The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Fill DAY, Al'UIL 11, 1881. Cnrrtiel ltiitlrnntl Time Tattle, Trains on the Philadelphia & 11. It. loavo Rupert as follows I NORTH. 0:39 a. in. 4.UU P. in. BOtrrn. lliil a. m. 0:13 p. m. o- Tralnson tlio 1). I A V. It. 11. leave llloomsburit as follows i NOItTH. BOOTH. 7:87 a. in. 8:85 n. in. 10.88 a. in. 11:58 a. in. 0.30 p. in. 4.30 p. m. Tho Uttt train soatli omnccts with the l'hlla. dlplna Heading at Rupert, ana with tho Nw tlicrn Central nt Northumberland. The 8.83 a. m. train connects at Northumberland with train on Pennsylvania road, reaohlnit l'hlladelphla nt 8: 1 J p. m. Tholl: train connects with Philadelphia ana Heading raid at Kupert ut 11:51 reaching l'lilladel. plila nl O.uo p. in. Tho 1I:4J train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at ins, reaching Philadelphia nt 7:83 p. in. Tho 4.30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at .Northumberland at 8.o3 p. in., and reaches Philadelphia at 3.03 a. in. Trains on tho N. &-V. 11. Hallway pa3i Bloom Ferry as follows i NOnTII. SOCTlt. 7:41 a. m. 1S:0 p. m. 0.31 p. ra. 7:o7 p. in. Notice to CorreHlioutlciilH. In order to savo many communications from tho waste basket wo mako tho following suggestions to local correspondents! Usoonlyono Bldooftho sheet, and write as pialn as posstblo ; glvo only the local nows that is ot some Interest to tho com. munlty, such as accidents, Improvements, mar riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and churchos, business enterprises, changes of rcsl dencc, and tho llko. What appear to bo Jokes nt the expense of others, and personal mention glv. Ing only ono name or Initials or a nickname, will not bo printed under any circumstances. Such Items often glvo offense, though nono may bo In tended. Tho full name ot tho writer must always bo given, but will not bo printed unless requested. tt IMibllc HalcM. Alt those having public sale bills printed at tills olllco will receive a notice under tills heading, frco or charge. The notice will remain standing until tho day ot salo. W. S. Hess, administrator of George Kclchncr, deceased, will sell a valuable timber tract of 415 acres, on Saturday, April 10th, 1884. l'or Hale. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 23 acres of laud In Hemlock town ship, partly cleared, balanco well timbered. A farm of nbout 80 acres in Scott twp. For terms and particulars apply to Oco. E. Klwcll, Uloomsbtirg, Pa. fob. 20-tf. I'crHonal. Miss Annie Jamison Is spending her Eas ter vacation nt home. Mrs. M. E. Ent mid daughter went to Philadelphia tho first of the week. Alfred Mcllcnry, the lientoii merchant, Is in the city this week buying new goods. Mrs. M. P. Eyerly went to Hethlehcm on Wednesday to visit friends and spend Eas tcr. Mr. John Stock, business manager of the Sunday lirealfast Table, Williamsport, was in town on Tuesday, looking nftcr the in terests of his paper. Prof. G. E. Wilbur will soon move into the house on the corner of Third and West Btreels, recently occupied by J, S. Sterner. F. P. Drinker ami William Hart took a trip to the North Mountain this week, pros pecting for ore. W. L. Mannlnglcft last week for Roches ter N. Y. He will return about May 1st for his family, and remove permanently to the above place. Quito a delegation started for Allcntowii on Tuesday to attend tho State Convention. Tiio party embraced H. P. Fruit, C. G. Harkley, substitute for Dr. Megargell, and William Ilhodamoycr, delegates, with u body guard consisting of W. K. Tubus, Col. Jamison, It. Buckingham, G. A. Clark, William Kramer and David Lowenberg , Foit Balk. A set of tinner's tools, apply to I. 11. Hupert Uloomsburg, Pa. tf E. I). May had his hand crushed nt the planing mill on Wednesday. Lilicy & Sieppy have over one hundred different styles of wall paper. Rev. D. J. R. Strayer Is expected to preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. J. Saltzer, Main St., Bloomsburg, has one new platform spring wagon, 2 scats, polo and Bhafts, for sale. II. J. Clark is fitting up a new store room on Main street, at the stand recently vacated by C. E. Savage. Everybody says Lilley & Sieppy ore sell, lug goods cheaper than anybody in the county. Mrs. Samuel Seybert of Orange town ihlp, died on Wednesday evening, aged about 00 years. (Jo West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All changes made in Union depots. No omni bus transfers. W. O. McKisnev, A't. Buy your Easter cards at tho Columiiian Btore, where they can bo found in great variety. Beautiful fringed cards from C cents up. J. C. Brown was elected n delegate to tho Republican National Convention ot Chicago, by the conference held at llazle ton last week. Charles O. Barkley and R. Buckingham have entered into pirtnershlp In Ihu prac tice of law. Mr. Buckingham moved to the unices of Mr. Barkley the first instant. E. A. Rawllngs waited upon his nuiner ous customers on Saturday last with a handsome new market wagon, now horso and harness. It was a line turnout. Tho wagon Is one of M. C. Sloan & Bro's. make. List of lelteis remaining In the Post Of fice at Benton for quarter ending, March 31, 1831. Rev. R. Carpenter, Samuel Woldner, C. W. Yost, XV. B. McIIeury, S. W, Spencer and James Calne. The Law Library has recently received nn addition of all the Massachusetts State Reports. There are 1U0 volumes, bound two volumes to a book. Tho lawyers now havo access to over 1000 law books in tho Law Library, including tho library of Judge Elwell. Our complete stock of wall paper Is prov. ing a drawing card. Observers wondered what wo were going to do with It when It was brought to us by wagon loads, but wo liavo sold It so fast wo were obliged to order again and have another iuvoice on the way. Call and wo promise to please you. Lillbv & Slkity Wo liavo just finished a largo Job for tho Masonic Fraternity. It Is 1000 volumes of tho History of the Scottish Rite, and the Bylaws of tho several lodges. Tho book contains 103 pages, Is printed on fine heavy puper, nnd bound in purple cloth. It was worked off In 133 page forms. Mr, O. K. Francis of this town Is the compiler, Miss Miranda Hess1 Bchool closed last Friday with a pleasant time to both teacher nnd pupils. A. Laubacli & Son arc doing a brisk bus iness In their Btoro as they keep a full store and prices way down. Mr. Curry Mastcllcr who went west about three weeks ago has returned. Mr. Charles Carpenter has moved Ids steam saw mill from tills place to Jackson township. There was a thunder shower passed over this place on tho night of April 1st nt nbout eleven o'clock In tho evening. It was fol. lowed by wind nnd snow. O. P. Q. No uso going any further than Orange, vlllo to buy your wall paper. Lilley & Sieppy con suit you In taste, quality and price. TO OUM. HUllHCKIIIICHH. The first of April, which is the customary sottling.up tlma has past, nnd we must nsk tlm Indulgence of our patrons for a few words concerning our business. We nro endeavoring to nvold public dunning through tho paper, ns much ns possible, but It Is sometimes absolutely necessary. Last week wc sent out bills to nearly 200 subscribers who owe for one or more yenrs' subscription, aggregating nbout $500. Those who hove already responded will plcaso accept our thanks, but thero ore many more that wo hope to hear from vsry soon. Reader, If you have received a bill by mall please nttend to the matter nt once, cither by calling In person, or by Bending a check, post olllco order, or cash. We would not nsk you for the money If It was not due, and needed by us. If you have not received a bill, this notice is not intended for you, Everybody Is crying "hard times" wc nro doing first-class business. Why shouldn't people go nnd buy where they can buy the cheapest ? Wo ore bound to run our stock down bo wc will hove room for Spring slock. Como early nnd take advontago of some bargains we oro olTcr Itii:. Lillkt & Slippy. Another Untruthful Ileport. The Wllkcsbarrc Sunday AVu Dealer of last week contained an article headed "Riddled with Bullets. A Bloody Bar room Fight Growing out of a Game of Cards," dated Cole's Creek, Col. Co., April 4th, and marked Special Correspondence. It wo?, in substance, that four men named Dayls, Mills, Itoyer and Williams on Sun day night n week, engaged in n game of poker at a tavern, and after a little the bets reached 500 a side. A dispute arose over the game, a quarrel ensued, the lights were extinguished, pistols were fired, and the four men hit, two of them dying and the other two being seriously Injured. All this will be news to the good people of Sugarloaf. So far as that place is con cerned, or any other place In this vicinity, there is not a shadow of truth in the article. The fact is that the New York Sun con tained o telegram dated Cole's Creek, Pa., which Is not our Cole'? Creek, and the AVit's Dealer reprinted this telegram, ndded "Columbia County" to it, and imposed upon its readers by marking it Special Gv rctpoiulence. We shall soon bo compelled to class our Wllucsbarrc contemporary with all other sensational newspapers that live and thrive on this sort of stuff, and which are not fit to be admitted Into the house holds of respectable people. Triumph, Pnxton Mills, Banner nnd Su perlativeroller process; Eclipse and "Slue qua non" new process j and com mon Hour, at F. P. Vanderslicc's flour and feed store, Centre St. lw l.astvr Bcrvlcen. An early service will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal church next Sunday morning at 0 o'clock, when morning prayer will be read. Some time has been spent in the preparation of the music, which will bo as follows : Opening Responses. Anthem "Christ our Passover." Millard. Gloria Patri-A flat Dialla. Te Dcum Composed 6y the Ortjanitl. Jubilate Deo Marih. Apostles' Creed, intoned. Hymn, 104 "Jesus llvcs,no longer now." At ten o'clock services will begin with tho Antc-'Jommunion service, with sermon and Holy Communion. Tho following mu sic will bo rendered : Anthem "Ho is not here." Millard. Kyrie Eleison, No. 1 Mendelssohn. " " No. 2 PoznansH. " " No. 3 Gloria Tlbl Danks. Gloria Potrl Millard. Offertory Sentence. Hymn 425, Alleluia Anthem.... Wilson. COMMUNION. Trisagion Xuvtllo. Hymn 207. Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant. The music at the early service will be the most elaborate. Holy Week, Services have been held every day this week In the Lutheran, Episcopal, and Ro man Calhollo churches. The first day of Holy Week which is familiarly known ns Palm Sunday, lias been variously termed. In the Lcctlonary of St Jerome and some other writers, it Is called "Indulgence Sun ,day." In Borne parts of Europe nnd tho 'east the day Is also named "Hosanna Sun day." The far more common name, how. ever, is "Palm Sunday." In thw Sacramen tary of St. Gregory it Is called the "Sun. day of tho Palm Branches," and In that of St. Ambrose It receives the title of "The Sunday of tho Olive branches." Chrysos torn mentions the Blinking of tho palm brnnchcB as one of the customs of the day in a 3crmou for the Great Week. The ob ject of this day's ceremonial observance is to commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ Into the city of Jerusalem, as narrated in St. John's Gospel, xll chapter, when "the peoplo took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet Him, and cried t Hosanna 1 Blessed is tho King of Israel that cometh in tho name of the Lord." In the Roman church tho services consist of tho Benediction and Procession of the Palms and tho singing ot the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Anglo-Catholic anno, notor of tho Book of Common Prayer says that in tho ancient English church the Ben ediction of Palms took place before the be ginning of the Holy Communion. The form ,wns precisely that of tho Roman church of to-day, and "the custom," he says, "Is still represented lu some places by decking tho church with willow branch es on Pulm Sunday, nnd almost everywhere by tho country peoplo bearing them In their hands as they walk oat In the after, noon," As to tho present .custom of the Church of England, ho says i "The distin guished characteristic of this day In tho last week of our Lord's life Is not repre sented In any of tho Scriptures for tho day, which are altogether occupied with our Lord's Passion. This arises from tho change made In 1549, when tho scrvlco for the benediction of the palms was set aside. This oversight Is to be regretted, as there Is clearly a connection between the usago of palm bearing and the Divine ritual, both of Sinai and the New Jerusalem," Lille) Si Slcpjiy's low prices aro playing smash. Low prices arc doing It, THE COLUMBIAN AJtfD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUM13IA CDUOTY7tA. ' Centre. Most of tho farmers liavo commenced ploughing, Mr, Harvey Hess of Wapwnllopcn, spent Sunday with his parents. Messrs. E. M. Iltolcr of Mlllvlllc, and A. W. Musgrnvo of Wclllvcrsvllle, took a drive to Centre Sunday last Mr. A. XV. Spear has employed nn In dian boy of the Carlisle school as a farm hand. His name is Vincent Horse, nnd he cornea from the Sioux tribe. ; j Mi, Joseph Gclger of Fishlngcrcek, mov cd to Centre last week, Mr. John W. Kclchncr started to school at Orangevlllo last Monday, Addlo Shaffer, son of William Shaffer, Is Blowly recovering from a protracted ill ness, Messrs. E. & J. S. Hagenbuch nro busily engaged In building just now, Tho following officers were elected for tho ensuing year at tho Hldlay Union Sun day school i Mr. J. II. Alkmnn, superln. tendent Mr. W. H. Hess, assistant j Mlsi Llzzlo Conner, secretary; Mr. XV. E. Creasy nnd Miss Sadie Hagenbuch, libra rlans i Frank Creasy nnd Charles Hldlay, collectors. Mr- (!. E. Creasy started to school at the Normal, Monday morning. Enthr Nous. Potatoes are scarce. Lilley it Sieppy don't want any, but any other kind of pro duce they will take. Orniiiccvllle. Tho streets through town are now In bet tcr condition than they liavo been foryears, thanks to the energy of our efficient super visor, E. B. Johnson. Ho has removed tho mud from tho roads nnd macadamized with stono in the low places. Tho Academy opened on Monday last with a very flattering number In attend ance. Pro!. Heck's method of teaching and ills well-known nblllty Is commending itself to both parent nnd teacher. Some of our young ladles aro evidently dissatisfied with naturo for not forming them men and nro doing all they can to undo the evil by donning the coat, hat and breeches. Some three or four so dressed on Monday eve paraded tho streets think ing they were having a gay time, and them selves unknown. You were wrong, girls j the moon was too bright and the tronsera too tight to deceivo observers. You had better drop it girls and stick to the petti coat. A. M. Dewltt has purchased the stock of D. K. Slohii & Son and rented tho room now occupied by them nnd will In future carry on the store business In that Bland. Some of our local politicians are greatly exercised over tho selection of Brown of the Itqmblican for conferee to the Republi can convention, they saying the delegates from Columbia were Instructed not to sup port him. This seems to be a mistake as they were not instructed to vote for any one. Refoiim. Lloyd Miller, living in Catawlssa town ship, one mile from Bloom Perry, has 2 colts to sell i 4 years old, safe nnd sound in every wny. 4-4-2t Town Organisation, The applications for borough charters made ot the last term of our county court by Cntawissa and Orangevillc were unsuc cessful mainly becnuse of opposition by or on behalf of citizens of Catawlssa and Orange townships, outside ot the proposed boroughs. In each case a small township, in form of a shell or crescent, would havo been left, surrounding In whole or In part, a new borough, upon which would fall in creased expenses for local government. In brief, it was urged in opposition that with in given limits offices would be greatly multiplied in number, with increased ex penses for local organization nnd manage ment. In the case of Catawlssa it was computed that there would be but 78 resl dent land owners left in the township, if tho borough should be erected, upon whom would rest the duty of maintaining about 30 miles of public roads, and from tho character of the territory It was not likely that the population of tho township would largely increase in future. A dozen or fifteen years ago applications made to court for a borough charter for Bloomsburg were resisted upon similar grounds, and were rejected. Thero wero difficulties about tho limits of the proposed borough, and it was evident that by erect ing the borough, Bloom township would be left In bad shape, with insufficient terri tory and population. All difficulty and question was, however, disposed of by the interposition of tho Legislature, in the passage of tho act "to define the limits and to organize tho town of Bloomsburg," approved March 4th, 1870, which act, with its supplement of tho following year, now constitutes the charter of tho town. The Bloomsburg plan of municipal or ganlzalion is well adapted to such case's as those of Catawlssa and Orangevillc, for It admits of the Inclusion of farm lands nnd outlying or detached settlements within the corporate limits, to tho mutual advontage of town and country. For, as to town tnxes, suburban property pays a two. thirds and farm land a half rate, while a tull rate is Imposed upon property lu the town proper. The practical result Is, that the town proper gets more money for its treasury'from the country districts than it expends for them, while the country ills, trlcts pay less tax than they would pay if burdened with a separate township gov. eminent. This idea ot thu classification of proper ty for local taxing purposes according to location and character is borrowed from Acts of Assembly relating to 1'hlhulelphU ; it is ,not original in tho Bloomsburg act, although It received by that act a new and interesting application. By means of It, thus applied, the whole ot Bloom town ship was brought under a town govern ment, and tho experiment has resulted In successful administration for thirteen years. The other features of our town charter, not found In tho general borough laws, are believed to bo wise and salutary. Among them may bo mentioned i the plan for col lecting the town taxes with promptness and virtually without expense to tho town!; the preparation, filing in court, and judlc. lal approval of a town mop j the represen tation of minorities In the town offices nnd particularly In the Council ; tho retention for tho town of general laws relating to townships except so far as Inconsistent with tho charter, Sic, &c. Of course, some of the provisions of the general borough laws are borrowed and Incorpo. rated in the Bloomsburg charter but still, In material respects, lu fact substantially, that charter embodies a now plan for local government. If the plan ot that charter is suited to such cases among villages ns those of Cat. awissa and Oranguvllle, whore It may be desirable to place a whole small township under a town organization, what is to hln. dcr the Legislature from embodying tho plan lu a general permissive law from en acting a statute which shall authorize town organizations under tho general fca lures of thu plan, carefully revised and Im proved If thought proper, and made sulta. bio and convenient for general use f If asked for, I suppose such general law might be easily secured. April 10, 1831. O. R. BUOICALEW. I'owlerHvlllc, Slnco the removal of A. M, Illdleman to the south side of tho river, wo nro left with out mii8lo or a reporter, but the world must go on, While plowing Monday Btcphcn Swank wa tnken with severe cramp, nnd when last heard from was In great misery. Davy, the tailor, Is very busy nnd con templates building a new houso during the summer. f ''Aunt Baltic" Kclchncr will not move to Berwick this tprlng ns contemplated, hut remain on her lot to the satisfaction of nil her neighbors, Edward Wagner's now barn on his mill property, U nenrly completed, and adds greatly to the appearance of tho place. ' It bids fair to bo lively nt tho upper mill this summon J, L. Wolvcrton has hired Charles Mcllcnry as miller, who, with his father, has brcn thero tho last week, dress ing up and putting things In order nnd started thu' mill Tuesday, Thoy expect to keep tho mill well stocked with grain, flour and chop. Mr. Wolvcrton came up on Monday and expects to open tho store In a week or two. Hlppenstccl & Bowor have moved their sawmill within a few rods of tho mill and will b6, ready to saw on Thurs day, Addison Zimmerman has also moved In the neighborhood nnd.wlll work in the shoo shop on the mill property. Mr. Sloan, of Orangevillc, drives a flno team through thero every few days to tho farm and back. W. P. Bodlne and wife, from Bloomsburg upcnt Sunday last here with his brother Rev. J, V. Bodinc. The schools have all closed and tho chil dren think they are having n good time. Tho latest nnd last Is n new store back nt the "Knob." WAKDEIinil. For Balk. A bay horse sultablo for nny kind of work, stnglo or double ; not afraid of the cars. You can havo your choice of two. Weight 1030 and 1150 lbs. Henry S. Reat, Rupert, Pa. Council IrocccdltiH. Br.ooMsnuno, April 7th 1884. The President and members of the Town Council of tho town of Bloomsburg, to-wlt: Leonard B. Rupert, president-, Isaiah Hag enbuch, Ell Jones, Charles A. Moycr, Wm. Rabb, C. B. Sterling and L. T. Sharpless members, who were elected nn Tuesday, February 19th. 1884 for one year, met In tho council room nt 10 o'clock In tho fore noon and oaths of olllco were duly admin istered according to law by John M. Clark, a justice of the peace in nnd for the town of Bloomsburg, county of Columbia. The President then made n few remarks in rcf crcncc to the fine location of our town, its financial condition and the duties of the present council, after which on motion of Mr. Sterling and seconded by Mr. Sharpless council adjourned to meet this evening rit1 7 o'clock. Pursuant to adjournment council met nt 7 o'clock in the evening. L. B. nupert, President, nnd nil the members were pres. cut. The President annour.ced that the fixing of salaries and the appointment of officers for tho ensuing year was in order. L. T. Sharpless was chosen as secretary pro tern to act during the election of n secre tary. On motion tho salary of the secretary was fixed at one hundred and twenty dol lars per annum. On motion of Mr Moyer and seconded by Mr Rabb, A. L. Fritz was unanimously elected secretary for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Sharpless nnd seconded by Mr. Jones, Charles A Moyer was unani mously elected Vice President. Mr. Sharpless moved that, council pro ceed to elect a Treasurer after fixing salary thereof, which was seconded by Mr. Sterl ing end agreed t On motion of Mr. Sharpless and second ed by Mr. Hagenbuch the salary of the Town Treasurer was fixed at one nnd one half per cent on nil money received and paid out, except on money received on bonds Issued by the Town and paid out for which one per cent was allowed. Tho following officers were elected s Treasurer, F. P. Billmcycr j Street Com missioner, E. Jacoby, whose salary was fixed at $1.75 per day. Messrs, Rabb, Moyer and Jones were appointed a com mittce to buy material for the street, com missioners. The High Constable's salary was fixed at $50 a year, and M. C. Wood ward was elected to that office. The salary of Solicitor was fixed at 25 a year, and L. E. Wnllcr was elected sollc Itor. The police forco is as follows i Wesley Knorr, chief : Daniel Laycock, S. W. Shutt, B. B. Freas, Clark Shoemaker, A. Shultz, W. Hlngrose, J. Q. Barkley, II. C. Nagle, Isaac Roadarmcl, W. Dietrick, W. H. Millard, Levi Cox Jr., James Walters, Charles Rabb, D. R. Coffnian, Luther B. Jones, policemen. The price of labor on the highway was fixed at $1.35 a day, cobbling $1.50, one horse team $2.00, two horsa team $8.00. No driver to be under 10 years of age. On motion adjourned. A competitive examination of Candidates for appointment as Cadet to the Military Academy at West Point, will be held ut the American Hotel, Mauch Chunk, on Thursday the first day of May 1884, at 10 o'clock A. M, All Candidates for the vacant Cadetship In this Congressional District are required to appear before thu examining committee and siibmll to un examination. For information an to age, mental and physical qualifications, &c, address, Dr. R, Leonard of Mauch Chunk, or Prof. R. F. Hofford of Lchlghton or the Secretary of War. apr 4.4 w Lilley & Sieppy at OrangevIJlc, have the largest stock of gilt, mica, satin, whito, black and brown back wall paper ever of. fered for salo In Orangevillc. Ceiitrullu, Thomas Regan, u young man employed as brakeman on engine USD, met with a sad and painful accident on Friday, from the effects of which lie died tho same evening, He was in the act of coupling the engine to a train of cars, and by makiug a misstep fell across the track, Both Ills legs were cut off, one close to the body nnd the other above the knee. Dr. Gwiuncr dressed thu mangled limb and had him removed to the Miners' Hospital whero ho died shortly afterward, Ho conversed freely after tho accident, and told how it happened. He also said his parents were opposed to Ids railroading, and this is what I got for (lis. obeying them. His remains wero sent to Cauton on Monday, whero they will bo In. terrcd. The new ambulance received by Riley Si Co, Is the prettiest ot Its kind In the region. Wo hope it will bo a long time before It will bo required at thymines. Thu Lehigh Valley Company have laid a now truck behind tho depot to bo used for loaded cars. Two car loads of Hungarians passed through here last week for Mt. Carmel. Wonder what the people In that town in. tend doing with them ? C, M, Bcltz, book-keeper for Riley Si Co., brought Ids family to town Inst week nnd will go to housekeeping lnDyko'a new building. Will Sweeny was presented with n flf. teen. pound boy on Sunday evening, This accounts for ids smiling countenance the past few days. (. W. Davis, our popular young drug, gist and postmaster, Is, without n doubt, the most' accommodating Individual "in our borough. Tho stained glass windows In the Epls. copal church were considerably damaged by the storm last week, two of them being blown out entirely. Tho lately elected borough officers cn. tercd upon their duties on Tuesday. Now, look out for tho Chief Burgess. John Hughes, nn old nnd highly respect ed citizen of tills borough, died very sud. denly nt Ids homo !on Thursday morning. Ills funeral took place on Saturday, which was very largely attended, Rev. E. T. Field of town, who Is visiting friends In Philadelphia, Is reported to bo very sick. The Water Company Intend running tho water as far as tho Catholic church. Tho pipes are being hauled for tho purpose. Last Sunday being Palm Sunday, a lot' of Florida evergreens were distributed among tho congregation in the Catholic church, Tho railroad employees received their wages for Marcli on Monday. .Lilley & Sieppy havo made a great cut In nil kinds of goods, and will not bo under sold. Granulated sugar, Oc. Standard A., 0., white sugar, 8c. ; a nlco brown Bug. nr, 4 lbs for 25c ; all domestic ginghams, 10c and down j all cotton shirtings, 10c; calicoes, C and Cc dress goods at cost. Call early and get a bargain. LOCAL NOTICES. Every purchaser of a Boy's Suit is pre sented grntis Willi a Baso Ball, Bat and Cap at.Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloom. Lilley & Sieppy want 100,000 dozen of fresh eggs, 100,000 lbs. good fresh but ter. The run for I. W. Hartman & Son's cheap muslins, calicoes, linen table cloths, towcllngs, Ac, keeps up from morning un til evening of each day. Call and get a bargain. Go to O. O. Marr's for wash boards, &c. tubs, buckets, Boys tell your mother that you can get n Base Ball, Bat and Cap for nothing ami a cheaper suit at Gross' N. Y. Store than nny other place in Bloom. Ladles, wo will open this week a lint of spring styles of shoulder capes, shawls, also a full Hue of new styles lu Fiscliucs. Clark & Son. W. J. Correll & Co. keep always on hand a large assortment of furniture to select from. Any special orders filled on short notice. Wild pigeons scarce; Bargains at Lilley & Sleppy's plenty.- C. C. Marr is selling the best syrup for 50 cents. It is the best In town. For the finest and cheapest Spring Hats and Caps go to Gross' N. Y. Store. Excursion tickets all along the line of L. & B. R. R. to Bloomsburg. Call and see I. W. Hartman & Son's spring goods. A full line of Ottoman cloths in black nnd new spring shades, with a large line of dress silks, nt i lark & Son's. For a full line of trunks, cheap, no to Gross the N. Y. Clothier. Bloom Tho best churn in use is sold by C. C. Marr. EASTER CARDS AT I. W. HARTMAN & SON'S. For best Photographs call at MacKilllp's gallery. Above Clark it Son's store. Mr. Gross of the N. Y. Store lias just re turned from N. Y. nnd Phila. with a fine line of Spring t lothlng. Give him a call. Bloomsburg. Best calico, 5 cents per yard r' good mus. llns, 6 per yard ; best shirtings, 8 and 0 cents j cheviots, good table linens 20c per yard and up; good towels, 25 cents. The best 25 cent dress goods sold, Go and sec. at Clark & Son's. Wool nnd cotton carpet chain nt C. C. Marr's. A splendid line of men's suits from $4 upwards at Gross' ni. Y. Store, Bloom. I. W. Hartman & Son have customers from Berwick, Willow Grove, Llme.Rldgo aud other towns which tako advantage of the L. & B. R, R'a. cheap excursion rates, for cheap goods. C. C. Marr wants cabbage, parsnips, but. ter, eggs, lard, side, shoulder, and ham. Ask to see the Mysterious Hat at Gross' N. Y. Store. Wo aro reducing the price of our whole stock, and will guarantee bargains in auy line. Call and seelf this Is not a fact. Lilley & Sleppv, Orangcvllle, Pn. Go to O. O. Marr's for splendid syrup. It is sold at 50 cents per gullon. Foit Sale. All kinds of first-class farm implements, machinery, fertilizers. &c. no matter what you may want you can be nc. uoiuinouaieu, at (tie lowest cash prlco. All goods warranted to givo satisfaction, or no sale. Please call early. S. C. Siiive, aprll-Ow Bloomsburg, Pa. Spring goods in large lots, nt I. XV. Hart, man & Son's. New goods at C. C. Marr'a, very cheap. BUSINESS NOTICES. Hall's Hair Ronewer renews, cieauses, brightens and invigorates tho hair, nnd re stores faded or gray hair to Its youthful color and lustre. Peoplo with gray hair prefer to me the Itenowcr, rather than pro. claim to the world, through their bleached locks, that they are becoming aged, and passing on to decay. WHAT 18 IT GOOD FOR ? Let us tell you what Dr, Thomas Eolcc trie Oil is good for. It is death to rheuma tism and neuralgia. It will euro a burn. bite, or pain, nnd Is equally good for a Bpruiu. THE SEW TRIOlfOI.E. This machine is propelled by steam, and will carry two peoplo twenty miles an hour, it Is said. It is quite nn invention but does not compare with Burdock Blood Bitters, which will tnrry thu Invalid along the road to health to beat all, WANT OF 1'Allll. If C. A. Klelm, the Druggist, docs not sueceeu u is nut tor inn want of laltli. lie has such faith lu Dr. llosanko's Cough and Lunc syruii ns a reiucdv forOoimln. Colds. Consumption, and Lung Affections, that he uivcs u uimn; ireu in eniu ami everyone wno Is In need of a medicine of this kind. July 13-eow sampson'b leos and looks. When Delilah clipped oft Sampson's locks that mighty althleto at once became "as otaer men." If It could bo proved that tliepo3sesslon of luxuriant hair would en. ablu men to leur open lions' Jaws, Hlscox & Co. would bo driven wild lu the effort to supply enough of Parker'a Hair Balsam to meet the demand. As it Is tho Balsam pre. vents your hair from failing out, and re. stores the original color If faded or gray. Besides it Is a great addition to tho toilet table simply as a dressing. ALMOST JA'BANB AND OU1IKI). "Most of tho eminent doctors lu the East, us well as sevcrul of thu medical fac ulty In New York City, writes Rev. P, P. bhirley, of Chicago, "failed to help our daughter's epilepsy, which began to show signs of turning Into Insanity. By the good provldenco of Clod we tried Samarium A'er mm, and It cured her." Your druceUt keeps it. $1.50. bb HELPED HER OUT. "For yenrs havo been a scvero sufferer from li.ilns In thn buck. Trim! vnrlniin im plications. One bottle of ThiunnV Eclec trie Oil e ntirely cured me. Cured others equally quick.'1 Mrs. Helming of 14th Su, Jiiiltnio, wrote this. Seo a woman in another column, Spccr's Vlneynrds, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grapo Wlno is mado. that is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly persons nnd the ngcd aoiii by u. A. Klelm, Bloomsburg. septaa-ly Eruptions. Sores. Pimples. RiiKiiMvnau ari but Indicators of Impure blood, Ack era Blood Ivlixlr Is the remedy. Hnlil Uv J, 11. Klnports, druggist. A IIEL1A1II.B POllf WISE. Mr. A. Speer, of New Jersey, whose Port Grnpo Wlno has such a wide reputation, nnd which physicians prescribe bo general ly, was the first In this country to lmjiort the Port Wine Grapo from the banks of the River Dourn, in Portugal, where tho lino old ports were mado and to plant vlneynrds of them In New Jersey. His Port. Bur gundy nnd I Inrct which arc now tho best to be lind, liavo become a great favorite among the most fashionable Now York, Philadelphia and Washington society. Sold by first claBs. dealers. GOV. IIOTt'S ENDORSEMENT. Executive Chamber, Harrishiirg. Pa., Juno7, 1882. J Mr. John II. Phelps, Scranton, Pa., My Dear lr i Promptly' upon lecclpt of your Elixir, leu days since, I entered upou its lisu nccordlng to direction, stopping my, Iodld Potass., Amnion, nnd Wine of Col chlcum. At that tlmo I was completely disabled with gout In botli feet nlid rheu matism in both knees, nnd helpless. Now I comfortably hobble about the house, and expect to be out lu n week. It may bo n coincidence, my amendment and tho uso of your medicine. I hope for no occasion to try it ngaln, but If need bo I will try It again In a fresh attack with great confl. dencc. Very Truly Yours, Henhv M. Hott, Governor of Pcnnsvlvanln. hnr null', nt lli'nilcmlinlt'a T'l, Pharmacy, Bloomsburg, Pa. 6S"Get the best dyes. The Diamond Dyes for family use havo no equals. All popular colors easily dyed fast and beauti ful. Only 10c. a packago nt druggists. Wells. Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and booK of di rections for 2c. stamp. OARE3 OF LIFE. As wc como to them they arc received, borne with, and passed over with no more than n thought, if wo are in the enjoyment of health, but If suffering with Plies or skin disease of any kind they magnify1 a hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, the Druggist, lias Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is an absolute cure for any affection of the kind nnd is sold for SOcents. July 18-cow Evert Promise backed by a guarantee. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will give Imme diate relief. Price 25 & 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Klnports, druggist. Elmlra, N Y., July 10, 1882. Mr. Phelps Dear Sir s Up to this morn ing wc have sold twenty .one bottles of your Rheumatic Elixir, nnd ns far as we nro able to ascertain, with good account In every case. (First 20 days). Inuraham Bros., Druggists. For sale at Hendershott's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg, Pa. COME, GENTLE S1T.INQ, and bring malaria, dyspepsia, biliousness, torpidity of the liver and a truin of kindred maladies. Fortunately Kldney-Wort Is nt hand. It mny be had of the nearest drug gist and will purity the system, correct the stomach nud bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy action, remove all poisonous humors and make you feel liken new mini. As a spring medicine, tonic aud blood purifier it has no equal. OAUBE ANUEFFEOT. At times symptoms of indigestion are present, uneasiness of the stomach, Ac, n moisture like perspiration, producing itch ing at night, or when one is warm, cause the Piles. The elTcct is immediate relief upon the application o' Dr. Basanko's Pile Remedy, which costs you but 50 cents and is sold'by C. A. Kleiin. July 13 -cow Hundreds Write they owe their life and present good health to Acker's English Remedy tor Consumption, Coughs, Colds, &c. bold by J. II. Klnports, druggist. OUR REGARDS. Wc are glad to say tht our daughter, who lias been afflicted with Rheumatism for about eight years, is nearly cured from the use of two bottles of Plielji's Rheumnt c Elixir. We regard It ns an excellent remedy, nnd anticipate a perfect cure by the time another bottle is taken. Respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. Stave, 138 Frcemont street, Chicego, III. For sale at Hendershott's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg, Pa. ifflNSUMPTION. hare a positive remedy for the r iVti d'ieee t ty tta j thousands cf CieJiothow rtL.ntlnndellonjr rtmfj.n hf-TO been curej, Jntlccd, BoitroniriB rrjr t 1 'il 'tfisf&catj.ttnt I will rri(tTVO t!OTTM.H 1 i'.ji. to;:iti:iorwlth k VAUWUI.IS TRRATIUlion April H-4w April U 4-w Carriages, WagonsSs Machincry.Run without greaso or oil. No occasion to take off tho carriage wheels, circular seat free. Address .OUAl'llU', Jcny City, NJ. April ii.4r r 'pREASURER'S SALE X op 1 UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Iiy virtue of Sundry acts of tho Oeneral Aasem. bly of the Commonwealth of TennsylvanU rela ting U tho aula of seated nnd unseated l.inds In the county ot Columbia, etc., for taxes due ami unpaid, 1 win oner to public sale lu the Court House, lu the town of Dloomsbuiv, on Monday June 9th., 1884. at ten o'clock a. m., the following described nieces of land, or buch part thereof as in y bo necessary to satisfy the amount of tuxes due and unpaid against tho same, and continue the same rrum day today as thosaino may lw found nooewary. 'J'MtSIS OK BALK. Tho amount of taxes nnd costs must be paid when tho land Is B'ruckoff, or tho sale may bo void and the property put up and resold. HKAVKIt TOW.NHIIII'. 81 acres nrockway, c n 1 lot Heaver, Charles 3 " Heaver, Jesse. 163 acres llrockway, U 11 Stf " llrockway & Abbott 79 " llrockway Abbott. 118 " llrockway Abbott 51 " llrockway Abbott a lots llrockway, c 11 loo acres Maker, Jacob, sr. 3 lots liutt linger.,,. t " Hngart.Mary S " DojerTH... a " crowing, l'atrlck S " Cantnor. William 1 40 1 OS 3 1H 5 51 53 1 03 i ai 8.' 3 18 IK tU 3 15 til 1 ft! 1 30 15 1 07 1110 acres Columbia Coal ironCo 75 57 Cox, u H Ex. of Trench Cox.', !3I " 1!T3 " 31T " it " 1W " 115 " 25 ' :i lots 14 GS 1 74 i 65 Darts Isaac Kst . DaUs Anthony... Keroth, ivter.... 13 4 6 10 1 30 3 0l 3 IH 1 30 !W 8 IH 5 3S 5 iH 4 ti'J ,o iuii riunifun, A . o iois i ry, w s !! acres KUher, Harali.... to acres (learh.irt. Iianlal Hints riltorhni-i'll'n. 00 acres llauck, Jonathan 75 50 IlcnJei lKliT, 8 A & J B llnau, Jiiliu Dee'd Hull, Charles John.., 1 larner Jester ., Ilortman. lit! ,,, 75 " slots 4 15 I 3D 5 tf) a 3 linn;!. .7Jil. " 3 IB 8 11 wo acres lllnderllder, barah A. 1 lot KllnuA..... 10 acres Lynn, Jacob S lots Lawrence, w It ..,., lots Lewis, frank.,. . ,7.. 300 acres Miller Mann ."!!!. 43 ' MlnlcV, peter ?, ots Martin, William Slots Monday, John ,, HO acres Nungesser, (leoivo .. 5 lots 1'ntteino.n, J U,.,,, a " l'rlce. clarence " I'aruf Marklo .81 acres Kiev, Abraham.. ... 55 ' ' ' 0( " ii """ t , " Oeorge 6 ots ItuthllfT, Ham Co , , , 8 lott ituthiirr! nam .,..,' HO acres Heppenlielr, J K ,. M " hhunan, Frauk I. ,.i ! bhuuian, ihoiius 110 hiioker, Mtoos 3 lots hmlthjw. , s " wiick, j j, It 8.1 1 OH 1 a 4.1 s i 10 75 83 ia 5 as si ut) 10 I 5.1 5 w 3 aj 5 2J a 53 M iMIII,. a ho 5 as 4 to 4 OS 8 03 8 ti3 15 77 2 6 78 1U S m 10 75 1 a 51 I 4 OS t Xi 8 a 41 8 03 a is 7 88 HI a so M m 40 a m I 18 1 74 4 61 14 40 5 00 4 4.1 19 2-1 T 38 a 75 71 10 84 4U 5 17 It , 0 (0 ' 1 00 71 3 58 t 43 1 83 U in " I'owns, .jonn.. ,,,,, VI ma; .lolin..,. ....... ........ IIKNTON. Ash, Mary Kline, jonn Kills ... lHxlson, (leorgo , II " 11 " 10 " llHIAItCIlKKK. 201 a. Apple, Paul . "iiusn, uuDon " A J tot..... 'Vlcm, WTltov i .... " Doty, l'ealcr Stewart ll II II ' II "' " Kvans, Francis "llarmnn Daniel "lleadleyKKst " Klsner, John " lle.irtley, H V Kst " Kllnger, I.liale.,.. .,.,. ." Itceeor, Abraham ......... David sutler " stout, Nathan " Schuyler. Wm Mrs "Kreas Wm I., " Dobbins, KM ,, " Stokes, Olden ., CATAWISSA. "Tlrobst,.tS 'Klaco Ycttcr ' Thomas, lluth Ann "Thomas, Abl.. " Weaver, Klllas....' " Dornbach, Margaret "Klsner, UobPrt , Newell, Fred " Yetler, Ix-wls Kst " Yetter, !wis Kst " Knim, KlUs " Diddle Heirs " llarde.. Thomas K..... t 83 39 91 2 03 3 48 4 10 8 70 8 41 1 IS 811 1 111 4 00 84 1 81 60 1 lot Hchulcr, Mrasarali...! CKNTItAMA. 1 lot Conner, Thomas. 1 " Durken, Mrs. Anthony 8 " Krwtn, Thomas 3 " lletlern, l'hlllp 1 " Homes, Thomas 1 " Kline, Caroline, 3 " (irarell Co 18 ' Lehigh Mahanoy It H Co , 1 " Mnrkes, (leorge ... ... 1 " Mcliearty, Mary.i 1 " steel, ocorgo W 1 " Itlley, James 0 Turry, Wm 1 " Knlttic, J D 1 " Itoyer, John . .. 1 " Hnnloy, John O 1 " ltynn, Michael 1 " ocrrechty, Thomas 1 " Tlghe, Thomas 1 " Mcltnlyer, Domlnlck 1 " Wilson, John CENTKK. 28 acres Adams, Knos I, 70 " Hagenbuch, Wm 10 " Hnfrenbuch, Wm Sr. Kst. 34 " Hoffman, Win Kst 3 " Iflwrey, Simon l lot Kroner, Joslh 3 " Marcli, Hebecca 1 " Nungesser, Sarah 1 " llabou, John , CONYNOHAM. 8 " llrockway, C 11 7 48 3 88 14 91 8 40 10 68 6 80 1 20 91 50 A SO 3 5 6 16 50 74 -0 8 20 1 80 3 38 1 10 3 36 40 3 38 3 30 S S3 1 03 40 5 01 80 5 80 80 39 ii 41 16 18 13 08 57 91 5 38 2 78 3 71 4 46 216 83 10 2 26 1 79 8 73 23 38 7 0.1 1 ft! 1 87 107 50 2 18 43 00 64 50 64 50 53 80 858 0i 2 a- 78 53 1 31 1 88 8 85 8 23 1 63 41 1 10 1 65 13 14 30 3 73 3 13 5'50 6 85 83 4 60 3 43 16 1 33 1 34 50 1 " Hresllne. Bernard 2 " lirady, Julia 3 " Cane, Ellen, i. . 4M acres Ileum, Joshua 1 lot Davis Thomas 1 " Kramer, A W 1 " Jones, oeorgo 1 " Lelby, Kphrnlm rs acres Kline, John L 2 lot Morrison, Catharine i ! Aicanaman,.Mary 1 " Morris. Ann 11 S80 acres Itustln, Mary.... iui. itnawn, cospcr 175 acres llusteu, Thomas .... 10 1 Treln, Jacob 100 " Trcln, Jacob 8 " Lewis. Wnllrnr 401 " Young, John i lot .melton, rnoinas 113ncres Huston, John , i lot Mcuuier, Terranco FISIIINUCltEKK. :6 acres Atlccnr. John loo niisli. lleubcn sou Doty, l'ealcr Stewart Dresher, John Davis, h'llga L Farver, George Hutchison, Thomas J Hosier, W A Hoffman Kreas so " 14 " 80 " bO " 878 " 800 " 00 " 90 " ntirrLson, John llunslngor, Anthony ; Kindt, John Co .'. Le non, Tho'nas McHenry, n J Mcars, William ; McllenryOD Daniel Ialer, oeorgo Itclchard, Lewis Hobblns, Wm A ltobblns, Kit ' FUANKLIN. Heaver, Wellington Voug lit, K II Fo tner,Jonithan Mensch, .Michael .. . , Howell, William OltEESWOOD. Albsrtson, Mllo Hartley llcrry, John Derr, I ram .. Hedline, llenlamln McKucn, II J . HEMLOCK. Appleraan, M 8 Appleman, Wm llrugler, KUiha Campbell, N 8 ; Kminett, A J Keal&l'umcl l'ursel Isaac 1'ursel, Sylvester Wright, Levi Whltcnlgbt; George Jr. JACKSON. Frlck, George A Frlck, (loorgu A II ess, llenjamln.1 Lew.a, Isaac Miller Charles W Miller Neyhart , Miller Neyhart Keller, J K LOCUST. millngton, Charles Dewail, ueorgo Ku-rhart, John ooraghty, Thomas Hughes, Wright Est Kline, John L Kulp Mc Williams.... .. Longenberger, Thlllp Meyers, Mary . ltusten, Mary ltusten, Charlotte Heynolds, John. .. ltusten, Thomas Heeeo, Daniel .., ,. Shaffer, Henry biiiuer, Jeremiah MADISON-. Cox, Joel Kea, C W lleutlershott, E Masters, 1) W bands, J i: Kst .MAIN. Illttenbender, Conrad liiockway lint Creasey, Wm sr Dornbach, John Dewalt, 1'hillu Fisher, Daniel.. Grover, A w Uearhart, Joseph lleflner, baniuel o Juuunell, chrutuln ,.,. Keefer, James Miller, 11 G Kst Miner, Emanuel Moses, Michael Morris, Daniel Hhuwn, Casper bnuuiau, W T..., Shuinun, Iteuben ....... bmeek, lirobst, Yetter, llauck bnyder, John Snyder, Abraham.,., bwaru, blicpp&uo Ye.ter, Daniel Kst bhuuiuii, John Hartman, Mathlas .MIFFLIN. Aton, Thomas Husit, Fraukllu Est O A Jueoby Kramer, A W Nungesser, Win J be(iponhclser, JK " Horace " K 1' Williams, Samuel MO.STOUIt Glger, llarbara . John list " Samuel Lelby, Jackson Neal,' William Itauisey, Est bliclhamer, John creasey, Jacob Fry, Daniel Ituuyan, Elmer MOUNT l'LEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel ... , bhuffer, Mathlas.... , ClltANOK. Crevellng, Samuel Everett, uabrlel Est Everett, Moses Est Kline, Jacob Kst Kllue, Abraham J Kllue, Abraham J , I'atlersun, M 11 , 1'INK. Harton, Kll Diteblebls, Abraham Davis, Thomas Est Fitck, Ueorgo A , .... Lyons, it y Miller cplo . " ltobblns, 'I'D Shult, lllram Shoemaker, Joseph...,, ..... HOAIll.NGCltEKK. Arthella, Frauds Hucher, l'eter names, Thomas Jr lirlsh, Jacob Iirlsh, Jacob ! .. .. . ... llrelsh, Jacob . ..... , Coiiialri Woo .... .,.,,7. ciix.o 8 K ot Trench Cox " ii ii H ii ii ii ii ii "" " II H II II " Dllaplano, Kzeklel ST, llusteu, John , ,. Haruer, John ....... ,,, John blacey Utile, Hubert. .... .. ,7.7. 7. ., Morris Hughes ,, 800 " 140 " 17 " 100 " 60 " ii 50 ." 50 " 100 " n " Hoott, rcter ski acres Kt-wart, Wm fl " Mminaii Mlchaol.. a, " Htcney, Martin Slots Vaatlne, 11 II ,., Blow Volkcnard, UJ KfiSacrcsWcHt, ii m coal Iron Co ... 3 lots Wetrel, O 8.... ( , 3 " Werkhlser, Samuel 8 " Wood, Auirustus , t9 acres Wheeler. William 40 " S3 " J5 " SO " 1 11 fil " 201 " 411 " 15 " 150 " 50 " 18 " 100 " 80 " 81 " 30 " 20 " 20 " 6 " 41 " 50 " 300 " 100 " 31 " 4 " 23S " 216 " 5 " 200 " HO " 265 " 61 " 03 " 8a " U8 " 33 " 800 " giO " 200 " 20U " 100 " 11)0 " 41 " li u 21 " 300 " 35 " 60 " 80 " 81 " 81 " Ii " 110 830 " 13 " 7 100 " bO " 18 " 10 " 4 " 45 " 100 a :: 160 " 100 " lill " 7 " 000 " 150 " 8.) 3 " 15 " 5 " 70 " 8O0 " 10U " 14) 50 ii 83 " 15 " 18 " IS " 18 ' 1 " 41 " as it) " in' v " 18 10 10 " 8 " 11) " 81 10 " M " 51 " 30 " 133 " 83 17 ' 881 ' M ' 100 " SSI fc 40 ' 80 " 170 50 " 60 " 40 103 80 " 18 " 315 850 " 111 " SOU IU " 18 " 1W 18 " 81 " 41 " 144 " III " T ii 45 V " 100 " 30 " 40 60 18 " 1 8 6 tiO 4 CO 2 10 I 51 11 in 1 .'0 2 38 6' 2 85 8 50 50 4 85 4 14 1 45 1 01 0 40 86 3 BO 38 80 7 60 77 76 14 23 13 30 30 7 21 7 90 7 40 7 90 18 90 2 01 6 30 2 3i 4 38 6 73 6 ?J 6 78 4 20 6 73 1 18 1 00 1 00 U 00 50 1 50 50 1 50 1 30 1 80 3 90 1 HO 1 00 58 3a 2 60 0 93 71 88 3 60 8 10 6 ii 5 16 J W 9 10 1 80 83 40 4 35 I 30 33 1 05 34 8 46 5 50 6 50 5 50 4 13 8 80 1 bS I 80 90 1 BO 20 5 00 1 45 25 4 53 43 DO 1 41 1 75 3 60 3 CO 43 7 UO 1 Ul 4 80 13 HO 2 60 4 W 16 51 75 3 28 1 88 40 80 1 no I s 1 IH 8 10 a or 78 43 8 90 3 U) 40 a 10 GO 95 3 40 I 811 1 04 8 19 63 26 83 Wellington, Win Melllugum, Win ., ItaUb, J Miller Itaub, J Miller ,.. . bkatee, Harvey V, J . ift 60 47 80 88 18 64 91 68 240 4 S? Trlen, Jacob Wllchcy, Mary Est .... Wllchey, John.,.,,. , Yocum, Isaac Yetter, Lewis Est..., it Yetter Lewis Kst...,,, LCTan,T.awaen I 20 1 BO 96 48 1 68 1 40 1 40 45 1 to .48, Minay, i?uis .... Shellenburgcr ..... 8UOA11LOAK, ro " 81 " 46 " Hellas, William iii. .10 60 ... Cole, Kreklcl ,i.. ....... " 18 61 w i;uir, jnomus u ....... ...m.,. Chaptn, J F. ,, , ., Chapln, J V Custer. Mary. .... Hess, Joseph O " Joshua 11.. i, " Crevellng CO.,. ....... " Wesley i . 7 41, , S30 " SI 90 ., ,.T 93 ,1 4 84 " -rum 101., IH 1 5 30 10 40 I It 17 10'" 4 4 j: 13 (0 , ia la-1 3 " 15 " 83 4 " 185 " V119" X119" I 411V" 19 " 91 " ..... Hartman. Jemo Harvey, JFM Smith McHenry, ltohr Mcllcnry, K.l , Mcllcnry, KJ ,,,, Savage, Joshua Est............ 360 500 " 800 " 80 seated'! rilHEAStMEH'S BALK OK X LANDS IN COLUMMA COUNTY, PA, Also the following lots, places, and parcel of seated lands returned by the tax collvcton, are to be sold at tho same time under the prorlilonaot an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for tax In ColumbU county." ap- ' proved March 5th, 1808. IlKAVKR. 50 acres llanies, Charles. 4 lots Homes, Charles 347 ncres Miller, Longenburger Fisher 1 lot Mosteo, Wm. 5 " Masten, Mrs. William . 3 " bt'lpt, A 11 4 " Sherman, Thomas..... 5 " Johnson, Jonn,.,,, 1 " McAflee, John , , 1 " Losee,J A Agent DENTON. II 83 , 18 JO 1 II 60 . 3 m I W ' 10 (4) I (I " It I a 05, . Albcrtson, Samuel It . 1 SO i a 50 3 89 ' 9 00 I, 5 00:1 iiiiuuuk, numuei ( n acres miles, joremian.i.iw .. 2.1 " 1) u Mcllenry 5 " stiles, Jerciiiah , 13 " Good A D i 1 lot Mcllcnry, M L Kate.. HLOOMSI)UnO. 3 " Walter, Norman.., 1 " ruracL Mm K 11., BltlAllCItKKE., 15) acres Doty l'ealcr CATAWISSA. ' 40 acres Henry. Isaac Est. ....... 1 01, . an" 110 40 I 84 31, f I'll CENTHALIA. ' 1 lot Hnnley, John O ..., , l 40 I 1 " McDonnell, Owen , 8 no , 1 " McDonnell, Anthony a 80 1 " Carr, Catharine t 33 CENTRE. 1 " Keller, sarah .... 71 l " Hasen, John ! ' 87 acres Mcouin, w F , 12 eo , 81 " McQuln, John II ; 430' CONYNOHAM. 1 lot Brown. John its - 1 " Llndennuth, Oeorgo t 41 1 " Da'en, Mary 1 1 1 70 450 acres cummlngs, H M 84)15 ass " cummlngs, It .M A: Co . 140 16 400 ' curry, KUen.... , , 80 83 400 " Murphey, Hushes Co 31(00 slots ltelnbold, W If 3 41 FISHINGCItEBK. " ' ' 34 acres Kycr, Mathlas .. J I 03 " iX ." Kyer, James 14 1 i lot Shultz, Cornelus , .' 95, FUANKLIN. 2 acres Strausser, Joslah 1 25 QUEEN WOOD. ' . 1 lot IHklngton, I- It , 30 81 acres Moore, Lafayette... t 10 . 1 lot Willlver, J K ' is- J 1 " Hess, Jones 6l, 1 " Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 48 27 acres McMlchael, Jane 3 20" 1 lot Welsh, James 1 20 i HEMLOCK. 23 acres Thomas, Slate Co 47 50 . 6 " Kbncr, William 50 1 1 lot Fuge, John , 8 33, jf " Tlpnett, John ' 1 55 I yi ' Fisher, Frank 8 2 63 -. JACKSON. , , ,, 3ltf acres Young, Christian 5 97 , 1 53 ' 8 40" 4 76 . 33 Young, Lewis C 24 118 Young, Isabel , Chambcrlln, Lewis LOCUST. Rhodes, Susan MADISON. Huser Croom Trumbouer, AC Wellver Susan Kst 8 5 64 Ir 2 401 50. 3 00 18 75 75. a oo' M M. . 3 40 0 " 170 " 1 lot 13J acres Miller, Charles D MIFFLIN. 1 tot Kclchner, Jacob, Sr........ 56 acres Brelsch, Oeorgo MT. PLEASANT. 15 Renflcld, Thomas ORANGE. Eves, James est PINK. 17 3 45 112 " 185 " 38 " H " 10 " 1 " 60 " 51 53 " Legg"tt Frlck 11 40' It bbtns. Ins. Joshua ... 8 45. Drelblems, Jac b Est 1 W relblebts, Jos ph 34' Evans, George 10' Henn, arahA 125' ltlcketts, E. 0 . 5 10, Kline Patterson 5 00 Flue, A J . 3 15, ...en. 1 lot 50 acres Kline Patterson !.'.'!!!'.".'.!!!!.' ' 11 00 ' 30 l'arker, John 11 2 53 99 " corncllson, .1 II a 19 15 " Neysunter, Michael 3 27 bCOTT 1 1 lot Solomon, Thoebo .75, 10 ucres McKelvy, N al Co 40 SUGARLOAF. ' 1 ' " Hughes, Wei lngton Est. ....... ' 150 'I Hess, Lavlna 40 " Shultz, Ellas ' 1 20 " II rvey, AM , 1 60 " Seward, Nathan 11 2 00 " Albcrtson, Jesse 15' " Stevens, Ezra 1 w A. M. JOHNSON, . , Treasurer. SHERIFF'S SALE.. . ,; By virtue of a writ Issued outot tha Court ot, Common I'leas, and to me directed, will be expos ed to on the premises on Saturday, May 10th, '84 ". at 3 o'clock p. m. The following real estate to wlt: All that certain piece ot ground situate In Orangevllle, orango Township ColumWa county anu siate or I'ennsylvanla, containing ninety-nine-and eight-tenths perches of land strict measure, and boandedund described as follows to-wlt i Beginning at a corner on line of land of Henry D. Walker, thence hy Bald line north Blxty.ave and one-half degrees west two and eighty -one hundrelhs chains to a corner ;' thence b land of Jacob Harman and Free School lot,' north, thtrtyi anu one-halt degrees, east two and twenty-tour one hutidreths chains to a corner! thence by land ofMary.Martz. Emily Kline and others, south sixty-four and one-bait degrees, cast two and' eighty-two one hundrellis chains to a post; thinct) by land ot Henry H. Walker, south thirty-two degrees, west two nnd twenty-one hundreths chains to the place ot teglnnlng, with the appur tenances, whereon are erected a largo two story frame building as an Acadomy' and other out buildings. Seized, and taken In execution, at the tult ot bllas Conner's, use vs the Orangevllle Male and Female Acodeinv, and to be sold as the property of the Orangevlllo Male and Female Academy. VI FA JOHN MOUHXY, AP"! U Sheriff. MARKET REPORTS. ULooMsnuua iiauket. Wheat per hushel Uyu " ..) 1 03 70 63 40 ,.. 6 00 ,. 8 00 .. ' 33 .. 18 00 83 00 1 10 13 18 .. , 1!) .. lit 00 .. ' '23 ... 8 00 ... 5 to 7 ... ,,08 73 ... ' 00 Com " " Oats " Flour her barrel Cloversccd llutler gbs l allow Potatoes Drlcil Apples Hams,,., Sides and shoulders Chlckuus ; , furkeys I.ard per pound Hay per ton ',, lkeawux Iluckwheat tlour per hundred., Hides per lb Veal skins per lu , Sheep pelts, each , Wool per lh Philadelphia Markets. COIUiliUTKI) WEEKLY. FKED'-Western winter bran, wt, q IAI'k'VIII.'ll'.. . 1 .. .. . FljOUU.Vteklern extra B.13 A 8.15: Venn's! WHKAT.-Uelawaro ftVlvniilH. rtu 1 nn.' red at 1,12, No rnn. KVl'S'-S1' o ."els In grain depot at to. OA1U No, 3 white (4 39 No. 3. 39 u HAY AND STRAW 'nraUhy-buolci Western i.a '. ,alr 10 tfood Western iSa. i!H..rk' U- I weaunu Twtsternana 1 n$5 ork, 11. (4 13. 1 cut hay as to quality 14 a sVraw'Tj',?? l ,C W SVUeil SEEDS. Clover 9ots- per lb, Tlinolh t in OOL.-OI1I0, l-eiinsylvania and Ww Virginia Fleece Washed, XX aud above, 85 1 Se i, xTiSii Mo 1 common vi a iwc Texas, "ucljpnhe o H w,1Jum.!?J 4coarhe,iaV7"V P 18 k MWf UUSylVttU,AtU W lHI'l'l'KlClltonn-rl..n.... ...... ... . 96 exiru ;i '" western I 1 1'h lnm i.i v. . turkeys, ducks. , W,VWW IVjaTRV.-Jurkeys extra 80 W . 1UT ATOiU-Kar y ItoMiier biwi.ri It 86 .VM ivvritv.-jurkeys extra JO mieu. llurbank anil n.,i.rnn i ..,:. ONIONS. - Yellow? .I5 8.00 per ubL It a ib 54