Soleatifio Furmlntt. mi.. . i. .... . iM u stiuo nifrilM ini f,i nrn in Odrjtro Kouiity litis bu i-'n UK- itii'ij ot of attention from thu. Uintw.-., li e yi i ii iiuij income hi iniriy iti.inunil iln. Iiim, llftuun proftHiidM ami h hitiidroil and fifty tttUdOnU or loss. It Inn throe farms 0110 at the college, onu In thu eastern part of thS 'statii and una In tlio WMtiirii. Thu can and Wi st farms aro saljl Jo be discreditable to the polenlifio f Mining, of which they are immiosi'dto bijniplw and very pop'r advertise ments, Indeed, of tho benolit of tlio ag ricultural college. ;Bat wo may say with a good dual qf confidence that tho geni'ral advertise mof tho agricultural college Is just about that whioh U mado by tlieso farms! in, other Words the popular Inii pression is that tho agricultural college Is WM Ijtflfc public bcncllt. The board which has been sitting on it at Biillofpnc,, seemed to have an idea of this kind. It resolved that tho number of ,tho lirtlfo&oifl and their salarios Bhould'be redhced j there wero only ono or two professors lopped off and a thousand dollars or s6 from their sala ries, 'but still It was a commencement and a warning of what will oomo If tho college cannot shdw itself to bo of Bomtj'ooiiscnucnco to tho farming inter cstlt was created long ago to promote. One featnro of tho appropriation of tho. collego funds seems peculiar. Six thousand dollars Was given to sustain eaoli of thi) outlaying farms. Now It dbeisocm that a farm that won't stis tatnlttsolf .should bo got rid ofi If ecu online farming of a practical kind costs' raprp than it secures frdnv tho land, it Is'evldcntly not of a kind that Petin sylvanla farmtnf want to' know any thing about. V,hat Is Especially need ed,b.y farmers is infoi'inatiou as.tq how, thoy may profitably work their farms. Ilcrp in Lancaster criunty tho question" hifij been aoswpiotl - jy our, German fanners ; and as they have gbt rich tljey havo proved thfcir answer. There is no secret in it ; they havo achieved their1 results by hard, work iu. .taking off all their land would yield' and re storing to it all it would take.r-Zart-carter In(tlUgenc6r. i . '-, , , S Eutintrig'on One Crop. 'It is satisfactory to Tcnqw tliat farm ers, havo of recentyears; grown wiser from CXDarinnnP. In tint rniininfr their beads against stono walls, by rushing 1 n fl.Jll inln r. r... 1 1 i n 1 . . . . . 1,,. w.j itiw ivnill u oiiiuiu viup UU' causo hero and there one has realized largo profits from sdme cew and par ticular crop which has.just been intro duced and for whieh there is a demand atfhigh prices. This has led many into' appropriating tho trreater uart of. their land to tho sarao crop, when, a lauuro louowing or uie demand tor the product falling off, they will meet with uonous losi. We havo known many wnq uavo' oecn literally ruined by en toting largely into new things, merely on the reports received from a distance, which had no foundation in fact, or from the swindling advertisements of sharpers, who hayo soattered far and wido villainous reuortj of enormous Biirds mado from the cultivation of Bomo new crop, the seeds, or- bulbs, or tubers, or- nliinls nf whinh their li largely imported 'froto Europe. Asia or Ainuu, upuciany auapieu to American Boil and olimate. Our' advice, which hastbeeniirged upon farmers over and over again; has been, first to avoid all these high sounding things from which great fortunes aro to be realized in a year or two ; aud second, to avoid the grqwing ot special crops to bu pultiva IVd'tO tlio exclusion nf till, minnrnl nnr accepted crops of tho times, however ipviiing;U)fy may be, and to go on with their routine mixed crops, invest, ihg only lightly in now and promising things in order that if one or two should fail others will bo successful, and thus always be provided against miafortuue. It,is far better, in fact, that wo should prosecute mixed hus bandry, for tho reason that though we may not make as much profit as from a'happv hit-of some special crop, yet we.?.blJo''realiiing, though possibly alower, yet with far greater certainty and satisfaction, jnqderatc and steady Speculating in farming is like specu lating in, any thing else-roue may be very fortunate, now and then j but in tho lonjrtrun,wejirie78urfltTto-como out at tho Wittlc-fcndvof-tho' horn,""' arfd in-stead'of- pressing a fortune will find Mf?i?If Jnjp6Ve"rfshet, with a growing family,upou purbaud8, and be forced toilookiabout toifilscover some way to ralso'tlie-frieans-by, 'which we may be rP8 'Vith a poor, change of BucceRSp;t9.s.tar.i,aficsh m middle ago, management weshould havo laid 'upsufiicient to-insurso us at leasta'm6dorato competency when old a'g Bhair rijae It necessary for us to retirelfi-oin.'jlh.H, active labors of life Oermantovn .Telegraph. '.akihg Uare of Fowls. inhere U little profit to be expected from raising fowls unless they receive Jiroper care: Yet thobi'liet eems lo i'Sl"1' m?u'y, t,iat fols do 4UH. .,?. Veil i ,if tney arc .left to shift, ,,for. themselves. This is particularly observable in the cau of inany farmers and others yh0 kel?'!?yN'"all ttj'i'k 1 WrjamJlyi us.-. Little attentipn.iH paid to seoiirinir the comfort'of the flock at any reason of tho, year. They ai-u not fed with any regularity, aud their quarters, if thev havo any of their own, aro dirty and dbld ill winter, and hot in nmnmir. 'l't. They arc expected lo pick up most o weir jooa arounii thb tarm-yard and to find for themselves a shelter at night wherever they may chanco to be. No convenient nesting places are arranged iqr them, and as' a consequence about half ther eggs aro .lost, or spoiled be fore being found. Nor do they receive any moro attention in tho season of in cubation. 'I hey select their pwn pla Gn fnr BuMimr nn 'It.w ......... ...... r. fa " , .v., ... ,.,j, wjjys, and have it all their.own way afterward withHho brood. tOii account 'of 'the neglect it is not sirangi jiiat many complain that noul trv-raisini does net nav. Nn kind n' businesiCKtfjJdW conducted Oil HIH.'ll principles. I'nWis repay careful keep ing asWell aa' any other" kind of live stock, and they need it quite as much. They- will not'lay during cold weather if.their miartera aro not kent wrm nml ligjjt, nndreasonably clean. They uiubI oo regmany icu with proper tood and supplied Willi pure wator and a place for dusting. Qravel should bo placed within their reach, and bioken bpucq orjsoino Substance that contains lime 'If.they'must bo shut up any unu), during tho warm Boason thoy snoum'noD iau to navo Utah, giass. or somojothor green food thrown to ihdni. 'reat.ttiOsVoultry aa well, or nearly as welftay you dp yom-cattle, sheep and liorbej; 'nii'd you' will havo no reason to complalii that thoy are a losing invest mout.v "t.- "Mbre than one-half of tho Internal revenue-. receipts of tho Government Qotut'B'froin tho fpur States of Illinois, Now Yoik, Ohjof atid Kentucky, THJE TD I'aCKINO ElKlS I'Olt SlIll'MKNT A Writer ill tho Fanni'r's .Journal, who rarely has a broken egg reported, gives tliN as Lis wny of packing i "I'iist I wrap each fixg with a pli'co of soft pa per ordiiinry neWKpaper answers viy well ) twist tho ends of tho paper closn to tho egg, and pauk with corn silks gathered from powor shollera that shell with tho shuokn on plaeo in a layer on thu bottom of the basket, and as I place tho eggs In, one by one, I press a portion of thu silks between the egg?, so that no two (ouch each oilier, and round off tho basket at the top in nn oval shape, and sow tiuhtly ovor them n piece of canvas. Making the top oval in shape will prevent anything from lying on top. Of oourso " I al ways uao baskets, as they aro easily han dled,! nothing Can bo placed on lop of them, and carriers are more ant to hati' dlo them gently, as a box is moro like ly td bo chucked to Its place than gent ly set down, and it Is these sudden jars that interferu with the hatching of eggs, as n rule. Of course all per sons cannot get corn silks to pack with, and tlio iii'xt best materia) is uoa'so wheat bran, used in tho same way, and answers an excellent purpose.'' A Change in the Oolor of the Sky. There has been a marked feature in tho color of the sky lately beforo and after sunset which so far I havo not Been noticed, and this has been the to tal absence of color about it. I find that this first began to bo remarka ble tbwards tho last days of January, s'iuco which time, and especially for tho jast tcrcc weeks, it has been most persistent. The sky in the West looks like n sheet of white satin, tho clouds lying upon it being of a palo gray, and fton singularly wild and strange in form; while tho light reflected from this' sky gives the rivers tlio look of frosled silver. Tho only warm color after sunset has been confined to a very narrow belt of pale orange light upon tho horizon. We aro now near tho ver iial equinox, and the apparent motion of tho sun, so to speak, with our hori zon, does not give the same angle of refraction to his rays at rising and set ting as it did in Winter. This may bo 9110 reason for the absence of color about theso whito water sunsets. iFrom Nature. To Destroy the Canada Thistle. Thero are many methods given by which this, tho vilest pest of the, farm, may bo permanently extirpated, but scarcely one is ever found to bo what it is claimed to bo-a certain remedy. In sever al states tho Legislatures pursued it with the law, but who can tell us that a single owner of land ever made war Upon the enemy because of tho law 1 Tlio Canada thistle and no other in fliction of the farm was ever got 'rid of by act of 'assembly. But thero is a plain, common senso method by which the thistle is headed off, and that is by frequent cultivation of tho soil, and there is no' better cropor this than .that of corn, and assisting this by reso lutely digging it out toith the fork as fast, as it makes its appearance i above ground. By digging out with the fork it can be taken out. entirely, leaving no 'pieces behind ; but if the spado is used 'and tho plant cut, each piece will sprout' :a,ain. It will 'not bo likely to disap pear at tho first attempt, but by ro (planting the , land with corn, .and con tinuing to fight tho pest with tho fork ,as before, it will eventually be headed 'off.ilf the thistle shows itself in the gar jden or lawn, cut it off close to the 'L'l'cmnd and fill the hollow of the re- niaitiini; portion of the stem with salt, and it will soon give up tho gli03t. ODD ITEMS. Postal cards cost the Government 54 cents and 4 mills a thousand. Pennsylvania has a larger number of Post Offices than anv other State. It coats '$30,000 a year to Ihrht tho Capitol and grounds at Washington. The Pension Office expends more .than $00,000 a year investigating al leged pension frauds. Next to tho Presideut of tho United States the best-paid Federal official is ,the Clerk of the Supremo Com t. The Government has sold moro than two hundred million dollars worth of public lands in eighty years. ' Seven hundred and fifty persons. are constantly employed by the two Hous es of Congress (while in session) in and about the Capitol. Ladies with old parasol frames can utilize them this season to advan tage by covering with a cotton materi al to match their dress. "Madras." a. light material with its many bright colors giving tho Indian effect in their mingling, aro tho most generally admired of all win dow drapery. Eighty years ago North Carolina had as many leproaenlntives in Con gress as' New York. North Carolina now has nine, or less than she had ip 1800, while New York lms thirty.four. Estimating Congrdss to bo in, session 200 days a year, the salaries of sena tois and Representatives amount to about $10,000 a day. Tho States of Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, Oiegon, Rhodo Is land and Vermont havo less than one half tho population of Illinois, but have tho same number of representatives in Congress twenty-two. ''Five bundled and eiirhtv nine dol lars for wine, liquors, and mineral wa ters for tho use of Board of Visitor to in aval year'i ment. academy," Is an item in last expenditures of tho Govern- The Stato of Nevada, which has. two Senators and ono Representative' in Congress, has not so largo a popula tion by 017 souls as tho city of New Haven, Couu, The fivo States of Delaware, Colora do, Florida. Nevada, and Oregon com bined havo not so groat a population by about 100,000 as tho city of New X IM K, 1'rom the five States of Now York. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Ohio, tho Government derives one- half of all its postal revenues. In the fibcal year ended July 30, tho Government's disbursements for pen sions reached a sum which exceeds by ...ill! . , ii . i six minions oi uoiiars mo disburse ipents for all purposes in tho vear 1800. ,At tho Siunal Service training school, Arlington Heights, the btudeuts of me teorology, barometers, anomonietors are compelled to leave their study ta bles in the centre of tho room, their bunks in a certnln portion in a certain corner, their coats hung upon certain liaiis, and thoir text books piled up in a certain manner beforo retiring for the night, tlnse and a bundled moro simi lar regulations being lin scribed "by order of tho Chief Signal Ollicer. Their Sunday dinner Is coffee, bread, mid dried apples stowed. FpiBrA"N AND; "Mnr.vlntul, Sly Mnr tiuiil.'' " 'Pretty wives ami Ircly dnugMcrs." "My hum lies In a rather low anil inlas matlc silunllon, mid ".My wife I" "Who?" "Whs a very pretty blonde I"' ' Twenty years ago, became "Sallow I" "ilollow.cvcdl" Withered and nged I" llcforo her time, from Malarial vnpors, thoiich sho made no particular complaint, not being ono of tho grumpy kind, yot caused nio groat tincasl ness,. "A short tlmo aeo I nurclmscd vour rem edy for ono of tho children, who had a very sevcro attack of biliousness, and It occur red to mo that tho remedy might help my wire, ni I found that our llttlo girl upon re covury had "Lost I" "Her snllowncss, anil looked as fresh as a now blown daisy. Well tho story Is soon bid. .My wlfo to-dny has gained her old tlmo beauty with compound Interest, nml ns handsome a matron (If 1 do say ft myself) as can bo found In this county, Whicii is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Hitters to thank for It. "Tho dear creature just looked over my Biiuuiuur iinu says, -i can nailer cnunl to tlm ilttva nf hup milrlMti ' nml r minds mo there might bo mdrepntli mm ij my muiiii-i nil niurH wmiiii iifi nq I itnvn done." Hoping you may long bo spared to do guuu, i uiuiiiiitiiiy remain, Most truly yours, C. Ij. Jamks. Hcltsvlllc, Prince George Co., Md.,1 May 20th, 1883, Vr ANTED. Ono Lady or Ocntloman In every Vk& f:iuUfttt:N(Tco8.x"1"l3e AdUrMa l-t-ttn i iurm luniu oi., rniiaacipiua, rn. l'lfl unoktasla I ha real loatot t tobacco. It la the regal wir of mokiuir. You rot lnord itlroctty at tho flavor auU (ratrrance. You tabn tlio rmoke cooler, and tlio tonic cleanlier and lifer. Hi aiuoklug- Ii imoMiiif rtHlurail to a 11 no art The more the qucnUou ot adulterated tobacco forces Keclf ou the attention of molten, the more desirable It lecoraea to know rreciacly what rtni.aro eruokUiir. Iu UlackwoU'a Hull Durham Bmoklnir To. oaccoyou havoaKUAratiteo, i I alwaya, that It 1 Nature's 4 I onnimadulteratedrroduct. fravranre, flaror, and '.J- I uniurpeMednuality.arede. nvca irotn tuo eon ana air. Try It, and you will be '' UAt. None iremUne with, out traje-mnrk of the Bull. .MarcU 2l-t( To Dyspeptics. Tliu most common signs' of 'Dyapeiula, or IndlRi'MJoii, nro an oppression nt tho Moliiath', luiuca, Citulancy, watcr-brnsli, hcart-liurn, ni..iili:g, loss of appetite', and coiistlpit Mi. lljs;ioptlj rattcnts suUer un toM i.ii.v.iM, Imdlly ami niohtal. Tliey sliO'.iU st;i.iu'..itu tho ingestion, nnd securo nuular .il'i-ly action of tlio bontls, by tlio U!,& of moiierulo doses of Ayer's Pills. After tho towels nro regulated, one of tlicso Pills, each day after dinner, is usually all that is required to -complete tlio euro. Avr.H's 1'n.I.s nrq sugar-coated aud purely vcgeUblu aploasant, entlroly tafe, and re liable medicine for tho euro of nil disorders or the Blomuth nnd bowels. Tlicy aro the best of all purgatives for family use, rnui'AKKu nv Dp.J.C.AyDr&Co.,Lowcll,lVia38. Sold by alllDruiV.sts. Health and Happiness. 7, ? DO AS OTHERS iuiip nnup nanL-uunc.' - VT7' f it. Arp ycjirfKianuy.s'dis'order'efa? Oolrolt" M.W,poeraua,tiwliaalc,loaujlicli' Aro your norves -weak? iCA'rl (Jjl nrt ftnAKtMtrAlfnan. li n. ti It jjj UtWJwm, 11. Cftnan Monitor CleTelaud, a yxiavo you Jjrisrht's Disease? B aiM tuuii like U.Kxt." Frank Wlliun, Pealiodr, Mass. Suffprinrr from Dinbotos ? "K(J:n r-Wot t ll the Hunt I riliieily I hate liver mod. Gives nlmost Immeillnte rtll'T,,, Dr. 1 '11111111 C. ll.lluu, MunLCon, Vt. Hrivo you Livor Complaint? "Kidney-Wort cured lug ct rhruido Llier illncases after 1 praed ti die," ... - .- . .ii i.iw in. .vuiur nmiunii lienry v, ard, late Q. . Mill Pat, Ouard, N. y, 3 your Bnclc lcimo nnd nohing? ,i " l.ny-Voit,il Utile) cured mg wlicn.J aaid I1 m I Ud to loll out ot led." ' T C. M. Tlluunce, Milwaukee, Wis, II" vo you Kidnoy Disease? ..I i irjA oi t mado lue sound in II vtr and kidneys I Mean et unsucci ssful c'vtorlnit. Its viorlh ( al. 'iV'-Sam I Hodges, WlllUuustjoii, Vut V. Are you Constipated? .cliln-T-W oi t easy evacuaf ions and luu altOr 13 Vitus I 1 or nMicr mdl-lntNiM cund , ,.lion ruirclilld, bt. AlUa-i. Have you Malaria?' "Kltln.v.Wnrt ti... ilt... Iu it. ti.m. r ii Dr. ll. K, Claili, south Hero, Vt Aro you Bilious? M.lntr.v ort has done roe more cood than any itler rctnedj 1 havo cvrr taken." lira. J, T. UaliDway, Klk Hat, Oregon. Aro you tormonted with Piles? klducy Wort mmianruIlD rire 1 1 . . r MixdUij rilea. lir. w, Kl.uo .11 toiue." Uto. II. lliirst, CailMiril, lu, Uxcr.lown, Pa, Aro you Rheumatism racked ? "Kldney.Wfrt cured pit. afli r l was bIv I up to die If phrilclaiic and I tad suirtrrd tlilrl r rears." Kltirldce Ualeouu, est llath, ilnlnc. Ladies, aro you euffeririB? "Kldney.Wort cured ma of ticcullar trvii .li pf ssversl years standi n. Ilany I riemls use a'.d T ral.e Ik" lraILLamon.auiIUeLaUi,lti., t. If you -would" Banish DIsoaso i una cam woaitu. xaKO TH ULOOD CLBANBCn. JSCS!-" AOBNTS W iNl'ED FOR. PICTURESQUE Washington. I'KN AMI I'liNCII.SKUTdllCS Of ltaKoenery. Mstorv. TraiUMnrm Pni.iii. nm Boclal Life, wltliKrapiilodescrip'loosDf tliuctpl. wi, vuniumi mo , luio liuuwi, UUU IUU IliJVCni. ment, Departments, with vicwh at .Mount Vernon, a map of waslilngtnn, and Dlagrarm of tlie Hulls 01 Congress, llv JOSKI'li WiaTr MOOKK. I'lpallclasHCHtlilsHiiboolt ot great interest. It a conelso, gnipiilc, thorough, and tnterentlng, ll. ustrated by over lou beautiful new engruvluga by oadlng American artists, and elegantly bound, a book for all homes, hold only by hulwerlptlon. genta aro meeting with grand surcetw. Agents wanted, malt) or female, In every town, ship in the United mates. I'revlous experience, while dcnlrabie, not absolutely required, ns we give Instructions necessary for success. If unem ployed, write us. Vor terins to Agents address sua iiuuitaiicra. J, A, it- A. ltKIl), I'rovlienco, it, i, March 14-0 w TTT AlNTr.lF.-LAllII.-HTOTAKEOUltNI'.W , 11 laney noiif nui.eirnoines, 111 (llv or couu VV try.andeurn 16 loinj per week, making ' goods for oucr-prlug and hun lurr trade. Bend 15c. for sample and particulars. IIUHbON ill'U, )., aa mlu Ae., jcw York. I llorchH-iw r HB AU aucceMful Fiihermeu and SporU. nUI men emoko lllackwcll'a Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco, and Uicy enjoy It 7)EM;0CRATr O CD 4 m I a c) J2 o"" rn so IT, w mim V9 o ea as trt rn 7 ac so CS O TS O C3 e Hon X C m C i n s X 09 n m I: 5 tn s; I 'I CO 9 Bhotcs, Pork, Ucef, Calves nml Seeds it specialty, All tlio nbovo bought nml snld nt Light PUI5L10 SALE OP valuaule Kcal i:s4alc! 1 ho undersigned oxecutors ot tho estate of Abro- nam ,. Kiinc, mto oi iicnion township, deceased, viu uxposo to puouo saloon Saturday. April xo, '84 nt ono o'clock p. m., the toPowIoz descrllwd real estate ! NO. 2. A trflCt Of tlmlwr Intul tafttinlr.d In linn. ton and Huanrlonf tnwnnlitn hnnniiAii nn tt, hortli by land of John A. Ktlno, south by tracts ira. o mm , uuscriueu oeiow, east by land of Ira . Tlmmfla nnil wn.1 ht. e t, t--i. Daniel Prltz. ennt.nlnlnir jtlnnnsAn.t M nnMi.n. A roid 30 feet wide runs from tills tract to tho nuuuoroatl. Th a tract will lv ant.i nn n.n ingtennst Ten nercent. nf nno Imif iho nnmi.... jnoney to bo paid o tho day of sale, ono halt less 1'erwni.oniiuno i lesi, niui tho balance In one year thereafter with Interest from .tunft 1st, 1881. Security Will bo R-nlilrn l for llin nnnM ii. uaso nioney. NO. 3. A tract of land situate In Denton and lucrarloiif tnwniiiiitM iii,n.i.i ..i, . . D , u,M.,vl, IIUUU UJ V1H1.I. .south by land of1 David ttnhnela n,i.i i.rvn knd west hv lmilnf d. iv hcres nnd BS perches, wlicrcbn is erected a dwell ing uuusc. KO. 1 Trnif nflrl ln fcn .A.nt.i .. - . edonlhonorihby No. 2, south by Inn 1 of David .. ..... iU.miiicmiiu luninui 1. uuunu llobcrts, east by lands of Samuel ltobertt nnd Ira iJ. Thoma'. nnd West by No. 3. contnlnlno- ii nrroa. find 135 perches. TcrlTlA fnr Vl 51 nml A 1rt nan, n nnn .1.,. tho day ot sale, one third less ten per cent, on uuuu isi, looi, anaino oaiancoon Juno 1st 1883, with Interest from, Jund 1st 1881. I. K. KKICKUAUM, JOHN A. KLINE, 3-M-lw. 'Executors. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF CAST CH WIIOUGHT IHON. Suitable for iZards,' Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. . The following shows thrv lMptet. nnthin nnn the sOTeral beautiful styles of Kunco manufactured For lleautv nnd nurnhiiuv tiio- nm . i Set P toy experienced hands and warranted 1(0 glvo satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent-to, any address. Address BLOOMSBDRG PA- May4-tf g66tli edition price only $1 bY MAIL POST-PAID, KNOW THYSELF, i Great Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous nnrl thvt.lnni iioiiii. .ij. i luimmiu iiiw nn in jinn, nrrurs ur l ouill, .mil tlld UntOlll H.tJrlPB rPHlllllnm frntn In.lknm. ilon orvxeesses. A book for every man, ounir, inlddle-agcd and old. It contains 125 prescriptions lor all acute and chronic diseases, each one ot hvhlch Is.lnvaluable. bo found by tho Author, whose experience for S3 years Is such as probably never Jjelorolelltothe lot of any physician. 300 pases, ,l)0und ln beautiful French muslin, embossed (covers, full gut, guaranteed to be n liner work In every senso mechanical, lltemrv nnd nrnfiu.innni -than any other work sold In this country for .so, or the money will bo refunded in every Instance. Il'rlce onlyjl.00 by mall post-paid. Illustrative isample 6 cents. Send now Gold medal awarded .the author by the National Medical Association, to i TlllS bOOk Should txl rpurl llv- tlm vnnn tnr In. structlon, and by the nailcted for relief. It will bcnetlt nil London Lnncet. 1 nem is no memoer or bociety to whom this book Will not bO USOfuL whether vnnlli nnninr irinr. Idlaii, instructor or clergyman. .trouwiur. , Address tho. reauody' Medical Institute, or I)r- W. II. Parker, 0. 4 liulilnch street, lioston, Mass., wiiu muy uu consuiieu on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic aud obatluato lipas es and that nave batllod the 1 1 1,1 1 1 skill of all other physicians a spo 11 IJjA Ij clalty, huch treated successful 1 1 r I u 17i I 1 ly wituouinn ins anceof l XX 1 Olll IjJ: fall ure, Mention this paper. tw"1"' ' "I . r WA WHlTiTl IMMEDIATELY. A few r 1. I V) I ' good men to canvass for tho sale ot fruit Trees, Vines, Hoses, to. XaltJljrrtimrB rfmtrt- r.nryt nn.4 all expenses paid. Address II. J. llOWDEN A: CO.. linghton, N. Y. tl mile east of Hochester.) AprI 4-4W a LlUUUMwffltgliJTT'fiTil!rlniila April 4-1W IWU'litLLAS NEW EDITION. THE HEST AND CHEAPEST ATLAS I'UIILISIIED. LTA11 Book Stores. WM. M. BRADLEY & 111IO., Publishers, 10M Altcil ST., 1-11ILADEDI'1IAA. Bend tor Clrcu lartl April 4-4W d fiIUY'8 Hl'IiCHflC JII'DICINIi, TRADE MARK ThkOkbat END-TRADE MARK IDIl iinnnur. All unfailing cure for luminal w oak. ness spcrmator-rha-a, Iinnotency, and all Diseases that follqw as a Brtjui-iii;n ui Den. Abusotns loasof" llnmnrp,,.. -cst ItFORETAKINP.hul LussHiulH.ArTIR TAKING. rain in ilia Hack, Dlinuctw of vision, Prematura Old Age. and many other dlws that led to Insa nlty or Consumption und n Piematuro (Irave. HswsiiK ot iidvertlsements to refund money, wheu druggists from.whom tho medlclno la bought do o ifliirt. but rtfer you to tho manufoctur. eis, and tho requirements are such that they are seldom, Ifnvr, compiled with. See their writ ten guarantee A trial ot one single package of dray's Hpeclrlo will convince iho most skeptical of Its real merits. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper 1 1 he only genuine. I-Kull nartlculars In m desire to send fpn by mall to every ono. nr-j'ho Spefillo ilodlcine li sold by all druggists at 11 s,o vi u yv,49K9 lur vt win uu sent tree in the recelnt of the innnfir. iir fliiiiniu.1,11. THE 0 HAY .MEDICINE CO., lluffalo. N, Bold in lioorabbnrtf by all Uruaffibta. llirvitriklinrrf ntr nil ilnirnHttu r icmnassgsgg-n PS Ida a SPKEIi'S POIi'ffJGAL GRAPE WINE Alsd UNFKHMKNTKb (litAl'K JUICE, . Vscd In tlio pr)n:lpal phurclies for communion. Lxccllen for females, Weakly l'crsons' nnd tlio aged. Speor's Port Grape Wine! FOUIi YEARS OLD. iilltst ppr.rnii.iTpii wivi.. 1- 1.., ihoiiMrtrti Tonic and Strengthening Prfipertlos i nA.i . . v wine. lie ng trro- Rurii i1' lr Ph'W " own lrsona! supervision, i, i.iVi Vw rr..-J. j.niv-5i. i.uiiu.iiiuy p iriaKe 01 It, and tho weakest Invo lid use It to ndvantnge. ;ii.n.a.,."l;.u"r1.' ocneuciai to tlio , nged nnd Rrfn ', '.nni' "ul,od 10 1110 Tnrt0"s Mlmcnts that It is lh every respect A WINK TO HE ItELIED ON, Spoerls Unformented Grans Juice- Tallin nnAArti.n A . . . itinatiAri f:iu-u-i :. ulu,' ci..?' j? nresi hv I, n'fK , r.i.SS.'fS.'.'S'! ? lI? oi-Miva una nm hLX-p iu Uliy ClillliUU. Soeot" Burgundy. I1 n rltirlr rtnti tsn.4l m ti. im .... ... . . wCilltllV nl.!HPt ill n Tnlili-i ik Ills.,... ii .? .... fiSSf JSffi ttS1 0 llr wlno thsicad of a Sp8or's (Socialite) Claret. la linlrl In html. A,lm.,,A ...... . l n...nC:u "'""""ii '"r 113 nenness as Dry 1 able W lue especially suited for dinner Use, Speor's P. J. Sherry. Id ft win A ftf Gnmii-lAii nil n .1 s - 1 tho rich qualities ot tlio grapo trom wlilch It la Speer's P- T. Braudy. TSl A tTTlir ,1lc,lllAtt.n . ' . .. i""iiiuii iiwiii inu Kriiiie, iuu Stands linrlvnltn.1 In thu rviimi, Z?..J,.. . ... wuu.i; ,v, IUEUIUUII purposes. 11 nas a peculiar flavor, similar lo that of the grapes froinwhlch U Is distilled, SCO that tho shrnaturn nf AI VHRn spi'mi Una. 6alo N. J., 13 over tho cork of each bottle. SOLiO BY a. A. KLiEIM. AND BY DltUaai3T8 EVEItl -VUEIIB. Sep. S8-'63lyr. win. ,u mil mini juuyrre, a ruj ni valuable box of samnln irnndMiimr. win imn . . . j wu ,u mu ,,aj ui iiiiiMiiK inure muney you In tho way of making more money in a lowuays than you ever thought possible nt nny wu4.uv.-n vaitimi iiub lUiiuilYU. V,T Will Start. you. toucan work nil 'tho time or ln spare tlmo nnlV. Tlm WA.1' I. Ilnll.nn.nll .. 1 ....1. . "iw miiiHattUl uuaiiiuu uu uuill sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from vij ..lining, iiiubim 1TI1U mini. TnnV IPs! tllft Villclnnou ii-r. .nnl... .1.1.. .. nn t oner; to all that nre notwcllsatlstted wo will send 4.1 tn MP frtl- I li A Inniil.ln nf..rfiln .,..! . .11 ...V IIV.IV.U UtlllllllUK lia, 1' UU Udl 11- culars, directions, etc., sent free, fortunes will bo made by those who glvo. their whole tlmo- to the work, (ireat success absolutely sure Don't delay. . ' 'luuiloi oiiNtim a. V.U., luitiaiiu, llalnc l;rc o.l YOU CANNOT GKT W'SIL AT Iip.MK. Pairviow M0i MU UINGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOU THE SICK; lu.uumvi.njn.i.iiij iiuni Ui 1UI 1IIO IJUIIllUlb of Invalids wlndeslroa pleisantand Christian home, (stands on high ground with plenty ot shade. Personal attuntlon given to every patient. Electricity nnd (lalvanlsm In their different modl ncallons a Bpeclailty. Prof. Mills has given many ycara of study and practlco to this branch, and lllinrlrprta will lAallfv In lilo et-111 Thu linilU la Htln.l onfA.II.. . ixinu iur circular, staling wnni. paper you saw lis in. PltOR HENltY MILLS, . , Mrs. ALICE KItKNClI MILLS, lack llox 07. lllnghainton, N. Y. Bept, 7 '83.17. " 909ooeoeaeee ooeeoetsoooseea testttooeo o. a Approbation. Wc will send to persons rc- rithfi- ritifsi v1in nri DIUillJJ known lo (our house, or whq will l.ivor us with satisfactory, refer- . 'enecs, such articles in our line I a:i mny be desired 'oiii, I'.u application ivquiro nunts and prfce; 1 The selection will be carefully with judgment and taste f.'or.i the newest and most de sirable goods in our store, and pricji hi plain figures inarked upon each piece. . Orders by mail for wedding or other gifts, if entrusted 'to us, will receive our must particular attention. Correspondence, -as to esti mates, prices, or other desired in formation, is respectfully solicited. J. E. Caldwell & Co., Jewelers, Silversmiths, Importers, 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 0000000000000000 OffiOOOOOO 00000000 OOGOOOO OO OOOOOOOO EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR DL00MSBUEO, FA. OPPOSITE raOHT 1I0U8E. largo and convenient sample rooms, llath rooms hot and cold water, aud -ail modern conveniences fl WfPlr Ol limna ttnnniltllt Iran h isolutelysure. No risk. Capital not required. Header, It ypu, want business at which per. 1 sonsofclih-r set, young or old. pan Inake si"1!. I'uj uii mo iiiuu iney wurK, wiiu nosoiuto certaluty. wrlto for lurUoulars to II, IIallktt Is Co., Portland, Maine, ' ' Docsi.17 Wnnlnil fni 'Phil T tvaa nf nil dents ot tho U. 8, The largest, hand. somost best book over sold for less than vi. iv,u wm i;ui:u. um lasivsi, selling book In America, immense prorlts to agents. All Intelligent people want iu Anyonoean becomoa successful agent. Terms free, iuuxtt Hook Co., Portland! JUlne. 1100 UMy in mina send blx, cents for postage, and. re 7 L eclvo free, u costly box of goods which HUsWIU help )ou ui mora money right , awaytlmnanythlpgelsolnthlswoilil. All, of either sex, suocoed fixim tlrso hour. Tho bro, to fortune opens buforo the workers absolutely sure. At once address, Tuck Co., AU. gusta, Mulue. Dooaidy A Fortune in Cattle Raising , TIIE NKW MEXICO AND COLOltADO 1UNCII AND OA'ITLH CO.( controlling ovor UNK MIU UON Afl(i:s ofthollnest grailim lands In Now Mexico and Oolorado, isdeslrous of obtaining tho co-oiieratlon ot Invcato to Increase thotr herd to l,(u liead ot cattle, havlnif on hand already 2,000 herd. early Increase over 40 per cent. Aunuul cash dlvldendi of ten per cent, und upwards: from surplus sales, and thgton constantly liioreiwloir. A sjfeundprolllablup.ymeut. fieud for full par. tlcularsto .1 ' , K. 1).'IIAHVICH, dco'n Mill's limidlu.', m Wall bt., ffow York. March U-lvr r nrTTXTrriirr t i CO." oot,i, wauk, w. j. SO minutes of New York. Mor j positions for grad r.'M,l.1!Jnl school, comllnc l. UfO lscllO . nrshlp, mo. write for circulars. 'y.?-"0' March 14lw r SUBSCUIUE NOW FOU TILE COLUMBIAN 81. f0 A YEA It CMAIN miKff mi VAN MOWiSSlD SJEEIV 1 .-Ml 1 "I ' ;l 1 l'l-n AT Mill 101 FIBIK, THE .IMIIJlMtlli.M S I ,.'l ' 1,1 - . MERCHANT TAItOR. 1 WEBER-HARDMAW PIA1TOS, FINE INLAID FBENUII WALNUT .Easy TrniN, Silt iNlitctlun Ciunrantctid. 2JA.aoisr's Fiisro waeb rooms, MUSIC HALL HLOOK, WILHES-EAimil PA 1 mi J imyiip III 0 0 WORD COTTE inrjioAiii yij,u iMSTIlUCnvJj r.lSTIMK. MAGNIFICENT AND COSTLY PREMIUMS GIVEN 3 st. Solid Gold Watch, - - Wovlh $100,00 2d. Magnificent Tea Set, embracing Walter, 24 inch, Hammered and TH-igrdvcd, O nieces Hammered and Engraved with Gold Lined Slop and Cream, Quadntjile Plate, 100.00 !,h J.'.1"1"1 Jf J?anl Ca8t, or f;1"lM(1 Satl"' "h Cold Lined Slon and Cud lh, Tatinij tin WAtea Btr. Eneravod. with fini.i,i u i, !, TuiVT., . ' , '?'? r an" LUP' .i. 11.17. "j'.., vr "f.-T-.r-. ".. vjiu Z ; SSTf'f. V" 3 p hSf .Iie1 J.nJ Amber Glat-a. IlrTrKi KnicrnveJ, . . lot 1. f AKiSrAKB, Chased and Gold tlned, 1 .- . . llih. lviT8TANii,Kock CryUI Glass, beautifully out. 4 . rJXJ.?. V'e. PfL.'eo.TUI KtTQ on the 1st of May. IRSI. the .We olZ and Uiiiulful rriinliim j to tho persons maklna out Sony's OoloTox - uv;i ui i tlm Kroner Irnm whom you buy it. e""",'P",r lu yur iwniiy.aua tho Dams and address ol M. Words mint hp Hrlltsn plainly and numbered. r.ih.?irr.ii,tVii?y,v,i.rciiaj' Ml-'I'h'J'reniluin.tillltWlitnluroJlSn W&f BnJ M'tt M5 'i&'flon .! Instruction .'I hl oiler Is mail to Induco yon to try nnd uso tho Pcbist and Hist Rniu M,.r n.. 1. . febl-nw rorsatoby ..lufKit iiitonmus liloomsUurtfi l'a. lmunir"n'lt- i. a. mm, 1 1 MiJcalSup8rlat9uilont ef ths Sanitarium. Invalid's Home, Devotes epociiil attuntlon to EplUp:y, ,Uryout Affections, nml . DUeasts ef Wcran. 1 PutlenU ivceWeil nt tlio Biinltn.rljim 6n rcaBona)lp terms for lionril nna trcudncut.' P. 8. No charge for ilrst consultation, npr 27. '8a 45 lM F-y a'.; rrriif-w. V Fiir the Celelirnted Clilckerlng, Ivers As t'oiiil, nml Voso & Son I'liinos. iiownetl Kstey Or.ins, Violins, Accordcnns nml Sheet .Music. Cclt'litiUud White, New High Ann IMvls, New Homo, Koynl St. John, nnd Llzht Htimiltii; Domestic Hewing Mnchlnca. Needles, oil and uttncliinents fpr nil makes .ot Sowing Mnclilncs. STREET,) . 1. -1 . 11.. 1 '0 ! 'iiiiii!, A ,1 1 it it 11. ,IIVj 1 . . iiii-i.(i (. I fill. 1 , r !!..'( mil CASE OHO AN, 1) STOPS, $90 CASH. Junel I I mil II ! I r-r VD0 IT no Uio lo so Hi 00 TOO wueu jjuvMiiio 010D ami cud. 7.00 mo larjett list of ords from ihu ordu rttordl iua. B, F, SHARPLESS' JFQWSrfflsJfcS' Noar L & B Depot, Bborasburg Pa. Miirliifacturer of Flrt class ramies Id tllllercnt styles, cook stoves, parlor stove, niul stoves for lieiilln btores.Rclioo) lionsos, c inrclios &c, UiSu SouU of tluwuro urn stnvo repahs, suuli us giutSs, ilru brick, lids, cent res CALL Al SECDRfl BARGAINS. Oct 20 tf KAILIIOAD TXIYEB TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. x Philadelphia & Erie- R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. It! ffTirt. nV. lOtll. 1ftl Trnina Innfn Lt... bury. EASTWAHD, I..,, .A tnni' Itnln.. ..II.. ... u..jui in., j.m,iw 1111,1.-11 i..pifss iiuiiy excen Sunday), for llarrisburg nnd liitennedl.itestntloiis l.aiicasler, Plilhidelplilu, Kew ork, llultliuoro nnd Washington, nrilUugul Plill.ideliihlaaiS p. m. i New 1 oik, 0.8U p. m. ; lialtlmore, MO p. m. ; Wash' lngion .)p. m., through passenger coach to 1.65 p. in. Day express (dally except Sunday), for llairlsburg and liiteriue iu. iiiiiii3v..iS iniM iiiiuiiiiiiuuu Mitiiun, Lancas ter, I'hiluuelpnlii, ew York, ll.illlinoio und Wash luiftoii, urilviiitr at riUlailelphl.i i5ii. in. New iuik, p. 111. j lUUImoiv, i.'M n. iui U'ashlni.'. .eriiieiiuuu htniluns, Laucas- 1,111, 0.,., ,.. in. , uw.ii.ui 1 unui uui iiiiougii to fill ladelphla and passenger coach tlit)Ugh to riilladel. phlaiihd Ilaltlu ore. 1,. . 1 iii..iiiis,iuil. .iruuiiiiuutiaiion luauy) fOr llarllsbuti? nnd nil lnir.tini.dl.iui fai.iiim.J 1 caster, 1'hllailelplil.i nud .New York-, urilvlng ut l'hliddelphl.i 3i5 11. m. i .New YorK 0.10 a. m. Sleeping car nccoiiiinodatloiu ban bo secured nt llarilsbuig tor 1'hllailelphl.i und .New Yoik. on bun. days iitluough sleeping c .r MU bo run; on this iralnlroniNMlil.tmspttoi'hllailelphla.l'hlladelphla 7 II I 111 v.i.. ,unii;i.-iivi uuuiaiurucu uutu .1(J u. m. Kria Mall (dally except Monday) for t . . . . ,,."" . iii- Biuwuns, iincasier. I'hlladelpnla, .New York, lialtlinoro and Washing, ton, arm lug nt Philadelphia r.W a. 111. : New Yoik, ll.viOa. 111. j llaltlmoior.40n. nt. j Washington. 8.S0 11.111. 'I I1IIHII..I1 l'llll...All LlaAnl.,.. ...?. ..; this train to 1'hll.idelphla, llaliliuuro and Wushlng- ion, nun through passenger coaches lo 1'hlUdel. phl.i und ll.illlinoie. WtSTWAlill. fl Olln. m l.VIn Mnlt .lollw nv.nn. it i. ... . Kilo uud nli lutei'ineiilalo stntluns with through l'llllii.UIl l'.ll. ii-n nml 1 11P..11..I. ... - -iM,iY,. in hhT.. 11 Vi. 1 nr,r: .'.,"?., . . i. .1 .. """"I," uiiuiiiii i-iiiauo eaiato llulfalo via Luipoiiuiu. on hundavs ihlt train tuns to itenuvo, with Pullman Palace ear to .1 .i..uiiioiut w it, 11., j.uf.m.-itKfi i-u.ieuu3 10 iteiiovo. ........i.,iiI,.,i, .nut utujiiueuiiliu biationi, ltoclies er, lluirjioand Niagara Falls, (dully except biindays) wllhtli,ough Pullman l'alaco car and itao.-it.-iiact i-u.ii-ucs iu liucuesier. 1 11. t tn VI ..pi,. ,.tti.. . n day) for Kane and Intel mediate stations with iniougn passenger cuathes lo Kane und parlor car to WlilLiinspoii. l or cnii.iiiU.iigua tllll-l-tni'i I. Hi, .i.tiilfrm tii...i.r...V.H .....I .... : .Niagara fulls with tiuough p.ssei'iger cu'aches to iiuuiicsiei. r..i.-iii in I..!) iinni.i.ii..nv c ...-.. ... ..T. ... " v.i.uij i.Mfpi J3uuuuy iur lie novoiiud lnteririeai.itestailoii3, 111,11 kihiIri, Wut- i.iua uuu 1u1e1u1cu1.uo stations, with tluuug 1 pas senger coaches to Heuovo and Watklna. Tiiiiuuun uitAiNs roit susiionv 1'ito.M Tin: EAST AND SOUTH. l..,.ln,.nlnl,l, - n fi.; 'f-lf O -M " . i il.lllUllUlU l.tiUIU 111. (llilliy u'pt bunday) mining at suubury, 1.03 p. ni. witit liiifiiicii pniiiii 11. ti..i vr.1... iTi V . i .V1 i..iui, . uttut t,ui null! I'llliauci- uh ? '111' 1 1 'fh 1' 1',J3s,i;1,''',;r 'oaches from 1'hllndel- iiilifni'i'n'V'"?8.'8 00 n-m-: riillniiel. ino.e, 10.SJ a. m. (dally except'bunday) a" llng u t suubury, two n m with thiougll' pakeiiger coaches from Philadelphia and linlifiiioi J. sol-UBl'' J-ile .Mall loaves New Yoikn.oup. m. ; l'hlladel- ft "l-'.n i!11.11,"?1."11' 11,111 1'liaco bleeping cii'is n illydelphla, Wasliliigton and Iiallllnoio and vi.T.T.V.T. . Vi 0 1 1 ulla "ul" riiiiaoeipuin. Meeper fiuiu Uiishlngton runs dally except sun- .,T! ST J. Ulu WII KKS-IUUIIK HAII.KOAU " 'nin IIA1I.WAV. nt. . , lt)'llly -'xceiit buiiday.) Mall Last leav es biinbilry (dally except Sunday ) lUStuiii., iiiiHiiigutliioom I'enyr.Jl o.m.;' Wllkes-barieu.-.'Ou. 111. ."i., it'iiil'imi'iVv l'3 Sullll,11' s-lj 1'- m., nrrlt lug Allltt U l'vl llMlli-u U I1L .!j : n. in rttlng ut Dloom l'erry 7.or p. ml ti tn bunbury 8.15 p. C1IAS. li l'BOH, tii 11. Manager. J. It. WOOD, Oen. l'nssengcr Agent. pHILADLPIIA and itEADJKfj KOAD AKUANGEMENT OP PASSjlCNUVi, Tit A INS. NOV. B, 1663 IBilNS LBAVK KCP1JHT AS OLLOWt);nUNliV mcsiTE. For Now York,l'hlladelphla,Headlng,l'otit.i 'e Tamaqua, 4c., 11,43 a. m, for Catawlssa, 11,43 u. in. 0.13 and lO.Eu p. m. For Wllliamiiport,6,3ii 11.43 a. m. inn 4,(iu p. a,. For LewUourg and Sunburj, 4 ui) p ni, milK-Sl-Oa UCrifKT LSAVn A6 Fol.uJo. IStHUAV KUCKPIKD.) LoavoNow York, Ma. Tamauend o,uo a. m. aud via. Uound llrook lloute T,i6 u.'m. ' Leave Philadelphia, ,S0 a. c ' " Leave Heading, n,ta u, m., t'otiuviln , . ind Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Uatawlssa, 0 ao 11.03 n. m. and 4,wi ,i. m oirourn:'''"0 p-m- -w m " Lenlabuig rosseugera to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from rhllh.U-lphla go through without change of cars. k J. K. WOOTTi'N, O. Q. HANCOCK, neral Mon"K'' JHGn!l10s81-StfUSl!r and 'ticm AKtM' JJELAWAltK, I.ACKAWAXXA AND WUSTi:il.N UAILHOAD. BLOO.MSimUC DIVISION. NOltTlf. STATIONS. p.m. p.rn. n.m. SOUTH. J 15 13 u 43 ...Scranton,... ....Ilelloviio. ... . .Tayiorvlllo, . . LnCkMWiinnn n.m. p.m. rn II LU II III V U0 3 10 6 17 u a: (I 22 K Ml H 41 S 1 J 11 ui)1 0 13 u ts U 4S 20 0 27 S7 G 31 31 0 41 30 0 40 '11 A 51 (1 15 11 in ti li ......i'lttston li.Mcst I'lttston. ....Wyoming,... ..Mnlll.i. ti ;)r 1(1 0.1 10 0i 8 113 Dennett. ....Kingston Kingston 00 1 30 1 ii 1 m 1 S3 1 IS ill 0 01 u w 0 58 H S3 in OS Bl ,10 18 S 31 7 OS t 10 Plymouth .limn s 10 8 S3 17 .11) mouth... .10 so 3 os Avondalo. . 30,1 N ill tit I .Al-n l.n n. .. ... 7 SS 7 30 7 !17 8 00 H07 8 UO 8 S7 8 :i:i 8 SS H 13 1...1 . ."-unu .. I" .11 il IU llu dock's orcek 10 is .1 m .III I'-l I I SJ 13 V3 311 11! 13 SO 11) 00 11 11 47 r-uiuisiiinny.. 103333.) 8 S3 HlCk'ri Vin-i... 8 IS 8 00 7 M r si 7 41 7Sf 731 7 SO .lleacliliaveu.. .... Berwick .... Creek. Willow drove,. ,.l.liiio llldgo. .. 11 0 .1 43 II 13 3 51 III SO 3 51 8 50 I Oil 11 10 T 03 11 3J B 31 11 10 4 07 4 12 8 10 m in j ...iliooin'sburg " . lltinot.. 11 80 4 SO 8 I 43 10 60 11 41 4 27 8 31 U .11 10 II U OH 10 W & 1(1 111 iil Cutanl'u Iirldgo 11 UI 4 3.1 11 53 1 38 12 18 4 50 H 38 I 11 8 03 IIUIIVlllO,,.. Chulasky,.,, 8 02 (I 01 10 V 10 43 0 0 41 a.m. .... Y'twriuii,.., Northumberland k m Pin. a. m. 113 43 fi 25 U 50 11.111. n.m. 1 a, m W, I HALSTHAll. Kuril Superintendent's uuiwi, ncranton, Feb. 1st, iass JAMES HElIiIA', " Tonsorial Artist, n'Pitln at h a nM . . natri hT nf hV. n . 'VJE0"""!. solicits tlio generally. ' "-""""umers and of thq public " llucliuUu "n! v "'' llrlt'hton, n. Y. (1 mllo east .Hiucit yi-iw (i MaichSMw 1 1. I, I 1 ifltius rn . .. ;tiii swrTis m, tKt 'rt of flnnatta. ""iV; ov" f1!''' Brlslttet " t0 ' s:3 MJrUt St., I'HIUU'A. alj Junoi iy