3L The irklrfi' furl Importance of' ti armers' Clubs. ' Tho importance, of organizing among farmers for the purposing of assisting c'aoh other and oxcliangiiiir their ex periences for tlio beMlefit of ono and nil cannot bo loo strongly urged. As soils differ so do tho methods of cultivation, nd each year's oxpcrlonco convinces ,tuo farmer that, no mutter how observ ing ho intiy havo been In tho past, there is always something now present ed and fresh ideas gained. It is only 'when farmers regularly meet, howover, dnd present their different views, that 'mistakes aro corrected and better meth ods employed. There is" a class or f Armors who at tach no importance to association, us ually regarding tho teachings at tho meetings as theory, when, in fact, tho dlsoiissTons aro based on I'aots and prac tical experience. Such farmort rtnnu ally'wltndfls bolter crops on the farms of their moro thoughtful neighbors than on their own, and wonder why they do not obtain as good results from tho samo oropsj but In order to bo suc cessful comparisons must bo" mado of th6 proper times of planting, best vari eties for tho section, methods of culti vation and productiveness of all the co Mais und garden vegetables that are grown, to say nothing of tho systems of. .ftioding and breeding of animals, saving and application of raanuro and usefulness of improved implements in tended for farm service. Tho ralstako of a singlo farmer may prevent suoh liko, occurrence on tho part of a largo number, and the beneficial results from aotual experiments by an individual may assist in obtainiug heavier yields and greater profits for all. . Ifarraora1 clubs can do moro than to simply meet and discuss farm topics, though If organized for nothing but discussion tho benefits to each individual would bo1 groat t but an organization based upon the welfaro of the agrioul tdralt"pqmmunity in which it exists can oMrjxperfmijiits rouon farther than tho efforts of:a singlo individual. With, but little expbnso to-each, now and im proved agricultural Implements can be placed in service on a co-operative sys tem, and tho saving in expense from' tho uso of theso would moro than ro pay any outlay in tho way of purcha ses. Thoroughbred stock can bo moro, oajily introduced into, tlie community b -united,? effort, and tho stock could bo oITtfio best,: owing to the unlimited meafcti for' procuring it that corabina-i tion may easily furnish. The introduc tion of a singlo thoroughbred animal sometimes adds thousands of dollars to tho value of stock, as was done by' Messenger, tho founder of our trotting1 strain of horses. By organization tho facilities for marketing crops arc in creased, tho expenses of transportation lessened, higher pricos obtained from' sales and the business of the whole managed by one person in selling rath or than by all. There is no limit to tho usefulness of farmers' clubs; and such 'clubs are beneficial in exact pro portion as the farmers make them so. No farmer should expect the club to prove, 4 success without his individual aid, nor should any farmer i ef rain from imparting Ins experience on any sub ject that ho is familiar with, nor lose any oportunity of adopting and prac ticing those methods Unit. successful when tried by others. It cha9been'ddni"onjt'ratdd by comparison ''thjit.' in all agricultural communities where farmers' clubs exist there is a steady and continued improvement in the system practiced, and not only aro the: profits greater but knowledge and interest ih the pursuit of farming aro correspondingly increased. rrultfoVH There is no good reason why a family living on a lot of half an acre should not ha ve inan ordinary year of fruit bearing- all the apples, pears, peaches, grapes and currants they need. Five dollars expended, will buy half a dozen apple trees, half dozen pear trees, half dozen peach trees (ono treo of each va riety), and ono each Concord, Dela ware, Isabella and Catawba grapo vine, and two dozen currant bushes, and a smart man will plant them all out nice ly in one day. The apple trees if car ed for vill bear well in five orsix years, aad will last for half a century. Tho pear trees will begin to bear, if stand ard, in four or five years and last over a century. Tho peach trees will begin to bear when three years old, and by usinc Whito Heliboro spriukled very lightly over the trees when the fruit is Betting may be made to livo many years. The grape vines will bear bv the time they aro three years old and aro liable to live over half a century. Tho currants will bear the second and third year, and one dozen bushes set four feet six inches apart each way will, afford any ordinary sized family all the currants they want for eating and for jelly, and if they are properly manured and hoed, will last for a lift) time. This article is written in tho real, truo, interest of the lovers of tino .fruit, and we cannot too strongly urgo our fellow citizoes all over the countv to make a heroio exertion to plant fruit trees and vines this corning spring. If tb'ej do take tnis friendly hint in that direction, those who now havo scarcely none at all will havo all they want soon and some to give away to their neighbors or to sell. We would rec ommend for apple trees, ono King, one -Baldwin, one Rhode Island Greening, .oneEarly Harvest (tart), ono Fall Pip. pin and ono Roxbury Russet, and for currants tho old-fashioned variety, grown so long in this country, as beat suited for jellies. We hope this arti; eld will load to a largo quautity of fruit tree and vine planting all over our country. -Warren County, (K J.) Republican. Hatcm Eakly. As spring time has come oijain, brincintr aloncr the exner. ienoo and wisdom of tho last vcar to poultry breeders, we suggest to tho inousancis ot tanners, cottagers and ar tisans scattered over our vast oountrv. to improve their stock and rid them selves ot the mongrels, or common fowls, kept by them for generations. To procuro eggs from puro-bred stock to begin with, or some cood birds for the same purpose, for a simile trio will. in only ono season, nroduce nuito a flock of young chicks, enough to start a lair sized vara of pure breeds the .next year. Early hatching is desirable, partbularly with tho large breeds, in order to enable them to mako largo and heavy birds bv fall. Thov take longer to mature, and they must bo well developed beforo cold weather, or tnoy will tail to meet our expectations ill the show-room or in egg prod not. But, wilh the Leghorns, Ham. burgs, Polish and suoh like small breeds, early hitching is not so espec ially desirable, ns tho weight of flesh is not so mucn an ouject. i liey being quicn growing iowis, 6UOW precocity at an early ago if proper care, food and attention aro given them right along poultry Monthly, Tlio biggest cabbage heads are not always the best but they have tho lar gest hearts. Impossible Esoape. ABSOLUTE TnUTH WITH COM.ATKIUI. moor fiw which tiiuhk oak IIR NO AlTltAl, For tho past three years wo havo had a standing offer of 3,000 for any statement of euro published by us which "was not, so far ns wo know, bona fide. Wo did this in order that nil readers might know tho absolulo truth of all our assertions and that thoy wcro based upon tho value of our remedy and not upon idlo words. Be low wo givd a few extracts faom re cent letters, which speak tor them selves. Wo will only add that we could furnish one hundred thousand moro of a similar naturo did occasion require, but wo beliovc the entire American publio is now convinced of tlio posltivo valuo of Warner's Safo Cure. II. II. Wnrner A Co. Rochester, If. Y. "Warner's Safe Cure does nil claim "ed for it. Maj. James Singley. 1'etaluma, Cat. ','1 was cured of kidney disease and "bleeding piles by 1 1 bottles of War "nor's Safo Cure B. II. Howard. Auburn, Me. "I was a physical wreck by kidney "disorder, but Warner's Safe Curo has "completely oured mo.1' Columbus, O. O. C. Lanlng. "I was a sight to behold from kid "noy dropsy, but was restored to por "feet health by Warner's Safo Curo." Troy, N. Y, James Allen. "My physicians said I would never "get out of bed again. I took War tier's Safo Curo and felt like another "being." F. Cuyler Ilutohins. Beverly, JV". J. "I had 22 quarts of water taken from "mo caused by dropsy. Ten bottles of "Warner's Safo Curo entirely restored "me." 3eo. B. Peaslcy. Manchester, K. It. "A neighbor of mine,.W.' A. Thorap "son, has been raised from tho dead by 1 "the uso of your Warner's Safo Cure. John Norton, P. M. Summit City, Fa., Feb. Sth. "Physicians said I could never be "cured of calculus and slranguary, but "four bottles of Warner's Safe Cure "entirely removed my complaint." San Francisco, Cat. T. O. Lewis. "I was wholly prostrated by a com "plication of disoises and as a last re "sort purchased Warner's Safo Cure. "Every one of tho old troubles havo "disappeared and I am very grateful.'' W. E. Benedict, Fress and Knickerbocker. Albany, N. Y. "I Buffered for over twenty years "with a lame back caused by kidney "complaint, and my spiuo and nervous "system were badly affected. When I "had abandoned all hope I began tho "use of Warner's Safe Cure, and have "not felt so well and strong for twenty ! "years." J. J. Wright. Jf on du Jmc, Wis. "For two years I suffered intensely! "and was made miserable through dis eased kidneys and bladder, with ner- ii i i .. . "vuuH exiiausuun auu enure prostration. i "Doctors and medicine did not afford "mo any relief, and I was advispd to, if. . w ' . ef r i i t i -i ubu tt iirut-r a ouiu vjure, wmcu i uiu "in connection with the Safe Pills, and1 am thankful to Btate I am entirely "cured of the dreadful malady. jure. JJorraer, 448 South Tenth street. Denver, Col., Feb. 18fA. "I want to state how much my hus- "band has improved while taking War ner's Safe Cure. All swelling has dis appeared from his limbs ; his water, 'trouble is much better and his voice i "so improved that ho preaches every "Sabbath. We are vory thankful. The "people all around here are taking the "remedy, and some are getting well "by tho use of a few bottles. Multitudes "moro must have it." Mrs. Rev. F A. Souio. Sing Sing, N. Y., Feb. 29A. "For a score of years I suffered with twhat tho doctors pronounced dilation "and valvular disease of tho heart, but "now I am led to believe that the heart "troublo was only secondary and a "symptom of other complaints. Fre quently I was threatened with death "by suffocation, my breath failing me "entirely. I becamo cold and numb, "and was as near death as any living "person over has beon. This was three "years ago and I have ever since en "joyed complete health wholly through "tho use of Warner's Safo Cure." A. Bilderbeck, 28 13th street. Chicago, March 1st. Coffee and Tka. At the London Parkes Museum recently Dr. G. V. Poore lectured on coffee and tea. Ho expressed tho beliof that stimulants, both alcoholic and alkaloidal, had their uses, and that we ought to bo sure of our ground beforo we override, appetito with dogma. The cup of coffee gen uine contains more alkoloidal stimui lant than a cup of tea, and, owing to the absence of tannin, its action is moro rapid than that of tea. The dan ger of excessive tea dnnkincr consist mainly in tho quantity of astringont lumiur, which is a prouno source ot dyspepsia among sedentary workers,! especially if thoy boil tho tea. Dr. Pooro said that coffee should be fresh roasted and ground, both of which upuruiiuux uugiu to do done at nomo j from ono and a half to two ounces in tho quantity for a pint of water. Whori wanted early in tlio morning, it should be infused in cold water over night and heated to the boiline poiut. but not to violent ebullition, when required for unnKing. The Grants are getlting along 'after a fashion. The old gentleman lives in a 10U,0UU House, which is filled with several hundred thousand dollars wort h of furniture and brjo-a-brao which didn't cost him a cent ; youug 'Lys, Jr., has a house that cost him $150,. OOOoxolusive of all tho fashionable truck inside of it ; Jesse eats and sleeps in n $75,000 shanty given him by ids father-in-law ; Nellie worries alow I Tl . .1 1 t , - B over in jvuyiiiiici in i painco ot some pretensions, living in lino stylo j Fred has had a number of fine houses, and is seldom out of one, and tho immedi ate relations, such as aro left of the Dents and Caseys, get canvas-back duck and terrapin stew so often that lliey never think ot saying anythinp about It. And it wasn't such a fearfu' while ago that tho first mentioned of this galaxy of lucky stars was yanking soaked skins out of his father's vats in a western tannery, Great countrv this, no matttcr what Monsignor Cupel says to i no contrary.- jtoiion J'ost, THE COLUMBIAN AND The liaising of Poultry. It is a very easy matter in oxperi inctitiiiir ivilli poultrv. ns with nnv oth cr enterprise, to fool away a good deal of monoy In "outfits" not needed at the beginning, such ns exponsivo hen houses, costly patonted appointments, high priced premium birds, etc., all of which aro of little worth to tho novice, until lid knows, from experience, how to turn nil tlmse showy adjuncts to profit, therefore our ndvlco to begin-1 tiers is to consider well what they nro nboiit to embark in. itoaii somo good reliable journal or book, giving a the oretical understnndiuQ- at least, about the beginning of tho business. It is a good business, a pleasant occupation, an interesting rural work to ehgago in, if well followed, and properly appreci ated and managed, otherwise not. As to tho best birds to try, this is ono of the hardest questions to answer, but in any event start with but ono va riety the novice should never attempt to breed moro thnn ono kind. If he insists in trying two or thrco kinds, it J only goes to show Mint no knows two or three times less than ho thinks he does, and at tho end of u year or two ho will bo disgusted with tho business and somo ono will havo an opportunity to furnish fowls cheap, and they will have neither ono thing .or tho other that will amount to anything. Begin witli one sort, then, no mat ter what tho Bort is as long as that sort suits the fancy, breed them in their purity, tnko good care of both old and young, and you will bo likelyi at tho end of tho first year, to know enough about raising poultry to advantage1. When you aro posted try a second va riety if you choose, and when you nre thoroughly interested you will bo con tent with a singlo variety to look after. Tho great error with tho majority is they atlcmpt at the outset to do too much, thus they pay too dear for tho experieuoe. Again, the question of numbers is an important one and depends largely upon the amount, of space that can bo devoted to their accommodation. Nev er have more than from forty to fifty at tho most under one roof, and better less than thirty in ono building unless it bo a large one s they cannot' livo and remain healthy when crowded together in great numbers, tho effluvia from their bodies generates disease, lico and fevers. Upon limited premises, a dozen or twenty may bo kept comfortably, but the day you crowd fifty to ono hun dred fows or chicks into ono house you will find that they will begin to fall off in laying, the birds will get' siok, ver min will congregate in myriads about their roosts, in their nests nud upon their bodies then farewell to your poultry keeping for profits. Too many in ono house, don't attempt it. You will lose your time, your monoy, your fowls and your patienco. This is true. They must be kept in small lota, on any place on tho farm big or little, and spparated from any other community. In conclusion wo would urge all to get good, pure bred stock. Begin wi'.h ono sort at first, feed and water recu- laily and judiciously, house them warm' : .. ...!... . ... , i hi wiuier, uooi in summer, Keep menu frco from vermin, and there will be but little trouble in realizing a handsomel profit from a few birds Germantowni Telegraph. Time for Grafting. I Tho grafting of apple, pear and piuraj trees will begin about tho 20th of March, aud if the scions are, carefully, preserved it can be continued up into' and through May, as wo know from our own experience. As wo have oiten said, grautng is a vory easy, operatton wiien ouce understood, and the knowledge, is readily acquired on observing it being done by others. In' fact, every farmer and garduer should, do his own grafting, which will take up no time required, by other duties. A sharp penknife for shaping tho graft, a slioe makers knite lor splitting the, stem, and a fine saw forremoving tho) top of the stock aro indispensable.! Splitting the bark so that it shall not be bruised, suaping the scion wedgo; fashion botli ways, and placing tho; rim of the wood of both stock and scion exactly together, bo that tho sap, can intermingle, and then properly' wuxeu, mere is no uanger oi iaiiure. We make a "shoulder ' to tho scion aud think it adds tho certainty of succeedi ing. It probably weakens it . a little, but wo havo never found it any disad-. vantago. We prefer also two eyes or buds to a scion and would rather have only ono than moie than two. One year's wood should always bo taken when it can be obtained as it is moro certain to "take aud to grow- moro vigorously, and the scion should be cut from bearing branches. We wish agaiu to remind thoso in preparing their grafting wax, that wo takeowf parts of rosin, one .part of beeswax and one part of beef tallow, as the proper proportions for making a satisfactory wax. Melt them together in a skillet, (which is best,) or a tincup, and stir well. It should re main in tho vessel and bo used when needed. Twenty or thirty grafts can bo waxed with one heating up. When much grafting is' to bo done, a little fire lor warming tho mixture should be made on the spot, between two bricks or stones. Apply the wax with a small, thin paddle ; and in two or three weeks go over the grafts and close up any! opening in the waxing caused by the wina on tno spins. There aro many receipts for inakiug grafting wax, and we have tried most of them, and found some of tbem to bu very good, but wo prefer our own, as being the simplest to prcparo and an swering the purpose well. Applying it warm or hot does no injury to tho scion. The object to attaiirin tho pro- !juriiuu id mai, mu wax win not oracic n cool, dry, windy weathor, or run in warm weather. If, however, on trial different proportions bo required, the foregoing .can be altered in order to mako the wax thinner or stiffer, though after UBiug tho wax iu several wayH wo havo come back to theso as meeting saiisiactoruy ail the requirements. Telegraph. Here is a good rcoipo for boiled In dian Duddincr: Warm a nint of mnlns ses, then mix a pint of sweet milk with it, beat four eggs very light, and add to the molasses and milk i chop one pound of suet very fine, and Btir this in with enough Indian meal to make a imcK nauer. i'or Havering use one teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, half a teaspoonful of nutmeg, and a littio grated lemon peel. Dip a pudding cloth into boiling water, then sprinkle flour in it, pour tho pudding in i leave room at the top for it to rise, then tlo it closely. Boil for tbreo houra j serve with any pudding sauce you choose. A sour sauce Is generally preferred. The flavoring may, of courso, be a piattcr of choice also ; somo cooks add a cup ful of English currents, thinking that inoy improve tno liavor. jjio L.owi8 says Amerioan women need sunshine, and not paint and pow der to improve their complexions, DEMOCRAT, BL "Mnryliinil, My Muryliuul." ' 'l'rctty wives und lately daughters." ''My farm Ilea In a rather low nnd inlas htntld situation, ami "ity wife I" "Whet" "Was a vory pretty blonde I" Twenty years ago, became "Sallbw I" "Uollow-dycdl" "Withered nnd nged I" Dcforo her time, front' Malarial Vapors, though sliu made no particular complaint, not being ono bt the grumpy kind, yet caused, mo great uncasl ncss. t(A nlinrt ilmn nrm T ntirnlinanil vnllr rpm-' rdv for ono of tlio children, who hud u vurv nnvnrn fttinnll nf titllnnanpaa. nntl ll nrmlr-l red to mo that tlio remedy might help my wile, ns l round tnat our littio girl upon re covery had "Lost!" "Her snllowness, nnd looked ns fresh ns a now blown dnlay. Well tlio story Is soon' nlil llv tvtf. fn.ilnir linn ftntnitil Imp nlif.' time beauty with compound Interest, and la now ns hamlsomo n matron (It 1 do say It myself) as can bo found In this county, which is noted for nrcttv womon. And I havo only Hop bitters to thank for It. "Tho dear creature lust looked over my' Bhoutdcr and says, 'I can flutter cmial to tho days of our courtsklp,' nnd that re minds mo there might bo more prelly irivei if my brother farmers would do n9 I havo done." II opine you may lane bo spared to do good, I thankfully remain, wosi truiy yours, 0. h. Ja.IK8. Deltsvlllc, Princo George Co., Mil.,) May 28th, 188a. ( ;m FAY'S CELEBRATED. '3 lillTfB.nBlinF 0 nfl cn-rnuur f.n iiLr lUcllllllcl UUUllUg -g ltesembles fluo leather ; tor roots, Outside wtuu anninsiao in p:nco or piaster, very ti stronifr nnd durable. Cata'ogue with tcsti- 3 mnnlnlanml utunlM VltMKV rjtnltlUtipil In O 1808. u. ii, t in s iu., uamucn. a. J. March 74w d .iiiiiillilliUUlIUII DurbunUhlstdrib. ItwUneutrfclrround during the armistice bet ween Bbermu and Johnon. Soldier of both arm lei filled tbelr iKHicbcM with the tobacco itored there, and after the atirrender, tnarcbed home ward. Boon order came from Eaat,Wet, North and South, for "more of thatetefrant tobacco.' Then, ten men ran an unknown factor). Kow It emptors 800 men, uee the Ilnk and rick of tho Golden Belt, and the Durham Bull 1 the trade-mark of this, the best tobacco In the world. Ulackwell's Dull Durham Smoktnr Tobacco hu the largeet ale of aur amokintr tobacco In the world. Wbr? Simply because It la the btit. All dealers havo it. Trade-mark of the Hull. March st-tt An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texu, , , Muj 3, 1882. " I with to express iny aiipriclatlou of tba Tkluablo qualities ot Ayers Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. " While wilh Churchill's arpiy, Just before tho battle of Y'lcksburg, 1 contracted a so rt re cold, vrhloh tcrmlimtrd in a dangerous couuli. 1 found nu rvllel till ou our inarch wo came to a country storo, where, on asking for some remedy, 1 was urged to try Avtu's Cumiiv li:croitAb. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slneo then I haru kept tho 1'ectoiial constantly by 'lnc, lor family use, and I hare found It to be an Invaluable remedy for throat and lung dlsvai.es. J. W. Whitley." Thousand of testimonials certify to the prompt cure' of all bronchial and lung affections, by tbo use of AVer's CuniiEV l'KrTQKAL Delng v ry palatable, the yoime est chlhiii-u taka it re..dlly. riu:i'Ar,Eo dy Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. THE SURE FOK CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. '&ldneyWort U the moat suocessful remedy Xoverusd." Dr. P.C. VaIlou,Monkton,Vt "Kidney. Wort la always reliable," Dr. It. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. "Kldnev.Wort hu cured m v v (fn aHmt two sulTdrlnff." Dr. C. M . Bumtaerlin, Sun Hill, Ga. D IN THOUSANDS OF OA8E3 it ha4 cured whero all else had failed. It la mild, buteQclent. CEltTAJN IX 1T8 ACTIO.V, but harmless In (01 cases. tVlt dcanes the Wood nnd Strenethens and fUoi Now I.tfe to all tie Important crews ot the body. 1io natural Action cf Vio Kidneys Is restored. The liver is clo.uae.1 of all disease and the Bowela inovo freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated from the system. a mice, (too U9UD or ukt, sold bt ducgcuts. Dry can be sent by mail. KICIIAItnsoX JU CO.Iliirllngt.i. Vt. 2E aobwbs wawtud fox. PICTURESQUE Washington. 1'IJN AND I'UNCIIiNKETOIIBis Ot Its scenery, Illatory, Traditions, Publio and Mortal Lire, with graphic descriptions ot the Cupl. tol, congress, the whlto House, and the Govern ment, Departments, with Views at Mount Vernon, a map or Washington, and Diagrams of the Halls of Congress, liv JOSEl'll WEST 11O0HK. To all classes this Is a boolc of great Interest It uuutitKT, Kruimiu, luviuuku. mm luieresung, it lustrated by over 100 beautiful new engravings by leading American artists, aud elrganuy bound, a dook lur an uomes. boiu oniy ny uuDScnptlon. Agents are meeting with grand success. Atrents wanted, male or female. In averv town. Bhln la the United titates. Previous eznerlenee. while desirable not absolutely reciulrud. as we give Instructions necessary for success. If unem. pioyea, wnie us. trot terms to Atents address vuo uuunancni. J. A. ll A. KUID, Providence, It. I. March U4W PEj30DY hotel. PHILADELPHIA. Sth St. south of Chestnut, ono square south of the New Post omce, one halt square from Walnut Bt. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On tho American and European plans Good rooms from soo to ttf.0J per day. ltemodellcd and novTi turuumuu. W. Pnyne, M. D., nov 30-1 y Owner & Proprietor. ' sm, kMfm .!"" coloa 6nd SWEETNESS MH On DEAN'S CONCENTRATED fei&W t3 tiHroql ol Annatto. a.. . snl r.trsnjeil. lir r jeui Met. - r4 1 tti, I.-, umr Ur u.pl. cvlwiiag wuibt. t. i f i to.. fw.:i;i Jlsrtu si., ruiuii'A. JuneMy ag lAQH i; bVdirone forapack RH ure of filarkweU's Hull akWfmm Durham Smoking To rVHH bacoo.aahewaato1d.he i' wouldn't have been JSBH'. cornered by the buU. ' SPEEDS PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE AUo UNFKUMKNTKI) (MAM. JUICE. Used In tho nrlnetnul ClitimhM for nnn.mitnlnn. Excellent for Females, Weakly Tcrsons And tho Specr's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. THIS CEI.KIIItATED WINE 13 tho puro Julco of tho dead ripe Oporto Clrapo, raised In Bpeer'a Vineyards. Its Invaluable, Tonlo and Strengthening Properties -.-MuauiwniMiuuj Uiij UUll'I iVIIIU. JtUlUK l'lV- duccd unuer Mr. Upecrsown personal supervision. If nnrl til ft ttrnnl-Aat TniTnll.l un It Is particularly benenclal to tho nged and debilitated, nnd suited to thoartou3 allmcnia that ainwi iuo rtuuiwi OVA. u is in every respect A WINETO BKltULIED ON. Speer's Unfermented Qrapa Juico- Tb Hin liilon rt H.ri nn..iA r-y . Hs natural, fresh, sweet state nt runs from the TlPPUU litf fllmlnnllnn ltnul.i .1 i . . fcr of fermonlatlon. It Is perfectly pure, free from spirits and will keep In any climate. Sneer's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium T)rr Winn nuvi uv tim wealthy classes ns a Tablo or Dinner Wine, nnd by physicians In cases whero a drv winn n( sweet port Is desired. Speer's (Sooialite) Olaret. ISlield In hiirh rtltlmnttnn fnr tta lt1,nnaa na n Dry Table Wine especially suited lor dinner use, Speer's P. J. Shorry. Is a Wine Of Sunprinr Olinmnrpr nnrl nnrtnV-pa nf tho rich qualities of the grapo from which It Is mode. Speer's P- J, Brandy. is a 1'uhk distillation from tho grape, nnd stands unrivalled In this Countrv for mnlieiimi purposes. it uas a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes fromwuich It Is distilled, See that tho signature of ALFHICI) SPEEIt, Pas saic N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOJUD Y O.A, KLIM. . and Br DnuoaisTs EVEnr.vnKnB. Scp.S4-'831yr. .for the working class. Send 10 cents for postage, auu wo wm mail you free, a royal vaiunblebox of samole coods that will .nut YOU In tho WAV of mnklntr mnrr mnnnv In n few days than you over thought, posiblo nt any business. Canltal not mnn mil. v. will xtnrr. you. You can work all thutlmoorln sparo time only. The work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young nnd old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to w every evening. That all who want, may test the business, wo mako this unp.iralled offer : to all that nro not well sat Istled wo will bend tl to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full parti culars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by thoso whoglvo their whole time to tho work. Great success absolutely suro Dont delay. Start now. Address Ktinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Deo il-l YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME. Wm Elecltliic Institute, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SIOK. The houso Is snoclallv fitted un for tho comfort of Invalids whs desire a pleasant nnd Christian home, stands on high ground with plenty ot shade. Personal attention given to every patient. Electricity and Galvanism in their different modt llcatlons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many years of study and practice to this branch, and hundreds will testify to Ills skill. (Send for circular, stating what paper you saw this in. PKOK. HENHY MILLS, Mrs. ALIUi; FKBNCil .MILLS. Lock Box 1)7. Binghamton, N. Y. Bept,7'83-ly. 090900 O Otlttttl ooc c o o o.e i e e (SttDCtttllllltlt Precision in Timekeeping At no period of our business experience lias there been so real or urgent a demand for time keepers of accuracy and preci sion, as at the present moment. '1 lie attention of those inter c 'd in this subject, and those who have met with dissatisfac l.un in purchasing many of the . "-called hi;;h grade watches of t'.i.: i!ny, is directed to the names ol .lie following first-class makers ( whom we arc special agents: j I. R. Ekegrcn, Louis Audc m.irs and Vachcron & Constantin, of Geneva, who are everywhere recognized as the leading makers of Europe. Our assortment embraces all the varieties of Repeaters. Cal endars, Chronographs, Split Sec onds and Plain Timers, marked at prices as low, if not lower, than is frequently demanded for inferior watches. Correspond ence very respectfully solicited. J. 1. Caldwell & Co., 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. eoooooeeeeeeoee OOOOOQQCQOOOOOOO eooQ6oooo9oaea EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOousBuna, pa. OPPOSITE COUKT IIOOSE. Large and convenient sample roomi B.Uh rooms hot and cold water, aud all modern conveniences a week at homo. 13.00 outfit free. 1'ar ab solutely sure. No risk. Capital not required Header, If you want business at which per. great pay all tho tlino they work, with absolute certaluty, write for particulars to II. IUllktt & iu., ruruuuu, Aiuine, DeoSl-iy TTT A Mil 17 r IMM1SDIATELY.-A tow Wl riy L III 1 good men to canvass for Yw the Bale 01 Fruit Trees, vinos, noses, Ac. ' .Vo eiiierteiwe required. Good Halaryand an expenses paid. Auaress 11. J. uu wiie.n & cu., Brighton, N. V. (1 mile east of Kochester.) March I-lw d 7 Great Monarchies. OP THE ANCIENT EASTKItN WOULD. By ltaw, Unson. Three largo volumes, ovor 100 Pine Illus-i tratlons. Price reduced from IIS to $.1. Not sold by dealers. Books sent for examination beforu payment, on evidence 01 roou iaun. npecimon pages und large catalogue free. JOHN B. ALUEN. Publisher, 1H versoy tit., N. Y, P, O, Box 137. ' March 7-lw d wanted for Tho Lives of all tho PresI ucuutMiluu u. o. liiu lurKUSl 1IUI1U4 somest best book over sold for loss than book In America. Immense proilts to agents. All Intelligent jwople want It. Any one can become a successful agent, l!rms free, inixirr Book Co.. Portland; Maine. Deo SMy ' A PRIZE. Send six cents for DOstatro. and ro. celve free, a costly lux ot goods which will heln you to more inoner rlirlic AIL of either sex, succeed from Itrst hour. The broad road to fortune opens beforo the workers absolutely sure. At once address, Tuck & Co., AuJ gust, Maine. Deo SMy ' awav than auvtlitiiL.nlsn In thu wnriti: cgEMfrTYrpi: - - ..4 , connocriijuyARK, vr. jr. 20 minutes of Now York, storl positions for grad untes tlian till other Rchools combined. Llto Bchoi. nrshlp, 110. Wrlto for circulars. March ll-iw r SUBSOUIHE NOW KOlt THE COLUMBIAN 81.50 A YEAH, ss-vavwls . -ill 111 Mil ani WMMlEi STYLES iSAN WOW ! .-I AT davib mumi THE iff. f V .1 t tl ' if 1 I'i .ti. 1 f 1 . - 11 '11 -. -, . - MERCHANT TAILOR, Rloomslmi' WHBERHARDMAN JPTJi. FINK INLAID FRENCH WALNUT Easy TcrmN. IBA-OOHST'S MU3I0 HALL BLOCK, &EAND WORD CONTEST T PTilT!AflA'T AVn tvcTntTnTuro moi..,. HAGNIPIOENT AND COSTLY PEEMIUMS GIVEN Solid Gold Watch, - Worth $100,00 Mian lficen t Tea Set, embracing Waiter, fid inch, Hammered amlJE-igraved, 6 pieces 1st. 8(1. Isined Sloi) and Cream, Quadruple mate, 100.00 3d. Tamo Ic Winn Sit, Tlanil Chnseil or Chaml Satin with nni.i i ci 4th. Tittiso Its Wt Set, Engraved, with Gold Llnef MovitSo Su?,, Jn.i rLP anU C,1f' M0 6th. riLET Stand, Klne Dccorafed Ilottlo and Powder ' iloi whh Bil?? I . i fii i n wo p. i:vt& r;om thoiundio, ess 10th. !AESTAD,:liasod nnd Ooldtlned, . ' . . " 10 oo lllh. lnl,lTHTAo, UockCrysUIClsss, beautifully cut. . ' 7.M Day's Oolo-texo,toc3L Soari. -CONIJITIONS. tho Orocer from whom you buy It. 6 r ln your '"n"y nu the nsme and address of Sd. Words must be wrltlen plainly nnd numbered. i i:.f raB una "uorcss plainly on lists, and for further I riiiK ntrer l mntie to Induce you to trv nntl use Til v'a cn ii I if. BJiA(and your. wasliini; done in onflJiuir!... yebl-nw l-orSalebyMOYEltllltOTilKita Hinomsburff, i" Pmuttl,ml' L 4. WM, M. D. Moilc&l Superintendent of the Sanitarium. Invalid's Home, BlooinHburj-, Pa., Devotes spcclnl nttentlon to Epilepsy, Uervoas Affections, nnd Diseases of Wcaen, Patients received at tlio Saultarlnni on reasonable, terms for board and treutmont. P, S. No cliargo for first cousultatlon, apr 87. '83 For tlio Celebrated Chlckerlng, Ivors & l'oml. and Voo& Son Pianos. World.ro no vi e Estoy Organs, Violins, Accordcons nud Sheet Miis.c.1, Celebrated Whlto, New ltlifli Arm Dnvls, New Home, Hoynlo Jofin. nnd Llglit llunnlng Domestic Sowing Mncl.tncs. Keedles, oif nnd lUtncl.mcnts for nil makes ot Sowing Machines. w- t 1 f-irn N IMG SEEIV . , 1 : I'' KJ.' ,t."'t IsT OS, CASE ORGAN, 9 STOPS, CASH Sntlnrnctlou Guarnutced. WARE ROOMS, WXZHES-SAX&B VJL June! the Plbmt nn.1 it c. t . ThsDArt B. F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Depot, Bloomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges In different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves and moves for heating stores, school houses, churches Ac. Largo stock of tlnwaro and stqvo repairs, such as grates, flro brick, lids, centres CALL ADD SECURE BARGAINS. Oct 30 tf RAHROAD TirYC B TABID. mm Pennsylvania Railroad. HMi 'hiladolphia & Erio R R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. 1111 TIME-TABLE. In fftiw.t. Vnlf. IQtli Iftttl TpnlHn I. bury '"u"1 luavu oun KASTWAItD, n !Wn. m" TivV llntnn Vv,moa .lnM . Sunday), for llarrtsburg nndintennedlntostntlons Ijineuswr, l-hlladolphla, New Vork, llaltlmoro and if unuiuHLUu, milling Hi. i luiuueipilia 0.15 D. m New York, CSOp. in. : llaltlmoro, 6.10 p. m. j i Waslii KjiioipEiX- v B ' '""t"-u,:r " to . -S ?L. p-lW express (dally except Sunday), for Haniiburg nnd intermediate stations, Ijiueasl ter, l'hlladelpnla, New York, llaltlmoro nnd Wash! UiKton, arriving at Philadelphia t.ss n. in. ; New York,i0.S0p.m. i Ualtlmore, 7.sop.m.; Washing, ton, 8.4 1 p. in. Pullman Parlor car through to Phi. ladelphia and passenger coach through to Phlladei. nhtnuml IlnlHrnim'. 8,i!0 p. m. WlUIainsport Accommodation (dally) ,ui ltMI:,.,1",t "" iwiviuicuiiiiu siuiions, Lan ?.!3Aer 11 P """i'lPhla and New York, arriving at Philadelphia 3 os a. m. ; New York 0.10 n. m .... .'.in . wuw...vuh.v.a btiu iu Bvliureu Til Uarrlsburg for Phlladelphlaand New Y'ork. on Sun. duys a through sleeping cjr'wlll be run; on this ii minium n luminal! nui uuuut.-iuiim.rjuiaaeiiihia passengers can remain ln (deeper undisturbed until 7 il m. 2.10 n. m.-Erla Mall (dully except Monday) for Uarrlsburg nnd intermediate stations. Lancnsri.r Philadelphia, New York, llaltlmoro nud Washing, ton, arriving at Philadelphia 7.60 n. m. : New York. ll.siU a, m. i llalthuore 7.40 a. in. ; Washington, 8.60 !i,iu ,,.V ,,, ft, it ,, , , V ,,,' . eursure run on i... vim.u .v . Uinuuiuiu, jiauuiiuiu uuu nsuing. ton, and through passenger coaches to Phlladei. phla nud llalthuore. WE8TWA11U. ft.?n tt. lll.-.Prl( Xtntl Mnllv nvnnn. C....tn... . BrTi on.1 nil Tnln llV S.u."u.W.."iF l"ulluinn Palaco car nnd through .uasina-r .. f""i " viiiuuu i uiiiiiuii i-aiaeo ears to Uunalo via Kmporluiu. On Sundays this iiuiuiuusiuueuuvo, iiu i-uiiinnn Palaco car to WlUIainsport and passenger coaches to Iteuovo. lor t'auandalgua nncl Intermediate stations. Itochcs er, llurfiionnd Niagara Mills, (dally except Sundays) with Uuough Pullman Palaco car aid passenger coaches to itochestcr. I.Oj p. in.-Nlagara Kxpres3 (dally except Sun day) for Kano and Intermediate stations with : i-i'si.i VU1H.UVO iu ivuuv uuu parior car to Wlillainspori. For Canandalgun and principal tntprmr.illiil ii Llnllnnu iin.ii. ........ ...... .. . . VT. .. ,T """.ti iiw.iic3ii;i, iiuiiuiu anu Niagara 1 ulls 1th through passenger coaches to iiocncstcr. 6.23 p. in.. Fast lino (dally except Sunday for He novo und Intermediate stations, and Ehnlrn, Wat kins and Intermediate ttutlons, with through Das. seuger couches to lleuo o nnd Watklns. THUOUail T1U1NS FOH SUNIIUltY FIIOM TUB EAST AND SOUTH. ,.. - Niagara Express leave Philadelphia, 7.40 n. m. ; llaltlmoro 7.30 iu m. (dally except buuday) arriving at bunbury, l.os p. m. with through Pullman Parlor car from Phlladel ph a and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and llalthnore. , JOuRHS" lcaves Now York 8.00 a. m. ; Phlladcl-E!1,1;.1?."-m-! , Washington, 9.40 a. m. ; Haiti, more, 10.60 a. m., (dally except Sunday) urrlvlng at sunbury. 6.ao p. m with through ' pasbetigcr coaches from Philadelphia and llalilmore. Krlo Mall leaves New York aoy p. in. ; Philadel phia, li.so p. m. ; Washington, llUo p. m.; Haiti more, ii.su p. m., (daily) nrrlvlug at sunburj- 6.15 a. in., with through Pullman Palaco Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Pulladclptila. Sleeper from ashlngton runs daily except sun- SCM1UHY, IUZLETON & WlLXES-BARltB IUIU10AD and Nortu & West Hrancii Hailwat. .. ("ally except Sunday,) Mail East leaves Sunbury (dally except Sunday) flfi,IU,9, nrrtvlng at Uloom Ferry 7.41 n.rn., Wllkcs-barre W.20 a. m. "., Express East leaves Sunbury 6.33 p. ni arriving nt.l,lK.,S1'fr.ry0-31P-m'i Wllkes-barre 8.10 p. m. Mall est leaves wilkes-barro lo.su a. m. arriv ing at Uloom Ferry la.ui p. in., sunbury 1S.&5 p. in. Express est leaves Wllkes-barro 6.3'J p. ni ar riving at llloom Ferry 7.07 p.m., sunbury 8.15 p. CIIAS. K PUOII, Oen. Manager. J. It. WOOD, Uen. Passenger Agent. pHILADELPHAAND READING KOAl) ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENG h & TRAINS. Nov. 6, 1883 TBAIKB LXATX BU7IUT AS r0LL0WS(S0MUAT ItCIfTsD. For Now York,Ph!ladelphla,Beadlng,Pottsvire Tamaqua, &e., 11,45 a. m, For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. e.is and 10.30 p. m. For WUllamsport,,8j 11,45 a. m, and ,o p. m. For Lewlsburg and Sunbury, 4,00 p. m. TBAIKS 70R BOMBI LEAVB AB FOIXOWS, (SCNDAY IICSFTBD.) Loave New York, via. Tamanend 0,00 a. ru. and via. Bound Brook Koute 7,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, u,M a. m. Loavo Heading, 11,65 n. m., Pottsvllle, u,89 p. n, and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,30 11.05;. m. and 4,uo p. m. Leave Wllllamsport,.45a.m,4.05p.m. anC 0.00 p. m Leave Sunbury 4.84 p. m. " Lewlsburg 4.48 p.m. Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars, J. K. WOOTTEN, 0.0. HANCOCK, General Manne, Jan!io! is8l-tfD80r ttncl Tlcket ABeut jQELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTER W IHITIlAir. BLOOMSBUItG DIVISION. NOUTII. 8TATIONS. .m. p.m. n,m SOUTH. 15 ii 45 11 on 9 43 9 37 30 ....Scrnnton,,,, a.m. p.m. 1.111 17 U !U1 9 111 v 30 ; e at ....lieiievue..,, ..Taylorvllle... . Lackuwanna.. lMltLtnn 6 It 8 ss 9 45 0 (8 S 4X 80 87 31 89 G 87 t) 31 8 48 8 42 8 31 0 81 U 19 9 11 ..West Pittst'on". 0 41 0 46 0 51 0 ti 6 68 7 OS 7 10 10 03 10 08 ,. ivyoming..,. ..Maltby ..Bennett .Kingston.,,, 41 8 23 00 1 60 1 4J 1 35 1 83 1 18 1 m Dot 8 23 9 09 10 08 61 ; 10 Plymouth Juno IU 18 3 54 8 65 8 57 8 39 8 88 8 15 8 18 8 HO 7 581 7 5J, 7 41 7 s; 7 33 7 2!1 7 17 7 88 7 30 7 37 8 00 8 85 8 40 8 60 9 00 H nil ...iiymouiu.,,, ...Avondalo. . 10 80 3 03 .1 Ml 8 07 8 00 ... ...uilblUUKU, . . Hunlock'a Creek ..Shlckshlnny., ..Hick's Ferry.. ..lleachiiaven.. Berwick.... ..Briar Creek., ..Willow drove., ..Lime ltldgo... Espy ...Bloomsburg,.. 10 31 3 10 7 40 18 43 7 XI VI "1 10 43 3 18 10 65 3 33 11 01 3 43 11 13 3 51 11 SO 3 51 7 20 18 15 7 80 18 00 7 13 11 47 I 09 11 40 7 03 11 3J 6 5f 11 10 0 sn 111 .11 4 07 8 03 i 12 H 10 11 wi 4 a) 8 5t 8 31 8 38 8 03 8 03 9 40 a 20 0 45 10 60 0 37 10 41 a oh in ihi II 45 4 87 Catawl'a Bridge 11 60 4 33 11 55 4 84 18 18 4 68 0 10 10 08 I 11 0 04 10 ..Chulasky,,,, 43 11 C 45 a.m. .... uameron..., : Northumberland R 01 p.m. a.m. 13 43 6 95 9 50 In. 111. n.m. n.m Superintendent's w. ST. ITALSTKAD, Bupt. onice, Scranton, Feb. 1st, 188, TAMES REILLYY, Tonsorial Artist. IIOTKL anrt"8!!?!11 BUn(1 """"Of EXCHANGE uS,aMnflr,SaSr, !. FIK8T.CLASS DatrbnT nf hii -..IKtW AW W.O ienerauy. " "w'uo aaa w ,PU? 10 CRESCENT PI IIR Manufiu-iniirSS ,X " . uu wanu . -.w. j v, uAVlVOUrt & CO. 1 1'ctcrsbuiv, Va, March 14-lw r Uitl," I'1 ' , ,1 " . III aUSESOTA:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers