-THE COLUMBIAN. '' ' ,,0. S. ElWjll, -lli... , BL00M3DUKG, PA. FRIDAY, MAYO, 1881. Whllo public aeutirabnt is a power ful ftgent for tho oorrootiou of abuses, it onnnot always nccompllah all that W desired; Ia tho matter of politias pub lio opinion alouo cannot provent Viol.i tiona of tho olootlou law, and if It ia tho honest dosiro of tho pcoplo to liavo a reformation in tho practices of poll tloians nnd many ofllod seokorsv some thing more than mere talk must bo doho. Mon whoso intluonco cm bo purohasod by a bottlo of whiskey or' a' five dollar bill may bo induced to toll what they know of political crooked ness, by tho offer o a reward largor than any am6unt they would be likely to receive for their Hiltinee. If tho (ubstantial members of tho Democratic party believe that thuro it) a necessity for a chango in tho manner of con-' ducting campaigns in this county for local oflices, wo would suggest that n large roward bo offered for tile convio-. tion of any pewon for tho violation of tho ; election laws. To show that wo mean what we say the Coi.umuian will head tho list with a subscription of fifty dollars, which of itself is not enough to accomplish atij good Thri amount should be raised to live hun dred dollars! IJvery oitizi'ii of the county is interested in this matter. Who will join us t TBIAL BT JUBY. "Periodically thcru arises a discussion oven tho efficiency ami justness of the jury system. Whenever thero is a failure of juatfeo in tho criminal courts, thqerygoes up that trial by jury should bo abolished, and somo more effective system adopted. Tho recent riot in Cincinnati, caused by the failure of a jury to hang a .murderer of the deep est dye,, is tho present occasion for tho agitation ot the question. It has been iropofleu in that city to select only eadiiiK responsible citizens for iurors. and to pay them whatever their timo is worth to them. This plan is iinpracti-1 cable, as arc most all others that have been proposed. Tho fact is that there is nothing wrong with tho system, but only with the manner in which it is conducted. It has been made a part and parcel of our political system, until it lias come to bo conducted on politi cal principles. In the selection of names to be placed in the wheel, those who are entrusted with the duty aro too apt to inquire to which political .party the persons named belong, rather than as to their ability, intelligence, and, imegniy. iu uvcry county in tue qiaio thero is a gang of court house loungers whoso names get into tho jury box more frequently than any others, nnd the object that seems to bo sought after is to secure compensation as ju rors to political favorites rather than to.s'elect men who aro thoroughly com petent for their position. There is no occasion for any change in a system that has been in operation for hundreds of . years, but there is great need in many places, nnd especially in the largo cities, foi u change in thu manner in which H is conducted. Let us have men of intelligence and integrity in the jury box, and tho country will hear no more of Cincinnati riots, "Judge .Lynch will hold no more courts, and the people generally will havo no fear but that even handpd justice will be administered in tho eouits. Morrison's Bill Killed. TIIK EXACTING Ct.AUSK STKICKKX OIT. y AsniNGTON, xuay o. inure was no foolishness in tint houso this morn ititr, but the consideration of the tariff bill'was resumed as soon as t'io preli minary motions were (isiosci ot. Brown, of Pennsylvania wiis the Hrs speaker, and ho opposed the pending dui. jur, lownsnona, ot Illinois, sup tvtrtnri it. nnrl All- rliliurin nt i7i Vlrt!miaflsaid that he was sorry that me Diu;was not m such a torm as to do justice to his state. J3tit it carao like all other legislation, to be aoted upon and' amended, and to declino now to consider it would bo to stand as an obstructionist to much needed leKisla tion. lie was not willing to enter into a coalition with the republican nartv to obstruct wise and patriotio legisla- uuu ujr iuu ueiuuuruuu majority. lie was willing to trust to tho wisdom. honesty, good sense and good faith of the friends of the measure to do exact justice to his state and exact justico to all sections. Mr. Randall referred to the timidity of capital and lauded the value of stability as a commercial agent. Ho expressed an apprehension of unsettlinc business. lie onnoscd the bill on the ground that H failed to pro vide a remedy. "On the contrary." said Mr. Randall, "it made worse what was bad betoro. It was a palpable con fe'ssion of inability to handlo the inlri cate problem at issuo, or else a ranh eagerness to do what was at once un called for, unwise and unfortunate.'' Ho referred to free trade as a eh mo f ...J,l -r . ...II 9.. onuo and expressed a preference for im port duties to internal taxation. Ho said if the internal taxes were abolish ed thero would bo no surplus, and rec ommended delay until tho democratic party obtains power on the principle of the Ohio platform. He referred to tho industrial interests of Connecticut, jncw' loric, mow Jersoy ana l'ennsyl vania, with their 1,IUU,0()0 persons engaged in maniuiictuius, and uk gentlemen supporting the bill to pop der the question, and congratulate. himself that if the disaster came tile party was led to it by other advico than his. DEf'KNDINO TUB MM. Blackburn ot Kentucky followed and ho replied to Eaton, of Connecti cut an J Randall. After taking up the points in detail he said : The turn was not far distant when the peopl would repudiate the bold political liv pocrisy of the protectionists mid refuse to submit to such political jugglery. Protection for tho sake of protection was the battle cry i.t tho republicai party. Let the national aoutoct be in augurated on that ground. Let thu republican party bear on its standard the motto, "taxation for tribute," nipl the democratic party would bear on theirs "taxation for revenue. From a party point of view, wo welcome the contest. The fighting would be made hot qopugh and the democracy would appeal to tho pcoplo. Mr. Kasson, of Iowa closed the do latu iu opposition to tho bill in severe arraignment of its provisions, which ho declared to be imjMnsiblp of adminis tration. Iu reply to ho detailed tl speech, he detailed tno bone tho country had derived from tho pro tective system nnd his romarks were constantly greeted with applause by lii party associates. Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, clojed thu debate with a rapid review of objections which had beoti made to the bill nnd an equally lapld ninl brief answer to the objections. Should tho motion to striko out the en noting clnuso bo tigrccd to it would bo tho declaration that tho tariff taxation would bo continued and tho dcmooratlo party wonld appeal from congress to the people. Turning 10 Mr. Randall he said : You claim to havo tho power to striko out tho enactlnir clauso of this bill. If you havo that ppwor you havo the power to nmend this bill and mako it What it should be." fLoud annlauso on tht democratic side. After a few more cursory remarks on tho general subject of tariff reform Mr. Morrison's timo expired, ami a murmur of expec tancy ran through tho ranks of both oppohonts nnd advocates of the moas- u ro as the chairman directed tho clerk to rdad tho bill. Tho audience, which throughout the day had Crowded the galleries almost to suffocation, hushed the hum of conversation and watched with intense interest tho further pro ceedings on tho iloor. ItEAMNO THE Illl.t. F1KAI.LT. As tho clerk began to read Mr. Con verse, left his seat m tho last row ot seats, and tvalking down to tho bar of tho house, stood nervously fingering a piece of paper which he held in his hand. When tho reading of tho first paragraph had been completed thero was (in embarassing pause, olr. Con verse was 0'igHiO'i in earnest conver sation with .Mr., Hunt, of Louisiana, and did not appear to know that all eyes weiu lixed upon him. Mr. Km sou, feaiful that tho time when the motion to strike Out the enacting clause would bo in order would expiro before Mr. Converse's attention could bo at tracted to thoi fact, rose and inquired of tho chair whether the proper tuno had come to mako a motion. Before tho chair could respond Mr. Converse, piishniK to thu trout, moved to striKo out the enacting clause. This was tho signal for a vollpy of hisses and groans from tho democratic side and this dem onstration being met by rounds of ap plauso from tho republican side the sceno in tho chamber was ono of in tense oxcitcment and confusion, to which tho ealleries rendered no littlo nid by loud tokens of approval and dis approval. Tellers being ordered Mes srs. Converse and Morrison were ap pointed by tho chair. Morrison took his station, giving Converso, a very cool shako of the hand as ho stood opposite that gentle man. Then the voting uegan, aua uio tellers announced tho affirmative vote to bo l.r5. Tho first man to pass through in the negative was Regan, of Texas, who had been brought in on an invalid chair iu order to cast his vote. Ho was heartily applauded by his friends, aud received many congratu lations upon his apparent recovery from his late severe illness. Tho negative vote was announced as 151 and then Georgo IX Wise, of Virginia, voted in tho affirmative, making tho vote stand 15C to 151. Cheer followed cheer trom the republican side and tho cheers wore taken up by tie galleries and ro verborated trout every nook and crau ny of the hall. Ladies stood up and waved their Handkerchiefs and tho men their hats. Mr. Morrison yielded gracefully to the inevitable, walking smiling to his seat and the tariff bill was dead. On Mr. Converse's motion the committee rose and tho chairman reported its action to the house. WASHINGTON 00BBE3P0NDEN0E. Washington, D. C, May 6, 1884. Now that the Republican Slate Con ventions hao all been held and Un delegates to Chic igo announced, the hio'ids of the vari'Uis candidates may lie heei. pencil in tin d figuring away as to voles mi the first ballot, cecoud choice, Ac, each one trying to nomi nate his favoiile. Tho Blaine men figure largely on the delegates voting as the seirlment ot tho party THE COLUMBIAN .AND, DEMOCRAT, JjLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I Mr. Blackburn's up as follows i Whole benefits which number of delegates, 820 t necessary 16 a choice, ,411. For Blaine, ,159 t Arthnr, 264 j .uiiiiimiuK, 1 1 i liogan, oil onerman, 23 (doubtful, 14 i contested 0 in North Carolina and 24 in Virginia 30, President Arthur's arithmetic man gives substantially tho samo table, or oept that ho reverses tho figures above soi down atter his ana IJIaine s name. But, as it is not likely that any of tho Candidates hero named will bo nomi nated, or if nominated elected, it doesn't mattor n great deal how tho figures aro set down. Tho bill whioh has been pending be fore tho Sonato for somo timo to reliovo tho raembors of the Fits John Porter court-martial from their oaths of crocy has been postponed indefinitely on tho ground that Congress had no authority to disturb tho sanotlty of, obligations imposed by thu articles of war. It is stated that Carl fechurr. will be on hand at tho Republican Convention at Chicago. This was to bo expected; ,oonaior itiguis "ijotcii tramp' Is pretty sure to bo around when there is a ohanoo to mako a bargain or turn a triok. Ho probably imagines another Hayes will bo nominated, aud that ho can again "sell out the Dutch" and mako things all right for his "Inte rior." S. B. Forest Fires. Tho woods on the mountains in sov-f oral sections of tho state wero fired last week, aud owing to tho dry weather,, spread with alarming rapidity. The villago of Brisbiu in Clearfield county was almost outiroly destroyed, only ten houses being left standing. Sweeping on through Brisbiu the llamvs entered the adjoiuing villago of Digginsville, burning everything in their way, then on to Sobie'ski, better known "as Old Moshaimon, whero a number of other buildings were de stroyed. In all not less than COO to 800 dwellings were destroyed and it is estimated that at leftst 1,000 families, or 3,000 persons aro homeless and des titute. The majority of them havo not sufficient clothing to cover them. Others left their work in tho mines to try to save their property and not having timo to chango their olothing havo nothing loft but their woikiug clothes. Many families camped on the bill hav ing no place to go. As soon as tho alarm was given all the business housei in lloiitzdale were closed and tho pro prietors and employes hastonod across the hill to render what aid they could to the uufortunalo residents of their sister borough. In Northampton county the fires started from a locomotive spark, and tho smoke through tho entire region was so dense that ono could scarcely breathe. Fires also raged in Schuylkill county, and the whole country for miles around was illuminated at night. In many places tho breakers wero threatened with destruction, but fortunately es caped. Eleven houses were burned at Cali fornia in Luzerno county on Friday morning, and soveral at Ebervalo. Near Ashland tho flames came so near tho Miners' Hospital that tho fire department was notified to hold them selves in readiness for work. Forest fires also raged in Now York state. Tho smoke extended over tho entire eastern part of tho state. Tho rains have quenched the fires and all danger is over. was ex- essed in convention, and on thishais claim a ch ar maj ir'uy on the first bal lot. The Arthur men on the contrary, while admitting that ho is iu a woeful minority as far as instructed delegates go, or tho action of conventions would indieato preferences,' count largely on tho treason ot delegates to thoso who elected them, and the National lie publican, the Administration organ, 'is i i .,, i .-.L i .i! r..i eacn day mien wuu ueugnuui urm.io of any aud all delegates who show a disposition to prove false to the man who elected them. If the present theories of the Jlepub lican are correct, treason to friends who elect, ingratitude to those who placo yon in positions of trust, and a surrender of all principle, constitute tho highest typo of Republican manhood. In fact, it virtually glories in its own shameful advocacy of delegates betray ing the trust reposed in them by their constituencies. Mr. Arthur as an lion orablo man should bog to be excused from the praise of such a sheet. To the impartial observer, who is not interested either m Bluine or MiJ. Arthur, it is apparent that neither can bo nominated with any hope of an election, as thebr'aoh between their partisans ii too broad to admit of uti). thing like a union on cither before thr November election. Democrat heio aro apparently enjoying the light in the Republican family, and aro only surprised that even the cohesive power of public plunder O'tuld havo kept theso wings together, or that the large number of honest men iu thu Republi can party had nut ere this left it and allowed the plunderer to entirely de itrov eaoh other. ftfr. Dorshiemer, of New York, made a strong speech in the Houso in favor of the Morrison bill. He declared the measure to bo not only good put the best whioh the times 'permitted, and controverted the proposition that, tho price of labor was enhanced by .the pro tective tariff. Mr. Dorsheimer has m strong and clear n voice as any mom ber in the House. He generally speaks without notes, and secures thu closest attention of every member present, For the first timo in many years tho mnnagors of the g. o. p. are in a bad fix as regards finances. While Con gress is in session at least they will not draw on tho clerks, and tho conse quence is that Republican Ileadquar lers is without a dollar in tho treasury. Thu Mends of the various candidates refuse to contribute until after the Con volition at Ciiiuago, and both the National and Congressional Committees uro trying to keep up ap pearances on contributions from indi vidual member. This goes bard with tho boys, us heretofore they looked to others to furnish the means to supply i ho members nnd their friends with necessary suaiemtnee. Thursday's Stato conventions closed up tho Republican preliminaiy cam paign. The latest figuring by the friends of Mr. Blaiuo sum the matter bc- .. . 1 ..T MKKhh rAYW UA A J . c;Py,,.ls, 'IP,;. Opytlglit I83i, Tho forest fires on Friday last, de stroyed a vast amount of property. In Clearfield county, a small town named Brisbin was entirely destroyed, at an estimated loss of over $1,000,000. Last year thero were 1,517 murders in the United States, 03 legal execu tions, and 118 men were lynched. Somo months ago, says tho Home ward Mnil, tho stto of the historical Black Hole of Calcutta was discovered and excavated. It may bo interesting to add that tho excavation has now been filled up and decently paved over, and that a handsome tablet of whitu marble, boaring a suitable inscription, is about to bo placed near the spot. CANDIDATES. All persons wlioso names aro announced as can didates, in this column, are expocted to abide by the action ot tho Democratlo county convention, to bo held on Tuesday, August lth 188L FOn IlEPltKSENTATIVE. E. M. TEWKSBURY, OF CATAWISSA. I will not travel tho county to solicit votes, but will cheertu'lly visit all publicly, to discing tho Is sues bcroro tho people, It desired, FOU HKGISTF.n ifc ItECOUPKU. O. II. CAMPBELL, OF III.OOMS1IU1IO. i'OIt ItKOISrKIt & ItF.COHPEK. U. II. ENT, ok m.onurtiimi. FOIl COUNT? COMMISSION!!!!. D WID LONG, OF UOAItlXOUUI'KK. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never vrlei. treiiL'ih tod wholeomneai. intnint oramiryu nia. comne tltlon wltn the multitude or low teat, abort marvel of purlti Mora ACnnftmlt&l and cannot beaoldtn WFibt, alum or pb'Mpbate powdera. Sold only N. . aulLlv. I after the Con- Tn a ti inr i ti 'SISoS Jierwii Hotel Ol'FOSITK U & D DEl'OT, BEfwick p. H Tba (ravelling publto and vlaltora to Berwick Are imvrmixj uai i 111) olduatablla which be naa recently ntteti ui reapartt y iDiermed that the undersigned has snauu taknn the abovu old tsatabllabed llcenaud house. wmca ub naa recently niu-j up m nrw ciaaa wyie ana ua uucrv acvuiamoaaiioDi equal to any. .on The bar la tUDDlled with theoholceat alei. wlnea. Uquora and cigars Good Stabling Accommodations, May 9 3m Cro(w)cu!Rs. The r.crpcch of the staHy rno-tcr, tin: bright faces of the early spring flower, both help our littlu story. ,Do wo crow ? Yes. Do wo bloom? Yes. Crow because wo bloom, a nl bloom bccfui!-..; wo crow. Oak Mall A Spring .Opening. WT . I. IT 1 k vo nave none. io cnanqcjlor it. If we would keep our choice things put away Until a given time, :md then offer ihcm to the public I at once, we should be foiled, for p -ople come in the winter when tho bloomr. out with a stock that maker.. frost is in the air, and snow and ice hold tho earth in bondage, while our tho oi l counters groan, and the old wa'bi bur t, and the older salesmen womlcV, and the woolen dealer; wink And wc do crow because it n bought cheaply and made A-vli. And it is to bc sold quickly b-cuir.o cheap Four great varic-ti- ,s i.'i Spring Suit Stock Men's, Youths', Large Boys', Small Boys', a.'.d between these several lines there a c, over four hundred sorts. They go from $7.50 to $30.00 for Men's, from $7.00 to $25.00 for Youths', $5.00 to $18.00 for Large Roys', from $3.00 to $12.00 for 'Small Boys'. Variety enough, eh! preparations are just forming fur the spring campaign, and demand l Iw new goods. It would befngra- ious to refuse ; and so, perforce, we rannot have a Spring Opening. But we can open with a spring, and as we write, while hardly a bursting bud is to be seen upon the trees, the spring trade is springing on us with a refreshing rush. Times dull, you say? Not to the bold dealer that takes no counsel of fear. ' And Oak Hall is just such. Already the opening spring tells . of abundant sales just ahead. 1 Copyright 1884. Early Pinks. The sort that we cultivatet'Oaic Hall are well-dressed young men, In pursuit of our jrreat niissimisor fj V' "li Ccpyrlgl.t 1884. A !! , The Sacred Elephant;,, Have making young nv n as charming as early pinks, we hac arranged A set of sizes denominated "YburfgG'crits " which cover the larger youths' and smaller men's sizes. ''; 'Special pat- t. rns were prepared for this class of i.lock, and into it wc introduce all possible stylo .of cut, material and make. The prices range' from $7 50 to $25 00. Elsewhere in our stock arc choice materials beautifully made, but nowhere else in Oak Hall is there such a concrntration ol superiority. Ihc generation of men for whom theso goods were made cannot recall the, time when there wis no Oak Hall in Philadel phia. And yet thfcre is no proof of the perennial youth of Oak Hall equal "to that which is found in this particular, stock;, I Is the sensation of the hour. you seeivvhiin? No'! Do you propose to see him? Yesl. .Well. then, when you get him off yur mind, give ur, a thancc for a quiet word with you about your spri'iig clothes. They should be bought at Qak Hall. Like us or dislike; , us, as, you may please, you flight tj find iii our great acres and cords 'of good clothing just the S )t-ts to suit, you in body, brain, and pocket. The reasons why are few arid simple. Oak Hall is . thei .plucky, clothing house. While others have been letting " I dare not, wait upon I would " we have been picking up great lines of desirable goods and putting them,' into the best clothing, which under existing conditions has cost ur. ltiss than ever. Result, bargains for you. Wanamaker & Brown, Oak S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. Hall. I .Vll iV IN CARPETS. BR0WER HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OP CAEPETS wnica ns is offkuino at queatlt REDUCED PRJCES CONSISTING OF M&dy Brussels wm, As Low as 75 cts, All wool, Supers. full weight, Extra C. C. Extra Supers. All wool'extra superfine car pet at 75 cents. Nice 4-4 Ingrains at 25 eta. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of hamlonio rugs. CALL & EXAMINE these goods and you will bo con vinced that they cannot be ox colled in quality or price. Now isyour timoto buy olteitp carpets. iShellon ttarpt't Swoj'pr, the best in the market, for sale by J. J. B ROWER MAIN STREET, BLQOWSBURG. PA. 1-01 ICE. Propositi will bo received at tbe Poor nouM mil Tuesdtr. Mur. 18 lbbt a,t one o'clock I'. M.. to excartte a ditch about two thousand one hun dred feet loni and thirty teet deep. Kor further information can on the, Directors ori.ii, itupen, sec'y. WK.1LKY MOHIII8, P!SS;Jrt??m SUBSCRIBE NOW FOIl THE COLUMBIAN IJ.fiO A YKAK, B.- F. B1I1ACI Office and Salesroom, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, BERWICK, PA., OItO.ANS DEACfilTTN PIANOS, OBGANS and SEWING MACHINES. The celebrated CUICKEHINO and IVE113 POND Piano TI19 celebrated ESTEY & QKt auKur .Music, .musio uooks, 0. iew High Ann IMvls, New American No. 7, Wnlce, Domestic, Uouaeuold.-Netv lloma, Naw.Uowo. , ltoyal SU John, Oeuulna Singer (MugOr fiUJutlSewlnz Machines, i v ' - Oenulno Parts ot Hardware tor ull Kinds ot scvlntt Machines, needles, oil, Attacam jnts, Belts and every tlilujr In the line of Sennas Machines at bottom prices. - ' " Organs and Sewing Machines Sold on Monthly Payments. Liberal Discount made for Cosh. Agent for the Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment. Ck B. .;. BOBBINS UEALER IN BUXTERICK, DOMESTIC & UNIVEItSALJPERDECT FITTING PATTERNS. : ' ' ' 'I 1 lJAllOrders received, promptly attended to.gi ! apr 85-3m '' - . -i I AND LIQUORS. v 1 !ANB JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU EVER SAW A HANDSOMER RANGE TIB,', t ' " 1 VIA J. KAITKI,' 1 And we aro suro you never used a BETTER BAKER. 'I It HasLia Rue Automatic Gratis, Which is Warranted. Come and see it at ; WITH OR WITHOUT water Tuntr. 1 HKOIT4J.I..H, '11 bo. iintr II I II O- (.., X19U 1 ' , Oil I . . .. k bn.il.. 1 i-v. 1 1 trrio i ! 5a ' ! .K 1,. ' t ti 1 1 I . I wfl.i.;,.