The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 04, 1884, Image 3

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FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1881.
A now sot of rules for tho govern
incut of the nominations of tho Demo
crntic Party in Columbia county wcro
adopted by tho Convention on the 20tli
day of December, 1870.
Tho Convention of 1874 ordered that
a connnittco bo appointed to revise tho
rules. J. G. Frce.o, 31. K. Jackson, C.
It. Bucknlow, .1. 11. Knittlc nnd D.
Lowenburg wcro .appointed as said
committee. At tho Convention of 1875,
tho committee was continued, with in.
struclions to report at tho next Conven
tion, and in July 1870, they mado the
following report :
Iloport of tho Committee on Rules.
Tho committco appointed by tho
President of tho last annual county
Convention to cxainino and, if thouuht
proper, to revise the Rules of nomina
tion of tho Democratic party of Col
umbia county have examined the said
rules, and now, in pursuance of the
resolution authorizing their appoint
ment, mako tlio lollowing report:
That in their opinion several amend
incuts of tho rules can bo mado with
advantago to tho general scheme of
order and regulation which tho rules
were enacted to establish.
It is believed that (ho classification
and arrangement of the rules accord'
iiiLf to natural or convenient divisions
of subject matter will render them
moro convenient lor use and to some
extent more easily understood.
ino rules do not provide lor cases
ot tie votes, m electing delegates or
upon instructions nor fully define tho
powers and duties of tho Standing
Committee. And it is believed that
several of the rules may bo more clear
ly expressed and some of them be
shortened and condensed.
Tho whole arc now presented by us
in a revised form witli some matter
added and with some omissions of un
necessary clauses, but most of them
arc left substantially unchanged.
A code of good laws or rules must
bo a matter of growth and of time, the
result of experience and trial. Wo are
fully convinced that our rules in gen
eral will compare favorably with those
of other counties of tho State and that
they arc much better calculated to se
cure thoso capital objects purity and
fairness in nominations. We liavc tor
tunately avoided tlio heavy expenses
and certain corruption of tho Urawlord
county system winch has elsewhere
worked so badly upon trial and been
abandoned in Northumberland and
other counties, while several defects of
our old Convention system have been
corrected. Districts aro more fairly
represented than they were formerly,
delegate elections more fairly conduct
ed and Conventions of larger numbers
less liable to excitement and to impu
tations of unfair or improper conduct.
Prudent .amendments occasionally
mado to the rules of nomination will
no doubt bo advantageous in promot
ing good feeling and securing fair play
in party action, but extreme or very
extensive changes of tlio rules do not
seem to bo now required.
Tho following arc tho revised rules
as reported :
op tiii: r.i.r.cnoN or iiei.ehatcs.
I. Tho annual County Conventions
shall be held at tho Court House in
Bloomsburg, on tho second Tuesday
of August, at ono o'clock P. M., and
tho Delegate Elections shall bo held on
the Saturday befoie, at tho places of
holding tho general elections in tho
several election disti ids, between tho
hours of three and seven o'clock in tho
II. The representation of districts in
County Convention shall bo in propor
tion to tho Democratic voto of each as
cast at tho most recent election for
Governor, but tho whole number of
delegates shall not exceed seventy nor
be less than fifty-four, and no district
Bhall bo allowed less than two nor more
than four delegates.
III. Until tho next election for Gov
ernor delegates shall bo allowed to dis
tricts upon a ratio of sixty voters for a
delegate, allowance being made lor tho
largest tractions ot a ratio.
IV. 1 he delegate elections shall bo
by ballot and shall be held and con.
ducted by a Judge and clerk, to bo so
lectcd by the Democrats in attendance.
and tho said ollicers shall determine all
miestions of tho right to vote, keep s
list of voters and tally of votes count
ed, to bo sent by them to tho Conven
tion with their certificate of tho result
of tho election, which certificate shall
bo prima facie evidence of tho persons
therein named having a right to seats
in the Convention.
V. All delegates must reside in tho
districts they repicseut, and in case
any delegate shall bo unable to attend
ho shall bo allowed to depute another
citizen ol tho district. lint no other
deputation or representation shall be
VI. It shall bo a good cause of chal
longo against any person offering to
voto at any delegate election that he
has voted against Democratic candi
dates at Federal or State elections
within two years, or has opposed tho
Democratic ticket at tlio last preceding
election, or has takon or agreed to tako
juouoy or other valuable tiling, or any
pecuniary advantage, as a consideration
tor ins voto at. sucu ucicguio ciccuou
or corrupted or attempted to corrupt
any voter of tho district with reference
to tho samo ; but this rule shall apply
only to causes of challenge arising
subsequent to its adoption.
VII. Voters at delegate elections
may cast as many votes as thero aro
delegates to bo elected and may cast
them all for ono delegate, or may
divide them among tho delegates us
thoy sco lit. And in the oasu of a Uo
voto betwoon doloeratos. tho niiestion
pliall bo (lecided by drawing lots j a tio
mi'uii iiisiruciiuu iiom n uuiui
dividing tho voto.
I. Conventions shall bo called to or
der by tho Chairman of tho Standing
Committee, or in his absence by some
other member thereof, who shall enter'
tain and put to voto motions for tho
election of a President and two Socio
taries for purposes of temporary organization.
11. All cases of disputed scats in
Conventions shall bo dlsnosed of open.
ly by a voto after hearing tho respect-
nu uiuuiiuiiis mm ineir evidence.
III. Tho votinir in Conventions oh nil
bo open, and nnv two mcmbcis may
requlro tho yeas and nays on any ques
tion pending.
IV. In Convention a maioritv of .all
tho votes given shall bo necessary to a
nomination, and no person shall bo per
emptorily struck from tho list of can
didates until nfter tho secon'd voto.
when tho lowest namo shall bo struck
off, and so on at caoh successive
voto until a nomination shall bo effect
ed. t Provided that in tho c.aso of a
nomination of two candidates for tho
B.anio office nt tho samo time, it shall
bo necessary to a nomination that tho
candidate shall rcceivo moro than ono
third of tho whole convention vote.
V. All county nominations for offi
cers to bo elected bv tho neonlo shall
bo mado in and by the county Conven
tions, except ns herein otherwise pro
vided. VI. Instructions shall bo required
upon county nominations for which
candidates aro announced in tho news
papers, except for Coroner, Surveyor
and Auditors and delegates without
such instructions shall not bo permit
ted to vote, and tlio candidates shall re
ceive convention votes in proportion
to their voto in the respective districts.
Instructions Bhall bo recorded and
announced from tho returns as votes
given j uninstructed votes to which a
district shall bo entitled, shall bo cast
by its delegation, cacli member of
which shall have an equal voting power
upon tho nomination.
VII. In cases where instructions aro
not required by tlio foregoing Tiilo it
shall bo necessary to tho giving of in
structions that at least one-half the
voters present at tho election shall take
part in tlio proceeding of voting there
VIII. Votes of instructions for can
didates shall bo recorded and counted
in Convention ; and votes in violation
of instructions shall be disallowed.
IX. In case of a tio voto in Conven
tion made by instructions, tho candi
date who has received the highest pop
ular vote shall be declared nominated.
X. Votes less in numbcrthaii a num
ber sufficient to elect a delegate can
not instruct. Hut instructions may be
given lor a second choice as well as :
first, but only expressly and not con
strtictively ; and all nominations made
or votes given in violation of instruc
tions shall bo void.
XI. No candidate having one-fourth
of the instructed voto shall bo allowed
to withdraw his name, but shall bo
subject to these rules.
oi' i:i.ioimi.iTV.
1. If it shall be made to appear to
the satisfaction of a majority of a Con
vention that any candidate before it
for nomination to any ollico shall havo
offered or paid any money or valuable
thing or made any promise of money
or valuable thing to tako effect in fu
ture, as an inducement to any delegate
to vote for him ; or to any other person
with the view ot inducing or securing
le votes ol delegates : or it the same
shall bo dono by any other person with
the knowledge and approbation of such
candidate, the name of such candidato
shall be immediately struck from tho
list of candidates j or if such fact be
ascertained after his nomination to any
othce and beiore the linal .adjournment
the nomination shall be struck lrom
tho ticket and the vacancy supplied by
new nomination ; and in cither case
uch a person shall be ineligible to any
nomination by a Convention, or to
lection as a delegate, for a period of
two years,
11. It any delegate shall receive any
money or other valuable thing, or any
pecuniary advantago to bo paid, deliV'
erod or secured in future, either to him
elf or any other person for him, from
any candidate or other person for such
candidate, as an inducement for his
ote, or under any other pretext upon
proof of the fact to tho satisfaction of
majority of tho Convention, such
delegate shall bo forthwith expelled
and shall not be received as a delegate
to any luturo Convention for a period
of two years, and during that tune
shall also be ineligible for any party
nomination. Cases arising under this
and the next preceding rule shall hav
rccedcnco over all other business l
Convention until determined.
III. No person shall be eligible to a
nomination by a Convention who has
opposed the democratic ticket at the
next preceding election.
IV. iNo member ot the Legislature
shall ho chosen by this county as
delegate to the Slate Convention dur
ing his term of office.
I. Tho Standing Committee shall
consist of ono member lrom each elec
tion district, who shall bo elected by
the people nt tho delegate elections.
who shall choose tnoir own uuairman
imd any five of them shall be a quorum
when called together by the Chairman
II. Thobtauding Committee shall
whenever necessary, make an appor
tionment of delegates to tho severs
districts under these rules and publish
it, with tho rules as amended, in tho
Democratic newspapers ot the county,
at least two weeks before each annual
III. In case of tho death, declination
or removal ot nuy candidate inn in
nomination by the Convention, beforo
tho election, a now nomination of a
candidato shall bo mado by tho Stand
ing Committco called together for that
purpose by a pumio uouce, irom
among citizens cligiblo under theso
IV. If a Stato Con volition shall hap
pen at a Bcason of tho year previous to
tho regular meeting of tho County
Nominating Convention, then and in
that case tho Standing Committco call-
d together for that purpose, by public
notice shall elect tho representative del-
gates lor the county, and shall appoint
senatorial conferees from nmong
citizens cligiblo under theso rules, to
Bcleot senatorial delegates.
V. The Chairman shall call a special
meeting of tho Standing Committee,
upon request in writing ol any live
members nnd in the call ho shall stato
tho business or purpose of tho meeting:
and no business shall be transacted
other than that mentioned in tlio call.
VI. Spepiul Conventions may bo
called when necessary, by tho Stand
ing Committee, tho proceedings of
which fchull conform to theso rules.
or Tin:
I. Theso rules or any ono or moro of
them may bo altered, amended or re
scinded at any regular convention by a
voto of two thirds of tho wholo num
ber of delegates to the Convention.
The place of holding tho Conven
tion has been changed from the Court
jlousoto tho Opera House, and. tlo
praotico of calling tho Convention to
order nt cloven o clock a. in., for or-
Ijiiiiiy-.iiuuii nun ueuii iiiiujiieu uy uum-
mon consent.
Tho following resolution was adopt
ed by tho Convention held August 1 3th,
Jlesolved, That tho Standing Com
mittco bo authorized to exnmino any
charges which may bo mado to them,
of violation of law or Democratic rules
by any candidato in connection with
the delegate election or convention,
and if such charges shall bo sustained
to take all necessary steps to vindicate
tho law and tho rules of tlio party.
Tho County Convention of 1882
adopted the following resolution !
Wiieuhas lho Democratic State
Convention recently held at Harris
burg, adopted new rules for tho gov
ernment of tho party, which rules pro-
ido that alter January 1st 1883, the
Stato Central Committee shall consist
ol ono member from each county, to
bo elected under tho rules of tho local
JSC it resolved, That tho said mem
ber of tho Stato Contral Committco for
Columbia County bo cleoted each year
.i .1.,. 7i... .r n....i.. r .:..
and the person receiving a majority ot
all tho votes cast Bhall
votes cast Bhall bo declared
Polls open at 7 a. in.
, m.
and close at 7
who can vote.
Jivery male citizen, twenty-one years
ui age, pusxesnuii
fic.alions, shall bo
, r .t. ; i I
1. He shall hav
the United States one month.
2. He shall have resided in the State
one year ; or, if having previously been
a qualihed elector or native-born citi
zen thereof, nnd shall have removed
therefrom and returned, then ho shall
navo resided therein six mouths im
mediately preceding tho election.
is. Ho shall have resided in the dis
trict where he intends to vote two
months immediately preceding tho
election, instead of ten days, as here
tofore. A residence is neither lost nor
gained by being left in any poorhoiisc,
nor while couhiicd in prison.
4. If twenty-two years of age, or up
ward, he shall have paid, within two
years, n State or county tax, which
shall have been assessed at least two
months previous to the election, nnd
paid nt least one month previous to tho
5. 'lho "naturalized' citizen must
have been "natuialized" at least ono
month beforo tho election.
G. All persons arc required to take
notice, that by the 15th amendment of
the Constitution ot the United States,
it is provided that "The right of citi
zens of tho United Slates to vote shall
not be denied or abridged by the Unit
ed States or by nny State, on account
of race, color, or previous condition of
General elections shall bo held on the
Tuesday next following the first Mon
day in .November, in each year.
Elections for city, ward, borough
and township ollicers, for regular terms
of service, on the third Tuesday of
1' ebruary, in each year.
Women twenty-one years of ago and
upward, shall bo cligiblo to any office
of control or management under the
school laws of this State.
uno Assessor is elected annually, m
February, in each division; but where
tho division is divided, on account of
tho voto exceeding two hundred and
fifty, tho Court of Common Pleas ap
points in tho new division, until the
next election, the old officer holding
over in tho original division.
The Assessor takes the transcript of
the lormcr assessment and revises it,
visiting every houso in his district, and
inquiring who has died or removed,
who remains, and who has moved into
tho division, and adds or erases tho
names, ns the case may bo. Ho then
makes out nn alphabetical list of lho
persons entitled to vote. Prior tto the
first Monday of August the Assessor
must put a copy of the registry of elec
tors on the door of, or on the division
house, and retain one copy in his pos
session, for the inspection, free of
charge, of any person in tho district,
and from time to time to add to the list
the names of persons entitled to vote,
upon personal application; and oppo
site each name shall give the number
of house, occupation, whether house
keeper; if not, with whom he boards,
and name of employer; and opposite
each namo writo tho word "voter'' if
naturalized, mark the letter "A7
where ho has declared his intentions
and designs to bo naturalized before
the next election, mark "2. JT.y" where
entitled to bo naturalized under exist
ing laws, without making a declaration
of intention, and intends to bo natural
ized at least 0110 mouth before the next
general election, mark "J. Jf.n whero
on age, mark "aae.r and it moved 111
to tho district since last election, to re
side, mark "Jt.; theu make out a sep
arate- list 01 new assessments, and re
turn nil lists to tho County Commis
sioners, who shall causo the same to bo
printed and posted on tho voting place
ior eacu division, ior inspection, un
the sixty-first and sixty-second days
prior to tho luesday after tho first
Monday of November, tho Assessor
must sit nt tlio diTision houso from 10
n. m. to 3 . m., and from G p. 111. to 0
i). 111., for tho purposo of adding to tho
list tho names of persons entitled to
voto, nnd of striking from the list tho
names of fictitious persops, and of per
sons who havo died or removed from
the division.
A penalty, of fine nnd imprisonment,
for nn Assessor knowingly nssessing
nuy person wnu is noi a voier, or re
fusing to assess a person who is quali-
iit'u, is pruvniuu.
In addition, tho Court of Common
Pleas, or any Judge thereof, nt any
timo beforo tho day of election, upon
complaint beforo it or him, under oath,
ot a breach 01 any 01 tlio duties impos
ed 011 tho Assessor, can call tho Asses
sor betoro it or nun, and hear tho par
ties and msposo ot tho subject, 111 n
summary manner, as to law and justice
belong, nnd, it need bo, order tho As
scssor to correct tho registry accord-
lugiy, ami entorce such order by attach
ment or proceedings upon contempt.
The Court of Common Plens has uo
power to add a name to tho Assessor's
list unless tho party has made applica
tion to tho Assessor to have his namo
put upon the list, or tho Assessor has
been gutHy of gross bad faith in tho
discharge of tho duties of the ollicc.
; me iunowiug quail- i"i uuiigu unit unu person iui inspector I niuiuuiiig iiiuiiiuuib ui lyuiigicss, annul -i. ir
entitled to vote at all tho person receiving tho highest the Legislature, on one ticket, labeled L-j I TpTrrrTi T1 TITi
c been a citizen of two receiving the highest number of electors, on ono ticket, labeled "State. 1 cs
'1 ho Assessors shall each receive tho
same compensation, for tho tlmo neo
cssarily spent in performing tho duties,
ns provided by law to Assessors mak
ing valuations, to bo paid by tho Coun
ty Commissioners. It shall not bo law
ful for any Assessor to assess a tax
against any person within sixty-ono
days preceding tho annual November
election, and any Election Ulliccr, As
sessor or Overseer, who Bhall ncgloct
their duty, shall bo subject to a lino of
ono hundred dollars.
assessohs Arr-oiNTr.p.
In districts whero nn Assessor has
not been elected, tho Court of Com-
mon Picas shall appoint a reputable
person to tho position.
At tho election held on tho third
Tuesday of February, cacli district
shall olect ono Judge, and two Inspec
tors, mid an Assessor.
I ho rcspcctivo Assessors, Inspectors,
Judges and Overseers shall each havo
1,10 Pmvur 10 administer oaths to any
!'" uimini "g mo rignt 10 uo nsscss
Cl1' or 1,10 rght of suffrage.
who can he election oekioehs.
No ono can bo nn election officer
who holds, or has held within two
months of tho election, nuy office, at-
pomtmcnt or employment, in or under
the uovcrnment ol tho United Stntcs
or of this State, or of any municipal
board, commission or trust, in any city. I
persons who havo hcrctofora lirrureil
largely among tho election ollicers.
i . . a
.uisirict Election lioards shall com
sist of a Judge, and two Inspectors t
each elector may voto lor one person
rnH T...1 1 t T
votes for Inspectors to bo Inspectors,
Each Inspector appoints a Clcik, who
must bo a qualified elector of tho divi
Ill llll
ino manner oi lining vacancies in
tho Hoard of Election Ollicers on tlm
day of election, under the act of 1839,
isaslollows: lithe minority Inspec
tor shall not attend on election day,
the defeated minority candidato for
Judge of election acts as the minority
Inspector. If the minority Inspector
snail not attend, the Judge appoints
an Inspector. If the Judge shall not
attend, the minority Inspector appoints
a Juuge. 11 any vacancy is not n led
within an hour after the opening of tho
polls, the voters of tho division elect a
person to till tho vacancy. In caso of
a tio vote for Judge, tho majority In
spector appoints a Judge, and in tho
event of a tio vote for Judge and In
spectors, a curbstone election is to bo
held on the morning of election. Tho
Court of Common Pleas has decided
that this Act of Assembly must bo fol
lowed in filling vacancies, wherever
the counsel representing tho different
political parties cannot agree as to per-"
sons to be appointed. Tho Court rec-
ommends that to avoid the confusion,
ana perhaps violence, attending a curb-
stone election, that the representatives
of the two parties agree upon persons I
to be appointed by the Court.
Two Overseers shall be appointed
by tho Court of Common Pleas, on tho
application of five citizens of an elec
tion division. They have a right to
supervise the proceedings of election
officers, may report to tho Court, and
where the election ollicers differ m
opinion, tho Overseers, if they agree,
may decido the dnlercnce. Th
heir pay
shall bo five dollars each.
Where a new district has been made.
tho Court of Common Pleas shall, ten
days beforo any general or special elcc-i
tion, appoint competent persons to till
tho vacancies, tho Inspectors of any
election district not to bo ot the same
political party ; but the Judge, in all
cases, must be ot tho party having a
majority ot the votes in said district.
Tho Judge of the election shall des
ignate 0110 of tho Inspectors to havo
tho custody of the registry of voters,
and mako tho entries therein required,
by law, the other to receive and num
ber tho ballots presented at said elec
i-.very ballot shall be numbered 111
the order in which it shall bo received,
and the number recorded by the Clerk
opposite tho namo of the elector. Tho
several tickets so voted shall bo num
bered with tho number corresponding
with the number to the name of tho
voter. An elector may writo his name
on his ticket, or cause it to be written
thereon and attested by a citizen of
tho district.
Election ollicers shall bo sworn (or
nflirmcd) not to disoloso how any elec
tor shall have voted; tho Judge to bo
sworn by tho minority Inspector, and
tho Inspectors, Overseers and Clerks
by tho Judge. If any election ollicers
shall act without being hrst sworn, or
if any olhccr ot election shall sign the
form of oath without being duly sworn,
ho shall bo guilty ol n misdemeanor.
All aro to bo sworn in tho presenco of
each other.
Any person who shall havo moved
from 0110 division to another within
two month of nn election, is not entit
led to yoto in cither.
To entitle a person to vote, ho shall
havo paid a Stato or county tax within
two years, which was assessed two
months, and paid at least 0110 mouth,
beforo tho election. Tho tax receipt
is the best evidence of such payment,
If tho receipt bo lost or destroyed, tho
citizen s oath to tho payment is sutli
cient. Tho tax need not be a poll-
tax j nny tax nssessed by authority of
tho btato or a county is suiiicicnt.
This does not include licenses.
Any icrsou whoso namo shall not
npnear on tlio registry ot votors, ami
who claims a nuht to voto, shall pro
duce at least 0110 qual'ilied voter of tho
district, as a voucher that tho ohiimant
ns resided 111 tho division for two
mouths immediately prcccd'uii; tho
election, nnd subsoriho to tho same,
under oath, and tho claimant must also
mako oath that ho has been a citizen
of tho United Stntes 0110 month, nnd
resided in tho Stato ono year : or if
formerly an elector or native-born cit
izen thereof, and has removed and re
turned, has resided therein six mouths,
and has resided in said election dis
,..uv ... - ............ ,., ,...b v.v
lion, nun uiiiv u 01 vweniy-iwo years
and upward, has paid a city or county
tax, which was nssessed at east two
liionius, mm puiu ono inonui, oeioro
number of votes to be Judge, and tho "County ;" all State ollicers, including JJUJLiyuu. juiiLHiDUU.
tho said election. If a naturalized cit
Izcn, state when, where, and by what
Court, ho was naturalized, and such
other evidence as may bo required i
and all bucIi allidavits shall bo pre
served by tho Elcotlon Hoard, and
filed with tho other papers. Tho forms
for theso allidavits aro furnished to
tho election ollicers by tho County
If tho election ollicers shall find tho
applicant possesses tho right to vote,
ho Bhall bo permitted to vote, and his
lininn ndifnfl tn tlm liat. nf fnvnlilna. tlin
... . , ... .f , . , , i n Y
word "tax ' bo lie added. When no
claims to voto on nrfo. tho word "and1
being added.
Any qualified voter of tho district
can challenge a voter, even if tho
namo is on tlio list. In caso of chal
lenge, tho proof required is tho samo
as for n person claiming a right to
voto without being upon tlio Assessor's
rr.iiso.NS not hesident not to in-
It is a misdemeanor for any person
not a resident of tho division to uso
nny intimidation or violenco to prevent
any olhccr of election from performing
his duties ; or to prevent nny person
lrom exercising his right to voto t or
to prevent nuy person from exercising
his right to challenge a person offering
In arranging and printing tho tick
ets, tho rule heretofore laid down must
bo followed, viz !
All tho Judges on ono ticket, label
ed "Judiciary?' all the county officers,
Upon the inside of the ticket is to bo
designated the particular office of lho
closino or tiii: roi.i.s and counting
the votes.
Am soon as tho polls shall close, tho
officers of the election shall proceed to
count all the votes cast for each candi
date voted for.
The vote, as soon as counted, shall
be publicly and fully declared, from
the window, to tho citizens present,
nnd a brief statement, showing the
votes received by each candidate, shall
be made and signed by tho election of
ficers as soon as tho voto is counted,
and immediately posted upon tho door
of tho election house, for information
of tho .public. It is a misdemeanor
for any person to wilfully and malic
iously tear, deface or destroy the state
ment or returns so put up.
Tho returns shall bo made out in
triplicate, with, in addition, a return
sheet, in all of which the votes receiv
ed by each candidate shall be given
after his name, first in words and
again in figures, and signed by all tho
ollicers and tho Overseers, or, if tho
Overseers declino to sign the returns,
thoy shall certity therein their reasons
for so declining, specifying wherein
the election has been improper or ille
gal. Of these returns, one is placed in
tho box, and the other two in envel
opes, sealed up ; one of the envelopes
is given to tho minority Inspector to
keep, and tho other, with tho return
sheet, is taken to tho rrothonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas. The other
of the triplicate returns is sealed up
with tho ballots in the box.
All Judges shall, beforo 2 o'clock p.
111. of the day after the election, deliver
said return, together with return sheet,
to tho Prothonotary of tho Court of
Common Pleas, who shall, at 12
o'clock on the second day after the
election, present said returns to tho
Judges of said Court. Tho return
sheet is filed and preserved for public
Tho Judges of tho Com t of Com
mon Pleas shall compute tho returns,
and give tho certificate of election, un
der seal of said Court, to tho proper
person. If any palpable fraud or mis
take is complained of, the Court shall
examino into tho matter, and, if neces
sary, issue summons for all parties in
terested, and determine according to
the evidence, withm three days after
the returns rtio brought in ; which de
termination, however, shall not bo
deemed a judicial adjudication to con
clude any contest that may occur.
Whenever a place has been or shall
bo provided by tho authorities for the
safo keeping of the ballot-boxes, tho
Judge and minority Inspector shall,
after the election be mushed, mid the
ballot-boxes containing tho tickets, list
of voters nnd other papers, securely
bound with tape and scaled, and tho
signature of tho Judgo and Inspectors
allixcd thereto, lorthwith deliver the
samo to tho Mayor ami Hecorder oi
tlio city and in counties, townships and
boroughs to such person as the Court
of Common Plens may designate
In trials of contested elections, and
in tho proceedings for tho investiga
tion ot elections (which will include
the proceeding beforo the Judges of
the Court in receiving and counting
the returns), a witness is compelled to
testify, although his evidenco may
tend to criminate himself; but such
testimony shall not afterwards bo used
ngainst them, except for perjury in
giving their testimony.
Electors shall, in nil cases except
treason, felony or breach of tho peace,
bo privileged from arrest in going and
returning from elections. Election of
ficers nro privileged from arrest upon
election day, and while engaged in
making up mid transmitting returns,
except 141011 warrant of a Court of
record or Judge thereof, for an election
fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach
of tho peace.
Any person who shall give, or prom
ise to give, 1111 elector any money, re
ward or other valuable consideration
for his vote, or in any way influence
tho voter by any unlawful means, and
any elector who receives any such
thing, shall forfeit his right to vote,
and may bo challenged for tho same.
Any person who, whilo a candidato
for ollicc, shall be guilty of tlio viola
tion of any election law, shall bo dis
qualified from holding an ollicc of trust
and proht 111 this Commonwealth ; nnd
any poison couviotod of wilful viola
tion ot tho election laws shall bo do
prived of tho right of suilrago for four
- iny I'rotnonotary who snail issue.
, nnllan , iw !.a.,,i fii...
lmturnHisntloii paper, 'shall bo BiiUIeot
t0 ,, ml iin;,.isonmont.
icoxTMiimMr imhk.)
I l - r n -
Are the sole dealers in the
Combined and Independent
Eeapers and Mowing Machines.
All repairs tor any ot these ma
both of the Old Style and Late
Repairing of any other Reap
crs, Mowers, Threshers, Gran
Drills and general farming
Attended! Tq
Keep constantly in Stock a full
line of Knives. Sections and
Rivets for all kinds of Harvest
ing Machines.
Prompt attention given to re
pairing Steam Engines, Saw &
Grist Mill Machinery, Shafting,
Pulleys, &c.
Sole Agents for Hancock In
Ajionts for Judson Valve
Keep constantly on hand all
kinds of Steam (juages, "Water
Guages, Glass Tubes, Valves,
Cocks, Steam and Gas pipes
and fittings.
Insist Street,
Near L. & B. Railroad
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Gonstanuy on Hand,
Good Unbleached Muslin 4-4 for Oi cents per yard.
l3est heavy unbleached Muslin 4-1 for 7i cents per yard. '
" fine unbleached Muslin 4-4 for 7i cents per yard.
Good bleached Muslin 4-4 for 0 cents per yard.
Best dark Spring Prints for 0 cents per yard.
" Merrimack Shirting Prints for 5 cents per yard.
" Ginghams from 8 cents to 10 cents per yard.
" line of Seersuckers, Chambrays, Cheviots, Cambrics, &c,
for warm weather dresses. Cheap worsted Dress Goods from. 10
cents to 2-5 cents per yard. Black and colored Cashmeres from 25
cents to $1.00 por yard. Extra good Black Silk for $1.00, 1.15,
$1.25 per yard. A full line of .Dark and Spring shades of Dress
cloths made at Bloomsburg Woolen Mills. Extra Good .Linen
Damask for 75 cents per yard ; Good Table Linens for 25, 371,
50, and GO cents per yard ; Best Linen Napkins for $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50 per dozen ; Extra Linen Towels for 50 cents por pair; Lace
Curtains for 15 cents per yard to $0.00 per pair ; Ready-Made
curtains, on rollers, tor oU cents apiece ; Linen and Laco Collars
from 10 cents to $1.00 apiece ; Lisle Thread Gloves 20, 25, 35,
50 cents and up ; Black and Colored Silk Gloves for 50 cents per
pair; Black Kid Gloves, 5 hook,
Gloves, warranted, 5 hook, $1.00 a
i last year s prices ; Linen Torchon Edirintrs from 32 cents to
v1:-0 per uozen yards ; uinulren
pair; juisscs cotton hose to
hose 12ie to $1.00 a pair. Easter Cards, Birthday Cards,
Writing Papers and Envelopes, Stationery sundries in great va
riety; II. M. Smith & Co's. Gold Pens; Gcrmantown Wools,
Zephyrs, Crewels and Saxon v Wools. Colored Band Chamber
Sets 3.75, 4.00, 5.00, 7.00, 8.00. Best Queensware Tea Sets, 3.00.
Lverything in Queensware,
5 Styles of Ifafs Pannible
SO Styles Mcsb's Suitings,
Reatly-Made Clothing for
Large Assort meiat of Children's
Sole Dealers in Cluett Bro. & Co's., celebrated
Full Line of White
Bicycle Shirts, (lace
01 JNecK JL lcs, Ate.
In their department for Hats they have the
Fedora, l&over, SMaiiter,
and many new Styles in Stiff Hats for Men
and Youths.
Cor. ot Main
$1.00 a pair; Colored Kid
pair ; Hamburg Embroideries
s cotton llose iu to vo cents a
70 cents a pair; .Ladies cotton
Glassware, at the lowest prices.
1 r
Shirts, Pcrcalle Shirts,
frmts)Ncv Spring Styles
and Iron Streets,