The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 07, 1884, Image 2

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J. K. BlttonbWor.J salls"'
Tho Demoonuio State Convcnlloii of
Potitmylvniiin will insmnblo in Him
0vta lIimo, Allcnttiwii ni 10 A. M.
'on Weilnmd.-iy April 9, 1881 to iionii
natu a cntnlidittu for coniren8iniin-iit-large,
six ddegatra at larj?u to tho Nn.
tloiml Cotivontion nml six kutra at
larga ; to ootillrm and ratify tlio olmioi'
of roDrosenttitivu iL'lo.itiM to tliu Nit
tional Convention and ropresentativo
electors by tho members of tho State
Convention from the respective con
grcssional districts and to transact Biich
other business as tho convention may
W. U ITr.Nsrx,
Ch. Dom. Suit. C in
J. II. Lioiirv, Clvik.
Tlio members of the Democratic
Standing C uninittefl of Columbia coun
ty nro requested to muot at tho Ex
change Hotel, Bloormburg, Saturday,
March 22nd, 1881, at two o'clock P.
Mi for the purpose of selecting delegates
to attend tlio Statu Convention to bo
bold at Allenton, April Olli, 1881.
F. S. KhNi'OitTs, Geo tin n A. Claiik,
Seo'y. Chairman.
National Colored Convention.
Rev. 0. S. Smith, of Bloomington,
Illinois, chairman of the colored Btato
cential committee has been in Pitts,
burg to complete arrangomonts for tho
national colored convention to bo held
' there in April. Smith says tho con
vention will bo in etssion several days
and at tho secret session will adopt an
address demmding recognition from,
tho people for tho better protec
tion of tho colored race in tho couth.
Tho address will bo issued purposely
before the national conventions and
'tho colored peoplo will wait to seo
what is done. About 250 delegates
will be present.
Democratic National Convention.
Tho national rules of tho Democratic
party, ko those of tho Republicans,
fix tho number of delegates to tho
National Convention at twice tho num
ber of congressmen nnd senators. Penn
sylvania, having two senators nnd ono
congressman -at-large, is, therefore, en
titled to six delegates-at-largo to each
Nantional Convention besides tho two
delegates of each party from each con
gressional district.
For the six Democratic delegates-at-large,
from Pennsylvania there is quito
a list of candidates. Three names
. which aro almost certain to bo chosen
aro Villiam F. Ilarrity, ex-chairman
of the Philadelphia Democratic Com
mitlee, and State Senators Cox, of Lu
zorne, and Wallace, of Clearfield. The
choico of Mr. Hanity may now bo con
sidered as certain to be made, because
Philadelphia will be conceded one deie-gato-at-large,
and Mr. Harrity's sup
port by tho Philadelphia members of
the Stalo Convention, whohare already
been chosen, is piactically solid. Of
the sixty nine Philadelphia Democrats
who havo been seleoted to go to tho
Allontown Convention, the support of
forty-five is positively assured to Mr.
Harrity, not to mer.tion many others
'.whoso friendship for' him is so well
known that pledges aro unnecessary.
Moreover, his namo is being received
with favor throughout tho State, and
Hazleton has already declared its pre
ference for him. Tho rank in the
party councils of both Mr. Wallace and
-Mr. Coxo is such as to make their
election almost a matter of course. Tho
other candidates for delegate-at-largo
aro Robert E. Monaghan, of Chester ;
Benjamin Whitman and William L.
Scott, of Erie ; Congressman at-Largo
Mortimer F, Elliot, of Tioga j ex
State Senator Robert P. Allen, of Ly
coming j William Souder, of Lehigh j
Georgo W. Erwin, of Dauphin ; Editor
Benjamin F. Myers, of Dauphin, and
Editor James P. Barr and Malcolm
Hay, of Allegheny. Chairman W. U.
Ilensol, of the Democratic State Com
mittee,, who could bo a delegate-at-largo
if ho wished, has refused to let
Lis namo go before the State Conven
tion. The Momson Bill.
Washington, March 3. Chairman
Morrison, of tho Ways and Means
Committee, held a conference to-day
with Henry Watterson and Charles
NordhofT. It has been discovered that
tho Morrison bill can't pass. Tho moro
it is emasculated tho less attractive it
becomes. Somebody must bo held re
sponsiblo for the failure of the Freo
Traders to redeem their pledges and
who more appropriately than Mr. Ran
dall T It is true ho has not lifted a fin
ger to prevent tariff legislation, but ho
will vote against the bill, and ho has a
following, somi'thiug that Mr. Morri
son greatly needs.
Mr. Randall will not opposo tho
Tariff bill witli an Appropriation bill.
Mr. Randall and his Democratic- sup
porters beliovo that tho best polioy for
Jho party is to defeat tho Tariff bill as
promptly and effectually as possible,
and they make no concealment of their
intention to oontributo to that end j
but thoy deny any collusion with Re
publicans. They believe that all di
versity of sentiment in the party can
bo terminated and harmony can be re
stored by killing the Tariff bill.
Mr. Post of Pennsylvania, secretary
of tho Democratic caucus said to a im
porter to-day that ho had no doubt that
tho Morrison Tariff bill would bo de
feated. He said it would oreep into
the HoubC very soon and bo carried,
"I don't know of nny organized op.
position to tho bill ; but there are
enough Democrats who will vote
against it to defeat it. Tho voto will
be governed by ii'dvyidiml opinion and
tliu bill he overwhelmingly defeated.
The sooner it-gets in thu llnu-o and Is
disposed of the better. I think tho
matter will be settled immediately.
Tho oorpso will ho carried out, nnd tho
Democratic party will carry the conn
try on tho Ohio plaiform."
Mr. Hopkins said that ho know of no
consultation with tho Republicans,
concerning tlio defeat of tho Morrison
bill, nor had he heard of any dinciimion
ot tlio matter nmongthuDi'iivicratH. He
hud no deiiiii however, he said, that
the bill would bo defeated, and should
certainly voto against it.
Senator W. W. Hart is mentioned ns
a delegate the democratic national con
vention. Tho selection of delegates to tlio
Democratic Statu Convention nt Allen
town will bo made by tho county com
mittee. The call of tho Chairman ap
pears in this issuo. Thero should bo a
full attendance of committeemen.
Tho promiso of steady work and high
wages to laboring mon is not likely to
avail the republican party much In tho
coming campaign. If a republican
administration can effect such a result
why don't they do it now t Nobody
will find fault with them if thuy begin
at once.
A bill has passed tho SenUu provid
ing for tho construction of seven new
sti el vesxcls lor the navy. This bill
was introduced by Senator Hale, a per
sonal friend of Seeretary Chandicr, nnd
tho Harrisburg 1'atrlot charges that
tho real object of tho bill is to create a
campaign fund to distribute for tho
benefit of tho republican party, through
tho disbursing agency of William E.
Chandler. From 1701 to 18G1 tho
appiopiia'ton- lor tho navy amounted
to SiWCyllW.UOIJ, but since "l8(30 the ie
publican n.lmi durations have expend
ed 83S5,00U,U0D for th same purpose,
and ct ihe u itiou po-eses to-day a
navy that is tho laughing stock of the
world. What is tho necessity just now
for seven now vessels t Has not tho
country got enough tugs and schooners
nnd yachts on hand to supply thu de
mands of cabinet officers during the
fashionable summer season ! Wo ngreo
with thu Patriot that this piopo-dlion
to put several millions ot dollars in
tlio hands of W. E. Chandler just at
tho beginning of the Presidential
campaign, looks somewhat suspicious.
Some State Laws.
Fixing the standard weight of a bushel
of potatoes.
Sec. 1. lie it enacted, Cc, That tho
standard weight of a bushel of pota
toes shall be sixty pounds iu this Com
monwealth. Sec. 2. All l.iws or parts of laws,
inconsistent herewith, be and the same
aro hereby repealed.
Approved tho 17th day of May, A.
D. 1883.
To prevent the exemption of property
on judgment obtained for fifty dol
lars or less, for wages for manual
Sec. 1 lie it enacted, Dc, That no
exemption of property from attachment,
levy or sale upon execution, shall be
allowed upon judgments for fifty dol
lars or less obtained for wages for man
ual labor.
Approved tho 17th day of May, A.
D. 1883.
To require tho assessors of tho several
townships within this Commonwealth
to assess all seated lands in the coun
ty in which tlio mansion house is sit
uated where county lines divide a
tract of land.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, Cc, That
hereafter tho assessors of the several
counties within this Commonwealth,
shall on seated lauds make the assess
ment iu tlw county in which tho man
sion houso is situate, when county lines
divide a tract of land, and when lines
which separate a borough from town
ship or ono borough from another pass
through the lands of any person such
lands shall be assessed where the man
sion is situated.
Sec, 2. All acts inconsistent with
this act are hereby repealed.
Approved the" 1st day of June, A.
D. 1883.
It would bo unfair to attempt to pre
judice tho public mind against candi
dates who personally solicit votes, at
this limw, and it would also bo unfair
for voter, to refuse to voto for any mao
who asks for support simply because ,of
such request. For years this custom
has prevailed, and it is now generally
understood that any man who does not
travel and ask for votes cannot get
them. Within recent years two can
didates havo entered the field with tie
positive announcement that they would
not make a personal canvass, and in
both instances this determination was
rigidly adhered to. There was noth
ing personally objectionable about
either of these gentleman, and they
were entirely competent to fill tho pohi
tions to whioh they aspired, but what
was the result ? These candidates were
overwhelmingly defeated by those who
went from houso to house, and from
field to field. It has therefore been
demonstrated that tho aspirant who
stays at home stands no chance as
against those who travel.
Whoso fault is it, that such is tho
case t It cortainly is not for pleasure
that the candidate spends a couple of
months in going through the townships
in all kinds of weather. Ho has his
horse hire, his traveling expenses, his
loss of time, which of themselves make
no inconsiderable) amount. But those
aro tlio least of his expenditures. By
the custom ot tho country ho is com
pelled to stop nt every tavern and
treat the crowd, nnd then in order that
no ono may be offended he is expected
to leave a few dollars at each bar to
"set 'em up for thu toys" who do not
happen to be present juit then. Be
sides this tliu township workers, tho
men who nro supposed to have tho
most influence nt the polls in their re
spective districts, must be seen and
won over to tho cause of tho aspirant.
Tlieso men in many instances, (fortu
nately thero aro somo oxoeptions) must
havo mono for their timo and inliu
ence, others must bo paid for hauling
voters to tho polls on the day of elec
tion, and so it goes, a few dollars hero
and a few there, until when tho can
vass is over the candidate finds him
self defeated, and perhaps iu deb, for
money borrowed to meet tho require
nients of the campaign ; or if nominat
ed, ho finds that it will take ono or two
y. ars' salary, or perhaps all his term of
office is worth to make up what he has
spent in securing it.
As wo said in the beginning, it would
not be fair now to refuso to vote for
the eandiduto who aiks for votes. It
is not hi- fault that ho does it. It is
the fault of the people, who compel
him to pursue this course. Tho pun
pie have permitted it until it has be
como n necessity, and any attempt at
leform must bo made by tho peoplo
first. Just ho .v to bring about a change
in this matter is a difficult problem.
Let tho pooplo tako it in hand, and dis
cuss it, and all democrots who havo
views on tho subject that ihey consider
woitli making public havo tho priviloge
of our columns Start the ball rolling
now, and perhaps Hiuu'thing may bo
accomplished that will benefit candi
dates and peoplo alike
Cooper's Motive-
Tho Jicllcfonte Watchman has dim
covered the animus of Thomas V.
Cooper In his refusal to allow his par
ty to apportion tho State into oongrcs
sional districts How made nnnnrent.
By liis nnd their rofnstal to perform a
constitutional duty it will bo nrceaary
for tho peoplo of Pennsylvania to auniu
elect a Congressman-at-Large, and Mr.
Senator Coopor is a candidate for tho
Republican nomination, and expects
the honor to bo nwarded him. This
proves that It was not tho Intel est of
tlio people, nor oven his party especial
ly, that ho was looking at inthi Senttto
last winter and summer, but his own
personal Interest. Ho know that if the
apportionment could be postponed, the
State would havo to choose n Congress-nian-nt
Large, nnd lie deliberately de
termined 111 ut, the Republican Senate
should not agree to any proposition tho
Demooints might make, no mutter how
liberal or how fair and just. He suc
ceeded in carrying that determina
tion into effect, and tho sequel
is beforo us. Mr. Cooper is a can
didate for tho position of Stnto Con
gressman, nnd expects to bo nominated
nod elected. So much for his patriot
ism j his (lisititerc-aednes, his care fur
tin' interests of the dear people.
The Watchman thinks Cooper is
entitled to the nomination on neuouut
of tho dirty political work ho has dono
for his party.
Dio Lewis on Prohibition.
Dio Lewis, the originator of tho wo
man's crusado in Ohio, and who has
been an ardent prohibitionist foi years,
has ohanged his mind as to the efficacy
of prohibition making men temperate,
lie says : "Of tlo success of prohibi
tion in tho state of Massachusetts I
was a constant, nnd attentive observer
for twenty years. At first public sen
ment in its favor was very strong.
Earnest temporanco men wrote tho
hw. The legislature passed it with
out changing a word. Soon it was dis
covered that it did not cover every case,
and it was amendod. Several times it
was amended, until tho cunning of the
Evil Ouo could find no possible escape
from its provisions. This prohibitory
law was not allowed to take Ub ohunces
with other laws, but a large number of
selected men known as state constables,
with headquarters iu Boston, wero
for years on the qui vivo for transgres
sions of prohibition. They weru
sworn to enfoico that law. Our tax
payers knew that a largo percentage of
their taxes sprang from tho rum traffic;
we knew that nearly all crimes origi
nated in strong drink ; every father
know that his eon's success and his
daughter's happiness wero imperiled by
tho traffic, and wo all know that the
success of our republican institutions
was endangered in strong drink. Un
der all these overwhelming convictions,
sustained by an immense force of Btato
constables, there wero iu Boston at the
end of twenty-four years of prohibition
including those drug stores where
drinks could be purchased without dif
ficulty, grocers, many of which sold
by tho drink and all of which sold !by
tho bottle, and the saloons almost
five thousand, places where intoxicating
drinks could bo purchased without let
or hindrance. Aud this is tlio most
law abiding largo city in our country.
All the considerations, all the conceiva
ble motives that could inspire an intel
ligent, brave community, were, concen
trated in Boston. Yet in this city the
law' was violated more than three hun
dred thousand times a day, or more
than two million times ia week, aud tliu
average punishment for the olliense
was not more than one arwcok."
Tne Commercial Yoters-
It is asserted and believed by well in
formed persons that in Lancaster City,
the old homo of Buchanan and Stu
vens, about cne-tbird of all tho voters
on boll) sides can bo bought with imln
ey, directly and indirectly; and at prices,
varying from fifty cents up" to ten dollars,
according to character aud quality I
Of coumo this startling amount of cor
ruption is not confined to ono party,
and unless the good and honest men of
both parties resolve that the system
of wholesale and retail vote buying
shall stop, it will continue for an inde
finite period.
Lancaster is not the only locality
where votes aro bought and' sold. It
is no secret that we have "free and in
dependent American citizens" in this
and all tho adjoining counties, who
aro constantly in the market and for
sale to tlio highest and best bidders.
Whenever campaign committees invest
largir sums in certain districts than
are necessary to meet tho proper and
lawful expenses of the campaign, it
means buying and Belling votes gen
erally through small political middle
men, contractors and brokers. As long
as ono party resorts to tho infamous
system thu other is compelled to como
down with tho cash or submit to de
feat. And wo believe that in case the
several parties spend about tho same
amount of money in the vote markets,
tho chances aro" that, after all. eaoh
party only succeeds iu buying up its
own scalawags and bummers, and if so,
it seems to us there should be no ser
ious difficulty in breaking up tho dis
graceful practice on botli sides.
Suppose tho good and honest men of
both parties and there nro many such
would confer together and resolve
that thu voto buying business shall bo
broken up, and offer and pay liberal
rewards to those who would furnish
information sufficient to convict all
guilty of the infamous traffic. A few
dozen of suoh convictions would go far
to euro the evil. Honest men on both
sides thus organized in overy county,
simply to enforco tho law and send
criminals to tho penitentiary would
mnke voto buying a vory dangerous as
well as-dissjracoful busiuess. But, un
less tho effort is made by bold, earnest
and honest men, both parties will be
moro or less at tho mercy of the politi
cnl corrnplionists and voto brokers.
Mauch Chunk Democrat.
DecilH Recorded.
T)io following deeds have been recorded
since tlioso last published i
John W. Huffman to CotCo. M. 8. V. &
L. Associullon, IMoomsburg.
William Bloan and wife to George V.
Foster, Hloomstmrg,
Cliarles Itelchnrt to Charles T). Wagner,
John Killecn and wife to Clms, I, Kll
lce.ii, Ccntrulla,
diss. J. Kramer, ct ul, to John W. Kra.
mer, FixMiigcrcck,
Martin Kclloy aud wife to Nicholas N.
Meyer, Madison.
Michael lUllhelm to Martin Kelly, Mad.
Daniel W. Kelchncr, executor, to Hcltlo
Kclchncr, Uerwlck,
John Nelsborger and wife to Ellas
George, Locust.
Daniel llurtmnn to Kzcklel Cole, Sugar
louf. Georgo IU-ckmaii and wife to Blhis Con
ner, Orange.
Bllas Conner to George Ilcckmau, Or
Jacob Glrrnrd nnd wlfu to Jonas Crls-
man, Drlarcreek,
William Itohrbach and wife to Peter II.
Vought, Franklin.
1). A. Munson, Administrator, to Peter
II. Vought, Krnnklln.
Andrew Crall nnd wlfo to Wesley Crall,
Charles Oarnner nnd wlfo to Blmon
Haup, Cntawlssa.
Blmon ltnup to J. 1). Knlttlc, Cntawlssa.
Jackson & Woodln Mfg. Co. to John W.
Aslilon, lkrwlck.
0. A, Klelm nnd wlfo to T. J. Vandcr
slice, Dloomsburg.
T. J. Vnndursllco to L. A. Vandcrsllcc,
Aaron Kcster and wlfo to William F.
Askew, Mt. Pleasant.
llobert L. F. Colley, executor, to Sam
uel Roberts, Denton,
Peter Haymnn, administrator, to Joseph
U. Kves, Greenwood.
John L. Freas nnd wlfo to G, L. llengaii,
M. M. Iltcks, administrator, ct nl, to
John Musslcman, Bcott.
Abraham Llllle nnd wlfo to Alexander
Lllllc, Franklin.
Henry G. Phillips nnd wife to John S.
Phillips, Dloomsburg.
Miles Sliuman to D. A. Creasy, Main.
Clinton G. Howcr nnd wlfo to Lucctta
Howcr, Franklin.
M. Wyncoop and wlfo to Dcnnlson
Drink, Dlunmsburg.
1. IC. Krlckbaum, executor, et nl, to Car
olino T. Drink, Sngnrlonf.
William H. Irish, ct nl, to Gabriel Whary,
Frederick Deagle and wlfo to Mlchnel
Old, Madison.
Mlchnel Old nnd wife to Frederick Ucn
sle, Madison.
John W. Michael nnd wife to Mary TUub
Catharine Hitter, administrator, to Lu.
ther Eyer, Catnwlssa.
Luther Eyer nnd wlfo to Catharine,
Hitter, Calawlssa.
Aaron W. Nuss, et nl, to Dcujamln J.
Nuss, Main.
Hiram Eckroth to A. W. Snyder, Mifflin.
John Mourcy, 8hcrllT, to Dloomsburg
Hanking Company, Fishingcrcck.
Amos W. Creamer to James McDrcarty,
Joanna Moore, et nl, to Levi Cox, Hem
lock, John Mourcy, Sheriff, to Mnry Kcster,
Mnry Kcster, et nl, to John 8. Btcrncr,
David Beers nnd wife to Elizabeth Ja-
coby, et al, Dloomsburg'.
Amelln A. Duller, ct al, to Mary Kcslcr,
Joseph Faust to George M. Locknrd,
Jotin It. Davis nnd wife to G. M. & J. K.
Lockard, Scott.
J. H. White, executor, ct nl, to H. K.
White, Scott.
Thomas Crovellng, Jr., to J. II. White,
executor, et nl, Scott.
Phoebo W. Salmon, et nl, to John L.
Crawford, Scott.
Stephen II. Swank nnd wife to William
Scott, Centre.
Ellas Howell, executor, et nl, to William
Purscll, Mt. Pleasant.
William Lamon, treasurer, to William
Krlckbaum, Mt. Pleasant.
John M. .Nuss and wife to Joseph J.
.Nuss, Main.
John J. Fox nnd wife, et al, to Gustavus
Dens, Pine.
Jacob II. Maize and wife to George W.
S. Hoffman, Scott.
Jacob Young to Ellis Young, Jackson.
Frederick N. Huggles nnd wife to Sarah
E. Young, Greenwood.
C. M. Vnndersllce, et nl, to E. D. Leldy,
E. D. Leldy nnd wife to John Kistler,
Edward HIchlu nnd wife to lsnac K.
Tillman, Hemlock.
W. W. JEvcs aud wife to Isaac K. Till
man, Hemlock.
William Stout and wife to Elmlra Stout,
Valentine Vought to Mnry C. Hill.Frauk.
F. D. Knecht and wife to Isaac C. Dur-
rcll, Cntawissa.
Amos T, Spoiler and wlfo to Peter L.
Workhciscr, Hemlock.
David Sliuman and wife to Charles
Fisher, Sr., Main.
Thomas Lutz and wlfo to ElBe Eubcrt,
Julius J. Iloft and wife to Adum C. Hel
ler, Derwlck,
N. Longciihergcr to S. Longeubcrgcr,
U. H. Ent, Sheriff, to Bamucl Knorr,
Franklin L. Sliuman and wlfo to John
A, Smith, Catnwlssa.
Josluli Kramer and wife to Philip Harris,
C, 0. M. S. it L. A. of Dloomsburg, to
Joslah Kramer, Centre.
James Trlvclpicco nnd wlfo to Abrahum
Dennett, Pine.
Mnry Lazarus to John Lazarus, Denton.
L. 8. Wintersteen to "Aaron Andrews,
Thomas J. Killeen to Win. J. Welsh ,
Cen trail a.
Isaiah Dower and wife to Gideon Klin
gcr, Uerwlck.
Tho M. B. L. & 8. F. Association Der-
wick, ct al to Rebecca E. Glrton and bus.
band, Derwlck,
John E. Snyder and wlfo to J. W. Evans,
A. U. Croop, administrator to 0, 11. Ed
wards, Drlarcreek,
J. W. Evans und wlfu ct nl to A. W. Pnt
tcrson, Derwlck.
Abraham Murtz, to Danlol Murtz, ct al
trustee Drlarcreek.
Wellington Williams nnd wlfo to Wll
11am Uowcr.
Gideon Kllngcr to Isaiah Dower, Briar
creek. Joseph E. Sands nnd wlfo to Charles L.
Sands, Madison.
G. A. Frlclc and wlfo to Berwick Water
Co. Derwlck.
M. W. Jackson to 8. B. Bowman, Ber.
Samuel Neyhard, administrator to Q. W.
Crcvellng, Jr. Scott.
G. W. Crcvellng and wlfo to Isaac Crevc
ling, Scott.
Levi Alkinau to James E. Alkman, Ceu
tie. Jacob Schuyler and wlto toD. J. Waller,
It. M, Fiinkhouscr nnd wlfo to Col. co.
Anthracite 0. Co. Pa,, Beaver.
Frederick Hosier und wlfo et al to Jacob
8. Iteece, Centre.
Locust Mt. Coal & Iron co, to Patrick
Tully, Centrnlln.
Patrick Tully to Edward J. McNeils,
Henry Yenger to Georgo W. Yeager, Lo.
Jeremiah Snyder, administrator to George
W. Ycngcr, Locust.
I. W. McKclvy to E. F, Cnvauec, Mt.
M. J. Cnln, executor to Patrick Murphy
William Torrcy und wlfo to Michael
Buddy Ccntralla.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nover Turlos. A marvel of puritf
Jtrenetnand wUoteaoranoss. More economical
tlin tho, ordinary kinds, nnd cannot be sold In
competition wltn tlio multitude ot low test, short
wouiit, alum or phospnsto powders. Sold only
In o jus. uovii. IHiinci powDtn Co , ion Wall St.,
N. . aui;ll-lv.
Heal Estsitc ! !
ny virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court of
Columbia county tho undersigned Administrator
ot tho ostato ot John J. Stllca tato ot Flshlnjcreek
township deceased, will expose to public salo on
the premUcs on
Saturday, March 8th, 1884
nt in o'clock In tho forenoon the following valua
ble real CStAtn Rltttfttft In VlaMntrfnL- fntL-ncfctn
- -
aforesaid i Beginning nt tho northwest corner, n
oLuiic uuniL-r uujuming ianu-3 oi joun hcrs nna
Cornclieus Coleman thenco by land of said Colo
man north sixty nndthroo quarter degrees eUt
ono hundred perches to a stono corner thence by
the s.imo south twcnty-eljht degrees cast
thlrty-twoperchesto n stake, thence by tho same
north tcventy-ave degrees cast ono hundred
twenty-four and live tenth porches to n Btake,,
thenco by land of.Tnnni lintv unnti, tiiirtv-m.'
degrees cast twenty eight perches to a stake,
thenco by land ot Philip Delias south slxty-clght
dctrrces west ono hundred nnrl tu-nntv.ntht
perches to a stake, thenco by tho .same north
,iDukj-i.i(iu, uisiwa nuni. bi&it-vu perciies ton
stake, thenco bv Innd nf .Tnim iii.q nnwii
eight degrees west ntty-elght perches to tho
juutu ul Ul'ljiuillllg euiUtlinig
and one hundred and twenty perches on which nre
erected a
Frame House,. Frame Bam
hog pen, wagon shed, n very excellent orchard of
all kinds ot fruit, a never falling spring of water at
the door.
TKIIMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth
of the purchaso money shall bo paid at the strik
ing down of tho property, ono-fourth less the ten
per cent, nt tho confirmation ab-ioluto nnd tho re
maining three-fourths In ono year from confirma
tion nisi with Interest from that date.
Possession to bo given April 1st 1881.
Company for tho ensuing year will be held at the
hntlui if Mn IIduI.i. II..iln.ln r . n ....
dav March 3rd between tho hours ot one and six
o'clock 1'. M. of that day.
J. IJ. ltoillNS,
estits orniii.irr. ktek, deceased.
Letters U-stamentnir onthecstato otl'liltlpP.
Erer deceased, late of ninomslmnr Pnlnmhi.i rnnn
ty, l'ennsylrnnla, deceaxid have bcn granted by
the lteglster of said county to tho undersigned
executors. . 11 persons having claims against the
imam iu siuu u-ci-naent aro requestea to present
them for settlement and those Indebted to the
estute to mako payment to tho underelgnod with
out delay.
J. 1). WILSON,
March 7-4 w Executors.
Letters of administration on the estate of Sam
uel Hagenbuch deceased, lato ot Centre township
Columbia county. Pennsylvania, deceased havo
been granted by the lteglster ot said county to the
undersigned Administrator. All persons having
claims against the estato of tho deceased nro re
quested to present them for settlement, and thoso
Indebted to tho estate to mako payment to tho
undersigned administrator without delay.
March 7-6w P. O. Grovnnu, Col. co. I'a.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county to mako distri
bution In the hands ot the administrator In the
estate ot James liuckalew law of Arizona Territory
deceased, will sltat hlsomco in Bloomnburg, on
(Saturday, April 12th 1SS4, at 10 o'clock a. in., when
and where all parties lnteroslcd In said estate
must appear and present their claims or be de
barred f rem any sharo of said fund.
March T-4w Auditor,
1 i I Vl I ' good men to canvass for
tho sale ot Fruit Trees, vines, Roses, tc
Vo experience m;ufml. flood Hatnryand
all expenses paid. Address 11. J. BOWDEN 4: CO.,
lirlguton. N. Y. (1 mile cast of Rochester.)
March Mw d
7 Great Mouarcbius.
llnson. Three largo volumes, over :oo Kino Illus
trations. I'rlce reduced from ilS to i). Not sold
by dealers. Hooks sent tor examination before
payment, on evidence ot good faith. Specimen
pages and large catalogue free. JOHN 11. ALUUN,
ImbUsher, is verseyst,, N. Y. I. o. Box 1317.
March 7-4 w d
-.aMio" m 3 -n
z ?5 v 2 S3
Shotes, Pork, Beef, Calves und Seeds a
All tho ubove bought and sold at Light
Street by SILAS YOUNG.
Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimples and Face Grubs,
jjioicues, Jjoits, jrimois, vct-r
tor, Humors, Salt Rheum,
licaia Heaa. Sores, Mercurial
Diseases, Female Weakness
nnd Irregularities, Dizziness,
Loss ot Appetite, Ju&ndico,
Affections ot the Liver, Indi
costion, Biliousness, Dyspop
.71 and General Debility,
A cuurt of Burdock Dlotx! fllturi will tllifr Ik
robM tkrixkal Itul It li tht tlrlil Uloud Puil,f a
earth. Sold ! m Jtcln cUtlm tr, tier.
Outctlort, lo tUvtn Uucigta, f kick, t..
FOSTER, MILBU HltlC, Prep'i,, NX
$1.50' A YKAlt,
Wo Intend tht,"Tcxas Sittings" shall reach a
circulation oi S50,k) copies weekly beforo tho end
of 18SI t and to'get that circulation wo nro prepar
ed, It necessary, to spend ovcry cent wo mako In
our buslnoss during tho year ibsi.
subscription prlco of "Texas Sittings," ono year,
To Indueo tho reading public to subscribe, wo
make the following offers, good for 80 days from
data of this paper.
Wo will send free, postage prepaid,, to ovcry
subscriber who sends us tho subscription price,
either direct or through an agent, tho following
Seven Complete Novels, Inono Volume, Illustrated,
nnd bound In handsome colored covers i also, on
8x11 Inch lithograph, printed In eleven colors, nnd
sultnblo for framing.
"John Jago's flhost," by Wllklo Collins.
"Tho Dream Woman," by Wllkio Collins.
"Lettle Leigh," by Bertha M, clay, nuthor of
"DOra Throne," etc
Tho ".MlRsIng Utter," by Mrs. Henry Wood,
nuthor ot "Hast Lynne," etc
"Nlncty.nlno Choico Readings nnd Recitations,"
complied by J. 8. Ollvle.
"Jlugby Junction," by Cliarles Dickens.
"I'ull. Scott the Indian Detective," by Judion Jt.
To every person who will send us n tht of Three
Subscribers nnd remit tho subscription prlco, f,M
each, wo will give any ono of tho following arti
cles i
A Ocntlomnn's Stcm-Wlndlng Nlckcl-SIlvcr
Watch, warranted to keep goodtlmo.
A 81 Calibre Revolver, I Inches In length, Solid
Silver-plated Handto, (lold platcd Cylinder and
B.isel'ln. Beautifully Engraved.
Combination Set, containing half a dozen Shcf
netd silver-plated Medium Forks nnd half n dozen
Bhemcld Bllver-platcdTnblo Knives, neatly set In
anno hlngo cover case, which Is enclosed Ih
n strawboard box. Theso nro Sheffield (Eng.)
good, nnd are of tho best quality. The, set weighs
moro than two pounds, and n very heavily slhcr
plated. , ,
Every reader of "Texas Sittings" has, .certainly
three friends who would bo willing to subscribe
for tho paper It askod. Oetthreo of them lo sub
scrlbo, send us the money, nnd wo will send you.
Art, either tho Wntili, the pistol, or the Knives
nna Forks. It you vant samplj copies of "Sitt
ings'1 to distribute among yoir friends, send us
10 cents in stamps, and will mall you a, bundle of
sample copies.. Send us ,Slx Subscrlntlins. and
you will got nny Two ot the' 'Premiums'. Send
Eight subscriptions, nnd wo will send you all
Three of tht) Premiums.
Remember that each subscriber gets tho paper
ono year for tho J.50 sub-tcrlptton prlco that you
send, nnd also gets free the seven novels abovo
A Lady's Solid Hold Watch, lo beautiful Silk,
lined Morocco case, free to every person who sends
us nttoen yearly subscriptions to "Sittings," tsso
Wo take our reputation on this watch being as
we represent it. Tho works are of the nnest, and
are enclosed In Solid Gold Huntlng-Cascs, beauti
fully engraved.
For further (illustrated) description ot those
premiums, seo this week's "Sittings." i
ItemU bv negltterea Mter or Post Office Order.
Now York, N. Y.
Feb 29 4w
Real Estate.
By virtue of the last will and testament of (loorgo
Shuman, late of Mlfilln township, deceased,! the
undersigned oxecutor of said estate will expose lo
public salo on ,
Tuesday, March 25 '84.
at 1 o'clock p. m., upon tho premUes, a valuable
Timber Tract
ot land, containing,
more or less, situate In Catnwlssa township, Col
umbia county, ra., bounded North by lands of
heirs of Daniel Shuman, deceased, East by lands
ot Harman John, South by lands of
West by lands of heirs of Samuel Shuman, deceas
ed. Tho tract Is heavily tlaib ered with good
Rock Oak and Whito Oak Car Timber,
and Is located near tho Bloom ft-rrv. nnriiinn nt
the North & West liranch Railroad, und Is con
venient to good markets.
Terms will bo inado known on day of sale.
Feb 15 Kxecutqr.
Tho undersltrncd auditor .innntntmi in- ti,r nr.,
phan's Court ot Columbia county to make distri
bution nf the funds In tho hands ot tho Adminis
trator of Jacob 8. Hess docoascd, lato ot Sugarioaf
township, to and among tho parties entitled there
to, will nttond at hu ortlco la Bloomsbiirg, on
uiuuy mr tun uay ui .uarcn iii at nino o ciock A.
M.. of said dav. when mill wlu-m nil tvirtinu inmr.
ested In said estate must attend or be forever do-
uarrcu irom any suare or said fund.
Feb 15 18S4-U Auditor.
Letter testamentary on tho estato ot James
Roat decea.V!d. Into nf I!rmlnnk tmvtmhln f'ntnin.
bla count , Pennsylvania, have been granted by
tho Register of said county to tho undersigned ex
ecutor. All persons having claims against thexs
tato of sa d decedent nro nxiuestcd to pre ent them
for settlement and those lndeblod to the estate, to
mako payment to tho undersigned without delay.
Jan ll-6 w Executor.
Whereas letters testamentary In tho pstatn nf
Henry DcLong, late of Centre township, deceased,
have been crauled to tho subscribers. All twrsnns
Indebted to tho said estato aro requested to mako
Immediate payment, and thoso having claims or
demands against tho estate of said decedent will
make known tho same, without delay to
iikus .ticiiK.-Miti, urangevuio, ra.,
or JOHN IIeLONU. Lfirht Street. IU.
Win. II. SNYDER, Atty. Executors.
Letters of administration on tho nstatn or Cnlch
Thomas deceased, lato of Oroenwood township
been granted by the Register ot said county to the
undersigned Administrator. All nnrsnns hm-ino
claims against tho cstataoftho deceased are re-
timwieu 10 present mem tor settlement, and those
Indebted to the estato to make payment to tho
undersigned administrator without delay.
1..UA T11UMAS,
FebSJ-gw tsereno.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following shows tho Picket Gothic, one of
the several beautiful stylesot Fencoinanufacturcd
by tho undersigned.
For lleauty and Durability thoy aro unsurnass
ed. Bet up by experienced hands and warranted
to give satisfaction.
Prict's and Bpccimeua of other tie
riigim Hcnt to nny adurcRK.
S. & HESS,
May 4t(
Tonftoi'inl ArtiHt,
alpat Uln old tftn4 ' under BXCIIANOK
llo TEL, ana bus as usual a KIUSI'.OI.AHS
piMtllK.HIIDP. He roiDdOtfullv anlli-lta ih
pntroni of hUoldoubtornersand of tba puhllo
generally. juiy n,'o-ir
Tho second shipment, consisting
of Bovon casts of our celebrated
ItenOhed us n fay duys ngo, and
nfc even innru ImiuNonio (if tluit
is possible) than tlio first lot which
sold so rapidly. Wo have them in
And tlio following sizes:
5-4, fl-4, 7-1, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is utmost inipossiblo lo prniso
tlieso goods too highly. Tho col
orings nro so rich and uffeotivo
and tlio prices bo very moderate
that thoy should meet nil tastes
and suit all purses.
Our stock of
Unw iintl Spun Silk nml Fino
Tapestry Tablo and
Piano Covers
Is now complete nnd coinpiises
tho follo'vlng si.(s :
1 1-2, 1 8-1, 2, a h2, i yards long.
Kighth Street.
Market St ret t.
It is 1 seldom that ire meet with an article that so fully corresponds
with its advertised good qualities as docs tho Keiv American Lever
Watch, Jt has the advantage of being made of that precious metal
Aluminum Gold; its works are of the best male, and the general style
ofthe cascranh it with the best Watches made anywhere. We recom
mend it to our readers as a Watch that will give entire satisfaction.
No. 1.
Tho largo framo liouso corner 8th am Bust Kts
liastniooiiisbtin,'. now occupied by J. V. Ilendcr
miott, Is olTerccl mr mile niul posvlou given Anrll
llrat. Till-. l'.iOl'nitTV IS IlKSIlt Villi: HMt A
FA1LMKU MOVI.NO TO TOWN. 11 U In perfect re-p.-ilr,
coutalnj t-n largo rooms: tho lot Wlaivo
with larpo b.irn, carriage house, cribs, pli- ami
chicken pens and all out bulldliK's complete, well
of good water and cistern, choice fruit trees, grapo
Jlneaand bhruberr. Terms to null the purchaser.
It not sold within thirty iUys tho property will bo
rented for one year.
No. 2.
Lot nnd two-htory brtck houso adjoining tho
above, contnlnlng eight rooms. Large b.irn and
carriage house, plenty of choice fruit trees and
grapo vines, well of good water, Ac.
No. 8.
x-'iPS d,n'f''lnff aid largo lot and btablo near
Kcal & Son's furnace.
No. -1.
U Framo dwelling nnd largo lot with good fruit
i.ivo, a., mvuairu ul mo neau oi roau leading lo
lilooui Kerry.
No. 5.
Largo wharf and ollco lying on corner of 8tU St.
Kerry Hoad and canal.
No. C.
nnVKerry iioad10tS n 'U "0rt" 6lJ 01 8tU strcets
The abovo property Is orfcred nt low prices nnd
N. J, Hendershott.
Among tho records and proceedings ot the Or.
plians' court of Columbia county, It Is, Inter alia,
thus contained! And now. Kebruary lath, l&si. tho
nfth account ot John Appleman, serving executor
of said decedent to in oi sept. T. lSttl, having been
tiled In said court and contlrmed absolutely sent.
K,l8iu,on motion of o.o.llarkley Att'y tor John .in.
pieman executor of lllram 1). Appleman, a decern
ed bon and legatee ot wild l'etcr Appleman, deceas.
ed, and for tho legatees ot lllram Appleman, deo'd,
Hobert imcklngham, liij., is appointed auditor
to make distribution ot tho estato ot said rotor An
pieman, deceased, to and ninong tho parties entit
led thereto, iiy T1,K counr.
Ccrtlllcd from tho records this 15th day nt Kebru.
ary, 1HHL vi. KniCKiiiui, l'rot.
In pursuanco ot his appointment, tho undersign,
ed will meet the parties Interested, at his onieo In
liloomsburg, on tlioSMh day ot .March, A. I)., issi,
at 10 o'clock a. m., when and whero ail parties havi
lng claims against said estato nro hereby uotulcd
to apm-ar and present the same or bo forever de
barred from coming In tor a sharo of uald estato.
r.nT!i?l'?.afr8lfni'11 nppolnleil by the Orphans'
button of the bal me romutulug lu the hands of I
Frank Zarr, trustee of win. Kelchner, demised to
and among tho partis entitled thereto fiere&y
gives notice that he will sit for the purpose of X
appointment, ul his omcoln lllooinsbuff on Fri
day March sum, mt, at in o'clock. n. m wlieroand
w.ii?1i?i ,,,tt,rtiles 'nw-stfJmuySitt"mltt ml l"ro.
roto.1sral?tlu,!?d.rb0 to '"""'any
Klcfer, lato of (Jrauge township, Columbia county
l'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho Register
of said county to tho undersigned eiiiutora. AH
persons haWug claims ugnsttlie estate of said
dea-dunt are reiiuested to preseut them for hett v
ment and thosu IndebuJ to tho estato to male
payment to Iho undersigned without delayi
, , m M. H. 11AY11U113T, h Hecutors.
U2 oraugevllle, l'a.
Our magiiifioent slouk of
mniniJiiJii.niuu UJjUTJI PIANO
Is ntlraeting tntieli nttiuitioii.
All tho goods were manufactured
to our order nml imported direct.
Wo have nil thu latest styles in
At very modcinlo prices. Wo
have them in
1 4, C 4, 7 1, nnd 8-4 sizes,
And in nil the new denigns and
colorings. Wo have also a com
plete lino of
In nil and giades, with nap
kins to match.
Filbert Street.
After monthi of Ubnr nd experiment, w bve at tnt tronirM to ttarfoe-.'-lii
NW yTCKr " " V,tp WlndlDc Wnich with ut
Celebrated Aucbof LeTr Uovemant, Ki pan Hon balauue, i ally Jeweled-
nej km mine ( iris twit material, andlu tho very bott manner lo a U
iniura (rood lluie-keeping qualltlca. Ihe Catea nre made of our Celobrated
metal known a Aluminum ;old. Tble roetal tiae a aufUelvut amount of
6 i-ViiV.ompo,uloalt'!!. tbo watch a Kcnultin cold niipcnrnncc.
lodeed It cannot be told from a cooulue tiold Watch eaclptbriLebeVt
. wynwuinmo waiing it juit mo natcn lor italJroad
"roniiBij eii;rTeuoranjine lurueu ana aro mtiilve aim
ruccuiuica, uu an ituunuK men WHO require a rooa
,ronff. wntch nndan nccurnto tlmrbrcprr. For trad.
n - t-rvuimo )iui )nav-t it cujjunur io any wiicnsivr
oeiore ufferad. They can be 1 old readily for lit and lioeach,
and traded to as to doable thoie amounte. KarmfM aiwell
m Keuia ran Danaie tneae watch ee to advantage, at they
can be readily exchanjrfd for etock or poods. W e eend the
watch free by reentered mall, on rccrlptof $0.00 Or
" iiikuiii u. tin receipt 01 ,mij ou pcconnii
the balance ran be paid at the etnreia oflice, We alio
have very fine Aluminum Oold Cliulne at $ 1,00 etch.
Beautiful lied nil I on Charm a 50 centl. have bun
died ofteitlmoulula but bare room for only o few,
orld Km' fa Co. Jlenlo rark. Cal. Jan.i, 13 li.
cente: Tbes 00 Alnmluum Gold Watch Rtrearerfeet
eatllfacllon. I eilfloie ISO OO f.irO msir a wttrhii hilnnr tn
be C O. U, Seed at once. Itcipoctfully Henry Uralthwatt.
wostn WiK'r'a Co. (lunnlion.Col. Jan. l, till.
Blra: Soma month! ktrni nnrhnail nn nl inn r ti nA Kw
American Lerrr Watdiri and I lold It for .W). Deane eend
taoanotbor Tucloavd Ond caili, Youn, II. J. Orcea.
U. wniTE, Woodhiim, KyJulysj,llM. Wrlteii-The two
Amor lean T.ttvvr Witrhna nnrrhi..l .l...1 .11
thld .tonc.lortU..eb fgg vr , ,
WorldManf'gCo 122 Nassau Street, Now York
Muni WlsVMvl
In pursuanco of au order ot the Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, I'enusylvaula, the undersign,
ed will exposo to publlo salo on the promises on
Friday, March X4, '84,.
at 2 o clo -k V. M. a certain lot of laud In Fishing
creek town3hlp, Columbia county containing
moro or leas, adjoining lands now or lato as fol
lows Mary FlglesouthoNorlh, Ellsha Kvanson
tho Cut, J. A. Evans on tho Soulh, nnd Samuel
Jlcllenry on tho west.
Saturday March 15, '84
at 8 o'clock 1". M. on tho premises. All that lot o
ground sltuato In l'ort Noble In tho town of
liloomsburg, bounded North aud West by land of
1). J. Waller, i: 1st by an alloy and Houtli by an
alley, cont lining
l-5 M siui ACRE
moro or less, whereon Is erected a
and outbuildings.
TBMS OF WALK. Ten pn- cent, of the ono
fourth ot tho purchaso moaoy to bo paid at tho
striking down ot ilia property! laa ono-iouuh teas
tho ten per cont. at tho counrmitlon ot salej and
the remaining three-fourth i lu ono year there
after, with Interest fram contlrmalton ul3t.
Purchaser to pay for tho deed.
AdmlnUtrator ot Harriet Jloyer, doceasod.
liloomsburg l'a Feb S3 1881 at
Meal GQsisate I
Hy virtue of an order Issued out of tho orphans
Court of Columbia county tho underslt ned execu.
tor ot Kllabetli DeLong, lato of orango township,
decoascd, wllloxpoaoto publlo salo on the prcm.
lses, on
Saturday, Mar. 29, 84
at ono o'clock p. in., tho following described real
estate, sltuato In tho township of Orango, Colum
bia county, bounded and described as follows i
west by a public road, north by lands of Abram
Kllno, cast by lands of Moses Kvcrett, and Henry
DeLong, and south by lands of Thomas Mcllenry
and fifty-right perches, moro or less, about thrco
acres of which is cleared and tho remaining wood
THUMB OF HALli Ten per cent, of tho one
fourth of tho purjhaso money to bo paid at tho
striking down of tho property j tho ono-fourth less
tho ten percent, at tho confirmation of salo; and
tho remalnlug three-fourths In ono year thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nlsL
WA TTlt,IV':"erKMl,J reliable men
Ines, Mirubs, llosos,eto. Halary and ox.
nl...,'?n,l1,,lW mi instructions given, so
A1i.?JSLti1Tili,SF.nCi?..BDSn. lMrntho lislnW
Address J. F, LKCL HIL llilghton, N. V. a niilo
east ot llochoater, .N. y,f ""lu"'
Feb SlMw a