THE COLUMBIAN. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT,, BL Q( )MSBU RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. if.r-'ti 0. E. Elwsll, ) tun.,, J. K. BlttonbWerJ Ellt0"' BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1881. Don Cnmcron is on his way homo In tho stcnmshlji Gallia, winch sailed from Quccnstown on Stimlny. Two uow tariff bills wero introduced ,in Qongrcss on Monday, ono by Mr. Hewitt of Now York, mid tbo other by Mr. O'Neill of Missouri. It Is not like ly, that either bill will reach a final Vote. Butler I). Strang committed suicide, at his homo in Tioga county, by shoot ing himself through tho head, last Sat urday1. Ills wifo and son were tin-sent when the deed was done, nnd had no intimation of what he was about to do. Ill health nnd consequent great bodily suffering aro tho only reasons to which tho Act was attributable. Mr. Strang was a prominent man in tho republican party. lie was a mem ber of tho legislature for several years, nnd was speaker of tho senate in 1874. lie was a man of considerable ability and had warm friends all over the statu. The Fellows who Need Help. Wo can laiso a million, no doubt, for tu'iieral Grant. Meanwhile, who will raiso anything tor the victims of tliu Grant fc Ward failure! Mw York World.' National Guard Encampment. Major General Hartranft has select ed the situ for the location of the en campment of tho National Guard of Pennsylvania, Angust 2d to 0th, upon the, Gettysburg battle-field. Ho has chosen a largo field of 200 acres, about a mile south of tho town, and on tho Kmmettsburg pike, and upon which tho rebels concentrated in a three-days' fight, when Pender's and Anderson's divisions made their terrible onslaught upon tho Union troops' centre Within a short distanco of the spot picked out for tho Major General's headquarter) was located that of General Luc, and Immediately in tho rear of tho encamp ment was tho spot from which Gen eral Mcado directed the movements of his command. There will bo a parade ground sufficiently large to accommo date the entiro division. Ex-Governor Onrtin's Views. In response to a leporter in Nhw York the other day ex-Governor Cur-tin- said : "I think, that there is now a much better and (juictor feeling among the Democrats in the House than there was immediately nfter we dofcated the Morrison bill. There is a disposition now to let things nlone, and go ahead fighting a common enemy on some other ground. "It brings a sort of settled condition of things. Tho folly of keeping the business of tho country all tho time in a fret and turmoil and state of uncer tainty has been disposed of, and now the party should oonfino itBclf to the national differences between us and the Republicans, and leave this tariff fight to be adjusted locally inside the pailv Hues." "Then you do not anticipate any rev enue reform plank at Chicago ?" "No, I can't imagine that the party will deliberately reopen a wound that has healed. It would be a very suici dal policy. Of course, with that son of a plank wo would bo swamped in Pennsylvania, and they can't afford to do that." "Could you carry the State without any plank proponing tariff reductions!'' "We would have a fighting chance, I boliove.'' Too Much Married, A man has recently been arrested in Toledo for abducting a young girl and marrying her. Ho was employed as coachman for tho father of the girl, and lived in tho stablo with a woman lie called Ins wife, hinco his arrest it has been learned thai in twenty-three years ho has married no less than eight .different women. Tho defendant makes tho .following remarkable state merit : I am Sir Arthur Roger Tiohborne, and was borno 41 years ago near Ox ford, England. He entered Oxford, graduated with all tho honors tho tini yersity could bestow, and then entered tho British Army as an ensign. While in India, lie tormcd tho acquaintance of tho celebrated Tichborno claimant. Together they wero cashiered from tho army. This led to his being ills craccd at homo. A nuarrel followed. IIo separated fromhis friend, and camo to tins country. Together they travel eu at' over tno world, ills mend ni last, belioving him to bo dead, set up as tno claimant. Tho famous claimant had cleaned all tho family secrets from him while tnoy wliero together in tho army, llo means to becomo an American citizen and get tho country to back htm. Hi says ho has witneises in China, Aus tralia and India, bosido papers tojprovo urn lucmiiy. ITEMS. Tho plantation owned by Jefferson Davis tioforo tho war is now tho prop crty of two of his servants. The deruncraliu xtalo convention hold At Ft an k fort, Ky., lant week reo pmmended Hon. John G. Carlisle as n candidate for President. Over two hundred employee of tho y A3 It. shops at Jteiiduig were dis charged lat Sitnrdav night, for want of work, An official of the oompnuv says that thu ooal trad" is very dull, and freight and passenger traffic light. Tho Kverott J'resa says tho demo cralio organs are engaged in lieapintr abuse on Mr. Blaine, Are the New York Evening 'out, the Times, liar per's Weekly and the Springfield Jie publican deuiocrntio orgatiB t Tho steamship state of Florida was flunk recently by u collision with a bark. Out, of 107 passengers only -11 weio saved, The haik also sunk with 12 persons on board. The survivors wero picked up by the steamer Titania. Some of the Greenback papers aro bringing Thomas A- Armstrong, editor of the Pittsburg labor Tribune for ward for president on tho ticket of that party. lie was their candidate for governor in 1882. coi.umiiian i:cnoi:-4. lly 'Coin, t'KMIl.U.IA Ml IKS. In taking the train at lluprrt far Blieimn doali In order to reach Ccutrnlla, It Is very much like rolng round by ltofton to Ret to New York. It, however, compensates tho traveller lor Its clrcttltousncM by tho varied and picturesque scenery he passes through whirling over bridges and trcstlltiga In and nround among mountains and valleys as beautiful as any to bo tound In Central Pennsylvania. Arriving In tho thrifty borough of Con. tr.illn, ono Is struck with the contrast It presents with other Columbia county towns, In that It presents tho peculiarly characteristic nppcaranco so generally found In tho coal producing centers. Wo lcaru that Its population Is estimated at nearly thrco thousand persons, most of whom depend directly or Indirectly on mining for subsistence. As a whole-souled, good-natured people, ready to show a hearty hospitality to a stranger, commond us to tho genial citi zens of this place. Among the many prominent citizens It was our good fortune to meet, wo ilcslro to mention lion. Wil liam Uryson, C. O. Murphy, Irvln Hrotlicrs, O. W. Davis, J. T. Jllillngton, J. 1 llllcy, John F. Kress, Dr. Gwlnncr. O. 11. Sill. lard, D. 0. Illack, Kd. Hughes, P. Flynn, David Welsh, Hnrry Ferguson, J. J. Lnughltu, Capt. Ted llccso and I). Curry. These aro representative men In profession al mcrcantllo and Industrial pursuits. Borne people aro apt to think anil speak of mining towns as lacking among Its peo ple that intelligence, which It Is so ngreca- hie to bo ablo to boast of In any respecta blo community well, ho who expects to find a bigger average of Ignorance In Ccn. tralia than other parts of the county, will bu awfully fooled In that respect. Its'clt izens aro bright, wide awake, reading men, nnd one of the most evident proofs Is shown In the fact that their public schools aro equal in equipment and Intelligent ad ministration to any In the county. The school houses are large, now nnd commo dious buildings, neatly furnished nnd sup plied with first-class appointments In tho way of reference books, maps, charts, itc. Wo were particularly struck with tho marked dlsclpllno of the scholars and have never seen better order maintained In any school. The credit for tho consummation of such n desirable state of affairs is duo to the fact that the school directors aro men who appreciate the importance of their position?, nnd to the efficiency of tho teachers. Messrs. Heffron, Curry, Ourran, and Ilannon are nil gentlemen of culture and show a laudable ambition In the pros ecution of their work In which they nro as sisted by a largo corps of well-qualified lady teachers. There aro quite a number of first-class business houses, hut wo cannot now speak of them In dctnll, but must say a few words about tho storo of Lewis A. Riley & Co., connected with the Logan nnd other collieries. This splendid building excels anything of the kind In tho county for lis perfection In construction and general nr. rangemcnts. The company employ over one thousand men, and up till the present time work has been at least as regular with them as others, and prospects for better times nro Indicated. There seems to bo amicable relations between the company and their employees, nnd wo noticed sev- eral very commcmlablo fea'urcs In this connection, Tho accidental insurance sys tem, for instance, Is a very wise one and has proved successful j then wo were pleased to notice that the arbitrary custom of deducting so much from each man's wages per month for medical attendance, and then dtctatlng who the medical attend ant shall be, Is not adopted here. Wo may have moro to say nbout this corporation In future contributions. Wo should not bo truthful if we did not say a word of condemnation to the present saloon system. There are altogether too many unlicensed places of tills kind. Sa- loons may be a necessity, but they are al. ways better conducted when regulated by men who havo soinetlilnir to lose, thnn when conducted in an Illegitimate way. It Is said, however, considerable Improve, mcnt has been shown In the suppression of the Sunday beer and whiskey tralllc du ring tho past year or more. We would suggest as ono of tho most desirable things which tho good citizens of Ccntrnlia could do would be to erect a building for tho use of tho young men In the town, whero they could spend their evenings and leisure umo in reauing good sensible literature, or Indulge themselves In games of checkers and such like amusements. At not much cost such a building could bo erected and could bo so constructed as to afford a good public room for entertainments nnd meet- logs. Wo wero Informed that tho com pany huvo ottered to furnish tho ground and to subscribe liberally towards the project, and If tho leading citizens will only set the ball rolling, It will bo a sure thing certainly few men who have the good of tho town and the younger portion of the people at heart, would hesitato to glvo them an opportunity of forming better habits than are usually acquired on the street corners or In saloons. During our visit In tho minim; districts we heard many expressions of dissatisfac tion at the present role of importing Hun garian and other cheap labor, and wo very much fear that If tho evil is not suppressed or modified there will bo trouble. It does not seem fair that men who strive to raise their families respectably and according to thu pro-concclved idea of tho American laborer being worthy of his Hue, should be hustled on ono sido to makn room for men whoso animal Instincts Is tho limit of their Intelligence and who apparently work with about as much appreciation of tho dignity ot labor ns doth tho beast of burden. It would not need a very wise man to pro diet that some of these tine days thcro bo serious friction between tho races. will bo foolish enough to.ncccnt ns ho In 2 the offer. :ms a lunula for eggs shjed io became rUcrjof Iho btfiid -good" for llio'ind will Ceulralln, a meiuUci Omj i)f (he llromqif nttorrU ltlrigo had ft sunvbfrteyjstgleif'frlimililiil while nl work on Saturday, by some one employed at tho colliery. A series nf cnleitidnmeiits will bo given by tho scholars of thu High Bchuol com. noticing Monday evening, the 20lh Inst., In the old school building. As tho'prlco of ndmlsslon will be moderate nnd tho pro. cecils will lo used to decornfo Iho school rooms, they should havo full houses. Quito n number of our young men nro about organizing a Literary Society. Wo hope It will bo a sttccbss. John Lnvelle and Miss Klla Ilarrctt wero married by ltov. E. T. Field on Wedncs. day evening. After tho ceremony thoy re paired to the homo of tho bride, where a bountiful repast was partaken of after which dancing was indulged In till a late or rather, early hour, Tho Grand Jury Ignored tho cliargo ngalnst James McFiuhlcn last week. Tho particulars of this affair wero given In n previous Issue of tho Columihan. Jim's many friends were glad to henr of his ac quittal. The neighbors nnd friends of Wendell Young tendered him a pleasant surprise on Wednesday evening In honor of h's fifty- eighth anniversary. Thoso who wero present say it was a very enjoyable affair, and that Mr. Young may llvo to celebrate many more birthdays, is (ho wish of nil. Tli 03. Itcese, son of Supt. Kd. Ilecsc, lias been nppolnted Coal Inspector nt Ccn. tralia colliery. .At. W. Hrcnrian served on tho Qrnud Jury last week.' 1 Miss Sarah Huffy of Philadelphia, U home with her parents for a few weeks. The residents of Park street should re pair their payqtncnts, ns they aro In a very dilapidated condition. A young lady re turning from church on Sunday evening got her foot caught In ono ot them, nnd was slightly hurt. The locomotive nt tho Continental col- llcry Is uow being used on the dirt bank, ns the distance Is too great for tho mules to keep the dirt otit. George Maley Is titling up ids saloon. And will bo able to sling beer to his customers again on Saturday. On Tuesday mornlug the early train had the Hungarian car nttachrd, with over thirty llmis. In It, for Mt. Carmel and Shn-mokln. CANDIDATES. All persons whose names aro announced as can- dldates, la this column, ara expected to abldo by tho action ot tho Dctnocratto county convention, to be ueld on Tuesday, August l-lli 1831. l'OH nKl'ltl'.SF.STATIVE. E. M. TEWKSBURY, 01' CATAWIS9A. I mil not travel the county to solicit votea, but will cheerfully visit all publicly, to discuss tho Is sues before tho people, It desired, FOU lMtOTllNOTAnV. W. II. SNYDER, OFOKAKOK. HO It IlKntSTF.R & HECOItDKlt. C. II. CAMPBELL, oi' m.oo.Msuuno. FOB RF.QISrEll Si UECOIIOKIt. U. H. ENT, of nt.oonsminn. ' . Cro(w)cusi.s. Cro(w)cus i i nc scroccli ol tlvj stac V mo .lor, , the, bright face of tli'u car! sprinj flower, both hdp out' liule stor,. Do wu crow? Yc. Do wj bloom? .Yes. Clr.iW because we h'oini, a. d bloom becausawc crow. Oak Hall 'blopini; out with a slock that makes the oU cotiutf rs groan, and the old wall's bur t, and the older salesmen wonder, and the woolen dealer.-; Wink And we do crow because it lia;., I,; ;) bought cheaply and made well. An I it is to be sold quickly ib.c.ti!-, : cheap Four great varie-"t'i- s ii .Spring Suit Stock M n's, Y nUi!-', Lare Boys', ?mall Coys', bi.woui these several lines thtirV a.-'cj over four hundred sorts. They g from $7.50 to $30.00 for Miin'r. from $700 to $25.00 for .Youths', 5.00 to $18.00 for Large "oys', from js.-t.oo to 1200 for n w jt ; Variety enough, eh! .jmall Boys'. Copyright 1384. A Spring Opening. We have none. No chance fo it. If we would keep our choice things put away until a given time, and then offer them to the public -11 at once, we should be foiled, for people come in the winter when the frost is in the air, and snow and ice hold the earth in bondage, while our preparations are just forming fo the spring campaign, and demand the new goods. It would be tinqrra t !ous to refuse ; and so, perforce, we cannot have a Spring Opening. But we can open with a spring, and as we write, while hardly a bursting bud is to be seen upon the trees, the spring trade is springing on us with a refreshing rush. Times dull,. you say? Not to' the bold dealer that takes no counsel of fear. And Oak Hall is just such. Already the opening spring tells of abundant sales just ahead. Coryiistii 1 83, Early Pincs. The sort that we cultivate at Oak Hall are well-dressed younqr, men. In pursuit of our great mission! of making young m. n as charming as early pinks, we have;arranged a set ofsizes denominated "Yo'imgbcnts" wnicli cover the larger youths' and smaller mens sizes;, Special ipat terns were prcparcTfor'tlus class of stock, and into it we. introduce all possible style of cut, material' and make. The prices range from $7 50 to $25.00. Elsewhere in our stock are choice materials beautifully made, but nowhere else in Oak Hall is there such a conrHnrmtinn a 1 1 ot superiority. I he generation of men for whom these goods were made cannot recall the time when there w is no Oak Hall in Philadel phia. And yet there 'iV ho 'p1 roof of tlie perennial youth of Oak Hall equal to that which is found in this particular stock. Cubyticlii 1SS4. N . ' ' The SacredIJIephant, , ,, Is thesensation of the hour.' Have yoiij 'seiijhim? Np,! Wo you propose to see him ? Yes I Well, then, when you get him off your mind, give tjs a chance for a quiet ' " word withyou about your spring clothes.jV Tliey should be bought at Oak Hall. Like us or, dislike uSj as you may please, you ouh' 'find m' 1 ' ' our great acres' arid cords of good clothing just the sorts to suit you in body, brain, and pocket. The reasons why are few and' simplej , Oak Hall is the- plucky. . j , clothing house.. , While, others Jiave., been letting '" I. dare.'nqt, wait opon . I would" we have been pickinp- up great lines of desirable goods and,, putting thqrn into the best clothing, , winch under existing conditions has cost us less than ever. Result, bargains for you. Wanamaker & BrQwn, S. H. Corner Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Oak Hall. 9 FOU &' nXCORMKK. M. V. EYERLY, of m.oo.Msiiinto. FOR COUNTV COMMISSIONER. DAVID LONG, OF nOARlKGCRKBK. pip POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowder nover varies. A man-el of purity strength and wuolesoraeness. Mora economical thin lbs ordinary k'ii'13. and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude ot low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only 1U UtUS. 1UIVAI. 1I1KIMU l'OWDKH VO , lOti Wa'.l-Bt, N. V. aueli-lv. TXronfifl Canvassers In every county In this VV allbcU Stalo to takuordera tor Nursery biuuK. aietuiy una uesiravw flHtJioymeu m noun WAC1M, Experience in the busi ness not required. Nur?rlci widely and favor ably known. For terms address Tha 0- L. Van Lussrt Nursery Cj,, OENKVA, !f. Y. Van Dusen Nurseries established. J839. Abo stock ut wholesale. AprlH-l3teow r ASSIGNEE'S SALE.. OF VALUAULE Keal Estate! Jumca Curran, wlio 1ms spent tho past ulglit months In Florida, returned hopio lust week, anil vpenks In flowing terms of tliu sunny South. IIu Intends milking It his Cut nro home. Tho Logiui colliery worked on Tliiirtdiiy to empty thu loaded mine wagons for Mon day morning. Tho CltUens' Hand paraded tho principal streets on Saturday evening, nnd dlscours. cd Boinu very fine muslo. Thcro U lots of music In tliu boys, and Prof. WIsu is tin ex cellent teacher. Licenses wero granted to nil who ap plied, nnd every ono seems happy, This Is as it should he, for the sumo amount of kilha-tnllo would bo consumed It thcro were no licenses granted. Our saloon keepers Intend to appreciate thu Judge's kindness, and will strictly observe tho Bab bath. John Dugun, of town, had his hand hint In tho now slope nt Dig Mine Hun on Fri day, by a rail falling on it. John Nortncy, tho enterprising beer agent for Knier, bus put u brand now wagon 011 tho road this week, What queer things you hear, when you haven't got u gun I "Jluuty" OalhiKhcr I old us 11 few evenings since that ho coulij cat, for a wager, more duck eggs thuii any ( one In town. Wu hurdly think uny person I Tlio undersigned, Assignee of c, II. JJrockway, offers at prlvatfl ealo, the following doscrlbed valuablo real estate situated In tho Town of llloomshtiri,, county of Ciilumb a, and State of I'O'ingylvanla, bounded and described as follows, tzi FIRST. A three story brick building on Court Iloiiso alley, near tho Court House, and attached to the Drawer llulldlng used for law offices c, and formerly known as tho Columbian liulld log. SECO.ND.-A three sto-y brick house on Third Street adjoining lotofl'cter B, llrugler on tha east and another lototo. II. Ilrockway on tho west, containing a front of tllty.two feet, and a drptli of about U feet, the said liouso being fur, nlslied In all Its rooms wi'h gas fixtures; also water, a bath room, Iialtlmore heater, c. There Is also on tho premises a good stable, and other, out building). TIIIHt). A vacant lot adjoining the above, and adjoined on tho west by property of M, I'. Luu being forty feet In front, and about sit feet In depth. Iho above can be bought separately or together. The opportunity for purchasing at private sale will be extended to mturday, May 17th, 181. Terms can bo nscertalnod fromtlio undersigned, If the above premises up to that Umo aro not sold! there will bo a public, Balo of tho same, on tho pro, mlseslutUetirdcr above named, at 1 1 M. on Saturday, May S4th9 A. D. 1884. TKHM8. If to bo sold at public sale can bo as. ccrtalned of tlio Assignee on or before the dated gale, and alter May 1UU ltuii. M. P, LUTZ, Assignee, apnii Plumber and gas ntter. Rear of Schuyler's hard, ware store. Bloomsburgf, Pa. All kinds of fittings for steam, gas and water pipes constantly on hand. Hoofing and spouting attended to at short no tlce. Tinware of every description made to order. .J?,rd,erslcIta.t, Killer co-a., liardwaie ttore will bo promptly lllled. Special attention given to heating by steam and hot water. May .ly Iarge Reduction IN CARPETS. BROWER HAS JUST RECEIVED A ' ;NEW LOT OP WHICH III3 IS OFFKItINO AT OIIUATLY REDUCED PRJCES CONSISTING OF Badly Bmmsete As Low as 5 cts. All wool, Supers. full weight, Extra C. C. Extra Supers. All wool extra superfine car pet at 75 cents. Nico 4-l Ingrains at 25 cts. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of liniulomo rugs. GALL & EXAMINE theso goods and you will bo con vinced that they cannot be ex celled in quality or price. Now is your time to buy cheap carpets. SheKon Oarpct Sweeper, the best in the market, for salo by J.J. BROWER MAIN STREET, BLOOPdSBU iG, PA. A NEW TELEPHOITE, -n- The U. S. Te ep mne is tlio latest Invention in Telephones, and standi without n ri val, and is the only WOKTHY RIVAL of tho Hell Telephone, uud is the only telephone of tho kind over before offered to tho public. It Is the only non-electric telephone tlmir,, usti.,wUh 11 Telephone Itepcntor. or that will work on CKOOKKD, ANGLING or ZIGZAG lines, or on n lino having ACUTE OK IUGUT ANGLES. . ' old outright for .10,00 no exhorhitiint rents. They nro tlie only Telephones haviiiR mi .ititomntic Lino Wire Tichtncr and they nro the only Telephones that nro protected hy 1111 outdoor Liehinlug Arrester. ,A1I sounds are delivered In clear mid naturnl tones. They nro the neatest, most durable ami require less attention and repairs than any other Telephone made. Send for our illustrated circular. Agents wanted, THE XT. S. TELEPHOJSTE N03. 4!) AND 51 WEST STREET, ' MADISON IN.D May 2-3moM 1 CO.. P. 0. BOX, 2S : i emAiB OPMNG SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING, 1 1 ATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, BOOTS, SIIOICS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS, AT LEVY, & COS. PopULCLoyHiflqHoiIsB, BErWICf Pv ; Beneath the counters, away labove the counters and filling every inch of spate in our extensive shelving accommodations, our goods are ' ' WEmmmi wmmmi mmwm Wo oiler better goods ntjes prices than ever with latest styles in all patterns. Call and judge for vourselvcs, if we do not at till times sustain our well known motive. GOOD GOODS!! LOWE SPECIAL NOTICE.- npr25-3m f PRICES, Wo tnk'i' a ploasnru In waiting on our customer. !St'I,JllWllolhl,to.I,l!!9'w!4.l!aniTTI Pft IIP f UP HI Altl n ' rAMuuo ana ut.uioiucDH i iLcour incfTUnLu. j;1! DEALER IN foreign and: MamesMe. WINES AND LIQUORS, AND J0"BER IN CICARS. BLOOMS BURG, PA. IB, F. BBA1 Oflleo and Salesroom, ODD FEIXOWS' HALL) BERWICK, PA,, , OlEALfcll IN PIANOS, ORGANS;;and SEWING 'MACHINES. TOCMlCBHtCdCHlCKEIUSaandim I23TEY QUI OHOAN8 . New High Arm Davis. New American No. 7, Wtoltej Domestic, Household, New Homo New Howo. .... iwyal St. John, Gomilii8Mnger(Slaser I'atoutisowlnif Machines.. Oenulno l'urta ot Hardware lor all Kinds ot So vlni,' Machines, Keudles, oll.'Attnohmsntu, bolts and everythlnn la the lino ot Sowios Machines at bottom prices. Organs and Sowing Slachinesi Sold on Monthly Payments. 'Liberal .Discount made for Cash. Agent for tho Old. Statqn jsland Dyeing Establishment, BUTTERICK, DOMESTIC & UNIVERSAL PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. tySsAllOrderu received, promptly attended toft , apr 85-3m ZFILJ-cr IMjll-BIIEIIiR, HrfllPT.KINO U. R. A. dtitrotd Id Uy.llow Ftm or DiiiiUr iin turn Ion uiri IIISTOUV tJtOM TI1K HATTLE.riELD. f bowl h hTt,n mi4or fcjTHrlrt at mm fr full ducrUiUoa ut tuni, Aiimt j, u MtOUUUV'A CO., 1'hlUJtliihU. i"I lintMiJl tiki Mtmory, MU) FARM AND MILL PROPERTV AT Private 8alc! The property bltuated about ono mile bouth ot llinilnvllle, .Minilu township, known as tho Voho Mill Property. Varm contains about EIGHTY ACRES. All necessary tarin Uulldlnss and mill lu Mir run nUi order. Will bo sold at a bars itn-apply to John V. Kvans or J. YV. Dowman, UorwlcK, columUU coun ty, l'a. may 3,iw DMINISTHATOIfS NOTKJK. KiTiTH orillUlt R. H&ITMBTKlt, DBCKASKD. letters of administration on tho estati) ot Sarah K Heltmeyer deceased, late ol Catawlss.i, Colum bia county, l'a., hare been granted by the Ha'ls ter or Jld county to the underulKiied uduilnltilra. tor. All persons having claims against the estuto of thu dcceawid aro runueetott to preneat tliom lor beltlement, and thoso Indebted lo tho ctute to make payment to the uuderislgned adintnuiralor without uelay. 0. Kl.LIS, Ithawn & Itoblus, Alt'ya Adailnlsirator. aprii cutawton. l'a. BLOOKW PLANING MILL Tho undersigned having put tits rianlng Mil on IMIlroad street. In nrst-ciass coudliton, la pre pared to do all Hinds ot ork In hlb line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, ! BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Ctc. furolsned at reasonable prlcon All lumber used, Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS tural9hed on application, 'lan and speclflca noil), prepared by an oxpejlcnad draughi emiin (IIIAItMlS KUIJC1, ItluoiiiMlttirir, ln UTANTKl). Ono Lady or Oentloman town, tsia wuok nnd uxiwuvii in every Adtlrnsii AMKUIOAN 1'UllUHlllN'll, CO. M-lm U ortll 'lentil St., Philadelphia. , mm- m?B -stam fit-wemi SHEET METAL W IW ' ALL ITS BRANCHES. ESPECIAL ATTENTION; PAID TO I 1