THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., KiilDAY, MAUOII 28, 188?. Correct Knllroml Time Table. Tratnj on tlio Philadelphia & It. It. leavo llupcrt M follows i X0BT1I. BOOTH. 0:3(1 a. m. lt:4S a. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:13 p. la, o Trains on the . L. W. It It. loavo Illoomsburg as follows I NOKTIt. BOCTB. 7:V a. m. 8:S3 ft. m. 10.31 ft. m, 11:M ft. m. e.aa p. in. 4:34 p. m. The 11:45 train south onnects with tho Phila delphia Heading at llupcrt, and with tho Nr them central at Northumberland. Tito B:23 ft. m. train connect! at Northumberland with tho 9a train on l'ennsylvanla road, reaching Vhlladelphla at 3:15 p. in. Tho 11:43 train connects with Philadelphia and Hearting road at llupcrt at 11:3 J reaching rhlladol phla at 6.00 p. m. Tho 11:43 train connects with Vennsylvanta road at Northumberland at 1:43, reaching Philadelphia at 7:23 p. m. Tho 4:30 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8.o5 p. m., and reaches 1'hlladelpbla at 3:u3 ft. to. ..Trains nn tho N. & W. 11. Kerry as follows i NORTH. 7:41 a. m. 0.31 p.m. Hallway pass Uloom south. 13.01 p. m. 7:07 p. in. Notice to CorrcHpomlcntRt In order to save many communications from tho wasto basket wo mako tho following suggestions to local correspondents : Uso only one sldo of tho sheet, and write as plain as possible ; glvo only the local news that Is ot some Interest to tho com. munlty, such as accidents, Improvements, mar riages, deaths, matter relating to schools and churches, business enterprises, changes ot rest dencc, and the like. What appear to bo Jokes at tho expense ot others, and personal mention giv ing only ono name or Initials or a nickname, will not bo printed under any circumstances. Such items ottcn glvo offense, though none may bo In. tended. The lull namo ot tho writer must always be given, but will not bo printed unless requested, tt Public Sales. AH tlioso having public sale bills printed nt tills olllco will receive a notlco under this hcadlnc. freo of chareo. Tho notlco will remain standing until tho day of sale, Sarah Sommcrs will sell personal proper, ty on tho premises now occupied by Hen ry Sommcrs, near Buckhorn, on Thursday, April 3rd. John Zancr will sell horses und hogs on his premises In Flshlngcrcck township, on April 0th nt ono o'clock. J. M. Long, administrator, will sell per sonal property of D. J. Philips deceased, In Davison township, Sullivan county, April 10th nt 10 o'clock. N. J. Hendershott offers a number of valuable nronertlcs nt nrlvatc sale. Sco advertisement. W. S. Hess, administrator of George Kclchncr. deceased, will sell a valuable timber tract of 415 acres, on Saturday, April 10th, 1881. Thosmas Mollcnry, executor of Elizabeth Dclong, deceased, will sell real estate In Orange township, on Saturday, March 29lh. See advertisement. For (talc. Several town properties, good location, brick or frame. About 35 acres of land In Hemlock town, ship, partly cleared, balance well timbered. A farm of about 80 acres in Scott twp. For. terms and particulars apply to Geo, E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg, Pa. feb. 29-tf. Strawberries are in the market nt risburg at $1.50 a basket. Hnr. Crescent Tobacco advertisement in other column. Feb. 8-2m Mattlo Vlckcrs Company at the Opera House, Monday, March 31. Quarterly Conferenco and communion service nt tho Evangelical church in Light Street, next Saturday and Sabbath. Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All changes made in Union depots. No omnl bus transfers. W. C. McKinnev, Ag't. Itov. S. P. Remer is conducting success ful revival services at tho Evangelical church in Light Street. Llllcy & Sleppy want 100,000 dozen of fresh cccs, 100,000 lbs. good fresh but ter. Forsyth & Rockefeller are selling off thtlr entire stock of goods nt greatly re duced prices. They expect to leave Espy about the first of April, and will locate at Northumberland. "Thero Is a good deal of spoit poked at women for being afraid of mice," remarked Mrs. Jones, "but men arc much bigger cowards. John never goes fishing unless he takes a demijohn of whiskey along for fear ho will bo bitten by a snake." C. P. Zancr, son of John Zaner of Forks and Lloyd Kclchncr, ;son of Henry Kclch ner of Light 8trcct, are now holding a very successful term of writing school In one of our public school buildings. They arc both graduates of Obcrliu College, Ohio and arc fine pensmen. II. P. Hubbard, of New Haven, Conn has lately established n system of paying all newspaper men in cobIi In tho order in which bills nro received and approved There Is but one thing for the publishers to do to Insure prompt puyinent, and that Is to fill tho contract to tho letter. The Republican Convention on Monday tried to find out whether J. C. Brown was for Blnlne,bcfore Instructing the senatorial conferees to support him as u delegate lo the National Convention. As his statement was not satisfactory, the conferees were not Instructed. D. A. Beckley was declared elected as a delegate to the State Republican Conven tinn, by the Chairman of the County Con venllou last Monday, though ho received but 10 votes Instead of 21, tho number re quired to elect. The mistake was discover- cd too lato for correction, and somo ot tho antl-lkcklcy Republicans aro mad about It Llllcy & Sleppy have made a great cut in all kinds of goods, and will not bo under sold. Granulated sugar, 0c. j Standard A. 0c. j whlto sugar, 8c i a nice brown sugar. 4 lb tor 25c: all domestic glnghnms.lOc and down; all cotton shirtings, 10c; calicoes, 6 and On dress goods at cost. Call early and get a bargain. Tho Methodist Conferenco at Williams port elected thu following delegates to the General Conference i Dr. D. S. Monroe, Revs. E. II, Yocum, J. II. McGarrah, Ed ward J. aray, D. D., reserves, M. L. Smy. eer and W. A. Houck. Tho Spring terra of tho Orangovlllo Academy will begin April 7th. Special at tention given to tho common branches. About one-fourth of tho present number of teachers in the county were prepared at tho Academy. Students thoroughly pre pared for any college, Tho location Is all ono could desire. Expenses very low. Potatoes aro scarce. Lllloy & Sleppy don't want any, but any other kind of pro. duco they will take. Father O'Hcllly preached In tho Catholic church nt Plymouth last Wednesday even. Ing. An lmmcnso wntcr reservoir Is to bo built at Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, by tho G lrard estate, to supply tho collieries In that section during summer droughts. It Is to cost if 00,000 nnd to hold nbout 87,- 000,000 gallons. Miss Vlckcrs possesses n charming stage presence, and Is an artist In every sense of tho word. Indianapolis Sentintl. Mnttlo Vlckcrs mado a hit, her songs being particularly relished. Chicago Trib une. Mattlo Vlckcrs Is ono of tho best sou. brcttcs on tho stngc. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Everybody says Llllcy & Sloppy aro sell- lng goods cheaper than anybody In tho county. Mr. A. G. Kimbcrly, for somo years past tho cfllclcnt secretary and librarian of tho Y. M. O. A. nt Berwick, will soon resign his position, nnd wo nro happy tonnnounco that wc hnvo secured his services in tho In terests of Tim CoLUMntAN. Ho Is our au thorized ngent for soliciting subscriptions, ob work and advertising, and his receipt for any money paid him for this olllco will bo recognized by us. Wo ask our friends through tho county to glvo him nil tho as- slstancc possible In securing now subscri bers when he starts out, and they will bo fully repaid by the Improvements wo hopo to bo ablo to make in tho paper, by an en larged list. The Slato Normal School of this district, at Bloomsburg, will begin tho Spring term Monday, March 31st, 1881. Tho steady In crease In numbers continue. Tho attend. nnco now is tho lnrgost over reached In the winter term. Among tho advantages arc accessibility, hcalthfulncss and beauty of location, convenience ot buildings, abun dance of good fare, and thoroughness of Instruction for all. Special attention is given to tho common branches nnd to pro- fcssional training of teachers. Tuition al most free to those graduating in two years. Full professional standing Is given by the diploma. Students having a card from tho Principal travel on tho D. L& W. It. It. for half fare. Visit the school if possible. No use going any further than Orange- vlllc to buy your wall paper. Llllcy & Sleppy can suit you In taste, quality and price. Holman OrEitA House. The new serio comic drama entitled Jncqulnc ; or Paste and Diamonds," by Charles Gayicr, was produced last night for the first tlmo In this city at thts popular place of entertain ment, before a large and delighted audi ence. Miss Mattlo Vlckcrs is a young ar tiste of charming vivacity nnd becomes a great favorlto from her first appearance on the stage. Sho excels not only In the gay and animated parts, but also In pathetic scenes which goes to fill out the piece. Next In fuvor was Mr. Charles Rogers, who gave several character sketches In cap ital style and which "brought down tho house." Tho performance throughout is very pleasing, and such as to mako a coup, le of hours pass agreeably. The company appear again to-night and they deserve an other crowded house London Out.) Post. Opera House, Monday, March 31st, Unstcr Cards. A great variety of Easter Cards ranging in price from 1 cent to $3.00 at the Colum- wan store. To Farmers and Mntitifnctiircr Steam Engines, Saw-mills, Shlnglo Mills, Planers, Threshers and Cleaners, Lever and Trend Horse Powers, and Farming imple ments generally, always on hand and for sale lower than the lowest. White & Conner, mar 14-4w Orangcville, Pa. County Committee Meeting. There was a full attendance of the mem hers of tho Democratic county committee last Saturday afternoon. The meeting was held at the Exchange Hotel and was pre. sided over by G. A. Clark, chairman. Ev ery district iu (he county was represented. 11. F. Fruit, Dr. O. A. Mcgargcll, William Hhodamoycr nnd C. G. Murphy were elect' cd delegates to tho State Convention, with instruction to support F. B. Gowcn and Philip Collins ns delegates at large, and David Lowenberg as district delegate to tho National Convention nt Chicago. Llllcy & Sloppy, at Orangcville, have tho largest stock of gilt, mica, satin, white, black nnd brown back wall paper ever of fered for sale In Orangcville. Oraiiifevllle. Plenty of mud and hard roads at present writing. Everybody is stalled on fresh fish In our town. Hoop net fishing excellent when Jim leaves tho nets alone. He set twenty out on tho banks somo few nights since. A little of our pugilistic skill was exer cised on the street on Tuesday. The par tlclpatlng parties, C. M. Cook of our town and Mr. Hamilton, better known as 'Ham- iltonlan' of Bloomsburg. Cook knocked his antagonist out of time In ono round. Lots of money could be made Just now If some one would look after the hoop net fishermen of this place. L. M. Sleppy and wife Bpent Sunday with Mr. S's. parents at Shlckshlnny. Emauuel Johnson, our supervisor, Is do Inir L'ood work. Go ahead, Emanuel, the roads need It bad enough. Llllcv & SIcppv have an Immense stock of wall paper and are selling It cheap. Orange township can boast of one of tho best stone bridges In the county. It U 0x30 and Is estimated to cost one huudrcd nnd seventy-flvo dollars. Reformer, Hcnuullciiu County Convention. In accordance with tho call of tho chair man of tho Republican county committee, delegates wero elected on Saturday after- noon to meet In convention to select dele gates to the State Convention at Harris burg on April 10th. On Monday afternoon about thirty delegates, representing sixteen districts, met ut the Opera House, and tho convention was called to order by D. A, Beckley, In tho absence ot Isaiah Hagcu buch, chairman of the county committee, II. L. Freas of Berwick was elected chair man of the convention, C. S. W. Fox nf Locust was chosen us Secretary and R. S, Bowman of Berwick, reading clerk. The following persons wero put Iu nomination us delegates to the stato convention i Capt, B. Reese, D. A. Beckley, II, O, Waples, U B. Sccsholtz. Hurvcy E. Hcacock. Reeso and Buckley wero elected. B. G. Waples moved that tho delegates bo Instructed to support delegates to tho national conven Hon who aro in favor ot James O. Blaine for President. Tho motion was unanl mously carried. W. M. Monroe. G. A. Buckingham, K. C. Ent, Abram Rice, J. F, Kress, 0. L. Sands, J, II. Aikman, Silas Couuer and It. A. Yctter wero nominated us cougrcsssion al conferees. Ent, Kress, Bands, Conner and Buckingham wero elected. B. F, Crispin and B. G. Waples wero chosen senatorial conferees. Resolution, The following resolutions wero adopted by St. MaUilas' Sunday 8chool, March 23, 1884, rclatlvo to tho death of ono of its members t Whereas, Tho hand of Provldcnco hav ing removed John K. Urotz, Jr., one of our beloved members of tho Sunday School, from tho scene of his temporal labors, and his teachers and classmates being desirous of testifying their respect for his memory, nnd expressing their earnest nnd affection ato sympathy with tho family of tho de ceased, bo It thcrcforo Retotved. That we tender! v condolo with tho family of tho deceased In thclraour of trial nnu niiiicuon, and commend mem to Him who orders all things for the best, and whoso chastisements nre meant In mercy. Iluotved, That while wo deeply sympa thize with those who aro bound to tho departed ono by tho nearest nnd dearest tics, wo snaro with mem me nopo or a re union In that better world where there aro no moro partings, nnd whero sorrows nro iwnown. RexJred. That a conv of theso rcsolu. tlons be given to tho family of tho deceased ns a testimonial ot our sympathy end sor row, nnd ono also to tho county papers for publication. j. iv. iiittenbender, i A. L. Fritz, Com. G. S. IUitniNO, ) Bloomsburg, March 23, 1834. Mimm. Tho condition In which our roads have been cannot be described, Mr. and Mrs. David Brands of Hackctts- town, N. J., aro making a visit at their son-in-law's, Dr. Brown, nnd others of this place. "Blind Charley" gave an entertainment In the school houso on Friday cvo of last week. It was very Instructive and enter taining. Mr. Chas. Hendershott and Miss Sadlo Glthlng wero married on Saturday oycnlng at West Mllllln. Tho snmo evening Mr. Clarence Kclchncr of town and Miss Rcttlc Brown ot Hctlcrvlllo entered upon tho mat rimonial path of life. Joy be to ye. Tho literary society convcnlulng In tho Klrkcndall school will glvo nn entertain ment somo evening the coming week. Miss A. E. Miller and Miss Sue Klrken- dall are visiting at Scybcrtsvllle, Conyug- ham and Mountain Grove. They attended the district Institute at Conyngham. Tho Mllllln school will give an entertain ment about tho close of tho school. Some of our sportsmen occasionally have wild duck for dinner. A. BrcdDcnner moved from Mlflllu X Roads to this place on Tuesday. Rev. Llllcy will be pastor of the Evan gcllcal church In the Luzerne county charge. For Sale. A set of tinner's tools, npply to I. R. Rupert Bloomsburg, Pa. tt IierTvlcU. Tlio Rev. D. M. Klntcr of Stillwater, oc cupicd the pulpit ot the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening and preached to large congregations. His subjects were 'What arc Christians ?" and "Light In the Evening." The Rev. gentleman is a vigor ous and manly exponent of Bible truths, and made a very marked impression on his hearers, who hope he will visit Berwick again. L. F. Bower, M. A., preached in the M, E. church on Sunday In the absence of the pastor, who was attending Conference, C. B. JackBon, Esq., a prominent lawyer of this place, attended tho Conference of the M. E. Church at Wllliamsport. Wo have not as yet received report of appoint ments made, but if C. B. J. docs not re. ccivc an important lay appointment many ot his friends wilt be disappointed. He would lend dignity and tctight to any ap. pointmcnt. A. G. Kimbcrly retires from the library early in April. Julius Hoft Is very busy In his hortlcul tural pursuits. Ills skill Is well known throughout the county. Parties desiring to improve or beautify their private resi denecs will at all times obtain practical in formation on these matters by consulting him, which ho freely invites. A young peoples' masquerade party was given at Berger's ou Thursday evening of last week, and was a very enjoyable affair, Theodore Bergcr, who succeeded T. B, Bradford, has just received a fine stock ot boots and shoes, and ns a young man just starting In business, deserves the encour agement of friends and citizens. ucorge Maugcr, tne popular landlord o tho Berwick Hotel, is removing to Wap wallopcn where he intends providing his patrons with everything desirable in tho way of fishing and hunting nccommoda tions. Ho will give a house warming par ty at his new quarters on Friday next and there will bo a grand tlmo for all who at. tend. There Is one very commendable fca, turc about George's stylo of running a house, and that Is that ho will not tolerate rowdyism. My deluded readers, hero I am ugaln to give you the current events of the week and I hope that no ono will tako offence at anything that I may say, I do not want to bo personal, but If tho shoo fits you, put It on, and put It on in good humor. I wasn't to the leap year party tho other evening; the only excuso that I have to offer for not being there Is that I had no invitation. I suppose the cards run out a little too soon. But there was no lost tlmo with me It Is a very cold day when I get left. I called on my girl and we took a stroll down town and back again, aud had a very pleasant time. A friend of mine who was at tho party reports a pleasant time, lots of fun, and plenty to eat and drink. I was not there myself aud there. fore cannot tell much about It. I dare not question too much for fear you might find out who "Poser" is. Two weeks ago I penned tho following "Sam Slick, Jr., the writer of Slivers, is a puzzler. Young folks, you ought to know him, you have chatted with him oft times. He Is no crank, but a real, live, go-ahead person. I guess you will study and think awhile before you will find out who tho person Is ; but put on your thinking cap and when you find out who 1 am drop me a postal." Now, at tho tlmo that I wroto the abovo item I had no knowlcdgo of who Sam Slick was, I merely wrote It to create u little curiosity It dtd not only create little curiosity, but It brought tho wholo Sam Slick business to light. If Sam Slick wants a postal I know where to send it, Sam Slick, Jr., dous female attire won't Sam open his eyes when ho reads this Sam, somo one gavo you away, 1 may have something moro to say about Sam iu tho future. How about thoso invitations to attend tho leap year party, that were sent to a widower and a bachelor of our place, a short tlmo ago ? Boys, wako up; now Is your chanco; you aro gettiug old do not procrastinate. We huvo a female book agent in town taking orders for a book called tho Poetical World. N. Rlchart moved In his now quarters. George Zelgler and family are going west Boon. Sam Slick please tako notice, do not wor. ry, I will not tell your name. .More anon Posit u, Ilrlnr Creek, Miss Allco Koons of Black Creek, Is vis iting Mrs. Wm. Yoho. D. L. Hess, who has been visiting his mother at Stillwater, has returned and Is now living with A. II. Croop. A. B. O. can boast ot having tho two best looking old bachelors In the county. Miss Laura Dlcttcrlck spent Sunday with friends nt Willow Springs. A Jolly birthday party was given to Alex. Sterner on Wednesday evening, tho 10th Inst. They presented to him a beau tiful rocking chair, and also n few other gifts. Refreshments wero passed and dancing kept up until between tho hours of thirteen and fourteen o'clock, when an re turned homo and reported a good time. Wo wish Mr. Sterner many happy birth days. Wc think Briar Creek ought to havo a band, as thero aro four musicians who sing at our Literary Society ovcry Friday even lng. Tho music Is very charming, except ing ono or two discords. Tho funeral of Jennlo Mostellcr took place on Saturday last Jennlo was loved by nil who know her. . Elizabeth Ruckle of Espy, has been vis- itlng friends In this vicinity the past week. Ono of our young men who makes fre quent calls among his neighbors, chanced to get Into tho wrong houso tho other lght to mako a lecture. After ho had fin- Ishcd a little girl of five or six summers, said to him i "I believe you would burn well." "Why?" asked the gentleman. O, because you nre so dry," was tho llttlo girl's reply. J. I. C- Llllcy Ss Sleppy havo over ono hundred different styles of wall paper. Centre, Muddy roads aro very common with us. A. W. Spear drove to New Columbia Friday last. Ho gives Centre and Scott the credit for having the worst roads. J. W. Hldlay who was teaching during tho past winter Is home now aud expects taking lessons on agriculture. Our schools will closo on Friday 28th. Wo hopo our teachers living in adjoining townshms will not fall to come nnd sco i. Ono of our well-to-do farmers did not get to Sabbath school ou Sunday last. Ho was at Light Street tho night before and on his way homo ho had tho misfortune to loso one of his rubbers, which ho strolled after next morning and the roads being somewhat bad and his journey toilsome ho did not feel like walking to church, al though the distance is not far. The Hldlny Union .Sabbath School will elect their officers next Sunday for tho coming year, My attention was recently called to an Item In the "Llcht Street Items" written by Mexican Joo or the correspondent to tho Republican, criticises tor purloin lng "Kelmantcr s" writings verbatim. For this he has no grounds upon which to base the truth. 2nd, he says there was a mere slander to get even on "Female Rlgiits am sorry for Maurlc. I think if Mauric, or his "brother" us he calls him, would In quire about this at headquarters his light will shine from a different source. 3rd, as to keeping n twenty dollars a month school engendering all tho "gall" etc. I think you are talking u great deal from expert encc. It being several years, ago although I still remember you being a "country jake," (like myself) pulled through a tweu ty dollars a month school. And you, like RIp-Van-WlnKle, havo been sleeping ever since, and now wakiug up think others aro doing the same ns you did then. Mr. Cor respondent, don't judge the position and salary of others by that of your own In years gone by. 4th. As to taking your ad vice nnd ttoing west I think there is no call for It. As to your situation I think there will be a call for you and your ' 'chum" when boating commences. Estre Nods. Wild pigeons scarce. Bargains at Llllcy and Sleppy's plenty. Old and New nosscs. Messrs. Editors : The impression begins to possess ninny. that the rebuke inflicted upon certain par ties within tho Democratic pnrty last Fall becauso of uncalled for interference Jin the District Attorney's fight, wherein a young gentleman, through no particular merit of his own, was sustained by the pcoplo and elevated to that honorable position over an other equally worthy young gen tlcman, through no fault of Ids, has not had tho effect which was evidently Intend cd it should have. The action of tho electors on tho occa slon referred to, was unmistakably a no. tlco to tho bosses, little and big, that their services, as such, were no longer required further, lhat political leading strings wero distasteful, and would not bo tolerated In the future. Tho Issue was understood thus; It was right ; tho fight was squarely made, not on men, but against methods, Tho pcoplo won. The discipline upon thoso whom It. was intended to reach at that time, has no doubt been salutary ; they have long slnco discovered their mistake In forcing tho Issue, and the result ot tho peo pie's victory In that direction, has been ap, parent. But In escaping the charybal? of Boss Ism, judging from fiirfuco Indications, th old ship Democracy under her young pilot Iu this county, Is In danger of u too close proximity to tho Bcylla ot Dictation. It Is too much, no doubt, to expect that politicians will at nil times observe clean methods In tho attainment of what they may desire ; It has not becu their way In the past, It will perhaps not bo strictly their way in tho future, but this fact should not be overlooked at this time. Tho peo plo ore very observing, moro so now than over, Indeed In our own party, as well as In tho Republican, they seem really to bo on deck, as It were, aud through manlpu lators of county committees, may bo tho same young men whom on former occa' slons they have used and honored. Such methods ns prevailed In tho committee meeting on Saturday last, wherein several townships in tho county wero permitted to bo misrepresented, after an honest effort on tho part of their committeemen had been mado to correct and rovoko former action which nu investigation led them to bcllcv would not properly reflect tho wishes of their constituency, and which there U no question, they had a perfect right to change, will certainly bring down upon the heads of theso now Bosses that con demnatlon from which the people's resent, mcnt will not allow them to escape Democrat, Berwick, March 25th, 1884. Everybody Is crying "hard times" wo aro doing flrst-claBs business. Why shouldn't pcoplo go and buy where they can buy tho cheapest ? Wo are bound to run our stock down bo wo will have room for Spring stock. Coma early nnd tako advantago of somo bargains wo aro offer Ing. Lilikv & Slxitt, Tho rato of faro on tho D. L. & W. R. II. and N. & W. B. R. R. Is now fixed nt 8 cents a mile. This Is a great rcductlo over former prices. More About Reform, Messrs. Eoitoksi Tho writer of an artlclo headed "Reform" In your Issuo ot last week, uses somo pret ty strong language. Ho seems to bo Ini. pressed with tho Idea that nil men who seek public ofllco aro professional politic ians, und thcrcforo they aro "vllo crca- tures," "brutes" and "pests." In this 1 cannot ogreo with him. No man can be elected to a public position without flist Indicating his desire for It. If ho simply announces his namo in tho papers as a candidate for any ofllec, ho Is seeking it, nnd this alone, according to your corre spondent, would mako him a professional politician and unworthy of tho support of decent people. If tho tlmo over comes that offices shall seek men, I should hall tho advent of such a reform with Joy, but It will never ho so, and wo must therefore ako tho best of things ns they nre, ' I nm opposed to tho system of canvassing that has grown up In this country, by which treating and making promises mat can never bo fulfilled aro made Important lovers for securing preferment, but I can not ngrco that all men who aro candldntcs uso theso measures, nor do I believe that all candidates aro tho low creatures that your correspondent would make them, Such practices as aro described by him nre violations of tho law, and thero Is ample provision for their punishment t but tt the people permit such violations to go un noticed, whose fault is It but theirs It there bo so much political corruption ? I am not writing for nor against any particular candidate, and I believe that every man should bo considered innocent until proven guilty. It Is n common practice to circu late reports about candidates for ofllec, and It these reports wero to bo taken ns true, and the subject of them mado to suf fer thereby, no one could ever be elected, because no ono ever rnn for ofllec who did not have falsehoods told of him. If any pccltlc charge of violation ot the election laws can be proven against a candidate tho law should bo enforced, but I do not believe that any good result can come from denouncing all aspirants for ofllco as dishonest men, and placing them In tho category of professional politicians, and unworthy of tho support of tho people. X. Ccutrnlla. A Polander named Anthony Ynrrlgan, was Instantly killed at Centralta colliery on Wednesday nf last week. Two wagoni were being hoisted, nnd when up n con sldcrnblo instance the hooks on tho wagon gavo nut, sending It down tho slope at a terrible high rato of speed, striking Var- rlgan who was standing on tho bottom, crushing him to a shapeless mass. About two hours' hard work wero required to ex tricato the unfortunato man from the wreck. His remains wero Interred on Friday in tho Catholic cemetery. Deccas- cd burled his wife about one year ago. Tho Logan colliery Is shipping as much If not more, coal than any colliery In the Anthracite region, as the following figures win snow: on Tuesday, 301 cars averag ing 2 tons each, were shipped. If ship mcnts continue In this manner Centralta, In a fow years hence, will bo a town that was. Patrick Elliott, a crank, employed at North Ashland colliery, delivered a lee ture, or rather made a feeble attempt to do so, In tho Opera House, Ashland, on Tucs day evening; subject: "Thrco Days t Week System Causo and Remedy," The Pottsvllle ChmnicU correspondent advises him to postpone his lecturo until the small pox scaro would subside, as ono affliction was as much as tho pcoplo could stand at n time. Ho didn't postpone, however, but had a full house something like ten being present. He now has serious thoughts of starting out as a temperance lecturer. Robert Bryson, a former resident of town, is iu business In Coal Port Lewis A. Riley and family left here last week for the orange groves of Florida. About twenty Hungarians, living In Big Mine Run, got gloriously drunk on Mon day and kept It up nil night. They nearly demolished the building, part of which Is occupied by a widow woman, who had them nrrcstcd next day. They marched, single flic, to Squire Donohoo's ofllec, who taxed them two dollars a head for their little fracas James McFaddcu, formerly of this place, was arrested and taken to lad last week for striking James Corney on tho head with an Iron mallet. In tho former's saloon, Ashland, from tho effects of which It was supposed Corney died. The Coroner's jury, however, rendered an entirely dif ferent verdict, viz : That James Corney died from tho fatty generation of the heart, which might havo boon hastened by tho blow inflicted. McFaddcu is out on $2,500 bonds. The smallpox is still prevalent In Ash- land. Two young men died during tho past week, and four now 'cases wero re. ported on Monday. Mr, Thomas Mum ford, of tho Valley depot, spent Sunday In Munch Chunk. i uesuny being Annunciation Day, was observed as a holyday by tho Catholics Services were held In St. Ignatius' church at 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. Tho collieries wero ull Idle In consequence. William Lake will leavo on Monday for Baltimore, Md. He will visit Washington before returning. Daniel Curry spent part of last week in Centre county. Tho olllccrs of the saving fund held their last meeting on Monday evening. Tho election of now olllccrs will bo held on April 21st. J. J. Dunn lus opened a boot aud shoo storo ou Centre street. He has a very fine stock, and thoso In need of nuythlug In his Hue would do well to call and examine his goods beforo purchasing elsewhere. Dr. U winner drives a beautiful four- year-old horse. Ho will havo to be as fast as ho looks to bring Doc. around to his many patients during tho day. Lllley & Sleppy's low prices are playing smash. Low prices aro dolne It, LOCAL NOTICES. Tho led cream rmrlors at Phlllns' Domes. tic Uakery will ho open on and after April iai, uvury uay ami evening. u.j. lorrcii cc uo. Keen always on hand a largo assortment of furniture to select from. Any special orders tilled on snort notlco. Host quality of bread from standard grades ot Minuesota Hour, at Philips' Do. mesne, uaavry. O. W. Iiertsch tho tailor aud hatter has Just received a fresh lot of tho latest styles of hats for spring trade, namely tho Fedora, Knox and Alplno hats. Call and seo them. Host quality of foreign fruits nnd nuts at riiiups' uomesuo uaxcry. EASTEIt OAltDS AT I. W. IIAUTMAN & SON'S. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I at O. W. Ilertschs' the artist tailor for four weeks only. Suits of clothing made up to orucr irom $10 to now is your tlmo to cret a rlmAn unit nml il fit mmrnn. teed. Don't let tho chance go by but get incnBUreu UI once, For best Photo-rrnnhs call nt MacKlllln's gallery. Abovo Clark A Son's store. BUSINESS NOTICES. "GRUNT IT OUT." Tho abovo Is nn old saw ns snvnirn as It Is senseless. You can't "grunt out" dys pepsia, nor liver complaint, nor nervous ness If they onco get a good hold. They don't remove themselves In that way. The taking a few doses of Murdoch Jllooil Mitten Is better than "grunting It out." What wo can euro lets not endure. Kutzncr's Vcnnlfugo Is a pleasant, safe and effectual remedy for worms. It Is readily taken by children nnd causes no sickness or nausea. Ask your druglsts for vnlT nlu tioltrufi nu i I nt. . i , . . th lir.n.1 T iin,l Tkmn, K,l,rt. nil " TI.U r ur Huvcru luuiuncno anu ncurnimn nil i. rl;iii iiTrt" i Ti.uW. i i7..rf. is certainly tlio best thing I ever know for relief of pnln of any kind? Tho houso Is ..... m..,.i ii nr.- xt a I iu.. niiiiuu. Hi iiLIS. ill. 41. nilUtl, 111 W. Tupper St., Buffalo, N. Y. Many ot tho natcnt medicines ulaccd In tho market nro trnsh, prepared by men who havo no knowlcdgo whatever of mod Iclnc, or its properties, henco it is diftlcult to get people to try a medicine of real mer it when It Is sandwiched between so much that Is worthless. Wo will say Kutzncr's Soro Throat Curo Is manufactured by a druggist who has had twenty-threo years of practical cxpcrlcnco along with tho full est confldenco of tho pcoplo In his locality. Wholesale agents, Johnston, Holloway &Co., C02 Arch street, Philadelphia II. n.. vrampoic ij uo., 41H Jlarkct street. Philadelphia. OUR llEOAUDS. Wo arc clad to sav that our ilnmrbler. who has been afflicted with Rheumatism for about eight years, is nearly cured from me uso oi iwo uouics ot 1'lieip's ilhcumat Ic Elixir. Wo regard it as an excellent remedy, nnd nntlclpnto a perfect cure by the tlmo another bottlo Is tnken. Rcsrlcctfullv. Mr. and Miw. Stave. 188 Freemont street. Chlcpffn. III. For snlo at Hcndcrshott's Pharmncv. Bloomsburg, Pa. "I Don't FBEt welt. I" Tho stomach Is out of order i neglected, this means !chron- lo dyspepsia, iou Bhould tako Ackcr'f Dyspepsia Tablets and! avoid this terrible disease. Sold by J. II. Kinports, druccist. cause and effect. At limes symptoms of Indigestion aro Iiiuavui, uneasiness ui uiu siuiuuuu, nil, a l mnlatllrn lib,, ttnranti'iitlnn nrnilim nr, ltnl, I ing at night, or when one Is warm, causo tlm lllp. Tim nlTnot la Immmllnln rnllnf nnnniii. nnniliinn ni n. n b',, nn Remedy, which costs you but CO cents nnd issom uy u. a. lucim. juiy la-cow W. R. Kutzncr: I have used vour8orc Throat Cure fcr upwards of thirteen years and it has never failed to cure. It has no equal. lourB, &c, W.v. V. Wkaveh. (Jlcrk. Wholesale ncretits. Johnston. Ilnllowav & Co.. 002 Arch street. Phllndelnhla : II. K. Wampole & Co., 418 Market street, rnunucipuia. Elmlra. N. Y.. Julv 10. 1883. Mr. Phelns Dear Sir i Un to this mom- lng wo have sold twenty-one bottles ot your uiieumatic ,uxir, nnd us lar as wc arc ablo to ascertain, with good account In every case, (first uuuavs). Inghaiiam Bros,, Druggists. For sale nt Hcndcrshott's Pliarmacv. tii . ' oioomsuurg, rn. Ladies Siioui.ii Rememiieii, n beautiful complexion results from using Acker's Blood Elixir. Sold by J. II. Kinports at CARES OF LIFE. As we como to them they aro received. borne with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if we aro in the enjoyment of health, but If suffering with Piles or skin dlscaso ot any kind they magnify a hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, tho Druggist, has Dr. Bosnnko's Pilo Remedy which is an absolute curo for any affection of tho kind and Is sold for GOcents. July 13-cow For coughs, colds or croup use Kutzncr's Tolu Cougii Mixture. Ask your druggist lor 11. Havo you a cough ? Sleepless nights need no longer trouble you. Tho uso of Avcr's Chcrrv Pectoral, before rotlrlni?. will soothe tho cougii to unlet, nllay thu lullammation, and allow the needed re pose. It will, 11101 cover, speedily heal the pulmonary oigain, and give your ueaitii. SAMPSON'S LEOS AND LOOKS. When Delilah clipped off Sampson's locks that mighty althlete at once became "as otaer men." 11 11 couiu uo proveu tiiat thenossesslon of luxuriant hair would en- ablo men to tear open lions' laws, mscox & Co. would bo driven wild In the effort to suimlv enough of Parker's Hair Balsam to meet tue demand, as 11 is me uaisam pre vents your hair from falling out, nnd re stores the original color if faded or gray. lieaicles it is a greal addition to uiu touci table simply as a dressing. Seo a woman in another column, near Spcer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wino is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for the uso of invalids, weakly persons and tho aged. '..!., .... A fl..l... Til 1 ouiu uy j. ii. iviuiiu, iiiuuuisuurir. sept 33-ly THE TtESmiltECriON OF LAZARUS Was a miraculous operation. No ono thinks of raising tho dead these times, though some desperately close to death's door havo been completely restored uy uurdock Jilood ISMera to genuine nnd lasting Health A I'OI'ULAU FALLACY. Many people think that Rheumatism cannot bo cured. It is caused by a bad state of tho blood which deposits poison. ous matter in thu joints aud muscles caus ing lameness, stillness nnu swelling ot the loiuis and excruciating pains, jviimuv. wort win certainly eiiect a cure. 11 acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, stlmu latlng them to a healthy action, purities nnd enriches tho blood and eliminates tho nniunn from thu svstem. Go to tho nearest druggist, buy Kidney-Wort and be cured, OOV. IIOYT'S ESDOHSEMltST. Executive Chamber, ) Harrisbiirg, Pa., Juno7. 1832.1 Mr, John II. Phelps, Scranton, Pa., My near Mr i I'romntly upon leceint ot vour Elixir, ten days since, I entered upon its use nccordlug to direction, stopping my Iodld Potass., Amnion, nnd Wine of Col- chlcum. At that tlmo I was completely utsauicu witu gout in uoiu icet ami rheu matism lu uotli Knees, anil lielnless. Now I comfortably hobble about the house, and expect to bo out lu n week. It may bo a coincidence, my amendment and tho uso of your medicine. I hone for no occasion to try It again, but If need bo I will try it again iu a fresh attack with great coutl- dencc. Very Truly i ours, Hkniiv M. Hoyt, Governor of Pennsylvania. For salo at Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy. iiioouiBUurg, ra, Cnonr, WiiooriNO Couon and even Asth ma immediately relieved by Acker's English ltcmctiy, ooui uiuier guarantee uy j. n. Kinports, druggist. "JirKKKl1 THIS IS MINI), !, In tho Diamond Ik L'lven than In iinv eJi.."."i.llL Dyrs more coloring known dyes, and they give faster and moro uriiiiant colors, luc. nt an druggists, wells, ltlchardson & Co.. Hurlliinton. Yt. Bam- plo Card, !12 colors, and book of directions lor 2c. stamp. Miu W. It. IviiTZNKit i Dear Sir I havo been suffering for tho last few years with tno sore tnroat and n iricmi gave mo a small botllu of your Soro Throat Cure, und i loumi euro I rum ono Dome, l cueerliil- ly recommend It to all who nro affected wild tno sore tnroat, as an ellectual cure for diseases of tho throat. iours Hcspeclfully, Miss Mattik rowuix. Dloomsburg, Columbia Co, Pa, IlKTTKlt THAN FOIIKIUN I'OUT, Hpccr's Port Orapo Wine Is better than Imported Port, and, has taken its place. It is pure, and .really excellent nnd health. giving. 2Voy 'Imu. Members of tho Hoard of Health, of Now York and other prominent physicians, uso this wine for their patients and lu their own families, much on uccount of thu iron coutalned in It frum thu soil on which Sneer's Vineyards aro situated, Tribune Mr Spcer furnishes this wlno to Druggists, j;ur mu oy mutism. rARALYBtS, NINE TEARS. "After having suffered for 0 years with paralysis,1' says Sir. Joseph Yates, ot 1 at- crson, IN. J. "I was cured by Samaritan yervinc." Mr. Yates authorizes this state ment. Your druggist keeps it. $1.60. Kutzncr's Tolu Mixture Couzli. belne pleasant to take nnd mild In its notions, is especially recommended for children. Ask your druggist for It. WANT OF FAITH. If C. A. Klclm. tho Druc&lst. docs not succeed It Is not for tho want of faith. Ho has such faith in Dr. Bosnnko's Cough And Lung syrup as a remedy forCouehs. Colds, Consumption, and Lung Affections, that ho gives a bottle f rco to cat h and ovcry ono who is in need oi a mcdicino ot this Kind, .Tnlv Ift.ftmtr . iizncr s 1011 yougii mixiurc, oy us tr... ,. ... ,. "cniitig and soothing ciiccts, aiiords mucn - .f P.. inPini,.t rnniiimnilnn Ak vmir ',C',J L ", npitiit consumption. Ask your uruggisi ior it. OPERA HOUSE One Wight Only Monday, March 31st., 1884. EVERYBODYS' FAVORITE AH J A 0 Q U I N E, Supported by MIL CHA& H. ltODOKUS. aud a Hupcru company in uayiera cumeuy Uramn entitled Olt PASTE and DIAMONDS, MISS VICKKHS will Introduce her famous specialties T.oulflc, ibe (icrimtn 1'ltnrrr (llrl, l'rcllr na a Picture. And choice medley of the latest production. Admission 25, 50 and 75. llcservcd Seats nt DENT- LKlt'S. PUBLIC SALE OF VAI.UAlll.I5 Rcstl 3Hisitc ! Tho undersigned executors ot tho estato ot Abra ham A. Kline, late ot Beaton township, deceased. WH exposo to public sale On Saturday. April IQ, '84. r ono o ciocK p. m., 1110 louowinsuescnueu real NO. 8. A tract of timber land situated In Den ton and Sugar l)at townships, bounded on tho north by land of John A. Klne, south by tracts Nos. 3 nnd 1, described below, east by land of Ira J.Thomas and west by lands of O. V. Fritz nnd Daniel Fritz, containing .llncrcsand C3pcrcho. A roid 30 feet wide runs from this tract to the public road This tract will be sold on tho follow. l terms ! Ten per cenL of ono halt tho purchase money lo bo paid on tho day of sale, ono half less the ten per cent or. June 1st 1831, and tho balanco in ono year thereafter with Inteicit from Juno 1st, 18St. Security will bo required for tho unnald pur chase money. ro. 3. A tract ot land sltuato In Denton ana townships, b mnded north by tract No. 2, south by land of David Roberts, oist by No. 4, und westby luidot 0. 1'. Fritz, containing 50 acres and 53 perches, whereon Is erected a dwell lng house. NO. 4. Tract ot land In samo townships bound. cd on 1 ho nor h by No. 2, south by lanl of David Iiobcrts, cast by lands of Samuel Kobe rti and Ira J. Thoma', and west by No. 3, containing 41 acres ana nspcrchos. Terms for No. 3 and 4 : 10 per cent, of one third on tho day of sale, ono third less ten per cent, on June 1st 1884, and tho balanco on Juno 1st 18S5. with Interest from June 1st 181. I. K. KUICKUAUM, JOHN A. KLINK, 3 ss-lw. Executors. OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of Mm ttoekholilera of tho Norm and west llranch Hallway Company la call edfir Tuesday. Anrll SJ. 1SSI. at 1 1 o'clock a. m., at 23.') outh Fourth street, Philadelphia. Klectlon iur rresmeub auu LHrcciors namo aay anu piacu. o-o-iiu Ai.ur.ur UD.usu.'H, neu'y, E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 1'IIILIP 1'. EYKlt, DECEASED. Letters testamentary ou tho estato of l'hllln r Ever deceased, latoot lllooinsbiuv Columbia coun ty, Pennsylvania, deceased havo bsen granted by tho ltenlitcr o said county to tho undcrswned executors. All persons having claims against tho estato ot said docendent aro renucstoil to present mem lur heiuemem. anu mou lnueDieu to tne estato to inako payment to tho undersigned with out delay. JAMES K. EYE It, J. 1). WILSON, March 7-4W Executors. OKPIIANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate I By virtue of an order Issued out of tho Orphans Court of Columbia county tlio undersigned execu tor of Ellabeth DeLong, lato of Orango township, deceased, will exposo to public salo on tho prem ises, on Saturday, Mar. 29, '84. at one o'clock p.m., tho following described real estate, 6ltuato In tho township of Orango, Colum bia county, bounded nnd described as follows : west by a public road, north by lands of Abram Kline, cast by lands of Moses Everett, and Henry DeLong, and south by lands of Thomas McIIenry containing TWELVE ACRES, and tifty-elght perches, more or less, nbout three acres of which is cleared and tho remaining wood land. TERMS OF SALIi-Ten per cent, of tho one fourth of tho pur:haso money to bo paid at the striking down ot tho property ; tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation of salo; and tho remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlsL THOMAS McIIENKY, Executor, THE COMPLETE HOME.M I book. Now edition. New binding, New UJutimJons from new dtug m. Superbly gotten. uj. Same low prk. Adapted to all cli. bells tt sight. Agents rtolng big worn, uackllbnt i BKMs, i n innJioinckt proiiectus Cter Issued. Apply now. URADLKY.UAKRKTSON & CO., 65 North 1th St, rblladcl plua, Aim otlicf grind new UAt and liitles. mar2S-iy aid 4aooil 1'nar for Acvut. ftino in stonn mo. umttr4llliiff oiirUrMiilNM UlatorT, r niMummiu iMiit iiumi'ui Hi World Write tu J C McCui-ily V t o., I'lilUdcljiliU, I'd, mar S8-iy aid CatarrH Causes no Pain, Gives relief nt once. Thorough treat mcnt will cure Not a liquid or s n ull. Apply with finger. l'rlco M cents, by HAY-FEVER man ur ui urugb'sui. ltov. II. II. Pa rail. li. n . oiiitnr niim r,m Metnoatst, says editorially, November, iss.1 1 "We I tested Kly's Cream Halm, anj believe that, by a tliorouencoarsoot treatment, It will curo almost cverrcaseoi eaiarrn. .Minister. n n et.w4. allllctcd wltli lie.ul and throat troubles, anil tarrli seems mora provaleut than over. We can not. rocommenu tuya cream luim too liltjuly. March SS-4W il T - T l T J M I .', M 1 1 ! l.m March Sl-lw d UBSCIt I HE FOU THE COLUMBIAN SI.50 A YEAH Mffll YICKERS MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. V'hcat per bushel ..$105 Ryo " " 70 Corn " " M Oats ' " , f? Flour ber barrel w Clovcrsccd... ..,... 8 00 Butter Kites , 20 Tallow OB Potntoc Dried Apples 00 Hams 14 Sides and shoulders 10 Chickens 13 Turkeys 13 Uird per pound liny per ton 13 00 Beeswax 25 Buckwheat flour per hundred... 0 00 Hides per lb 6 to 7 Veal skins per lb 08 Sheep pelts, each 75 wool per iu ou Philadelphia Markets. cohhhcted" weekly. FEED 'Western winter bran, spot, S0.M. MACKEHEL. Extra mess Jflc. largo rs, S3 a soc extra shoro fs 83 20c. FIXJU1L Western extra's i.15 S.00J renn'a. family, 4.60 3 4.H0 Ohio clear, 5.23 0 8.65; winter patent 0.0) v 6.73. WHEAT. Delaware red at I.14X, No 1 Penn sylvaniarrd 1.17V. Jll rc. l Timo lUDnsyiYania vt o uu. COKN, WW bushels In grain depot at 55c OATft. No. 3 white 41(4 JlHNo.8, 4L HAY AND STItAW Timothy Choice Western and New York, 115. fair to good Western and New Yorx, 13. 14. jmeaium western una now York, 11. (4 12. ; Cut hay as to quality 14. & 17.00. Ityottraw 14 Wheat straw, 8. v. oat straw 8. .. 8KEDS. Clover S'fcts- per 10. -nmoiny i.w gi.mporDnsnci, naxi.iupcr ousnei. Fleeeo Washed. XX and above. 83 1 40o : X s& n 3so ; common i (4 27c, Texas, Fall clip Cue 20 22. medium 17 tA 20 coarw. is (4 17. koos. rcnusyivania cxira, si a six weswra 39. . . 11UTTK1L Pennsylvania extra, sx western extra S7. . . liv e poultry. rowis. nens. is isjf mixea lota 12c. roosters old 0 y 7c. turkeys, ducks 18 l7trecso 9 10. DHKSSEi) rouLTHY. Tunccys extra inaiscw. chickens extra 17; ducks choice 18; i'otatoks. Kariy uosoper dusuclw u Durbank nnd Hebron, 35 38. uisiuas. icuow, ts 1.19 per oou so O 3a C3 k -I a M - m 4 m c MX?) C eo 5 in m 21 - CJ 3B isinoTinno-io "o ac''c Z to Shotcs, Pork, Beef, Calves and Seeds a specialty. All thu nbovc bought nnd sold at Light Street by SILAS YOUNG. UDITOR'3 NOTICE. ESTATE 01 JAMES BCCEALEW, DICEASID. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court or Columbia county to make distri bution In tho hands of the administrator In the estate or James lluckalow late ot Arizona Territory (leceaseu, will sit at hLs offlco in DloomsDurtr, on Saturday, April 12th ltisi, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties Interested In said estate must appear and present their claims or be ds barred (rem any share ot said fund. J. M. CLARK, March 7-4w Auditor. A Fortune in Cattle Raising THE NEW MEXICO AND COLORADO RANCH AND CATTLE CO., controlling over ONE MIL LION ACRES ot the nnest grazing lands In New Mexico and Colorado, Is desirous of obtaining the co-operation ot Investors to Increase their herd to 12,000 head of cattle, having on hand already 2,000 herd. Yearly increase over 40 per cent. Annual cash dividends ot ten per cent, and upwards from surplus sales, and the herd constantly Increasing. A safe and protltnble payment, send for full par ticulars to E. 1). BARNES, Sec'y, Mill's Building, 3.1 Wall St., New York. March 14-lw r ADMINISTRATOR'S MOTICE. ESTATE OP 81MCEL UAOENBDCIl DECEASED. Letters of administration on the estate of Sam uel Hagcnlmch deceased, lato ot centre township Columbia county, l'cnusylranla, deceased hare been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned Administrator. All perbons having claims against tho estate of the deceased are rc- iiue.sieu to present tuem lor settlement, ana tuose Indebted to tlio estato to make payment to the CA-signed administrator without delay. i. it., Administrator, March 7-0w r. O. Orovanla, coL ca l's. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK 8U3ANNAU HUMBLE, DECIASID. Letters of administration on the estate of Susan nah Rumble, late ot Ueaver township. Columbia county, l'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho Register of said county to tho undersigned admin istrator. All .persona having claims against the estate ot thu deceased aro requested to present them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to the es tate to make payment to the undersigned admin- lsiruiur w uuuut ueiay. LEVI MICHAEL, Administrator, .Minim X ltoads. 3-U-6W JULE ON PARTIES. Adam Kline vs. John Kllno et al. In tho Court of common l'lcas ot Columbia County. No. ill December Term lbsi. To Adam Kline, jonn Kline, wiuiam Kline. Daniel Kline, Rebecca Blue, William Swisher and Mary Ann his wife In right ot said wife, and Frank lin Metz and Christina his wife. In right of said wue. iuu auu eacu oi you are uereoy uuuutxi that a rule has been taken In said court In the above stated caso on the parties named, to appear in said court on or before tho nrsl Monday ot May 1881, to accept or refuse real estate, or show cause viny iuu uauie snau not uo buiu. JOHN MOUREY, Mar 14-4W Sheriff. WANTED. One Lady or Oeatlem&n town, til a week and expense. In every Address AMKHIOAN rUliLlSIIINO, CO. l-i-4in i; norm luuia ou, rnuaacipuia, r. GIt.VY'H Hl'lICiriC MliDICINtt. TRADE MARK TueGkkatEnu.TRADE MARK usu uEUEur. An uulalllng cure lor Seminal Weak uess, ispermator rhooa, Imnotency, and all Diseases that tollow as a bequenco or Belt Abuse.: as loasot .Memory. Unlver. BEFORE TAKIXB.sal Lassltude.AFU TAKIXI. l'uln In tha Hack. Dimness o( Vision. Premature Old ABO, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or consumption ana a i-rcmiuure urave. Hkwihk ot advertisements to refund money, when druggists troru whom tho medicine U bought do "ot refund, but reter you to the manufactur ers, and tho requirements are such that they are setaoux, ifervr, compiled with. See their writ ten guarantee A trial of one single package of uray n bikx'uiu wm eouviueo iuu must BKeuiieu ui Its real ircrlts. on account of counterfeits, wo uavo aaootoa tne yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. OTFull uartlcularaln our namnhlet. which we denlro to send freo by mall to every one. lTh6 eiocuio Aieuieino in boiu uy an urugguiia b 91 h. r paeKage ur o pacituea lur o, ur win uo Heui ireu by mall ou tho receipt of tho money, by addrouilng VIIL.nlllV HUllliltUUm lK.ff.ln XI V Sold In llloomsbtuv by all drusglsts. Nov IMV TO AlivuirriKHH.-Lowi!t ltatesforadrer- tlsinein uio troou newspapers sent tree. au. drc&sUEO. 1'. UOWFLL 4; CO., 10 Spruce St., N, v. March i ww r JTOTICE IN DIVOHOE. IN THE COMMON I'LEAS OV COLUMBIA COUNTY. Mary Osman by her next friend, K. M. Tewksbury vs. John Ostnan. Sur libel In divorce. To John Ofcnian, respondent above named t Whereas unon tho libel of the said Mary Osman a subpoena was Issued out ot the said Conn com manding ou lo uoaiul appear at the next regu lar teim of said Court, to show cause by tho bald libelant should not bo divorced from tho bonds oi iimtrluiuiiy voulracted with you ; and whereas upon return ufsakl subpoena due proof was made that j ou could not be lound In the ball wick of I ho Mierlrt ot said couuty, whereupon an iilfn hubpoena was awarded by said Court coin mandtngtou to appear at tho then next term of said court to answer as aforesaid, to which the samo return was mado by tho Sheriff. You uo therefore required to bo and appear on the nrat day oi the next term ot said Court to be held at llloomsburg for said county on the Unit Monday ot December uext, A. D. 1B.-U, to answer said com. nlaluu JOHN MOUItEY, Bhertfr. Khcrltl's Offlce, February lbSI, C, W, Miller, AUy. March It liTANTlill Knercctlr. reliable men to sell fruit irutM. robra. eta saIuy V treea, grape Tuea, shrubs, mm, etc aim oxjieusea paiu. ruiuteurucuuiui givcu, no in experienced men can soon leara the btiKlnew. Ad. dress J V. LKOLAllK, lirlbloa, N, Y. (1 mile cut of itoehobter, N. Y.p March 8t-4w 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers