The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 16, 1884, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct Itiillrnud Time Table.
Trillin on tho Philadelphia & lu it leavo Itiincrt
as follows!
0..K1 a. m.
4.011 p. in.
11:59 a. in.
0:13 p. m.
Trainion tho 1). I. W. It It loavo illoomsburg
as follows i
WW i. m. 8:M a. m.
11:17 a.m. ll:B3n.m.
0:30 p. in. 4:36 p. In.
Tho 8:iM n. ra. train connocti at Northumberland
with thoa.uJ train on Pennsylvania road, reaching
Philadelphia nt 8; Up. in.
The 11:53 train connect with Philadelphia and
Heading road at Ilupcrt reaching Philadel
phia nl 0.00 p. m.
Tho 11:51 train connect with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:50. reaching Philadelphia
nl 7:23 p. m.
Tho 4.30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at S.uj p. in., and reaches
Philadelphia at 3.u5 a. in.
Trains on tha N. A W. II. Hallway pass llloom
l orry as follows i
11:87 a. m. 12:01 p. m.
0.30 p. in. 4:15 p. m.
Notice to CorrcHpouilciitH.
In order to savo many communications from tho
wasto basket wo make tho following suggestions
to local correspondents i Uso only ono side ot tho
sheet, and wrlto as pialn as powlblo i glvo only
tho locat nows that Is of somo Interest to tho com
munlty, such as accidents, Improvements, mar.
rlages, deaths, matter relating to schools and
churches, business enterprises, changes otresi
denco, and tho like. What appear to bo Jokes at
tho expenso of others, nnd personal mention glv
lng only ono naino or Initials or a nickname, will
not bo printed under any circumstances. Such
Items often glroorfcnse, though nono may be In
tended. Tho full namo ot tho writer must always
lw given, but will not bo printed unless requested.
I'or Hale.
Several town properties, good location,
lirlck or frame.
About 25 acres of land in Hemlock town,
ship, partly cleared, bnlanco well timbered.
A. farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp.
For terms and particulars apply to Geo.
. Etwcll, Bloomsburg, Pa. fob. 29-tf.
Mr. A. Q. Kimbcrly is our authorized
ngent to solicit subscriptions, job work,
und advertising. His receipt for money
for tills olllco will be as valid as that of the
proprietors, apr 25-tf
V. Ream wa3 elected superintendent of
schools in Montour county last week.
Dr. Qwlnncr of Ccntralia, was a witness
in tho Bovnn case this week.
Capt. Ed. Rceso of Ccntrnlln, and Mr.
Itlley dropped In and inspected our office
on Tuesday.
II. M. Hinckley, Esq., of Danville, will
deliver tho oration at this place on Decora
tton Day.
Daniel McIIcnry of Stillwater, has pur
chased the farm of tho late E. J. McUunry,
for $7,150.
W. B. Allen Intends to remain here, iinv
ing given up liis situation in Chicago, and
will go into business.
L. A. Illley of Centralla, wns in town
this week looking nftcr the interests of tils
company in defending a suit for damages
received by u boy at n breaker.
W. A. Marr, Esq., of Ashland, had busl.
ue.s in court this week. Ho is ono of the
leading attorneys of Schuylkill, nnd has an
excellent practice in the lower end of this
The throwing of peanut Rhells on the
floor of the court room should be forbid
den. E. A. Hawllngs wants calves, for which
he will pny six cents per pound. tf
Fifty new names have been added to our
subscription list within tho past two weeks.
Sweet potato plants, 40 cents, per 100,
3.00 per 1000, at J. Garrison's, 5th St.
Severnl communications nre omitted this
week for want of space.
The best dlrt.proof watches made can be
seen at L. Ilernhard's jewelry store.
The contract for digging a ditch at the
poor house has been let to D. C. Hall, nt
15 cents a yard.
Foil Sale. Two lemon trees, large,
healthy and full bearing. Inquire of Mrs.
Hiram Trousue, Espy, Pa. 0-2t
Tho public schools closed last Saturday
with appropriate exercises. About 700
pupils were in attendance during the your.
The largest collection of Flowering and
Vegetable plants in tho country nt Dillon's
Green Houses. Catalogue free.
Tho time of the court was occupied all
last week up to Saturday afternoon In the
trial of criminal cases.
Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All
changes made In Union depots. No omni
bus transfers. W. C. McKisnev, Air't.
Tho railroad time tables for tho Peunsyl
vanla and U. h. & W. roads have been
corrected this week, and may bo relied on
as published in tills paper.
Tho time for tho monthly meetings of
tho town council has been changed from
Wednesday to Thursday after the first
Monday of the month.
Our agent, Mr. Kimbcrly, will be in Ceu.
tralla tho last of this week or tho first of
next, and will ho glad to receivo any mon.
ey duo this olllco on subscription.
Wo shall be pleased to publish the Guavn
correspondence if tho writer will glvo us
his name. See "Notlco to Correspondents"
on this page.
In the caso of Ilovan vs. Illley & Co.,
which was an action for damages for In.
Juries to a boy at tho colliery of L. A.
Itlley b Co,, at Ccntralia, a model of a
breaker was used on tho witness stand.
Fou Sai.k. Tho good will and stock of
a well established tobacco business, wllh
all the necessary fixtures for a llrst-class
bakery and confectionery. Satisfactory
reasons given for selling. Apply to Mrs.
Jnnu Scott, Exchange block, Illoomsburg,
The great demand for tpaco in our ad.
vertlslug columns compels us to Issuo a
quurter-sheet supplement for the next four
weeks, containing tho Mercantile Appraise,
meut List und the statement of Cony ugh am
and Centralla Poor District. Since Janu.
ary 1st wo have issued seven supplements
and shall continue to print them when our
reading matter Is crowded. Tho Colum
iiian Is the only paper in the county that
does this,
We regret to have to curtail our report of
tho marriage of Miss L. Ilauchcr to Mr.
Btcrllng W. Dickson of Berwick, which
took placo on Weduesduy evening in tho
Methodist church of that placo. Tho
church was thronged by friends of the In.
tercstlng couple, tho altar decorations by
Mr. Hoft wcro perfect and tho ceremony
performed by thu Itev. Dickson was
Very Impressive. Thero nro few of our
young people who will have more hearty
wishes for prosperity and happiness than
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dickson.
At n spccinl meeting ot tho Bhenandoah
School Board, held on Tuesday evening,
way u, the following resolution wns uunnl.
mously passed i
Itaotrcd, That It Is with deep regret that
wo receivo tho declination of Professor O.
W. llartch to bo a candidate for reelection
ns Superintendent of tho Public Schools of
Shenandoah that wo rccognlzo the fact
that during his ten years of scrvlco In
Shenandoah ho has greatly advanced tho
educational Interests of this school district,
nnd that lit Prof, llartch wo havo found a
gentleman of sterling Integrity nnd of high
educational ability.
Prof, llartch has moved his family to
Light Street, which will bo his homo for
somo time.
The Shcrlll acknowledged tho following
deeds In court on Wednesday i
To O. U. ifrpckway for lot of land.ln Cat.
nwlssa township, for 23.00,so!d ks tho prop
erty of Ferdinand Gal.
To Silas Conner for Orangevlllo Acade
my, for 1055.00.
To W. F. Soudcr for lot of land In Espy,
for $070, sold ns tho proporty of W. F.
nnd E. W. Soudcrs.
ToE. P.Albcrtson and J. M. L-rlnU for
land In Sugarloaf, for $430, sold as proper
ty of O. Ltirlsh.
To W. Hess In trust, for land In Centre,
for $100, sold ns tho property of Samuel
To L. B. Holloway for land In Centralla
for $410, sold ns tho property ot A. I). Ga.
Dennis S. Doylo writes us to correct a
statement made last week concerning the
manner of ltlchard Collliau'a death In tho
Continental colliery at Centralla. Ho says
thu. supports did not give out, but that
"tho collar was raised up three feet at one
end with a block of timber to hold It there,
until the miners and laborers went to
shove tho enr In again, cxpecltng to have
tho collar standing for a good lift with ono
end three feet off tho bottom, hut Instead
they found the poor fellow's head fast un
der thu, as the deceased persisted In
creeping under tho raised end when he
might havo stepped over or gone round it.'
Wo know nothing of the facts, nnd give
this statement ns wo got It.
The N'kw Oiii.kax.s MiNsxititts. Gorton's
original New Orlcaus Minstrels performed
In tho Opera House last evening to a do
lighted audience. Tho house was a good
one, although not packed, and that the
performance was appreciated was evident
by the continual laughter. The overture
was good, the songs and jokes now. Mr.
Walter Wentworth gave the most wonder,
ful exhibition of contortion ever seen In
Carlisle, performing with apparent ease
seemingly Impossible feats. The military
clog was very line, as were also the special
clog dances of tho Gorman brothers. The
comic pantomime was Immense, the au
dience fairly screaming with laughter,
The entertainment all through Is first-class,
and should ho greeted with crowded
houses everywhere they go. CarlMc Her
Opera House, Bloomsburg, Saturday
May 17th.
As will he seen by the proceedings of the
town council concerning the park, Mr.
Waller has agreed that ho will take tho
land, provided the majority of tho tax
payers are willing to sell it. Mr. Rabb
made a motion asking for the appointment
of a committee to ascertain tho feeling of
tho people on this matter. The motion
was lost, but for what reason we do not
know. It is certain that tho park has
been a burdon to tho town ever slnco Its
purchase, over $1200 having been paid as
interest, while the receipts from it have
been very small. When tho town gets so
targe that a park Is needed, an open Held
containing an acre or two ot ground will
scarcely be large enough. The town Is
now in debt and provision has been mnde
for the sale of bonds to thd amount of
iflOOO. Why not raise $2000 of this by the
sale of the park ? At alt events, there
ought to be no objection to making an ef
fort to ascertain the sentiment of the peo
ple on the question.
The 15th annual convention of the Col.
umbia county S. S. Association will be
held at Mllllinvllle on May 27th ami 2Sth.
An Interesting programme has been nr.
ranged. Columbia is thu second county in
the State, in Sunday School attendance.
Let eyery school ho represented. Bring
Gospel Hymns, Nos. 1, 2, 8 aud 4. All
Sunday schools represented nro expected to
take n collection und send It by their dele
gates to defray the expenses of tho conven.
Hon, nnd to pay the amount apportioned to
our County, $10.00, toward tho support of
tho State Association. Entertainment
free. Bring rcferenco Bible and scratch
book, and be ready to take part In
the discussions. Fivo trains each way
pass Milliliivlllo dally. All delegates
expecting entertainment while at the con
vention should send their names to Iter.
W. D. Donat, Mllllinvllle, as soon as they
nro appointed.
Thu following pupils attending the pub
lic schools of Bloomsburg, have been neith
er tardy nor absent during tho term ending
May 10, 1884.
Annlo Suyder, Mary Kinport, Alice
Brockway, Fannlo Lake, Besslo Holmes,
Lizzie Moyer, Eva McBride, Julia Furman,
Ida Shultz, Ruth Edwards, Bessie Roadar
mel, Cora Neyhard, Ada Yctter, Cora Ja
coby, Ada Yost, MattleKnorr, SallleGIgcr,
Lizzie lvcmpton, Cora ICunklc, Kntlo Cad
ow, Hum Williums, Gillie Kasbner, Mcrt
io Shipton, May Cadow, Mary Fox, Min.
nio Penman, Eva Stiles, Harry Hess,
Charles Kabb, William Sleeker, Willie
Held, Willie Dentler, Ilervey Furman,
Edward Holmes, Cliarllo Shnrplcss, John
'Kcfety, Hope Sharpless, Hopo Furman,
Harry Knorr, Frank Sterner, Charles Kes.
ty, Robbie Patten, Howard Truub.
Pupils neither tardy nor absent for two
terms. Fannie Freeze, Laura Broekway,
Ada Yeticr, Oscar Ent, Hopo Roadarmel,
Grace Woodward.
Pupils neither tardy nor absent for three
terms. Eva Stiles,
Pupils neither tardy nor absent for four
terms. Irene Girton, Fred Holmes.
Pupils neither tardy nor ubsent for Ave
terms. Maggie Evans.
Croquet lias taken the place ot baso ball
with our boyB.
The new Waterloo organ on River streut
takes tho cake.
An Evangelical Sunday school was lately
organized at Zlon's church.
A great many cows havo died In this vl.
clnlty in the past few weeks,
W, J. Nungesscr has made somo good
Improvements In tho mill, recently,
Tho prospects of a new foundry In town
seem to bo all "dry" and not "found."
Joint Creasy spent Sunday with C. L.
Wcrkhclser, nt Pitlston,
Quite a number of our young people
took In Unnuim'a show on Tuesday.
J, Ilomboy is about to take charge of tho
blacksmith shop at West Mlllliu. John Is
a llrst-class workman.
J, G, Swank and S, B, Lutz were elected
as delegates to represent the Klkeiidall
Sunday school at the county convention,
A new Ithaca llvu octavo organ will bo
exchanged for n buggy, Inquire at this ot.
. llitcuiturn. j
Tho corn Is peeping through.
C. L. Harlmaii had all of his meal stolen
on tho night ot tho 7lli or 8th lust.
Fishermen Leldy and Applcmnn were
not very successful In their attempt last
Saturday. Just think I All day, and only
threo nplecc.
Rumor says ono of our townsmen will
act ns bridegroom nt a wedding In tho near
futuro. '
Rev. Stevens entertained a largo congre
gation last Sunday evening with an excel,
lent sermon on tho "Growth of Grace."
Miss Vino Mooro intends moving her
milliner shop nearer home.
Andlo Sharrctts of Espy, drovo through
town on Sunday evening.
Miss Hattlo Old spent Sunday with her
Charles Wcrkhclser is aiding his brother
Peter with his farm work this week.
Henry Summers Is Improving his dwel
ling house.
Hemlock has now two select schools,
tho primary school at Buckhorn by Miss
Mattlo Wanlch, and tho Forks school by
Mrs. Trclllo Chamberllu.
Cheap llookH.
We have tho following books on our
shelves. Tho prices nro very low, nnd ns
wo have but one copy of each tho first cus
tomer gets the bargain t
Romance mid Tragedy of Pioneer Life,
1033 pages, handsomely bound, gilt edges,
illustrated, wortli $0.00. We sell 11 for $3.
Life and Travels of Gen. Grant, (100
pages, well bound. Illustrated, wortli
$3.50, wo offer It at $1.50.
Our Wild Indians, 050 pages, Illustrated,
Life nnd Work of James A. Garfield, 072
pages, $1.50.
Stanley In the Wilds of Africa, 714 pages,
The English People, 5 volumes, $2.50
for tho set.
Goldsmith's Poems, 75 cents.
Robert Browning's Poems, 75 cent.
The French Revolution, by Carlyle, 60
Irvlng's Crayon Papers, 40 cents.
Cyclopedia of Choice Prose, by Talne,
75 cents,
These books aro in good condition, and aro
offered considerably lower than the regit.
lar prices. They cannot bo duplicated nt
the figures named.
Coi.n.MiUA! Olllcc,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Court Irocccl!ui;H.
Report of viewers of a road In Fishing
creek near W. Kramer's confirmed nisi.
Road in Centro near Whltmlre's school
house confirmed nisi.
F. It. Jackson vs. Berwick borough j
petition for tho assessment of damages,
amendment allowed.
Report of viewers In favor of a road in
Jackson near L. Chamberlin's confirmed
Register's accounts presented for confir
mation nisi j nlso widow's appraise,
The applications for licenses were taken
up, and considerable time was occupied In
hearing witnesses in favor of the new ap-
plicants. There wcro no remonstrances
against any of the licenses.
Inquest of tho l.ody of Robert Fenstc
maker approved as proper to be made.
Report of viewers in Davis vs, Ber
wick boruigh, confirmed finally.
Hannah Zarr csfato bid and ullottucnt,
and decree of court tiled.
John T. Mcnsch, John Gordon nnd P. A.
Evans appointed viewers of n road lu Main
near W. Fisher's.
Michael Mcnsch, Jonathan L" reman and
Chas. Hartman appointed viewers of n
road in Catnwissa near Bcrningcr's mill.
Uoin. vs. tlenry Miller, larceny case
tried, defendant found guilty.
Com vs. Chas. Kdson, hawking, and
peddling, a true bill. Indictment quash
ed. Com. vs. Thomas Nunklvell, pointing a
shot gun nt P. Thomas, case tried, ilcfon
dant guilty.
Com. vs. D. F. Seybert, nol pros, allow
ed on payment of costs.
Com. vs. Michael Sc. Green, verdict not
Com. vs. Sheridan Miller, not a true
Com. vs G. W. Arms, larceny and re.
celvlng stolen goods, n true bill.
Com. vs. R. II. House), not u true bill.
Com. vs. Alfred Wands, assault and bat.
tcry, caso tried, defendant not guilty, pro.
secutor to pay one-third of costs, and de
fendant two-thirds.
Com. vs. James McGulrc, recognizance
of defendant nnd Mary JlcGulro forfeited
and bench warrant allowed. Case contin
ued to next term.
Com. vs. Banghart, nol pros, allowed on
payment of costs.
Com. vs. Chas. Cooper, nol pros allowed
on payment of costs.
Com. vs. Harvey Gigger nol pros allow,
cd on payment of costs,
Geo. Holly sworn a a citizen of the
United States.
Tho Sheriff acknowledged a deed to II.
L. B. Goss for 3 tracts of land In Fishing,
creek, sold as tho property of Win. F. An.
drus, for $1000. In tho assigned estate of
C. B. Brockway j petition of nsslgnco to
stay the Sheriff's sale presented, and release
of dower filed.
B. R. Davis vs. Berwick borough ; peti
tion to set as ido judgment, and motion for
rule to show cause.
Estate of Caroline Maun. Petition to
dismiss administrator and permit Register
to issue new letters.
W. Ivoy vs. Clara Ivey. Petition for di
vorce. Subpoena awarded.
Rebecca E. Wilson vs. Jesse Wilson.
Petition for divorce. Subpoena awarded.
Com. vs Ainandus Delly. Nuisance, caso
tried, defendant not guilty. Prosecutor to
pay two-thirds of costs, defendant one
third. Tho following roads were confirmed fi.
nally i Benton township near John Baker;
Sugarloaf near N. Harrington j Mt. Pleas
ant near W. Ruckle
Com. vs. G. W. Arms. Caso tried, de
fendant guilty on Becond count. Motion
for a now trial.
Com. vs. J. May. Recognizance ot do.
fondant for his appearance at next court.
Com. vs D. F. Seybert, forfeiture of re.
cognlzanoo stricken nil.
Cora, vs Jas. SlcCormlck, surety of
pcaco, Caso heard by ths court. Defend
ant sentenced to pay the costs, aud glvo
ball in $100 to keep tho peace for ono year,
Dr. L. A. Shattuck,Wm. Chrlsman, Esq.,
and J. J. Browcr, appointed a commission
to inquire us to tho Insanity of Margaret
Com. vs. Chas Edson, recogulzuiico In
$200 for appearance nt next court,
John O. Wenncr, J. J. Mollenry, nnd I.
L. Edwards nppolnted viewer of a road In
Greenwood near A. J. Dorr's.
Jacob Welllver, I. J. Thomas and David
Crossloy appointed viewers of a road In
Jackson near Pino Grovo school house.
A Goou Inv3tmt:nt in Iliut, Estate. A
brick residence on the corner of Iron anil.
Fourth streets, largo lot, cholco fruit trees
lino well of water, stable, &u. Building In
good condition, for s ilo apply to
Jko. R. Towssknu,
Bloomsburg, Pu.
Council I'rocccilliiKH.
Slay 8th.
Regular meeting of council called nl halt
past soven o'clock. All members present.
On motion of Mr. Hagcnbuch and dec
onded by Mr. Sharpless tho list of exonera
tions claimed by Nnwton Boono Collector,
wns laid over until tho next meeting.
On motion of Mr. Hagcnbuch nnd sec
onded by Mr. Sterling the President ap
pointed Mr. Rabb to act lu connection with
tho Town Engineer nnd himself ns a com.
mlttco to Investigate tho matter with ref
erence to claims for sower pipe.
On motion of Mr, Hagcnbuch nnd sec
onded by Mr. Sterling tho bill of Daniel
Hall for work nt sower was laid over for
Mr. Rupert In behalf of commlttco on
sale of Park reported that ho had seen
I). J. Waller who snld that ho Is willing to
take tho Park back provided tho majority
of tho tax payers, citizens nnd business
men aro willing to soil tno samo t but that
ho would like to havo a little tlmo for con
sldcratlon. On motion ot Mr. Hagcnbuch
and seconded by Sir. Sloycr tho report
wns accepted nnd the commlttco discharg
A petition was read signed by a number
of citizens asking that a lamp post bo
placed midway between East street and
the Normal School grounds on Second
street. Mr. Rabb moved that' tho request
ot llic petitioners be granted and that a
lamp post bo located on tho North side of
the street nt the Intersections of Uosu alley
and Second street. It was unanimously
agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Sterling It wa ordered
that tho tamp post nt the intersection of
East street and Second street bo moved
and placed on the South side of Second St.,
near tho pump.
A petition wa presented to council
signed by a number of citizens of Penn
street and vicinity asking for a crossing on
line ot Second street near Normal School
grounds. On motion of Sir. Hagcnbuch
and seconded by Mr. Sharpless H was
ordered that a double stone crossing be
placed across Pcnu s rcct on tho lino of the
Southern part of Second street. A petition
wns read asking for a crossing nt tho In
terscctlon of East street nnd the nlley by
O. SI. & J. K. Lockurd's car shops on East
A petition was read asking for n stone
crossing nt the intersection of East and
Seventh streets on the East sldo of East
street. Sir. Sloycr moved that the Street
Commissioner nnd President of Council
act as n committee to examine the matter
with reference to said crossing which wns
agreed to.
On motion the following resolution was
unanlmlously passed, to-wlt i
Wherkas, Complaint having beeu made
uy a unmoor oi citizens ot tnu Town ot
Bloomsburg of the bad condition of the
side walk In front of the car shops on East
street, inereloro Do It.
Rmtveit, That G. SI. is J. K. Lockard
bo required to grado und pave their side
walk in front of the car shops within sixty
days from notice thereof, and in case of
neglect or refusal to do so tho Commission
cr ot highways shall at once cause the same
to bo done, and the cost of the same, with
twenty per centum added thereto shall be
cnargcil against nnd collected from tho
said owners thus neglecting or falling.
A communication was read from Col.
Ent Post G. A. R., nsking Council to as
slst in the memorial service Slay, 30th 1884
at three o'clock in the afternoon.
Sir. Sloycr moved und Sir. Hagcnbuch
seconded the motion that the President
appoint a committee of three to locate a
tire plug on corner of West and First St
which was agreed to. The President
appointed Slessrs. Sloyer, Kabb and
On motion of Sir. Rabb the Secretary of
Council was directed to make out a copy
of tl.e assessments and ascertain the taxes
according to act of Assembly relative to as.
si'ssments on "built up," "Suburban" am
"Farm Land" of snid town, and the chis-
slflcallon with rcfenence to the division
thereof to ho tho same a last year.
On motion D. R. Cullman wa ap
pointed to servo notices of appeal on the
several tax.pnyur In the Town of Blooms
On motion tho time for holding appeal
was fixed at ono o'clock In thenftcrnoou of
June 7th 1834.
On motion the President nppolnted Mes
sis. Jones, Hagcnbuch and Sloyer, in con
nection with tho Town Surveyor to act
as a commlttco to fix tho curb line and the
lino of pavement on West street between
First and Third streets.
On motion of Sir. Hagenbucli, C. R.
House! tho former Street Commissioner,
was requested to meet Council mid explain
bill for services in April 1884.
Sir. Rabb moved and Sir. Sterling sec'
onded tho motion that tho President of
Council appoint a committee of four to
take papers and got signers asking that tho
Town Park bo sold to D. J. Waller. The
yeas and nays wcro ordered and resulted
as follows t Yea, Slessrs. Rabb, Sterling
and Hngenbueli, 3 j Nays, Slessrs. Jones,
Sloyer, Sharpless nnd Rupert, 4.
Sir. Sharpless moved that tho Secretary
of Council bo authorized to advertise for
the snlo of Town Bonds at 4 per ccut. to
the amount of llvo thousand dollars. Sec
onded by Sir. Sloycr. Tho yeas and nays
being called, resulted :
"i eas. Sharpless, Sloyer, Hagenbucli,
Jones and Rupert, 5 : Nays, Rabb and
Starling, 2.
On motion tho following bills were pass
cd and Secretary instructed to draw orders
for tho samo :
Enos Jacoby, Street Commissioner
In April 7 00
John Penman work on sewer ditch
lu April 8 13
B. W. Hagcnbuch work on sewer
ditch in April 5 03
Hnrry Garrison work on sowor
ditch In April 75
W. II. Lyer assisting surveyor 1 60
C. G. Barkley atty fees from Anr.
1st 18S3 to April 23, 1884 251 20
E. R, Ikeler nttv fee In Kol Fcbv
term 1831 60 00
A. L. Fritz for extra scrvlco nt
sower in November December,
January and February 60 00
O. St. Vtiudersllce publishing state.
ment of 1883 15 00
Elwell & Blttenbeiider publishing
statement of 1883 15 00
P. S. Sloyer for repair of lanterns
forfiroCo's 1 00
S. W. Shutt for police service Apr
5th 1831 1 00
C. S. Furman for six straps Rescue
II. Co 00
SI. O. Woodward services as con-
stable April 18S4 0 03
Wesley Knorr for scrvlco as police
April 1834 4 00
Bloomsburg Ga Co rent for April
188 1, 40 posts 80 00
Bloomsburg Water Co lent for
March and April 1831 139 07
A. L. Fritz Secretary for April
1834 10 OQ
Ou motion adjourned.
A. L.
$810 40
Foil Hunt. Tho front room, second
floor, of the Coi.umiiun building. Ono of
the best rooms for an olllco In town. Heat
ed by steam, lighted by gas, water on samo
lloor, Apply to Geo. K. Elwell. tf
I will pay n reward of $160 for the arrest
and conviction of tho person or persons
who broko In my woolen mill on Tuesday
night, Slay lllth. C. L. Hands,
Stordnnsvlllc, Pa.
George Vnnunttn has contracted for 160
acres of lino timber land on tho Klsncr cs-
Into two miles north of Berwick, nnd will
begin operations thereon nt once. George
Is nil expert lumberman, and will doubtless
make It n success.
Squlro Jacoby looks quite natural In his
new quarters, and Is ready to do all kinds
of business relating to tho ofQco of Justlco
of tho Peace, collections, &c-
Will Petty has returned for a vacation
from his studies nt tho Long Island IIos
pita), Brooklyn, N. Y. Ha Is looking well
and has made good use ot his tlmo during
ids two terms of medical study nt the
above Institution,
One of tho best and most agreeable Ira
provemcnts mado In town this spring Is tho
removal ot tho old nnd unsightly barn on
tho lot of Sir. J. Hoft, tho construction of
a neat fence nnd the laving out of the
grounds for gardening purposes.
Sir. Ira Dlctrlck Is taking temporary
charge ot tho Reading Room.
A first.rate game of base ball was played
on Satutday hist between the Danville and
Berwick clubs, resulting in n victory for
tho former. On Monday the Berwick club
visited Plymouth nnd played with tho club
of that place, losing by a score of 7 to 8.
The closlug cxcrctscs of the public
schools were held lu Association Hall on
Tuesday evening, and consisted of music,
gymnastic exercises, literary productions
and a drama, "Out on tho Streets. ' The
whole alTulr was n complete success, and
reflected credit alike on teachers nnd scliol
By tho by, the lady teachers from
Bloomsburg who have ofllclatcd In their
several capacities in our schools this term,
have each been very successful In their
work, and have mado many warm friends
during their residence here.
A great number of people went to seo tho
elephnnt white or otherwise at Wilkes
liarro on Tuesday last. TUey report a
pleasant time.
The many friends of Sir. nnd Sirs. Thonv
as Laucr sympathize sincerely with them
in the bereavement they have sustained in
the loss of their soven year old son, who
dted on Tuesday from spinal meningitis.
The Fair directors nro to meet this
Thursdny evening to determine the dato of
holding the fair nnd making other arrange.
mcnts of Importance.
Mr. nnd Sirs. J. W. Scott havo left town
to take up their residence for the suminci
at Powder Glen, Luzcrno county. We
hope they will return In tho fall.
Sir. F. R. Jackson drove his flno team to
Bloomsburg on Slouday last. Thero Is no
finer team In the county. One Is "Lady
Amsbry" sired by "Volunteer," and tho
other "Sheriff" sired by the celebrated
stallion "Daniel Lambert." They aro well
matched, and Frank is Justly proud of
A band of street musicians of more than
average ability, passed through town on
Tuesday. Two violins and a harp made
delightful music, nnd pleased tho young,
iters who stayed awsy from tho more at
tractive exhibition of Barnum.
Sir. and Sirs. 31. W. Jackson, Sirs. Liz
zie Jackson, Sirs. F. R. Jackson, Sirs. U.
F. Crispin and SIlss Helen Jamison are all
In attendance at the SI. E. conference in
Our enterprising hardware man, C. W.
Brubukcr, is selling a large amount of
building material to customers in the sur
rounding country.
ENT ORT. On the evening of Slay 12,
18S4, at tho home of tho bride's parents, by
itev. O. II. Strunok, Sir. Alonzo SI. Ent to
.Miss Anua E. Ort, both of Bloomsburg.
HOWARD VERRY. On the 8th inst.
ut the Reformed parsonage in Orangeville,
by Rev. A. Houtz, Sir George C. Howard
of Plymouth, Luzernu comity, to SIUb
Slary J. Yerry of Bloomsburg.
The best ice cream at Phlllin's. Three
kinds ou Saturday night.
Gentlemen who want a spring sutt put
up in CI 11 STYLE should call ut the
Bloomsburi;. David Dowcnbcrir who em.
Go to U. ('. Slarr's for new dress coods
oi uu Kinus, aim very cheap.
Remember tho check summer silks at
Lutz ifc Sloan's. Only 50 cents a yard.
C. C. Slarr wants butter, cues. side.
siiouiucr, nam anu mru.
"The nnparel oft proclalm's the man."
A well dressed eentleman Is tha ad mini.
lion oi all, and the placo to get your
RELIABLE STORE cf David Lowcubcrg.
Wool and
cotton carpet chain at C. C.
For table linen.
towels or napkins go to
Lutz it Sloan's.
New goods at J. B. Skeer's.
More of that 50 cent svrun tho best for
the money, In town, at O. C. Morr's.
Gauze underwear for ladles, cents
children at Lutz it Sloan's.
"When found make a note of."
The placo to co for your snrlne clothing.
n stylish hat, or a flno neck scarf, or the
latest style in furnishing goods is at David
Bummer silks in dress patterns at
O. O.
Scrim nnd Nottlm: lace for window cur-
tains, very cheap, at Lutz x Sloan's.
A neut present clven away with every
nurchaso mado at tlio Popular Clothing
oiorc oi uaviu i.owenucrg.
Hamulus In black silks nnd cashmeres ut
I.tltz OS blonu's.
A very larco line of straw liats now on
view, NOIIHY, NEAT and NEW, juit ar.
riveu in uaviu i.owenuerg's.
At times symptoms of indigestion ure
present, uneasiness ot lliu stomach, .Vc., a
innistiiro like perspiration, producing itcli.
nil; ut incut, or when onu Is warm, cause
uie piles, l lie ellect is immediate rcllel
upon thu application of Dr. llusuiiko's Pile
licmcdy, which costs you but SO cents and
is som uy u. a. ivieim. jiuy lu-eow
Some of the testimonials from different
people relative to Thomus' Ecletrlc Oil, and
thu relief it lias given them when distressed
uy neiuiacne, carttcne, aim tnotiiaciie nre
ns interesting reading as you will nnd,
This being a standard medicine, is sold
everywhere by druggists.
'This medicine I can highly recommend.
Burdock Wood Hitters aro the best blood
puriiler wo liave ever used." Cha A.
nun, 10 uourt ti., jiuiiuio, is. l,
Qmnfynuf M JtvKii c a8 ? : ,
WIlitpK.Unrrrv ln . .Inn. O 1RH.1
Sir. PheliW. Dear Slr-I consider U mv
iiiuy 10 icii you now mitcn goou your
ltucuinaito r.tixir nas uono mo. t or ten
year; 1 had Rheumatism in my left nrm
ami last year it cncmled through my wliolo
uouy anu.Jimus. j could nanny turn in
bed, and severnl Unys I could neither feed
myself nor wnlk without sticks. I took
everything that I could hear of. hut got no
better, ana l began to get discouraged.
Mr. Good; tho druggist, advised mo take
Pliolp'a RheumatlcEllxIri I tlld 'bo, nnd
after having taken, the, ftit bottle I felt sat
isfied that It was hcliiing mo. When I had
taken three bottles I was entire v cured.
I feel verygratcful for what your medicine
has donc'for mo . I will cheerfully recom
mend it to thoso afflicted with Rheuma
tism, xou can uso my namo as you wish
in uciiau oi your iMixir,
tours, with many tnanko,
Chas. II. Knippem.
No. 14 Sfngnolla Avenue. Wllkcs-llarre. Pa.
Mahanov CltvT Pa.. Sent. 8. 1882.
Sir. John II. Plieltis Dear Sir i I linvit
used vciir iincumalic Elixir witu trool re
sults nnd can recommend It to any person
Buuenng wmi inni icnnui uiscasc, rneuma-
"sm. CJHAB. w. B.MITH. Hatter.'
glvo faster and more brilliant colors. 10c,
at all druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co ,
Burlington, Vt. Snmplo Card, 83 colors
nnd book of directions for 2c. stamp,
FOll THE l'VULla
I OWO mv Ufa to Phelns' llhciimntln Kllr-
lr During tho past fifteen years I have
spent over a thousand dollars for treatment
of Rheumatism and, never received any
permanent bcnerltiintll I took thb Phelps'
Kllxlr. I consider It the best rheumatic
remedy ever offered to the public.
Oko. K. Iiott.
Sir. Phelns' t Your Rheumatic Kllxlr Is
gotng to bo n big thing here. Am satisfied
tno time is not far distant. Please send mo
Knottier gross. Very respectfully,
Apothecary, Havcrford Avenue, Phlla.
If C. A. Kleim. the Driiirclst. docs not
succeed It Is nut for tho want of faith. Ho
lias such faith In Dr. Bosnnko'a Cough,nnd
Lung svruD ns a remedy forCouphs. Colds.
Consumption, and Lung Affections, that ho
gives n bottle free to catliandoveryoue who
is m neeu oi a medicine oi tins Ktnil.
July 13-eow
mil ooron OK BILK hats.
"ti would oo no vio at on or tlio com
mandment," snld John B. Gouge, "If a
man were to fall down nnd worship tho
tllk lint, for It Is not made In tho likeness
of anything In heaven, or on earth, or In
the waters which nro under tho earth."
Besides it heats the head and causes the
hair to fall olt. Pnrkcr'i; Hair Bnlsnm will
stop that nud restore the origlnul color to
gray or faded hair. Not oily, not n dye,
uuuciicmi, ueiiciousiy periumcil. A per-
iuui iiair urcssing. ouc. All druggists.
AsmiBW Desmond's piiaisks.
Dear Sir I lay on mv side for four loner
months without any relief until I commen
ced taking Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. It Is
the best medicine I ever used. To-day Is
the best day I havo seen In twelve months.
I thank you and God Almighty and no one
else for my relief. I have lived and dono
puouc uustness in ueuevn, JN. v., for tlio
last twenty, therefore have many ncnualn-
tanccs that call around and see mo dally
and to ask about Phelps' Elixir for them
selves or for Borne of their friends. I praise
it highly. You do the talking and sign my
mime us my tongue could not do it justice.
ANUHitw Desmond, urocer.
Geneva, April 10, 1883.
For sale at Hendershott's Pharninni'.
ui . i 1
and of greater value than line gold is a
great ionic unu renovator line Kidney-
wort, ll expels all poisonous liumors from
blood, tones up the system and by acting
directly on the most important orgaus ot
the body stimulates them to healthy action
anu restores iicauu. it nas ellecled many
marvelous cures ami lor an rviitnev d seas.
es and all other kindred troubles It is an in-
valuable remedy.
As we come to them thev nru received.
borne with, nnd passed over with no more
than a thiiuitht. if we are lu the eniovinunl
oi iieaiiu, uui ii suueriug witn mcs or
skin disease of anv k nd thev mami fv il
hundred fold. U. A. Kleim. the Dmi'i'lst.
lias Dr. BosanUo's Pile Remedy which fs an
absolute cure for any alfectlon of the kind
aud is sold for oOceuts. July lU-eow
ur. l anncr certainly lias a crcat stum.
acli great because of its strength and
endurance. We may err in giiyinc that
the doctor uses Buidock Blood Biters, but
n lie noes, ins uigestivu powers are cusllv
accounted for. Burdock Blood Bitters be
ing a standard medicine are sold by all
Slany of the wines unon tho market nt
this day nre n mixture of chemicals and
water, opeer's wines huvo established a
reputation that is abnvo renroach. thev
iiuvu ucen euuorseu oy mo leading bur
i....... i i . . .. . ,.
geons and Hospital nurses of of this coun
try ami Europe, i'or sale by druggists.
oee a woman in another column, npur
opeer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
wlilcli bpcer's Port Grape W uu Is miule.
that Is so highly esteemed bv the medical
proiessioii, ior ine use oi invalids, weakly
lersuiiB turn inu ugeu.
bold by U. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg.
sept 22-ly
The Phelns' Hlimimntln Wllvtr fnr inn lino
always acted like a charm. I think this
mil it cut snort a severe attack of Hlieumit'
tism. I can endorse the remedy either ns
u preventive or cure. l ours truly,
JllliS. U. W. 1 AI.MK1E,
Olenburn, Pa.
(Note. Mrs. O. W. Palmer Is the moth
er of Hon. Henry W. Palmer, of Wilkes.
uarre, i-a., ex-atato Attorney Ucueral of
retina, i
By virtue ot a writ of alias fieri facia IhsiioiI
nut of tha Pnnrt. nt fnmmnn mM. r ni..,i
county and to ma directed, will bo exposed to pub -
. . vv.uu.VH ,vuu ut vuiuuiuM
lie sale at tho Court House la Bloomsburg. on
Saturday, Juno 7th, 1884,
at a o'clock p. m.
All that certain messuage, tenement and tract
of land situate In Montour township, Columbia
county, ra., bounded and described as follows, to.
wit : beginning at a black oak and running thence
by land or Lloyd Paxton, (lato Joseph paxton).
north sixty degrees cast slxty.four perches to a
Btono, tUcnco north nineteen degrees west twenty
six perches to a red oak, thence north tlfty.f our de
grees oast forty-six perches and beven.tcnths to
Big Flslilngcreck, thenco up tho samo north thir-
ty.flve degrees west thlrty-one perchos to a stone,
tuence uy unas or Maria Evans (lato IVter Apple-
man), south Blxty-four degrees wea t ono hundred
and twenty perches to a plno stump, and thenco
byland of John Mcnsch (late John ltlchards), south
thirty-sis degrees east nay perchos to tho place of
beginning, containing thirty-two acres and oue
hundred and four porches strict measure, bo the
same moro on less, on which are erected a frame
dwelling house, barn aud out buildings.
Seized, taken Into execution, at the suit of Jane
U. Scott vs. ll, M. Quick and to be sold as tho pro.
pcrty ot (l. M. quick.
Vandersllco atty bherltr.
May lots.
Notice Is hereby irlvenlhit. an amdlcatlnn will
be made to the Court of Common Pleas of coluiu
b a county. In chambers, ou Saturday the 2 tin day
ot May A. a. van, at 2 o'clock P. M. under the gen
eral act ofAssemb v of the Commonueulth nr
ivnnsjlvanla, entitled "An actio provide rur the
luvu puraiiuu uuu regulation 01 certain eurpora-
m tits, for the churter of a prop 'Std corporation
liuiia,' Uliuiutt-u April WIU 10(4, anu us supine
iu uc uuuru "1.1 ll. Jl. liuugianu 1'USt r.u. no u. A.
of w blch Is to luvest and sreura funds for the benu.
ji. ui c-tuuwiMi. ru.." tno cuarauier ana ubiwt
in ui us niHiuucrs, tueir wives ana orpiiancm iireu,
aud for that purposu to possess nud eiijoy all the
rigius. u nenisuua privileges omit) said act
assembly and Its suppleuieu.s.
Catawlssa, I'a.,
April INth 1BM5.
May e bollcllor.
litewed ot the best CANADA 11AHLKY, MALT and
luipuru-u iiuiir.MlA.'s Hill's,
Has the reputation of being the FINEST of lice rs.
liberal Inducements and arrangements will bo
iu mimes msmi it to niuuun rnn iimtiAri iu.r
Address, PHILIP J, LAUUKH Jr. CO.. (Limited)
way imw Philadelphia,
The Bcrionil shipment, consistliiK
of sovon cases of our celebrated
Ituachvd us a few days nio, and
aro oven mora lmtidsoino (If that
is possible) than the first lot which
sold bo rapidly. Wo have them in
And tho following sizes:
6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is nlinost impossible to nrniso
thoso goods too highly. Tho col
orings arc bo rich nnd effeetivo
nnd tho prices so very moderate
that they should meet all tastes
and suit all purses.
Our stock ot
Raw and Spun Silk and Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
Is now complcto and comprises
the following :
1 1-2, 1 8-1, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Market Stret-t.
AP1UL SlSt 1831,
The fallowing blls wero nresented ti council
April otli andpas-ed anil orders were Usued tor
tliclrservcral amounts, viz:
0 II Housel street Corn's, tor March
Oliver FornwalU, for labor on highway
In March
Oconre W.irr for labor ou hlirhway In Mar
f 45 5)
13 75
3 75
11 25
3 15
3 44
S 50
5 00
1 S5
8 00
9 50
John Penman " " " " " "
FraDK Jiurrr
James Commons tor labor on " " "
Thomas Mc oruilckfor" " " " "
wmshoemiker ' ' " "
Joseph Housel " " " " " "
.james ureeu
Frederick Schwln for horse & wagon on
highway In March
Wm (ifirer for horeo and wagon on high
way In March.
P D Dentler, C II Housel and Thos Webb
auditors of March ibhi
c H McndenhalKor lumber u.od on se.ver
C UHousel tor service In part as St. Com-
uiKilo ,ers In Kebv lhSl
C M Vandersllee for publlbhlng ordinance
o oo
S5 91
4 05
13 00
9 83
15 r
30 0O
30 00
U (0
unu circulars , ....
Illoomsburg (las Co for gas In Peby nnd
March 18SI
M C Woodward for bcrvlce osconstahle In
Marcn . ...
13111 of Jonas Mann for (i feet of crossing
Mono in isfl
Geo E Elwell for rentot Council room to
Aiiru i iti
Winona Fire Co rent of lull to Jim 1 'SI
J J Urower rent of Friendship Fire Co
hull to ADril 1 '81
8 W shutt police service In March
win Liirainun lor ircigui on sewer
J J Hagcnbuch for repairing wagon, uro-
Ken in buwer aiLcu
3 Neyhard f rb.ilof work on sewer and
Light Street road to Feb 11, 'Si ....
A L Frlu for service us see. lu March ...
0 00
119 29
15 00
Total amt ot orders Issued April 9 '84 503 05
1SS El), TO-WIT :
W II F.j er one day ussl-iilng surveyor on
sewer In Jan. ... f 150
1'S.Mojer lor repair ot lanterns April 18
'W 1 00
C S Furman for 6 straps for hose carrl.ige
April is '8-1 no
S A l'eirlken for rent of Town Pound
rrom April i m, to Apui 1st '83 ior
which t J allowed nnd not, accented)
18 oo
S W hhutt, police service Aprl 6th M....
l uu
t. it iKuier a iy leo in i.uuuy sun or ii ,i
Waller eu nL, vs. 'town otlllooms
bunr No. 1. Feur term 'si
50 00
C G HarMey, for services as solicitor from
.ugusv lum B.J, 10 April s-ia ui, in
cluding extra services In Karn east',
nnd In Kqulty Suit of 11.1 Wal'cr et
aL, vs. 'town and In proceojlngs to
Widen Lieut Street roud
JM 00
Secre.ary or council for extra work In
connection with sewer In N v and
Deo 'Kl and Jan and Fvby '84 and for
time spent In connection with Kiiutty
case No 1 Feb T. '81
50 03
180 Oi
llutchlns X Shooinakor for sewer pUo .
Morehead Clay Works for sewer plno
(wnien memoes damaged pipe aua a
number of pipe that wero never or
dered by Council for which It U claim
cd the Town Is not resno(i..lh m
m 38
15 !S
C It llou el street Commissioner, bill
rr in Anrll 1st to Anrll oth '84
Total amount of lillls on hand April 30th
(181 1 01
Proposals will bo received at the pooi House
Until 'llnal (lot' ,Q ILUI ,. una n'nln.1. 1. n
uu... U.AWj , ...I.J . lu IIWI ..V UU. UVIUVIV I .11.. IU
excavnto a ditch aboul two thousand one hun
dred feet long and thirty feet deep. For further
iniorraaiion can on tno uireciora or u H. liupcrt,
Secy. ,
Directors llloom
ltor District.
F. W. llEDUKElt.
I zflfitll fUilHoTI TK'l P.P. fin I V Si
r J v
I Exnausiea Mtauty. Nervous and P us cat Debit
I l.v lr",n ,1 1 1 1 r.. I wl , im In l,,n L'.NI n. : .... i.
1 and tho untold miseries resultlnc from Indian,.
uuu vi u.wsses. a wmji. ior every man. vouni?.
inlddle-nged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions
tor an ueute and cnronic nisoasi's. ench him nr
which ls.lnvaluable, bo found by theAulhor, whoso
experience for sa years Is such as probably never
bound In beautiful Trench muslin, embossed
covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a nuer work In
uriuruivu w inu iuv ui any puysuian. aw pages,
every senso mochanlcal, Uicrary and professional
tiiuuuuy uuit-r wurivsuiuin tins country lor 13.50,
or tho money win bo refunded In overv instance.
mco oniyfi.uu uyman post-paid. Illustrative
sample a cents. Send now dold modal awarded
tho author by tho .National Medical Association, to
tho ofllcera of which he refers.
Tho science of Lire should be road by tho young
for Instruction, nnd by the nmicled for relief. It
w 111 benettt all ImiuIuh IaiiuvL
'l'hcro Is no member ot society to whom Ths
Science ot Life will not bo useful, whether jouth,
parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman. .lr-
Aauress tno reauouy Medical institute, or Ir
11. rarser, o. 4 iiuinncn Mreet, Uoston, Mass.,
who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring
Mm .uu i,tiiiw, uiuuiuu mm uuMiiuate uiseas
rs and that hao banted thu 1 1 1.1 1 skill ot
another physicians a siio Li 111 A. lj clalty.
tucu ireaicu succcssiiu r 1 I .i 1 A 1 I . y
wltboulnn lnsancoot ITl 1 Cjllili Trail
ure. Mention this paiier.
May s-4wd
jaSIl llSMSUV. All
unfailing euro for
Seminal V oak.
ness, spennator
rha'a, Impotency,
and all lilseoses
that follow as u
sequence of self
Abuse.; us loss of
Memorv. Unlver.
EfORE TARING.sal Lassl t iidisAntR TAKINQ.
pain In the Hack, Dlmnes.4 of Vision, Prounitiuv
Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or Consumption urd a Premature lirave.
Iicwahk of advertisements to refund money,
when druggists from whom the medicine Is Iwught
do tii rritit, but refer you to tho iminutaeiur.
ein, aud thu requirements are such that they
are Mdvm, (nvr, compiled w Ith. seo their w rlt
ton guarantee, A trial of onu single package ot
Cray's bpccino will convince the must skeptical of
Its real nieiltH.
ou account ot counterfeits, we havo adopted tho
Yellow Wrapper s 1 he only genuine.
run particulars in our pampniet, widen we
desire to send free bv mall tu overv one. uri'lia
speclfto Medlelnu Is sold byull druggists at 11
IKi pacKtigu uro psukHesiur to, urui uo sent ireo
iy mall on the receipt ot the money, by addressing
Till: OKAY MKDICiNK CO., Ilunalo, N. Y.
Sold lu Illoomsburg by all dt ugglsts.
Nov U-lv
MUltMfK. No more trouble to move wicks.
Every family wants It. Kit auv lnnm. iiuh.m.
globe, belts at sight. Three burners for f 1 iu any
iinnress. uouer lamp jiurner Co., 78Murry bu.
New York, 1
i Great Medical Work on Manhood
May 10-lw
Our magnificent stock of
Is attracting much attention.
All tho goods wero manufacture
to our order and imported direct.
Wo have all tho latest styles in
At very moderate prices,
havo them in
1-1, 0 4, 7-1, and 8-1 sizes,
And in all the now designs and
colorings. We havo also a com
plete lino of
In all and grades, with
ins to match.
k CIoitMeir,
Filbert Street.
Wheat per bushel $ 1 07
Rye " " 70
Corn " " 05
Oats " " 40
Flour her barrel 0 00
Cloversced 8 00
Dried Apples
Sides nnd shoulders.,
Lard per pound
Hay per ton 13 00
Beeswax 25
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb 5 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, cacti 75
Wool per lb 80
Philadelphia Markets.
FKED' Western winter bran, spot, 1I.S5.
M ACKEUEL. Extr.l mess .13c Linro l's. "8 1& Mc..
. extra shore l's 25 ( alio.
oo j FLoiIll. western extra's s.50 (4 3.00: Penn'a.
ninny, t au 4 onio clear, 5.ui s s.3,m; winter
WHEAT. Deljwnrft rrri nt l.ny 'n 1 I'ptm.
sylvaula red .18.
mn-I'riuio rermsylvanla 70 (? 73c.
coit.N, OJ bushels In grain depot atOJc.
OATS. No. 3 White (A 42WN0.2, 41.kf
HAY AND hTHAW 'llm thy Cliolcu T Western
and New York, III. fair to good Western and
New York, ji. ($ 15. ; medium Western and New
otk, ll. m 13. : cm hay as to quality 14. c 17.00.
Hye straw 10.50 l .00 Wheal straw, v. $ l. Oat
straw lu ( ii,
SEEDS. clover 9otS' per lb. Timothy 1.40
(jl.Siperbushel, Flux 1 74 per bushel.
,uwi uuu, j-eimjivHiiui ana wesi Virginia.
FlCMPO Vl'.llo.l VV nml ..l.r..'.. .. ..... V? !
830 ; common ;0 (a arc 'lexas, Fall clip line SO (
ii, medium so S4 course, 10 ir.
Hums. Pennsylvania extra, 10 western
15V 15V
liL'TTEit. Pennsylvania extra, 31 Western
LIVE ' POOLTlty. Fowls liens 15 mixed
lots lie. roosters olds (3 lOo. turkeys II ducks
DltESSEI) POULTHY.-Turkeysoxtra 16(S17cts.
chickens extra I'dSIS; ducks chotco 19:
PO l'ATOES.-Early lloso per bushel, 43 45
Burbank aud Hebron, 40 & 4-.'.
onions Yellow, i.;s c S.OO per bbl.
Duck eggs Si, & 25 (leesu eggs 3 1 1 35.
... ........... ut.u t,J,,Jl 1
C'liranlr L'lilnrrli.
The resu It o t 8 5
yean' catarrh: the
bridge, or division ot
my nose, was nbout
half gone. I obtained
a bottle ofKly's cream
bottles applying It to
imuii;uu.vo useu rour
.uu imrtun pans
a swab, which
arts with
llph tlHH
about cured up tho
nostrils l had pro
Mously tried all other
remedies on tho mar
ket without permn
nent relief. .1. A
W'ood, HON. Illgh-st.
Columbus Ohl.
Ely's Cream Balm causes no pain.
nntn. (lives ro.
lief at once. Cleanses tho head. Causes health
secretions Abates Inflammation. Prevents IreJi
colds. Heals thosoics liestorcs tho senses oi
taste and smelL A thorough treatment will cure.
Not u liquid orsnurr. Applied with tho nnger.
Ht-nd for circular. Sold by druggists Mailed for
DOo. ELY llllOTHEUS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
April 25-4W d
Now York.
- 1
Kltf 10 4W
Berwick Ditei
BErW!Ck P..
The travelling publloand Wtors to llerwlck nro
respectf lly linonned that the underslgued has
taken the above old established licensed house,
v. hlcli he has recently lilted up In ilrst class sti lo
and ho oners accommodations equal 10 any.
The bar m supplied with thecholcest ales, wines,
liquors and cigars,
Q:od Stabling Acc:mrnodaticns.
May u 3m
lUNwniaiiT is co.,
mS,SYltVP",0omiK,8UaAH, MOMhSl 8,
Kl0, riCkS,BlUtHUOIiA,C.,t0,
N, K, corner Sf cond and Arch strefts,
rrorder wtu reoelvu prompt atttntlo.
S1.50 A YKAK