i.4 4V CSolunbii. iMiioit Weeklr, crrry Prtilnr Morning, nt DLOOM8nUHO, COLUMBIA CO., ra. at two dom.ars per year. To subscribe out of tho wiuntr tuo terms nro strictly in advance, trso paper tllscontlnuod oxcopt at tho option ol tho puGll jliore, until all arrearage are paid, but sons; continued credtta will not be Slvon. ' All papors sent out of tho stato or to distant post orooto must bo paid forln advance, unless a rcsDon lblo person m Columbia county assumos to ow tho subscription duo on demand, ""ul"us 10 P" n,th9Tcou,nty.n0l0n,f0rCXa0tea ,rom ubMrtbr J O 8 PRINTING. The 1 Jobblni llopartmentof the CoiAniiuN U verr comploto, and our Job 1'rlnUnff will comnam t. .V ably with thatof the larje TcltlosTAll -ork doniTn short notice, neatly and at moderate prices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 15. WALIiEIt, AT rORNEY-AT-I. AW, i o lljo over 1st .V.ttlotul iuulc. Illoomsbuitr, ra. U. PUNK, ATT011NEY-AT-LAW. ornco In -Cut's Uulldlng. DLOOMSIOaO, PA. c. U. IJUOKAfiEW, AT rOIlNEY-AT-lJAW. tlLOOHRBBsa, n. onico over 1st National Bank. JOilrTM; CLA-IUC, ATrOHNEV-AT-I.AW. AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 1IL00MSI0B0, 1'l. onice over Moyer Bros. Drug Storo. p W.MILLER, ATTORNB f-AT-LAW Ofn:o la Drower's bultdlng.setond noor.room Ho. 1 'uioomsburg, 1'a. B, FRANK ZRR, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. Uioomsburg, Pa. omco corner of Centre and Main streets, Clark 1 Building. Can bo consulted In German. Q.EO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Miw Coiuhiun building, Bloomsburg. Pa, Member of the United states Law Association, Collections made in any part of America or Eu rope. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. omco in Columbian buildino, Room No. 1, second floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. S. INORH. L. B. WIKTIR8TXIK. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. omcs In 1st National Bank 'building, second floor, 'flrstdoor.to the left. Corner of Main and Market streets Bloomsburg, ra. VrwoM.i and Bounties CollccUd. J II. MATSE, ATTORN EY-AT-UAW Offlce In Malzo's building, over BlUmeycr's grocery. May so, '81. c, B. BROCKWAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. OlUco !u his building oppositc.Court House, 2nd Uoor, Bloomsburg, Pu. npr 13 '83 JOHN 0. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Law, CATAWIS8A, PA. omco In News In building, Main street. Member of tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collections made In any part of America Jan. s, 1832. A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms i and 5. May , 81, BERWICK, PA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTO RNE YS-AT-L AW. omce, corner 01 Third and Main Streets. E. SMITH, Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Pa. Can bo Consulted in Gorman. ALSO. FIU3T-OLAS3 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ItKI'ltESKNTED. ttTOlIlco tlrst door below tlio post olllcc. MISCELLANEOUS. c U. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law onico (u Drawer's building, snd story, Kco ins B. MoKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy slclan, north side Main stroet.below Market L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Office . , to Columbian Building, p M. DRINKER, OUN & LOCKSMITH t iiu Maontaos and Machinery of all kinds re tired. Orsai uousi Building, uioomsburg, Pa. D U. J. C. R UTTER, PHYSICIAN taUHOBON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa WM. M. REBEH. Surccon and hyalclan. offlce corner of Kock and Market street. T R. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and l . Physls an, (Offloe and Kesldencu on Third street. -yy II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsiiuko, Columbia Countv, Pa. All styles of work done In a superior manner, work id without Pain oy the use of Gas, and tree of charge v. hen artificial teeth are Inserted, omco over Bloomsburg Banking Company. lo be open at all houri during the oat Nov.My JURE INSURANCE. CniUSTIAN f. KNAPP, UL00M8BUH0, pa. HOME, OP N. Y. MKltCIIANTS', OP NKWAltK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PKOl'LKS' N. V, JlKAIll.NQ, PA. These old cont-otiATioss nro well seasoned by aire and NIK rinruli ami hnvft navpr vnf. hnrl 11 Ions settled by any court of law. Their assets aro all invested In boliu HKcumtiM aro liable to the Losses rnom-TLY and iiawiurtr adjusted and iiam us noon as ucicrminea oy uiihistian r. KNArr, Brtcui, aoknt and awmtkb iiloumsbuko, The neonle nf f!nlll uliln nnilnlv KlinnM natrnn. lis the agency where boises If any are settled and warn ui vim Ul lunrunll uuueuif. PltOMl'l'NBSSS, KfJUlTY, KAIIl DEALINQ. IT ANTED. One Lady ordentleruan in every tj.,v!. . I . " wuaK ana eipuaws. Auaress it ,ortH Teutu St., I'hlladelphla, I'a. 0. a.MLWBidj,. . J',K BITTENDBKDEB,'r"rrJ"0"' E. B. BROWER, GgPI,UMBING, OAS FITTING & STEAM HKATJNG. DKALEU STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds' of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing mm Spottting promptly attended to. restrict attention given to heating by steam, Corner of Main & East Sts Bloomsburg Pa. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! '2, THE ARTIST AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always gives you tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho experience for a nuraocr 01 years in tuo Tailoring lJusi ncss, lias learned what material ;will give his customcis tho best K.ttisfaction tor wear and stylo and will try to pleaso all who give liim a call. Also on hand Gents' burnishing Goods OP ALL DESCI1IPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always or the latest styles. Call and ex. amine Ills stock before purchasing else, where. Store nent door to First National Bank Corner Main & Market Sis. liskrg, Pa. Aprli!My Canllnuettfroni tail week) How Watch Cases are Made. It is a fact not generally kiioun that the James Jlosif Gold Watch Cases really con tain moro pure gold than many "fcoliil" gold cases Tho demand for theso watch cases has led lo tho manufacture of u wry poor grade of bolid gold watch iiuks low in quality, and deficient in quantity. These cases are mado from ) to 10 karats, and a 5 or 0 karat case is often sold for VI or M karats. It is sot economy to In y a watch case so poor in quality that it will soon lose its color, or onu to soil that it will lose its thapo and fail to .shut tiht, tin .s k'Uin' in dust and dainagiiit; the works, r one so thin that a sli.,lit Mow- will Lieu!; tho crystal, niul perhaps the movement. It IS economy to buy a James JImi' CM M'utch Case, in wliiili 0Ni:of thcrc things ever occur. This watch i:.-e N itu( n.i ujitri meat it lus Leen made neiiiiy thirty j.cn, . II 1I K nw, I'A . Oct. 2 ;I mil to Janii'i 13(ifl 1 Waidi Cases thirl 3 cut ivo, u'u' u l'iey f.rt caiiw out, ami thy ur la b'oHl cnuilitiou jtt. One of tlH'Di ii rarriit l-y n cart-uUr, Mr. L. V, Diulo, cf llazl. tm, au-i ia!j thowatbcwi-Mria opo vr two ilaofH; i'.io uLhei' 1 i Mr. Ilouman, of CuunitiKtiam. ra.; uiul I cau 1 rc dili'U cu cr botll vt taew; Cdee tt at)' tiui?. StLVr.HTEH r.KdtE, J-l"'jr Srml 8 r.nl (t.in lu V.j.'tnnf lTulrti 1 ,( ftn.torl.., c .'liiM. I'li.t fr limitlxtiiiy lllu.lrtlptl l'.wilil, I t.' - n , t . Juc. Utf..' sutl kc,.lnr Wtrh (at arr t-4, r Wo ti CvntinucJ.) i THECOMPLETE H0ME., I book. Ne dt lion. New biodlnei. Hw iilut cations I from new deni;ni. Suntrbly gotten up. btme low price. Adapted to til cltsfi. Sells at tight. Aet doing big u work, Cxcbllvnt TKKMb, The hindiuiaeitproipectus Cfer Uiurd. Apply now. Uraulkv. Gahkht)N Ac Co., (A North th St. TMUdel- phi, fat. Alo oilier grnd new Uuk.i mid Dtbkt, marS-lx aid CTuod Vnr fin AKnt. 9100 lo 11200 per inu.iuu! !!! tiir uiirliriiml Neu IIUIutt. (Vttmuuwuntl IMvll ItutlleaurOieWorid Write lu J C. JlcCurtlj Ot Co., 1'biUUelpUia, l'a. mar 28-ly aid -M Tim liniirslffned offers ndvantaircous Induce. mcnts In tlie purchase of tlio following bpecLUtles Tne BEEHINQ IlIN'DKItS, COUN CULTIVATOHS. The Perry Sprlwr Tootli Ilarrov, the best In tne Market. All vinda and (Trades of l'liosnbato by til e 1! AHY LANO reilllLiiSinu anu jiauri;., ui. ESPY Columbia Co., Pa. Slay S-3 mos. ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO , BLOOMSBUKG, PA. ilinut&ctureraot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C First-class work always on Land. JiEPAllUNQ NBA TL YDONE, Prices reduced to suit the times', B. F. IIAKTMAN BKrKXSKNTS Till 1'OUWWINO AMEUIOAN INSUHANOE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia, l'ranklln, " " lennsylvanla, " " York, ot iVnusylvanla. Hanover, ot N. Y. (Jueens. of London. North llrltlsh, of Inidon. OlUco ou M irtti du jut, No, 5, Dloomsburcr. oct. 4.1-1y THEAS IJltOWN'B lwaURANOK V A'JtSSOY. Wo -er's now uui d nr. Main street, uioomsburir, l'a. Assets. .Utna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, conn, t.oi9,so Hoyal of Liverpool 13,541000 Unca3hlru lo.ivu.ooj rire Aasoclatlon. Philadelphia -l.t05.Tlo l'uanttx.ot London 5,S,S1 1mdon Lancashire, ot Bngland . , l,1os,lo llartfor I ot II irtfonl MIM'O aprlnirnnld I'lro and Marine il.039.oo As the a reticles are dirot, policies are written or tuo ItHured without any delay In in ffloe at Uioomsburir. Oct. sx, '1 if Bloo A biggor ftliow th.iii nil tho Wlilto ElcpliiMitN In tlio nintn- molh C'lotlilnp Stock or A. . YatCN & Co. IVu'liiiitiliii no ilcccptlon, n'c rcniutl the money on nil goortu not onliroly NntlNrnctorjr. A. C. YATES &C0, EiKBr Bntiainc. Ch-stnnt & 611 SI IIILADEIiPHIA. Feb 1 NEW BUGGIES!! CARRIAGE SHOP, BERWICK, PENN'A. FItOM $85.00 TO Sl2.).00. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. .May 2-3m Storio on the Road. COMMKItCIAL TItAVELLEKS AT A WAYSIDE IN.N-SO.MBT1IINU TO I'UT IN A OHII'SACIC "Gentlemen. I almost envy yon tho nosltlons you mi ; your experience ot me worm; your Knowl edge of business ; the changing slihts you see, and all that, you know." This warmly expressed regret fell from tho Up3 ot an o ilerly pleasure tourist, last August, nud was addressed to a semicircle ot rommcrcUl trav. ellersfee.ucd on the porch ot tho Ltndcll Hotel, Kt. LUU1S. MU. "Yes." resoonded a New York renresentatlvo of uiu proiessioti, -a uruinincr isn't, wtiueui uis picas- urea, utii, no runs ma ristis. t,uu nsivs uuisiuu mo cimuccs oi rauruau collisions auu sicamoat, cx plosions." nat, risss tor insianco 7" who was then traveling for an Eastern house, and is Known 10 icercnams 111 an pans 01 me country "Tho risk which Indeed amounts almost to certainty of trcttlne tho dvsnensla from nernetttal chango ot diet and water and from having no fixed uoura tor sleeping, 1 myse 1 was an example, sav uhut. for 1 a-11 all rlirlit now.' "no uiscount on your uigcsuon7" DroKeina Chicago dry goods traveler, lighting his cigar bfrCSlLa 'Not a quarter per cent. Ilutlhad to glvo up traveling for a while. The dyspepsia ruined my paper. Finally I came across an advertisement of I'AltKEir.s to mo 1 tried it and it fixed me up to pcriection. niero is noiiung on cartn, in my onlhlon. coual to It as a euro for dvsnensla." -Messrs. uiscox. x. uo., 01 ftcw lurw. lite projirie tors, hold a letter from Mr. Franklin stating that preciso iacr. r.utvi.itb iliu aius uigesuon, cures Malarial Fevers. Heartburn. Headaches. Coughs and Colds and u'l chronic diseases of the laver ana moneys. I'ut, a uomu 111 your vaitse, races, are. anu ti. economy in larger suo. iiiiUIIIiilllililiii DurhamlahUtoric. It wait nentril ground durJnrftbearmlBtlco between Sbenuau and JoliDBon. Boldlen of both amiicn filled their pouches n Hh tlie tobacco Etored there, and, alter tho surrender, marcbod homo, u ard. Boon orders came from Kaat, Went, North and South, for "more of that elegant tobacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. Now It employs 800 men, uses the pink; and rick of the Golden licit, and the Durham Hull In the trade-mark of this, the bent tobacco In the world, lilackwcll'i Hull Durham Smoking Tobacco baa the largest ale of any smoking tobacco In the world. Wby? Simply becauae it la the but. All dealers hat o It Trade-mark of the Hull. March si-it DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND Ci LIVER COMPLAINTS, q llftauiie It ids on the I.IVKlt, II01VKLS and KIUNEVS at tlu tra tlrut. Vmivm It oleiaBei tho .yitem of the pobon ou. bumor. tamt develop, in Kidney and Uri nary DUe&Ae., TJiliousnees, Jaundice, Conttlp tlon, Files, or in BneumAtlem. HeurelfiA, Iter toua DiAorder. end all remit. Complaint. ursoup moor or tms. it will stniEi.V ctma CONSTIPATION, piles, and RHEUMATISM, By cauilng FBXE ACTION of all th. organ, and funotloni, tnertby CLEANSING tho BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off diaeaM. THOUSANDS OF CA8E8 of the wont forma of thee terrible diaeaaes bATt been quickly relieved, and In a abort umo PERFECTLY CURID. PBicr, $1. LiqtiDoa car, sold by pbcccuts. Dry can be aent by mall. WELLS, niCUAKDSON t Co., liurUneton, Vt, 8 ilkmp fat Vluj AlmuM fur OKAV'H BI'ICCII'IC 9IUDICINI TRADE MARK TiieGkeatKno-TRADE MARK 1.1811 ItKMKllV. All unralllns euro tor Kcmlnal Weak', ncaa, ispcrmator rhuia, Iinpoteucy, and all lMsease that tollow aa a bequenca ot Kelt. Abuso ; as lorn ot Memory. Unlver. BEFORE TAKIHO.s.11 Lassl I u tl o.ArTER TAKING rain In tho Hack, DlnmesM otVUlon, l'rcmatiiro Old Age, and many other discuses that led to Insa nity or Consumption and a rrcmaturo (iravo. when dnt'flsln rrom whom tho mcdlclue 13 bought do reruiul. hut refer you to tho maiiuraciur. era, and tlio requirements aro audi that they aro seldom, if ever, coniiilksl with. Keo their writ ten Kuaranteo. A trial otono blnsla packago of uray a opucinu win couviucu vuu must, biwepiicai ui its real merits. on account ot counterfeits, wo have adopted tho Yellow Wr.iDtier : the only trrnulne. IWFuIl puitlcularalii our pamphlet, which we aesiru lu wriui hl-d uy limn iu uvi'iy uuu, ear iiiu Hnecino Medic no is sold tiyall drumrlsts at ll twr package or U packaes tor fs, or will bo Hent f reo by mall on tho t ocelot of the money, by addressliik' TIUS (lit AY .MKDICINK CO.; Huffalo, N. X. nuiu 111 111UUIU3U1UK uj un uruuuisia. NOVUlV AGEMTS WANTED eNWi:tt,0..1 1IUKNi:il. No moro trouble to move wicks. , Kvery family wants It. fit any lamp. Use game b'luuu. Dt-iii ui, biuuv. 1 urvo uuriicra ior a 1 u any ttddress. Hol.er Cuup llurner Co., T3 Murry bU, .iv. a via. May l(Mw r laweck at homo fs otlnntnt fnv. ,iv nh. itoltttely sure. No risk. Capital not required, ...vui.ii, 11 jvi imunimiuKn ui, niiicil per bonsof I'lth 'r sot. vounir orotil. run mnk Kro t pay all tho Umo they work, with absoluto iriaimy, wnio ior p.irucuura to 11, iiallbtt Co., rortlaud, Maine. IX0Si-ty LOOK OUTJBX' A iXhe,d trone for a rack- of fjlackwell's Bull rham Umoklng To co. a he aa told, be wouldn't have been cornered by the bull 1fc BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1884. SELECT STORY, MISS ELTON. 11V IUI.IX OltAV. Nfitlicr tnlt nor short, ncltlier dnrk nor fair, with hah' between blondo nnd brown, nnd oyca tlmt loft a doubt ns to wlictlior tlicy wero gray or hazel, fcho was just fiiioh rt little buntllo of uncer tainties ami contradictions as led tho mainnation captivo nt tho first glance, nnd offered a constant luro to anticipa tion. Whether sho Biioko or remained el- lent, whether sho walked or sat, expec tation hung breathless upon her next word, her next pose, iter eyes, vary ing as seemed the hue, shone, none the less, with a candid ray that seemed tho very light of truth, and her fresh rooutn, with its milky teeth showing between tho not too-smiling lips, irre sistibly suggested tho sweetest uses to which lips can bo put. 1 he heavily moving steamer had plowed through half tho great Atlantic rollers, and tho fow passengers had all grown heartily tired of each other, wIihii she suddenly appeared for the first time upon deck quite alone, yet aim and ecu centered as the small birds ihat poised themselves upon spar or bulwark to gather ureal h tor trcaii tliuht. It was Julius Hildcr who had first discovered her, leaning against the companion wav railing, with the air of aving lust come up or down, ho could hardly determine which, looking ab scntly at tho tumbling waves. Julius and his tnend Austin JJrakc were seceders from a cay parly who ail made tho tour ot boulliern Jinropo ogether. It was Julius who had 111 stigated his companion to desert tho others and tako tho German steamer for Now Orleans direct, which then touched at Havre, instead ot crossing by a Cunarder ; ami it had all grown out ot tho obstinate determination on the part of his sister to attach her party to that of Mrs. Smollett. Mrs. amollott was his choicest aver sion, a pretention", intriguing woman, 11 whom tho match-making instinct had been so developed by the effort to establish her own five daughters that it could not rest sattshed with the ac complishment of that gigantic task, She seemed to have an endless supply ot niecps, adopted daughters or pro teges of some sort, whom she dangled ostentatiously before tho eyes of all clligiblc bachelors. Sho had improved a chance meeting with .Julius to an nouncc to him a new acquisition, ; lovely young creature, whom sho was taking home with her trom a awiss Pension. ".Mr. Smollett's own niice, Mr. Hil der, and quite like ray Kanny at her age. You remember. Fanny f She was your hrst love, 1 believe, sho had said with her ogling dowager smile, and Julius had felt himself seized nt once with an unsurmountablo aversion to the fair young nieco of Mr. Smol lett. In the first heat of his indignation against his sister ho had conceived this notable scheme of crossing by tho Havre steamer, and though it had not iu its development proved to be emi nenlly amusing, ho had never omitted to congratulate himself nnd his com panion night and morning upon the good sense they had displayed 111 adopt ing it. ."io chattering girls or designing dowagers, ho would say, as ho yawn cd over his book or tlie dull game with which they strove to believo they wero amusing themselves, "gives n man time lo pull himself together and tako an account of stock, as it were." Still when on one of thoso aimless pilgrim ages below, which formed the only break in tho monotony ot this oceuiia lion, he had nearly run over this pretty young cieature leaning against tho railing, a thrill of undeniable pleasure had coursed along his nerves, ami h had felt himself blushing with pleasci surprise. I'ortunately, the sea-tan had render ed the blush indistinct, but over the light that shot into his gray eyes the sea-tan had no power, nor yet over the tonguo that stammered as ho tiled to convey Jus apologies for nearly upset ting nor, nnu his oners ot service in conducting her to a scat. "lhank you,' sho had auswerei cooly, "you did not startle me, as I saw you coming, and I am not stiro that want a seat." There was no more to bo said, nnd her maid appearing at the moment willi a bundle ol parti-colored wraps juutis could only lilt his hat again and carry out his purposo of going bo low. As ho had no reason for going except that ho had tired of staying on neck, and as tho deck hnd now no quired n paramount attraction, ho was soon back again. In tho meantime tho young lady hat mado up her mind about tho seat, an had found ono for herself close against tho ship s side, on tho weather nuarter It was net a pleasant location, but sho had chosen it, and had wrapped a largo shawl about her m an oxclusivo sort o way, ho saw no plausible ground for interfering. Nothing could havo been moro dis creet and retiring than Miss Elton's be havior, but tho perseverance of a man who finds himself bored by too much ot ins own nnu his alter ego s society. is an incalculable forco against which no woman can successful v entrench herself, nnd so it was not long before urowo lound himsclt eliminated, as superfluous factor, from tho sum of his trionds oninvment, whetiover Miss Llton appeared above deck. Ilia suc cess, however, was morn apparent than real, tor although ho know her name, and was allowed to carry her book and snawi, and arrange her chair In th most comfortable position with refer enco to tho wind or the sun, ho ha really made 110 great progress in her confidence. Who she was, or why sho nan chosen to make tho voyage In thii uiiuuiivi'iiiiuiiui mm eeuuiitriu wn .'ay. inaincd as great n mystery as it hat' been 011 that memorable first day. was tho close of the tenth day, dating trom mat ot his discovery, and Jului sat beside her In that intimate fasluo bred of tho isolation of tho sea. Ho had been reading to her, but tho story was tlntshod, and n sllcnco had ensued, sho appearing to bo wrnpnei in iiiongiii ami lie watched her laco with half-veiled glances. "Ihreo inore ilavs nnd wo shall bo nt homo, ehn said, rousing herself. 'You count tho days," he Bald, 'or you cagor to bo thoro t" "JNoj neither eager nor reluctant. Tho voyago has been pleasant, but it ill be nice to bo on shoro again, too." "What, or rather, who, is going to tnako it nice t Anybody in particu lar r Sho put tho question aside with n little wavo of her hand. "You nro curious." sho said, mis chievously. Julius bit his lip. Ho wa; curious, and this was not tho first timo sho had foiled him. "You want much to know just who nnd what I nm," sho went on. ""Sou havo mado a dozen attempts to find out. Tell mo why. What difference could it tnako to you ? If I were to tell you that I am n tnoeo ot tho ttov ernor of Kentucky ; mind I don't say that I am," sho cautioned, ns Julius mado a gesturo of surprise. "I say if woro to tell you so, and add that J. am mistress of an independent fortune, ould that enhance my valuo in your oyes I Julius drummed upon tho arm of lis chair, and looked at her in silence. "Suppose, on the contrary, sho wont on, impetuously, nnd with a cer tain warmth of tono that seemed to spring from linured nride, "I wero to ten you that 1 am an orphan without tortunoi that I had iitst money enough to carry me through tho coiiser atory of Paris, and that I am hoping and expecting to tnako my living by teaching music would that lower mo in vour regard 1" Julius still remained silent, perhaps littlo abashed bv the results of his own temerity. "I see that I havo embarrassed you,' sho said laughing. "1 shall not insist upon an answer. I leave you to adopt whichever hypothesis best suits you. bho gathered up her shawl and book as Bhe spoke, and made n motion to lse, but Julius laid a detaining hand upon her arm. "No, no, you mustn't go vet," ho ex claimed, and ho fancied he perceived a winess in her oyes as sho turned them toward him, which touched him inex pressibly. "I am embarrassed, not so much by your hypothesis as by some thing in myself. Since you leave mo to chooso between theso hypotheses, I will take tho latter. You .Ire, then, an orphan without fortune, hoping and ex pecting to inako your living by teach ing music. To prove to you how littlo J deserve your implied reproach, I will confess what I should have concoaled from tho Governor's niece. Miss El ton, I adore you." "Mr. Hilder 1" sho exclaimed, spring- ng to her feet with flashing eyes. wen, no said, quietly, "you chal lenged me." "You are impertinent, sir, and she swept away with dignity. bho remained closelv in her own cabin during tlio remainder of the1 af ternoon and until quite lata the next morning, when Julius, who had main tained an anxious and impatient watch upon deck, found her in the saloon sip ping a cup of tea and nibbling a pieco of toast, by way of breakfast. "1 hope you havo forgiven me, he said, tt-king a seal beside her. Hut I have not, she answered, with decision. "Which have I offended tho Gov ernor s neice or tho orphan music teacher?'' ho asked, with a saucy smile. "Both. It was n daring imperti nence to tho one, and a piece of inso lence toward tho other." "Well, I don't seo what I'm to do about it. It isn't tho sort of thing you can expect a man to tako back.1' ".No, sho said, looking absently in to her cup, then suddenly realizing that this was not just what sho should havo said, sho hurried to add, amid a contusion of blushes, "That is, of course, you must tako it back ; at least you mustn't say anything moro about it." "Never ?" "Never." "But that's impossible." "Mr. Hilder." "Miss Elton." "I think we've had enough of this. It was my fault I am willing to ad mit that. It was wretched taste on my part, and I'vo suffered all sorts of things iu consequence.'' bhe waved her hand toward her cab in as sho spoke, indicating that it was thus her hours of retirement wero spent. "Let mo go back to tho first ques tion," sho continued. "You asked mo whether thero was anybody to make it pleasant for mo on shore. Thero was no reason but my own perversity why I should not havo answered at once. No, nobody that I am at nil suro will caro to make il pleasant for mo. I havo a dear old undo who has always been very good to me, but when he hears how naughty I havo been, I don't know what ho will say to me," and sho puckered tip her whito fore head into an expression of compunc tious perplexity. "Well,'' ho said, after waiting somo time lor her to resume, "is that all T "That nnswers your question, docs it not." "My question as originnlly put yes, I believo it docs ; but it has been so amplified that you can hardly expect mo to bo satisfied with that meagre an swer. "Amplified l I don't understand." "Thoso two ingenuous hypotheses, lor instance wero thoy both pure ho tion, or which was tho true statement V "Both pnro inventions," sho return. cd, laughing and blushing again. "I nm not that brilliant creature, a Gover nor's niece, nor yet that moro useful and respcctablo one, a teacher of musio. Tho Governor's niece was just a bit of satire. I traveled a fow weeks onco in eompuny with such a peiBon, and tho constant iteration with which sho dwelt upon her title, and tho amount of respect it seemed to inspire in tho minds of those who heard it, gavo mo tho impression that it was the highest rank nu unmarried woman could attain in America. I think tho impression miisi uo well jonnited, too, as 1 noticed it produced quite an client upon you. "XN01 1110 eitect you imagine. I was startled for a liioinont, I confess, but simply because of n slight coincidence." "A coinoulencul Uo you know hen nud n hot blush and a look of constern ation sat together upon tho fresh young lace 01 iiiiHs jMton. "iNovur saw her, hut thero was n plot to make me cross tho oocau with such a person and n lot of other wo men, which 1 uotcatcd by running away." 1, "Oh 1 you ran away I" eho broathed tlio words out in a startled, half whis per. "Yes, thoy went by a uunardcr j and my friend Drako nnd I slipped off and took tho steamer at Havre.' She looked at him with widely open ed eyes for a moment, during whtoli ho decided for tho fiftieth timo that tho eyes wero brown, nnd not deep grny, ns ho had decided tho other fifty times. "Why did you run away f Bhe ask ed, after n momont's nmuscJ considorn tion. "Well, you see, I was with iny sister and two or three others ; just a nico littlo party, all tho ladles married ; so a iellow than t havo to bo alwuys on pa rade. Wo had a jolly, comfortable time until we got to Paris on our vay home, i.nd thero sister took into her head to join a woman who had been roaming about the Continent with a lot of girls on nu extensive husband hunt one of thoso women who never look at a single man without picturing him to herself walking up tho aisle in a whito tic, with half a dozen grooms men at his back, and who lias always just tho girl on hand who will walk up tho other aislo in whito Batin and meet him demurely at the altar. I had no fancy for being cooped on a steamer with such nn experienced old angler." "And the Governor's niece was ono of tho girls V "Somo Governor's niece, so I heard. Now, what is tho naughty thing you've been doing t Come, confidence for confidence." For solo answer, however, Miss El ton leaned back in her chair and began to laugh immoderately. Julius looked at her for somo moments, then, catch ing the infection, began to laugh, too, much to tho edification ot the waiters, who wero beginning their preparations lor dinner. "I have no doubt it's awfully funny," ho said, as she wiped tho tears from her cheeks, "but I think I could enjoy it moro if I knew just tho point of view lrom which you sec it. " Perhaps you could, sho replied, de murely, checking an impulse to laugh again. "Wo seem to bo in the way ; suppose we move." "(Jomo on deck, he exclaimed, ns ing with alacrity and offering his arm. "lhank you, no. I don t feel quite equal to the deck this morning- She mado him a ceremonious obei sance, nud her cabin door had closed behind her before sho had fully realiz ed her purpose. Sho did not reappear during the day. It was their last day at sea, and Julius was iu despair. Tho jetties' light was in sight when ho retired, and when ho woko in the morning the smooth glid ing motion of the ship announced that they were in tho river. He was not iu hasto to see tho low shores of the Mississippi in fact, ho felt at the mo ment that he had hated them ; yet ho sprang up, dressed with despatch and mounted to tho deck. Everybody was thero but tho one he sought. He stood near tho companion-way, watching furtively, and starting at every step. Sho did not come, neither was sho at the breakfast table. Tho hours glided by, tho city roso into view, passengers came on deck with satchels and umbrellas, prepared for going ashore, but still that partic ular cabin door remained closed. They wero at the wharf, tho staging was run out, nud a dozen or moro citizens rush ed across with that strange eagerness so inexplioablo to the voyager, whose eagerness impells him in the opposite direction. Julius, still maintaining his watcli at tho companion wav, felt him- sun geiuiy pin, asiuo uy a tan, gray haired gentleman in a brown coat, who went with caieful hasto down the brass steps. Ho heard a littlo cry, and peer ng through a skylight he saw Miss Elton iu the arms of tho gray-haired gentleman, her head pressed against the brown coat, and her eyes upturned to meet his spectacled gaze, "iter uncle 1' ho muttered peovishly; "who the devil is ho any how T Jio moved discontentedly to the sulo and looked at tho people hurrying nsnoro. "Hello, Julius 1 Going to spend tho night aboard V cried Drake, coming up witli a duly-chalked valise iu cacti hand. Oh, Mr. Hilder," exclaimed another nnd moro musical voice. "Wait, un cle, I must introduce you ; Mr. Hilder has been very kind to me. "What, Julius! Why, mv dear boy, how (1 yo 7 My wifo wrote mo you wero coming over with her." His hand was clasped with a hearty iressure nnd ho found himsclt gazing into tuo spectacled oyes ot JHr. bmol lett. "Oh, stupidest of stupids 1" ho ex claimed, as he thrust slippers and brushes into his valiso in tho privacy ot 111s cabin, "liaggcd by tho Smol lett ogress after all, by Jupiter 1" ho added as ho gavo a last twist to his fair moustache before tho misty mir ror. "Will you give mo ten cents for drink 1" asked a tramp. "lour frankness is bo refreshing. replied tho gentleman, "that I would bo glad to accommodato vou. but. 1111 lortunately, I havo nothing less than a quarter." "11 m : that is rather ombarassing, 1 ou wouldn t caro to give mo a quarter I suppose t" "Hardly. In fact I havo only a quarter m my pocket, and 1 shall prob ably want a drink myself boforo din tier. ' "I see," replied tho tramp, "tho situ ation is decidedly complicated. Allow mo 10 tniiiK ior a moment, h, l havo it. Just givo 1110 the quarter, and wo win tako a nip together nt mv ox pense." In Germany bottles aro being mado ot paper. There is n chance for pro- nuniioiiisiH to get 111 somo eiiectiv work by demanding the stoppugn of all paper nulls. Thero was placed on record iu tho omco ot recorder ot deeds in Washini ion last, week a mortgago made by S. Grant, of New York, to W II. V derbllt, of tho b.huo place, upon 1 1 . . U, 1111 tlio property known ns 1509 Vermont avenue, and 1213 O street, Washing ton, to secure the Bum of $150,000 loaned by Vandeibilt to GrMit on about the 3d iust. Tho .imminent I bears date of May 17, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIII, NO 23 COLUMBIA DBMOOHAT, VOL. XLV11I, NO 14 Cheaper Telegraphy. riio Senate Commute for Post Of- fices nnd Post Roads, on tho subject of tho postal telegraph has mado its ro- port. This committee says tho constitution al right of tho Government to establish n postal telegraph under its power to establish post offices and post roads seems too clear to rcqttlro argument. No damage is threatened to any privato persons or company boyontl a curtail ment of extraordinary and abnormal profits, and tho curtailment is not greater in uegreo man is required to relievo tho people from unreasonable I . ,. . . , . 1 exactions caused oy 1110 companies themselves. APVANTAOT.S TO III: DKRIVKI). An analysis of tho provisions of the bill is here gircn. I ho advantages to bo expectod from its passage, tho report asseits, aro as tollows : First. It largely reduces tho aver- ago charges now paid by tho public for I telegraphic services. Taking all the evidence together, it must bo very near tho fact to say that the reduction mado by the bill in the averago charge per telegram will be from thirty-nine cents to twenty-five cents immediately and twenty cents nt tho end of five years. second, llioplan inaugurated by the first ten sections of the bill secures during tho first live years an absolute uintorinity of ch irges for day tele grams within nil distances not exceed ing 1U0U miles, and for night telegrams within all distances not exceeding 2000 miles. Third. The plan provided in this bill secures from tho commencement cf its operation a uniformity of charges, irrespective of the amount of business in different places, for telegrams to newspapers and to commercial news associations : that is to say, for all tele grams which convey tho current news tor publication by tho press and intelli gence to tho public of tho daily and hourly changes in tho foreign and do mestic markets. This uniformity docs not exist, and never will under tho ex clusive control by privato companies of tho business of telegraphing. It is a weighty recommendation of this bill that it secures it. Tho procurement of the intelligence which tho newspapors ought to give, and do give lo the country, will thus bo mado as cheap ic I ono place as in another, saving only tho unavoidable equality which arises from tho fnot that tho number of newspa- pers which may oombino to purchase the intelligence is greater in some placo3 than in others. So, too. tele- graphic advices to commercial news as- sociations of tho course of the markets win 00 subject to tho same charges in 1 all places. I Tin: cns'soitsuiL' question. Fourth. The bill, while it may not wholly remove, does, to an important egree, lessen the danger that the pur veying and preparation of the intelli gence sent to newspapers and to .coin mercial news associations will be sub jeeted to aconcealed censorship, where by it may bo colored or distorted so as to subserve political purposes, to mis lead public- opinion ns to the merits or demerits of men and measures, to pre vent legislation and to favor schemes ot privato gain. Under the present telegraphm system the possibility of nuv.11 . ajiuuiua ua uuunuiollllJ, wuiuu IS ono 01 the most alarming dangers which menace tho country, arisea in two distant ways, each of which re quires a separato consideration. The first is the power which tho telegraph companies themselves havo of mauipu- iiuiiig iiuwb, t,ior sinister purposes) and tlie second is the samo power pos sessed by the Associated Press and other similar associations, not them selves owning telegraph lines, but mak ing special compacts for transmission of t.'Iegrams over lines owned nnd managed by others. It will appear that the power of the telegraph company iu this respect will be entirely taken awav bv the pending bill ami that tho power of the Associated Press and similar associa- tions will he greatly reduced. For the purpose, tlio report says, of giving fabulous fortunes to its inside mana gers and their friends tho Western Union need not send untrue market quotations. It had only to give tho truo quotations n single hour, or less than that in advance to thoso whom it means to favor and tho work is effect- uauy accomplished, sso such power should bo allowed to exist iu this country, even if no past abases of it can bo shown to havo occurred, or even if it bo believed that there has been 111 fact 110 abuso of it. Tho temp tation to abuso it is onormous, and will sooner or later provo to bo irresistible. Tho bill will effectually tako tho power away from the Western Union, or any omer privato telegraph company, by 1110 low raics which it secures to every body, nnd by the still lower rates wiucn 11 seoures 10 commercial news associations. Competition iu furnishing commer cial and financial news to all points nnd plnces is not to bo expected under .111a uiu, Mill, it will UU BUlUUlUlll 11 It insures, ns it is suro to do, competition 111 mruisning Btion nows to tho moro important places whereby the field for profitably tampering with tho public intelligonco will bo bo narrowed thnt tho temptation will no longer consti- tuto a sensible danger. Some farmers make it a practice to keep their poultry in their orchards from early spring until ccld weather sets in, nnd thoy find it pays. A nlok- et, iciico biiouiu no uuiii around tho or , , . ... - chard, high enough to provent their living over, with suitable buildings in 0110 corner of tho yard to shelter them at night. Thus situated tho poultry win inrivo nun prosper, keomng them selves in good condition, and tho in' cienso of eggs will bo greatly auguion lea nun ineir usenuness enhanced, to their owners at least, on account of tho myriads ot insects nnd worms they do- Btroy, and wluoh will moro than repay tho cost and labor of building the fonco. By keeping them inolosed iu this manner a largo number of fowls may bo retained in tlio orchard, and tho continual scratching which is done by thorn proves nhvantageous both to 1110 sou aud tlio tree themselves. The Delaware peach crop is now ap parently Bate, and prices will bo low enough to ouablo hoarding houses to servo diied peauh pleouco a week dur ing uexi winter. 1U OH fill Am lr J5 00 (801 800 ISO) 1100 1800 1300 2000 IBM S300 u air commn 10 in it no 17 ou 25 00 BO 00 onccoiumn sow oo so 00 woo iojoo Tearlr ailTprtlsemenU naraMo ouarterlr. Tran. slcnt adrertlHemenls must be paid for before Insert ed except where parties have accounts. .Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch fo three Insertions, and at that rate (or additional Insertions without reference to length. Executor's. Administrator's, and Auditors nol Icei three dollars. Must be paid for when nsertcd. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line. rani- tar advertisements halt rates. Cards In the 'Dustness Directory" column. one dollar a year tor each lino. Pat as a Cure of Obesity. To manv neonlo cornulenoo Is so ser- Sous an inconvonienco that tho nnncar- anoo of Dr. Ebstein's much talked of troalise on tho causo and euro of obo- sity may rovivo hopes which tho prao- .! "1 r-ii t . 1. J i ucui laiiuro 01 otner systems nau in most quenched. Ho knows ho is right and ho is not afraid to say so. Mr. Banting's dietary, though irksome, was not ascetic, but to tho many patients it was bo weakening that for ouo who has been relieved by it a dozen havo experienced actual iniurv. It is oasv to becomo thin by not taking sum food to Biipply tho wasto which is . . .... . - - . fl'tcicnt con- tinttally going ou, though in this caso the cure is worso than tho disease. Pro fessor Ebstctn scorns all such treat ment. Ho will havo nothintr in the shapo of starvation remedies, because while wo aro starving wo sacrifico albu- men as well as fat, and tho loss of fat during famino causes anaemia, which demands compensation in tho shano of a mo moro plentilul diet, in itself likely to lead to a still greater accumulation of tho verv substance of which it is desir ed to get rid. Enuallv useless and in adequate in his opinion aro tho various drink cures, bo they hot or cold. Pro- lessor libstcin agrees with Mr. Want ing in advocating legituen alono ns the only safo euro for an inconveni ence which most frequently results from too much food. But he adopts a dietary widely different. lhe crucial difference is on tho question of eating fat. Fat is tho sheet anchor of Dr. Ebstein. So far from making ono fatter, it is able, by "com bining with the albuminous materials and tho carbo hydrates," each in duo proportion, to operate effectively against obesity, tho removal of which re solves itself rather into a question of a permanent change of habits based on physiological principles than of mere cure in the ordinary acceptation of the term. No ono need expect to become thin in a fow weeks, nor will a pcrma i ! . f 1 ucni improvement in uguro uo guaran teed if the .regimen is not adhered to for the remainder of tho patient's life. Inanition must bo avoided, and tho fat taken to satisfy the cravings of appo tito must be of unexceptionable equal ity. No dyspeptic, wo aro assured, need fear fat so long as ho does not take too much, and, indeed, so admira- blo is that substance, long dreaded by delicate, that, by checking nitrogenous waste, it appeases thirst as well as hunger, a fact, in part nt least, known even by Hippocrates. Mr. Banting permitted any fish, except salmon ; but Dr. Banting eucouraged his patients to enjoy, "in nioderatiou, of course," not only this dish, but pave de fole gras and similar delicacies, which go far to reconcilu the corpulent gourmet to tho exclusion of carbo-hydrales. "Carbo- I hydrates, are, indeed his sole detesta- sweet of nil kinds. nnl nntinu,. in rv form ho forbids unconditionally. Three to threo and a half ounces of bread per day aro permitted, and of vegetables, asparagus, sumach, cab- bago and the various legumes rich in albumen aro allowed. Of meats he ex cludes none, and it is needless to add that so far from wishing the fat peoplo to avoid ine jai in lhe Uesh, ho begs thi'in to pick out all that they can get. 1 permit, writes this liberal minded opponent of the "starving doctor," ba- COii fat, fat roast pork and mutton, kidney fat, and when no other fat is at hand I recommend marrow to be add ed to the soups. I allow the sauces to bo mado juicy, as did Hippocrates. only, for his sesam oil I substitute but ter 1 at is his stronghold. On this ho depends, not as a mendioament, but as a food ; it has, in his opinion, been a much maligned article of diet, aud though ho by no means recommends tho men of full body to consume a third of what tho German soldier is al lowed in war time, he is convinced that oven with two to threo and a half ounces tho patient need not eat more than three-hfths of '.ho meat winch is required under Mr. Banting's system. Ou no condition must there bo an "af- ternoon tea," or othe tween meals." Ale permitted to the ext er such "snacks bc- tMcoholio drinks aro permitted to tho extent of two or three glasses of light wino at dinner, but beer is barred, unless, indeed, "tho per mitted carbo-hydrates be correspond ingly restricted," though even then tho ale accepted as an equivalent must be nn extremely moderate amount. Tho diet of a cured patient was something like tho following : i-or breakfast, a large cup of black tea, without milk or sug ar, and two ounces of broad, with plen ty 01 uutter ; at v.au in winter or at u or 0.30 in summer. For dinner, bo tween 2 and 3 o'clook, soup, "often with marrow," four to six and a half ounces of roast or boiled meat, vegeta bles in moderation, but no. potatoes and almost no saocharino turnips. After dinner a little fresh fruit, or a salad, or stowed fruit, without sugar, with two or threo glasses ot light wine, followed by a large cup of black tea, without milk or sugar. Supper of blaok tea, fat roast meat, or eggs, or some ham with fat bologna "sausage, smoked or trcsh hsh, and n littlo bread well but- tercd, with cheeso nnd fresh fruit, for- mcd tho concluding meat at tho hour of 7or 8. London Standard. The Poor Man's Country. Tlio opinion so often expressed that tho rich aro growing rioher and the poor poorer, though perhaps truo as to European nations will .not bear tho test of statistics in this country. Hero tho great capitalist of tho present was of ten tho poor young man of tho past, and in many cases the poor peoplo of to-dav aro tho descendants of persons who wero noted for their great for tunes a generation ngo. The wealth of tho country is constantly changing hands. .1110 ham-worked, thrifty cleric or apprentice ot tho rich man often succeeds to tho wealth of his employer, and sometimes contributes to the sup. port of his employer's unfortunato chil dren. Thirty years ago Jny Gould was n poor young man, and William H. Vandeibilt was living in straight ened circumstances 011 a littlo mort gaged farm on Stalen Ialand. Judg ing tho future by tho past, tho gveat money kings 01 thirty years hence will bo persons who uro now Btrucciing one Inch jsoo fjw moo Two inches ..... son 4(10 nm Three Inches., ... 400 BOO 700 Fourlnchr-...,.. BOO TOO DM quarter column., not) 8(10 in no with poverty, but laying a foundation for their fortunes by tireless industry and inflexible devotion to business. This is cmphstically the poor man's country. Thero is a chance hero for every poor, honest, industrious young man to acquire a portion ol the world a wealth.