The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 21, 1884, Image 1

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Insiieil Weekly, nvcry I'rl.lny Mnrnlnit) nl
tit.onimimt(i.coi.fiMiitA nn im
ATTWonou.A!t3 per year. To subscribers out of
tim pnnntv tlm li'rina urn atrIM Ivln mlttnhAn
trxa a.iper discontinued except nt tho option
of tho publishers, until nil arrearages nro paid. but
sonf continued credits will not bo tflvcn.
All papers 8cnt out of the Htato or to distant post
onicos must bo paid for In ntlvnnco, unless a rcspon
lblo person In Columbia county assuinos to nay
tho subscription dno on demand. .
rosrAdltlsnolongorpxacted from subscribers
a tlio county.
ThoJobblnff bepartmentof tho Cot.tWMN Is very
complete., nnd our .rob Prlntln. will compare favor'
ably with thatof tholarirocltios. Allwork donoon
hort notice, noatly nnd nt moderate prices.
r k. waIjIjEK,
0.1130 owr 1st. N.ltlo iU tlmlc.
IJloomsburtf, I'a.
vr U. FUNIC,
omcotn tal't nulldlnR.
Ht-ooMsnURO, I'a.
p It. HUOKAtjRW,
11L00M9DUK0, l'i,
OITlco over 1st National Hank.
J 01IN 31. CLA1UC,
ortlce over Moyer Bros. Drug Store.
ortlco In Drower's bulldlng.sctond No. 1
Uloomsburir, I'a.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Ofilco corner of Ccntro and Main streets. Clark s
can be consulted In German.
,E0. 13. EL WELL,
New count hah Buimjino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Motnber of tho United States Law, Association,
Collections made In any part of America or'Eu
ropa. pAUL E. WIRT,
onico In coujmdun uoildino, Itoom No. 2, second
A ttovnoys-at-Law.
oilni In 1st National Hank bullrtln?. second floor.
first door to thnlft. Corner of JUln and Market
streets uioomsourg, i-a.
56yVnJtion nnd Rouhtie Collected.
Offlco In Malzo's building, over Mllmcycr's grocery.
May 30, 'si.
Onico in his buiUlmsi opposite Court House,
2nd lloor, Bloomsburg,' Pa. sipr 1U '83
onico in News Item building, Main street.
Momber of the American Attorneys' Associa
CoileHlons mado In any part of America,
Jan. 5, 1832.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 ami 5.
May 6, -Sl BERWICK, FA
Catawlssa, Pa.
Office, corner ot Third and Main streets.
Attorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted In German.
TSrOfllco first iloor below the post ofilce.
U. BARK LEY, Attorney-Kl-Law
. office lu Urower'a building, 2nd story.ltooms
P BUOlCINGflAM, Attorney.nt.Liiw
J.V .ortlco, Brock tiy'a Uulldlng.Itst floor,
bioum30urg, l'onn'a, may 7, 'au-t t
JB MaKELVY, M. U.,Hurt;eon and Phy
. Ucian, north side Slain street.below Market
A L. FRITZ, Atumiey-al-Ltw. Office
tx. , la ujmjuhun nuiMing,
e.uir Miiobtaea and Machinery ot all kinds re
aim, ore House IlulMtU!,', Moonisburg, Pa.
rjR. J. 0. R UTTER,
Office, North Market street,
Uloomsbuig, Pa
DR. WM. M. REBER, Surge
Physician. Office corner of ltoek- nn
on and
and Market
JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and
. Physio in, (Office and ltusldenco on Third
Bt,oonsiiuito,Coi,uMiiiA County, Pa.
All styles of work done In a suparlar manner, work
warranted ua represented, i'kbtii hitbict
ei wiruour t'AiN by the use ot uas, and
treoot charge when artinclalteetU
are Inserted.
Office over Ulooinaourg uaoklng Company.
1o be open at all hour durimj the da,
Nov. ns-ly
HOME, 01' N. Y.
l'KOPLKv N. V,
HB.UI.N(1, I'A.
TheiooLDUouroHATinNs are well seasoned by
ttfo and kibe TEsrsu and hare norer yet had a
ImJ geitledbyany court ot law Their luaew
are allinrested In souu mcuuiriEdand are liable
to the hazard ot kike only,
Losses rnoniTLr and uokestlt adjusted and
Paid as soon as determined by Ouhibtian V,
iuhu, Pa.
, The people of Columbia county should patron
liethuageaoy where losses If any are settled
and oild or one of their ownoltlzens.
0. E.HLWEIiIi, - , .
E. B. 8R0WER,
All kinds of work in Shed Iron, Roof
ing nntl Spouting promptly
nttendetl to.
Sirstrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts ,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Cliinc! (Mil! Hii!
Gents' Furnishing Goods
op nvEitr nnscitiiTioN.
Having very recently opened a new
Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur
nishing Goods Store, in KNOUH &
WINTEKSTEEN'S building, on
Main street, where I am prepared to
mako to order, atshoit notice, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest styles and prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments to suit customers, and
also what kind ot material will givo
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
call and examine tho
Ever shown in Columbia county,
Boforo Purchasing Elsewhere.
fi 1 11 1 1
Corner Main it Market Sts.
riiin, Pa.
April 13-1
Continuedfrom tact ice&:)
How Watch Cases are Made.
This process of manufacture was inv'nlul
by James Uoss, who started hi Ims-iuis-s in
1S51, and tho methods nnd tools Umo I in
making these watch cases are covered i y
patents. This is the only watch ottc mm'.e
under this process. For many years the in
troduction of theso goods was nlow, owiiiT
to popular prejudice against "plated'' goi i.-,
but gradually the public learned that the
James Itoss' Gold Watch Case was not a
cheap gold-washed or electro-plated arti. V,
but was mado of genuine gold plain tf
standard quality and thickness. Conscientious
adhcrciico to tho determination to make
the Lest watch case ever put on tho market,
and tho adoption of every improvement
suggested, has mado tho James JjW Gold
Watch Case tho STANDAltD. ,,,A!,cJg' Mm,
In this watch caso tho parts
most subject to wear the bore, crown, hinges,
thumb-catches, etc., aromade of fcouu gold.
Btti 3 f f nt ftimp to fftyttont Wilrh f we Fftf torlf , ThlU.
dtlpliia. Ta , fgr baaJtomelllBilrttrd rmphUthowliisli
turn Uom' nnd Kfilat Tft(rb Cull ftrt ni4e.
To te continual.)
266tli edition pneo only Sl
H C;::i Medical Work on Manhood.
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous anil mistical Debil
ity. Premature Decline In .Man. llrrors of Youtli,
and tho untold miseries resulting from Indiscre
tion ot execs'. A book tor every man, youni,',
middle-aged and old. It contains Hi iescrlplloas
tor all acute audelironlo diseases, each one ot
which Is Invaluable, So found by tho Author, whoso
exncrlcnco for 2J years Is such as probably never
beloro fell to tho lot of any physldan, sojiukcs,
bound In beautiful Trench muslin, embossed
covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a liner work In
every bense mechanical, literary and professional
than any other work sold In this contry forfcJ.w,
or tho money will be refunded In every Instance.
ITIco only $l.uu by mall post-paid. Illustrative
sample (1 cents. Send now Hold medal awarded
the author by tho National Medical Association, to
the ofiicera of which ho refers.
This book should bo read by tho young- for In
structlon, and by tho allllcted for relief. It will
benefit all London Lamrl,
Thero Is no member ot society to whom this book
will not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guar
dian, Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address tho l'eabody Medical Institute, or I)r
W. II. I'arkcr. no. 4 llultlnch Street. Iloston. Mass..
who may be consulted on all diseases requiring-
skill and experience. Chronic and obstlnato iltseas
es anu mat, navo lumuu mo
all other pliyslcl.un a spu
es and that navo battled tho i ri I skill of
Buch treated successful m II 7 o I? I 1
wlthoutan Instance of A.XL X Oljljl ' fall
Iiuau eiaity.
March T-4w
Manufacturers ot
First-class work always on hand,
Prices reduced to suit the limes,
North American ot Philadelphia.
l'eumylvaida, " "
York, of I'enusylvaula.
Hanover, of . Y.
(Jueens, ut lindon.
North llrltlsh, ot Imdon,
ottlce on 1 irijt street, No, 5, Moomsburg.
ucv. n, v-iy
;ajknoy. Mow's now building, Main
street, moomsburg, I'a,
.i:tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn, tT,u!8,i!0
ltoyal of Liverpool,,..., is.soo.ouo
Lancashire , io,cjo,(kji
Fire Association, I'hlladelphla J.1C5.T10
rhcenlx,of London 6,sd,3TS
London n Lanca-Mre, ot England l,tu,9lo
llarltortot lliitford s.ns.otu
Hprlngtleld I'lie aua Marine v,oai,6tu
Ab the attencles are direct, policies are written
for the Insured without any delay In the
onice at moomsburg, Oct, nil, '81-tI,
Otn-Ntock orSprliiFr Clotlttn
In mow roaily far your Inspec
tion. It comprises sucli ti vnrlcly of
KyIcM wo will Niircly bo
llo to Milt yui. I'rlccH vers'
LEerBniii,Clesliil& 61b St
Feb 89 m
Where the Fire is Out.
"Itaroun ot Aleppo," Raid Sir I'hlllp nerval "had
mastered every secret In nature which tho nobler
magle seeks to fathom. He discovered that the
true art ot healing Is to assist Nature to throw off
the dt-fcase to summon, as It were, tho whole sys
tem to eject the enemy that ha3 fastened on a part.
Ills processes all Included tho relnvlgoratlon of the
principle ot lite."
In this tho Eastern sago merely anticipated tho
practice oftholicst physicians otto-day. What
lite Itself Is, nobody knew then nobody knows
now. Hut wo have learned something of tho rea
sons why the mysterious tido rises and falls. Pro
vided the great organs ot tho body are not Irrepar
ably destroyed, medical bdenco can always relieve,
and often save. Yet no rcputablo physician now
adheres to tho barbarous and stupid processes of
depletion, such as bleeding, by which It was at
tempted to cure dlseaso by reducing tlio patient's
ability to resist It. Now-a-days we do not tear
down the fort to help tho garrison we strengthen
In this Intelligent and bencflclent work, It Is con.
ceded that I'AltKElt'S TONIC leads all other me
dicines. As an lnvlgorant lc nets Immediately and
powerfully upon the circulation nnd tho organs ot
illarestlon, thus giving Nature tho assistance she
calls for. It follows that all ailments ot the stom
ach, kidneys and liver are nt once relieved or cured.
No other preparation embodies the saino qualities
or produces similar results. It Is delicious touso,
and the best known anti-intoxicant. Price Me and
tl. Hiscox & Co., New York.
"'-ooaly l:..ov.-n r;wc fic for L;illrpt!o fit' "d
Also for B;usui9 L.:d l'....,; fc.u..c. :.. oui
Weakness It In.iaiuly rillon a:ul euros. CLmdecs
blood and quickens hitii .Ji clrcuia.ian. Kcutra.
Ilzrs rcrms of disease tacs il kness. Cures
ugly t!otc:.C3 tsd iialrte-rn bioed tores. Eliminates
Bo:is, Carluaclcs and KcalJs. tiTfreiancntly and
promptly crcs raraljsh. Yes, It Isa cl.arrnlni; and
bcalta.'l Aperient, it ;ta Bcrof jla and Ktiss I!1,
tula brothers. (.I.anE:s bad breath to cood, rcnior'
r 1 1 - r
3 J
ns l!ic causr. Koc's Ulleus tend-nc. i and nm).ci
Clear eom; Icxlua. i: jualled by none tn tho delirium
of focr. A iLurmlLZ resolicut and a ir.ntchhss
laxative. It drives Sick Headache like Ilio wind.
trContalnsnodrattlc cathartic or opiate?. Ilellevcs
the brain of i.iuib.'d f.ine.cs, 1 roiutly tures l;.,iu
matlsm by routing It. Pcstores llfe-Blvinjr p.-tper.
tleslotlio blood. IsB'iarantcedtocurca'l ncnura
disorders. C7i:c::.-.b!o all opiates Ml, 1! .
freshes tho rnlnd nnd Invigorates tho boily. Cures
dyspepsia or r.vncy refunded.
Dlicascsof thotlooilownltacorQurror. Pailo ml
la writing by over fifty llousand leaCi.-.R eltl. cs,
clereymcnandpliyi'lfta-.s In If, R. and Puri,p".
KJTor ti'i ' rll haillr.sdrurali.ts. (l'"i,
Hie Dr. S. A. 1 I mrrad Medical Co. Pro s.,
m .Is : h, Mo, (S)
Charles N. Critic don, Afent, New Yoi k i lly
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
nni i i ""rrvlllc.Ohlo, Sept. 10, 1882.
l'JLlj 3. " Having been subject to n bron
clilnl nllertliiii, with frequent
iidds, for a number of jenre, I hereby cer
tlty Avi it'x citmtuv TrcToiuL gives
nei iriitiipt relief, nnd Is tho most clXectlve
remedy 1 hav evt r tried.
Jami s A. Hamii.tok,
Hdltor of The Crescent."
nnttniio "'Mt nlloa',iolll"i'Tuno;r,, ifP2.
UUliGHS, "I have used Avnt'N CtiEitnv
Prt-rmiAi. this uprlng for a se
Trre (Hugh and lung trnubln with good
c irtet, and I am pleased to recommend It
to any ono similarly atfected.
II.uvi:v Ha t'riiiMAX,
Proprietor Olobo Hotel."
rnr.i'Aitnt nv
Sold by all Druggists.
N. E. Corner Stcond and Arch stress,
reorders win reoolvo prompt attentln
i on TUB
And all Bilious Complaints.
Bafu to tako. being purely vr"ftnl ij nu crl'ilns.
Prlco liU tcuts. All DrngsUtH,
March 21-lw d
The undersigned having put his Planing Mil
on Railroad street, In Hrst-ctass condition, Is pre
pared to do all kinds ol work In his lino,
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
aro pujpioyuu,
furnished on application, Han uxnX epecinca
Illoouivburg, Pa
All their fiiomlii Imtl Haiti, when Mro.
Hlniioy tiled, "Now wlint a good tliluy
it would bo if old Mr.Binnoy would but
mnrry iIlss Hrlght I"
Jliss Bright Imtl t.ot liton wltlioul,
lier troiililt'H, nnd vrry linnl oih-h tlicy
had lici'ii, too, but nlio lioro tliein witli
ti bravo liuart, and carried a smiling
face, and had a tliankfiil opirit within
hor, striving always to tuincniber bcr
bleBsiiigJ, nntl how intioli they out
numbered Any evils she was called up
on to bear,
Indeed, to listen to Miss Blight's
showing you would havo counted her
as ono of tho luckiest, pcrrions ever
born. Sho had had the kindest of
friends, the most comfot table of situa
tions, and tho girls she had taught
were endowed with an amiability of
disposition which mado it a posilivu
pleasure to bo with them. Tho only
accusation sho could bring against
them was that tlioy were all in such a
terrible hurry to grow up and get mar
ried, and then Miss Biight'H occupation
was gone, and sho had to step out in
the world and find a fresh Held fot her
As years rolled on, each ono adding
to tho score of Miss Bright'ri age, these
hunting grounJs of instruction becamo
more and more narrowed. Children of
0 began now where girls of 18 used to
leave off, and history and geography,
to say nothing of the parts of speech'
and grammar, were all so altered that
poor liltlo Miss Bright had to acknow
ledge that at times sho really did feel
quite confused. "Very soon 1 shan't
bo left with anything to teach," sho
would say, pathetically, and then Mr.
Biniiey's nephew, Joe, or some other
good fellow who heard her, would de
clare she should set up a school for
wives, for thero never were such wives
as tho girls whom Bright had brought
up. Sho had taught Joe's wife Sail
and her sister, and though sinco then
sho had other situations, at holiday
time, or whenever sho was seeking em
ployment, sho always returned to the
house of Dr. Crendon, their father.
AVhcn Mr. Binnoy dropped in, as ho
frequently did, to inquire after his old
friends, tho Breudona, ho from time to
lime found Miss Bright there, nnd
happening, on the occasion of ono of
her visits, to bring the hews that Mrs.
Binnoy was ill, with no one whose bus
iness it seemed to be to look after her,
nothing was more natural than that
Miss Bright should volunteer, and a
great comfort they found her.
Sprightly, ycl unobtrusive, was tho
cheery little woman that Mrs. Binncy
herself was influenced in her favor,
until, with an eye to their mutual com
fort, Mr. Binney proposed Miss Bright
staying with them altogether. "Why
no ?'' ho said. "Wo could well afford
to pay her a salary." But this word
salary, acting like magic on Mrs. Bin
ney, seemed to bring her to hor
mmediatelv. bho would be very ulad
to havo Miss Bright as a visitor aslong
as she liked to stay, but as to living
with them altogether, "No 1" sho
would not givo her consent to that;
sho had always objected to having in
her house a third party. It was then
that Miss Blight's friends pulled very
long faces indeed. What would she
dot they asked her.
"Oh, somethincr is sure to turn un."
she would say hopefully. "Whenever
I havo como to my last ebb an opening
lias been made for me, so I am not
going to despair now."
Ana she said tins all tlio mora em-
phatically, because in spite of her con
lidenco slio could not help feeling that
u voiuu wnioii sno count not Keep still
kept repeating: "What will you do
when you grow older t Teaching will
get harder than ever." That was true
enough, but what else was there for
tier to do 1
When Mrs. Binney died, which hap
pened quite suddenly about a year be
fore, there hail been some talk as to
Miss Bright going to Mr. Binnoy as
housekeeper, but this Dionosition had
been mado without the knowledge or
consent of tho principal person con-
cenieti, who, as soon as the hint was
given, negatived it.
Mr. Binney thoroughly aiuireciated
Miss Bright, but lie had lost his tasto
lor matrimony j ho remembered that
ho had spent forty excellent years
without a wife, and, notwithstanding
that ho was now a widower, he could
not conscientiously say that he felt his
slate to bo very unhappy.
oiistui, mo cook, respectauio and
staid, would, ho felt sure, manago his
housohold propei ly, nnd if it proved
that sho should g'ivo way to extrava
gance, as peoplo seemed to say, Mr.
Binney fancied ho could better put up
with that evil than from too much of
tlm economy from which ho had suf
fered already.
So all the hopes that on tho death of
Mrs. Binney, Joo and Sally and tho
Brcndons had cherished 'for Miss
Blight, were ruthlessly dashed to the
ground. Evidently Aunt B. was not
to havo a successor.
"If wo could but have got her thero
as housekeeper," said ono of those
arch-conspirators, "tho rest would havo
been easy." But though they returned
to tho attack several times, no good
camo of it. Mr. Binnoy shared in their
regret at tho loss of Miss Briglit'a pu
pils ; wondered, as they did, what
would become of hor, and his visitors
gone to mako his sympathy apparent,
nc sat down and wrote a kind little
note, with a check for 10 folded with,
in it.
"He's an old stupid," said Sally,
"and now sho is going away altogether,
over so far'1 for Miss Bright had had
another piece of news to tell. An old
pupil of early days had been recently
left a widow : her health was as deli
cate as her heart was kind, and when
sho mado tho proposition that Mi&s
Bright should como and spend tho 10.
maiuder ot her days with her, it was
not, unnreiy oi in-r own comiort sho
had been thinking. Miss Blight had
readily accepted her offer, and sho had
written to tell Sally that tho next week
sho should como up and see them,
She could only stay a few hours
with them when sho came. Tho faio-
well visit was lo bo paid later, "But I
think," she said, as sho was going, "I
win vim on my way nomo nntl say
gooti-oyo to my, iJinney, in caso l
iiiignv not navo another opportunity.1
uu, sum oany, and away elie
Mr. Binnoy was nt home. Ho had
not been tiuito well lately j nothing
more than n cold, but it had kept him
n prisoner. To-day ho might havo
gono out, but ho had not felt inclined
to, and ho gallantly said ho was glad
to be in, as no should havo been sorry
Indeed to havo missed seeing Miss
"And oo you aro really going to
leavo usl" ho said, and almost regiet
fully too. "Well, you will bo very
much missed. I don't kno.v what the
Brcndons will do."
"They will not miss mo tnoro than I
shall them," and tho brave littlu wo
man mado nn cfTort that her voico
should not sound shaky : "but you
know, Mr. Binnoy, I am not growing
younger, am 1 1"
"No," he said, "that is true. I was
saying the satno to myself of myself
only to day."
"Yes, only with men it docs not
seem to matter, but with women the
thought always comes with a little
shudder, that when wo get old and
want quiet and rest and a comfortable
arm-chair by tho fire there is a doubt
whether wo shall bo ablo to get them."
Mr. Binney did not, answer, and fear
ing she was saying too much about her
own feelings she altered her tone,
which had been a littlo sad, and went
on in her usual cheerful way : "But
then I ought to feel so thankful that
this opening has been made for mo.
I toltl them that I know something
would como i it has always don ono;
I havo alwaj s been so lucky."
"It's your happy disposition makes
you say so, my dear Miss. Bright : a
cheerful spirit shortens the longest day.
I wish I could follow your example. I
often feel condemned at my want of
contentment of gratitude, I ought to
But that Miss Bright would not al
low ; bIio reminded Mr. Binney of tho
many kind actions lie had done, and in
her own quiet way thanked him for
tho thoughtful present he had sent to
"No, no, no, now ycu must not
speak of that,'1 Mr.Binnoy hastily in
terrupted her t and to givo a turn to
the conversation lie said "she must
have some tea," and ringing to order
it, ho hoped sho would stay.
Well, yes, sho thought sho cculdt
spare tho time for that indeed, to be
plain, sho was not in such a very great
hurry. Tho fact had been that Joe
had had an unexpected holiday ; and
she saw that, only for her being there,
lio had como home to go out some
where with Sally.
"So I hope the littlo fib I told you
will btj forgiven me, for when I said
I was wanted at home, althouirh it was
quite truo perhaps, I need not for that
have left quite so early. But it was
so nice of Joo to como home. I love
to see husbands and wives companions
to each other."
"Ah, indeed, yes ; that is tho obiect
of matrimony, too often, I fear, lost
sight of in our day by tlio young and
the old too."
But Miss Bright did not agree.
"No," sho "know so many .united
couples. There were tho Brendons
w ' but at this moment the tea
was broucht in, and Miss Bright asked
should she pore it out. Her offer was
accepted. "Only," said Mr. Binney,
"you must tako off your cloak, or you
. ..1 1 "t ...1 . .
won l it-ui iiiu guuti oi id wucii yon go;
and your bonnet, too. Wouldn't vott
bo more comfortable without that ?"
Miss Bright .said "No," sho would
not tako her bonnet off.
"Haven't a cap with you, I suppose?"
said the old gentleman, slyly.
i us, maeed i n.'ive a present irom
Salty and a very becoming one, too."
"Put it on, then, and let mo pass
my opinion.
Miss Jintilit hastened to obev, and
when she camo for his inspection the
smile on her face and tho soft pink in
her cheek mado her look ten vcars
"Well," she said, "now what do
you think of it?"
"I think if you take my advice you
will nover wear any other."
"Keally, ami she laughed softly:
"hut it is for high days and holidays,
you know I" And sho tip toed to look
in tho chimney glass, saying that it
certainly was a very pretty cap, and
then she eat down to pour out the tea.
"Hie Debt tea things!' sho said, ad
miringly ; "I am so fond of nrettv
china 1" And then searching in tho
sugar basin, she added : "I havo not
forgotten that you like two lumps of
sugar, you see. '
Mr. Binney smiled complacently ; a
feeling of well-being and comfort took
possession of him.
Of a certainly it was very pleasant
to havo a congenial somebody to bear
ono company, one who could talk well,
listen well ami hold her tonguo well, if
necessary. Experience had assured
him of that. Miss Bright possessed
each of these good qualities. When
sho had stayed thero when Mrs. Binnoy
was first ill, their evenings hail passed
very pleasantly, nnd recalling the
things they had done, ho asked :
"Do you often play chess now"
"No, never."
"Cribbagc, backgammon ?"
"I've no ono to play with. That is
ono thing in my going away," and sho
swallowed n sigh "my evenings will
yu 11.03 luuuiy.
"All, yes, I find tho time very long
after dinner. I don't liko to go to bed
before 10:10, although I often feel in
clined to."
"And tlio days draw in so quickly
now, thero is no afternoon it is all
evening, which reminds mo that it is
getting time for mo to go, for it takes
mo quito nn hour to gut to tho sta
tion." "Not in a cab t"
"No, but I am going to walk j it is
quito finu and dry, and if I feel tired
at thu Conway road I shall wait at the
corner for tho omnibus passing."
Miss Bright began to put on hor
bonnet. Mr. Binney walked to tho
window ! for a tninuto ho looked out,
then ho rang tho bell.
"I shall go as far as tho Conway
ruiHi wiin you.
"Oh, Mr. Binnoy! No, pray don't
think of such a thing! it might give
you cold, and thero isn't tlio slightest
occasion I am bo acoustomod lo go
about nlono."
But Mr. Binney remained firm ; his
nat niui coat wcro brought; to him, nnd
away tho two set off together, They
ohattcd pleasautly as thov walked alomr.
"I sjiall bono to come and seo them all
sometimes," Miss Bright said. "I
know ns long as tho Brendons havo a
Homo they will tako mu in."
"And remember that bo long as I
21, 1884.
havo a hougo thero will bo room for
you In it."
"That is very kind of you Mr. Bin
ney," bIio said softly. "I nm uuro I do
not know why peoplo aro all bo good
to mo."
Mr. Binney apparently was no hotter
nblo to Inform Iter, and they walked on
silently until the Conway road was
"Now, then," said Miss Bright,
"hero wo say farewell," and she hold
out her hnnd, but Mr. Binnoy did not
take it j ho was engaged in hnillng a
cab ho saw : then ho drew out Ills
purso nnd Miss Bright know that ho
Intended settling with tho man for tlio
fare. Sho shook her head at him re
provingly. Mr. Binnoy gavo tho directions to
the driver and then ho held out his
hand, hesitated, opened tho door and
said, "I don't sco why I should not go
with you as far as tho station."
At tho railway station they had but
a very short time of waiting. Miss
Bright stood near tlio',!,carnago which
sho had chosen : nothing remained but
to say good-byo and onlcr.
"And you will let us hear how you
get on 1" for she had not said sho was
coming up again.
"Oh, I shall, often write to tlio Bren
dons and Sally. irou will hear of mo
through them."
"And I hope so very much that you
will be comfortable and happy."
Miss Bright tried to smile, but her
eyes filled rapidly, and to hide tho tears
she half turned away.
"I wish that you wero not obliged to
go away. Couldn't anything bo man
aged for you ?"
Sho shook her head sadly. "No,"
sho said ; "1 tried everything I could,''
and here a sob would come, "but no
body seemed to want me."
"1 I want you." Mr. Binnoy was
stammering out his words excitedly.
"Miss Bright, can you will you stay
for mo ? Could you consent to be
come Mrs. Binney ?"
"Mrs. Binney J 1 1" o v e r y t b i n g
seemed to swim around hor "but, Mr.
Binney, such an idea never once occur
red to me."
"I am very suio of that, my dear,"
ho said earnestly, "and it lias taken
some time to como to me, or I should
havo made tho offer long ago ; how
ever, better Into than never that is, if
you will accept me."
"Oh, I ut I think it is so good of you
and you feel sure that I can make
you happy. What will tho Brendons
and Sally" say J"
"Say that I am more lucky than I
deservo to bo for not asking you be
fore. Now I understand why I
wouldn't consent to your being my
housekeeper. I was wanting you for
my wife, you know."
Miss Bright held up her hands in
"Oh, my !" sho cried. "There's the
train off gone, I declare !"
"What of that if it is? another will
soon follow, and while we aro waiting
for it, we can arrange our plans and
fix the day."
And if any one wishes lo know how
it all ended, I can satisfy their curiosi
ty by telling them that a more happy,
cheery couple never were seen than
the present Mr. and Mis. Binney.
Mr. Springer ?ives Statistics.
Congressman William M. Springer
spoke in Brooklyn, lately on "Working
men and their Wages. Ho said :
"Government cm help tho laborer
by removing oppressive taxation, by
stopping oflioial peculation, by regu
lating commerce, and by abolishing the
special privileges of the few. When a
tax is laid on any article the price is
increased. Tlio peoplo say. If tax is
laid on blankets, and tho inoreaso in
price inures to tho benefit of tho maker
of blankets, that increase is paid by all
who use blankets, and thus tlio many
users aro robbed to pay one class.
' "ilio actual operation of the tariff
on wages is shown in boots and in cot
ton goods. In 1872 91,000 hands
made 829. pairs of shoes each, and re
ceived 103 each for tho year's pay. In
1880, 111,000 hands made 1,129 pairs
each, and received only 387 for the
year's pay. In 1870, 135,000 hands
produced 2,580 pounds of cotton goods
each, and received 8288 each for tho
year's work. In 18S0, 175,00 hands
produced 3,o00 pounds of goods each,
and got only $!M3 each for the year's
work. Improved processes and growth
of knowledge had increased the power
of individual production but the indi
vidual wages had been deci eased S7G
in ono caso and $15 in the other. The
protective tariff on boots and shoes
was oo per cent., and ou cotton goods
50, and under this system tlio capitalist
had added to his capital, while tho
employee had his wages cut down."
"ilio common talk that tho tariff
laws taxed luxuries was gammon," Mr.
Springer said. "Woollen goods of
oiean grade, lour ounces to tlio yard
aro taxed 110 per cent. Tho fine
grades, which only tho rich can afford,
aro taxed 08 per cent, bilks pay CO
per cent. Cheap woollen dress goods
aro taxed 99Jr por cent, while tho lino
goods boyond the reach of tho poor
are taxed only -13 per cent. These
goods before tho war wero taxed 19 por
While Homo mint worn nt u-nrl- ot r
bridge over tlio Truckoo river, in No
vada, recently, a pieco of casting
weiguing lour tons was Doing Hoisted
by means ot a derrick, to bo placed in
tlOSlllon. Hv ftnmn mnnnu tin. mnua nf
iron slipped and fell whon at a consid-
i.i.. "i , . ... .
uniuiu viuv.iiioii mm KiruoK tuo entl ot
tho platform on which five mun u-i.r.i
standing, throwing tliem into tlio air
to the height ol fifty f.-ut and landing
them at a dist il 11(10 of ('iffllll fnnl. frnm
their starting point, They foil where
tuo snow was very deep, which saved
them from instant death, but three of
them wero seriously injured,
it would probably sur)riso many to
uo loin mat, mo sun is aiiiotisaml times
as bright as thu moon, as the unaided
yo gives us intio idea ot tlio real dif
leronoo in tho brightness of tho two
bodies. According to very careful do
terminations by Zolluer, tho sun's light
is 019,000 times ns great as that of tho
lull moon. Mho heat received from
tho two is not in tho saino ratio, that
emitted by the sun being only 82,000
times as muoh ns that of tho full moon,
as lotinti uy ioru iiosso ami Mons.
Wedding Ceremonies in China.
TY Yuma of au.i:oi:i couhtshu' aim:
For a few days before tho woddlnrr
day the young lady, who has already
been told of the approaching ovent,
gives vent to her anger in orthodox
fashion by loud bellowinu iiicht nnd
day. Tho weeping damsel expresses
intervals in conventional phrases
sonso of desolation sho feels at tho
near prospect of being lorn forever
from her parents and her childhood's
homo. It is on the Inst night that the
maiden tries on her bridal dress, lights
incenso boforo tlio slitino of her ances
lots and prostrates herself in farowcll
worship beforo her nscmblrd parents,
uncles and aunts. At last the dreaded
day arrives. Tlio fair ono rises early,
bathes perhaps for tho first time for
two or three months, arranges hor hair
in matronly style, puts on her bridal
garments of gorgeous red silk or Stuff.
sometimes richly embroidered, and n
neavy coronct-Hko Head-dress brilliant
with real or imitation pearls and prec
ious stones, velvet tassels and fringes
and gold or gilt trappings, which iin- cvory step she takes. Her toilet
is completed by tho largo red veil of
silk or cotton, which completely covers
her face from view. It is considered
good form lo resist tho services of her
attendants with loud soroams and ex
postulations, any such thing as submis
sion on her part being sure to bo con
strued by her dialling bridesmaids into
an immodest joy at tuo near prospect
ot wedlock.
Tho brido gi oom remained at home
with his friends. Ilo is arrayed in
ilks aud satins, embroidered according
o his rank, a red scarf crossed his
breast and a brilliant wedding cap is
worn on his head. Ilo seats him
self in glorious state awaiting tho com
: ., nr i. ..:,i tt.. i -i i. i
u ui wuu uiiwi-. iiu iius airuuiiy uis-
iatchcd an elegant bridal sedan, richly
gilded and enamelled, decorated with
king fisher's feathers and ornamented
with gorgeous carvings, which ho has
hired for tho occasion. It is carried
by a half a dozen men in red tunics
and follows in the rear of the proces
sion. It is preceded by gilded pavil
ions and canopies, red boards with gilt
characters representing the academical
degrees aniHmpcrial honors conferred
upon the bridegroom or his ancestors ;
grand languages, splendidly-carved
and painted banners, huge fans and
state umbrellas according to the rauk
of the bridegroom's father. Tlio bear
ers, equerries and musicians that swell
the train are all draped in red robes
and tho whole procession marches
along amidst tho beating of drums,
tho clash of cymbals and the screams
of clarionets. The procession arrives
tiie bride's house and is greeted by
the dismal howls of tho females with-
A letter written by her husband is
now handed to tho bride, informing
her that tho flowery sedan is waititig
at her door and inviting her to set out
for her now home. Then como sundry
exhortations from her parents, tl.o ex"
change ot good wishes protracted part
ings, choking sobs and vehement pro
testations from tlio brido against being
taken from her home. This hollow
farce is broken up by a bridesmaid
casting a veil over tho face of the lu
gubrious bride, while an old hag takes
her upon hei back in ignominious fash
ion, carrying her out of the door and
setting her down in tlio sedan chair.
Tho door of the conveyance is theti
locked and tho key handed to tho
bridegroom's friend. Tho bands then
strike up and tho procession returns
amidst farewell salvos of bombs and
lire ciackers, the wonder being that
any brido can survive such an infernal
Arriving at tlio door of her now
homo sho is saluted with more fire
crackers. The bridegroom now comes
forth with all that dignified bearing
and easy insouclance'so natural to a
well-bred Chinaman and taps the door
of the chair with his fan. Tho door is
then opened and the biide, still thickly
veiled from profane gaze, is again caf-
. 1 .... .1 - 1 1. r r , .. .
ieu on itio oaeK 01 a lemaio attendant
nto hor husband's house. Sho is now
a wifi', tlio simplo lido in the flowerv
chair having tho mystic power of trans-
iormiug nor into a married woman.
Tho bridegroom now seats himself on
a high chair aud receives the homage
of his dutiful spouse. Ho then de
scends, raises her heavy veil nnd for
thu first time gnzes 011 Iho face of tho
girl to whom he has been engaged for
the last ten or fifteen years. Thero
follows 110 rapturous embrace, no word
of tender endearment, no look that
speaks of love. Ho simply inspects
her for a few moments as lit would
somo pieco of furniture, for sho is noth
ing moro to liun. bonietimcs this cere
tnony ot unveiling takes place in thu
bridal chamber, where they scat them
selves sido by side, ho contriving to sit
upon part of her dress, signifying his
control and her submission. Wo take
0110 glimpse of tho nuptial couch, hung
"" oniia wi impci wun biiuii inscrip
tions as "May you havo 100 sons and
l,H)j grandsons anil adorned with
orango trees and strings of cash, the
symbols of fruitfulness. Heaven nnd
earth, household goods, family ances
tors ami 1110 parents ot tho bridegroom
nro then worshipped bv tho wedded
1 he wedding feast bfgius in tlio af
ternoon and extends over two or three
lays, invitations havo been sent out
weeks before, tho guests responding by
lorwartnng a bum ot money varying
from 100 cash to twenty ouncis of
silver. This is sent the day beforo the
... 1 i( 1
wotitniig ami goes to defraying the ox
penses of tho feast. Tho banqueting
Inula aro lighted up with scores of
prism-fringed chandeliers, tables are
spread with all kinds of delicacies,
hundreds of invited guests, grandly
dressed, throng tho room, garrulous
groups surround tlio bridegroom, offer
ing their congratulations, a band of
inusio strikes up and tho bride in he
wedding robes and tasseled head-dress
enter the room, supported by two ma
trons, whilo bIio bends with speechless
roverenco to tier Husband s guests, of'
fcring them sweetmeats, wino nnd tea
Mon and women never feast together
and tho most trying ordeal of all her
wedding duties comes when her bus
band leaves her in tlio gentlemen'i
room. Sho waits upon them in Hiloneo
and tlioy in turn chnff her with coaibO
jests, criticise her appearance aloud
and play praotioal jokes upon her per
son, often of so cruel a character that
if Bho emerges from tho room unscahl
1m 9vt 3m r.u
One Inch 13 to tlM $lt !.',)
Two Indies ..... sm inn nno sto jno
Tiirco incues.,.,. 4 nisi ,i neo'isco
lourlncliM...... Bnn Ton nm mm anon
winner column., nm sen lom nsro moo
llnlf column... ..torn nm 17m aim woo
Onccoltimn sho sjo) soon Mm 1000
Ycarlvfldrrrtlvmenta tminMontinrterlr. Trun.
slcnt ml vert twmenls mun be imldfor bcforolnwi u
oil except where parties have accounts.
Lcirfll ndvrrtlMmrntn twn riollflrn Tier Inrh for
thro Insertions, nnd at that rate for additional
Insertions without rcfcrcnco to length.
Execntor'H. Attmlnlatrfttor'n.nnrt Audltor'anollcea
three dollars. Must bo paid for when nserted.
Trans ent or Local notices, ten cents a line, recti
lar advertisements halt rates.
Cards tn thn 'ntnlnrm Director" column. on
dollar a rear for each line.
ed or unscarrcd sho may consider her
self lucky. Sho must submit to nil this"
ribaldry and persecution with a calm,
placid, unmurmuring demeanor, nnd
any show of either resentment or mirth
would bo remembered to her discredit
for years to come. When tho guests
havo departed sho may retire. San
J'Vancisco Chronicle.
The Girl that Everybody Likes.
Sho is not beautiful oh,nol No
body thinks of calling her that. Not
0110 of a dozen can tell whether her
eyes aro black or blue. If you should
ask them to describe her, they would
only say, "Sho is just right," and thero
it would end. Sho is a merry, hearted,
fun-loving bowitching maiden, without
a epark of envy or malico in her wholo
composition. Sho enjoys herself and
wants everybody else to do tho satno.
Sho has always a kind word and a
pleasant smile for tho oldest man or
woman ; in fact, I can think of noth
ing she resembles more than a sun
beam, which brightens everything it
comes in contnet with. All pay her
marked attention, from rich Mr. Watts,
who lives 111 a mansion on tho hill, to
Sam, tho sweep. All look after her
with an admiring eye, and say to
themselves: "Sho is just tlio' right sort
of a girl l" Tho young men of the
town vie with ono another as to who
shall show her tho most attention ; but
she never encourages them beyond bo
ing simply kind and jolly : so" no ono
can call her flirt ; no, indeed, tho young
men all deny sucli. an assertion as
quickly as she. Girls wonderful to
relate liko her, tooj for sho never de
lights in hurting their feelings, or say
ing spiteful things behind their backs.
Sho is always willing to join in their
liltlo plans and assist them in any way.
They go to her with their lovo affairs,
and she manages adroitly to sco Willie
or Peter, and drop a good word for
Ida or Jennie, until their littlo difh'cul
ties aro patched up, and every thing
goes smoothly again thanks to her.
Old ladies say she is '.'dclighful." Tho
sly witcli sho knows how to manago
them. Sho listens patiently to com
plaints of rheumatism or neuralgia, and
then sympathizes with them so heartily
that they aro more than half cured.
Hut she cannot always bo with us. A
young man comes from a neighboring
town, nfter a time, and marries her.
Tho villagers crowd around to tell him
what n prize ho has won, but ho seems
to know it pretty well without any tell
ing, to jttdgo from his face. So sho
leaves ns, aud it is not long before we
hear from that place. Sho is there tho
woman overybody likes. Christian
Sure Cure for Snoring,
Thero is precisely 0110, cure for snor
ing, and it is to bir Humphrey Davy
that wo owo its discovery. That emi
nent scientific person ascertained that
snoring is due to an abnormal vibra
tion of the cords of the larynx, and
that this vibration occurs only when
tho surfaco of tho larynx has become
dry. A man who sleeps with his
mouth open until his larynx has be
come dry by contact with tho atmo-
phero is sure to snore. Sir Humphry
saw at once that in order to cure a
snorer his larynx must be kept moisten
ed or relaxed, ilo lound by a series
,of experiments upon a Methodist min
ister of unusual snoring powers that a
pieoe ot castilo soap inserted 111 tlio
open mouth of tho snorer effected an
nstant cure and wards off any further
attack of snoring for at least twenty-
four hours. Hepeated applications of
oap broke up the habit of snoriug.
and thus effected a pcrmauent cure.
According to Sir Humphry Davy.
castile scap, which is composed of ol-
! :i .1 1 . . . . .
ivo on aim noun, is uocomposcu me
moment it comes in contact with tlio
human tonguo which has a wonderful
nihility for oxygen. Tho olive oil be-
ng thus bet tree, lubricates and relax-
tho laiynx, while tho sodium is for-
ibly expelled in the shape of strontilv
alkaline language by the snorer, who
awakes tho moment tho decomposition
01 1110 soap begins, it is seldom nec
essary to administer castilo soap more
than three or four times ; and the most
obtinato caso of snoring known to
medical men was cured with six doses.
It might bo remarked that nlmost
any variety of soap can bo used with
benefit as a remedy for snoring. Cas
tilo soap is, nevertheless, much moro
apid 111 its action than any- other va
iety, with the solitary excoiition of
soft soap. Tho latter, ho woser, is sel
dom found outside of farm-houses, and
its administration presents certain diffi
culties which will hinder it from ever
becoming a popular remedy. iV. Y,
1 lines.
The Miseries of a ITean Man
Sometimes I wonder what a mean
man thinks about when ho goes to bed.
When he turns down tho light and
lies down. When tlio darkness closes
in about liim and ho is alone, and com
pelled to bo honest with himself. And
not a bright thought, not a generous
impulse, not a manly impulse, not a
word ot blessing, not a grateful look
comes to bless him again. Not' a pen
ny dropped into tlio outstretched pnlm
ofpoveity, nor tho balm of a loving
worn dropped into an aciung Heart ;
no sunbeam of encouragemeut cnBt
upon a struggling life, iho strong right
hand ot fellowship reached out to help
some fallen man to his feet when
none of theso tilings como to him as
the "God bless you" of iho departed
day, how ho must bate himself 1 How
lie must try to roll away from himself
and sleep on the other side of the bedl
When tlio only victory ho can think of
is some mean victory, in which ho has
wronged a neighbor. No wonder ho
always sneers when he tries to smile.
How pure and fair and good all Iho
ret of tho world miibt look to him,
and how cheerless and dreary must his
own path appear. Why, oven one
long Uolated net of meanness is enough
to Bcatter cracker crumbs in the bed
of the average ordinaiy man, and wht
must bo the feelings ot a man whoso
life is given up to mean nets ! When
thero is so muoh suffering and head
ache nnd misery in tho world, anyhow,
why should you add one pound of
wickedness or sadness to tho general
burden T Don't bo mean, my boy.
Suffer injustice a thousand times rather
than commit it oiico,
U. J. lluitDUlTE.
Thero is ono town in Connecticut
that has 110 fear of tho measles. It'u