1 ,f r rr RjJES Op DlErJISINq, 1i or fin Ak lr OLUMQll DEMOCRAT, STAR Of TUB NORTH, nnd CO. bliHUIAn, VUUVJUUIIIA.I1.J Inunt Weekly, !Tcry I'rldny Morning,' nt HLOOM8DUKO, COLUMBIA (JO , Pa. attwodom.aks por year. To subscribers out of the county tho terms aro strictly In advance. trrtio paper discontinued except at tho option ol tho publishers, until nil arrearages aro paid, but ton; continued credits will not bo given. All papers sent out of tho 8ta to or to distant post omcos must bo paid tor In adrance.unlons a rcspon tlblo person In Columbia county assumos to pay the subscription duo on demand. rosTAUlt Is no longer ojtacted, from subscribers n tho county ,. JOB PRINTING. The Jobbing Popartmontof tho Coi.cmbum Is rery complete, and our Job Printing will compare fatror ably with thatot tho largo cities. All work donoon short notice, noatly and at moderate prices. onolnch....... too 6d H(W $sro tnoo Twolnches son 400 son 8 00 uoo Threolnchcs 400 son Too 1100 I800 I'ourlnches boo 700 oo uoo 2000 ounrter column., ooo boo 1000 IBM Ktoo llaltcolumn 1001 1100 1700 ssoo woo onccoiumn...,. woo ssoa 3000 woo loooi VpnripArtrrrtiwments nftyablo nuarterly. Trn- slent advertisements must bo paid for before Insert cd except whero parties bavo account, tegal advertisement two dollars, per Inch for three Insertions, and at that rate for additional Insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Audltorsnotlcei three dollars. Must bo paid for when nserted. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line , reeu a. B.HliWBIiIi, lti,..i.t, J.X BITTmENDER,'"611"9""' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1884. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIII.NO 13 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XLVIII, NO 8 lar advertisements halt rates. Cards In the 'Business Directory" column. ons dollar a year for each line. AM lie PROFESSIONAL CARDS, r E. WALLEtt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , liloomsburg, l'a. omce ovor 1st. National Bank. N. U. PUNIC, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BtooKSBoad, Pa, E. B. BROWER, OAS FITTING & STEAM IIEATJNO. DKALKK onlco In Knt's Uulldlng. p It. UUOKALBW, J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. UI.00SI8BCI10, PA. omco over 1st National Dank. JOI1NM. CLAIUC, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. BLOOHSBCKO, PA, omca over Moyer Bros. Drug Store. STOVES & TIN WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof mg and Spouting promptly attended to. W MILLER, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW omco In Brower's bulldlng.socond noor.room No. 1 Bloomsburg, Pa. B. FKANK ZRR, ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner of Ccntro and Main straets. Clark s Building. Can be consulted In German. G EO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-. Niw coujmbuk ButtDiNd, moomsourg, Pa. umhnr of the United States Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Ku- ropa. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. omco In Columbian Buildino, Room No. 9, second noor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 8. INOBR. L. 8. WINTXRSTKIN. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A tlorneys-at-Law. num in 1st National Bank bulldlntr. second floor. first door to the left. Corner of Main and Market streets uioomsourg, ra. VefPensiom and Bounties Collected. J H. MATJ5E, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omco In Maize's building, over Blllmeycr's grocery. , May 80, ,'81. Q B. ,BHOOKVAY, Attorney-at-Law, also NOTARY PUBLIC. Office la his buliamc oDnosite'.Court House, 2nd floor, Bloomsburg, Pa. apr 13 '83 JOHN 0. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Lawi CATAW1SSA, PA. Offlca in News Itsu building, Main street. Membor of tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collections made In any part of America. Jan, o, lest. A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson" Building; Rooms 4 and 5. Maye.i'Sl. BERWICK, PA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. omco, corner of Third and Main Streets. JP"Strlct attention given to heating by steam. Comer of Main & East Sts , Bloomsburg, Pa. mom fl imtri ninfhinir I G. W. BERTSCH, TIIE HKROIIANT TAILOR, AND DKAI.KK IK Gents' Furnishing Goods OP EVEKY BESCUIPTION. CLOTHING ! ! Having very recently opened a new Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNORR its WINTERSTEEN'S building, on Main street, whero I am prepared to make to order, at short notice, first class suits of clothing always in the latest styles and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments to suit customers, and also what kind ol material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to please call and examine tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Boforo Purchasing Elsewhere, Store nest door to Tirsb National Bank Corner Main & Market Sts. J0 to Road tho papers and bo po 1- od an to tho best and cheapest spot In tho city to buy your Ucstdy-iiindo Clothing;. Our I spring HtocU,uov ready, Is lino, well assorted and low nrlcod. A. C. YATES.& CO. Leader BnildiDi, Chestnut & 6th St PHILADELPHIA. Feb 29 '84 April 1M nskirg, Pa. Blooi Where the Fire is Out. MACHO NO MORE A MYSTEuY SEEN PROM ACltOSS THE WOULD. 'Haroun of Aleppo," said Sir I'lilltp Derval "had mastered every secret la nature which tho nobler magic seeks to fathom. Ho discovered that tho true art of healing la to assist Nature to throw off the disease to summon, as It were, tho whole sys tem to eject tho enemy that has fastened on apart, Ills processes all Included tho relnvlgoratlon of tho principle of life." In tills the Eastern sago merely anticipated tho practlco of tho best physicians of to-day. What life ltbelf Is, nobody knew then nobody knows now. Hut wo havo learned something of tho rea sons why tho mj stcrlous ttdo rises and falls. Pro vided the great organs of tho body aro not lrrepar. ably destroyed, medical sclenco can always relieve, and of ten save. Yet no reputable physician now adheres to tho barbarous and stupid processes of depletion, such as bleeding, by which it was at tempted to euro disease by reducing tho patient's ability to resist It. Now-a-days wo do not tear down tho fort to help tho garrison we strengthen It. In this Intelligent and bcncflclent work, It 13 con ceded that FAHKKK'S TONIC leads all other me dicines. As an lnvleorant It acts immediately and powerfully upon tho circulation and the organs of digestion, thus giving Nature the assistance she calls for. It follows that all ailments or tno stonv ach. kldncra and liver aro at once relieved or cured. wo otner preparation emrxxues mo same qualities rtxiuccs similar rcsuua. it is uunuiuus iu use, the best known antl lntoxlcant. price soc am 11. lliscox & Co., New York. ni not bo homo to morrow, said tho spider tho fly, Tho sky Is clear and cloudless and tho streets are nlco and dry 'e not been out tor comfort tor many a long, long day, so I'll take a little airing and sea the mntlnco. And tho Bpldcr drew Its ribbons, airy, Utho. and light, Around Its waist so supple, so slender and so slight ; closed tho front door shutter and all tho blinds come down The fly mado sure tho spider had gono to sco tho town. Tho fly then buzzed out gayly. It whisked and hop. ped and spun, And spread Its wings out brightly where shono tho first spring sun ; chased tho lengthening shadows, It tarried long and lato, And heedless of past storlci swung on tlio spider's gate. Tho spider slipped back, slowly and slyly looked around No other cyo was watching when tho Hy was run aground- No other cars were open when tho poor fly mado Its call. As tho spider pitched him headlong behind tho garden wall. Oh, politicians, wily, sagacious vain and proud, Bowaro of dark-horso spiders that goto se.k tho crowd ! Beware of spring's first glories, whoso pictures please tho eyo ; Toko to yourselves this lesson of tho spider and tho fly. Chtcago Uerald. w. E, SMITH, Pa. Attorncy-atLaw, Derwick. Can ho Consulted In German. ALSO FIItST-OLASS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES liBl'ltESBNTED. WOfflce first door below the post office. MISCELLANEOUS. T1 U. BARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law J . omco la Drowor's building, 2nd story.Iiooms D BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-at-Law 1 1) ,omoe, lirocx .ray's nuilding.;ist noor, UToomsburg, Penn'a, may 7, 'SO-t ( ' B. McKELVY. M. D..8ureeon and Phy . slolan, north side Main atroot.bolow Markol (Confi'nwilrom lat irett.) How Watch Cases are Made. A plate of solid gold 14 2-10 karats fine is soldered on each sido of a plate of Lard nickel composition metal, and the three aro then nassod between polished steel rollers. From this plate tho various parts of the cases backs, centers, bezels,etc are cut and shaped by dies and lormcrs. The cold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine turning. Tho composition metal gives it needed tlrtngth, ttiffna) and solidity, while the wriifen guarantee of the manufacturers icarrand'njr each case to wear twenty years proves that it contains all tho gold that can possibly be needed. This guaranteo is given from actual results, as many of theso coses have been worn pcrieciiy smooin by years of uso without wearing through tho gold. Dubuqui, Ii., Dec 14. 1880. T hivkti,) nnAnf voiir J&meg Boas' Oold Watch Cut, for seventn yeir. I bought It second-hand nd know of Its hivlnpr been ued before I got It, k An tmt Irnnw hnw Ion?. It looks ROOd SOV ten yean longer. Did not auipect It vtu a filled caae ontU o Informed by a Jeweler a abort time alnce. I most cheerfully recommend your casea to be all they are repreitented to be, and more. O. McCirT, Dtp. Col. Int. Hn. 8i Hit. lova. (it I tni ilip ! ItjltoM Tf tal Cut fttUrlM, Ulla. ialltlt, Fa., lor kHiiOBt Illutrtbi faplMiktwU( tn 4aM Hw aaa " . " To U Ccntinutd.) 266th edition price only SI BY MAIL POST-PAID Giitnm Tntlnfft, Ton claim toft much for Samari tan Neiiyine," eaynafcl;epUc.lIIoiT can ono medicine be a Bpcclflc for EpI lepsyf Dynpcpslttf Alcoholism Rlicnmntlsm, fipcrumtnr- rlirr, or Kemlual Wenltness, and llfty other complaints" nociaim 11. pccijict bim ply, because tho Tims of alt dlseae rn arisrs from i no dioou. lis nervine, iictsoivcni, jiuTai.vtiit4 Ln.xatlve propcrllca meet all the conUitioualicreia rciurrca 10. us Known iron a mue us ElRHClOlfelylElRlOlS!j 11 ntilMA unil romnote tho n.lllcnt not bv tho Introjuctiiinof ipluti'M!tl ilr ifllc catlmrttca, but bv tho rcbloratlonof nclUltylo tho aiomnchand nVrvo n tyttcm, whertby thobr..ln l relieved inarblil fnncle", nlilcli t.ro created by tho cantes r.uovo rticrrcQ io. . To LlTKymcn, Lawyers, Literary men, Mcr. clinutit, ltankcri,-I.adjcB audr.ll lluoho80 ved Mitnrv etnnlovnient cftuacH iicrvuus nrolr.ltlon, itrcgubritlcs of tho blood, ttomaeh, LowcN or Kidneys or who require a ncrvo tonic, iip;tl7(ror Fiimuinnt, daiat.itah ii:iivine is nniiu:;ii.ii-. ThoiiFnnus proclaim H tno most womicriin nn:g ornnt that ever Miftalncd the linking tyttcm. fl.r,0. SoldbyallDrnggli-ti. TlioDJI.S. A. lllCIt aiumi JU.li. uu.. iTonririor". m..hs CIjj. II. Crlt'.citsa, Aetst. V Vi 'i,Mo. 7- i!) i M Medical Work on Manhood. Words Ij. FUCTZ, Attorney-al-Liw. , la COI.OHBUN UUlldlDff. Office Q M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH emug Macblaes and Machinery of all kinds re- alma, onxa lloesi uulldlng, llloomoburir, !" D R. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN &SUKOBON, omco, North Market street, Bloomsburg, l'a T?haustcd Vitality. Nervous and Fbvslcal Debil ity, l'rcmaturo Decbna In Man. Errors of Youtu, anatneunioia minesreauiiiiis iroiu iuuwuio- ttnn of excesses. A boot: for every man. younff. mlddle-ased and old. It contains 135 presuriptlons fnrnllacuto and chronic diseases, each ono of wblcb ls.luvaluable. So found by the Author, whoso experience iurj ycure isbucu u jfiuuuuij uoici before leu to tno lot oi any pnysuian. atw nuKes, lmiinii in tw.iutlful French muslin, embossed mvras. full trllt. cuarantccd to bo a liner work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other ivorU sold In this contry tor 12.50, or tno money win do reiuuaeu in every lusiuuce. iit-ira nnivet.no hv mall noat-nald. lUustratlvo wimnla a cunts, bend now Oold medal awarded mo auiuur vy 1.110 uliuuui iticuiuui Aaouwiunuu, iv tno omcers oi wntcu no rerers. Thu imnic Hhould ba read by the voun' for In struction, and by the amicled tor relief. It will beneat all Lonaon Lancrl. There Is no member of society to whom this book will not. bo useruL wueiner youtu. parent. Kuur- dlan, Instructor or clergyman. A raoiui ut. AlllirreM I'UUIHIV iUUUlUlLl JULlhULU. UI Ul W. li. Parker, so. 4 llulflncb Street, lloslon. Mass.. who may bu consulted on all diseases requiring sklll and experience. Clironlo and obstinate diseas es and tbatiiave baffled tho u 1,1 A I skill of another physician a spo rLl!iA.lj clalty. "Wor.U fall to extircss my uratl- " tndc." saa Mr. Srluv Oaiitkr, of Kaslivllle, Tcun., "for tho benefltH derived Irom Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Havlnz been atlllcted all lay life with Scrof ula, my lyttom loomed natiiratcd with It. It camooutln lllutchea, Ulcers, mill Mattery Sori', all over my botty." Mr, Carter statei that he uaa entirely cured by tho use of Avi:n's Sarsai-aiulm, and since discon tinuing Its uc, tight month nfo, he lias had no return of tho scrofulous symptoms. .til baneful Infections of the blood are ITomptly removed by this unequalled altera tive. MtnrAnEii nv Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Drugglits; f I, tlx bottles for is. POETICAL. BEWAEE THE DARK HORSE. SELECT STORY. CONQUERING A HUSBAND. Uncio l'hu has been lecturing tno again 1" exclaimed Mrs. Charlea Dykes as her husband catno homo to tea ono evening. "I cannot, and will not, stand it any longer," and tho young wife dropped into a chair as tboimu the last remaining portion of her strength had left her. "What was the subject of tho lec ture, my dearl" inquired Mr. Dykes, with a chcertul suiile, as though he did not regard the situation as at all desperate. "You know very well that Uncle Phil has but one subject." "And that is extravagance, or tho reverse, economy, added fllr. JJvkcs "Of course, that was tno subject ot the lecture ; and you always take his side of the question. Uncle Phil has ten times as much influence with you as I have. Whatever ho says is tight, and whatever I say is wrong,1' retorted Mrs. Dykes, rather warmly. ,itf . l.. t t.j "li supper is iLuuy, x iuiiik wu iimi better attend to that next ; and we nhall havo tho wliolo evening to dis cuss Uncle Phil's lecture. Tho Biib- iect will keep for a while." "Jiut Undo rhil will be hero to take part in the discussion ; and that is tust what 1 don t want. Uo over shadows mo entirely when he saya any thing, and I might as well hold; my tonguo as speak, pouted tho wifo. "Uncle will not bo here, juanan. It is half past six, and he has to go to a church meeting at seven." 'Very well, but I'm going to havo something done this time. I won't have Unclo Phil here any longer. If he is to stay in this houso I shall not." Mrs. Dykes was very young, aud her angry pout, as sho sallied out of meant. You must get htm out of tho houso in somo way, Charles. Tako your clerk to board and tell your Un-1 olo vou must havo tho room." 'If I tell him to go, I shall tell him the reason why I do so." "I am willing to bear all tho blame I don't want anyone In tho houso to como between mo and my husband," said tho lady, with a good deal ot spirit. "Unclo i'hil does nol come between you and mo, Marian. That is absurd.'1 I havo asked you, and even begged you a dozen times, to keep a horsoj Unclo Phil takes sidos with you against mo." "Hut ho never said horso to mo in his lifo. I can't afford to keep a horse." 'Yes, you can, Charles. They say that you are doing more business than Tinkham, and ho keeps two horses s and his wife looks patronizingly down upon mo from her carryall whon sho meets mo in tho street," added Mrs. Djkes, with consideiablo bitterness in her tone. I know nothing about Tinkham's business ; nnd I do know something about my own, ' replied Mr. Dykes. lieloro tho supper dishes were re moved, Charles Dykes had promised to buy a horse and buggy. It appeared to bo tno only way in which ho could induce his wito to allow Unclo Phil to remain in tho house. Doubtless ho was weak to vield tho point against his own judgment. In tho cvenintr Squiro Graves mado a friendly call. Mrs. Dykes was very glad to seo him, for ho had a lady's horse to sell. It was tust the animal sho wanted, and as sho had conquered her husband onco that day, she intend ed to have tho horso trado settled that; evening. "(ilad to sco you, Squire ; anything newt" tho young merchant becran, doing the usual common-places T x here is news, but 1 suppose you havo heard it," replied tho visitor. "I haven t heard anything i what is it!" "Haven't you heard that Tinkham has been attached." "Linkhaml is it possible ?' ex claimed Mr. Dykes, glancing at his wife. "It is a fact ; a keeper was put in his store this afternoon and an attach ment put on his horses and carriages "That was all because ho kept two horses when one was enough for him," luterposcd Mrs. Dykes. Willi her the moral was between two horses and ono. Beforo tho Squiro had left ho had sold his lady's horse. Mrs. Dykes was perteotly happy and her heart began to warm even towards poor Unclo Phil. When tho retired shipmanj came in from tho meeting there were. a dozen things sho wanted to do for his comfort. Tho lady had beaten her husband aud his uncle, and sho was satisfied. Beforo breakfast next morning Graves' man led tho horse over and put him iu tho littlo stable. Ono of tho clerks was to tako care of him. Uncle Phil saw the purchase but ho, said nothing unpleasant. He looked the animal over, said ho was sound aud worth tho hundred dollars to bo paid lor hira in goods from the store, t.UIJ' VMt, tlO DUU DH1UVU V. I -.... v f,.,u ... iuuuj .(Will ll.W u IUI tho room, made her look decidedly Marian oven thought she liked Unclo . . . .1 1.. 1 1 I TJt.!l .t IT. 1iJ . 1 pretty ; at least so inougur, ner una- a mi men. no uiu not propuesy any band. But before she was fairly out evil or disaster. the door opened and Uncle Phil camo After breakfast tho lady thought sho in. Tho door was aiar and ho most would drive over to her father's, in tho citingfor him, A ruinous cotnpetl tioh'followed. No longer restrained by Uncle Phil's prudont counsels Uharlea branched out, ami grasped more than ho could handle. At tho end of a year tho balanco sheet was not pleasant to look upon. Then followed a reckless attempt to recover. lost crotind. Notes nt tho Triplct'on Bank becamo very trouble-8omer-. .One of tiem was given for a new piano. POoplo said Dykes was living too fast. Tho young merchant worried. Ho had yielded to ono ox travaganco and thero was a long train behind it. His noxt balanco sheet showed that ho was three thousand dollars in debt, and liia stock was not worth half that sum. He saw that ho must fail. After supper, ono evening, ho told his wife all about it. it would bo a terrible humiliation, to fall as Tinkham had ; and poor Marian wept as though her heart would break. In tho midst of tho scene Unolo Phil walked into tho room, as ho always did, without tho ceremony of knocking. lio ottcn called. "Uncle Phil, 1 am going to fail, for I cannot pav a noto of four hundred dollars that falls due to-morrow," said Charles bitterly, when ho saw that ho could not conceal the facts from tho good man. "How much do you owo in all, Charles !" asked Unclo Phil. "About threo thousand dollars," groaned Charles. "Wnl threo thousand put you on your leet, solid t ' "Yes sir ; but I can't raise threo hundred." "I will give you a check for threo thousand in the morning. I will bo at the storo at eight a clock. I no ticed that you havo looked worried lately j but you said nothing to me." "I could not say anything to you, Uncle ; and I cannot tako your money after rvhat has happened." '.'Nothing has happened yet, and with the blessing ot Go!, nothing shall happen." Unelo Phil would not understand him. "You may help me on one condi tion," added Charles, after some dis cussion. "And that is that you will come back and live with us." Marian joined in insisting upon this condition, and the good man yielded. Hu used no reproaches ; he would not even say, "I told you so." Tho note was paid the noxt day, and in tho evening, Unclo Phil was domiciled in his old apartment, quite as happy as the young people. Charles sold tho lady's horse, the buggy, tho piano, and other extras, and reduced all his expenses to a very reasonable figure. Marian was happy again, and did not belicvo that thero was any too much salt about Uncle Phil. She has given up the business of conquering a husband. In fact, both of them have como to believe that neither should conquer the other. After a while it camo out that Unclo Phil was worth at least fifty thousand dollars. Doubtless the Church aud the mission will get some of it; but it is piobablo that Charles Dykes will bo remembered, though both ho aud his wifo sincerely hope that the good man will live until ho is a hundred. Oape May Vomt. A NKW WlNTKIt UfcSOnT. letter In New York Homo, Journal, March 1S1U. l'or ono hundred years Capo Mav The First Vanderbllt. From Train Talk la Chlcasro Herald. "I havo beon running a train for thirty years," said a gray-haired con ductor on the Wabash as ho sat down has been enjoyed and eulogized as ono mY "Mo nn1 sorted out hU ticketa of America's greatest summer resorts, & coupons. "I started in on tho but its namo has always been as'so- New York Central, havo been on the oiatcd with summer summer by tho sea and, until within n yoar or two, no ono over thougt of going thither, cither for health or pleasure, before tho Juno roses began to bloom. lhat this section of tho coast pos sessed the qualities requislto for an ogreoablo place of winter residence, its geographical and meteorological con ditions afforded nmplo proof, and as soon as tho demand for convenient and nccnHAimn wlntnr rctrnnta mniin ifanlf felt, tho Capo May Point people wero carry it, but tho station agent said it not slow to utilizo tho natural ad van- belonged to somo of tho railroad folks, tages of the site. Last winter ono nu(1 tho charges would bo paid to mo hotel hero opened its doors to winter in Now York. When wo get to Now guests. Tho venture succeeded boyond York nobody called for tho corpse. I expectation. This winter increased sue- was in a hurry to go home, but I wait- Lako Shore, Pennsylvania and hero I am on the Wabash. "Did you know old Vanderbilt !" "Did I know him ! Well. Ho used to keep a pretty closo watch of every thing, I tell you, and thero wasn't much going on along tno roau mat no didn't know about. Ono timo I got mvself into a box. At Albany they brought a corpso on to my train, and nobody had bought a ticket, lor it, ac cording to rules. At first I refused to cess has followed. Capo May Point is an outlying sub urb of tho older city, and is situated at tho extreme end of tho Jersey coast. Tho littlo town is washed on both sides, save one, by salt water. It shares with neighboring resorts on tho Atlautio coast tho softening climatic Influence of tho Gulf Stream and ocean breezes, and possesses in addition tho geographical advantages of its moro southerly situation and its almost insular character. Under theso condi tions the mid-water climato is temper ate and genial, while the tonio influ ence of the pure ocean breezes makes exercise a constant delight. Tho town is laid out iu streets and avenues, affording pleasant walks and pretty drives. Handsome hotels adorn, tho beach, and tasteful cottages add beauty to the landscape. The town is well-organized, has an ample water ""pplvi works, and a thorough system of sewerage. Two hotels, the Capo Houso and Bellovue, aro now open. Thny are conducted by exper ienced managers, who know how to entertain their guests, and tako prldo in doing so. Tho houses aro mado comfortablo by steam, and their sun parlors aro tho delight of tho invalid. As a sanitarium the Point is much esteemed. Malaria is unknown. Tho moderateness of the temperature and its freedom from sudden changes aro peculiarly beneficial to sufferers from lung diseases ; and uuder tho tonio ef fect of the sea air it is surprising how rapiuiy on" gains strength and vigor. An English Authority that Payors Single Blessedness. street. WM. nyslclan. Jf. REBEH. Surccon and Office corner of Kock and Market Bucli treated bucceaaful f n LJ V CI? I l."., without un instance of JlXX X Dijljl lall itr warcn mw J. street It. EVANS. M. D.. Burueon and Physlouin, (omce and Kosldencu on TblxfM M, C SLOAN & BRO., II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloosisiiurj, Columbia Courfrr, Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warramoa as represenum, 'xbbtu aatbaut o wiTUooT 1'ilN by tno use of (las, and' free ot charge nben artificial teeta are Inserted, omce oyer Dloomsburc llanklnff Company. lobe open at all hours during the aaj, nor, 33-17 BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIDHS. PLATFORM WAQQNS, &C First-class work always on band, REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. "AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia rKAS, SYltUl'3, C0FPEB, SUGAR, JIOLASHLS, Bid, 8NCI3.BtClHBB0ni.4C., 40. N. E. Corner Second and Arcb streets, tvordera will recelre prompt attentln WSm HIDIAH VEGETABLE PILLS run tub LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Safe lo take, being purely ic"ttutj ; r.or-L fn. 1'rlce ii cents. All Iitu'l- . March 81-4W A havo been in tho hall durinc somo. por tion of tho lady s severe remarks about him. But he looked as placid as though earth had no sorrows for .him Ho was a man of fifty, though his hair and beard wero white enotich tor sev enty. He did not seem like a man who could be very disagreeable' if ho tried, Uo had a deacomsh look about his face, that of serious though not austere man. Certainly no ono would have taken him for a shipmaster, but he had spent most of his lifo at sea or in for eign ports. Ho used to read tho Biblo to his crew every Sunday, and never allow any swearing or other bad lan guago in his presence on board the ship. Though he was "psalm singing," no captain was over moro popular with his men than Captain Dykes. Uncle Phil had been married in e al ly life, but his wife died whilo ho was absent on a long voyage. lie had re: ceutly given up the sea and returned to his nativo town, now a place of ten thousand inhabitants. He found him self a stranger there, but at his own re quest Ins nephew hid taken nun as a boarder. The gossips wero not a little bother ed to determine whether tho retired shipmaster was rich or poor. Ho en gaged in every Church and benevo lent enterprise, and contributed mod erately of his means. Charles Dykes had opened a store in Tnpleton a year botore, and every ouo thought he was doing well. Sirs. Dvkes thought so, though Charles himself insisted that ho was not mak Ing money very rapidly s ho could not tell how much until ho balanced his books and took account of stock. In tho main, ho was a prudent nnd care ful young man, or at least was suppos cd to be so. Unclo Phil made n hasty supper, and then went to his meeting. He acted just a littlo strangely for him, B. F IRE INSURANCE. OlIllISTIAN V, KNAPP, 11LO0MS11UHO, 1'A, HOME, OF N. Y. MKltUllANTS', 01? NKWAHK, N, J. CLINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. ItBAUI.NO, PA. Tneso old coaroRATtoMs are well seasoned by 8M and riai tistid and bare nerer yet bad a loss sottlod by any court ot law. Their assets are alllnrested In solid BicuMTissand are liable to tbe baiard ot riai only. Losses raourrLT and uohistlt adjusted and umu u soon m aoicrtnmeu cr uhuutiih r, UNirr, srtciiL Aubnt and Adjostib Uloous lDsa. Pi. Tbe people of Columbia oouuty snould patron- 9 mg nyeugy wnere losaoa u any are aotuQu an piu or udb oi meir owneiuiens. PUOMPTNESS, KU.UITY, FA I It IlEALINd, AI,L KINDS OP JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. P. IIARTMAN BirRXSSMTS TBI FOLLOWING AMEIUOAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot 1'blladelpUla. Franum, Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hauover, ot N. Y. ijuecnH, ot London, NortbBrltl3li, of London. omoo on MirKet Street, No, 8, Bloomsburg, oov.,iv-iy TTIHEAB HHOWN'B lflBUKANUK P A J UNO Y. Mover's new building, Main street, liloomsburg, Pa. Assets Jtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, J.o",M Lancashire lo,oK),ooi Fire Association, Philadelphia 4''3M12 tihranlr nt Linrlnn fi.3S0.8TS London Lancashire, ot England.. . , M",JO ilartmrlof llarttoiil ,I8,0tO BprlngtleldTFtre and M arine , 9,08,mo as the asroacles are dlroot. policies are written for tbe insured without any delay in tne omce at liloomsburg, Oct. 8, 'fll-U. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL next town Sho returned in season for dinner. But Uncle Phil did not como down to that meal. Tho lady rang tho bell but with no better result. Uncle Phil evidently did not hear tho bell, for he never kept the tabid waiting for him. Mrs. Dykes went up to his room to call him. Tho door was wide opqn and she went in. Tho shipmaster was not there. llis trunk was not thero tho picture of tho Scabird in which he, had sailed many a voyage, had been taken from the wall. Was it possible that Uncle Phil had gone without even saying good-by to them ? Thero was a letter on tho ta ble addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dykes,'' With the letter in her hand she hastened down to the dining-room. lo say that she was astonished and chagrined would not half express her iceling. "Uncle l'liil has gonol' sho ex claimed. "He has left for good, bag and baggage.'' Sho tossed tho letter upon the table, tor she had uot tbe courage to open it. 'Then 1 suppose you aro quite satiS' fied, Marian, i'ou havo got the horso, and got rid of Undo Phil," said Mr. Dykes, greatly grieved to learn that the tvorthy mau had gono : and ho saw that he must havo heard the inv mlsivo words of Mrs. Dykes the evciv ng before. Airs. Dykes dropped into her chair at tho table, and burst into tears. Just as she had become reconciled to tho boarder, ho had tied without even a word of explanation, Sho intended to treat him with the utmost kindness and consideration, as a noble warrior treats a fallen foe. Just then she felt as though sho would bo willing to loso tho horse to regain Unclo l'lul Uharles opened tho letter. It was very short but thero was not a partiole of bitterness in it. Ho should still pray for them, and desired to do all ho ed around for my fare, as I knew I'd bo hold responsible for it. Nobody came, and nobody at the depot know anything about it. This vexed - mo a good deal, and bo I made up my mind something had to bo dono. So I sent word over to the medical college thero was a stiff at tho Central depot for sale. A doctor came right over, and I sold him tho body for just enough to pay tho charges, entered that fact on my report, and wont home. Noxt morning I heard tho body was that oi a relativo of old Vanderbilt hiniseli I And I had gono and sold it to a medi cal college 1 Well, I went straight to tho office to get my discharge. I knew my time had come. But, would you believe it, I wasn't bounced. The old man took it very cool.'' "What did ho say t" "He said ho had got tho body baok all right, aud had inquired into all the circumstances. Then he raised wages a hundred dollars a year 1'' Jay Gould's Income, NO LESS THAN 12,888 A DAY OR AU0UT 9 A J'.INUTK.. my JOST Jay Gould, tho second richest mah of tho United States, is credited with being the possessor of wealth estimated all tho way from 850,000,000 to $75, 000,050. The former Bum is very near ly correct. Wero his railroad stocks worth their par value he would bo an hundred-millionaire. Just before start ing on his yachting trip to the Spanish main ho carefully inventoried his prop erty, nlaced his affairs in pood shaoo Nervous diseases disappear, and sweet and added a codicil to his will, refreshing sleep follows as a conse- In round numbers the permanent hv quenee. vestment stocks appearing on Mr. Well people, loo. find no lack of en- Gould's schedule wero 380.900 shares joyment at the Point, and a visit of a of Western Union Telegraph, 110,000 tew days or oven weeks is not likely to shares of Missouri Pacific, 140,000 bring ennui in its train. City people shares of Wabash common and 60,- hayo already mado this discovery, and 000 shares of the preferred, 50,000 it is now a very common event for par- shares of Kansas and Texas, 40,000 ties ot twenty or moro to select Capo shares of Texas Pacific and 70,000 CJ " 9t SJ VtSVStSJ WVl V J Hi I though tho smile had not deserted his could to servo and make thorn happy, The undersigned havlnir nut bla Flanlne Mil on Hallroad street. In nrst-ciass condition. Is ore- pared to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and epeclflca lions prepared oy an ezperiencea uruugiuomau CHARLES Knilfl, nioouiNburff, l'u face. Ho said less than usual nnd geemcd to bo thinking very earnestly about something. "Uo you suppose ho heard what l said, Charles !'' asked Mrs. Dykes, when Unclo l'lul had cone. "I think not t but you ought not to say anything behind his bacK that you would not say betoro ins taoo,' re plied tho husband. "Uncle l'lul is n a good man, ono of tho salt of tho earth." "Ho is altogether too salt for me. If I should put much salt iu the dough nuts, you would not liko them. Uncle Phil is salter than Lot's wife.'' "I am sorry you don't liko him Mar ian. "I can't liko a man who is continu. ally tripping mo up, nnd lecturing mo on economy, ion ought to know bet ter thau ho does what you can afford;" "I am sure that nothing but his In terest for us prompts him to say any thing. If ono means well almost any thing can bo excused. ' When 1 said that 1 wished you ivould keep a horso bo I oould ride out every day or two, ho road mo a lecture nan an nour in length. whether no "I will go to him and beg him to como back, Charles 1" oxclaimed tho weeping wife. "You will hate mo for what 1 havo dono. Vou will never forgivo me.' 1 am very sorry ho has gono, but 1 will not hato you, Marian, Wo will call upon him this ovouiug at tho ho tel." 1 hoy did call, Undo l'lul was ox actly tho samo ho had been before. Ho was glad to seo them, and there was uot a particlo ol chango in his tono or manner. Both Charles and his wifo tried to say something about his leaving their house i but ho headed them off overy time. IIo would not permit tho matter to bo mentioned. 'Ptwitt tirmit tinmn unnViln tumn tn nni Iti M.IIUJT 4IV1MVJ UIIUUIU U f It VV VV 111 an apology. lioth ot them missed tho kindly words and wholesome advico of tho good mau, though Mrs. Dykes not aokiinwlcde it. His good onco iiiioii both was lost., Charles becamo reckless iu his cos. Tho closing of Tinkham a store brought moro business to tho young merchant lor a time, though tho bank Tho assumption that marriage oilers to a woman tho highest development is open to question. The normal condi tion of wifehood and motherhood, with tho multifarious domestic duties in volved, is a serious drawback to indus trial, public or professional life. To do any consecutive work, a single life is almost necessary to a woman. Tho married woman develops the special qualities of wifehood aud motherhood often, almost always, at tho cost of her general development, family duties, which aro a gain and impetus to tho career of the man, crush and annihilate the woman. Marriage demands from her that overy thought, every talent, overy project, should be subordinated to its overwhelming claims. In it her individuality is weakened and some times absolutely effaced. Sho has not tho time oven to continuo those habits of physical exercise and healthy re creation whioh maintain tho elasticity and vigor of her unmarried sister ; sho canuot command for herself those conditions of lifo which condtico to health. On the other hand, the number of unmarried women increases voluntar ily, and not of necessity. The mental lifo of these fortunates and superior creatures is free and untrammelled. The single woman's taetes aro various and refined her opportunities for cul tivating them practically unlimited. Whether it bo in tho direction ot society, or art, or travel, or philanth ropy, or public duty, or a combination of many of these, there is nothing to hinder her from following her own will no restrictions but those of her own conscicnco and right principle. From her stronghold of happiness and treedom sho can help tho weak and protect tho poor. She is fitted to fill a place which has always stood empty in tho history of tho world that of a loving and tender woman, armed with ofllcial power to redress tho wrongs of women and children, whoso nature and necessities are known only to her, Whilo losing none of the fun and gaie ty of lifo, she is called by religious cou. ..;! . , r . t 1 I 1 victiuu to sianu iaco to luce and iiiinu to hand with Buffering. To bo loving and tender is her nature, but lovo and tenderness do not reach their high est oxprcssion in tho personal rela tions. If tho lovo of tho mother grows by continually rendering services to her child, tho lovo of the woman grows by the protection sho gives to many child ren and unbefnended, lonely girls As the mother benefits two or threo, tho singlo woman may benefit thousands When alio throws tho woight of her in tolled, her influence, her enthusiasm on tho sido of the neglected and friend less, she sanctifies thoso gifts to th noblest purposes of whioh humanity capable Tho social, legal, political interests ot women, children and young would girls aro tho chargo ot tho. femme Mre ot tho future, in this direction is ioutid her now and sacred f unotion Wst minster ltevieio. May Point as a place of social reunion and relaxation. There are pleasant walks for the pedestrian. Driving may be heartily enjoyed over tho smooth roads, and good boating holds out opportunity of moro vigorous exercise. From Philadelphia the Point is easily accessible by tho West Jersey Railroad to Capo May City. At the station at Cape May City the tourist changes to tho comfortablo cars of the Delaware Bay and Capo May Railroad which, after a few minutes' run, land him almost at tho door of his hotel. To tho casual touiist, who can steal the timo for a few days holiday, we heart- shares of Erie. Thero were a large number of small lots of various stocks apparently only incidentally held. Besides his railroad shares Mr. Gould holds five and a half millions of Wabash general bonds. At yesterday's prices the value of theso securities is !$49,495,000. Western Union and Pacitio pay dividends ; tho.othor stocks do not. The bonds also bear interest. Between them they yield him $4,140, 000 a year. His interest in the Union Trust Company and his loans nre profit able to him. Tho World building, nominally owned by the Western Un ion Company, was built with his mon ey, m real estate, loans and mortga- ily commend this delichtful triD. and Res ho has 85,000,000, and 3,000,000 givo hira tiraelv warning to nreuaro to more in floating investments. His remain longer than ho anticipated, tin less ho is proof against the fascinations of exhilarating air, delightful temper aiure, aud sunlit seas. inilu- Even linan- If duty really means to pay God his duo, then perfection, sanctity, martyr- llntll. If vml will n.fl nntlilnifumrn n.,,1 ...o ot r .t,i I.,. ...i.o t " 7 " -pr:v,." -----,"" -v. ..,. u ...v j..v n ..v 4 rupvs successor soon inauo tilings ox. jcau do nothing greater thau duty. The Crimson Sunsets Explained. Tho reasons given by a writer in the April Atlantic for supposing that the crimson sunsets observed last fall re sulted from tho Javanese volcanic con vulsions are that they were first observ ed at Rodriguez, Mauretius and Sey chelles, points about threo thousand five hundred miles west, within thirty six hours after tho event, aud later at other points east and west at distances and localities which appear to harmon izo with tho timo required for the vol canic dust to travel. Further, that in 1783, after an unusual eruption of tho SWapta Jokul, it is recorded that tho English skies put on a fiery aspect si milar to that which set tho world to wondering last autumn. To tho intimations that tho atmos pheric matter reflecting the afterglows must havo been at a great height, above tho cloud region as shown by tho lateness and long coutinuauco of tho light and that it must have taken an enormous power to forco such mat ter to such height, it is answered that as volcanio masses of considerable size avo been known to fall four or five miles away from tho craterthat omitted them, thero is littlo dilhculty in Btip posing that thero was force enough m tho Javanese convulsion to account for tho necessary distance claim cd. It is still further held that Hitch vast clouds of tine, miity matter lifted so ami carried by tho prevailing currents of air would account for the repetition nnd long continuance of the light. Tho tiner tho particles ot matter in tho skies tho slower their fall. And ns it is certain that tho volcanic vapor dust two residences represent another 81.000,000 nnd his yacht $300,000. Ilia wealth, as nearly as ho can figure it, is 858,795,413, and his income $4, 010,011. Thus his fortune earns bim 812,888.88 every day and $8.95 eaoh minute. A Bilk lair. A silk fair, under tho auspices of the Women's Silk Culture Association, will bo held in Horticultural Hall, com mencing April 21 and ending May 4. Preparations are being made to ensure a good collection of everything apper taining to tho breeding of silk worms, the reeling and weaving of the silk, and samples of dresses made out of silk grown in this country. Nothing will be on exhibition that is not Amer ican. Invitations havo been issued to manufacturers to Bend for exhibition machinery used in every stago of silk making. Ono interesting exhibit at the exhibition will bo two national flags, to be presented to tho Senate and Houso at Washington, made from silk grown iu this country last Summer and manufactured in Philadelphia. Tho managers Bay that the fair held in Philadelphia in January, 1882, awoke great interest iu the silk indus tries and gavo them tho impulso that was needed. Much, however, has still to bo dono to ovcrcomo prejudice aud induce merchants to deal in the Ameri can article. That tho silk produced in this country is equal to that of Europe, they claim, will bo amply demonstra ted nt tho fair iu addition to tho gratifying showing of tho increased output and improved appliances of America. Very few men ever givo a thought to tho aggregate amount of food con sinned by an individual in a lifetime, and hence when a calculation is mado tho result appears astounding if not in- sent up to such heights b tho eruption I credible. A mau cats on nn average :.. ......! i i it i ::. I i - . . " in ijuubiiuu rtuinu iiiilt lung in uiu uignt uiiu u nan uuiicib ut meat pur upper air and would naturally reflect diem. Now, take a lifo of sixty-five tho light ns seen, science is settling to years as an example Allow eight and tins theory as tno ono that expitfliis tno a halt ounces a day tor titty years. phenomena. Everywhere, oxcept in Turkey, tho dog is regarded as tho faithful friend ot man. l Here, and in tact in every oouiitry where Islamism prevail, ho is a complete outcast, and everything ho touoheB becomes impure. Tho word dog in tho mouth of a follower of Ma homet Btguiues all that in wretched and vile, ami is applied as a term of the utmost contempt. On the contrary, tho cat, tho most ungrateful and least susceptible of attachment of all tho do- mestio animals, :s tho daily companion two-thirds of that quantity for ten years, and threo ounces a day for threo years of childhood, and tho total ani mal food devoured by a singlo person will be found to equal in bulk 350 dressed Bheop. Iu addition, a roan consumes in tho course of bis existence five tons of potatoes, about five tons of turnips and other vegetables, nine tons weight of water, aud six tons weight oi wino and other beverages, tlys calculation being mado on the basis of moderation and sobriety. Thus for dinner alone about thirty tons weight of solids and liquids will aliko of tho bearded warrior and tho mss through an individual's stomach lair tnmato ot the harem. Tho reason luu permit ot guty-nvc years, of this is found in tho fact that a cat ' " ' was tho favoiito pet of Mahomet, who No principle is more noble, as theie often carried kittens iu tho bosom of is no moro holy, than that of a truo his nmplo robo. obedience.