The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1884. Correct Kallrnatl Time Tnblc. Trains on tho Philadelphia & it. n. leave Kupert as tallows i MOUTH, 0:3(1 ft. m. 4:00 p. in. 80DTD, lliu a. m. 6:13 p. m. 0- ft Tmlmon tho 1). I. & W. It n. leave Moomsburg norn. bout u. 7:09 ft. m. 8:88 a, m. 10:) ft. m. H:m a. m. 6:3 p. m. 4:ao p. rn. T!V?.l1iJ5il.ral?. outh connects with tho l'hlla. delphU Heading at ltupert, nndwlththe Nor thern central nt NonhuniEcrYand. , i?! "ln connocts at Northumberland Vl VSSXiP tr.aLn.on 1 "nnvlranla road, reaching Philadelphia at 3: 19 p. m. i, E'A?,ii41.tIa,P,,conncct wltl1 rhlladelphla and lleadlnu roAd at Kupert at ll:Si) reaching fhlladel pma at 6:00 p. in. The lt train connects nlth rcnnslvanla road 1. Northumberland at 1:43, reaching 1'hlladclphla ftl 7;3 p, tilt .TS8.4:3? pm tmln connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8.03 p. m.. and reaches rhlladelphla at 3;i5 a. m. o Trains nn tho X.&W.B. lUUwajrp&ss Bloom Kerry as follows i NOBTIt. BOCTtt. 0.31 p. m. 7iU7 fj. m. Notice to CorrcMioudeutH. In order to savo many communications from Iho wasto basket wo mako tho following suggestions to local correspondents s Uso only one side of tho sheet, and wrlto ospialnas poislbloj give only tho local news that Is of some Interest to tho com. munlty, such as accidents, improvements, mar riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and churches, business enterprises, changes of resi dence, and tho like. What appear to bo Jokes at tho expenso of others, nnd personal mention glv. tng only ono namo or Initials or a nickname, will not bo printed under any circumstances. Such Items often giro offense, though none may bo In tended. Tho full namo of tho writer must always bo given, but will not bo printed unless requested. tt Pur dale. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 25 acres of land In Hemlock town, ship, partly ctcarcd, balance well timbered. A farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp. For terms and particulars apply to Geo.' . Elwcll, Dloomsburg, Pa. feb. 29-tf. Public (tUlCH. All thoso having public sale bills printed at this ofllco will receive a notlco under this heading, freo of charge. The notice will remain standing until the day of sale. 31. P. Lutz, asslgnco of O. 1). Drockway, offers valuable real estate at private sale up to May 17th, and If not sold by that date will be exposed to public salo on Saturday, May 24th, 1884. Mr. A. Q. Klmbcrly Is our authorized agent to solicit subscriptions, job work, and advertising. His receipt for money for this offlce will be as valid as that of the proprietors. apr 25-tf Personal. VT. B. Allen came homo from Chicago on Monday to visit his family. Tho genial countenance of Judge Dcrr was seen in the jury box this week. Daniel Wclllvcr of Greenwood, was among tho throng in attendance at court. James Wclrman of Benton, shook hands with his many friends in town on Monday. Mr. J. II. Hnrroan has been in poor health for some weeks past. His improve ment Is very slow. George Roan, foreman of this office, Is taking an enforced vacation by reason of a carbuncle on his right hand. Hcv. Dr. Monroo was elected secretary of the General Conference of the M. K. Church, now In session in Philadelphia. Dr. W. M. Iteber is attending a Medical convention nt Washington, D. C. His wife and Mrs. M. ii. McKinncy are with him. William Goodman of Conyngham, was In court on Monday as a witness. He has beeu a reader of the Columuun or Its predecessors for thirty years. Ex-Sherlff Carter, general agent for D. M. Osborne & Co., spent the week in town superintending the exhibit of agricultural implements for his firm. Mrs. Maize went to Philadelphia on Wcdnee day to buy her stock of Summer millinery goods, expecting to spend a week. She was accompanied by her son, Harry. Rev. William S. Prentice, a delegato to the M. E. Conference, from Springfield, II. llnois, will preach in tho M. E. Church in this placo on Sunday rooming. Mr. Pren tice is a cousin of Judge Elwcll's. Centralia wus largely represented In court, on Monday. Among those present were John P. Hannon, Patrick Flynn, W. J. Sweeny, David Walsh, Daniel Curry, Edward McFadden, John Crane, Edward Hughes, James Haggorty, Robert Farrcl. John Ncrtncy, Bernard I. Curran, nnd many others, Llllcy & Sleppy have over one hundred different stylus of wall paper. Fine displays of agricultural Implements' were made In front of the court house this week, by different parties. Tho best dirt-proof watches made can be seen nt L. llernhiird's jewelry store. A new Ilhiica Ave octave organ will be exchanged for a buggy. Inquire at this of. flee. Announcing the mimes ot candidates niiist lie paid for when the order Is given for Insertion. Wo have but ouo luvariable rule in this mr.Ucr. Foil Sale, Two lemon trees, large, henllhy mid full bearing. Inquire of Mrs. Hirum Tronsue, Espy, Pa. O.St Potatoes are scarce. Llllcy it Blcppy don't want any, but any other kind of pro. duct! they will take, JleKlnney Smith, the defaulting mhtloner of Lycoming eounty, pleaded guilty to thu charge of embezzlement, in court at Wlllliunsport, on Tuesday. Sen. tenco was deferred. Lilley tk Sleppy nt Orangevllle, have the largest stock of gilt, mica, satin, white, black and brown back wall paper ever of. fered lor sale in Orangevlllo. At the meeting of stock holders of the Normal School held on Monday, William Meal, William Elwcll, J. A. Funston and Ellas Mendeuhall were reelected trustees to servo for three years. A Goon Investment in Rsal Estath. A brick reBldenco on the corner of Iron and Fourth (trccts, large lot, choice fruit trees fine well of water, stahlo, &c. Building In fiood condition, fur silo apply to J.NO. It. loWNSXND, Bloomshurg, Pa. E. M. Tewksbtiry announces his name for representative In this Issue, on the anil travel principle. Ho was a candldato once' before on Iho same principle, and though defeated ho has tho courage of his convlo Hons, and proposes to tight It out on that line, Wo hope the tlmo may soou come when all candidates for ofllco will follow his example. Tho public schools will closo on day with npproprlatojxorclscs. Mrs. Bcott wants (osell her business out, Sco notice. , Lost. Oft Btinday Last. Part ot n gold nccklaco, with a locket and gold ring. Tho finder will bo rewarded by returning tho same to this office. Tho Directors of Blooth Poor District will receive prppoiiMs, until Tuesday, May 18th, for excavating n ditch ib&ut 2,100 feet long nnd 8 feet docp. 8eo notlco In nnothcr column. Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All changes mado In Union depots. No omnl. bus transfers. W. C. 'McKinnev, An't. - - u A. largoNofoiindUnd. dog'bol&nglng to E. C. Wells was shot by n boy down near tho Barton brldgo on Monday. Tho act was willful, .malicious and, without cause. Tho guilty-party Is known, and will prob ably bo punished. llenjamln Hngcnbuch, formerly a rcsl dent of this town, tiled nt his homo In Iown on Tuesday pf last week, aged CO, years. Ho moved from this county in 1855. Tho papers published nt his home 1 speak very highly of lilm. Datcsman & Wcldcnhamcr of Espy, hnvc just added to their stock n fresh supply of drv KOOllfl. nnttnna. tinnti. atinAa Itnta shirts, overalls, &c. You should call and' i -ni oeu mem. All the licenses annllcd for At this court wcro crantcd. There wenTbu't few'nnw'i ones except Ui Centralia,' where there were seven, nio licensing of these may put a stop to the wholesale unlawful sell Ing that has been going on thero for tho palttwoTyearr , , j rt h i K k, : $ Everybody says Llllcy & Sleppy are sell." ing goods cheaper than anybody In the county. Prof. Johnson, better known a Blind Charley, has moved to Bloomsburg and Will make his home here permanently. He Is employed by J. Saltzcr and will assist In tho salo of pianos and organs. As his play. Ing is remarkable he can show the merits bf tho different instruments to the best ad Vantage, and will no doubt prove n valua ble assistant to Mr. Saltzcr. An clTort Is being made to organize a Stock company for the erection of a, large flouring mill at this place, with a capacity of 100 barrels of Hour a day. Such an cs. labllshment would not only be nn advau iage teethe town, but to the entire county, as It would afford a market for all the Wheat that can be raised here. Our enter prising citizens should give it all the en.' couragement possible. We have been Informed that the Y. M. C. A. of Berwick have secured sufficient funds for the erection of n building worth $7,500. The ground was a donation by Mr. C. It. Woodin. This added to tho cost of the proposed building will mako a prop erty worth from $13,000 to 815,000. The citizens of Berwick were very liberal in their contributions. The Berwick associa tion takes the lead in this section of the State. Our complete stock of wall paper Is prov ing a drawing card. Observers wondered what we were going to do with it when It was brought to us by wagon loads, but we have sold;faswo'wcrc 6bliged to order again! and have another Invoice on the way. Call and we promise to please you. Lillet & Sleitt The re-election of J. S. Grimes as coun ty superintendent was a deserved compll ment to an efficient officer. The largo vote cast for him was given because he has at tended faithfully to his duties, and the" di rectors were favorable to him for a second term because they had no occasion to de sire a change, and not because of any per sonal objection to Mr. Hower, who is a gentleman of excellent character, nnd fully competent to fill iho position, had he been chosen. Foil Sale. The good will and stock of a well established tobacco business, with all the nccussary fixtures for a first-class bakery and confectionery. Satisfactory reasons given for sellihj;. Apply to Mrs. Jane Scott, Exchange block, Bloomshurg, Pa. Still further improvements are being made at the shops of Ilarman & Hasscrt. Only a few years ago this firm started In business with a small building and limited capital, and as their trade gradually in creased they havo made one addition after another until their establishment covers a lurgc area of ground, and employment Is given to a considerable number of men. Besides doing a general business as mould ers and machinists, they arc agents for D: M. Osborne fc Co's. agricultural imple ments, and keep on hand all, k,lndsof special castings for this machinery. . : ..- i . There are men who think that a pews paper that (foes not abuse everybody against- whom ,y may hp.vo a personal grudge, Is afraid to express Its opinions for fear.of (.fending, 'There is i news paper that we know of that does not pro pose to grind every, axe Unit may be prought to It i nor does it propose either to pommend or criticise any Individual "r corporation slmply'to' gratify ,the personal Interest or spleen of those who? may 'want It done. This may not bo tho proper way to conduct a newspaper but It is our wny, uuil as we have found it a very good one we propose to stick to it. i I iliicuiioru. This week will wind up corn planting. Thu roiid. working season Is approaching. Thu farm house on the old Andes place, lately pujehasedyund occupied kby Fritz Miller, wade6troycd by; fire gn ''last Fri day. A dcfectlVof'fluo1 and high wind Is supposed to have been the cause. But Ut ile furniture saved, and no Insurance. Rev. b'myser, l E., preucllcd a very In teresting and instructive sermon in the M. E. church last Sunday evening, Theme : "JiH'i . . Mr,4 Mbiuep andTwlfc of Nantlcqke, were, thouesfs ofja)'W.,IIartuan "amllwlfo o"n Tho Lutheran Sunday school will meet next Sunday afternoon at half past one O'clock, iustead of tho usual tlmo In thu morning. Prcnculug Immediately nftcr school, Next Tuesday Mrs. Barbara Ohl will tart for Allegheny City, whero she In. tends spending a part of tho summer visit ing her sons, Thomas and Amos. We wish her ,a safu Journey and n pleasant tlmo. Halph Ivey and wife, or better known as ''Uncle" and, "Auijt.'l wjlj shortly leave us for ilolitidule.' ' Ono by one tho miners aro deserting our village, H, W, Applcman nnd his assistants caught thirteen eels In tho Hemlock last Monday night, It Is, Indeed, quite a mybtery, but it Is us true as history: that) Joe, belli j j tired of single life, l)as juken unto himself a wife. May their future be peaceful and merry, Is tho wish of Pjiuobnck and Fauit. ijEjq GQLlffr W DEMOATBWMiBIJR closo on Satur. I Cfintmc ofTlmc. I I " The new (hnc-table on tho D. L. & W. railroad went into effect on Monday morn ing. Tho early moralng train north now reaches hero nt 7i05, and tho train south at 8:28. t The table on tho fourth pag$ 'IU)bc corrected as soon ns wo receive a table con talnlug all tho changes. County Hiiiicrlntciidciit. The triennial meeting ot tho school di rectors of Columbia county was heldlln tho court houso on Tuesday afternoon, Tho meeting wns callcll t'd brde. by" county supcrlntcndant Grimes. Peter R. Baldy of Catawlssft, was1 'elected temporary chair man, and J, O. Brown temporary-secretary. Upon calling tho roll, scvonty.thrce directors responded. There aro U4lrecl tors In tho county, so that ono; moriTthatl onclialf of them were to attendance. VTho following permanent officers were then elected' (rictiiirmn, O.'.O.jMurphy of Ccttj India t secretaries, J. O. Ilrc-Wn of Blooms burg. QW. Uttof Greonw6od.t Tho sal. hry' of county superintendent was fixer! al SlJOOO, per annum. Tho nomtnaUori of candidates for county supe'rWonijcntbelng next in order, J. O. Grimes, tho .ptesynt In: cumbent, and Alfred Hower oCCatawlssa4. wqro named, and after calling' the roll there wqro 71 votes for Grimes nnd 3 for, Oii motion, Grimes' election was made unanimous. Mr. Grimes was called before tho convention, and made a few remarks, thanklng the convention for their contln. ucd coumlenco in him, and making aotno good suggestions" concerning the manage 'mcntot;the public schools. On motion ad journed. Centralia, The holstlug rope on Morris Rldce slope broko on Thursday, and did conslrfe'raUlc; uiuuugu iu iiiiiracK, aim umucr. iis me break occurred late in the evening, they were able to resume work next day. Tho air hole from Logan slope is com pleted. They camo within ten yards of having it underneath the main track of tho L. V. railroad. Tho work on the new track at Morris Ridge slope will bo completed this week. Gcorgo Miller, a noted character, former ly of this place, created a little excitement on Centre street a few evenings ago, by In viting one of our peaceful men to have a few rounds. The gentleman, to be agrcca. ble, accepted, and before many minutes tliOjrlrig was formed. The' first round was opened with a hard one from Miller, which landed on his opponent's back, and Miller received in return two hot ones on the nose, which finished tho round onit the fight. The right mau in tho right place that time. James Kelly, a promising young trades man of town, will leave shortly for fhlc. ago. Jim wants a larger field to work In, and the West Is the place to find It. As the timber men at the Continental were putting up a collar on Thursday night tho support gave out and the collar came down with n crash, striking Richard Collhan, killing him Instantly. Tho de ceased was burled on Monday In St. Igna tius' cemetery. Bush fires were raging on the moun tains here last week. Considerable dam age was done to tho timber, and several small houses were destroyed. The Hun garian shanty near tho Hospital Jwas burn ed also. The collieries suspended operations this week, according to orders, and tlioao of tho employces'who havo a garden, made good use of their Idle time In planting. Miss Kato Monahan of St. Clair, visited friends here last week. John IlcHron Is erecting a new dwelling on Park street. The town presented a dcserted.looking appearance the beginning of the week, as the greater part of our populntlon wcro In quest of license. We would like to see them all get it, but as this is doubtful wo will see some wry looking faces next week. The'Odd Fellows will picnic In the Hazel Dell grove on Saturday, the 17th inst. The first of the season will surely be a success. Patrick Bakey had his leg slightly hurt at Centralia colliery on Thursday, by a piece of coal striking li i in. The tunnel lit North Ashland U progress ing slowly. It will take o.ver two months more to complete It. , We have an cxnert miner In town who says he can drill a hole In a shorter snacc of time than any man In tho county, and will bet money on It. For further Infor mation call on, or nddri-ss, Ed. McNalls. Doc. Bradley has a new suit, and looks for all the world like an Imported dude. As Centralia girls very seldom sco a dude, Doc. will have n tlmo keeping clear of them. , We' are not quite sure ahout Spring being here, and, would llku to, sec better proof than a' solitary straw hat. 'Suppose Bur. gess Dyko dons his linen brccches.i The plumbers arc. kept busy fitting In water pipes for tho peoplo on the till j. Quite nn excitement was caused about 10 o'clock on Friday evening by the blowing of thu Centralia colliery whistle ; hundreds of people ran to the breaker thinking It WH8 a call for assistance The iwatchman saw a pile of rallroud ties burning, and thinking it was tho breaker, blew the whistle and fooled tho people. Thero are forty-eight patients in thu Miners' Hosplul. This is quite a crowd for one doctor tu attend to. Thomas Fnrrel, who has been clerking for a firm in Glrurdvlllc, Is laid up with a severe attack of sickness. I'ulatocM a l)ru In Market, An agricultural exchange quotes pota toes ns retailing at 25 cents per bushel nnd goes on to say that last year an unusually larg crop of potatoes was planted every. whero throughout, the country mainly be-' cause of the comparative failure of the crop for several previous years and in tho hopo that the good market created thereby would continue. The scuson proved to be an exceedingly favorable one, Potatoes grew strong and rapidly, thero was a marked freedom from tho ravages of tho potato bug, and hundreds of bushels wcro obtained whero tens hud been raised be fore. Tho result is that thoy are now re tailing slowly from 25 to 80 cents per bush, el according to quality, and only execp. tloiial ones selling at tho price lastj namvd. Mauy of the farmers hold from pno to three hundred bushels and somo bavo com. menced to feed tho potatoes to their hogs, believing that much more profitable than selling for cash, It is altogether llkclyiS ,(l)it tho present low prlces'wlll lead many to abandon tho potato as"4,farm"prdduct for this' year at least. We can hardly advise this course. It Is true the potato Is an exhaustive crop to grow, as It returns very llttlo to the soil, but tho cultivation should not be neglect ed, though H might be reduced.- Many of the farmers, discouraged by tho present low prices, will, of course, ulmost wholly abandon tho potatoes, and with tho com parative scarcity this would make next season's crop likely to bring much bet ter prices thun now prevail. .Centre. Farmers are getting ready for corn plant ing. We War of dome that havfc finished) they bellbvo In tho saying "Th6 early bird catches tho worm." Thogra9s and grain seemed tosmllo from head to foot on Sunday on account of the sprinkling. Somo of tho young men think thu belles ought to bo reminded thai this Is leap Miss Fannie Hess spent BumW with Delia Hldlay( Boys, ybii dan't catch troUt', when they Inhalo tho smOll of "purorock and'rye. ' J. W. Hldlay drovo to Beach Haven on Btinday. Joc,-yoii must put on "check. If you want boss reading take tho Coi UMntAN. 1,1 Ono of tho Centre farmers is raising 20 lambs, - f ' , ' Wo are glad to hear of Addison Shaffer's recovery. ' Mrs. Annie Miller spent a fow days In visiting friends and relatives at Blooms, burg. Among the visits Miss Alllo Ilagenbuch mado whllb at Bloomsburg, was one at tho Normal school with her friend Delia Hid lay. Foil Rest. The front room, second iloor,"'of the Columbian building'. Ono of the best rooms for nn office In town. Heat ed by steam, lighted by gas, water on snmc floor, Apply to Geo. E. Elwcll. tf Llllcy & Slcppy's low prices arc playing smash. Low prices aro doing It. Court Proceeding. The regular May term of Court convened on Monday, May 5th, alt the Judges on the bench. The returns of constables wcro taken. D. A. Hess was' appointed foreman of the grnnd jury. Isaac McBrido was appointed tlpitavo to wait on grand jury. E. Shutt and ,M. E. Cox appointed tip staves for first week, and Nathan Fowler for second week, Frnnk Rhodes was appointed coustablo of Bcnvcr township in placo of Chas. Ba kcr, removed from tho township. Report of salo confirmed nisi in estate of Elizabeth Delong Report of viewers In favor of a road in Conyngham township near John Morris, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers against a road in Sug nrloaf and Jackson confirmed nisi. Sale of real estate ordered In the estate of Isaac Leldy. Report of viewers vacating a road at Rupert, confirmed nisi. Report of sale in estate of George Gans ter, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers against a road In Fish Ingcreek near Ell Penler'a, confirmed nisi. Petition for review ot a road in Catawls sa near High House filed. Report of viewers against a road in Cen tre township near Allen Shcllhammcr's, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers to assess damages in cases of E. B. Graves, Casper Frantz, C. D. Fowler, and L. T Thomson against tho Borough of Berwick, confirmed nisi. Petition of John L. Sponenbcrg to assess damages against the Borough of Berwick, filed. Report of salo In estate of Phoebe A. Miller, confirmed nisi. Report of sale In estute of E.-J. McIIcnry, confirmed nisi. Report of sale In estate of Georgo. Craig, onfirmcd nisi. Report of viewers In favor of a road In Roaringcreck near Samuel Hauck's, con firmed nisi. Report of viewers against a road In Pino near William Karshner, confirmed nisi. inquest ordered in estate of Peter Ilcla bach. S. C. Jaync was appointed guardian of CIms. F and John N. 'reveling. Additional exceptions filed against thu Incorporation of Espy ns a borough, by leave of court. Return of inquest in estate of Evan Wei liver, confirmed nisi. Report of salo In estate of Harriet Moyer, confirmed nisi. John M. Clark, Esq., was appointed a commissioner to take testimony In cane of Clark Bllteubender va Joamm Blttenbcu dcr. Citation awarded in tho estate ot Nicho las beybert. In the assigned estate of O. B, Brockway, rulo granted to show cause why tho slier ill's salo shall not be stayed. Report of sale in estate of John Sharpless confirmed nisi. 8. C. Jaync was discharged as usslgnee of Dickson. Report of sale confirmed nisi in estates of John J. Stiles, William Shultz, and Joseph Unrtman. Report of viewers In favor of a road In Orange near Heck's confirmed nisi, also In favor of a road in Orange near Abner Welsh's. Everybody is crying "hard times" wo arc doing first-class business. Why shouldn't people go and buy where they can buy the cheapest ? Wo are bound to run our stock dowu so wo will havo room for Spring slock. Come early and take advantage of some bargains we are oiler- ing. Lillev &'i'V. Tlic PlHlilnifcrcck Itallronil. The interest felt In this projected im provement is naturul und reasonable, for the construction of the roud would secure to public uso tho main remaining routo in tills county for a railroad line. The now road would directly accommodate about 80,000 of local population, would develop new industries aud aid old ones, mid would Increase population and thu valuu of prop erty along the entire route. Progress has beep mado in tho prellmi. nary work necessary to tho success of tho enterprise, but as yet no decisive arrange ment has been made for obtaining funds for construction and equipment. A fow words will explain tho situation i In the first place, tho necessary, tho ludlspensu bio basis ot flnauclul arrangements abroad Is, that tho right ot way and tics as far us tho mountain shall bo obtained without casli outhy therefor from tho funds of thu company. This object has not been fully accomplished, nnd to accomplish It will re quire some further effort. In tho, next placo there has been, recently, u depression in tho stock market, and also a falling off of revenue to the coal carrying roads which has discpuraged for a time any In vestment In a now enterprise, or even Its proper consideration. This last clrctim. stance, however, Is presumably a cause of only temporary delay, and tho former, as an additional cause, can nnd ought to bu removed by publlc-splntcd action along the lino, We understand from Capt. Con nor that about two.'thlrds of tho ties re quired for tho road to tho mountain havo been subscribed, leaving 25,000 to bu made- ..! ft... ...I.I. .1 .1... -. I 1. uuu iiiui nun iiiu uAuuiiiiun in nun a dozon land owners tho right of way above Light Street has been released or adjusted. Certainly, what Is yet wanting In these particulars is not beyond tho means or In clination of the people of the Flshingcreek valley to supply, aud thy will need no ex. hortatidh from us to Induce them to perlorm wicir uuiy to tueiuseivea ami to tuo public llcrwlck. Licenses wcro crantcd to all nnnllcvnts nt tho present court, twoiof which wcro for hotels and three for restaurants., Tiio re ceiver of thoso licenses aro nil men of rc spcctnblo character hhd Wo.iiave llttlo fenr that tho community will bo nny tho worse for tho action of tho coiirt, ns It, Will bo a matter ot personal Interest for tho parties not' Interested to conduct their houses In slich a manner ns not to call forth criticisms of an adverse character. Mrs. Lizzie Jackson nnd party of friends are lit tho general conference of tho M. E. Church at Philadelphia. Tho fuucral of tho boy sulcldd Fcnstcr. inachcr took placo on Sunday last nnd was attended by n largo gathering of people. Tho circumstances of the caso were, of it very sad nature and tho parents and friends of tho deceased havo tho sympathy of the entire community. Quite n number of our citizens wcro in nttcn'dauco nt court during tho present week. Mr. A. V. Bower nnd Mr. Hill ora going to Europo for n Bummer's vacation. Thoy leavo hero next Thursday. Wo havo been promised somo literary contributions to tho columns ot tho Columbian during their trip and we know that Mr. Bdwcr has tho abili ty to, mako them of an interesting charac ter. , Mr. Ellis Girton, formerly of Berwick has tjono west to spy out the lond. Wo hope he may bo successful In meeting with the Eldorado of his expectations. At a meeting of the Odd Fellows Hall Association on Tuesday evening tho fol lowing gentlemen were elected as members of the Board of Trustees t lianlcl Reedy, Dayld Baucher, W. C. Barnes, Hudson Owen nnd S. B. Bowmnn, Wo will send to nny nddress 10 monthly or 8 hardy roses for $1.00. Catalogue free. J. L. Dillon, Florist, Bloomsburg, Pa. n General Order. Mo. 7. IIEADQUAUTKUS, DEPARTMENT OP PENNSYLVA NIA, (lltANI) AIIMV OF THE ISEI'l'IlLIO. Thero Is nothing ephemeral in all God's Creation, tho tiny blade of grass, tho quivering leaf und tho mouutaln rock may change form, but they exist forever. The lives of our patriotic comrades, like tho irlnclplcs for which they died, aro Indc structlble. Tho good men do, lives after them. As u comfort to us, and to keep bright In tho hearts of the present and rising gen oration, the lives, Bucrlflces'and sufferings of our country's defenders, tho beautiful and suggestive ceremonies of Memorial Day have been established. Sculptured marblo and storied urn arc only appreciated as tho evidence of grate ful hearts j not nil our heroes may havo their history chiseled upon marble, but It Is possible to have tho deed3 of every one who suffered for liberty's sake, remember ed and recorded upon the hearts of patriot ic people. In no way can this bb moro surely effected, than by an camct partici pation In tho solemn exercises of tho !!0th of May. Comrades of Pennsylvania, it Is our duty to bo in tho front rank in this no bio work. We go not only as mourners but as instructors ; standing beneath tho old flag, wo point to tho heroic deed3 of thoso whoso services and whose sacrifices wo commemorate. That this work may bo fullaccomplished, every Sabbath and Public School, religious nnd civic society and military organization in the state is earnestly requested to join in honoring our dead, on Friday May 30th. Let us in tho name of liberty and patriot ism, remember those whose graves arc un marked and to which no mourner goes. Tho leaders of religious opinion havo given to our memorial anniversary their cordial sanction and thus associated tho hallowed sentiments of piety, with tho ten der duties of patriotism. It 13 recommend ed that posts, on tho Sabbath preceding Memorial Day, attend a placo of Public Worship, nnd arrango for tho delivery of a Sermon, commemorative of our fallen com, rades and the cause for which they laid', down their lives. By Command of F. H. DYER, Department Commander. THOS. J. STEWART, Asst. Adjt. General Thu Cadctshlp. The competitive examination for the ap. polntment to tho vacant cadetship at West Point in this congressional district was held on Thursday of last week at Mauch Chunk. Tho following applicants present ed themselves and were' examined : John M. Hill of Beach Haven, Luzerne County j IT. S. Grant Phlfer of Mlllllnvillo, Columbia County j James Brislln of Troscknw, Car bon County, and Thomas ,Boyd,, Hermun Wllhcm, and Douglas Cnilg of Mauch Chunk. Tho report of tho examining committee will be forwarded to Hon. John B. Storm at Washington, who will make tho appoint ment. No uso going any further than Orange, vlllo to buy your wall paper. Llllcy & Sleppy can suit you in taste, quality und price. Fearful IVarnliiKH Ak"IiihI Rope Jumping. The jumping rope seasqu belpg at present at Its full height, the little ones aro found exercising themselves wherever nn oppor tunity offers. Rope jumping' is not partic ularly Injurious if indulged In, ns It should be, moderately. But tho native Instinct of young America, whether In girl or boy, Is to overdo the thing, They don't want to bo left even in tho matter of ropu jumping, and as somo one Is bound to imitate exam ples set in other athletic fluids, so each little girl. circle has Its champlpu whom all tho rest of tho girls feel bound to Imitate. In this struggle for supremacy lies the . great danger of rope jumping. A fearful warn ing of tho sad results that aro likely to fol low excessive practice with tho ropo, comes from Ashland whero three deaths from ropo jumping havo occurred within tho past two weeks, tho last victim being; Keler, uged 11, who died on Saturday front cuiigcHiiuii ui 1 nu uram caused uy over 111 diligence in tho pastime, l'.t. Col. Charles G, Iliumnonil was con- vorsinij 111 Clncaco with two friends. Ho oxprtwed thu opinion that it wits better to jlvo to charitable objects tin ring lift than iy bciiuoHts after one's duatli. Ho refen ed also tu tho demiso of a friend, which had occurred recent ly. Just as lie did so his head dropped suddenly upon his breast. This was first interpreted as .1 sign of grief. The next instant it was seen that lie had fainted. Help was called, but lie was dead in five minute. MARRIAGES. GKISINQEHHUMEL. April 24th, at ,tho home of tho bride, by Itov. Ai Houtz Mr. J. A. Gclslngcr to Miss Mary HuutelJ both ot Flshingcreek township. PltrrZ-STHOUP.-In Jackson, April BTth, 1884, by John P. Derr, J. P., Mr. Purvln Fritz of JackBou towushlp, Colum. county, to Miss Magglo B, Btrouii of Muncy Valley, Sullivan county, Pa. , FOX-LAYCOOK.-On April 80, 1884, by ltev, F. P, Manhart, John W, Fox to Ella Laycoclc. C.(j frMJ A , GOUM'Y, PA. T " " I Kltclivti P.cononi)', INTRhMTINO -rESTS'MAtlH lit tllE GOVERNMENT 1 I CHEMIST. Dr. l'dwnrd d. Love, tho Analytical Chemist for tio U. 8, Government, has mado (Ohio Interesting pxpcrlmens . as to the comparative value, pf bakipg powders. DM .qvo's tests wcio mado to determine what biarfds.ftfo tile most economical to use, and as tholr , capacity lies In tholr' leavening power, .tebts wore directed sololy to ascertain tho available gas of each pow der. Dr1. Love's report gives tho follow ing 1 ' i urcnmni Nainonftlifl mtiin inrhcn nn linking imwdnrs. per each ounce ot Powder, "itoyal" (absolutely pure) 1S7.4 "I'AllinvO" Mliim nnwrtnrl.. ;,Jtumlorifs(phwplmte)freh....(.i ,,,1W,5' 'Ilumtord's" (phosphate) old s?.?' jinnronrs NonoHucn," rrcsii....T. ...m.n "llnnfords Nona Buch.Vold.i 8.8S "Hcdhcnd's" 1170 "Charm" (alum powder)..,, 1 na "Amazon' Mum powder)... lll " "cioTdandV (short weight oz.).. ,..110 8 "Hca I'oam", ,,1 .107.9 "war",. ; , ; ind.8 "nr. Prleo's" , ioa. ".snow Flake" (arorrsHt. Paul), 101.W) 'Lewis'" condensed ! m C. K. Andrew A rnWMMi7nln fliiVmV Wit "Ilcckcr'a",. .', , ug "oillcw si.2 "llUlk" , B0.S In his report, the Government Chemist snys 1 , I regard all alum powders as very unwholesome. Phosphato and Tartaric Acid powders liberate thctr gas too freely In prodesi of baking, or under' varying cllmntlo changes suffer deterioration." Dr. H. A. iMott, tho former Government Chemlstnftcr n.jarcful nnd elaborate ex nmtnatldn of tho.Varlous'Baklng "Powders of commerce reported to tho Government In favor of the Royal Brand. In 1808 the scventccn.year locusts lived, moyed and had their being, much to the discomfiture of the peoplo. Their advent "after many days" will take placo next yenr. An entomologist said that ho heard tho low mttrmurlngs of theso Insects In the woods last summer, expects to hear tho soma during tho coming warm season and predicts an nvalaiicho of the samn above ground during the summer of '85 their proper season. Lilley & Sleppy have made a great cut in all kinds ot goods, and will not bo under sold. Granulated sugar, Oc. j Standard A., 0., ; while sugar, 8c. a nlco brown sug ar, 4 lbs for 23c ; nil domestic glnghnms, 10c .and down j nil cotton shirtings, 10c; calicoes, 5 and Gc dress goods nt cost. Call early and get a bargain. LOCAL NOTICES. For lace curtains, cretonnes, wool frin ges, luiiio linens, sheetings, ixc, go to Clark & Sou's. For ladles' and children's hoslcrv nnd gloves go to Clark & Son. Large assort ment, lowest prices. Gentlemen who wnnt a spring suit put uuin CI TY STYLE should coll nt the POPULAR MERCHANT TAILOR of Bloomsburg, David Dowenbcre who cm ploys only EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. Remember that Lutz & Sloan aro selling dress.sllks very chenp. Big Seduction in Colored Dress Silks at Clark & Son's. Special Bargain. Seo thorn, A large lot of light Percales nt Lutz'i: Sloan's, a cents a yaril. W. J. Corrcll & Co. keep always on hand a assortment of furniture to select from. Any special orders filled on snort nonce. "The apparel oft proclalm's the man." A well dressed ccntlcmnn is the ndmirn tlon of all, nnd the place to get your Sl'KIINU &ui r is nt tho rui'Ubdlt AND RELIABLE STORE cf David Lowenberg. Black silks and summer silks away down, at Clark and Son's. Go see them. Now goods nt J, B. Skcer's. The largest, most complete assortment ot Hamburg edgings at lowest prices. Clnrk X Son. A big clock of corsets at Lutz & Sloan's, price from 20 cents up. ''When found mako n note of." The place to go for your spring clothing, it siynsn iiiu, or it nuu necK scan, or 1 lie latest style in furnishing goods is at David Lowennerg's. Buttons, laces, ribbons, gloves, collnrs, ruciilngs, (Sc., go to (Jlark.o; son. More white goods mid embroideries at 1-mz ib Moan's this week. White dress goods of ull kinds at Clarli & Son s, with white dress patients and cm broideries to match. X : . neat present given away witli every chase made at tho Popular Clothing mi mln Store of David Lowenberg. A tinlot,.,, HAD mnoltn Tl ..nt. n 1... flu, linit Itnut ,1nrL' villnn .t r.nta fuwl nnd other (roods verv chean. at Lutz & Tito best CO cent corset sold, with all the leading makes, nt Clark &, son s. , A very large lino of straw hnls now on view, isuiiui , uat anu .Nfcw, just nr. rived at David Lowenberg's. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mahauoy City, Pa., Sept. 8. 1832, Mr. John H. Phelps Dear Sir : I haye used your Rheumatic huxlr with cood re suits and cau recommend It to nny person limering wiin mat leanui disease, rheuma' (lain. CnAs. W. Smith, Hatter. run. Foi! the hughe. Let us all pull out of this sea of sickness and .despondency, ami get onto u rock foun elation of good, strong health. Burdock Blood Bitters are lite thing to pull for, They are ono ot tho most renowned health restoratives over manutactured. TDo It yourself. With Diamond Dyes any lady cau get as good results ns the best practical dyer. Kvery dye warranted true to namo unit sample, luc. nt druggists. veus, iiiciiaeusou a ui iiurnngion, vt KVIDKNUK OFTIIEIIESTKIMP. lilehard T. ltoblusou is n druggist living in Hacine, Wis, Hero U what he says i "Ailllcted with laryngitis I was uuablo to urtlculute. n work distinctly for fully two months. A liberal application of Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil completely cured me. Am pleased to recommend it. UEODI.AIIS. Ono of tho strongest proofs of the value pf Kidney Wort as a remedy for'alldUeas ies ot the Kldueys, Liver und Dowels, U thu iiici mat it is useu ami iirescrilied uy "reg umr pnysiciaits. rump u. uauou, JI. u. bt Monkton. Vt.savs r "Take It all In all t Is tho most successful remedy I havo ever useu." i THOUSANDS UrO.V TUOl'SJMCDS of dollars havo been spent in ndveitlslng 'till, 7.llii-tit,.l ltlnn.l lilt....... I.... tills fact accounts only in part for their .'enormous sale.. Thulr merit lias mado them what they uro tho best blood tonic ever devised oy innti, IIKI'UTATIOH or A WINK. Dropsical nnd rheumatic persons Hud the tuo of Sneer's Port Uruito Wine of Nn Jersey of incalculable benefit. Its purity and valuable properties havo given it a wpio reputation among physicians through out this country and Km one. It la i-xrcl dent for debilitated females, und used by llio best families in New York and Wash. Ington ns nn evening family wluo. For Tito Phelps' Hhcuinutlo Klixir for mo has always acted like a charm, I think (liU Tall it cut short n severe nttack of Hlicunw .tlsiu. I can endorse tho remedy either us .t. ' . inuvi-iiiivu ui uiuu. iiuim iruiy, Mits, 0. W, Palnkii, nii'iilinrn I1.. ' (Mole. Mrs. O. W Ptilmer Is tile moth or ot iioii, uenry w. rainier, of Wilkes llarre, Pa., ox-Sluto Attorney General o Petiua.) PIANO AND TABLE COVERS Tho second shipment, consisting of seven cnscH of our celebrated - T0NQU1N TABLE COVERS,, Henclicd us n fow days ngo, and aro oven moro lmndsoniu (if tlmt in possible) than tho first lot which sold so rapidly. Wo have them in EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORINGS. And tho following sizes: 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-J, 8-10 & 8-12. It is n1iuo3t impossible to praise theso goods too highly. Tho col orings aro so rich and offcotivo , and tho prices so very moderate tlint they should meet all Units and suit alt purses. Our atook of , , Raw and Spun Silk ami' Fine Tapestry Tabic and Piano Covers Is now complete arid comprises tho following sizes : 1 1-2, 1 34, 2, 2 1:2, 3 yards long. trawlbrifee Eighth Street. Market PHILADELPHIA. (GrJBtAIB SPRING STOtK HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, ROOTS, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS, , AT LEY Y CCS. PopdLCuOTrtfflqHoJsE, BER,WICC . , Beneath tho (niinfGi'S. nwnv nhnvn r.lin nniinrmM nnd fillinor every inch of spuce in our extensive shelving accommodations, our goods are EPS'JdJ Wo nfl'm1 horror rnnd tit, ln;- ni t J ' - ' ' ...... ...V.. in all patterns. Call and judge ibr yourselves, it' we do not at all tiiheg sustain our well known motive. SPECIAL NOTICE.. apr 23-31H -Wu take a Sen 11 wninntl In unnllii'r nrihimn mmr Sneer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's I'ott (initio Vino is iniule, that is so highly esteemed liy tho medical profession, for the u&e of Invalids, weakly persons and tho aticd. Sold hy C. A. lvleim, Hlnomshurg. sept ..My CAUSE A.NUKtFKOr. At times svinntnms nf imlhrrutnli uro present, uneaslnOss of the stomach, iVc, a moistiiru like nersiiliallon. nroduclntr Itcii. lug at night, or when one is wiirm, cause thu Piles. The effect Is immediate- relief upon tho application of Dr. Uasiuiko's Pile Hemedy, which costs you hut 00 cents ami Is sold hy U. A, Kleim. July HJ-eow Ol'ENI.NO 'NIK FOUNTAINS. In numberless liullis beneath the skin is secreted tho liquid suhstunco which gives the hair its texture, color nnd jjloss. When this secretion stops, the hair hvglns at once to uecomu ury, lustreless, brittle ami gray. Is that tho condition of your hair ? If ho, ippiy i'nrucr's llnlr H ilsain at once, it will restore the color, gloss and lite hy re nowing the notion of nature. Tho Ilulsatn is npt nn oil, not n dye, hut nn elegant tollot nrticle, highly appreciated because of its cleanliness. OAUES (IF LII K. As we como to them thev aro received. borne with, and passed over with no more than tl thought, If wo are In tho enjoyment Of health, hut if suffering with Piles or sklu disease of any kind they magnify a iiiiiliireu 11111,1. u, i, jyieiiii, my jjriljrclsl, has Dr. Uosanko's Pile Itemedy which is an nbsoluto cure for nny nll'eellon of the kind nud Is sold for GOconts. July lU-eow ANIHtEW IlKSMONll's l'ltAHE.1. Dear Sir I lay on my sUle for four long months without any relief until I commen ced taking Phelps' Klftiiiiutlo Elixir. It Is the hest medicine I ever used. To.duy U the best day I have seen in twelve months. 1 thank you and llod Almighty and no ouo else for my relief. I have lived nnd done puuuc business in ueuevn, -V ., for tliu last twenty, therefore have mnnv aeoualn- lances that call around and see mo dully nnd to ask about Phelps' Elixir for Ilium jbclvca or for totuo of their friends. 1 prui?o it highly. You do the talking and sign my name us my tongue could noi no it justice. Andhkw Dusmoni), Grocer. Geneva, April 10, 18S3. . Pur sulo nt Ilendershott's Plmtnriey, Ilio.ouisuuig, Pa, "WANT OF FAITH. If O. A. Kleim, tho DniggUt, docs not succeed It Is nut for tho wunt of fullh. lie has such faith In Dr. lliwunko's Cough nnd I. IIIU' RVl-nn na ii roiiii.ilv fitrPmitrh I',.!,! Consumption, nnd Lung Alft'ctlonsthiit he" gives u bottle freo to em it aud every ono who is in ueeu oi a medicine ot tins klml. July ll)-eow Hu Q. RshJleman, Vlutnber ami km niter. l(&trof Keliujl'r's liaid Mate doiv. ISloom&jbm'j', Pa. All Windsor nttlrupifoi'btemn, iras und water IMK COUHllllll)' III! llttllll, Itoplliiyaudfcpouilnif aitendod Ui ui short no tlco. TlnwaiooteTory description mailo loonier. 1 Orders leltnt Hehuyleri cos,, lurdwa a Mote Mill uo prumimy numi. Special attention Ktven to ui'ittu b) miubi nnd hoi water. May e-)y ' Our magnificent stock of K.MIWOIDKHUI) OI.OTII PIANO co,ve,i::; , Is attracting much attotitlom All tlib goods were manufacture to our order and Imported direct. Wo liave all tup latest styies In i'LAIN AND VAKIKGATED BOltDEUS 1 At very inodoiato prices. Wo havo litem in 1-1, 6-J, 7-1, and 8-1 sizes, Att(l in all tho now, designs aud col6i ings. Wc havo' also a com plete lino of CARDINAL AND TURKEY IlED TABLE CLOTHS . In all thee and grades, with nap. kins to match. ' '' " ii mi; & Qtottafe Strett. Filbert Street. PliMICi-. - . 1 1. OF CLOTHING, i. i ill -jr 3Za:iIB3 - Jnoa flinn nvor wirli Intnsr sf.vlos nh nsure in waitim; on our customers. MARKET REPORTS. ISLOOMSHUHO MARKET. Wheat per liuMiol Ityo " " Cum " " , Outs " " ..'...,', Flour her harrel.. C'loversecd ; '., Uutter li'-ras ,(.., Tul'ow Potatoes Dried Apples Hums ; Sides und shoitldeis Chickens , Tut keys Ln d per pound Hay per ton i IU'eswx !,. .. Buckwheat Uour per hundred.., Hides per lb .,... Veal skins per Hi ', Sheep pelts, each Wool per lb .8 1 05 70 or, 40 C 00 8 00 -. 28 H 00 00 14 10 12 12 12 13 00 25 3 00 D to 7 09 75 SO Philadelphia Markets. corrected" weekly. l'j:i:i)' Western winter bran, .uot, q, MAUKl'Jti'.L Kxtm ioqmssc. largo 1's,sh aoc tale. 1'I.oUlt. Western extra's t!.60 on 3.1)0 ; Pfnn'a. rutnlly, i.soiM.75uuio clear, &UJviD.s:xi winter winter n . .... . ........ sjivuiihi ml u: , " "u"cuu- uii.. i-iiiuo I'onnsTivunia . o ft 73c. eoit.N, oj) buhlieti In gruln Ueiiot atone. y.A.l.sT0' 3 "Ml" !..Mi,S, W.Jii I AY AND STRAW 'llni,.ili-iM,,i,i uw. ami New Veil;, $17. fair to fooa Western ana Ne ork, ll. m 15. t medium Western ami New i urk, ii. is. : cut liny as to uitalltT l j. ( 17.110. 1(1 e ktruw ii).,V) 11.00 Wheat straw, a. u lg, oat straw in (.( n. ' u v' "ak v-iuipr ucus- per 10. iimotny 1.40 it I.5-. pur bushel, Hax 1.7S per bushel. Mitieu washed, It'te ! ennimnn 'il ' 17. . '";', .-"tKV iwmiauim eL iruinia. I leeco Washed, XX and above. 37 1 400 1 X'ril i S!ic. Texas, Vail clip rinu so y a.', miKltum so Mt s-i coare, 1U w 17. ...'"."",l:u"'j'""a extra, is western Wjmii.-l'enrttylvaiila extra, 31 Westorn 'S'tl " 'lTnv.-rl'Vwis. liens, 15 mixed lolalle. rwiters old tj uw. turkeys, tl ducks UUKssKl) l'01't.THY.-Turkeya extra 10 (Wets. Chickens extra 17m1p: ducks ulioi m . tin.i,, ,1.: ,,', r.,,.'.'.' . .r' """! is ..... HH4 1. 1 11(1, .U t, If, ONIONS. Yellow, l..5"(n 8.00 per bbl. J luck itTBs s-i, (, ss oeesueirifs 3) 35. CatarrH Clironle Ciiiurrli, Tho resu 1 1 of 8 5 years' cuturrht the bridge, or dltlslon ot my noso, was about hiilttfono. 1 obtained alMttlootKly'si'ieaui Halm irmvu used four Willie npiilyltiK It tu 1 he nlTeeteil n.iri m u 11 1. a swab, w tit about euted up tho nostrils. 1 naif pro. Muuslv tried all other remedies on tho mar Vet Itliout tierma. iient rellof. J. a, Wood, MS, IHsh-st. toliliubm, Ohio. HAY-FEVER Lll'tt 1'roalll ll.illn iiiiwv4 nn iviln. nlrnd ra. lief tit oniv. 1 lemvi the head. C'uiin hflalthy ,iieliiiis. Abnes uillaiuiuutlon, I'rotuuls (resit C'iI'K Ih is the bines. Uextores tho senses of tu and Miiell, A llioitittgh titatmetit will cure. Nut a liquid orsnutr. Alipll'id wlih tho muter. VadfiTi'ln iiiu- sold by itruzslsts. MalkM for 500. y.u liuiinimts iirufitfUis, oweno.N. y, Api ll tw d M 1 4lil