The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 09, 1884, Image 1

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    Vle dolunbiii.
ORnktBtl DEMOCRAT, ITaR OF Tltl north, and CO-
lumbun, uonsoUdatcd.J
lnunl Wneklr, ererr Hrlrlnr itlornliic, l
it two doll rs per year. To subscribers out ot
ttio county tlio terms aro strictly In adrnce.
trso p.tpor dlscontlnuea except fit th option
ol the publishers, until nil nrrenrnjfc arupalj, but
son, continued cnxlltawlll not bo ttlvetw
All papers son t out of the auto of ta distant post
offlccs must bo paid tor In atlvaocn, unless a respon
-iiitn nnrdiin In llnliimhln nnffttfv knaii. m ... .
tho subicrlptlon due on demand.
POSTAdl! Is no loncror exatttd
n tn countjr. lv
complete, nnu our .100 ranting vrlllrdmliaro favor.
bly with that of the lariro cltlos. All work done on
jtiort notice, noitlv and at moderate prices.
Sm 11I
-V- T: --r -r -f -t-j- .- . -r.
it ft
( ( '.i-in (. 1 ,1
...,! .11(1
BLOOMS3URG, PA'., Et), MAY 9, 18,84
Ono Inch JJiO
Two inches .4.1. am
Three Inclica.i.-.. 4 00
FourlnchfB 600
ouarter column.. 6 00
Onecolumn to 00
17 00
so 00
ex it
51". .1801
1)0 I1S0D
sod woo
15(0 nm
woo 1000
Yearly advertisement pajablBnaarterly. Tran
sient ad vertlscmenw must UipMdforlxiforelnBert
ed except where parties have accounts
Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for
thre inooMinnn. And at that rato for additional
insertions without reference to leufrtlir C;
Kxecutor'n, Art minlst rator's, abdAu'dltorjj Ay t Icci 1
three dollars. Must bo paid for when' named.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regu
lar advertisements halt rates
Cards In the 'imslnwu Directory'" c6lumn,on
dollar a year for each lino.
r K. WALLEIt,,
f , llloomsDuij, fa,
O.lleo over 1st. National MntfJ , .
4 .1
omialn cut's DulldinK,
jULboMsiDao, Vli
U. rl A
onice over 1st National Bank.
All Iciutls of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing nnd Spouting promptly
atteiuled to. '
nr"8trlct attention given to heating bjr steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts', '
1 j
' Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
- ...... 1 . . - 111 .1 . n .. A Hl
tho several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured
oy (no unuersisnoa.
" ' '' 11LOOMBICR0, l'l.
offlc over Moycr Bros: rir'ug Store. '
Ofllco In Urowor's bulldlng.second No. 1
Illoomsburg, ra.
Bloornsburg, Pa.
onico corner of Contre and Main Streots. Clark 4
can bo consulted in Qerman.
New CotoHitJLN BotLBrKoBloomsburg, Pa,
Member of the United Statos Law Association,
Collections mado In any prt of America' or Ka
rope. (
Offlco In CoLVUBiiit Dnabmo, Room No. , second
A ttornoys-at-Ijaw.
... vaitAnai nanir hnlldlnor. nccond. floor,
nrst door to he MU Corner of Main and Market
streets Illoomsburg, ra.
j-Pfisiot and Bounties Collected
J-,W'VI?B, - -
amce in Maize's buliaingjQvc'r Blllmeye r'J gi$c4ryj'
lil huTtdimr onnosito Oourt Houao,
2ud floor, BlbSmsWirg, IV "A v,pr'18 '83
r Attqiui'fe-at;l!.aw,
om.;a in Ns fin Building, MalnBtreet.
Mnmhnr nf tlin American Attorneys' Aosocla.
Ooife Jtlons mado In any part of America
.lau. s, 1831.
JuckBon Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5.
May , 81 f rBERWJClf,PA
i Kcatawlssa,pa
omce, corner ot Third and Main streets.
e. smith,
"Attorncy.iitLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted In German.
"WOlflco flrat door below the post olllcc.
t. BARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law
, omco lu llrower'8 bulldlnc, snd atory.Hooms
BUCKINOH M. Attorneyat-Law
LV.onioe, Brock way's OuUdlntr.;iBt uoor,
Uioomsburff, Penn'a, may 7, '80-t
H. MoKELV.Y,ML-D..8areoh sidPliv
, ilcln,'norWe Mate tt, below Market
A L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law.
tX. in Coldubun Bulldlnf,
n M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCK8MITH Macblnesand Machinery of all kinds rer
niroa. oris 1 uooai uuuainir, inoomaourj, ra.
Offloo, North Market street,
M. REBEK, Hurecon a
Office corner of ltock and Marl
R. EVANS. M. D.. Buraeon aid
1'hyslo'an, (omce and IteBldencu on Thlia
Who alwnvB elves vou tho latest
tyles, and cuts your clothing to fit
you. Having had the experience: lor a
number ol years in ttio Tailoring liusi
nosB, has learned what material will
give his customers the best satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
please all who civo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Always or the latest stylcV. Call nnd ex.
nminc Ills stock before purchasing else.
where. " (C
Corner Main tfc Market Sts.
Vnr nnrl tiurnhllltv tliev nrounwrnasi
ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted
to give satisfaction.
Prices and specimens of other de
signs sent to nny address.
May 4-tf
2G6tli edition price ouly 1
April S5-ly
I Breat Medical Work on Manhood.
Exhausted Vitality. Nervous ind Dcbll
lty. Premature Decl no In .Man. Errors ot Youth,
ami 1110 unioiu Rusenes rcsuiun irom muiscrc'
tlon ot excesaon. A book for every man. youne.
ralddlo-aL'crt and old. It contnlns in preacrlntlons
tor ull acuta and chronla diseases, each one o'
wnlch Is lnvtluablc. so found by the Author, whoso
experience ror&j years is such as prouauiy never
before feu to the lot ot nny pbysl.lan. San page:
bound In beautiful French muslin, embossd
covers, full irllt. cuaranteed to be a liner work In
every sense mechanical, literary and professional
than any oincr worK som in tins country ror f-'-.w.
or tho money will bo refunded in every Instance.
Prlco onlyl.oo by mall no-O-iuld. Illustrative
xamtile 11 cents. Send now (Sold medal awarded
tho uulhor by tho National Medical Association, to
the olllcers ot whlcU.he refers
Tho science of Urc should bo read by the yountf
, for Instruction, and by the atlllclcd for relief. It
will benetlt all lianton Lvncet.
'iheroH no memberotiiouiety to wuomi'ine
Science of Life will nut bo useful, whether ,youiht
parent, guardian, instructor of' cleruyman. -lr
Address tho Pcabody Medical Institute, or Dr
W. II. Parker, o. 4 Huinnch street, lioston, .Mass.,
who may bo consulted on nil dKcascs reiiulrliiK
BKiu ana experience, curonic aim oosiinaie uhcis-
A. blKBer :Nli9tv Hutu nil tho
White Clcpliitnts In tho Itlntti
inolli Clothlns Sloclt or A. C.
YatcM & Co.
Au litntibiipr no dccaptlon, IV o
rcfiunl the money on nil guodH
not entirely NntlNfttctory.
ft.. C.YATES &C0.
LsSierBniliCWiiiit:S 611 SI
KcbSO '81
FU6M S83.0D TO
May 2-Hrt
Bulwer Lytton's Bridge-
whekeit touciies the snonr.s Ano 'tiIe
"What a beautiful brldjo between old ago niid
childhood Ls'rellKlou. llow Intuitively (h vhlhl
begins with prajerand worship on cnterinjr life,
and now Intuitively, on iiulltlni; life, the old man
turns back to prayer and worship, pulling himself
again side by bide with tne lnratit,",rcmarks Sir 1
Yes butibetjrean Us lllitiintstibutmcnts tho
onage 01 uieiiin intuv niii uau iwiiu .uuuus,
throuirhwhlchwhe.wlldwatersd.tsli and roar li
wrath and dtsolutlon. Prajerand worship alono
do not siHL.Ua these. N'.ituiu's solid rocks must
llo unshaken bmeith, and hum tn art and skill
must roar and sollllfy tin strii'turo overheaiu
Ood's will Is lcst exempllllecl In tho laws llo has
made for the creatures whom lie li is placed under
thiir nnnirol. Neither the child's tr istf li "Our
Fathcr,"nor tho old man's "P orget mo not In tho
mtiUt,of jnuio lnurmiues," wi leaner ,iiiiiitf ui
weight uiasiniriegrain. !' I,
KflLMicfiandlirt nrt then faith and nraycr :
thn nnler Dt.llci.vcn lLselL illvlulty.hCAls. throuzh
Its agents, and those agents aro the discoveries ot J
man ; not tin vajm inmaine ns.its or pmpuan
orseers., Is lite i otivtL-u toyoii liuulin1) drag
Is you'ipotvcr to cope with llte'S) , problem and
Utam. W() ikrncd f.yoi( aro uot ivcll. Vour blood Is
slugglsli and tainted, pvrhiin'i ormio Important
What a
HowWatch Cases are Made.
Most persons have an ambition to carry
ft gold watch .case, arid yet few people know
Low a watch case Is made, or tho vast dif
ference in the quality of them. In a Solid
Gold Watch Case, asido from the neces
sary thickness for engraving and polishing,
a largo proportion of) .the mefal is needed
only to stiffen and hold tho engraved por
tions in place, and supply strength. The
surplus is not only needless, but undesira
ble, because gold is a soft metal and cannot
furnish tho$tlliiess, strength irad elasticity
necessary 'to make tho case permanently
strong and close-fitting. Tho perfect watch
case must combine gold with some metal
that will supply that in.which the gold is
deficient; Thij jiasbcen accomplished by
the Jamet Sent' dold NkCfcK wt Tjfouj
which saves tlio waste of need- OA
lest gold, and rscnEASESthe soliditt and
' 8TBENQTH of tho caseand at tho satno time
reduces tho cost one half.
I iU U KJiM Wlik C TuUrlirul
al(kls rv.l.r tuiMl IIUiU.Ul fkUlkwl kw
ibh Bw' 4 Itntua Wltik Chm trt !.
(To be confnued.) 1
ure. .Mention this paper.
.May s.4wu
organ Is torpid o r overworked. This (act nny hive
taken Clio mr u tn uyspupua, nieu-uaiism, guui.,
malaria, pilns In tho stomicli, chronic houliche,
or any of a down other ills. PAltKUll S To.NIO will
lnvliror.ite vou. as fresh air lnvlior.ites those who
bklll ot haeboensluitupla daui,vfotldcolls. rItl.s povy-
.erfttl, iiurefai)iiojoiu,ciwiiuie, em inu bsysujnu
ol the central arch ot the brldgo ot life.
WANTED. Ono Lady or Gentleman' in overy
town. 2Sn week' and -exDenscs. 'Address-
.1-4-lm 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, ra.
Tht 04 Cklcf mw rrplit A AmI IUl,rJ) to-day
"30 YE ARB A DETECTIVE," by JUlH Pink tr to a.
, AUcrlmlnftlpruetlmSDovnTuiir
L.aipoted. Keplctewllb thrtlllnc
'Lrthea f Botarlon Potttt,
ricipoeiet. rtuc uir KODoeri,
I Caunterfeltcri, HvritUra, He. Hlui-
"rEMrVERSUt mkk ikoiiiknth ktmk
NOT K II AL'TIIOU. ffofHMly tlluitmej, tbTlllio(ly
lntfritlaf h1li rftpl-llf . Clreult n t teUl trrra f
1'. M. UliVlTT, 404 ArcU tSU, rblladIpkl,
Mill 1 1 1. II. HP..1.,
April 11 4-W
cxm s :
1 1
book. New editlQn.-New btndlnc.-New Uluitiittont
from new deii;ni. Sunerbly gotteit up, bime low P'k
Adipted to all tUssef. Sellt t tight. Agents Aoing blj
WOlk, liXCBLl-HNT TEKMi, ThQ h4Htltoufcl pfOtlMtCtttl
"om'S SSi. offii "h & co.Mn sthuxtd.
pkU, fa. Altoutlier gt.ud new lx,oict 4i)J llitut.
marS3-ly aid
lood I'ht Tor Aicrilla. tloo lu JOO pr.
mo. lunilr mI I In v r J rmiU Nr' II UlorT,
Famous mill llrrUlitt IliUtlrnof tllt'Worlo
Write lo J. C. JlcCui-dj .V Co., l'UIUileliliU, l'.
mar 28-1 y aid
unfailing cure for
seminal W e a k
ness. Sncrmator-
rhcoa, Imnotency,
and all liiscascs
that follow ns a
seauence ot Self-
Abuso ; as loss of
klernorv. Unlvcr.
I'nhi in tlin liank. uimnesa or vision, rremaiure
Old Abo, and many other diseases that led to Insa.
nlty or Consumption and a Premature Grave.
when drumrlsts from whom tho medlclno Is bought
do not refund, but refer you to tho manufactur
ers, and the requirements aro such that they
arosfttumi, veixr, uuiuunru wim. nuu invir iit
ten guarantee,, A trial of ono.nlnjlo package ot
oray'B spceino vlU fonylaco the most bkeptlcal ot
Irji mnl inerltR.
on account or countericiis. we unvu auonicu iuu
I Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine
. rwFull particulars In our pamphlet, which wo
desire to send froo by mall to every one. If The
KMttiiia .Mefiicine u aoia Dvaii urutrisis at fi
per pack-ace or e packaes (or is, or will bo sent free
uy raoit mi iuu rctci
Bold by all drumlstsat
ies (or is. or will bo sent f
L'tnt ot the money; by addrcsslnir
THE ailAYilKUICINK CO., BufflilcN. 1
Sold In a" drusglsts.
Bend ell, cents for postage, and re
ceive tree, a costly box of gooda.yrhlcli
will hMn" vrtii tn mrtm mnnnr rlrrht
vf -
Cfoso tlo slflitt'crfi, ICitty
wild niuht it is, to Uo'suro 1 '
A I1U IU1II 15 UUilllfl UUWII III nwwuoj
aitl n young girl, peering out into the
ltony unrKiiosa. '
Abhrrbck uroiintl fHtift nnd ucly tin-
erltlirj.m'ost fiwornOlo oirciiinstnnces).
liokiiitj liko Bomo vast desert waste in
.ii .l'.. ...!...! 1 .1 .!..! -!..
vmo uowimg winu nnu unvjiij iuiu, wuo
lust viaiblo. ,
..... . . .. . t
"Why, Aunt lieu, alio continued,
nausinc with ono linnd on tho shutter,
"hero is n nnmo scratched on this pane
of ulass. I never noticed it" till this
"What is tho namot" asked the old
adv. indifferently, half asleep in her
cozv arm-chair bv tho fireside.
"n. l-n-l-o c-h 'lvmioon, o o o i s
Greys, 18C1("' read tho girl ; "and
tliim 'Kitty' written very badly just
'Kinloch 1 Kitty T said Aunt Hell,
startniL' ui) with Bituuen interest.
"Wliv that must bo tho satuo man I"
Then slio sank b.iek nnain, murmuring:
"Ab. Kittv I there was lovo in tnoso
davs. and romance, too 1"
'Is t icro no lovo now i sam ner
. .... .
niece, comme to ner aunts suio anu
kneelintr down on the hearth rug.
w . . i r . I
Tho ruddy names anil glow irem tne
firo llt np tho girl's chestnut hair, fair
complexion and bright hazel eyes.
, Aunt Hell looKcd lovingly uown ni
tho piquant littlo face heUl up to bur,
nud said : ''Now and again wo meet
Bomo of tho right kind ; but would you
liko lo near the story ot that namesaKo
of youis, Kitty 1"
"very mucii.;
lWt'll, fifty years ago, as you can
easily reckon, I vas a girl of lti and
was invited to spond, tno summer
months with my aunt, who then had
ond of tho fitiest'houses in this county
of. Kildnie.
"Several regiments were stationed at
the cami and at a neighboring village,
so youmay iinaginu the girls of the
party and I looked forwaid to having
a nav time. Oh 1 thoso few short
summer months, Kitty ! I grow young
acain when I think of them ! Tho
rides across tho Currah in the fresh
morning air, when in parties of ten or
twelve "we would uallop for miles on
those breezy stretches of emerald turf ;
the handsome officers who enjoyed
linviiiLT hide and seek in tho dusky
evetiiutr hours iall over the old-frishioii-
ed house, starting out of the corners
and from behind doors and chasing us
limnnilnj' ..Hown thn VHllmiprv oaken
corridors, i tiers, '.ueu ouiwu wumu
stroll into the garden, and under the
trees there would bo souirs, llirtations
aiulwhisneied confidences, aud prom
ises-inado uy tne score ana.
Oiled? SS ".oJ t. fJ 8
"What a mad, merry time it was
ud tlie maddest, the merriest, the
handsomest of all was a young Scotch
lik'uteuant, , KiuloohKinlOclt?'1 His
for wo
nut hnlV
tdii nld!nifctlli;OHnno shawl (li-aiiotl' o'v6'r
KltVyy l.e.a.1 nilil 'shatilders. "w'lth'her
round. ' dimpled arms npneariiife jilst
( "Kilijoch a regiuiciit had bqcn or
dered ,aY!V to anothe'r part rJf Ir'i'lsitidj
;utiu ono morning, n low uays ueioro no
i often caught a.gliuipso tif cheat
ilVr8iVn'infV tln'diih tlio 'tremor
(was, to go. wo begged for his uompniW'
lu'i'a plc-in'o wo lind arranged lo liaVo
wnurone ur vwu utuur uniiiiuo.
" iTlianks vpry Inucb,' ho said i '
fam dfraid I Hi all bo too, busy.' '
Wo All
We ,uvq ti m" ovi-r HIOQ 000.00 In iVfcmllnn
iourrullt ' Hn linrWii lull looriiraiVna.irlt.
I'lMnnUirtirlio ' t'lflivilie 'montr41aiilo Hull
In tiife. 1- 1 1 t it iixl to rt'H..n tlmt wfl
WMil.ltit'i.illr.l Ift iiim-cr hlni ilinrnturliiy if
iti.AOKw itr i.i. mriMiA.H 1'-
Itucro, ff Aliifh ho ialU r.'rrci-t'iiUtixc, unm't
llii- lll'r f uiuUiuil Tvburro ever iiiiulr.
Th Mien of BUckwrH'n Bull Durliiim RmoVlnff
JnUtccn iar exeu 1110-a n n ouicr uruim in
thf mpcj.J. i-inir)y brtitie It lfni. it.Aiitl will
Ut. tin 1rt t'liitontiln mIe. AUilititert tune It.
lxjot lur tmJLuark of tUo Hull ou vwxy i4ikut;u.
moinorwas insiiauu iiiiiiHuuii,uni.iiuu
to" liiiu.iier goo4Slo6Wur$flrppMisity!
for joking. And now for Kilt jf, the;
Jlarch st-tt
LA Nil IfKUTIUZINQ and Jlftufg., Co.
.mn ui..i-intwi nrren advantageous Induce.
:7 W,HI?"K'SVma i
- r"v"',viI,viitir.TivATons.
Tbo l"erry Bprlnif Tooth Harrow, the best
mine jiuiuju i , , vv"
'AllL'lnd And crradeaof rhOSnliaiO oy IU9 JUAlll- I h.,rnil mrnrlnnn mwna h..rrim tin. wnrlfm
. ,..,. mil l'IMM oMrt Aifltir'.r I "n ... ' n. , ...
IaDsoiuieiy sure, a uuctj ouann iitvstt vu.,au
BuSta, Maine. Decai-iy i
TTrAM4iA canvassers in every county in this
VV ttHLoQ. Stuto to take orders tor Nursery'
IBiuuii. our-miy unu uitii.ivki CTrijvuwicm iss.
GOOD WAGES, Kxpcrlenco in the bust-
I Ji(a nov rcQuireu. tursenrs wmeiy uu tavyr-
i uuiy Knuwu. x versus, nyfi-??.
Thq 0. L. Van Dussri Nursery Os'.,
aKm.rit..y. '
'Van Dusen Nuraortes eatablUbed 1839.
Alio eiocu at wnoiesaie. t
' lm!1l.llliinw r
EsfecbJu?rib!aCo,, Pa.
Majf;!! raoi-.
iNfJ i
All styles of worlc done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Tiith Eitsucr
bp wiruoor 1'ilN by the use ot (las, and
free ot cbarite when artinclal teeth '
are Inserted. r
omce over llloomsburtc Uanlclnjr Company,
7o be open at all hourt durwg tke da$ ,
Nov,'i3.iy jfc, . -Sri-
MicuoriAsrs', of nkwauk, n. j.
1'KOl'I.ES' N. Y,
These old coaroairioMt are well seasoned by
age udriHiTisriDand have never ret bad a
los settled by any court ot Jaw fTTpelr. aaMt
are lurestea in solid iioostTUBAnd are liable
to baiard of rias only.
U es raoHi-TLT and uonistlt adjusted aad
bal aa soon as determined by ousutuh p.
stHrrrscuL Aobmt ind Adjcstss, iiLOOsis-
Tb fpaotle otlhubta eoSlt saolild patron
ise the .ageuoy 'wh'jre losses It any aro settled
nov uitus or oua oiineir owaeunenB.
" riff .
Manufacturers of -
'rivjclasprlc always on hand.
Prices reduced to tuil the limei.
North American of Philadelphia.
Kranklln, " "
l'eunsylvanla, " "
York, ot Pennsylvania.
Hanover, ot N, Y.
oueens, ot lx)ndon,
Knrth ILrlllsli. nf lindnn.
Uffloo outM-irsCttt tiiriMt, No, .6, Dloomabure.- I
The underslorned 'haviiiir 'ntit bis Pianlnir Ull
on Hallroad Htreet, tn nrst-ciaas condltlou, Is pre.
i parea to ao uinaiii worse 10 uu uoe,
furnisnea at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but smiled workmen
lira viupiuycu.
furnished on application. Plan and speclflca
lions prepared oy an oxperienceaarauguiBiuan
street, 1
UKrlUT.. ' Mover's new ouuainr, uaia
uioomsourK, ra.
. . Assets
iBtnalusuratioP Co.", ot ilarWord, Conn.ifl.oTs.MO
llnVal nf I.Tviirnnol'... 13.600.OOO
Uncasbtro JM"0.J0j
Klre Association. Vhliadelphlai..t.. '. ''''M!?
1'bieiiH, ot London eM-'!!
r-AiNwniairr & co
lDdon k Lancashire, of England...... , 1,109,910
Hartford otllarttord. ,-...,..l,. i..SJ9
sprlnifneldTlre and Marine........... i.'' It.vM.JS
As tbo agencies are direct, policies are written
or the Insured without any delay In the
office at Uloomsburcr., 'Sl-li'
l.tis.eso i ;
N, E, Corner Second and Arch streets
tvorden will rogetvo prompt attentln
- "Kidnty.Wort U the most suoceisful remedy
. avwnS. ' iJTi T U. Aia,4WU. juuu,gu, , v.
! ..VI. rrr ii..(n,...iui,l.l(
T. Tl W . .r TTm VI.
r.i'xddsei.Wort hu cured my n IX 9 after two y ours
ulferliiiff." Sr. C. It, Summerllu, Son IUU, aa.
" IN' TnuuuANua ur i-Hnca
Uhw cured where aU else hid failed. It U mild,
Vlttmolent, IT.UTA1N I.N ITH ACTION', but
&rmtetf la all cases,
rsrlt eleansrs tho Itlootl and Rtrenittbens ord
(Ires New Ure ta all tho Important oreans of
tuepoay. rne naiurdi aciioa ot ino svaiivjs is
restored. Tho Liver Is cloansed of all disease,
aud tho Bowels movo freely aad healthfully.
In thla way tho worst diacaeca aro eradicated
Irom tho system. i a
ridrr, n.oo ui)riD on dm, solo nt dbiocists.
Dry oan be soot by mall.
licruiiiai bhu wn4.,tliu u.UKitt!ri ot an,
old guriluiiur who lived about :i mK
awav from iiiv.niiiit'aditiust'. and of all
distiMotiugly'-iiVoityMMmoii kWho havl
iniiito int'ii do foolish t' ings, l am siiig
Kittv was ono of tho pivtiiot."
"Vliat was she liku"
"No'iJosciTptfon iojild coiiiol up tq
tliuiriifiimVljui Ijcah Jell'you unit sliij
liad Uio Ir'sh blue eyi-a, a coniph-xioii
liko milk, hair of tho brightest and
Bilkiestcliest'nnt, curling in littlo ring
all ,"6yorl 'liorbrow fiitd. neokj,, .atulj
sldnciOt upright liguri that was thu cm
vy of half our girls. One day, as a
largo party of ,11 jver.o standing chati
tenng under tho trees, 'Kilty passed ui
with ajbasket of Jruit. tf r '
i'iKinlocli'for tho firstjtimol nattcedj
uo'girl.'nii'dieeraed atruokMunib wittj
ama.omciit. !
"Ho stood at a littlo distance ana
kept his eyes fixed on her.
"It-,was love frotii'that.yevy, tppiiientj
'and every' one notided it. - ' '
"All the other young fellows of
course immeditttelyisivarme round th
L'l lis basltht.and ..UOixriliihejnitig tnem
selves with not so much as a 'by you
'fKitly beL'antfsexnostulauntfr ib
they put-herolT. " - - j
w.oulu liko us to have the best, I'll b
"And another, 'Mahone, -one kie
from ttiat cheek with the bloom of th6
peach upon it will s;ivo,y.oii roirthcse
rascally 'thieves,1 :for V wlllc nght-theni
all tor such a lavor ! I
"IJut Kitty would not bo bribed,
and seemed about to icsign horsolf to
the loss of her fruit, when Kiulocli
shouldered his way into tho group,
and, giving tho last speaker a friendly
pusli criod 'Leavo thp girl alone.
Grant !.' iliuu, .. turning to Kitty
took tho basket out of her hands, say
ing, 'It is too heavy for1 your little
arms, and thero will como no 0110 steal
ing your fruit now, I'm thinking I'
" TUauk yon, said lvitty, gratotiilf
y, and walked along'Jhis'siiW' ':
" 'That is the first tnno I have seed
THEi Columbian
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The Nit Internal ami tilcrtul remedy In the
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FOSTER, MILDUriN t. CO., Prop'ri,
llUfPAU), N.V..U. S.A.
"my lady," allow any 0110 to fetch or
carry lor ner,' saul ruy brother.
'" 'Thero is no Ltainsavinf;, Kinloch,
then, as I can toll you, Harry 1' I cried,
'tor ho always gets his own way in
what ho wants.' '
" 'Especially when it has to do with
pretty girls 1' sneered Grant.
"'Treason I' wo all shouted, in a
breath; 'iuulqch is thp samu to 113 alii
to everybody:' ' ' '
" 'Of course,' said Grant, recoverinii
his temper j 'but aro ypu uot all prett V
Kills V . ,1
"Wo laughed, mid did not deny thi
soft impeachment t so the momentary
breach; wijh iQileuA 1 J I I
li i rPli n t. wnu flmllfiiir? tiinn wn .iintip.ui
Ivitty earning up to our house with he
"Wo'knoV iiuihiiic wo could hav4
said or done would havo prevented hori
Imt'wo wore nou nuituigq sqri abou
in.llpch, wl o oWrLshiqJtHiitJ fi tl3 Bni
soiio iuiu waiuioreu auout iiko a uis-
. 1 1 i i 1
uuseuii luvei, j ,
"Ono day-wo .met Kitty in 01100
tho lanes, and said to her, 'How U i
you never ooma our ,wa'y uow Y ' 1
ll'Pl 111 tl .t.l
" 'Father profow to tako up th
things himsotf,' sliq murmurod, fo
wliioh painfully amiarout lib wo i
Bianuy lorgavo ner,
,('lO f. liut voii must como V
crieil. 'Wocountca unon vou.'
'But I I havo so many; things' 16,
.to'to-day.'" Y
"Here lie 'stopped and blushtd.
"Wo ilrls word looking very Inquis
itive, anil aoiiio of tho men had a per
ccntibln sneer on .their, faces.
" 'Ho has got his. lady-love to bid
irood-bve to, I daresay,' suggested
Philip iGrant,
!'' 'Kinloch turned on him with blax-i
ing byes. Wc all kept, back They
worn liko globes of fire, .
" 'Confound it,1 sir I' ho fcrletl, 'and
suppose I havo 1 what is that to you V
"Wo nil looked at Philip 1 ho was
vorv white. biitheBliruniredhm should
ers indifferently nnd wisely forehoro to
f'Kinloch's temper coolod down as
raniillv as it had arisen.
f't am sorrv to (llRannoint you, girl?,
ho said, gently, 'but you will have to
excuse tne. Anu, bowing, lie waiKCrt
'Wo watched his upriuht,' 'manly
ilcuro striding along till ho disappear-
ed, arid then wo all looked at each
other and sighed.
" -'A clear case, saiu ono girl.
" 'Head over heels.'
"'What will he do t'
" 'IloW caii ho marry her.'
'J 'Kittv can look after herself.'
." But I am sure bIio is in lovo ; bIio
never lias been before.'
" 'He will go way and 'forget her
"He gave tho bridal' rein a shake,
Bald, 'Adieu I for evermore,
My love i
And1 adieu for ever more. '
'"Never I' said I : 'nothing, of the
kind will happen. I am euro ho will
marry tier.
"lhat evening Kinloch mado, hi"
way to 'the old garrti'iier's cottage. His
face was pale, but ho had a determined
16ok' in the corners of his mouth, and
he carried his head well thrown back
and stepped lightly along.
"The girl had set her father's supper
before htm and had gone out to test in
tho garden and silently watch tho still
beauties of tho night.
"The air was fresh, and in the heav
ens th(5 full niopn was hurrying through
its star spangled course, lho roods 11
a neighboring stream rpstlnd and sliiv
W'-i'd iii the breeze, and alarge nfghti
moth or two namo sailing up .and
bumped agaiiist Kitity's white hand-)
kerchief "fin their way to, the fatal cmi
l,i. , 'r.-.v '1. .. .1. 11.''.
(iio s 111 1 ) 1 11 11 uy iuu wiiiuow.
"Tho ijirl looked up to tho sky and.
teais tilled he.r eyes.
"Was it the brightness of the moon 1
" yhy do you weep, Kitty !" said a
voici' at her hide. No need to turn t((
look for, tho speaker ! The girl buried
her tnoe 111 her k hands and oobuo
" 'You art; going away V she said.
" "Yes. I am going awav.' said Kin
loch ; 'hut you will come with ni-, Kit
tv, for vou Iovol me.'
'"I love yuii, but, I li:ill put acuom
pany you.'
" 'But you must. 1 I have spoken to
tho old priesti aud ho is ready to marry
' 'Kinloch,' slio said, locking up in
her lover's faco with a sweet, serious
smile,, 'you have made mo lovo you, fof
,1. could not. help it.; but., you cannot
make mo marry you.'
"Oh, but you Will, darling, won't,
you, Kitty V ho' went on, eagerly. You
know I can marry HQV, because I came
of ago the other day, aud I havo much
more than my pay now. Is that what
vou are thinking off
" 'How could I think about that f
Why will you not nuidorstand, Kin
loch t Your proud rid father and your
silver-haired stately mother, how could
they bear lor 0110 01 their sons to mar
ry an Irish poasaptigirl V
"'lou havo nothing to learn irom
the highest lady in the land, my dar
ling,' ho Raid, fondly ; 'aud younger
boiis are not expected to marry heiress
But sho shook her head resolutely.
" 'And is this how you lightly Hing
away a man's happiness for lifer
" 'A few days pain now, to save you
years of regret in the future.
"Tho young man looked at tho girl
perplexed. Wjmro could sho havo
learned such sentiments ? where had
sue gained tlio strength to express
them so freely 1
"llo then said, slowly nnd solemnly,
ns if taking an oath. 'Look yonder,
Kitty 1 That is the evening star. So
sure as it will shine in the heavens five,
ten or twenty years, as surely will my
love remain unchanged for you. Bid
mo como back when you will, Kitty,
and if I havo breath in my body and
strength to do it, I will come.'
" 'Como back in' ten yeais, Kinloch
I will bo trub to you, nnd wait till then.
I will try and improvo inysolf make
myseit more worthy ot your lovo.'
"iveop; as you aro, Kitty remain
unchanged, said tho young man, jeal
ously, 'lost; when I como again I shall
not1;, seo in yon tho last look I took
away with mo, iny life, my lbvo,!' ho
murmurod, passionately j and kissing
her BWuet brow1 and mouth, folding hor
in one hist embrace, liu sighed and left
vbhu turijed to go into iio oottairo.
A WgVdowny moth which " had' be'eu
bumping against tho Utile window sail
ed iii beforJhor. 'oircled'thricvodiid the
caiitUifaud How up Miit'o tho alluring
brightness. Thu candlo liiOkered ,atid
went out 1 tho moth dropped down
with a thud upon tho table, dead,
i' 'Kitty, with eyes blinded by tear
and with shaking hands, relit, thougl
somewhat tardily, tho h
Wcli. tlio vears passed on and tho
girl was joked and teased, and had
many offers of ninrrlngo ; but bIio was
linn and would listen to none.
"At last the young fellows grow wea
ry 01 tticir iruiticss .attempts at lovo
when sho ex pooled her young gentle- said in a disappointed tone,
man iionie, and jaunted hor in cutting "My namo is Kinloch," ho
tipeuuiitn ui 1 11 iiiHiiiiinuuiis, I Willi n picusuiib hiiiiic.
"iNiuo years wont liy, nud thou tlioro
camo tho battlo of Waterloo, when olll
cers and meti went down in hundreds
"ami, no
"!.: 'i'i, V"
block. I hopo you will .forgtYP.theJtl:
Kitty's grand castles in tho'airMl
fell to tho ground with n crash.' ;Hdw
commonplaoo 1 Ho was only thomowi
Lieutenant, after all. but ho did hot
and tlio greater part left her look tho whipper-snapper hor aunt had
tironhesibd. V
''A few, more unkind, would ask "Then you arc not Kirilooht" . slid
. . ...1 ( ' .1 I I . if !...-.! . . .
"My aunt was telling mo about thiH
Kinloch." And Kitty lappod thq
framo with her finger. "I will toll you
tlio story 901110 day, if you likd1, but
von como into too room iubi, aa . sue
word from Kinloch, and
Kitty's heart, which had never failed said vour namesake did, dressed in tho
in its liuhtness. nor her sten in its R.tmn wav and everything. But there I
speed, now sank and faltered for the I suppose vou aro not even a rclationA'
n . .1 I .1 ..-II ! 1 .1. ..H..nM
ursi tirao. 1 "110 was my lamer, nam vuu vijuuk
"Early in tho next year in fact, on man nuiotlv. "So no wonder wo arc
Nnw Year's nlizht tho ofticer cave a 1 something alike." '
balh nnd every girl and voting man for It was now his turn to say, In a dirf-
.. If o I . . .. . .. . .
miles nroutid was invited. appointed tone, "liut youn namo is not,
"liirls were in great demand, nnd 1 Kitty. 1 am Mire.' . 1
went down to iriv aunt's house esneo- "Yes. it is." said Kittv eagerly! Then
ially for that night. sho stopped, a sudden rosy Hush rnshed
1 was anxious to seo Kitty myself, over her faco. "At least, noit in!'
and lo find out how tho years had pass- But sho could not deny it, for it was
ed over Her head. Kitty.
"You think, perhaps. 20 was rather
old to be, called a girl do you, Kitty 1
"Well, 1 felt almost the same as 1
did when I was 10, and quitn as ready
lo enjoy a dance Or flirtation, 1 oan as
sure you.
"Ivato Daly that Was her name-
went to help the ladies unshawl them
selves, and bo ready with needlo and
thread when nn unhappy damsel with
J'Tlieso aro our namesakes ;-8ha11iwo
write our names below' them, Kitty it
"Somo day perhaps.'1
Some Things Boys Should Know,
Boys Bhonld never go through ,lifo
satisfied to bo always borrowing' other
,ins. Thero aro somb' things
peoples brair
tlicy siiouid
find out for thorriselVcS.
torn skirt or tlouiioo should require her . . va ..hV'tb
assistance. bo found out. An appK dropped at
"She was then 28, and the young ,i. ft. f Vnwtnn. and ho. took it 'as
girlish beauty had developed into tho au i,lvitatiou to study tlio force's1 H'5f
most lovely of women. Only when imture, and thereby discovered tlid'law
her faco was at rest, and you caught ,,f -rnuitniiiin. kvorv' bov should
tho Blipioioii of an anxious heart upon ,i.jr, . tVinurrlit,. or do some 'good
it, would you havo guessed her age. p,v timt. shall livo after hlml A far-
"Sho wore a palo tea-rose-tinted , le,.-s ij()y sb0nlcl discover' for himself
gown, with rnllHH ot lace of her own
making nt tho neck and sleeves.
"It was a wild and stormy night
ithout, iifst such a one as this, but it
only served to enhance tho brightness
nnd animation ot the scene within
shoes and tho silvery laughter rose
ligtier than tho wail of the wind, and
rf .I.H .. .. . 1
1110 llllKllllg WlllO Clips
sound of rain.
'Suddenly their was a lull
wiiat timuer win uear tuo most wuium,,
what is most elastic, what will last
longest in tho water, what out' df tho
water and what is mo uest time to cut
down trees for firo-wood. How, many
kinds of oaks grow in your, region; .and
"Tho dancing of tho high heeled wlmt Js i, especially good fof ! Hdw
drowned all
urn stnti.
d in our dances : a chill blast seemed
10 have entered thu room j we turned
and saw a silent, dark tiguru standing
in the doorway,
He was ull and handsome, but his
arge black cloak, careiully slung over
lis shoulder, was dripping with th
rain nnd making large pools nn the
Uoor. Ills legs booted and spurred,
were mud up to the tups.
"Just at that moment the, clock
struck 12, and the year 1810 had bro
kfii. Som of th- morn excitable girls
screamed and ran behind their part
'Was it an apparition ? Was it au
ill omen, for the coming year ?
I seem to fiighteu vou, good penpl
D'les nobody know me?"
"Kitty at Unit moment was bringing
n a jug of loud claret at another il or
'She heard tho voieu and turned
round trembling, with a vild erv, 'Kin
loch, Kinl.ich, 1 knew you would come
bayk I And aiunl n crash of breaking
glass for sho 1 t tho vi'ss 1 slip fr un
her hands ho liimnili'il In Ins sne and
then disappeared in thu folds of Hie
gn at cloak."
"How Hplendid, Aunt Bell I" said her
lliece, drawing a deep breath ; "but if
she married him then, I do not see why
she should not hove donu so before."
"Ah, but sho was a wise girl, little
one ; shu knew it would lest his con
stancy and prove if ho teally loved her.
A young man's lovo at 21 (as she knew
very well) would not be his cnoico at
does a mm nv witnout moving wing
or feather ? tlow does a snaktflclitrib
a tree or a brick wall t Is thorp a
difference between n deer's tracWand'a
hog's track t What is it t How often
does a deer shed his horns and what
becomes of them t In building ;a
chimney which should bo tho largest,
the throat or tliO lunuel T anouia it 00
wider at tho top or drawh In 1' Tho
boys seo many horses. Did they evtr
see a whitu colt 1 Do thoy'k'ripw hfJw
old a twig must be to bear peaches, arid
how old the vino is when grapes first
hang upon it T There is a bird in the
forest which never builds a nest, b"it
lays her eggs in tho nests of other
birds. Can the boys tell what bird-it
is? Do they know that a hop vide
alwavs winds with tho course of tho
siin, but a bean vine always winds tho
other way ? Do they know that' when
a nmse crops grass no eais oavn vt
w.mN hiiu but that a cow vds nt
ward fiom her, lifcanse she has' tin t'Ceth
upon hft upper jm, and Iris fo gum
11 1
Enormous Patent Figures-
"Tho days passed .011, apd Kinloch)
irhiid.bpfori beck' tlio life itolir ox
peditious, was now generally absent. !
1 "Wher6 ho hall been was ovidunt,
' " 'Kilty, my fair ,' safd tho old man
pointing sigiiiliuantly to tho singed in
sect, 'don't be as foolish as that silly
.i.i.. t .1 i 1 . 1 r.
tinny. ii oycq wuro iiar.ziuu, ami 11
had no. strength to resUtuho fatal fas
"'Fatlicr,' said tho girl, Btoopln
down and kissing his gray looks, 'you
may trust iuu.
Horo'Aunt Bell stopped
'Is it lutori'stiiig 1 Shall I ao 011 1"
"On, to I Did ia oomu nuk J" said
ner noice.
"What become of them, aunt!"
"Oh, they married and traveled
about a good deal, aud finally both
died out in India within a few mouths
of each other. There was 0110 son, and
I believe he is in tho nrpiy also. Come,
Kitty, 1 shall go to bed, and uot wait
up any longer tor your father.''
Thero is a now Lieutenant coming
in Mr. Perry's place," said her nieeo as
sho badu her good-night.
"lnu young men nro not what they
used to be," sighed the old lady. "Somo
littlo whipper-snapper, I'll bo bound,
with feet that would go iu your slippers.
Uood nignt, ohildie.'
Kitty went slowly downstairs and
pondered over in her mind tho story of
the beautiful Kate Daly and tho faith-
tul Kinloch. bho went to the window
and undid tho shutter. Sho pictured
to herself tho young man coining to tho
Window nnd scratching Ins namo on tho
lass, nnd then taking tho girl s hnnd
into his own, slowly guiding it just be
She leant in tho deep shadow of the
windowscat and strove to realize each
scene in tho littlo drama. There, under
that very door, stood tho black-robod
iigure they had all shrunk away from
in tho midst of their mirth. What t
Was sho dreaming ! What stood thero
nt that very moment !
A tiguro darker than the gloom ol
tho room. Tho rain poured in floods
outside, and tho wind whistoled and
moaned round tho corners of tho house.
Tho figure camo a littlo further into
tlio room. Slio saw, by tho misty light,
110 was a tan man with a dark cloak
over his shouldors, booted and spurred,
witti mud up to ins hips.
Sho felt ns if tho wliolo sceno was to
bo played again before her very eyes 1
but sho looked in vain for tho pretty
gins ana ladies 111 tncir putted alcoves
and short waists, their (lowing curls
and higli-heelod shoes. Kitty where
was sue
And hero bIio blushed to herself in
tho daikness.
Thero was a Kitty 1 but not tho one.
1 ho man cainu up to tho window,
evidently thinking 110 ono was in tho
'1 ho girl shrank back as tho wet
cloak brushed against her cheek
"Kinloch I sho said, half doubting
whether tho figure would unswor, for
she could hardly tell yet if she was
dreaming or no.
"Who Biioko my namo!' he called
out, startled and looking round.
"I did," eaid Kilty, feeling
abashed, almost at his elbow.
Ho glanced down, drawing away liis
"I am sure I beg your pardon,
thought tho room was empty. I must
liavo oomo into tho wrong quarters 1 ar
living no into I must havo mistaken tho
That theie are a good ninny' ways'of
doing the i-auu- thing is made very ap
parent by a littlo investigation ot tho
list of patents grained by the govern
ment since Us organization.
Th total number ot patents granted
during that period aggregate Pearly
SOD.OOD. Of these exclusive privileges
10,201 were for metal-working ma
chines of various kinds. The people
who desire tn keep warm .can tako their
choice of 8,238 stoves' and furnaces.
There havo been 0,505 patents, relating
to, railway cars and 3,504 improve
ments to the railways themselves. Tho
boots and shoes wo wear havo given
occasion for 5,000 patents ; tho evolu
tion of tho modern plow has required
0,G80 exclusivo rights and the 'modern
harvester 0,000 ; 5,111 alleged Im
provements havo been mado 111 steam
engines and 5,254 in lamps ami gas
fixtures, which probably explains t,o a
great extent why gas bills aro so high.
The ladies can tako thoir choice from
9G9 different kinds of corsets, sleep on
2,453 different kinds of beds and slt.on
1,580 patented chairs.
This list covers ouly a small portioti
of the articles patented, but it gives a
general idea of tho fertility' of tho Yan
kee mind iu tho matter of making im
provements in ovory conceivable utensil,
machine, thing of use or ornament. It
is a very small and useless article that
hasn't furnishod the occasion for sev
eral hundred patents. Tho important
improvements among tuts lmmonso
number probably hold tho relation of
tho two grains of wheat to two bush
els of chaff, but they aro numerous
enough, however, to have furnished tho
basis for a great many fortune.
How to Boil Water. .
I must tell you tho old Btory how tho
lato Charles Dclmonico used to; talk
about the now hot water cure. Ho said
tho Delmouicos woro tho first to rec
ommend it to guests who complained
of having no appetite. "Tako a cup
ot not water ami lemon and you win
feel hotter,'' was tho formula adopted ;
and tho cup of hot water and loraon
was simply a little not water with a
a drop of lemon juico in it to tako
away tuo insipidity. ior this antt bil
ious remedy tho caterers obarged, tho
pneo of their best liquors 2o,;conta or
more and it certainly was a wiser way
to spend small chaugo than in alcohol.
"Kow people know how to cook water,"
Charles used to affirm. "Tho secret
is in putting good, fresh water into a
neat kettle, already warm, aud setting
tno water to boiling quickly, aud tliou
taking it right off for uso iu tea, ooffeo
or ottier drinks noioru tl is spoiled. 10
let it steam and simmer and evaporate
until the good water is 111 tho atmos
phere and tho lime, nnd iron and dregs
only loft iu the kettle -bah 1 that is
wnat. makes ninny people silk, and is
worso than no water ut nil.'1 Hvery
lady who nads this valuable rocipo of
a great and careful cook 'should nover
forget how to cook wator. ivew York
Probably tho oldest log oabjii In Iho
country is now stntiding near Ibnt
gomery, Ala. It was built in '1798, and
for fifty years previous to tho 'rebel
lion was occupied us a hou$o for farm