The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 30, 1884, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
FUIDAY, MAY 30, 1881.
Correct Knllroiiil Time Tnltlc.
Train on tho Philadelphia & n. It lcavo lltipert
as follows I
0.30 a. tn. 11:63 a. in.
4:00 p. in. 0:13 p. m.
Trnlnson tho I). L. it W. It It leavo Uloomsburg
m follows I
7:05 ft. M. 8:28 ft. m.
11:17 a.m. 11:53 a.m.
0:33 p. in. 4:30 p. hi.
Tho 8.88 a. in. train connects at Northumberland
with tlio 0.35 train on Pennsylvania road, reaching
I'hlladelphla at 3:15 p.m. ' B
Tho 11:53 train connects with Philadelphia and
Heading road nt ltupert reaching Philadel
phia at 0:00 p. m.
Tho 11:53 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:50. reaching I'hlladelphla
at 7:23 p. m.
Tho 4:30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at aM p. in , and reaches
Philadelphia at a. m.
Trains on tho N. & V. I). Hallway pass llloom
Perry as follows t
11:OT a. in. 13.-01 p. in.
0.30 p. in. 4:15 p. m.
Notice to CnrrcHpoiitlentH.
In order to save rainy communications from tho
wasto basket wo mako tho following suggestions
to local correspondents : Usoonlyono sldooftho
sheet, and wrllo as plain as possible; glvo only
tho local news that Is of some Interest to tho coin,
munlty, such as accidents, Improvements, mar
rlages, deatlu, matter relating to schools and
churches, business enterprises, changes of rcsl
dencc, an 1 tho like. What appear to bo Jokes nt
tho expense of others, and personal mention glv
lng only ono namo or Initials or a nickname, will
not bo printed under any circumstances. Such
Items often glvo orfenso, though nono may bo In
tended. Tho full namo of tho writer must always
bo glvon, but will not b3 printed uuless renuc3tcd.
Pur Hale.
Several town properties, gooJ location,
brick or frame.
About 25 ncrcs of land In Hemlock town,
ship, partly cleared, balance well timbered.
A farm of about 80 acres In Scolt twp.
For terms nnd particulars npply to Uco.
S. dwell, Uloomsburg, I'd. fcb. 39-tf.
Sir. A. Q. Klmberly Is our authorized
ngent to solicit subscriptions, job work,
and advertising. Ills receipt for money
for this ofllce will be ns valid as that of the
proprietors. npr 2o-tf
Dr. Lolt Is visiting nt 0. 1'. Sloan's.
C. 0. Wirt Is nt home on a visit.
Miss Annio Bates, of Wllllnmsport, is
visiting at Dr. Huttcr's.
Sir. William Ncal spent tho week up tho
creek on a fishing excursion.
SI. C. Sloan went to Wilmington Del., on
JIIss Ella SIcKlnny is visiting relatives
at Bridgeport, Pa,
Judge Elwell is holding court nt Dan
vlllo this week.
Itev. Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Schuyler re
turned from Saratogn on Tuesday, where
they attended a Presbyterian convention.
Sir. Peter Bmglcr and daughter, Sliss
SInmc, will go to Missouri next week to
visit relatives.
Sir. Garrison, of Cortland, N. Y., is vis
iting his brother-in-law, C. G. Barklcy,
Dr. h. A. Sbattuck went to New York
on Tuesday. He will also visit Philadel
phia beforo his return.
Rov. L. Zahuer attended a meeting of
tho Board of Trustees of the General Theo
logical Seminary at New York, this week.
G. A. Clark walked from William Cole's
in Sugarloaf township to Bloomsburg last
Sunday, In about 8 hours. Tho distance
is about 30 miles.
Christ Church, Williainsport, has a new
parish building that cost $8000.
Dr. Shattuck is putting in a new foun
tain In the lower part of his grounds.
Thcro are fifteen candidates for county
commissioner in Lycoming county.
Tho Normal Seniors are hard nt work
preparing for the final struggle next week.
E. A. Itawllngs wants calves, for which
ho will pay six cents per pound. tf
A cold wavu struck this section on Tues
day night, the thermometer getting down
to 40.
Tho black bass season opens on June 1st.
They can be taken only with rod, hook
nnd line.
A largo bam belonging to S. P. Knse
was burned at Danville last Friday night.
Tho live stock was saved.
W. Ilcrmnu Wlllielm has been appointed
n cadot at West Point by Congressman
Storm of this district
No moro duo bills at Lllloy & Sleppy's,
nt Ornngevllle, (hey will pay part cash for
butter nnd eggs.
Tho rem Is tho name of a new dally
published at Nanticoke by SI. C. Andreas,
formorly of tho Sliflllnvlllo Record.
Tho Board of Examiners for the Senior
class of the Normal School will bo here on
Slondny next, Juno 2nd.
Persons having job printing of any kind,
will do well to consult our prices beforo
ordering elsewhere.
Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All
changes made in Union depots. No omul
bus transfers. W. C. SIcKisney, An't.
A. W. Brungard of Lock Haven, well
known here, having attended tho Normal
School some years ago, is a candidate for
tho legislature for Clinton county,
What Is the use bothering with due bills
when you can take your butter and eggs to
Lllley & Slcppy and trado part of them out
and get the balance In cash,
A, largo lot of cabbage plants also to
mato, sweet potato and beet plants for sale
by W. II. Yettcr. Patches nnd residence
4th street, near Market, Bloomsburg.
Fob Kent. Tho front room, second
floor, of tho CoMJMiiiAK building. Ono of
the best rooms for an olllco In town. Heat
ed by steam, lighted by gas, water on same
floor, Apply to Geo. E. Elwell. tf
Tho Eleventh Annual Grangers' picnic
will bo held nt Williams' Grovo from Mon.
day AugustBS, to Saturday August 80,
1884. Preparations will bo made for an
unusually largo attendance.
The town of Uloomsburg offers $5000 of
4 per cent, bonds for sale, Tho money Is
needed to tltilsh tho sower and pay off the
floating indebtedness. It Is n sound Invest
ment. Tho Town Council will sit ut the council
room on Saturday, Juno 7th, for tho pur
pose of hearing appeals from tho assess
ment of town taxes.
On Slondny eveuing Juno 3ml, itev. W.
Outtcll of Itoynoldsvllle, Jefferson, Co.,
will deliver a lecture at tho Baptist Church
in Bloomsburg, commencing at 8 o'clock
sharp. Subject, tho object nnd maimer of
Christ's second coming. All scats free,
All lovers pi tho Lord come.
Tho best dlrt-proof wntchos mndo can bo
scon nt L. Bernhardt Jowclry store.
Mlloy & Stcppy want nil tho butter nnd
eggs you can bring half cash.
Prof. Waller will attend tho examination
of tho Senior class nt the West Chester
Normal School on Juno 10th.
A now Itliaca flvo octnvo organ will bo
exchanged for a buggy. Inqulro nt this of.
Prof. Schcnffcr nnd Superintendents
Fooso nnd Wolvcrton will servo on the ex.
nmlnlng committee nt tho Normnl School
next week.
A game of baso ball will bo played on
tho Normal School grounds this (Friday)
morning between n nine from Wyoming
Seminary, Kingston, nnd tho school nlno.
Tho gamo will bo called nt nlno o'clock.
In tho matter of attachment against
Peter Baldy, executor of tho will of the
lato W. G. Hurley, n satisfactory nrrangc.
mcnt wns mado by tho parties and tho exe
cutor discharged last Thursday.
Mrs. Solomon Pensyl recovered $2,070
from tho Northern Central Itallroad Com.
pany for tho death of her husbnnd who
wns killed at a crossing In 1891. Tho enso
was tried nt Sunbury last week.
Crcvcllng, SIllcs & Co., proprietors of the
Glendower Iron Works nt Danville, hope
to resume soon, ns they nro making nr.
rangements to secure nn extension from
their creditors.
Augustus Wilkcson was arrested on
Monday afternoon, on tho chargo of keep,
lng n disorderly nnd disreputable house.
Tho wnrrant was Issued by J. SI. Clark,
Esq., nnd after a hearing tho defendant
wns held in $300 ball for his nppcaranco nt
A now lot of writing paper just received
at the Columihan ftoro. Tho Grecian An
tique is one of tho best papers for ladies'
correspondence. Papers of every tint,
slzo and price, cither loose or In boxes put
up by us.
P. A. Evans was ono of tho officers of
the Agricultural Socleiy for flvo years, und
was omitted from tho ticket nt the recent
election by his own request. Ho was nn
efficient olllcer and It wns with reluctance
that his many friends consented to have
his namo dropped.
Candidates should bear in mind that
their names are announced in this paper
for 3.00, while others with much less clr.
dilation are charging $.1.00. We print
nearly 1C00 papers n week and tho list is
rapidly increasing.
Caution. All persons are hereby cau
tloned that a note given by mo to Edward
Stctlcr dated about Slarch 18th, 1834 for
$01.50 will not bo paid by me unless com
pelled by law, as I received no value for
the same.
Sirs. Caroline Burdctte, wlfo of the hu
morist, It. J. Burdctte, died at Ardmore,
Pa., on Monday, after a lingering illness.
Tho many friends of the afflicted husband,
who mado his acquaintance when ho lec
tured here, sympathize with him deeply In
his bereavement.
Fois Sale. A desirablo store property of
the lato A. B. Vnnllcw at Buckhorn. The
goods will be sold separately, or the goods
and building together. Apply to A. C.
Vnnllew or J. Terwilllgcr, Llghtstrcct, Pa.
4 w
There Is in circulation a counterfeit gold
dollar which, by reason of Its perfect imi.
tntion and the people's being unacquainted
with tho genuine kind, is readily passed
and repassed. They nro mndo of brass and
are consequently lighter than the real
The Pennsylvania Railroad will issuo ex.
cursion tickets to tho National Conventions
nt Chicago. Tickets will bo on sale at their
olllco on Slain Street, 1st door below Ex
change hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
W. C., Agent.
A barn on tho farm of Sirs. T. C. Harter
at Espy was burned on Slonday morning
about half past seven. Nothing was saved
but a team of horses, and harness. The
barn was insured by C. F. Knapp in
the Clinton Insurauco Company of New
York, and the loss was adjusted by Sir.
Knapp the day after tho fire.
An exchange well says : "The boy who
spends his evenings in reading newspapers,
the local news of his own county and the
general news of the day, will certainly
make u better man than the one who spends
his evenings on the street, or loafing at
places where the town gossip Is dished out
in the most obsceno and vulgar manner,"
A Bloomsburg nine went to Danvlllo
last Saturday to play with tho Danville
club. Tho game resulted In a scoro of 10
to 4 in favor of Danville. Tho nlno from
hero was composed of Wnodhousc, Ban
son, Hagenbueh, F. Sloan, Itedamoycr,
House, Gross, Ent nnd Eyer. The last
seven innings were well played, only ono
run being made by either side. With some
practice our boys would mako a strong
Itev. Ii. J. Williamson killed himself by
taking a dose of prussio acid, at Chilli
cothe, SIo., last week. Ho was at ono
time rector of nn Episcopal church at
Wllkesbarre, nud was forced to leave there
by grossly immoral practices. Ho then
studied medicine and went to Milwaukee
to practice, but wns not successful. In
18S0 his wife left htm nnd went to Slassa.
chusctts where she still resides. About
that time ho went to Slobcrly, nnd from
thcro to Chllllcothe, whero ho became pas.
tor of n Baptist church. Last November
lie married a Sliss Jamicson, and his first
wifo started proceedings for a divorce.
This, with many other facts, coming to
tho knowledge of tho elders, thoy called
him beforo them nnd his resignation was
ncccptcd. On tho evening of the sumo day
ho committed suicide
Tho farmers aro busy planting in corn,
tho laboring men nro longing for work, the
merchants nro hoping for better times,
while tho good and faithful housewife re.
cllncs in her favorite chair nnd sighs for
no moro house cleaning.
Ono of our farmers caught ono hundred
and twenty.five eels ono night of last week,
Quito n number were Ashing on Ascension
Day, but fow flsli wero caught.
Joo White has gone to houso keeping,
whero lie has taken up a permanent resi.
G. W. Hartmnn and N. P. Stooro aro ro.
pairing their dwelling houses.
Tho steam saw mill will shortly wend its
way up tho Doll on a tract of timber laud
owned by Hnrtman Bros.
Next Friday K. J. Old, L. SI. Hartman
nnd Win. Girtou will serve as viewers on it
roud in Pino township.
Next Slondny is township settlement day.
Who can shun tho friendly politician ?
Thcro nro two vacancies on tho Btato
beneficiary list of tho Pennsylvania Institu
tion for Feeble .Minded Children that may
bo filled nt once by nny sullablo applicant
from Columbia county. Tho conditions of
admission nro ns follows t
1st. Tho candidate should bo n feeble,
minded child of improvable grade.
2nd. Low conditions of iduey nro not
received on tho beneficiary fund.
Drd. Epilepsy nnd parnlysls prevent ad
mission. 4th. Proper proof must bo received,
that tho child is indigent nnd entitled to
bcncflclnry relief.
For descriptive blanks and other Infor.
nation, npply to
Isaao N. Kkiimm, SI. D.
Elwyn, Del. Co., Pa.
KctlucocI ilntcH to Chicago.
For tho nccomtnodatlon of persons dcslr
lng to attend tho political conventions of
tho two parties, to bo held in Chlcngo in
Juno nnd July, tho Pennsylvania Hnllroad
has fixed tho round-trip rate at a figure
equal to nn unlimited faro In ono direction,
Tho Republican convention is to bo held
Juno 3d, and tho Democratic July 8th.
Tickets to Chicago and return will bo on
snlo at tho odlccs and stations of tho com.
pany from Slay 29th to June 2nd inclusive
for the Republican, and from July 3d to
8th for tho Democratic convention. Tho
rate for the round trip from Wllkesbarre to
Chicago is $21.45.
Full information as to details may bo ob.
talncd at tho offices nnd stnttons of the
Clicnp ilookH.
Wo have the following books on our
shelves. Tho prices nro very low, nnd ns
wo havo but one copy of each the first cus
tomcr gets tho bargain i
Life nnd Travels of Gen, Grant, COO pp.,
well bound, Illustrated, worth $3.60, we
offer It nt $1.00.
Our Wild Indians, 050 pages, Illustrated,
Life and Work of James A. Garfield, 072
pages, 1.50.
Stanley In the Wilds of Africa, 714 pp.,
1'ho English People, 5 volumes, $2.50
for tho set.
Goldsmith's Poems, 75 cents.
llobert Browning's Poems, 75 cents.
Tho French Revolution, by Carlylc, 00
Irvlng's Crayon Papers, 40 cents.
Cyclopedia of Choice Prose, by Tulnc,
75 cents.
These books nro In good condition, nnd
aro offered considerably lower than tho
regular prices. Thoy cannot bo duplicated
nt the figures named.
Coi-u.MniAN Olllcc, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Central ana Vicinity.
Central is a small place situated on the
head waters of Fishlngcrcck, and is a great
resort for sportsmen nt this season of tho
year, who como hero trout fishing. I nm
stopping with J, W. Perry, who Is ono of
tho most pleasant sort of fellows. He keeps
the Elk Run House, recently so named. It
used to be known as tho James Hess stand.
As it is the only licensed house In the
township it is tho most convenient for nil
who come here for pleasure.
J. V. Lilly, of the firm of Lilly & Sleppy
of Ornngevllle, spent a fow days here last
week, nud was one of the most successful
fisherman of the season thus far, catching
ono hundred and thirty trout In ono
O. B. Slelllck of Llghtstrcct Is stopping
at J. W. Perry's at present. Ho is some
what interested in tho proposed railroad up
the creek. Anyone wishing to mako In
vestments In timber lands should consult
him, ns be has somo vnluable tracts for
I.Uliior m Iuzcriie.
At Wllkesbarre last week Judge Rico an
nounccd tho decision of the court on the
license application, the hearing of which
has kept the court in continuous session
for four weeks. About 700 applications
from all parts of the county were consid
ered, of which nearly 200 were from
Wllkesbarre. Against 140 of these the law
and order league tiled remonstrances, and
fought each case bitterly. They alleged
that all these 140 were unnecessary, and in
forty cases charged specified violations of
the liquor law, and sought to establish this
chargo by testimony. Out of the five hun
dred applications from tho county, outside
of Wilkcsbarro, 132 wero refused j and in
Wllkcsbarro forty-slx applications wero
withdrawn. The citizens' committee huvo
expressed a determination to see that In
all places not licensed tho salo of liquor is
stopped on the day tbo license expires.
Tho Slemorlal services in tho Evangelic
church were well attended.
A procession headed by the Berwick
Cornet Band, (which discoursed splendid
selections of sacred music) followed by the
C. G. Jackson Post G. A. It., and members
of tho S. of V. organization, moved from
tho G. A. R. quarters followed by large
crowds of spectators to tho church, where
after tho usual exercises of the morning
the Rev. H. W. Buck preached an impres.
slvo sermon on the subject of "honor to
whom honor Is due." At the close of tho
services tho procession reformed nnd
marched to their starting place where they
disbanded. Wo noticed . a splendid flag
recently purchased ut tho cost of seventy
flvo dollars by the Post which added dig
nity and grace to the procession.
The handsome street lamp belonging to
Dr. Little exploded on Slouduy night caus
ing somo excitement. Gcorgo Pooler bare
ly escaped goiug to Kingdom come
and escaped with a severely burned
Tho return base ball gnmo between tho
clubs of Plymouth nnd Berwick wns play,
cd on Saturday and was well contested,
our homo boys coming out victorious by a
scoro of 10 to 0.
A fishing party consisting of R. W. Os
wald, Col. A. D. Seely, John Bogardls
(car Inspector of D. & II. It. R.) and A.
G. Klmberly, spont Saturday on tho banks
of tho river opposito flach Haven nnd re
turned with a good catch of salmon, white
chub and eels. Thoy report mi enjoyable
trip although somo doubts were expressed
as to tho ago of tho chickens provided by
Col. Seely, by way of lunch, which ho
claimed as being this spring's raising when
ono member of tho party suggested that
tho wero antediluvian in origin.
A wedding is to take place lu n few days
but tho parties aro too awfully bashful to
havo their names announced at present.
Thoy will get bravely over It.
Tom Lance has been making some nice
improvements in his barber shop and now
cau reasonably claim to havo ono of tho
best tonsorial depots In this part of tho
country, and Tom Is n first class barber
and a gentleman.
T. B, Bradford formerly of this placo
and now representing tho well known shoo
house of Stone, anff&Co., paid a visit
on Monday last and was cordially wclcom
ed by his large circle of acquaintance,
Dr, Adams and Sir, Eycrly were In town
last week looking after their friends and
supporters at tho coming election,
Freas, tho son of Lovy Rumly aged 10
years died on Sunday last ufler a u during
severely with spinal meningitis,
Editoiis Coi.umiuan i
Frank W. Stiles of Ulysses, Neb., son of
John J, Stiles, ox-Trcnsurcr of ('olinnbln
county, who sovcu years ago took tho nd
vlcoof Horace drccly i "Go West Young
Sinn," has been spending n lew weeks vis
iting his former homo in Asbnry, to which
placo ho enmo especially to transact somo
legal buslncs rclatlvo to his father's estate.
Frank's many friends nnd relatives were
very glad to wclcomo him among them, as
has been fully attested by tho numerous
social parties given hltn by tho young
folks, all of which ho merited nnd, were I
nllowcd to Judge, ho duly appreciated.
Wo oplno It would havo amply repaid somo
of tho fair sex to hnvo been moro diligent
nnd manifest in their attentions to him, ns
Frank is a becoming young bachelor and
would bo n good catch for any worthy
young indy. Ho Is looking well, nnd so
fnr os we can read ho has mot with flnnn.
clnl success and made many firm friends in
Ulysses, tho chosen town of his nbodc,
whero ho Is engaged In tho mercantile bus
Incss nnd nt tho samo tlmo carefully super
Intends tho operations going on under ids
caro on his flno largo farm. Ho stnrted
last Saturday for his distant homo in Ne
braska. Slay his shadow never grow less.
Oltt That iCilltur.
Editor Bray of tho Waverly Free I'ras
under tho abovo head relates In tho follow
lng interesting manner some of tho trials
nnd tribulations of nn editor :
Of nil men living, tho editor seems to be
tho ono most loved, most hntcd, most
cursed, most praised, most envied, nnd
most traduced. If ho gives an unbiased
opinion on any subject, it Is no sooner in
print thnn part of tho peoplo aro criticising
and condemning, and a part aro uphold
lng him In his views. If he neglects to
give afftho news, whether It bo that which
would carry gladness to tho hearts of many,
or darkness Into tho lives of some, he is ac
cused of being nfrald to glvo facts, und let
the people judge for themselves of tho
merits of the case. If perchance, some
question Is raised in tho village whero ho
resides, that he must needs havo something
to say, pro or con. ho at once begins nn ex
haustive search to ascertain tho bottom
facts j and after satisfying himself ns to
tho true standing of matters, ho then at.
tempts to glvo tho facts ns he has learned
them, and ten chances to one if lie Is not
asked to rectify an Imaginary wrone, and
If ho calls for facts Is given a diatribe, ex-
pecting of course, that tho editor Is to pub
lish It nnd shoulder the responsibility. But
few, wo may safely say not ono in fifty,
know how difficult it is to publish a paper
and nvold making bitter enemies. Scarcely
a day or week passes but the attention of
nn editor Is called to nets of people,
which were they brought before tho pub.
He would keep tho kcttlo of scandal turbu
Tho editor must at all times exercise his
prerogative irrespective of friend or foe, bo
it one of pleasure or pain, and declare
for that which he deems right and just, be
it for one or many, nor must ho bo In tho
least trammeled in the exercise of his opin
ion, either for or against.
Tho life of nn editor Is, in mnuy respect?,
one of continual watchfulness and anxiety
for he bus all classes to deal with, nud the
nctt, being as it is, composed mostly about
people nnd their doings, he Is constantly
writing nbout his fellow-mnn, and ever
anxious not to do him a wrong. Slany
seem to think the reverse, and fly into a
passion If their names appear in print, nnd
threaten dire vengeance nnd a suit for libel
on the unlucky individual who dares to
connect their names with anj thing that
savors of wrong, oven bo they ever so
True there is much connected with edi
torial work which is enjoyable j but fow,
very few, know tho amount of care exer
cised by every editor to avoid making ene
mies, but many times justice points the
way for him to pursue, and ero he is aware,
lie has transformed a dear friend into a bit
ter cncmy,and it may bc,by telling tho sim
ple truth.
The dreaded disease, small pox, has
mado its appearance among us, nnd is the
ono topic of discussion by everyone. The
cases, two in number, developed in tho
Evans family, whose houso has been quar
antined tho past few weeks on nccount of
Sirs. Evun3 visiting a patient in Ashland.
Tho germ of tho disease must have been
carried home b3 Sirs. Evans, ns it could
not originate from any other source. The
Board of Health will use every available
means to prevent it from spreading, nnd
that they may succeed is the prayer of tho
whole community.
Tho small pox has taken a firm hold lu
Ashland. Since tho disease first made Its
oppenranco there has been over ono bun
dred cases, und new ones added daily to
tho list. A pest houso was erected on
Sunday nnd mostly all tho -patients re
moved there on Slondny night. Parties
not willing to go there will not bo visited
by the doctor.
Rev. E. T. Field is building quite nn ad
dltlon to his dwelling, which will glvo It a
very fine nppenrnnco when completed.
Andrew Gnllngher nnd Stagglo Fognrty
wero mnrrled on Slonday. A reception by
the bride's parents wns given in tho even
ing, which was attended by at least fifty
couple, who enjoyed themselves to their
hearts' content.
Thursday was a holyday among tho
Catholics, and was observed in tho usual
Tho collieries worked but hnlf tlmo lust
week, nnd qulto a crowd could be seen on
the streets In consequence
Tho Hungarians aro still piling in on usi
over four car loads camo up this way last
week. Future prospects for American la-
bor look decidedly blue.
Gcorgo Trputman Is erecting a handsomo
three-story dwelling house on Sit. Carmcl
Sir. Harris, Stato President of tho Amnl
gamatcd Association, spent part of lost
week In town, endeavoring to organlzo a
branch of tho society, and succeeded. On
Monday evening ho addressed a largo
crowd and clearly explained to them that
tho working man Is literally wronged. On
Friday evening a branch of tho Working
Men's Union was organized In tho school
On account of tho Illness of Rov. Field,
thcro wero no services in St. Ignatius'
church on Thursday. On Sunday lust
Rev. Benton olllclated.
A Polunder employed at tho Centralln
colliery, whilo riding on n dirt dumper on
Thursday, struck ids bend against n pro.
jcctlng schuto under tho breaker and was
badly hurt. Ho was taken to tho hospital.
Communications on polttics aro often
robbed of their forco by tho refusal of the
writer to havo his nnmu printed. If it man
has anything to say on any subject that is
wortli printing, ho ought not to bo afraid
to havo peoplo know who wroto it. It has
crown into a custom to sign soma nom de
plume to such articles, leaving tho editor to
assume nil tho responsibility. While wo
arc willing to publish all proper commuiil.
cations, we arc not willing to shoulder tho
blame for everything that anybody may
want to say.
Nellie Coolcy'N Itacly I'omul.
Wo gather Hie following from tho Wilkes
Bnrro Record of Wednesday I
The mystery which has enshrouded the
disappearance of Sliss Nelllo Cooley from
her homo in Wilkes Barro on December
0th last, has at length been cleared nway.
Her body was found yesterday morning In
tho Susquehanna about thrco miles below
Nanticoke, nnd It Is therefore certain that
tho unfortunate girl left tho houso of her
guardian to find Ilia oblivion sbo sought in
tho river.
Thcro seems to bo some doubt ns to who
was tho first to sco the body, In tho after
noon a telegram was received nt tho Record
olllcc that James SI. Fink, a track laborer
on tho N. & W. B. R. R. wns tho first to
discover tho body, but excellent authority
says that tho remains wero discovered by
Albert Bloom, n brnkcinnn on tho Pennsyl.
vaiiia road. Ho first saw tho remains
nbout 8:10 n. m,, when on tho trip down
the line.
Tho body wns flouting nbout four feet
from tho shoro n portion of the clothing
having caught on a projecting trunk of a
tree. About 11 when passing tho spot on
tlio return trip Bloom ngnln saw tho body
and this time notified SIoscs Elchclbcrgcr
superintendent of tho Poor House. Sir.
Elchclbcrgcr sent word to Nnntlcoko nnd
from tliis point shortly after 1 p. in., N,
Ruttcr wns Informed by telephone of tho
discovery. The message sent to him, how.
ever, contnlned merely tho nnnouncement
that the body of a woman In n badly de
composed condition had been found In tho
river, nnd it wns supposed that it wns tho
remains of Sliss Cooley. Sir. Ruttcr went
down In the nftcrnoon, with several others,
and tho body was removed Irom the
It seemed at first glance Impossible that
so frightful an object could bo tho lovely
nnd charming girl Hint many of thoso
present had known In life. Decomposition
had rendered nil Identification by general
appearance an impossibility, but in order
to settle nt mice the distressing suspense
under which her friends labored, a minute
examination of her clothing was mado.
This soon proved beyond a doubt that the
remains wero thoso of Sliss Cooley. Al
though tho upper garment was torn to
shreds enough remained to allow it to bo
identified as the wrapper in which she had
left the house. Tho under garments were
well preserved and on one of them close
examination revealed tho Initials "N. D.
C." This removed tho last doubt as to tho
identity of the remains, nnd tho friends ut
Wilkes Barro were promptly notified by
telephone, nnd their uncertainty finally
dispelled. A coffin was procured from
the Poor House, tho remains placed there.
In nnd removed to that building where
they remained until evening, when tho box
wns placed on the cars and taken home.
Dr. C. S. Beck identified tho remains
from the fillings lu tho teeth.
Tho circumstances attending Sliss
ooiey s disappearance win no remembered
hv most nf our re.nli'rH. Klu wnq last. wm
alive on the evening of Sunday, December
linn, sue retired us usual on mat even
ing and on the following morning it wns
discovered that she had left the homo du
ring the night, leaving a note in which she
stated that not wishing to be longer a
trouble to her friends sho bad gone to
seek rest in oblivion. At first It was
t.iought that sho had taken some jewelry
and money with her and this gave rise to a
supposition on tho part nf some that she
nan only sought a Home elsewhere. From
tho first, however, tho belief Hint sho had
committed suicide was very generally en
tertained and this was deepened by the
after discovery that sho had not taken nny
Jewelry or money. Tho lcnethv search for
her body In tho rlyer, nnd for truces of her
on land will be well remembered by
Wilkes Barrcans, as nlso tho many false
reports circulated ot her being seen in
vnrious localities, which were in turn In
vestlgated and exploded.
The reward of $1,000 which was offered
for her recovery alivo or dead shortly after
her disappearance would now seem to
have been earned, and wo understand Hint
the discoverer of tho body will Immediate
ly put in his clnlm for that amount.
Lester from Saratoga HprliiuH,
May 23, 1884.
Saratoga is putting on its summer garb.
Eight days ago thcro was n snowy hall
storm, nud nn overcoat was comfortable
with winter clothing. Now summer reigns,
though tho trees are far from being in full
This is tho paradiso of paint nud putty.
Houso cleaning Is never complete without
tho painter, and so everything looks nl
ways fresh and new. Tho process of
cleaning up the largo hotels Is just begin
ning, nud the girls nnd men will soon bo
flocking into town for that purpose. The
hotels hero aio enormous, though their ca
pacity is usually overrated. Tho Grand
Union is said to accommodate 2500 gucs s,
but to do so It must put a great many of
them In "annexes." It is said that this
hotel has laid in already $a),000 worth of
provisions to stm t with.
The prosperity of Saratoga docs not de
pend on mere fashion. There Is something
in the air which cannot bo bottled up and
carried nway like the wnter of the springs
nn exhilarating nnd tonic Influence,
which accounts for Its popularity. This,
as well as its ability to accommodate largo
numbers of people out of "the senson,"
makes it n favorite resort for conventions.
'J ho Presbyterian General Assembly is
drnwiug near Us close. It lias had nearly
000 members, and at least us many more
hnvo been hero us spectators, and a large
number of ladies coming to attend their
missionary meetings. These ladies' meet
ings nro a tontine of our limes, and a great
power for good. The ludles enjoy them
greatly nud go homo with increased enthu
siasm. Ono of tho speakers at tho Homo
Slisslonary meeting was Sliss Best of Dan
ville, who comes from a mission station iu
Columbia county is represented in the
Assembly by Rov. C. K. Cantleld of Orange
ville. nnd Dr. J. Schuyler of Bloomsburg ;
outsido of tho Assembly It is represented
nlso by Sirs. Canlleld and Sirs. Schuyler.
Tho members of the Assembly who attend
faithfully to their business, ns ours do,
have no easy tlmo of It, and need all tho
good Influence of Saratoga climate to
counteract tho effect of long continued
close application in an lll-ventllated church.
1 find a good many stalwart men who do
not seem nblo to bear it which suggests
that instead of going into details of their
business, I had better sparo your readers,
nnd slop, S.
O. O. Slurr wants butter, eggs, lard, side,
shoulder and hum.
Tho best placo to buy parasols is at Clark
& Son's, largest stock, lowest prices.
Gentlemen who want a spring suit put
up in CITY STYLE should call al the
Bloomsburg, David Lowenberg who em
Tho best syrup soiil for 50 cents Is nt O.
O. Marr's.
1 no best values lu black dress silk over
ottered for thu money at Chirk & Bon's.
New goods at J. B, Skecr's.
"When found mako a noto of."
Tho place to go for your spring clothing,
a stylish hat, or a lino neck scarf, or tho
latest stylo lu furnishing goods is nt David
Sloro wlittu dress goods and embroider
ies at Clark & Sou's cheaper than ever,
Wool and cotton
carpet chain at C. O.
A neat present given away with every
purchase mado at the Popular Clothing
oioiu oi tiuviu ijoweiiucrg.
Cheese cloth 1 yd,, wide 5e. yd., nt Clark
cu uu s.
Splendid counterpanes nt O, C. Slarr's.
a very largo iiuo of straw Hals now on
view, KD1I1IY, NBAT and NEW, Just nr.
rived at David Loweiibcrg'a,
Tho placo for summer silks nt the lowest
prices is at Clark k Bon's, 45c. yd. up.
Tim rlinflnnut tilnnn fn trfil wltltn ilrraa
goods Is at O, O. Mnrr's.
"Tho apparel oft proclaim' the man."
A well dressed Gentleman is tho ndmirn.
Hon of nil, nnd the placo to get your
RELIABLE STORE Cf David Lowcnbcrg.
health nnd sweet breath secured by Shi
loh's Catarrh Remedy. Prlco 50 cents.
Nasal Injector free. For salo bySIoyer
At limes symptoms of indigestion nro
present, uneasiness of tho stomach. &c, a
molsturo like perspiration, producing itch
ing at night, or when ono is warm, cause
tlio Piles. Tho effect is linmedlato relief
upon tho application of Dr. Basanko's Pile
Remedy, which costs you but 00 cents nnd
Is sold by O. A. Klelm. July 13-cow
Nature's great remedy, KIdney.Wort,
has cured many obstinate cases of piles.
This most distressing malady generally
arises from constipation and n bad condi
tion ot tho bowels. KIdney.Wort nets nt
tho same tlmo ns a cathartic and healing
tonic, removes tho cause, cures Hie disease
and promotes a hcnlthy stato of the affect
ed organs. James F. Sloycr, carrlago
Slan'fr, of Slycrstown, IV, testifies to the
great healing powers of Kidney-Wort, hav
lng been cured by it of a very bad caso of
piles which for years had refused to yield
to nny other remedy.
croup, wnoonva oouati
and Bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shlloh's Cure. For salo by Sloyer Bros.
Wtlkcs-Barrc, Pa., Jan. 0, 1833.
Sir. Phelps, Dear Sir I consider it my
duty to tell you how much good your
Rheumatic Elixir has dono me. For ten
years 1 had Rheumatism In my left arm
and last year It extended through my whole
body and limbs. I could hardly turn In
bed, nnd several days I could neither feed
mvsclf nor walk without sticks. I took
everything that I could hear of. but got no
lienor, nnu i uegan to get discouraged.
Mr. Good, the druggist, advised me tnke
Phcln's Rheumatic Elixir. I did so. nnd
ufter hnvlng taken tho first bottle I felt sat-
isllcu Hint It was helping me. When 1 had
taken three bottles I wns entirely cured.
I feel very grateful for what your medicine
nus none lor mo . i win ciiecriully rcconv
mend it to those ullllcted with Rheumn
Hsm. You can use my name as you wish
in iieiiaif oi your i-.llxir.
Yours, with many thanks,
Cuas. 11. Kniffen,
No. 14 .Magnolia Avenue, Wilkes-Harre, Pa,
For lame back, side or chest use Shlloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For salo
by Sloyer Bros.
HTA IlAi'i-v Thought. Diamond Dyes
are so perfect nnd so beautiful that it is a
pleasure to use them. Equally good for
dark or light colors. 10c. at druggists.
Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.
Sample Card, 32 colors, and book of direc
tions tor 2c. stamp.
If C. A. Klelm, tho Druggist, does not
succeed It is nut lor tho want ot faltn. Ho
has such faith in Dr. Dosunko's Cough nnd
Lung syrup ns n remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Consumption, nnd Lung Affections, that he
gives n bottle free to eat bund every one who
is in need ol a medicine of tills kind.
July 13-cow
An old nurso of 30 years experience says
that bhc has never used a wine that has
had such a pleasing effect on her patients
as mat mado by Jir. Aitred apeer or ras.
sale. IN. J. It is n nure article and neonlc
havo confidence in It. Ask your druggist
for it und take no other. For sale by drug-
and Consumption Cure Is sold by us on a
guarantee, it cures consumption
salo by Sloycr Bros.
Slahanov Cilv. Pa.. Sent. 8. 1882.
Sir. John II. Phelps Dear Sir : I hayo
used your llhcumattc Elixir with coou re
sults and can recommend it to any person
suuering witn mat icnrtui disease, riieuma
'.ism. uhas. w. smith, natter.
That a good deal of tho suffering iu this
worm can bo avoided by purchasing Dr.
l lumuu' l'Mcctric Utl. nnd usimr It as ncr
directions. It is nn infallible cure for nil
aches, sprains, and pains.
I owe my life to Phelns' Rheumatic Elix
ir During tlio past llttccn years 1 have
spent over a thousand dollars for treatment
of Rheumatism and never received any
permanent benefit until I took the Phelps'
Elixir. I consider it the best rheumatic
remedy ever offered to the public.
Ono. E. Hoyt.
Mr. Phelns' : Your Rheumatic Elixir is
going to bo a blc ttiintr hero. Am satisfied
mo nine is not lar distant. 1'ieasc semi mo
another gross. Very respectfully,
Apothecary, Hnverford Avenue, Phlla.
Is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite, Dizziness and nil symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 nnd 75 cents per bot-
uo, r or sale uy .iioyer uros,
lion. Jos. G. Goodridce. of Brooklyn. N,
Y., writes this : "Cannot express myself
in suiiicieiuiv nrmsoworuiv lernis. Mur
doch lilooil Hitters havo used for tho past
two yours ; Keep my stomucu m splendid
As we come to them thev nro received.
borne with, nnd passed over with uo moro
than a thought, it we nro in tho enjoyment
or neaitli, but it suuering with Piles or
skin disease of any kind they magnify a
has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn
nbsoluto euro for any affection of the kind
ami is sold lor ouc ems. J uly lu.eo w
And so must neuralula and rheumatism
when Df. Thomas' h'clectria Oil attacks them.
This medicine Is a marvelous product of
ingenious inougiu. liny it nnu try it.
Dcnr Sir I lay on my side for four lone
months without nny relief until I commen
ced taking Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. It is
ine uest medicine l ever used. To-day is
uiu uesi uay i iiavo seen in twelve months,
I thank you and God Almighty nnd no one
else for my relief. I have lived and douo
public business in Geuevn, N. Y., .for the
Inst twenty, therefore have mnnv acnualu-
tanccs that call around and see mo dally
and to nsk nbout Phelps' Elixir for them,
selves or for somo of their friends. I prnlso
it highly. You do tho talking und sign my
nuiuu as my tongue couui not uo it justice,
Geuevn, April 10. 1883.
For salo at Ilondeibhotl's Pharmacy,
Bloomsbuig, Pa.
can bo so (pilckly cured by Shlloh's Cure
Wo guarantee it. For sale by Jloye
hi'ii a ivninnn in nnnnior pninmtt i
bpcer's vineyards, picking grapes from
which Speer's Port Grape Wine Is made.
tl.nt tr. l.t1.l.. 1 1... .1 .. 1
nun ,3 su "kj uBii-k-iuuu uy mo medical
proiession, lor tno use or jnvnlids, weakly
lui9uus mm uiu uueii.
Sold by (J. A. Klelm, Bloomsburg.
sept ii'i-ly
with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint
cmu'im iianzcr is guaranteed to cure
you. jjor sale by .noycr Bros,
Tho Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir for me
always ncte.l llkn 11 rlnirm T tl,l.,L-
i has
fall It cut short a severe attack of Rheuma
tism, i can endorse tho remedy either
a preventive or cure. Yours truly,
JIlW. Q. W. l'ALMElt,
ni,.i,.. i
(Note. Mrs. (1. W. Palmer is tho moth
er of Hon. Honry W. Palmer, of Wilkes
narre, i'a., o.vatuio Attorney General
madu mUernblo by that terrlblo cough,
Shlloh's Guru is tlio remedy for you. For
sale uy Jioyer Bros.
Tlio sccotul (fliipiiient, consisting
of sovcu cases of our celebrated
Kcnclicd us a few days ngo, nnd
nro oven moro lmndsomo (if that
is possible) than tlio first lot which
sold so rapidly. Wo have them in
And tlio following size !
5-4, 0-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12.
It 5h almost impossible to prniso
iIicbo goods too highly. Tlio col
orings aro so rich nnd effeotivo
and tho prices so very moderate
that they should meet nil tastes
and suit nil purses.
Our stock of
Raw and Spun Silk and Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
Ib now complete, nnd comprises
the following sizes :
1 1-2, 1 3-1, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
o -
Eighth Street.
Market Street.
Headauartersfor D.
have Just received the Quest lot of
ever brought to Columbia county. For light draft,
are seconu 10 none. i.very inacumu ia muy vfu.rru.iuuu.
for all the old and new machines, so that it you
pared totlxyo'i up without delay.
runners, ao noi uo ueceivea uui uo sure iu i auuuuu mv
before making your purchases.
KAiRMIST: & MSSEm4! Agent,
jiay 23-iw
nup cure
ltellAvM nnii mimi iitr Dr. .1. a. ktiriimatts method, without oneratlon or tho lnlurr trusses Inflict.
or hindrance Irom labor, and with security from a strangulation or which, according to statistics, over
S0,iO0 died during tho past year. No ono U safo who has a rnpturo and depends upon a truss ; both are
n phslclal and mental tax ; bring on kidney, bladder and oi her organic dlsoasos, which affect cenerU
health more than ngo or labor, be-ddes affecting manhood and destroi lng all Incentives to social pleas
ure. l'atlenU from abroad can receive treatment and leave for homo same day. Hook, with photo
graphic likenesses ot cases before and attsr cure, and endorsements by physicians, merchants and
others who have been cured, mailed for lOets. l'rlnclpal olllco Ml llroadway, N. V. ; a-ys of consulta
tion Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays, liranch ofllce 3os Walnut street, I'hlladelphla j Wedueidaya,
i uursu.iys anu muoys. -iiayaj-iw
Tho following bits wero nresi.n?d ti council
Anrlltltll and uas-cd and order vera Issued for
tlu-lrserveral amounts, Wis
C H Housel street Corn's, for March t 45 51
Oliver Fornwald, for labor ou highway
111 UiUlM ... ., .... IU ,3
George W.irr for labor on hlshwav In Star a 7fi
John l'enman " " " " " " 11 ia
frank Murry " " " " " " 3 ;5
.lames commons for labor on " ' " all
Thomas Mo ormlekfor" " " " " T5
Win Shoemaker " " " ' " ' s M
Joseph llousel " " " " " " 5 ou
.jamcs ureen 1 as
I'-reaencK scnwin for horso & wngon on
highway In March 8 00
Wmdlger for horso and wagon onhlgh-
uy iu jmrcu. y &u
I' I) Dcntler, C It llousel and Thos Webb
auditors of March last 0 ft)
Oil Mcndcnhall for lumber u-d on sewo r jn u 1
O UIlouscl for service In part ns bt. Com.
uutsiuui-rs in reriy issi , 4 03
CM Vnuderslleo tor publishing ordlnanco
and circulars 13 01)
Uloomsburg Has Co for gas In Feby and
March lssi ies 00
M C Woodward (or scrvlco asconstablo In
.nareii, , (1 gs
Mil of Jonas Mann for 0 feet ot crossing
stonoln 188.1 m
(lco K Elwell for rent of Council room to
April 1 issi , 15 m
Winona Fire Co rent of hall to Jan 1 '81 an ou
j j nrower rem or rneuusnip l ire Co
H w bhutt pollco sen Ice In -March u to
UUM IU AIIIU j ni , an uu
m wnrhiuian iTeas lor ireigni on bewcr
nlno sn
J J Hagenbueh for repairing wagon, bro
ken In sewer ditch 0 00
S Neyhard for bal ot work on sewer and
IJght btrect road to Feb 11, 81 119 S9
A L Fritz for service as bee In March,,., 15 00
Total amt of ordein Issued April 9 VI ..... f ua 05
the follow1no hills alte on file foh
which oudkus have not huen
issued, to-wit!
W II Eyer ono day assisting Surveyor ou
sewer In Jan j 1 m
1" 8 Moyer for repair of lanterns April 18
'W 1 00
C 8 Furman for 0 btraps for hoso carrlago
Anrii la '84 ;. on
8 A l'etrlkeufor rent of Town Found
from April 1 Ki. to April 1st 'Si (of
which si allowed and not n;cepled) 18 00
8 W bhutt, pollco service April 6t h VI ... . 1 ft)
E It lkeleratty fee In Equity sun of I) J
Waller et. al., vs.'lown ot Ulooms
burg No. 1, Feby term '81 5000
O O llarkley, for services as solicitor from
August luth 'W, to April !Md '81, in
eluding extra faervlccs lu Karncase,
and iu Equity bull of 1) J Waller et.
al., vs. 'lownand In proceejlngs to
widen Light Street road ijl 00
Secretary of Council for extra work In
connection with sewer In Nov and
Deo'MandJau and Feby '81 and for
tlmo siient in connection with Knulty
ease No 1 Feb T. '81 ., 50 00
iiutcninsshnoemakcrlnrBuwerplio , ivo oj
jioreueuu ciay worts lor sener pipe
(v. htcti Includes damaged pine and a
number of pipe that wero never or
dered by Council for which It Is claim.
ed tho Town is not responslb e) 839 38
O It llou-el street Commissioner, bill
fruin April 1st to April nth '81 15 5
iuiui uiuuuuv ui tuns uu uuiiu ,pru awn
1881 , fl8H 01
To bell Nursery Slock for tho;ilooker Nurseries.
Established I8J5, liberal M.ll.AllV ami ..
iMi.NNKH paid lvimanent employment. Send
fur terms. II, ii lluoiiElt to.illWNy,
May 3 II IU Kuclu-klrr, N, Y.
AM A MONTH and llOAHI) for three live young
VUKinen or lllosln each county. Address 1'. Vt,
U jylEdl.tlt CO., t'hIUdelphla.
May 83-4 w d
Our magnificent stock of
Is attracting much attention.
All tho goods wero manufacture
to our order nnd imported direct.
Wo hnvo nil tho latest styles in
At very modorato prices. We
have them in
4-4, G 4, 7-4, and 8-4 sizes,
And in nil tlio new designs and
colorings. Wo have nlso a com
plete lino of
In all eizes and grades, with nap
kins to match.
& Clothieip.
Filbert Street.
durability and simplicity tho Osborne Machines
broak down In the mlddlo of Harvest they aro pre.
Wheat per bushel s .$ 1 07
Rye " " 70
Corn " " 05
Oats " " AO
Klour bcr barrel 0 00
Cloverseed 8 00
Iluttcr 20
kgKS H
Tnllow 06
Potatoes 25
Dried Apples 06
Hums 14
Sides und shoulders 10
Chickens 12
Turkeys 12
Lard per pound 13
Hay per ton 13 00
Heeswnx 25
lluckwlient Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb 0 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, cuch 75
Wool per lb 30
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED- Western winter bran, spot, (515.50.
extra shore l's 23 (4
FLOUlt. Western oxtra's 2.50 3.00; I'emVa.
family, 4.50 C4 4.75 Ohio clear, 5.0J 5.3!s winter
patent 5.75 6.50.
WHEAT. Delaware red at l.llv, Noirenn
sylvnnla red 1.18.
nil'. i-ninoi-onnsyivania tu TaC
coitN, 60) bushels in gralu depot attwe.
OATS. No, 3 white IS 42N0.2, 43. If
HAY ANII KTIf A V Ttnu.tliv ?tmtra IIW.m.
New York, 14. 1 15. s medium Western and New
au.a, ii, v . LU, 1111 US VU tlUUllbJ 1. M 1 (,UU.
ltyo utraw its.50 y 17.00 Wheat straw, . u 10. o
straw lu (n.
SEKlis. Clover octs- per lb. Timothy 1.40
61.5 per bushel, Flax 1.73 per busheL
WOOL. Ohio, l"ennsylvanla and West Virginia,
Fleeco Washed. XX and above, 87 (4 400 1 XZlit
KU.mmmdiitinM VTn T.ivna X'rt,, ... a. 71
ss, medium iiisi coarse, id t 17.
15V (A 15
liUTTEic l"ennsylvaula extra, si Web tern
extra so.
, LIVE roULTUY.-Fowls, Hens, 15 mixed
to slie and quality &y-a.
DHESSEO I'OUl.TUY. Turkeys extra It ai7ct.
chickens extra I741i spring chickens as to
v, eight and quality S5a15.
rui.uuia-j-.any nose per DUSueL M 45
llurbank and Hebron, 40 14 4J.
ONloNS.-Yeltow, 1.15 s.00 per bbl.
inmcv ok
Head Qaurters for
Iron, bleel.llorsethoes
Nulls and W a g 0 u
Makers' and llhick.
tmiuis' supplies.
Israel litttenbeDder,
si ore & WureroouiH
IS8 Franklin Ave., also
Wareroouisui Frank,
uu Ate., and
ire street.
may 23 ly