THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, LQOMSBURGISO EUMBJA' COUNTY, PWr Shepp Raising tind Mutton. K iglnnl, itis well known, lm nl way boMi fumed over owry ntiW country for tho oxo dlmluo of Its milt ton, nml tint ono of thorn tin rontons, of It W that tlio shenp nro fittptl on turnip ami bran, with tho ordinary pasture exclusively. In rU'olion of tho United Statin, whore the numo tnothod a purrluoil, It is oUlmi'd tint our mat ton is i-quil to tho H igllsli. Tli'w, wo have reason to belivo, U true, ai we have srttun right hero in Germ tlitown mutton equal to tho Eniillsli South down,' which la n-gardud as tlio bost, sot bUIo by side on the table with our . , . . . , , . ., in lact, mo vcnrci was tnai The Hard Wood Region. Tho hard wood iniiiber interests of thn iioitth n b'Mii rapldlv il.'Vi'lop.'il, nay the Uosion Commercial llultelin. Tim s int'iern hard wooil tlistriol out braces '.ho Htntos of North Carolina, West Viijilnla, Virginia, Tennessee i nuu ivuniucKV. jvddui onu nun oi uic ! latter state is said to be covered with forests nt valtmhlo timber. Within tint last eighleou Inoti'lia I nge mills havo liutiu urcitteil at 1' tint Biirutide. th orosalnir of thu Cincinnati Southern railroad and thn Cumberland rivor, at I WilliamMiiirtr. tho crossing Of tho ' li tusvillo ,aud ICiMXvlllo railroad and the Cumberland river at the crossing of I d Uluo railroad and at the crossing of the own our mutton, though ( a littlo coarser tho Chosapeaku am orainod, Was moro delicate and hitrhur tho Llokinir river, r flavored. In England the turnip is a Kentucky Central and Kentucky river, great sheep food,'to which it is said to alid at ijio crossing of the Kentucky owo its excellence. And why should Union railroad anil tho Iti-d rivor. wo not adopt It hero for tho sanm pur- Tliero havo been in addition numerous posot Thero Is really no branch of woodworking establishments eroded, farmini moro profitable than she-p and the next l'OtV vt'ais will brim: Run raising, andwo nave many timos won- tucky up Into tho front rank of timber uereu wny it, was uot moru generally states. purauod. In Eastorn Pennsylvania In West Virginia, north of tho Ka- most of our farms are too small for nawha river, thore is an immenso body this purposo : but thero aro tens of of timber lands which aro traversed by thousinils of acres in the northern, the rivers Pooataliuo, Elk, Uauly and western and HOittiierti portions tieoulisr- Greenbrier, all ot wlituh aro said to tio ly adapted to sheep raising. good logging st'enus. On the head Tho English butchers say that in waters of the Gamy river and Its main killinir hoen. uhin the ndt U removed tributaries, tho Williams, Cranberry the hmuJji should be washed, in nrdnr and Cherry rivers, there is said to bo to remove- all dnnccr of maklniT the an exceedincly lino body of cherry tint mnnt tustn "wonllv." ThU 1 n hint ber. The walnut is also said to bo thnf ir. u-nulii ln well for nnr ImtnlioM Very fillO. as Well as the white oak, tn tako. Afnnv iiorsotia wlm misn maple, ash and black spruce. A l&ri'e Rhnnn nml an mull v Blnnrrlitor manv do part of tho territory between tho Haiti- not cat tho meat simply on account of moro and Ohio and the Chesapeake Home ileum. "All your own fault It you remain Blck when you can (let hop bitters never flilt Tlio weakest woui'iu, smallest child. and sickest Invalid cm uso hop bitters wiiii sitety and great good. Uld men loitcrini; around troni llhuumatlsin, klilnoy trouble or any weakness will bo almost new by using hop bitters. Mv wlfo and dauuhter wero mado unhealthy by tho us-1 of hop bitters mid I n commended them to my people. Methodist Clergyman, Ask any doctor If hop Miters nro not tho best family medicine, on earth. Malarial fever, Anno and Hiliouancss. will leave every neighborhood as soon as 'nop bitters arrive. My mother drove tlio paralysis and neuralgia all out of hor system with hop bitters.' Ed. Oswego Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not fear sick ness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more lofresliiiiL' and reviving with hop bitters in cacli draughts. Tlio viiror of vonth tor the aged and infirm in hop bitters 1 "At tho change ot llto nothing equals Hod bltteni to allay all troubles Incldont Thereto." -"The best periodical for ladies to take monthly and from which they will receive the greatest benefit Is hop bitters." Mothers with sickly, fretful, nurs- ini! children, will euro the children and benefit themselves by taking hop bit ters daily. Thousands die annually from somo form ot kidney disease that might havo "TJ fcJ -i 2 H 9 " E o Z m j " to . o ac w X 5 m 7. 7 vt 7. t SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also f.NKKIIMRNTKI) (MIAI'M JUICE. Used In tho principal Clitirchoa for Communion. Excellent fOr l'emnles, Weakly" l'crsons and tho ngcu. x o o u cj mat r-1 ta m -T- , CI , - m so -i M m o f ot - S Li P1 -ton 15 2 E3 Shotrs, Pork. Beef. Calves nml Seeds specialty,, All tho above bought nml sold nt Light . .... ' . n -.rt.T1 I ircci uy an, ao luunu, l'UULIC SALE OK VAI.UA11LK Real Instate ! The undcrslffned executors of tho estate of Abra ham A. Kline, Into ot llenton township, doconscd, will expose to pubuo sa'.o on Saturday, April 19, '84 at ono o'clock p, m., the following described real estate 1 NO. 2. A tract of timber land situated In llen ton and sugarliat townships, bounded on tho north by Undot John A. Kilne, south by tracts Kos. 3 nnd 4, described below, cast by land otlra J. Thomas and west by lands of O. P. Fritz and Daniel Frltr, containing 31 acres and M pcrchc. Aroid 80 foot wide runs from this tract, to tho 1 . 1 Specr's Port Grope Winoj FOUR YEARS OLD, rnlHS riFXHllltATKI) WINRUthn mm Inlon nf I tho dead rlpo oporto Orape. raised In Spoor's iiucjurua, iba i.irniuuuic. ularities of tho and Ohio railroads, about 100 miles wide and running tho whole length of tho state, is almost a virgin forest and the s.imu is true of that nart of tho state lying south of thu Chesapeake & when hop bituis aro used. Ohio railroad and of tho Kanawha. .,, This district is ntso about 100 miles A year ago at, ims urne, potatoes wIjB and oxtemis through tho state, To produce real genuine Bleep this woolly flavor, and yet thoy never imagined thn reason ot it. uerman town 2'elegraph. The Potato Crop. Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsumassea dv nnv oiner w nn. iifintr nm. i uuceu unucr .ir, opcers own personal supervision, 1U, uuil.J BUU UlUUIIICllin U1D If II ILlU II J 1 IIV I.Ili, principal Hospitals and Hoards of llcaltliwhohavo si ennu may partake of 1 IIRR It tn nrlvnntnvp. It Is particularly bencllclal to tho aged and debilitated, nnd suited to the various aliments that uneci mo weaker sex. it is in every respect A WINE TO I1K ItELIED ON. were selling throughout Now England from ea9t t0 we8ti nml is) fa-lriy wd ollHll.jko rcp030 M 7liglti tako B litt. at prices fully double their present value, and thero wero consequently a larger number of acres planted lastsoa son than usual. Tho soason proved favorable to tho crop, and potatoes havo been selling low, as an inevitable result, vve nnd somo of our coteru porarics advising their rfcadors to learn k lesson from tho experience of tho past year, aud to give more attention to other crops, particularly corn, and public road. This tract will bo sold on tho follow. been provented by a timelv uso of hop tnEtermss Ten percent, ot ono half tho purchaso examined tu Tho younew bitten ' money to lo paid on tho day ot sale, ono half less it, and tho weakest Invalid TndlifPHtlnti weak stomieh irrerf- "lu ":u ln-r"-'"'u" Juno st aua lne oaiance lnillgestion, ucaK stomacil, lneg , thereafter with Interest from June 1st. bowels, cannot exist iBSl.-securtU will bo r.milroi for tho unoald nur- chas'j money. NO. 3. A tract of land situate In llenton and Sugarlonf townships, b junded north by tract No. S, south by land of David UAberts, 01st by No. 4, and west by Undot O. I'. Fritz, containing M acres and S3 perches, whereon Is erected a dwell ing bouse. NO. 1. Tract of land In Ramo townships bound. uso of hem Hitters will keen awholo family In robust health a year at a littlo coat. 3 and supplied with streams that empty in the Kanawha or New river, which is tap ped by the Chesapeake & Ohio rail- at niuht. nrevcptintr rest and sleep, will nonor'nD uin ?7'r101 u.a!m Tl.or . , n.n,nl m. mill fr. .1! '"i .,!..'... " owr, casi Dy lanas or oamuei iioDern ana ira hop bitters on retiring. I hat indigestion or stomach gas bo erected in this district this spring, and there have been several good con tracts taken lor next summer's delivery I of oak, ash, poplar, walnut and cherry at good prices. There is a very largo area of white oak, yellow poplar, walnut, ash, etc., in Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old ladies are mado perfectly quiet and sprightly by using hop bitters. ANTED. One Lady or Gentleman in every TV town. J5a week and expenses. Address AMKIIICAN I'UUMSHINU, CO. l-Mm 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Ta. let tho potatoes receivo less thought, southern Kentucky and western North Now it is true that the potato is an Pamiina I,, this latter district ihoro exhaustive crop to grow, as it returns are exlCn8ive forests of white pine, and very little to tlio soil, and in some looa- jn lho e!Wtcrn part of tho stale is tho llties iU culture may havo been carried I celebrate(1 loiitr leaf pine. Thero is to excess, because it is so easily turned yt!t remaining in North Carolina about hi tu duuu 3 uuiivBtuu , nuu iu 4y nuu souaro iiiiIch ot vaiuaulo loresls. such localities it might bo well to re- 0 tho 02 varieties of timber found duco the area dovotod to tt, but its oul- ea8t of the Kooky ,n0lintains, North tivation ehould not bo neglected be- Carolina has in reat abundance 54 cause of the unusually low prices that va,; 6f the most valuable. This have ruled the past season. The pro- iaru area of timl)er n North Caroiina babdity is that the present low prices aU( tni) t;rabpr laml 0f gonthwest Vir- will cause a great many to givo up the ;; West Virginia, eastern Kentucky potato as a farm crop, tor this year nl an(i eaBt Tennessee will probably for least, and that tho next season s crop ycar3 furnieh profitable transportation will bring much better prices. Those t0 tho rauivav8 rumn'tic southward larmers usually succeed best who tol- frora the 0hio river and their develop- low some cnosen line tnrougn goou raent wl undoubtedly bring great seasons, and bad seasons! then they wealth to those states. The hard wood learn how' to do their special work in forests of Ohio and Indiana have been the vory best manner, and tney get tho ai,n08t entjroiy Soared off and the sup- benefit ol tlio occasional High prices, raugt now coma from the southern wmctr.are sure to rule every tew years. Bta'tes. The pine of the northwest is Ihereis tar too much shitting lrom going rapillly also, and its place in time uuuiuiuf.kuuuui.uui lu.j; ' wni nave to lie supplied with the cheap- uui luuuciB. luov .uso up mi, wi"B emiassw 0f h aid woods and the cy- jusl m neasuii tu luanu a iusiul' uveiy pr,,8S and yellow pine ot the states time, while it they would stick to a farther south. In view of these facts, more uniform course they would suo- Cincinnati and Louisville aro already coed far better. If you know how to regardig themselves as the future t?,UVT pwiawvo wciij vino mu u greatlutuucr uiBtnuming poiutt. banner. Micn vou coin, to tUlnlc of H. It ii not aid that lltf rrr propl. ircfcr I'll to a clKor. It 1. lian.llcr to nuovn wuen tue am writlutr, aud eer ao much draucr. And ttieu it Flea them tbo trua eaicuca aud flaor of the tobacco. Tlio niOHt lOHUalous smoker amonr all natlonR and all clasfiea of men airree that the tobacco irrowu ou tho Golden Tobacco lieu or Mirth Carolina Is uie niotl aenc. loui and refined In the world. I.Uhtcr than Turklfh, moro franrant than Ha ana, freer from nitrates and nlootlue than av other. It Ii )uit what the oonnotaaeur rraiwa and uie nabituai amoaeruenianm. The ery cnoiccat looaoco a-rown on till. IMt la boiurht br black, well'a Durham ToLacco Co . and appeari In their celebrated Bull Durban! Braoktnir Tobacco. Ilia known tho world over. aettbeKenulne,wlthBull trade-mark, then you wlU be ture of bavlnir abao. lutcly puro tobacco. 41 J. Thoma, and west by No. 3, contalnlue 43 ncros and 13S perches. Terms for No. 3 nnd 4 : 10 per cent, of ono third on tho day ot sale, one third less ten per cent, on June 1st 18l, and tho balancoon Juno 1st 1833, with Interest from Juno 1st isst. I. K. KRICKDAUM, JOHN A. KLINE, 3-2S-IW. Executors. ORNAMENTAL ' IRON FENCES. OF CAST CH WROUGHT IltON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: The following shows the Picket Gothic one of the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured oy uie unaersisnea. SjJeer's Unfermented Grapo Juico- Is tho iulco of tho Onnrto nr.inea nrpori.f.rf in Its natural, fresh, sweet stato as It runs from the prow vy lumigauon, inercDy aestroying the exci ter of fermentation. It Is perfectly pure, freo "ww opinio nuu nm Kvcp iu imy uumnw. Sneer's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium T)rr Winn nwl i,v tim wealthy elates ao a Tahlo or Dinner Wine, and by physicians Incases whero n dry wlno Instead ot a oni puii, la ui'turuu. Speot'd (Sa'oial'te) Olaret. Isheld In hnrhcstlmatlnn for ltx rlnhnesn im n I m j u'uuio ino especially suited ror dinner use. Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is n wine of Sunerlor Character nnd narlakpq of tho rich tiunlltlcsot tho yrupu from 'which It Is maoe. Speer's P- J. Brandy. IS' A 1'UltK distillation from the crane, and stands unrivalled In this Country for medlclual purposes. I .v ui u uuai tia.wt, oiiuiiai vu man VI lua grapes iromwnicn it is uistiucu, Beothatthoslgnaturoof ALFKED SPEUII, Pas saic, N, J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. only.- The work 13 universally adapt sexs.younitandold. Vou can easily 50 ctnts to f3 every evening. That all who want Halt Ecc il-1 March si-tr For Beauty and Durability they aro unsurnasa led. Set up by experienced hands and warranted iu give saiisiacuon. "Colds" and 'Chills." Potato'Boilir Savs the London Lancet : What !b a cold T It is a disturbance of tho bal- Tr. mn- hn i.m i tM tif atico ootwecn mo several parta ot tuo soil supposed to bo benefitted by fall nervous system, brought about by the tlnurinr t,. nrminm it fnV o nAtnrA shock of a surtden or prolonged expos- is just tho soil not to plant potatoes in. ",re, t0 e deprMsiiig effect of "chill , " in tlio lirst place, not one winter in ""-rj,1 nve will so carry pipweu.soii but what "7 Zir. .r" 't "Z Z niiriUsTIPRl replowmg, will bo tequired in the u,u "i'"a"v.". "KD,U' w,,,u" " nllkUmHI lOllli spring, boll lor potatoes needs to be .j"". very tine ana at least six inches in depth, which cannot be done by fall plowing. alone. it tlio soil is cloddy, so tnat.ireczing and tuawing are re quired to pulverize it, it will be too' cold to profitably crow DOtatoes UDon. Soil never works down as fine and nice as when dragged and fitted behind the plow., l'otato land should never bo al 1c similar shock, and thus creating the samo kind 'of disturbance. Nature's provisions against the consequences of a "chill and tor tho prevention of a "oold" are sneezing ami shivering. A violent fit of sneezing often saves a chilled body tho consequences of the nervous depression, or "shock, to which it has been subjected ; and this , 1 ahnnl try nf in iro lit-ar i an .i-fii r r hn lowed to crust over before the plants """""..'"'.v r ",ov ""t""i""" uu oreup. Kun a harrow over the field " '". ...ufiu-, frequently before and after tho pota A HOME DRUGGIST 1 ESTIFIES. l'ij;'ulHrlty nt hoi'ja Is luit iilwa the best to. ' vl merit, but 5 pumt pruuul; In the fact h.v ni other iiihIkm.ii baa uuii lur lUelf such a,pu..iUuii In lis own city, 1'ialc, aud couutry, una uiuui.u nl. iople, u Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. Tit a following letter from one of our best, knuivu .Mnt.gacliusctts DruggUU ahould bo of Intiri'st to every sutlereri 'Light years ago I li;i. ii ii iittuck of lllieuinntiaiii. so se vere tl., l i t'liu'.d not luovu from llio bed, or dres, wul.imt h"li. 1 tried aovi-ril rrino dies ltliMtit much If any relief, until 1 took AVI it' Saiisai'.Miilla, by the use of two bottles ot which 1 nas completely cured, llnvc sid.l lnrirn otiuntltlcs of our Saiia. 1'AltlLI. , and It stili retnlns its wonderful Prices and specimens signs sent to' any address. Address of other de- BLOOilSBURG PA- May 4-tf 266tli edition price only L BY MAIL POST-PAID potnra-ltr. Tho luniiy notable cures It lias tlficio, ai ttih vicinity convince inu tliatlt is tin b.oo.l t!iO.lcluo i cr otfered to tho tubll". I.. V. llAItltls." l.,vi.r St., r.i.c'..biul, Masi., May 13, M2. flr.nnor ANnncws. ovcrsttr In lho liwell SALT RHEUM, g toes are up. It is a good way to plant as fast as the. land is fitted and marked, and thus avoid coverinK the seed with drv soil The frequent stirring and fining of tho boh is oi great oenent, and the more frequent tbo better, provided' it is done very shallow. By planting deep, say five inches,, there is no necessity for "hillij"i Tho cultivator-will pushup quite enough dirt. In cultivating and hoeing do not dig all of tho soil up ann ou uie centre ot the rows down to naro pan, nut Keep tlio tine soil deep and loose between tho hills. If the soil is all scraped away tho subsoil draws the heat of the huh, which diies out tho moisture, even tinder tho hills and among thu roots. If the fine soil is maintained between tno inns, ineiu win ue greater exiian the smallest extent covered by a draught ot cold air rushing through the crevice ot a door or window. The nerve cen tres are aroused from their "collapse" by tho commotion or explosive influ ence of the sneeze. If sneezing fails, nature will try a shiver, which acts mechanically iu the same way. If this tails, the ellects are likely to be very -a " I serious, ana uaa consequcucea mav cu rm " I sue. l no popular notion rercrses the order of events, and henco the saying : Mlf tliero is sneezing tho cold will be slight, if there is shiverinc it will be grave;' whereas it is slight when sneez- ini'smnufs to lecover tno nervous sys tem quickly from its deiiression, and grave when even Btiong shivering fails to do so. In case of chill, with threat ened cold, snei zing may bo produced by a pinch of snuff of any kind. This is howsonu! of thu vaunted "cures" of cold bj Blind are broui'tit about. Or - - - - v.',,rt . i-'ifltiud. wa for over twentr yenrs brforr his removal to Lowell nltl otcd with halt IthiMtm In Its wortl form. It ulcerations nctinllv covered moro than hn'f the surface of his body and Hint, lie vm entire!) cured by AVKIi'a BaJ'.mi'AIiii.i.a. bee certlllci'tu lu Aycr'a Ahmmao tor HF3. l'RCi'Annu nv Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drupflsts; $1, six bottles for 55. KNOW THYSELF.-T Unreal Medical Work on I!anhooi. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and rhvslcal Debll- lty. Premature Uccl no in Man. Errors of Youth, and tho untold miseries resmltlnir from Indiscre tion oicAcesscflj a iuook tor. every man. youncv middle-aged and old. It contains 133 prescriptions I for all acute and chronic diseases, each one or I which Utlnvaluahle, Ho found by the Author, whose I bion of root growth, largely occupying brisk exercise may waul off the attack. uio sunace an i urawiug niant there- Tho popular idea is that tho circula- uom, instead ot getting ail their nour- tion is restored by these remedies, but nntnt Horn the narrow compass of the true explanation is that the ner- me mil, ana mo more punt lood the yous svstem and centres nra amused. to is gainer tn m-uer the crop will He. The first step toward an intelligent When these roots have once filled the surface soil they should not bit broken oil bv (leen culture, for tlinv iln tint pojsossT ho sa'rae power to put forth bran'oh growth'that corn does, and it la a doubtful question if beneficial rcmiUs arise from fooling with corn roots. If possible plant potatoes on clover sod land, ai)d do not plant moru than two cons-Tii'lvo vw nit'ui t ue ',i Pennsylvania farmer. treatment ot chill and cold is a suien- tilio recognition oi their nature., I Remedy for Currant Worms- A uiirrrspoiidcut asks us fur a rem t'dyl for the leaf pest of the curtai l, siiyiug'that he losl last yi uv n fine ciop pf( entrants by the smlden disappear mice of the leaves, which he discover! d to bo done by this destructive worm. ,AVo know not how often wt; have re ferred to the deprecations of this pert. Ttu'ir vpeu'iiions aro inpid, and unless thoir fust appearance Is watoheiHIioy may do their work beforo one is aware of jt. There am several remedies. We have ustd fine, sifted coal ashes, first sprinkling tho leaves thoroughly with wotej, so as to reach the under parts, aild apply tho dust jirofusely, and re peat it onco or twice it necessary, which may be the case. Dot there is nothing so t ffictive as toi'fe helle bore, ducting it over as well us on tin- under sido of lho leaves, which never fails in dictroyiuu it It cm be hud at the ilrut'gislV, and some i;eiii'tl hiortv The ieatti- fhnii'i 1 1 wii' I I'd i- 'i hh they appear, ' t u uoims s nn times yit to work ery early. Apillll 4 W DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND (.ivejt u'-'me't-Aira I a, j Ilaraua. It acts on tlio MVKII, IIUWRtr aoj KIDNEVS at the aama tliua, Hacauao It cleanses tho system of thapolaon. ous humors that doveluna In Kldnsr and Urt. nary Diseases. Biliousness. Jaundlca. Constlpa- iion. ines. or in uasumausin. neuraiffia, xer voua Dlaorders snd all rsmal. Complaints. ursouo Pttoor or zuia. XT wtli. anarn? ctma CONSTIPATION, PILES, nnd RHEUMATISM, By causing rUHS ACTION of all tn. organs and functions, thereby CLEANSING tho BLOOD restoring Uie normal power to throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF OASES of the worst forms of these terrible diseases havo been quickly relieved, and tn a short Um. PERFECTLY CURED. mice, i, tnjiii) oh par, tout m tatccists. Pry aa bo sent by mail, WILLS. BlOllAUDOOrf al Co,, Burlington, Vt, botore tell to tbo lototanyphysltlan. WO iuuu in Deautuui trenen inusnn. me embossed experience for 23 years Is such as probably never I twior boun edvers. full nilt. guaranteed to be a nner wont In every sense mechanical, literary and professional I man any oiner worK boiu in imscouniry, l uc uioiuuuoy win uv reiuuucu in very, lnmance. nice oniy ti.ou oy man post-paid, illustrative samole 6 cents. Send now1 oold medal awarded 1 tho author by tho National Medical Association, to mu utuevnsui ivuitii ue reiers. ThlsbooK should be read by the youn for In. structlon,. nnd by tho anllcted for. relief. H will I ucnent an-lAnmon irftiitvc l (There la no member of society to whom this book win not oo useiui. ivnemer voutn. narenr. cuar. Clan, Instructor or cloiio-m an. Araownt. . Auuma ino reauoay .aieuicai institute, or ur W. II. l'urker. o. 4 lluldnch Mreet. lloston. liana.. Who may be consulted on all dLieahoa renulrlnir skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseas es ana mat nave oamea tno i i i .1 skill of another physicians a, spo riljA 1 j clalty. Buch treated succusatul inn vltsi i ly wlthoutan insanceot LXX I OJjIjI fall urv. jiieiuiuu imq puiicr. April 4-4W a TTT A XTmnWs I.M1IEI)IATELV.-A few WA. Is I rt I good men to canvass for the sale ot Fruit Trees, Vines, Hoses, 4c . .Vo experience reu(red, oood halary and an cxiusm imiu. suunw ii. ihiwuo sz I ii.. ,,,uiuM,i4 4 . yi uiiiu cuav oi iyviaicr.J April 4-4W d mm ooi.i,iJOB.wBvsrAivn:, w. j. M mlnutos ef Now York. Jtor s pmit Ions for rnd nates than all other schools combined. Mfo Schol. arshlp, ito. wrlto.for circulars. COLHMAN PALMS, Proprietors. April lMw r SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. An nv DnuaoisTs KVKnv-vriEitis. Scp.88-'831yr. tor the worklnjf clnss. Bend 10 cents fori nnu wo win man youi-ee, a royal valuable box ot samnlo roods that will .nut you in the way of maklnu more tnonev In a. I rewiaaystnan you ever tnougnt possible at any business. Capital not required, w will start youl You can work all tho time or In snara tlmo teu to ootn earn from may test the business, wo make this unnarnlled oner; to all that are not well satisfied wo will send $1 to pay.for tho trouble of wrltlnir us. Kull nartl- tuiurs-uireeiioiuf, ciu., bcubiree. ronunes win uo i maoe by those whORtvo their wholo tlmo to tho work. Croat success nbiolutelysure Don't delay, start now. Address SnsfON 4: Co., Portland, line. ( j Richly Cut Glass. , Having recently added to our Ibusincss a department for the sale' tof Cut Glassware, we are now prepared to, fill orders for com 'plcte table sets and ornamental, pieces. Controlling the production of the best makers, we exhibit , 'special designs and cuttings in ' crystal of remarkable purity and (brilliancy. Our line of patterns embraces the most elaborate as well as the plainest. Prominently we may mention the following as having been received with marked favor:1 The Russian, the Glascrow, the 1 Star and llosette, the Fan and Diamond, the Hobnail, the Straw berry Diamond, and others. We guarantee careful and prompt attention in filling orders by mail, Designs and estimates furnished on application. Sam ples sent on approval. J. II. Caldwell & Co,, 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. o ' SUKSOUIHK NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN $ a Year, I ji j j For the IVMiratttl Clilcltcrliig, Ivors & t'ontl, nml Vose&Son l'liinoS. Worltl-ro tiowiieil Kstcy OrstiiH, Violins, Accordeons, nml Shcdt Music. Cululnntcil White, New HlgH Arm Davis, New Home, ltovftl St. Jolin', nml Light Itunnlng Domcstlb Sewing Mnohlncs. NccdlOs, oil rtnil nUachments fur nil inaku3 of Sowing Machines. GMAIN STREET, IIwiiBi STYLES I ' llnH AW WOW 15E SEE AT DAVID L0WSM1G1 YQU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME, W.w Elsslti Inslitute, BINGHAJ1TON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. The house Is specially fitted un for tho comfort Iot Invalids who desiro a pleasant and Christian home, stands on high ground with plenty ot shade. Personal attention clven to every natlent. Electricity and Galvanism in their dltrerent modi ncallons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many years of study and practice to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his skill. send for circular, stating what paper you saw this in. PltOK 1IENHY S11LLS, .Mrs-AWUE ritKnuu JIll.I-L Lock Dot 07. lllnghoiaton, N. Y. jSept.7'a.My. THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Bloomslmi o 03 WEBER-HlRDMAM FINE INLAIU TBENCII WALNUT CASE OUOAN, 8T0PS, $90 CASH. Easy Tiunis. Sutlsraction .Guaranteed. ilA-COIST'S FIAKrO Ws.S.E BOOMS, , MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WXXBB8-BAKRB, PA &HAND WORD CONTEST ! rLHASANT AND INSTIHICTIVF. PASTIMI- MAGNIPIOENT AND COSTLY PREMIUMS GIVEN. 1st. Solid Gold Watch, - - Worth 100,00 3d, jlfatnlflcent Tea Set, cinhrachia Walter, 3d Inch, Hammered and Jfrtyravcd, (iteccs Hammered and Engraved with Gold Lined Stop and Cream, Quadruple Plate, 100.00 April 4-4W Cares Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples and race Grubs, Blotches. Boils. Tumors, vet ter, Humors, Salt Ithcu. icald Head. Sores. Mercuri. Diseases, Female Weakness md Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss oi Appetite, Juandlco, inactions ol the Liver, Jndl ' Hon, Biliousness, Dyspop m . .. 1 GonOralBobility. n.,f lot k n'M Hitlf rt w II ntUfV 1st lltt l,t4.fl lllu .i rviiMies ltd u sir,, ev, , ic, n i4allu'fl fMltN, f 1.00, fOJT.H.MILDU HU Cfm't, Buffs o, N.Y OEXVIS WtMI'SO I'OB. PICTURESQUE Washington. VRS ANI I'l'.NCII. SKHTdlllW Of its scenery. History, Traditions, Public nnd nuciaiuie, nitiiKrannic uescnp'ions oi lliec&pl tol. conirress. the wlilte House, and the oovern. ment, Departments, with Views at Mount Vernon, a map of wushingtin, and Diagrams ot thu Halls Of Oonnress. II. JONKi'H WKgt MOOKK. To all clashes this Is a book ot great Interest. It iisiuiaiv, irrapuie, tnoruuu, nnu interesting, II. lumratea vy our iuu ueuutitui new engravings by leadlnir American artists, and eletrantiV wiiinri n AKviua uiu lucDiiim niiii icruiiu auecm.1. AL'tmta wanted, male orfemalp. In avrrv bnn, shli) In tho United Mates. Previous experience, mine ueMruuie, not uusomteij rwiuired, as we glvo Instructions necessary for sucivss. ffunem. nioyra, wnu us. ror terms tu Arents address J. A, a It. A. HKID, Providence. II. I. March U-Cw Carriages Wagons & Machinery Run i without greasa or oil. No occasion to tako off the udmitua wneeii. t in'uidr nenL rnw. iihnm OltAl'IUTB LUllltlOATINO Co., Jersey City. N J. hond six cents for pmtnge, and re- true iree, a coolly uox or goods which will help you to more money right away than unvthlmrelheln this world. All, of either sox. succeed fron ilrnt hour. The uio.uiro.ui laiortunu opens ucioio tuo workers ttiuiiiir, Bute, vvui-aauiuun tuna A tu., AU VUTCHtLL'S ATLAS IU lyFTIIK WORLD NEW KDITION, THE BUST AND CHEAPEST ATLAS l'UIiUSUED. KOlt BAI.K AT A. 11 Ci WM. . 1IIIADI.KY & IIIIO.. I'ubllshers. I0.'6 AllCH 8T., I'HII. vDKDPHIA, I'A, Bend for Clrcu. .iur. April 4-tvy d n St i UIIAV'H Hl'IICIl'IC Ml'.IHCINI!, TRADE MARX Tits Okkat KMI. TRADE MARK ..l.Ulll LltSIVI, All rttinlaal Weak- nesii, riper'naior. rhtuu, Impntnuy and all IMx-'xw that follow ns a sequence of bell. Abuw) ; as losa ot Meinnrv. DtilviM-. ItrORE TAKINB.SS1 '.asBltude, after TAKIRB. Pain In the luck, Dimness of VUlon, Preranture Old Age, and many other diseases that led to loso-1 nity or consumption ana a rremaiure urare. when druggists lrom whom tho inodklne Is bought I doot reftuul. but refer vou to thanisnnfarttir.J 'eis, and the reriulrcments are ubh that they are trim, vtitr, oomiuteii wiiil me mttr writ ten guarantee, A trial ot ono alngle package of iiruysnpecmu wuivouviucv i no, iiut, itKepiicai oi Uh real mfrttKj On acenuut of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i Uie only genuine. ttrjMll particulars In our pamphlet, which we detlre to send free by mall lo every one. tv-The Biwvinu sitHiii-ine m houi vj uu urugglbia at si ter pacxage or o paenaes lor or win uo i EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00U3BI7B9, FA, OPPOSITKCOnitT iionsB, lanre hhd convenlont aimnle rnomo' tiiiti, rooms not anu cuiu water, and all inoJ.-rn conveniences 8.1 Tiitiso Ire WiTia Rtv, Ttand Chased or Chased Satl n, with Gold Lined Slop ami Cup, till. Tn two. li t YVATca Mir, Knttruveo, with uom i.mei .Movni.ieaiopaiui cup, ir uox, win i or Amlr, 2100 ZiOo 6th, ToiitT KvtSD, Una Decorated llottle and Powder llox, Willi batln Lined Jewel Drawer, 21.00 cih. h suit htako. it an iitfconited u ass. e itner 11 ue or ,mtr. I'tti-A 'l nt Sir, a pleoes, Ited and Amber Ouisa. Hand Knxraved, 17 00 la week at homo 13.00 outfit free. i'ay ab. isolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. .Header, Ityou want business at which ner. sons at either sex. vouul' or old. can make gre.t pay all the time they work, with absolute I i-crminir, wruo ior pariiauiars to u. iullktt riiai CO., Port and, Maine, De2I.y wanted for Thn I.tveanf nil Dm in,i dents oi tho U. 8. The largest, hand. soincat nest book ever sold tor less than LMifTH nnr nnnn ',',w, r.,u,u., uitiin book In' America. Imineuso proilts lo airenti A! luteiugent people wanttu Anyoneuan bcoomaa huccemfut agent. Terms five, JUli.ktt Hook Co., ,1-ortlarid; Maine ' ixhj VI. ly ' CONSUMPTION 1 hit a t, bfifcltlt A tssmairii Aprjt H4 vv I fatra t pontiff rnjd I IQUUHQIU OI i t tlfTrsr. fliaai amraiBa addraaa. Da. T. A. HLOCUU.Ul Psailat. Jiw Yelk. law t hat ktsnaa rflaaauiViBltai r. .TOitHcabsriii'.d ifltKM.tufstnsr llU a VALUAllLli 1U1 UTilltATlSlicio a i'. ii, i sent free ner oackage or a Daekaea for ts. or will Ly mall on the receipt ot tho money, by addressing TUB UIIAY MKDIC1NK Cil, HuBalO, N. V. DU1U IU DliMlUSUUIll UJ Mil UlUJtKISbB. 0V 9-lT PE,30DY HOTEL. I'lIILADKLPHIA. ttbHt. south nf Chestnut, ono snuaro south of lho New 1'ait Ofllco. one half aquaro from Walnut Ht. 'lUeatre and in the very hu Jncss centre ot the city, Uu the American and European plans flood J'ewly Ur'nUheiL1 ,X0 pt'r Uay' Uemuj,:"cj aai "W. Payne, M, D., novso-jy Ownertl'roprletor. opr27. '83 7ii, Kti-a KtaHtr.u pieces, tied ami Ainneruusa. iinnn tnttraven, . . uaj lih; Urn. Castor, Chased llelf Handles. Th hell can readily bo detached from the Handle, 10.50 bih Ira PiTcusa. a Quarts. Chased. DouMa Walled. : Kino 10th. I'askUtakp, C'liased and Gold Lined, . , 7.00 llih. Ksi'iv Wtaho, Hock Crystal Glass, beautifully cut , . ' 7.00 The nuinufacturera of th Celebrated Dti's Son1, will glva on the lit of May, list, th aliovu costly . and Uimilfiil Premiums to I tie persons making but the largest list of words from the words DDrvy'o Oolo"fcxcvtoca. Sozxjo. -CONDITIONS.- lst. All lUls must ! accompanied by a t Cist tticj for return postage, nnd the written state ment that you have and are now using lho Day's rJoAr In your family, and tho name and address ol the OrfK'f r from uhom you buy It, 2d. Words iwui li written plainly and numbered. Sd. No words will I eopnled In uhleh letters are used, not found In the words Iir'i Clllttltil Clu 4lh. All IIbH mutt tie In hy the 1st of May as the premiums will be given 011 that day, (III, The Premiums will be given lu louuion according 10 largest lut nf wurds. rih. Write your name and addiess plaluly on lists, aud for further Information and Instruction rineloto 2 Ctst Stixp. This mfcr Is mmle to Induce yon In try and uso the Pt'snv and Dht Sosr Mini. Py IN lue you sva No II01111.0.N0 FcAinmo. NoIll.tT. No BTrAM.nndypur washing donv In one-half the UMlal lira a. 1MYSHQM1 mut l used as directed. Directions will In found on each rapper, The Dai's josr 'an he Ii id of leading wholesale nnd remit procera throughout the Vnllrd H.IH-. lilegamly l'julisted Cards given with IHv'sSotr MonufuctureU iy DAY 4 FfllCK, nil, 171, 175S, 17b0 & 1762 IIowabd St. i 17K1, 17M, 1147, 17(11 i 1701 Watioo St., r'niuiUHiit, Pa. l'ebl.riiv i''oriwny .Ufrf.t il.t (V.Idil ill'U.inotr.', I'.l,, L.1, Li.E. U'U1 3ap9rlnUniat of tbt Ssnltirlum. Inyalid'p Home. Bloomsburg. Pa., Dovotcs' special u.tentlon to Epilepsy, ferrous Affections, nnd Cheaies of Women. Patients rccclvctl nt tho Sanitarium on rcusonablo totius for liouril nml trodtniont, I', 8. No cliargo for llrst consultation. M)K r 1 RAZCnOAS TIME TABIB. Pennsylvania Railroad. H Rljiladolphia & .Erio R. R. Divis- t M--ll O-.-i I I ion, anu. iorinurii uoiurui I Railway. ! ,lx--r- ' - TIME TABLE. cffLCt Nov. 10th. ,1893 Trains leave Kun bury.', , ' j lUSTWAItD, n.fts n. m.. Tick Haven Exnrp. frlnl'lv pippn Sunday), for Hnrrlsburg nnd IiitermcillatOStatlons Lanctuirr, I'niiauoipmuj new lorK, liaitimoro ana Wnfttilntrtnn. nrrlvlinr nt I'hlladolnhl.L .1.1a 11. tn. r New Voik, 0.20 p. in. Dattlmorv, 5.1U p. iu. j Wash ington 6.S0p. in., through passenger coach to I'h.lndclpUlu. l.tap. in. Day express (daily except Sunday), forllarrlsburg and ltitcnneulalu stations, Lancas. ter,l Philadelphia, New York, Halllmoro and Wash ington, arriving nt Philadelphia 7.23 p. m. ; New York, iat!0 p. in. j ll.Utlmon1, 7,!M p. in. i Washing, ton, tU p. in. Pullman Parlor Odr through to Plil-' hulelphla and pasaenger coach through toPhlladel- pnui anu 11a11.111.on;, B,W) p. in. wiluanisport Accdmmodatlon (dally) for Jlarrl-sburc nnd all lntcrtncdlato btatlons. Lou- caster, PlilladclpliLi and New York, arrUIug nt phUadelphla Sid n. m. ; New York 0.10 n. iu. Slef ping car accommodations can bo bccurcil itt Hnrrlsburg for Philadelphia und New York, on Sun days a through sleeping par will be.runson this tnUnfrom Wli!amsi'ttal'nllaUclpht,t.PhlIadclphla passengers uuii leuiuiu lu&iecpcr uiiuisiurucu until , aim. 2.10 a. m.-iKrl Mall (dally except Monday) for Harrlsburg and lntermodlato 'stations Lnneaster,' Philadelphia, New. York, ilaltlmoro and Wushlng ton, arrlvlug nt Philadelphia 7.50 a. 111. : New York, 11.80 a. m. iHaltliuOw 7.40 li. in. ; Washlhgton, 8.60 a. m. Ihrough Pullinan sleeping cars nio run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoru and Washing ton, and through p.i&sopger ooachos to Philadel phia and llaltlmorc. I WESTWAltD. dsOn. m. Erlo Jlail (dallv excent Sundavl. for Erloand all Intermediate nations wltli through Pullman l'alncu Cur aud tllroush iioAsenuur' Coaches to Krle, and through Pullman Palaco cars to Iiuffalo via Emporium. On Sundays this train runs to Hcnovo, with Pullman Palace car to Wtlllamsport and passenger coaches td lfeuOvO. tor canaudnlgua anu intermediate stations, Hoches er, UuiIaIo and Niagara Falls, (dally except Sundays; with through Pullman Palaco car and passenger coaches to itochcster. l.Oj p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kane und Intermediate stations 'with tnrougu passenger coaches to Jiaue and parlor car toiWlilt.unsport. For Can.uidalgua nnd principal Intermediate Mntlous, Hoeliesier, llulialo and Niagara Ftlls w Ith through pMjqnger -coaches to t.SS n. in. Fast lino (dallv excent Similar rnr lie. novo and Intermediate htuilaus, and Elmlra, Wat klhs aud Intermediate stations, with , through pas senger coaches tu lleuovo and Walklhs. THIlOUaillTLMNS l'Olt SUNllUltV iKltOMTIin I EAST AND SOUTH. , ,1 , Niagara Express leave Philadelphia. 7.40 n. m. : lialtlmuro u. m. id.niv except Sunda) arriving ut. suubury, 1.03 p. m. niutiuiuuBu 1U11111.U1 A'uriur carioiu rnuauci. pllla and through passenger coaches Iroih l'hlladcl phla and llultlmore. Fast Lino leaves New York 8.00 n. m. ; Phlladel phla.ll.lOa. 111. ; Washington, 0.40 u. in. .Balti more. 10.&0 n.illl. .'(dallv'i.nt Mimll nrrlilnif n t bunbury, 6.80 p.m., with through passenger caicheu from Philadelphia and Iialifmore. 1.1 i .nun ieues.-ew iorK s.uup. m. t Philadel phia, p. m. ; Washington, iu.10 p. in. ; Uattl m re, ll.a.ip. in., (dally) nirlvlugat sunbury 0.10 a.1111., with through Pull nan Palaco sleeping cara from Philadelphia, Washington 'aud Ilaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Pulladelphia, Sleeper from Washington runs iluilv evpcm .son. day. - I5UKBU11T, 1IAZLCT0Ko!'WII.KES-BAK1IB ItAILKOAD ASU NOHTU & WKST UllANCIl ltAIMVAY. ! (Dally except Sunday.) Mall East leaves sunbury (dally except Sunday ) c.45 a. in., urrlt lng nl liioom Terry 7.11 u. 111. , Wilkes-bari e a. in. HxpiessEast letitts Sunbiiry 0l83r). m.,'arrlvlng at .lUuom Ferry 0.31 p. in., nllktvbuire p. ni Mall West leaves MII;i',! 111 ... r,w tngat liioom Ferry dim p. m,, hiinbury p. m. rlllug ut Uloom Ferry 7.urp.m., bunbury 8.t5 p. (JUAs. e. puaii, Ucu. JlauagiT, B. F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dep:tj BloomBhirtj Pa; Manufacturer of First class ranges In iHlToruot.fiyles, cook stoves, parlor slovos ami stoves for licatlug stqrts.schpol houses, cliurclit'8 Ac, Liiruu stock of tlnworo mm slovo rt'putrs, such us grates, firebrick, litis, centres CALL AUD SECDRiC BARGAINS. Oct 20 tt J. It. WOOD,. ,(ien. passcngpr, gput. plULiADELPHA AsDKEA'blJitJ KOA1) ARANQEMENT'' OF VAi&Eb't; h'B TRAINS. NOV, 5, 1883 I TBAINS LEAVE BUrXRT AS K0LL0WS(80NDAT , XICEITsD, For 'NOW YorfcPhlladelDhlallleadtnff.Pntijmiiil. Tmaqua, o., 11,45 a. mi For Catawlasa, 11,4 a, m. e.t3 and l6.3i) p. m, for Wtlllamsport, ,3J t.5 a. m.aud 4,0a p. nn !For LowlsOurg and Sunburv. 4 oa d. m. TIAINSrOU HOrEBT i.EA,T Ad KOLLOWS, IStWUAV I ISCBITID.) v(a. U9und jirook Itouto 1,45 a. m. iavo rnuaueipuia, 9,00 a. tn. 'Leave Heading. 11.63 a. m.. I'otiKvin,, im .. and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. ilavo (iatjwlRK.1. a :m 11 01'n n, ..nH . Wt8&&?llM ?m'4:,)5 P- to. and 6.od p. m ' " Le)'lsburs4.4sp,m. Passengers to and from Now vr. nend and to and from Philadelphia go throubu " iiuuui vuuugu oi cars, 1 - J. E. W00TTJ5N, ,0. a. HANCOOKi. General Manager, Jan!iof lSBi t?UBer aDl1 Tloiet Aeut "QKLAWAKE, IACKAiVANNA AND TEltN HAJLUOAD, ULOOMSJJUUQ DIVJSION. NOItTII ,m. p.m. n.m 2 15 115 9 09 0 03 8 '68 8 48 8,4i 8 3f' 0 43 STATIONS. 00 1 60 1 I.' 1 33 1 W 1 IS . IU 7(40 13 13 7 hi IS M U 10 13 7 so i'j 00 713,11 47 , l, II 40 T 03 II 3J' 1,31 11 10 8 23 8, 10 or 8 00 7 20 ,,..Scranton,,., , lti.llnu,i& Vl W'.rviuo:'.: jj JO .. Lackawanna., ....ruibiou JO ..West Pitthton. 14 ....Wyoming.,.. . ..Mallby....; , Hennctt 9 01 ,....KIn.,r, 0 Oil,..,, Kingston ! ' Plymouth Juno .n.l'lyinooth..., Avoml il Nanticoko..! 0 so Oi-U lll 6U o'ar 10 tt .OS 10 22 10 10 08 01 10 43 S pm. a.m. 1 8 63 8 67 18 3U M !!M H 151 n is, 8 to 7 60 7 62 7 41 7 21 7'3) T 80 T 11 SOUTH. a.m. p.m. n.m t 30 2 10 6 17 o sa si a 27 27 0 31 31 0 41 30 a 40 4t 0 31 0 t5 I! RH 7 02 T 10 7 IT 7 22 7 !10 7 37 8 (10 0 45 U 62 0 48 '10 01 10 08 10 08 M 10 18 2 (4 10 20 3 02 3 (K '10 31 3 10 .-.."uvucy,,, ji Q Q ill -t &"i?.i?.K"i!? S 2 S r5 I. iiATirtiT ,,...1J;.. ? u ,..n,V,(,l,,p,a ,.,..uerwicK .Ilrlar Creek. Willow Oi'ove,, ...Llmoltldgo,. 0 43 .Catawl'a Ilrldgo . ,,.1'UllVlllO,,,, ....Chulasky,,,, .... Cameron.. ., Northumberland 111 13,3,61 11 ,20 a 01 4 07 4 12 11 39 4 2d tl 15,4 27 II Nl 4 3,1 11 M 4 111 12 18 1 60 IS 43 5 25 n.m. n.m W. ,1 ItAI-STUAD, fiupt.) 8 U) 0 00 8 00 8 Ob 8 10 8 63 8 31 8 SX 8 03. 8 02 1) 40 020 9 60 n.m Soper,ntennton;;a'?UiW2;,' JAME8 ItEILL"Y, TonBoi-ial Artist, air -iln At hl ru a 1 1 a1 I, ? as usual a pii 1st class IUIIUKii SHOP. He respectfully so lieii, n,i iy9. "MwoSS?.lia oWe,3puo!lo " asTa -T-T.T ' I las 1 1 I I iTHEr liati a I oS9 llalslsH'WfVwialsS Sffi'iS Aptll 18-4W iin-niiMata. a' wmmm &jwi I, , '.-Mjai unoi.ijr iiUittBFAK'R rn'frrtjTonTf n ur'a i Ctl-r. Er' t 'wul.r,,.,,f!I,,vr,vi!r,f'",," - eis - 1 11 "i U'lipx, Simeon Co., Washington. ii.i'ii X:lY llAk0'1 "r Patent until April Ji-iw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers