The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 02, 1884, Image 1
7 A 7".in7rTTri i!t i .lA .7 ooLOKatADinocniT,rAnorTni xontn, and oo. Ursulas, OonsolldaWd.) ImhihI Weekly, every Hrlilny .tlornlnikRt DLOOMSUUnO, OOLUMMA po Pa. ' it two Dou.tBH per year. To suMorlbers but of the county tho terms are strictly In ildrance. lir.So piiper discontinued except at tho option ot the publlihers, until nit arrearages are paid, but onsr continued credits will not be iriven. ' II I ax taw 4 Ml em 700 soo 14 0(1 ssou 8 t'ton 61) rim soo 10 oo iroo soou a r, m 800 11 no lann 1510 soon MOO ir, tflOt not IAOI SOO) 2S0) MO) 10)0) Onolncli. ...... taoo Two Inchon ...i. aon Tli reo Inches 4 m Four Inches am Huartrr column., am alf column lorn unccolumn...., eovu I'M All papers sent out of the Htato or to distant rout. Yearly advertisements iim irbto riunrtrrlr. Trsi onicos must bo paid for Inadvanci), unless a rciDon- Islentndvrrtliemchtsmustbopaldfor before tnser. cd except whero parties havo accounts. t-ffral advertisements two dollars per Inch for thro Insertions, and at that rato for addltloniil insertions without reference to length. imo person in ooiumbia county assumes to pay ho subscription duo on demand. l'OSTAHK Is no longer exacted froni' sutmerlbarn 1 r n the county. .TnnpnrivnnvTn. Itxrcutor's. Administrator's, and Audltor'snotlccS three dollars. Must bo paid for when nuerted. The Jobbbiinejiartmentof the cofitmiiMis very oomplete, and our Jot) l-rlnttnir will compare favor, ably with that of tho largo cities. All work done on short notice, neatly and at moderate prices. Transient or tcal notices, ten cents a line, rceu BLOOMSBURPIIIDAY, MAY 2, 1884. THE CdLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIII. KO 18 OOLUMMA DEMOOnAT, VOL.XLVIII, NO 10 lar advertlscmcnu halt rales. cards in the 'liuslness Directory" column, or a dollar a year for each line. " ' 'lnil "!I MM K T . v U t PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' i i in . L. K. WALLER, ATTOltNEYAT-LAW, Dloomsburif, 1'a. O.Hco over 1st. Rational Dank, N., I PUNK, AVT6'tiki2Y-A-LAW. Dloousivko, Pa, moo la's Uulldln;.. 11.1 inUOlCALEWi ' ATTOItNEY-AT- Ofllco over 1st National llanlc. LAW. DLOOMSsoaa, 1'a. JOHN M. OLAUK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE. 1,1.' lilOOVBlBRO, Pa. omce over Moyer liros. Drug store. W MILLER, ATTOnNET-AT-LAW omce In llrawor'8 bulldlng.second No. I Dloomsburg. Pa. O FRANK ZRR, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. orflcie corner bf Centre and Mala Btret'. Clark J Dulldlng. Can be consulted In German. GE0 E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nw Cowmiiah DniLsuta, Bloomsburg, Pa. Member ot the United States Law Association. Collections made In any part ot America or xu- rope. PAUL'Ei-.VlRT, Attorney-at-Law. Ofllco In Columbian BoiLDino, Itoom No, , second iioor. BLOOMSBURG. PA. S. INOHH. I- WlHTIRSTMH. KNORR &' WINTERSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. rm ... i.t ua.innfti na.nlt bulldlntr. second floor flrst door to the Wlv. Corner of Main and Market streets Bloomsburg, Pa. t& Pt nitons' and Rounliei Collected. J H. MATZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Maize's building, over Blllmeyer's grocery. ! ! i Miyto.'M. 1 Li c B. BROCKWAY, , . Attorney-atjLavy, AI.80 NOTARY PUBLIC. Ollico la his buiiaing opposite.Court House, 2nd floor, Bloomsburg, Pa. npr 13 83 JOHN C. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Law. CATAWISSA, PA, Offlce In Nkws Iran building, Main Btreot. Mnmhnr of the Amorican Attorneys' Associa tion. , Oolloitlons made In any part ot America. Jan.s, 1893. A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 anil 5. Mayo.,! BEKWICK.HA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. lv Catawlssa, Pa. Offlco, corner ot Third and Main titreets. E. SMITH, Attorncy-utLaw, Berwick. Pa. Can bo Consulted iu German. ALSO FIRST-OLASS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ltEl'UESENTED. STOQlco flrst door below the post olllce. MISCELLANEOUS. Q. 14. BARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law , omco lu lirower's building, and story.Kooms T BUOKINOH M, Attorney-at-Law LV Office, llrook way's uulldlng.llst noor, UToomsburg, I'onn'a, may 7, '80-t f T B. McKELVY. M. D..Sursteon and Phy O m ilctannortbiMe Main otreet.below Market L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. , tn CoLfUBiiN Building, Office c. M. DRINKER, QUN & LOCKSMITH ewlug Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- airaa. uriaa uonsi uunaing, uioomiDure, r. D R. J. 0. RUTTER. PHYHICIAN 4 8DHQEON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa P?h street. WM. M. REBER, Burgeon and, 'hyslclan. Office corner ot Rock and Market JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon nd . Physician, (offlce and Resldenou on Third street. II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsbuuo, Columbia County, Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as representee iiiru cxtbadv id without 1'ain by the use ot uas, and tree ot charge when artificial tooth are Inserted. Office over Bloomsouru Banking company lo be open at ali hourt danng tht da) NOT, M-IJ F IRE INSURANCE. CIIII18TIAN V. K.NAPP, ULOOMSllUHU, 1'A, HOME, OP N, Y. MBUUHANT.S', OC NBWAHK, N. J. C1.INTOM, N, Y, l'EOPLBS' N. Y. ItEADINQ, 1'A. These old coaroKATiom are well seasoned by arc and nas tistsd and have never ret had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are alllnvested In solid sscoaiTiisand are liable to tne naiara oi ms only. Losses raouyTLT and bohiitlt adjusted aid pam as suoa i aeieruiaea oy uhsiitiam r KHArr, sriciiL Aoiht and Ad;dstis Blooms' soao, ra, , yi. The nsoole of OolnmhU- eonntv ahanld natron. Uo tno agency (wnero losses If any ara settled ua iu ov one or lueir own niusens. PltOMPTNKSS, KliUITY, JTAIK DKAMNO E. B. 8R0WER, (iAS FITTING & STEAM HHATJNO. DSALER STOVES &TINWARE, All kinds of work in Shoot Iron, Roof. Ing mid Spouting promptly attended to. l"Btrlct nttcntlori given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! THE ARTIST AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always civea you the latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having hnd tho experience lor a number ot years' in tho .Tailoring .busi ness, has learned what material will givo his customers the best satisfaction for wear and style and will try to pleaso all who give him n call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OP ALI, DESCRIPTION'S. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always ot tho latest styles. Call and ex amine his stock before purchasing cIscj where. Store noHi doo? ioFirsiHaiionalBank Corner Main & Market Sts. Bloomsburg, Pa. April 2My Continued from tail urtt.) How Watch Cases are Made. In buying n silver watch case great caro slioultl bo taken to secure one that is solid silver throughout. Tho cap of most cheap silver cases is made of a composition known ns albata, which is a very poor substitute fur silver, as it turns black in n short time. The backs of such cases aro made much thinner than of nn all silver case, being 'robbed in order to mako the cap thicker and get in as much as possible of tho cheap metal. Another important point in asilvcr case is the joints or hinges, which should be made ,of gold. Thoso of most cheap cases arc made of silver, which is nut n suitable metal for that purpose. In a brief period it warps, bends and spreads apart, allowing tho backs to become loose Upon the case nnd admitting the dust nnd dirt that nccummulnte in tho pocket. Tho Keystono SilvcrWatch Cases nro only made with silver caps and gold joints. St. Louis. Mo.. Feb: 17,' 188S. Itumr long and varied eiperiencttiubindlinf wktcheg, we cannot but ackQotflfHUeand site oiirteatimonr that the Keystone Solid BUver WaUh Cuea are the belt made to our knowledge. llaTing no soldering thei rw main titimoftenmui, harder and if (r than Ibey woald be Mere they huated for loldenmr, and have, more rrBiatinit power acninat pressure than any other casee ji the market. Mikmou 4 JaccuoJavriuixCo. 1 at iUsp It Erjilsnt Wtlfk Cms ratUrUt. rklla drlphla,rN.,rarhnn(l.ou)a lUudrattd l'sapkl.t .httwlsf hew Jun llt.' ss4 ktj.twes II alth ass atsds. I THECOMPLETEHOME.;i book. New cdttlon New bindings. New illustrations from new design!. Sursrbly gotten up. Ssme low pric. Adspted to sll cUnel. bells St sight. Asents doing blf work. Exckllhnt Terms. The hsndiomctt prospectus "BRiULltY.GA'KKisS & Co., M North 4tb St.Phllsdel. phis, fa. Also other grind new books and Uibles. mar23-iy aid sood i"ny for Acrnls. loo lo I00 rr mo. iiiiiiIpbwUIiii; slur SJrniitl Ness lllaturT. Fssinoue mill Ueclal s t UliUIre o I IlivWorlcl WiUe lu J. C. 31cJur,ly dc Co., I'titladelpbla, 1'a. mar 28-ly aid May 2-4wd without groaso or OIL No occasion to.talte on the tcarrtage wheela. Clroular sent free. Address i OnAtlilTIt LUDKIOATLNQ CO., Jersey tnty, H J. , April. tHr, '. I M. ,G. SLOAN & BRO., , BLOOMSBURG, PA. Miautacturersct CARBIAQES BUQQIES, PHAETONS. tLEiiHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, AC rirst-clau wottalvrays on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to tuit the timet. Be F. IIAUTilAN KlrBISINIS TUB FOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSUUANOB COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Kranklln, ' Knnsylvanla, " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot s, V. oueens, ot London. North British, of London, omco ou vi traMt iHretit, No. 8, Oloomsburg'. . OCt.Jl.IMyf . V i ' 171.EAB IJItOWN'B IWbUHANOE TAJrtNOY. ,Mo.-er' now building, Main aireet, Dloomsburg, Pa. Assets .Etna Insurance Co,, of Hartford, conn. tT,o;t,M Hoyal of Llrorpooi 18,114000 Lancashire ,,. lo.tKO.oot Fire Association, Philadelphia.. 1 4,105, no Pliinnli.of London :. 6.36t.ITi London Lancashire, of England,, , l,Tu,:o llartfortoLIUrtford. 1. .... t.iTl.eiO Sprlngneld Fire and Marine Ab the agencies are direct, policies aro written or the insured without any delay In the office at Uloomsburg. Oct. SB, 'Ul-tl ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitablo for Yards, Cemetery, Lots and Public Grounds. :o: tho several beautiful styles ot Pence manufactured by tho unucrsicuca. For lleauty and Durability they nro unsurpass ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to glvo satlslactlon. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address i. ML 1EH! BLOOMSBURG PA- Slay 4-tf 266th edition price only SI BY MAIL POST-PAID Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Ocbll, lty, Prematura DecMio In Man. Errors ot Youth, and tho uutold miseries result Inc from Indiscre tion of excesses. A book tor every man. vountf. mlddlc-aircd and old. It contains 123 DrcscrlDtlons ror nu acme anu cnronio aiscases. eacu one ot which Is.lnvaluable, So found by tho Author, whoso experience tor ai years Is such as probably never ocioru icu 10 vue 101, oi any pi bound In beautiful French beioro fell to the lot of any i pnyslolan. 300 pages. bound In beautiful French muslin, cmb nooisea covers, full cut. euarantced to be a liner work In every tense mechanical, literary and professional thananyothertvorksoidlnthlscountry forta.60, ur mu muney win w rciuuueu iu every instance, l'rlco only tl.oo by mall post-paid. Illustrative Hamnlo 6 cents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the onicera ot which he refers. The Science of Life should bo read by the young for Instruction, and by the anilcted for relief. It will benefit all JVmdon Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom The science oi Lire win not bo usetui, whether youth, parent, guartuan, instructor or clergyman. ar- yoiuiut. Address tho rcabody Medical Institute, or Pr W. II. Parker, o. 4 Uultlnch tercet. Iloston. Mass., who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill nnd experience. Chronic and obstinate diseas es and that nave bariled the n n i I skill of alt other physicians a spo fX Ci t I j clalty. sucn treaiea succcssrui ' iJ VC1?I Is without an Insancoof L JLL 1 OJ JkJJJ tall ure. mention tms paper. May a.lwd WANTED. One Lady or Gentleman town. 125 a week and expenses. in every Auuresa AMERICAN FUIILISIIIMJ. CO. l-4-4m 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Ta. AGENTS WANTED ! The Dirt Chit fa ntn tnmplttl A limit WottV.rtady to Hay "ZO TEARS A DETECTIVE," br Allan Flakerton. AHorliiMnulpruvUfCei known fully cipom-d, Heptetc with thrilling ftLrtrhp of nulorluiiri Korcem. j, (Jounterreltcri, iiuritlari, cir. lllui 'ENEVtRSUl" urr. INCIDENT lit' TUB NOTKII AVTIIOH. Priul IHmtrstpd, u,tl)lh,siT Infrfilln. s-ll.rspMlf. CireuUf SD1 siivrlul Irrms ct Y. 31. Mi: WITT, 404 Arch St., rhlledilpklu, l' May a-4wd in.. rri trniiiioi iQir iiisriiiou iooih. .April a 4-w .GItAY'S 8PKCIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MAP.K THE OiieatEMI-TRADE MARK lisii icEUEnr. An U'llalllng euro for tjemlnal Weak, ness, Spermator rheca, Impotency, and all lllseased Uiat follow im a sofiuonce ot Bolt- ADUL3 ; 03 loss ot l emon. llnlvpr. If FORE TiKINO.sal Las 8 1 1 ud e. AFTER TAIINO. Pain In the llaclc. Dlmnesq ot vision. Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or uonsumpiion anu a iTemuiurc iiravo. jlBrrana. ui uuici siaoiuouva w iciuuu iituiirj. when druggists from whom the medicine Is bought do not refund, but refer you to tho manufactur ers, andthe requirements aro such that they are seiaom, veivr, compiled wun. boo tucir writ ten guarantee, A trial ot one single package ot Oray's Specific will convince tua moot skeptical of lis real merits. on account or counterfeits, wo navo ndontea tne Vellow Wrapper; tho only genuine. UTFull nartlculara In our namnhlet. which we desire to send free by mall to every one. rwTlio Bpecltlo Medicine Is sold by all dructrlsts at II tier nap.knirft nr fi nrtrknfts for M. or will 1m, wnt f mo By mall on the receipt of the money, by addressing lJlx.lttlAS AinuiLinr. 1,1., iiuumu, it, i. Bold in uioomsunrg uy nu aruzgists. N0V9-1T Send six cents for postage, and re ceive tree, a costly box of goods which will help you to mora money right away than anvthlmr else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune onena before the workers absolutely sure. At once address, Thue Co., a u. I gusiu, juame. m si-iy TXrnorl Canvassers In every county In this vv sa.aauL.LS. nLaLe lu laKuuraerM iar pturaerv stock, auaiy and dulraOlei einploinutnf at GOOD WAGED. Kiporlenoe in the busi ness not requiroa. nurseries wiaeiy ana ravor- aoiy Known, ror verms nauress Tha 0- L. Van Duson Nursory Co,, u&naia, a. it Van Duscn Nurseries established 1833. Also stoclc at wholesale. Apill-13too w r BL00NSB1& FLAMS ILL 10. The underslimed havlnir nut his Planlnir ml on uaiiroaa Btreet, in nrat-ciass oonaiuon, is pre- A Af. A,, Mnrf. A. .A.I. K I. KM yaiou w uu nit stuus us wwi iu usa siurj, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used I la well seasoned and none but skilled workmen I are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plana and specific I nous preparea uy an experiencea araugnumau OlIAItlLCS KKITG, llIooniMbiirtr, Vn y-AiNwrnairr & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PUILADKLFIIIA (KXS, HYIIUI'8, COKKEK, HU(UK, MOL VHSf.H, KlClt,8l'lCia.BlOiUB80Di,tO,,tO, N, K. Corner Hrcond and Area strents, lirordew will reoolTe prompt attontlu KNOW THYSELF.H i Great Medical Work on Manhood A blgKcr Hliotv (linn nil the White Elephants In tho Itltuii motli Cluthlnir Stock of A. V. VateN & Vo. io liuinhng no'doccptlon, Vo rol'untl tho money on nil goods not entirely HiitUnictory. A. C.YATES &C0. Leilger Buiiaing, Chtnat& ?6th St PHILADELPHIA. Feb 29 'St Bulwcr Lyttou's Bridge, WHEKE IT TOUCHES THE SHORES AND THE GREAT COLUMNS IN MID3TKEAM. 'What II beillltlflll lirlrlffn hpfwnpn nld nrfn finrl childhood Is rclhfton. How Intuitively the child utKiua wuii pr.iyer ana worsmp on entcrinir lire, and how Intuitively, on quitting tiro, tho old man turns back to prayer and worship, pulling himself ogam hiao uy bUio witu tno infant," remarks Sir 15, uuiwer i.yiion, in nis "stranzo btory." i es but between its distant ubutmentq thn brldiro ot llfo h is many hlsh natl iwrul arches. through which tho wild wutcrs dash and roar In wraiii unu unoiuuuu. rrayerana worsmp mono lie unshaken, twne.ith, ,nnd hliman art. nnd skill lllu.iu.ii i.uu ayinnj vitu niiutuiu u L'lllUt.ll. otxrs wm is ucst exemplified m tno laws Ho has made tor the creatures whom lie has placed under their control. Neither tho child's truatfjl "our Father,"uor tho old man's "F orget mo not lu tho miusL ui miuu munnuifs," win alter inisuyino wclirht of a slnulo irraln. Sclenco and art ilrst then faith and prayer Is luu umer ui iiuavuu ustjii. iiiviuuy iieais inroull Its agents, nnd thoso agonts aro tho discoveries of muu , nut. iiiu vauu .muuuuccumuis oi ptoptieis or seers. Is llfo a burden torou Daeitlme drusf Is your power to codo with llto's nroblem and duties weakened ? You aro not welt Tour blood Is sluggish and tainted, perhaps ; or somo Important organ is lorpia or overivorsea. mis iaci may navo laKen iqo lorai ui uyspepiia. rneum.iiism, gout, malaria, pains in the stomach, chronic headache. or any ot a doien other Ills. l'AUKEU'S TONIO will Invigorate you, as fresh air Invigorates thoao who have been shut uo In damn, fetid cells. It la now- crtul, pure, delicious, sciomlHo, safo tho keystone Ui luc ueutrai urou ui mu unugu ui me. nviU tho coming man nuoke I" was set. tied br Prof. Fiik la his charming run Ihlet, Uo nys, moreover, that tho rmtlontvl way to Use tobacco Is through tho ripe. AU agree that only the best tobacco nhouli be used. Tilch la tho beet? That to which Nature has contributed the most ex. quisito flavors. D lack well' Dull Durham Smokintr Tobacco fills tho bill completely. Nearly two-thirds of all the tobacco grown on tho Golden Tobacco 11 1 of North Caro Una goes Into tho manufactory of Dlack well, at Durham. jThcy buy tho pick of mo enure poction. uenco Dlackwell's Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco is tho best of that tobacco. Dou't bo deceived when you buy, Tho Durham Dull trade mark la ou Health and Happiness. nrf 7t 9 DO 4S OTHERS .? HAVE DONE. f Are your Kidneys disordered? , imuih,)- uir Diijuyni inu iruui iiij (jruvf, o-s it i ncrt filter I hud hern thm un l.v 13 ln?Bt ilortr tx Ml JUotioit," M, W OvMinux, MtuliaiUc, lonitt.Ulcli. 3 Aro your nerves weak? ! v ' i , 1 mo fr-'in iifii-i.tiH w ii i.. iu 1 1 i--u-iUoll " H r i. M. Li. (hi. ii l.i. O.'ii-W.utt fUu.titor ClovclauJ, V, "Have you Bright's Diccaso? "ul ,v rii I'll ino hIk.ii uiy vuur n Juiet . tatk s.U l.lCJl llko Llnnd." Suffering from Diabetes? 'Ki J:i j-Vor ituo tnoiit htn'ti i-tvful tiuicaly I havo tror UAL'ti, nlnost IniniPdlat i ticf." Ur. 1 'hi 111 i t. iuiloii. Iut:ktfii, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? 'i;iJmy.W.t iwcA mo lC clirui i h.vcr DUoust-g aiUT 1 iirayeil t ) dir." ,1 Henry Ward, lite CI, C3th:;..i Omrd, K. Y, 3 1 your Back lamo nnd aching? "i.iJnfy.Wort.U lotllt tured u.u when I wuubo 1. .uu 1 to ixU out of l.e.l." 1 0. M. Tollman, UUwaulie, Vtl. ITavo you Kidney Disease? " .iJney.ort mado mo poiui i in liver unl kldiiid r r jcara nf unaucertthfut . turlmr. Its woilli ( iO a box," Sam t .lodges, Wdiianutywn, u. Ard you Constipated? "Kidney-Wort cnaac easy oacuatiem and cured mo otter J9)car vn.vt other mi dlrfiitn " ISvliou l-alicltild, bt. Albaru, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-Wort Iim dono better tlmn wiy remedy Iha.o tmr uul In my iiracilee," Dr. U. l, Claik.buutUIIcro, Vt. Aro you Bilious? "KJdneyAVort haa done me moro good than any other remedy I huvo eer taken." Mi. J. T. U allow uy, Elk Flat, Oregon. I Are you tormented with Piles? Jlducj-Vr'irt vtnnantnilj eurtt motf Llevdintf pllfi.ur. w. ('. leeuiii'ticudMl It lome." UvOi (I. I1U1T11, slUi.f SI. Altiilet. MjVltlVWII, 1 sr., Are you Rheumatism racked ? "Kldn.y,Wort cun'd me, alu-r 1 was irhra up tu lUe Ly physlciatis and 1 had sulTi-ml thirty years," Klt-rlJ.-e Malcolm, V.VsC Hath, ilolut. Ladies, nro you suffering? PEldiiey.Wori cured ine ot pivtillar troubles of ef eralyig&rostArullnir. Many friends use and DrnUe It," airs. U. lAmonaui, Isle La, Mute, Yt. If you would Banish Disease i arid gain Health, Take THB BLOOD. CLEANSER. Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples and Face Grubs, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, 7oU tor. Humors, salt unoiun. S'cnW Head, Soros, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weakness and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetito, Juandice, Affections ot tho Liver, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep. sia ana aenorai-uuDtmy. Atouimf lljrJ.Kk IIIwmI PailM ill islillf Iks Q,I SS lSfSI l"11.'1 w I'i'lCSlSI l 1 ltirtlu'vi cnn. bnia I y m u iu ucsn ts every nrr lliicltoits In eleven Isiii'uses. 1'HICK, i.oo. FOSTER, MILBU N i I C i Piop'i, ButTi'o, N.Y- IT Brfflfl UUckwell's Genuine Cull Durham aj lathchoooMiUJulK,o oi iiuieu Jl-U i SELECT-STORY THE MEEK FAlitlLxV don't know wlmt 1 hftd dono to icrlt tho spite oLforlnrio wliiob led mo iNo. 132 l'eokovcr.Htroet in- enaroli lodchiGts. ttf La i.' J!.. T.. . iv ni nip nnnrimniiiH iiimrv i i Jt t V mL : . i uiueuiy bu. xnu iianur whs ui s wi trvinir t)ftllnriiiri two dralifl ! tho nn,f i.,nu,. ,(,!, iM, nAv"nni'n Mmt it. ... tor. was almost worn b Tho window mr, n ilm ?w r and itlcasantly effacod. rnncry was of similar hno er. and muslin curtains. (Irn.vii nar- tially across, had been reduced by duitl nun hiiiuko iu iiiu same Hiiuaucu uuiur. i 'Pt i , n. I Kjeru were uno or iwu buikiuk I'ui-1 . .. , ,r .. . .. i i i I ! .:?' " ..,Ji' " a I , ..u .h,...b i Biuvuiimiiiuiaiiiu.Bi..i,i-. ''B" Tl. ln,qi,W na pMorlu A limn, 1.1. A . . . 1 A .. 1 ..1!.,,!(V I mi a aui u ul wuauuu uut unu inniiii.iu I 41. . . i..i . l i.i.i hbr bands. Sho was vtry attentive, wever, and anxious to show, her flrst floor" to tho best advantago. "I ho curtains will wash, said 1, looking around. "JJcar. ves. sir. surolvl Wo was Iettin' cm hantr to savu tho otlierd, which tho sun fades 'em so, being the' worst of, stuffs nnd suoh like. Like all earthly thincs, as fade mostly, don t they sirl" Tho landlady sighed cently and loldeu tier hands again. alio wore black worsted mittens. "I hone," I said, in mv polite way1. you den't mind my naming it 'but, f course you rahem tho bed is free,- you know from from any Httlu annoyancesl" I 1 had my experience preceding thoso three years ot paradise and Mrs . - l . . : T Chick, and I was nervous, partly from dread ot tho indignation I had heto aroused in the housekeeping breast .il tho above delicate question and parti . J. 1 lrom the recollection of results that had followed on tho assurance of land ladies of another class that their knowledge of natural history did not extend to the species alluded to, and that they were at fault to comprehend my meaning. Mrs. Mninllf (Hint was hnr namni I j . , xx L i ' adopted neither of these extremes ; she oi.i, imi, ,,i ..,i.,i ., ;uum """" "Y "To my knowledifo there ain't a liw ing flea iu the house ;" (I didn't meaA fleas, though), "but you know, sir, we live in a vale ot tears, una in course ts Ul IC11ID, unu III SiUilint; there will be such trials for all at times. If I am so tired, I hope to bea it meekly." will hn mini, trials for nil , And 1 think Mrs. Maudlo sued a tear. I "I am very glad to hear it, said I cheerfully j "now about terms, if I ar; range to come." "Oh, don t speak of terms, sir ; I ra suro what you vo been in the habit of paying will suit us, or less, maybe, as it's moro for tho keepin' of the rooms aired, bein' as tho house is too big for us, nnd the protection of havin' n gent . , t .1... r ti r i. i, 1 iikc yourself, miner our roor, ,i:iuai bein' low in the nerves ot lato yearj and myself haven't that sperret al somo have, which I'm 8tiie, sir, any; thing wo can do to make you comfort! able and feel at home, as there s nc place like it " "All I thank you thank you. The light when ihu windows weni cleaned would sun my work, the oxi chequer was somewhat low, time was! in obiict. and. taking all in nil. I closed with my obliging landlady'tl terms, which gave her much pensive! satisfaction. And if you 11 be pleased to namo ....... ...;.,i,..o ot. ;., -i ...,. .,...., ' . Mrs. Maudle with a faint sigh in con-! nlnatn.i "u,n linn,, tn An l,n,lil..' linal In mMt 'i,m ' . U....V -... . I You are very good," said I ; "I don't think you'll find me exacting; I confess lo a few weaknesses. I dis like damp salt aud smoky potatoes. I oujuci 10 a noi ainner ou u com piaie,j and I'm partial to clean linen. I hat s about all, I think." Mrs. Maudle readily acquiesced in these modest requirements, observing that "a hangel couldn't waut less," and thereupon we parted. In duo time myself and mv few be longings were convoyed in a cab to 123 Fcckover Btreot, I find dined, and be' yond a cup of coffee, wanted nothing, Mrs. Maudlo brought mo tho coffee herself. "I'm sure, sir, I hope its as you like," said she, meekly ; "but, if not, you'll kindly namo it, and Sophonisba Ann will bring you your water at any hour you 11 mention in the mormn, sir. sophonisba Ann mostly waits ou lodgers, sir (that's my daughter), and I'm sure always willui', though that timid and soft-hearted but there! don't mind ine, a sayin', as a mother, perhaps moro than 1 had ought re spetin' my own." I said I was much obliged to hor and her daughter for their kind inton tions and wished her good night. Sho sighed audibly mid held the door ban die for another minute, then, with an air ot resignation, retired. Morning brought breakfast and aopnonisba Ann. This young person was, if possible meeker and moro do- pressed than her parent. Sho carried her head a little on ono side, and snif- .... . . fed w th everv breath as f from c iron. lo influenza. Her complexion was pale, not to say pasty, aud hor hair and . . eyebrows whitish-brown, sophonisba Aim s nguro was remarkable tor do pression whero fullness might bo ex pected aud a curious bulging tendency wherever tho opposite effect was usual. Her attiro was chiefly notablo for hooks and oyes with a difference of opinion that materially hindered friend ship, and refractory Imir pins, which I found had n way of dropping out ihto all sorts of odd places. I found ono, ono day, nt tho bottom of my jug of porter at uniner i This interesting young person con trived to mako u surprising clattOr with the breakfast ware, upset a chair and throw down a pile of my books beforo making her exit. I attributed this to the timidity which ,,e7other had assured me was counterbuluieed by ho many virtues, and oould not, in reason, complain ; but whon, iu re- moving llio breakfast things, tho Bamu pue ui oooks underwent precisely tho same fate, and gave mo such n start that I nearly out off a finger In mend- nig ,ii pen, i couiii nnineip saying uu.ier ii niHu ieiy, -r o. ncavoii s Bake, my good girl, bo carotul what you do next,",, which, produced quito an at- tack of sniffing and a hastjr retreat on tho part of tho unlucky maiden,, i',,1.1 ,i i t a iiiuo laicrin. ino nay, my lauu lady knocked timidly at my door. "Uomo in l ' said l. "Como in P said She crime in, folding her hands and looking up at tho CtlliiiR, "liii Hiiro, sir, you'll excuse a, thoottira liberty, but lis l i . . ' m a mother, jl i.u j-i .f..- r.- ...3 vi.. w"' . " K avu nlV U'ug"ier, Hlr, lUKm on B0 aiior Bg T M yu'd klnt1' sccln' as si,u- on''ft Ann is 8o tender-hearted " "What is it about f I said, as the tearful lady pausod to tako breath, "I mi&uiv ., , t .,.. ii,i't Vl, I ItllU X .kill DUIU ,UU U 111 II b .. , ..i!f. iiiuiiii jui iw iiui i nur leuiui b, bit, uiiu " owns it f she's said as much in that kitchen down below me. 'His way' Rnomn.l harsh.' Hhn anva. 'hut. hist i"""1"10 n8" P'?ce 8110 8ay8.l 1 111 BUIW Ul il. BIIU BlIVB. UIIU , u . . i . . , i . . ... t. Hue o uueu u-uiym nur uvus uuu wiuuu bopuonisba Ann is rather 'stencal at times, sir i ami I'm a mother, with, I hope, a mother's feehns, as you'll ox i hut there, don't mind me, sir. I tell her I'm suro yon don't mean noth ing, and likely it won't so occur again "menu mo r anui-J, "this is very foolish i ot course I didn't meau to 1 . .... . , r , nuri, your iinugniers ieenngs, ran.imi j pray tell hiir so j 1 11 remember to cijffrx iiui itj'Vsjf duivji; juit U iitkiuyii t She almost wept at this. "Oh 1 sir, you're tho most feelin gent us over l,did .see, I'm sure. 1 aon t, Know whatever mv curl U say and the last gent wo had so different I 80 wiok'titiu Ins language ; speak of banging the door. not to O dear,! which is what it is to havo a spernt, what mo and mine never had : and so ,. , the world 'tramples; onjus;" - said- Mr THMhudle.'nivi1 Id' 4. '''I' hope not" said L "You should t.alrn n. mnrn r'lionrfnt viiw nf lifp Mrd Maudle." ' I was very busy, and wished sho would go, but she didn't. "Well,- sir, she observed, with a 8igh,.,,"I;nlways was one of tho 'down- hpjirtf",! olios ? 'finil iMnnnlM rt nprvufl iWlnurt T llnvnr alinll fnrrnir whnn . . - : .. . ho asted me to have him thats seven ,,v, . , 'i; v . ,Af2:.i i, . and-twenty-yoarngo 'Manar,' he sayi ago 'Manar,' he says to me -that's to me -(that s my " name) "but there, sir, dou't mind me, which as a wife I hope I havo a', wife's feelin's :" and Mrs. Maudlo shed tears. I did mind her very much and do r,,, -3 . .- XT.ll. TJ..I.. luiki, un diiu rauuu 111 mu uuui wiiy wioiiiu her eyes with her apron, aud evidently awaiting my sympathy.' "1 m sure Mr. Maudlo s choice does him credit." I said desnerntelvi "he doulduVhave" done better than take a good wife to sooth tho path of life for him ; wasn't that your door bell !" "Sophonisba Ann will answer tho door, sir, which I think you was mis' taken, and it didn't ring," said Mrs! Maudle. "1 m sure I never did meet with a gentleman so thoughtful and teehn ; a real tnend. as one may say, .1.. l.Tr -..."1 11 'i.. .L i' li iiiumiy, unu i iinoniy umiiMui I ' all-aid 1 must trouble you to shut that door, Mrs. Maudle,'' I gasp- ed. "1 m subieet to ear-ache, and the draught" I hope I shall bo torgiven tor the hbs that woman caused me to in vent. Sho slowly wilhdrev, murmur ng motherly compassion, and fuiuily suggested pepper plasters, and other mild tenieilies for earache, while I took up my pen and tried to uullect my suattered ideas. I had not yet seen Mr. Mauale, the state ol whose "nerves kept him montly coiilinuil to an armchair in tho kitchen, but from occasional sounds ot n..w,y. something liko feebly rendered CllOI USeS Ot a J0V131 liatUIO. In WhlCll ,1, Blight COllfuSlOIl of COUHOIIIUI tS WHS I ... .... perceptible, I concluded that' even Mr. M. had intervals of comparative cheer- fulness.- Moreover, I discovered that there was' a son of the house a tall youth with whitish-brown hair and skin and a s'.oop in his shoulders- whose avocation scorned to bo near at hand, by his punctual return to meals at stated hours in tho day. With this yuI!fa' maa 1 was fated,, alas! too soon tolfecbme acquainted; Uno evening, a Uttlo betoro mv din ner, Mrs. Maudlo waited on mo with an air of rueok mystery to nsk if her son might "step up by-and-by' and speak to me, if so be that I had uo ob jection. His name, his mother told ine, was Cincinnatus ; he was rather low spirit- en, ana uau, in iact, something on ins mind. "Dear me 1" I said, "poor fellow 1 Nothing serious, I any trouble i bono ?' "Uh, dear, no, sir leastwise, noth- ing wrong. Cm s as innocent as tho babo unborn, as to evil ways, sir ; no, it's the mind, that's whero it is ;" (mys teriously) "he's got a soaria mind, sir, and the world a too little for him. ' "Indeed 1" said I, mentally regret ting that the young gentleman had selected me as the confidant of his montal trials; but, alas! I little guessed what was to como. Scarcely was tho cloth romovcd wnc modest ut sssuiuuiibcu iiuw uuijuaiiuniiin.-, r""". , r., , " papr parce , wmc i no ue- J l I Inilf Iv atinLri n rr tin it Is n Inner tuiori nf .vv . V" ft 'W "opt la line roboiiiously in- lii inn mvi'n. lllui Nil kii ir i rrmiiui i ill v into tho first chair near, with an air of , ...... - B .. profound detection. This voting man had a larero nose of the solid Roman typo, very red oye- lllis, unu is nuuuiuus VU1UU Willi It twang in t. lie told mo ho was in an attorneys otllee, but that tho work was very distasteful to him, and ho hnd thoughts of giving it up and turning nuthot, no nan begun several works ot im portance, one of Which (his "chef d'ouyru" ho called it) he had brought up wun htm. "Hlank vr'ae, mostly, sir," he ex- I'M'""! i i "in ten books, revealing tho mysteries of a human soul to tho moon, .wno 18 u!'0,,m' to be listening poet- g " Ilw Hrrt three book.-. "Wt it n risk, interrupted shrinking from tho prospect of being pressed into , tho same service as tho nioun, nun ion, and resolved to bo as practical possible, "isn t it a risk to i givo up Jteady workfor; fiji linoertatnty l(ke .uenmiro i "Well, s r.. mother talks liko that, J and sho's right, and you're right, ono point of view," said the voutb. meekly "but when you've a soul, nnd when your soul mounts beyond the of- nco stool, whero nro you then T ' Ho waved bis hand descriptively, as tt were, of an aerial flight i his nails were inky, and very long, "Well, I don't kiiow. said I, hadn't you better 1" "hjiit JUut no had risen, and hurriedly . . . .'. . coininenceu nnuoing tno orowtl napor, oi looisoap, well written orcr. . oraottlnrly, and thv Blowly rcci,cd b follow9 ! Hail 1 cold, unfeeling orb, tho' bright ray, b Mocks tho absorbing madness of my soul I Soon, soon thy last quarter will draw Man I But.sooncr still for me the fuuoral hell shall toll I "That's the openinir lines," said he : "the next" "My friend," I said. "I am afraid you will find tho public hard to satisfy; yon must look for disappointment." "i hat s all 1 look tor, sir, lie inter rupted, "Hint and nn early grave' ho added, with a certain air ot satisfac tion. "And as mother and father aren't as well off as they were, I dare say there won t even be a recordin' marble to tell tho world Cineinnattis Maudlo lies below but that's of no consequence, He sighed "Aron t vou a little out of health t" I asked tit this point. "Oh, yes, sir," ho smiled. "I'm joiirnoying to the tomb, rve no sort ot doubt about it myself, but the cold world will pass heedless by and think uouiing ot it. me world s so very sublunary 1 Don't you find it so,, sir 1" "Well, yes : I sunnoso it is that.' 1 said, never having had cause to doubt it as a fact. "Yes, I Biinnoso it is. But now let mo advise you as a friend." lie lookca up sottiy. ''I kn6w you would," ho cried : "that's just it, you will assist me, and I'll step up of evenings and we'll go through it together gradual like. Yes, I felt sure you'd be tho friond to do it,; when mother said, 'Uin, that s our hrst floor going out," I felt as if I could open my heart to you like a brother ; 1 did indeed, sir. "Look here, I said, when he paused aud shook back' tho excited wisp of whitish-brown hair, with joyful vehe mence ; "look here, I'll let vou know when to briug it up. The fact is, I'm awfully busy just now ; I haveu't a minute to spare for study or tho de lights of tho muse." 1 smiled grimly as I almost pushed : -.. . t .1.- i i i : . . him out of tho door, bearing his pre cious orown paper parcel and over whelming me with undeserved thanks. Inwardly I resolved never to havo five minutes leisure to listen to those "re velations to tho moon" which would henceforth haunt my waking and sleep ing hours, even should the meek Cin; cinnatus sink into his early gravo the sooner for lack of brotherly sym pathy. the next morning when I entered mv sittincr room K.inhonisti.a Ann wns ,." f? . . . r ... mere, a little belated, I concluded, as 8he was fnisliincr the operation of dust ing, which I never observed to produce muuh lesult. SnniHthiiur in thn Nt.reet. had caught the d.imsel's notice, for slm did not observe mv entrance, as sho stood with her hands on her hips, the luster hanging idly by her si le, her mouth open, mi. I vacantly fixed eyes ; the refractory hairpins in open rebel lion, and stray wisps and tails of hair obtruding where thev were olf duty ; while hooks and eves at variance com pleted the eff. ci oftheliulgy lines of Sophonisba Ann's tlguro before hinted at Now it happened thn I was engaged in making a series ot sketches lor comic journal, mm aopnouisba Ann, as she now stood, was tho verv model I wanted for one of them. Tho opportu nity was too good to bo lost. I seized paper aud pencil. "Une moment, mv good girl 1 I cried. "Stay as you are ; oblige mo by not moving.' Ut uourse she did not slay "as she was, but nearly enough so to enable me to throw on paper tho outline which had caught my fancy. "lhanks that will do, 1 1 said as blandly as I could. She simpered and actually forgot to suifllu. "La, sir 1 whatever could you take mo like this for 1" she cried at last. "If I'd only been iu my afternoon frock nt least, and douo my hair up a hit tidy u you nau ioiu me ; nut la: now, "Dou't namo it." I said ; "I'd rather not, in fact. I wanted you just as you aro." The next oveniug Mrs. Maudlo camo up smiling yes, actually smiling 1 wun a cneerjul serenity, it not a little excitement in her domennor, as sho placed before me a photographic like ness of Sophonisba Ann. "Which Maudlo and mo, sor, couldn t hear of your puttin' up with such a BKetcn ii ko, an ot a hurry ; and bein' as our gun wnsn t tidied up, ns sho d a wished, in course, Sophonisba Ann's been nnd hnd this tnnlr nt Mr nani,. joy's, round tho corner, if you'll accopt it ; ana i m suro a good-hearted, woll "8P8ea gun is my gurl, though l say ,t, nnd not took up with follies liko some, nnd that steady, almost too I -i i. r t w hi- i meauy lor ner station in lite, as tier falhor tolls her ; and I'm ram both her . laim-i mm mu uui, mere, sir, wueil . . i . nn.i ..... ..... .1.. -.. . .1 you ro a parent you 11 know what a parent s felltn's are." All this was said in ono breath, with out any panso whatever. I sat hewil- dered, wondering if it would be un pardonably rude to reio-it tho offer of a lady's portrait, and what I could say in excuse. "I m afraid," I began, "you'ro verv kind tho fact is I think I didn't mako myself quito understood." 'Oh, yes, sir, you did, Fray don't namo. You was all a gentleman should be ; and Maudlo and monre too proud' nere iirs. aiauitio, without proceed Ing further, convoyed herfelf down stairs, In a tremulous condition between XZWTi wanted with their diugl'iter's likeness! I, I sttiuk it on tho mantelpiece (it was tears and smiles that fairly stunned mo nut a very nattering P nnouriip hi. re- solving to take no moro nntico. ot tho ltd mrt lint Itnvt tit.n fiuj f.n.ll Camu up I observed sho woro a flariui ,ed ribbon in her bnir nnd nn ussertiv brooch in front of her dress. .Sim stol furtive a ances nt the mantelpiece iu half shy, half Biniporing. I emmht her eyo by chance, when, overcoming her maidenly modesty, with a prelim inary snlfllo, said, sweetly i "Oh, if you please, sir, about wnlkiu' out on Sundays after chapel; for mother's quito agreeable, bein' as you'ro such n gon tlctnan, nnd" "What do you mean J I Baid, Bharp- ly enough, and quito forgetting tho "tender-heartedness ot feophonisba Ann iu tho excess of my bowildorment ; but, instead of answering jn.e, that.yc-ung person flow to, tho window, crying : "If there isn't that man a crossing tho street again. Oh! whatover'll father lo T Hut (Jin is at tho door and you'll protect noor father, I know ?" and sho rushed down staira without further ex planation. Another minute nnd rapid nnd, it must bo added, stumbling footBteps began ascendinn the stairs, accompan ied by theories of Sophonisba Ann and tho fainter sobs of her mother -in tho rear, and Mr. Maudle entered, sup- Iiortcd by his son nnd closely followed y a rough-and-ready looking person with a paper in his hand I started. Mr. Maudle waved his hand. "I I My dear friend Sir 'Scitso -abrupt visits," be cried, in a hazy sort of voice, "F friends may waivo sheromony." Here Mr. Maudle swerved sudden ly, but Cincinnatus propped him up again. "Arid I I believe I'm correct in saying a f friend in need's a friend indeed." (This very rapidly spoken.) "Under thesu circumstances, I I'm bound to forego a parent's feelings'' "Yes, Maudle, that's it," cried Mrs. M., from behind the apron she held to her eves ; "we know what you'd say what we'd both sav, and feel likewise and thank our stars as sent you, sir, to our aid, which I'm suro we can hover repay, as it's ill Ms. Oct. "U 17s Cd.," interrupted the rough-and-ready-looking person, with ahoarse cough. "Yes, tako her, tako my child, and bless, you 1" cried Mr. Maudle, extend ing his nnns liko the "heavy lather' m a play, "and tell thish minion of tho law, that that his clap,n phatiflied and a helpless, aged parent saved from ruin and distresh!" Here Mr. Maudle broke off weep ing. "Happy day P said Cincinnatus, "I said you were liko a brother when first I saw you, and I'll put it nil in my great work, that an 'ollow-hearted world may read and bo ashamed of not doing likewise !" with which rather ambiguons speech Cincinnatus again dutifully propped up his swaying par ent, whoso emotions were tob much for him. 1 "May you both be happy t" mur rain ed Mr. Maudle. "0, la, father 1" cried Sophonisba Ann, hysterically. "What does it all mean t" I was forced to ask tho bearer 'of tho myste rious paper, who was tho only coherent one of the party. "Why, sir, this hero's a distress for the sum of 14 17s. 7d. owing to tho parties as sent mo here ; and tho old gent, ho says leastwise he don't seem to know exactly what he's savin' half his time he says as you're a goin' to mirrv his daughter and p.ij up square, hut I ain't goin' to be gammened no more, so if so he, sir, of course I have your word as well as his'n " I wailed for no moro. "Gracious alive 1" I exclaimed, "are. you all idiots ro lunntios, or what! Grant mo my sen-esto get clear take a month over for the notice only let mo begone." And flinging the money on the table, I rushed to collect my traps, thrusting tho things into bug and portmanteau as if for life ordculh, and never paused ill I strode forth minus two pairs ot boots, an umbrella and cigar-case, left ehind in the hurry in search ot tho st friendly cab which shouhl bear me far from the region of Fcckover street to any destination under the sun, rnth- than consign mu in future to tho tender mercies of a "Meek Family." Woolen Underclothing, Among tho maiiv means by which wo seek to guard ourselves from tho Heels of ohill there is one which hard ly, even now, receives BUtlieient atten tion tho nso of woolen underclothing. Tho majority of persons of tho male box do, Indeed, show their appreciation f its wholesome qualities ; but there remains a considerable moiety of these, nd a far greater number of womon and children, who profer an undersnit t smooth but relatively meagre linen. Yet tho superior advantages of wenr- ng wool next to tho skin are easily ap parent on reflection, ihey do not depend merely on its greater warmth and closeness ot application, it is au thor capable, according to its texture and in virtue ol its composition, ot bet ter adaptation in respect of temperature to tho needs ot various climates and tho changes of seasons, than any other lress' material. Moreover, whether tt bo fine or rough, dense or light woolen clothing, it is evident it exhibits a spec ial facility for absorbing and distrib uting moisiure. ii is mai property es pecially which renders it tho natural covering of tho constantly perspiring skin. If ono bo engaged, for example, in nctive exercise of limb, a linen fab ric will absorb what products of trans udation It can till it is wet, but will leavo much moisture unabsorbed upon tho clammy surfaco ; whoreas a flannel, from its moro spongy nature, will rest upon a skin which it has nearly dried, and be but (lamp itseit. it is obvious then, that in the event of an after-chill, and this occurs in summer as in winter, the body is, in the latter case, most fa vorably disposed to resUt it. I" lannel is not less cleanly than liuon, though it may nnpear less whtto ; unit it tho wearer bathe ttaiiy, it is surprising how long it will retniu its purity, Tho dis advantage of skin initation to which it sometimes gives rir-o is usually assooin- ten wun coarseness oi quality or iresn ness of manufacture, mid is with near ly all who havo experienced it a mere ly tiniiMcut condition. Women as well as men, we. repent, but nbovo all chil dren and tho aged, who uro aliko par ticularly apt tr tako cold, should cer tainly adopt a woolen material for their customary undergarment. It is easily possible to adjust the texture to tho season, sn that it khull be warm enough in winter nnd not too warm iiiBtiinnier, The Lancet.