienced draughtsman CIlAItXCS KHUG, ItlooiiiNliiii-e;, I'll THE COMPLETE H0ME.; I bquW, Nw fjillun Nw tladlnnf , Nw llluilr.liuiii I fiem ntw deiini. but trtly tfollca U). Saiik low ik. AdAplo 1 10 alt (Uii. selll if biglit. Atcnti rtaln Ui erk. tixCfcLLIfNTTBKMi, The Ua4.wuitl pritctu( tvrr lttufl.1 liw. Illiuur G.tHfu 1 sus It Co., U North ith St, PUlxM. pbu, l', A,,otlici ua-i uw twukt uJ n.Ucl uiarM-ly aid mmt Gxnmitic tliorntifily Iicf'ora yon Iiiij-your Stimni t 101111111?. Our gooilN will NtniKl a severe Infiiiocllon. You will liu nur Ii'1noi1 nt t lio low prices ami wonder Itow wo do II untl nmke It 11 ay. A.C.YATES &C0, Leaser BDilrJinir, Chestnut & 611 SI PHILADELPHIA. reb 59 "81 NEW BUGGIES!! CARUIAGE SHOP, BERWICK, PENN'A. FltOJI $a..oo TO S 12o.00. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. May 3-lm Stories on the Road. COMMERCIAL TKAVELIXUS AT A' WAYSIDE INN-SOMKTIIINU TO 1'0'P IN A QUII'SAUK. "Oentlemen, I almost envy you tho positions you till ; your cxpcrlenco of tho world; your knowl edge of business ; the changing tljlits you see, and all that, you know." This warmly expressed reeret fell from tho Hps of an o'derly nleasuro tourist, last AtnrusL and was addressed to a semlclrclo of commercial trav- ciiersseaicuoniuoporouoiineLinueii Hotel, bt. Louis, .Mo. "Yes," responded a New York representative of uiv jiruit'ssiuu, -a uruiuiuer isa Lw iiuouLiiis pleas ures, but he runs his risks, too risks outside tho chances of railroad colllsfous and steamboat ex plosions." "What risks for Instance :" iri'lil., fn- Inutnnn. I, onl.l WT T who was then traveling for an Kastern house, ami is known to merchants In all parts of tho country : "The risk which Indeed amounts almost to a certainty of Betting tho djupepsla from perpetual change of diet nnd water and from having no fixed uuura lor slurping, i myso i was an example. O.I J UW1. 1W1 . UU, 1,1, !lUb uu. "No discount on your digestion t" broke In a Chicago dry good traveler, lighting his cigar afresh. "Not a quarter percent. Hut I had to glvo up traveling tor a while. The dyspepsia ruined my paper. Finally I came across an advertisement ot PAHKKU'S TOMO I tried It ana It fixed mo up to perfection. Therols nothing on earth, In iny opinion, equal to It as a euro for dyspepsia." .Messrs. ntscox & Co.. of New York, tho oronrle- tors, hold a letter from Mr. Franklin statlug that pnxtsu 1'Aititi.u'a iuiiu aius ingestion, cures Malarial Fovers, Heartburn, Headaches, coughs and Cold?, and all chronic diseases ot tho IJver and Kidneys. Put a bottlo In your valise. athxs, o''c auu ji. j-.conomy 111 larger size. TyyTTTYytttyttyyyytvyty ripe BmotlDH' la tlia real test of a tobacco. It la the regal way of emoklnff. Tou got more directly at tho flavor and fragrance. You take tho Bmoko cooler, and tho tonic cleanlier and safer. Tiio auioklug' li imokintr reducoJ to a fino art The more the question of adulterated tobacco forces ltaelf on tho attention of smokeri, the more desirable it becomes to know rrecieoly what you are smoking. In UlackneU's Hull Durham Smoking To baccoyou havoapruarantee. 1 1 always, mat u in riaturo'4 k I ownnnadulteratdproduct. I Its fr&rranco, flavor, and J I uu8ur)afuednuality,arode. hp nvtHi irum uiu buu auu ur. Try It. and you will be f. tftt. None frenulno with, out trade-mark of the UulL All nicccuftil Flhcmitn and Bporti men tmoko lllackweU's IltUl Durham Smoking' Tobacco, and thoy enjoy It. .March tfl-tl AIN Health and Happiness ? DO AS OTHERS m HAVE DONE. jAro your Kidneys disordorod? r were, alter 1 hul bwn trlrvnuii by IS beat doctor, in i ubirvit, ait tv, iMiTtrrttus, aicuaiuCf iiuuu,ui(;ua Aro your nerves weak? 1 Ac. aiu r 1 tint iiiftcd to Iho." Mrs. M. at. U. 1 Uooil iu. Cd. Vhriitlan Monitor Clcvt-land, O. jHavo you Bright's Diseaso? 111; j vhaU aud then HWo Mnnd." . . . n iranic miaun,i'eauoay,aiau. Suf forinpr from Diabetes? MICiilu '.f-Wort most uct'fnfu remedy I have iWV uat'd. Uc almost iniuiodfatd relief." Ur. i'UHIpU. lUUou, UonkUn, Vt. jHavo you Liver Complaint? j -Kiunoy.ioii t'ureu mo f( curoiiic uvtr vuvafci 'after I riayeJ to die," ..... Hvnry worn, late loi. tKiniat, uuira,r. . In your Back lame and aching? "KilmyWort,l 1411?) cured uio wliea 1 wasso I. we I ImI tu ivU.wit of bed." C, U. Tullmuffe, Milwaukee, WK lTavo you it ii ni Kidney Diseaso? i i;idiu'ywort made ino noundlii liver and uilarys ' f l r Mmrii it imHimwHafiil ilm litrtnif. ltm worth (Wubjx."-baml llod0'e, Willianutown, Wcit Va. Aro you Constlpatod? ''KMiuT'n rausi eojy ..acuatlom andcurt-d mo alter 10 ycurt im of other mi-dlelne. " Ki Ison KaU-cUlU, bt. Albani, Vt. Havo you Malaria? "Kldoer.Wort liai doim U-tter llian anjr otter rtinJy Iliavo uyit uiod In my practlre." I'r, It K. turk, Bgulb Hero, Vt. Aro you BiliousP "Kl Iner.Vort Ii in dono me moro cood than taj other Ittuctly I Iutii evr takill." lira. J. Y. uallow ay, Uk Flat, Oregon. Aro you tormented with Piles? 'KIdney-Wurt jrm,tneiiti fnre.1 mo ot bloullug civo. II. iloitfCttblilerU.liuiik.Uyer.towD'a. Aro you Rheumatism racked? 'Kliliit'y.Wort eurtil me. aftir i wa trlveu up to dl. ty 1 hyiiclani. and 1 had !u!1Vr'l thirty iear," UlirM0 Malcolu, We.t llatli, Maine. Ladies, nro you eufforinB? "Kldney.Wurl cured mo ot iiculiar tn'Utlet of ercrallkaraitlatidinv, Many frleudi ue and iium. It," ' Mra, U. Laiaonaui, Iulo U. Mutte, Vt. If you would Banish Diseaso i and gain Hoalth, Tako rim in m iiiMiniiiHiiiw The ulood Cleanser. AGENTS WANTED fOTTttf HintNDH. No moro troublo to move wlclta. Kvcry family wants It. Kit nny lamp. Uso tmiu Klolx'. hk'lWutBWIit. Threohunioratorli to any udilrens. uolltr Lamp llurncr tu. T3Murry bt,, New VorW, May lO-lw r A MONTH nn.l I10A11I) for throo llvo vouncr men or ladles In each county. Addroul', w. iWim CO., 1'hlladclphla, May 2A-W d m BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1384. SELECT POETRY. WHY GIRLS WILL WED. nr t.l ui k tiAnn. Sho roao at tho early dAybreak, With a sick nnd aching head, And nhc snld-thln cross llttlo woman "I wonder why girls will wod 1 They wouldn't, I am suro, It thoy reckoned Tho tilings that a wtfo must benr ; Thoy novcr dono work ot n household, They never dono Mother caro." "Six dozen pieces to wash to-day, And tho children must go to school, And every ono knows on washing days IUby U cross as n rulo i And Bridget Is new to tho work yet. (Oh, do ir, how my head doei acho ?) Yet, I shall havo tho dinner to cook And all ot tho bods to laako." lhlt as soon as breakfast was ready, Father camo In from tho yard i He kissed tho stck llttlo mother, "Was suro that her work was hard." Ho said to tho noisy boys "llo still t Your mother's not well to-day j" And when ho bid her "good-by," llo -'could kiss the palu nway." And tho coffco or kiss which was It J Healed liked a magical charm , The spirit of diligent gladness Was every where on tho farm. The father worked hard at tho plowing, Tho mother forgot her pain, Bridget did well with her washing, There wasn't a drop of rain. Tho baking and cloanlng wero over When tho boys camo homo from school, Ilaby forgot It was washing day, And pleasantry broko his rulo j And nt night tho houso was clear and bright Tuero was not a thing amiss ; "TIs only a wlfo," tho father thought, "Would do as much for a kiss." And the wlto, sitting down In tho fire-light, Tho baby asleep at her side, Her husband chatting and watching her With a husband's loving pride, Thought much ot her full and pleasant home, Ot her children asleep In bed j And said with a sweet contented laugh, "No wonder that girls will v ed I" SELECT STORY. THE DIAMOND RING, Liko a drop of dew it sparkled on Cora Vane's slender forefinger, catch ing tho slanting reflection of llio after noon sunshine, as it every sunbeam loved to linger within the crystal-hearted jewel, as thu young girl sat there, her lair head drooping hko a iny neii and the lashes hanging low over her flushed cheeks. Cora Vane was very prettv, with a delicate, retiring lovelines that you noeded to study before you fairly ap preciate it. Her hair was brown and lustrous, like tho shining hiHfc ol an October chestnut, aud the deep, hazel eyes that exactly matched them in col or, wero almond-shaped, aud full of limped changing lights. And yet, with all theso gifts ol nature, Cora Vane had never" discovered that she was a beautv. "It's so strange that he loves me 1" thought Corn, her Bcarlet lips half apait, and tho sweetest dreamlike shad ow of a smilo hovering about her mouth, "lie, bo wealthy, ho high born, so com ted in aristocratic circles, where poor little 1 have never oeen ad inilled. I should almost fancy the whole thing to be a dream, if it were not for this precious stono sparkling on my linger 1 Anil then Uora Vane leaned her cheek on her hand, and drifted oif once more into tho delicious reveries that come to thoso who havo set foot with in the mystic temple of love ! It did seem not iinliko the phantas mal outlines of a dream, when ono came to look at it from a sobei, cvery- lay point of view. Hero sho was, a little, hardworking daily governors, earning a modest livelihood by con stant toil how could it bo that Alban Carlesford, tho courted favorite of for tune and fashion, should have learned to lovu her should havo won her to promise to bo his wife. And sho had told hitiiso frankly and freely, thestory of her humble life, even to the brief, strange episode of Bruce Wayne's love and proposals. "Bruce Wayne ! Mr. Uarleatord had repeated. "You do not mean tho Bruce Wayne who was in tho Seventh regiment at ono time T Why, i knew him well." "les," said uora mustang, "it was Captain Wayne. He said ho loved me, but ho was so ucrco and passionate that I was afraid of him. Oh, Alban, I never could havo felt toward him as I did to you 1" And Mr. Carlesford forgot tho inci pient pang of jealously which had al ready entered his heart concerning this same handsome reckless young captain, Bruco Wayne, and felt happy in tho undoubted certainty that Cora was all his own. Coia Vano was secretly thinking of all theso things tho next day, as sho sat by little Bessie Maiden's piano counting time for tho child's unused fingers as thoy strayed regularly oyer tho ivory Keys, lor corn had insisted on duly fulfilling all het cugagemcutii for the qnarter betoro sho would con sent to As tho raarriago day, when tho school-room door opened and Uaptain It- 1 1 ! ,1.. -.. n ayno lounged miy in. "Bessie'' ho snid to his little niece 'run and get my gold oye glass, that's a little gem of n girl. Thoy'ro in ihfy parlor or under my dressing tablo or in your mamma's work-basket or some where I" And Bessie glad to bo released from tho thraldom of tho pianoforte, slipped down from her seat, and trotted inert rily away. Bruce Wayno sat down besido tho daily governess, with a darkening look of oaro unon his brow. "Cora, 1 ho said most fiercely, "I am in trouble, and there is uo one to help mo save you. "Help you! Captain Wayno, what can you mean T "Cora 1 must havo Si 00 betwuen this and sundown, or I shall bo a ruined disgraced man. 1 can t tell you how it has happuncd you need not look so inquiringly. Moreover, it is but a tern porary need my allowance comes in to-morrow j but you seo how it is to day is tho period of necessity." "But,'1 fnlturcd Cora, turning white nim red. "lour uoroilior-in-law Mr, Maldon " "llo will not listen to a word -Ho says and I cannot blamo htm much that ho is tired of lending to me, and my sister is just as bad P "Surely your friends " Ho contemplated hor with a mocking laugh. "i navo no menus i es, you may loo k itmazcd, uora, mil it is tuo inelan clioly truth. Sometimes," ho ndiloil, with hitter emphasis, "It neoms to mo that it would hohettur to end tho wholo farco of life at once.'' "(Japt,ain Wayne, you don't mean "I do, Cora. Nothing ha irono riuht with mo in this world, nnd I 8vear to you, uemie nign Heaven, mat iiulegg I can Hrmicwhvru raise tho money to-day, f i win mow my iirams out.' His eyes ulitleied with afierco liuht. and a deadly whiteocfs came round his lips and brows. "isui uaptain vvaync, now can 1 help you 1 I have no money." Hi' sneered bitterly. it is easy lor you to say no, with that jewel Biiarkliniron your forclitiuor; but 1 understand you nro liko nil the rest ol them and turn coldly away from tho poor, forsaken outcast.' "Uh, Oaptaui Y ayne, Bobbed the poor, tender-hearted llttlo Uora, "what can I do t How can I " "it is nut lorono nay, uora. i sole mnly swear to you that by this tiino to morrow you shall hnvo tho money. I will go with you to tho jeweler's, lie will advance the monoy on this ring to meet an my present demands, uora, will you save a fallen fellow-crenturo's soul by, one day's sacrifice of your van ity, or will you drive mo to a suicide's grave 7 "Knt, Captain Vayne " Cora turned palo and scarlet, and hesitated ; how could she tell him, her rejected lover ot the past, that tho dia- mood was the betrothal gift of Alban uariestord 7 "It is enough," ho said huskily, turn- mg nway, as uttlo liessies lootstcp sounded in tho hall ; "1 havo asked, ami i nave asued in vain, ino oitenso never shall be repeated." ora s pranK to ins side, paio nnd ca- ger. When a human soul trembled in the balance, how could she stop to Innnn l.n... I weigh tho pros and cons of ortho dox etiquette ? "lake it, ehe murmured, ilrawinir ctl tho ring which Alban Carlesford had placed on her finger ; "but remem ber, it is but for to day." His murmured blcssint' scarcely- reached her ear, so bewildered was sho with tho conflict of emotions within her heart ; and tho next moment she was alone in the room, and Bessio's tiny hand upon tho door-knob. "Where is Uncle Jiruco I ' lisped the child : "I couldn't anywhere find his eye-glass, and mamma said it was hanging on his watch ribbon." Messrs. Stono & Sparkle's elegant emporium ol jewelry was crowded as Mr. Carlesford sauntered down the marble-paved room, hut Mr. Sparkle himsclt came eagerly forward to meet the new customer. "What can we do for you sir 7" ques tioned Mr. Spaikle, rubbing his plump white hands smilingly together. Emerland, sir Certainly. Please to step this way. There is a very choice set just tent in old Mrs. Balaplan's sir, that used to be setting a llttlo old fashioned, to bo sure, but the stones much choicer than you seo nowadays Wo could leset them for $G0, and' Mr. Sparkle opened a littlo private drawer as ho spoke a special sanctum wnere lie kept choice jewels, rare cameos, and priceless antiques. As he sought about for tho emeralds, Mr, Carlestord's eye was caught by the glit ter ol a lame soltairo diamond, set round with tiny seed pearls. "Whvl'he ejaculated, "thats the very ring!" "1 hat we sold you last week. Exact ly so,' chimes m Mr. Sparkle. "It is here only on deposit to raise a littlo money temporarily. Wo aro often call ed on in that way. Alban Uarlestord s brow had urown very dark. "Who brought it here t "Well, really, sir we don't usually " "I insist upon knowing!" thundered tho young man, furiously. "But to you, sir, in confidence, I i ,. , ., . ..... uou i uutid mentioning it, hurried on tho terrified Mr. Spaikle. "It was Cap tain lJinco, wayne. "Uruco Wayne 1" Mr. Carlesford stood silent for minute or two, whilo every featuro of liis faco seemed to settle and grow rigid as if it had been carved in marble. 'Thank you 1 that will do. I will not look nt tho emeralds this afternoon." What a storm of contending passion shook Alban Carlcsford's breast as ho walked alnm with tnnnlm,,!! fnntaton scarcely looking whither he went. Deceived, slighted, betraved, his very betrothal guts gono to swell tho, rapa ciotis purse of a mero spendthrift like Bruco Wayne 1 "I havo been a fool a lovesick fool 1" ho muttered between his clenched1 teeth, "and 1 am iittingly repaid 1" A hen Cora Vano returned from hor day's round of music lessons weary yet happy (for had not tho consciousness ot a good man a lovo gouo with her cn . 1 1! , p . lier ICdluUS way 11 SHO lOllnu nOtO IV- iug on the table, a note directed in Al- ban Carlesford's hand. Sho took it up and broko tho seal with a soft orimsnn flrwln.f nvrr hor l o .i, contents a deadly htio usurped tho p'eto recovery of his wife, but was af deadly carmino. It road thus : fected as beforo. Tho oonviction then .f,v.. t ,... tain Wayne is welcome to the diamond ......... .u... ..un UOI Hiit', ns well ns your heart. I want no second-hand affection ! "A.C." As sho stood there palo and startled a knock camo to tho door. It. urn r... nontnii. ni,l tiw.n ,in .o .,.,.i as in despair of an answor and Bruco Wavne stood thero oanor and sm Hi. ,.f , , , " . -o- "i navo urougnt you your ring, Uora, and it has saved mo. May Heaven uiess you as truly ns i shall ever do 1 "it s too late,' said Uora, in a strange, hard sort of voice. "Head that 1" Bruce Wayno glanced over tho noto. "Cora," ho said oaruestly, "this must not be. No fatal mlstako such ns this must undermine tho happiness of two lives and through my fault, too. I will sua him invunlf." seo him mvself.' "It will hoof no use," said Corai "ho is as stern as a rook iu this matter. He Will seo no ono. At least that was tho answer brought to tho door by his sor vnut. "I must seo him," said Bruco Wayne; "stand aside, my man I" And ho pushed Ins ik'teruaued way -,, . ... . ti directly into Alban Carlesford'd pres- eiico. "Cuptain Wayno P But Bruco was not to bo dishearten ud by tho frigid sarcasm of the voice "L-nriesiord I ' ho cried, "you must 11 . . .... - . .1.11 - T . ,, us it'ii iu mu wane i ten you wuav a tioble-hearlcd girl you havo won. And ho told tho wholo story of tho diamond nntr. "it was to 8avo mo from a Bell-in- lliottd death, not from nnv tmrtional fcclinir, thatnho intrusted the rintr to mo for ono singlo day. Carlesford, Mio is a gem of tho purest rnv, and ol though sho may novor shine for me, I can nut render my liumblo tribute to her noblenattiro. That was n cruel Inl ter which vott wroto to dav. Go. nnd contradict it in person j but first shako hands withme, ns a sign ttiat you have forrriven my follv and rashness." Uarlcsford pressed Waynos hand so fervently that he nhso ute v winced with nam. and hurried nwnv'withotit a single word. '-Uora, my darling my treasuro 1' hue sat alono with her head droop nig on her hands, whilo his tender voice inrincu the silence. Oh, Alban ! you never could have meant it what you wroto in that harsh uttlo note. Ho folded her tonderly to his heart, "I think 1 was mad for tho moment, dearest. Oh, Cora, how noar I camo to tho suipwrcck of all my happi ness i Jsiit tht) guardian saint of all true lovers had watched over them iu the hour of ijenl, and tho golden chain of affection glowed brighter than over. Nor was it the least of Cora's hanni ness when sho was Alban Carlcsford's dearly loved wife, that Bruce Wavne was dalintr a new and bettor life from the day when the diamond ring stood between htm and a suicides death. Tjje Taijw jw . it was in a M.arkrt Rt.r.-rr. voatnnrnnt A solemn man entered, followed by his , . , . - - . I dog, seated himself, and asked for the bill of fare. It was given him. "What would you Tike to have, sir t" asked tho waiter, flipping tho tablo with his napkin. Tho dog meanwhile had climbed un- on the chair on tho other sido of tho table, and was gravely regarding his master. "Well," said tho solemn man. re- ilectively, "gimtuo two fried eggs, turn- eu over. i "Gimme the same said tho dog, The waiter gazed at tho animal with amazement mingled with horror, The solemn mau continued: "llieu I guess you can nimmo a sir loin steak, very rare, with fried pota toes." "Gimtuo tiie same said tho dog. The waiter's face assumed tho color of cold boiled veal. "Cup o' coffee, plenty o' milk." went on ttie solemn man. "Gimnie the same,'' said the dog. Tho waiter shuddered, and, turning. fled for the kitchen. A man with a squint, at an adjoin ing table, was much interested in the scene, WT . 1 ml lie i had observed it closely, and finally spoke to tho solemn man "It must a' been a fearful lot o work to learn that dog to talk, mister." "It was.' said the solemn man. "I should smile," said the dog. "What 'ud vou take for him. now 1" snid the man with a squint. Wonldn t sell him,'' said the solemn man. "You'd better not," said the dog. Tho man with the fquint was much impressed. He began making wild offers, nnd when ho reached a thonsand dollars the solemn man relented "Well," slid he, "I can't refuse that. I hate to part with him, but you can havo mm. "IIo'Jl bo sorry for it," said tho dog, The man with a squint drew a check for the amount, which ho gave to tho solemn man. The latter was about leaving when tho dog criod out "ever mind I'll get even. Ill nover speak again." llo never did. Tho gentleman with the squint was proprietor ot a uimo and Freak mu seum on Market street. Tho solemn man was a vcntriloquial crook. aai j.ranoico Argonaut, A ihsliop's Strange Story. Bishop Thomas Bowman, of the Methodist church, who is next in seni ority in tho Episcopal Collego to Bish op Simpson, although having no faith iu spiritualism, relates tho following singular circumstances, without, how' ever, offering any coramont upon tho facts: On his recent tour to the East he returned home by tho way of tho Red Sea. Beforo embarkinc ho re- ceivou a letter giving nim encouraging iiuwo ui mu uuimiuuu oi ins wae, wno , , i . . i : . : r 1 - r , had been very ill. After a Sunday service on board of the boat, as tho vsssel steamed through tho Red Sea, he went to his room, and as tho shades of night began to gather, he prepared to retire, and was about to offer up a l r i k - IP?" IQr ms sick wae, wnen no buii- - i t i I 1m1 , fmiml l,ot li ex nntiM ..a. A l''". ,,,,. uu wum nut, uiuu u worrt ana tl,at '"8 nuna becomo blank. '1 tanking that this was an at- tacl 01 nervousncs8,bo walkod across tho room to compose himself, after which ho again attomnted to tirav for tltn mm. came to him that his wifo was dead. I r !,- ,!. alln .1 l. ,V,ruo wetKB. fulerwa'd Ho reached ine, ana more iouiid a message awaiting him announcing tho death of w.if? on tho evening of tho day 00 wnion ho was vainly attempting to pray ior nor recovery. Tho bishon ?'so.8!y8 that his daughtor, who was at ""L" u uiur uieu, aiso rO' coivod a singular prosontiment of the same character. Has was not tho only nnnarentlv supernatural thing that lias occurred to Uisliop liowinan. A fow vears aeo. ho says, during an attauk of sickness, it appeared to lum that he was trans ported to a spirit land, whero ho hold uoiiveisiiiions wan mends long since (,,uai1' n."J, ." ,?u'8 disposed to olaim inat ne nan been lor a time in an un seen world. Iu reciting these faots Uisbop iJowman does not proposo to mako any deductions iu favor of what is known as modern snirltualimn t ha simply presents them tu romarkablo and to lam inexplicable phenomena. I ne ti ii i t.i , . r Of I'owol C avion 8 mlssimr nnn i , o New lork aSim dispatch says: "A btar route delegato to d the convontlmi 4t.A. l. , ii., .... . that ho had lost it in tho war. 'That's mu, bu, luuiurKmi u spectator. Mia lost It by an accident. Somo gontlouian carelessly let a fox trap in a smoke IIUI13U. true ntitl TIIK COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIH.H0 24 COLUMBIA DBMOOJ1AT, VOL, NO 10 J How one Small Boy Passed Away. A palo pinched face a piping volco a little body which Bcemed to bo all hones and and angles. Many a smilo his odd dress provoked. Ills coat had onco belonged to a full grown man, while li in nantaloons could not have been patohod any moro without cowing patch upon patoli. !.......! v no was ho T aii i aid you ever ask tho ciuest on f rt I . - . l - ( eriainiy not. You havo no ctirtojlty to know ono street, gamin from anoth How did ho live T lou never inquired. Odds was tho ditU - renco to you whether he had a full meal or went suiuicrlesH to bed. find it been tho caso of n well drossed man " stranger to you, you would havo asked how many thousand ho was worth, and where ho was to buy or where build. Well t Well, that boy is dead. Ho broko down on the street tho other ilnv. burning up with tho fover, and they took him to tho hospital to die, 1 hero they saw how poor in flesh he ho was they found the bruises inflicted upon him by rough boys they washed his bleeding feet and wondered how ho could havo walked a singlo square. It was too lato. l hey shed tears as thoy wiped his own away ahd thev answer- ed his ravings with kind words, but iriends had come too late. Aud whatf In his ravings he accused you and mo ot sellisliness, of hard-heartedness of mock philanthronhv ave. of v.. ,,,v,Un ,(iu;iuiui jf, ui worse. W e would have taken the part hundred years alone can help us to refil of tho weaker dog, but wo let that or- izo what it is likely to bo in time, phan lad tako the blows of tho world. Who can doubt that women havo We saw that our horses wero well fed. but we let that boy go hungry. We rande a great show in tho papers of contributing to orphan nsyluras, and yet wo havo nothing for this tender ...... . , lad. In his delerium ho cried out that wo had given him no chance. Wo threw nickles and dimes to baso ira- posters, but wo had not oven a penny for n boy whoso poverty compelled him to sleep in tho alleys. -uuiity i So plead all 1 Lro this ho has told story in Heaven, and on the pages ui uiu uugei s oook nas oeen written against each and everyone of us ; "Ac cessory to the death of Charlie Hall, who was brought to the grave by the brutal neglect of citizens boasting of their philanthropy and open-hearted charity." Detroit Free fress. Bob Gave Her a Cruel Shock- Dressed for church, she stood before tho mirror admiring herself, and men tally observed that she had never ap peared moro lovely. The candid critic, howover, would have declared that her figure was not in iust proportion, for sho was very tall and thin and her height seemed greater than it actually 111 VVIIOVUIIVHUU UI U UllllUll UI US trich pime8 tiat floated in snowy masses over her hat. "les, I know I am handsome," she said, "but I can t help It ; ' and, turning to go out, caught sight of her liitlo brother standing in the door way. "What aro you doiug there Bob! sho asked sharply. ".Looking at you, 1 annv,'. returned the artless child. What do you want to be staring at me tor 7 " 'Cause you look iust like a long handled feather dustei." And sitting alono in church that morning sho wondered how she would feel if Bob got the measles and died.' Brooklyn Eagle. A Wonderful Dream. The following account of a remark able dream wo take from the Genius of Liberty published in Fayette county, tins stats : "Albert Clemmer, son of Samuel Clemmer of Hedstone township, Fay etto county aged 13 years, about 2 years ago began complaining of an ail ment in the back. Upon examination by physicians his troublo proved to bo "lateral curvature ot the spine. His right hip joint was drawn out of sock et, and his right foot was drawn up against his thigh backwards. His left leg was parali.ed from tho knee down, and his head was drawn down between 11 nil l . r t x ins Knees, ino signt oi ins lett eve obliterated and his right oyo was rap- i,ll,r Aim,,, in .!..., i. idly lamng. About 10 days ago, ho dreamed ho was in Pittsbutgh where bo received a prescription of concen- traled botanic remedies which would I euro uiiu in two uays u property an - . m.n.o.nwn.i i i , .. . ... ...... i lumioHstcu. mu uiaxnuiu wi-iu iikii he should mako anointment of tho nerbs mentioned and apply them to his back for ono day. Ho did so. The second day, another round his chest which was to remain an hour, and nt 5 P- ho was to bo restored to health, it- rn i ai. . a ri i " wtiuwcu uiuuuuciiuuii m uruaw 1 FA tllA lottnp At tllil fltmnitltflll tlnm i -" (.-, .,,.. vi.wv, light camo into his sightless eyes, his curved sptno and leg straightened and " was completely restored, iuvo minutes after 5 p. in., ho got up and walked, and to-day ho is lively and active. If this little story seems incred ible to any of our readers, let them call upon tho restored boy and his neighbors and they will verify it." A Dangerous American Tendency. A Darwinnian Cambridgo professor seurts us tho following : "There is ono practico of tho Yankeos which threat ens to develop a most undesirable characteristic. It is tho habit of yawn ing. Apparently it is rather more nf- fected by peoplo of the cities, especial ly by females nnd the moro tnlkativo of tho males. Unfortunately it is not at all confined to them. Naturally enough mououiess jaws tieoome tiresome to persons who ordinarily keep them moving. It is amusing to watch an individual oxorciso his hyoid apparatus liko an nspnyxinting tish whilo tho per son opposito involuntary so sympa thetio we are gapes liko a boa con stridor, and is imitated by another and another down tho car or through tho audience. But thuro is a sorious ns pect to tho oaso. By tho laws of use aud heredity wo aro nbnormally devel- oping tho muscles which open th0 I wl'"n M,u iuii-uii.-n wiiiuu utiuti uiu ii r .i.t : u .i ' i iiiuuvii. at una la ituuwcil iv l!U UII. by and by great development of the ....... t. . i !. i . ..i , I ...vmv. w 'vnvio t, ill uvtnJIUU VliaiUUlVI IB' tfo of tho American. There aro nlto gether too many pooplo iu this country at present wno nave great dtthonitv in keeping their mouth shut. Uoaton DM fino &( 7 00 000 10 00 17 00 3000 r,v $500 801 lino 1300 15 0 2.1(H) MOO lr (SOI 1301 IN 00 20 00 25(10 NtOO 10)00 400 son 700 son 14(10 2.10.) Three Inches...., 4 no Kour inches...... noi quarter column., (loo ilaifcolumn torn unecolumn sow VAAHvaiirirtiutmAntji ni fthlo nuftrterlr. Trail- iptii luivmiarmonm musf bo naldforbcforelnftt. 'cd except where parties have account. 'gal advertisements two dollars per Inch for thre insertions, and at that rnt for additional insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's not Iccl three dollars. Must bo paid for when nsertcd. Transient or lcal notices, ten cents a line, regu lar advertisements halt rates. cards in the 'Business Directory" column, one dollar a year lor each line. ' Women as Tietlon-Wrlters. All tho women who havo attained eminent success iu literature havo been cither poets or novelists. Indeed, it is only as writers oi nciion tnai wo men may ho said to have reached to the hichor ranks. This may prove that thov will vet add somo now aud I. . . . .. ' -f tics her c omotit to t ho exnression oi Rontitnnnt. in lllctntiirc. nnd that tllOV u- mnrn nr.rfintUr dove on tho svmna- . . . ... I " thetio sido of life. Unless l-icliUng ana ocott aro to uo excepteti, no uovui- ists have surpassed, m genius nnd crcativo attainment, tho womon who havo written under the names of Oeorgo fjand and Georgo Eliot. In ono of her essays George Kliot has written of tho work dono by women as novelists ( and she claims that this is a literary field especially adapted to their genius. "Happily," sho said, "wo arc not dependent on argument to firovo that fiction is a department of iterature in which women can, after their kind, fully equal men, A olustcr of great name's, both living and dead, rush to our memories in evidenco that women can produco novols not only fine, but amonrxthe very finestt novels, too, that havo a precious specialty, ly- tiiB quite apart Irom masculine aptitu des and exporienco.'1 Women havo become tho literary in terpreters of tho heart, of that half of hiimnii1 existence which is most tneir own. They, civo the feniinino point of viow, which is absolutely necessary to our knowing of life in its widest meaning. Thnt must be' a' very great lmiii, uiiu uiu uicmiuru II and the literature of tho last laro-elv aided in thu dbvelonmont of the purer, fresher, apd moro syrapathet- io Iiteraturo of the last century and a half? Who can but feel that the names of Jane Austen. Harriet 'Martineau. Mrs. Brownlnrr: Charlotte Bronte and GeortroEliothavomadeaoreat addition to EnglisliliteraturotTheyhavo enrich- ed it in a way it has been bv no school of masculine writers sinco the days of Elizabeth. It may bo that, judged by inte ectual or artislio standards, their work ha not linen of tho verv hitrhost: but in their play .on tho heart-forces of life they surpass nny equal nurabor of men. Jiev. Cf. lr. Cooke in Uliris tiaw Leader. Gen, Lee Declines to Sell His lame. Gen. Lee, at tho close of tho war, re ceived innumerable offers to engage in commercial enterprises. Insurance companies, railroads, and many large corporations at the faouth were anxious to pay him any salary he might do main solely tor the use of his name, withont any labor on his part, or the incurring ol any responsibility what ever. A committee of Englishmen, with tho Duko of Sutherland and Mr. Beresfor'd Hope at the head, offered uiiu in u icu a spieuuiu estate iu ono oi the midland counties of .England, coup led with a guarantee of au income of 0,UUU a year as long as ho lived. He gratefully declined all of these offers, and accepted tho Presidency of Wash ington and Lee University at a salary of $3,00() a year. Here ho earned his living as tho hardest worker in a hard working faculty in training the youth of the country up to the very hour of the paralytic stroko which immediately preceded his death. taou. Lee left three sons. Thev. too. received many offeis of a similar kiud, and declined tbem. Two of these sous' aro now piosperous planters in Virgin ia. Tho third succeeded his fathor in the Presidency of Washington and Leo University, and has, filled tho po sition with credit for tho last thirteen years. the trite American snint shines iu Gen. Lee's example, tho spirit which prompted Washington and his Gener als when thov retired from the Dublio servioo enriched only with the recollec tion ol their great achievements, and scorning to make merchandise of their fame. Anecdotes Showing That Royalty is Not at All What it is Oraoked Up to Be That her Maiestv Queen Augusta should be sometimes irritable is not unnatural, aud it is well known that her household stands in fear of such outbursts. I was. reminded of this in passing the Imperial palace just beforo Jt. r i..r. si.' ,.. tho Emoresi left town. Sho was be iug carriod up tho stops from her car- nago in a chair. Ono of tho servants stumbled, but regained his enulihrinm 1 lnuuediatolv. This was a shook to her a , . . , , , i iuuiesiy a nerves wuicu only speech could allay, and she talked right along until tho door closed on them and shut off tho oloquenco of her wrath. There. aro a great mauy incidents, told by tho gossips of her Majesty's haughtiness when sho was in health. Tho lato r -v uonni jtcuern, then a youug man I nlinjn n ...If,. . I. f tl. . f ,1 uiunu , nu uum uiiu l.tlllliy.Ul a inu honairo merchant nt Hamburg nnd duly presented his brido at court Thoso familiar with social distinctions in Germatiy will know thnt such a Rtop involves mortification to the lady bo situated. But in tho newlv-made countesses' caso tho sovcrest, thrust came from tho Empress Augusta, who askea abruptly in tho presence of many others : "Countess, in what business did votir father deal 1" The Countess drew herself up proud ly, looked the Empress strait in tho oyo and replied : "lour Majesty, dur im.' his ontiro life my father has dealt with reason and judgmout." As soon as etiquette would allow the CouiHens quitted tho palace, but tho Empress had learned a lesson. Thereafter sho treated tho merchant's daughter with marked courtesy nnd, indeed showed greater respect to thoso similarly situated JJerlin Letter in the t. Louts iHoba Democrat. A Mi: an Hk.vknoi:. 'So you buy you got even with Mrs. Jones when sho tried to spite you by wearing a hand somer dress than vours at your wod. ding anniversary and attracting all tho attention V 1M Ono inch tano Two Inches ..... 300 'Oh, yes, I got oven with her.' 'How did you matiago it ?' 'Well, you sec, sho had her little boy wuii ner, ana wiieu sue took him ou ner mp i peoiou an orango and gavo it to him when sho was looking tho other way.' 'And of courso ho was boo.i swim. tiling in tho juico and tho dress vaa ruined,1 f I i. Ofl I I j ramcrtpt. 'Precisely.' 'I MB . , L i in ii ill inn I I ' - - " '--