The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 18, 1884, Image 2

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ri I M H'l I n 1 1
1 ' ".-"iir-'- r
0. E, Elwill, rfAr
FRIDAY, Al'UIf, 18, 1B81.
The DifnbfiriiU iiavo titrnutl tliu tn
lit6i eufuplefftiy bri Jiihn Sherman in li
D.invillo Invt-Htlijation. Tlioy' llavo
nrovrjil by'n"clgml of witnesses thatlhd
Mahohcitci wife thfi aggressors, ami
that ri'6 Intlmiilatioli of vot(H was prao
tlccd uxccpl that cmployod by thu Ma
hoho ticgroH to proven! mi'n of tht'ir
ratio frq'm Wiling tlio lVinoutatlc ticket.
Alio Jiepublioan stale oonvonUon at
Ilarrisburg on" Wednesday, ' nominated
Gen.,K. S. Oaborno of Luzerno .county
f(;r;cc.ngrcg3manatdargc, Galuslm A.
Grqwi was tho permanent chairman,
ami inado a furious high tariff speech.
A 1C is pri'sidQtit pf an association that
scV'ksj to mako n free trade icciprooal
treaty with Canada, this speech brought
a smile to tho faco of tho convcii.
tiotu, Tho 'meeting was macliino mado
nil tho way through.
Tho Morrison Tariff bill waB uroitght
up in'tho Houso on Tuesday and its
consideration was decided upon by a
voto of 140 to 183. Tho aflirinativo
vote was caul by 135 Uomocrats' and .5
HRpiiblioans, and tho liegativu by 09
Hopliblicana nnd 30 Democrats. Our
IteprcontntiVo, Alr. Storm, voted in tlio
negative, ds did tho entire democratlo
delegation from this htate. From ten
to twenty days will probably bo occu
pied in tho debate on this bill, which
will-bo' tiino wasted, as it cannot pais
tho Sonateif it goes through tho lloii9c,
and even should it pass both branches,
it would bo vetoed by tho Presided.
Philadelphia is greatly agitated over
tlio problem' as to whether Forenaugh's
wlnto elephant is a genuine article, or
only a white-washed fraud. It is to be
hoped that this momentous question
will be settled in time so as not to dis
tract' tjio attention of tho public from
the Presidential election. As Congress
has a 'white elephant on its hands in the
Bhape of tlio Alorrison Tariff bill, it
might appoint an investigating com
mitteo to determine the disputo between
Forcpough nnd liarnuin. This would
bo just as profitable for" the country as
tho discussion of a bill that Cannot by
any possibility become a law.
4 A Oil! that Must be Heeded.
p The two pivotal States of tho next
presidential election aro Uhio nnd
West Virginia. Thoy aro the ODly
Stales which voto in October, and tliov
wllbo likely to scttlo tho Presidential
contest of November.
If either' party shall carry, both Ohio
nmt-.west Virginia m October, that
parly 'will-surely eleoti tho next Presi
dent, and if Ohio shall voto llepubli
cau and West Virginia shall voto Dem
ocratic, tho national battlb will bo prac
tically adjourned till November, and the
responsibility ot tho issuo cast upon
In tllaprt'Hont aspect of political af
fairs, West Virginia aud Ohio would
bo likely to voto for the same party in
October. Ohio is naturally Republican
ns ejit' Virginia is naturally Demo
cratic, but both would incliiio to vote
Democratic for an able and consorva
live Presidential candidate in accord
with thb Ohio Tariff platform, aud
both would certainly voto Republican
in October witli a Free Trade Demo
cratic ticket..
Ohio and West Virginia are the pi
votal States of the battle of 1884, and
both h'avu Democratic Governors.
They have won their States and thoy
aro to bo respected in counseling the
nam ol jJeraocratiosafetv. Hutu Gov
ernor, Homily, of Ohio, and Governor
Jackson,, of West Virginia, have just
given . tneir note ot warning to tlio
national, Democracy, by open lettors'in
tho New York World, and both de
claro the Free Tradu Alorrison Tariff
tbpery to bo suicidal. Both demand
tho . Ohio Tariff nlatform. aa did the
Pennsylvania Democrats with absolute
unanimity, and when tho loaders of tho
pivotal States present tho isiuo involv
ing Hnocesa or defeat, only midsummer
.i .... . . r. . i ,
iiuuu win roiuso to taxe neeu
Tlio Supremo Conrt of the United
States has ronderod a decision in tho
insurance case of Emilio Moolor. ulaint-
iff In. error, against the American Life
Iusurarioo Compaiiv, in error to tlio cir
cuit court ot the United States for tho
eastern district of Pennsylvania. This
Was the suit upon a policy of life insur
ance which contained as a part of tho
contract a stipulation that "if the rep
resentntions and answers mado to tlio
company in tlui application for a policy
should be found to bu untnm in any re
sjh'CI, tho imlioy should be null and
void."' When iuuranoe was obtained
tho assured was asked among other
questions, whether ho had ever had
asthma, scrofula, or consumption. His
answer was "No.'1 In tlio trial of the
caso in; tho. court below ihereVus evi
ilonce't'o tdiow that deceased had theC
diseases in an incipient form prior to
his application for insurance but there
"was also evidence going to show that
iiO'waj entirely tinawaro ot it. The
court instructed the jury that it mado
no diff'sronco whether tho assured was
award of it or not; if, ns a mutter of
fact ho had had these diseases his ans
wers to the company, alih nigh made
lirtnestly nnd in good faith; wuro none1
the'less u'Alruo nnd the company was
not bound by the policy. '1 his ruling
is heio assigned for- error. Tho court
holds : i
First That what tho company re-quirt-d
of the uuied and what the bit
(cr ugttod to ;n coiidinoo. precdfiu
was that ho kIioiiM mako full and hon
est answers to all questions, without
evasions, fraud or concealment.
Second That tho fact that ho had
curtain diseases and said he had not had
tbunmlid not necessarily invalidate tho
i'iliuy when there was evidence to show
that tho diseases wem go latent that the
assured was not coutcious of tliuin.
Tldrd That it was an erroneous
construction of the contract to hold as
thu.court below did, that the couipauy
wni reloased from liability if it lppear,
vd that the assured. had been in fact af
ilicted with the diseases mentioned.
'Die, jury should have been instructed
that the plaintiff was not precluded
Irp'iu the, recovery on the policy unless
it appeared that he knew or had reason
to buievc at (ho time of his application
that liu was or had been so alfecled.
The judgment of the court below is
theicfore reversed with directions to
set usido tho verdict.
Bttokalcw and Wallaoe on the Tariff Bill,
Ex-United Suits Senators Unottnlotv '
anil Wiilliico. both (if whom woro in
Philivl Inhiit n cuiittv. wen' (lm-ntioiii'd
by n tcpoittron thu Di'tnooiutlu slum-
tion. I
"Of oonrso thoMorilMin Tariff bill
can't mild Air. Huukiiltiw, "ami it
luuiM nut paint, Iiiii I would nut olinkn
il ilibatu hot AliiriUnn bt; huanl,
but the. Vitluablii tiino taf Gonjress
Hhoiild not bo wasted in weeks ol Tnr- i
IT debate when legislation on the nub-
ct U iimxHslblo. Tho" iionnlo am
alwajrt willing lo hear a man, and if, I
wer in UouurcNS I would vote to con-
slder Alorrls ni's liill lit liim bo lieaid
U lull 1 let Kandall or JCalon or Con-
verso answer him from the Democratic- I
side ( Jet any lending Ituimblicuti bo I
heard on sillier side, and then nt once, !
(impose ot, me measure linaiiy ny nute-
nit'' postpotieiueiit or some such
i. ' - t
lucihnd I he iicoulo understand tho
Tariff question better than the politi
cians suppose, and thoy want reduced
taxes wherever possible, but .thoy want
It without injustice to our industry. I
have no, idea that tho Tariff theory of
Morrison will prevail in tlio Democra
tic National Convention. Tho party
and t)ic country are against it, nnd
Chicago will settle the question. Ran
dall,'' lie added, "will be cordially sup-
orlcd by the I'onnsvlvama delegation
and his position and tho position taken
bv his State, will mako him an impor
tant factpr in directing tlio Democratic
ino of battls for 1884.'
Senator Wallace was in tlio city look
ng in butter health than usual and
ready to go to the front In the Demo
cratic line. "As to tlio Tariff in tho
House," said tho Senator, "I would not
Iircveril debate. Error can bo much
letter' met mid vanquished by letting
It BliOwj- itself than by choking' it. Pro
traetcd. debate on the Tariff should not
bo allowed to the hindci'anco of tho
pressing public business, as it is" known
to'all that iio Tariff legislation is pos
sihltf this session j but let tho Demo
cratic representative mcu say their sayj
givo tho Free Traders tho floor through
thelr'best champion, and let him no
answered, and tho peoplo will then un
derstand tho position of tho parly bet
ter than they do now. It is not Con
gress, but tho Nntidnal Convention,
that makes tlio party platform, nnd it
will not bo for Free Trade. Randall
will bo very heartily and earnestly sup
ported by tlio entire Pennsylvania dele
gation at Chicago, and his nomination
will be mado if it is within the range
6f p6s'sibility. The Pennsylvania Doni
ocracy never Was better united In
sentiment and purpose, and, tlio in
fluence of tho Stat9i will bo felt nt Chi
cago.'"' ,' COLUMBIAN E0H0ES-
That was a funny letter by your cor-
resp6idcnt Who Bigned himself last
week. Of, coursq tho Coi.umuian being
an independent paper permits n full
and free expression of opinion regard
ing as to whether too septimonts e,v
pressed by its correspondents meet
with its approval or otherwise, and this
is just as it should be a respectable
newspaper should show fair play to
pvery body but, itjs tojio questioned
It such intemperate and abusive epithets
as were used by tho correspondent in
question can accomplish good either to
the Uemocratic party or to bis own'
party whatever it may bo.
Spleen cau in ordinary instances be
removed by a good dose of liver invig
orator and it is a cheaper remedy than,
unmitigated abuse and dirty invectivo.
When a man cannot write to a news
paper without introducing such expres
sions as wo find in his letter he would
bo wiso to let newspaper writing alone.
We quote the following choice select
ions: "brute," "swine,"' "wallow in filth,"
' pest," HfrogB of Egypt," "damnable
fault," dovilish plots," "satan himself,''
"fork full of1 dung," "hogs,'1 "worms,"
"slimy worms." Is ho personally troub
led with this particular parasitef
If. Democrats or othor good citizens
wish to discuss local issues, cannot
.their .object bo attained without such
'scurrilpus nttaokbt Gentlemen may dif
fer in opinion but they need not cease
to be gentlemen. Possibly from tho
nature of. your correspondent's signa
ituio ho hns not much to risk but we
.should think that with his classic at
tainments ho could afford to get above
stable illustrations. our readers need
not oxpeot that tho earth will cease to
rotate or that ohaos will come again be
cause refuses to communicate witli
an enlightened press.
"Frnuk A. Witman, formerly of this
place was elected .secretary ot the town
Council of licrwick on Alonday, On
ly pno voto was cast for his opponent
Geo. A. Buckingham who was Secre
tary last year. This is certainly n com
pliment to a worthy young man."
ISlooiushiii'g Jiepublican.
tu iiigtice to Mr. Buckingham it
sliou.d be borno iu mind, 1st, that tliu
Uerwick Town Council ,i almost en
tin ly, eompofcd of employees of the
J. M hi kO.i 2iid, that these men are
to h large extent under I lie control of a
certain nll'oious gentleman who has
;iaieni lor getting things all his own
way. iird, that the said (J U. made
'personal canvas in the interest of Wit-
.man against whom we have nothing
to say. -ltli, that the paragraph (if not
soul) was dictated by tliu U. U., who
well Uiivy f'at to plur it contained on
Air. iSiickiughnm would be fullv appro
(oiated by tho gentlemen of the Jltvub
(man as lie had opposed them in the
recent convention, i m treasurer
and chief of, police elected by tho
council nro alio einploye,es of tho
Couipauy, Now we do not make tlio
slightest objection to tho members of
the council or to tho gentlemen' ejected
to ollioes by tjioin because they happen
to no ompipyees ny ine same tirm
liiehher would we fur a in ment offer
any reflection on tlio iiiiiburs of the
ti r in or tliu cniei niiieers tnereot as
having had an thing to do witli the
consummation achieved, but we do say
emphatically mat the (j. ti. nnove re
fenod to is gwtlug ntirelv too fresh
in his methods of manipulating public
biliutiiistrntiou, and Hie people of Iter
wick arc thoioiighly" disgusted thereat
If this oiio man power' of dictation
on nny nnd every thing is kept in
much longer th gentleman referred to
is likely lo get a geutlo hint to attend
more closely to his personal business
and by way ot recreation and consola
tinn devote morn of his leisuio to the
phenomenal incubation of hit extensive
Tho corpse of tho Chinese cook of
tho ill-fated ship, Jeiuiette, was icoeiit
ly brought from tho Luna Rivor to
Ptow York, a distance ot nftcon thou
and miles, nnd will now bo taken thir
teen thousand miles farther, to China
We douht whether iu tho hlstorty of
tho world the .corpse, of any other hu
mail being haa traveled suoh a long
distance to reach tho laud of its nati
vity twenty.eight thousand miles iu
h i Skeleton hit nThio.
ml tlr. .4 ' I .
Orlfmlo Dl iFaoirt(ilhal hail mm en-
HiQM In'tiWlnir (Idwn. tho chimney
niiu Imi.-f wal's df ml nnlinifatcd hniifO
at tjpiliigtowil, Uitoks county, on Sat-
nniay, to mako souio iinprovuintnts.
A human nkclutou wan found linhuililud
"'Ji I'll Humor ha it that dark and
uinody deeds wem (lono in thin lioui',
which in built nf liinu Htonuitwo Bturiot
bigh, containing cloven largo rooms.
During tho revolutionary wnr it wan a
noted reapit, boing opcotised as an inn.
At oliisii 6f thd war of IH12 h number
' soldiers, lotnining irtun tho army,
longed uierc. iney lucainu involved
" n "ght, i" which Several were killed.
one, ol trio rooms Hvord tlirnats nnd
bullet murks can bo seen in tho frame
work. In tho Immense dhlinneys nnd
iht walls of tho building that arc
u"i "uimk removeu, ins i;xicuicu mm
i.n.. .H...I..... in i i i
ther discoveries will be made.
Wages of Labor
In mnny of tho protected industries
tlio reduction of wages is still going on.
while it is observed that thcru Is no
corresponding reduction of tho wages
of skillful workingmcn who are indobt
rd lo the tariff for nothing but burdens.
in n portion ot the anthracite coal ro
gioiis tho wages have been cut down
to what, tho miners describe ns Btarva..
tion rate. Siilco tho beginning of tho
ear tho reduction of wages of factory
lauds in New- England haa varied from
10 to 15 per cent. Jiradstreet's rovlow,
shows that in the rolling mills, the
steel works nnd the nail factories of
tho East an nlmost.general reduction
has taken place in tho rales of wages,
while there has been a partial reduc
tion of the wages in these industries in
tho Wost. Whilst there )ias been a
large increase in tho making capacity,
a general striko against reduced wages.
ncvails in tho nail works ot Mew liiiig-
iand. In tliu window-glass tradu pro
duction hns been resumed after n long
strike, nnd will continue until over sup
ply induces another reduction ol wages
or another strike. In .other protected
industries tlicro has been little varia
tion from tho downward tendency on
These reductions of wages, with
strikes and loss of employment in many
quarters, it need not be said, have been
accompanied by much distress among
working people.
In connection with this condition in
tho fiehl of, protqeted iudustry it is
noted that greater rcduqlion of wages
havo taken place in (ho. East than in
tho West Tho manufacturers of the
East are on the outer edgo ol the homo
market, while tho tariff closes tho for
eign markets to them, and they nro
therefore tlio first to feel the effects of
over-production. Cost of freight does
not permit them to, take thoir products
far inland before they arc met by the
competition ol the West, and cost of;
raw1 materials through, the tariff will
not let their products out. They aro
thus between two fires, and when the
crisis; of over production comes they
l .-.I. ' r
uiusi meet n, wun a reuuciiuu ui waget.
Hence a removal, of the, heavy taxeB on
tho raw niaterials.ol industry is fast ho-
coming a crying necessity, .tlio
anufneturers as well as tho workipg
cn of tho East, and nil the sophistries
of production will not be able to
siienccit. Witli busy manufactories
n the rear to' supply the homo
market, it is of small advantage tq
dwidl on thq ocean front when a blind
legislative polloy will ho peimit the
tcomingiiroducts, of Eastern Bilk nnd
other industry to roach the markets of
the world. Phila llecbrd.
"Dr." Maaden's Victim.
Tin: sad stouv ok sahib s
Dr. Winfield Scott Madden was ar
rested last Saturday at Scranton upon
the obargo of having kept Sadie Ale-
(Jienagiian, a liandsome girl, chained in
his oilico like a wild beast for nearly
seven wcoks, and there can be no doubt
that had, his victim, been a nativo of
Scrauton an effort would bo mado to
lynch bun. Madden seemed to realize,
his position, and was, in, a stato of men-.
tal terror most of tho day, frequontly
requostmg the prison authorities to
double the, guards, lest an attempt
should bo made upon tbo jail,
iUiss jieuonaglian went to the bus-
quchauna Houso and seemed much im
proved smco she escaped from, the in-
ntience of tho monster who effected
her rum and mailu her las, slave Airs
Carpenter, wifo of tho proprietor of
tliu hotel, took a deep inteiest in tho
girl and was affected to tears while tlio
latter related her bitter story.
Sadio is tall aud graoeful, has large.
oxpressivo eyes, luxuriant, let black
hair, and was evidently tho possessor of
great ueauty ueioro Madden s ill treat
ment. oho was an artless country girl
when ho first, met her and a regnlai' at
tendant at tlio Methodist Sunday School
in Jiewisiown biiobuh spenKs ot tlio
school and ot her pastor, tho Uqv. Mr,
McLean, with evident pleasure. There
is certainly nothing vicious in Iter na
ture, and her disgrace ami sorrow are
luo entirely to the great confidence sho
repined iu Alaililon,
ciht! Inst met him a ear ago last
August, at Li'wistowu, where hhu was
staying with her mother and married
.t. l. ! I I t (i
Hisier, uei lainur neiiig (lead. Aladikn
tiretouded great luvu lor her. and linal
ly, under painful circumstances, she
urged linn, to marry her, Iio said iu
had a vifu living at AIooua, but that
he expected a dl voice. ll then left
her aud went iooruiit,ui, S-idtu bcuouv
iug a mother shurtlv afterward, ber
child jspoii dying.
M.WIDUN AS a vjUack. oocroit.
Madden became associated with s
nuaok, named Gibson, and built up t
largo medical practico by Employing
oertain moiiiiieuanic metliods. (filwoi!
pretended to work mirnclos by m-ans!
of what hu called a I',1''
ot which no claimed to no tlio inventor,
bat hoi was convicted of an iissault'upon
a farmer's wife, and tied to New York.
lie then advertised that bo was dead,
but was arrested last week in l'itt
burg and brought back to Scranton
now occupying a cell next to Alad
den s.
llri . n'l
nun uinson went nway Gladden
iiecaine more respectable and tried to
build up a regular practice. All this
timo lie feared that Altss McCleuaghau
wiio wan living at Jiwistown with he
sister, would bo advised by hor relatives
ami navo mm arrested.
So ha was constantly writing letters.
oeggmg mat shcsiiouid come to Scran
ton. Sho came on the 20 of February
and finding that he had not vet ob
tained his nroinjsod divorce, was abqut,
to leturii home. Ho insisted on her
staying, alio had nut ho took her
money away trom her nnd shortly
aiicrwarns neguu tno luariui system o
cruelty which resulted In hu arreH
. Saturday,
After chaining her ankle
to tho bed ,n his backroom until th
jrou woro Into tho flesh, he had a large
strap mane, aim wun tins livid her cap
live until mo nnaiiy uiokc away,
upon Hearing net story and com
mining iiiauuen, j in (ipinun.oi ciuiu
Jifcll, AInjoiTRe'nrhish gav6 tho girl $fi
to pay' her faro lidlne. 'Maddt'ti admits
liavintt obalffed thd girl hi his rooih and
"strapped hor th the floor,' bu't.says'thal
alio wanted to lie restrained in that
manner, which tlio girl, of course
denies, saying thnt when Alndden first
bound her to I he floor hIio feared he
was going to kill her. His reaon for
ni nkiiig
g I lie? 'ni prisoner was" that h6
hi lf'shc wah fc sho would hftvh
hlnrnrrostcd and disgraced
Absolutely Pure.
Thlaoondftr neror varies. A mirvni nfnnrirv
BtrunRin and wnolosomnosi. Mora economical
ttimthH ordinary lfn is. ntwimnnn.. hna.ii.iin
coinpniitlon with tlio multitude of low test, short
nrmub, umiuur pu'ispnuie pijwaers. H'Hil only
laaias. Hoyai. IUiinu 1'owdsr Co . ioc Wa!l-st..
" nucli-iT.
liy virtue of sundry wrns Issued out of tho Court
of common 1'leas of Columbia county and to mo dl.
rectnl, will bo exposal to pub lie stilo tit tho court
llouio la lHootrubunfi on
Monday, May 5th, 1884,
at 2 o'clock p. m., tho following roal cstato sltil
ate In Greenwood township, Columbia county.'l'a.,
bqunded nnd described as follows to-wlt: ndjoln
lng land. of John Ulllasplc, liartjey, .Albertfcon,
Sylvester Albertson, nnd lands belonging to tho
estate bt Isaiah Ktlrid, tontaiuins two acres moro'
or less, wlitreon are erected a dwelling hbuse,
barn, 'and otlicr out buildings.
Seized, taken Into execution nt tho suit ot U. 1).
Young's uso vs. Jonas lleis, and to bq sold as, tbo
property o .said Jonas Iless. Vend Ex.
nrocKway, Attorney.
Allthat certain real estato situate In Suirarloaf
towhshlp, Columbia county, r'.x.. bounded on the
oast bj public roAd, on tlie north by John Pclti, on
tho west by Emanuel Deltr., on thd south by J. M.
Lnrlsh, containing nine ncrcs moro or less, on
which nro crecte.1 a dwelling! house, barn, and
other out building's.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of lien
tofa'M. 8. V.&Ta Association vs. cyrus'LaH3li,wllh
notice to torre tenants and to bo bold ns the prop
qrty ot Cyrus Larlsli.
E. IL.Uttlc, Attorney. Vend. Ux,
All that certain mcssuoco. tenement nnd tract
dtUnd bltuato In 'ilorit'our townsVdp.. Columbia
coiinty;, fa., ljoundei nn'd'descrlbed As follows, to
wlti1 beginning at a blnck'olk arid, hlnnlng1 thence
by land ot Lloyd l'nxton, .(late Joseph l'axton),
north bixty degrees east sixty-four perchos to a
stone, thenCQ north nineteen djjgrecs west twenty
six perches toa red oak.thenco north flfty-four do-
greeseast forty-six perched and seven-tenths to
ulg Fishing creoW,- thence up' the same north
thirty-live, degrees west thirty-one perches tan
stone, thenco by land4 ot Maria Kvans (Lite l'eter
Appleman), south blxty-tour degrees west one.hun
dred and twenty perches to a pine stump, and
thcnco'br laud of John Jtcnsch UMo John ltleh-
urus), huuui ininy-six aegrees east, nny pcrcnes 10
tho place of beglnnlng,cunalnlugitUlrty-two acre8
nnd ono hundred mid fouripcrches, strict ensure,
bo the same moro or, less, ou which aro erected a
frame dwelling house, barn and out buildings.
seized, taken Into execution, at the suits ot Cnt-
awlssa Deposit Hank, Samuel TJeyhard, JnneH.
Scott and Joshua Fcttcrman vs. 0. it. Quick, and
to bo sold as tho property of O, M. Qulok.
Miller, Attorney, 3 Al. FL, Fas.: 8 Fl. Fas.
Vnnderhllee, Attorney.
Knorr Wlnlerste en, Attorneys.,
AU that certain messuage, tenement, house and
lot ot land bttualo, In Kspy, Scott township, Colum
bia county, Fa., bounded and described as follows:
Bouth by Main street, vest by lot belonging to II,
o'.'Crevellng, north by an nllcy.'rast by lot belong,
ling tdO. S. Fowler. It being half of lot 'o. 9 west
side, containing forty feet In width, and one hunt1
drodand seventy.three nnd ono-fourth feet in
depth, whereon is erected a two-story frame
dwelling liouso nnd out buildings.
Seized, taken Into execution nt tho suit ot M. 11.
A' S. r. Asso:latlon of Espy vs. W..F. nnd Kllza-
beth W. Souder, and to bo 60ldastho property of1
W. V. and Kllzaboth W. Kouder. Lov. Fa.
Miller, Attorney.,
All tho right, title, Interest and 11 to estato ot
John DelQDg ono of tho defendants In tho
within named writ In the following described real
cstnte, to-vtti
Allthat certain iilcce,parcel nnd tract of land situ,
nto in Centre townshlp.Columbla county ,Tn.,bound
ed nnd described as follows, to-wlt : north by lands
or silos Shuman, John Xcyhard, and Henry Shaf
fer, east by lands of Henry Shaffer, soutu by1 lands
of Franklin Hagenbuch, tho estntb bf Jeremiah
Uagcnbuch, Ellslia Hngeubuch and Samuel Hid.
lay. nnd west by landsof Samuel Hldlay, John
White and Jacob Hlnk, containing ono hundred
nndsoventeen acres mo:oor less, whereon are
erected n largo two-story framo dwelling house,
largo, bonk barn, wogon house, hogpen, ctder-
pretis and other out buildings.
Another tract pt landsltuato in centre town-
sldp, Columbia county, I'a., bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt : north by land of Ueorge
ltuckle, cost by landot Kimnlt Atkman and Levi
Alkman, bouth by land of Samuel Hagenbuch, west
by land of Henry Shaffer, containing thlrty-ono
acres, more or le,ss.
seized, taken Itito execution, nt the suit 'of Cy.
rnSJIclienry and John lielong, exoVutors ot Hen
ry Belong, deceahed, vs. Sarah1 A. lielohg ant John
Delong, and to uo sold us tho proivrty of
Julio Iielong.
Snyder Ikeler, Attoruey, Fl.
Allthat reiUln tragt il liuid situate in I'luo
township, Columbia county, I'.u, bouuitcd and dp-
scrtbedns, follows, to-wjt: north by John Lock.
ard, cast by lifia of John nnd lllpam natt, soutu
br lands ot Alums Colo and Jacob Christian, west
by lands ot JOHeph Hrclblebls and Kves & Heller,'
containing ono hundred acres more or lewt, wbyre-
on aro erected n two-story frame dwelling, house,
uans Darn ana omer out uuu.ungs;
Helzod, token Into cxrcutlbu,. ut the uult of
ItachaHK. Long.vs. Lata)etteTrlv(ilpecDor Dftlu-
cland Jo be, fldas the-proiwrty of Lafayeto
ntvcjpiece of mvpuicuis. itnu. t.i.
Millar, Attorney.
Allthatcertnln'mesnuagoor phveofland situ
ate Iu lirldrdreek township, Columbia coUnty I'a.,.
bounded by lands now or lateol lleilry Hrltllau,
county Hue ot Columbia and Luzeruo counties,
landinawor latof llernard'seybert's heirs and
lands' now' br lat,6of Cliarles Kalbtus, contatntng
oevcnty-ttvu acretf more or less, also another pleco
or parcel ot land adjoining the aboto described
propei ty, and containing twenty-gne new more
or leas, "excepting n portion of tho samo about
two-thirds of an acre." There Is erected on the
said two described premises, a grist mill, distillery
duelling houses, stables, Ac-
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as
the property of ll. F. Seybert.
llrockway, Attorney, Vend. Kx.
All that certain lot ol ground situate In tho bor
ough ot Centralla, Columbia county, I'a., bounded
and described as lollotvs, to-1t i ou the south by
Centre street, west by lot 'of James aoldsworthy,
north by nn alley, east by lot of 1. F. Curry, con.
talnlng S3 feet ou Centre street, and back tho
same width iu feet to said alley, whereon aro
erected a one nnd one-lia'I bory trams dwelling
house and other out buildings,
seized; taken Into execution at the suit ot U"ll.
Ilolloway vs, Anguttut P. Oablr, and to bo void as
the property ot Augustus l). Gable. FL Fit.
Miller, Attorney,
All the right, tide and Interest of defendant In
an mat certain tract, pwco orparco( londbjt
unto In the township of CatawUsa, Columbia
county, I'a., bounded and described as follows, to.
lti udjolnlng lands of Abraham DreUbach north
aud west, by lands of Daniel Sauennn,ott the east,
itnd lands of Jtbepu lireith on the south, contain
w (mm "i
mpfoved but with.
Seli d'Uken Into oxojutWnJ'althosultofC. 11.
Drocwdr,VB I'enllndnd (mil, akl to Iw sold ns
t. property ofd'enllnanil uilL'
nwekway,. Attorney. ,,' Vcml. Kx.
The follow lug described real cstnto sltuato In
l'lshlngcrcek township, Columbia county l'.i., tlio
nnt tract conlatulng two acres, uoindod outha
south by lands ot W. V. Andrews, on tho cant
by land of Abrajiam W.. .Hjcinml, pit tbo
north by (andbt Nalhnu Smith ntid od tbqwfst bjf
land ol .Michael Haver, whereon nro erected a ono
nnd a halt story framo dwelling housS; HAMS, SaW
mill and othtr.out buildings, with good water
power. Thofond tract contalnl'ugl slkty ncrcs
adjoining thonbovo tract of land on tho north,
lands of .Martin Andrews' estate on tho cast, lands
of Kclchneribhnffef 'oh ttib' dofothAhd 'land of
.Michael It it er on tho west, Thoro Is a good pc.iqh
orchard on said tract of land, ntidiigodd stroam
ot running water.
Bckod, taken Into oxecution nt tho suit of ,JIar
rlct t il. (loss vs. William V. Andrews, and to bo
sold M tho pfi)crty 6fs.Id William 1 Andrews.
l'l. 1M.
BuckMcw, Attorney. JOHN MOfRlU",
"Pf II . sherirr.
liyvlrtuopf writs Issued outof thoqourt ot
Common I'leas, of Columbia punty nnd to mo
directed, will bo exposed to public safo on tho
premises on
Saturday, May 10th '84
at 3 o'clock p. m. tin following real cstnto to
wn, i Allthat certain pioca of ground situate In
Orangovllle, orange Township 'Columbia county
nnd Stato or Pennsylvania, containing ninety-nine,
nnd eight-tenths perches of land strict measure,
and bounded and described as follows to wlti
peglnnlng ntn corner on lino ot land of Henry
D. Walker, thencoby HaldUno north slxty-tlvo
and one-half degrees wost two nnd clghty-ono
hundrcths chains to n corner j thence by Land ot,
Jacob ltarman nnd Free School lot, north thirty
nnd bnb-half degrccsj cast two and twehty-four
uig tlx acres, moro or leas,
outbuildings, ,i
ono hundreths chains tb n Corner! thencoby liihd I respcittlto ilucodenta mid minors, tlmttho fol
ofMaryjIartz. Kmlly Klino and others, notitli .w'Hf.f j"f'"Jf i"lf!Va" cutors-0a ,KUai;U.ins'
slxty-tour and ono-hnlf dordes.. east two nn,i ,. Vi"V 'i?, ' l,l. ,l'.P.lV."'''''.'Kl'
sixty-rour and ouo-half degrees,; cast two nnd
clghty-two one hundrcths chains to a post ; thenco
bylahd ot Henry I). Walker, south thtrly-Uo
degrees, west two nnd twenty-6ho liutldrcths'
chains to tho placo of beginning, wltli tho upplirii
tenances, whereon aro erected n largo two" story
framo building as an Academy and other, out
, Seized, and tnken lit execution, ,nt tho suit of
Silas Conner's, uso vstho Orangcvlllo JIMdinif,
Female Academe, audio be sold ni tin propeity
of thnOrangovlllo Male nnd Fomalo Acadiiny.
l'l i'A April ll
Saturday, May lOth, 188-1,
All thnt certain lot or .piece of ground sltua to In
BloomsbUrg Columbia county I'a., aud bounded
and described ns follows to-wlt I Northwardly1 nnd
eastwardly by lotnotMoyer llros.,
lot ot Jeremiah J. llrowcr nnd westwardly by
Court liouso, Alley, containing 30 feet'ln front
more or less nnd 41 feet in width moro or'lcss, ou
which Is erected a largo three story Itrlck 'llulld
tnj nnd known formerly nstho "Columbian nulla.
that messuage nnd lot ot ground situate In
llloomsburg Coluinbla county Pa,, bounded nnd
described as follows to-wlt i On the north t.y Thlid
street, thence ulong Third street w, feet moro or
less, on tho east by lot of l'eter Urugler 20J feet
moro pr less, on tho south by an alloy, nnd on tho
west by lot bf M. 1'. Lutz, containing 03 feet In
front and 203 feet In depth more or less, on Which
aro erected a large two story brick dwelling house,,
barn and out buildings., Seized and taken lu
execution at tho suit of M. G. Hughes vs c. It.
llrockway, and to.bosold as tho property of C. ll.
Brockway. VcilcL'Hx. '
lluawn & ltobblns Att'ys.
All that certain mossuago or tenement and , let
Of lahd Bltuate la tho township' ot'Centre In the
county of Columbia and State of l'ennsylvanla,'
bounded and described, as fallows to-wlt ; lleglu.
nlng ut a stone, thenco by land of Uanlcl Hagen
buch, south s.xteen degrees, east eighty-eight and
tbreWen'th perches to a stOnoj thenco by nlud ot
Daniel Neyhard now TiiounsN. schweiipen'-
holser north seventy-hvo degrees, last tuir-
tyne and threestenth perches to a Woae j
thenco by land otsimpn Frynprth blxtecu do
grccs, west eighty-eight uu4 Bvo-tenth perches to
ustono ; thenco by laud of the said Daniel iLlgou-buchbouthsoveuty-uve
degrees, west thirty-one
nnd throo-tenth perches lo tho place ot beginning
containing boventeeu ncrcs and forty-nluc perches
ot land strict measure bo thq same more or less.
Mtereou are erected a gooa two story framo
dwelling, house, a largo bauk barn and other but
buildings, gdod fruit nnd water on the premises.
seized and uikeu Into execution at. tuusult ot
Wpsley Hess, Jesse Hoffman and WllUum Shaffer
vs S.unuel Neyhard and to bo sold as tho property
ot Samuel Neyhard.
Miller Alt'y. JOHN MOUltEV.
T--T-' - -i - -r ' -",
no Directors of the Cutawbm llrld
have this day declared u semi-annual dividend of
4 ner cent, on'iue capital stock-, uayablo at tho or-
licuuiiue ircuauicr iu siucituuiucrs uu auu uiier
pril lsl, 1SSI. . J.,11. K01IINS,
Catawlssa, March 31, 81. Treas.
apr -l-aiv '
' ' '''' '' ' ' Es ' ' 1 ' u'
11 Vlk jttTi ' '' 'u';4'
VMBMp' J n, (I ,( ,,,
iaV ' -iiiopi it - i
. . p , J I . i. -1 .... l m tf(. (01:1 i ,
". ' ' - . irf-l ai .... u E' J4),vi,
1 It Has
Come and see it at
M? I- Kaso ,. WolTefon's . t. J)h ft
llarnes';lr&?'',ltJvi ti Association Vt
ll.'nuN 'ctiln?lllty 51 8 V A,oclltlon v 0 11
',!, w1,"?,?1 s lynllnau "ill et in.
wital ' ll'"'0' U'vl ll',rror vs-'ol'h
iimIH." VolinvsJohn lllndcrllter. ' """"
V.'Jhw tr V 1 " S-i'iiioilx etnl.
(!f;,VPini"I0C,f "3 v-) w V lllbby.
,tu',V'?,,'v1'ollI 1-trdPt nl.
W IkffMt "',,,,el " 1''rc"erlck
Kplirlnm Kramer vm n W II llw'y (:o.
It A lloss s N ,v w n itw'y co.
Aimm liog.irt v l-ctcr llogart. .
V , l viiiiisu ili:nt, MiirilT,
. I Weaver vs Augustus We iter's x'r.
' filno.ts smliu vs ,N K V II llV v Co.
J Nliuinan vs N x W" II Htv'y ro.
Uovd Ye,tger ys .N ,t w u kwv ih.
I anlel Kseyber. vsdeorgn llreln. ,
' I L',,,?i0n ?,!.rt"9 f m'r vs Thorn u il ickey, I
ISliMilieivWrtlf vs John M .Miller. . '
Alln.ij Co o vsNarah lloss.
i Jacob Il.ilnoi vs N . w n uwy Co.
l, ,'LMl vsKinolierron etnl.' v ,
uin.te1, v J'""M Unvnr's mliu'r.
'J1; ", V?,'01','-'1" T 0 1'uIIuht ot .ll. s
city of I'hlla TrinteesvsAliinli.ini lllltliiL'. I
. 0 in shum.tu.ts N X W II HWy ci.
" " ' "'t'o vs wiiliain imiman. f
JolinllroteovsAhdrew.ldipii. .' .
' i'VJ'l'!.1! 'i"1?1)1",1, vs William olnglcs. '
wuonVry m wlt0 111 rht 0 1 M
Ocomo iMj er vs 'I homns ocraghiy.
't i ".'i.f'S? J'?;',"-'" Al0i'S'l rustee. ,
A .1 1 alley vsJaeoli Young.
Is.tnec Iliirri-ll Phi.n ... i, n i
JuDu K.IdibWiH X Hon vs Chnrles lliighes.
'IJios I! filwah set al vs lliicliiilmv
John itucn et at vs l'ehn'i it fVco.- - '1
,,'hM'J;,Rniltnlirf(Jr theW ot t'lar
lar.V T.hfoUn'-
. i ....
i. J
' i -r hui i'i
j.N!0i)0 u hwby given tj all legalees, creditors
(onnrmaunn and nllowance In tho orphan's court
ujJ bo li ild
1)1 t- nn tMu
ssi.ntsoviwkp.m.tim salitday. '
No 1. Tho first aud final account nt (leorgo A.
Huns Ailminlstralbf ot Jacob Hons late ot .uiilim
township deceased.
No 3. Tho account of Jesse Mench Administrator
dt.Mury Adams lato of c.ituw IsS.i township dc
ue.tsed. . i ,
No'll. Thetlrst and Ilnal account of John W.
Kvaiis Administrator d i n of Ann 1'. Kvans law of
tho llorougu ot ilerwick deceased.
No I. Thotlrst account ot Oeorgo
lanman surviving i;.ecutor of seth Hartman
late of CataHlssit township decoascd.
ySo 5. Tho nrat and ilartlal necount ot Wt'V. l'ark
dr AilmlnUtiator ut Humpluey I'urKfr lau of
Cireeimood township deceased.
Jto. Tlio llrst account otJohu Ashlcman A'd-'
mlnlstratoi-of Johu Lewis into ot Sugarloaf toivh
shlp deceased.
N07', Thu llratand partial account of i Isaac
Ileocock J.xecuLor of iiihh ii. ..t i,it ,,r .in...,!.
I wood township deceased.
nob. Tho final account ot Abraham, Wither
guardian of tlio person niid estate nl.iary M.'
Ko.irlugcreek township deceased.
NO 0. Tho llrst nnd llnnl nirnnnl nr .Tn.rtli IW.
nil Kxccutor ut Daniel 0. Wloduiaa lalo ol Hem
lock lo Ushlp Ueai.isud.
Vrt 1l .I'll., Ihln'lnn.1 .l..t . ..
tolley Jixeoutorof Alexander colley lalo ot ileu
tou township deceased.
Noll. Tho nrst and partial account of Miles W.
Moss l.xecutorof Djvru. .Uosslato ot lk'nton
townSnlp deceased.
Noli. Tho second and final necount ut Samuel,
Lolir Aduilulstraioi'of Jusunii ij.iir i n,. ,,r u,mv..,-
township deco.tud.
Noi:j. 'ihoilrsl iiudllnal necount of John C
tocuia Adiiunistratornf .i.irir .1. ii'miuim i.itw nr
Malu tui usuip uei'euhcd.
Nol), 'ihotiiliil nud nnal account of nonlamln1
llarndi Administrator o( 'itli tin il. orange lato
of cataHHsa towiLsiilp deceased.
No 15. Tliu liratuud account of WlUtanv
HougiituiiAdmiolatraior ot Lloyd Kreisler latuof
l'lnu lomisulp deceased.
No lli. Tho account ol l'aul l'ortuer Administra
tor 01 lienj.smlu tllcKs lato ut tlio lluruugli ot Her
w lck deceased.
,Koir. The llrst nud nnal account ot William
uictiich lixecutorot Just'im inetiichlaieot Flsh
ingciees towusnip deceased.
.no is.. i'ua.iistae.iaai, of I, W. MeKelvy Exe
cutor ut Ju,epu Veavcr late ot the townot IJ.ooins-
No ,U llio ilist n'ud llnal aeoant of William Kim.
uiei'Ad.iuuistrator of.vaulj .Velllvertato otMnd
Lsoa I'jwiisnip deceased.
Nosj. t'no llrst nud linal accjuufot Jos;ph
ItaiU'ii Aduilauiratur ot ceter ileiubaca latj ot
jioiiboar tu,viis.ilt) deceased.
Nog,, l'aoilrst nowunt of John 1C
Itouuias EVucutar uiaautuel lira at late of jl.ilu
kuwnaip a.-ceased.
No w. rue Ui-ot aud final account of WllU.t m
Maitguardun of Henrietta; lvj.ust.tuJ Amelia
deayeriiiiuoi'caiurea ui fVaaiiiia iljaver lato ut
Loeast luwnsiup deceased.
Son. Tue ilrst aud nnal account of William
lllenei JJ wcutur ot Ueorgo jtljhel late of Cata Usa
No H. Tho llrst aud dual account ut WTllUin N.
Iluiislugcr .vdailuijirator utAutuony iluusingcr
lato ui c tsulngerceiv tuiruslilp deceased.
So il, mo second aud tlual account ot lloury
tiilluierAduuulsu'iiui' ufAorauam i'urco lato uf
orange tuwusnlp ileccased.
N'o'.U Tito drst audilual account otJohn A.
l-'uiisiuu Cluardiau of liuas ileiwlg minor child ut
oarau Hem ig lato or Columbia ooauty deceased, j
No St. Tho nrst and final account of Ataaad'a
.U. suyder Administratrix ut Jocuu ouyder lave uf
.illfUlu towusalp deccisod.
No --"j. The llrst and partial account of Ulsha
Hagenbuch and J.tiaiUei'sou iljgeabuch. Kxecu
tors ot JeremiaU llagenbueli lato ot Centre towu
bulp deceased.
SU Tho Urst and llnal account otM. IL Hicks uu d
Aim Hutchison, administrators ut Samuel ll .
Hutchison, late ut Scott township, deceased.
Ami wo nro Biiro you' novor used a BETTER 13 AKEIl. " - ". ..
La Rue Automatic Gratis, Which is Warranted.
i ha:. .
i ' ?ivnp r; r
'lptiv wt'.ittiil Miijililulil, uonsisllng'
of seven cases of our celebrated
1 leached us nf few days ago, and
iW Afcn' nimt! liiiiiilsriniu (it Itliat i
is possible) Hum the Hint lot which
wild so rapidly. We have them iu
v And (hVfoilimlnjj sizeM
o-',. 0-J, 7-4 8-4, 8-10&S-12.
Il is nlt'ribst iirioisiblo to 'praiso
1 these goods tOtJ fiitjlilyi The col
orings arc so rich and effectivo
and tho priced art very moderate
that they .should luc'v't ull tasUS
, and suit all pluses.
OurJtbcl'of I '' ' ;,i . . : I J
Raw and Spiin Silk, and, Fine
Tapestry ilblu and
I ; -j Piano Covers
Ji'now co
comprises '
1 1
the fpllpwipg sizes: .,
,iii' h i : i
1 1-2, 1 3.4, 2, 2 1-2, !! yards long.
1 Mnrlrnt
B. 10BBII!
Foreign and- MameMm
-1.-, I, 1 ) , , . . 1 ; ,
r r 'iii 1
n.d maris lni
Are Annually Sown and Plantefl in Half a Million Garflens !
CSTThls Year's Cataloguo Froo on Application.
mar 231 mo
Our ningniflcent stock of
Is attracting miicli attention.
, All the goods were manufactured
to our prder nnd impoilcd direct.
Wc have all the latest Btles iu
, At very moderate jiriccs. Wo
have them in
I 4, 0 4, 7 4,
And in. nil tliu
colorings. Wo
nnd 8-4 sizes,
now designs nnd
havo also n com-
plctu lino of ,
In all cizes and grades, with
kins to match. "'
Filbert Street.
.v ...
, HrVfBtUkta mni Howtr Btti C.UIorne rlir
V lJt" ""'', Jim'tinrtcw
''""" "IM Tree to nil wko.p. All my Stti U WHrrantrd l bo IWih od
true lonamr.aorartl.ut .hould ll prove other.
nlr,l urc rcOU order. rollk Mr collec.
tlonor iccctablo tcd, ono i.flho raottcittn.
l,o to be round In no7 Anerlron Catalogue, U
u lurce part of It ofBtnwn rolot. A.lhe
orlslnal lolroilucer orKellpig lleet, Jlurbank
otnlorA, Alarblrhcad J:urlr Corn, the Hub.
(nulrft, 1 Invito the I
hhu :orr oi oinrr new , ere.
atronaseof Iho publlr. In tbe
"V . . .Mr,"" wi mwe wno plant nj aeea
D round my bett odvcrtlMment-
H. GREGORY. Seed Grower. M,hlhnrt Matt.
m & oo;s
ltfclqi i
' til. 'i i .
" TT1 ' I '. ' " ' """-i- 'WinISS? bv-iM
H i r-r m ' ' ', "' ' . ,
'1 I'll
Bloomsburg, Pa.