THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLQQMSBURGK COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho Model Parmer. Ho should not buy tnoro land Umn ho cnn pay for easily, and till to mlvnn tngo. Tho hardest tiling to ralso on a farm is a mortgage Thirty or forty acres carefully cultivated will provo moro profltablo than two hundred on whioh the samo caro and labor aro ox ponded.' Ha( should not have moro stock than ho cati "shelter well and keep in gdod order through all the season. It is poor economy to etint cattle through, tho winter and expect them to do as well in tho coming spring as thoy wonld under generous treatment. A man should bo merciful to his stook riot only because of moral considera tions but because it pays best in tho end. Cattle that aro stoned by tho boys, kicked by tho men and worried by dogs, aro not likely to thrivo in flesh or milk. Such treatment is silly, brutal and ovory way unprofitable. Tho oc casions aro very rare where beasts of burden horses or oxen are benefitted by tho application of tho rod. Peoplo who wreak their insano fury on help less dumb animals aro at thoso mo menta something lower than beasts themselves. Ho should keep a careful account of his income outgoes. No business can prosper that is based on uncertainties. Tho habit of keeping a close account begets prudence, economy and wisdom in management. If a man can figure out a fair profit as tho result of his year's labor it is a source of satisfac tion and contentment t if tho balance is on the other sido ho will ascertain tho causo of his failures and follow new courses. "Book farming" is tio longer despised by intelligent men. Ho should mako his home and its immediato surroundings as pleasant as his means will permit. Ho should at least tako as much pride iu beautifying his homo and supplying it with the comforts and conveniences, if not the luxuries of life as, ho does in having fine ;or plorjded, 'stofck and neat and largo outbuildings. A proper regard for tho happiness of those whose duties lie chiefly within doors would dictato this. Tho "matters of tho house" aro of primary importance, for what after all is tho chief end of laboYbut to make tho home-life happier and better. Half tho dullness and monotony, of life ,on tho farm, driving tho boys" and girls to the towns and cities, would bo ban ished If the' samo pains wero taken to mako tho homo beautiful and attractive that aro taken by most residents of towns and cities. Tho successful farmer will do his work in season. There is no business whero regularity is more essential than in farming. Tlio merchant and tho manufacturer can cover ground lost by neglect or inattention easier than the farmer. Tho farmer who is chasing his work all tho year round, trying to catch up with it, is doomed to ultimate tailure. Dn Franklin on Tannins; and the Situation Generally in 1771. Some twenty-five' years ago the fol lowing letter was sent to us in raanu script, whioh wo wore assured was copied from the original which was in possession of a familv residing m Chestercouuty, Pa.,'and thai tit had neverappeared in print. We aro ask ed now to republish it, in order that while it did possess as much interest to-day .as it ever did, it can ba retained as a keepsake. It will be seen that the yiews of the philoshopher and states men are tho same that have been maintained iu theeo columns. The style in whioh the letter was written is the same as it came from the hands of the writer, as regards the spelling, capitals at ine nouns, punctuation, etu. ; London, Anrill 22. 1771. Sin. I'duly- received your Favours of tbo 4th Of October and tho 16th of November. It gave me Pleasure to hear, that tho' the Merchants had de parted from their Agreement of Non Importation, the Spirit of Industry and 'Frugality was likely to continue among the People. I am obliged to you for your Concern on ray Account. Tho mention gave great Offenco here t'Dut that was not attended with the immediato ill Consequences to my Interest .that seem to have, been hoped for by those that sent Copies of them hither. In our Country People would well consider that all they save in refusing to purchase ioreign uewgaws, & in maKing tneir own Apparel, being ap piyd to tho Improvement of their Plantations, would render thoso more profitable, as yieldinu a creater Pro- dace, I should hope they would persist resoiuteiy in their present comiuemla Lie Industry and Frugality. And there is still a farther Consideration. The Colonies that produce Provisions grow very fast : But of the Countries that take off those Provisions, some do not increase at all, as tho European jNaiions ; and others, as tho West In dia Colonies, not in the same proportion, oo that tho' the Demand at present may oe sumcient, it cannot long con tfnue bo Every Manufacturer enoour acred in our Countrv. makes nart of i Market for Provisions within ourselves, and saves so much Money to pay for the Manufactures ho supplies. Hero in England it is well-known and un derstood, that wherever a Manufaoturo is established which employ a Number ot nanus, it raises tho value ot lianas in the neiuhborlriir Countrv all around it i partly by the greater Demand near at nana tor tho 1'roduce of tho Land and partly from the Plenty of Money drawn by tbo Manufactures to that part ot the Couutry. it seems therefore tho Interest of all our Farmers and Owners of Lands, to encourago tho young Manufactures in preference to auruigu uiics imported among us irom distant Countries. I am much obliged by your kind Present of curious Seeds. Thoy wore welcome uiits to so mo ot my Friends. I send you herewith some of tho new Barley lately introduced into this Country, & now highly spoken of. wish it may be found of Use with us. I was tho moro pleas'd to see in you Letter the Imiuovcmcnt of vonr Pa. per, having had a principal Share in establishing that Atanutacturo among us many l ears ago, by the Jincourage ment I gavo it. If in anything I can servo you here, it will bo a V Jeasuro to Your obliged Friend and humble Servant, B, Franklin. M. IIUMl'IIUKV Mausiiali., -6ermantown Telegraph. Tub Nine Points of Law. No doubt'niany of our readers have often hoard tho expression, "Nino points of lawjljCbut it is, very probably that fow kuoW?pf what they consist, pud so to enljgh'ien those with law and those abo'ut"going to law, wo give tli'cm as follows: First, a good deal of nionoy ; second, a good stock of patience' j third, goodcasej fqurtb, a'godd lawyer i flfih, good counsel i sixth, good wit nesses j seventh, a good jury eight, a good judge j ninth, good luck, Re-Constructing a race. EXTItAOtlDINAKY 8UCCKSS IN THK THAteS- l't.ANTATION OV" tt.ESIl A OUll.'s l'ATlKNOK. Bertha Kisllor, who for eighteen months has been under treatment by Dr, F. Shrada, visiting surgeon of (ho rresbytcnau hospital, Wow Xork, lelt the institution recently n living, grato ful monument of surgical ingenuity and skill. Bertha Kletler is now about twenty years old, and flflcon years ago sho was treated by an unskillful sur geon in Germany for a supposed can cerous growth in tho left chpck. Tho ailment proved to bo ot nnotner char acter, but tho operation destroyed all symmetry of the ohlld's face, lo.iviug a largo holo in tlio check, and tho mouth and noso ftightfully distorted. Eigh teen months ago tho girl oalled on Dr. Shrady to discover if anything could bo dono to remedy her doformity. Sho was only a poor working girl, but begged to go to tho hospital and pay for treatment by work. The doc tor held out little encouragement to her, but at last consented to undertake tho task of building up virtually a ndw countenance. Soon nfter the first operation was performed, and In the courBO of a year it was followed by sixteen others. Most of tho face was mado over by transplantation of flesh from adjacent parts. Tho most important step in tho treatment of the case was tho filling up of the holo in tho face. For this pur pose a largo skin flap was wanted. It was obtained iu tho following manner: A rectangular section of skin was par tially separated trotn the girl s lelt arm abovo the elbow. An incision was made in the side of the forefinger til" tho right hand, extending Irom tho first joint around to the thumb. Tho hand was then brought over tho left arm, and tho detached edge of the skin llap was sewed into tho incision iu tho fingor with fine silver wire. The hand and' arm wero kept immovable by plastic bandages. In about a week tho skin flap became united to tho hand, but the Hap was principally nourished from tho arm. To chanco the current of nutrition the flap was gradually cut Irom tbo arm, and when it had been nearly severed tho finger, and not tbo arm, kept tho skin flap alive. When this became apparent the entile skin flap was amputated from tho arm. Tho hand with tho ingrown llap, was then brought; to thfaco, the scarred skin on the left-cheek tvas raised and the flap was inserted underneath. Tho hand was kept in position by plastic band ages and a plastic cap. In thrco weeks current of nourishment was changed by gradual amputation from the linger, and finally, when entirely separated from tho hand, the skin flap taken from tho arm became tho foundation of a new cheek. With natural anxiety the doctor watched the growth of the flesh, and at last had tho satisfaction of demonstrat ing indubitably the feasibility of trans plantation of flesh from one part of the body to another by using the hand .is a medium. New difficulties then arose. The surface of the face was rehabili tated, but the girl's mouth was drawn out of shape to such an extent that the corner was almost directly under the nose. To restore tho mouth Dr. Shrady decided to enlarge it on one sido and sew it up on the other, and after this was done the lips wero cut into the truo and proper shapo and' ail traces of distortion had disappeared. With the success of this last operation which made twenty in all, the labor was end cd, and nothing was left but to await tbo healing ot the incisions. These bavo at last become satisfactory, and the girl's face is shapely once" more, but, of course, slightly disfigured by scars, aiost oi thee, however, are Irom straight clean cuts, and it is expected that even they will eventually become imperceptible. i torn the fust moment of her long martyrdom the oiri has not taltcrcd foi an instant, but has even been impatient for the next step. Sometimes the doc tor would try to persuade her to foro go for a time the operation, but she persisted in her desire. A singular feature of tho caso is notwithstanding the Guttering sho must have expert enced, she has grown very fat. Sho has bcon constantly tho recipient of flowers, wines and delicacies of var ions kinds from people who, though 'strangers to her, have occomo interest ed in her singular and remarkable patience. From the Nevs York Herald. John Holt, of Shenandoah, one of the persons burned out recently was ar-' rested in Mahanoy City charged with having set the building on firo in, which thrco other men were also burned out' Ho was put under bail for trial. Ho is a young unmarried roan and bore a good reputation heretofore. The pro secution was brought by tho agent of tbo xork insurance company. When there is no base ball or horse racing in Chicago to be bet upon, the, sporting fraternity sell pools on how long newly married couples will live together. Tho pools aro frequently distributed at tho end ot two weeks TliouHtiudM IlaHtcucd to tlielr Graven t Helvlne oa testimonials written In vivid glowing language of soino miraculous cures made by some largely pulled up doctor or patent raedlcino has hastened thousands to their graves : believing In tueir almost In sane fuitli that tlio same miracle will bo performed on them, and that these tcstlmo nlals make the cures, while the so called medicine is all the time hastening them to uicir graves, ho nave avoided nuDllsliln testimonials, as they do not make tho cures aiiuougu wo uavo THOUSANnS VVOH THOUSANDS of them, of the most wonderful cures, vol untarlly sent us. It is our medicine, Hop uuicra uiin manes mu cures, it lias never railed and never can. We will glvo refer. ence to any one for uny dlseasq similar to tlielr own If desired, or will refer to anv neighbor, us there Is not a neighborhood In uio Known worm nut can show its cures uy nop Hitters. A LOBlna JOKK. A Dromlnent ohvslclan of Ilttnlmnr aaiA in lidy natlent whowascomnlalnlnirof hercnntimiirt HI health, and of hU Inability to euro her, jokingly aaldi "Try Hon enteral" Tho ladv torn.-it in eirnest and uiod the Bitters fp-m which sho ou. talned permanent health. She now laughs at tho doctor for hU Joke, but ho Is not ho well pleased with It, as It coat him a good patient. JTES 01- DOOTOHS. Tho fee of doctors is an Item that very many persons aro interested In. We be. lieve the schedule for visits is $3.09. which would tax u muu confined to his bed for a year, aud in need of a dally visit, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone! And one single bottle of Hop Hitters tukeu in time would save the $1,000 and all tho year's slckuess. A LADY'S WISH. "Oh, how 1 do wish my skin was as clear and bott as yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make It so," answered tho friend. "Howj" Inquired the Orst lady "lly usj g Hop Hitters that makes pure, rich blood and blooming hoaltb. It did for uio as you observe." OITIHPnV TUKPOCTOKS I "Is it possible that Sir. Godfrey Is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy f" "I ussuro you it Is truo that he Is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Hitters, and only ten days ago the doctors itave him up and said he roust die, from Kidney and Liver trouble 1" EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS. PROPRIETOR bmousbubo, rx. OPppbtTBCOOttf ItpUSK. Largo And convenient wimple rooms. , Uftth rooms hot and cold water, and ft! 1 modern conveniences orrostTE t. o depot, jFrccl Iloycr, Prop.! ' Berwick P. j Thfl travelling niihili nnil vUHira in Tterwlelr'arn respectfully Informed that tho, undersigned has taken the abovo old established licensed house, which he has recently titled up In first cIkw style and ho offers accommodations equal to any. Tho bar 14 supplied With tlio choicest ales, wipes, liquors and cigars. j Good Stabling Accommodations. I May 9 3m 1 rnUEASUUEIVS SALE "UNSEATED liANDfcflN COLUMBIA COUNTY", PA. llr virtue of Hunilrr acts of tho (leneral Iwuim. bly ot tho Commonwealth of iVnnsylTanla rela ting to tho salo of seated and unseated 'lands) In the county ot Columbia, etc." for taxed duo and unpaid, twill offer to publlo sate In the Court House, In Uio tovyn of Woomsburg, on Monday June '9th,, ,188. at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described pieces of land, or such part thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho amount of taxes due and unpaid against tho same, and continue tho same from day today as the same, may be found necessary. TEHMS OF SALE. The amount Of taxes and costs must 1m ntil.l when tho land Is B'ruckoll, or the salo may bo void and the property put u0 and resold. IIEAVEU TOWNSHIP. 83 acres llrockway, 0 11. 1 40 l'OO 3 18 S St S3 1 03 l lot iicavcr, cnancs 3 " neavcr. Jesse... 165 acres llrockway, u n o-j -' jfrucKway aodou iD " Ilrockwav s. Abbott. 118 " llrockway A'Abbott, 1 SI 8f " 3 18 18 SO 315 68 1W 1 38 13 1 07 7S B7 0 U7 12 74 14 68 19,74 1 65 13 41 64 " llrockway Abbott , slots llrockway. O II 400 acres Iiaker, Jacob, sr..... , ......... iois jtuit & unger 1 " liogart, Mary s Itojer Ts ., l " erasing, Patrick.. , 2 " cantnor, William 1 " Canon. Mannas UlOacrcs Columbia coal J: Iron Co ... 129 " Cox. O 8 E. of Trench Cor .. f ' li M H H H 273 u ii li ii ii it ' stir ii " ii ii ii i 49 190 Davis Isaac Est . Davis Anthony... Ecroth, reter Flanlgan. A 115 S 10 ISO IN 8 18 i!so ,88 8 18 5 88 s'ts 4!C9 4 ,S 1!! 8,29 3 18 2,11 ii m 1 08 ;i8 3'4S 2SI 10 75 23 C2 SSS 2 00 10 7 S3 6 ED 3 SI 25 SO 3 S3 2 SO 5 88 4 20 4 08 2 05 9 C'l 15 V7 28 6 73 23 Slots Slots Fry, sa acres Fisher, Sarah iu acres twaruari, Jjaniei 3 lots oearhart, Wm . CO acres llauck. .Innnihun 75 " lienderllder. 8 A J s , w " noatz, John Dec'd JJ " llatz, Charles John 2 lots llarner & Jester 5 " Hoffman, KG 3 Hunt, ElL 2 " llenrr. tleonrn 220 acres Illnderlldcr, Sarah A 1 lUt JVUUU A 10 acres Lynn, Jacob a iois j,awrence, w it 3 lots liwls. Krnnt 300 acres Miller Mann iui jiciteynoids. WII ' Jllnlck. l-etcr 4 lots Martin, William 2 lots Mondar. John 140 acres Nunge3scr, (leorge u tuba i uiicreuu, .j ,, 3 " Prlco. Clarence 42 " l'ardnft Ic Mnrltln si acres nice, Abraham 10J ii ii ii 91 " " Oeoreo a lots Ruthlltr, 8am Co 8 lots Ruthllff.. Ham 140 acres Sweppenhelscr, J K i1. ouuuiun, rranK j. 2 " Shuman. Thomas 110 " Slicker, Mosea 8 lots 8mitn,JW . , a ' sh'ck, j ,i M... 3 " Scott, Peter 18 1 83 200 107S 186 El 1 to 4 OS 203 2 3 41 2 05 3 18 7 88 82 3 88 200 acres Stewart, Win o Diiuman & aucnaei 2 " Stcney, Martin 2 lots Vastlne, 111! 6 lou Volkenard. a .1 2565 acres West, B M Coal Iron Co.. a iols weizei. u a 3 " Werkhtser, Samuel 3 " Wood. Aumistns 89 acres Wheeler, William ID 81 -ns. .: ltlco, John DENTON. 11 " Ash, Mary U " Kline, John Ellis 10 Dodson, aeorge BRIAItCREEK. SO SO 40. i 5 08 1 18 1 74 4 51 14 40 V 60 4 4!) 12 Si 7 38 3 75 71 10 30 49 2 JT 16 9 CO 1 00 71 3 58 2 45 1 23 63 KM) a. Apple, Paul Miusn, imnen. t llrlttaln, II A J Est "Clem, WT Ilcv . " Doty, Pealer & Stewart "Evans, Francis " Harman, Daniel ... .. "lleadley.SKEst "Klsner, John " Ileadley, s F Est " Kllnger, Lizzie.... ... " Heccer, Abraham " David sutler " Stout, Nathan " Schuyler. Wm Mrs ' Frcas, Wm L " Hobbins, Kit " stokes, Olden CATAWISSA. "Brobst, J8 ' Klaco Yettor ' Thomas, ltuth Ann " Thomas, Abel " Weaver, " Dornbach, Margaret " Klsner, ltobort " Newell, Fred " Yetter, Lewis Est " Yetter, Lewis Est ." Krura, Ellas ' Ulddte Heirs " Harder, Thomas E lot Schulcr, Mrs Sarah 50 3 23 39 93 2 0.1 3 48 4 7 8 70 8 41 1 It 29 1 1 4 06 24 1 81 CO SOU CD 83 30 307 an 36 8 91 8 8 11 1 CENTItALIA. Conner, Thomas..... Durken, Mrs. Anthony Erwln, Thomas Ileffern, I'hlllp , Homes, Thomas Kline, Caroline Urarell& Co Lehigh & Mahanoy It It Co . Markes, George McBearty, Mary Steel, George W Htley, James Torry. Wm Knlttle, J B j. ltoyer, John llanley. John a , liyan, Michael Gerrechty, Thomas , Tlghe, Thomas McKntyer, Domlnlck Wilson, John lot 3 8 14 Irl 8 4U 10 6! ?So 325 "so S 2 U 3 30 1 2 338 40 8 38 3 36 CENTRE. 23 acres Adams, Enos L... 2 35 1 05 40 S 01 20 5 30 0 39 ro Haireabuch. Wm. 10 " 34 " 8 ' 1 lot 3 " 1 " 1 " Hugenbuch, Wm Sr. Est., Hoffman, WmEst Lowrey. Simon Kroner, Josllu. , March, Hebecca Nungesser, Sarah , Bason, John CONYNGIIAM. Brockway, 0 B , 32 41 16 18 13 Oj SI VI B 36 Bresllne, Bernard ........ Brady, Julia Cane. Ellen 2 72 2 71 4 46 216 85 r 10 2 26 1 711 2 73 4J acres Beam, Joshua ,,, 1 lot Davis, Thomas 1 " Kramer, A W 1 " Jones, George 1 " Lelby, Ephralm . 212 acres Kline, John L 2 lot Morrison, Catharine .. 1 " MoManaman.Mary .. 1 " Morris, Ann II.,... 880 acres Itustln, Mary. l lot Ithawn, Casper ,,,, ITS acres ltusten, Thomas 101 " Treln, Jacob,, 100 " Treln, Jacob ' 8 " Lewis, walker 401 " Young, John 1 lot Mellon, Thomas , 112 acres Huston, John 1 lot Mcouler, Terranca FISIIINQCHEUK. 25 7 03 1 02 1 87 107 SO 2 12 43 00 B4 SO 64 53 158 0.) 2 33 72 55 1 II 86 acres Allegar, John , 1 38 100 llllili. Heuben 2 25 8 25 1 65 41 300 so 14 20 m 272 M UJ IU S00 140 17 100 en 50 00 1U0 Doty, Pealer X Stewart., Dresner, John Davis, Kllga L Farver, George Hutchison, Thomas J Hosier, W A HoUman Frcas . .. 1 10 1 U 13 14 30 3 75 8 15 Harrison, John , llunslnger, Anthony Kindt, Jolm ceo . Le-non, Thomas Mclleory. K J Mears, William , McllenryC 111; Daniel Pealer, George ltelchard, Lewis , ltobblns, Wm A Bobbins; Ell 6 SO 6 3 83 4 SO 3 41 16 1 38 1 38 SO FRANK UN. Cleaver, Wellington,,, Vought, EH Former, Jonathan Mensch, Michael ... Howell, William 1 8) S DO 4 BO 2 IS 1 SJ 01IKKNW00D. 61 20) 48 IS ISO Albortson, Miles & Hartley,,. Berry, John .. , Dcrr, Irani itedllne, Benjamin MCUUHIL 1 mi-, .,. HKMlX)CK, Appleman, M B ,, 11 TO 1 OO y 38 8D S 25 w 12 100 30 28 3d 20 20 6 41 9 SO Appieinan, win,... Brilgler, Ethdia..,,, SO 4 25 L.-ampueu, n a., Kmmetl.AJ .. Neal 1: rum-l ... 4 14 1 43 I 01 0 40 84 U l'ursel, Isaaa rurw Wrlg PurbcL Sylvester , I'rlirht. Levi WhilciUgbt, George Jr., JACKSON Frtck, OcorgoA Frlck, George A...... Hess, Benjamin. Lewis, Isaao Miller Charles W Miller ti Neyhart .... Miller & Neyhart,,.,.,,, Keller, JK...... LOCUST, inillogton, Charles ....... Dewart, George Kverhart, John (leraghty, Thomas ....... Hughes. Wright Est Kline, John I. .........11.., Kulp A MoWllllams BO nm 103 81 4 238 816 S too HO 205 61 93 23 93 ai 200 2tX 200 201) 100 190 43 110 23 800 35 BO 20 21 24 6 110 231) 12 7 2 100 80 13 10 4 45 10U S1 180 100 its 7 900 150 21 8 SO 92 HO 7 SO 7t li 2.1 18 30 I 30 21 90 T40 ' W) 1 no t 01 6 30 t 81 t 8-1 73 8 72 I 73 420 ii3 i IS m lxinirrnoencer, l uiiip.,,,,, .. , Meyers, Mary.w , ltusten, Mary ltusten, Charlotte .,, , lteynolds John, ltusten, Thomas ,.,,1 llccce, Daniel ,, simrfer, Henry Snyder, Jeremiah MADISON, Cox, Joel , Eves, OW 1 .. Ilcndersliott, K Masters, litw Sands, i K Est MAIN, lllttenbender, Conrad llrockway Knt.i Crcasey, Wm Hr Dornbach, John .. ......... Dowalt, Philip Fisher, Daniel drover, A W Gcarhart, Joseph, Ilcffncr, Samuel u ,.., Jutnmcll, Chrlstaln KcefrT, James Miller, HO Est Miner, Emanuel Moses, Michael Morrln, Daniel : Khawn, Casper Shuman, W T Shuinany lleuben ....... Smcck, Brobst, Yetter, & llauck Snyder, John 1, Snyder, Abraham Hwarti, ghcpp&Co , Yetter, Daniel Est Rhumnn, John llnrttnan, Jlathtas MIFFLIN. Aton, Tliomas II user, Franklin Est 0 A Jacoby ....,, Kramer, A W Nungesser, Wm .1 . ..,. Sweppenhelscr, JK 1 " Horace " E P Williams, Samuel MONTOUU. Glgcr, Barbara . " Jolin llrt " Samuel llby, Jackson Neal, William Hamsey. Est 1 00 i (U BO i 60 BO t BO I SO I 20 a no 7 80 1 m 63 24 3 GO fO 94 71 2J 2 00 2 ;o 6 B3 6 16 2 60 10 I 0 23 40 4 85 1 31) 3.1 15 " 5 " TO " 200 " 100 " 13 80 " 25 " 15 " 18 " 18 " 18 ' 4 " 41 i' 28 " 10 " 91 " 9 " 18 " 10 " 10 " 8 " 1 03 33 3,48 B SO 6,60 ,',m 1 4 is 2 jjj 1(15 I 1'SO IK) 1 80 , .21 s 00 1 143 25 4 S3 43 W Hhclhainer, John Creasey, Jacob .... fry, uaniei llunyan, Kltner MOUNT TLEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel bhaner, Mathlas OltANQE. Crevellng, Samuel Everett, Gabriel Est- Everett, Moses Est .... Kline, Jacob Est Kline, Abraham.! Kline, Abraham J..... Patterson, M B PINE Barton, Ell Drteblebls, Abraham Davis, Thomas Est .,., Frlck, George A Lyons, It V Miller Colo Bobbins, TD Shultz, lllram Shoemaker, Joseph ... ItOAKlN'acilKElC. Arthella, Francis Buchcr, Peter , Barnes, Thomas Jr Brlsb, Jacob Uriah, Jacob Beaver, Geo, J L Kline Brelsh, Jacob confalr K Utce cox, u 8 Ex ot Trench Cox 96 1 41 15 3 61) 3 60 '43 7 00 7 01 4 20 13 80 2 69 4 00 15 61 75 3 C 1 8.8 4'J 19 " 21 " 10 " 55 " 61 " 30 133 " 25 " 17 ' 221 " BO 100 " 29 u 49 ' 30 " 1T0 " 60 " 60 " 40 " 103 " 20 " 12 " 815 " 250 " 16 " 200 " 60 " 18 " 100 " 13 " 24 " 44 " 142 " 19 " 7 " 43 " 9 " 1 bo irs 2 TO 8 07 78 45 8 99 3 00 40 2 CO CO 95 2 40 96 1 20 1 04 8 19 63 26 Dtlaplanc, Ezeklel . jiusien, ioun . llarner, John . jonn oiaccy Little, Hobcrt Morris Hughes.. 100 ' 30 " 40 " 60 " 18 ", BO " 47 " 20 " 88 ' 18 " 68 " 91 " . 68 " 240 " 64 " 82 " fO " St " 46 " 250 ' 2 " 75 " 25 ' 14 " 125 " 119" M119" 119" 19 91 " 300 " 500 " 200 " 80 " Melllngton, Wm Mclllngton, Wm Kaub,-J Miller llaub, J Miller Kkatee, Harvey Trlen,. Jacob Wltchcy, Mary Est Wltchey, John Yocum, Isaac ; Yetter, Lewis Est Yetter Lewis Est Lcvan,Lawben Mlndy.Lelns Shollenburger 3 CO T8 W 1 41 53 25 1 20 1 20 96 4S 1 83 2 40 2 40 9 45 2 00 43 10 CO 18 65 SUOARLOAF. as. Cole, foeklcl u.. t UUWW U .a............ ...... , 7 42 uuapin, j r 34 90 Chnpln, J F 2 63 7 1)3 4 24 2 12 19 OJ 5 SO 5 SO 10 CO 2 12 9 68 Custer, Mary Hess, Joseph O ,... " Joshua U , " Crevellng a Co. " Wesley Ilnrtman, .Tesso Harvey, JFM Smith Mcllenry, Itohr MCHenry, EJ 37 10 31 45 ,-uciienry, t.J.... .nuiiciiry, r.u ja yu savage, Joshua Est 13 18 TnEASUilElVS SALE OP SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY", PA. Also the following lots, pieces, and parcels ot seated lands, returned by tho tax collectors, are to ucmiwu.uii aiiiu h ub uiiuer 1110 provmonsoi an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale of lands for tax in cnlumhi.-i ranar v an. proved March 5th, 1868. BEAVEK 60 acres Barnes, Charles. 4 lots Barnes. Charles 11 23 18 so 81 CO 3 80 317 acres' Miller, Longcnburger& Fisher l tot .-Hasten, wm. Mosten, Mrs. William., ..w.u, .uio. ,, miaul.... .... I oil Selpt, A II 10 00 1 88 Sherman. Thomas., 1 91 Johnson, John ., MCAffee, John Losee, J A Agent BENTON. Albertson, Samuel It Haycock, Samuel stiles, Jeremiah D O Mcllenry Stiles, Jeremiah Good A D Mcllenry, M Lt Kate BLOoMSUuna. Walter, Norman Punel, Mrs ED BIUAltCIlKEK, 12 3 05 1 20 1 20 3 60 2 20 2 00 2 01) 5 00 1 00 9 12 10 40 24 31 1 12 2 40 8 80 8 80 6 33 75 22 12 60 4 20 75 2 4) 1 70 211 T5 ,140 T6 80 23 216 01) 2 81 2 03 14 95 23 6 " 12 " 1 lot 2 " J " 150 acres Doty tc Pealer CATAWISSA. 40 acres Henry, Isaac Est CENTItALIA. 1 lot 1 " 1 " 1 " t " llanley, JohnO .. McDonnell, owen .... McDonnell, Anthony Carr, Catharine, , CENTHE. Kelter, Sarah 1 87 acres Mcouln, W F... 21 Mciiuln, John II CONYNGIIAM. 1 lot Brown. John 1 " Llndermuth, George 1 " Dalen. Marv 460 acres Cummlngs, It M 385 " cummlnics. It Mi; Co 400 ' Curry. Ellen 400 " Murphey, Hughes Co.... 2 lots Itclnbold,,WU..... FISIIIN'QCItEEIC. 34 acres Ever. Mathlas . 1 i" ,Kyer, James lot buuiiz, i;omeiu3 FUANKLIN. 2 acres strausser, Joslah.. G BEEN WOOD. 1 lot Pllklngton, P It 81 acres Moore, Lafayette 1 25 30 2 10 T5 61 48 3 20 1 SO 1 lot wiiuver, j jj ,, 1 Hess, Jones., 1 " Fitzgerald, 27 acres McMlchael, Jane., l lot weisn, james HEMLOCK. 23 acres Thomas, oiato Co.. Kbner, William 1 lot Fuge, John X " Tlppett, John X ' Fisher, Frank 8 JACKSON. 47 60 60 t S3 1 65 i 6.1 S 9T 1 S3 8 40 24acresYoung, Christian. 33 Young, Lewis C, Young, Isabel. 110 Chauioerun, Lewis,, 4 76 LOCUST. Ithodes, Susan...,.,,, MADISON. II user & Croom TrumlMuer, A O Wellver. susan Est... 6 61 2 40 6 " 1T0 13 60 i lot 2 01 vet acres miner, cnarics u,,,, 13 TS MIFFLIN. 1 lot Kelchner, Jacob, Sr.,......, 68 acres isrelseh, George, MT. PLEASANT. 75 6 00 2 40 13 llenllelJ, Thomas OIIANOK. Eves, James est PINE. IT 2 45 11 40 118 " 125 " 33 " 8 " JO 1 " 60 " S) 65 " Leggott Frlck ltouulns, Joshua , ., Dniblebls, Jacob Est, Drclblebts, Joseph .,, 8 45 1 90 24 nvaus, uixjrgo ,,,,,,, 10 1 25 6 10 6 00 8 15 lteun.iarah n a. . lllckelts. E. G Kline & Patterson Pino, A J linn,. ..ann I IU, llVUtll. -UMU .. ,,(, so acres Kline k Patterson 1 lot 81 11 00 8 S3 8 19 8 27 so " Parker, John ll W " Cornellsoii, .1 11 , is " Neysunter, Michael . Bctrrr. 1 lot Solomon, Phoebe 16 acres McKelvy, N- at Si Co SUQAULOAF, Hughes, Wellpgton Est, t so Hess, Lavlna , 4U Nbuitz, Euas , Il-rvey. AM 1 20 1 SO t IX) fcswurd, Nathan II. 14 Albertson, Jesse TS " Stevens, lara t 60 A. M. JOHNSON. Treaturtr, SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFEItMKNTED GItAl'E JUICE. Used In tho principal Churches for communldn. Excellent for Females, Weakly Persons and tho aged. Spoor's Port Grnpo Wine I FO Utt YEARS OLD. flMIISCELEDUATEI) WINK U tho puro Julco of I the dead ripe oporto Grape, raised In Bpeer's vineyards. Its invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any olhcr Wlno. Being pro duced linilnr Mr. Mnn,r-rf mvn nnrunnnl bihiafi lulnn Its purity and genuineness, aro guaranteed by tho principal Hospitals and Boards of Health who havo examined it. Tho younjest child may partake ot v, uiiu ltu i;tir.V3l, lU.UIIll U3U IU IlUVUUiaKC. It Is particularly bcncllclal to llio aged and debllltnted, and suited to tho various ailments that afTect tho weaker sex. It Is In every respect A WINETO BE BELIED ON. Spaor's Unfarinented Grap3 Juico- Is tho Julco of tho Oporto Grapes prcsorved In Its natural, fresh, sweet stato as it runs fro n the press by fumigation, thereby destroying the exci ter ot fcrinenmlou. It is perfectly pure, free from spirits and will keep In any climate. Soeer's Burguudy. is n dark rich mcdtim Dry Wlno used by tho wealthy classes an a Table or Dinner Wine, and by physicians In cases whei-j n dry wlno Instead ot n Bweet port Is desired. Spaor'd (Socialite) Olaret. Is held In high estimation for Its richness ns n Dry Tablo Wlue especially suited for dinner use, Spear's P. J. Sherry. Is a wlno of superior Character and partakes of tho Hch qualities of the grape from which It Is made. Spear's P- J. Brandy. IS A PUHE distillation from tho grape, nnd stands unrivalled in this Country for incdlclual purposes. It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of the grapes fromwhlch It Is distilled, Sco that the signature ot ALFllED 8PEEII, Pas sale N. J., is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEI.M. AND BY DltUOaiSTS EVKUVVUEItB. Sep. 2S-'831yr. for tho working class. Send 10 cents for postage, nnd wo will mall youVce, a royal vuiuuuiu uux ui sample kouus mat, win ,nu, Vnll In the wnv nf mnblm' tnnm innnpv in 11 iew aays man you ever tnougUL posslblont uny I you. You can work all thotlmoorln sparo time ' , nnlV. Thfl wnrk" U linlvnranlU nrlntml tn sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to ts every evening. That all who want, may test the business, wo mako this unparalled offer: to all that are not well sallslled wo will tend II to pay for tho troublo ot writing us. Full part 1 culars. directions, etc., tcntfrce. Fortunes will be mado by thoso who glvo tlielr wholo time to tho work. Great success absolutelysuro Don't delay. Start now. Address stinfon Co., Portland, .Maine. ucc il-1 YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME, Pairviow M)i Institute, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. The houso Is specially fitted up for tho comfort of invalids win dealre a pleasant and Christian home. Stands on high ground with, plenty ot shade. Personal attention given to every patient. Eloctrlclty and Galvanism la their different modi ucatlons n bppclallty. Prof. Mills has given many years of btudy and pracllco to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his hkllL send for circular, stating what paper you saw thlsln. PHOR 1IENHY MILLS, Mrs. ALICE KKKNCH MILLS, Lock Box 97. Blnghamton, N. Y. Sept. 7'63-ly. tsititoei8(i oooooooeooooa eoaeocoooeocaeee Porcelains and Faience. In addition to ninny novelties from the Royal Worcester, M into..-? and Copeland works, wc would especially note some won derfully decorated Faience from tho celebrated Hungarian fab ri'iiu at Budapest, bearing the f.uiiona maik of the " Five Churches" they arc without d mbt tho most elaborate pieces ever produced, having received the firt-i prize at the late Amster dam Exposition. lleautiful articles suitable for wedding gifts, in Vases, Centre l'ieces, Cabinet Specimens, Fine Plates and Cups, are here in end-, less variety. We should be glad to see vis itors at any time, assuring them a very cordial reception. Mail orders for the selection of gifts, will as usual, have our most careful attention. J. E. Caldwell & Co., 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. eoosettseeoosecoo ooooooGoooaooeoo B00008C00??00OO5S yAINYVWUUT & CO., WHOLESALE OliOCEHS, I'HILADELPHIA TBAH, HYItUPS, COKKEE, hUOAll, MOLArBi. H, BlCI, SPICES, BICiKBS0Pi,&C,, 0. N, E. Corner Hicond and Arch streets, Worderi will receive prompt ntlrntln wanted for lha Lives of all the Presl dents ot tho U, H. Tho largest, hand somest best book ever sold or toss man twlco our i loo. Tho fahtut selllnir book In America. Iimncnso prollts to agents. All Intelligent pcoplo want It Any 0110 can become a succcsitul agent. Terms froo, IUi.i.ktt Book Co., Portland; Maine. Deo 21-ly pEaoDY hotel. l'llil.ADHI.l'llIA. 9th St. south of Chestnut, ono Hrptnro houth ot tho New Pojt ontce. one half wiuaiu from Walnut St, Theatio and iu tlio very business ccntro of the city, on tho Ameiloin and Kuroneau plans Good rooms from Boo to (3.0) iier day, Itcinodclled aud newly furuUhed. W. Payne, 31. D., nov 80-1 y owner & Proprietor, TTrviQj Canvassers In every county In this YV HUbuu mtw iu lakeurtiuru lor nurbery stock. Uleatly aud deniable employment lit CClll WAGI'.H, Kxperleiiro In tho buhl ness not reipilred. Nurserlen widely aud favor ably known. Kor terms address Th5 0- L. Van Duson Nursory Co., UKMiVA, X. Y. Van Duscn Nurseries establUhcd 18.19, Abo btock at wholesale. April 4-13t oo w r , COtLHOBiNB WARK, Ti. J. 100 students from Pennsylvania in 1881. Mnrj loslt ons irraduatps than all other nchools com. lined. Ll .no scholarship, J 10. w ma for circulars. COLEMAN PALMS, Proprietors. Mayl6-lw ALL KINDS OF .TOli PHINTINO ON SHOUT NOTICE AT-THIS OFFICE. GMAIN STREET,) ilSir) AI NOW AT DAVID LOWErae T1IJE MERCH4NT TAIIiOR. F IA1TOS, FINE INLAID FRENCH WALNUT Easy TnrniN, SiittNfactloii CiiisiitltecI. "-HA.aOJST'S D?I.A.lSrO 'W-A.K.B ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, 1. i WM, I D, Medical Supsriateaient of thj S-taitaiiur.. Invalid's Home, Rloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special .i.lentlon to Ecl!epsyf orvcus Affection:, nutl Diseases of Women, l'atieiita received at the Sanitarium on reasonable terms for board and treatment. P. 8. No chnrgo for first consultation, npr 27. '83 B. F. SHABPLESS; Near L & 3 Dop:t, Bbomstjurg Pa, Manufacturer of First class ranges In different btylcs, cook stoves, pallor sloven and stoves tor lieutlug 8tore8,hcliool houses, chinches Ac Larau stock of tliiwnro una stovu repairs, such as giates, lire brick, lids, centres CALL AND SECDRS BARGAIN. Oct 20 If The moat ivipular reiot ontho suiueliuuiia Itlvurlstho WanwaUopoii Vullo Hotel, AVupwnl- This house has been thoroughly ronovaloj aud la ntted 1111 with every omvunlences for Ira. velcrs, tourists, hunting and n-ihlng parllei. It Is delightfully situated lit tlio mUUt ota baiuHful HociTou ot river and mountain sccnory In eloio proximity to 1I10 famous Council Cup and special Inducements nro offered to all who denim recreation conbliied with tirst class no. coinuiodutloiis. Tho bar supplied only with the choicest wines and liquors, excellent stabo ac commodations, boats to lilroAo. April 25 -dm For tliu Ciloliniltil ChlcUci ing, Ivors & 1'oml, ninl V08U& Son I'Innos. nowncil KsluyOrt'ilis, Violins, Auconlcons nnd Sheet Music. Cclebintctl While, New HIl'Ii Arm Davis, New Home, ltovnl St. John, ami Light Untitling Domestic Bowing Machlnca. Needles, oil nnd attachments tor nil makes of .Sewing Machines. 15E CASE OHGAN, J) STOPS, S0 CASH M IIKES-B ARRU, FA Ju net THE LATEST AND Deriiyns 111 WILL PAPER, Arc Ollerud ,tt LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES J3' 'G. A. Buckingham, rAlllG3T ST., Berwick, Pa. April M-aia KAXLROAD TIWCD TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. ' ihn- liiladolphia & Erie R R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. INI TIME TABLE. In elTtct May 12th, 18S4. Trains leave fcun. bury. KASTWAIll), u jsn. m.. sea Slioro Kxni-ess (dnllv e-teent Sunday), for llarilsbunr and Intermediate stations, riltlUg i m,u.ViFHli u.l ,11, lUt, 1UIK, I'd it. in. ; llaltlmore. B.1U 1). in. : WaOilnirtnii. jo ii. iu.. conuectlnir at l'hliadelnhla for alt .sea shoio points, 'llirouch Iiasseiii;er coach to h.iaticipiua. 2.0HI. in. Day cxnrcss (dally), for HanKburir and intermediate statlons,arilvlng at I'hlladelphla p. in. j New York, iusjo p. m. j lialilmore. ii. in. i Washington, s-io p. in. l'arlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger conches through to Philadelphia and ltaltlu ore. tj,:.'u P i".-iiuiiinpuri, .iccuuiiuuuniion dually) for llarrlsburg and all Intci mediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 3 iB a. in. ; .New York (1.10 a. In. Mvcplng car nccoinmodatlons can bo upcured at 1 lai i lsburir for l'lilladeliihla and New York, on sun days a through sKepliigcir will bo run; on this train from Vt tlllamsp't to l'hlladelpbla.rhlMdc!phla ji.isengcnj Can remain In sleeper undisturbed mm l nao" n. m. Krl Jlnll (dally excent Monday) for Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, uniting ut rniladelplila 7.60 a. m. New Y'ork, 11.---0 u. m. ; llaltlmoio T. 10 a. in. ; Washington, B.w a. in. 'Ihiough Pullman bleeping cars aro run on this train to i'hlladelphla, Dalllinure and Washing ton, and through pasacngcr coaches to Philadel phia nnd llaltlmore. WESTWAltD. 6.15 a. m. llrlo Mall (dally excent Sunday), for Krlouhd all Intermediate stations with through lullinnn ral.ico car and through passenger coaches to Krle, nnd through l'ullman l'alaco cars to llutTalo via i:inporluin. Un Sundays this train runs to llcnovo, with Tuliinan l'alaco car to uiiaiusport aim passenger eoacnes to iicnovo. Kor Cunanilalgua and intormcdlato stations. llochcs cr, UulTaiound Niagara Falls, (dally except buudays) with ihiough Pullman l'alaco car and passenger coaches to Rochester. Ijock Haven and Intermediate stations. On Sun days this train runs only to Wllllamsport. 1.10 p. in. Niagara ilxpress (dally except Sun. day) fur Kane and Intermediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Cniiaii dalgua and principal intermediate stations, Kocuesicr, uuuaiu ana Niagara rails viiu through pissenger coaches to nochester and Par lor car to WatkTns. 6.115 n. m. Fast Lino (dally excent Sundaylfor lie nolo nail mtennedl.uo stations, and KHnlm, Wul klns and lnteiniodtale stations, with through pas senger coaches to lieuovo and Wntklns. TllUOUOH THA1.NS FOH SUNHUUY FHOM THE EAST AND SOUTH. News Ilxnress leaves l'hliadelnhla 4.80 a. m. : Hurrlsburg, 8.1U a. in. dally, arriving at Sunbury JV.13. Nlacara lixnrCRS leaves I'hlladelphla, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore, 7.30 a. in. (dally except bunday) urrlUng at Sunbury, 1.10 p. in., with through l'arlor car from rhllauelphla and through passenger coaches from 1'hlladel- pnia anu uaiumore. Fast Line leaves New York aoo a. m. : l'hlladel. phla,il.iua. m. j Washington, u. 40 a. m. ; Haiti- liiuix-, iu.oj a. in., (uany except sunoay; arriving a juuuuij, u.u ,i. in., Mini iiiiuuu iiuascuger coaches from Philadelphia and lialilmore. r.riu.Muu luim-sew i orK b.uu p. m. ; rnuaaei phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Wnshlugton, liuo p. in. ; llalti mure, p. m., (dally) arriving at biinbury 6.10 a.m., with through Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia, ashlngton and ilalilmoro and through passenger coaches from rniladelplila. hleeper fioin ushliigton runs daily except isuii day. WIINIHIRV, IIA.I.UTON ,V U ILKIMIIAUKK ItAII.ltllAO AM) NORTH AM) WUST llltA.M'Il KAII.WAV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbari-o Mull leaves sunbury 10.30 u. in.. arming at llloom Fciry 11.27 iu in., llkes-barro 2.cs p. in. KxnicssKast leaves Sunbun-6.33 n. m.. nrrlvinir at liluoin l-eir', Wllkes-burru 8.0) p. 111. nuiiuury jiau leaves vv UKesuarro iu.3.1 a. 111. aruv lngut llloom l'erry l-.'.ul p. m., huiibury 12.55 p. 111. ;.xpiess est leaves llkes barre 2.15 p. 111., ar riving at llloom Ferry 1.15 p. in.,- Sunbury 5.iu p. ciias. ii runii, Ocn. .Manager. J. it, WOOD, (Jen. Passenger Agent. pMIliADIiLPUA and K13AD1NU KOA1) AHHANQKMENT OP PASSENGEB THAINS. May 10 im TBIIHS I.KiTK KOFKRT AS TOU.OWS'.RCNbiT EtCKrTlS. For Now york.PhlladolDhla.Ucndlnir.Pottsvllle lainaquu, &c, 11,'C a. m. For CatanUsa, 11,' 0 a. in. 8,13 and 10.23 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,3d ii.45a. m. and 4,oa p. m For Lowlsburi; and tiunlmrr. 1 ea n m. rutins tun aorxar lkavx iu rm.Laws, (sdmdit xcKi-rxb.) Leavo Now York. via. Tamanua 0.00 a. m. unit via. llouud Drook ltouto T,45 a. m. Leave, Philadelphia, 8,60 a. m. I.uave Heading, 11.63 u. m.. Pottsviiia. n. m aud Tamaqua, 1,36 p. in. Leuve Calavvlssa, c,30 11.15 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. U-avo WtlltamBport ,,45 a.m,4.05 p. m. and 6.10 n. m Leavo Sunbury 4.10 p. in. " Lewlsburg 4.41p.m. Faasaajers to and from ehllalelphla go throuh vlthout change of cars, j. e. woorrKN, Ucnoral Manager 0. O. HANCOCK, uiuiAiiuiuKoi Qeneran'assenger and 'Hckot Agent. JQEL-AWAKE, LACKAWAiNNA AMD WESTKHN HAlLHOAl). ULOOMS1W11G DIVISION. NOHT m. p.m. II. a.m.1 V V5 U 1'J 0 111 1) Oil' 8 50 8 63 8 4S 8 4) 8 8 35 8 35. STATIONS. KOI IT It a.111. ium. p.m 0 to 8 U H 4-1 H 40 K 3) 1 so 1 25 1 20 1 13 1 05 ....Scranton,,., Ucllevuo..,. ...Tuylorvllle... ., Lackawanna,, 6 HI V 40 8 55 I) 45 U 01 1) 60 0 01) 67 2 20 2 25 2 30 2 38 1 nitston I. .West l'lttBton. ....Wyoming.... . ..Maltby .....liennett ....Kingston .... ....Kingston .... 1'lymouih Juno 0 17 10 GI 2 40 S 27 1 (X) 0 23 10 00 S 61 0 28 10 1 1 2 6l) 0 32 10 17 3 U) (1 3tl 10 20 3 0,1 0 411 10 25 3 OU 0 48 lu 21 3 Oil U 60 10 2D 8 11 6 65 10 33 3 15 7 00 10 37 3 20 7 05 10 41 3 21 7 12 10 48 3 32 7 21 10 tO 3 45 7 47 11 10 3 07 7 53 It 1(1 4 OJ 8 00 11 22 4 10 8 00 11 311 4 111 8 10 11 3'J 4 10 8 14 11 42 4 2d 8 21 11 48 i 30 8 28 11 53 4 30 8 31 11 67 4 42 8 3'J 12 02 4 47 8 55 12 20 5 05 U 02 12 28 5 12 U 04 12 SI b 111 U 20 13 60 5 80 8 2,' 12 65 8 If 12 SI 8 12 12 48 8 08 12 41 H 08 12 41 8 (Ll 12 3'J 7 69 12 35 7 SI 12 30 7 6U 12 21! 7 41 12 10 7 SO 12 01 7 18 11 6U 7 11 11 60 7 05 11 41 0 58 11 3d 0 51 11 .11 U 60 11 30 11 4J 11 23 0 311 11 17 U 30 11 12 0 25 11 OS 0 UI 10 6.) U 00 10 47 5 65 10 43 5 40 10 30 P m. a.m. 8 30 8 25 8 21 8 17 8 10 7 53 7 17 7 41 7 31 7 271 7 24, 7 111 7 11 7 05 7 W a 6i 0 31 U 29 0 25 0 10 a.m. .,..i-iymouiu.,,, ....Avondalo, , ....Nantleolco... Ilunlock's Creek ..shlckshlnny., , lllck's Ferry,, ..lleach Haven,, llervvlck.... ..llrlar Creek.,, ..Willow drove., ...l.lrne Kldgo,,, Espy ...llloomsburg ... .... llitnnpr C'atavvl'a Urtdgo , . Il.lUUUO,,,, ,,Chulasky,... Northumbeiian'd a.m. p.m. n.m W. F. IIALSTEAD, Supt. onico, Soranton, Feb. 1st, 1602 Superintendent's JAMR.S REIMK, Tonsorial Artist. HopJi l!'n1Ui,Aa SUna uniler KXOHANOK MSfVAInSJ!' KSKMK ri"l cuifSJ5lS5a oWpu So luiyio.'bu-ti , r T7 r-jm rs FerCOLOFiand SWEtTNCSS Uss BEAN'S CONCENTRATE Extract of Annatta. HMure' own Color. Brlibttit elitut, r .eo4 M en. la mu,. to, I f.unfl., wlstlm 1 (ooltii. W HEAX, IIAIIE & CO., N.sa5 MirLd St., I'lllUD'A, JuncMy ais Inox, Simpson Co., Washing 1). 0. No nay asked for patent u obtaliifil Wtltelor Inventors' Ou April U4W .ifiJ'Jl'ft&'J