The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 09, 1884, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Jay Cooke, whose fortiinu was
swept away by the crash of 1873, i
to-day one of the wealthiest men of
Pennsylvania, lie has investments in
iron, eoal, golil, ami silver mines ami
railroads far reaching into the mil
lions. In the great go as-yoi-lease race
in Madison Square Garden, New Yoik,
last week. Fitzgerald, heat all former
records. He made (J 1 1) miles in I t Oh.
,'Sfin., and 40. Unwell followed with
CO-J miles in 14Uli., IVJm., and 30-.
A singular coincidence is related con
eerning the recent death of Dr. Van
dell of Louisville. On the day of its
occilt'.ieiiee lie desculied the ease of a
patient to horn he admini-teied elilo
rid lor angina. It reliew d him for a
few moments, Inn lie then lei I ha k ii
his chair and died. The di ct r was
himself, hidiject to ant-inn, and u few
bouts later he had an atlacU, for which
lietonk a dose of chhnal. fie, too, ex
peiienceda rnnmcntar) itlief fioui pain,
lint soon expiied.
Woikeis in ornamental wood now
insert that y lio pine, Imiil litiihtil
in oil, is tliu mul in lie.inu of :in
uond tlmt gnos, iml ixu'jilinu ill
cost li si. ot the liard eie, it belli"
susceptible o! ) ci ivi,ii and iiiaiiiiain
ing a liigh a degiei' ol po ili a- mi
known wood, wliih, vhinmpieg itleil
with i it is :ilimt li ileslineiilil.. I"
such a t'i luliiion it I- ilneivoiis to
even hut u'li ii-eainl nih. i Mill lane, r
thai leave an inclf.ic-nhle Alain up o.
white pine, maple ami iuifiis olhi i
John iMaihias Htilh nliaek, 1 Wilkes
liaire di 1 at the Exchange Hotel on
liinl Satniday evening agxl about .VJ
years. Mr Ilolletib.icU would lime
been a in, in ot princel) wealth Lad n
not been for his solicitous in. en si ii
the, sufleiings and uroisof tie oi
nnd needy who never applied to him
in vain. lie was the only heir ! a v.i
eoaiislate lying on holh sides of the
river between llils city to I'illst m. Mil
as they weic iinpioductive in I in e.ol
life of their owner, he ki pt selli g oil
parcels in order to meet , . ens s am
in this way most ol hi pinpeil mill
from him.
I'rof. Samuel D. (Loss, iho ilistio
guished Philadelphia sU'geou, died on
'I'uesduy. His body wits taken to
Wushington, Pa., for ciemation on
Wednesday. He favoied eieiu.illou as
being of the greatest hvlietit to the
living, rather tlitn liavini: hundreds of
bodies decomposing in the ground.
The address of the liishops of the
M. E. Church, delhuicd before the
General Confereiieu at Pi,il.ideliln
eontiiii s the folloivingstatistics : There
ate till annual conferences and 1-1 mis
sion conferences, 11,8(9 traveling
preachers, 12,0:26 local preaeheis and
l,7"i'J..')3( memhers and probationers,
an increase during the last f ur veats
of 00,232 Since the lat G. uernfCon
ference C54 traveling preachers have
died and 58,891 members. The acces
sions to the membeiship iiunibi r loS,
78". In 1883 there were 18,711
churches and 9,815 parsonage-, the
total value of which is !$79.238,0,"i,)
Thcie are 10 theolouical semiuaiies, 1,5
colleges, (JO classical institutes and 8
female colleges.
A lMiiultHC Tor CimiicrH and
The ChespeuUo iiml Delaware Peninsula,
comprising portions of tlio States of Mary
laud, Delaware and Virginia,' contulns a
square urea of six tliousiuul miles, and
measures about two hundred miles by for
ty. Within this limited surface, au J dis
trait only a few hours' ride from Philadel
phia, Wilmington, Baltimore, and Wash
ington, me to be found the finest spoiling
ami fishing on the Atlantic coast. So
abundantly has this favored region been
endowed by nature with game of every le
scriptlon that it Is worthy tu be called "A
Paradise for Uunnera and Anglers." ,-uch,
Indeed, is the title adopted for his book by
a writer w hose work now lies before us.
Mis description of the peninsula, and the
advantages It affords to sportsmen, are
carefully and iirciirutely written, while the
excellent engravings aiid maps with which
his book Is adorned add gteutly to Its ap
pearance and value.
This essential vule wciim of the sports
man may be obtained free by addressing J.
Ii. Wood. Ueneral Passenger Agent Penn
sylvania Itallroad, Philadelphia.
PiOTHRKsguK WAsutMiro.x, The Ameri
can public will welcome this lieautitul new
volume upon the capital of the nation.
There are few places so frequently quoted.
and turned lu as Washington ; yet com
paratively few people know the history of
the city, of the uiaunei ot conducting the
business of government, the lite of ohicisls,
or of the oilier clmr.icteiUlies of Washing
ton life. .Mr. .Monte line ti - all that peo
ple can w ish to know on these silbjtels.
In re ding this volume one becomes bellei
Ktqiuinlfd with the institutions which
help make the Aliieiieau I plv a gleat
nation, tor while Washington reerives
special lieutmeut by the nutiior s pen, the
niiiehiuciv of national gnvei iiinent is nee
c warily dcseilhcd. The work is very pro
fusely illuslratul The typographical
make-up ot the b"uk is exceedingly attract
ive, and the volume nuM meet with a wide
and leadv sale. ,1 A V it A lteid. Pub
Ushers, I'loviilcnce, it l. Sold only by
subset iplion.
The U. S. Telephone is the latest Invention In Telephones, and stands without a ri
val, and Is the nnlv WOUTUY 1UVAL of the Hell Telephone, and is the only telephone
of the kind ever before ottered to the public. It is the only non-eleetilc telephone
that Is used witli a Telephone Ucpeator, or that w ill work on OKOOKL'I), AMI UNO
or ZIGZAG lines, or on a line having ACUTE OH WIGHT ANGLES,
sold outtiglit for 10,00 no exhorbltant rents.
They are the only Telephones having an automatic Line WlreTightner and thev
arc the only Telephones that are protected by an outdoor Lightning Anester. All
sounds are delivered In clear and natural tones. They are the neatest, most duiable
and require less attention and repairs than any other Telephone made. Send for our
illustrated circular. Agents wanted,
NO 4!) AM) T1 WHS. STHhKT, 0. i OX. 2S
M iv 2 i'ltios
Letters or administration on the estate ot Sarah
K. Heltmejer deceased, latuot Cutawlssa. Coltnn
lit i county, l'a., Ii.ive been granted by tlio ltegts
terof s.iiil i-uunty to the undersigned ad.nluistia
tor. All persons having cUluisuguliist the estate
of the deceased are reijup.sied m pi-esent the.n lor
settle. nent, nml those Indebted lo the estule tu
tnako payment tothu undeislgned .uiiauihiratur
wlthuut iK'lay. c. KI.Lls,
Itli.nvu .t Itolilas, Atl y. Ail nlnlsi rator.
aprll uutuwlssj, I'j.
Iiy virtue ot writs tuel oulof tlio Court ot
Common l'leas, of coluiatiU county and to mu
directed, will be exiosed to iiubllc sale ou the
premises on
Saturday, May lOtli '34
at S o'clock p. m. lue follovrlux estate to
wn : All that certain pleie of groaa J situate In
Oransovllle, Oraiio TovMishlp Columbl.i county
and state ot I'eninylvauta, containing nlucty-ulne
and elerht-tcntlis perches of land strict ineosurc,
and bo mded and described as follows to wit i
lleglnnlni; at a corner ou line of land of Henry
1). Walker, thence by said lluu north slsty-tlve
and one-half degrees west two and
liuudrellH chains to a corner thence by laud of
Jacob llannau and Free School lot, north thirty
uud one-halt degrees, east two and twenty-tour
ouo huudreths chains to a comer; thence by luud
ot Mary Mart. Kmlly Kllno and others, south
slxty-tour and one halt degrees, east two uud
eighty-two oue nundreths chains to a post ; thence
by land of Henry o. Walker, south thirty-two
degrees, west two and twenty-one hundreths
chains to the place ot beginning, with the appur
tenances, whereon aioeiectedu, huge two story
frame building us au Academy and other out
SeUed, and taken la execution, at the suit of
Mlas Conner's, Use vsthe OrangeWlle Male and
Female Academ , uud to be sold as the property
ot the orangcvllle Male and Female Academy.
vi fa April a
AT Tim COl'liT HOffiE IX IlhOOMsilLltll OX
Saturday, May 10th, 1884,
AT 'I WO O'CLOCK 1". -M.
AU that eeitaln lot nr piece uf grotl .d situate In
lllooinsuuig Coluintila county l'a., and bounded
ami described as follows to wit : Northwardly and
eastwardly by lolsot Mojer 11 Oi., soutliwaiill by
lot of Jeremiah J. ilrower and westw.inlly bj
Couit House Allui, toalal'iliig:W lectin front
more or less and 11 leet Pi width moie or lc, on
which Is erected a large tluee story Prick ISnllii
ln and ktniA 11 fonncrly aslh" ' Cotuiabl.ui build
ing." ALSO,
that messuage and lot ot ground situate In
liloj.iisburg Columbia comey l'.t. bounded and
ilescilbed as lollowa to-wlt: On the north J 'llilid
sov'et, tlieneeulung 1 hlid sliect it J het more or
less, on the east by lot ur Petir laugler M nrl
moiTj or lcs.s, on the south by an alley, and on the
west b lot ot .M. 1', Milz, containing UJ leet In
front and 'JO' feet In depth moieor less, on which
ale elected a large two stoi j bilek dwelling house,
barn and out buildings, seized and tal;en in
execution at the suit ot M. (..Hughes s U. li.
liiockwaj, and to be sold as the propel ty ot c. It.
Uruckna). ciid. K.
Khawn ,t ltobblns Alt Jn.
All that eeitaln messuage or tenement und lo,
of laud situate In the towudhlp of Centre In the
county of colainbl.t a id statu of l'eninj lvanla,
bounded and dCscrlbM as follows to-wlt . Ilegln
ulng at a atone, thence by land of Daniel llagen
buch, south s.xteeu degrees, east elguty eight and
tliree-tenth perches to i stone j thence by land of
Daniel No hard noa- TnoausN. schwi'ii.ien
helser iiortu seveaty ilv.! degrees, east tuir
ty oue and tluee-lentli poiclus to a stone ,
thence by Uud ufMiuuu Fry noith sltten de
crees, west eighty-eight an 1 live tenth perches to
astouo; tnence by Uud of tne said Daniel Hageu
buch south seventy-tlvo degrees, west thirty-one
and three-leuih perches to the place ot beginning
containing seventeen acres and forty-nine perches
of land strict measure be the same more, ur less.
Whereon are erected a gooa two story frame
dwelling house, a large bank barn iud othe out
buildings, good frutlaud nalerun the premise .
(ielitit und taken Into execution at the suit ot
Wesley lloas, Jesse Holtiuau and William Shaffer
vs Samuel Nej haid and to bo sold us the piopei ty
ot Samuel Neyhard.
Miller Att'y. JOHN .MOl'IIKY.
N'nfli'p U lipwliv uUpn 'li t .iti nnnll Mlloii will
be made to the coutt of Common I'loasor i
b a county, tu eli nnlier-, ou n uu d tj t he illlli ilav
! ot May A. li. list, at slocloik I'. U. an t r tin'gi'u
oral act ot Assembly ol the Coinmonweaitli of
I ennsj Ivanla, enlllleil "An act I o powlili ior ihi
luco poritiou and lobulation ufceicilu eerpuri
' Hons," approved Api it '''.MhiSil, and li-. aipp e
in ills, lor tin-eh oler ol apiopned eoi,iii.ilii i
to bo eabod "U II 11. no igl.ind Post No Mill, A.
li. of i atawKs , l'a.,' Hie i haracter and object
of which Is to Invest ami secure funds for ihebene
1 lit ot lis me .,bcrs Hit I r wives aud nrph in . il ilien,
I and lor that purpose o p,scss nd enjo. all lite
; rights, b netl s and tu t lieges of the -.ii.lucl ef
assemoiy ana us s' s.
Catawlss.1, I a., -KIIIX C. in ' l
Apill '-"Uh 1S.S5. Mays ol, l,.,i
jXLlTTOIiVs M)lll I'..
U'ltors test.uneniai) ou the estate of i,eor,-e'r, 1 ite of .iililllii township, ciilmnlil i cotiiii ,
l'a., deceased, h.o e been gr nied bv thtiliiglsn r
of said county to I ,e uiidoisltned i-M-ciitoi il
persons haMng cpd s against the eslale ols.ud
ileceilent are ieiiuasliM to piesoul the loi .etilt -infill,
and tlio e Iml.'bleil to the estate to o, at
pajuteiil to Hie uudei signed wltlioat tlelaj
s.H' I. .s.N III It
4-l-iiw i:ecutor.
Private Saile I
Theprojierty situated about one mile south ot
Mtnilnvlllf, -Mimiu township, known as the Volie
Mill 1'iopertv. Furm contains about
EIGHTY A 0 II 12 S .
All necessary farm buildings ami mill In fair run
ning order.
Will be suld ut a birg tin -apply to John W.
KvausorJ. W. bowman, liernlcK, Columbia coun.
ty, fa. mays-tw
The luitler-lgi eil, Assignee of C. II. llioi kwio.
offers dl pilvate ale, Hie following d scllbed
valuable real estate sltu.ueil In the Town of
lllooiii-bui'g, cottntv of cnliiinb a, and Male nf
l'u ns) Ivanla, bounded and iW'ilbed a-lollow .,
Fill1'!'. A tluee Moiy brick bulldliigon Court
House silley, near the Court House, and attached
tothe blower llulldlng useil Tor law oltltes Ac,
and formeily known as the Columbian I tun
ing. MIC'OXl). A three stoy brick house oa Th'nt
street adjoining lotofl'eter S. Iltugler ou the
east and anolher lot of C. 1). Urockway ou tho
west, i ontnlnln? a front of Hfiy.two feet, and a
depth ot about SU feet, the said liou-eotlng tur
nlshetl In all Its rooms wl h gas fixtures ; ul-n
water, a bath room, lieater, Ac. 'Iheie
Is also on the premises a good stable, ami olhtr
o it building .
THtKI. A vaeaie lot adjoining the above, ami
udjolned on the west by prnpeity of i.M. I', l.ut
being forty ftet In limit, ami about ai4 rt-ot In
depth. 'Ihouuorocun be Iwughi sep irately or
The opportunity for purchasing atpilvato hato
will 1 extendett to Saturday, May nth, issi.
To ins can bo nseertalned from the iimlcrslgnetl.
It the above premises u to thut time are not sold,
there will be a public sale of the same, on the pre
mises in the order above named, at SI", M, onj J
Saturday, May U L I ISM, 1
TKIIMS. Iftolie sodut public saleenhbe as
certained ot the Assignee on or U'fore Hie date tf
site, and utter May !"lh Isst.
M. 1'. 1.1'TZ,