THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, it i ', An' Army Experience, HOW AN 6UI VKTRtlAN KHCAPED ANNlllt I.ATION AND MVF.ll TO lMPAUT A tVAllNlNM TO OTHEn9. National Tribune of Wa$hington.) A pleasing ocunrrcnco wlnoh lias just oomo to our notloo in connection with tho Now York state meeting of tho Grand Army of tho Hoptibllo in so unusual in many respects that wo von turo to produco it for tho benefit of our readers. Captain Alfred Uensoin, of Now York, while pacing in tho lobby of tho armory, previous to one of tho meetings, suddenly slopped and scan ned tho faco 6f a gentleman who wns lU Earnest conversation with ono ofi th? Grand Army o'lTiotw. It sucmed ' to liim that he had seen that face be fore, partially obscured by tho smoko of bauhp, "and yet tills Origin nnd pleasant countenanou could not bu tho same paid, and' death-like visage, which he so dimly remembered. Hut the recollection, HkcBanqno's ghost, would not "down'1 at command and haunted hitutho entire day. On tho day fol lowing ho again saw tho samu coutilen uncc, and ventured to speak to its owner. Tho instant the two Veterans heard each other's voices, that instant thoy recognized nnd called each other by name. Their faces nnd forms had changed, lull their voices wcro. the same. The man whom Captain lien sora had recognized was Mr. W. K. Sage, of St Johns, Mich., a Veteran of the 23d N. Y. Light Artillery and both members of BnrnsiuVs famous expedi tion to North Carolina. After the first greetings were over, Captain Kensom said : "It hardly seems possibln, Sage, to neo you in this condition, fori thought you niust have been dead long ago." "Yes, I do not doubt it, for if I am not mistaken, when wo, last met I was occupying a conch in the hospital, a victim ot 'Yellow Jack' in its worst form.'' "I remember. Tho war seems to have caused more misery since its close than when it was in progress," replied tho Captain. "I meet old comrades frequently who are suffering terribly, 'not so much from old wounds as from tho malarial poisons which rained their constitutions." "I think so myselt. When the war closed I returned homo and at times I feel well, but every few weeks that confounded 'all-gone' feeling would come upon mo again. My nervous system, whioh was shattered in the ser vice, failed mo entirely and produced ono of tho worst possible cases of ner vous dyspepsia. Most of the time I had no appetite ; then again I would become ravenously hungry, but the minuto 1 Bat down to eat 1 loathed food. My skin was dry and parched, ray flesh loose and flabby. I could hold nothing on my stomach for days at a time, and what, little I did eat failed tt assimilate. I was easily fati gued i my mind was depressed i I was cross nnd irritable and many a nigljt my heart would pain me so I could not sleep, anil when 1 uid 1 had horrid dreams and frightful nightman's. Of cqurse, thepo things came on one by one. worse than the other. My breath was foul, ray tongue was coated, my teeth decayed. I had terrific head aches' which would leave rav nervoux sysfdm completely shattered. In 'fact my exjst'-.uce, 4 sjijco the war, has been a-fivitig'dt-athj from winch Jhave often prayed for release. "Couldn't the oldsiirgeon doyou any cood t "Jjwroto.liim and he treated me, but. likoHBverv pother doctor, failed. They all edid my nerve was gone and without that to build upon I could not Ret well. When 1 was at my worst, piles of the eeverestiature came upon me. Then raylljver gave', out and' without the us, ot .cathartics T could not move mv bowel? fitall." My blood "got liken stream, of firo.ajid seemed literally to burn mo alive. "Wejl you might, better-rjavij. died in battle), Vquick and MviUiotU cere mony." "How many times I have wished I had died tho day we captured New bernol' 1 ' I '' ' ' "And, yet you ar$ nojv tho. picture ot health. ' "And the picture is taken from life i am in perirct condition, fliy nerve tono is restored i my stomach rqinvi gorated.; ray flesh is haii. and healthy in tact 1 have now blood, new energy and a new lease of life wholly as the resilt ot using Warners Tippecanoe, This remarkable preparation, which I conijider,wtuo finest- tcmia nod stomauh restorer 'in 'the '"world has overcomo all the evil influences of malaria, all the poison of the nrmv, all traces of dys pepsia, all mat assimilation of food, and indeed made a new mau of me." TlyxCaptahr remalngd silent for a wnue evidently musing over ins reooi lections ot the past When he again raised hWhead'he said r' ' "It woufd be a? godsend if all the veterans who hnvo Buttered so intense ly and also, all others in tho laud who anv enduring so much' misery could know of your experience, Sice, nnd tho way by whioh you have been re, stored. ' , And that is why tho abovo convex aatioti is recounted. ,H'jr Planting' Corn in Drills- At ono timo it looked ns if the plant ing of Indian corn in drills would be generally adopted, as it appeared to in oreaso for soveral voars i but lately say within the last Hvo or six years, it hasJrjst.Ug .growjng prominence, and farmers arc. incliuiug tho hill method again. It is not doubted that a littl bettor' yield can bo obtained from drill ing but not enough to pay lor tho in creased labor which it rconircB. And this'ii the drawbaok, and will always boiiiFthu way of its general subsiitii tiori. There are now ui ichines invent' ed to place the seed in lulls as well as iu, drills, wlhji faypis tint hill system, Indian corn is one (if the great staph of litis country. A food for mad and beast it siirpasses all. others u'mbiiied Yet, until within lint lat few year, ihe ll-.:l i .1 :. ..... 'i.!. muur uesmweii u j ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii 'n never as thorough us it inipgitiini'i demanded, i'urineiiy tt h oaie givtn it seemed to bo grudged Tim soil wiih allowed! to ri'innin in lumps, nnd tho grass and weeds to smother tho young plnuts, JNow nil this has been cluing ed. A corn field is cultivated with all the attention of a garden, and t'io yield per acre is n third to a half great' th'aD went y" to thiriy yerim ago. Asjoth? corhlodder, wo Jiavo nl ways thought that not nearly as much care was bestowed upon it ns its value merited. 'J. new is nothing easier t cure, and there Is no food that ciiiIh likti better through. the winter, If good5rdor, which, wjurqirat i not of. ten the case, they prefer it to the. best hay usually fed by them, and thrive well upon it. And if out into Inch pieces and lightly steamed, and mixed with a liille, I iini i Or roitou seed, it is a valuable food. Reviving Fruit Trees, Mr. D. S. l'rntt writes to the Ameri can Institute Farmers' Club about tho care of fruit trees as follows: "Remem bering Prof, Llebig's theory that when n vegetable Is burned the part which came from tho nlr in the process of its growth returns to tho ntmosphere, and tho part which came from tho ground is reduced to ashes, I cntuo to tho con clusion that ashes would be beneficial When applied to the roots of tho trees. They were standing in the soil Btrong ly inollncd to clay, with a turf around them that had not beon removed for several years. After pruning them iroperly. removing every indication of worm, etc., and washing Urn body and branches with so'ipstnN, I began oper ations below, llrt removing tho linf two feet mound tho tree, then Willi n garden pick the ground was loosened Irom six to twelve Inches in depth, ta king care not to injure the larger roots. Twenty or thiity quarts of looso diit were removed, leaving a laige cavity, fchaped like a saucer, with tno tree standing in the centre. About Ono pint of unbleached ashes was sprin ted about the tree, and upon this .chip manure was placed, nearly filling tho cavity. Another pint of ashes was sprinkled upon the fertilizer, which wns gently pressed down, md the hole cov ered with the loose dirt taken from the cavity, leaving the surfaco nearly as It wan, excepting the tin t. A young or' chard was treated in a similar way. The effect was wonderful. Plum trees that were going to the bad revived. Peaeh trees that had presented small nnd shrivelled leaves threw out luxuri ant foliage, nnd cherry trees gavo fruit larger and fairer than ever beloro.'' Utilizing Bone- Among the wasto materials on tho farm there are few, if auy, that are richer in one of the most important ei- meuts ot plant tood than bones, when made soluble in water. Just how to do this iu the cheapest and at the same time the best manner, is a question that is frequently answered by tho far mer, and is so often asked by those who have no pi actical knowledge of the matter, that the farmer is frequent ly misled, and spends so much timo to no purpose, that ho becomes discour aged and sells the waste bones of the farm at a very low price, or neglects altogether to pick them up. 1 he simplest and cheapest way to reduce bones to make them avsilablo for plant food, is to burn them ; but to do this is a great loss of plant food, ns it consumes all of the nitrogen j yet the ashes is very rich in phosphate, be ing about 80 per cent. It also con tains 1G per cent, of carbonate of lime, 2 or 3 per cent, of phosphate of mag nesia, soda, anil potash. All of these substances are indispensable to vegcta bio growth. The process ot burning bones is so simple that some contend that, when only small quantities are to be reduced it is the best way, even though the nitrogen be lost- It would certainly bo better to burn them than j to sell them for a half a cent, or, even a cent a pound. It is very poor policy for tho farmer to sell the bones from the farm; in fact, when he can buy at . less than a cent a pound he had better buy what he can, though he have i to resort to burning them to make iheni nvailalile inr plant tood; but as this is n wasteful process, the ashes should be resorted to when thev can bo readily obtained. In some portions of the Stnto small establishments havo been erected to Bteam and grind bones. Jiy extracting the grease and gelatin the bones are easily' ground; this leaves in the bone about one-half of tho nitro gen, the other half may be saved by composting the liquid witli dry muok. Some ot tho owners ot these milltr aro willing to steam and grind bones for a ' fair consideration. When such mills J can ue iound wiiuiu a reasonable dis tance, this is the best way to get a I small, or even a large lot of bones worked up into plant food Masta chusetls J'lourjhman. Had BitE.vrii. This most disagree able infliction may be alleviated or cured by tho following remedy, pro vided tho teeth do not require the den tist's assistance : Chlorine water as supplied by a good chemist, a tea spoonful to a hall tumbler ot water, to be used as a wash and gargle for the mouth ; no. harm will be done if a few drops are accidentally swallowed in so doing. Charcoal in teaspoonful doses of the power, or as charcoal biscuits, or tho use of prepared chalk as a tootli powder. A frequent cause of foul breath is tho torpidity of some of the excretory organs, such as the skin, kidneys, bowels, liver or lungs. When these cease performing their functions ono of tho others will be called upon to pei form an extra office. In this way when the bowels or skin become af fected, tho lungs being an excretory organ, will bo called upon to throw off an additional waste from the system, If so, tho breath becomes tainted. Should the foul breath bo depending upon the stomach, it must be corrected by some skillful physician. A boy found a woman's switch in the opera Iioubo and returned it to her. "I hank you, my little man," said the Udy, you are an honest boy.'" Oh, no, I m not so very honest, but I know what I am." "What are you, then !" "A hair restorer. Home IlcniM, "All your own fault If you remain sick when you can (Jet hop bitters that never-Flitt. I ho weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest iuvalid can use hop bitters wiiu saioty anu great goou. Old men tottoring around from Rheumatism, kidnoy trouble or anv weakness will bo almost new by using nop uuiers. My wife and daughter were made unho ilthy by tho us- of hop bitters and i n ooniinenuen mem to my people. Methodist Clergyman. Ak any doctor It hop Hitters aro not tho best family medicine, on earth. Malarial fever, Ague and BiliotisnexH, ...:u i : . , win irnvi- i-vi'i y ii-is;iiikI IIOOU as soon as hop bill -is arrive. , My mother droyo tho paralysi ind tii-uruigia all nt of ho- si su-m with h p but' Y.VE1 Oweyo Sun. Keep the kidm-ys heilihy with hop bitters and you need not fear sick ness. loo water is rendered harmless and more refreshing nnd reviving with ho bitiois in each draughts. Tho vior of vouth for tho aired and uiiirm in nop miters I "At thechangoof life nothing equals Hop bitters to allay all troubles Incident Thereto." "The hist periodical for ladies t lake monthly and from which tlmy win receive tno greatest benefit is no bitters. Mothers with sickly, fretful, nurs intf children, will cure the children and benefit thomsulies by takinc hop hit lers daily. Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been prevented by a timely use of hop bitters. Indigestion, weak stomaoh, Irreg ularities of tho bowels, cannot exist when hop biters aro used. A timely use 6t hop flitters will keep a whole family la robust health a year at a little cosUB To produce real genuine sleep and child-like repose nit night, take a little hop bitters on retiring. That Indigestion or stomach gas nt night, preventing rest and sloop, will disappear by using hop bitters. Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old Indies are madu perfectly quiet nnd sprightly by using hop bitters. E XEOUTUlt'S NOTICE. K8TATK Or XL1ZAHICTU MOORK, DKCKA8KD, Letters testamentary on the estate ot KlUabeth Moore, late of sugarloaf township, Columbia coun ty, l'a., deceased, havo been granted by in- He 1 trrofHAld county to tho underslsrnel executor. All persons having claims against the estate ot the decedent ar rwpi sted to present them tor settle mcnt, nnd those Indebted to the ratal to make payment to tho undirslgnoJ without delay. JKSSK Flllt lis,, 4--ew cole's Creek. Kxecutor. rUlEASUHEll'S BATiE UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTV, PA. lly vlrtuo ot Sundry nets of the acncral Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of 1'cnnsylvanU rela ting to the sale ot seated and unseated lands In the county ot Columbia, eta, for taxes due and unpaid, l will offer to publlo sale In the Court House, la tho town ot llloomsbuiv, on Monday June 9th 1884. At ten o'clock a. m., tho following described pieces ot land, or such part thereof as may be necessary to satisfy .the amount of taxes due and unpaid against tho same, and continue the same from day today as tbesamo may bo found necessary. TKlt.MS OF SALE. The amount of taxes and costs must be paid When tho land Is h ruck off, or the sale may bo void and the property put up" and resold. BEAVEU TOW.NSHIP. F.1 acre Iirockway, CD 1 lot Heaver, Charles, 3 " neuter, Jesso. 10.1 ncri-s Iirockway, o It ........ m " Iirockway & Abbott.... ,79 " Iirockway Abbott. . llH " Iirockway Abbott..... M " Iirockway Abbott ... s lots Iirockway, C II 400 acres Baker, Jacob, br 3 lots Ilutt & linger . l " llogart, Mary S " BojcrTS s " erasing, Patrick 2 " Cantnor, William 1 " Canon. Mannas 1 40 1 00 3 18 6 61 62 1 03 1 SI 87 3 18 18 SO 3 15 68 1 Bl 1 .10 15 1 07 75 57 6 97 12 74 14 S 19 74 2 65 18 41 6 10 1 86 3 Oil 3 18 1 33 28 3 18 5 SS 5 Sfl 4 69 4 05 1 SO 5 S9 3 IS 2 11 11 SI 1 OS 18 3 4.1 5 21 10 75 23 t l 6 38 2 00 10 7 63 6 29 3 33 2.1 20 3 65 2 80 5 38 4 20 4 OS 2 05 9 63 16 77 SS 6 72 IBS 1 HI 2 00 10 75 1 S6 64 1 3S .4 OS SOS 92 3 4' 5 05 3 18 7 88 82 3 89 60 60 40 14l0acres Columbia coal Iron Co . 189 cox, u 8 Ex. of Trench Cox.. 237 " 873 " S87 " 49 " 180 " 115 " 85 " Davis Isaac Est Davis Anthony Kcroth, l'eter Vlanlgun, A Fry. W 8 Slots slots 29 acres Fisher. Sarah , 10 acres Oearhart, Daniel ... a lots oearhart, Wm m acres Iliuick, Jonathan 75 " llcnderllder, B A J S SO " lloatz, John Deo'd 75 " llau, Charles John slots Itarnerir Jester 5 " Horfman, K Q 3 " Hunt, ElL 2 " Henry, Oeorgo 2S0 acres Hlnderllder, barnh A 1 lot Kllno A .. 10 acres Lynn, Jacob 3 lots Lawrence, W It ..., 2 lots Lewis, Frank 300 acres Miller & Mann 100 " Mclteynolds, WII 45 Mlnlck, Peter 4 tots Martin, William 2 lots Monday, John 140 acres Nungesser, oeorgo 8 lots, Patterson, .1 o 3 " Price, clarence M 42 " Pardee Markle, Ri acres Wee, Abraham 65 " " " 101 " " " 1 " " George 6 lots ituthlirr, sam co s lots ltuthllff, Sam 140 acres sweppenhetser, J K wjj no ouumun, f rame u HH Hhuman, Uiomas Slicker. Moses a wis amun, J w M ,,,, 3 " SUICk, J.I , ... .3 " Scott, l'eter. , soo acres Stewart, Wm 8 " Shu-nan Michael 2, " Htoney, Martin 2 lots Vastlnc, UK 8 lot Volkcnard, C J , ...,. SSSSacrcsWest, II M Coal Iron Co ......... 5 lots WetzeL c 8 , 3 " Werkhlser, Samuel ,3 " Wood, Augustus 89 acre Wheeler. William 10 " lKwns,John i l " ,lUce, John BENTON. 11 " Asli, Mary. . . i 11 " Kline, John Kills 10 " Dodson, Georgo BlIAllCItEEK. X201 a. Apple, Taul 5 98 1 IS 1 74 4 61 14 40 9 tO 4 43 12 SI 7 88 3 75 71 10 30 49 2 17 It 0 1 CO 71 3 68 2 45 1 21 to "Bllsh. Itubeni. 22 2S " Ilrlttaln, 11 A J Est "Cle u, W T ltcv " Doty, Fealer Stewart,.. soo 300 250 21 10 " Evans, Francis . !' Harman,, Daniel "lleadley.SFEst ISO 5 Kisner, jonn lis 200 " lleadley, 8 F Est " Kllnger, Lizzie.... " lteecer, Abraham ... "David Slttler .... " Stout, Nathan , " Schuyler, Wm Mrs " Freas, Wm L " Bobbins, Ell "Stokes, Olden 11 4 411 ei 60 7 CATAWISSA. "Brobst, J8 ' Kloce Yettcr ' Thomas, Ituth Ann, , .. " Thomas, Abel " Weaver, Elllaa .. "Dornbach, Margaret ...... ., " Klsner, ltobert " Newell, Fred " Yctter, Lewis Est " Yetter, Lewis Est " Krura, , "Bldd'e Heirs.! " Harder, Thomas E lot schulcr, Mrs Sarah CENTIULIA. 8 M 39 93 2 01 3 48 4 19 8 70 8 41 1 16 29 1 16 4 06 24 1 81 60 lot Conner, Thomas. , 7 46 3 86 14 Durken, Mrs. Anthony Erwin, Thomas Ilcrrern, Philip Homes, Thomas Kline, Caroline urarell Co Lehigh Mahanoy It It Co. Markes, Oeorgo ... McUearty, Mary Steel, George W ., Blley, James ......... Torry, Wm Knlttfe, J n Boyer, John . Hanley, John O , llyan, Michael Oerrechty, Thomas llghe. Thomas McEntyer, Domlnlck Wilson, John..., 8 40 10 66 6 20 7 20 91 60 6 3 S3 16 60 74 -0 8 20 1 80 3 38 1 10 3 36 40 3 36 3 36 CENTHE. 22 acres Adams, Enos I... 2 35 1 05 40 o Hagenbuch, Win Hagenbuch, Wm Br. Est Hoffman, WmEst..... Lowrey, Simon Kroner, Joslih. varch, Uebccca Nungesser, Sarah Bason, John C0NYN0I1AM. Brockway, 0 B . 10 " 34 " 3 1 lot 8 " 1 " I " 5 04 20 6 30 20 89 32 41 16 18 13 02 61 97 6 39 2 72 Bresllne, Bernard Brady, Julia Cane. F.llpn S 71 4 46 276 SI 10 2 26 1 79 4i9 aires Beam, Joshua , l lot Davis, Thomas, .......... 1 " Kramer, A W .,.M 1 " Jones, (leorge 1 " Ielby, Ephralm... 292 acresKllnc, John L, s lot Morrison, Catharine,...... 1 " McManaman.Mary 1 " Morrts AnnB...... , 380 acres Itustln, Jtary ., 1 lot Ithawn, Casper 2 25 36 7 03 1 OS 1 87 107 60 2 72 iiontini iiumtru, 'i nomas,, . "v Tre n, Jacob u 41 00 101 60 100 " Treln. Jacob 64 60 s " Lewis, Walker., 401 " Y'oung, John 1 lot Mellon, Thomas 112 acres Huston, John 1 lot McQuler, Terrance FISIIINGCHKBK, 62 HO 258 0 2 35 72 55 1 31 1 38 2 25 8 23 1 65 41 100 " UOO " 20 14 " SO " tt) " 272 " sno 00 " 90 " 200 " 140 " 17 " 100 " 60 M 50 " 50 " JUO " 40 " J3 " 75 " IfO 1 " 61 201 " 46 15 " 150 ' 60 11 12 ' 100 " 80 " 28 " 80 " 20 " SO " 6 " l " BUsli, Iteuben ... ...... Doty, Pealcr Stewart Dresner, John Davis, b'ltgaL .'. . Farver, (icorge Hutchison, Thomas J Hosier, W A Hon"man Freas Harrison, John ,,,, Hunnger, Anthony Kindt, John Co Le on, Tho'nas , Mcllenry, E J M Mears, William . , wcllenryo lis Daniel I'ealer, "eorge ltelehard, IwH Bobbins, Win A , BobbinsEll .,, . FltANKLIN. 1 10 1 65 13 14 30 3 75 3 15 6 60 5 25 S3 4 60 3 43 16 1 38 J 88 60 fleaver, Wellington, Vought. E II 1 81 6 90 ro-iner, .lonatnaa.,, , Meusch, Michael ... , Howell, William DIIEBMWOOI). Albertson, Miles Bartley Berry, John , ,, Derr. I ram . ,,, ltedllne, Benjamin McEuen, II J . HEMLOCK. 4 60 2 16 1 6) 11 70 1 fO SS Appleman, M 8 S 60 Appioinau, wm ,., Brugler, Ellaha Campbell, N 8 Einmett,AJ ,,,,, Neal Pursel , Purse!, lsaaa pursel. Sylvester. ,,,,,, Wright, Levi ., Whltcnlgbt, OeorgeJr,, 60 4 25 4 1 45 1 01 to 40 73 JACkSON. Frtck, OcorgeA Frlck, Oeorgo A.,,, Itoss, Benjamin. 60 " no 100 " 31 " 4 " 238 216 " 0 " SOO m " Sfi.1 M " 93 " 21 " W " 33 " COO " BO " COO ii BM " 100 " 190 " 4.1 no " 21 " noo " 33 " 60 " 20 " 21 " 21 " 6 " 110 " 3l " 12 " 7 " 2 " 100 " so " 12 " 10 " 4 " 4.1 " 10O , :: 100 " 1110 " 1,0 " 7 " 900 " 150 " S3 " 3 " 15 " 5 " 70 " 800 ' 100 " 123 ' 80 " S3 " 15 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 4 " 41 ' 28 " 10 " 91 " 9 " 18 " 10 " 10 " 8 " 19 " 2i " 10 " 55 " 61 30 " 133 " 25 " 17 ' 223 " 50 " 100 " 29 " 49 " 30 " 170 " 60 " 60 " 40 " 103 " 20 " 12 " 375 " 250 " 16 " 200 " 60 18 " 100 " 13 " 21 " ,44 " 142 " 19 " 7 " 45 ' 9 !' 100 " 30 " 40 " 60 " 18 " 60 " !47 " 20 " 38 ' IS ' 68 " 94 " 68 " 240 " 64 82 " fO " 84 " 46 " 250 " 2 " 75 " 25 " 4 " 1S5 " 119" X119" tfll9" 19 " St i 360 " 500 " 200 " 80 " T" 3 SO 80 7 00 71 . n 14 SI 15 Si) 80 7 21 7 90 7 40 7 W 18 90 2 01 5 SO 2 84 4 32 0 72 6 72 72 4 SO 5 72 1 18 1 00 1 00 U in 60 1 60 60 1 50 1 30 1 SO 3 90 7 SO 1 00 62 26 2 60 10 91 71 22 2 00 2 70 6 62 6 10 2 CO 9 10 1 SO S3 40 4 S3 1 80 ai lAwiH. isaao Miller Charles W.,,. Miiiereynan Miller Ncyhart Keller, J K LOCUST. Bllllngton, Charles Dewart, Mrorge ltvcrhart, John neraghty, Thomas Hughes. Wright Est Kline. John I, Kulp k MoWIUIams... Ingenbergcr, Philip Jirjtra, wary .... ,,, Ituslcn, Mary , , , ltusten, Charlotte Iteynolds, John ltusten, Thomas lleeco, Daniel Sharfer, Henry , , Snyder, Jeremiah MADISON. Cox, Joel Eves. 0 W Hendersholt, K ,, Masters, D W Sands, J R Ksl,.., MAIN. Blttenbender, Conrad, Brockway Knt creasoy, Wm Hr Dornbach, John Dewalt, Philip ,. Fisher, Daniel , drover, A W (learhart, Joseph Ueffner, Samuel V m Jummell. Chrlstnln .......... Kecter, James Miller, H ( Est Miner, Emanuel . Moses, Sllchncl , Morris, Daniel , ,.. Ithawn, Caster smiman, W t,., Shu.nan, Iteuben hmcck, Brobst, Yctter, Hauck suydor, John ,.. Bnydcr, Abraham Hivartz, Shepp Co,..., Yctter, Daniel Est shuman, John Hartinan,. Manilas MIFFLIN. Aton, Thomas Iluser, Franklin Est o A Jacoby Kramer, A W Nungesser, Wm J . Swcrpcnhciser, J K " Horace " K 1 Williams, Samuel ....','"."..".'.' MONTOUIt. Olger, Barbara ., . " John Est ,.. ii Samuel 1 0.1 32 8 46 S 60 5 60 5 60 4 13 9 20 1 0.1 1 80 90 1 80 21 6 00 1 43 23 4 55 43 90 Ilby, Jackson Neal, William llamsey. tot , Shelhamer, John CreoBoy, Jacob Fry, Daniel . Itunyan, Elmer MOUNT PLEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel Shaffer, Mathias OHANOE. crevellng, Samuel ( Everett, (labrlel Est Everett, Mosns Est, Kline, Jacob Est ...,..,.., Kline, Abraham J Kline, Abraham J Patterson, M B , PINE. Barton, Ell.,., Drleblebls, Abraham ......... Davis, Thoma3 Est .. Frlck, Oeorgo A ,,..t.. , Lyons, It W.... , XllllerCole , Bobbins, td Shultz, lllram ... Shoemaker, Josoph... ItOAltlNGCBEEK. Arthella, Francis Bucher, l'eter Barnes, Thomas Jr ,, Brlsn, Jacob Brlsh, Jacob ,,,. Beaver, Geo, J L Kline Brelsh, Jacob confnlr ltlce Cox, C 8 Ex ot Trench Cox . 1 41 1 75 3 60 8 60 43 7 00 7 th 4 20 13 BO 2 69 4 06 15 35 75 3 26 1 88 49 30 1 00 1 82 1 IS 2 70 8 07 78 45 8 99 3 00 40 2 00 60 93 2 40 96 1 SO 1 04 8 19 63 26 85 26 2 60 78 96 1 41 52 25 1 20 1 20 96 48 1 6S 2 40 2 40 9 45 ,2 90 48 10 80 18 65 7 42 34 90 2 6 7 95 4 24 2 12 19 01 6 30 6 30 10 t.0 2 12 9 68 37 10 34 45 IS 90 18 18 Dtlaplanc, Eeklel Hustcn, John Harner, John John stacey Uttle, ltobert Morris Hughes .. Melllngton, Wm Wellington, Wm , ltaub, J Miller , Itaub, J Miller 8katco. Harvoy Trlen, Jacob Wltchey. Mary Est . Wltchey, John Yocura, isaao Yettcr, Lewis Est... Yetter Lewis Est .., Levau,Lawsen Mlndy, Lclns Shctlenburger , SOOABLOAF. Bellas, William Cole, Ezeklel Cole,' Thomas U Chapln, J F Cbapln, J K CusWr, Mary Hess, Joseph o " Joshua It,. " crevellng Co " Wesley i, , " " ;;!'.'.".v,';;." Hartman, Jesso Harvey, J FfcMsmtth,, Mcllenry, ltohr Mcllenry, KJ Mcllenry, EJ , Savage, Joshua Est , SASUREIl'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AlSO the following lots, nlrces. and nan-rU nf seated lands, returned by the tax collectors, are to be sold at the same tine under the provtuonsof an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for tax in Columbia couaty," ap proved March 5th, 1868. BEAVEU. 60 acres Barnes, Charles. 4 lots Barnes, chnrii-a 11 22 18 30 81 60 3 80 1 88 10 110 I 91 12 3 05 1 20 1 SO 3 50 2 SO 2 00 2 00 6 00 1 00 347 acres Miller, Longenburger Fisher 1 lot. Masten. Wm. 5 ; Masten, Mrs. William., 2 " Selpt, A II 4 " Sherman, Thomas 8 " Johnson, John l " McAffee, John 1 " Losee.JAAgent BENTON. 1 " Albertson, Samuel rt.... 2 " Haycock. Samuel .... 5 acres fellies, Jeremtah 21 u v Mciienr Stiles, Jereini ilcllenry 5 " lah 12 " 1 lot Mcllenry.M Li: Kate.... BLOOMSBUItO. Walter, Nonnan Pursel, Mrs Ell BIUARCIIEEK. 9 12 110 40 150 acres Doty Pealeri .., 24 31 CATAWISSA. 40 acres Henry, Isaac Est ,,, 1 12 CENTItALIA Hantey, JohnO McDonnell, Owen ........ Mcuonnell, Anthony,.., Carr, Catharine I lot 1 " 1 " t " 2 40 8 80 8 SO 6 33 CENTRE. 1 " Keller, Sarah. . 1 " Basen, John 87 acres Mcouin, W F . 21 " Mctjuln, John II , CONYNGIIAM. 1 lot Brown. John , 1 " Llndermuth, George 1 " Dalcn. Marv 76 72 12 60 4 2U 13 2 45 1 70 241 15 450 acres Cummlngs, 11 M 385 ' Cummlngs, n.MCo.. 400 curry, Ellen 400 Murphey, Hugheo Co .. 140 76 SO 23 216 00 2 61 203 14 95 1 23 2 lots Itelnbold, W It FISHINGCHEEK. 34 acres Fvpr. Maihtn IJf . " Eyer, James i lot snuitz, corneius FltANKLIN. 2 acres Strausser, Joslah. GltEENWOOD. 1 lot IHklngton, I'll 81 acres Moore, Lafayette 1 lot Wllliver, J E .7 1 " Hess, Jones ,,, 1 " Fitzgerald. Elizabeth , 27 acres McMlchael, Jane 1 lot Welsh, James HEMLOCK. 23 acres Thomas, Slata Co , 6 ' Kbner, William... , 1 lot ruge, John ,..... V ' Ttppett, John X ' Fisher, Frank 8 , JACKSON. 30 3 10 15 61 48 I 20 1 20 47 50 60 2 33 1 65 2 63 5 97 4V acres Young, Christian. 33 Young, Lewis 0.,, 1 63 3 40 S4K 118 Young, Isabel cnumoernn, Lewis 4 18 LOCUST. Bhodes, Susan MADISON. Iluser Croom , Trunibouer, AO Wellver Susan Est 6 64 6 " 170 2 40 12 60 1 101 2 0 12J acres Miller, Charles I) MIFFLIK, 1 lot Kelchiier, Jacob, Sr......... 66 acres UreUoh, George MT. PLEASANT. n is t 00 16 Ilentleld, Thomas OIIANGK. Eves, James est PINE. 2 40 2,45 17 112 " 125 " 88 " 8 " 10 " 1 " 60 " 61 " 65 11 Leggntt Frlck It'ibulna, Joshua . : , , , Drtlblebls, Jactb Est Krelblebls, Jos-uh ,, Evans, George II 40 I 45 I 90 24 10 Henn.-arali n a .,,,, 1 25 610 6 00 lUcketts. E. (I Kline Patterson Fine, A J 3 15 I 1UV JltUtM, -UU1I ,,,,,.(. 60 acrea Kline Patterson , I lot 84 Jl 00 2 32 8 19 3 27 30 - ramer, joun n ,, , n " cornellson, .1 II ,, 15 H NeyaunterV Michael ,,,, SCOTT 1 lot Solomon, Phoebe It acrea McKelvy, N'al Co 8COA1IWAF. 96 " Hughes, Wei Ington Est 1 60 26 'l Hess, Lavtna 40 41 Shultz, Ellas ,, ,,, 1 so 2 11 11 rvey, A M I to 119 " Beward, Nathan 11 . t 00 tl Albertson. Jesse 73 97 " Stevens, Ezra 1 60 A. ju. juuneun, Treasurer, SPiEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFKIlMKNTED OHAl'K JUICE. Used ln tho principal churches for Communion. Excellent for Feirtales, Weakly Persons and tho ngcu. Spcor's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. PHIS CELKnitATKI) WINK Is tho pure Juice of I the dead Una Onorto tlraoc. raised In Hiwor'a vineyards. Its Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties ire unsurpassed by nny other Wlnc. Being pro duced under .Mr. Speer'sown personal supen Islon, Its purity nnd genuineness, are guaranteed by the principal Hospitals nnd Hoards of Health who havo examined It. Tho youngest child may partake of it, ana tno weakest Invalid uso It to advantage. It Is nartlcul.irlv ttpnpMpi.ii tn ti.n ,rnii debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that affect the weaker box. It 13 in every respect A WINE TO BE BELIED ON. Spaer's Dnfermented Grap3 Juice- In the Inlpn nf flm nnntln n.n, h.A..A....t . i u. . .w uut.u 'I1HLV WICSCIVUU IU Us natural, fresh, swet't statn im it. riinu tmn th. press by fumigation, thereby destroying the excl. ter of ferment nlon. it Is perfectly pure, free from spirits and will keep In any climate. Sooor's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium Dry Wine used by the eilltllV rlH5Utf4 nl n Tahln nr Itlnna. v... Physicians Incases wheid a dtt winn in?rni nr n sweet port Is deUred. Spaor'a (Socialite) Olaret. Is hplcl In lllffll fMiMmntlrtn fnr (to rt,...nca no a Dry Table Wine especially suite! f Jr dinner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. Isa Wlnoof 8uneriorChnrn.fitPrrt.nd n.irtnV-M nf the rich qualities or tho jfrapo from which It la Spaer's P- J. Brandy. 1Q k lfTIt .1lo,ll1n,,n. . n. . 1 . stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal i It has n peculiar Havor, similar to that of' tho gripes fromwblch It Is dLsttlled, , See that the signature of ALFltEn spekii. iaa. sale N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND BY DKUaQISTS EVEUVVHERB. Sep. ss.'83lyr. for the working class. Send 10 cents tor postage, and we will mall you)w, a royal valuable box of sample goods that will ,put you In the lvuv of mak-lncr mora mnnAv Inn tew days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. W- will start you. You can work all the time or In spare time only. The work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily cam from 50 cents to J3 every evening. That all who want, may test tho business, wo make this unparalled oiler: to all that aro not well satisfied we will bond tl to pay for tho trouble of writing us. Full parti qulars directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be uiauc uy muse wnogivo ineirwuoie time to tno work. Great success nbsolutclvsuro Don't delay. Start now. Address Htinpon Co., Portland, Maine. rcc il-l YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME. BINGIIAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. . The houso Is specially nttcd ud for tho comfort of invalids win desire a pleasant and Christian home, stands on high ground with plenty ot shade. Personal attention given to every patient. Electricity and Galvanism In their different modi ncatlous a speciality. Prof. .Mills has given many years ot study and practice to this branch, nnd hundreds will testify to his tikllL K.nH fn clrr.iil ir vrnllnn u'lit, nna. vmi ,nw tbl8ln. ' PBOF. 11ENHY MILLS Mrs. ALICE F11ENC1I MILLS, Lock Box 97. Blngnamton, N. V. Sept. 7 '83-ly. J.E. Caldwell &Co. Direct Importers of Fine Diamonds. Purchasers desiring first-class Gems choice and fine in every particular, are invited to examine our magnifi cent collection of DIAMONDS and Diamond Jewelry. go2 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. It. TOBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOUSBTJEO, FA. opposite ooortT nousB. large and convenient simple rooms. Bath rooms not ana com water, una an modern conveniences awculc at homo. t3 00 outfit free. i'ay ab. snlulely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Header, If you want business at which per. buusui fiuir sex. yuu ur u u. can inafl gre it pay all the lime they work, with absolute certainty, write for particulars to II. IUllktt C wo., ruruauu, .muiq?. Deoai.iy wdntod far The UwiQt all tho Brest daiitsotths U.S. Tho larrost. hand. suiuusL uvsi, uuuk uvur suiii iur loss loan iwloa our Drice. The fastest umlnor book tn America, invneose protlts to agents, A il Intelligent people want It. Any ono can become a Buwostiuiageiu, ;ivruis irw, iam.ktt iioox uo., CONSUMPTION. I bT a potiur fmtaj lot the abort diatai i br its tUodlnf hava tD cured. Indued. otronr Hp? fntthlnTueftleacr.thatl will i4TVO HOTT.V.ft tblidiaAn,to any aufffrir. (!Wxrrei and 1'. O, tddrM. Dil T, .Wti tOCU ai, U l'earl bt.,Nw Vcrk. April U-iVf d PE50DY HOTEL. PHILADELPHIA. Ith HU south of Chestnut, one square south ot the New Poal Ofllce. one half square from Walnut bu 'Iteutre and in the very business centre ot the rlty, on the American and European plans Uood rooms from Mo tu tlOJ pat day, lteinodelled and lioni luiliisiicu. W. Ptayiic, HI. D., novso-iy owner Proprietor. coLMon.wH WARn, vt. or. 20 mlnutM of New York. Mori positions for grad. USJiT-IIS "'J, other whools combined. Llto Schpl. arshlp, 4a Write for circulars. COLEMAN & PALMS, Proprietors. April ll-4v r SIJBSORIBE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN A YKAU, CMAIN STREET,) ITO mmi 8BHB STYLES CAN NOW: I. ' .Ml 1 ' . , .1', 1 1 . . i i u.: . 1 'i.'-, u 1' J:, m Ji'vil 1 1 AT DA VII LOWEKS. . .. t! f ' MERCH4NT TAILOR, Blooiiisbui-g, WEBER-HilRDMAW i PIA1TOS, FINK INLAID FUENC1I WALNUT 0A8E ORGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH, KaHy TerniN. SatlHracUon Guaranteed. tJACOlT'S WARE ROOMS, MUSIC HALL HI.OCK, WZX.XSSAX.S.a. ! Junel l i mm, 1 1 Uedle&l SapaHntendent of ths Sinitarium. Invalid's Home, Bloomsburg, Pa., Dovotci special a.tuntlon to Epilepsy, Nervoqs Affections, mul Diieases of Women, Patients received at the Banltarnm tin reasonable terms for board and treatment. P. 8. No charge for first consultation, apr 87. '83 B. F. SHARPLESS' Noar L & B Dspst, Bbomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges In different styles, cook stoves, parlor stovtk and, stoves far lieiUinij stort'selinpl liniui's, cliiirtihcs Ao. I.urtfu stock of linwaro nun stove repairs, suoh ns gintes, lire brick, lids, centros CALL AND SECURE BARGAINS, 0cl 20 f Th miMt nonular resort ontlio cusnuelianna Itlver Is tha Wapwallopeu vauoy noiei. l, wapwal- lope i, lauerno. t-'o, l'a. 0. W. MAVGER, Froprietgr. Tills bouse Uas beciUhorounnly renovated ml Ii ntled up wltU every onvenle-ces tor tra, velers, tourists, hunting- and Hulling parties. It l uengniiuiiy siiuatea in'na mu.u oi a ueaullul Bectlon of river and mountain seenery In closo liroxlmlty to be faraoui Council Cup and special Inducement i are offered to all who'' desire rcuroatton at nblued with clasi nc i cointnodatlons, 'llio bar suppllel only with the choicest wines and liquors, excellent stable ao. uviuiuuauiiuus, ug.u. vu mru April sssrn For Hit! Cclcbrntcil ClilckirlnB, Ivtr Poml, mill Voso& Son I'iiuios. Worlil-ro ilowm-il Kstey Org ins, Violins, Afccordconii rind Blieet Music. Celebrated While, Nw Hlcli Arm Dnvts, New Home, Kovnl Bt. Jolin, nnd Light Itunntng Domcstlo Bcwlng Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments fnr nil makes of Suwlng Machines. HE SEEN t! " THE MWEST, AND BEST Designs in WALL PAPER, I Aro OITert-d at LOWEST POSSIBLE EATES, G. A. Buckingham, , MARKET ST., Berwick, Pa, April 85 -3U1 hC'0Ja KAXbROAS TIIVIH TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. .-HM-i- Philado'phia &. Erie R, R, Divis ion, and Northern C.cntral Railway. IIMI TIME TABLE. In cllixt Nov. Wth, 1883. Trains leavo fcun bury. HASTWAltD, o.ju a. m.. IxkH Haven RxWeis rdallV execn Sunday), for llarrlsburK' and niterniutllaie stations uncSfUT, ruiiaueiiuua, juw iuik, imuiinqio anu Wasl.lniftcn, arrlHiiif ut I'hllauelplila 3.15 p. m. : New aorK. flsion. in. : liaUliuortt. p. m. : Wush- HiRion u.i.'Op. in., tnrouuli paswnecr coach to I'li.iaueipnia, l.&sp. in. Day express (dally except Sunday), fur llanhburif uud liileriucdUlo Htatloim, Ijiiiuis tcr, 1'lilladelpiiltt, New Voik-, llaltlmoro nnd WaMiJ injfion, urilvlng at l'hlladelphla T.U3 p. in. j Nevr ork, ; liali linon-, I.vop. m. ; u'nshliit;. ton, 8.4 p. m. i'ullman 1'arlor ear through to l'hl ladelphla and passenger coach tlu ough tu I'lilladt 1 phlauud Hall I ore. o,u p. hi. , luiumsiiuii. Lxuiniuuuaiiuu uuuy; for llurrlsbiin,' am! all Intermediate Htutlons. Lan caster, l'lilladelihla and New York, arriving nt rnnaucipuia j j u. 111. ; nuw luriv, u.iu a. in. bleeping car accoinmodatlons can bo secured nt llarrlbburt; for l'hlladelnlda uud New York, on Hun- days athiough sleeping or will be run; on this irninirom vtuuaiusp iiurunaueipuia.i'uiiaucipuia passengera can remain In sleeper undisturbed until a.loa.m. KrU Mall (dally except Monday) for Ilarrlsburg and intermediate btutlons, Lancaster, 1 Ul.UUClillllO, 1 UIK, 1.UIV1IIIUIU UI1U ,,llSIUUg- ton, arrl Ing nt rhljadulpbla ZU) a. in. ; New York, 11.S0 u. in. ; Ualtlmuio ".10 u. in. i Washington, 8.S0 a. m. Through l'ulliuiui sleeping cars nio runou . this train to l'hlladelphla, Uulilmoro and Washing, ton, nnd through passenger coaches to I'hllndel-, phla and Baltimore. WESTWAHI). 8.80b. m. Krlo' Malt (dally except Sunday), for Erie uud all Intermediate stations with through Pullman l'alacu car and thrnutrh n:inLrti- coaches to Krle. uud througll I'ullman l'alaco carslollutralo via Kuiporlum. un Sundays this irainruimoiicMHo, wun ruumnn lMlnceear to W tlllainsport and paswuger coaches to Itenovo. ior Canandalgua uud JiUormodlato stations, llocbcs er, nurraioana Niagara Pulls, (dally except Sundays) wlthth,ougU l'ullmun l'.ilaco car and passenger coaches to itochesicr. l.oi p. m. Niagara Kxpiess (dally except Sun day) for Kano und lhtermcdlatu stations with through passenger coaches tu Kuue and parlor car to Wllllum'iport. For Uunimdalgua nnd principal Intermedtalo stntlons, liochtsjiur, liulialo nnd Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to ltochester. 5.M p. m. Fast lino (dally except bundny for lie nor and lntenneillato stations, and Klnilra, Wat klus uud lnteunedlato stations, w llh through pas senger coaches to Itenov o und Walklns. TllltOUOII TRAINS FOlt SUNUU11Y VllOM TnG EAST ANU SOUTH. . . Niagara Express leave- Philadelphia, 7.40 ai tn. nallimoio a. in. (dally except Sunday) arriving ut suubury, 1.05 p. m. with through Pullmuu Parlor cur trom Philadel phia and through passenger coaches Irom l'hlladel phla nnd Ualthnore. Fast Lino leaves New .York aoo n.,m. : Philadel phia, a. in, j Washington u 40 a. m. ; Haiti more, 10.5j a. in., (dally except bunday) nrrlvlng u t suubury, 5.M)p. in., with through passenger coaches Irom Philadelphia and llalilmore. Erie .Mall lean's New York 8.00 p. in. j Philadel phia, p. in. j Washington, 10.1U p. in. ; Haltl m re, ll.a i p. m., (dally) uiilvlngut bunbury 0.15 a. m., with through Pull nun P.iluco Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro olid, through passenger eoachesi from Philadelphia. Sleeper from Wushlngtou runs dally except bun day. SU BCHV, IlAZLKTON & WlI.KES-nAllllli lUll.UOill and Noimi fi West IIhanch IIailwav. luuiii except sunuay.) Mall East leaves bunbury (dally except Sunday ), arruingatliioom Ferry 7. u.iii., Wllkes-barreu.j;oa.iu. Express East leaves Suubury 6.85 p. in., arriving a ,l0 'r-0.31 p. m., p. in .Mall West lean's Wllkea-l,.irrn"inii .h ,n V.r-iw , Ing at lllooui Ferry liid ii. ui., Minbury ia.or i. m. i I.xpiess est leuies likes bane 6.3) p. in., ar riving at lllooui Ferry 7.07 p.m., sunbury p. CHAS. E. PUdll, Uen. .Manager. .1. It. WOOD, ocn. Passenger Agent. pHILADKLPHA and KEAUlNti KOAl) ARRANGKMENT OF PASSING HI. TRAINS, i KOV. 6; lbtCJ TH1INS LIAVI KlfrSKT AS KOHOWSUS.i Tor Now York.Phlladelohla.ltfl Tamaqua, sc., 11,45 a. m, For Catawlssa, 11,45 u'. m.'.is and p. ui. For 11.45 a. m. and 4,iw p. m. ! r ur jsourg ana bunoury, 4 oil p. in. TKAIHSFOKilWilSr.UiAVll A0 ri)U,U8, (SCMUAV i Leave New York, via. Tamanend ,oo a. ru. and :m. duuuu urook itouto 1,45 a. in. 1 ! Leavo Philadelphia, o,w a.m. 1 Leave lteadiniri 1 1 tw m . , .., , ul, , WL.,1, JJ,9V JJ, u, and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave oatawlssa, 6,30 11.03 a. m. and 4,uo p. m. I rnurlohitfif 4 jo n Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama- nonrl nnri In nnri fun nt.nn ( uuu uvu uuuunijjuia go turought Without change of cars. U.S. WOOTTEh, C. G, HANCOCK, UOn0ral Kan General Passenger and Ticket Airnnt. jan, iu, isei tf, 'jKLAWAHi;, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEllN 111 tun 1 1, BLodMsuuuG Division. NOltTII. STATIONS. SOUTH. n.w. p. m. p.m 9 30 2 10 U 17 ,m. p.m. a.m. 9 15 o ou o ai 8 58 8 IS 8 VI 8 31 V 45 15 ..scranton.,,, ...liellevue,.;. n'....iA-..ii.n 0 3? 9 00 ... . j v, ,iuo, ., ,.. Lackawanna.. tH. 9 15 0 58 y 4.s 80 87 81 39 41 0 87 0 31 U 81 (I IU .... .iiniuu.,,, , ..West pjttston. U 41 U 40 fi 51 (i C5 0 BK 7 Iti 7 IU 7 17 7 sa 7 SU 7 87 8 OU 8 85 8 40 8 60 9 (ID 8 00 8 Ui 8 18 8 -t! 8 3.S 8 52 8 OS 8 OU 9 15 0 U) (I Ml 10 0.1 U II ..iuiiiing,..t ..Mallby,,.., ...liennett 10 us 8 85 8 25 6 10 8 07 8 00 01 1 60 t 43 1 35 1 35 1 18 9 04 10 08 51 U 0-J 8 55 11. i ' ....Kingston.... Plymouth Juno 10 18 2 II 10 80 3 03, 3 00 10 31 3 10 10 43 3 18 in m at ..... .juiuuill. ... ....Avondule, . 8 67. 8 311 0.1 lllunlock's creek 10 4 7 40 12 41 7 3.1 IS 85 7 80 13 15 7 SO 12 00 8 88 8 15 8 13, Hick's Ferry Uracil Haven., lierwlck .... .lirlar Creek. .Willow drove., ..Uuio ltldgo, .. .l.'lVloomSi'urg,'' 11 0 3 45 II 13 3 61 11 SO 3 51 8 OU 7 56 7 63 7,41 7 2t 7 S3 I 89 7 11 T 13 11 47 I 00 II 40 t 05 It 33 t 5t 11 10 t 30 10 33 45 10 Ml 4 07 4 12 It 9Q 1 ) 11 45 4 87 11 60 4 33 11 65 4 38 31 10 41 08 10 83 10 10 08 0 04 10 .... .,U,JC1 I, .Catawpa llrldgo U 18 4 Nl ....Chulasky,.., .... Cameron.... Northumberland 45 9 fi 09 3 45 6 85 0 45 a.m. p III. O.U1. ll'-m. p.m. u,m W. Y. IIAUSTEA1) supt. Superintendent's onice, Scranton, Feb. 1st, Ib03 IJAME8 REILLTT, Tonsorial Artist. AffAln at Ilia nM fln . n ot E E, an d h as aV" usual T fiustVlas? srnairii8cu generally. lulyie 60-tI L 111 II I l ma MTM I r-r I r r T h MM April iMw Tha BUTTER Beit for COLOR and SWEETNESS U DEAN'S CONCtNTBMtO Extract of Annnlli, tfktura'a Awn TaIa. d.i-v.... ,v llAMKl It).. St. S IS UirL, UI iMi,.,.., Junei.(y m lenox, Ninipsond: Co., Washington, o Pay askod foi patent until ?i'lB.l?;;i',.Vr'la ,or InonJ'GWde: April IMw