i.'JW . vmhV . THE COLUMBIA AND DEMOCRAT, BLtflOMBBWfttJ! ebtAlffiSFMTipX 4 -T- r nr r- rt-- 1 n T i II " ( I ' I J w 1 A Traglo Event. A FATIll.lt S DERIMIll AND BKt.rMNFt.iCP KI DEATH. 1113 80N'8 MSA!. IIF.SCUF., TOO I.ATF. TO SAVE 1119 l'AltENT. Tho trraiihio occurrences that is do- w . , , Bcne(i uoiow is 0110 ot uio most, re- markaule episodes In tho domestic his- tory of America It Is absoluto truth whioh can readily bo verified. Th6 inhabitant of llio hlonsaut town of Cortland, N, Y wuro shockod ono morninjr by tho announcement that Mr. Clinton Hindgo, ono of their most pro- , mlnont citizens, had committed suioldo. MM. ..;.. 1 11.. 1 I . .aim iiuiys siui'iiu i iijiittijr uuu utuurni the' cntiro neighborhood whoro .nr., llindiro was so well nnd favorably ' known. At first it seemed Impossible that, any oncso quiet and domcsUu could Us do so rash a deed, and tho inquiry was heard on overy y sido as to tho cause. Tho facts as developed on Investigation! proved to be ns follows : Mr. Hindoo was domestic in his tastes and took tho greatest enjoyment in tlio society of Ins children and pride In their development. And indeed ho had good reason to be proud for they cavo proraiio of long lives of success and usefulness. But an evil day came. ills yotwireat son, v 1111:1111, uerran o show slins of an early decay. Ho felt unusually tirod each day, and would sometimes sleep tho entire afternoon If permitted to do so. liis ticau pained him, not acutely, but with a dull, heavy fooling. There was a sinking sensa tion at tho pit of his stomach. lie lost all relish tor food and much of his Interest for things about him. Ho tried manfully to overcomo theso feol- until tho fall of each year. These sup- Ings,' but thoy seemed stronger than plica are now necessarily cut off in liuti- his will. Ho began to lose llcsh rapid- dieds of oases. Any man who can put ly.i, The father becamo alarmed and .two and two together knows what is consulted physicians as to the cause of coming.'" his son's Ulnes, but thoy were unablo Ho uttered tho last sentence with a to 'explain. Finally severe sores broke gulp that was very like, a sob, and turn out 011 his arms and ho was taken to , (1 011 his heel and walked away. Buffalo whero n paintul operation was "Go out into the country,1' said one performed resulting in tho loss of much in another county, "if you would know blood but affording littlo relief. Tho the condition of tho people. Why, young man returned home and a coun cil of physicians was called. Alter an exhaustive examination they declared there was no hope of final recovery and that lio must die within a very lew days. To describe tho agony which family were trying to find sufficient to this announcement caused tho father Bustaia life by eating tho few vegcta wouldbo impossible. His mind failed bles they had raised, and this without to grasp its toll meaning at lirst ; men finally seemed to comprehend it, but tho load was too groat. In an agony of frenzv ho seized a knife and took his own life, preferring death rather than to survive his idolized son. At that timo William ltindgo was too weak to know what was transpiring, His face had turned black, his breath ceased entirely at times, all his friends waited for his death believing that tho fiend Bricht's diseaso of tho kidneys, from which ho was suffering, could not bo removed. In this supreme moment William 3, sister camo forward ana ao- clared sue would make a hnal attempt to save her brother. Tho doctors inter- "There will bo none until April," ho posed, assuring her that it was useless replied, "and tho merchant wio, has al and that she would only hasten the end ways advanced to mo will let mo havo bv tho means she proposed to employ, But she was firm, and nutting all ba' ack, approached her brother's side and ad ministered a remedy which she fortu natcly had on hand. Within an hour ho seemed moro easy, and before tho day was over he showed signs of de cidod, improvement. These favorable signs continued, and to-day William i. Kindce is well, having been virtual lv raised from the dead through the marvelous power of Warner a oato Cure,;as can bo readily verified by any citizen of Cortland. Any ono who rellocts upon tho tacts al,ovo described must have a feeling of Badness. Tho father dead by bis own hand, supposing his Bon's recovery to bo- impossible ; tho son restored to health to mourn the loss of his father and tho agonized relatives with a mem ory of sadness to forever darken their lives. Had Clinton Rindgo known that his son could recover ho would to day be alivo and liappv, but tho facts which turned his brain and caused him to commit suicido wore such as any ono would accept as true. iiowover sad this case may be, tho truth' remains that thousands'of people are at this moment in as great actual peril as Willliara llindge and in as great danger ot causing misery it not death to their friends. .Liver and kid- uoy diseases are become the most com- tnon and most dangerous of any or al) modern complaints. They are the most deceptive in their beginnings and hor- Tiblo in their final stages. They are tar moro deceptive than Consumption, .;.. I.., ,l,..io.l K -anti can rarely be detected even by skillful physicians unless a microsoopio analysis bo resorted to, and tew doo tors understand how to do this. Their slightest approach, or possibility of ap proach should strike terror to the ono who is threatened as well as to all his or her friends. These diseases havo no distinct symptoms, but coino in tlio form of lassitude, loss of appetite, ach- ing muscles and joints, dull headaches, pains in the back, stomach nnd chest, sour stomach, recurring signs of cold, irregular pulsations of tho heart, and frequent dizziness. If neglected, theso symptoms aro certain to run into chron- aro suffering. It would not bo shirk io kidney and liver or Bright's disease, ing the tiuth to say that there issoarce- from which there is sure to bo a great amount of agony and only ono means of escapo which is by tho uso of War- ner's Safo Cure. Tho importance of taking this groat remedy upon tho slightest appearance of any of tho abovo symptoms cannot ho too strong ly impressed upon tho minds of all readers who desiro to escapo death and pain and prolong lite with all its pleas' tires and blessings. A South Carolina Starving. UKU 11LACK AND WHITE EAUMEU3 IN DES TITUTION AND MISEItY. A correspondent to tho Now York Sun" dated Beldoc, S. 0., April 18, gives the following account ot tho suf feriug people of South, Carolina : . BituausO no voio has boii lilted in a cry for aid, the great world docs not know that tho pooplo of a State, ono of tho old thirteen, nre now under going privations unparalelled in her his tory, Su'di Bilonoi) under such suffer ing is only accounted for by a knowl edge of that singular stoicism which seems nn inherent trail with these peu- I'lo- 1'iotn the northern boundary of the Slate among the mountain, to its nouthorn lino on the Atlantic coast, a drought prevailed from May until D4N vembor. The scorching sun withered the green fields, until huiidnds of acres wero'known to vield only as many cam "r B r .1 .1 .... 1. 01 corn, iiiuiiy iuiu uiu muni' 11, jiaiuu' ed plants as unfit for even tho con sumption of beasts. Tho wil boring, scorching winds seemed laden wiih malarious poison, and fevers distressed tho ruined farmers. Tho fall crops were planted only in the lo'w bottoms, besides thoso Btrenms that were not diied up, and oven these fnicd to produce moro than the cost of planting. In many localities water he- cainu n pnoinus commodity, nun a bucketful was given and r ceivi o ns a valuable boon, Far into inidwlntor this scarcity continuod. With the great est difficulty winter grain was sown, but tho tlrst crop was almost universal ly n fniluro. Later on, In February, n bettor stand was obtained, and now Itihan u'lin frtiiM nffonl to luiv the seed liavn Imnm rif n Martial antinlv of for- ' - - T .. II . aixo for t ho r animals. Tim writer oucstioticd a nromiuont business man In Harnwoll county. "My i, section." - ho said. "c6uld havo weather- oA It ilirnntrh linrf tho m&rohniits benn alio to stand tho pressure. You see, tlmv had ndvnnced sunnlles to tho far- mors, taking tho Hens on tho growing crops. Theso crops werd turned Into , 1 .!. 1 naroilrtl Siring, mm uiu luuiuiiiiuia Wero left with their liens, wliioh, by tho law. nre onlv iood for tho crop on which thev were taken. The liiurchunt n rule aro not i ieli, hut et their uoods on credit from .the city coiuiiils Bion factories and merchant. Thoy paj pay theso 111 tin) iai, niter inu liens nie Sec yondi'i.' thai big More Is paid cloi-il, aid iIi-tk uvir tlu way theyhre selling out l' & N. That will bo the way for tlio next twelve months. 1 know half a dozen mercliatils in this llttlo placo who. by hard work, havo obtained an extension of time till next NovoinbiT. It is only a delay of the rouble. I supposo the oily factories are sellini; out these inon Incanso these boenme baubles. Just so. i?mni'tinies, however. It is done by larijo houses Noith, by men who credited hereheav lly. How, there is a result upon 1110 people from theso failures that Is like tho fiesh application of tire to n burn Tho maioiity ot tho people depend upon these merchants for their supplies there are people with largo plantations who are so hedged in that bread is lmrilv ntlninnlili " A ludv reluctantly admitted that tho 031 supply of bread was bo scant that her meat 01 any kind, iho greatest 01 tno sufforintr, however, falls upon the small farmers of both races, and thoso who had worked by the mode known ns dav labor, A small farmer, well known ond re- spooled, said : "Iliad something tolivo upon till Christmas. Since then I don't know how we have lived. Many limes there is not a mouthful to eat 111 the house. I have kept my horse alive by pickiuir moss from tho trees till the m-aas grow, mid now he lives on thai, but he is nothing but skin and bons. "Is there no possible relief for you from this distress I wo inquired. supplies.cuough to keep soul and bony together until I can make a crop. IIo can't do moro than this, for he is al most brnko himself." "Have you no friends to, help, you ,1" "Wo havo one friend who. would help us, if she could know, but wo can't get to her. Shu has moved away.'' Hie man s halt famished taco aim figure told a sadder story even than his words. In the humble room sat his wife and her mother, both confirmed invalids, and in the next apartment was his daughter, lying on the bed, where, in great pain, sho had spent several ytars. We learned that tins man's industrious habits and charactei; were the means of his obtaining tho promise of help. Unless it comes speed ily it will be of no avail. "Are there other cases like that r wu asked, pointing to tno house just left. "That is only one of many. Go on ,tlin highways and look at the people's laees. They never looked so ueiorc. Even th childien arosad The writer has been in four counties in the lower part of South Carolina of late, and tho some storv is repeated In them all. Tho perilous times havo brought to light the usual vampire, who foods on blood and calamity in the shape of the extortioner. Men are hard to each other, because the stress for bread robs them of feeling for oth- urs. There are cases that show liow human nature can soar above selfish- ncss, and yield up its own for .others. I riu... i l.... ..:.,,.,..., 1 The instances whero assistance isgiveu the negroes from tho whites, and where th" whites receive aid from the blacks, are frequent, and touching. JNow, if ever, is tho tunc, when the Northern heart should throb in benev olence for tho Southern blacks. Mid summer is tlio hardest ecason in tho South for tho fanner. If in spring tho cry for bread resounds in hushed tones there will bo no concealment in June, when help must come lest starvation ensues. Aiken, Barnwell, Colleton, Hampton, Beaufort, Charleston, and I Orango aro among tho counties that ly a county which is not now sharing I tho general calamity. Thero will be, need of help, but it should cotno from home. South Carolina has moneyed men enough to koep her needy from an I appeal to thoso without her bounda- rios1. Ilomu Itcitiw. "All your own fault If you renuln sick when you can Get hop bitters that never-iud. Tlio weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitter with safety and great good, Old men totterim? around from Itlieuraatism, kidnoy trouble or any weakness will bo almost now bv uslnrr 1 i.:,,. hop blttors. My wifo nnd daughter wero mado unhealthy by tho us of hop bittors and I recommended them to my people. Methodist Clergyman. Ask any doctor It bop Hitters are not the best family medicine. On earth. Malarial fever, Ague and Biliousness, will leave every neii'liborliood a soon as imp bitters arrive. My mother drovo tho paralysis ami neuralgia all nut of her syBtem with hop bilters.'' J2d Otwega Sun. Keep tho kidneys healthy with hop hitlers and you need not fear sick ness. Ice water is rendored harmless and more refreshing nnd' reviving with hop bitto's in each draughts. The vigor of youth for the aged and Infirm In Imp bifters 1 "At tho chango of life nothing equals Hop bitten to alluy alt trouble Incident Thereto." ........ "Tho best periodical lor ladles to lake monthly and from which they will receive tho greatest benefit is hop bitters." Mothers with sickly, fretful, nurs ing children, will buro tlm qhlldren and benefit themselves by taking hop bit- lers daily. Thousands dte annually from some form of kidney disease that might havo bpon prevented ly a timer uso of hop1 bitters. IjM Indigestion, wonk storanoli, trrcg" 100 uinritlea of tho bowels, ennnot oxhi '! wncii nop uitets aro used. CSS 9IS A t'mely liaA nt htn idiicra win Keep nwnoio lamny In robust health a roar at a little cost.H Tn urmlnr.. Lt,ti,i.iW,i u nUi.t. iu llntn l,!!.,. ,nitrlnn- Tim( disappear by usingliop bitters, Mca nm mado . porfectly quiet nod' BnNahtlv bv uaiim lion bitter. ' " - " ' jgXEOUTOH'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on tho estate olKlliabotli oorc. Into of sutrarlonf lownshlo. Columbia counj ty, Pa ,'deccasixl, have been granted by tin lie jlt I ur nf nm tt v In llm ItnrlnpalirnA I ntllf fir . I All persons having Claims a(f Inst the oalate of thq I ueccarni nr 1 reiu ion 10 prcsem tnrm ror bciiio mont, nmlthotti Inilcbteil to tlin estate to moV( payment to mo unuirdignoj wnnoui uciay. JES."K FHITZ,! 4--n Colo's Crook, , Kxecutor.i T MtEASUUEU'S SALE OK UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA. COUNTY-, PA. llyvlrtuoot Sundry nets of the Oeneral Assem bly of tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania rela ting to tho salo of aoated ftnd unsealed lands in the, county ot Columbia, etc, tor tnxmdus and unpuld, I will offer to, public tula In the Court House, tn tho town ot llloomsDuiv, on . Monday June 9th., 1884. At ten o'clock n. m.. tlio follow-In? described nlccca' of land, or such pirt thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy the amount of taxes duo and unpaid, ntrulnst tho rami', nnd continue tho samo from u"5' 10 aaJ-113 tbcBame may bo found necessary. Tho amount of taxes and costi must bo paid when tho land Is s ruck off, orthe salomay bo void and the property put up and resold. DKAVJJIl TOWNSHIP. 6.1 ncrei llrockway, u 11 1 lot Heaver, chnrlca , 3 " Heaver, Jesse. ids acres llrockway, c 11 , na " llrockway. Abbott.., 79 " llrockway It Abbott, 118 " llrockway K Abbott.,. M " llrockway Abbott ., s lots llrockway. C II 1 40 1 001 sis 6 51 53 1 OS 1 31 87' 3 18 18 80, 3 l.V 68 4(10 acres linker, Jacob, sr. Slots Hutt A linger .. 1 " HORart, Mary. 3 " llojerTH 3 " crosln?, Patrick , 3 " cantnor. William.... 1 Canon, Mannas 1410 acres Columbia Coal Iron Co 1 ?:! 1 15 1 071 T5 57, cox, v a kx. 01 irencn cox is 74 14 63 19 741 3 6.VI 13 411 6 10 I no! 3 Oil I 8 IS) 1 30 38, 8 18' 5 38' 6 S8l 4 69 4 C61 1 36 5 39 8 18 3 11) II 83 1 08 18 A J 49 " 150 ", 115 25 " a lots Davis Isaac fcst Davis Anthony Kcroih, l'cter Flantmm, A . , Krv. VV fi 3 lots 29 acres Fisher. Sarah 10 acres (icarhart, Daniel 3 lots (icarhart, Win 60 acres llauck, Jonathan 75 " llenderllder, 8 A & J 8 50 " Iloatz, John Deed ; 75 " Hatz, Charles John 8 lots 1 lamer & Jester 6 " Hoffman, E o. ,.... ...,.. 3 " Hunt, ElL 3 " Henry, (leonro fsa acres Illndorllder, Sarah A 1 lot Kline A 10 acres Lynn, Jacob 3 lots Lawrence, W H .' s lots Lewis, Frank 300 acres Miller .t Mann '. 100 " Mi'Itcvnolds, W 11 45 ' MlnlcV, Peter 4 lots Vartln, William 3 lots Monday, John 140 acres Nuncsser, George 5 lots Patterson, J c 3 " ITlce, Clarence 43 " Pardee 4t Markle 83 acres nice, Abraham 65 ' " ;. 101 " " " 01 i" George,..! t.. slots ltuttiiirr; Sam co s lots lluthlirr, sum 140 acres sweppenhelser, J, K 340 " Bhunan, Frank li,-. 2 Hhuman,' 'lliomas..i - 110 " Slicker, Mohca,... 3 lots Smith, J W ' 8 ' ' Shlck, J .1 ; ,3 '.' Scott, Peter '...., 300 acres Stewart, Wm 8 " Sliu nan Michael 3 " Btcney, Martin slots Vastlno, 11 It , Slots Volkenard, CJ 3563 acresWcst, U M Coal Iron Co . 5 lots Wetzel. 0 3 ". Werkulser, Samuel; 8 " wood. Aueustus 5 B1, 10 75 33 63 3 38 3 00! 10 1 7 531 .6 39! 8 3J 25 30 3 55 3 80 6 33.1 4 20 4 OS 3 05 9 63 15 77 38 181 1 8.1 2 00 10 73 1 36 51 1 36 4 OS 313 93 3 41 3 05 8 18 7,88 ' 83 .3 86 50 50 40 5 98 1 18 1 74 4,51 14 40 9 CO 4 43 89 acrej Wheeler. WlUIam. .......... 10 Downs. John. oi, " 11 11 1 10 " lUcq, John..... 1 UENTON.i Ash,, Mary..... i... Kline, John Ellis l)oaon, ucorgo UHIAIICIIEEK. a. Apple, Paul.. "lilUh, Huben? " Iirtttaln, II A J Est ('den, WTllevi,-....) " Doty, l'ealer 4: Stowart... 301 50 S3 as 300 300 150 100 350 '21 10 180 13 2-1 7,3S 8 75 71 10 36 49 2 '77 10 9 CO 1 OQ '71 3 58 S 45 1 23 ' 63 S.S3 39 93 3 0:i 3 48 4 79 8 70 " Evans, Francis .. iiarmon, uaniei . ". lleadley, S F Est , 5 .Kisner, junn g Headier, s F Est,. Kllnger, Jizzlei . . . " Iieecor, Abraham " David sutler " stout. Nathan : soo " Schuyler. Win Mrs. ..... 1 ' Freas, 'm L " Itobblns, Ell " stokes, o Iden CATAWISS.V 60 869 6, 85 St 307 JS7 33 8K1 31 8 8 11 1 iirobst, j a:: 'KUce Yettcr...... ' Thomas. Jtuth Ann ..... ,. "ThOmas. 'Abel " Weaveri Ellias ; .'.Dornbaoli, Margaret ."Klwier. Hobert !' Newell, Fred ... "Yetter,' Lews Est ..... '(lYeUer.'Lawls Est...... Krum, IIUjs " lilddle Heirs " Harder, 'Ihomas E 'lot schuler, Mrs sarah...... CENTltALIA. H 41 1,16 29 1 16 4 Oil 31 1 81 60 1 lot Conner. Thomas... 7 46 3 86 14 W 8 40 10 66 6 30 7 SO 91 50 6 20 ' 3 25 6 16 ' 1 Durken, Mrs. Anthony,; 3 " r.rwin, i nomas 3 " lleffern, l'hlllp 1 " Homes, Thomas 1 " Kline, Carolina: 3 " nrarell& Co , .... 13 " Lehigh 4: Mahanoy.U H co 1 " Markes, George ..; 1 " McBearty, Mary .,,.. 1 1 ". btcel,,(lcprgo,W 1 " Itlley, James . 9 " Torry, Win 1 " Knlttlc, Jill .- 1 ", lloyer, John . .. 1 " Hanloy, John a.,,, , 1 11 Ityanfillcbaol..... 1 " (lerrechty, Thomas ; 1 " Tlghe. Thomau , 1 " McKntyer, Domlntck 1 " Wilson, John,'.." CENTRE. 50 74 ',0 8 30 1 80 3 33 1 10 3 86 40 1 83 23 ncre3 Adams, Enos L. 2 35 1 03 40 5 01 20 6 30 SO 39 70 llagenbuch, Wm,, 4, Hagenbuch, Wm Sr. Eat..:, Hodman, Wm Est,,;..,... Lowrey, Simon., Kroner, JosMi. ., j,.., vareli, ltebeoca Nungcsser, Sarah,,., llabon, John , ' CONYNQIIAM, Brockway, o 11 10 " 31 3 " 1 lot. ,8 ' 1 ' 1 " 6 11 3 1 44 11 3 1 H 33 41 16 IS 13 Oi 67 t 6 36 2 73 2 71 . 4 46 Dresllno, liernard ltrady, Jullai,.,.' Cane. Ellen 3 48'J arrcS fleam, Joshua 316 85 10 3 30 1 79 3 73 23 36 7 03 1 03 , w 107 60 2 73 48 00 61 50 61 50 63 HO 253 01 , ' 35 , 13 65 1 t 1 iub iiAvis uiomas 1 .'fi iKraraer, AW .i. 1 " JontS, (leorgo I " IlHv: Enhralm I 3)3 acres Kline, John L I s lot Morrison. (iRtharinn V. 3 lot Morrison, Catbanno I " Mc.Manaman.Mary 1 8o acres Hustin. Mary! 1 " iiiurris, Ann ,,., ,,, a llnulln 1I..W I 1 lot llhawn, Caspor .1 I nsacresllusteuThoiqas... .'.J. . 1 Jg" irein, Jacoij.,., .,.. I 8 " Uwis; walker 401 " Young, John ...,,i 1 lot, .Menou, Thomas ,,,,, 113 aores Huston; John I lot ucuuicr, Terrance ,, riSIIINOCHEEK. 26 acres Allcunr. John 1.. ,1. 1 39! 3 23l iiw filial. lt&.,VM,n ,au, IIITUUIU , ,,.. .., Doty, l'ealer a: Stewart.... 300 8 23! 1 65 41 20 14 SO 60 373 200 00 90 SOO Dreuhcr, John , 1,, Davis, Ellga L , l'arver, (leorge Hutchison, Thomas J. , Hosier, W A lloilman t Ercjxs Harrison, John ,, llunslnger, Anthony Kindt, John & Co Le ' on, Thomas',,, ,. Mchenry, E J . Mears, William '..., vcllenryo 11 Daniel .. ,., l'ealer, Oeorge Kelchard, Lunl .....,,,,,. Itobblns, Wm a Itobblns; Ell ., ... FltANKLIN, rieaver, Wellington..,,...,, vought, U ll' Fa mer, Jonathan Memich. Michael Howell, William ....,. (IHEEyWOOI), Albertson, Miles Hartley, Ilcrry, John ' ,'.,,, Derr, irtun ., ,,,, Heilllae, Ik'Olainln, .,, McEuen, 11 J HEMLOCK. Appleman, M S,.,,,, Appleman, Wm llrugler, ElLshtx , Campbell, N S.,,., Kmmett.AJ ,,,.. Neal t l'urhcl . 1'urM'l, Isaoo ., 1'urscl, Hilveswr. ,, Wright, Lovl WbUenlgut, Ueorge Jr.,.., 1 10 1 65 13, 11 301 3 75 3 13 6 60 6 35 s 3 ft 1 33' 110 17 KM 69 1 33; 50' 1 81, 6 U0 4 60, 8 U liO 40 33 15 1 1 50, I 11 '0 1 fo gas I "I isoi I 15 150 225 50 13 100 30 23 30 30 20 6 41 2 50 50 4 25 4 14 1 43 1 01 JACKB0M. Frlck, CleontoA...... .... ... VrlcK. tiepnre ,A.,..,i,.,,. Hess, nenjamln: 3 BO S3 SO 7 M IT . 14 33 13 80 80 1 SI, 7 l 7 40 7 9(1 15 to 3 01 6 i a is 4 33 6 71 6 74 t 73 4 al 6 73 1 f'H 1 00, i M 1 S 50 1 M 1 311 1 21) 8 110 7 W) 1 01). j'wis, isnao Miller Charles W Miner Noyiiart ........ Miller Neyhart Keller, J K..,.. ......... !X)CU8T. lililliigton, Charles Dcwnrt, Ooiirtfo Kvcrhart, John , ., a 200 m SM 61 M 21 W ai tno )0 coo coo lluithos. WrlffhtiKst.... Kline, John I, ., , UlHft Jr U.ltlltlnM. 1 T Lonirenbcrgor, l'hUtp,u Meyers, Mary IlusUln, Mary ,, , ltusten, Chnrlotto licynolds, John Huston, 'Thomas ........,..... Heeoe,, Daniel KhnfTofy Henry ......1, Snyder, Jeremiah , MAblSoN. Cox, Joel Kvcs. 0 W ,(u;, ........ llcndcrsliolt, K ,. Masters: HAW,.,...,,.,,.,,.. I0U ICO 4.1 ' no si 800 83 1 CO 31 34 0 HI) !WO. IS r a 100 HO 13 10 4 4.1 100 , 160 100 118 900 IM SI 3 eanus, J l. Ml,,.,., MAIN. Illttenbenilfr, Conrid Inockwny A; Knt,,....... .... creascy, Wm sr Darnbnch, John 1 ,., liewalt, ,,1'hlllp i'Mier, Ilantel.... drover, A 1 (icarhart, Joseph , llctfncr. Samuel u ....1... ,.... Jiimmefl, Chrlstaln Keefer, James ',., Miller, 11(1 'iatwi;.;.uJ..i Miner, Kmsnuel , ,,'iiuu Moses, Michael ,..... .,.,.,. Morris Daniel ,..'.., lthawn,- t)nsp.' snuman, W T Shu nan, Hcuoen ' Btneck-, IlroDat. Vctier, llauck Snyder, John. Snyder, Abraham.,., Swaru;- SbcppCo w,, Yettcr, Daniel Rst Hluinmu, Jolin llartman, .Manilas.., .,.. MIFFLIN. Aton, Tliomas 1 llusrr, Franklin Est .... o A Jacoby Kramer,, A W , Nuncesscr, Wm J ................ Sivoppcnhi'lser, J K ,. " Horace 11 It 1- Williams, Samuel MONTOUIl. outer. Harbara ., John Est " Samuel , , Lclby, Jackson Neal, 'William .. - ltamsey, Est Shclhamer, John .1 Crcn-sey, Jacob .j, 1 Fry, Daniel Uunyan, Ulracr ..,,......, MOUNT; l'LEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel Shaffer, Mathlos OIUNGK. Crevcllng, Samuel , Everett. Oaurlel Est Everett,' Moses Eat KUno, Jacob Est , Kline, (Abraham J ;.; Kline, Abraham J , ,. l'atterson, M 11 l'INE. ' Ilartnn, 11., ,, ,. Drleblebls, Abraham ... Davis, ThonraS Est ' Frlck, oeorgo A..,....t Lyons, It W .: :Mlller&Colo.,..'. .. . ltobblns,TD Shultz; lllram Shoemaker,, Joseph .., ItOAIUNacilEEK. Arthello, Francis liucher, Peter u names, Thomas Jr . lirlsh, Jacob Jlrlsli, Jacob lleavci, Ceo, J L KUno llrclsh, Jacob Confnlr Itlce Cox, o S Ex of Trench Cox 14 (I (4 14 14 4 11 41 Dllaplane, EzckleU llustcn, John Ilarner, John John Stacey ;, little, Kobert :..:.. Morris, & Hughes Si sir 3 CO, o 9). 8 GO, u tn' hi 61 6 ir,l 3 60, 0 10 1 20 33 40 4 331 1 80, 3-1 IS fi 10 coo 100 ll to cs 15 1 0! 83; 3 46 5 60 S 60 4 13 2 20 1 13 1 80 ); 1 80 21 6 00 1 43 33 4 65 43 90 9ll 1 41 1 75 3 3 CO 43 7 00 7,0) 4 20 133 13 SO 3 69 4 00 13 51 75 8 26 1 83 49 ,80 17 221 50 100 29 '49 170 1 00 1 63 1 18 3 70 8 07 78 45 8 99 50 60 40 103 30 13 315 250 3 00 40 3 f 0 60 95 2 40 96 16 200 18 100 11 13 " 24 " 44 " Ul ", 19 " ,7 14 45 " 0 '( 100 ' SO " 40 " 60 " 18 " ,50 (' '47 ' 30 " sa 18 66 ". 91 44 '63 '? 210 " 4 " 83 " rO '"' 1 31 ," 46 " 250' " , 8 " 75 " 25 " 4 " 125 " am" U0" MlW't M9, " 01 " 3110 " 500 " 200 " 80 " 1 SO 1 01 ,8 19 &'! 30 85 36 I' Melllngton, Wm Wellington, Wm liuutvJ Miller ltaub, J Miller Skatec, Harvey Trlen, Jacob u. Wltchey. Mary Est .. WUchcy, John , Yocum, Isaac. - Tetter; Lewis Est Yettcr Lewi') Est Lcvan.Lawsen Mlndy, Lelns Uhcllenburger 3 78 93 1 41 63 25 1 20 1 SO 96 48 1 6S 3 40 3 40 9 45 3 90 48 SUOAKLOAF, Bellas, William Colo;iEzektel ...... .1 Cole, Thomas II Chanln. .1 F 10 60 IB 55 7 43 31 90 Chapln, J V, 6t Custer, Mary r Hess, Joseph O 7 05 4 24 3 13 josnua 11 " Crevellng & Co Wesley ., 41 44 ... Hartman, Jekso' Harvey, J I'.t M Smith,, McIIenry, ltohr ,.....' Mcllenry, EJ Mcllenry.i K J. Savage, Joshua Est..., 19 0 5 30 5 30 10 60 3 12 9 f,8 ST 10 31 45 15 90 18 18 rpHEASUREM'8' SAIjK ;OP BEATKD JLr LANUS 1 COLUMUIA COUNTY, PA. Also the following lots,, pieces, and parcels ot seated lands, returned by, the tax collectors, are to bo sold at tho 'same tliio under tho provisions of an Act of Assembly,, entitled "An Act relating to uiu em4iu ui iiiuus iur i:ix ju vviumuta counijrr up proved Marcli ech, 1803. r HEAVEIt. 60 acres names, Charles. , , 4 lots ' Barnes, Charles 347 acres Miller, longenburger & Fisher. 1 lot ' Masten. Wm. 11 18 30 61 60 3 SO 1 88 10 00 iMostcn, Mrs. William,. Selpt, A II , Sherman, Thomas Johnson, John., .,.,. McAffee, John Loses, J A Agent ,, jiEurroN. Albertson, SamuelU,..., Haycock. Samuel 1 91 13 3 05 1 SO 1 30 3 50 3 30 8 00 11 5 acres hiues, .Jeremiah.,..,..,... S3 " 1) 0 Mcllenry 5 " stiles, Jeremiah 12 " Oood A D .,, 1 lot Mcllenry, ML Kute DLOOMSBUnd.' 3 00 5 00 1 03 S 13 110 40 34 31 Walter, Norman... 1'urscl, .Mrs 1:11 1 BKIAItCItEEK. 150 acres Doty & l'ealer CATAWIS3A. 40 acres Henry, Isaac Est .,, ' CENTItAUA. 1 13 3 40 8 SO 8 80 0 ai 75 33 13 CO 4 3D 1 lot . 1 " 1 " 1 " Ilanley, JohnO McDonnell,, Owen , McDonnell, Anthony , Carr, catharlno CKN'TUE. 1 " Keller, sarah... . 1 " llason, John B7 acres Mcouln, W F .. 21 " Mcijuln, John II C0NYNC11IAM. 1 lot Brown. Joliu 1 " Llndermuth, Qeorgo .. 1 " D.ilen, Mary 450 acres cummlngs,lt M 383 " cuminlngs. It Mi Co 403 ' curry, Ellen, 1 400 " Murphey, Hughfia ,Co Slots ltelnbold, Wli:- ; ElijUINQCIlEKK. 31 acres Eycr, Mathlas 1J " Eyer James ), lot ISliulu, comclus1 . 15 S 41 1 70 311 75 140 TS SO 2.1 316 OJ 3 61 tea 14 S5 1 35 FltANKLIN. 3 acfes.Strausser, Joslah OHKKNW00D. 1 lot Illklngton, I'll SI acres, Mnoro, LMfuyett,....u 1 lot Willlvcr, J U 1 " Hess, Jones..,,,,, 1 " Htzgerald, Elizabeth , 37 acres Me.MlchacI, Jano 1 lot Ycbb, James 1..,. UEJILOOK. SO SlOi '6, 01 , 48 3 30 1 30 , 47 CO 50 3 83 1 55 3 C'l 6 9T 1 a a 40 4 16 23 acres Tliomas, siato Co.,., 6 " Ebner. William ... . 1 lot Fuge, John ,,.., Jf " Tlppctt, John..,....., X ' Flahor, Frank 8 JACKSON. 31V acres Young, christian,.., M " Young', Lewis 0,, 34 K " Younir., Isabel , US Chiuiiuerlln, Lewis.,,.,.. .., LOCDST. 8 " lthodes, Susan MADISON. 0 ,", Huser t Cfoom, 170 " Truuibouer, A O , Mot Went er Susan Est, , 13J acres Miller, Charles 1) .,, T, MIFFLIN. 1 lot Kelchner, Jncob, Sr., (q acres lirelbch, (leorge .., ,... MT. PLEASANT. 15 " iienneld; Thoinai'i.,....,' 6UANOK. 5 04 3 40 13 50, 3 01' 13 75 6 00 17 M 185 '" as " 8 " 10 1 " CO " 51 11 55 11 lives, James est PNE. Ix-girnlt k l'rlck , -.... ll'ibblns, 'Joshua Drelblebls, Jucib Est, Krelblebls, Joseph Evuue, (leorga., ,1 ,,,,,,, ltenn.-arah A. , Itlcketts, E. 0 ,T, Kline (ti'iiUei-bon , ,....., Fine, A J . 8 45 ,. II -to S 45 1 110 ill 10 1 Ml 5 10 5 00 a is, 84 11 00' 3 U H IS IJ 87, 75 40 1 4UV IIC41144. TUO.414 50 acres Kline ,t Patterson SO " l'urkrr, John It w cornnllson,, .1 11 , , 15 " Ncysuuter, Michael SCOTT 1 lot (Solomon, Phoebe Ill acres McKelvy, H- ul & Co,, SVQAltLOAF. 1 lot Hughes, Wcllngtoa Est.( I 50 40 1 00 1 50 2 00 15 1 50 llean. Uivlnn KhuUI, Kllas II rvey, A H ...... hewnrd, Nathan U i.. Albortbon, Jew) .,,, Mevcui, turn ,, A. M. )0 40 S3 75 JOHNSON. Treasurer, PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also U.VPKHMENTK1) (lltAI'K JUICU. Used In tho prln-tpal Churches for Communlbni Excellent for Females, Weakly l'crsons nnd tho ageu. JSpoer's Port Grsipo Win.o! FO Uli YEuiliS OLD. MnrfCKLKnUATEDWINRUtho tiur6 Jultd Of , tho dend Duo (morto lruic raised In Hiveefa I Tonic and Strengthonins Proportion are unsurniissf! br (inr othei4 Wind. nt?lnr fro- duccd under .Mr. Spoer's own personal supers Ulon,, Its nurltv nnd irenulneness. nra uu.'irnnlc'il bv tho principal Hospitals and UoarJsuf llealthwholiavo examined lu i ho youngest child may Dartako of Hj and tho weakest Invalid use it to advantage. It Is particularly bcnctlclal to tho nged and debllltntcd, and suited to tho various ailments that uuocl mo oaxer kox. It is in every respect A WINETO UEHELIED ON. Spsorfs Dnformented Qrapj -Juico- Is tho lulco of Iho Onnrtrt (lr.ines nre'siirTli1"ni Its natural, frcsih, sweet stato asll rims frou tho press uj lumiguuon, incrcoy ucMroymg the exci ter Of . fannoncitlon. It U nerfiwuv limit. friii ,iu,i. nill 4I.S IlliU n III IVVt;l 411 UU 4,441111.. Sneer's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium Dry Wine nor,! liv. tlin wealthy classes as a Tablo or Dinner Wine, and by physicians lncasos whero n dry wlno Instead of a bwiu4 puri, is uvsireu. , , i Spaor'a (Saoialito) Olarot. " Is held In hlffh estimation for ItA rlehnnss as n Dry Tablo Wine especially suited for dinner use, 1 ' Speer's P., J Sherry. Is a wine of Sunerlor Chnraetcr and nirt&kM of the rlcli qualities of thp grape from, which It Is I III uuu. Speer's P- J. Brandy. is a l'UKi; disuiiaiion from the grape, and stands unrlTnllcd in this Country for medicinal purposes. It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes fromiVhleu It Is distilled, See that the signature of ALEltEI) SI'EKIt, Pas saic N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY a. A. KLEIM. AND lir DMJUUISTS EVKHi "VHERK. sep.,3S-'831ir. for tho ivorklng class. Send 10 cents (or postage, nndve will mall youcfc, a royal vaiuauic uox 01 samptc goons tuat win ,put vnu In tho wnv of tnaktn? more monev In a I ney in 11 ; at any lew aays tuan you ever inougni, Kmioie at any business. Capital not required. Wi 'Will start you. You can work all thotlmoorin spare time only. Tho work Is universally adaptoi id to both bexes, young ana 01a, 1011 can casu lv earn from 50 cents to 15 every evening. That all who want may test tho business, wo makothls unparalled offer ; to all that mo not well satisfied wo will send tl to pay for tho trouble ot writing us. Pull parti' culara directions, ctc.sent treo, Fortunes will bo muuu uy inosu wuo givo meir wnoie time lu 1110 work. Ureal success absolutely sure Don't delay, atari now. AaureS'i HriNfON sco., roniana, Maine. rce il-1 YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT; UOM15; BINGIIA5ITON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. The liouso Is specially ntted up for the comfort I of Invalids who doflre .1 pleasant and Christian homo, btnnds on high ground with plenty of shada Personal attention given to every patient, Ktwtrlrttv and (lalvanlsm lu their different modi. ncatlons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many yearn ot btudy, nnd practice, to this branch, and hundreds win testify to his skill, send for circular, stating what paper you saw this in. Pitt) IT. HKNltV JULIA Mrs. ALICE FltENCH MILLS. Lock Box 97. Jllughamtou, N., V, Sept. 7 'M-ly. 1 -.,1 Richly Cut Glass. Having recently added' to our business a department for the sale of Cut Glassware, we are now prepared to fill orders for com plete tabic sets and prnamental, nieces. Controlling the production of, , the best makers, we cxnioit special designs and cuttings in crystal of remarkable purity and 1 brilliancy. Our line of patterns embraces the most elaborate as well as the plainest. Prominently we may mention the following as having been received with marked favor: The Russian, the Glasgow, the Star and llosctte. the Fan and . .1 TT t . 'I 1.1. C- . jJiamonujtnciioDnaiuicoir.itv bcrrv Diamond, and others. We guarantee careful and nrompt attention in filling orders by mail. Designs and estimates furnished on application, baii) plcs sent on approval. J. E. Caldwull Sc Co., 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. e EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TDBBS. PROPRIETOR BL00U3 BUH3, FA. OPPOSITE COUHT IIOUSE. I nriro nna convenient samplo rooms, ll.tth rooms hot und cold water, aul all moanrnconveak'nefj tk week nt homo. 15.00 outtlt free, ttay tb-' ,solutely sure. Norlslc. Capltalnotrequlrcd.il ueuuur. 11 you .waul, uusiawa ui wuiou uu- Honiiof rlili-r sex. vounv or old. can make' Kreit nay all ths lima they trorlc', with absolute uvriuiiuy, wriio iur puriicuiaRi vu 11, iiAui.ni r tw Co., l"ortland, Maine. i Doosi-ly wiinlnil tnrrVta Tlvnunr nil tlin Prptl Ml' ilArilMnf tlin II H 'I'hn Inrm.f. hand.J .vjincit beut boolc ever sold lor less than, twice our nricu. ino lasiusi, kciuuk q jo'1 hoot tn America. Immenso nroOUl to grant!. All : Intelligent iwople want It. Anyone c.ui becomu HUUCIWSIUI aKClll, JUriU! irUO, lA4.4.4bVI 44tlUA. I'll,, i'uriiuuu; .tiuuie, iicu-vi-i njmeiiiiDTiLMS III n IhsvapoIUTeremeKljrortbabooilis'il,Mlis la tbuusAods ot csivos efthaworkt Llnd snduf loan itshiluiti bsva bssn, cured.' ...InJoM.i-oMroaa tj I' r f'llth In its effloavj, that I will ."-M l 'Jt 7J l(yf rM.S ctSoav, that i'woii It fTlH1 I Itl.K, togstUer KU a VAl.il!'"" iii.aiidi;. on this diies.e, tn any sutferrr. ..la. tin 'P A Kt.llf'ITl I llvn en,rrsi and 1'. t). ajJiom. Ub. T, A, BLOVU U, 1SI Parlbt.,Nw Vfltk, April ll-IW PE;30DY HOTEL,, I'illLADKLl'IIA. Oth St. rnuth of Chestnut, ono tvmn soutli of the New I'oit onice, one half square from Walnut 1st. Theatre and in the very biulncaii ctjutro of the clty.'on tho American and European plani Oood rnoina from two to jaoi per day, Itcmodelled uud newly furnUhcd. W. Payne, 1I. D., noY 80-1 y1 owner i Proprietor. 0 MUMAM OOMiBOSJ. NEWARK, XV. J. 20 minutes of New York. Mors portions for aranh nntin than all other schOoH combined. Lira SchoU srshlp. $ta Write for circulars. COLEMAN I'ALMS, Proprietors. April 11-lw r ' SUBSCRIBE NOW I'OIl THE CdLUMHTAN Sl.r.0 A YEAH, QMAIN STREET,), STYLES AWf "WO W t p( 'AT DAVID THE .MERCHANT TAILOR, .llpoliIb.lll, WEBER - - II PIAIsTQS, FINK INLAID FUENOII WALNUT CASE OilGAN, l) STOPS, $90 CASH. Eusy Terms. StillNfactlon unrnnlcctl. 3bJA.ao3srjs 3?ia. isrp ware ze-ooivrs, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, UXIHES-BAXRH. PA &EAND WORD CONTEST ! rLEASANT ANIJ NSTiU!CTIVF, PASTIME. MAGNIFICENT AND COSTLY PREMIUMS GIVEN. Solid Gold Watch, - - Worth $100,00 Muantficent Tea Set, enibracing Waiter, 24 1st. sa. iih;ii, jiiiin iitvrvit' i t int' ju lynieai, t jnw.vn Hammered and Bnyruved with Gold Lined Slot) and Cream, Quadruple Plate, 100.00 TuTixt) In Wtu Pet, HanJ ChaneJ orChateilBatln.VllhGofJ lnci( Blop iin'l'cup, 4th. Tii.tii.(i lie Water Met. iaw raved, with (io 6ih. ToiLkT Htdid, 1'lno lleoorntod llottle nnd I'nwder IIOX, wlthHalla Lined Jtwel Pru tlili. KRi'iTfirihD. Illch lKicorntod Glass, ofthor II ue or Aint,fr. - . lilt. Tete-a Tite Set, il plecen, lied and Amber Sih, llrn. CAttga, Chased Bell Uanillen, ,Tli Vlll. MT. l ITCllEn. jqunri. wiuhhu. ijuuuiu nuuuu, ' 10th. CaheHtanp. Clitued and Gold Lined, , 11th, Khcit Utasp, Hock Crystal Glais, beautifully cat .... .The manufacturers of the Celebrated Day's Koap, will kIts on the 1st of May, 18SI, the almre costly and bviiutlful l'rrinluin u iho persons makngo,it the large,t list of words fiupi Uiu, trurds Ity'3 OoloToxntGc3. Soap. -cpiiiTioNa 1st. All ll'ls must be accompanied by a 1 Cc:t Ctias for return postage, and the written ui. T men I that you have and are now using the Dai's IIia (Iroi'f r from shorn vou buy It. 'Al. wnras must ne written pininiy anu ntimoereu. 3d. No words Mill be counted In which letters are ined, not found In the words Dsj's Cllitnttl Cms. 4thi All IU must lie In by tho 1st ol May as the j.mulums will Ionium nu that day, 5th. The Premiums will be xlven lu rotation nccerUInK to lari;ei,t lint nf wurUs, r.th. Write your name audaddiess plainly on lists, uud fur further infoinmllon arid tuttructlon icio-e 2 Cn Ctwp. 1 This nirer Is nui.le to Induee vou to trv and use the PcscaT and DfT Botr Mam. nv lu mu vou J-Jivn No lion ino, No Ecaipino, No Heat, No bTrtw.nnd your uathlniidune In ont'.lu.lf ii,b uiual time,, IMY'I I o not! miift no ut'Ci as tnrccteu. inreciiuns tun lie lotion, on eacp Kiarpr. Tlie Ijat's nn iq nui o leii'iinK mioiehiuu aim rt'tHii ' Uexiinlly r.mlwssed Cards given with I)a v'a Manufnotured 1744, 17!6, 175S, 17U0 & 17C3 IIowalb St. A 17M, raj.-ilw Foi'SUoby .ilJi-r!.l a I -TT L. A. SHATTOCK, M. D. Mgdieal SapoHntsniont of ths Sanitarium. Invalid's Homo. ' Bloioiitsbur, Pa., Duyotcs special .i.lcnilou to Epilepsy, Nervous Affection:, uml Diseases of Women. I'titlenis received nt tho Snnltiirliiin (in I'cnsoniiUo terms for bonrd nnd tro'itincnt, P. B. "No chnrgo for flrst consultutlon. npr 27. '8U A .c:r.ccu. Stim mr- 1st IflM)KA SAMfflZBB, tvuNiuAnn'f,.j "I-'or tlio Ocroliriiltiil Clifckcrlng, Ivors I'rma.mf.l VOsu&Sou l'lonbs. WoHil-.fj5 noWliltl Kstcy Orglns, VIAllns, AordcbtiJ nn.l Sheet Music..! OlebtiUcd Willie,- Ne Hliili Arm Duvls, Now Home, ltoynl t. Jolin. nml Light Hunulni; Uomcstlo Sowing Machines. Needles, oil ntul nttnpliraciits for nil tnnkos of 8ewli Machines. tabavs ) '.)' :'15)E .-SEEN 1 j H'l )t UU ' 'I'M iJ "J;n:l 1 - ARBIV1AIM Jnnel 55 no won VI (al lT.no 1.'50 10 50 1000 7,0" it I.lnetl MovhIi eh onand Cun, Olam, II, in, I KnRraved, bell can roadlly bo detached from the Handle,. 7.00 rJu' In your lamlly, and tbe name and address o ,'l 4iiui;vra iiiiquuiiuui me ijniii'ii' bunts. Soap by DAY A FRICK, 755, 1717, 1T59 4 1701 Vatebioq St PiiiiAntf piua, Vi d.tjfilKUriilnorrisbufir.Pa. . ! r-rr. r B, F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dopst, Blborasburg'Pa. 'Marturactnror of y rst c luss rutiL'ts In dllturont styles, cook 'stoves, parlor sibvcb und stoYi'S for lieuilng siort scliool litilisoi, stiivu repmra, sucn us griucs( nrouritu, dtj, centres CALL Al SECURtS BARGAIN Oct 20 tf mm lowEin; llAXLROA WlJVtH TABIiU, Pennsylvania Railroad. 'hjladolphja Sl, Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central ' .Railway. ", , , 1- x-' ' tlME TABLE. , In olTt ct Nov. wth, 1883. Trains Icdvo sun tiury. ' E.STWAHD, p 'Un.m.. Lock llnveni ExnresR (il.illv lojfnen Sunday), tor.llnrrlsbiug and InU'riiu'illate slat ions iancoster; Philadelphia, KCiV York, llaltlmoiennd WaSl.lngton.'uirlvliigat Phllsdelphhi 3.15 pi in. j Npw 101K, 0 VU Pi n. I llnltlinoiT, 5.11) p. in. ; WnMl. iugton o.u u. Jii., iuijuuji. ii,i4ui;u4ui' i;uacu io Philadelphia. ' 1.55 p. in. Day express (dally except Sunday), for llarrlsburg and lnierineillate stuttuns, Lancas ter, Philadelphia, Kejv YurK, llaltlinore audi Wasli. ington, afrlvlng at Philadelphia 7.35 p. ui. ; new lOrK. p. HI. , ll.llMJUUIl , l.VJ. ill. , 4USI41llg- ton, 8.4 .'p! In. Pullman lMMor far through to Phi ladelphia and passenger tOAch through to Philadel phia and' lisllln.ore. ;; ' - I. .... I.... .till, I MIMA. l.M.J..Ul,IJ. I.I.H, o,ll I', 'ill. .Yi4iiniunj,ui 1. .ii.uu.iiiiiuuaiiui4 uitiij ; for.llarfUburg nnd nil lntcimedlato htatlons. Lan caster, Philadelphia and Now York, arriving nt Philadelphia 3,.5 11. 111.; new vorK u. Ill . .in. Sleeping tar tAx'O.iiinadatlohs can be' l,eclrcdtat HarrlsburgforrhllaUelphl.inndNi'W York. Onsliii dujs .athiough sleeping mrrwill belunion this train iiou) iinainsii 'ii,uruunuuipuii.i'iiiiaueipuia pasbunguiH cun K'Duiln lusleepcr.uuUlsturbcd until (? a. 111. , . , , it 1 .1, U.1U 1U Ul.-7i.44i J44444 VU.4IIJ UALL'IIV .MUilVillJ 1111 Harrfsbuii; dnd lntennedlato stations, Lahcofetcr, Philadelphia, New York, iialtimoie and Washing, ton, arriving at Philadelphia. 7.10 a. in. s New York, 11.30 u. 111. ; lUlllnlore 7.-195! Ai. ; Washington, 8.50 a. 111. Through Pullman sleeping ears urn run on this train tu Philadelphia, llallliiiurc and Washing ton, uud ihi-ough h.isncngcr coaches to l'hlladcl- pnu una iiaiiunoie. , i, W.ESTAllD, 6.30a. in. Kile, Mall (dallyt. except Sunday)', for Eriound all Intermediate 'stations 'with through PuUiiiau Palaco car. ami through pnssenger coaches to Erie, and throuirh Pullman Pahicu care to liurrdlo vld'EinpormSi."'On Sundays this train runsio iteuovo, niiiri'uuuian I'uiacu ear to Wllllainsport and passenger coaches to iteuovo. tor utiuauuaigua nnu inieruieuiaio biations, ltoches cr, llulljtojnd Niagara KulK (dally except Sundays) with though Pullman Palace cur nnd passenger coaches to itochester. i.ujp. in. luguni i-xpiess taany except Sun day) lor ,Kauu and Inlvridodlalo itudous with tluough passenger coaches to Kane and parlor car to Wlill.miM'on. lVir Cunahdalgua nnd prlnclial InterineilLite tuitions, KocliubUT, Jiullulo and Niagara Palls w ltli tluough pssenser' coaches to (i.ocnestcr. . 5.S5 p. in. Fast lino (dally except Sunday ror He jiav'onnd lntcnnedtale stations, und Eltntra. Wnt- kins and intermediate btattons, with through ims- senger uuautvs v iiuuovu unu walnuts. TUltOUail THA1NS 1XM SUNIIUltY PHOM THE EAST AND SOUTH. 1 Niagara Express leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m-i lhUtUmiiu 7.30 a. 111. (daily except bunduy) 'uniting at sunbury, 1.05 p. in, with through Pullman. Parlor earn 0111 Philadel phia and thraugh passenger conches from Phlladel- pma auu iiaiunioie. .4. Past Line leaves New Yotk 8.00 h. m. : Philadel phia, 11.10 a. ui. ; WaslUDgluu, u 40 11. 111. : Hum- mere, io.5j a. m., (dally except Sunday) urrUlng ut OU1IUUIJ, U.KU J'. 44,., ,,1414 WIIUUKI1 j,, co.Lchcs from l'hlladi'ltilitii ntul It.-ililinnn,. aunuury, o.zv i. 111., wiiu ini'ougu passenger Eflo Mull leaves New. Aork Rod p. ta..i I'hlhiilcl phlu, 11.80 p. u. j Washington, iu.10 p. in. ; Haiti 111 io, 11.8.1 p. m.,'(dMly) uriiuiijria buubury 6.15 n, in., w Ith through full nun l'auco blccplnn cars trom I'hllilclclphln, Vnnlilogion and lialtlihoic and through pohscnger ., coaches from l'l.lluilt'lphla. Sleeper fioin tushlhgtouiahs dally except bun day. bO- DCllY, 1IAZI.KT0N & WltKES-UAllllE ltAlMIOAD Ann nuitTu & ukht uhanch itAU.WAV, (Dally except) auiutar.) Jlnll'Eastleuteabuubuiy (dally except Sunday) (U5 u. in., urilfliigntlliuoin 'Kerry 7.41 11.111., W llkes-barro li.ao 11. in.. Lxprifts i;.u,t leau'h Huubury 6.05 n. in., nitlvlnu' at llltiomi'errycaip.ni.,' Wllkes b.niu H.M p. in .Mull West leaves Wllkes-b.irro lU3ia.ni. nnlv lug m lilooui Fcny l!!.vl p. in., hunbury ia.65 p. 111. Ivxpre.ssWebtU'.itea ,W lives banu5.3j p, 111., ur- living ut lilooui ivnj' 'T.07 p. in., stinbuiy s.15 p. . . 1 . CHAS. K. I'UGII, ,T. It. WOOD, Ucii. -Manager. , (job. Passenger Agent. iJ)HIL'ALIEIi?I1A and! HEADING i'Uftl) AliKANGKM EN'1V OF i'AiSt.LMitU TKAINS. N6v. 5, 18S31 THAINS LBAVH KDFB11T AS FOU.OWeCNhAy KICXI'TfD, Por .Now York.PhlladelDhla.lteadluit.l'ottHH 'u Tamaqaa, c'., 11,45 fi, tn. ForCatawlssfi,ll,'45'ii. in. 0.13 and 10.30 p. in. for Wllllamaport,f,J"ll,45 a. m. aud 4,o p. m. Vir LewlsDurg ahd Sunbury, '4 lis p. tn. THAINS rOB BU4-IKI LKATB AS KOI-tOWa, (HUNDAV KSIOBPrSD.')' Leave New Tork.vurTauiaaend o.uo a, in. and via. Ilound'llroolc llbuto T,'45 a. tn. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,60 a; a! Leave Heading, 11,55 a.'Ui., i'otti)viliii, u,39 p. d, and Tamaiiua, 1,33 p. m. Leave Catawlsaa, 6,30 11,05,'a.m. and ,u P. m. iLeavp Wlllln)srort,ju.ni'4.D5 p. in. ana 0.00 p. in Leave sunbury 4.54 p. in. "' U'Wlsbutg4.4Si).m. Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and frouivphlladeiphla go through without chango of cars. J. B. WOOTTEN, CCIUNCOCK,. General Manage, janeior 'ilsi-tf1""'61' and Tlckct Ap"nt- JKLAWAltK, LACKAWANXA AND WK8TEU.V atAlLllOAll. ULOOMSHUlia DIVISION. NOUTII. tn. p.m. a.m. STATIONS. SOUTIJ. 11. in. p.m. p.m u 30 S 10 Ji 17 u 15 09 u 03 H 54 S 4S 8 4.' 8 or X 45 U 15 ..Scranton,.., ...llcllevue.,,, .Taylorvllle... Lacltawaima,, ...l'lttston West pjtttuon. ..Wyoming.. . ..Mnlthy 0 ! 0 37 0 45 9 53 0 4S 10 01 10 08 30 0 ill u 10 U 11! 1 uennutt... 8 85 00 BM I'M 0 01 U OJ 8 551 fl'57 S 3'J 8 liS 8 IS .... Kingston ,, ..11 Kingston .. '11 08 1 I'J . 410 10 ; l'lvmnnth .T,, 8 10 1 35 ..,.1'lymoulh..,. 10 SO 3 03 t...Avondale. , 300 .. Nantlcoko...llO 31 3 10 Hunlock's Creek in 4 a m 1 25 8 07 118 S 00 '01 7 4S 13 4J ,7 ,11 ID it hhlckshlnny., 10 55 3 31 8 US HlCk'a l'erri 11 14 !i a a An 7'66 15 15 7 SO 13 Ul 7 13 11 47 H 1J 8 t 7 M 7 ti. .licucil IIIIVCI1, . 11 13 3 51 II 80 3 51 4 07 4 13 11 39 1 20 II 45 4 37 11 50 4 33 11 55 4 3S 13 IS 4 50 .llerwlck .Urlar Creek. .Willow drove.. ,,Lluie Jlltlgu, Uspy .illloomsburg ... ... llunert 7 OS II 40 T 05 11 SJ 5 51 11 10 0 311 10 S) tt 45 10 51) 0 31 10 41 U OS 10 IM 0 10 10 OS 0 01 10 7 41 7 SI, 7 31 7 89, Catawra lirhlgo 7 11 ..i.auviuu,,,, Chulasky.,,. .... UIIIITUU..,. Northumberland 5 09 13 45 5 35 p.m. p.m. 45 9 n is a.m. p ni. tun, W. P. IIAITKAI), Hupt superintendent's oftlce, Scrantori, Peb. 1st, 1883. JAMES IlEILIiY,- Tonsorial Artist. iVrtlife,,a?(1f)Ra8,iflM ri ,ft wT:P"!!? KifR1 """"oldowtomersan'd of the pnhito isiyic,'bu-ii, I K I . '"'-'"M'ttyii April lij-iw lUTTER fof COLOnanif SWEETNESS , Ue BEAM'S'CONCENTRATCD' l.rlpiTCt cf Annnltn. Batu' -Tm,0al;r, Pdcbttut '!,, .i,i'min,) ais JUnel.iy Unox, Rlmp'on t Co., Washington, ,,.'.0'.. N,0A'."i' Rl"iei1 forpweut until ita i?a " r'le 'or Hetora' Mulde. Doacilho cabe. April 11-lw ihoKmi i.) II.. 1 Kf. r -JUSTE 0 117 I) 31 e 41 0 40 0 51 0 C5 0 58 7 03 7 10 7 17 7 83 7 BO 7 37 8 00 8 50 9 (M 8 01) 8 On 8 10 8 31 8 Oil 8 05 8 03 8 40 9 S3 0 U3 0 50 a. Ill