The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1891. Public HlllcHi J. i I'fahlcr will soil personal property near Numlilla on Thursday March 20tli, nt 10 o'clock a. in. Philip llcllis will soli personal property on Ills promises In Flslilngcrcck township on Wednesday March 12th, nt 10 o'clock n. in. Qcorgo L. Moyor, administrator of Har riet Moyor, deceased, will sell real estate In Flslilngcrcck township on Friday, March 14th nt 2 o'clock p. in. and In Dloomsburg on Saturday, March 15th nt 2 p. in. Seo ndverttsemcnt. W, Ij. Manning will sell personal proper ty on his premises In Jackson township on Tuesday, Mnrch 2oth nt 10 o'clock n. m. Ezra Thomas, ndmlulstrntor of Caleb Thomas, deceased; will sell personal pro perty on tho promises of said decedent Greenwood township on Thursday March 13th nt 10 o'clock n. m. Thosmas McHcnry, executor of Elizabeth Dclong, deceased, will sell real estate In Orange township, on Saturday, March 29lh. See advertisement. E. II. Ltttlo will sell 11 horsc3nnd 11 mules nt his f.irm In Scott township on March 0th. They arc nil western stock. See ndvcrtlsemcnt. Allen Mann, executor of George Shuman deceased will sell real estate In Catawlssa township on March 25th. See ndvcrtlse mcnt. E. II. Little executor of James Koat de ceased, will sell personal property at the Into rcsldenco of tho decedent In Hemlock township on Saturday, March 1st nt 10 o'clock n, in. M. A. Ammcrman, administrator of John J. Stiles deceased, will sell real estate In Flslilngcrcck township on Saturday, Mnrch 8th at 1U o'clock, nm. See advertisement. D. F. Rcighard will sell personal proper ty on his premises In Scott township, on Tuesday March 4th nt 10 o'clock, n. m. rcrftonnl. E. B. Sturgcs Esq, n Scranton lawyer was In court on the 22nd ult. Albert Hcndershott and Dr. Jamison of Washington, nttended tho fnncrnl of Mrs. Hendcrshott on Sunday. John F. Mcglnncss, of tho Willlamsport Gazette & Bulletin was in town Tuesday and Wcdnesnay, and wo wcro pleased to meet him. Ho Is an able newspaper man. Mr. E. Bower went to lNcw Jersey on Wednesday where ho will reside. His fam ily will follow soon. They have made many friends hero who are sorry to lose them. W. H. Ilhawu Esq., spent Tuesday and Wednesday in town, superintending tho printing of n paper book for tho Supremo Court. The book which makes nearly twen ty pages, was printed nt this olllce, and was completed in two days. House to Let. Call on W. Krlckbaum. Tho Bloom Ferry Company has launched n new flnt bont. Crescent Tobacco advertisement In nn. other column. Feb. 8-2m About nn inch of snow fell on Sunday night. Fob Sale. A set of tinner's tools, apply to I. R. Rupert Bloomsburg, Pa. tf A calf only four weeks old nnd weighing 108 pounds wns dressed by Hawlings on Monday. Who can beat it? F. D. Dentler has broken ground for tho erection of a brick store building next to Enwllngs' on Main street. A largo party enmo down from Mllllln on Tuesday and surprised Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vcttcr. A pleasant day wns spent. A little son of Mr. Carpenter, agent of the Bending road nt Hupert, died last week, Wednesday, nged 10 months. Tho funeral took place on Saturday nt Tamaqua. Tho Pennsylvania Kailrond has superior accommodations and makes tho fastest tlmo to nil polntsin tho West. W. C. McKinnev, ngeut. Tho entertainment at Normal Hall on the evening of Washington's Birthday was well attended, and tho performance is said to have been very satisfactory. Dr. L. A. Shattuck has n new team of carriage horses. They are beautiful bays, well matched, and good travellers. Ho brought them from Connecticut. A drama entitled "More Sinned ngaln3t than Sliming," will be given on Friday evening Mnrch 14. 'lhoso who take part in this dramn, arc young men of our town. It should bo well patronized. G. A. Herring, by his refusal to sign tho town ordinance passed lust Saturday night has assumed tho entire responsibility for the delay in tho sewer work. Laboring men who want work should bear this in mind. The American Mechanics and their fami lies observed Washington's Birthday by a social gathering and n supper nt Evans' Hnll. An cntertnlning lecture wns deliver ed by Dr. Peifer, cx.stato counselor. He is n pleasant speaker, and a jovial gentle- man. After supper ho delighted tho audi deuce with some good singing, uccompn. Ing himself on nn organ. Having greater facilities than any other office In tho county wo are prepared to print sale bills In tho most nttractlve style, and at prices as cheap iib the cheapest. Persons having their bills printed litre will receive n gratuitous notice under this head which will stand until the snlo takes place, thereby getting n wider advertisement than any other office cnu give. Pen. O. M. Blaker la not writing nrtlcles for the CoLDimiAN on tho evils and abuses practiced In this county under our rules governing the nominations of the demo critic party, as stated by tho Republican ro cently, nnd copied by several of our ex changes. Ho has written n single commu nicatlou on tho subject of "Hossism." Neither ho nor any ouo else complains of tho defects In our pnrty rules. It Is tho vi olation of tho rules and tho law, that is complained of. By rcfercuco to thu council proceedings of Baturday night it nppears that n majorl ty of the Town Council voted to repeal tho ordinance fixing tho sower route up Sixth to Iron, etc. This action Is In accordance with the expressed will of tho citizens, nnd there should bo no further delay with the sewer. It Is absolutely necessary that tho plpo shall bo laid under tho canal before tho water Is let in, otherwise tho sewer cannot he completed until next winter, by which grcnt Inconvenience will result to the citizens, ami tho town may loso tho Wiooo under tho contract with tho Normal School, 10,000 good white envelopes nt $1,60 n thousand, ut tho Columbian stoic. THE S, Sollcdcr has removed lila oli An aftmi In Ell Knorr'a old stand, second door below ltcltz's market. U Mil began 011 Wcdncsdnv. Thorn will bo services nt tho Episcopal church on Mon y, Thursday nnd Snlurdav nfte rnnnnfl nt day n (mutter past four o'clock, nn TunailAVnnil Friday mornings nt 10, nnd Wednesday evenings nt 7, A great variety ot scran pictures nt tho Comjmman store. l'or Hnlc. Several town properties, oood location. brick or frame. About 25 acres of land in Hnmlnrdt tnwn. ship, partly cleared, balance well timbered. a larm or about 80 acres in Scott twp. nor terms ana particulars apply to Geo. E. Jewell, lllooinshurg, Pa. feh. 29-tf. A Curil, To my democratic friends of Columbia county. I tako this method of Informing ou that I will not bo n cnndldnto for nom. inatlon for tho office of Register nnd ltecor dcr nt tho primary election the coming sum mer. Tho many democrats who have nlven mci their .encouragement nnd pledged me their support In case I was a candidate, will ac ccpt my thanks for tho same, and consider themselves at liberty to support tho man ho will bo an honor to that offlco nnd to the democratic pnrty. Yours truly, Wm. L. Manning;. Two offices to rent In tho Colombian bulldlue. hented bv steam, eras, water on same lloor. Apply to Geo. E. Elwell. tf Court X'rocoetlliiKH, An adjourned court wns held on Friday February 22dj all tho Judges on tho bench. Citation awarded In estato of Jacob Sny der, deceased. Partition ordered in estate of Evan Wcl- llvcr. Snlc of real estate ordered In cstnto of William Shultz. Petition presented for attachment in es- tatc of Sylvester Pcaler. Tho following opinions wcro read and filed by tho court t Casper Kresslcr and wife, to satisfy mortgage. Catawlssa School Directors, rule dis charged, at costs of petitioners. Milllln township vs. Beaver township. Beaver township to keep tho pauper and pay costs. Dccu ot John wourcy, Bticntr, to Augus tus Brown for lot of land In Beaver, ac knowledged In open court. Decree made tor the adoption ot Jesse Seybcrt by O. C. Hess. Adjourned to March 17th. JUClCHOtl. The election passed oil without the usu al amount of contention. About the only opposition being for the office of constable, but Alexander Knouso won tho day by twenty thrco of a majority. We have been creditably Informed that Mr. Charles Coleman the popular landlord who formerly kept the Hess hotel, the headquarters for fisherman and hunters, has now rented a hotel stand near the Mountain Grove camp meeting ground, where ho expects to move April list. Any of his friends passing that way will calljon him nnd they will find Charlie a good, gen ial and obliging landlord. Mrs. Alice Woods from Benton has been visiting her many friends at tho lower end of Jackson the past week or two. Como again Alice, you arc nlways welcome. Wc noticed Judge Derr a few days since on his way homo from Philadelphia whence he had been with Sheriff Mourey to convey Port Harte to the Eastern Peniten. tiary. The Judge looks halo and hearty for a man of his years. He is now post three score years and ten and could dis count many who are younger in years in a foot race yet. S. W. McHcnry is building a flue house nnd expects to have it ready for the plas- terers In tho early spring. Charlie Stevens, Ellas Stevens nnd Jesse Stevens started for the west on Monday last. The two former ones have been vis- iting friends here for the past two months nnd Jesse concluded ho would try his for tune In tho far west also. The township institute passed off plens- utitly nt Waller on Friday last. Quite a number being present from other town ships. J1Q11B ANOn- Bcautlful Birthday cards from one cent to $2.00. nt the Columbian store. nerwIcU. Mr. C. It. Woodln nnd family spent a few days here and returned to New York on Tuesday last. Mrs. S. P. Hanly left for a visit to Wash ington City on Monday, where her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Woodln are staying for a while. Chaplain McCube preached In the M. E. Church on Sunday morning and evening to large congregations. Ho advocated the Interest of the church extension fund and enthusiastically dwelt upon tho attractions of Dukola as being tho El Dorado ot cmV gratlon, nnd in speaking of western prog. ress declared that much hotter wages were paid out there than here, etc., If tho peoplo out west arc really In better clrumstances than here and wealth is more readily acquired, why can't they build their churches without taxing us poor peo' pic of the eastern states ? Washington's Birthday was observed by the bank nnd post olllco officials, nnd tho public schools, mid lessons on personal vc ruclty wcro generally in order. Mose's free beer correspondent denies your correspondent's statements. Wo havo to disclaim any personal feeling toward Mosc but will not retract ono word of that statement, and wo suggest that if last Sat. urday's exhibition is repeated very often oven the f . i). U's lnuuenco wm not ue sufficient to quiet tho sentlmont of the peo pie. Mr, J, C, Kunkle, thu efficient telegraph operator of tho Western Union Co. of this place, has recently invented an electric bell which serves to indicntu tho water guago of the reservoir, so that tho cngl neer In charge of tho pumps can regulate them hi proportion to tho requirements of supply. Tho invention is Ingenious and docs much credit to Mr, Kunkle's mechanical ability. Mrs. Lizzie Jackson and party nro bask' log in tho Florida sun shine, and no doubt eating of tho golden fruit of that luxuriant region. Bev. M. L. Smyser was in Berwick over Sunday, nnd was greeted by his many friends who wcro glad to see hlra looking bo well. The Berwick Cornet Band give n concert this ovenliu'i which will be well patroulz cd. Tho Coggsvlllo family of Scranton furnish tho evening's cntertnlument assist ed by Miss Delia Schobert of Wllkes.llarre, who is down for a solo. This young lady lias won many friends as a vocalist nnd her singing will be n great feature of tho pro gramme. O. O. Gallgtinu oilers his largo stock of I heating stoves nt cost, from now until I March 15th. COLUMBIAN AJSTD DEMOCRAT, Obituary. At a regular stntcd mcollne of W. O. No. 08 Pa., P. O, S. of A. Mlffilnvlllc, on Thurs day evening Feb. 21st 1884, the following resolutions wcro unanimously adopted i Wiieiibas, It has pleased Dlvlno Provi dence to remove from nmmiir lis liv minli sudden accident nnd death our beloved Brother II. L. Fcddcr n charter member of Camp 88 Pn. therefore bo It, Rcsohtd, That wo bow In humblo sub mission to tho will and calling ot tho Dl vlno Hulcr of the grcnt Camp on high, nnd while wo miss him wo extend our earnest sympathy to his widow, his parents, broth er and distcr. Rttohed. That out of rcsnect to tho mmn. ory of our departed brother our chnrter bo draped in mourning for tho spaco of sixty days, nnd that our members wear tho badgo of mourning for tho samo period. Rooked, That the thanks ot this Camp oro hereby tendered to Cnmp 105 of Bcr- wiuk, who uy tncir prosenco and am at tlio funeral showed their nvmnnthv fnr tlm family nnd a sister Camp. Rctohcd, That a copy of theso resolutions be lireSCIltcd to tho widow nun nnrnnU nf our deceased brother, nnd that thoy be printed In tho Columbian nnd Bloomsburg Republican, E. Smith, ") J. E. Snydeii, V Committee. H. D. WlNTKBSTEKS. J Go West via. Pennsylvania railroad. All changes mado In Union depots. No omnl- bus transfers. W. C. McKmar, Ag't. Main St. Council ProcccillcirH. Dloomsburc, Feb. 23rd, 1884. Adjourned meeting of Council al 7 o'clock In the evening. Present, Messrs. I. W. Hartman, Oconto Hasscrt, W. 8. Moyer and L. E. Waller. On motion of Mr. Wnllcr nnd seconded by Mr. Hartman, Georgo Hasscrt was made President pro torn. Messrs. Waller and Hartman moved that the following Ordinance be passed, to-wlt i ORDINANCE NO. 35. Bo It ordained and enacted by tho Town Council of tho town of Bloomsburg nnd It is hereby enacted by authority of tho same: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 34 cntt- tltlcd "an ordinance relative to tho con struction of n common sower" passed Fob- ruary 10th 1884, be and the same Is hereby repealed. On motion of Mr. Hartman n vote was taken which resulted ns follows : Yeas. Messrs. Hartman, Hnssert, Moyer aud Waller 4 Tho president declared the Ordinance unanimously passed. On motion of Mr. Moyer and seconded by Mr. Waller Council adjourned. A. L. Fhitz, Secretary Ilucltliorii. Illchard Pooley of Millcrstown visited his parents last week. Dan has got in his stock of wood for tho summer and Mrs. Harris Is happy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore of Catawlssa spent Sunday with his parents. Thos. E. Sands is still clerking for Mrs. Vanllew. Wm. Old our shoemaker is looking after the Interests of our soles. Amos is quite busy shoeing horses, ro pairing farming implements &c. Says he has not been In town for two months. Wc would advlso people In or near town who have cabbage buried in their gardens to tako it in at once ns the "Cabbage Kids" nro out. "A stick in time" &c. Tho election on Tuesday last 19th was rather quiet. All the candidates for offi ces were elected but a few. The reception given Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Itlnk by Chas. Shaffer on the 10th inst. was u very pleasant affair. After refresh ments were served tho young folks repaired to the cellar kitchen where dancing was indulged In, By mistake tho professor upset a pot of milk, otherwise the party was n success. Wo wish Charley nnd wife a long and prosperous life. Ciuiljy. Benjamin Klstlcr had four large hams stolen lest Tuesday night. Mr. Henry Ale had a birthday party last Friday night from Llmcridgc. It was quite a surprise to him. There was also a birth. day party for Mrs. C. II. Mason Saturday last. Tho grain in theso parts looks good. If the weather Isn't too cold from now on we may hope for a good crop. Protracted meeting has closed for this season. Mr. Abraham Swisher and son are in from the west.. Thero Is no plant more impatient of moisture than wheat. It has as great an objection to wet feet as a boarding-school miss. Tuereforo if you havo a piece of well-drained land on your farm, a pleco on which tho water never stands long enough after tho heaviest rain, select that for your wheat field this fall. Benjamin Klstlcr is preparing to build an addition to his barn. John Mclllck nnd Robert Howell went to Lalrdsvtllc for lumber last week. They had doublo teams some places to get through tho mud. John Vance intends to build n new house this summer. William Oman Is confined to his bed by illucss. oiilttuiry. Mrs. J. W. Hcndershott died on Feb ruary 22d, aged about CO years. Sho had been an invalid for many years. Mrs. Hcn dershott was n sister of O. A. and Euos Jncoby, and was tho oldest ot tho family. Sho was a consistent christian lady, having been for many years a member of tho Epls copal church. Her husband and three children survlvo her. Tho fnncrnl services wero held at tho house on Sunday after noon, Key. L. Zahner officiating. Mrs. Hannah Btdlcman died Saturday. February 23rd, nged 88 years, 0 months ami m days, quo was the mother of Ellsha HiUlemau, airs, j. k. Edgar, Mrs. A. Fry Mrs. It. Younit, all of this town, and Deem cr Bldlcman of Tunkhannock. For a num her of years past sho was sorely afflicted by the loss oi sight, but boro her burden will christian fortltudo nnd reslcuutlon. Tho funeral took placo at the Episcopal church on Monday afternoon, tho deceased having been a member of that church for many years. Philip Peter Eycr, died ut his rcsldenco on Hock street, on Wednesday mornlugat one o'clock, at tho advanced age of 01 years nnd 0 months. Ho wns born In Northamp ton county, and camo to this placo, with his father, Ludwlg Eyer, whom ho assisted in clearing tho woods where Bloomsburg Is now situated. Mr. Eycr was a man of unu s mil good health, until during this winter when ho begun to fall. Ilo leaves five chll drcn, two sous and three daughters. Jumes K. Eyer, Mrs. William Pursell, Mrs. J. 1), Wilson, residing In this place, and Hev, F P. Eycr of Montoursvlllo, Mrs. Dr. Willlts of Willlamsport. Tho funeral will tako placo this (Friday) morning nt ten o'clock. Services nt the M. E. Church. Lllley& Sloppy, tho Ornngovlllo mcr chauts, havo reduced their stock of winter goods one-fourth In price. Now Is your tlmo to get cheap goods, Tuko advantage of this opportunity, Cciitrnllnt WHAT MAT IIE3ULT IN A CONTEST. James McGuIro a young man whoso par ents reside In Conyngham township, but who boards with Mr, Pfelffcr of Ccntrnlln, first cast his voto In this borough and after wnrd went to tho township nnd voted there. His voto, which wns his first, was counted In both places, but on Investigation tho bal lot he cast In tho borough was thrown out, This action wns taken because It was con sidered Illegal. To aay tho least tho young mnn has n very bright futuro nnd consider Ing that ho escaped so easily, ho might be come of scrvlco to cither of tho great par tics In tho next national strugglo ns an ex pert repealer. This promise of a bright fu turo is certainly flattering, unless some ovcr-zcnlous meddler should nip his career In the bud. Words nro nlinost insufficient to express tho devotion to duty of tho two boards, which received his vote. Ho prov cd plainly ipso facto that his object was n dishonest one, for ho must havo known Hint he could not havo been entitled to two votes. Casting his voto in tho first placo ho knew that if It wns declared Illegal ho had not n partlclo of right to voto In tho second place. Plainly his object was to overstep tho bounds of American suffrage. Where tho claim comes in Is, that in the township, his voto was tho deciding ono nnd was the wlnnlng4hrow even if Illegal. How this Is thus, nnd his vote can be count, cd is beyond your correspondent's humblo comprehension. Wo wonder If this will get to tho eyes of court and If so whether the Intricacies of politics will bo able to loso the trail. Tho following Is tho result of last weeks' election t Chief Burgess, Jas. Dyke j Council, John J. Williams 3 years, Owen Daley 3 years, Edward Itccso 2 years, Patrick McCnfferty 2 years, William Davis 1 year, William Darrah 1 year ; High Constable, Thomas Gregg j School Directors, Ktchard Bon- son aud Martin Purccll ; Poor Director, David Walsh j Justice of the Peace, David Black j Assessor, John Fortncr j Auditor, B. I, Currnn ; Judgo of Election, John Spring j Inspector Llewelyn Llewellyn. Washington's Birthday was observed hero In tho usual way, our stores were all closed. Isaac Moyster, mining engineer for L. V. Coal Co., and assistants wero mak ing surveys at Morris Hldgc last week. The Good Templars of Schuylkill coun ty, held a convention In Ashland on Thurs day and Friday of last week, which was largely attended. Gen. Louis Wagner of Philadelphia, addressed the convention on Thursday evening. The small-pox In Ashland Is being kept under control. Only ono death has been reported. The remaining patient is recov ering. Patrick Tulley and family left here on Tuesday for North Bend, Neb., where ho Intends to reside in tho future. Wo wish him prosperity in his western homo. The Hungarians are still on the increase. Last week about twenty of them passed through hero on their way to Morris llldge. Miss Beck of Pottsvillo is visiting friends here. Miss Addle Bllcy who has been visiting in Montrose the past mouth, returned ou Monday. Miss McCarty of Plalnsvlllc Is spending a few days in town. William Pfeifcr lost an interesting four year old child by diphtheria on Sunday. FlHliliiifcrcck Institute. Asburv. Pennn.. Feb. 23rd. 1894. Fishinircreek Townshln Institute wns neiil at tho iishury 31. li. Church. There waB a lariro attendance considering the In clemency of tho weather. All tho schools were represented except Kramer anil uen dcrtown. The opening exercise consisted of readinrr nnd nraver bv S. J. Pcaler. Singing by tho pupils conducted by Cyrus Bobbins. "A llcrht iinnn tlm shorn " V. A. Ammerman was then elected President in the absence of Mr. Grimes. Thero was a committee of six appointed to prepare n programme. Opening remarks by S. J. Pcaler on tho rise and progress of the free school isvstcm. Sinclnc bv the choir. "I am tho child of a King." Adjourned to meet 12;45 p. m. AFTF.ltNOON SESSION. Tho first few minutes wero occupied by singing "Wo shall know." Next in order was spelling consisting of twenty-five words, conducted by 1. W.Edgar. Reci tation by Lizzio Robbing, declamation by A. J. McHcnry, recitations by Lilllo Bob bins, C. Ammerman, Addle McGuIre. Din loguo by Dyer McHcnry nnd Lnum Cary, recitation by Verdio Franklin. Singing by the choir, "O land of rest," an essay on teaching by J. C. McGahey. A geography class conducted by Miss Ella Andrews, excrctse In history by Miss Tillio Laubach, drawing aud describing tho battle ground of Gettysburg, etc., recitations by Lilllo Eveland and Bessie Lockard. Dialogue by Mary Bobbins and Amanda Dewltt, compo sition by Elmer Fahrlngcr, n reading class composed of tho pupils of the sever. al schools conducted by Frank Me Michael, excrclso In arithmetic conducted by Mr. F. Albertson, The closing exercise was writing conducted by C. P. Zaner. We think his system of writing ought to be adopted In nil our schools. By report of the commltteo on spelling Zaner school was best. Wc had expected Mr. Grimes would be present but owing to some accident ho could not come. Wo thank the peoplo for their attendance, &c. Ei.l Robbins, Secretary, Work for Poor IIoyH. TO FAll.MEItS, MEOIIAMM, AND KMI'LOYBItS IN THE COUNTUY t At this season, country employers find much use for the labor of large boys. Many such lads between tho ages of 14 and 18 como now, friendless and homeless, to our Boys' Lodglng-Houscs nnd to this office, They nre boys who have had little training and of rough habits, but they will be ot uso on the farm or In tho shop. To employ them would bo a charity to tho lads aud nn auvantngo to uio employers. All cm- ployers of labor desiring to aid this bene volcnt work will please wrlto to Mr. C. O'Connor, Supt. of tho Nowsboys' Lodging- House, 0 Duano St. G. Cul ler, 287 East Broadway; orCapt. Mathews, 814 East 35th St., Now York, stating tho particulars In regard to tho hoys whom they would employ, their address, with tho namo of tho town and county, and the best means of reaching the placo j also, what portion of tho railroad fares they aro willing to pay, C. L. BRACE, Secretary Children's Aid Society, 10 East 4th St., Now York. Never skip tho ndvcrtlsemcnt when rend. Ing -a newspaper. They show Just what live business men nro about, and every one who has trading to do will find it pays to trado with those who advertise. Business men who do not advertise nro not up to tho spirit of tho ago, nnd their stock llr.. gers ou their hands, Thoso who do adver tise turn their stock quickly, make a fair profit, and nlways havo a fresh supply to select from. This Is n fact and not a lie lion, ns cnu bo demonstrated by every sue. ccssful business mau in tho country, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tynojrrniililcnl lirrorn, The number of types used In nn ordi nary country newspaper la nboul 000,000 j that Is tho actual number of bits of metal arranged for each paper In preparing a newspaper that slzo for the press. Few people think ot tho printing trado ns ono ot the most exact nnd particular handicrafts, but It is. In making type, variations that might bo allowed In the finest machinery would render typo useless, Tho most cla borate and carefully fitted piece of work ever mado In other very particular skilled labor docs not compare for minuteness of detail nnd nccurato fitting with that which the printer docs every day, Tho man who docs tho first Is looked upon as tho marvel of skill, but If ono hundred of his pieces nre put In wrong side up or down, or turn ed nround, It Is not noticed In the general effect If n printer, In fitting ten times as many pieces together In a single day, puts one In the wrong woy, everybody sees It and Is amazed at tho "stupid carelessness of the printers." Secure n bargain by going to C. C. Gal- Ignnn's nt once, nnd buying ono of his hcntlng stoves nt cost. Mimin. Pi 'rotractcd meeting nt tho M. E Church the past has been nultc Interesting for w reck. Lloyd Gcnrhart will spend this summer In Kansas. Ho started on tho journey on Tuesday. The bulldlnsr of n foundry In town Is talked of. Rev Fossllmau preached his farewell scr. mon on Sunday. Truth crushed to earth will riso again." In last weeks' Issuo an article nppenred un dcr the hend of "Hetlcrvllle" vindicating persons who had never been alluded to in tho correspondence from this place. Any ono referring to the correspondence of Feb. 8 will readily see that not n word was said of thoso who subscribed to tho singing class nnd withdrew, but of thoso who did not subscribe nnd still seemed to bo nnx- lous to attend. If no ono wished to nttend without subscribing then why does nny one ouch ? All that nppenrs In our corrcs- pondenco enn bo readily proven. Tho nu- thor of that artlclo speaks of entirely differ ent persons nnd is evidently off Mils base. Boys, why did you not answer It your selves nnd Immediately ? Did it tako you two weeks to bend the truth Into what you wanted It, or did you wait for some one to come from a distance of say 12 to 15 miles to dictate for you ? Tho nuthor should havo been a little better posted and not sny "last Issuo" when nothing ap peared in that Issue from here, nnd not plead for persons never alluded to, thus exposing Ignorance. It might bo well for you to be more careful when you attempt to hold the truth before the public as a "printed lie" and vlco versa. Wo nsk any one to point out a slnglo word in our for mer correspondence where wo spoko In nny wny of persuns who had withdrawn from tho school, and the public to comparo the articles of Feb. 8 and Feb. 22 nnd judgo for themselves. "Oh, I know not the spell, That enchains me unseen, But I only can tell, You're my Queen, Geraldlnc. So reads tho text of a beautiful ballad l'Geraldlne," from tho press of Oliver Dlt. son & Co., Music Publishers, Boston. The Music is by W. C. Levey, and tho publlsh ersjeonsider it worth 30 cts. They also send us : The old-fashioned Homestead (40 cts.) with neat lithograph title, by Bland. Happy Thoughts (35 cts.) a Nocturne, by Turner. Stadenton Caloph (35 cts.) by Jacob Lederer. Lakmo Galop (35 cts.), by Dellbes. Regret (80 cts.), a queer song with only two sounds, but still good, nnd with Eng lish, French and Italian words, by Caril lo. I'll meet my Mother there (30 cts.). Song nnd Chorus, by J. H. Lee. The Clouds will never roll away (30 cts.) Song by Stahl. i Denny Megan (40 cts.). Comic Song, by Weber. Crawford Thomas. At the homo of William F. Crawford on the 7th day of i'ou. ioo uy nev a. n. uiiucoai iur. An drew J. Crawford of Orange, to Miss Sarah j. niomas oi white nail l'a. Ciiaain Pealeii. At tho M. E. Par. sonace Oranccville Feb. 14th bv Rev E. M. Chllcoat, Mr. Ezra A. Chapin of Hunting lownsiup, ra., to auco -u. reaier (laugh of Prof, S. J. Pcaler of Asbury Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. 13AKGAINB 1 BARGAINS I at G. W. Bertschs' the nrtlst tnllor for four weeks only. Suits of clothing mado up to order from $15 to $20. Now is your tlmo to act a cheap snit nnd a fit iruaran- teed. Don't let tho chance go by but get luuusurcu at onco. O. O. Marr Is selling beautiful prints for oe. CALL AND BEE NEW FRAMES AND CARDS AT MACKILLIP S GALLERY. A full and fine assortment of cents' fur nishlng goods always on hand nt G. W. Bcrtsch's merchant tailoring establishment, juaiu 8ireci. Lutz & Sloan are selllm: drv coods cheaper than ever Appleton A muslin for 7? cts. and yard wide. Hill bleached mus lin tor 8 j cts. by tho bolt. O. W. Bertsch the tailor and hatter has just received a fresh lot of tho latest styles oi iiats lor spring traue, namely me i euora, Knox ami Aiptno liais. uau ami seo them. The undersigned having rented tho Stillwater Mills is prepared to furnish all kinds of mill stuff anywhere, at prices to suit tho times. Wheat flour n specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mall win receive prompt luicniion. Very Respectfully, etc., Jos,, Utilli.rnt.. . Feb. 22-4w Col. Co. la. Great Reduction; In Furniture. For tho next four weeks wo will offer our entire stock of furniture painted chamber suits at 10, reduced from $25 i walnut chain. her suits, marblo tops, $40, reduced from $50 ; parlor suits, haircloth, $45, reduced from SCO, and all other furniture ntgrcat reductions, at uaumaivs. Tho cheapest placo for dry goods Is at v. u, juarr s. W. J. Correll & Co. keen nlwnvs on hand a largo assortment of furniture to select rrom, Any special orders tilled on snort nonce. New goods at O. O. Marr.s to sell very cheap. Now white goods and embroideries at Lulz & blonn's very cheap. Thoso In want of farm wagons will find it to their ndvuntniro to call ami examine our stock which wu nro preparing and have prepared lor wo spring traue winch wo claim cannot be excelled. Wo aro uslne the best stock In market and give tho best caio to workmanship and nro oiling our rlins by u process of hotstenm which makes the on penetrate tno wooii more thorough ly than tho old way of oiling. Wo guariiu ice our woru to givo cntiro saiisinciion. Feb 22-2w Aitleman & MoIIknii v C. C, Marr Is telling the best syrup for ouo, WORK FINISHED PROMPTLY BY MAUJUJjIiU'. C. P. Marr sells Days' soap. Try It. TELEPHONE. BLooMsnoRO, January 28, 1834. HELLO I HELLO. THERE I U that you f Yes. Who is this r Why, W. 11. lCocher. ngent D. L. & W. Well, what Is it r vny, n large supply ot tickets to uai lfornln, nnd all Intermediate points west, lust plnccd on snlo nt this offlco. Rate of faro cheap ns by nny other route 2.1-tf W. R. KooitKn, Agent, Depot, Bloom. Another lot of cood nlaht slnalne catiar. Ics Just received nt A Sohcdor's. 2w (1. O. Mnrr buvs butter, cees, Inrd. ccesc feathers, chickens, side, shoulder nnd oats. A lariro lino nf table linens nnd tnblo oil cloths nt Lutz & Sloan's chenp. 100 shotcs. fresh cows. beef, nil kinds of lumber rough and dressed, clovcrsccd and timothy seed. All tho above for sulo nt Light Street by BILA8 iounu. Feb. 8, 4w. Wool nnd cotton enrnct chnln at C. C. Alarr's. BUSINESS NOTICES. A VEltY OLD MAN, John Funk, of Springfield, Ohio, writes t "l wns trampcu upon uy a horse, and lor a year tho pain through my hips wns so bad I could not rise on my feet. Thoma' llcltt trie Oil helptd me beyond dtscriplion. It will do wonders for thoso who suffer from colds." AMERICAN WINE. No American wlno has received tho en dorsements that havo been accorded to Spccr's Port Grape Wine. Inquire nbotit It nt your druggist's. For snlo by drug gists. I have been n sufferer from Rheumatism for twenty years or more, and ot lato very severely. Havo tnken ono bottlo ot Phelps' Kiieumaiic JUlxir auu am now relieved ot all pain, W. II. Desiilei:, Attorney nt law. Allcntown, l'a. For snlo nt ncadcrshott's Pharmacy. Bloomsburg, l'a. Iredell County, N. C Tho Ex-Shcrlff, Mr. W. F. Wassou, says i "Brown's Iron Bitters has improved my digestion nnd general health." MADE A NEW MAN. Bum. hJit a.i tvga.i. xlr, I would say that I was In a fearful condition before I com menced to take It. It has really made a new man of me. I can cheerfully rccom mend It to nil thoso suflcrlng with that ter rible disease rheumatism. I remain, Y ours Respectfully, Fiiancis II. Eaiu. Spring street, Newton, N. J. Nov. 15, '83 For snlo nt Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg, Pa. Reading, 1-0, '83 W. R. Kutzncr Dear Sir : In answer to your favor of tho 4th inst., beg leave to re ply that my wlto has no objection to me use of her name In praising the excellent qualities of the remedy you mention. l ours ucspecuuiiy, A. A. Heizmann. Wholesale Bcents. Johnston, Holloway& Co., 002 Arch street, Philadelphia ; H. K. Wampole & Co., 418 Market street, Phila dclphia. Kcvscr. W. Vn. Dr. W. D. Ewln, snys : "Many esteem Brown's Iron Bitters as nn excellent tonic." HARD CASES. I have used Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir on some of the hardest cases in town. It works like a charm. Respectfully Yours, U. 11. UAXTElt, DrilggiSt, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1883 Y. i. 1 1 . T.".. t 1 Tolu Cough Mixture. Ask your druggist fnr It An enricher of.tho blood nnd purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of energy ; sucu is isrowivs iron tuners. Shamokln, Jnnuary 10. 1882. Mr. W. R. Kutzncr : I have used your Soro Throat Cure in my family for tho last three years anil consiuer it the ucst out. l ours nespecttully, H. Floyd, Plumber Wholesale agents, Johnston, llolloway & Co., 002 Arch street, Philadelphia : II. ir n ' l .. r. o ma . . - . . . . Philadelphia. Corning. N. Y. Feb. 14. 1883. John H. Phelps. Pharmacist. Dear Sir I was troubled with Sciatic Rheumatism for nearly six months In both hips, and nf' tcr trying all. available cures and medicines without success, l was nt last recommend cd your Rheumatic Elixir, nnd after using live and one-nan uotties i am pleased to state that I am entirely cured. I before could hardly drag my feet after me, now I am aulo to work and lilt as good as ever, and have no fear of being attacked again. lou may puuusu tins u you wish. lours Truly, James Hiqgiks. For sale at Hendershott's Pharmacy, moomsuurg, ia. Hundreds Write they owe their life and present good health to Acker's English ueiucuy tor tjonsuuipiiou, uougus. uolds. r f 1 .1 i... t tt irt . .. i . . . MERITED PRAISE. Tho universal praiso bestowed upon Kidney-Wort as an invaluable remedy for an uisoruers oi tuo luuneys, liiver and Bowels, Is well merited. Its virtues arc universally known and Its cures arc report ed on all sides. Many obstinate cases have succumbed to it alter tlicy had ueen given up by tho doctors and a thorough treatment will never fail to cure. Sold by all drug gists, see udv't. DON'T SPILL TUB MILK. "There is no uso crying over spilled milk," says the old saw. If you aro not only bald, hut have no life In tho roots of your hair, mere is no uso crying over that either. Tuko both time nnd yourself by tho forelock while thero Is n forelock left. Apply Parker's Hnlr Balsam to your hair before matters get worse. It will arrest tho falling off of vour hair and restore Its original color, gloss nnd softness. It Is n penect uresslng withal, clean, richly per fumed, cools nnd heals the scalp. Every PjioMisK,backed by a guarantee, Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will glvo'lmmc- dlate relict, l'rico 23 i ou cts. Bold bv j. ii. mnporis, druggist, rS"FashIon Is nnccn. Fast, brilliant and l&suionamo arc the Diamond Dye colors, One package colors 1 to 4lbs, of goods. 10c tor uny color, uet nt druggists. Wells, uieiiaruson is KjO., uurnngion, vt. "fire him out." This Is a common remark when roughs' and rowdys Insult public decency by their unseemly ways. Dyspepsia is n horrid uore, nro H out with Jiuraocic llloxt mtlert, l ou can do It. ivmiiiera mill mixture uougn, Del pleasant to tako and mild In Us actions, i i .ii.. i - . ... Tr... - Ml -1 . w... r . ,ng 8 especially recommended ior children your druggist for It. Ask HYSTERIA AND NEUVOUS 1'KOSTIUION. Wo clvo our readers an extract from cheerful lcttter, written by Mrs. Elisabeth Smith, of Richmond, Intl., who says t maritan Kertine cured mo of hysteria and nervous prostration." imminent Is use, lees. Mind and body nllko suffer from Hbir glsh action of tho blood, tho result of dvs pepsin or biliousness. Ayer's Pills will stir ui inu uver, excite tuo stomach and uoweli to activity, open tho pores ot the svstnm and Insure health of body, which is India pensauie iu mental vigor. THE MAN WHO TALKS MUCH. Wp want tu Bay a word to you who make a living with your tongue. You certainly must havo a clear, strong volco to engage your listeners. J)r, 2'AoW ICclectrk OU for soro iiiroat, conn, nnd hoarecness Is tine celled. Uso and admire. Erpitions, Bores, Pimples, Rheumatism iiru mit indicators ot impure blood. Ack er's uiood Wlxlr Is tho remedy. Sold by U. JIII11MI1 IB, uruggiBi, Are You Miserable through Indlgettion, Knur Klntiinnl, fi.. .1 . . uumi uiumin.ii, u, lUUSIImilOn f Acitor Dyspepsia Tablets wo guarantee will n Hove you. Sold by J. 11, Klnports, drug Anvim'a ifrinn Ef.trin crilnranfrinl will cure all kinds of blood poisoning inheriled or contracted. Sold by J, II, Klnpoits, drug gist. Florence. On. Dr. W. B. Prathcr. says i Brown's Iron Bitters have izlvcn untU fac tion In every instance I have known It USCU." Seo a woman In another column, near Spccr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Spccr's Port urapo Wlno Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for tho uso of Invalids, wcnkly persons nnil mo aged. Bom uy u. a. lucim, moomsuurg. sept 22-ly Kutzncr's Vcrnilfuno Is a pleasant, safe mv.l effectual remedy for worms. It is readily taken by children nnd causes nn sickness or nausea. Ask your druglsts for it. Kutzncr's Tolu Coilifh Mixture, bv Us healing and soothing effects, affords much relief ill incipient consumption. Ask your druggist for It. CAUSE AND EFFECT. At times Bvmntoms of lndlacstlon nro present, uneasiness of tho stomach. &c, a moisture llko perspiration, producing itch inir nt nlsht. or when ono Is warm, cause tho Piles. Tho effect Is Immedlato relief upon tho application of Dr. Basanko's Pllo Remedy, which costs you but CO cents nnd is soiu uy u. a. Kieitn. Jiny iu-cow WANT OF FAITH. If C. A. Klclm. tho Druggist, docs not succeed It is not for tho want of faith. Ho as such faith In Dr. Bosanko's Couch and Lunc svrun as n remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lung Affections, that he gives n bottle free to cat hand every ono who Is In need of n medicine of this kind. July 18-cow cares of life. As wc como to them thev aro received. borno with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if wo nro in tho enjoyment of health, but if suflcrlng with Piles or skin dlsenso of any kind they magnify n hundred fold. C. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, has Dr. Bosanko's Pllo Remedy which is an absolute cure for nny affection of tho kind and Is sold for OOo cnts. July 13-cow We intend that "Texas Sitting?" shall reach a circulation ot 860,000 copies weekly before the end of 1681 ; and to get that circulation wo aro prepar ed, If necessary, to spend every cent wo make In our business during tho year 1881. Subscription price of "Texas Sittings,'' one ysar, $2. SO. To induce tho reading public to subscribe, we make the following offers, good for 30 days from date of this paper. Wo will send free, postago prepaid, to every subscriber who sends us the subscription price, either direct or through an agent, tho following Seven Complete No vets, in one Volume, Illustrated, and bound In handsome colored covers ; also, an Sxll Inch lithograph, printed In eleven colors, and suitable for framing. "John Jngo's Ghost," by Wilklo Collins. "Tho Dream Woman," by Wilklo Collins. "Lettlo Leigh," by Bertha M. Clay, author ot Dora Throne," etc. Tho "Missing Letter," by Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "East Lynne," etc. "Nlnety-nlno Choice Ileadlngs and Recitations," compiled by J. S. ogllvle. "Mugby Junction," by Charles Dickens. "PldL Scott tho Indian Detective," by Judson It, Taylor. To every person who will send us a list of Thrco Subscribers and remit the subscription price, 2,M each, we will give any ono ot tho following nrtl. elcs: Gentleman's Stem-Winding Nickel-silver Watch, warranted to keep good tlmo. A 32 Calibre Revolver, T Inches In length, Solid Silver-plated Handle, Gold-plated Cylinder and llase Tin. Beautifully Engraved. Combination Set, containing halt a dozen Shef field Silver-plated Medium Forks and halt a dozen Sheffield Silver-plated Table Knives, neatly set In fine hlngo cover case, which Is enclosed In Btrawboard box. These aro Sheflleld (Eng.) goods, and are of tho best quality. The sot weighs moro than two pounds, and Is very heavily bllv er plated. Every reader of "Texas Sittings" has certainly three friends who would bo willing to subscrlbo for the paper If asked. Oetthreo of them to sub- scribe, send us the money, and wo will send you, free, either tho Watch, tho pistol, or tho Knives and Forks. It you want sample copies ot "Sitt ings'1 to distribute among your friends, send us 10 cents In stamps, and will mall you a bundleof sample copies. Send us Six Subscriptions, and you will get any Two of the Premiums. Send Eight subscriptions, and we will send you nil Thrtoottho Premiums. itemcrnber that each yibscrlber gets tho paper one year for tno jsio subscription price that you send, and also gets free the beven novels above oescrtbed. A Lady's Solid Gold Watch, lnbeautltul Silk- lined Morocco case, free to every person who sends us fifteen yearly subscriptions to "Sittings," $J.50 each. We take our reputation on this watch being as wo represent it. The works aro of the finest, and are enclosed In SoUd Gold Iluntlng-Cabes, beauti fully engraved. For further (Illustrated) description of these premiums, bee this week's "Sittings." Jiemtt uy liegtstered Letter or J"oat OJtUv Order. SUBSCHHTION D&rAltTUXAT- TEXAS SIITINQS PUBLISHING CO., New York-, N. Y. Feb 29- lw MARKET REPORTS. IJLQOMSBUItG MAIIKET. Wheat per bushel Ilyo " " 1 00 70 OS 40 .. 0 00 Corn " " Oats " " , Flour bcr barrel Clovcrsccd Butter , 28 20 00 US 00 14 Tallow , Potatoes , Dried Apples Ilatns Sides and shoulders Chickens , Turkeys Lard per pound 10 12 12 12 . 12 00 nay per ton Beeswax Huckwlient Hour per hundred.. Hides per lb 3 SO Cto7 03 Veal skins per lb,, Sheep pelts, each,, 75 Wool pent) 30 Philadelphia Markets. coiiuicctkd" weekly. FEED' Western wlutcr bran, spot, (J 21.60. MACKEBEL. Extra mess asc lnrtrn l'a. en a oxt ra shore 1 'a 25 (, see. riAiuit. western extra's 2.75 r.i 3.00 ; IVim'a. famUy.w 4.15 Ohio clear, 5.W ; winter patent NSHUAT. Delaware red at 1.15, xoi I"eun- njiiiii'iu nil UK.-rnmu rcnnsvivania rwn. KVIS1? i9" - bushels in grain depot at coo. OATS. No. 3 white 42 No. a. Ailf. HAY AND 8TI1AW 'IMmnthvPlmlo u-iain-,, and New York, 15. oiiOi fair to good Western and New York, 13. H. ; medium Western and New ltyo straw 13-so, Wheat straw, . (j 6. oat straw lurK. ii. ut iu. : i l lmv ns in n n tr u .-tirnn 8EEDS.-Clover 8 10c per lb. Timothy 1,50 121. M rwrlmnhnl V nv 1 n V06u Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, 8,CiCommon25(2Tc, Texas, Fall clip fine 20 ti 22, inrdtum 17 64 SO coarse, 15 id 17. i.iiii.-i. ix-uusj ivuiwa exira, ixc. BUTTER -Pennsylvania extra, 32; Westcm 31c. ir . . . "". l ui.n, iifiis, It v IDU IlllAtHl lots He. roosters old 7 W. turkeys, 15 ducks IllfVMMtll lirWll 1'JlV P.i.I.a.... clilckena extra 10; uucka ciiolcoKo 18; kwso iin'hr!X)E?',7Iarl5' I'osei'er bushel, sso s 38 ONIONH. Yellow, 1.50 1,75 per hbl. Catarrh THE EMI Of rus. During voyeurs of suf. tenig from catarrh and catarrhal head ache I never found anything to ii fiord last ing relief until I tried Ely's cream Balm. I have used two bottles, and now consider my catarrh cured. I havo recommended 1 1 t o several oi my friends mm mo goon reuus. 11. T. Uli Igglnson, 115 Chicago, 111, Lake St., I am cured ot ea- larru aim deafness by Ely's Cream Balin. My aunt was ilenf. It re. FEVER stored her hearing. r. D. Morso insurance. Klljabeth. N. J. hly's Cream Balm causes no pain, (lives ro. nei ut once, uieauses the head, causes hoalthy secretions. Abates Inflammation. Prevents fresh i-uiai m-.uu iuvsuivs. iiesiores mo senses of lusiu uuu Miii-ii. a uiuruugn irenuncui win cure. Notalluuld pruiurr. Applied with tho nnuer. send for, circular. Sold by druggists. Malted (or ouu. mi niiuill&lia, uruggisis, uwegO, -N, Y, ieu wi ir a HAY XECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF DANIEL K1EFER, DECEASED. tittirn tMtnmcntarr on tho Mtato of Daniel Klofer, late ot oranco township, Columbia countr, im . riivwAwvi. hnvn fwn irriiirtiHl Iit tho ltesrtstor otsalil county to tho unilcrslirneil executors. All pcreons having clslm against tho estato of RMd decedent are requested to present them for settle ment ana mosu inueuivu ui uio raiuwj w mufcu payment to the undersigned without delay. II. . HAYIIUIIST, J f eb 20 Orangevllle, l'a. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF I'ETElt AITLEMAN, LATE OF HEM LOCK TOWNSHIP, DECEASED. COLUMlltA COUNTY, SS ! Amone thn rocnnln nnd nroceetllntrs nf the Dr. pilaris' court ot Columbia county, It Is Intf r alls, I tins contained I Ana now, Kclminry 13th, ISM, tho ntlli account of John Applemnn, serving executor of said decedent to 18 of ftept. T. IRftl, having boon filed In said court nnd connrmed alwolutely Bept. w,1H83,on motion of c.O.Harkley Att'y for John Ap plcman executor of Hlrnm 1). Apnloman, a decea. ed son nnd logateo of said I'ctor Applcman, deceas ed, and for tho legatees of Hiram Applcman, doo'd, ltobert Ilucklngliam, K., H Appointed auditor to make distribution of t ho estaUi of sidd Peter Ap. pieman, deceased, to and among tho parties entit led thereto, llv TIIK COURT. Ccrtliled from the recordi this 15th day of Febru ary, lft) I. W si. KlllCKBlCV, lTot. In nunmflnra nt liU nnnnlntmcnt. thn timlfr&l lin ed will meet tho imrtlos, interested, nt his orflco In Illoomshure, on tho ssth day of March, A. I)., 1861, at 10 o'clock n. in., when and where nil parties ha t Ing claims nsralnit said estato aro hereby nottned to appear and present tho samo or bo forever do- uurreu irum coming in ior a snare m nam U3iau'. It. IIUCKINGHAM, feb sj Auditor UDITOR' NOTICE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM KELCIINER, DECEASED. ACCOUNT OF TRUSTEE. Tho undernamed nnnnlnted bv tho nmhans' Court ot Columbia county, ntidltorto make dlstrl. butlon otthe balance rernalnlnj? In the hands of n. mm .an-, trustee oi w m. Kcicnnrr, ueceasco, to and amonc thonnrtlea entitled theretn. herebr gives notice that, ho will sit for tho purpose ot his appointment, at hi? office In Uloomsbupf, on Fri day March 2th, im, nt 10 o'clock, a. m, where and when all parties Interested may attend and pre sent their claims or bo forever debarred from any ouuru III EKUU IUI1U. KO 8 ;. ClIItlSMAN, Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUAMJJ Real Estsitc! By virtue of nn order issued out ot tho orphans Court of Columbia county tho undersigned will ex poso to public Bale on the premises, on Saturday, Mar. 29, '84 at ono o'clock p.m., tho following described real estate, sltuato In tho township ot Orange, Colum bia county, bounded and described as follows: west by a public road, north by lands of Abram Kline, cast by lands of Moses Everett, and Henry Belong, and south by lands of Thomas McHcnry containing TWELVE ACRES, and nf ty-clght perches, more or less, about thrco acres of which Is cleared and tho remaining wood land. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of tho one fourth of tho pur:haso money to bo paid at tho striking down ot tho property ; the one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation of sale j nnd the remaining thrco-fourths in one year thereafter with interest from confirmation nlsL THOMAS MCHENRY, Executor. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE US No. 1. The lariro framo house corner fith and I'-ast sti. East llloomsburg, now occupied by J. W. llendcr suott, Is orfered for sale nnd possession given April nrst. THIS PROPERTY IS DESIRABLE FOR A FARMER MOVING TO TOWN. It Is In perfect re pair, contains ten largo rooms; tho lot is largo with lariro barn, carrlntre house, crltm. nil? nnil chicken pens and all out buildings complete, well of good water and cistern, cholco fruit trees, grapo iiuusuiiu muuucrj. lerms in suit iuu puruuaser. If not sold within thirty days the property will bo rented for one year. No. 2. Lot and two-storv brick hnnsn ndlotnlni? tho above, containing eight rooms. Largo barn and carriage house, plenty ot cholco fruit trees and grape.vlncn, well of good water, &c. No. 3. Frame dwelllntr nnd lnrtyn lnt nnil ntnhla npnr N'eal S Son's furnace. No. 1. Framo dwelling andlarire lot with irood fruit trees, ire, situated at the head of road leading to Bloom Ferry. No. 5. Lnree whnrf nnd nfiirn Ivlncrnn nnrnpr nf Klh sr. Ferry Road and canal. No. G. Five bulltlillL- lots nn tlm north nlili nf Ktli Ktrwtn and Ferry Road. The above rjronert vis nfforprt nt. lnw nrtrps nnrt tho terms of payment will bo made to suit purchas ers. For further Information apply to N. J. Hendershott. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real ID state! In mirsuanen nf nn nrrlprnftli rirnlnnn'Pniirt, of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho undersign- eu win expose topuuucsuio on tho promises on Friday, Marcli 14, '84, at 2 o'clock P. M. n certain lot of land In Fishing creek township, Columbia county containing J.O ACHES mora or leas, adjoining lands now or late as fol lows : Mary Flgles on tho North, Kllsun Kvans on t.ho East, J. A. Evans on tho South, and Samuel Mcllenry on tho West. ALSO, Saturday Mnrch 15, '84 at 3 o'clock P.M. on tho premises. All that lot o ground sltuato In I"ort Xobloln tho town ot Bloomsburg, bounded North and West by land of D. J. Waller, East by an alley and South by an aney, cont lining l-O of :&bi ACHE more or less, whereon Is erected a FMME DWELLING BOUSE and outbuildings. TKMS OF sale. Ten p:r cent, of the one. fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tha property; thu one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the eonnrmatlon ot Halo; and til a remaining tluee-fourtUs In one year there after, with interest from conurmatlon nisi. Purchaser to pay for tho deed. OEOUGE L. MOYKlt, Administrator ot Harriet Moyer, deceased. Bloomsburg l'a Feb 22 ikhi at D.MINISTUATOH'S NOTIOK. ESTATK OF OAl.lilt THOMAS, LATH OF C1UEEN'. WOOD TOWNSHIP. Letters of administration an the ivtniii nt I'nit.i. Thomas deceased, lato of Ureemvood townshln Columbia county 1'eniiHylvanla, deceased have uwu Kiuiui-u u 1110 noisier 01 sum county to tuu uaderslgned Administrator. All persons having claims against tho estate of tho deceased are re quested to present them for settlement, and thoso mui-uii-u m uicvauiiu iu inline piiyiueui lo ue undersigned administrator without delay. UIIA UlUMAH, Administrator. l'eb 22 f,w hcrena. Great Reduction IN LlDMBim ! I IlnvlhL' Purchased n lnuri' tract nf hem. lock timber nnil having a steam mill ou tlio same, i inn prepared to nu nil sizes ami lengths of house nml barn bills In a few days' notice nt very low prices, I also keep constantly on hand a full stock of SIIINULKS, JTU, FLOORING, SID. ING, Ac. Parties will save money by getting prices before purchasing elsewhere. IEL EL Lowe, Orang-cvillc, Pa. 12.7-am. 7 E WA T' ' l?rKWKMli reliable men A l 1 III I to sell Fruit Tree's, (Irapa lues, Shrubi, Hoses, etc. Salary and ex. llonses Wild. Full lrislrilptlmw t. Addiess J. 1M.KCI.UIE, Brighton, N, Y. (in) eastot Boeliesti r, N.Y.) ' '!fl , ?' ! t as. Feb Svtw a i mi mm 1 iwwmi " wvcrgi mm