The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 25, 1884, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
FiTiTmy, aTTul 2r,, mi:
Correct Itiitlrotut Time Title.
Tralni on tlio Philadelphia & 11 It leave ltupert
:3D a. m.
4:00 p. m.
lliU a, m.
6:13 p. in.
Trains on the V.L.& W. It. It. leave llloomsburir
m follow i
7:77 a. m. 8: a. m.
lo.u a. to. H:vi a, m.
:3 p. in. 4:3fl p. m.
The ll:45 train south einnccu with the Phlla.
delphlafi Hondlnir at ltupert, ana with tho N)r
them central at Northumberland.
The 1 8:25 a. in. train connect at Northumberland
with train on I'ennsylvanla road, reaching
Philadelphia at 8:11 p. in. , icM-mug
The ll:U train connect? with Philadelphia and
lte&dtnjr road at ltuport at 11:5a reaching Phtiadol.
phla at 6.00 p. m.
Tho 11:45 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:45, reaching Philadelphia
tl 7:25 p. m.
The 4.80 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
ro id at Northumberland at 8.05 p. m and rcachoa
Philadelphia at 3:5n.m. 1
Trains on the N. W.B. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows i
Ml rn. U:oi p. m.
P- 7.1)7 p. m.
Notice to CorrcHpoutlcutH.
In order to savo many communications from the
waste basket we make the following suggestions
to local correspondents i Use only one side of tho
sheet, and wrlto as plain as possible s Iglvo only,
the local news that Is ot some Interest to the com
munlty, such as accidents, Improvements, mar
riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and
churchos, business enterprises, changes ofresl.
dence, and the llko. What appear to be Jokes at
the expense of others, and personal mention glv.
lng only one name or Initials or a nickname, will
not be printed under any circumstances. Such
Items often give offense, though none may be In
tended. The full name of the writer must always
be given, but will not bo printed unless requested.
I hereby anrounco myself as a candidate for tho
office ot superintendent of Public School of Col
umbia county, and would respectfully solicit tho
support ot the School Directors of the county.
aprlMw J, s. aitlMKS.
Tho undersigned hereby announces himself a
candidate for the office ot Superintendent ot the
Public Schools of Columbia county, and rramvtful.
ly asks the support ot tho Directors of tho county.
Mir. 88, 1884.
Catawlssa, ra.
For Hale.
Several town properties, good location
brick or frame.
About 25 acres of land in Hemlock town,
hip, partly cleared, balance well timbered,
A farm of about 80 acres In Scott twp.
For terms and particulars apply to Oco,
E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, Pa. feb. 20-tf.
Public HnlcH.
All those having public sale bills printed
at this office will receive n notice under
this heading, frco of charge The notice
will remain standing until the day of sale.
M. P. Lutz, assignee of C. B. Brockway,
offers valuable real estate at private snlu up
to May 17th, and If not sold by that date
will be exposed to public sale on Saturday,
May 2411), 1884.
Bruce Coleman of the NtuuDeattr, was
in town on Tuesday.
I. S. Kuhn will start on a western trip
next week.
linn J. B. Kulttlu was in town on Mon.
day for the first time in three months.
Judge Elwell spent a few days in To?
wanda this week, stopping ot Tunklian
nock on the way up.
Ioe Ciibam. Iob CitBAM. All the popular
flavors at Phillip's Domestic Bakery.
Dcntler's new building is rapidly pro
gressing. Wanted. A girl to do gcncrul house
work. Inquire of Geo. W. Sterner. 425tf
James Commons has charge of the Bloom
ferry this year. lie is the best man for
that position that could bu found.
Everybody says Lllley & Sloppy are sell
lng goods cheaper than anybody in the
Rev. S. P. Itemcr will preach in the
Evangelical church on Fourth street every
Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Scrap pictures, transfer pictures, pocket
books, purses, scrap books, albums, &a,
at the Columbian store.
John Weiss pleaded guilty of tho charge
of bigamy at Wllkes-Barre on Monday. He
has uot yet received his sentence.
Mrs. Nancy Kahler, an aged lady, and nn
old resident of this town, died last Satur
day, after a long Illness. She was burled
on Tuefday.
Cranes' writing papers for ladles' corres
pondence, the best paper in the market, at
the Columhian store. White ink for tinted
Samuel Neyhard's otllco has been remov
ed from the front room of the Columhian
building to tho third room back, on the
smne floor.
Mr. A. O. Klmbcrly is our authorized
agent to solicit subscriptions, job work,
and advertising. Ills receipt for money
for this olllce will be as valid ns that of tho
proprietors. apr 25-tf
8. J. Creasy has purchased of Mr. Full
mer m-tir the Norlli Mountuln, 10,000 feet of
onk, hawed 20 feet long, f Inches thick and
1 foot wide, clear of all knots, which Ue
(hips to Nova Scotia.
Foit Hunt. The front room, second
floor, of the Columuian building, One of
til.- best rooms for an olllce In town. Heat
eil by steam, lighted by gas, water on same
flour, Apply to Geo. E. Elwell. tf
E. L. Slmrretts has Just finished u three,
year term of apprenticeship ut tho Ittpubli
tun ofllee, and will be retained by his em
ployern, which Is a proof of his good work
manslilp. Ed. has served his time faithful
ly and well, and wo wioli him success in
o'l his undertakings hereafter.
Everybody Is crying "hard times" wo
arc doing llrst-class business. Why
huuldn't people go and buy where they
cau buy the cheapest ? Wo are bound to
run our stock down so wo will have room
tor Spring slock. Come early and tako
advantage of some bargains we aro offer
,nJS Lillkv & SlBPI'T.
As stated elsewhere, tho price of the
"History of Columbia Cointy" lias been
reduced from $3.50 to $1.75, by mall 22
.cents extra to pay postage. As the prlco
teemed to bo too high to allow of ready
tale wo wcro compelled to make this re
ductlor. or keep tho books. Wo aro now
giving tho agent's commission to the pur
chaser. Call early, If you want the cheapest book
for tho money over offered la this county.
Lilley & Bleppy at Orangevllle, have the
largest stock of gilt, mica, satin, white,
black and brown back wall paper ever of
fered for sale In Orangevllle.
New wall paper In tho latest deelens at
O' A. Clark's.
The following Is taken from tho Hop
ncllsvlllc, N. Y. lMily In reference to tho
mnrrlngo of E. H, Wltman and Miss Milan
Edgctt, Wednesday morning April 10th.
Horncllivlllo lias lost nnother ot Its most
accomplished young ladies. At the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgelt, on Bennett street,
occurred tho marrlago of their daughter
Milan and itcv. K. II. Wltman, or Dubois,
town, Pa., Rev. 8. W. Moyd performing
the ceremony. A fow of tho especial friends
of tho family wcro prosont. Numerous
presents from tho friends ot tho parties
ndded to tho Interest of tho occasion. Tho
reverend gentleman, who Is to be highly
congratulated on his good fortune, Is a
Me hodlst pastor In Pennsylvania, and a
successful mnn In the ministry. Ho won
tho good will nnd wishes of those present
nt the wedding by his gentlemanly.nnd cul
tured bearing. Wo nro sorry to lose Miss
Edgctt from our place, and Park church
choir and Sunday School ns well as tho
family will crcatlv miss her. hut wn pnn.
gratulato her upon her cholco and tho wide
Hold of usefulness open to her, An elegant
repast was served and tho lm
left on the noon train for their now home.
Our good wishes follow them.
T.nrirnat mlntr n11 I . i
ui nnu (mpcr 111 IIIC Coun
ty, nt O. A. Clark's.
Mllcy & Slennv have over nnn Imnilm.l
different styles of wall paper.
Vacation Time.
Tho school term will soon 1m flrnwtni In
a close, and teachers nro looking forward
to tho tlmo when thov will
their duties. We do not wonder at this.
liardly any profession causes moro wear
nnd tear upon health nnd tomnor than ti,t
of teaching school nnd no one who hns not
mcu it con comprehend It to Its full ex
tent It Is needless to say how eagerly the
boys and girls look forward to a release
from their dallv tasks, ami tim m,t, ..,..
of unlimited freedom. They do not seem
io mm now, wiut thoy are sure to learn
In tho future that these
days of their lives.
Sunday School Reward cards at the Col
umbian Store.
You can get Ice Cream at Phillips' Do.
mestlc Bakery, of tho best quality and fla-
About Road Tax,
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has
rendered several decisions of peneml Intnr.
est in the matter of road tax. Tho right of
rarmers to work out their road tax has
been generally conceded, but supervisors
In a fow townships Insist that the tax must
ne pain in money. A test case has Uecn
decided In favor of taxpayers, and their
right to work out their tax distinctly nnd
finally affirmed. In other cases Collectors
oi the road tax have claimed a commission
should bo collected on the nnrt worked out
as well as that paid into thu township
treasury. The Supreme Court decided that
all claims for such commissions should be
rejected, the working out of a tax impos
ing no labor upon the collector or treasur
er, but on the supervisor, who is paid fflr
his services.
G. A. Clark's is the best place to buy
wall pupcr because he has tho largest as-
sortmcnt to select from.
Lille & Sleppy's low prices are playing
smash. Low prices aro doing it.
There is no use to cry hard times. Ap-
pieman & McIIenry say they have already
sold one-third the number of wagons they
sold last year. There Is no risk in getting
a first-class wagon of them.
Wc think times arc hard, yet it does not
look so to see the rush at Rohr McIIenry's
store, He has just returned from tho city
with n large and well-selected stock of
goods which he is selling nt very low
McIIenry & Carey have opened a fine
furnituro storo on tho opposite side of the
street from their former location.
We see our friend, J. J. McHcnry, is
making good use of tho fishing season, as
he came home to-day with a very large
A now Ithaca five octavo organ will be
exchanged for a buggy. Inquire at this of-
Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All
changes made in Union depots. No omni
bus transfers. W. C. McKinnet, A?'t.
plant (shade TrecH,
A writer iu one of our , agricultural ex
changes says : Tho importance of shade
trees should under no circumstances be
overlooked by the farmer, and where there
Is a vacant spot, where these gifts of na.
turu can be given a location, it should be
done. Now Is the time to prepare for
spring planting, and this should bo accom
plished as soon as the frost is out of the
ground, and before the buds of the spring
trees to be transplanted begin to swell.
They can be used for both utility and orna
ment around farm dwellings, and they may
be planted near thu borders of cattle yards,
thus affordlug tho luxury of shade for
domestic animals in very warm weather.
Iu pastures trees can be set out In groups
for the like purpose, especially when the
fields arc to remain permanently In grass.
Thu cost is so unimportant that tliero Is no
excuse for Its omission by any farmer.
The prettiest country homo is the one that
is almost hidden from view by foliage.
Go to G. A. Clark's for your wall paper.
and you cilnhot fall to bo suited.
Potatoes are scarce. Lllley it Bleppy
don't waut any, but any oilier kind of pro
duce they will take.
To PuilHloil AppllClllltH.
llLoosibiiuiio, April 21, 1884.
Ins. Columhian i
The lollowliu: letter not belnif a nrlvate
one, and believing that it will' bo of great
interest to a luriio class of your readers. I
give you permission to Insert, and mainly
to save many soldiers irorn practical frauds
and extortions. 0. B. B.
Wabiiinciton. D. 0. March 7. 1884.
C. B. Biiookwav, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Sir i In response to your iclter of recent
date, I deslro to say that Messrs. N. W,
Fitzgerald Si Co.. Claim Acents of this
city, wero on the 20th of December last, by
direction oi ine lion, secretary oi ino in
terior, suspended from practice upon In
formation that the Grand Jury In tho Su
preme Court of tho District of Columbia,
had found nn indictment against them for
unlawful practices, growing out of tho
prosecution of claims for pensions, and iu
view of this fact claimants formerly reprc.
Rented by said firm, are, during the con.
tinuaucu of the order of suspension, nt lib
erty ot appointing new nttorncys or prose,
cutlng their respective claims In person.
very itcbpeciiuuy,
W. W. Dodlbt,
Lllley S) Sleppy have made a great cut In
all kinds of goods, and will not bo under
sold, Granulated sugar, Oc. j Standard A.,
0,, white sugar, 8c. i a nice brown sug.
ar, 4 lbs for 2ffo all domestic ginghams,
lOo and 'down j all cotton shirtings, 10cj
calicoes, 6 and Co dress goods ut cost.
Call early and get a bargain.
Foil Halb.A se( pf tinner tools, apply
to I. It. Rupert Bloomsburg, Pa. tf j
Wreck on the Rupert IlrlilKc.
The breaking of n car wheel threw n
freight trnln nff tho track on the Runctt
bridge Inst Friday night about 11 o'clock.
Four cars loaded with lumber went through
tho brldgo Into the river. Tho 'limbers of
tho bridge wcro bndly broken nnd repairs
will tako all of this week. The cars still
remain In tho river, but tho lumber was
floated down to the shops at Catawlssa and
lied. Whllo the brldgo was obstructed
passengers wcro transferred from Catawls
sa to Rupert In wagons.
Tho best dlrt.proof watches, mado can bo
seen at L. Bcrnlmrd's jewelry store.
Tho attention of your readers Is called to
the advertisements of B. F. Drelsbach, 0.
A. Buckingham nnd Levy Si Co. Thoy nro
llvo business men and country buyer Vis
iting Berwick will do well to call nn tllnm
beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Tho Rolling Mill is suspended for tho
present on account of lack of ordor.
Geo. W. Pooler has been honored with
and accepted nn Invitation to play ot tho
Annual Concert and Contest
ntcs of Dickinson Scmlnnry which takes
piaco early In May at tho Academy of Mil
lc, Wllllamsport.
C. D. Fowler Is mnklng a successful In
troduction of tho "Butler" Safe.
The Wanwallonen Vallov Honsn. kcni
by 0. W. Mautfcr, Is a model country hotel.
avcryimng irom top to bottom Is arranged
with a view to afford tho best nnd most
complete nccommo dattons to guests. It
lias been renovated and painted and pre
Bents many attractions in tl
recreation In the neighborhood of Council
uup. ino table, under tho efficient lady of
the house, Is all that could bo nsked by tho
most fastidious.
Tom's Columuian echoes were extensive
ly read by Berwick subscribers nml will lm
continued as occasion shall suggest.
Dr. Michael, our new resident dcntlst.has
taken up his quarters In the Hockman
building and Is ready for tho patronage of
nisirirnas and mo public.
Fred Buyer has made some chances In
his hotel and Is now prepared to accommo
date the traveling public.
Three new applications are filed for li
cense for tho borouch. nnd we nrcsumo
will probably bo granted.
The school term exolres early next
month and will bo closed by a public en
tertainment In Association Hall.
Reduction In Price.
In the publication business, such as the
Columuian has been engaged iu, It Is not
ndvisable nor profitable to have much stock
on hand, of any kind whatever. "Prompt
sales and quick returns" Is n sound busi
ness molto We find ourselves with a con
siderable portion of our edition of the
"History of Columbia County," still un
sold, and in ngrcemcnt with the idea abovo
expressed, deslro to put them upon tho
market at such prlco as will be satisfactory
to all parties. The book has hcretoror
been sold at less price, comparatively,
than most local histories ; but our agents
have usually reported to us that the price
was in the way of extensive sales, although
tho book was in good demand, and could
be readily sold at some reduction.
The commission allowed by us to our
agents reduced the book to us, to as low a
price as we conld afford to sell it. In or
dcr therefore, that thoso who want the
book may now procure it at such rate as
they have expressed a readiness to buy It,
and thus the buyer have the advantage of
what we have heretofore paid to p.gents,
tho prico of the book will hereafter be, as
follows :
Bound In cloth, at our store (old price 12.10) $1.75.
" "Jf leather " " 13.00) J3.2J.
" tftull leather " " t3.!0) .50.
and if Bent by mail, post paid, twenty-two
cents additional for postage.
This is undoubtedly the cheapest book
that has ever been offered in this county,
aud there is every tenson to our friends
and subscribers that the book should bo
extensively bought and circulated. It Is
and will bo an authority on the subjects
about which it treats. As the names and
dates and transactions therein recorded
fade away from living memory, and the
newspapers of tho time aro lost and de
stroyed, in the History will remain a liv
ing and contemporary report of many facts
which greatly concerns many of you to
know, and to know for certain. Net only
to know but to hnvo in the shape of a prin
ted volume.
The work of putting In tho pump at
Logan is almost completed. The pump Is
a very large one, requiring a 14 Inch col
umn to rccelvo the water. As the colliery
very frequently suspended operations on
account of high water, they will have no
further troublo In that direction.
John Brennan, employed as a starter at
Continental, had three of his fingers blown
completely off, nnd his hand shattered in a
frightful condition by an explosion of
a Dunlin cap which went nil by some un
known cause Iu the young man's hand.
Work on the new nest of boilers has
commenced at Logan. This will make in
all, thirty boilers, nnd this number is bare,
ly able to supply the amount of steam re
quired. Twenty-two mules arrived here on Wed
nesday morning from Illinois, to be used
by Riley & Co. at tho collieries.
Thlrty.three Hungarians nccuplod thu
rear car of the early train n few days agu
en ronto for Sunbury. Wo don't care 'how
many they ship In that direction, so long
as they will not Increaso our supply of
them. Over forty of thr plagues are cm
ployed at Ceutralla colliery.
James I. Lake, foreman at the Lognn
colliery, Is spending a few weeks In Bos.
ton, Mass.
Centralla colliery worked two days last
week to tilt thu breaker.
Several nartlcs are uxcavntlni' lmptr nf
the new school building preparatory to
Christ, Small has commenced operations
on ills now dwelling, which will be a
model structure when completed.
A valuable cow belonging to Patrick
McDonnell was killed on the railroad ou
Contractors havo commenced the sink,
lng of u new slopo at the Logan colliery.
Miss Mary Groody of Ashland, Is spend
lng a fow days with Mrs. Daniel Curry.
A charter has been granted to the Ash
land Electric Light Company. The work
of erecting thu buildings will be com
menced at once.
Daniel Curry of town, and Schmcker of
Shenandoah, will shoot a pigeon match for
$100 a side, on tho 80th of May,
Rev. T. J. McDcrmott of West Chester,
spent part of tho week with Rev. E. T.
Tho Saving & Loan Association elected
new olllcers ou Monday evening for tho
ensuing year,
0, Q, Murphy has added to his large
stock of dry goods a largo assortment of
gents- clothing, which ho will sell at very
reasonable rates.
Town ortcntilr.atlnn.
In your Issuo ot April 11th, 1881, wo
noticed nn nrtlclo on the abovo subject, re
ferring chiefly to tho rebent applications of
Cntnwlssa nnd Orangovllto for borough
charters. Wo nro iinncqunlntod with the
facts nnd clrcumstnnccs attending tho np.
plication of tho people of Orangevllle, so
will havo nothing whatever to say concern
ing their ense. Wo do desire, however, to
correct several misstatements of facts con
cerning tho application from Catawlssa i
and, In doing this, let It bo understood Hint
thcro Is no disposition to censure tho cmU
ncnt nuthor of the nrtlclo, who would lhavn
no Interest, nnd much less, any Inclination
or desire to state what was not strictly cor.
rcct. His Information hns evidently como
from those most interested In opposing the
borough movement, and has cither been
collected In a grossly careless manner or
with nn Intention to wilfully misrepresent
the facts for tho purpose ot misleading tho
over-credulous reader.
It Is not correct that the opposition camo
mainly from cltucns ot tho township out
side of tho proposed borough, Every ono
who has any reliable Information concern
lng tho borough movement hero knows
that It was mainly opposed by tiz individ
uals, nil of whom llvo within the limits of
the proposed borough, and that thero was
only one man In tho township who took
any decided Bland with tho opposition,
while on tho other hand a mnjorlty of the
leading citizens In tho township have ex
pressed themselves ns being In favor of In
corporation. The township of Catawlssa, outside the
limits of tho proposed borough, would con
tain 14 square miles or 8900 acres of terri
tory, nnd would not be left In tho form of
a shell or crescent. Tho Western bound
ary of tho proposed borough Is the Susquc
hannn river, which Is also tho boundnry
line or tho township j and the southern
boundary of tho proposed borough is, for a
considerable distance, the line between
Catawlssa nnd Franklin townships, and
when It leaves the township line It follows
tho baso of a high mountain a natural
boundary the remaining distance, so that
the proposed borough is taken from the
corner of the township In a manner that will
not Inconvenience nny one in any respect.
If tho borough Is erected there will bo
about 85 resident land owners left In tho
township with enough nonresidents who
own properties thero to make the number
100, and some of these non-residents own
the largest nnd most valuable farms in the
township and consequently are among the
heaviest tax payers there. Somo of these
very persons nro most atrnngly In fnyor of
a borough strange and startling ns it may
appear to the opposition. These citizens
of tho township will only be obliged to
maintain 21 miles of road outside of th
proposed borough limits, Instead of 30
miles as erroneously stated In the article be-
1 fore referred to. There nro only 20 miles
in the whole township ns now constituted
and (j miles are within thu llmlls of the
proposed borough. The foregoing stnte
mcnts, It seems, would show very clenrly
that tho parties who are most earnestly op
posing the present movement to Incorpo.
rate the town of Catawlssa are not sincere
in what they say or do, or they would not
resort to misrepresentation nf facts. They
pretend to present n new plan, ostensibly,
to incorporate the whole township of Cnta
wissa, when in fact and at heart tho whole
opposition nre unfavorable to Incorpora
tion of any kind, unless their words and
actions go for nought, It is a plan which,
if waited for and followed, means nerer to
incorporate. It is a last resort on behalf
of the opposition, the purpose nnd design
of which Is to dissuade the publlc-spirited
citizens from making a much needed im
provement In their town hcreahd now
which the opposition fears is becoming
formidnblo and which they know will soon
be inevitable. It is a cunningly devised
scheme by which they hope to mislead the
doubtful nnd unwary citizen nnd cause
him to abandon the well-bcguu project al
together. Be not deceived or misguided
by this new devlco of the opposition. We
havo statutes prescribing the manner for
tho Incorporation of boroughs which have
been practiced successfully and effectually
almost time out of mind -we have a town
that is much too large to be well regulated,
or regulated at all, by township govern,
mcnt wo have a majority of the freehold
ers residing within the limits of the pro.
posed borough who nro heartily in favor of
incorporation why theu sit here in the
mud and filth and wait for legislation that
may never be agitated or enacted ? Special
legislation, such as Incorporated tho Town
of Bloomsburg, Is prohibited by the new
constitution and If ever "a general permls
slvo law," such as contemplated by Mr.
Buckalcw, should bu passed, the only
mode of procedure to incorporate under
such a law will be just the same as now,
viz : by petition of a majority of the free
holders to tho court of the county, conse
quently nothing whatever will be gained
by waitlug, while on tho oilier hand, the
longer Incorporation Is delayed the more
expense will attend thu grading and regu
lation of streets.
So, let the citizens of Catawissa who are
most interested In tho building up and im
provement of their town, move right for
wurd In this matter and have (heir town
incorporated and then they will bo in
proper shape to be benefited by nny new
legislation that may be enacted for the bet
ter regulation ol Incorporations of this
kind, Isooid'oiiATK.
April 21, 1884.
Our complete stock of wall paper is prov
ing u drawing card. Observers wondered
what wc wcro going to do with it when it
was brought to us by wagon loads, but we
have sold It so fast wo wero obliged to
order again aud have another lnvoloo on
the way. Call aud wo promise to plcaso
you. Lillet & SiKi'i-r
' Work' Is scarce, loafers plenty, and as a
consequonce business Is dull.
Tho farmers aro sowing aud planting
their spring crops' In splto of the cold
N. P. Moore, Win. Faust, 0. H. Dietter.
ick and Josoy Weiss wero attending court
nt Wllkes-Barre tho foro part of this week,
as witnesses on tho ttlal of John Weiss. -
Vnnllow's store Is now under tho care of
diaries Tcrwllllger.
P. A. Young of Mlllvlllo paid the gran
gers of this place a friendly visit at their
regular meeting on last Friday ovenlng.
Wo learn ho gave the farmers a few prac
tlcal hints, and urged them very strongly
to pay moro attention to the Interests of
our State Agricultural Collcgo.
Miss Clara Beersof Bloomsburg Is spend
ing a week with relatives and frlonds of
this place.
Communion services will bo held In tho
Lutheran Church next Sunday morning.
Henry Foulk, who expected to start for
his homo In tho west on last Tuesday has
put olt his return for two weeks.
Dr. Rabb, tho traveling dentist, wns in
our town ono day last week filling cavl
ttcs. John Hartman had on that old white
linen duster one day of thu week, but ns
ho could not seo his shadow for nny length
of tlmu ho lias lulu It aside.
Shlulng buKifles aud sleek horsua Imvo I
mado their appcarnnco already. Girls, nro
you making calculations, or nro you look
ing on wllh nn anxiety which causes n
painful doubt f
Miss Vine Moore's ndvcrtlscmont card
ay "Now Goods." Call and seo them,
Wo called upon our bachelor friend,
Clark Roat, the other afternoon and found
him ns pleasant and contented ns ever.
He speaks very highly of potatoes and on
ions In the cultivation of which ho Is large
ly engaged, lie also delights In keeping
his well furnished rooms ncnt nod clean.
Wo wcro surprised to find how comfort
able and happy Clark lived. Having his
floors well carpeted, his walls lately paper,
cd and ndnrncd with beautiful nnd costly
pictures, hit furniture mndc ot tho best
material and latest style. It Is his deslro
that his many friends should call frequent
ly to seo him during tho summer season,
especially thoso belonging to the gentle
sex. From his talk, wo Infer that the sen.
tlmcnt of his heart runs parallel with that
ot the poetess, where she says i
"Como In the evening, or come In tho
Como when you nro looked for, or como
without wnrnlng j
Kisses and welcome arp hero before you,
And tho moro you come here, the moro
I'll adore you."
Council Proceeding.
Bi.oonuMto, April 18, 1831.
Council met In special session, all tho
members present.
On motion of .Mr. Hagcnbuch, a portion
of tho north side ot the town park 20 feet
wide and 80 feet long was rented to Creasy
and Robbins for the term of four months
from this date for the sum of five dollars.
Upon motion of Mr. Rabb tho president of
council was authorized to rent the balance
nf tho town park to the highest bidder.
Tho town treasurer's bond was read and
upon motion nsccpted.
Mr. Hagcnbuch moved Hint a ten mill
tax bo levied ou tho "built up" property In
the town of Bloomsburg j Sir. Sharpless
seconded the motion. Mr. Sterling moved
to amend by making it nine mills. Wm.
Rabb seconded amendment. Mr. Moycr
moved to amend the amendment by fixing
It at twclvo mills. Mr. Sharpless seconded
motion of amendment to amendment. On
motion of Mr. Sterling the yeas and nays
were called on the last motion which re
sulted as follows i yeas, -Messrs. Itabb and
Sterling 2 j nays, Messrs. Hagcnbuch,
Jones, Sharpless and Moycr 1. The yeas
nnd nays were then ordered ou the original
motion, and resulted ns follows s yens,
Messrs. Jones, Hagcnbuch, Sharpless,
Moycr and Rupert 5 nnys, Messrs. Ster
ling and Rabb 2 ; fixing the tax rate nt
10 mills. On motion adjourned to Monday
Apill 21st.
AiMiiL21st, 1884.
Adjourned meeting, all mombers present.
On motion of .Mr. Sterling and seconded
by Mr. Rnbb, the following resolution was
unanimously passed.
Hemlied, That the president of Council
be chairman of a committee nf three to see
D. J. Waller with reference to the sale of
the town park and to get his acceptance or
refusal to purchase ihesamc. The presi
dent appointed Messrs. Sterling and Sharp
less to act In connection with himself on
the committee.
A petition was read, signed by n large
number of property owners on East street,
asking tho Council to tako some action
with reference to the rights of lot owners
to build fence along the terrace of that
street. On motion of Mr. Sterling nnd
seconded by Mr. Rabb, the Council formed
themselves into a committee of tho whole
to meet the Street Commissioner on East
street at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon,
April 20th, to investigate the matter with
reference to the requests of the said peti
tioners. Mr. Sharpless moved that the following
resolution be adopted : llttohtd, that the
Town proceed to complete or secure the,
completion of tho main sewer down Mar
ket street and Kinney's run to the Susquc.
hannn river, and in accordance wllh the
specifications approved by tho Town Coun
cil on the 27th day of November, 1833. Mr.
Hagcnbuch seconded tho motion. Upon
cnll of yeas and nnys the following was tho
result: yeas, Messrs. Sharpless, Hagcn
buch, Moyer and Rupert 4 ; nays, Messrs.
Sterling nnd Rabb 2; Mr. Jones refused
to vote.
Mr. Hagcnbuch moved the adoption of
tho following resolution : Resohetl, that the
town accept the sewer pipo under the can
nl from the trustees of tho Bloomsburg
State Normal School, and that the cost
thereof as certified by tho president of said
Board of Trustees be credited upon tho
amount due from the Normal School to
the Town upon sower contract dated the
third day of December, A. D. 1883. Sec
onded by Mr. Sharpless. Result of votc
yeas, Messrs. Moyer, Hagenbuch, Sharp,
less, Jones and Rupert 5 ; nays, Messrs.
Sterling nnd Rabb-2.
Mr. Hagenbuch moved, and Mr. Moyer
seconded motion for the adoption of the
following resolution, to-wit s littolreJ, that
a committee consisting of L. B. Rupert, L.
T. Sharpless and L. E. Waller, solicitor, bo
appointed to investigate the matter' and
form of issuing bonds, nnd tho nmount re
quired, nnd report at tho next meeting of
Council. The yeas and nays being called
gave the following result : yeas, Messrs.
Moyer, Jones, Sharpless, Hngenbuch and
Rupert 0 j nays, .Messrs. Rabb and Stcr-llng-2.
Mr. Sharpless submitted the following
resolution and Mr. Hagcnbuch moved lis
adoption, to-wit i Itenolml, that the secre.
tary of Council prepare a statcmeut of
bills passed April Otb, 1884, together wllh
a list of claims on file nnd not Included In
tho financial sta'emcnt made by tho Coun-
011 retiring April 1st, 1884. Yeas, .Messrs.
Moyer, Jones, Hagenbuch, Sharpless and
Rupert 5 j nays, Messrs. Sterling and
Mr. Haiieubuch moved thnt tho state.
tnent as prepared bv Secretary bo nubllsh
cd. Mr. Sterling moved to amend tho mo.
Hon by allowing all bills for sewer plpu to
bo lett out of statement, that u largo num
ber of sewer pipe nre on hand that wero
never ordered, and the bills of thu claims aro
on fllu for Bald pipe. Mr, Rabb seconded
motion of amendment. For amendment.
yeas, Messrs. Rabb, Jones, and Sterling ,
3 1 nays, .Messrs. Sharpless, Hagenbuch,
Moyer and Rupert, 4. Tho yeas and nays
to original motion were, yeas, Messrs Jones,
-uoyer, lingenbuch, Sharpless and Rupert
1 nays. Jicssrs Itabb and Sterllng-2.
Mr. Hagenbuch moved thnt tho an reempnt
between tho Pennsylvania Canal Company
and tho town of Bloomsburg, with refer,
enco to laying a sower plpo under said
canal at Market street, bo accepted and
signed by the President and Kprrptiirv nf
Town Council. Mr. Sharpless seconded
mu mouou. i cas, .Messrs. Moycr, Hagen
buch, Sharpless. Jones nml Hnnprt ,
nays, Messrs, Rabb and Stcrllng-2.
Un motion council adjourned,
No iho going any further tlmu Orange
vlllu to buy your wall paper. Lllley ifc
Sleppy cau suit you In taste, quality and
Do not pay an accnt 75 cts. for a rno
when you can buy as good of tho same va
riety at Dillon's Oreen.IIouses for 20 cts,,
$1.00 will buy 10 Monthly or 8 Hardy
noses, we luaue a specialty of roses.
HESS. In Ccntro township, oil tho 15th
Intti, William IC, Infant son of Francis
1 less, age 0 months nnd 23 days.
DONU.-Iu Espy, April 10th, Sarah A.
Done, nged CO years, 2 months and 15
WAPLES.Aprll 22nd, In Afton, HU-
sanna C. Wnples, nged 78 years, 8 months
and 10 days,
A competitive examination of Candidates
for nppolntment as Cadet to the Military
Academy nt West Point, will bo held nt
the American Hotel, Mnuch Chunk, nn
Thursday the first day of May 1884; at 10
o'clock A. M.
All Candidates for the vacant Cadctshlp
In this Congressional District nro required
to appear before tho examining committee
and submit to an examination.
For Information ns to ngc, mental nnd
physical qualifications, &c'., address,
Dr. R. Leonard ot Mnnch Chunk, or
Prof. R. F. Hoftord of Lehlghton or tho
Secretary of War. apr 4-4 w
A largo stock of now corsets at Lutz &
Slonn's, very cheap.
Why buy noor commission seed In Halo
packages when you can buy good first
quality seed by the ounce, delivered post-
paiu to your auurcss. uur pago cata
logue tells you how to buy and the price.
J. L. Dillon, Seedsman and Florist, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Now goods at J. B. Skeer's.
New spring goods nt C. C, Marr's, very
W. J. Correll & Co. keep always on
band a large assortment of furnituro to
select from. Any special orders tilled on
short notice.
More of that 00 cent syrup at C. O.Marr's
You can get black dress silk at Lutz &
Sloan's worth $1.75 for $1.30.
C. C. Marr has somo hnndsome
goods to sell very cheap.
Negatives mado by the Instant process In
all kinds of weather at
Table and floor oil cloths at C. C. Marr's,
very cheap.
For gloves and hosiery go to Lutz&
Sloan's lor bargains.
O. C. .Marr wants butter, eggs, side,
shoulder, ham and lard.
Fun Sale. All kinds ot first-class farm
implements, machinery, fertilizers, Ac, no
matter what you may waut you can be ac
commodated, at the lowest cash price. All
goods warranted to give satisfaction, or no
sale. Please call early. S. C. Siiivk,
nprll-3w Bloomsburg, Pa.
J. F. Caldwell still retains In Ills cm
ploymunt Hie old reliable baker of 40 years'
experience, E. Jaco s.
Ladies' summer skirts at C. O. Murr's,
awful cheap.
A large stock of white goods and more
embroideries this week ut Lutz & Sloan's.
Mahauov City, Pa Sept. 8, 1882.
Mr. John 11. Phelps Dear Sir i I haye
used your Rheumatic Elixir with good re
sults nnd can recommend it to any person
suffering with that fearful disease, rheuma
tism. Ciias. W, Smith, Hatter.
"Best thing for burns I have ever tried.
ITpuls nn frniMilU' ' I. P T.Vllnt
Ohio, speaking of Thomas Eclectrlc Oil.
Tho Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir for me has
always acted like a charm. I think this
fall it cut short n sevcro attack of Rheuma
tism. I can endorse the remedy cither as
n preventive or cure. Yours truly,
Mils. G. W. Palmkh,
Glcuburn, Pa.
(Note. Mrs. G. W. Palmer is the moth
er of Hon. Henry W. Palmer, of Wllkes
Barre, Pn., ex-State Attorney General of
Insurance Is a good thine whether np
plied to life or property. No less a bless
ing is anything that insures good health.
Kidney-Wort does this. It Is nature's great
remedy. It Is a mild but clHcient cuthar.
tic, and acting at the same time on the
Liver, Kidneys and Rowels, It relieves all
tlieso organs and enables them to perform
their duties perfectly. I', has wonderful
power. See adv't.
If C. A. Iflntm till, llnmolot Jnn.
succeed It is not for the want of faith. Ho
has such faith In Dr. Bosanko's Cough and
Lung syrup as a remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Consumption, and Lung Affections, that he
gives u bottle free to eat hand every one who
is in need ot a medicine of this kind.
July 13-cow
A person wllh impaired or impoverished
blood Is on the road to physical bankrupt
cy. Burdock Blood Bitters strengthen and
enrich tho circulation, repair the tissues,
and build up the entire system.
As we como to them they nro received,
borne with, and passed over with no more
than a thought, If wo aro iu tho enjoyment
of health, but if suffering with Piles or
skin disease of any kind they magnify a
hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, the Druggist,
has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn
absolute euro for nny affection of tho kind
nnd is sold for SOceuts. July 13-eow
The art of fermenting tho Oporto Grape
Into wine In this country has been brought
to a greater degree of perfection by .Mr.
Altred Specr, of New Jersey, than by any
other person. Tho Claret and Burgundy
are very popular as dinner wines and thu
Port and Burgundy ns evening wines ns
well as for the table and for invalids, For
snje by druggists.
Dear Sir I lay ou my side for four long
mouths without any relief until I common,
ced taking Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. It Is
the best medicine I ever used. To-day Is
tho best day I have seen In twelve months.
I thank you nnd God Almighty nnd no onu
else for inv rillcf. I Iniv,. .,.i .i
- - - j - - ' ...v.. UUI1U
public business in Genevn, N. Y., for tho
' miiai nicieiuro iiavt- many acquain
tances that call around nnd sec me dally
and to ask nbout Phelps' Elixir for them
selves or for somu of their friends. I praise
It highly. ou do tho talklug and sign my
nnme as my tonguo could not do It justice,
Andiiew Desmond, Grocer.
Geneva, April 10, 1883.
For salu at Hendershott'a Pharmacy,
Bloomsbiug, Pa. "
As n superb hair dressing nnd rcnovutor
Aycr's Hair Vigor is universally commeud
ed. It eradicates scurf and dandruff, cures
all eruptions nnd Itchlngs of tho scnlp, pro
motes thu renewed growth of tho hair, anil
""') 1'iuiraii na muing or turning gray,
In numl.nrlpfia Inillm lu.iw.nti. n.n d.i.. t.
secreted tho liquid substunco which gives
tup hair its texture, color and gloss. When
this secretion stops, the hair begins at onco
-v. uvwumiu in;, iiiiut'ii'ss, uriiue and
Is that tho conillllnn nf Vrttlf tin lo O
npplv rarkcr's Ilulr Htilsam nt mini
will restoru the color, gloss und life by
nowlng tho action of nature Tho Bala
s not an oil, not a dye, but un elegant
Inllnt nrttr. 1.1,. 1,1.. ' I ... ,v"bu"
. i Ti' "'B"V "I'l'eemieu ueca
wsouwi be happy. Make your old
things look llko now by using the Diamond
t J . ' ''a uu nappy. ,ny of
fashionable co ors for 10c, nt the druggl
Wfl 9. ItlclinnloAn ,.n,l rn n.,.n... ?
.. , " " WW,, JU1IUIUU,
It seems probable that Mr. Michael
O'Connor, of Galesburg, III., Is not related
tonic celebrated Charles O'Connor. He
Bays i "Samaritan Nervlnu cured mo of
ujin'ium nuu general ueulllty,"
At llmt'fl ftvtnntntna nf Imlti-ndllnn nc.
present, uneasiness of thu stomach, &c, n
moisture llko perspiration, producing Itch
ing nt tilght, or when ono Is warm, cnuso
tllO Vf. Tim nlTnpt la lm,n,IUln .Jl.f
upon tho application of Dr, Basanko's Plld
kuiui'iiv, which costs you inn ou cents and
Is sold by U. A. Klelm. July 13-eow
Let us tell vou lhat a iicrsnn whn U 1I1.
tnna nr fnnillitaliiil In wni n .....11 , a n
and further that nearly every ono Is subject
iu uiuao irregularities, us tell you also
that Burdock Blood Hitlers nre ono of the
finest diuretics and npcrlcnts ever devised.
nnn n ivnmnn In nnnllinr r.r.1n,... ....-
opcers vineyards, picking grapes from
which Speer's Port Grnpo Wlno Is made,
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
nrnfisslnn. fnr Ihrl (ton nf L.,.IM. ... 1.1. .
persons nnd the nged.
doiu uy u. a. Klelm, Hloomsbnrg.
sept 28-ly
Ily Virtue of sundrv writs lurnM nut nt Ihn (Vmrf.
Ot Common Plta9 0f Collimtil.t finntinmt in niA rtt.
rcetod, will bo cxposod to public sale at the Court
iivusu in uioomsDur?, on
Monday, May 5th, 1884,
ats o'clock p. m., tho followlne real eatato Rltu-
ate In (Irecnwood township, Columbia county, l'a.,
bounded and described as follows to-wit i adjoin
ing lands of John Ulllasplo, Hartley Albertson,
Sylvester Albcrtson, and lands belonging totlio
estate of Isaiah Kline, containing two acres moro
or1 less, whereon nre erected a dwelling house,
uarn, ana oincr out uuuuings.
seized, taken Into execution at tho suit oflLti.
Young's uso vs. Jonas Hess, and to bo sold as tho
property of said Jonas Hess. Vend Kx.
llrockway, Attorney.
All that certain real estate situate In Smrarloaf
township, Columbia county. Pa., bounded on tho
east bypubllo road, on tho north by John Dcltz, on
tho west by Emanuel Deltz, on the south by J. M.
Lnrl8h, containing nlno acres moro or leas, on
which aro erected a dwelling house, barn, and
other out buildings.
Soiled, taken Into execution at the suit ot Hen-
ton St. s. F. U Association vs. Cyrus Larlsh.wlth
notice to terro tenants, nnd to tw sold aa the prop
erty of Cyrus Lirtsh.
E. II. Little, Attorney. Vend. Kx.
All that certain messuage, tenement nnd tract
of land situate In Montour township, Columbia
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to
wlt: beginning at a black oak and running tbenco
by land ot Lloyd l'axton, (lato Joseph Paxton),
north sixty degrees cast slxty.four perches ton
stono, thenco north nineteen degrees west twenty
six perches to a red oak.thence north mty.four do
grccseast forty-six perches aud seven-tenths to
nig ruuing creek, thenco up tho same north
thlrty-nve degrees we3t thlrty-oao uerchc3 to a
stone, thence by lands of Starla Evans (lato Potcr
Appleman), south slxty.four degrees west one bun-
areu and twenty perches to a plno stump, nnd
thenco by land of John Mensch (late John Kick-
aras), south thlrty-slx degrees east fifty perches to
the place ot beglnnlng.contalnlng thirty-two acre8
nnd ono hundred and four perches strict measure,
be tho same more or less, on which are erected a
frame dwelling house, barn and out buildings.
seized, taken Into execution, nt tho suits of Cat
awlssa Deposit Hank, Samuel Neylurd. .lano II.
Scott nnd Joshua Fettemun vs. CI. M. Quick, and
to be sold as tho property of 0. SI. Quick.
Jiiiicr, Attorney, a Al. Fl. Fas.; S Ft Fas.
nnclerxllce, Attorney,
Knorr & WIntersteen, Attorneys.
All that certain messuage, tenement, houso and
lot of land situate In Espy, Scott township, Colum
bia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows:
south by Main street, west by lot belonjln toll.
u. trevcllng, north by an alloy, . nst by lot belong,
lng to c. S. Fowler. It being halt of lot No. 9 west
side, containing forty feet In width and one huu
drcdand seventy-threo and ono-tourth feet in
depth, whereon is erected a two-story frame
dwelling houso and out buildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of M. 1).
S. F. Association ot Espy vs. W. F. and Kllza
beth W. souder, and to be Bold ns the property of
W. F. and Elizabeth W. Souder. Lev. Fa.
Sillier, Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and life estate ot
John Delong ono ot tho defendants In the
within named writ In the following described real
estate, to-wltt
All that certain ptece.parcel and tract of land situ
ate In Centre townshlp.columbla county,Pa..bound-
ed and described as follows, to-wlt : north by lands
of Silas Shuman, John Neyhard, and Henry Shaf-
rer, east by lands of Henry Shaffer, south by lands
of Franklin Hagenbuch, tho estate of Jeicmlah
Hagenbuch, Ellsha Hagenbuch and Samuel Hid-
lay, nnd west by lands ot Samuel llldlay, John
n uue ana Jacob lilnk, containing one hundred
and seventeen acres mo.eor less, whereon aro
erected a largo two-story frame dwelling house,
largo bank barn, wagon house, hogpen, elder-
press and other out buildings.
Another tract ot landsltuato In Centre town
ship, Columbia county, l'a., bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wit : north by land of George
nuckie, east by land of Emmlt Alkman and Levi
Alkman, south by land of Samuel Hagcnbuch, west
by land ot Henry Shaffer, containing thirty-one
acres, moro or less.
Seized, taken Into execution, at the suit of Cy-
rusSIellenry and John Delong, executors of Hen
ry Delong, deceased, vs. Sarah A. Delong an 1 John
Delong, and to bo sold as the property ot
John Delong.
Snyder & Ikclcr, Attorney. Fl. Fa.
All that certain tract ot land Mtuato In Tine
township, Columbia county, ra., bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlf. north by John Lock
ard, east by land ot John and Hiram Piatt, south
bv lands of Allnas Colo and Jacob Christian, west
by lands ot Joseph Dreiblebls and Eves J: Heller,
containing one hundred acres moro or less, where
on aro erected a two-story framo dwelling house,
uamc nam and other out buildings.
Seized, taken Into execution, at tho isult ot
ltachael E. Long vs. Lafayetto Trlvelpleco or Drelb-
elbla, and to bo sold as the property of Lafayette
Trlvelplcce or Dreiblebls. Vend. Ex.
Miller, Attorney.
All that certain mcssuago or plcco ot land bitu-
ato In Iirlarcrcek township, Columbia county Pa.,
bounded by lands now or lato of Henry Urlttlan,
county line of Columbia and Luzerne counties,
lands now or into of Hernard Seybert's heirs and
lands now or lato of Charles Kulbtus, containing
sevcnty.nvo acres moro or less, also another pleeo
or parcel ot land adjoining the above described
property, aud containing twenty-ono acres moro
or less, "excepting a portloa otthe samo about
two-thirds of an aero." Thero Is erected on tho
Bald two described premises, a grist mill, distillery
dwelling houses, stables, te.
nt-izea, taken into execution nnd to bo sold as
tho property ot I). F. Seyberr,
llrockway, Attorney, Vend. Ex.
All that certain lot ot ground hltuate In tho bor.
ougli ot Centralla, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt i on tho bouth by
Centre street, west by lot ot James Goldsworlhy,
uuim uj uu auoy, east uy lot of u. F. Curry, con.
tnlntng Si feet on Centre street, and buck the
Bamo width 123 feet to said alloy, whereon aro
erected a one nnd one-half Btory framo dwelling
uuuau uuu uwr out Duuaings.
beizea, taken Into execution at tho suit, nf t n.
Holloway vs. Augustus I). Uabte, and to bo wld as
the property of Augustus D. Gable. Ft Fa.
Miller, Attorney.
All the rlKht. title ami Intnmvt nf ,lf.i i
all that certain tract, piece orparcelof landslt
uato In the townshln nf nunu'iui fv,i,,,i,i
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to. aujuiuiugiunusoiADraiinin urelsbach north
and lands ot Daniel Sauseman.on the east,
and lands of JoseDh iin'iah nnti,nunik ...,'
lng blx acres, more or less, all Improved but with-
Seized, taken Into exivntlnn nt n, .,,!. ,-.
llrockway vs Ferdinand flail, and to bo sold ns
mo fiuHj ui reruiuanu nail.
uroekway, Attorney. vend. Ex.
The following described real eatato sltuato In
Flahlngcroek townshln. coin
nrst tract containing two acres, bouuded on the
south by lands of W. p. Andrews, on tho east
Auranam w, Kveiand, on the
north by land of Nathan Rmlf li a tut nn Iia wiui i..
land ot Michael Itavcr, whoreon aro erected a ouo
uU nun omry iraino awei nir linnun
mill and other out bulldlnirs. with c-nn,1 irati
power. Tho second tract containing hlxty acres
.uJUu.!nK iuuuuuvo tract oi land on the north,
lands ot SI art In Andrews' rut nt A Otl thn After Innda
ot hclehner Shaffer on the south and lands ot
Ajituuvi muT on mo west. There Is a good peach
orchard on Raid tract of land, and a good Btreara
bclzcd, taken Into execution at tlin knit nr u-
rtetL. tt Oossva William F. Andrews, and to bo
oumusmu property of saw William p. Andrews.
FL l'a.
lluckalcw, Attorney, JOHN MOUHK.Y,
RPr Sheriff.
uLooMsnunu mahkkt.
e-r ' ' 1
Wheat per bushel.,.! .$ 1 05
Hyo " " 70
Corn " " 05
Oats " " ' 40
Flour her barrel 0 00
Olovcrsccd... j. 8 00
Butter , , 28
fcgg ' IC
Tallow 00
Potatbes 35
Dried Apples.... i ' 03
Hams '..i... 14
Sides nnd shoulders , ,. 10
Chickens ,,' ,,12
Turkeys 12
Lard pur pound ,.' ' IS
Hay per ton 13 00
Beeswax 85'
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb Cto7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, each 75
Wool per lb , , 80
Philadelphia Markets.
cohiieotelT weekly.
FEED Western winter bran, spot, 1I.S5.
StACKEllEL. Extra mess 8Bc largo l's, SS Q 80e.
extra Bhoro i's 85 1 sec.
FLOU1L Western extra's S.M (a 8.00 ; Penn'a.
family, 4.60 ut, 4.75 Ohio clear, 5.0) w S..HV; winter
patnnt B.T5 ( 0.50.
wiiEAT.-Dciawarored at 1.17V, No 1 Penn
sylvania red I.IK.
HYK. Prlino Pennsylvania 70 , 73e.
COHN, mi bushels In grain depot atfjoc.
VAT?-r.N.a 3 w"" ' xNo.a, ha
HAY AND STltAW Tlmotliy-Cholca Western
and New York, 117. fair to good Western and
cwYork, it $ 15. ; medium Western and New
Sork, 11. M 13. ; Cut hay as to quality 14. i 17.00.
Hyo straw 10.60 ll.uo Wheat straw, n. a lo. oat
straw lo h 11.
seeds. clover nets- per lb. Timothy
l.5per bushel. Flax 1.7U per bushel.
Wool. Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia,
Heeco Washed, XX and above, 37 ( 40j ; X8S(A
sso ; common sa rsi 27c. Texas, Tall clip lliio 20 5
medium W) m sm coarbc, 10 m 17. r
Eons. Pennsylvania extra, 16 western
iiUTTEU. Pennsylvania extra, 31 Western
extra 80.
LIVE POULTHY. Fowls, Hens, 15 mixed
lota no. roosters old 8 a lua turkeys, ill ducks
DHESSED POULTHY.-Turkeys extra 10 fiWcti.
chickens extra 1718: ducks clioleo l;
IWATOFA Early llosoper bushel, 43 (A 45
Durbank and Hebron, 40 44,
ONIONS. Yellow, 1.15 8.00 pnr bbl.
Duck eggs a., h 25' (lecso eggs 31 ( 85. '
Notice Is hereby given that a nilo has been
KMnted by tho Court of Common Pie is of Colum
bia county, to show cause whys.0. Jayne, assl
pneeot A. W. Dickson shall not bo dis:harged,
having performed tho duties of hlitru-.t. liule
returnable on the first Monday of May, 18HI.
. ,, , A. K. OSWALD, '
April 13w Alty for Assignee.
COUf rv.
Stary Osman by her next friend, E. si. Tcwksbury
vs. John Osman. ur libel In divorce.
To John Osman, respondent abovo named i
Whereas upon the libel ot iho said Mary oiman
a subpoena was Issued out ot tha said court com
manding yuu to beam! appear at tho next regu
lar tenn of said court to show causo
wuy tho said libelant should not bo divorced from
th i bonds ot matrimony contracted with you ; and
whereas upon return ofsild subpoena duo proof
was mado that you could not bo lound in the bail
wick of tho Sheriff of said county, whoreuponao
(iliw subpoena awarded by s ild court com
manding you to appear at the then next term of
said court to answer as aforesaid, to which the
samo return was mado by the sheriff. You are
therefore require t lobe and appear on tho llrst
day of the next term of aid Court to be held at
llloomsburg for said county on the llrst Monday ot
May, A. D. 1881, to answer sold complaint,
,, ,.. JOHN .MOUUEv, Sheriff. -
Sheriff's Ofllee, ,
February 1881,
C W. Sillier, Att'y. 3Iarch21 ;
The annual meetim of tho stockholders of the
North and Woat llranch Itallway Company Is call
edfir Tuesday, April 23, 8, at i o'clock a. m..
a S.11 outh Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Election
for (resident and Dlr ctom sa uo day and place. ,
3 28-tm ALDEKT IUWSO.SVSce'-.
Irrge Reduction
As Q sts
All wool, full weight, Extra
C. C. Extra Supers.
All wool extra superfine car
pet at 75 cents.
Nice 4-4 Ingrains at 25 cts.
of hamlomo rugs.
these goods ami you will ho con
vinced that they cannot ho ex
celled in quality or price.
Now is your timoto huy cheap
Slieltou (Jarpet Sweeper,
the host iu the market, for salo
Carri&ses, Wagons Si M&chinery Run
without urease or oil. No occasion to take off tho
r.'.W.,w."w'K ''lularhentfreo. Addro&J
""ril u-l" V1'1NU tU' Jcn7 J