The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 30, 1884, Image 2

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0. E. Elwsll, 1 tijir
J. K. Blttonlionder.J E4lM"'
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1881.
il' JiUtlicr his rcHignca in prcimDring to go to Chicago this week
position ns scorcUuy and general agent ,'abor b(fml of cert;n can(idatcs
of tho Board of Publlo Cliantica. wm tc inquiring delegates from tho
The S'iprcinu Court lias recently tit
cldod in MuDermott's appeal, from Lit
xernu comity, that tlio deposit of monoy
arising from n husband s business, by
tho wlfo, in a bank in lior own name,
ovmi though it bo with tho husband's
consent, is not presumptively a gift of
tho money to her. Tho wife's possession
of such money in bank is tho husband's
possession, and is not of itself sufficient
evldenco of her ownership. The fact
that tho account is kept in her namo is
no evidence of her owuership.
The Republican Party ought to Go.
A crcat many republicans who aro
northwest and Paolfio slopo that thcro
is no troublo about Now York : any
good republican can carry it, and with
Ex-Attornoy General Georiro Lear
died at Doyloatown last Friday. Ho
t L l..l t .,1...,...1.
cnt republican movement in 1882. tho particular republican they aro eleo-
1 , , tioncorlng for thero will bo no sort of
After nil tho talk nbout tho nomina- trouble. Most of those gentlemen are
tlon of Tildon, it may bo assumed that ordinarily intelligent mid elear-Bightcd,
ho will not deolino if tho mantlo Bliould ?nd not without political experience,
inll on him. Tho present indications
aro that Tilden and Hendricks will bo
At tho beginning of tho present rcs
sion of Conorcss a number of bills wcro
. . . -I 1 - .t. t 1 1 . ! 1.1 1.. I.--
introduced providing lur wiu .luuuuun tilings iiugiii uiin-ii
We can account for their amazing
blindness to tho truo situation in tho
Btato of Now York only on tho theory
that they beliovo it would bo a good
thing for tho republican party to go out
ol commission tor lour years. worso
Tho timbers of
of tho internal revenuo tax, and tho ro
demption of trado dollars. What has
become of them 1
John M. Greer, tho Butler county
ultimatum senator, has been nominat
ed for president jifdgo of tho courts of
that county over tho present incumbent,
Judgo McJiinkin. An associated press
disiiatch says that Greer's nomination
is duo to the support ho icceived from
the liquor element. Let every body
tho old ship aro as sound as ever, nut
it has been evident lor a good many
years that she ought to go into tho dry
dock and get rid of her barnacles.
New York Times (rep.)
The Record of a Broken Oath.
In tho oflico of tho secretary of tho
United States senate there w carefully
preserved this rceord of a solemn oath :
"1, Ueorgo i . Jiumuntis, uo solemnly
shout for tho grand old party o'f great swear that I will impartially oxamino
moral ideas 1
When tho Republican party stoops
to methods that soil tho ermine of the
judiciary, they should bo careful in
making charges against their opponents
about tho usu of liquor in elections.
Tho great reputation made by U. S.
Giant as a soldier was not benefited
by his administration as President of
the United States, and if tho statement
of Mr. Fish of tho broken Marino Bank,
to the effect that ho has letters from
and consider all questions submitted to
tho commission ot which I am a mem
ber, and a truo iiidinnent civo thereon,
agreeably to the constitution and the
laws, so help mo Uudl
Tho commission was the electoral
commission of 1877. Tho form of tho
oath, thero is reason to believe, was do
vised bv Geomo F. Edmunds himself.
It is absolutely certain that ho subscrib
ed to it.
Amontr tho auestions submitted to
tho commission of which Georiro F,
General Grant bearing upon tho con- Edmunds was a member were two of
tracts which Ward said tho firm of supremo importance : Was tho vote of
Florida cast for Tilden or for Hayes T
Was tho vote of Louisiana cast tor ill
Grant & Ward had with tho govern
ment, and which influenced him (Fish)
in his transactions with tho firm, bo
true, then General Grant should take
tlie floor at onco and mako an explana
tion. If ho wrote Btich lettcrt) as Fish
says ho did, ho can no longer screen
himself behind the plea of ignorance of
Ward's transactions. Tho country is
dec! or for Haves T
Instead of impartially examining and
i consideritiir these aueitions, tho coin-
. . s . . .
mission retuseu to exaraino or consider
them at all. Eight members steadily
voted to violato tho oath which they
had lust taken. George F. Edmunds
tvaittnn nnxiouslv for tho ex-president was ono of tho eight. His vote shut
to clear himself of all suspicion of tho door in tho face of justice and right.
-v 1 VI T1 T1 I .... 1 . -
The Republican of last week says,
"The average Democratic local leader
requires something to whiskey np tho
boys. Thero may bo too mucn trutn
in "this, but tho Republican should not
attempt to make it appear that all po
litical corruption is confined to tho
Democratic party. Whatever may be
the methods of politicians in this coun
ty, they cannot begin to comparo with
tho leaders in Republican counties.
Unfortunately, too much whiskey is
used by tho majority party in every
county in tho state, and for tho dishon
est practices all over tho nation, the
Republican party is responsible. They
have countenanced tho stealing of the
vote of a whole state, they havo raado
it heroic to steal Irora the laovcrnraent,
When George F. Edmunds sworo in
tho namo of God. did ho swear to tho
truth or to a lio 1 New York Sun.
Butler in the Field,
run r.ovfEM. statesman willing to
General Bcniamin F. Butler, who
was nominated by tho national anti
monopoly organization for president of
tho United states at their lato jnow
York state convention, has accepted
tho nomination and sent the following
letter of acceptance :
Lowell, Mass., May 21, 1884.
Gentlemen. I havo the ,honor to
receive your courteous note giving mo
tho action of tho convention held on
and they have secured tho acquittal ot tho 14th inst., of representatives of the
rogues in uigu piuctH in uiuir uwu
ranks, because ot the service renuerea
tho party. Let those that aro without
blame first cast a btone.
In tho year 187G Samuel J. Tilden
and Thomas A. Hendricks wero elected
President and Vice President of the
United States, standing on tho follow
ing tariff platform :
"We donounco the present tariff, levied upon
nearly lour thousand articles, as a nusterplece ot
Injustice, Inequality and (also pretense. It yields
a dwindling not a yearly rising revenue. It has
Impoverished many Industries to subsidize a few.
anti-monopoly political thought of its
members and tho public sentiment
which was thero represented. Th
honor of the designation by such
body as candidate for the presidency
of the republic cannot bo too highly
appreciated. Concurring in each
measure of public policy set forth in
tho resolutions of the constitution,
need only add that if the votes of tho
electors shall entrust mo with the ex
ecutive powers of that high ollico each
of them shall bo fully, justly and ener
getically used to mako every meaauro
of relief to the people and reform in
Presidential Timber.
Columbia county Hiititlny Hcliool
Tt. nmhlhlta Imnnrtatllftt mltrht nurchase the
products ol American labor. It has degraded tho government poiuled out by your
piaiiorm oi principles, realities ui uu
John A. Logan is 60, wears long,
straight black hair and n fierce mous
tache. Ho drinks most everything,
but has nn nbhorrenco of Porter.
Chester A. Arthur is fi3, wears nob
by clothes, impiesses tho ladles nnd is
one of tho handsomest of men.
Abraham S. Hewitt is 02, fino look
ng. with full beard tinged with gray.
Ho is impulsivo but honest as tho day
is long, nnd will light to roach tho
Henry B. Payno is 71, but still no
tlvo in business. Ho wears spees and
his cheek for 4,000,000 would bo
Henjamiu F. Butler is Go', and has a
bad eye, which gives him tho look of
ono ready to light. Ho don't want to
bo President unless ho can bo nomina
ted and elected.
Jnuies G. Blatno is GO, but looks
younger, ilts hair is white, bin nis
oyo is brighter than his record and his
step firmer than his hold on scrupulous
Samuel J. Tilden is a bachelor of 70.
Ho is not so strong as he used to be,
ilivsically, but his mind is not at all
enfeebled nnd what ho writes and what
ho says, carries with it tho weight of
wisdom nnd unsullied rcciuuuc.
Georgo F. Edmunds is fiO nnd has a
giant frame. Ho appears ns cold as a
clam, but he likes cold ten of tho
Senatorial sort,
Ulvsies S. Grant has recovered from
lis recent lameness, physically speak
ng, and has gone lamo financially. lie
is stouter in body but not in pocket
book. Ho is graver than ho was and
some people think, should know more
about margins than ho did.
Walter IJ. Ureshaiu is tall and
strong, has dark Imir and whiskers,
and is about ol).
Buniamin HairUon is ."jO, hhert, with
argo head nnd full, rather long, whisk
ers. lie is tho hrst choice ot tno noos-
ier Republicans.
John Shermm Is not quite Gl. He
deals In tho bloody shirt, has a larg
fortune, is related to tho Camorons and
Chris Magee is his friend.
Congressman bamucl J. Kandall is
rG. Ho recently wrote to a Philadel
phin firm that had asked his support in
a certain measure : "I think heietofore
I havo supported tho proposition which
vou write about, but mv rulo is never
to commit myselt on any legislative
subject in advance, and I don't want to
do so in this case."
Joseph R. Hawley is ncaring 58, is a
.Nutmeg Stato favorito and a promising
dark horse. Ilia hair curls. He has n
little bang, a heavy moustache and
short whito chin beard. lio dresses
plainly, and as an editor writes vigor
Robert Todd Lincoln h the son of
his father, paits his whiskers in th
middle, is f feet 8 inches high, voted
with tho 30G, and is either a stalwart
or a half breed, according as tho Chic
ago Convention shall decide. lit
doesn't show up well in the proceed
nigs oi tho bwaim court martial.
Grover Cleveland is 47, stout and
big headed, wears a moustache and has
the pluck to say what ho thinks nud
acts from his convictions every time
As was remarked tho other day: "Clevo
land, if Tilden won't," is getting to be
a popular cry all over tho country.
Thomas Francis Bayard is 55, pleas
ant and pleasant looking, a gentleman
and a statesman. Ho is one of the
biggest men, from ono of tho smallest
states, in the country.
John Griffin Cm-Halo is not yet 49
tall and straight, and wears no hair on
his face. lie has no personal vices,
but is no saint. Ho never meddles
with small matters and is never out o
his depth with great ones. Ho would
mako a good President now or twenty
years trom now.
William R. Morrison is 59. Ho
stout, is not an orator, but is a power
ful and unvielding debater. lie was
elected to " Congress ai a revenuo ro
form Democrat through carrying his
principles into tho workshops of his
district and thero won tho votes of th
American co amerce from the nrst to an Inferior
rank ot tho high seas. It has cut down tho sales
ot American manufacturers at home and abroad
and depleted the returns ot American agriculture
an industry lollowed by halt ot our people. It cost
the people Ave times more than It produces to tho
treasury, obstructs the processes ot production
and wastes the traits ot labor. It promotes fraud,
fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials, and
bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that
all custom house taxation shall bo only for reve
nue." Such was tho tariff plank upon which
wero chosen tho only Democratic Pre
sident and Vice President that havo
Accept for yourselves personally my
most grateful consideration.
Ben j. F. Butte it.
Making Sheridan Fay,
"Nothing happened until tho conduc
tor camo around. Here's where the
been elected since 1856 twenty-eight joke comes iu. Shortly after entering,
years ago. Tho people rallied to it then tho ticket puncher reached tho quarter
and succeeded, although their elected of tho two travelers, and poiitely no
officials wero cheated out of their costed them with : 'Tickets, please.'
rightful positions by tho infamous con- Tho liltlo, bullet-headed, red-laeed gen
duct of tho Republican leaders. What tleman, who seemed to bo master of
tho tariff did then, it is still doing, rob- ceremonies, produced his wallet, and
bing tho peoplo of their hard-earned handed the conductor au envelope. The
money. Will they rally to tho sarao conductor said:
tariff plank nowT Jiellefonte Watch- " 'No passes aro taken on this train.'
man. I mo passes uro icniuui. j.nuY uic
signed by tho president, replied tho
Congressman Storm raado a good littlo tellow, growing redder in tno ince.
Bpecch in Congress in opposition to the " 'I havo my orders and I am com-
Morrison bill. Ho thus briefly illus- polled to obey them,' calmly replied tho
tratcd tho defects of tho bill : conductor.
"If this bill should become a law our " 'Perhaps you don't know who I am.
tariff system would become ono of tho I'm General P. II. Sheridan 1'
mo3t complicated specimens of legisla- " 'Well, General Sheridan, I must
tion whioh tho ingenuity of man over obey orders. You and your friend must
contrived. Tako ono of tho simplest pay your furo before you reach Roches
items for calculation nffeoted by this tor, or I will bo compelled to stop tho
pig iron. This bill provides iu tho train and put you off there..'
first' nlaco for a 20 per cent, reduction "By this timo the passengers within
nf r,rwont. duties. Wo thon rofor to ear-shot of tho trio had becorao inter-
flin nrr9fnt law and find it to bo on eated and tho word passed until nil
nic iron three-tenths of 1 per cent, a know that tho beaiers of tho pass wero
Tnnil-thrno. tenths of 1 ner cent, on none other than General bhendan and
2.210 pounds gives tho duty of $0.72. secretary of war Lincoln. Tho con
Reduco this 20 per cent, which is $1.- ductor passed on through tho car, and
ma nn1 it. lnaves S5.370. But this the distinguished dead-heads probably
thn frrado lino of the thoucht Qvervthhic wan settled, But
II UJ i tvi ' - ....
The Good Templars.
Tho grand lodge of Good Templars
representing 350,000 mombers in all
parts of tho world, convened at Wash
ington on the 27th inst., in its 30th au
nual session. About 400 delegates and
ex-delegates wcro present. Right Wor
thy Giaud Templar Geo. B. Katzen
stein, tho presiding ollicer, read bis an
nual report reviewing tho history and
growth of tho order, and declaring that
unless ono or both of tho great politi
cal parties tako a stand in favor of
temperance the tempornco peoplo of tho
country will support tho presidential
candidate to bo nominated at tho
convention which will bo held iu Pitts
burg July 23.
"Morill tariff,'' which is SG per ton
we must throw away tho S0.G24 uxcess
and reduce only 80.72, Hero it is mado
necessary to rofor to threo distinct acts
to find a single duty oil a simplo item.
Is this the feast that rovenuu reform
invites us topartako oft
All laws relating to our revenuo
ought to ho ns simplo as it is possiblo
for human skill and scienco to mako
them. As littlo as possiblo should bo
left, in their administration, for experts
met a
man ns stubborn as ho is. In a short
timo tho train slaeked, and beforo it
came to a dead stop tho conductor re
entered tho car, walked up to General
Sheridan, gently tapped him on tho
shourder, and said :
" 'Well, General, wo aro at Roohes
tor I"
"Sheridan was taken baok and Lin
coln looked annoyed. Tho General
tried to nrguo tho caso with tho con
A vein of iron oro was discovered
while digging a cellar in Easton.
The fifteenth nnnunt convention of this
society wns held In tho It. K. Church at
Mldlln, Tuosdny and Wednesday, May 37th
nnd 28lh, Theio wns present eighty dele
gates, representing forty schools from tho
various townships in tho county.
Thn session wns culled to order by Its
president, He v. A. lloutz.
Ilcv. J. Horning tho pastor of tho 31. h.
Church of Mllllln gavo a few Imprcsslvo
welcome words, which wcro responded to
by the president. The secretary In mnklng
his report gavo tho following statistical in
formation i
Numbjr of Sunday schools In tho county,
118 number of schools kept open nil tho
car 70 number of adult scholars, 2025 1
Intermediate ' scholars, 8130 1 primary,
3510 1 total, 11505. Number of teachers
nd olllccrs 1815 j total membership, teach
ers, ofllccrs nnd scholars, 13,410 number
of schools holding dcvottonnl meetings, 5;
schools holding meetings for lesson study,
15 weekly services, 25 ; monthly, 10
quarterly, 40 j nnnunlly, 17 j schools hav.
lug concerts, 10 schools using blackboard
nnd charts, 20 schools using lntcrnatlo-
nal scries of lessons, 103 i number of
teachers nnd scholars received Into church
from tho Sunday school during thu past
mr, 300.
Itcv. U. Myers of Catawlssa gave n very
ue address on the topic, "Tho B. B. ns a
pbcru of labor nud education for church
members." Tho general Idea ho advanced
as that nil newly converted members of
thu church should enter n Sunday school
lass taught by some competent person
who regularly prepares the lesson beforo
trying to teach Ills class.
Itcv. Q. 1). Dcchnnt of Cutawlssa, on the
subject of Sunday school worship said nil
scholars should bo taught to worship from
nfnncy. That tho repeating of the npos-
os' creed should bo engaged In by tho
entire school In a reverential manner.
Hev. Horning of Mllllln wns cilled upon
to. respond to the topic, "Hehitlon of Sun
day school to tho church," and gave as tho
one great dllllculty In securing tho ntten-
ancu of Sunday school scholars at church,
was first the neglect of the parents at their
homes, who were not strict enough j nnd
second, the fault of the tencher In not urg
ing the class to attend worship In the sane-tuary.
The subject of "S. S. Treasury and the
congregation," was opened by B. F. Zarr,
who took tho position that the church
should defray all tho expenses of the Suu
school, collections should bo for bencvo.
lenco only. lie was met with considerable
opposition, uud tho subject was well dis
cussed, showing followers on both sides
of the question.
The subject of temperance In the Sunday
school was Introduced by Aaron Smith
who was followed by several speakers who
thought temperance ought not to bo re
strictcd to tho use of Intoxicating drink
alone, but to the uso of tobacco n3 well
Rev. D. M. Henlcel D. D. of CalawUsn,
on the themo "Prayer and exccrclso of
FnltU by Teachers," said reading the Bible
Is God spenUIng to us, prnycr Is we speak
ing to Qod. God will grant those things
unto us through prayei that lie wouiu not
grant did we not ask for them.
On the subject of teachers meetings Mr.
A. W. Spear said It was an excellent place
to awaken new suggestions from Individ'
uals that could not bo brought out other
wise. The different qustions naked nnd
answered would call forth new Ideas. At
such meetings questions should be freely
asked. Some even thought a question bos a
good plan to adopt at such meetings.
In considering tho question of "Lessou
Helps and how to U3e them." Tho most
prominent suggestion was that we should
not confine ourselves entirely to the lesson
arranged for each Sabbath, but should vary
tho questions, and each sabbath give a
short review of tho preceding sabbath's
Tho committee on choice of place
for convention next year, reported that of
Espy, May 20th and 27th.
While discussing the subject of festivals
the following resolutions was made. "That
In the sense of this convention the hold
ing of festivals for tho raising of money for
the Sunday school tends to evil." Upon
a standing vote being called It resulted, 40
yeas to 0 nays.
Itcv. J. Horning, V. P. Manhart, G. B.
Dechaut, C. K. Oanlleld and A. W. Spear
wero elected to assist the District Vice
Presidents in organizing Institutes In each
township in the county.
Tho treasurer gavo his report showing a
balnnco of 20.05. Tho collections of tho
delegates nnd otherwise were $49.73, mak-
lnc a t.ital Intho hands of treasurer of
Tho committee on resolutions being call-
ed to report, gavo tho following which
cro unanimously adopted.
I. That we have heard with pleasure from
some of our Vice Presidents that success,
ful Institutes have been held under their
usmccs. nnd that the number of schools
that aro epen during tho year have been
Inrgcly Increased ; and that wo trust that
this important work will he continued un
til every townsmp is orgnnizcu anu every
school open during tho whole year.
That I tho report of tho secretary
showing a membership of 13310 In tho Sun
day school, or about 40 per cent, of tho
popuintion ot me county, is most grainy.
Ing, and that tho thanks ot the convention
nru due our secretary for his diligence and
success in collecting thu statistics.
3. That It is tho aim of tho Sunday
school to promote tho knowledge of Blh-
Our Supervisor Mr. F, Hngcnbuch com
menced working the roads Monday last
with n largo crowd of laborers. Fred, has
no troublo to get men to work, nil ho needs
to set tho timo nnd place of work.
Mr. Levi Alkmnn has Ids tenant houso
nbout completed.
Mr. Ellsha Hngcnbuch lost a valunblo
horse last week and Mr, A, U. Creasy a
Mr. Emanuel Sitter has taken pride
enough In his poultry to build them n
fancy house.
Tho lltdlny U. S. S. elected Misses Mr..
zlo Conner nnd Mnry Alktnan delegates to
attend tho S. S. Association to ho held at
Mr. J. I). Creasy killed a black snnko
last week which measured llvo feet ono
Inch and n fourth.
Messrs. Jno, Dclong and Simon Sltlcr
aro busy clearing the forest.
Mr. J. S. Hngcnbuch while at work last
week caught nnd killed n largo ground
hog. J. S. said It made an excellent roast,
of courso we take his word for it.
Among Hi J visitors present at the Hhltny
S. 8. last Sunday, were Mr. II. V. White
and wife, nnd Mr. Chns. nnd Miss Minnie
Dumber And gas ntter. ltoftrof Schuyler's hard
IIlooniBburg,, Pa.
All kind of ntttnra fornteam. iros anl water
plptu constantly on hand.
ltooflng and spouting attended to at short notice.
Tinware tt evcrjr description made to order.
Orders left at Hehuvler .t Co'a. linrdwaie store
will bo promptly tilled.
fpoclal attention given to heating by steam and
hot water.
May 9-1 y
Tho U. S. Tclcnhono Is the latest Invention In Telephones, nnd stands without a rl.
val, and Is tho only WOIITHY HIVAL of the Bell Telephone, and Is Iho only telcphono
of tho kind ever before offered to the public. It Is tho only nou-clcctrlo telcphono
that Is used with a Telcphono Itepcator, or that will work on OHOOICED, ANGLING
or ZIGZAG lines, or on a lino having ACUTE OK UIGI1T ANGLES.
riold outright for $19,00 no cxhorbitant rents.
They aro tho only Telephones havine an Automatic Lino Wiro Tishtncr nnd thov
aro tho only Telephones that nro protected by an outdoor Lightning Arrester. All
sounds aro delivered In clear nnd natural tones. They nro tho neatest, most durable
and requlro less attention nnd repairs than any other Telcphono made. Send for our
illustrated circular. Agents wanted,
N03. 49 AND fil WEST STREET,
May 2-3mos
P. 0. BOX, 28,
May so-4wd
The Town of llloomtfmnr offers tsOM of iu ner
eem. uunm iornnic. inicrrai nayauie semi nunuai-
ly. Any further Information can bo obtained at
mo secretary's onicc.
A. i mi tk, Bocy.
Town Council.
AU persons whoie names aro announced as can.
dldatcs, la this column, aro expoctc J to abide by
tho action ot tho Uoinoeratlc county convention,
to bo held on Tuesday, August 14tli ISO.
rho price for announcing names In this column
Is w.00 for any onlec, nnd must be paid positively
n advance.
WM. O. Gil WON,
or ni.ooMsiiuno.
now a one.
KVS 16 4W
of ut.ooMsiiuicn.
ron KErnESENTATivr.,
ron &
or nuioMsiimto.
The undcrshrncd haviuir nut his Planlnc Mil
..-..-..j , . . . . .... .
uu itauruu street, in iinU'Ciasa conaiuon, is pre-
puruu iu uu uu kiuui m wurK la ms line.
furnlsncd at ro-uonable Drtce? All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but, skilled workmen
are employed.
furnished on application, l'lsnn and spcclDca I
uonu prepared oyan expcriencca uraunisman
niooniHbtirer, Pa
Perdue Clothe Hse, BERWICK P.
Beneath the counters, away ahove tho counters and filling
every inch of space in our extensive shelving accommodations,
our goods are
WEwmwt inn mmmmt
We offer better coods at less nrices than ever with latest stvles
in all patterns. Call and judge for yourselves, if we do not at all
times sustain our well known motive.
Wo take a pleasure in waiting on our customcis.
or iii.oo.Msiiuita.
. - . 1 1 I could hardly sneak
I. ft rc n It was almost linnog-
Kiuivtu uruutnc
through my nostrils.
Using Ely's Cro am
llalm a short time I
was entirely rollovcd.
My neaa nas noi oecr
so clear nor volco s
strong In years. I re
commend this admi
rable remedy to all af
flicted with catarrh or
colds In the head, J.
o. Tlchenor, Merchant
Elizabeth, N. J.
I was afllictcd with
ratanh and cold In the
honil. I used E 1 v'a
mm u.cBUrB cream iiaimwnic u
nni -r.w b curett mo. w. a. 1111.
hrd, Dentist, liordentown, n. J.
Tlva rnvim tlfilm nnusn.q no natn. OlVCS re
lief at once. Cleanses tho head. Causes heaitny
I tjrpHnrw Ahfitpa inflfimmfitlnn. Prevents fresh
mid. Ilea s tno sores, nestores mo senses ui i
tasto and smell. A thorough treatment will cure.
Knt n llnnlfl nrcniirr. Annltftl with tllQ fln2Cr.
send for circular, sold by druggists. Mailed lor
Wc. ELY DltOTHKltS, Druggists, OWCgo, J. Y.
May 23-4W a
Tho Science of Life. Only $1
anil rovonuo oflicora to guess at, where- ductor, but tlio oflloial cut him short
by imoortera aro robbed and tho Treas- with tho curt statement :
ury plundered. Departmental con- " 'Wo havo no timo for argument,
struction in many cases has defeated Genoral, this train is compelled to bo
tho intention of Conaress, and has on timo. Ploaso pay your faro or
opened a wido door to fraudu, litigation leavo tho car.
and confusion." ' this Sheridan's aco was
In cloning Mr. Storm said : crimson. IIo muttered somut hing, but
'Mr. Chairman, if tlio bill boforo ns finally produced his wallet and paid tho
is amended so as to conform to tho fnreB. After settling ho asked tlio con-
views indicated in these remark, and a ductor for his namo. Iho tloket-putioU-
tlirwn or ooninllod with tho request, anil
on snirlts dUtilli-d from grain bo inolii. . watched tho angered warrior make tlio
tied. I will voto for tho bill i if net, 1 memorandum
shall opposo it and iu doing so I can
riot bo considered as opposed to a just
revision and reduction of customs
duties, nor as indorsing tlio crror,
" 'I'll report this mattor to tho l'resi-
ilnnl. sir '
' 'Very well, General,' replied tho
train pilot, as ho-gavo tho Blgual to go
For tho week eiidinu May 24th, 1881,
13,000 emigrants had landed at Castle
Garden, New York.
Tlio Ponn Bank of Pittsburg has
closed its doors. It is said that tho as
sets aro sufficient to cover all liabili
Lightning Btruck in tho oil tanks of
tho Atlantic Refining Company at
Point llreeze, on last Friday night
t lio oil immediately took lire, causing
a loss to tho company of about SJ500,-
Judgo llolman ot Indiana, was re
nominated by his Congressional dis
trict last week. Thero wcro iivo other
candidates, but Mr. Hobnail's record of
over twenty yoars mado him tho unan
imous choice.
The last JCeimulioau Congress un
seated a number of Democrats who
were elected. Since tho Democrats
havo unseated Pcelo of Indiana, thero
can bo but littlo chance for complaint,
It Is only returning tho compliment ot
tho Republican Congress.
Wheatland, tho residence tor many
vears of James liuchanau, one mil
west of Lanoaster, was purchased on
Saturday last, by ueorgo . wuson
of llarnsburg. Tho lamily of Mr.
Wilson will occupy tho mansion house
and the farm ot twciity-thrco acres
connected with tho property will bo
cultivated. Tho price paid is said to
have been $20,000.
Michael Tovcuy of Watsontown,
atred fourteen years, was sentenced on
Saturday last by Judgo Rookafeller of
FOU lllKHSTEIl ifc Itl'.COIiDElt.
OF lll.OO.MSllUItfi.
or MAIN.
I will not mako a personal canvass of tho county
to solicit votes, hut, If elected, I pledge myselt to
conduct tho offlco In the best Interests ot tho peo
OF IlI.OOMSlltlltO.
I will not travel tho county to tollclt votes, hut
will cheerfully visit all publicly, to discuss tho Is
sues beforo the people, If desired,
i tat Mfcl Work on
nrOAPT. KlNO.U. S.A . IIISTjtltVFnaUTIienATTLE.riELD. Sh how Kitl.u b.r.b,,, m,d..r
ij.ilroy,! In dr. How Fmmh 'UimUr h.i tnrnJ on ilnl A Grind Hook for Old una Tning,--SavM
iimtIJi Ilit .Vrmiry.-dl,,, FUaturi and litruchon. Mipl and Fin. Illoitrallona. imkVTulidlTmibin.
tj" Wrlu ol h (or till dMcrlpUon ul tormj. Addroto 4. C Ilcl'L'itDY A CO., l'hlUdclklm 1'ov
Foreign! amdi MammMc
Heal truth, und to einraeo lu nets of Ulvlno
worship, ami mat it is uo part ot us nun to
Imnart Instruction in secular studies,
neither Is it intended to tako tho placo ot
home training on religious topics.
4. That no church member, young or
old, can afford to neglect Sunday school
work cither on account of the ucneilt to
himself or others.
S. The church Is a divine Institution,
and nttendnnco at its service is or nrst im
portancc to both old and young ; therefore
the securing of attendance of tho Sunday
school at tho service ot tno sanctuary uu,
mnnils tha hcartv co.oncration of nastor,
superintendent nnd teacher.
0. That Sunday schools bo taucht and
encouraged to nuounu in tno grace oi uu
7. That tcmneranct. bo taucht in the
Sunday school whenever nnd hovAivcr pos
8. That tirenaratlons. best secured by
teachers' meetings, constant prayer and tlio
exercise of faith are essential to tho success
of Sunday school work.
0. That It is n duty ns well ns a prlvl
lege of every Sunday school iu Iho county
to send delegates to tlio annual convention,
Tlio Convention then, bv a standing voto.
adopted tho following i JtaokeJ, That the
thanks of this convention are due to tlio
peoplo of Millllnvillo for their unbounded
hospitality, and for tho interest they have
shown in tno meetings.
I'lillntlclpliln nud Ileiulluu'H
Tho statement of business of tho Phila
delphia and Heading Itallroad Company
for April shows tho gross earnings to havo
been $4.003.702 1 expenses, $3,083,801 t
net earnings, $1,410,051 1 an Increase of
more than 8800,000 over the net earning!
of March, und nearly iiGOO.000 more
than for April, 18811 1 net earnings
for the year to date, $4,008,580, against
fcli.fWS.GTa for tho corresponding period of
last year. Tlio statement ior April includes
Sutibury, to four years' imiiriaonmont J tho operations of tho Jersey Contral, as fol
for attempting to wreck trains on tlio lowst dross receipts, J.880 wrklnf
PennBylvn.iia Krlo Railroad. no wiTola r ImYM mVmil
placed Hovoral tit on tlio iracic anu 18.020. ngalnst deficit of 382.atl for
i " . . i . .! it.. ..I... : .it .... n ii...' i. j.or na ... .1 Anno
.1 :., .....nvloitm, nheiKl and reSUineil tlio UUlleU OI HISOl. 1 1110 iiusiliiunun wu uiaumuiuu uy mi rcu, yiou.uoi ui iuuiuoijr ouu f ,
wiyuuo, t.. v , ---- lt.-.n m,nth t trackman uat as a train onproaohed. 074 for January,
Krhimted Vitality. Nervoiwand Thyslcal Debll-
lty, rrcmaturo oact no in .nan. urruraui tuuiu.
nnu tno uiiLuiu Hu-ttnua itcuuuik iiuiu iuuia.10'
tmn nf nxmsNM. A book for every man. younir.
ralddle-aged and old. It contains 1S5 prescriptions
rnr mi acuta and chronic diseases, each one ot
which Utlnvaluablo. So found by tho Author, whoso
experience roria years lssucuoaprouauiy never
beforo fell to tho lot of any physician. 300 pages,
iinnnii in beautiful French muslin, embossed
mvnrs full L-llt. L-iinranteed to bo a liner worlc In
every &cnae mecuanlcal, literary and professional
tiianniiv other work sold In this country for fa. SO,
or tho money will do reiunueu in every instance.
l'rlco only SI. uu oymau posi-u.uu. juusirauvu
Kumnin ft rimm. Scud now Hold medal awarded
tho author by tho Natloeal Medical Association, to
thn orrTcera of which ho refers.
mo scienceot uio suouiu uu rcau uy mu juuu
for instruction, and by tho mulcted for relief. It
will benent all homlon Lancet.
Thflrnu nn member oi feocieiv 10 wnom ino
Scienco ot IJfe will not bo useful, whether youth.d
parent, guaiuian, insirucioror eieruj uiuu. .w
w. ii. Parker. . o. 4 lluMnch street, lloston. Mass..
who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring
BKlU and experience, tnronio ana oo&iinaie uisuua-
cs anu mat nave naiucu vuu i i i ,i m w
all other physicians a spo rl III V li clalty.
buch treated successful lit I I VSil?l l?.ly
wlthoutan tn3ancoot LXL 1 OIulJ tM
uro. Mention this paper.
May au-iwd
onico and Salcsroooi,
Will bo let at CommLilonora' onica on Mon-
day tho Snd day ot June, A. U. IBS4, at two ociock
1'. AI. A now bridge to bu erected over Hunting
don creek near Ellboth luden In nshlngcreelc
township : to bo a wouueu uraco cuvcrvu uimsu w
feet iniiir between abutments. 10 feet wldo from
out to out; abutments to bo built by contractor
bo as to admit of skowback three feet from top of
wall plate, anon feci nigii uuovo iuw uiui.
to ton ot wall plate, wing wall3 and tilling to bo
done ty contractor. Plans and specincaiions can
bo been at tho onico ot tno uounvy i;uiuiuiuucr n
liloomhburg, l'a.
Tho celebrated CIIICKK111NQ and IVEItS 4: I'OND Pianos. Tho celebrated E3TKV & OEM OIIOAN8
New nigh Arm Davis, New American No. V, Whltcj Domestic, Household, Now Homo, Now Howe,
ltoyal St. John, Genuine Singer (Singer Patent) Sowing Machines.
Ocnulno Farts ot Hardware for all kinds of Se lng Machines, Needles, oil, Attachments, liclts and
everything la the line of Sewing Machines at bottom prices.
Organs and Sewing Machines Sold on Monthly Payments.
Liberal Discount made for Cash.
Agent for the Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment,
UsSrAll Orders received, promptly attended to.5fjft
apr 2Mrn
11. F. EDOAlt.
ComailShloueinolllco'lllooinsLurgiay 19, 1681.
Alay i
Absolutely Pure.
This nowder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesomencss. More economical
thuniliR ordinary kmis. nnd cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weiijni, aium or pmiBpnuiH iiuwucrn. nmuuui
Inoans. ItnvL UixiNU I'ownsuCoMoaWdU-St.,
N. V. augii-iy.
Send six cents for postage, and re
ceive free, a costly box of goods which
away than anything else In this world.
All, of cither box, succeed from nrst nour. 'l ue
broiulroad to fortune opens before tho wo rkfs
absolutely sure. At once address, Tntm & Co., Aur
gusia, Aiuine. wv si-j
T-ILITJI-illBl-Gl-il, "
- -
Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimplos nnd Faco Grubs,
JJiOlCJiOS, xious, auraorawii'
tor. Humors, aait uuouir.
Rcald Hoad. Soros, Mercuiir. ,
Diseases, Fomalo Weakness
and Irregularities, jjizzmcss.
Loss ot Appetite, Juandtce,
Amotions ot tho JJtvor, Jnai
sostion, Biliousness. Dyspep
sia and Goneral Dobility,
Acourtoof Iluilixlt Illoo4 Dlllert will lollifr loo
OK.sll. , I, alll ,t It lo ll Ulgoil fullliOf eq
codh, bil4 I y Bwiv Uio deolcM ovcry hero.
Ihtociiutif In cloven Unti, fHIC u, f io.
roSTCR, MILBUiN 4 CO , Prop'i, Bulfa'o, N.Y.
uy virtue otawrlt of alias florl laclas Issued
out of tho Court ot common Pleas of Columbia
county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to pub,
Uo Bale at the court Houso In Moomsburg, on
Saturday, Juno 7th, 1884.
at 2 o'clock n. in.
AH that certain mesauago, tenement and tract
ot land situate In Atontour township, Columbia
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to.
wit i beginning at a black oak and running thenco
by land ot IJoyd raxton, (lato josepn raxtonj.
north blxty degrees oast slxty-four perches to a
stone, thenco noith nineteen degrees west twenty.
Blxnerchos to a red oak, thenco north nfty.fourde.
grees cat forty-six perches and seven-tenths to
Ulg Klshlngcrcek, thenco up mo same norm tuir.
ty-ilve degrees west thirty-one perches to a stone,
thence by lands of Alarla Evans (late Peter Apple-
man), boutb slxty.tour degrees west one hundred
and twenty perches to a plno stump, and thence
by land ofJohnMensch (lato John Itlchards), south
thlrty-blx degrees east nity perencs to tne piace oi
beginning, containing thlrty-two acres and one
hundrodnnd four perches Btrlct measure, bo the
same moro on less, on which aro erected a framo
dwelling house, bam and out buildings.
selzod, taken Into oxecutlon, at the suit of Jano
11. Scott vb. (1, At. quick and to bo bold as the pro-
perty of (I. AI. quick.
Vandersllee atty tshorirr.
Alay l'tu.
tariff lawn."