The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 04, 1884, Image 6
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTS', PA. The Different Methods of Cultivating the Btrawlierry. Tlicro Is much said about the sever al methods of cultivating the- Mrnwbur ry, some peojilo adopting 0110 and mi nother wny, and If well attended to tlioy all Heem to do well enough, hut boiiio evidently hotter tlinn otliurs. Dor instance, sonio jicreist In planting after tho hill system, tlio plants quito wide apart. This is popular with some gar deners, tnoru perhaps that It is bo little followed, and regarded as more "scien tific" than from nnv particular ndvan tago to bo derived from it. It certain ly requires moro labor In constantly cutting away tho runners as fast as thoy appear, while It gives a better op portunity for tho weeds to get along. Then there is the row system, which is moro popular than the hill. The plants are set about fifteen inches apart in tho rows, and tho rows two feet apart or a little more. This plan also admits of being hoed between tho rows and tho plants in tho rows, and the runners nro likowiso cut away. Tins necessitates, like tho hill system, a good deal of oxtra labor, but yields general ly a good crop of large berries. Another and better wny, we think, is setting tho plants in bed of any form. Some prefer the tisuil square or oblong garden bed, divided by walks a foot wide, or in long narrow beds, occupy ing an entire border or sido of an or dinary sized garden ; tho plants to bo set about fifteen inches apart each way. But few weeds tnako their appearance, owing to tho plants filling up all the space ; and such as do appear should bo removed by tho hand. Should the plants become too much crowded, thoy must bo thinned out. In this way, while as laigc berries arc obtained as in any other way, if not to a greater extent, tho beds remain in good bear ing fully twico as long, inasmuch as that while tho other methods contiuuo bearing from tho old stools tho bed can supply itself with vines, by remov ing tho old ones of a portion of them. We have had beds to contiuuo to make full yields ior fivo or six years, and for never less than four, when properly at tended to. In setting out the strawberry it can bo dono either in Bprinj, or fall ; if in the fall tho first week in September is preferred, but many persons anticipato this by selecting tho last ton days of summer that is, from tho 20th of Au gust, bpi'iug planting will insure a full' yield tho following year : while August and September planting cannot be depended on for even half a crop Notice- TUB VOM.OW1NO STATEMENTS AltK PUII l.tSIIRt) POK TUB IIKNKF1T OF TI1K l'UIIMO HI'.AU AND HB-FI.F.CT. Tho mils of Home ACCIDENT 1N9UKANCB MOST nKQUlItF.I) llf THOSE WHO NEVKK THAVEU "I consider that I "Warner's Safe Cure. F. 1). Randolph, Jersey City, 2V. J. 203 Jewctt Ave. Tho man in the ticket ofiloo said i "llavo an accident Insiiranca ticket. owe my life to nlso 1" "No," I said, nfter studying tho mnt- torovcr n little. "No, I bcllovo not ( I am going to bo traveling by rail nil dav to-iiav. However, to-morrow I "I hnvo used ciiiht bottles of War- don't travel. Give mo ono for to-mor- "ner's Safe Cure, and honestly beliovo row." "it saved my life. The man looked puzzled. IIu said: A. V. Carlisle, ' Editor, Clarion. Ht it Is for accident insurance, and Carlysle, l'a., Feb. 2nd. If you ar? going to travel by rail" "If I am uolnu- to travel bv rail. I "I was olvcn up by my physicians to nha'nl need it. Lvlnir at homo In bed "die with dropsy, but Warners Safe i tho thing 1 am afraid of." "Cure restored me." I had becu looking Into , this matter. 1). E. McCarthy, Last year 1 traveled 20,000 miles, id- Virginia, Net). Chronicle. I most entirely by rail t the year before, 1 traveled over 26,yuu mile, halt ny "Three bottles of Warners bate SCa and half by rail ; and tho year be- "Lure cured me ot severe burning r0ro that i travel u in the neighbor tho kidneys, especially at J. M. Mcndcll. "pain in "night." Lodi, Cat. "Fivo bottles of Warner's Safe Cure "cured me of a very severe case of kid "ncy complaint." V. H. Semple, Clerk American House. Denver, Gal. hood of 10.020 miles, exclusively by rail. I suppose if I put in all tho little odd journeys hero and there, I may say 1 have traveled UO.UUO miles durum the three vears I have mentioned. And never nn accident. For n cood while. I said to myself every morning : "Now I have escaped thus far, and so tho chances are just that much Increased that 1 shall catch it this time. I will bo shrewd, and "Warner's Safe Curo saved my buy an accident ticket." And to a dead "uifn'n life when tho best doctors and moral eertninlv I drew u blank, and "mineral spiings of the country did her WCnt to bed that night without n joint no good." J. B. Woodruff. I started or n bono splintered. 1 got nmsled. Conn. tired of that sort oi daily bother, and fell to buvincr accident tickets that "I had enlargement of tho heart, were irood for a month. I said to mV' "which was pronounced incurable, and sef, A man can't buy thirty blanks In '1 wbb oitcn tnougni to uo nying, uui 0no bundle ins re- "Warner's Safe Curo and Safe I'll "stored mo to health. Lafayetto Walllngford. Hast Jlochcster, 27. II. lint 1 was mistaken. There was never a prizo in tho lot. I could read of railway accidents every day tho newspaper atmosphere was foggy with t.lii'in : hut somehow thev never came "Owing to tho high temperature of my way. I found I had spent a good "the room in which I worked I con- deal of money in tho accident business, "tracted a terriblo cold that produced mid had nothing to show for It. My "serious kidney disorder. Warner's suspicions were" aroused, and I began "Safo Cure restored me to health." James Uiuco. Exeter, N. II. "Warner's Safe Curo has saved my "bov. Doctors pronounced his tho "worst caseol llnghtH Uiseaso iney -result was astounding, 'the peril lay "ever saw. K. a. mien, 'not in traveliuc, but stavinir. at home, Editor Macoupin County Enquirer, 1 hunted up statistics and was amazed (Jarlmmlle, Jus., Marcu isc. ,to hnd that alter all the ciarine news paper headlines coiicci-nifltr railroad dis "I was treated by Doctors Agnew tasters, less than 800 peop:o had really to hunt around for somebody that had won in this lottery. I found plenty ot people who had invested, but not an in dividual that had over had an accident or made a cent. I stopped buying aeci dent tickets and went to ciphering. The without very careful setting out and af- "and Webster, of New York, who pro- Host their lives by thoso disasters in the i a "nounced mo alllicted with .unguis preceding twelve months, the trie evens. ter attention, bv liberal mulching, as protective against tho hot suns that "disease. I was bloated exceedingly, generally piovail at that season. But "but Warners bafo (Jure, I venly be wo havo known fine crops to bo raised "hove, saved my life, from fall planting and it is contended Geo. C. Ste that sucli crops may generally bo in- Aouta JVoncalc, uonn. aured bv this extra attention. Ilowev- er this may really be, this season for "I had kidney disorders, indigestion, ,that tho Erio was an immensely long planting has become very popular and "rheumatism and lumbago for three ;roadi uid did moro business than any is pursued by a majority of export "years. I grew worse and felt as though ;other line in the country j .so the road was set down as tho most murder ous in the list. It had killed forty-six 'or twenty-six, I do not exactly reinein- ber which, but 1 know the number was double that of any other road. But !tho fact straightway suggested itself growers. The soil tor the strawberry ehonld not be very moist, dug a good depth, and enriched highly with well rotted barnyard manure. Tho plants should contain plenty of fibrous roots and should be set no deeuei than to cover tho roots and then the ground pressed rather firmly around them. Mulch well and keco clear of 'a hundred pound weight was dragging doublo number of killed ceased to bo a "down my liver and kidneys, war matter of suipnso, "Mur lnntli My Miirylmul." '? 'Pretty wives Ana Lovely daughters." "My farm lies In a rather low and mtna. malic situation, and "My wlfol" "Whor" "Was n very pretty blonde I" Twenty years ago, beenmo "Sallow I" "Hollow-eyed I" "Withered and aged I" lleforo her time, from Malarial vapors, though she muilc no particular complaint, not being one ot tho grumpy kind, yet caused mo great uneasi ness. "A short time ago I purchased your rem edy for one of tho children, who had a very sevoro attack of biliousness, and It occur red to mo that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon re covery had "Lost 1" "Her sallownets, and looked ns fresh as a now blown daisy. Welt tho story Is soon, I old. My wife to-day has gained her old- lime beauty with compound Interest, and Is now a? ImmUonio a matron (if I do say It myself) as can bo found In this coilnty, which Is noted for pretty women. And I havo only Hop Dlttirs to thank for It. "The dear creature lust looked over my shoulder and says, 'I can Hatter equal to the days ot our courtsUlp,' and that re minds mo there might bo more pretty wires f my nroiucr larmcrs wouiu uo as I nave dono." Hoping you may long be spared to do good, I thankfully remain, Most truly yours, C. L. James. Beltsvlllc, Prince George Co., Mil., ) May 20th, 18S3. j" WANTED. Ono Lady or Oontloman lawn, 23 a week and expenses. in every Aaaress ,AMK MOAN I'll IMS UNO. CO. i-4-4m 17 ."Norm renin hi,, rnnnucipnia, i n. 1 tlsinsi are Y. In 970 mod newspapers sent troo. Ad- p. HOWFLL& co., lospruce St., n. March iww r 'ner s me. Safo Cure has fully restored C. B. Albany, IV. Y. Du Novel I es. 040 Broadway. By further fitrurint; it appeared that between New York and Rochester the .nu ran eigni, ii;is3uiijii--i muiiis uuuii wny every day sixteen together and carried n daily average of 6,01)0 per sons. That h about 1,000,000 in six months, tho population of New York eitv. Well, tho iirie kills Irom ttnr- "Previous to a year ago I was se "verelv afflicted with kidney diflioultv weeds. At tho annroach of winter "Mv back ached, rav urine waa "sudsy. cover lightly with long stable manure "and I was in a bad way. 1 had tried teen to twenty-three persons out of its or straw. Before setting out the plants "various remedies, but only with tempo- 1,000,000, in six months; and in the in tho fall, select from vour old beds "rary relief, until I began tho uso of I game time 13,000 out of New York's strong young plauts as soon as thev "Warner a bale Uure, three bottles ot 1,000,000 died in their beds 1 My flesh are largo enough and arc sufficiently "which, with the Safe Pills, effectually crept ; my hair stood on end. "This rooted, say the latter part of July, and "cured me, and I have not had an at-1 is appalling," I said. "The danger transplant to a cool, well prepaicd bed, "tack since.' llenry iioenm, where they will speedily take root and Cleveland, U. uaptain oi rouce, crow rapidly and afford extra good plauts forsettingout threeor four weeks "Ior years I have had excruciating after, and produce a tolerable crop the "pams in the small of my back and was following year. Germantoion 'Tele- "not able to raise fiom bed or bo in a qraph. "sitting posture. Tho doctors claimed "that 1 was suttenng trom spinal (lis isn't, travelling by rail, but in trusting to thoso deadly beds. 1 will never sleep in a bed again." 1 had figured on considerably less than one-half the length of tho Erie road. It was plain that the entire road must transport at least 12,000 people every day. Thcro aro many short roads The Hayes Hennery. HOW A POWEItPUI. MINI) MAY CIIICHM VENT A NEST lllDElt. Tho fact of Mrs. Hayes going into tho hen trade is no reflection upon her husband, and he is a great help to ner, as ho was when she was president Thoso who have visited Fremont say they do not know what the lady would do without Mr. Hayes. He knows all tho hens by name, and can tell at a jsdance which aro tho best providers of eggs. There is, perhaps, no man in tho country who is a more successful hunter of hens' eggs than Mr. Hayes. A hen cannot deceive him. tio seems to know instinctively when a hen has put up a job to go off Bomowhere to a retired spot and "steal her nest," as tho saying is, and he watches tho hen. IIu does not follow the hen directly as somo less brainy man would do, and thus arouse tho suspicions of the decep tivo fowl, but seems to go off tho other way, though his eye is upon that hen. It is said to be an interesting sight to see a hen wnndering off down among "ease, and I never expected to leave I running out of Boston that do fully as "mv bed again. Though having no much ; a great many such roads. There r J '., Cf.. i .1 . .. .1 .1 . "iiopo ui reuuei, uiui-i o omo uuh i mo u ireui inuny ruuuti bcuuuicu uuuut was recommended tome, wnicu i the Union that do a prodigious pas- "commenced taking, and eight bottles 'havo made a permanent cure. Mrs. Uhristjalw, No. 28 Thirteenth etrcet, Chicago, Feb. 28A. senger business, therefore it wns fair to presume that nn average of 2,500 pas sengeis a day for each road in the country would bo nbout correct. There aro 840 railway lines in our cnuntr), and 84G times 2,500 are 2,115,000. So "About two years ago I resorted to 1 the railways of America movo more "tho use of Warner 8 tsafe Uuro, tuk- than 2,000,000 of people every day "ing in all thirty-two bottles for kid- 050,000,000 of people a year, without "ney and urinary affections, and it has counting tho Sundays. They do that, "proved a complete success, and radi- too there is no question about it "cally cured tho pain in my back. A though where thoy get tho raw materi- i.i i f.l.- ... fi ..J! 114 I , . , , , .1 t "lauv oi mis coiiiuy, uuomirmeu iiivuuu ni is clear neyonu ine lunsiiicuon oi "for three years past, with what the my arithmetic : for I have hunted the "doctors hero said was internal cancer, census through and I find that there "beyond all skill and hope, m tho Uoc- are not that many people in tho United "tors opinion, has been raised almost "from tho dead by the use of ninJ hot- "ties of this excellent medicine. J. II. Hudson. Altoona, Ta., Feb. 27th. The Out-Door Peddler Should Go. States, by a matter of 010,000,000 at tho very least. They must uso some of the same people over again, like ly. ban i'rancisco is one-eighth as popu lous as New York : there aro sixty deaths a week in tho former and 500 a week in tho latter if thev havo luck. That is 3,120 deaths a year in San Francisco, and eight times as many in tho hen disappears and goes under a bush and lays an egg. It is then that Mr. Hayes gives play to the mass- ivo brain that ho has constantly oon- coaled about his person. Ho makes no memorandum, but keepa in his head the location of every such nest. Some men would go right to the hen, catch her in tho act and accuse her to her face of duplicity and doublo dealing, Tho out-door peddler cornea ringing Mm irwwplmrri lumber f-ltinlcinrr nnil our door-bells ami poking Ins head in hml through tho vestibules, refusing to bo Now York say about 25,000 or 2G.O0O, no thought of deceiving her benefact- dismissed peremptorily, whereas he I Tho health of tho two places is tho same. r nnrl Mr Hnvna u-nlkinrr tlm other ought to be arrested for ringing the I oo wo will let it stand as a tair pro U7.iv wl.istlinfT "We'll nover inks tliu door-bell at all. 'I hero ought to be I sumption that tins will hold good all umter till tlm well rnnu drv." !inil not some more legal way to stop tho street I over the country, and that consequently appearing to notice tho hen. Suddenly peddler's career. Of courso any sort 25,000 out of every 1,000,000 peoplo wo ging," but tho cut-door agent invades I to one-fortieth of our total population. rights that makes it questionable Une million ot us, then, die annually whether his vocation is honest or lion- Uut ot this 1,000,000 ot us, 10,000 or orable. 1 12,000 aro stabbed, shot, drowned, A man's houso is his castle ; and I hanged, poisoned, or meet a similar really no human being has a right- at I violent death in eomo other popular his door-bell except on boiiio legitimate I way, such as perishing by kerosene errand, recognized as proper by tho oc- J lamp and hoop-skirt conflagrations, cupant of tho houso approached. Be-1 getting buried in coal mines, falling off but Mr. Ha, es is not that kind of a sides, door-bells cost money, and the Housetops, breaking mrougn ctiuron or , ill., lion nnniM Imelf tn poddier lias no earthly right to Hasten lecture-room noors, tawing paieni meui the hen houso he does not show any 1,10 wear anu lem" 01 "io uoor-ueu. ernes, or commuting suiciuo in otner irrn nf plinm-in tn tin. linn Tine not Housekeepers that aro worthy tho name forms. Tho Erio railroad kills from look at herns muoh as to say, "I am tak0 80,110 Pr'de ' keeping their door- twenty-three to forty-six tho other ,.i,i in,itf' lint t mnta steps clean ana go to consiuerauie ex- 00 rauroaus Kiiian average oi ono- Uut tlm innm na nnv nllinr PCOSO tO keep ttlCm Clean. JiUt tUO Ml- disarming her of all suspicion that her lidnt peddler soils the steps as well that 1,000,000 amounting in tho aggro- hellish plot is discovered. But the as wears out tno door-bell j is oitensivo gate to mo appauing iiguro oi otw,- noxt day, after the miserablo hen has ' ordered away ; thinks this is n tree lni.l l.r .o,.n...l nn.l .mnn nujnv.tlm COtllltrV, add POlSlStS III Ills Invasion Ot nv.nrm . nut rn In in l.naf. mill tflkPH I H'u III llililliHB u. IIK.IV uim ml mu ono ot the oggs, and so on each day, Bacreuness 01 one s own nouio. Alt in nu i-AUUDU lllilt lliu fi,iiii.i ima vegetables, or subHcriutiou books or tooth-picks cheaper than thoy can bo bought at tho stores. It cheaper tlwy nro apt to bo inferior and in many cas es deceptive and unfit to uso. And cheap or dear no mere trilling advan tage of this Hurt can compensate tor the perpetual annoyance and wrong of tho hou, who is not good at mathemat ics, thinking sho is laying up treasur cs where neither moth, nor rust, nor cx-nresidetits doth corrupt. After a hen has laid a dozen cr bo eggs thus, mid beirins to think of Betting, nlm looks at the n suit of her hbors, and decides that it is the wmk of an inoen- tlinrv nnd irives up tho pib. the. ex proident is said to be one of tho most i mstivei peuuiers protession expeil Hen iieteuilveH mid Mis. Hnves wnul him for the world. J'ecVt Sun 731 corpses, dio naturally in their beds You will excuse mo from taking an moro chances in thojo bods. The rai road aro good enough for me. And my ndvieo to all peoplo is Don't Btay at homo any moro than you can help ; but when you have got to. stay at homo n while, buy a package of those insurance tickets and sit up nights, l ou cannot bo too cautious. rOni) can seo now why I answered that ticket agent in the manner record- There js n good old fnhy story of a gill who received from tho good peo plo the marvellous piopcrty of drop; ping peoils and diamonds from her lijis whenever she spoKe. This fairy gift has found a rival in a recent present to j in.t l'n o ot a ii-ii. mane tn sunn g"iu, studded with rubies, which, whenever it opens Uh mouth, pour" coius ot v li lt seems ed at the top of this sketch. . i .1 i.. ... i... 1 : mm.,. ...n...i ...r ..;.. .........A..;iiA.. iu 111 this Clllllltry I W'eiu UUHIIt IU un nil IIIIIIIIIUIUIJ I l nu lliuiui ui Ulin i;uuimui-iiiuii ii, il n. t b without against ih" out-door podd er, and that that thoughtless peoplo grumble moid ine leiimi'eiy, iio-iioiuiug policemen uiau is imr itmiui raiiruau manage could not lo holier employed than in proti eting tho homes of the people ngumxt this impi-rlluetit Invasion. Times. A lecent advertisement reads as fob lows ; "If the gentleman who keeps the bIioo store with n red head will re turn the umbrella of a young ladv with whalebone ribs and nu Iron handle to the slate-roofed grocer's shop he will menl in the United States. When wo consider that every day and night of tho year full 11,000 railway trains of various kinds, freighted with life and armed with death, go thundering over tho laud, tho marvel is, not that they kill 300 human beings in a twelvo month but that thev do not kill 301) times 300. Mark Tiealn. Ihb Emperor Louis Napoleon pmoked only the nneKtclfran the world could pro duce. I-rof. Ilorfford nays the Emperor s ciKra wero mado apcclallr for htm In Ha vana from leaf tobacco trron n In the Ooldeu licit of North Carolina, tills belnir the nucat leaf CTOwn. niackwelPs Bull Durham Rmolilni? Tobacco la made from the same leaf used In the Emieror'a clirars. Is ahso. lutely puro and Is unqucaUonably tho best tobacco ever offered. Thackeray's rifted daughter, Anne, In her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, In Ilarper'i IfonrAy, teUa of her vlalt to the gTeat poet She found liun emoklnir BLackwell'i Hull Durham Tobacco, sent him by Hon. James Russell Lowell, American Minister to the Court of St. James. In these daya of adulteration, Itlsacom fort to smokers to Jtso. that tho IluU Dur. ham brand Is absolutely pure, and made from the best tobacco the world produces. Dlackw ell's Bull Durham Smokiug To. btcco Is the Ittt and puroit made. All dealers have It. None irenulno without the trade-mark of the Bull. MnrcliSI-tf AYER'S Sarsaparilla Is n highly concentrated extract of Sarsapnrllla and other blood-nurlfylup; foots, combined with lodldo of l'otaa eluin anil Iron, nud Is tho safest, most reli able, and most economical blood-purifier that can be used. It Invariably expels all blood poisons from tho system, enriches and renews tho blood, and restores Its vitalizing power. It Is tho best known remedy for Scrofula-, anil all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, lllngwonn, lllotclics, Sores, llolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of tho Skin, as also for all disorders cauted by a thin and Impoverished, or corrupted, condition of tlio blood, such as Kheuinatlsm, Keurnlgla, Kheuinntlc Gout, General Debility, and Scrofulous Catarrh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. "Arm's Sarsaparilla lias cured mo of tho Inflammatory Ilheiimatlsin, with Widen I havo sulforcd for many scars. W. lI.-MUOIiU." Durham, la., March 2, 18S2. I-REI-ARED HV Dp. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; $ 1, six bottles for SB. DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIPNEY DISEASES Q) AND CI LIVER COMPLAINTS, llscanae It sets on the I.IVCII, II01VKLS and KlU.tETS at the same time. TlAoinaa it oleanaea the system of thevolaon. oua humora lhAt davelone In Kidney a.ud Uri nary DUeaaes, Dlliouaneas, Jaundice, Constipa tion, Files, or ta Haeuraatism, Neuralgia, ner vous Slaordera ana an remaie umpuiau, Vr&oui) rtiuur vtr hub. CONSTIPATION, PILES, nnd RHEUMATISM jlj causing VHEE ACTION of aU tho crsana and functions, therebr CLEANSING tho BLOOD reatortna; tho normal power to throw off dleease. TH0U8AND8 OF CASES of the wont forms of these terrible dlseaaea have been quickly relieved, and in snort umo PERFECTLY CURED, feice, i. LiqviD on imr, sold vv duvkists. Dry can be aent by mall. WELLS. MCIUUIDSOH It Co., Burllneton, Vt. 8 8n4 lump for inuf Almanac lur isBt. SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also Uhtl'iniMKNTEI) OIlAt'E JUICE. Vscdlntho principal Churches for Communion. Excellent for Females, Weakly Tcrsons and tho ngeu. '(I AI)VUItTIr:iW.-Lowist IUtesforndver- luir in dress OKO. iSpeer's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. mlllS CnUillllATKl) WINE 13 tho puro Julco of I tho dead ripe Oporto (impe, raised In speer's vineyards, its Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties nro unsurnassed ur any other Wine. Heine pro duced under Mr. Speer's own cnonalsu)crvlslon, us purity anu genuineness, are unrantceu uy tno principal Hospitals and Hoardsor llcaltlnvho havo examined It. Tho roundest child may partako ot It, nnd tlio weakest Invalid uso It to advantage. It Is particularly beneilclal to tho nged nnd debilitated, nnd suited to tho various ailments that affect tho weaker sex. It is in every respect A wink TO UK ItELIED ON. Spoor's Unformented Qraps Juico- Is tlio lulco of tho Onorto Oranes nrraarved In tiojiuku.uu umi, snn:i niuivuiibimn iiuui lliu press Uy fumigation, thereby destroying tho cxcl- u-r oi lennuiiiaiiini. it ispcnectiy pure, irco from spirits and win keep In any climate. Sooor's Burgundy. Is a dark rich, medium Drr Wlno used br tho ealtliy classes aa a Tablo or Dinner Wine, and by pnyhicians in cases wucro a ur wiuo instead ot u sweet port Is desired. Spoor's (Sooial'te) Olarat. Is held In hleli estimation for Its richness as a Dry Tablo wine especially suited for dinner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wine of Superior Character nnd partakes of tho Hell qualities of tho grape from which It Is made. Speer's P- J. Brandy. is a ruin'. urHiiiuuuu iruiu me Kiupi-, unu stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal purposes. It has a peculiar flavor, simitar to that of tho grapes fromwhlcli It Is distilled, 8co that tho blgnaturo ot ALKIIED SrEEIt, Pas saic X. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY C. A. KLEIM'. AND 11Y DlttiaaiSTS HVEIi V'VUEKE, Bep.S8-'83lyr. COLEMAN OOLLHOD.WH WARK, XT. J. SO minutes of Now York. Mon positions for grad uates than all other schools combined. Lite tJiliol. aranip, iiu. tvnio tor circulars. March 14-lw r sunsouiJiE NOW FOH THE COLUMI3IAN .m A YEAK, HIE 1 For the Celebrated Chlckcrintf, Ivcrs & ,,...t " ... iVo.n.Hnn Pianos. Worlil-ro . .v T..1I..- V lUllUSf ft ...nlnnNB nowncil KStoy urc ins. "Vwi.tin New mil Slicct Music. Celol.mteil WliUc, Nlw Illeh Arm Unvls, New Home, Iloj 'ol bt. Jom i, n.i.1 L!?l.t Hunnlng Domes c 8 nil nnu milium"."" lT....l.t,iDa Nnpillen. for nil mnUc of Sowing iMnclilncs. "'GMAINSSSTR,EET, IPBIHISf aai STYLES for tlio working class. Send 10 cents for postage, nnd wo will mall you fire, a royal valuable box of sample goods that will ,put you In tho way of making moro money In a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. W will start I, you. YoucauworKau tnutimoorin snaro iiino Hie worK is universally uuaim-u ij uuvn .vnunirnndold. You can easily earn from w cents to every evening. That nil who want. mnv tpt ihni tmineKs. wo make this unnaralled offer; to all that nro not well satlsllcd wo will send II to pay for tho trouble of writing us. Full parti culars directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will bo made by thoso whoglvo their whole tlmo to the work, ilreat success absolutely sure Don't delay. start now. Address snsfON uo., ruruuuu, Maine. Etc -.1-1 DAN WOW KE SJGEjV ALT DAVID lOWlBEBCI THE YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME hMm BtttapiUe hU, MERCH 4NT TAILOR, 15INGIIAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SICK. ThnhnnoniaRneelillv fitted un for tho comfort m inviiiiu wiiidi'virftn nleasantnnd Christian homo. Stands on high ground with plenty of Bhade. I'ersonai atwution given to uvury pancnu i.-i.w.trir r.v nnd ii.iivanmm in l leir uiiit;rt:iii' iiiuui- ncatlons a speciality, l'rof. Mills lias given many years of study and pracllco to this branch, nnd hundreds will testify to his skill, send for circular, stating what paper you saw thl3 in. I'ltOF. HEN IV MILIA Airs. Al-lliE. rivc-ivn .uiuiw. Lock llox 97. lllnghamton, N. . Sept. 7 'ca-iy. Ifiloonisbiit 9W iteooteeettteiiei GOOOOOOO9000000 eooooeoooo Silver Plated Ware. Modern inventions have great ly improved the manufacture of Silver-l'lated Waie, and skilled designers have contributed large ly to the attainment of the pres ent symmetry in shapes. Our Tea Sets, Dinner Services and Flat Ware, such as Knives, Forks and Spoons, have the ap pearance and finish of solid sil ver. In these the assortment is at all times large and complete. The productions of all promi nent makers will be found repre sented in our stock. In the holier grades we p n ticularly re commend the Hard Metal wares of the Gorham Co. Wc cordially invite an exami nation of our stock, feeling con fident that tho moderate prices prevailing, cannot fail to give en tire satisfaction to every one. J. li. CALmT.LL & Co., 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. WEBBR-HARDMAN PIA ZDsHO S, FINE INLAID FUEN0II WALNUT CASE ORGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH Easy Term. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ZBA-aOIKPS jPIHSTO "W.A.3R.33 ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WIISXlg-BAMB. PA Junel 7 '' rr.TT;J" CtEAND WORD CONTEST ! lOBMISWlNrDD FOR, PICTURESQUE Washington. l'HN AND rH.NCII.HKKTClim Ot Its Scenery, History, Traditions, Public nnd Social Llfo, with graphic desenpuons of thocapl tnl. conim!.sa. and tho (iovern. ini-ut, ueiurillieuiH, mm a av jiuuiib vtrrauu, a map of Washington, and Diagrams ot the Halls of CoiiL'ress. llv JOSKI'H WEST MOOllK. To all classes tills Is a book of great Interest. It is UUIIIM , liiui'lliu, n.'iiwuii",,, il- iiisiriiiiui iiv uver luu uc-auiiiui uuiy euuruvmra uy loadlug American artWs, and elegantly bouud, 11 uook lor an noiues. noiu uuiy uy nuuscniuiuu. AirentH nro ineeiiinr wun i;rauu success. Atrents wanted, uulo or female. In every town. Bhlptn tho United States. 1'revlous experience, while desirable, not absolutely required, us wo irlvo Instructions necessary for success. If unein- pioyeu, write us. r or terms vu Et.-iua uuurcss the uubllshers. J. A, & li. A. Itllll). 1'rovWeiico, It. I, March PEVBODY HOTEL HIILAUEU'IIIA. 8th St. south of Chestnut, ono snuaro south ol tho New I'o-it onice. one hull siuaro from Walnut bt. Theatre and 111 tho very business centre ot lbs city, on tho Ainf rlcan and Kuroneau plans Good rooms from AO 0 to 1-1.0 ) per day. Itemodelled ami. nowiy miiiiiiH'u. W. Payne, M. D., nor so-l y Owner Proprietor. ooooooooooooooco ooaoooooooooosoo EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMGBUEO, FA. OPPOSITE COOKT HOUSE. Ijru'o and convenient samnlo li HU roomt hot and cold water, and all milsra convenienees n wffiii fltiinmrt. (.vnoniitnt free. iJay ab solutely sure. No risk, capital not required. uin.ipr. ifvnn wiint. hiiidnoss at which per sons of either sex. yountf or old, can mako irreM. pay all tho tlmo they wort, with absolute certainty, write for particulars to II. IUuktt ca, roruanii, .Maine. I'LKASANT AND INSTnUCTIVE PAST1MK. MAGNIFICENT AND COSTLY PREMIUMS GIVEN. 1st. Solid Gold Watch, - .- Worth $100,00 2d. Mayntflccnt Tea Set, emhracinq Waiter, 34 inch, Hammered and JE-i graved, 6 nieces Hammered and Engraved with Gold Lined Sloj and Cream, Quadruple Mate, 100.00 n.ui 21.00 17110 R. Chased Bell Handles. Tha hell ran rAmillv r. bill. In PiTriiia.3auaru. Chaaed. rin.ihla Wnrt . " wm 10th. CamSiAaD.Chaaed and Gold Lined, . . . . . . 'SJJJ lllh. Kni-iTStmo.ItockCryaUl Class, bcaullfully cut. . . . . 700 The inannracturcrs of the Celebrated DA'Soir. will give on the lit of May. 1881. the above co.tlv Hie largest lUt of vrorda from the worda 8.1, 4th. Ctll. Krl-it Stahd. Itlch Decorated Q ui. llhflr Tllttn nr ImU 7th. 'Iitw.'l'u Sit, 3 pieces, Ited and AmberOlasa, Hand Engraved, fill, I'.,. v,,lu viirwii Wl. 4in.lU.CB. and tn-uiiilfitl Premiums to the persons making out CONDITIONS. Tni'.k wlslii-810 know if woiilil la pro- glu gold iuio t ho IiuihI tif its fiiitmmto lit-nr of thiiiK to liN al vtuitne, n nniiiiceil "wood" ami conUI pronounced ou'iii-r. lint niifoitunult-lv it Iihs not tint tlio Hamu it lliu trift of 11 di-ouimuil molh. "cood," why isn't Gould pronounced gift of durnbilit y, and Uo I'oiio inns, ur now no more, with tho name enerav "g"ol t" Gould prououiieotl "gootl," . . r,.T. ...... -1 f. " I ...... aa.1 If trnn liinui, tlm flit'' int uu sparing oi um icsib. uq on . ' 'y tj"""! j"" .v.. .v SUTTER For COLOR and SWEETNESS Ute DEAN'S CONCENTRATED Extract at Annntto. llatura'a i Color. Erlthteit ani fitranvest. Ilur at tuf Utr. aaal, si ta4l)atl. la slMik tt iaiM(.U,wloflaf tot) lb, la 'I KS, HAliK A CO., U. bU3 Iltrltt St., I'UIUU'A. Juncl-ly ais te, ', 'In mm 1 l)eo31-ly wanted for Tho Lives of all tho Presl dents ot tho U. S. Tlio largest, hand soinest best book ever sold for loss than twice our unco, -ine tasiost boiunB book In America. Ini'nenso proHts to agents. AU Intelligent peoplo want U Any ono cm become a succnsimi aL'oiit. -terms iree, iullkit noon lu, Portland; Mains, )cq 2-y Bend six cents for postage, and ra- erive m-o. a costir box or irooas which .will help you to more inouey right 'ntu.iv n,ivlliln.flu.ln tt.U Wnrl.l All. of either sex, succeed fron first hour. Tho broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure, ai unco wiuross, iiiuk n uu., au KUSta, Elaine, ueus.-i.iy lit. All lints muat be accompanied by a 8 Cent Ctuts for return nostiee and tt. wrinn rarom7,o8mVoruT yoWamlFyTn Jil. Words must bo written plainly and numbered. sd. No worda will lie counled In which letters are tued. not found In the worda tn'i c.. 4ih. All lUts mint I In by the Ut of May.a the premiums will be Kiven ?n t lit Xy. ' S" 6lh. I he Premiums will be given in rotation according to Unseat lut or wonla enelo.e j Cf ttiyp?1"0 " Bddr' P'a'nly on Ibte. onU for lurlher Information and laitructlon t-i-awTand hut Boar Manr. flv lt nee you your wattling done in one-half the u.ual time. Boar 'n U had of leading wholeaalo and retail urocer. throughout ihe ilAiiP, t!fr 1 "8 Ui ' fcleganlly I.mliosscd Cards given with Dat'a Soar Manufacture! nil, 17JC, 1718. 17U) & 1763 IlowieD St. Jt 17M, I-'ebl.Uw t'orquleby jiOittrt illtOl'HKIM llloomsburg, Pa, This oirer la m.te to Induce you to trv and uso the Tt-a have Nn lion 11.0, No Pcudiko, No Hut, No BrrAW.andyou DAY'S SOW' niimt U used aa directed. Directions wl Manufactured by DAY & FftlCK. 1, 17(4, 1767, 1753 1 1781 With wo St., Piiiudu.,,,,.. Pi. lit, I 111 lfli-J lllnnmuk..... I . RAILROAD VZIVEB TABLE, Pennsylvania Railroad. INI Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. In effect NOV. 19tli. 1833. Trains lenvc Run bury. KASTWAlil), 9.33 a. m., Lock llnvcn Express (dally excen undny), for Ilarrlsburu; and lntcrincdlate stations (lncoster. I'hlladelnhta. Hew York, ii.iiiimnrn n,. Washington, urrlvlna nt I'hlludclphln8.i5 p. ta . New Yoik, tl-iiup. m. : llalllmore, o.iu p. m. : Wash' Inglon 6.i:0p. m., turougu passenger coach to Philadelphia. l.oo p. 111. nay ujiniH tunny except wunilay), ir Ilarrlsburg nud lnteriucdlato stations, Lancas t. Phlladclnhla, New York, llaltlinoru nmi Wnh. lngton, arriving nt l'hlladelpiua 7.SS p. m. ; Mew luiK, iw.w p. 111. i iiai'iiuuiv, i.vup. 111. w nshllig. ton, H.4 p. 111. Pullman Parlor car through to Phi. ladelplila and passenger coach through to 1'hlladel phla uud lljlilu ore. ,-J0 p. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dally) for Ilarrlsburg and nil Intermediate stations, Lan caster, PhlladclpliU and Sow York, arriving ut Philadelphia 35 n. m. j Now York tuo 11. in. Weeping car accommodations can bo secured at ilanlsburg for Philadelphia undNeiv York. oiiMun. dajs a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wllilamsp't to Plillndelplila.Phitadclphla lassengers can remuin insieeiicr undisturbed until 11. HI. S.10 a. in. Erie Mall (dallv oxcont Mnn.l.ivi rnr Ilarrlsburg nud Intermediate stations, LanciLster, Philadelphia, Now York; nalllnioi-o and Washing. 'iiiroiuni I' bieeniiiirr.iriHnrii iiinim this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Wnshlng. ton, and ihi-ough passenger coaches tu Phlladui- puia nnu iiuiuiuorc. WTSTWAIID. 6.'20n-m. Hrlo Mall (dallv excent sumlavv tnr Krleand all Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palacu car and through .passenger coaches to Hrle, and through Pullman Palace cars to llurfalo via Kuiporlum. On Bundays this train runs to itcnovo, llh imllninn Palace car to iiiiiainsiun anu passenger coaencs to Itcnovo. tor Caiiandalgua nnd Intermedlalo stations, Roches cr, llumiunnd Niagara Falls, (dally except Sundays) with tliiougli Pullman Palace car and passenger coaches to Itochester. l.OJp. m. Niagara Uxpiess (dally except Sun day) tor Kane and lnteriucdlato btatlous with through passenger coaches to Kane and parlor car to Wiiihimsport. Fur canuiidutgua and principal lntcrmedliite stations, Itocliesu-r, Uullulo and Niagara i-aiisiwin inrougn passenger coaches lo liocnester. 6.s p. m.. Past lino (dally except Sunday for Ite novo and Intermediate stations, und Klinlrn, Wat kins uud Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to lienor o and watklns. TUliOUOII TKA1NS l'Olt SUNI1UUY FltOM Till! KAST AND SOUTH. TCIlKTnr.l l-!Yllla tp.110 Philadelphia. 7.-10 n. m. : llaltlmoro n. in. diaiiv except buuday) arrltlng at bunbury, 1.03 p. m. with through Pullman Parlor car from Philadel phia and through passenger coaches from Plilladcl- puia uuu iianiuiure. Past Lino leaves New York aoo a. m. ; phii.idei. phla, 11.10 a. m. ; Washington, 0.40a, in. 1 Haiti more, 1U.5J a. in., (dally except Sunday) nrrl lug at suubury, 6.SO p. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia nnd llalifinorc. tno juan leaves jsuw 1 orK tveu p. m. ; Philadel phia, p. in. Washington, 10.10 p. in. ; lialtl, ll.'.'.i p. m., (dally) arriving at sunbury 0.15 a. 111., with through Pullman Palaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llnltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper from W ushlngton runs dally except bun-day. SO BLK Y, IliZI.KTON WILKE3-BAKHE IlAILKOAU ANU NOHIU & WKST URANCII RAILWAY. (i)uuy except Sunday.) Jlall East leaves suubury (dally except Sunday) .45 a. ill., urrlvlnir at, llloom I'ri rvr.jl 11.111.. W Ukes-barre U.'-'O a. in. Express East lc.nes Bunbury B.33 11. in., nrrlvlne at Illuom Perry 0.31 p. m., Wllkes-barro tllup. in. Slall Nest h-ies Wllkes-barro 10.3.. a. in. arriv ing at llloom Perry U'.ul p. in., Kunbury 1H.B5 p. in. ii'.iM tn. ii-ait-n i, iiKcs uanu o.jj p. 111., ni rlvlng ut llloom Perry 7.07 p. 111., bunbury n.i5 p. w. A Fortune in Cattle Raising THK NKW MKXIUU AN1I UOWItAUU 1IAMU AND CA'ITLK CO., controlling over ONK MIL. I.IO.V ACHKS ofthennest grailng lands In New Jlcxlco and Colorado, is desirous ot obtaining the co-oneratlon of luvustors to liicrcasu their herd to j;',uio head ot cattle, hating on hand already ?,0U) lierd. Yearly Incru.isu over 10 per cont. Annua) cosh dividends ot leu per cent, and upwards from surplus Hau-s, aim tnu ueru cunsiunuy increasing, A suie una pruiuuuie p lyuicuv, oeuuiuiiuu pur iieuiurs vu P. 1). liAltvp.s, Beo'y. Will's llulldlug, 33 Wall bt., Now York", ilarcli lHw r UellcalSaperlatoniastof tht Sanitarium. Invalid's Homo. Rloomnburg, Pa,. Devotes special attention to Epilepsy, fJervouj Affc:tlon, anil Diseases of WcmenJ I'lttlunts received ut tlio BiuiUurliini on reasoiiuulo terms (or liouril and truatmcnt, I', 8. No charge (or first consultation, opr 27, '83 B F, SHARPLESS Near L ft B Dopjt, Bloorasburg Pa. Aiannrnpiuror or I'li-st olaia ranges In) dlllcreiit styles, coolt stoves, parlor stovei.. 11. 1.1 ,(, ,i.r maiiiig eiuren,sciiooi nouses,' cliuroliea &o. I(iirno stock of tluwnro ana1 muva repmrs, sucn as giates, lire brick, lids conuos call m mm bargains Oct 28 tf .lllUUVllf ll.U, IU... ,'t.ll 1I1.UI U UI,. nn. nt. l'litliitlnfiil.ti. r.rjl n m i-u n. m. ; iiaiuiiioro ,.w a. in. ! y ushlngton. 8.50 ; New York, C1IAS. E. PUOII, Uen. .Manager. J. It. WOOD, Uen. Passenger Agent. HILADELI'IUand KEADINO KOaU ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGFR TRAINS. Nov. 6, 18S3 THAIHS LIAVK HOriBT AS rOLLOW8(8UMDAT XXCirTaD. For Now York.Phlladolphla.Readlng.Pottsvllle Tamaqua, 4c, 11,45 a. m. For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 0.13 and 10.30 p. m. For WUUamsport,s,3t lt.45 a. m. and 4,0s p. m. For Lewlsburg aud Bunbury, 4 00 p. m. iHAiNsroa HDrssr lbavk as follows, (scndat IICKPTKD.) Leavo Now York, via. Tamanend ,uo a. in. and via. Hound llrook ltouto T,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,00 a. m. Loavo Heading, 11,55 a. m., t'otisvllle, H,39 p. n, andTumaqua, 1,36 p. tn. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,30 11.05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave WllllamsDort ,8.46 n.m,4.C5 p.m. and 0.00 p. m AM.U 0UUUU1J II. U " Lewlsburg 4. p. in. Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through wimout change ot cars. J. S. WOOTT, C. O. HANCOCK. General Manage, General Passenger and Ticket Agent,, 1981 tt. JELAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WiaTEItN ItAlLHOAl). HLOOMS13U11G DIVISION. SOUTH. p.m. p.m u !io i in it 17 NOUTII, p.m. p.m. a.m. a 45 it 15 0 no J ttl 8 50 8 4S 8 U 8 ai U 15 8 S5 8 S5 8 07 8 00 r 40 00 1 50 1 14 1 85 1 S3 1 18 1 (11 12 42 1 8.1 12 25 1 SO 12 15 7 21) 12 00 7 111 11 47 7 00 11 40 7 03 11 U 6 57 11 10 0 30 10 32 S 45 10 50 6 ai 10 41 0 OS 10 22 0 10 10 08 0 01 10 45 0 p.m. u,m. 0 37 0 30 8 53 8 571 8 39 8 28 H 15 8 1 8 00 756 7 62 7 41 7 SI 7ai 7 89 7 11 STATIONS. ....Scranton..,, Ilellovuo.... ...Tuylorvlllo.,, .. LnL-kawmin.i. . u -1 ritision 0 10 1. .West Pittston. 0 HI.... Wyoming.... . ..Mnllby 1 Bennett 0 01 Kingston.... v W ....Kingston.... Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth.,.. ....Atondalo. . ....Nantlcoko... llunlock's creek ..bhlckshlnny,, , Hick's Perry. ..lioacli Haven,, llerwlck .... ..llrhtr Creek, Willow drove. , ...LlmolUdgo... li.MonSu'urg.V, ltuuert Catawl'u llrldgo , ...iiauviliu, ....Chulasky. .... Campmn. Nortliumberlaud 0 45 0 52 0 48 10 Ol 10 on 10 08 10 18 ! 0 45 a.m. 10 20 3 Oi a uu 10 31 3 10 10 42 3 18 10 55 3 3.1 11 01 3 13 11 13 3 51 11 SO 3 51 4 07 4 13 11 30 4 SO 11 45 4 27 U 50 4 33 11 55 4 38 12 18 4 60 5 09 12 45 5 S3 0 17 0 S2 6 27 0 31 0 41 0 40 0 51 0 li 0 68 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 1 30 7 37 8 00 8 25 8 40 8 50 0 110 8 U) 8 8 10 8 53 8 31 8 38 8 03 8 02 U 40 0 SO 0 60 Superintendent's p.m. p.m- a.m W. F. HALSTEAD, Supt. ofllco, Scranton, Feb. lbt, 1882. JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist. n'ii1? ft' Ms old stand under EXCHANGE SA.VSfc',,11.1.118.. as UBUal " F1HST-CLA8S 5..U.UB"S"PJ 110 respectfully solicits the patronage ofhlsoldoustomorsand ot the publlo generally. lnlyl,'60-tf T5f.cst.and Sweetest Chewing Tobacco on tho ?.liir..55; AifUo ex in c-a&lx to suit tuolastoof the 5S l??.1na a'lch("v''ra- Ask your dealer tor It. A Si?.!!1 b ,ow 'PU 11 11 tll tobacco you want. Manufactured; by u. Ai JAUrtSUN k W, . retorslmra, Vt Marcui-4w r WA,N,TJ!" Energetic, rcllablo men to sell fruit dm,, n.IS uropo. yuun, shrubs, loses, etc. Salary Sti.CH.ptl"a!;'i ',alJ' 'ul' Instructions glvcu, so In. SiffJi W m?n fan 1,0011 leaf" tho Imslnens. Ad. outl-h&e'r" V. ?' moa Nl V' 11 mll M81 March ei-'w March 2Mw