Capital Punishment m Pennsylvania, The llonnl of Public) Charities of l ennsylvmila hns collected lli-v stalls, lios of, cnjntat executions fioin 1778 down to the. present tlnio. By the law of 1718 treason, murder, robbery, bur glary, rnpc.crlmo against nature, mali cious mischief, maiming, manslaughter nuiuiiuij;, ami nrson wero mailt) capital crimes. Subsequently counter feiting bills of credit or current coin was added to tho list of capital crimes. These laws remained in forco till 1780. when robbery, burglary and onoor two oiner capital oitcnses wero made pun 'ishablo by servitude nt hard labor. In 1701 capitsl punisliineht for nil cilmcs oxoept murder in the llrst degree was abolished. Tho total number of executions from 1778 to 18H3, boih years inclusive, a period of one hundred and six years, was 200. Of tho total ono hundred nnd bIx included in the stntutnwil there wero twenty-eight years in which no executions occurred, tho year 18G1 being the last year that passed without nn execution. Strange ns it may seem, tho greatest number of executions tak ing placo in nny one year was m 1779, when eighteen persons weio hanged. Ninety-eight years afterwards, 1H77, the number of executions roso to six teen and just a century after, in 1879, thero wero tdn, tho famous Mollio Ma- guiro executions having taken placo uuring ino80 years. Aside from theso three exceptional years tho first taking placo during tho turbulent period of tho Revolution and tho two last growing out of the coal region reign of terror there is noth- ingin the figures to indicate particular epochs or periods of crime. It is to be observod, however, that the ratio of executions has not increased in pro portion to the increase of population, pro bably because more mm escape who ought to bo hung than formerly, owing to tho growing1 reluctauco of juries to send ruiumnn being to his death. All executions weio public until 1831, since which time thoyhavo taken place in the jail yards and only a small num ber of spectators admitted. These figures aro .chicily valuable in showing how tho law of averages ob tains in the tending to capital crimes ai in everything else. Tho executions in tho State during tho first year after tno law mauo iniii.uer.tuo only capital crime numbercd'two, and duriim tho last, three, whilo the average for tho t. 1 - J - . . 1 , wuuiy penou is, as oeioie stated, oniy two aud one-half Phila. Times. As to the Tart Strawberry. VAMOUS WAYS IN WHICH XI IB DELI CIOUS RED FELLOW MAY HE EATEN. From the Boston Journal. As tho strawberry season is at hand, a few ideas regarding the disposal of tho delicious berry might be timely. Here is ono of tho best recipes for Btrawberry shortcake : One pint sifted flour, J tcaspoouful salt, scant ; tea spoontul soda, measured after pulver izing j 1 full teaspoonful cream of tar tar (on it if sour milk be used), mixed together aud sift two or threo times ; i cup, butter, 1 cup sweet milk or cold water; Hub in the buttery or melt the butter' and'add' it hot with tho milk,' gradually mixing and cutting with a knife, and uao , just euough to make it of light, spongy consistency. Either brake on a griddle or in the oven. When baked tear open and spread each half of tho cakes with softened butter. Put half of the cakes on a hot plate. Mash a pint of strawberries, sweeten to taste, put a largo spoonful on each cake i then put another layer of cakes and whole berries, well sugared. Serve with cream. Strawberry charlotto : Line a bowl with strawberries and fill with Bava rian cream. Tho cream is mndc up of 1 box gelatine, cup cold water snak ed together. Whip ono pint of cream till vou have three pints of tho whip. Boil tho remainder with J cup sugar and when bulling add the gelatine. Add 1 teaspoonful vanilla. When tho mixture is cold, add. whipped cream. Strawberry sherbet : Ono pint berry juieo, 1 pint sugar, 1 pint water, juice 2 lemons, 1 table-spoonful, gelatine. Or, 1 pint preserved fruit, a cup sugar, 1 quart water, 2 lemons, tablespoouful gelatine. Making a Eailroad. . When tho war closed one of 'the Georgia rulroads hadn't a depot or freight house on its lino, aud its rolling stock consisted of two old locomotives and four Theso couldn't roll until now ties and rails wero laid, and tho outlook was dubious enough. How ever, tho president called a meeting of tho board to see what could bo done. When he had stated tho condition of tho track and equipment, he added that tho company hadn't a dollar in cash, and no collateral to borrow money on. Ho then asked what should be done. "I move we declare a dividend of 10 per cent.," boldly replied ono of tho di rectors. It was a thunderclap that knocked them all down ; but ho followed it up by offering to loan tho company $32, 000 to make the dividend, and a divi dend was decided on. Tho stock nt once leaped from 34 to 90 cents, aud in a year it was held 108 and paying div idends on that. Wall Street News. UsELESSNESS of Bl-INDEKS. OllO of the most accountable of follies is that of compelling horses to wear blinders. Thoy are the cause of more run-aways and other accidents than all tho rail roads in tho country, Men and horses are always moro frightened at noises tboy cannot account for than at any thing else. Allow a horse to see every thing about him and ho soon loses his timidity. Blinders aro liable toinw pair tho eyesight, by keeping the air from the eyes and shortening tho vis ion. Horses are constantly being struck by objects that thoy would avoid if opportunity were given' them to do so. Hardly a day passes in the crowd ed streets of tho city that- wo do not seo horses wounded by somo passing vehicle that they were uuablo to set until it approached t o near to bo avoided. A writer says I drovo n horse for two yearn who was nover safe, and at times was almost unman ageable from fear. I took off his blin ders and used an open bridle for two years moro, during which time a child could drive him tafoly ; indeed a lad of ten years owno him nnd him ex clusively. Were ho to put blinders on him again ho would bo unmanagea ble. Kentucky expects to raiso this sea eon tho largest crop of tobacco over grown in the State. Logan smokes, For weeks lie will not light n cigar, and then lie will emoko constantly. Some of the papers are discussing "Congressional tea." What is wanted in Congress is a littlo moro dlgui-tca. Qw. or Potatoes in Spiuno. A pothto' is dry and mealy because of tlm RMirch it contains, but when theppiouls begin to push nut in spring, portions of tho starch are changed or consumed by tho growing sprouts, thus leaving Iho siibstnuco of the potito moro or less wntery nnd unpalatable. Seveml methods aro practiced fur keeping po tatoes in eating condition at this sea son of tho year. In a deep, cold collar tney will keep quite Into without spec ial cue, but in most cellars the sprouts will push out several inches in length bcfoio the first of May Dipninil potatoes in hot water, and letting them rt main .i few second, or just long enough l kilt ihu genus without cooking tho xkiu, has been practised with siiccoo by a few exp-ii-menlei'", but niuoli eaie is requlic-l l do tho work nicely. Strong Initio has been lately lccmumi'iidcd for the sumo inn pose, from ono to two minutes only being requiiud to kill the buds, nnd prevent fuitht'i- rproutiug Hut thu simplest, n.elhod we have tried, one that has proved entirely sitiafaotory for many years, is, to svlt'ot ns potatoes in A, nil in will bo requiiud for table tun till tho no a' crop is ready to dig, and keep them in bands which me to he emptied from one to another about once a Week. The pouring of the potatoes from one barrel to another brtiUcs and kills tho sprouts so they have no time to change or consume the Btarch of the potato. Two men will handle a largo quantity of pota toes in this way in a very few minutes each week. iV". E. Farmer. TIioiihaiiUh IIIIHtCIlCtl to tliclr OravcHl . Itclyltig on testimonials written In vtvld glowing language of some miraculous cures made by somo largely pmled up doctor or patent medicine hus hiistciiuil thousands to their graves ; believing in their almost hi. sane faith that the same mlraclo will be performed on them, anil that these testlmo. nlals make the cures, while the so called medicine U all thu time hastening them to their graves. We have avoided publishing testimonials, as they do nut make thu cures, niiuougii we nave THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of them, of tho most wonderful cures, vol untarily sent us. It is our medicine, Hop Hitters that makes tho cures. It lias never failed and never can. Wo will give refer ence to any one for any disease Blmllar to their own If desired, or will refer to any neighbor, as there is not a neighborhood In the known world but can show its cures by Hop Hitlers. A tOSlNO JOKE. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said to a lidy patient who was complaining of her continued 111 health, ntiu of his Inability to euro her, Jokingly Bald: "Try Hop Hitters I" Tlio lady took It In oimest and used tho Hitters f rum which sho ob tained permanent health. She now laughs at tho doctor tor his Joke, but lie Is not so well pleased v liu It, as It cost him a good patient. fees or JJOCTOHS. The fee of doctors Is an item that very many persons are Interested in. We be lieve the schedule for visits Is $3.00. which would tax a man confined to his bed for a year, nnd in need of a dally visit, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone! And one slnglo bottle of Hop Hitters taken In time would savo the 31.000 and all the year's sickness. A LADY'S WISH. "On. how I do wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her Irlcnd. "You can easily make it so," answered tho Irlend. "llowj" Inquired tho llrst lady "lly ul g nop Hitters that makes pure, rich blood and blooming hoalth. It did lor me as you observe." OIVEV op by ins DOCTORS "Is It possible that Mr. Godfrev is un nnd at work, aud cured by so simple a remedy,?" "i assure you It Is true that hc ls entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Hitters, and only ten days ago the doctors gave him up ami said he must die, from Kidney nnd Liver trouble I" 2G6ili fditiuii puco uuly SL BY MAIL POST-PAID KNOW THYSELF. A Great Meiicsd Work on Kanliooi. Exhausted Vitality. Nervoui and l'hvsleal Debil ity, Premature Decl lie In .Man. Errors or Youth, aud tho untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tion ot excesses. A book tor every man, j oung, middle-aged and old. it contains 145 prescriptions lor all aculo and chronic diseases, each one ot which ls.lnvaluable. So found by tho Author, whoso experience for 8:1 yoars Is such ns probably never betoielcll to tho lot of nny physLlan. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a nner work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional uiuu auy umer worK soiu in mis country lor 12.50, or the money win bo refunded In overy Instance. Price onlrll.OO brmall nrnt-nalil. Illiwtriitivfl sample U cents. Send now Gold medal awarded mo uuinor oy ine national jiedical Association, to the ortlccrs of which lie refers. The Science ot Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by tho afflicted for relief. It will beneat aU London Lancet. There Is no member ot society to whom The Scleuco ot Llto will not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman. .tr go)inut. Aouressmo reaoouy Medical institute, or Dr W. II. Parker, o. 4 Iiuinnch street, Iioston, .Mass., who mav bo consulted on an diu-.ihe rpnntrtnir skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseas es ana mai nave Dauiea tuo II i.i a I skill of another physicians a spo CLlhJXlj clalty. Such treated successful 1 1 ij v o i.i i is ly without an Instance ot L XX I &l!iJLJ:tall uro. Mention this paper. GRAV'H HI'ICCII'IC JIIiDICINII. TRADE MARK TueGheatEno-TRADE MARK 1.1SU 11KUKDY. Jn unfailing cure for Seminal Weak ness, Bpermator rhcea, Impotency, and all n'seases that follow as a seiiuenco ot self Abuse ; as loss ot aieinorv. univpr- BtrpRE TAIIMjBal Lass 1 1 u d RAFTER TAKIRO. Pain la the Hack, Dimness ot Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Hkwaxe of advertisements to refund money, when druggists from whom tho mcdlclno Is bought do "ot refund, but refer you to the manufactur es, and the reaulrements are kucIi that ihev aro leiaom, Vmvr, complied with. See their writ ten guarantee. A trial of one blnglo package of uiuj o oiiei-iiiu nui i;uuviim;u lue must b&epilCdl UI lis real merits. On account ot counterfeits, wo have adopted the Yellow Wranner : i ho onlv genuine. wr Full particulars hi our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mall to every one. "Tho epccuio .neuiaue is boiu uyuu druggists at fl per package or 6 packaes for 3, or will be sent free oy mall on the receipt of the money, by addressing TIIK OKAY -MKIUCINK CO., lluffalo, N. Y. Sold la Hloomsbnrg by all druggists. AGEMTS WANTED mTin-1 ilDKNKU. No moro trouble to move ieks. Every family wants It. Fit any lamp. Use sanw globe, sells at bhfht. Three burners for $ l to any ftlilmsa. Itnllpr limn llnrnpp fM f,liii,n, New York. ' ' ' Slay 16-lw r g, i! fat. U'l'ill"'"!'!!1''!!1!:!""' -M Jlay a-twd STAFFORD'S "tra BLACKING Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S. STAFFORD, Jfcw York. Kti ID 4W TAINWUiailT & CO., WHOLESALE OJlOCEJtS, Philadelphia riSAS, HY1IUPS, COFFEE, SUOAII, MOLAbUI. 8 bice, aricxs, iioixs, to. N, E. corner second and Arch streu. jvcrders will receive prompt attentln THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLO'OMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Bwwkk Hotel' OPPOSITE I. tl DEPOT, Berwick P, M The travelling public and vKltors to llcrwlek nro ifdiicctt 'lly Informed that tho undersigned has taken tho abovo old established licensed house, which he has recently llttcil up In llrst claw stylo nun nn micro iieeuiiiuiutmiiuiis equal 10 any. The bar Is supplied with the choicest ales, wines, liquors anu iignra. Qcoi Stabling Accommodations. May D 3m AGENTS WANTED I "19 TKAMf. At PmCTITl. " bj ALUs TlUTU4 Ail rrl i rrtlM ( nit tl94 Hepltwlth thHlllH l'lckpttketi, rle Uir lUbbtr, -.rrO lrttfonir tbclr ! !). ntNEVlRw WK inoihrmtii otthk NOT Kit At.'TIIOH. rrrMlr limmtiM, ihrlllltgl Uirttlc Hfiu riftl-llf. rirtiUr ft4 trwtW r. M. HEWITT, 404 Arh Bt, lkU4lila, 1 May 3-4wd MtEASUHKll'S 8AT,K OP NSHATEI) IiANDS IN COLUMUIA COUNTY, PA. . Ily vlrtua of sundry nets of tho Oencral Assent, bly ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania rela ting td tho sale of noatcd and hnscatttd lands In tho county ot Columbia, eta, for taxes due and unpaid, I will orrerto publlo Bile In tho Court Houso, In tho town ot liloomsburg, on Monday June 9th., 1884:. at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described pieces ot land, or such part thereof us may bo necessary to satisfy the amount of taxes due and unpaid against tho same, nndi contlnuo the same tram day to day ns tliesamo may bo found necessary. TE11.MS OF SALE. The amount of taxes and costs must bo paid when tho land Is si nick off, or the salomay be void and the property put up and resold. 11EAVEU TOWNSHIP. 8.1 ncrei Ilrockway, C II , l lot Heaver, Charles ,. a " lleaver, Jesse, 16.1 acres Ilrockway; C 11 in " Ilrockway ti Abliott 79 " Ilrockway, Abbott, 118 " Ilrockway & Abbott SI " Hrockway fi Abbott , 3 lots Ilrockway, o n 400 acres linker, Jacob, nr., 1 40 1 06 3 is 5 51 SJ 1 03 1 31 3 18 i iuis milt hunger..,. .., 3 15 68 1 Ri 1 85 15 1 07 75 57 a 7 12 14 14 M 19 74 2 6J 13 41 6 10 i nt 3 01 8 18 1 86 28 3 18 5 38 5 88 4 C9 4 5 1 SO 5 29 3 18 2 11 ii ta 1 1)8 18 3 41 2 21 10 73 23 63 5 38 2 00 10 7 53 5 9 3 34 23 2) 3 55 2 80 5 38 4 20 4 08 2 03 9 63 15 77 28 6 72 185 1 8.1 200 1 075 ISO 61 1 36 4 08 203 92 3 411 5 05 3 18 7 88 82 3 80 1 nogart, Mary liojer T8 erasing, Patrick. , t'nntnor, William i'Uiiuk. .'million ( .....(,( . HtOacres Columbia coal ft iron Co uanon, .nannas... IS!) Cox, c s Kit. ot Trench Cox.. SIT " ara " 88- " 49 " 1M " 115 " !H " Ihivlj Isaac Est . Davis Anthony Kcroth, Peter Flantgan, A Frr. W d 3 lots slots ncres Klshor. Sarah 10 ncres Oearhart, Daniel 3 lots Oearhart, Win ,... 60 acres liauck, Jonathan '75 " Hcnderlldcr.s A J 8 ... 50 " lloatz.John Deo'd 7S " Ilatz, Charles John 2 lots Hanier & Jester B " llomnan, ED 3 " Hunt, ElL , i! " Henry, Oeorge sso acres Illndcrlfdery Sarah A 1 lot Kline A. 10 acres Lynn, Jacob 3 lots Lawrence, W It S lots Lewis, Frank 300 acres Miller Slann ion " Jlclteynolds, W II 45 ' Sllnlck, Peter ,. 4 lots Martin, William 2 lots Jlonday, John 140 acres Nungesser, George 5 lots Patterson, J C 3 " Price, clarence 43 Pardee & Markle 8.1 ncres ltlcc, Abraham 55 " " 10) " " 91 . " " Oeorgo ' 6 lots ltulhllir, Sam & Co 3 lots ituthiirr, sam 140 acres HweppcnheLser, J K .,. Sin " Khuinan, Frank L 2 " Shuman, ihomas 110 ' Slicker, Mf3 3 lots Smith, J W a " stitck, J j , . 3 " Scott, Peter Sin acres Stewart, Wm o pim nan & .iiicnaoi 5 " Stcney, Martin 2 lots Vnstlnc, n li 6 lots Volkenard. 0 .1 . 2503 acres West, U m coal Iron Co a lots wcizei, ue 3 ' werkhlser, Samuel s " Wood, Augustus . 89 acroj Wheeler. William 10 " Downs. John 91 " lilce, John 11ENTON. Ash, Mary. .. Kline, Jonn Ellis.. Dodson, oeorgo BRIARCREEK. JSO) a.Applo, Paul... 5 98 1 18 1 74 4 51 14 40 9 b0 4 43 12 21 7 38 3 73 71 10 30 49 5 17 18 9 CO 1 00 71 3 58 2 45 1 2) iiusu, Kunen.. 'Hrtttatn.HAJEst "Clein, WTliov , " Doty, l'caler & Stewart., " Evans Francis "Harman, Daniel , "Ileadley.SFEst .... " Klsner, John "lleadley, s F Est .. " Kllnger, Lizzie.... " lteecer, Abraham .... " David sutler " stout, Nathan "Schuyler, Wm Mrs.,., " Freas, Wm L " Itobblns, Ell "Stokes, Olden CATAWISSA. " Ilrobst, .78 ' Klaco & Vettor , ' Thomas, Huth Ann " Thomas, Abel " Weaver, Elllas " Dornbach, .Margaret " Klsner, ltobert " Newell, Fred , " Yettcr, Lowls Est " Yetter, Lewis Est " Krum, Euas ; , " lllddle Heirs,, , 50 3 23 89 M 2 01 8 48 4 79 8 70 8 41 1 16 29 1 IS 4 06 21 1 81 SSO CD 85 3D 307 J87 8(1 8 si 8 Harder, Thomas E...,., schulcr, Mrs Sarah lot CENTItALIA. Conner, Thomas..... ., Durken, Mrs. Anthony Erwln, Thomas Hcffern, Philip .M. Homes, Thomas Kline, Caroline Orarell Co Lehigh tc Mahnnoy It It Co ........ Markes, George .. Mcliearty, Mary steel, George W Itlley, James ... Torry, Wm .. Knlttle, J II lioyer, John llanley. John O Ityan, Michael , Oerrechty, Thomas Tlghe, Thomas McKnlycr, Domlnlck Wilson, John ,,,, 1 lot 1 " 2 " 2 44 1 14 ii 3 " 12 14 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 9 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 3 B 11 9 8 4 10 0 6X 7 2 0 2 8 25 0 16 50 74 10 8 20 1 80 3 36 1 10 3 36 40 3 36 3 36 CENTRE. 22 acres Adams, Enos I.., S 35 1 05 40 5 01 20 5 30 SO 89 70 Hagonbuch. Wm 10 41 34 44 3 ii l lot 8 44 1 44 1 44 llagenbuch, Wm Sr. Est., Hoffman, Win Est I-owrcy, Simon Kroner, Joilu March, Rebecca Nungesser, Sarah llason, John CONYNQIIAM, Ilrockway, O 11 32 44 16 18 13 02 57 97 5 36 2 72 2 71 4 46 276 85 10 8 26 1 79 2 73 3 36 7 03 1 02 1 87 107 50 2 72 1 44 Ilresllne, Bernard s 44 lirady, Julia ... 2 44 Cane, Ellen 4JI) acres lleam, Joshua 1 lot Davis Thomas .. 1 44 Kramer, A W 1 44 Jones, Oeorgo ., ... 1 44 Lelby, Ephralm ..,. 212 acres K line, John L 2 lot Xlorrlson, Catharine 1 ". SIcManaman, Mary ........... 1 44 Morris, Annll...... 880 ncres Rustln, Mary..t l lot Rhawn. casneri 175 acres ltusteu, Thomas....... iiwhcu. luuuitta... ..1 43 00 iui Trein, Jacob 61 50 Treln. Jacob.. 64 50 53 SO 8 41 401 44 Ijwls, Walker Young, John Mellon. Thomas 258 01 2 35 72 55 1 81 I lot 112 acres Huston, John I lot Jlcouier, Terrance .... FIUIIIMIUREEK. sa acres Allegan John, lllish. rtcuuen'!!;'.'."''"'!! 1 38 8 23 ?8 41 1 10 1 63 13 14 30 3 73 3 15 6 50 5 23 83 4 50 3 43 llJ 800 20 14 20 Ul 7S anu no no sou 110 17 100 to 50 50 1U0 Doty, Pealer & Stewart,. Dresher, John .'. Davis, lillga L Farver, George. llutchunn, Thomas J Hosier, W A Hoffman & Freas ,..... .. jiarn-wu, jonn . Hunslngcr, Anthony Kindt, John & Co Le'iiun, Thomas Mclleory. K J , Meara, Wllllam.......MI MellenryO Hi Dunlel... l"ealer, Ooorge ltt'lchard, lwls Itobblns, Wm A.. Itobblns Ell 16 1 38 1 38 50 FRANKLIN, Cleaver, W.lUugtoa ., Nought, E II ,-..., Former, Jonathan ,,,., Mensch, nchael.,......,,, Howell, wilnam. (IREENWOOD. Albertson, Miles Hartley,,. lierry, Johu Dcrr, tram ,,, 1 81 6 90 4 50 SI 201 49 13 150 11 10 1 f0 88 iteanne, iieujamln 6l 2 23 41 McEuen. ii J HEMLOCK. 50 12 10O so 28 30 20 SW 6 41 " Appleman, MS " Appleman, Wm,. 44 lirugler, Ellsha. 44 Campbell, N S ; 41 Emmett,AJ 44 Neal Pursel , ..., 44 1-ursel, Isaao 44 1'ursel, Sylvester., 4 Wright, Ivl " M'liltejdyw, SeorgeJr. 2 50 50 4 23 4 14 1 43 1 01 10 40 26 15 JACKSON I 50 44 44 110 44 3f 44 4 41 ess 44 218 44 5 44 200 44 HO 44 2113 44 61 44 03 44 2.1 44 W 44 33 44 200 41 2"0 14 200 44 200 44 100 44 ISO 14 4.1 44 l'O 44 31 44 8.X) 44 44 60 44 20 44 21 44 21 44 6 44 110 44 230 44 13 44 7 44 3 44 100 44 80 44 12 44 10 44 4 44 43 44 100 :: 100 44 100 44 176 44 7 44 900 44 150 44 21 44 3 44 16 44 6 44 70 44 200 44 101) 44 121 44 SO 44 23 44 13 44 18 44 18 44 18 44 4 44 41 44 28 44 10 44 91 " 9 44 18 44 10 44 10 44 8 44 19 44 21 44 10 44 53 44 61 44 30 44 131 44 23 44 17 4 221 44 50 44 100 44 29 44 49 44 30 44 170 44 50 44 60 44 . 40 44 103 44 SO 44 12 44 375 44 250 44 16 44 200 44 60 44 18 44 100 44 13 44 21 44 44 44 143 44 19 44 7 44 43 44 0 44 100 " 30 44 40 44 00 44 18 44 50 44 47 ." 20 44 38 -4 18 44 68 44 94 44 58 44 240 44 64 44 83 44 ro 44 81 44 40 44 250 44 2 44 75 44 S3 44 ,4 11 125 44 J(119'4 ,V110" tfllS'4 19 44 91 44 38) 44 500 41 200 44 80 44 rjpitE. frlctr, DeorgoA.,.. Frlck, Oeorgo A..,,., Iless, llenjamln Inwia, Isaao a Miller Charles W ..!.... . Miller ANcyhart ........ .,.,,1.,, Miller A Noyhart.,. Keller, J K , U)CU!iT. millngton, Charles' ,,,, Dowart, Oeorgo ,, Everhart, John ., oernghty, Thomas . Hughes, Wrtght Est Kline, John n Kulp & MoWllllams lingenbergcr, Philip , 1.. , , Meyers, Mary Rustt-n, Mary Rustcn, Charlotto .1 1,,.. Reynolds John Rustcn, Thomas Recce, Daniel .... .., , Shaffer, Henry , Snider, Jeremiah .MADISON. Cox, Joel Eves. O W Ilemletshotl, K , Masters. HAW sand J EEsti, MAIN. Iilttenbender, conrad ... IPockway A Enti creasey, vm Sr Dornbach, John Dowalt, Philip Fisher, lMincl Oroer, A w Oearhart, Joseph,... ,., Homier, Samuel O ,.,. Jammed, Chrlstalu Kcefcr, Ja-nes Miller, II O Est . Miner, Emanuel ,,,, .Moses, .Michael Morris, Daniel Rhawn, Casper snuman, w T Shii'iian, Reuben smeck, Ilrobst, Yettcr, llauck Snyder, John,,....,,,., Snyder, Abraham Swcrtz, sheppACo , Yetter, Daniel Est Shuninn, John Hartmnn, Manilas MIFFLIN. Aton, Thomas Husor, Franklin Est o A Jnooby.i.... Kramer, A W - Nungesser, Wm J. . ,, swcppenhclscr, J K 44 lloraco 44 K l' Williams, Samuel MONTOUR. fllger, Ilarbara.... 14 John Est ,, 44 Samuel , I-elhy, .Taekion Near, William Ramsey, Est Sliclhamer, John Creasey, Jacob , Fry, Daniel ' Runyan, Elmer MOUNT PLEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel Shaffer, Manilas.... ORANOE. Crevcllng, Samuel..,, Everett, Gabriel lit Everett, Moses Est Kline, Jacob Est Kline, Abraham .7 Kline, Abraham J Patterson, M II PINE. llarton. Ell Drleblebls, Abraham '"is, Thomas Est Flick, Oeorgo A Lyons, R w JllllerACole . Itobblns. TD M . Shultz, lllram Shoemaker, Joseph ROARINUCREBK. Arthella, Francis liucher, Peter liarnes, Thomas Jr llrlsh, Jacob lirlsh, Jacob lleavei, (leo.JLKllno Ilrelsh, Jacob ContalrA Rico cox, 0 S Ex of Trench Cox. .... 3 SO 33 SO 7 IV) 77 7A It 23 13 30 80 7 91 7 90 110 7 90 IS 91) a 01 6 30 2 31 4 33 0 73 6 7-3 73 4 20 8 73 1 IS 1 t 1 til 13 III 50 1 50 6-1 1 CO 1 :) 1 20 3 m 1 so 1 no 53 2l 3 GO N) 111 71 S2 2 60 2 70 (I 53 6 16 2 m 9 10 1 20 23 40 4 33 1 80 81 1 03 33 3 46 6 50 6 M 5 Ml 4 13 3 SO 1 IS 1 HI) DO 1 SO 21 5 00 1 41 23 4 53 4.1 90 06 1 41 1 75 3 60 3 GO 45 7 00 7 0) 4 20 13 80 2 59 4 00 15 51 73 3 SO 1 M 49 30 1 00 1 82 1 18 S 70 8 07 78 41 8 99 3 00 40 S CO GO ft", 2 40 90 1 20 1 04 8 19 53 26 85 26 2 60 78 M 1 41 63 21 1 SO 1 20 911 48 1 6S 2 40 2 40 9 45 2 90 48 10 60 18 53 7 42 31 91) 2 6i 7 95 4 SI 2 12 19 01 5 30 5 30 in CO 2 12 9 C8 37 10 34 41 15 90 13 iS Dllanlanc, Ezoklel... llusten, John Harner, John John Stacey Little, ltobert Morris A Hughes.. Melllngton, Wm Wellington, Wm Ruub,J Miller- Raub, J Miller Skntce. Harvey Trlen, Jacob Wltchey, .Mary Est . Witchey, John,, Yocum, Isaac....... Yetter, Lewis Est..., Yetter Lewis Eat Levan.Lawsen Mtndy.Lelns Shellenburgcr SUOARLOAF. Hellas, William cole, Kzeklel , Cole, Thomas II Chapln, J F Chapln, J V Custer, Mary- .., Hess, Joseph O 44 Joshua 11 44 creellng Co 44 Wesley Hartman, Jesse Harvey, JFAMSmlth Mellenry, ltohr Mcllenry, EJ Mellenry, EJ , savage, Joshua Est KElt'S SALE OP SRATKD LANDS IN COLUMniA COUNTY, PA. AlSO the fOllOWlntr lots, ntivpq nni nn seated lands, returned by the tax collectors, are to uummonuo numc tlilin unucr mo prOVlilonS 01 an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for Lax In Columbia couaty." ap proved March 5ih, lsus. HEAVER. 50 acres Barnes, Charles. 4 lots liarnes. Churles II 22 18 30 81 60 3 80 1 8S 10 00 1 91 . 12 3 03 1 20 1 SO 3 50 2 SO 2 00 2 00 5 00 1 OJ 9 12 10 40 317 acres Miller,. Longenburger A Fisher 1 iui. jaasicu. nm. 5 44 Masten, Mrs. William 2 44 selpt, A II 4 44 Sherman, Thomas 5 44 Johnson, John 1 44 McAffee, John.., 1 44 Losec, J.AAgcnt,, IIENTON. 1 44 Albertson, Samuel Iti , 2 44 Haycock, Samuel 5 acres Miles, Jeremiah 23 44 D O Mellenry , s 44 stiles, Jeremiah 12 44 Oood A D 1 lot Jlcllenry, M L A Kate.! BLOO.MSUUKO. 2 44 Walter, Norman , 1 44 1'ursel, Mrs Ell briarcrekk: 151 acres Doty Pealer Si 81 1 12 2 40 8 80 8 80 6 83 CATAWISSA. 40 acres Heary, Isaac Est CENTItALIA. 1 lot llanley, John O . ... 1 44 McDonnell, owen.... , 1 44 .McDonnell, Anthony 1 44 Carr, Catharine CENTRE. 1 44 Keller, Sarah. 1 44 liasen, John..., 87 acres Mcquln, w f 21 44 Jtctiuln, John II , CONYNQIIAM. 1 lot Brown. John 1 44 Llndennuth, George 1 14 Dalcn. Mary 75 S3 12 60 4 20 75 2 41 1 70 21'l 15 140 76 80 23 216 0) 2 07 2 IX) 14 10 450 acres cummlnga, It M 3S5 44 Cummlngs, RMACo 400 4- curry, Ellen 4) 44 Murnhey. Hughes A Co 2 lots Retnbold, W ll , FISHINOCItEEK. 81 acres Eyer, Manilas in 44 Eyer, James ;' lot Shultz, cornelus FRANKLIN. 2 acres Strausser, Joalah.. GREENWOOD. 1 lot Illklngton, PR 81 acres MOore, Lafayette- , l lot wiiuver, J E 1 44 Hess, Jones., 1 44 FlUgorald, Elizabeth :....... 27 acres McMlchaol, Jane , I lot Welsh, James ,, HEMLOCK. 23 acres Thomas, Slato Co...... 6 Ebner, William 1 lot Fuge, John V 44 Tlppett. John X ' Fisher, Frank a JACKSON. 1 25 30 2 10 15 61 48 3 20 1 20 47 50 50 2 83 1 65 2 m 6 97 1 51 3 40 4 76 5 C 2 40 'Sol 10 75 75 6 00 2 10 2 45 11 40 5 43 1 90 21 10 1 25 6 10 6 00 3 15 HI 11 00 2 53 lit U 97 21 vj acres Youujf, Christian. 33 Young, LcwHC, 24 118 Young, Isabel Chainueillu, Lewi , LOCUST. Rhodes, Susan,.. MADISON. Husor tCrwm ., Triimbouef, A 0 ll'allua. Ui.u, I,., 8 44 6 44 170 44 1 lot 12) acres Miller, Charles li. JIU'FUN. 1 lot Kelchner, Jacob, Sr. 66 acres lirelach, Oeorgo JIT. PLEASANT. 13 Uer.neld, Thomas ORANOE. Eves, James est 17 PINE. 113 125 38 8 10 CO Lcggott A Frlck itobblns, Joshua .. , Drelblebls, Jacob Est. Drelblebls, Joseph.,,, Evans, George , lteuu,nurah A. ., Rlcketts, K. U , Kline IMltersou I II Fine. A J lot ifuath. Misan 60 acres Kline A l'Attcit&n.... so 44 Parker, John 11...,,, 99 44 Cornellson, ,1 II ..... 15 44 Neysunter, Jllchaei SCOTT, 1 lot Solomon, Phoebe, 73 16 acres McKelvy, Nral A Co, 40 BUOARLOAF, ungues, wenngton Est j 5a '1 Hess, Lavlua 411 44 Shultz, Ellas ,,,.,,., , 1 bo 44 Hirvey, A M , , 1 w EKiwuru, naiuan 11 .., 110 41 Albertson, Jeuso , t5 44 Stevens, Ezra .. 1 50 A 01. dull fl HUN, Treasurer, SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNPERMITTED ORAPK JUICE. Used In tho principal Churches for Communion. Excellent for lVmales, Weakly Persons and tho ogeu. tSpcer's Port Grope Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rptllS CEI.EIIRATEDWINKIStlio pure Julco of I tho dead ripe oporto drape, raised la Spccr's inbjuiua lis lllIUUflUll, Tonic and Stronjthcnlng Properties nro unsurpassed by nny other Wine. Being pro rtuceil under Mr. speer'sown personal supervision, principal Hospitals nnd Boards of Health whuhavo examined It. The youngest child may partako ot It, nnd the weakest invalid use It to advantage. itJl,v',llr,t,c."''lrl.y Jni'lclal to tho aged and debilitated, and suited w the various ailments that nffect the weaker sex. ii is in every respect A WINETO IIEREL1ED0N. Sp8er's Unfermontod Grap3 Juice- Tfl till, ttll.t ftnrt., r, . ... o-.V.r.'4 . . "l'"iiv ,iiii,us preserved ill Us natural, fresh, sweet statoaslt runs fro-n tho ..wk, u. luimgiuiuii, niereuy uusiroying wio CXCI. cr nf fermniiMHnn tr l ......... , from spirits and will keep la nny climate. ' Soeor's Burgundy. lsadarkrichmedlitu Dry Wine used bv tho weaitny classes as n Tablo or Dinner Wine, and by physicians In cases wherj a dry wlno Instead of a sweet nortlnrlej.lre.l Spsoi'a (Socialite) Olaret. Ifl held In hlffh Pstlmnttnn Mr llo i.tMmrtaa no n Dry Tablo Wlno especially suited for dinner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. Tsa Wlnoof SlItK'rlrtrrhnr.iprprntifl nnrtaVna tho rich qualities or tho gropo from wlilcli It 13 Speer's P- J, Brandy. ia a i-uiiE distillation from tho grape, nnd stands unrivalled lu this Country tor medicinal purposes. it uasn peculiar navor, similar to that of tho grapes fromwhieh It Is distilled, seo that tho blgnature of ALFRED SPEEII, Pas saic N. J., Is over the coik of each bottle. SOM BY O. A. KL.13IM. AND BY DRUOOISTS EVKUV VI1KRE. Sep.2s--83ljr. for the working class. Send 10 cents for postage, nnd wo will mall you free, a royal valuablebox of samnlA rnmU will nut VflU 111 tllR WnV nf nink-ltu. mnm mnnou fi. few days than you ever thought possible at nny business, capital not mpilrcd. W- will start you. YOU Can work nil tlm Hrm, nr t n anira tlmn only. Tho work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young nnd old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to every evening. That alt who want, may test tho business, wo make this tinparalled offer; to all that are notwellsatlslled wo will send tl to pay for tho troublo of writing us. Full parti culars directions, etc., sentfreo. Fortunes will be iiiuuu uy uioso wuo giro tueir wnote time to the Work. Oreat success ubsnlntpli-snm llnn't delni-. start now. Address STivfox Co., Portland, ""-- i:rc YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME. 1JINGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. -o- The houso Is sneclallv fitted un for thn comfort of Invalids win desire a pleasant and Christian home, .stands on hlirh eround with nlentv of shade. Personal attention given to every patient. ivieciriciiy uuu uaivauisni in iiieir uiuereni moui ncallons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many years of study and practlco to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his skill. Send for circular, stating what paper you saw this 111. PROF. IIENKY M1LI.N, Mrs. ALICE FRENCH MILLS, Lock Box 07. Blnghamton, N. V. Sept. 7 'Sl ly. etsseseoeeteoetei eseet'oeosooeoooa o oooooooocoo Silverware. Tim present season evinces in tlie styles shown, a very decided return in the taste for the plain antique designs, known as Early English, Chippendale and Old l-'rench, although the rich or nate decoration known as Re pousse, still retains many ad mirers. Japanese, Indian, and Oriental nit has also been successfully tttulied by our designers, and d:coiations of wonderful beauty r.iul elegance enrich the hun dreds of useful and ornamental articles to be found among our t.tble requisites. The assortment of Dinner, Tea and Dessert Services, Bowls and Fancy Pieces, is very complete, tlm prices are exceedingly mod crate. Correspondence and mail or ders will leceive prompt atten tion, and careful selections of articles will be sent on approba tion when desired. J. E. Cai.dut.ll & Co., pos Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ittxeeteeeestcee ooooaeGoooeoo oooeaoQOoe EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLQ0M3BUR3, PA. OPPOSITE COURT 1IOU8E. Largo and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms hut and cold water, and all modern conveniences a week at limns 15.00 nutnt free. 1'av all. .solutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader, If you wantbusluovj at which per- , nulls ui t,iui?r bu., uuuh ui um, 1.1,11 uiuitw great pay till tho time thoy work, with absolute certainty, write for particulars to II. lUtLurr lu., ruruaim, .name, leosi-iy wantod for The I.Ives of all the Presl doutsottho U.S. Tho larwst, hand! somcst bust uook ovor sold for lOis than twlco our urlco. The fastest selltnu book In America. Immonso protlts to agents. A ii Intelligent people want It Anyonacan becomo a successful agent. Terms freo, iUi.lktt Booic Co., Portland; Maine, Deo Ul-iy PEBODY HOTEL. PHILADELPHIA. 9th St. south of Chestnut, ono square south of the New Post onite, one halt square from Walnut HU Theatre and in fie very business centre ot tho city, 011 the Ameit 1.111 and European plans flood rooms Irani 50o to (3.01 iter day. Remodelled and newly furnished. W. Payne, M. Iiov 1 Owner & Proprietor. WAR ! BOOKS. SEVEN ORK.Vr JIONAItCIIIKS of the Ancient Eastern World. llydtoKfm Rawlinson. "What IsmoroTEItltlllLE that) War t-unless It bo war among publl hers, then what could bo HAPPIER, lor rejoicing book-buyers 7 Such a war Is la pro. gress. l'rlco roduced from llttOO to Sped, men pages freo. Not sold by dealers) price too low. Hooks for examination beforo paviiiont. JOHN II, ALllEN, Publisher, 18 Vosoy St., N. Y, May S-4W p GOLEM coLLnoB.wn waxk, u. or. KWstmlonts from t'cnnsylvaiiln In IWcl. .Mori tinsltlons graduates llun nil other schools com. blned. Lire Scholarship, f 10. Wrlto for circulars. COLKMAN A PALMS, Proprietors. May 1MW r ALL KINDS OF JOB PIMNTINO ON SHOUT NOTICE AT THIS OKFIOK. mam aai m STYLES VAN NOW AT THE MERCHMT TAILOR, ISloomsburg. IE3 IAUOS, PINE INLAID FUENCII WALNUT Eiihj' TeriiiN, .Satisfaction Cluarniitced. 3A.a03NT'S PIAKTO WABE ROOMS, MU3I0 HALL HLOCK, WXLBX1S-2SAK11B. i, i wm, m. i. Ueilca SupsrlatsnJeat cf thj Saaltaiiura. Invalid's Home. Bloomsburg, Pa., Peyotes special .lt'tition to Epilepsy erTOUs Affections, untl Diseases of Women, Patients received lit tho Sanitarium on reasonable terms for board and treatment, P. S. No cliarijo for first consultation, apr 27. '83 8, F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dopit, Bloomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges In t) liferent styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves and stoves for heating BtorcH, school houses, plnirplics &q. Ijiirgo slock of tnwaip itn( stovo repairs, sicli us fjiiili-s, lru brick, litis, centres CALL Al SECURE BARGAINS. Oct 3U If TUo moat popular resort onllio suwiieliaona ltlverHtlioWupwallopoii Valley Hotel, Nvamval lopen, I.tuerno Co , Pu. H. This liouso has beea thoroughly rcnovatea ana Is titled up with every oiivciileiicos for tra. velern, tourfatu liuutliiB ana nhlni; parties, ills clotltfliltully HltuatJ-it in tho intihe (it a beauiltul tjecllon of river anil mountain wcuery In rioao pruipnli)-19 Hi fw'p Council Cujp ana special InUuccuionts are orrowa to nil who desire reereatlon eomlilnej with llrst elaia no. eoinuioaallona. The liar suppllnl only Willi tho choicest wlues and liquors, excellent stable uo. coraiaoaailoiu, boats to hire 4c, April 83 oiu For the Ccleliruk'il Clitckcrlug, Ivtrs & l'oml, anil Vosu & Son I'lanos., Wnrlil-ro nownutl Ksti-y Orgms, Violins, Accordcons mill Sheet Music. Celebiatcd Willie, New IIIl'Ii Arm Davis, New Home, ltoynl St. John, ami Mailt Htmnlng Domestic Sewing Machines. Nectllos, oil anil attachments for nil makes of Sewing Machines. I5E SEEiT CASE OHO AN, 0 STOPS, $90 CASH. Junel TIIK NEWEST, MM AND"-n-j in WAIL PAPER, Aro Offei ( rj nt LOWEST- FOSSIBLE RATES, BY G. A. Buckingham, MA1UCI5T ST., Berwick, Fa. April 85-Jni KAXZ.ROAS VXItXa TABID. Pennsylvania Railroad. INI 'hilado'phia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Wl TIME TABLE. In Vtttct MflV 1Ml lKRt Trnlno la,.va t.... bury. " ou"" IlASTWAllD, v..vM. ..... u... ...fican liiuy except feuniluy), rorlliirrlsburtfunaiiiiermeuiiitustntlons, un Ivlntf ul PliUiulelpiiiua.18 p. iii. j New Vorlc (l.t!0 p. iii. ; liultlmoiv, mo p.m. j Washington! . . i -,, -.v' ..iihuuii'iiiii luruu ceil u!,lv, ,0 ',lts- 1I"'0,1K" pasienircr coach to aojp. ui.-f.Day express (dally), for Hnrtliburg and intermediate stullons.arrlvlng nt riilladelplila through to Phlliideipjila nnd paWngcr coaches througli to Philadelphia una Uallliuoru. 8,'jo p. m. Wllllainsport Accoinmodnllon (dally) ... ...... e. .. ....viiiivuiiiiu MUUUII9, ttrriv lngnt Piilludelphlaa 10 n. m. ; New York B.10 n. in. liiirrlslmrKforPhlliulclphlanndNew Yoik. On Win. days n tin rniBli sleepfnirojr will bu run; on this train Irom W llilanisp't tql'lilladclplila-Phlladelphla jiasbengers can lemalii in sleeper undisturbed until s.'.30a.m.-Krl JIall (dally except Monday) - - , - -"""'b iiiiviniL-uiuLu stimuli-, arrtjlnif at Philadelphia New York, ll.iX) U. in. ! Iljlll llinni ?.jn n 1,1 . t'rto,,lnl,,,n u n. a. in. Through Piiliinnn sleeping cars tire run on this tra n to l-lill.idelpliln, Dalllniure nnd Washing. ton. mill flimtttrh IVIkuimTn. ......nt..u , n plil.i and llaltluiore. WESTWAltD. 0.15a. 111. Krlo Mall td.ltlv pxeent Kitmlfivl. fnr Krleund all intermediate stations with through Pullman IMlacu car nnd thrnuirh ,i!lui, coaches to Krlo, anil through Pullman Palace cam to lluffalo via Kmporluin. On Sundays this iiuiu 1UU9IU iiL-iiuiu, mi i uiiinau j aiacu car to uuiiiiiiui i, uuu passenger coacnes to iccuovo. For CnnaiidaliruiL nnil Intertneilintn ktntinnu ltoches er, llurfalonnd Niagara Van, (dally except bundays) wlththiough Pullman Palace car and passenger coaches to itochestcr. luia-Aunn express (uauy except Sunday) for liOCk II.'lM'Il mid llltermeilt.ite Ktnllnris (in Knn. days this train runs only to Wllllainsport. 1.10 p. in. Niagara Kxprcss (dally except Sun. day) fur Kauo und lnlunnedlato stations with thiough passenger coaches to Kane. I'or Canan dalgua nnd principal intermediate stations, nutuentei, iiuuuiu nnu Niagara l-ans with throughp ssenger coaches to hochester and Par lor car to Wutktns. 5.55 1). in. Fast Lino (dallv excent Rnnil.ivifnr lie. lioi o nnd Intel meiltato stations, nnd Klmlni, Wul klus and lntcruieitlato stat Ions, wlili tlirnm-h n .u. senger coaches to ltcno o aud Watklns. THItOUOll TltAINS FOll SUNIIUUY FltOM THE EAST AND SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a.m.: It) 15 '' '"' Ua"y' urrlvlni' M anbury ,,,,, . . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; Baltimore 7.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday) arriving nt Sunbury, p. m., with through Pallor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and llaltluiore. Fast Lino lea ea New York ROO a. m. j Phlladel a. in. j Washington, u io a. m. : lialtl. more, IU.5J iu in., (dally except buuday) anhlug a sunbury, o.uop. m., wan through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and llalifinore, trie .Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Fhlladil. phla, li.aip. m. ; Washington, ii. m. j lialtl. ingre, 11.2;, p. in., (dally) arriving at sunbury 0.10 ,n-'. )!".", jUirough Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llalilinoro and through passenger coaches Irom Philadelphia. eiH-r Horn ushingtoii runs dally except sun. HU.MIintV, IIAZI.;to. & WIl.lvEsllAKKK K.tll.ltllAII AMI MIUTII AMI WJJ.sP HltAM'II KAII.WAV. (Dally except Sunday.) vwlKcsuanu JIall leaves bunbury 10.30 n. m ?.!''""' ut lll0O'n i'erry iu in., Mlkcs-barro Express Eas'. leaves Sunbury 6.15 p. in., arriving, Wltkes-barre s.0) p. iu. im.UIliHry 11 T.1 K'au,!i lllcsbario 10.3H n. in. nn lv lngnt lilooin l-'ciry p. m., Hunbury is.55 p. m. i-xpress est leaves v llkes banv s.45 p. in., or Mvlngat Illoom l'errj- 4.15 p.m., Sunbury 5.1U p. C1IAS. II PUUIt, j. it. WOOD, Pen. .Manager. (ien. Passenger Agent. puiLADELPHA and KEAI)IJS(7ko U ARKANQEMENT OF PAt,ENGUt TRAINS. JlaylO 18S1 THilNS LRAVK KCPXKT AS fOLLO A S(80NbA V K(0KI'TD. For Now Ycrk.PhllaaolphlaJleading.PottsviPe, &c.,ll,'0 a. Un For Catawlssa, 11, 0 a. in. 0.13 ana lo.xs p. m. For 11.45 a. m. anu 4,04 p. m For Lowlsburg and Sunbury, 4 Oil p. ta. THAWS FOB BOraal LKATK as KOI.LIIWH. istUA IIUSPTkD.) Leave New York, via, Tamaqua v.oa a. ta. and via. Douud Urook Iloute 1,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,00 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,58 a. m., Pottsvnie, in,s p. and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 1145 a. m, ana 4,00 p. ui. Leave Wllllamsport., 10 u m Leavo suabury 4.19 p. m. ' 4P-".4""n'.iup. in 44 Lcwioburg 4.43 p.m. Paisea;drs to and from Phtla lelphla go throuh without change of cara. J. K. WOOTTEN, O. Q. HANCOCK, QeDeral ManBt" Jan!lo! issi-fff Cer 6n1 nc)cet AeU- QELAWARU, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEltN HA1I.KOAD. BLOOMSBUHG DIVISION. NOltT ii. STATIONS. Rimnlft I SOUTH. a.m. p.m p.m. p.m. 0 oo 1 30 tl V5 U PJ I) 11: 0(1 H 6U H M mi 1 115 liellevue,'.'." 0 do y 40 3 !0 5 55 9 45 3 35 0 01 9 60 3 30 0 Oil 0 57 S 3S tl 17 10 Ol 3 46 0 3-1 10 OJ 3 51 tj SS iq 14 3 51 d 33 10 17 a m a 3'i 10 30 3 UI U p) 10 S3 3 00 (1 4S 10 31 3 UO 0 50 10 Sil 3 I H H su ..mjiorvuio.,, .Lackawanna.. ....I'lttston West I'lttston, ...Wyoming.,,, ..Manny,,;! ...Iicnnett,,,.. '..Kingston,, . .Ktnirunn S 40 1 13 1 03 1 U0 S 31 8 r s : 1" 55 8 IS H 41 H Si) 8 17 li 61 o U Vi 4S H OS 12 41 S OH 13 41 8 Ol 13 3'J H 35 S 30 PiymouiH Juno 50 12 85 7 61 13 30 ..njinouin,,,. fl M 111 A'4 51 ; a at H 17 H 10 7 AS 11 Avtinilajo. , 7 W 10 37 3 31) 7 10 10 41 3 0 7 13 1U 48 3 33 7 31 10 tU 3 45 7 17 11 10 3 87 7 51 11 10 4 t)J S 00 It 33 4 10 H (XI 11 3d 4 1(1 8 10 11 3'J 4 IV 8 14 11 43 4 SJ 8 81 11 48 4 30 8 38 U M 4 311 8 31 11 57 4 43 50 13 l'O 7 41 1J 111 7 SO 12 CM iiuiiiucKii L-reek 7 IS 11 511 ..niiieKsninny,, .Jllck's Ferry , ..Uoaoh Haven.. 47, 7 11 11 Ml I 41 7 .41 7 (15 11 41 .....lierwicK..,, ..Iirlar Creek.,, 6 58 II K.l 7 S.7 0 61 II Ul B 50 II SO 0 42 11 lit 7 Zi 7 10 7 11 ..vvuiuw IJI-OVO., ...Llmoltldgo.,, Kspy.....',. ,,.iroouisburg. U 30 11 17 7 03 0 30 It 13 0 25 11 OS 7 00 0 51 0 31 U 3J li 35 S 10 a.m. jCatawl'u liiidgo a 01 10 u n oj lu us 4 41 8 53 13 30 5 03 9 tt! 13 SS 5 13 9 01 13 33 b 111 9 SO 13 50 5 30 a.m. 11.111. 11. m 00 10 47 i.auiiiiu,,,, ...ChuUsky,,,, 5 55 111 41 5 40 10 SO P in. a. 111. ... uuiiierun,,,. Northumberland . r. IIAI.STEAD, Supt. unice, Hcranton, Feb. 1st, 13 )j Superintendent's JAMtCS RElLly, TonsoriaJ .rtist, ciiiViir ..,T' i..4a 0lB undor KXOllAWnu UAHBai sfioR" II.M reS9no fufty 'iffifHS patrooaue of hisoldoustoi'nV. T'iL'1' . ilay imw PUTTER For COLOR nnri CUrcTUFeA HW ,:"U.L.UK ana SWEETNESS I.- PI., W MHHHIin. Is w "f2' wa OcIm, BrlihK.t "KAN. BABK 4 CO.. Ko. iii m.VT'V" w iror'Noi'askedfoVpSuT!!1 r 1 April lltw