The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 02, 1884, Image 2
THECOLCMBIAN. 0. E. Elwall, 1 r,,. J, g. Blttenioniar.J E11""' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1881. Btnino seems to be loosing ground. The dolecato elections of Wednesday woro tionrly nil for Arthur, from Ver mont to Iown. Tho Phlla. Times ot Sunday gives nn estimato of tho iirolmblo vote at tho Republican National Convention on first ballot as follows i Arthur about 801, Utaino 235, Edmunds 08, Logan 80, Sherman 87, Harrison 20, Fair child 18, Sabin M, Hawloy 12. The largest vote IMaino over received wai in 1870, when ho had 851. Senator Edmunds has opened a shaip correspondence with William Walter Phelps of Nuw Jeraoj who at tempted to defend Blaino by saying ho was not as bad a man as Edmunds. Edmunds appears to admit tho charges brought against him, but is indignant that no should be classed with Blaine. Tbeso two statesmen seem to be de termined that neither shall obtain tho nomination for president. Tho miners at points along tho Laek awauna and Wyoming valleys havu issued an address, in which they' sav: "Our families are suffering for the real necesarieB of life, which wo nre uuablo to givo them at tho present rate of wages. We were promised full time a few weeks since, but a week's sus pension has como instead. It will bo utterly impossible for us to enduro this statu ot affairs much longer. We have kept still for weeks and months in nopo tsat tlio spring would bring us better times, l'ellow-workmen along tho line, get yourselves in shape, for the more you humble yourselves, and tho stiller you keep, the more will tho companies try to orush you down." A Ohanoe for Sherman. At the republican primaries at Louis ville, Kentucky, on Monday night, the fight between tho Arthcr and Blaine factions culminated in a torriblo riot at wluoh a number of persons were shot and stabbed. Here is another chanco for John bhcrraan. Let him at ouco proceed to investigate this bloody republican riot. Ho may bo able to discredit both Ar- tr.ur and limine- and thus givo new freshness and vigor to his own presi' dential boom. Such an investigation would not bo attended with the ditliuulties (hat stir rounded the Danville affair. It will require no Eliza Pinkston or Violet Keeling to perjure herself in order to make out a caso for Mr. Sherman at Louisville. The Arthur and Blaino factions are so intent upon bringing confusion to each other that a cloud o witnesses will bo ready to testify on either side. lietUhioa tavonte son once more unfurl the faded folds of the bloody shirt and "move on the enemy 8 works at liouisville. J'alnot. Bankruptoy. . A new bankruptcy bill passed the Senate last week. It makes the Uni ted States District Courts bankruptcy courts, and allows of appeal to the Cir cuit Courts, the Supremo Court of the United Slates to review decisions only when the Circuit Judges disagree. The Circuit Courts will appoint Commis sioners in Bankruptcy, and a Supervi sor in each judicial district. Any per son owing debts exceeding $300, and unable to pay, may apply to be adjudi cated bankrupt. Any person owing debts exceeding 1,000, who loaves' his State to avoid his ci editors, or conceals himself to avoid arrest, or servico of legal process, or makes fraudulent transfer of his property, or suspends payment or nis commercial paper or open accounts for thirty days after tho samo aro duo and payable, or who makes fraudulent preference, shall bo deemed to have committed an act of bankruptcy, and may bo adjudged bankrupt on petition of three or more' ot his creditors whose bills would amount in all to $500. Women and the Ballot. CONGRESSMEN F.XI'IIESSINO PlVEUGENT VIEWS ON THE QUESTION Ol' SUFFRAGE. The House committee on the iudi ciary last week submitted four reports relative to extending the right ot suf. frage to women. The adverse major ny report was prepared by itepresenta tive Maybury and says In part : "To permit the entrance of political con tenlion into a homo would be either useless or pernicious useless if man and wifo agreo and peruioious if they uitter. in the tormer event tho vol time of ballots alone would be increased without changing results. In the lat ter tho peace and contentment of home would bo exchanged for tho bedlam of political debate, and become the scone of baae and demoralizing intrigue; In answer to tho question often suggested what portion and what class ot women would avail themselves of tho privilege of suffrage if extended to women, your committee is of the opinion that whilo a fow intelligent women, HUch as appeared before tho committee in advocacy of tho pending measure, would defy all obstacles in the way of their casting the ballot, yet the great mass ot the intelligent, mined and judicious, with tho becoming modesty of theircox, would shrink from the rude contact of the crowd, with thu exceptions mentioned, leaving to the ignorant and vilest the exclusive right to speak for the gntler h0x in public ait airs. Me.s.s. Reed, E. 1). Taylor, T. M, Browne and McCoid in their minority report say : "The association of tho sexes in tho family circle, in society and in business having proved improv ing to both, there is neither history, roasou nor sense to justify the asser tion that association in politics will lower the nno or demoralize the other.'1 Mr. Dorsheiiner, while concurring with the majority in recommending that thu mailer be laid on tho table, says : "I think it probable that tho interest of society will soon require that woman should have the right of suf frage.'' Mr. Poland's report says : "The ofliceand duty which nature had de volved upon woman during all thu active and vigorous portion of her life would often render it impossiblo and still moro indelicate for her to appear and act in caucuses, conventions or, elections, or to act as a member of a Legislature or as a juror or Judge." ' FOOD FOR THOUGHT. A largo number of Ilungaiiana have withdrawn their earnings from tho Savings Deposit Hank In Wilkes-Harro with tlio purpose of returning to their native land. Within tho past few' years these people havo shown up well on tho books of tho different banks, being of a very saving disposition. Half tlmo at the mines and persecution by the native laborers havo idlshoart oned them, lienco (heir return to thu old country. .. , Thomas .1. Thomas, who formerly resided in Pittston, but is now living in Cardiff, Wales, writes to bin friend, Isaac E. James, of the former place, saying : "Tho ooal trado horo is 'quite thu reverso from what it is reported in America. A working man now gets plenty to do, and a fair day's wages for a fair day's work." Willi the pros pect of only half tlmo in the minds for tho coming year their bwn country seems to offer a better prospect for Welsh miners than can be expected this side of tho Atlantic. Ono hundred men were discharged from Baldwin's locomotive works re cently and ono of the members of the firm said that unless other work came in tho discharging would continue until tho present working force Of 3,000 would bo reduced to about 2,000 men. Tho works havo been running to their full capacity 'for. several years' past and average 550 locomotives a year. Tho cause of tho falling off in orders tho gentleman said, was that, the railroads havo been carryihg freight and pas sengers at such low rates that they aro compelled to reduce their expenses and one of tho first places in which to re trench is tho motlvo power. Thu trunk lilies, lie said, have now stopped cut ting each others' throats, and he thought that when' tho fall carrying trade begins' there Will be plenty of work. ITEMS. Gold has been discovered iu largo quantities near lhompson's lalls, Mon tana. . Tho lato name given the supporters of Blaine, ialhat of "Mulligan Guards." Iho namo is very appropriate. A terrific cyclone passed through unio, near JJayton, ou bunday alter noon, causing much destruction of property and. loss of life. Tho path of the cyclone was about an eighth of a mile wide. Tho Hungarians were brought into this country by coal operators and rail road companies, because they would work at. a much lower prico than native laborers. Now thu nativo laborers ore making war upon these foreigners be cause of their doing tho same work at lower wages, the Hungarians should not bo permitted to bo thus treated, but. let the blame rest upon tho heads of those who brought them here. TheMemphis Medical Monthly savs that the Missouri Supremo Court has decided that information obtained by a physiciau from a patient must not be disclosed on tho witness stand, where information was necessary to enable tho doctor to prescribo as' a physician or operate as a whrgeon. Tho Court held that it would not, do, whilo the mbutb of a physician is closed as to ttit actual spoken words of a patient, to open it as to knowledge acquired from U1H UlilgllUHll. A bill has been passed and signed by tne uovemor ot iMew York which pro. vides that "no person shall manufac ture out of oleaginous substance orsub stances, or any compound of tho same, other thau that produced from unadul terated milk, or cream cf the same, any .article designed to tnkoi the place of butter or cheese produced from pure, unadulterated milk or cream of the same, or shall sell,. or offer for sale, tho s line us an article, of, food." Tho pen alty is a lino of not less than 8100 nor more than 500, or imprisonment for not less than six mouths nor more than oiio year, or both such lino and impris onment. Tho commissioner is o- re ceive $3,000, nnd tho sura of $30,000 is placed at his disposal to bo used in enforcing the law. The seotion con taining tills prohibition is a copy of, a section of the Missouri law, tho vali dity of which, has been .tested in the federal courts. Attorney Geneial Cassidy has given1 an opinion that Common Pleas Judges who wero commissioned subsequent to the approval of tho act of 1883, pro. viding that no Judge of the CourU of Common Pleas hereafter appointed or elected and commissioned shall receivo any compensation in addition to the salary and mileage fixed by tho act, are 'not entitled to extra compensation for holding court in counties outside their district. Under the act of 1871 provision is made for the payment of $12 a day to Judges who hold such courts. The Attorney General main tains that the act of 1883 repeals that of 1871 so far as the compensation of Judges appointed after approval of 'the formor!act is concerned. The 6pinion of tho Attorney General 'was written in reply to a letter by Auditor General Wiion, on whom a claim was made by Judge Seeley, .President Judge' of Wayne and Piko counties, for $144 for holding court in tho Thirty-fourth and Forty .fifth Judicial distriots during February'last. Columbian iCuIiuch, iir tom. 1I081KJ CIIEAl NHWSl'Al'Elt.'l. The ego In rami's nature Is sometime a healthy factor In the development of per- ouai;cliarnctor in, Unit sof.reppect, Is often thereby Induced, but, vUi;ru ego'm bo. coraesi arrogancq ami manifests u over- bearlui; or Intollurant' ilUpo.sltlon, discord and dissension uro Its legitimate results, The President U not tho republic, a preach, er is not the clnircli ho mltiUlersto, the chief ofllcer of a town council is not the body corporate, the clmrmuu of political committee; Is not tho entire party, nutl yet we frequently And persons tilling tlicso and Imllar positions acting as though they were the aggregate Instead at being units in such organizations. We know of ridiculous iittempti of men who, blinded by a little temporary author. Ity or ofllclal power, seek to manipulate matters social, religious, political or mu nicipal (q their own personal ndranUgc. Now, this is wrong) the publlo expect to have leaders, but have uo use for dictators, and when such ofllclali or dignitaries for. get that they aro tho servant! of thu peo ple they aro apt to como to grief. "Man, dressed In a little brief authority, llko an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks be low high heaven ns makes the angels ween." Dogbcrrylsm Is not dead by uny means, and tho old saying that If you "set u beggar on horscbuck he will rjuo to the devil,1' Is' a very true one. Officious gentlemen who Jack modesty to understand when they become offensive to communities by their overbearing Jnso-j THE COLUMBIAN AND lence, sooner or later accomplish their own destruction.) and wlicn onco deposed they sinn into inni insignmcanco ami ooscurujr Iron? wjiliii they never ought to hare uqen uooiicu uy unwise, inougu prouauiy well-incaning friends YMM Mi I , There Seiims lo' bo a mnnfa for cheap, trashy newspapers tho moro sensational and purllo tho contents, tho more accepts. bio they appear to bo. Uo people ever stop .to thtnk of ilio drift or tendency of such reading, and Its effects on the, homo ctrclur 1 ' , wTho exploits of noted robbers, murder ers and biink defaulters, tho developments or frailty arid depravity In human nature, tho natural 'cussc'diicSs demonstrated hy bad boy predictions all such matters Seem to absorb.and fascinate a largo num ber of newspaper readers. That tills Is an unhealthy condition of things none will doubt, and It will, require a vigorous effort on part of society to condemn In order to suppress it t but we Incline to think If lo cal newspapers would show a moro pro. grcssivo and enterprising disposition and would furnish their readers with good, nowsy and interesting matter tlicso extra neons excrescences would not be so wel come. When local newspapers .can only oiler their weekly readers about flVo min utes' local news, and then All up their col umns with Insipid clippings and patent putsldo absurdities, it Is not Wonderful that tho majority of pcopto seek for novel ty elsewhere. Tho publishers of tho Col.tiunUN have always Issued a clean sheet, and will never offer to Its readers objectionable rcadlug, and It intends In tho futuro to extend its usefulness iu tho county by Increased ef fort In its local state and national budgets. During the present year moro than usual Interest attaches to political and social de velopments, and tho Columbian means to give to its subscribers tho best dollar and n halt's worth of news to bo got Iu this part of tho country. Jj-OTirE. Notice Is hereby given thit an application will do inaao to tno court or common I'lcas ot comm. b a county. In chambers, onSatuiday tbs Jllli day of May A. I), istu. nt 2 o'clock 1. M. under tho een- eral net ot Assembly ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide (or tho Incorporation and regulation ot certain corpora- uuwv'appruYcu April xvin ana lis suppje rn nts, tor the charter of a proponed corporation to no called "U II. II. HoaglandTost No. 170 O. A. It. of Catawlss i, ra.," the character and object of which Is to Invest and secure funds for the bene. Iltof Its members, their wires and orphan chl dren, and for that purposo to possess nd enjoy nil the rights, bneoisand privileges ot the said act ot atuemory ana its supplements. Catawl&ia. Pa.. JOUN C. YOCUM, April mh 185. May 2 solicitor. NEW BUGGIES!! CARRIAGE SHOP, BERWICK) PENN'A. FllOM $85.00 TO $125.00. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. May S-3m FARM AND MILL PROPERTY AT Private Sale ! The property situated about one mile south ot Miminvllle, MlRUn township, known as tho Yohc Mill Property, Farm contains about ETGHTY ACRES. All necessary tana buildings andmUlln fair run. niag order.. .WUl be sold at a bareiln apply to John W. Evans or J, W, Bowman, Berwick, Columbia com.- ty, i'u. may xt w ASSIGNEE'S SALE. OF VALUABLE Real Estate! The undersigned, Assign of C. B. Brockway, offers at private xale, the following described valuable real estato situated In tho Town of Uloomaburg, county of Columbian! State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; Tlx: FIRST. A three story brick building on Court Houso alley, near the Court House, and attached totheBrower Building used for lawomces c, and1 formerly known as' tho Columbian Build ing. SECONP. A three story brick house on Third Street adjotnlng lot ot Peter S. Brugler on the east and another lot ot C. l). Brockway on the w'ebt, containing' a front of ntty-two feet, and a depth ot about 314 feet, tho said houso being fur nished In all its, rooms with gas fixtures; also water, a bath room, Baltimore heater, 4c There Is also on the premises a good stable, and other out buildings. TIMID. A vacant lot adjoining the above, and' adjoined on tho 'west by property o( Mi P. Luti being forty feet In front, and about 211 feet In depth. The above can bo bought separately or together. Tho opportunity for purchasing atprlvato sale will bo extended to Saturday, May nth, 1881. Terms can bo ascertained from the undersigned. If the above premises up to that time are not sold, there win be a publlo sale ot the same,- on the pre mises la the order above named, at 2 P. M. on Saturday, M&7 S4th5 A. D. 1834. TERMS. It to bo so'.d at publlo sale can be as certained ot tho Assignee on or before the date ot Bale, and after May nth 18.91. M. P. LUTZ, Assignee. JIOENSE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that tho following nam. ed persons havo tile I with tho clerk of the court of Quarter nbionijf the Peaceof C'oluinblacounty, their petitions tor license, which wm be presented to the said Court on Monday thu 5th day of May, U. ITCi UL 11VU U UUK'K I . AI. Hmlth, Potter Beaver ii Benton i. Berwick lior. Hotel Bottler. .Hotel Hhuman, p. If., II oss, inram Drake, Lemuel KUse, (1 W Uoyer," Frederick Spononberg, UenJ Ucrger, lUnard Oross, Peter digger, William llrown, Jaiio otrton, Jacob L. . . Olllmore, Wm It Htoluier, nernurd Jacoby, O A i (lordon, Wm Yeager, Lloyd Yetter, WA Klstler, Hester 1 llollngsluud, Uavld Blbby.Jaslt " McFadden Kdward Sweeney, W J Farrel, ltobt ltooney, A U Collins, TIioj Fettennan, Chas lleagurty, Jas it Itestaurant ii Bottler i HOWIj ' Restaurant ii Jin uor Store Bottler Hotel 'ii Restaurant i , 'I , ' ii It Bloom . nt. it .-"' ii t- Catawlssa . M II ' Hi II II Central! i I it V I Malay, ueon Ii iHjrau,i iuoh O'Connor, joanoa Nerther, John tioldsworthy. Eliza Liquor Store Liquor store Hotel Hotel Restaurant Hotel ii Ml ii Restaurant Hotel M Kline, John L Conyngbam Monroe. Mary i' Hazletlne, Samuel Greenwood Dietrich, Charles Hemlock Yeager, Welllogion Locuat Knorr, Daniel " Yoder, Aaron " smith, A K Madlsou Yetter, Bit Main Longenberger, J K ' Ueta, A W Mifflin LayeocV, II T Montour uelllg. Charles lloartugcreck Fredrlca. F o Kcott Restaurant Hotel u ikuu punier dt.1 acou Blower, " " l"erry, J w Bloomibun? Anrll 1RS1 w. KlucKiiAiTU. April IS clerk. N OTICB OP DI830LUTION. The partnership formerly existing under the Mne of Kilwurd Mcllenrv and Joshua Havaire of Jtckson townahlp, for the distilling ot birch oil wtuauif, U( Mio uistimuif Ut Uirctf VII was dbuolved by the consent of both parties last May, since which time Mr. Mcllenrv has been sole mauutacturer. JOSHUA SAVAUC, wauer, col co. ra. April 10th, 188L uprl8 SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN $1.50 A YEAH, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA, COUNTY, PA." POWDER Absolutely Pure. .This powdor never varies. A marvel ofpurltv strength and nholesomenoss. Moro economical than tho ordinary kinas. and cannot be sold In competition with tho multitude of low tost, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In oans. Koran Daxtso I'owdih Co , m Wt!MU, N.i. aufll-lv. SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of writs Issued out of tho Court of CommonTIeas, ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale on tho premises on Saturday, May 10th '84 at a o'clock p. m. Tho following real estato to wit: All that certain ploco of ground situate In Orangqvlllo, Orango Township Columbia county and State of Pennsylvania, containing nlncty.nlno And ctght-tcnths perches ot land strict measure, and bounded and described as follows to-wlt : Beginning at a corner on line of land of Henry D. Walker, thencoby said lino north Uxty-nve and ono-halt degrees west two and eighty-one hundrcihs chains to a corner; thencoby land of Jacob llarman and Free School lot, north thirty abd one-halt degrees, cast two and twenty-tour one hundretbs chains to a comer ; thenca by land of Mary .Martz. Emily Kllno and others, south sixty-four and ono-halt degrees, east two and eighty-two ono hundreths chains to a post; thence by land ot Henry I). Walker, south thlrty.two degrees, west two and twenty-one hundreths chains to the place ot beginning, with the appur tenances, whereon aro erected a largo two story frame building as an Academy and other out buildings. Seized, and taken In execution, at tho suit ot Silas Conner's, use vsthe OrangevlUe Male and Fcmalo Academv, and to bo sold as the property ot the Orangcvlllo Male and Femalo Academy. iFI FA April It ALSO, AT THE COUltT HOUSE IN BLOOMSBOltU ON Saturday, May 10th, 1884, At two o'clock v. m. All that certain lot or piece of ground sltuato In Bloomsburg Columbia county Pa., and bounded and described as follows to-wlt : Northwardly and eastwardly by lots ot Moyer Bros., southwardly by lot ot Jeremiah J. llrower and vrcstwardly by Court ilouso Alley, containing 86 feet In front more or less and 41 feet In width more or less, on which Is erected a largo three story Brick Build Ins and known formerly as the ' Columbian Build ing." ALSO, that messuage and lot ot ground sltuato lu Bloomsburg Columbia county Pa., bounded and described as follows to-wlt: On the north uy Third street, tbence along Third street 02 feet more or less, on tho cast by lot of Peter Brugler 201 feet moro or less, on the south by an alley, and on tho West by lot otM. P. Lutz, containing Mfeet In front and 202 feet In depth more or less, on which are crectod a large twostory brick dwelling houso, barn and out buildings. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of M. u. Hughes vs c. II, irockway, and tq be sold as the property of 0. B. Brockway. Vend. Ex. ithawn & Bobbins Att'ys. ALSO, All that certain messuage, or tenement and lot ot land sltuato In tho township ot Centre in the county of Columbia and State of l-cnnsylvanla, bounded and described as follows to-wlt : Begin ning at a stone, thenco by land of Daniel Hagcn buch, south a,xteeu degrees, cast eighty-eight und three-tenth perches to a stono j thenco by land ot Daniel Neyhard now Thomas N. schweppen nelser north seventy-flvo' degrees, east thlr-ty-ono and three-tenth perchos to a stone; thence by land of Simon Fry north sixteen de grees, west eighty-eight and Uvo-tenth perches to aslone ; thenco by land ot tho said Daniel Uagen buch south sovcuty-flvo degrees, west thirty-one and three-tcnih perches to the place ot beginning containing seventeen acres and forty-nlno perches of land strict measure be tho same more or less. tVhereon are erected a goou two btory frame dwelling house, a large bank barn and other out oulldlngs,' good fruit and water on tho premlsej. Seized and takin" Into execution at' the suit ot Wesley Hess, Jesse Hoffman and William Shaffer vs Samuel Neyhard and to bo sold as the property ot Samuel Neyhard. Miller Att'y. JOHN MOUItEY, Sheriff. JEGISTEU'S NOTICES. Notice Is hfcrphv irlvpn t.n nil ! aiu i.f..mniH.' 'and other persons Interested in tne estates of the. rcspuvuve uuccueuts ana minors, tuattue fol lowing administrators' executors' aud guardians'' accounts havo boon Hied la thu oillco ot the Regis-' terof Columbia county, and will bo presented for conarmatlon audaUowuucclnlbe Orphan's court, to be hsld , In Bloomsburg, on Monday, May Sth, itm, at 2 o'clock p. in., ou said day. NOl. Tho first and final neount nf flenrcn A.i Hons Administrator of Jacob Hons late ot Jllltllu township deceased. No 2. The account Of Jcssa Meneh ArlmlnUtrntnr of Mary Adams lata otcutawlssa township de- No 3. Tho first and final account of John W. Evans Administrator tl on nt Ann I'. Kvmw l.iti- nf thoBorougu ot Berwick deceased. No 4. The first nnd partial account ot Oeorge Harunan surviving Kxecuior of Seth Hartman Ule of Catawlssa wwushlp deceased. No 5. The Ilrbt uud nartial account or W. IT. Park. cr Administrator of Humphrey Parker law of Nos. The first account of John AMhlunian Ad. mlulstrator of John Lowu late ot Su jarloat town bhlj) deceased. , No 7., Tho llnt and partial account ot Isaac Heacock icxecutor ot Uuus llcacocsc lato ot (ireen. wood township ileueasod. No 8. Tho hn.ll iLCiMilnr. nf Alirih:im Vl'IrtiAi- guardlau of tlio person and estato ot Mary M. minor chi Uu( Jo,lan 'J. Tliomas latcot Hoarlngcruuk township deccaswL No 9. 'l'hu llrst and Ilnal ucoaunt. nf .Inmh i.'nr. roll Executor of Daniel D. N'ledin in late ot Hem. lock loivushlp doooasod. Nolo. The thlnlmiQ' nnahiertnunt nf II. I. v. Colley Kxeoutorof Aloxaudor Uolley late of lieu, ton township deceased. No 11. The llrst and n irtlal account, nt Mllm vv. Moss Executor of DyurU Muss me ot Benton ownsaip ueceascu. No" 13. Thu second an! lln tl account ot Samuel Lchr Administrator ot Juseoa Leurlaidof Uanvur township deceased. No is. Tho first 'and ilnal account ot John C. Vocum Administrator ot .il.iri' J. djjiiIij.i lutii nf Main township deceased. No 11. Tho third and final account ot lloujauilu lUrlldl AduilUlsiratar or William H. (Ifanu lam Of Catawlssa township deceased. No is. The, first and Jliul account ol Houghton Administrator of uoyu Kressl ot William ussier lato ot uo uiwusuip ucceaseu. J'o 16, The account ot Paul Fortner Ad nlultra, torutlicnjamlu 1 Ileus lato of the llorouguot ilor wick, decuiuyjdj No 17. Tha llrst audllual uccount.ot .WIllUiu Dletllcb Executor 6tJu,en!i lli.-lrl.'li 1 At n nf i.iiii. lagcreck voivnihlp deceased. No 18. The llrst aocount ot I. iW, McKelvy Exe. cutor at Joseph Weaver lato ot tho lowu of 11 oouii- uuik uceeuieu. NO 18 The llrst and dual amount or William Km. mer Admlulsliator 01 Aiwle Weill yer late ot MaU. Ison tnwusulp deceased. NO 20. ThO rirsL anil Ilnal anpniinf. nf Jn.nnli ltauch Aduilnuirator 01 Peter Helubach latept Moatour township deceased. r No 31. Thetlrst and final luvinnnt. nf .Tnhn ir ltobblus Exucutor of Samuel Dru.u late ot Main tuwusuip ueoeaseu. NO 22. The tint and nnal anennnr. nt U'lMiam Marttguardlan otUeurtetta; Louisa and Amelia HoiiTcrimuurcuuurcu 01 trranxiiu iieaver late of Iocust towoshlp deceased. No ii. Tho rlrst and final account of William ltlchel Executor of Oeorge Itlchel late of Catawlssa towushlp duoeoscd. . No 31. The first and rlnal account of William N. Hunsinger Aduilulstrator .of Anthony Hunsiuger late ot Plahlngcreek towusdlp deceased. .Vlt second and Ilnal account of1 Henry Fullmer AdmlnUtruor of Abraham Force late ot uiuugu bunusuip uecvasou. Noa. Thetlrst and final account of John A. FunstoaUuardlait or Ellas llolwlg minor child ot sarah Helwlg late ot Columbia county doceased. NOJ7. Thenrst and Ilnal account of Amanda M. suyder AdmluUtr artx ot Jacob Snyder late of Mlfllln towushlp deceaaod. No 88. The first and parUal iccount olEllsba lUgenbuch and J, Sanderson llagenbuch. Exocu. tor's ot Jeremtah, HageuOucU late of Centre town. Uhlp deceased. W The first sod anal account of M. M. Hicks and Ann Hutchison, administrators of Samuel II. Hutchison, late of Scott township, deceased. a. W. STEItNKlt, Itegbter, 'atarrH Chronic L'ntnrrli The rcsu It of 3 s rears' catarrh 1 - tho bridge, or division of my nose, was about hull gone t obtained abottlo of Ely's Cream Halm (have used four bottles, npplylng It to thonfTcclcdpnttsulth d swnb, which has about cured up tho nostrils. I had pre. vlously tried all other remedies on tho mar ket without perma nent roll ef.,-. I.i A. Wood, W.N tllgh-st, Columbus, Ohio. Ely's cream Balm enmes ho pain, oivesre. lief atonco. Cleanses tho head. Causes healthy secretions. Abates Inflammation, prevents fresh colds. Heals the sores. Restores tho senses or. tasto nnd smell A thorough treatment will cure. Not a liquid orsnurr. Applied with the linger. Send for circular, sold bv druggists. Mailed for Wo. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owcgo, N. Y. April 83-4W d ALL KINDS OP JOB PRINTING - ON SHORT NOTIOE AT THIS OFFICE. JgXECUTOlt'S NOTIOE. ESTATE OF OKOItOK VEDDEIli DECEASED. letters testamontary on tno 'cstatiof Oeorgo Fedder, late of Miniln township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, have been granted by tho Register otsald county to tno undersigned executor. 11 persons having clal ns ngalnst tho cstjitfl of said decedent aro requested to present them tor settia. ment, and lnoe Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undersigned without delay, SAMUEL snVdi;r, 4-4-W. Exccutilf. c eillAiTO.'OFIMWGl . . . . . OF SPRING STPGK HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, HOOTS, S II LEY Y PorJCLoxHitiq HdsE, BEWIC(C P. Beneath the counters, away above the coilntors and Tilling every inch of space in our extensive shelving accommodations, our goods are MyiiM m&wwi vmkw We offer better goods at less prices than ever with latest styles in all patterns. Call and judgo for yourselves, if we do not at all times sustain our well known motive. GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. SPECIAL apr 234m NOTICE. We takij a DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. 1 BLOOMSBURG, PA. It Has Gome and see it at jOi'IOE. To the School Directors of Columbia cbuhty I Grnlttinrn i-In pursuanco o the forty-thlrd sccllon ot tho actof May Mh,, you aro horo by notltlcil to meet In Itonvfr ntlon, t tho Court House, In Jiloomsburg, on tho first Tuesday In May :." ., .being tho sthtla f tho month, at 1 0 clock In tho afternoon, and select viva od by a mnjorlfy of the Svholcf number ot thrj directors present, ono person bf literary nnd Bclcntlile ncnulrements, nnd ot skill and experience in tho art ot teaching, ns county superintendent for tho three 1 succeeding years, nnd certify tho result to i,.'.?..tit0.?ul,flllllc,u,cnt at Harrlsburg, nsro tiulrcii bylholhtrtr-niuui'. and fortieth sections of .1. H. (IIUMKR. laru , County Superintendent of CoL Co. 1831. April 18-3W lEXEGUlTOR'S.iSALEtu .! ' ' '-OF VALyXBLE ' '1U Keal Estate. By virtue of the last will nnd testament, of tiro. Sliuman.lato of Miniln township, iloceasod, the. unucrsigncu executor of said estate will expose to public stlo on j j Wediicstiityr Airil 80 1884, at 10 o'clock a. m ui)on,ho premises, a valuable tlmbcrtractof land, containing CO ncres. moroor lowr situate In, ?;itawfssn township, Columbia county, PA., bottnded' rI6rtli by lands of heirs of Daniel Shuman deceased, east by lands ot Hannah John, south by lands bf west by lands of heirs of Samuel Shuman, deceased. Tho tract Is heavily timbered with good rock oak and white oak car timber, and Is locAtcd hear the Bloom ferry, nnd lino of tho North & West Branch Hall. road, nnd Is convenient to gtiod market. Terms will bo mado known on day of sale. ALLEN MANN, . .. Executor. April 4 OF CLOTHING, O KS j," AN D P A Jjf .GENTS' FURNISHINGS AT & CO' pleasure) in waiting on our ctistomcrB. 7 f ' I . . i WE DON'TBELIEVE 'YOU EVER SAW A HANDSOMER RANGE THAN THE ROTALIIESTHER, And wp aro sure you never used a BETTER BAKER. lia Rue Automatic . , w WITH OR WITHOUT WATER BACK, PIANO TABLE ;-v jr. jS'iillctlmlfSiiiicnonsifTing i of kevefi' Ciiscs1 6f'0ur CtMcbraltrl TO N Qll IN TABLE i GO VEIIS Heaohcd us a fow ditys ago, anil . aro. even moro, tiatidaoniu (if , that ' U poHslb!ij)aiiaii th'6 rsl lrJl,wirt5li' sold bo rapidly. Wo have them in ' EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORINGS. 4 j ; 'Aiti Jht4 fblloingJizW.ii j 5-4, 0-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12 It in almost iniposfiiblo. to praiaa theso goods too highly. Tho col orings aro bo rioli and effootivo and tho prices bo yory moderate that they should. meet all tastes and Hiilt all purses; j U.ur stock ot. Raw and Sruii Silk , Aud ' f; i i t . i i ' I I TapestryTablet an ,Eiano .Covers L4 is .now? cQmploteidnd comprises the following sizes : 1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long, Eighth Street: Market Strett. PHILADELPHIA. A The U. S. Telephone is the latest invention In Telephones,: nn'd SHmls'wItliout a rl val, and 9 the only WORTHY ItlVAL of the Hell Telephone, ond is tho only telephone of the klml ever before offered to the public. It is the only non.electrlc telephone 1 .,,,,,18(l.witl1 a Telephono Kopeator, or that will work on CHOOKEI), ANGLING or ZIGZAG lines, or on a line having ACUTE OU 1UG11T ANGLES, old outright for $10,00 no exliorhltant rents. They are the only Telephones having nn ,iut6matlo I.lno Wirt Tiglither nnd tlicy 11m hic tiju luiupuunea ina nrc prptcctcil sounus are uciivcrcil in clear and natural nnd requia- less nttentlon nnd repairs than illustrated circular. Agents wanted, , r THE XJ. S. TELEPHONE tf034i!j; AND, 51 WESTSTREET, M 9 MADISON IND May 2-3mos 1 . ' .imm. iiiMACE Ofllce and Salesroom, ODD FELJLOWS HALL, BERWICK, PA., ."1 . 5 1 rllEALEIl IN PIANOS, OEQAlS and SEWING MACHINES.' ' ' TfcoceiebratttfCUICKKlU Oenulne Parts Otllardwaro for all kinds of So ing Machines, Veedles, oil, AttacUmenta. Ilclu and!. : overytlilngtn the llnoot Sewing .Machines at ttouipr Organs and Sewing Machines Sold, on Monthly Payments. Liberal Discount made for Cash. Agent for the Old Stater) Island Dyeing Establishment. ; , BUTTERICK, DOMESTIC & UNIVERSAL PERFECT . J ; FITTING PATTERNS. ' "' ' '' ' CS"A11 Orders received, apr 25-3111 Gratis, Which is Warranto d;,;l',i; K7W .(U " II t i AND COVERS. Our magnifleent stock of EMHKOIDERED CLOTH' PIANO i i ! .COElJSf ''I I Is attracting much uttehtloni All tho goods were .manufactured to our order and imported dircctf Wtfhave all ho la'test styles in l'UIN AND VARIEGATED BOltDEUS t I At' very hibder'ale prioe'g.- Wo have, them in 4-1, G-4, 7-4, and 8-4 sizes, And in all the new desitrng'' and' colorings. We havo' also a com plete line of i. i OAUDINAL AND TURKEY HED TADLE CLOTII8 it Iu all ries and grades,' with nai ki o- kins to maluu., ii .Hi i: l i 'IV Filbert Street. :i(.'i '17. NEW M ' : s ' uy an outdoor r.iKhtnlnir Arrester. All tonus. -TIuiV nru the nntaai. moit'dnrable Send.for our any other "Telephone made. P. 0. BOX, 28, promptly attended to.ssfl I, IU n?o llttfl X 'HtMl MAITUIMU r . jairoti " ' 1?',' ' Ua' 'l ,i"WM ' til V IuUjw rn . "I r ill b ! (ll l 'U. ' I l i Ii ( Bloomsburg, Pa, -I. J,lj j j uii'if' : a