THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. 0. B. ElwalJ, 1 r,ii. J. K. BltUnbaaisr. J Ellt0"' BLOOAISBUUG, PA, FRIDAY, M AUOH 28, 183 1. .JDEMOORATIO STATE CONVENTION. The Dcmocratto Stato Convention of Pcnnsylva . nl will awombla In tho Opera Houso, Allcntourn At 10 A. M. on Wednesday April 9, 1891 to nominate, a candidate lor oongressman-aMnrgo, six delegates at-large to the National Convention and Klx elec tors nt-large ( to connrm and ratify the cholcoot representative delegates to the National Conven tion and representative doctors by tho members of tho Stato Convention (rom the respective con trrcjwlonat districts and to transact such other bu slnosa as the convention may determine. W. V. limit, Chr. l)cra. State Com. J, D. LxicnTr, Cleric. Tlio Damocrntio county coramittco mado a .mistako nt its meeting last Saturday in refusing to allow a mem ber of tho coinmittuo to rovoko hia sub stitution of another to act in his stead. Tho authority was givon only tempo rarily, and ho, who hai tho power to ra.iku it certainly lias tho right to re voko it. This notion ought not to bo taken as a precedent in tho future. In tho prcsont caso ono substitution had already been rnndo, and subsequently a second one was given, revoking tho first. Tho committee, thinking ono substitution was enough, admitted tho first substitute. Though this was wrong, it bIiows that tho members should bo caroful in making their substitutions, as tho committee is not to bo trifled with. A Pennsylvania!! to be Hanged, A letter has been received by Wil liam Patton, an employee in tho Phil adelphia Mint, from John Gardner, of Tucson, Arizona, stating that James Delanoy, a brother of Senate Librarian John O. Delanoy, is to bo hanged nt Tucson, March 25. James Delanoy, it is alleged, was implicated in tho inur dcr,'somo timo ago, of tho Bisbeo family near Tucson. Fivo men havo already been executed for connection with tho crime. Qardnor, who wrote tho letter containing this information, was formerly a draughtsman in tho of fice of tho Secretary of Internal Af fairs at Harrisburg, and is now as sistant surveyor-general of minerals of Arizona. An Independent Movement- Tho following call for the formation - of airliidepcndent Republican asso ciation has been mado publio at Chica go.' It is endorsed by fifty leading .citizens, comprising tho must promi nent business and professional men of Chicago, and it is expeeted to increase tho list to 5000: "The undersigned, citizens of Chi cago, are members of tho Republican party, attached to its past and hopeful of its future. Its victory at the next election in their opinion, depends upon thnt element of tho party which, by reason - of its independence of action and its patriotic motives, has in its hands the party success at the polls. They believe that it is essential this year to nominate for tho presidency and vice-presiueucy men who are com mittod to tho work of administrative reform and tho total removal of tho spoils of "bossism" from publio life, and they arc convinced that the inde pendent Republicans will refuso to vote for candidates whoso records, characters and opinions do not illustrate theso principles. They feel that thero should bo an organization in this city to represent theso views, nnd they in vito all Republicans in sympathy with tuts movement to unite with them m the formation of the Independent Re publican Association of Chicago." Within tne Gates, : NELLIE, iiemmkliieicii STII.I, MVIKO EXTKI13 THE NEW JKIIOSALEM., March 23. In a modest two story dwellintrat No. 9G8 North Sixth street resides Nullio Hemmelrioh, .ageu fifteen, a liazel-ovcd, olive-corn plexioned ctirl- who was bnntized in itho icy waters of the Sohuvlkill river last Sunday. Since then she has been in a trance, but occasionally revives sufficiently to give tho most graphic descriptions ol heaven. Her minister is tho Rev. Mr. Mus- solinan, of Esmang, who if a pastor of tho Evangelical 3Iennomto denomina tion. What the Rev. Mr. Musselman considers stranijely wonderful is ,ho girl since her trance shows the greatest knowledge Of biblical tilings, ol winch probably she had never read before, and uses laiitruaKu far superior to any thing she had ever employed prior to her present condition. Jlev. air. inns selmau, in speaking of the etrango ca3e, said : 4Slll tnli! tia tlmf ultn ana u-lt ttrtua, nrv all tho beauties of Iloaven and descrilf- ed to us all iliat she saw. I havo no doubt that hu i now in tho samo con union as was at. John when ho was a witness of tlio wonders of heaven described in tho book ol Revelations. It is given to but few people to exper ience such a mamloitation, and 1 be liovo that this cirl is divinely favored She is given a ulirapso of the great bo yond so alio can tell us, her friends, all ' that sho saw.' "During' tho reporter's slay, Miss Hcinmebrcich was asked a number of questions, all of which sho answered but only in a whisper. Last evening tho reporter was informed that sho spoke whilo in this tranco and describ cd at length all that sho witnessed. At tlio reporter a request, Hev. Mr. JUul Holland asked her n number ot ques tions, to which sho replied about follows : "I am in lu-avon. I can seo Jesus and many beautiful angels. I don want to como back. Tho angels hav crowns on their heads and trumpets i their hands. 1 hear the grandest rniiaio. Tho streets aro all of gold and everything Is beautiful and bright. Tho angels' crowns aro made of lilies and stars, 'and they nro all dressed in white. Thero is no sorrow over there," and as she said this sho murmured : "So uico ; so nice." When the reporter saw her tho girl was lying on a conch on tho floor with both arms extended. These sho would at times outstretch, and bIio would say sho was "embracing Jesus." Her faco would light ii) with a smile, and as Rev. Mr. Mussloman commenced to sing her favorite hymn in a low tone, sho clasped her hands with joy and ut tered exclamations of delight. Sho eaid sho too was blowing a trumpet as she was going through tho golden streets of new Jerusalem, and suited tho" action to tin- word by pretend ing to blow n trumpet. Tho glrlV body is now rigid i.nd Miff ami nho is uneoiifclmi8. Her nii'thcr was bap tised lu tho river yesterday afternoon. THE SPREAD OF CRIME- Mn. KniToit: Dear Sir. From reading tho chronology of crime, tho idea is sug gest, vo that nil laws are cither suspend ed, or iiuablo to cope with its progress- tvoncss. in nil its phases, in nil Its hideousnrso, each successive crimo seems to oelipso its predecessor in hor ror and boldness. A terrified and as tonished public apprehend with nwu tho secret workings of the plotting demon under cover of darkness and seclusion, as ho hurls hither and thither his mis siles of destruction in shape of seduction, theft, raplno nnd murder. If thero is no way ot checking this great publio onemy in its bold and defiant course, so destructive to tho peaco nnd safety of tho community nt largo, then It does not require much ot a prophetic eyo to seo tho inevllablo result. Ostensibly it scorns that every indi vidual is a law, nnd nn authority with revolver ornny other weapon to enforce it in every instance tho cxigenoy of tho caso demands it. Wero crime and criminality a necessity thero is much that might bo excused. Rut, is tho publio so stupid to tho lact that unless tho causo of its progressivencss, what ever it may be, bo removed, or destroy ed that they will bo' at tho mercy of armed bands ot desperadoes, thieves and outlaws without power to bring them to justico except by tho strong arm of tho government. in a government liko ours, tho most benign on earth, mild and lenient to all offenders, gontlo and cautious in all its proceedings against criminality, with all tho vicissitudes to upright and hon est livelihood for all, with all the ad vantages, teachings nnd examples of our fine institutions, ono would suppose that enrao would wane and dio out from mens forco of shame. But tho great throng of criminals blindly rush on with their numbers daily augmented. While so few meet the just requirements ot law, docs neither warn nor terrify evil doers. Thero is a primary cause that makes crimo fearfully progressive. It is stim ulated by nn agency that gives it supcr- atural vitality and power. It Jceds pon something that operates speedily and effectively. It would bo well for the publio to study its career, and to nolo that they walk upon its very cra ter every day. Y Seeking to Oust a Judge in M. IIURN'S WANTS THE SEAT OF ALFRED HAND, OF LACKAWAN NA COUNTr. A petition was presented last Fri day morning tojho Supreme Couit wr a wru oi mandamus on jonn Handloy and Alfred Hand, Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas ot Lacka wanna county, commanding them to omputo and certitv, according to law, the votes cast at the general elec tion held in last November for Ira M. Burns, tho petitioner, and to issue to him a proper certificate of his election to tho office of Additional Law Judge, of tho Lackawanna (or Forty-fifth) Judicial district. Tho facta of tho caso as set forth by the petition are : That Alfred Hand had assumod the office of Additional Law Judcre in Lackawanna county, claiming to have been chosen at tho election held No vember 4, 1879, in pursuance of an act of Assembly aud its supplements pass ed in tho preceding March, entitled "an act to provide for the division of counties in this Commonwealth and the erection of new counties therefrom.'' Tho petitioner claims that this act was unconstitutional under the decisions ol tho Supreme Court, and that such a division could only bo mado after a decennial census under the Constitu tion. An act was passed on the 12th of last July creating the Forty-fifth Judicial district, aud under this act passed constitutionally, so it is claimed tho petitioner claims that ho was elected Judge at tho general election on November 5 of last year, at which ho received over ninn hundred votes. Theso votes have been duly received. taken and counted and returned, ac cording to law, by the election officers of tho various districts. It then be came tho duty of Judges Handlov and Hand, so tho petitioner claims, to meet on .November H, compute the votes nnd declare Mr. Burns only elected Addi tional Law Judge. This they refused to do. and therefore the petitioner prays the Court to issue a mandamus to compel thorn to do so. Tho Court held the matter under advisement. A Freak of the Glacial Period. A WONllEKPUI. WSCOVEUY IN A COAT, MINE IN LACKAWANNA COUN TY, PA. A writer to the New York Sun from Archbald, Pa., gives the following f t .. t . - . . T iu.uwuiii ui u niiiuuiur luriniuiuii in mu coal deposit. "About two months ago the miners employed by Jones, Simpson & Co., wero driving a heading in tho itidgo mines, aoout a railo Irom this borough. They had worked about COO feet through the coal, wht-n a blast blew out not only coal, but a large stream of water and a quantity of round stones. Tho miners were alarmed. and ran away to tho onening. After waiting half au hour, thoy ic turned, and found tho stream of water very small, but the round stones con tinned to pour out. Thcv suniiosed that there was n fault in tho coal seam, and worked ahead, but tho round stones continued to pour out. After three weeks work by four men. load ing and carrying away the round stones gravel and loum made their nnnearanco, When thev weiu loinnvnrl. tlmv fniiml tho daylight and a circular chamber, torty-nvo teet trom tho surface, cut through tho rock and stone, thirty feet in diameter. I examined this geological wonder yesterday trotn tho surfaco nnd from the bottom. It is in the woods, with small holes at each side in the courtc of a very II ,n, smaii rivuiet. there aro somo rocks thrown up fivo or six feet high about twenty feet above it in tho course of tho stream. From below you can seo a circular chamber thiity feet in (iiameior and torty-ttvo feet i t i i rm i neigni. i no wans are near v Demon dicular (tho floor is rock), and next tho wall is six feet of coal all around, then tho rook is sandstone It rises thirty live leewiign, and is oovered by grave loam, and other alluvial deposit. The stones nro nil rounded, nnd occupy nuoui twenty reeioi tne chamber. The are from six pounds in weight to small pebbles. In tho lower part of tho cave round pieces of coal wero mixed with tho sandstone pebbles. Tho coal company intends to make an air hole for ventilation of this chamber, in which caso it would havo to be filled up. This would bo a Hourco of grief to scientifio meu. Mr. Lesley, tho Stato Geologist, says that thero is only ono other such trcak ot tho gla cinl period yet discovered, and that t in Luzerne, Switzerland. It is to bo hoped that It will bo preserved as natural curiosity of tho greatest inter est to science AKlM'! POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Bowdor never varies. A marvel ofnurltr strength and wholcsomenosj. Moro economical tmnlhe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude ot low test, abort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only cans, jiovti. iiiiinu i'owdih uo , 100 wau-Bi., iY. auzll-lY. Curos JlhenmatisDi, Lnm,LamoXSaclt, Sprains and Bruises', Asthma, Catarrh, Couchs, Colds, Soro Throat, Diplithoria, Burns, Frost Eitos, Tooth. Eat, and Head acho, and all pains and aches. Th tit Intertill fend external rented? In the worlJ. Every Lottie eumntecJ. S6UL? medicine dc.leri everywhere, rt.rection. In eight Itnruexel. Frlct 50 cent, fcnd iiAO. FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., Prop'ri, BUrFALO. N.YU.S.A. TREASUItEK'S SALE OP UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA. By virtue ot Sundry acts of tho General Impm. Mr ot the commonwealth of l"ennsylvanla rela ting to tho sale ot seated and unseated lands In the county o? Columbia, etc,, tor taxes duo and unpaid, 1 win ofTer to public salo In tho Court House, In tbe town of BloomsDurg, on Monday June 9th., 1884. at ten o'clock a. m., the following described pieces ot land, or such part thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho amount ot taxes duo and unpaid against the same, nnd continue the same from day today as the samo may bo found necessary. TERMS OP SALE. The amount of taxes and costs must be n.ilrt when the land Is s ruck oil,' or tho sale may be voiu auu mc prui-ny pub up unu resoia. IlEAVEU TOWNSHIP. S3 acres Drockway, C B 1 40 1 06 3 18 6 51 52 1 03 1 31 87 3 18 1 lot lieavcr, cnartes 3 " Beaver. Jesse. 163 acres Brockway, C B B! lirUCKWHJ & AUUOll 79 " Brockway Abbott 18 " nrockwny K Abuott ...... M " Brockway & Abbott slots 400 acres Baker, Jacob, sr. . 18 60 3 15 68 1 82 1 SS 15 1 07 75 57 8 97 12 74 3 tots jmib & unger iiogart, inry Borer TS 2 " erasing, Patrick. 2 " uantnor, wuiiain l Canon. Mannas 1410 acres Columbia coal Iron Co 129 Cox, c 8 Ex. of Trench Cox 23T 273 887 14 68 I 19 74 49 " .. 2 65 150 " Davis Isaac Est 13 41 115 " Mavis Anthony 6 10 25, I'cier 1 Slots slots Fianicrun, A Fry. W 8 3 03 3 IS 29 acres FUhor, Sarah 1 lu acres ueaniari, Jr.imei 3 lots Oearhnrt. Wm 28 3 IS 60 acres Hauck, Jonathan 5 as 5 38 4 69 4 15 1 38 5 29 '5 lienaerimer, saiju Hoatz, John Dcc'd Ilutz, Charlcn & John Harner Jester Horfman, K O Hunt, Eli Henry, (leome 60 " 75 " 2 lOtS 5 " 3 " 3 18 2 2 11 220 acres lllnderlldcr, Sarah A 11 SI 1 JUl. nilllO A 10 acres Lynn, Jacob 1 OS 18 3 45 3 lots Lawrence, w Jt 2 lots Lewis. Frank 2 21 300 acres Miller & Mann 10 75 300 Moore, William , Mdtcynolds, W II Mlnlck, Peter Martin, William Monday. John 8 06 100 " 23 62 5 38 45 4 IOtS 2 00 10 2 lota 140 acres Nungcsscr, Ucorgo 7 63 6 29 8 32 25 2H a 101.3 raucrson, j u 3 " ITIce. Clarence 43 " Pardee Mnrkle m acres luce, Auranam 65 ' 3 55 2 80 5 3S 4 20 4 OS 101 " " " 91 " " oeorge G lots KutnutT, sam s co S lots ltutblllT. Sam .'. 2 05 140 acres Hweppenhelser, J K 210 " Shumun, Frank L.... .,, 9 63 16 77 2 " snuman. i nomas 28 110 " Slicker, Moses .. 6 72 8 lots smith, J w 3 " Shlck, J .1 3 " Scott. Peter 3 181 3 IS 2 0 200 acres Stewart, Wm 10 75 a " nu nan s. .uciiaei 2 " Hteney, Martin .... 2 lots Vastlue, B It Slots Volkenard. CJ 1 61 1 38 4 08 23 92 2565 ncresWcst, 11 M coal S Iron Co 5 lots wcizei. u a 3 " Werkhlser, Samuel 3 " Wood. Augustus 3 4 2 05 3 IS 7 88 89 acres Wheeler, William . i. tvuuuiu .... ... 16 owns. John 82 61 nice, John BENTON. 3 88 11 " Ash, Marj ii Kline, jonn mils 10 " Dodson. oeorgo BHIAltCHEEK. &20) a. Apple, Paul 5 98 1 18 1 74 50 " mist), ituoen ' Ilrlttaln, II A J list , "Clo-n, W T Itev " Doty, Pealcr ft Stewart. 23 2S 4 51 300 200 14 40 9 60 150 100 4 43 12 2 250 7 38 21 " Evans, Francis ,, "llnrman, Daniel "lleadley.HFEat ; " Klsner, John , " Headley, 8 F Est "Kllnger, Lizzie.... , " iteccer, Abraham 11 David sutler "Stout, Nathan , " Schuyler, Wm Mrs Freas, w'm L " ltobblns, Ell " stokes, Olden .... CATAWISSA. " llrobst, J 8 , ' Klaco cV Vettcr 1 Thomas, Ituth Ann "Thomas, Abel " Weaver, Etnas....' " Dornbach, Margaret ... " Klsner. liobert " Newell, Fred " Yettcr, Lowls m " Yettcr, I4wls Est " Krum, Ellas,.,... " lilddlo Heirs " Harder, Thomas v.. lot schulcr, Mrs Sarah CENTHALIA. lot Conner, Thomas. " Durken, Mrs. Anthony " Krwln, Thomas ., " lleftern, l'hlllp .... " 1 1 omen, Thomas , " Kline, L'arollno " OrarelLt Co M " LclilKh & Malianoy It It Co ........ " Markes, George " Mcliearty, Mary " Meel, Ucorgo W , " ltlley, James " Tony, Wm , " Knlttlc, J II " lloyer, John Hauley, John (1 " llyan, Michael " (icrrechty, Thomas " Ttgho. Thomas " McKntyer, Domlnlck , " Wilson, John , CENT1IK. 3 10 71 ISO 10 36 49 2 77 16 5 IIS 7 2C0 9 CO II 4 48 6) 60 7 60 1 00 71 3 68 2 43 1 23 62 B 23 869 39 93 C9 H5 SO 2 ttt 8 48 4 79 8 70 307 287 8 41 38 1 16 89 1 16 4 on 24 8K 8 8 11 12 1 8 60 7 46 3 m 14 93 8 40 10 68 6 20 7 20 91 50 6 20 3 25 6 16 60 74 70 S 20 1 SO 3 311 1 10 3 38 40 3 38 3 38 22 acres Adams, Knos I... 2 35 1 OS tu 10 " 34 " S 1 lot 3 " 1 1 " llanenbuch. Wm llairenbuch, Win Sr. Est., Hoffman, WmEst Lowrey, Simon M Kroner, Josl-h. March, ltcbecca Nungesser, Sarah llason, John C0NYNC1HAM. Brockway, 0(H 6 01 32 44 16 18 13 03 67 97 6 88 llresllno, llcrnard lirady, Julia , Cane. Ellen 2 73 2 71 4 48 429 acres Ilcam, Joshua ,, 1 lot Davlx, Thomas 1 " Kramer, A W 1 " Jones, deorge .. 1 " Lelby, Ephralm 2'2 acres Kline, John I, ,,,,.. 2 lot Morrison, Catharine.... 218 85 10 2 8 1 79 2 73 5 38 7 U1 1 03 1 W 107 60 1 AicMauainan, juary 1 " Morris, Annll,,...,. 880 acres itustin, Mary 79 43 ro 4 60 VI 60 63 SO 258 01 35 79 63 1 II 1 SS 2 23 8 23 1 65 41 1 10 1 65 13 14 30 8 75 8 18 5 (0 t 25 83 4 60 8 43 18 t 3S 1 as 60 10i " Trcln, Jacob .,, 1(0 " Trcln, Jacob ,, s " lwls. walker., 4U1 luiiiiK, tiumi. 1 lot Mellon. Thomas lit acres Huston, John l 101 iicuuier, rerrnnro FISIlINQCItEEK, Ml acres Allegar. John, 11X1 IllMi. Ileubcn 300 DotyiPcaler & Stewart,,.,..,. Dresner, John Davis, Kllga I, Farver, oeorgo.,,, .. ........ 1 1 utclilwn, Thomas J. ......... . Holler, W A Hoffman & Freas ..... Harrison, John llunstngcr, Anthony , Kindt, John ft Co Lemon, Thomas ............. ..... Mcllenry, K J , Meant, William Mcllenry 0 II Daniel Pcaler, ucorgo ltelchard, Lewis ltobblns, Wm A ltobblns, Ell FRANKLIN. Cleaver, Wellington Vought,KH Fortner, Jonathan Mensch, Michael . . Howell, William 01IEENW00D. Albcrtson, Miles A Hartley Iicrry, John I wrr, Iram ,. ltedllne, Iienlamln McEucn, 11 J. .... HEMLOCK. Appleman, MS Appleman, Wm...... Ilruglcr, Lllsha.,., Campbell, N 8 Kmmctt.A J Neal ft Purscl PurseI,Isaao , P11 reel, Sylvester Wright, Levi Whltenlgtit, Oeorge Jr. JACKSON. Frlck, Oeorgo A Frtck, oeorgo A , Hess, Ilcnjamlru Lewis, Isaao Miller Charles W Miller ft Neyhart Miller ft Neyhart Keller, J K LOCUST. Illlllngton, Charles Dewart, Oeorgo . Kverhart, John ucraghty, Thomas Hughes, Wright Est Kline, John L Kulp ft Me Williams Longcnbcrgcr, Philip Meyers, Mary Itusten, Mary Hasten, Charlotte Itcynolds, John Itusten, Thomas Itccce, Daniel ... Shaffer, Hcury Snyder, Jeremiah MADISON. Cox, Joel Eves, CW Hendershott, E Masters, D ft W Sands, J E Est MAIN. nittcnbcnder, Conrad inockwayft Ent Crcasey, Wm 8r Dombach, John............. Dewalt, Philip Fisher, Daniel drover, A v . (iearhart, Joseph llerfner, Samuel O Jummcll, Chrlstatn . Kecfer, James Miller, II u Est . Miner, Emanuel Moses, Michael ... Morris, Daniel ...... Ithawn, Casper snuman, W T Shuman, Ileubcn Smeck, llrobst, Vettcr, ft Ilauck Snyder, John....; Snyder, Abraham Swartz, ShcppftCo Yetter, Daniel Est Shuman, John Ilartman, Mathlas ., MIFFLIN. so 4 SO T2 am 90 90 200 140 ' 17 " 100 " M " ii to " 60 " 100 " 40 " M " 76 " M " 1 81 S 90 4 60 2 16 1 61 11 70 1 ro 2 38 00 2 25 2 60 60 4 23 4 14 I 45 1 01 (0 40 28 75 3 SO 22 80 7 60 77 78 14 23 13 30 30 81 501 40 " 15 " 160 60 " 12 " 100 " SO " 2S " SO " 20 " 20 " 41 " 60 " 800 " 100 " 4 " 238 " 218 " 8 " 200 7 21 7 90 7 40 7 90 18 90 2 01 6 30 2 31 4 33 6 72 6 72 72 4 20 6 72 1 (8 1 00 SO 265 64 U! 23 92 33 200 200 200 200 100 190 41 110 21 1 00 13 00 60 1 50 so 1 60 1 30 1 20 3 90 7 80 1 00 53 20 2 60 0 93 71 23 2 60 2 70 6 63 5 16 2 GO 9 10 1 20 23 40 4 33 1 30 33 300 S3 60 21 " 24 " 110 " 230 " 12 " 7 " 2 " 100 " 00 " 12 " 10 " 4 45 !, 100 " T " 160 " 10O " 6 " 7 " 000 " 150 " 23 " 8 15 Aton, Thomas Huscr, Franklin Est 0 A Jacoby Kramer, AW , Nungesser, Wm J Sweppenhelser, JK 44 Horace 44 K P Williams, Samuel .. MONTOUR. Olger, Barbara ...... John Est 44 Samuel Lelby, Jackson Ncal, William ...... Itamscy, Est shelbamer, John Crcasey, Jacob Fry, Daniel Itunyan, Elmer MOUNT PLEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel Shaffer, Mathlas ORANGE. crevellng, Samuel Everett. Gabriel Est Everett, Moses Est, Kline, Jacob Est Kline, Abraham J Kline, Abraham J Patterson, M 11 PINE. Barton, Ell Drleblebls, Abraham ......... Davis, Thomas Est Prick, ucorgo A Lyons, it W . Miller ft Cole .... ltobblns. TD ... Shultz, lltrain Shoemaker, Joseph .... ItOAUINGCltEEK. Arthclla, Francis Buchcr, Peter Barnes, Thomas Jr Uriah, Jacob . llrlsli, Jacob Denvei, Ueo, J L Kline Drelsh, Jacob confalrft ltlco Cox, O 8 Ex of Trench Cox. 1 05 33 8 48 5 50 S 60 5 60 4 13 2 20 1 05 6 0 200 100 123 30 25 1 80 90 1 80 20 S 00 1 45 25 4 55 45 90 98 1 44 1 75 3 60 8 CO 43 7 00 7 0) 4 20 10 " 10 " 8 " 19 " 21 " 10 " 65 " 51 " 30 " 133 13 SO 23 " 17 ' 2 59 4 00 223 44 15 61 75 3 28 50 41 100 14 19 44 1 88 49 44 30 44 49 30 :o 44 1 00 60 44 1 82 1 18 1 TO 8 0. 78 43 8 Mt 3 (XI 40 2 10 9 3 4 9i 1 2 1 O. 8 19 63 26 K5 26 2 GO 78 M 1 41 62 25 1 20 1 20 98 48 1 6S 3 40 2 40 9 45 2 90 48 60 44 40 44 103 44 20 44 12 44 3J5 44 250 44 16 41 200 41 CO 44 18 44 Dliaplane, Ezeklel... Husten, John Harner, John John Stacey Little, Robert Morris ft Hughes.. 100 44 13 24 44 44 44 142 44 19 " 7 44 45 44 .9 44 100 " Melllngton, Wm Melllngton, Wm ltaub, J Miller ltaub, J Miller Skatee. Harvey Trlen, Jacob Wltchey. Mary Est . Wltchey, John Yocum, Isaao Yettcr, Lewis Est,.., Yetter Lewis Est .... Lcvan,Lawsen Mlndy, Lelns Sheltenburger 30 44 40 44 JO 44 18 44 50 44 47 44 20 44 88 44 18 44 68 44 94 44 68 44 310 44 64 44 83 44 SUOAltLOAF. Bellas, William . cole, Ezeklel Cole, Thomas B Chaptn, J F Chnpln, J F Custer, Mary Hess, Joseph o " Joshua II 44 Crevcllng ft Co... 41 Wesley ro 44 84 44 48 44 10 60 18 55 7 43 31 90 2 65 7 95 4 24 2 13 111 0) 5 30 5 80 10 CO 2 12 9 t8 37 10 31 4) 15 90 13 18 250 44 11 75 44 25 44 4 44 185 44 X119" XtW" K119'4 19 Oi ii Ilartman, Jesse Harvey, J F ft M smith .Mcllenry, ltohr Mcllenry, KJ Mcllenry! KJ Savage, Joshua Est 380 44 500 44 juo 44 80 44 TltEASUUEU'S SAIjK of seated LANDS IN COLUMMA COUNTY, PA. Also tho following lots.- nieces, and oarceU of boated lamia, returned by tUe tax collcctoni, are to bo sold at tho gametlmo under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for tax In Columbia county," ap proved March 5th, 18(18. IlEAVEIt. W acres Uarnes, Charles. 4 lots llarncs. Charles It 24 18 30 Hi no a mi 1 88 10 to 1 81 18 . S 05 1 0 1 SO 3 50 3 '!0 ! UI t 00 5 ru 1 OU 9 II! 110 40 21 31 1 li 3 40 H HO 8 HO 8 31 75 82 Sir acres Miller, Longcnburger Klsner I iub .ttasien, win. 5 44 Mastcn, Mrs. William i 44 Kelpt, A II 4 44 Sherman, Thomas 5 44 JolniHon, John I 44 McAffeo, John 1 44 Loseo, J A Agent 1IENTON, 1 44 Albertson, Samuel It 1 " Haycock-, Hainuel , 6 acres Ntlles, Jeremiah 23 44 10 Mcllenry S 44 Riles, jercinuh. 13 " 1 lot Oootl A 1) Mcllenry, M LX Kato, ..,..,. liuxiMHiiimn. Waller, Norman I'iirtel, .Mrs Ull lIHIARCItEKK. 151 acres Doty A l'enler CATAWISSA. 40 acres Henry, Isaao Est CENTHALIA. 1 lot 1 44 Hanley, John CI McDonnell, Owen..... , 1 44 McDonnell, Anthony 1 44 Carr, Catharine... CENTIIE. 1 44 Keller, Sarah 1 44 llasen. John Hi acres Mcouln, W V . 81 44 .McQula, John II CONVNOIIAM. 1 lot Drown. John 1 44 IJndennutn, Oeoive I 14 Dalen, Mary 450 acres cummlnKs,u M Srfi 44 Cumuilnt's, It Mi Co 4(io 44 Curry, Ellen 40 0 44 Murohey, Hughes & Co II lots ltelubold, W if...... riSIIINUCIIEKK. SI acres Eyer, Mathlas X 44 Eyrr, James ) lot Shultz, Cornelus KHANKUN. 3 acre Strausser, Johlah........,..... QltKENWOOD. I lot Illlilngton, I'll , 81 acres Moore, Lafayette-- 1 lot Wllllver, J K ".J...!!.! I 44 Hess, Jones 1 " KlUgcrald. KlUabetU. W acres MCMlchael, Jane,.,... ....... u co 4 15 45 1 70 11 15 140 16 NO !J 818 09 i 01 II 03 14 05 1 S3 SO 10 IB HI 48 8 IM J lot llhawn, Casper.,. Welsh, James , ,, 1 20 47 M 60 2 XI 1 65 2 01 5 97 1 63 3 10 4 10 6 61 HEMLOCK. 23 acres Thomas, Slate Co , . " Ebner, William 1 lot Fuge, John ,V 44 Tlppett. John X ' Fisher, Frank s JACKSON. 9IX acres Young, Christian 31 44 Young, Lowl9 0 84V" Young, Isabel 118 41 Chambcrlln, Lewis...... IX)CU8T. 8 41 Rhodes, Susan MADISON. 8 41 lluser ftCroom...., 170 44 Trumbouer, A O , w, 1 lot Wellvcr Susan Est 1,,. 13) acres Miner, Charles I) MIFFLIN. 1 lot Kelchncr, Jacob, Sr.. 68 acres Brclsch, Cleorgo MT. PLEASANT. 2 10 13 60 2 0) 1.1 75 75 8 00 2 10 3 4.1 11 40 8 13 1 90 21 10 1 23 A 10 3 00 3 13 15 Bcnflcld, Thomas ORANGE. Eves, James est 17 PINK. 112 44 Iggott ft Frlck 123 44 Bobbins, Joshua 38 44 Drelblcbls, Jacob Est 8 11 Drelblcbls, Jovph 10 " Kvans, ncorgo.,.i 1 41 Hcnn,"arahA 60 41 Illckctts, K. O 8i 44 Kllno ft Patterson 65 44 Fine, A J 1 lot Death, Susan 60 acres Kllno k Patterson 11 80 44 Parker, John II 2 99 44 cornollson, .III s 15 44 Ncysuntcr, Michael 3 HI 00 2 62 S 111 3 27 SCOTT. 1 lot Solomon, Phoebo rr, 16 acres McKelvy, Neal ft Co 40 BUOAllLOAF. M 44 Hughes, Wei Ington Est 1 no so 4i Hess, Lavlna 40 4) " Bhultz, Ellas 1 20 2 44 Hirvev. AM 1 ,.,1 119 44 Seward, Nathan U 200 si 4 Albertson, Jesso 73 97 14 Stevens, Ezra, 1 50 A. M. JOHNSON, Treasurer. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM KELCUNEII, DUOKASKO. ACCOUNT OF ITRI'STEE. Tho undersigned nppolntcd Ijy tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, auditor to make dlstrl. button of the balinco remaining In tho hands ot 11. Frank Zarr, trustee of Wm. Kelchncr, deceased, to nndnmonir thenarMns entltleri thpmm in.,v gives notice that ho will sit for tho purpo-w of h(s Hfpuuiiiiii-m., ut ins oiitcu in iiioomsourg, on Fri day March 28th, issi nt 10 o'clock, a. m. where and when nil parties Interested may attend nnd pre sent their claims or bo forever debarred from any share ot said fund. ICD29 WM. CHRISMAN, Auditor. DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OPO.W.EH THOMAS, LATE OF OKKE.V- WOOD TOWNSHIP. T,ttprunf nrtmlnl.t.llA- .l. ...... . . TZrZ .T . "j""'4"'4 "u "iu I'siiuo or union Sl?nw,a!;d ,1,lUo .' "rconwood township Columbia county Pennsylvania, deceased lnuo te.b.? county to tite rr 0 . 41UHUUWHUIUI, ah persons nu villi? nniS??1 th? 01 drccii-sed are rS indebted to the estate to make payment to tho underslgniMadmlnlstratorwithoutdelay. 1I1U.HA8, wv. Administrator. Feb23-6w sorcno. gXECUTOll'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF DANIEL KIEFEIi, DECEASED, ?lttP1V tUllLnrnim(nni' nr. . - .... hlcfer, late of prango township, Columbia county. i?l'?rtC?! '.lay? v", Br11'"' y tho Register w ...u uiiucioiKut-u executors, AU ment and thaw Indebted to tho estate to mako payment to tho underblgncd without delay" ruANKL'N KEIFER,) . M. s. HAYllURST, f Executors. 1 P89 Orangevllle, Pa. mmuM t hT a pojIUt; remedfcr thonbiM d.5e-i, 1 hi its ' thoimndi of en of thewrrstndindcif foitic t-,,flllJllit"4BBacmct,-llat 1 "tU ir-nd TWO IlO'rTI.l.a I .ItKl :, totetaer with t .VALUAIILB TREATISi: in thlj diMri, to nr imlTrTcr. (Uio erprni md P. O. adlnu. DB. T. A. SLOCU II, 13ir..rISL .Nsw Yott March 7-4W a win JAMES mar ssi m au4arra.r - nttrtivi 1 lot a'.d Are Annually Sown anJ Plauteti in Ealf a Million Gardens ! IS"TW8 Year's Cataloguo Froo on Application. PETER HENDERSON & CO. 05 Sk81"01' AS mar.SSlmo It Has Gome and see it st VALUABLE REAL ESTATE No. 1. Tlio large frame houso corner 8th and Ea.t8ts., Eau llloomsburg, now occupied by J. W. Render si'ott, Is orrcrcd lor salo nnd possession given April first. THIS PROPERTY 18 DESIIUIILK FOR A FARMER MOVING .To TOWN, it Is in perfect re pair, contains tn largoroomst tho lotTHlargo with largo barn, carriage house, cribs, pig nnd chicken iens and alt out buildings complete, well of good water nnd cistern, cholco fruit trees, grape vines anil shruliery. Terms to suit the purchaser. If not sold within thirty days tho property will bo rented for ono year. No. 2. Lot and two-story brick houso adjoining tho above, containing eight rooms. Largo barn and cnrrlago houv, plonty of cholco fruit trees nnd gnipo Ines, well of good water, Ac. No. 3. Frame dwelling nnd largo lot andstablo near Neil ft Son's furnace. No. 4. Framo dwelling nnd largo lot with good fruit trees, fte., situated nt the head of road leading lo Bloom Ferry. No. r,. Largo wharf and ofllco lying on corner of 8th St. Ferry Itoad and canal. No. G. Fivo huildlng Iota on tho north sldo of 8th streets and Ferry Hoad. Tlio nbovo property Is orrcrcd at low prices nnd tho terms of payment will bo made to suit purchas ers. Porfurtherlnfonnntlon apply to N. J, Hendershott. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. OF CAST CU WHOUailT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots - ' nnd Public Grounds. . Tho following snows tho Picket Oothlc, ono of the several beautiful ttylesot Fcnco manufactured by the undersigned. For Iieauty and Durability they nro unsurpass ru. M.-iy up uy evper to glvo satisfaction. r experienced hands nnd warranted Prices ami specimens of otlicr de- signs sent to any udurcss. Address ' BL001ISBDRG PA. May4-tr WA JST rci. LADIES TO TAKE OUR NU W Fancy work at tnelr homes, in city or coun trj', and earn f6 to 113 per week, making goods for our Spring and 8u diner trade. Send 15c. for simplo and particulars. HUDSON MFO. CO., 265 sixth Ave., Now York. 1 March 14-4W r Mr cryttablt and Flower Sctd Catalogue rUr I V V!" T1',4,u 0.f.t!4l,,t y""' Prlenco an Si "row", will be cut rwo to nil who ap ply. All nir Weed U warranted to be frcih and true to name, .0 rr t.ut .hould It proe other, wlaclasreo to reOll ordcriBratla. Ureollee. (ablea. 1 Inrtte tr,u nbtnuiaMnr th n..ktin. f n.1 lEiirdena and ou the tarma ofthoiie who plaat Brr feeed ooronna rar bof.t adveruncmcaU J. II. GREGORY. Sand Rrnucr. Mnrhlohoad M... - ir..Tyir twJrvxU&uchM&tubtc&Stlitt lye to be found la Bny Amerlcma Catalog-lie t Part It of my wn Krowlo. Aatbo orlelaal Intnxlarer of KcIlr. Uert, llurbank LA WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU EVER SAW A HANDSOMER RANGE THE IR,0--A.L And wo nro sure you never used a BETTER BAKER. La Rue Automatic Grate, Which is Warranted WITH OR WITHOUT WATER BACK, " ' ' C. C. GAMCAIY'S Bloomsburg, Pa. PIANO TABLE Tho seooinl shipment, consisting of seven cases of our celebrated TOXQUIN TABLE COVERS, Reached us a few days ago, and aro oven moro handsomo (if that is possiblo) than tho first lot which sold so rapidly. Wo have, them in EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORINGS, Awl the following sizes i 5-4, G-'i, 7-1, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12. It is almost inipossiblo to praiso theso goods loo highly. Tho col orings arc so rich and effective and tho prices so very inoderato that they should meet all tastes and suit all purses. Our stock of Riiw and Spun Silk and Fine Tapestry Table and Piano Covers Is now complete and comprises the following sizes : 1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2,. 2 1-2, 3 yards long. Eighth Street. Market Street. ' PHILADELPHIA. (Co Bo MBBM, DEALER IN Famigm audi Bommim WINES AND LIQUORS, !AN0 JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG. PA. . ONLY fli neu!?aa m25 right, ...7ti.i4 i-."i" ivith it advertised goad qualities II (I I f li . . it u t Ji n r. ii 1111 hi II al I -iL.KaxaTawaBBisaBBBakeit,r .V...i..... J, ij r. .uic7. wi uv,,iUjnucuj inaivrerioua metai iluminum Gold: it worlcs aro of tin: bint make, and the neutral style, f tho case ranlt it with the bet V'atrhca vutd anvu hrre" V e recom .icjift it to our readers as a Watch that, will yive entire tatina. tian. ESTHER, AND COVERS, Our magnificent stock of EMBROIDERED CLOTH PIANO COVERS Is attracting much attention. All tho goods woro manufactured to our order and imported direct. Wo havo all tho latest stylos In plain And VARIEGATED BORDERS At very modorato prices. Wo havo them in 4 4, C 4, 7-4, and 8.4 sizes, And in all the now designs and oolorings. Wo havd also a com plete lino of CARDINAL AND TURKEY ItED TAULE CLOTHS In all sizes and grades, with nap kins to match. -o- Filbert Street. OUR NEW AMERICAN LEVER WATCH I After moritbi of libor and xwrlmint. we here at latl brunch! to M,r. "f A NEW WATCH. II ! Key Wlndln Mnleh wftb ia C ThVLtf m-0.rr" """'P"'I4 Bleee.rll"lw.Ud. a.,V;!iiaPi,( " .'J'fJi CMM to"' CelebrMe ' be.eompoilllea lo girt Ibe weteb a (enulrje cola Knne.r.nVi. ryhaliom tntklnr li Jdii th wttcb for KtUlrol iDrsudipeeulftUTAparpoaoitliu aprlorto ny wftteh aver ""iiusrea. inejein oioia Miony ror i ana toacbt ana inded so ru to doabio thoio araoouti. firntn u tU m i rent a cn hand) theie watchta 10 ad t an i are. aa thajr can in) reaauj 0xcna,nira tor Block or pnod. wo Mnd tba watch froflbrrtetiterad malt, oa rtcHptof SB.OO. Or wo a ll aen-XU d. O. U. on receipt of $ 1 ,00 on aeeoBBtl tho balance ran bo pia at the tzpraia offlce. Wo alaa hare ffrr fine Alomlnum Gold Chfttna &l $ 1.00 (Kb, fieantWul Wed Ml Inn Chtrma SO centl. i baTtbuu, dreda of teitlmonlala bit baro room (or obIj few, m , Wobld Uin'r'fl Co. Uenlo Part, Cal. Jan. t, nil. 4 cental Tbafs.oo Alomlnum Gold Watch re perfect latlifactlon. I CDcloae oo for t moro walcbea baianeo ta to 0. 0. 1), Bond at onoo. Iteipectfullj lie Dry Braltliwalt. Would W a iff a Co. Gnnntion, Cot Ju. II, 1M4. nln: nnnift month iia! nntrhaieri nn . t i. Amerltiyi Urr w.lthci eud I told It for MJ.W. ri.iia Mod mo aaoUier. XqcIomJ Had cub. Youri, Jl. 4. Ur.oo. H. WnlTB. VTooairn, If., Jul; II. llll. Wrltuh-Tbe Iwo ftild atone, tor III eacb WorldManf'gCo. 122 Nassau Street, New York iho mat bo jmty corresponds an does the Xew American Lever , 1 -. ..- . . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers